TERMS OF PUBLICATION. THE REPORTER is published every Thurs day Morning, by E. O. GOODBICH, at $2 per annum, in advance. ADVERTISEMENTS, exceeding fifteen lines are inserted at TEN CENTS per line for first insertion, and FIVE CENTS per line for subsequent insertions. Special notices in serted before Marriages and Deaths, will be charged FIFTEEN CENTS per line for each insertion. All resolutions of Associations ; communications of limited or individual interest, and notices of Marriages or Deaths exceeding five lines, are charged TEN CENTS pr h ne - „ „ „ 1 Year. 6 mo. 3 mo. One Column $75 S4O S3O <• 40 25 15 One Square 10 71 5 Estray,Caution, Lost and Found, andother advertisements, not esceeding 10 lines, ihree weeks, or less $1 50 Administrator's 1 Executor's Notices. .2 00 Auditor's Notices '2 50 business Cards, five lines, (per year). .5 00 Merchants and others, advertising their business, will be charged S2O. They will be entitled to 1 column, confined exclusive ly to their business, with privilege of change. •S"" Advertising m all cases exclusive of subscription to the paper. JOB PRINTING of every kind, in Plain and Fancy colors, done with neatness and dispatch. Handbills, Blanks, Cards, Pam phlets, &c., of every variety and style, prin ted at the shortest notice. The REPOKTEB OFFICE has just been re-fitted with Power Presses, and every thing in the Printing line can be executed in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates. TERMS INVARIABLY CASH. (Eartis. • riHIOMAS J. INGIIAM, ATTOR JL SKY AT LAW, LAPORTE, Sullivan County, Pa. / I EORGE D. MONTANYE, AT- U TUiiSEY AT I.A XV— Office in Union Block, formerly occupied by JAMACPARLANE. \\r T. DA VIES, Attorney at Law, V V • Towanda, Pa. Office with Win. Wat kins, Esq. Particular attention paid to Or phans' Court business and settlement oi dece dents estates. MERCUR A MORROW, Attorneys . at Law, Towanda, Penn'a, The undersigned having associated themselves together in the practice of Law, offer their pro le-sional services to the puVlic. ULYSSES MERCUR, P. D. MORROW. March 9, 1865. 1) ATRICK & PECK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Offices :—ln Union Block, Towanda, Pa., lormerly occupied hy Hon. IVm. Elwell.and in Patrick's block, Athens, Pa. They may be consulted at either place. U. W. PATRICK, apllJ W. A. PUCK. I i B. McKEAN, ATTORNEY A 11. COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Towan da, Pa. Particular attention paid to business in the Orphans' Court. July '2O, 1866. HENRY BEET, Attorney at Law, . Towanla, I'a. jun'27,66. \IT 11. OARNOCHAN, ATTOR ' • • SKY AT LAW, Troy, Pa. Special attention given to collecting claims against the Government for Bounty, Back Pay and Pensions. Office with E. B. Parsons, Esq. June 12,1865. DR. H. WESTON, DENTIST.— Office in Patton's Block, over Gore's Drag and Chemical Stors. Ijan66 L'DWARD OVERTON Jr., Attor- XJnei/ at Law, Towanda, Pa. Office in Mon myes Block, over Frost's Store. July 13,1865. J lii. R. DAVIES, LEEAYSVILLE, PA. \J has permanently located at the office lormerly occupied by Dr. B. DeWitt, for the (iia tice of his profess'on. May 9,1867. TOHN N. CALIFF, ATTORNEY fJ AT LAW, Towanda, Pa. Also, Govern ment Agent for the collection of Pensions, Back Pay and Bounty. *•' No charge unless successful. Office over t he Post Office and News Room. Dee. 1,1864. JONES & DEMOREST, Coopers, *t Towanla, Pa. All kinds of Cooper Work on hand and made to order. Particular atten tion given to repairing. Work can be obtained a: the shop in the Keystone Brewery, or at the store oi W, A. Rockvvell. Cash, or work, paid ; stock. May 9, 1867. I \ D. STILES, M. D., Physician and \ J * Surgeon, would announce to the people ot 1! one Borough and vicinity, that he has perma nently locate! at the place formerly occupied by Dr. G. W. Stone, for the practice of his pi ofes si-n. Particular attention given to the treat ment oi women and children, asalso to the prac tice! operative and minor surgery. Oct. 2,'66. Dll. PRATT has removed, to State street, (first above B. S. Russel! & Co's Bank). Persons from a distance desirous ei con sulting him, will be most likely to find him on Saturday of each week. Especial attention will be given to surgical cases, and the extraction of ti Tli. Gas or Ether administered when desired. July 18,1806. D. S. PRATT, M. D. DOCTOR CHAS. F. PAINE— or lice in GORE'S Drug Store, Towanda, Pa. Calls promptly attended to at all hours. Towanda, November 28, IS6C. £FL) W'D MEEKS—AUCTION EE R. J All letters addressed to him at Sugar Run, Bradford Co. Pa., will receive prompt attention. LU'ANCIS E. POST, Painter, Toio- JL amla. Pa, with 10 years experience, is con it lent he can give the best satisfaction in Paint ing, Graining. Staining, Glazing, Papering,, Ac. A*-Particular attention paid to Jobbing in the country. April 9, iB6O. J K. VATJGHAN— Architect and *J * Ruilder. —All kinds of Architectural de signs furnished. Ornamental work in Stone, Iron and Wood. Office on Main street, over Ii usell & Co.'s Bank. Attention given to Ru es'. Architecture, such as laying