rl . ,tiWOW'. LOCAL AN1).. ; 0:404R " ry 1 Esnwmi. —The ";'of • the Bap tist Cburelt w#llkebka Cream Festival at* - fkrait'llonWni WednesdnY' afternoon • and' ,(Jieninli June 26, for the benefit of tha'ebareb. The public are:c,or!lisl1 (y 'hivite4' attend." . • .ser• ENlint; .44101(se i ft#1.'*. sponsible for the following : • . •.' A SILV Krim !—;lVe bate been::ithinin .l by a prominent citizen ofdiditand, - -a apeet• men of Quartz, taken from - imine.in Brad ford eonnty t ; Pa., and said to contain ailuer ore. It seems that a yoing man, recently . from California, and acqnsinted. silb.4lver ruining, was prospecting *hen ha, came , upon this ledge, and roma what he sidered strong indications: llpeaimens have been taken ont;and set to New York to be tested; and a company is now at work getting out the rock. -110,-there seems to be a likelihood of a sillier mine here, at home, and no more need of sending evade for the precious metal. 80 mete it beLivecan stand it say- Notice is hereby persod; returned by the MI praiser for the year 1867, that must be paid in lull by the that ly next, as 'the s ot of Assembly requires suit to be brought immediately' after that date for the eolleetion,of mit:kaftan' g im paid.. Iti*mr-Vpr Mawr, Tieasnrer of Bradfor l d 'bounty; Treasurer's office, Towanda, June 15, IT Mai - The Towanda Tanning Com pany are putting up substaittial and ex usive buildingS near Greenwood; for their operaticp3, under the personal supervision of J. 13. HOWE, the energetic and exiiesi: enced Snperinteriitent — llis expected that . the company will commence operations this fall. They have a coptract.with the,. ' Schrader Land CoMpany fot 5000 cords of • - bark per year, and expect to. buy about ihi same amount, to be drawn from the adja cent townships. This operation will build up a small village zi Greenwood, and, ' will be a•somue of profitl the lumbeimen —in the vicinity, by • g a profitable market for hemlock bark. 7 1 - 163 - Tlie, Waverly • Advocate' says the Rd\ Railway Company have raised all the track s across Dry Brook and -placed a dam acros above, so it thought in future, the high Water will not seriously disturb the road. ger SimppT, Derr{:—On Sunda , last two Englishmen, gas litters by occupa ' tion, came tofliii place and stopped at the American.llita One of them, Wit. Shep. • ard, complained of being 111, and - retired quite early. Continnin tAgrow worse, a physician was called, d nothing was left undone to alleviate, the sUfferings of the un fortunate man. The physician's skill pm " ed of no avail, and he died about 8 o'clock on Monday evening. • Being pennilsis, he received's' decent burial Icy the Borough att thotities. He had been in this country 'only thiedi weekt.—Athens .6rblican. A NOTABLE EXAM •LE FOR THE PHYBI- 1 otoGisT.—A very sin: • I case came to onr ilowledge, the other day; which happened in Springfield, Pa. Robert Otarson, a ter mer wealthy feriae;e crazy about thirty years before Watt:, whioit-o red a month or so ago. Ha was highly res• spected and held important offices in hi* native town, but he suddenly became a ra ving maniac, and never ?recovered. But on his death bed; just in th e hour of dissolu tion,. complete sanity returned . He talked familiarly with anise about him of occurren ces which took place on the veTy dity and ° week : previous to his'hie . anity. :Bite whole intervening time of thf i riyi.yeara seemed a perfect blank. And some of the. oldestin ot habitants verified the I uestions he asked ; for he enquired a ft er a fitinillav yoke of ox en, and the work/of th farm, which was going "on, of old neigh4ra and friMids,many of : whom were dead and tone long before, , showing that during all of those fearful 'years of mental &sluices and gloom, the divine spark had still survived, to be assk .. ened on the very tkiofhcfd of anothe world.