Barn Building. As to whether barns should be built tight or not seems to depend partly upon the circumstances of the owner, and partly upon other facts and con ditions. If grain and hay were invariably u- >ll cured before being put into the l am it would not be necessary for "every crack to serve as a ventila tor" —as the closer it was kept the better ; but grain aud hay arc not always well cured, so that if there is no chance for general ventilation it will often become partially fermented and mouldy. Most farmers have no ticed that the hay or grain for two or three feet around next to the outside of the bay or scaffold always comes out bright, although the central part may be much damaged. That cattle, especially cows, should have a warm stable is undoubtedly true, but is it not easier and better to have a tight, warm stable than to have the whole barn tight and warm ? The stable used should not occupy more than one-eighth part of the barn- Wiiat objection to having that near ly water-tight eyen, except doors, windows aud ventilators ? It is cer tainly mucheheaper and easier finish ing a' small room than a large one, anil furnishing it with doors, windows and ventilators in such away that they may be more convemently and satisfactorily operated. There can be no doubt that the air from the stable, made impure by the breathing, evaporating and evacua tion of the animals, ought not to be absorbed by the grain, hay or straw about to be given tbem for food ; but in a tight barn, how can it be preven ted, unless the stable is also tight, aud has ventilators or conductors for the impurities from it to the open air? Iu view of these and other similar considerations, as soon as my finan ces will allow, I intend to build a barn "oo that every crack shall serve as a ventilator" —excepting the sta- I !e, which shall be double boarded inside and out,and have double doors. 1 will also have a series of ventila tors, fore and aft, connecting with the air above the roof in f ront,and all op . rated by a single lever, which may have a wire attached to it going to the house. This stable, with a half dozen head of cattle iu it, will not freeze with the mercury thirty de grees below zero outside, and milch cows and other stock will eat and lie down and chew their cuds with more happiness than ever a king had on his throne. The hay and grain that they receive is eaten with gusto, be cause it is fresb, bright and sweet, and has a smell and taste of fresh air and "out doors" iu it that is exhil arating, instead of that "o'-hold-oi-a sliip" smell that feed possesses which is kept iu a tight barn aud stable connected.— Cor. N. E. Farmer. TAX BARK FOR POTATOES.—The sub ject is brought before the farmers of England by a communication in the Mark Lane Express. Mr. R. B. Bam ford claims thirty-five years' practice ami experience in this matter ; and j lias issued a pamphlet giving his nn.-tbod of using it, which is in brief the following : He does not cut his potatoes for setting, but sets them whole, and the largest he can select. The rows are thirty inches apart, and | the potatoes are put nine inches from ' each other in the row. The laud is j plowed only eight inches deep, treads the manure firmly in the furrows,puts in the tubers, and covers them in with tan refuse, nine inches deep, in stead of e .rthing up. In this way he reports that in 1857 he raised 675 bushels of potatoes—not a rotten one among them—to the acre, with noth ing but waste tan as a covering.— This is of great importance, the tan refuse being of little or no value, and ii' it can be put to so important and advantageous a use as in this case, should be widely known and prac tised. TREES STARVED TO DEATH. —The N. E. Farmer relates a conversation which took place between two far mers on tiie subject of deterioration in the apple orchards. The conclu sion arrived at was that orchards, as ;t general thing,were literally starved to deatli. This assumption may be rather sweeping, but it is certainly worthy of consideration. Orchards ! ft year alter year with the turf pressed compactly about the roots and 1 wer section of the bodies of trees, with no loosening of the soil, nor any .pplieation of manure, can hardly be expected to produce much fruit ; nor do they. The soil needs stlring, wants the aid of invigorating fertili zers, and such prudent care as shall divest the trees of all superabundant wood. At all eveuts, orchadist should avoid the just censure of starving their trees to death, as it is asserted many of them have done and are do ing year after year. MANURING TREES. —Too many, in ap plying manure to their fruit trees.for get the position of the roots, and ap ply within a foot or so of the body.