ont of grounds, A..Ac. April 1,1867 ly. J. N E W ELL, t) COUNTY SURVEYOR, Oiwcil, liradiord Co., Pa„ will promptly attend ull business in his line. Particular attention • ■ '•'••ii to ruuuing and establishing old or dispu te <■': lines. Also to surveying ot all unpattented tils as soon as warrants are obtained. myl7 U II ERSE Y WAT KINS, Notary • Public is prepared to .take Deposi ts, Acknowledge the Execution of Deeds, M rtgages, Power- of Attorney, and all other instruments. Affidavits and other pipers may bt- sworn to before me. Office opposite the Banking House of B. S. ii .ssell A C., a few doors north of the Ward Bouse. Towanda, Pa., Jan, 14, 1867. J) D. KX A P I', Watch Maker and Dealer in Gents and Ladies Watches Chains and Finger Kings .Clocks, Jew ry, Gold Pens, Spectacles, Silver ware, Plat ed ware. Hollow ware, Thimbles, Sewing Ma chines, and other goods belonging to a Jewel ry Store. Pertieular attention paid to Repairing, at his old place near the Post Office, Waverly, N. Y- Dec. 3,1866 tt. 1 OIIN MORAY, ARTIST AND PHOTOGRAPHER. A ill promptly attend to all business in his line. 'iai attention given to Landscape and Stere -copie Photography. Views of Family Resi "ti es,Stores, Public Buildings, Animals, Ma ■ as, etc., taken in the best manner, l'arti nlar attention given to the novel and i i'ul stere-copie representation of objects. Orders received at Wood & Harding's Photo graphic Art Gallery, Towanda. Towanda, April 2d, 1867.—y1. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE opened a Banking House in Towanda, un •< r the name c. G. F. MASON & CO. They are prepared to draw Bills of Ex ainge, and make collections in New York, '' ■ iadelphia, and all portions of the United states, as also England. Germany, and France. l' ia;an money, receive deposit- , and to do a K f ' Hal Banking business. G F. Mason was one of the late firm of Liporte, Mason & Co., of Towanda, Pa., and as knowledge of the business men of Bradford •fa 1 adjoining Counties,and having been in the Waking business for about fifteen years, make this house p desirable one, through which to rarke collections. _ G. F. MASON, Towanda, Oct. 1, A. G. MASON. \ CHOICE SELECTION OF Mis cellaneous and Juvenile Books at RIDGWAVS DRUG A BOOK STORE. PAPER, ENVELOPES, BLANK -*• Books, Writing Fluid, Ink, Pens, Pencils, Mates, Paper Slates, Visiting Cards. Reward Cards, Writing Desks, Ac., at lUDGWAY S DRUG IT BOOK STORE, E. O. GOODRICH, Publisher. VOLUME XXVII. ijotcls. HOUSE, TOWANDA, PA. On Main Street, near the Court House. C. T. SMITH, Proprietor. Oct. 8, 1886. A MERICA! HOTE L , TOWANDA, PA., Having purchased this well known Hotel on Bridge Street, I have refurnished and refitted it with every convenience for the accommoda tion of all who may patronize me. No pains will be spared to make all pleasant and agreeable. May 3,'66.—tf. J. S. PATTERSON, Prop. O N YI)ER HOUSE, a four story brick Id edifice near the depot,with large airy rooms, elegant parlors, newly furnished, has a recess in uew addition for Indies use, and is the most convenient and only first class hotel at Waverly, , N. Y. It is the principal office lor stages south and express. Also for sale of Western Tickets, and in Canada, on Grand Trunk Rail-way. Fare to Detroit from Buffalo, ft, is cheaper than any other route. Apply lor tickets as above to C. WARFORD. *sir Stabling and care ot Horses at reasonable rates. Waverly. N. Y., 0ct.26,1866.-3m. C. W. UMITHBORO HOTEL, O SMLTHBOIIO, N. Y . Having rented and Refitted this well known Hotel, I am ready to accommodate all who may tavor rae with a call. I hav a large Hall at tached, suitable for lectures, dances, Ac. Pass ei.gers carried to any point hy applying at the Hotel. No pains wiii be spared to make every thing agreeable and comfortable for the t ravel ing public. J. B. VANWINKLE, Jan. 10,1867. Proprietor. Ulillinerg atib Dress fUaking. GRIFFIN, Would respectfully ask the ladies to call and examine her stock of Spring Millinery Goods, just received from New Y'ork. Every thing beautiful and new. in the line ot Bonnets, Hats, Trimmings, etc. She takes pleasure in offering to her friends and the public generally. Of her work, those who have patronized her, are the best judges, and to them she refers. Towanda, April '23,1867 6w* MISSES wouonTEß & SHIP MAN, DRESS MAKERS. Rooms over Bramhall A Cowell's Store, Main Street. Second Door below Beidleman's Block. Towanda, Pa., April sth 1867—3 m. MILLINERY. MRS. J. C. PIERCE, Wouid announce to the citizens oi Towanda, and the public generally, that she has just re turned from New Y'ork with a well selected as sortment of Goods, and opened a MILLINERY STORE, Over Shlam's Clothing Store, in the front room formerly occupied by W, C. Bogart, Esq., where she will he pleased to see the Ladies of Towanda and vicinity, being confident that with a varied and well-selected assortment she can supply their wants. Having procured the services of one of the best Milliners trom the City, she believes that she can give entire satisfaction. Particular at tention given to STRAW WORK. **" Come