—EL Affnerfiserl • Sir A meeting l'of the. Bradford County Bible Society as held in the Pres byterian Church in Tokanda, on Sunday .evening of. the lath insti. - - Opening devotional exercises were con ducted by Rey. Wm. Harris and Bei. Srownell. The President, B. S. Russell Eq., gave a brief recital of the re-o ani zation and objects of the Ek•ci . v. . IL Torrence, Sec., of the Penn'a Bib. Soci ety delivered a -highli gratifying. and in structive address upon the circulation of the 7 §criptures, its Prineipleseand Resnita. Rev. F. D. Hoskins, Reid= of Christ Church, Towanda, urged the necessitirof active co-operative spits and ,liberal Con- - tributiona for the -Bible cause in Bradford county. Bev. B. Crittenden, S. S.. Id.isaion, ary, made a statement of facts, showing en alarming destitution of . the _Word -of, God , in some localities. in the county, in other ' . daces, branch orlownship societies are :forming with a viewin thorotigh canvass sand supply of the B ile. It was proposed :to take up collections for the Society in the , severalchurclies in :Towancla;! iU3 early as practicable. .ji " : IL Cull m, Secretary. ..1 - Oir Tranaaotioike of the Bradford County & S. Associatiin, convened at Troy, June 11 and 12. • Fular Dar, A. 3L--Devotional exercises. Organization andbusiness. \. • - - . - P. IL—Plsming addiess by the President.- Address on the benefits '..lf Bible /tinily.— ' Five minute reports of † from digit -17./, teen townships. of * beautiful tali banner , to the' Sunda S c h oo l -which shall report at the next con entibniU September largest percen of !regntatity in at. tendance. Brim= BssecoS.4ddreas upon 43., kJ. rivn ll 4 4 ctrerings_ Address: ... - thk_c btl ' it l.l 3. S. Missionary." Address by th e moderator •on the Economy of S. S. Lahore, • . SECOND Dsw,- A. 0, sweet •hour of prayer: Acceilak6 • of twel44l ll ne members. Addresi npon the use andeusa of B. 84 Question Boole. A box of tdx4ete i pnietio4ll3. ipiestlonti briefly aniwitrei• Dismulon von. S.B. literature. E 16--Phildrani melting: Itehinddin 4 reading of the . Scriptdre with the bird's Prayer by, the children.;' Addrefee :.w. Scrip. tarp reoitationly Ean'asil344iiii&t Short. sermon on the Heavenly:, **CVO : Al liberal collection for• - :the county. A. strong expresetintie thinks *yr, hoed" of hospitality: iarsterdt, by .e resideni Pastor with henediatiotu The whole enliiened Stirring JilLittuitiit and general good feeling 41 .4 119:11.q1 ME ti= Barclay Cog Cp needia 4 tilibito off., 00 41 agas 431(41 inim interested in 1 Tartr4Ceits*blas jrhieh are largely deimmaent'lepol;lboW tuialnousew wince takifi l : vintoniwere War. 'y 4 L. Thil.K9 3 l!. P. Hama men Of wall jilit'eltteritOsec who are giving their aid elm* to; wards the budding be the -Ithaca and To- Winds Railroad. ; 73 - , ' . 'l'lliel9llo!arinifilailliemewilirbP,S4fo 4;4' liblderi Iw:the TOWailda.arid Ceinpatr, were also in 'the `pasty . ; liliklWW; Itarnisint, Sn , oAndent - Alinlaa',l4,log Mill . 11° P an Y: 40;00iiian tiiiaent Lake Sheri Bsilroad. H. D. Y. _,iSuPeriAten4aii Stioquehanini Divi -14911 Mg , Clistio* IL Drum, of Onati Winuts, /Iced dynt Peansy*ni4 and, kiew.lerk C* l and Railroad, toi, Treasu rer.f the, same, M. O. MEncint, President of the'Dt shore and Erie Binned 'Coripany, ( G. B. OAT, _Fred! dent Bar clay tinperinterident, Wrr. , M: Idarsonr„ Super.' inte!iliett, Tall Creek Co., A; Dsvarr , Sneer: intendant, Towauldi Coal Co., and a number ) of citizens of this idea else accompanied thePaitY; The party, was taken to the mines: of the Barclay? the'Fall-Creek, and th' Towanda companies, and also , to see the opening on, the lands of Belinda LtOul Co. They were impresied with greskvalue of the coal fields, ' and of. the importance to the mechaniCal interest s be the State of_New- York 1 1 : , A collation was z ilrOvided inder direCtion Of_ .Toraq C. Wrtie , in a sluidy sprint, on the Mountain, and thiiwanbt of the hungry and thirsty liberally proVided for. • ' The next day, l portion , of those from abrciadvisited the D,ushore raines,,Where they - were-''shown the magnificent twelve foot veln of 'tikal, lately- opened, and which , is siion tq be brought into market by means of the Erie and Dashore Railroad now ' FROM THETROIt Gazette.--Thq Fourth of July will be celilbrated in an appropriate manner at East Troy this year.' . ()rations will be delivered by prominent speahers. --A team belonging to A. J. Nellie, of Bath, ran away neat; East Tro y . Wednes day, bree t king his carriage and injuring Mr. N. considerab. l 9. , • • • of Granville Centre hes recently. invented and patented a lEtj , toidei.`tveitre informed is likely prore? a teat success • John K _Calkins Troy,his invented a ttearlabricator or "Patent Oiler" for keeping the wheels orwagons, carriag es, and all other V i ell4:ies supplied with the, necessary ' grease;lhont, the trouble of taking off the wheels. The S4ieritiflo Ame rican has a cut . of 'the invention, and speaks well of its usefulness. ACCIDENTB-FrO7T4 the Owego .ua• gas _ H Kriasn.