— II they were to carefully remove the soil,they would find that trees of vig orous growth, and from seven to ten feet high, have roots, that are really the main source of nourishment,vary ing from six to ten feet from the body. The application ol manure, therefore, to give the best results, should be distributed around the tree at a dis tance of from five to eight feet from the trunk. In positions where the turf is desired to be maintained, cut and roll it back, put on the manure, fork it in very lightly, and then re place the turf.— Horticulturist. ORCHARD. —Look well to peach trees, shorten in, and see that the peach worm is not at work. Pour boiling water on the lower part of the trunk near the ground, and if a sufficient quantity be used, it will cook the worm without injury to the trees ; we have tried it fairly and are well convinced that even three gallons > f boiling water to each tree, may be so used without injury. Manure trees, and remember that they require cultivation. Attend to preparations of cions early, and graft siich trees as require it. WHAT is the difference between an editor and a wife ? One sets articles to ri ;hts, the other antes articles to set. Grockerjj fc Q ROCKERY STORE. WICKHAM & BLACK Have enlarged and re-fitted their store and fill ed up with a VERY LARGE And varied-assortment of CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, CHINA, YELLOW, ROCK, LAVA, AND STONE WARE. We propose to keep in connection with the above a full stock of SILVER PLATED, WOOD, WILLOW, AND JAPANNED GOODS TABLE CUTLERY. In variety. As we bny all our goods from FIRST HANDS, We flatter ourselves, we can sell GOOD GOODS Lower than any other parties in this region. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND TAILOR'S TRIMMINGS, Of the best quality. CUTTING And MANUFACTURING Done to order, Agents for WHEELER & WILSON'S And SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. Towanda. March 7,1867. UUscellancons. | O L r C Y ! Whereas I have just returned lrom New York I with a fine stock of New Goods, selected with great care and bought very close, consequently i am enabled toofler great inducements to those | wantingTpoods. The stock is adapted to the | wants of all both old and young. The leading I departments are all full. The DRY GOODS, GROCERY, BOOT AND SHOE, READY MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, BUFFALO ROBES, GENTS FURS, LADIES FURS, CHILDREN'S SETTS, SOLE LEATHER, &C., BEAUTIFUL STYLES DRESS GOODS, WORSTED SHAWLS, NUBIAS, HOODS, &0. All my old triends, and the " rest of man kind," are cordiallyiinvited to call'and see. No charge for showing goods. Tickets of Admission free. L. H. BRONSON. Orwell, Nov. 1,1866, ijIUE TOWANDA BAKERY AND EATING ESTABLISHMENT ! " W. K. HILL, having purchased the Bakery and Eating Establi-hment and Grocery recently kept by Pettes A Hovey, first door south of the Ward House, Main street, ToAanda, Pa., and having re-modelled the same, and having asso ciated with him IRA SMITH, they are prepare d to fn-nish their customers and the public with everything in their line at reasonable rates THEIR EATING DEPARTMENT Is fitted np in the most approved style and meals are served at all hours, and their store is filled with a good assortment of GROCERIES, CONFECTIONARY, Ac., Ac. They will keep in store and sell at wholesale and retail or manufacture to order BREAD, BISCUIT, RUSK, FRESH ROLLS, BUNS, PIES AND CAKES, Of ail kinds. Also will keep the best Crackers of aii kinds in the markot, by the barrel or pound. Fresh Oysters constant ly on hand by the keg or dish, cheap as the cheapest. They will use the best materials in every thing ana will try to please the most fastidious. tor Wedding and other fancy Cakes made to order. • Families supplied daily and promptly with anything desired in our line. They employ none bat the most skilful work men, and use only the best material. They are determined to keep a first class establishment. Give a fair and candid trial and yon will find it to your advantage. W. K. HILL, IRA SMITH. Towanda, Jan. 2J, 1867.