Ilflmulttiflt!. THE FARMER'S WIFE. Oh ! give- me the life ot a farmer's wife Tn the lielils aui woods so bright, ifong the singing birds and the lowing herds Ami the clover blossoms white, fhe no( ot the morning's heavenward lark Is ihe music sweet to me ; (I the dewy flowers in the early hoars, fiie geins I love to SC-o! < ■, : give me the breeze from the waving trees, The murmur of the Summer leaves ; And the swallow's song as he skims along Or twitters beneath the euvcs ; the plowman's shout, as he's turning out His team at set of sun, it his merry "good night"by the fire-fly light When bis daily work is done. And give me the root aud luscious fruit, That my own hand's rear for food ; And the Lr, ad so light, and the honey white, And the milk so pure and good ! Tor sweet the bread of Labor i::, When the heart is strong and true, Vnd a blessing will rome to the hearth and home, rf the best we bravely do. Guessing in Panning. it is a Lille surprising that, not withstanding the improvement in nearly everything appertaining to far ming, so little has been effected to wards inducing ianuers to operate in a systematic manner,and keep record and account of their arm operations and business, generally and specific ally. llut for one farmer that does so ninety-nine keep all their accounts "in their heads," and consequently are lightly termed "guess farmers," for they never know, but guess it is so aud so. They don't know whether this,that,or the other crop pays best : whether they can afford to sell their produce at such and such a price, or not. They can't tell if it is for their interest to continue such a course of husbandry, use such fertilizer, culti vate a field in such a manner ; nor even at the end of the year are they sure whether they are on the profit or loss side of the ledger. They guess it is about so. Neighbor Smith came in last even ing while I was filling up my record, and said,as he noticed my occupation: "What you doin I —book-keepin' ?" "Yes ; a little. Fixing up my ac count?. I suppose you keep farm ac counts, don't you ?" "Me ? no. It's too much bother. — 1 can keep my "counts in my head." "Don't yon think it is better to have something you can rely upon ? Any body is apt to forget." "It's well enough for storekeepers aud sich to keep 'counts ; but I don't see no need of a farmer doin' it. "Isn't it as much for our interest to look after our business as it is fur the storekeeper to attend to his ?" "Wall, yes ; I s'pase so,but what's the use of a feller's spending time to write down every thing about what 1m does ?■' "It pays, Smith," "I don't see how." "Well, see here. How was your com crop this year. "Pretty fair : thought the frost hurt it some." "Shall you plant some more next year ?" "Sartin. I alb rs plant corn." "What for ?" "What for? Why, because 1 allers do." "Yes : I sec. Now, Smith, how much did that field of corn pay you?" "Pay me ? Well I guess about—" "That isn't it. Do you know ?" "Well, not exactly : but I caP late—" "Never mind ; but, really now, do you know whether you made or lost money in raising that field of corn ?" "Dunno as 1 do, for sartin." "Now, look here, Smith. There is my 'cornfield record.' I have written down every thing connected with it, and to-day I have summed it all np, and I know all about it. Here is the size of the field, and the kind of soil, what grew on it last year, when and how many times it was ploughed,har rowed and furrowed, and also the amount and kind of manure used,how it was put on, and what I used for top dressing. Then, here is the time of planting ; time and manner of cul tivating : how far apart ; where the rows and hills : number of stalks in the hill ; when the corn came up,and what variety it was ; when it was harvested, etc., etc. And here I have got, in exact figures, the price of every thing counected with it : Plan ting, hoeing and harvesting ; the val ue of the corn, beans, pumpkins and fodder ; value of manure ; rent of land ; and every item set down iu full. So I know exactly how much it cost me to taise that piece of corn ; and, thus, whether it pays me to con tinue raising it under such circum stances." This is only an example. All other farm operations should be recorded in somewhat the same manner, aud then there would be an end of the continual "guessing" and "thinking" uud ignorance in regard to those things we should know about. L'OOKIXO POTATOES. —Professor