and see as. Don't forget the place, over Shlam's Clothing Store, next door to Mercur's Store. Towanda, April 8, 1867. M. A. BUFFINGTON, Would announce to the ladies ot Towanda and vincinity, that she is now prepared to give her time and atteution to DRESS MAKING, And solicits a share of their patronage, All or ders will be promptly attended to. Rooms at the residence of N. ;J. Keeler, (up stairs) two doors east of Dr. Piatt's office, on State street. Towanda, April 15, 1867. E W MILLINERY AT MONROETON. Miss EMMA SILL A Miss MARION S. RIDGWAV, Having just returned from New Y'ork with a fine and wel" selected assortment of MILLISEIIY ASIJ FANCY GOODS, Wouid inform their friends, and the public gen erally, that they would be pleased to receive a call trom them at their rooms formerly occupied by Mrs, H. M. Tracy. Mr Particular attention given to Straw Work. April 17,1867. iTlifictllaiuotts. T 0. OF O.F.—BRADFORD LODGE No. 167, T. O. of O. F., meets at Odd Fel lows Hall, every .Monday evening from the first Monday in April to the first Monday in October at 71 p. m., from October to April at 61 p. m. J. S. CAREY,"Sec'y. April 23. 1867. _ PUBLIC DRAY.—The subscriber has had made a new and convenient DRAY and will herealter be prepared to do hauling for all persons desiring his services. His Dray will stand in front of Patch's store, when not engaged and all orders may be left at that store. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited, as by prompt attention to orders, and, by punctuality and low charges, he is determ ined to merit a share oi custom. FRANK STEPHENS. Morch 28,1867.—3 m* GRIST MILL.—I have purchased the grist-mill known as the Hale Mill, sit uated near the month of Towanda Creek, and about two miles south of Towanda Borough. 1 take this method of notifying my old friends Of my location, and am in hopes to gain many new friends and patrons by strict attention to my hasiness. All' I ask is a fair trial, as I am well satisfied that I can suit my customers . WM. BAHR. South Towanda, April 23, 1867. E\V ARRANG EMS N T AT TUB NEWS ROOM AND BOOK STORE. The undersigned having purchased the BOOK STORE AND NEWS ROOM Of J. J. Griffiths, respectfully invite the old patrons of the estab lishment and the public generally, to call and ex amine onr stock. ALVORD A BARBER. S. W. ALVORD. F: B. BARBKR. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS EXPERI ENCE IN DENTISTRY. J. M. SMITH, M. D , would respectfully inform the inhabitants of Bradford County that he is permanently 'seated in Waverly, if. Y., where he has been in the practice of his profession for the past four years. He would say that from his long and successful practice of 25 years duration he is familiar with all the different styles of work done in any and all Dental Establishments in city or country, and is better prepared than any other Dental operator in the vicinity to do work the best adapted to the many and different cases that present themselves oftentimes to the Dentist, as be understands the art of making his own artificial teeth, and has facilities for doing the same. To those requiring under sets of teeth he would call attention to his new kind of work which consists of porcelain for both plate and teeth, and forming a continuous gam. It is more durable, more natural iu appearance, and much better adapted to the gum than any other kind of work. Those in need of the same are invited to call and examine specimens. Teeth tilled to last for years and oftentimes for life.— I Chloroform, Ether, and " Nitrons Oxide " ad | ministered with perfect safety, as over four hun dred patients within the last lour years can tes ! tify. 1 will be in Towanda from the 15th to 30th of i every month, at the office of W, K. TAYLOR, | (formerly occupied by Dr. O. H. Woodruff)— I Having made arrangements with Mr. Taylor. I am prepared to do all work in the very best i style, at his office, Apri123,1867. J hUrttft ANTONY AND^CIiEOPATIIA. BY GEN. WM. LYTLE. I am dying, Egypt, dying ; Ebbs the crimson life-tide fast; And the dark, Plutonian shadows Gather on the evening blast ; Let thine arms, O, Queen enfold me ! Hush thine sobs and bow thine ear ; Listen to the great heart-secrets Thou, and thou alone must hear. Though my scarred and veteran legions Bear their eagles high no more, And my wrecked and scattered galleys Strew dark Actium's fuftul shore— Though no glittering guards surround me Prompt to do the master's will, I must pi rish like a Roman— Die the great Triumvir still! Let not C;sar's servile minions Mark the lion thus laid low ; 'Twas no foeman's arm that felled him, 'Twas his own that struck the blow— His, who, pillowed on thy bosom, Turned aside from glory's ray— His, who, drunk with thy caresses, Madly threw a world away. Should_thelja.se, plebiau rabble Dare assail my name at ltome, Where the noble spouse, Octavia, Weeps within her widowed home, Seek her ; say the gods bear witness— Altars, augurs, circling wings— That her blood, with mine commingled, Yet shall mount the throne of kings. And for thee, star-eyed Egyptian! Glorious