—yr. Jrrrmtnre. gTILL STOCK OF GOODS! JAMES O. FROST, would call attention to the large and varied xsaor tment of FURNITURE! Now on exhibition at his Ware Booms, which he will be happy to show to any and every one free of charge, or to sell at a very small ad vance from cost. Thankful for the past liberal patronage of the public, 1 would Bay that 1 shall still endeavor to make it to their interest to deal with me. not ouly byjteepi ig a LARGER STOCK To select from than is kept iu any other Furni tare Store in this region ; but also by offering them AT A LESS PRICE Than the same quality of goods can be pur chased elsewhere. I have now in store over 60 DIFFERENT PATTERNS OF CHAIRS, And more than THIRTY DIFFERENT STYLES BEDSTEADS Besides Bureaus, Stands, Tables, Book Racks, What Nots, Sofas, Tete-a-Tern's, Rockers, and Easy Chairs, Piano Stools, Chil dren's Carriages, Children's Cradles and Cribbs, Looking Glasses, Looking Glass Piatt s, Pie tuie Frames, Photo graph Ovals, Steel Engravings, Cords and Tassels, Ac., In fact a full assortment OF EVERYTHING IN THE LINE, All of which will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH. The public are invited to call and examine my stock before purchas ing elsewhere. Store ou Main Street, 2 doors south of Montanyes. I also keep on hand, a large assortment ol READY MADE COFFINS, From the most common to the finest Mahogany or Rosewood, which will be furnished with or without Attendance with Hearse, at as low a price as the same quality can be purceased else where. Dec. 1866.—yr. yURNITCRE k CABINET WARE The subscriber would say to the people of BRADFORD AND VICINITY, That he has enlarged his FURNITURE WARE-ROOM The past season, and is constantly manufactur ing, aud intends to keep on bifid a large assort ment of COMMON FURNITURE, Which he is selling at great bargains FOR READY PAY. My stock consists in part ol BUREAUS, EXTENSION AND FALL LEAF TABLES, BOOK CASES, SECRETARIES, CUPBOARDS, LOUNGES, BEDSTEADS, ROCKING CHAIRS, CANE, FLAG, WOOD SEAT AND OFFICE CHAIRS, CRIBS, WASH STANDS, ROUND TOP STANDS, &c., &c., &c., And in fact every variety oi wares needed in Family, Office or shop. Those desiring any thing in my line, will find it to their advantage to give me a call, as 1 am NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD ! Persons keeping Public Houses, will he furnish ed at Wholesale prices in wanting a large bill. Particular attention paid to re-seating and re pairing old chairs and furniture. Custom Wood Turning attended to promptly. Beech, Birch, Maple, Cherry, Baswood, Whitewood, Chesnut and Pine Lumber, wanted in exchange tor lur niture. Cash paid for Newspapers. BEAR IN MIND, If yon would buy good reliable'furniture cheap , go to JOHNSO N'SL Work of all kinds warranted to he made of good materials, and well put together. Thankful for past liberal patronage, would so licit a continue nee of same. Shop and Ware- Room sitnated on the road leading from Orwell Hill to I-eßaysville, three miles from either lace. Come one, come all, And give me a call, And don't grumble at the prices I give yon, For the price is small, And that is not all; I'm sure it can't help bat please you. Terms—Cash or Beady Pay. G. N. JOHNSON. Feb. 14, 1867—3 m FURNITURE STORE! Having rented the Furniture Ware-rooms form erly occupied by F. N. Page, Athens, Pa., would now say to the pations of the old Estab lishment that I have a complete Stock of Goods, just received, embracing everything in the FURNITURE LINE. My goods are new and well selected, and for GOOD GOODS Will not be undersold by any. Call and ex amine my stock before purchasing. I retain the Workmen of the old establishment, and MR. N. I. HART Will have charge of the business and Manufact uring. In short we have the finest Stock