Blot, in his lectures on cooking,deprecates the practice of cutting off such enor mously thick parings /rum potatjes as is the custom of most people, to save the trouble ol neatly digging out the eye, which lie 3 deep below the surface. The lecturer's caution seems t have been directed simply against a shiftless style of manipula tion, which wasted a certain bulk of potato. If this were the extent of the evil, it would hardly be a serious tault, as potatoes are cheap and plen ty, and the time saved might offset the waste of food. The truth is, however, that almost the sole value of the potato is near surface, ?o near that a very thick peeling would take the biggest part of the nut: imcnt. This is at once tnade obvious by examining a thin slice of potato with a microscope, when the starch grannies will be found lying in the greatest number in a belt just under the skin and decreas ing towards the centre. They are placed here for thenourishme it of the young sprout, which springs from the "eye," and which being like beauty, "only skin detp," is required to go no deeper lor its food during the termi nating process. This starch is,for all practical pur- I'-r'-M, the i stirc nutriment which the potato ' ntaij.H, there being only two per !:e,t of yU,'it,while seventy-five 1/ :e/ U f,U it u*.U r .So If it is wot to Tor, to ,*t ;.* potato at all, < % . > .. ,x j , •>•... * t sumpf)retj Brotfjrr's (fioltimn. Humphrey BROTHERS Are prepared io meet the demands of the BOOT AND SHOE WEARING COMMUNITY nrnn.v. Tin; con IN. i YS**, Vna have ia siore a very large and complete as- j virtraent of LADIES FIVE S HO E S ! Consisting iu part ot LADIES CONGRESS GAITERS, LADIES I,ACE GAITER*, LADIES BUTTON GAITERS,! ALL STYLES IN LASTING, GIOVE KID, OR MOROCCO, Indies Glove Kid Balmorals. LADIES MOROCCO BALMORALS, Ladies lasting Balmorals, LADIES BOOTEES AND BUSKINS Ladies Kidot Lasting. WOMEN'S CALF AND THICK BOOTEES. Misses (tatters, Balmorals and Slippers, CHILDREN'S FINE SEWED SHOES Childrena Copper Tipped Shoes, CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS ANI) TIES We call especia 1 attention to our stock of OVER SHOES. MEN'S, WOMEN'S ARCTICS, Men's, Women's sod Children's Rubbers, MEN'S BUFFALO OVERSHOES Gentlemen'- Fine French Calf Boots, j MEN'S KIP AND STOGA BOOTS, . HOYS FINE CALF BOOTS. BOYS KIP AND THICK BOOTS, j Youth's and Children's Boots, IN ALL VARIETIES, PRICES AND SIZES In (act every thing in the Boot and Shoe line, FROM THE SMALLEST T ) THE LARGEST. THE HARNESS DEPARTMENT ! On the Second Floor under the superinten dence oi MR. JAMES V. WILCOX, Long and lavorably known as the manufacturer of good work, is well stocked with FANCY CARRIAGE HARNESS, HEAVY TEAM HARNESS, SINGLE HARNESS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION LIGHT AND HEAVY COLLARS, GENTS AND LADIES SADLES, RIDING BRIDLES. HORSE BLANKETS, WHIPS, AG, Any piece or part ot a Harness made to order on short notice. TRUNKS. LADIES TRAVELLING TRUNKS, GENTS TRAVELLING TRUNKS, VALISES OF LEATHER, WOOD, OR CLOTH, RAIL ROAD BAGS, RETICULES, AC., AC., AC. ALSO FULL STOCK OF LEATHER French and American CA L F A N 1) KIP SKINS, Morocco, Glove Kid and Binding Skins, OAK ANI) HEMLOCK SOLE LEATHER, Shoe Findings. HARNES S TR I M MING S, And all machinery used injnxannfacturing. j Thanking the public lor their vary liberal pa tronage daring the year just naseei . we invite a j continuance during 1867, assuring them that we *haii endeavor, by employing none but first ; clans workmen, and using good material, to sustain the reputation of oar bouse as being the ia *\®hoe and Harness Establishment iu Bradford or adjoining counties. IF CM PUHEY BROTHERS. TAn. I |w;7 Jorniturt. gTILL ANOTHER NEW STOqK 0F GOODS! . x.. JAMES 0. FROST, would rati attention to the large and varied sssor tment of FURNITURE! Now on exhibition at h's Ware Booms, whi oh i he will! e happy to show to any and every one i tree ot charge, or to sell at aver, small ad ' i vance from cost. Thankful for the past liberal j patronage of the public. 1 would say that I ! shall still etdeavot to make it to their interest j t deal wish me not only by keepi ga LARGER STOCK i I To select from than is kept i i . y other Furnl I ture Store in this region :!