sorceress of the Nile ! Light the path to Stygian horrors With the splendors of thy smile ! Give C;esar crowns and arches, Let his brow be laurel twine, I can scorn the Senate's triumphs, Triumphing in love like thine! I am dying. Egypt, dying- Hark! th' insulting foeman's cry ; They are coming! quick, my falchion- Let me front them ere I die! Ah, no more amid the battle Shall my heart exulting, swell, Isis and Osiris guard thee ; Cleopatra, Rome, farewell! MARY MOORE, All my life long I had known Mary Moore. Our mothers were old playmates and first cousins. My first recollec tion is that of a young gentleman in a Turkey red frock and morocco shoes, rocking a cradle in which re posed a sunny-haired,blue-eyed baby, not quite a year old. That young man was I, myself, Harry Church ; that blue-eyed baby was Mary Moore. Later still, I saw myself at the lit tle red school house, my sled up to the door, aud arrauging my overcoat upon it that Mary might ride home. Many a black eye have I earned upon such occasions,for other boys like her besides me, and she, I am afraid, was somewhat of a flirt, even in her pina fore. How daintily she came tripping down the steps when I called her name ! How sweetly her blue eyes looked up to me from the envious folds of her winter hood ! How gaily her merry laugh rang out when, by dint of superhuman exertion, I kept her sled before the rest, and let her stand upon the steps exultingly to see them all go by. The fairy laugh 1 No one but Mary could let her heart lie so upon her lips ! I followed that laugh up from my days of childhood, till I grew an awkward,blushing youth. I followed it through the heated noon of man hood ; and now, when the frosts of age are silvering my hair, and many children crawl to my knee and call me "father," I find that the memories of youth are strong, and that, gray hairs and all, 1 am following that mu sic still. When I was fifteen, the first great .sorrow of my life came upon me. I was sent away to a Western school, and I was obliged to part with Mary. We were not to see each other for three long years. This, to me, was like a sentence of death, for Mary was like life itself to me. But hearts are very rough things after all. I left college iu the full Hush and vigor of my 19t i year. I was no lon ger awkward and embarrassed. I'd grown into a tall, slender stripling, with a very good opinion of myself in general and particular. If I thought of Mary Moore.it was to imagine how I would dazzle and bewilder her with my good looks and wonderful attain ments, never thinking that she might dazzle and bewilder me still more. I was a sad puppy, that I knew ; but as youth and good looks have fled, I trust I may be believed when I say that self conceit has left me also. An advantageous proposal was made to me at this time, aud, accept ing,l gave up all idea of a profession, and prepared to go to the Indies. In my hurried visit home of two days, I saw nothing of Mary Moore. She had gone to a boarding school in Massa chusetts, and was not expected home until the next fall. One sigh I gave to the memory of my little blue-eyed play-mate, and called myself a man again. In a year, I thought, as the stage rolled away rum our door ; in a year, or three, at moat, I will return, and if Mary is as pretty as she used to be, why, then, perhaps I may marry her. I stroked back my budding mous tache with complacency, while I set tled the future of a young lady I had not seen in four years. I never thought of the possibility of her re fusing me—never dreamed that she would not stoop with grateful tears to pick up the handkerchief whenever I choose to throw it at her feet. But now I know that had Mary met me then, she would have despised me. REGARDLESS OT DENUNCIATION FROM ANY QB'ARTKR. TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., MAY 23,1867. She was as far above me as the hea vens are above the earth. Perhaps in the scented and affected student, she might have found plenty of sport, but as for loving me, save a regret that I should make such au unmiti gated donkey of myself, I know she would not. India was my salvation ; not mere ly because of a plentiful share of gold I had laid up, but because houest la bor had counteracted the evil of na ture, aud made me a better man.— And when at the end of three years I prepared to return, I wrote nothing to the dear ones I was about to meet, of the reformations I knew had taken place. "They loved me as I was," I mur mured to myself, "and the} shall find for themselves if I am better worth the loving us I am." I packed up many a token from the land of gold, for the friends I was about to meet. The gift of Mary Moore was one 1 had selected with a beating heart—the ring of virgin gold with my name aud hers engraved on the inside. That was all ; and yet the little toy thrilled me strangely as I balanced it on the tip of my finger. To the eyes of others it was but a small plain circlet, suggesting thoughts, perhaps, by its daintiness, of the dainty white hand that was to wear it. But to me—oh ! me—how much was embodied there ! A loviug welcome—a happy home and a sweet smiling face there—a group of merry children to climb my knee—all these delights were hidden in that plain ring of gold. A tall, bearded, sun bronzed man,l knocked at the door of my father's mansion. The light in the parlor win dows, the hum of conversation, and cheerful laughter, showed that com pany was assembled there. I hoped my sister Lizzie would come to the door, and that I might greet my fam ily when stranger's eyes were not looking curiously on. But no,a servant girl answered my summons ; they were too merry in the parlor to heed that long absent one when he asked for admittance.