ol Goods in our line west of New York, consisting of Parlor Furniture, Chamber-Setts, Sofas, Bureaus, Marble-top Centre Tables, Extension and Dining Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Mirrors, Picture Frames, Photograph Ovals, Cord and Tassels, Steel Engravings, Oil Cnrtins, Toilet Stands, Work-Boxes, Pictures, Ac. COFFINS AND BURIAL CASES. Our Undertaker's Department will at all times be well supplied with everything in that line. We have the ■ FINEST HEARSE In this section, not evcepting anything west of New York, and will attend Funerals within a circuit of 'Jdienty Mites , on reasonable terms, G. H. YOORHI3. N. I. HAST, Agent. Athens, Jan. to, 1866.—1y HDntgs attb iffleirirines. Q 0 RE & POWELL'S DRUG STORE. GOKB1J POWELL, (successors; toj W.-H. H. Gore,® are continuing the business at the old stand No. 4, Patton's Block, where he is daily receiving additions to his Stock from the most reliable importers and manufacturers respect fully asks or a liberal share of public patron age, A large stock of FRESH DRUGS AND MEDICINES Has just been received, and we are now pre pared to supply the WANTS OF THE PUBLIC WITH ARTICLES BELONGING TO THE TRADE. IV RE WINES AND LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL USE ONLY. A FDLL ASSUUTUENT OK CONCENTRATED BOTANIC, ECLECTIC AND HOMtEPATHIC MEDICINES. ALL THE POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES. FAINTS, OIL, VARNISH, PAINT AND VARNISH BRUSHES, DYE-STUFFS AND GLASS. FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES OF EVERY KIND. TILDEN'S ALCOHOLIC AND FLUID EXTRACTS, ALKALOID AND HE SI NO IDS, All the Best Trusses, ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, Shoulder Braces, BREAST PUMPS, NIPPLE SHELLS, AND SHIELDS, Nursing Bottles, Syringes and Catheters, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF RAZORS, STROPS, POCKET KNIVES, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS OF LATE STYLE AND BEST QUALITY. A large supply Brushes for the Hat and Hair. Also for the Teeth and Nails, Tooth Pow ders and Pastes, Oils, Perfumery, Soaps, Combs, Hair Dye, Xnvigor ators.Ac., Kerosene, Kerosene Lamps, Shades, Chimneys, Wicks, Ac., all of the late st styles. CHOICE CIGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF. ear* Physicians supplied at reasonable rates. Medicines and Prescriptions carefully and ac curately compounded and prepared by compet ent persons at all hours of the day and night. Sunday hours from 9 to 10 o'clock in the fore noon, to 2in the afternoon. W. H. H. GOBE. Towanda, Sept. 29, 1866. ,ive satis faction, viz: Dr. Porter's Pectoral Syrup, for coughs, colds, lung complaints,fy-c.bOc&tl 00 Dr. Porter's Eclectic Pills, for bilious com plaints and mild cathartic. ... 25 Dr. Porter's Sanifer Syrup, for scrofula skin diseases, tfc 1 00 Dr. Porter's Uterine Tonic , for female weak ness, fyc 1 00 Dr. Porters Tonic Elixir for strengthening the system, 1 00 Dr. Porter's Tansy Schnapps, for liver and kidney complaints 1 00 Dr. Porter's Comp. Syr. Hypophosphites, for nervous debility 1 00 Dr Porter's Blackberry Balsam, for diar rheta, Ac 35 Dr. Porter's Family Embrocation foi sprains bruises, fyc 35 D. Porter's Pectoral Wafers, for hoarse ness, sore throat, fyc 25 Dr. Porter's Worm Wafers, for expelling worms 25 Dr. Porter's Worm Syrup, for extermina ting wuims 35 Dr. Porter's Intant Relief, for crying babies colic, tjrc ' 26 Dr. Porter's Cephalic Snuff, for catarrh headache 25 Dr. Porter's Toothache Drops, for tooth ache 25 Dr. Porter's Tooth Powder, for preset ring teeth 25 Dr. Porter's Tricocene, for dressing and 50 growing the hair 50 Dr, Porter's Tricophile,lor beautifying the hair 50 ! Dr. Porter's Odoriferous Shampoo,for clean ing the hair 50 Dr. Porter's Milk ol Flowers, for beautify. ing the complexion 50 Dr. Porter's Pile O'ntment. lor external piles I 00 Dr. Poster's French Compound, lor scald ing urine 1 00 Dr. Porter's Medicated Figs,; for habitual constipation 1 00 Dr. Porter's Healing Salve, lor cuts.wounds Ac 15 Dr. Porter's I.ip Salve, for chapped lips 25 Dr. Porter's Eye Salve, for inflamed eyes.. 25 Dr. Porter's Eye Water, for inflamed eyes.. 25 Dr. Porter's Corn and Wart