■ . .iNo by offering j them AT A LESS PRICE Thau the quality ol kdo Work oi all kinds warranted to be made of good materials, and well put together. Thankful for past libera! patronage, would so licit a continu I nee of same. Shop and Ware ' Room situated on the road leading from Orwell Hill to three miles from either place. Come one, come all, And give nie a call. And don't grumble at the prices I give you, For the price is small, ' And that is not ail: I'm sore it can't help but please yon . Terms—Cash or Ready Pay. G. N. JOHNSON. ' Feb. It, 1867—3 m'" FURNITURE STORE! | Having rented the Furniture Ware-rooms iorm erly occupied by F. N. Page, Athens, Pa., , would now say to the pations of the old Estab lishment that 1 have a complete Stock of Goods, just received, embracing everything in the FURNITURE LINE. My goods arc new and well selected, and tor GOOD GOODS Will not he undersold by any. Call and ex amine my stock before purchasing. I retain the Workmen of the old establishment, and MR. N. I. HARI' ; Will have chaage of the business ..nJ Manufact ; uring. in short we have the finest Stock of Goods in our line west of New York, consisting of Parlor Furniture, , Chamber-Setts, Sofas, Bureaus, Marble-top Centre Tubles, Extension and Dining Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Mirrors, Picture Frames, Photograph Ovals, Cord and Tassels, Steel Engravings, ' Oil Cnrtins, Toilet Stands, Work-Boxes, Pictures, Ac. i COFFINS AND BUBIAL CASES. - j Our Undertaker's Department will at all ) times be well supplied with everything in that t , Hue. We have the t I a FIX EST HEARSE P ; a I In this section, not evoepting anything west of New York, and will atteud Funerals withic a circuit of Twenty Mdtt, on reasonable terms. G. H. VOOBUIB. N. I. Hart, Agent. Athens, Jan. V>, IWKL— I? Drugs aufc Jflcfctcitufl. go RE & P O W ELL'S DRUG STORE. Goes 4. Powkli. , (successors to W. H. H. Gore,) are continuing the business at the old stand No. 4, Ration's block, where he is daily receiving addition? to bis Stock tram the moat reliable importers and manufacturers respect fully aks or a liberal share of pnblic patron i age. A large stock of f FRESH DRUGS AND MEDIO INKS j Has just been received, and we are now pre ! pared to supply the ! WtNTs'OF THE PUBLIC NVlrti RTICLES aSI.O.VUINO TO THE TRAD 2. Pi RE WINE- A Nl LIQUORS, FOR MFDiCAL t -F 'M y. A FULL ASSO: VkM >V COKCKNTKA TKD j Si.TANK", ECLECTIC AND HOMOEPATHIC MEDICINES." ; ALL THE POPULAR P \ TENT MI.DICINEB. PAINTS, Oil.. VAKKIBH, PAINT AND VARNISH BRUSHES, DYK-STCFFS ANI* OLASS. ! FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES OF EVERY KIND TILDBN'S ALCOHOLIC ANI> FLUID KXTKACTB, ALKAf.OII) ASD RESIXOWS, All the Best Trusses, 1 A B D 0 M I N A 1J SjU VP n R lER B, .Shoulder Braces, BREAST PUMPS, NIPPLE SHELLS. AND SHIELDS. Nursing Bottles, Syringes and Catheters, j A LARGE ABBORTMKNT OF KA/.OKS, STROPS. POCKKT j KNIVES. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS OF LATE STYLE AND BEST ttt'.ALU V. A large supply Brushes lor the Hat and Hair. | Alsu for the Teeth and Nails, Tooth Pow ders and Pastes, Oils, Perfumery, Soaps, Combs, Hair Dye, Invigor-" ators.&e.. Kerosene, Kerosene Lamps, Shades, Chimneys, Wicks, Ac., all of the late st styles. ! CHOICE CIGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF. 4SI" Physicians supplied at reasonable rates. ; Medicines and Prescriptions carefully and ac j curately compounded and prepared by compet ent persons at all hours ot the day and night. 1 Sunday hours trom 9 to 10 o'clock in the fore noon, to 2in the afternoon. * W. H. H. GORE. I Towanda, Sept. 29, 1866. dUottjing. 1 /CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! READY MADE AND MADE TO ORDER. J. M. COLLINS, j Ist door South of Codding A Russell's, has just | received from New York a large add atractive assortment of | NEW WINTER CLOTHING, j Our stock comprises every article worn by j men and hoya, | PILOT AND BEAVER OVERCOATS, BEST ! QUALITY BUSINESS SUITS OF ALL i STYLES. COATS, PANTS, VESTS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, N'K TIES, WRAPi ERS, DRAWERS Ac. | GENTS FURNISHING GOODS Of every description. j Especial attention is called to our stock of i CJ-OTHS, CASBIMERES AND VEBTINGB Whie we will make up to order on short notice, | A nice line of Fancy Cassimers for Pants and i Coats. Latest style Hats and Caps. Gents Fur j Collars. | Catting done to order on short notice. I Bear in mind if you wish to buy Clothing • CHEAP, and as good as represented, call at J Terms Cash. COLLINS' j Towanda, Dec. 7. 