— Some such bitter thoughts were pas sing through my miud as I heard the sounds from the parlor, and saw the half suppressed smile ou the servant's face. I hesitated a moment be ore I made myself known,or asked after the fam ily. And while I stood silent, a strange apparition stood up before me. From behind the bervaut peer ed a small,golden head ; a tiny, deli cate form followed, and blue eyes were lifted up to mine, so like—so like the ones that had brightened my boyhood, that 1 started back with a sudden feeling of pain. " What may he your name, little one !" I asked while the wondering servant held the door. She lifted her hand as if to shade her eyes—l had seen that very atti tude in another, many and many a time—and she answered with a sweet and bird-like voice : " Mary Moore." " And what else ?" I asked. " Mary Moore Chester," lisped the little child. My heart sank down like lead.— Here was an end to the bright dreams aud hopes of my youth and man hood ! Frank Chester my boyish rival, who had tried in vain to usurp my place beside the girl, had succeeded at last and won the woman away from me ! This was his child, his aud Mary's. And I must go in there and meet her once again, and then go away forever aud die. I sunk, body and soul, beneath this blow ; and hiding my face in my hands, I leaned against the door.— The little one gazed at me grieved and amazed, and put her pretty lips as if about to cry, while the perplex ed servant stepped to the parlor, and called my sister out to find out who it could be that had conducted him self so strangely. I heard a slight step, and a pleas ant voice, saying : " Did you wish to see my father, air ?" I looked up. There stood a pret ty, sweet faced maiden of twenty, not much changed from the dear lit tle sister I had loved so well. I look ed at her a moment, and then stifling the tumult at my k heart by a mighty effort, I opened my arms, and said : " Jennie, don't you know me ?" " Harry ! Oh, my brother Harry 1" she cried, and threw herself upon my breast. She wept as if her heart would break. I could not weep. I drew her gently into the lighted par lor and stood before thein all. There was a rush aud a cry of joy, and then my mother and my father sprang towards me, and welcomed me home with heartfelt tears. Oh, strange and passing sweet is such a greet ing to the wayward traveler. And as I held my dear old mother to my heart, and grasped my father's hand, while Jennie clung beside me, I felt that all was not yet lost, and though another had secured life's choicest blessings, many a joy remained for me in this dear sanctuary of home. There were four others, inmates of the room, who had riseu on my sud den entrance. Oue was a blue e>ed child whom I had already seen and who now stood hy Frank Chester, clinging to his hand. Near by atood Lizzie, Mary Moor's oldest sister, and in a distant corner, where she had hurriedly retreated when my name was spoken, stood a tall and slender figure, half hidden hy the heavy win dow curtain that fell to the floor. When the first rapturous greeting was over, Jennie led me forward with timid grace, and Frank Chester gras ped my hand. " Welcome home, my boy," he said in loud, cheerful tones, which I re membered so well. "You have chang ed so Pd never have known you ; but no matter for that, your heart is in the right place, I know." " llow can you say he is changed?' said my mother, gently. "To be sure, he looks older and graver, and more like a man than when he went away ; but his eyes and smile are the same as ever. It is that heavy beard which so changes him. He is my boy still." " Yes, mother, I am your boy Btill.' God help me ! at this moment I felt like a boy, and it would have been a blessed relief to have wept upon her bosom as I had done in my infancy. But I kept down the beat ing of my heart aud the tremor of my heart and the tremor of my lip, and answered quietly as I looked in his full, handsome face : " You have changed too, Frank, but I think for the better." " Oh, yes, I thank you for that compliment ; my wife tells me I grow handsome every day I live." . His wife I Could I hear that name, and keep still ! " And have you seen my little girl ?" he added, lifting the infant in his arms and kissing its crimson cheek. " I tell you, Harry, there is not another like her in the United States. Don't you think she looks very much like her mother used to ?" " Very much," I faltered. " Hallo !" said Frank, with a sud denness that made me start violent ly. " I had forgotten to introduce you to my wife—l believe she aud you used to be playmates in your young days, eh, Harry?" and he slap ped me on the back. " For the Bake of old times, and because you were not at the wedding, i will "give you leave to kiss her once ; but mind, old fellow, don't you repeat the ceremo ny. Gome, bore she is, and for once I will manage those ferocious mous taches of yours iu the operation." He pushed Lizzie, laughing and blushing, toward me. A gleam of light aud hope, almost too dazzling to bear, came over me, and I cried out before thinking, " Not Mary !" 