Remover, for corns and bunions 25 Dr. Porter's Constipation Pills, lor costive ness 2 Dr. Porter's Iron Pills, for poor blood 25 Dr. Porter's Citrate Magnesia, for a pleas ant catharric 50 Dr. Porter's Liquid Rennet, ior making nu trtious diet tor invalids 25 Dr. Porter's Extract Vanilla, ior llavoring ice cream. Ac 40 Dr. Porter's Extract Lemon, for flavoring ice cream—large bottles 40 Dr. Porter's Oriental Cement, for mending broken glass, Ac 25 Dr. Porter's Liquid Uiue, tor repairing wood work 25 Dr. Porter's Cleansing Fluid,for easy wash ing 50 Dr. Porter's Bed Bug Poison, tor killing bugs 50 Dr. Porter's Fly Poison Paper, for killing flies T 05 Dr. Porter's Rat and Mice Poison, for ex terminating rats 25 Dr. Porter's Benzine, for removing spots from clothes 25 Dr, Porter's Black Ink, in pint bottles 25 in bulk by the gallon 1 00 Dr. Porter's liorse and Cattle Powder, lor diseases of animals 30 Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Lotion, lor sprains, galls, Ac 50 Dr. Porter's Ring-Bone and Spavin Cure, for lame horses 50 Medical advice given gratuitously at the office, charging only for medicine. Thankful lor past liberal patronage,would respectfuly announce to his friends and the public, that no pains shall be spared to satisfy, aud merit the continuation of their confidence and patronage. U. C. PORTER, M. D. Dec. IS, 1866.—yr STORE IN ROME. The subscriber begs leave to call the atten tion of the citizens of EASTERN BRADFORD, To the fact that lie has opened a DRUG AND BOOK STORE, In the BOROUGU OF ROME. Being intimately acq-iainted with leading Man ufacturing, and Jobbing Houses in his line, and having liad extensive experience in both city and;conntry trade, he flatters him lt that, by low prices, and promptness and accuracy in business, he will merit the confi dence and patronage of the public. A thorough knowledge of PRACTICAL PHARMACY, Enables him to manufacture in the best man ner and keep on hand all the leading prepara tions of the Pliarmacopuc ia. Extra inducements offered to the Medical profession. • Prescriptions carefully and accurately com pounded. L. A. RIDGWAY. Rome, Jan. 30, 1867. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF TOYS and Diaries for 1867, for sale at cost at FINE PARLOR SETS, at FROSrS. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS OF ALL sizes and styles,at the NEWS ROOM. KEROSENE LAMPS,LANTERNS, Wicks and Chimneys, at RIDGWAY'S NEW STORE Ijarbtoare.- JJ ARDWARE. CODDING & RUSSELL SAVE A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF k GOODS, To which additions are daily being made, which they offer cheap for Cash. A large assortment OF COOKING STOVES, Among the many desirable and beautiful pat terns is the CELEBRATED AMERICAN. This beautiful stove is unsurpassed for econo my in fuel; is a pcifect baker; is the best COOK STOVE in the market. Among their heating Stoves may be found a great variety suitable forovery place where skives are used. STOVE PIPE AND SHEET IRON WORK, Always on hand and made to order. T I N W A RE, A large stock manufactured from the very best material and by experienced workmen. A very ful assortment of IRON, NIALS AND STEEL, At New York prices. HOUSE AND CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, TOOLS FOR THE FARMER, Tools for the House Joiner and Carpenter— Tools for Blacksmiths'—Tools for everybody. WINDOW SASH AND (II,ASS, PAINTS, OILS ANI) VARNISHES, MACHINE OIL AND BENZOLE, KDROSENE OIL, LAMPS, WICKS AND CHIMNEYS, BELTING, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, BRITTANNIA AND PLATEDWARE, Pumps, lutud I'ip', Chain Pumps, Water Pipes, Grindstones and fixtures, KEROSENE LANTERNS, JOB WORK done with dispatch. Lamps re paired. Fluid Lamps and Lanterns altered and fitted to burn Kerosene. Grain, Old Iron, Casting and Wrought-Scraps, Copper, Brass, Brittannia, Beeswax, Feathers and Rags taken in exchange for goods. Highest price in cash paid for Sheep Pelts and Furs. Xg- OUR GOODS have been purchased on the pay down system and will be sold for READY PAY C?