—Om Friday afternoon a horse which a lady was driving-on Front Street, became frightened, by a milli With a wheel barrow; ran against and,frightened a double team belonging to Stephen W. Smith .and hauling a load of manure, the team starting ,to run, throwing the driyer, Henry Wool worth, (who was, standing on the load,) on . to the whiffietzeits, the horse kicking him in the month azid upon the head, until, reaching the groitnd, the loaded wagon pas sed ove g r his head, ,rupturing blOodi vessels. and, causing abitOst instant death. ' A Coro ners jury was summoned , by. r. T. S. Arm strong and a verdict rendered in accordance with tta BRIDGE On Satm nobler ran a narrow chance gearing being caught in thk ith the machinery in the Engine }loofa" of thit Bridge Shop ;"but; escaped withaoraised lime, which tempo rarily unfit him ;for work. He is attended by Dr. Vail tindwill soon be well again. ' . 1 —On - Thuriiday, June 11; Charles , 1 Stewart, (a young man 20 years of age) was hauling wood from' the Gaskill neighbors hood, with E. 8., Drake'ti I team, the team became frightened and ran, thiowing him off the load, the . wagon running over him, cutting a fetelid gash across his face and head, lacerating his upper jaw, breaking out several of ids teeth, and •otherwile in \Luring him. lie was taken upla an insen sible conditioili, and carried .home to his father's, across the .river, on a litter. Dr. Vail, who is attending him, expresses- the hope that he wlll recover, alqiough his in juries are of a Very serious nature. 1 —Mt. David Wallis, of Tioga, was driving home tip Tuesday last. accompan ied by his daukhter, Mil. Brutus Evanii ; the horse tooklfright, ran againerthe fence, thrcAtg both out of the carriage, the for- mer With so much violence as to render him temporally insensible. Dr. T. S. Armstrong being called adMinfstered ipptepriate re storatives, and!repurts Mr. W's injuries as not of a dangeities character. Mrs. Evans escaped unharined. —Fin ati SUI3QUICHaiNA.--0,11 Fri ; day morning - it bout '3, o'cl 'k, a barn belonging to E. H. Fox, west of the depot was consumed ; consumed ; by fire. • The e Beilwai Company's, wOod-pile took from the burning barn, tend before the Semis could be - beeten dof over 2,000 cords pf Wood Wire,hurit4l, , The danger, `to the- A: It.. bridge was .and„ but for the iiiiiral-Of a death firikeigirie from Owego,woula prob ,iblyliar beeb-bUrnee The Binghamton steam engine - ins; also rebind, but was net I used. ,-- 1 • - • . t b. The • ch rader Land Company, having bought several , thousand sores of land nearllerilaY, are now building a large 'stem Bair us4l, near the fOot / the plane. They ha"= 64 o 40 4 4 *rnfac`k turn of tan lunthez per year. The OntraotoOdr. Idectiiiney,' has a throe of Si :titer Seristisnen cutting / awn the huge ,he at:mks along- the Behraderr •The &irkPeided,, 'aikdow..ta ta r e rowan=: . 411 0 rluni 1 4 101 , 011 PanY.,. at the rate 5000 co* ier4ear• DRO*Nr.o.--We. regret to ato noOnoistfie , orli gWidetightei. of ?gr . .' Mekinate DMA of' 't4iunbil *Adnioillti;t6th loaf. . 1 1* little girl observed npan the. bank of thetir, ahont tentiole } from the ' hlllik4Vlhilinathen-w,hOstalba.tor hee to -*wig '.131i(41 ld dl4:motj4* ,howeim;end song time afterward, on march W.. 4 ads, llie'bille-Iterfonnd t*lldt:rodsi. , belowejtL‘tlieri oopolt4:-,ItrJe sont—tthft.Wk-tatki° 7 ' fec#:th e * tar 4i*OrOldif !**. ,Orctiuti4 l o**tkaie trevishohilkilin 2: The ehildleas years disboro 6/) 546 . 41445 ;JCS'i i!ieo thlefetakitilkin'bi #Bessaimrowls-V0 44'fbit A11#04.409*.t0t -04-400:11** sity, ...zh-luw.^.2,A.,tutacVuA .44/ n*.z - k 444,44 Ozark .of . JULY 4.11 ins Leßoy, Pa. ibl;lizilf:CsMoittitia • a-Darree,, Thuradaf Evening.Tuly.`4, 1867.: linalootThatit*Onatotit44ll*; la 00 • . ( la D. Hotorace.,Trositetiw. 4 - ED o . . Go 44'1 4 TenTior the Hartford • 1;14'44 Un =4ll4l st!Tio= Of bu tr4 4 l 4 tra loss oriosa insured i s Hartford Live StockOcar . rt ''" 1 ' 3.14A,1887, !: .7 - SOKAMOILA _.Tas Firm;"Ntrwriele orAkeictica , -: Mamma Eingue-Aa just out. ' • Cali at Ammo it -Barsta'a for,'. */016a31 & Bi-texe tireslst opening a fins assOitment Table' sty; "Knives and Forks,Dssart Kiiteas;Ao;;Plated Wan iims Forks, NapkiAz Mugs, Vastors, Call Bells, &o. A , krge addition to our stock iitismisw. - Mind E Wma.Don 1---T 0 men w ave . tire ii) ii b 'totally . blindlor several years, 'were to sight, ypetordsly et to Eye and Ear Institute:brume= 01 fa mideal,