1 must have betrayed my secret to every oue iu the room, hut nothing was said ; even Frank was this time silent. 1 kissed the fair cheek of the young wife and hurried to the silent figure looking out of the window. " Mary—Mary Moore," said I in a low voice, " have you alone no wel come to give the wanderer ?" She turned and laid her hand in mine, and murmured hrriedly : " I am glad to see you, Harry." Simple words—and yet how blest they made me 1 1 would not have yielded up that moment for an Em peror's crown. There was the hap py home group, and the dear fire side, and these sweet Mary Moore ! the eyes I had dreamed of by night and by day weie falling before the ardeut gaze of mine, and the sweet face I had so long prayed to see, was there before me, more beautiful than before. 1 never till that moment knew the meaning of real happiness. Many years have passed since that happy night, and the hair that was then dark aud glossy, is now turning grey. lam growing to be an old man, and I can look back to a long, happy, and well-spent life. And yet, sweet as it has been, I would not re call a single day, for the love that made my manhood so bright shines also upon me in my white hairs Au old man ? Can this be so ? At heart lam as young as ever. And Mary, with her bright hair parted smoothly from that has a slight furrow iu it, is still the Mary of my early days. To me she can never grow old or chauge. The heart which held her infancy and sheltered her piously in the flush of womanhood can never cast her out till life shall cease to warm it. Nor even then, for love still lives in Hea ven. For the Reporter. SUPPLEMENT TO THE SCHOOL LAW The Legislature at its late session made some changes in the school law of especial importance to teachers. An abstract of the supplement passed is here given. Section 1 confers upon school boards the authority to enter upon and occupy land for school house sites, and provides for the settlement of claims arising therefrom. Sections 2, 3, 4 and 5, relate to County Teachers' Institutes. It is made obligatory upon County Super intendents to hold one county insti tute annually, of not less than five days duration, and aid is provided to pay instructors or lecturers, and pur chase such apparatus, books aud sta tionery as may be necessary to car ry on its work. The amount of pe cuniary aid is made to depend with in certain limits, upon the attendance. It is provided, " that if any teacher absent himself from the institute of his count}' without good reason, he may have his want of professional spirit and zeal indicated by a lower mark on his certificate in the prac tice of teaching than he would oth erwise have received. Section 6 makes it lawful for the triennial convention of school direc tors to appoint seven of their num ber to select a series of text books suitable for use in the common schools in the county, which, when adopted by the several school boards shall not be changed till after the next triennial convention. The re commendation of the committee, is not, however, made of binding force upon the several boards. Sections 7, 8, 9 and 10, provide for the election of city and borough Su perintendents. Cities and boroughs haying over teu thousand inhabitants may at the option of their school di rectors have superintendents, whoso powers and duties shall be the same as county Superintendents. Sections II aud 12, relate to teach ers' certificates, of which, three kinds are authorized to be issued, the " provisional " and " profession al " by county superintendents, and the " permanent " by the State Su perintendent of Common Schools. The law says " that from and after the passage of this act, no teacher in this Commonwealth shali receive from a county, city or borough su perintendent a certificate as teacher, who has not a fair knowledge of or thography, reading, writing, geogra phy, English grammar, mental and written arithmetic, history of the United States, and theory of teach ing ; nor shall such certificate be given to any person who is iu the habit of using as a beverage any in toxicating drinks, and all certificates given to teachers shall set forth the branches in which those holding them have been found proficient, and indi cate by suitable marks the degree of thai proficieucy." The provisional certificate is to be issued to such as have a fair knowl edge of the branches above named, or, having a thorough knowledge of the