° N kussell! Ko ' [ CODDING & RUSSELL. Towanda, March 10,1863. ]Y/J ARSIIALL BROTHERS & CO., DEAI.BRS IN H A R D W ARE! TIN, COPPKK, SIIKBT IRON, AND "HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, TOWANDA, PENN'A. Store one door south of the. Post Office. JUJARSIIALL brothers & CO., Wish to call the attention of the public to their new Stock o! HARDWARE, FA RMI N'G 1 MPI.IM ENTS, BLACK SMITHS' TOOLS, ,-.ud CARPENTERS' TOOLS. Also, a large assortment ol Window Class, Sash, Paints, Oils, Putty, Varnishes, and Paint and Varnish Brushes of all kinds, which will be sold fur the lowest 1 Cash price. Also, a Cine assortment ol KEROSENE LAMPS I ol every style and pattern to snit the public. Lamps repaired and changed from Oil and I Fluid to Kerosene. Particular attention paid to the manufacturing j of all kinds of TIN WARE. JOBBIKG PROMPTLY ATTKNDED TO We have on hand a fine article of GLASS FRUIT JARS, with improved self-sealing corks, and HERMETICALSEALINGCANS, which is one of the best cans used. June 20, 1865. FURNITURE WAKE-ROOMS ! JAMES MA KINSON announces to the public that he still continues to manufacture and keep on hand a large assortment of CABINET FURNITURE, Bureaus, Tables. Bedsteads. Stands, Chairs, Ac., of every descriptioi which will be made of the best materials, and'in he most workman like manner. I invite tue inection ol the pnblic to myjwork, which shallnc be surpssed in durability, at any shop in the countty, and my prices will he found to be as low as the time- will admit. Ready-made Coffins constantly on hand or made to order. A good Kearse will be furnished when^esired. Aug. 15, 1X65. HEALTH IS TUE GREAT NEED OF THE AGE. A NEW SYSTEM OF THE HEALING ART. N. J. COGSWELL. M. D. ( HYGIENIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, May be consulted in person or by letter, at his ie.-:dence, East Spring Hill, Bradford county Pa. An intelligent community require a medical doctrine grounded upon right reason, in har mony with md avouched by the unerring laws ot Nature and of the vital organism, and au thenticated by successful results. Hence we solicit an examination of our system. Claiming that all • diseases car. be successfully treated wish truiy Hygienic Agencies. No Dvug poisons will be given. As a graduate ot the only College in the world where health is taught, we shall take especial pains to explain to the patients thenature of the diserse. The laws of liie and health, why it it is unnecessary and dangerous to take drugs, and how to pre serve health aud long life. Will visit patients, and give directions tor home treatment, when desired. East Springhill, May 1, '66.—ly.p. E W 1P L A NING MI L L The undersigned having built a large and com modious Mill in the Borough of Towanda, and filled it with the most modern and improved machinery, for the manufacture of WINDOW SASH, 4 BLINDS, are prepared to fill orders, whether large or small, upon the shortest notice. We have also a large variety ol MOULDINGS, ol the latest style and pattern, which we can furnish much cheaper than thoy can be worked by hand. PLANING. TONGUEING, GROVEING, AND SCROLL SAWING, and all other work pertaining to Joinery, will be done to suit our customers. . Persons building, and not living more than twelve to fourteen miles distant, will find it largely for their interest to buy of us, or bring their lumber and worked by our machinery. Bring your gri3t of Flooring, or other lumber, and while your team is is feeding, have it ground out and take it home with you. We will pay CASH for PINE A HEMLOCK LUMBER delivered at our lumber yard. Come and see us, or if you can't come, write. L. B. RODGERS 4 CO. Towanda. Feb., 1864. BOOK-BINDERY.— THE PUBLIC is respectfully iuformed that the Book- Bindery has been removed to the Argus Build ing, 3d story, where will be done BOOK-BINl) IN G! In all its various branches, on terms as rea sonable as" the times " will allow. The Biud ery will be under the charge ol H. C. WIIITAKER, An experienced Binder, and all work will be promptly done, in a style and manner which cannot be excelled. Music, Magazines, News papers, Old Books, 4c., bouud in every variety of styie. Particular attention will ire paid to the Ruling and Binding of BLANK BOOKS, To any desired pattern, which in quality and durability wil be warranted. All work will be ready foj; delivery when promised. The patronage of the public is solicited, and perftc satisfaction guaranteed. Towanda, August 2, 1866.