same have had little or no expe rience in teaching, and shall license the teacher holding it, for one year only, and may not be renewed with out re-examination. The professional certificate is to he given only to those who passes a thorough knowledge of the branches, aud have had successful experience iu teaching, and shall license the holder to teach iu tho county where issued during the term of the Super intendent issuing it, and for one year thereafter. All so-called permanent or professional certificates issued by County Superinteudents before the first Monday of June, 1860, cease to be valid on the first Monday of June, 1808. Those issued since June, 1800, expire on the first Monday of June, 1870. Professional certificates here after issued may he renewed without re-exaniination. Permanent certificates may be is | sued to those who hold professional | certificates, upon the recommenda tion of the board or boards of direc tors in whose employment the appli cant shall have taught for the three preceding annual school terms, countersigned by the County Super intendent in office when the applica tion is made and approved, after ex amination, if they deem it necessary, by a committee of five teachers hold ing such certificates, if there be that many, if not then the committee is to consist in whole or part of those holding professional certificates.— This committee is to he elected by ballot at the county institute. These certificates are to be valid in any other county than the one where is sued for one year, and forever there after hy an indorsement of the coun ty superintendent. The can only be annulled upon complaiut duly prov en, of incompetency, cruelty, negli gence or immorality, made to the State Superintendent, by the County Superintendent and committee afore* said. Section 13 determines what shall be accepted as evidence of eligibility of candidates to the office of county, city or borough superintendent. This Supplement will, probably, be published in the official depart ment of the Pennsylvania School Jour nal, for the benefit of tboso who may desire to examine it in detail. The Journal is furnished to Secretaries of of school boards by the State. Teachers will observe that to ob tain a certificate of the lowest grade, a fair knowledge of all the common branches, including History of the United States, and theory of teach ing, must be possessed. This law is imperative. Those not familiar with the last named branches will find it necessary to improve every opportu nity to acquire a knowledge of them before the time of the annual exami nations. Certainly uo one can ex pect to receive a certificate who has not carefully read and digested,[good works on teaching, or who is not rea sonably familiar with the history of the country. Teachers will find ihe advice and instructions found in " Page's Theo* ory and Practice of Teaching,'' " Wickerbam's School Economy," and " Methods of Instruction," of great value to them. These works can be obtained at the Book Stores in To wanda, and probably at most other stores in the county where books are kept for sale. They are regarded as text books on the subjects on which they treat. 0. J. C. Rei-roof is a medicine, like mercu ry or opium : if it bo improperly adminis tered, it will doo harm instead ol good. " Mind your own business," is a branch of business which can be followed to advantage* per Annum, in Advance. From the Toledo Blade, NASBY. Mr. Nasby Preashes a Sermon on Universal Brolheriiood, the Effect of Which is Des troyed by Northern Democratic papers— lie Remonstrates. POST OFFIS CONFEDBIT X ROADS, I (wich is in the Stait nv Kentucky,) \ April 25, 1867. ) We are in continyooal trouble down here with these cussed niggers. They are harder to manage than pigs. Pig don't express ther pecool yarities. Mule comes nearer. Ther is sich a method in ther obstinacy— sich a wilful cussiduis—that I reely hev made up my mind that I dou't understand etu at all. They cuddle up to us ez kind ez a bloomin maiden does to her first adored, and they tiing us just ez natral ez that same guileless maideu does when number two heaves iu site. They behave well for a season, apparently for no other purpose than to enjoy our dis comfiture when they finally throw us. I hev bin a gittin a suspishen thro me that they ain't half ez stoopid ez they look, and that, after all, we are not fur from the trooth when we say in our resolooshens that they are the ekals uv the whites. Why shooden't they be ? Ah ! why indeed ? Why shoodent the yootk wich is now cros sin the street, wieh hez Deekin Po gram's feechers ez like ez a photo graph, hev ez mueh sence ez the Deekin? I hev examined into the pedigree uv that nigger, and I find that his mother lied the hawtiest and best blood uv Virginny courein too mulchusly thro her veins—and that stock the Pogram mix cooden'l ma terially depreciate in one geneira shen. I bed the niggers uv the X Roads very handsomely in tbw up to yister day. I had em attendin services last Sunday at the meetin house, and by private arrangement bed em seat ed