—tf. Ultßttllantcra©. BRANCH FOUNDRYj AND MACHINE SHOP, i Situated on Pine, east of Main Street, TOWANDA, BRADFORD CO., FA., j Is now prepared to famish CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, AND SHINGLE MACHINES, Of the lest quality with the latest iraprove ents. All kinds of Machinery for Flouring and Saw Mills. STEAM ENGINES, MADE A REPAIRED, STEXM WHISTLES, STEAM GAGUES, GAUGE COCKS, OIL CANS, AG, Furnished at short notice. B0 L T CU T TING, Done from J to 1$ inches in diameter. FORGING Of heavy wrought work 'for Bridges, and all other purposes, done to order. Also, a large assortment of COOKING & HEATING STOVES, Coal and Wood Burners. Furniture for Cooking Stoves, S'ove Pipe, Tin-Ware, Boat Pumps, Plows, Cultivators and Lcrapers, kept constant ly on hand. DRAWINGS A SPECIFICATIONS Of all kinds of machineiy for mills and other purposes prepared L>y WARREN HILL, Foreman, who has had large experience in this branch of ihe business. JOHN CABMAN. Towanda. Oct. 2!), 1806. ly. J) I, 0 0 D A CO., Still Manufacture the best II O R S E P 0 W E R S , The Best THRESHERS AND CLEANERS, Also, THRESHERS AND SEPARATORS, FANNING MILLS, Ac., Ac., Ac. All of which we furnish at the Lowest Prices. CALL AND SEE, AT THE NEW Siior. Athens, Pa., Anir. 16, tf. UTHE R' S M ILLS, BURLINGTON, PA. The proprietor, having rebuilt his Flouring Mill in Burington. and taken pains in selecting ar ticles, and the most improved machinery, it is now completed in order for ail kinds of Flouring. CUSTOM WORK DONE AT SHORT NOTICE. with cheerful attendants, who will see to your wants in good order ami with general satisfac tion. tfSrCash paid for Grain. April 17. 1860. BOSWELL LUTHER. WHOLESALE MUSIC DEPOT. L. B. POWELL. j Scrauton, Pa., D. .der iu (.'bickering's Pianos, ! I ' kt-r's Pianos, Mason A Hamlin's Cabinet Or I gins, Treat, Lindstey A Co's Meloicons, and all ; of Musical Instruments, Sheet Music and Music | Books. Orders from Dealers and Teachers es i pecially solicited. Address, L. B POWELL. 116 Pennsylvania Avenue, Scran ton, Pa. March 28, IMJ7.—sm. X) IAN OS, AMERICAN ORGANS X AND yELODIANS. The undersigued most respectiully announces to the citizens of Towauda and vicinity, that he has purchased the Music business of G. T. COLE, and will hereafter supply any of the above arti cles, together with VIOLINS, GUITARS, ACCORDIANS, STRINGS, AC., on as good terms as they can be had elsewhere. W. A. CHAMBERLAIN • He is also Agent tor the CELEBRATED AMERICAN WATCH and has always on hand, a good assortment ot Swiss Watches, with a general assortment of JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS, Silver and I'lated Ware of the BEST MANU FACTURERS. which will be sold at unusually low figures. A large variety of Clocks just re ceived, among which may be found the Seth Tho mas, which has no equal REPAIRING AND JOBBING, done with neat.iess and dispatch, and warrant - ed. To those who can't see, we would say go to Chamberlain's and get a pair ol glasse? ttat will make you see as well as ever. Den t forget the shop, neariy opposite the Court House. Dec. 1,1566. W. A.CHAvIBERLAIN. lllagons, Carriages, &c. WAGONS,SLEIGHS THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT SKILL IN OPER ATION FELLOWS, CRANDALL A CO., Successors to Reynolds, Fellows A Co., are now offering and are prepared to lurnish on short notice. Wagons Carriages and S eighs, ot all descriptions and of the latest and most appro ved style, and of the best material at the old stand opposite the Union House, in the cen tral part ot Alba Borough, County, The public are assured that the reputation the shop has acquired during the last six years under the superintendence of J . H. Fellows, will be more than maintained, as he will superin tend the work as heretofore he having long been uud having had much experience as a Carriage and Sleigh Builder, would assure the public that no pains will be spared by the above lirm to make the establishment worthy of their pat ronage. Thankful as one of the old firm for the patronage thus tar extended, we hope to merit a continuance of the same. N. B—We, the undersigned, being practical mechanics, can mnnulacture and offer to the public at pricea that will defy competition. JAMES U. FELLOWS, D. W. C. CRANDALL, J. G.MERITT Alba Borough, April 15. 