miscellaneously among the aw jence. Deekin Pogram bed a wench, wich weighed at least 250 pounds averdupoise, atween him and his wife, while four other niggers orna mented his pew. Bascom with alac rity consented to three, and Elder Gavitt provided seats for four. It wuz a pleasant site! White and black wuz alternated like the spots uv a checker-board—niggers and whites wuz spread out together like the fat and lean in pork, and ez I seed it I cood hardly restrane my emoshuns. There before me wuz the re generashun uv the Democratic party —there wuz wat wuz to bring us out of the valley and shadder uv death into wich we had fallen, up on the high ground uv offishel life. I preached that memrable day from two texts, to-wit: "Uv one blood did he make all the nashens uv the earth," and " All ye are brethren," and I orated a movin discourse. I demonstrated with great fervor the loonacy nv the idea that the Al mighty wood take the trouble to create twc or more races when one would do ez well—wich idea is alluz well receeved in this region. All men form their idea uv the Deity somewat from themselves,and 1 never knowd a Confedrit UVoss Roader to make two things when one wood an ser. I refuted the theory advanced by some writers that there wuz more than one head to the race, by quotin the texts wich treated uv the crea sheu uv Adam and Eve, and demol ished the Ham doctrine at site. "El," said I, "Noer did cuss Ham and con demn Canaan to be a servant unto his brethren, how do we know that our colored brethren and sislern is the descendants uv Ham and Canaan? It may be us for all we know ? Is it his color? Is not black just as con venient a color ez white ?" " More so," murmured Mrs. Pogram half asleep, "more so—it don't show dirt." "Is it his shape ? Oh, my breth ren, I ain't a handsome man, nor , wood I exactly anser for a model for Apoller, Ef beauty or comeliness, : or shape, or style, is to decide the f)int, may the Lord help us 1 Is it lis smell ? My brethren, the New : York World asserts that the nigger hain't 110 smell, and ef he hez, why shooden't he hev ? Standin under the common flag uv our country, with his hand upon that magna char ta, the Deklarashen, and his beamiu eye turned exultinly toward our nash nel emblem, the Eagle, shall uot our Afrikin brother be allowed to smell ez he chooses ? Ef smell must be uniform, then let our Government es tablish a Burow uv Perfoomery to wunst. Besides,l take high religious grounds in this matter. Ef he hez a natural odor, the Lord give it to him. Let us not fly in the face uv the Lord by condemin it. Judge not lest we be judged, The odor uv the colored gentleman or lady is the work uv the Lord—the odor uv yoor unwashed 1 feet is yoor own—wich shood stand the highest?" "My brethren and sistren, I ac knowledge that I hev not long held these views. I hev showed the com mon prejudis, and hev contemmed our friends uv color; I hev despite fully used 'em—l hev gone for 'em and banged 'em like old boots. But it wuz becoz I didn't know 'em. I didn't see the kernel uv meat under the rough shell—l didn't recognize the glitrin diamond in the ebony. My eyes hev bin opened. Like Saul uv Tarsus, I see a lite. Sence the passage uv the Military bill I hev diskirered many things too tejus to menshuu. I hev mostly found out all these things sence that occur rence. But let us accept the situa , shen, and bless the Lord that ef we wuz resisted it hez resulted in de velopin excellencies where we didn't expect to find 'em.' There wuz an affectin scene after the service wuz over. Deekin Po giain, Capt. McPelter, and Elder Ga vitt shook hands with em with a de { Igree uv corjiality I didn't expect.! 'Trooly them are great men. They J develope a decree nv adaptibility to circamstances wich I didn't look for. I roally bleeve if I'd a told em that it wood hcv a good effeck to kiss the nigger babies all aronnd, that they'd a done it. But I spared em this. There is such a ihing attract the master's eye. " There," said Mr. A., " that boy knows who discovered America, b" <• his eyes snap. Now, for the instruc tion of the boys who don't know, you may tell who it was.'' "Jonah!" screamed the little fel low, at the top of his voice. Mr. A. has not probably examined that class in history since. AN ARKANSAS JOKE.--A correspon dent at Napoleon, Ark.' is responsible for the following joke, which is said to have occurred during the late war. While trudging along one day all alone, a soldier met a Methodist cir cuit rider and at once recognized him as such, but affected ignorance of it. Preacher —"What command do you belong to ?" Soldier —"l belong to the—Texas regiment, Van Dorn's army. What army do you belong to ?" P—(Very solemnly)—"l belong to the army of the Lord 1" S —"My friend you've got a very long way from headquarters P IT is more difficult, and calls lor higher energies of soul, to live a martyr than to die one. MOST persons' ideas arc adopted children—few brains can raiso a family ot their own. INSULT not another lor his want ot j the talent you possess ; he may have tal- I eats which you want.