1866. ly. TTNION CARRIAGE SHOP, AT ALBA, I'ENN'A. The undersigned respectfully informs the cit izens of Western Bradford that he has commen ced the Carriage and Wagon manufacturing busi. ness, in all its variousb ranches in Alba boro in the shop north of the Union Hotel. His foreman in the wood-shop will be N. M. REY NOLDS. who is well Jkuown to the people of this vicinity, having been in the business lor the last 16 years. He will manufacture to order, and keep constantly on hand the latest styles of Euggys, both top and open, Platform, Democrat and Skeleton Wagons, Sleighs, Cutters, Ac. His work will be done by the most experienced workmen, and great care will be taken in pro curnng the best timber, and the most substan tial He intends that the work turned out at hirtikop tor style, durability and cheap ness, shall not be excelled in the County. RE PAIRING of all kinds done with despatch, in a subtantial manner on reasonable terms. Give us a call. JAMES McINTYRE. Alba, Bradford County, Fa., Feb. 20, 1866 ly W r AVERLY CARRIAGE FAC TORY.— The undersigned.desire to call the attention of,the citizens ot Bradford County to our EXCELSIOR CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. Our establishment is so completely fitted up ,in the departments of Woodwork, Ironing, Paint ing and Trimming, and so supplied with first class workmen, as to ennable us tc lurnish all kinds ot carriages iu the best and most modern style, and always warranted to be ot the best material and workmanship. New work of ev ery kind kept constantly on hand, including the best article of Platform Spring Wagons to be fuund in the country. Please call and exam ine for yourselves. Careful attention paid to ordered woik, Job bing and Repairing in each department,especial ly Painting. N. KINNEY A CO. Waverly, N. Y., Nov. 12,1866 6 u. MITCHELL'S EXTRACTS.—The -LtL finest extracts for flavoring in use. For sale wholesale aud retail at FOX'S. COAPB, SPONGES, FAINT, VAK kJ nish, Sash, Cloth, Hair, Tooth, Nail and j other kinds ot Brushes, at I RIDGWAY S NEW STORE. Jiwnratue. TOWANDA INSURANCE 1 AGENCY ! Policies issued,l/ossesadjusted and promptly paid By 11. B. WKEAN, A-.eol, Of the following well known and re I able Con, panics. Office Montanye's Bh ck. dggrfga/r Amount of Capital, $17,000,00 •IEKTNA INSURANCE COMPANY, I Hartford, Conn., J Capital $4,C00, 000 LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GL FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE CO. Capital, Surplus and Reserved Fnna (Gold) $16,271*75 Assets in the United States, over I*oo,ooo Daily Premiums, upwards of (Gold) 17,000 NEW ENGLAND INSURANCE COMPANY, f Hartfoid, Conn., J Capital $200,000 WYOMING INSUKS (TRANCE COMPANY, I WUktn-lian e, Pa., j Capital sl6o*oo NOKTH AMERICAN TRANSIT INSURANCE ) Co., (Accidental) > Philadelphia, j Capita! 4500,<00 CONNECTICUT MUTUALI.IPK INSURANCE I Co., Hartford, Conn.,) Capital $10,000,000 Towanda. Feb. 20,18G6 —tl HARTFORD LIVE STOCK INSU RANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL $500,000. Cash assets Nov. 1, 1866, $155,290 83 Insures on all kinds of live stock, against thett and death from any cause. H. B. McKEAN, Jan. 10, 1867 Agent. Dec. sth, the Mare " Lady Mace," owned by Dennis F. Flagg.ot Boston, Mass., accidentally received a kick from another horse, breaking her left tore leg, above the knee, rendering it necessary to kill her as an act of humanity, in sured in the Hartford Live Stock Insurance Com I pany. Loss paid Dec. Oth 1867. F' IRE, LIFE, AND ACCIDENTAL INSURANCE. CAPITAL REPRESENTED OVER SEVENTEEN MILLION HOLLA lit, C. S. RUSSELL, Agent, | FOR THE FOLLOWING NAMED RELIABLE COMPANY'S ! GIKARD FIRE A MARINE INSURANCE I COMPANY Philadelphia,\ j Capital and surplus over $350,000 HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, F Of New- York. f Capital and surplus, over $3,760,100 INSURANCE COMEANY OF NORTH I AMERICA, Philadelphia. ( Capital and surplus, over 11,700,