1865. gLOTH I N G ! j IBCt5. FALL! 180t5. SOLOMON it SON, The attention of the public is invited to the large and attractive stock ot Goods offering at PEACE PRICES. The stock consists of OVER COATS, BUSINESS SUITS, PANTS AND YES fft, Of all grades, for men A boy 's wear, a fine stock HATS AND CAPS. Also, in store for the trade, a complete stock ot , GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, SUCH AS PLAIN it FANCY CASS. SHIRTS, LINEN AND MUSLIN SHIRTS, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS, - PAPER COLLARS AND CUFFS, 1 SUSPENDERS, GLOVES,MITTENS, SCARFS, TIES, AC , AC. Call and examine our stock and prices. You will And it to your interest to do ho. We buy ex clusively tor cash, and with the advantage ot having a Buyer at all times in the market. we feel confident to supply our Iriends and custo mers at the lowe-t possible rates. Remember the place at SOLOMON A SON, No. 2, I'atton's Block. Towanda, Oct. 29.'66. rpHE TEMPLE OF FASHION 1 NEW STORE, N E W Go 0 I) s : Au entire New Stock of Clothing bought as cheap as I*fore the war, to he sold with SMA L L PROFITS! The undersigned would respectfully announce to the citizens of Towanda and vicinity that he j has this day opened at the south Store of !B E 11) LE M AX'S BLOCK, [1 Opposite the Means House, Main Street, a NE W ESTABLIS lIM EN T if Of Ready Made Mens and Boys and Children? g CLOTH I S G I GENTS FURNISHING GOODS HATS, CAPS Ac., Ac., Ac,, And that those goods bought at very low figure will be sold with very small profits. I Inten to establish a permanent trade in this places " in order to gain the confidence of purchase will deal with them on a basis of honesty a , integrity, and all goods sold will be guarante e for what they are represented to be, •a. Come and examine the New Store of 1 1 | H. JACOBS. Towanda, April 8,1867.—yr. ; UTRATTON'S YEAST COMPOUND t O is the best yeast ever sold. lam agent for , j the manufacturer. For sale at wholesale or re ; | tail. E. T. FOX. GAMES FOR THE FAMILY CIR CLE. at the NEWS ROOM. Oruflß anil JHririunee. D R II c . PoliT ER , IT THE OLD CASH DRUG STORE, KWABMSHKO TWSWTY YKAKB, Corner Main and Pine Streets. Towanda, Pa. Having recently added largely to his Stock, a full and complete aseortinen , constituting on extensive variety, embracing rnant rticles u.-ed in the Arts tor mechanical purposes, caretolly selected with regard to the progressive wants of the public, which will he kept constantly sup pi ea with fresh porch ses. and offered on the ; | most reasonable terms at Wholesale or Retail. ! consisting t f DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, BENZINE AND TURPENTINE, SASH, PAINT, VARNISH, WHITE WASH, And all kinds of Brushes, KEROSENE OR COAL OIL, Alcohol and Burning Fluids, LAMPS. SHADES, WICKS, CHIMNEYS, Sperm, Lard, Whale, Neats Foot, TANNER'S AND MACHINE OILS, Fancy and Toilet Articles in nil their variety, SPONGES, BRUSHES, SOAPS, COMBS, Pomades, Hair-Dyes, Perfumery, POCKET BOOKS, PORT MONAIS, Pocket Knives, Razors, TOOTH, SKIN AND HAIR PREPARATIONS j PI'RF. WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal use, TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES AND CIGARS, | Garden, Field anu Flour Seeds, Trusses, Sup | porters,, Shoulder Braces, | Breast Pumps, Teething Rings, Nursing I Bottles, Nipples, Nipple Shells and S ieida. Syringes, Bed Paus,Self- u Sealing Fruit Jars, Thermometers, Flavoring Extracts, Stone Jugs, Glass Ware, Bottles, Vials, Corks, Bath Brick, I and Stove Blacking. Fish l'aekle, Aratnuni j tion,&c., Botanic. Eclectic and Humcepatb j ic Medicines and all the Pop liar Patent MEDICI N E S . All articles warranted as represented. Per- j sons at a distance can receive their orders by \ stage or mail, which will receive prompt and carelul attention. DR. PORTER'S PREPARATIONS FOR FAMILY USE, Known as Safe and Reliable Remedies, ate war- ; ranted for what they are intended to ■ ive satis- ! faction, viz : Dr. Porter's Pectoral Syrup, for roughs, ] colds, lung complaints,QrMc&tl 00 i Dr. Porter's Eclectic Pills, for bilious com plaints and mild cathartic ... 25 Dr. Porter's Sanifer Syrup, for scrofula skin diseases, rtl Wafers, for hoarse ness, sore throat, $-c 25 j Dr. Porter's Worm Wafers, for expelling worms 25 Dr. Porter's Worm Syrup, for extermina- j ling win ms 35 | Dr. Porter's Tniant Relief, for crying habus colic, 25 Dr. Porter's Cephalic Snuff, for catarrh htuaucht 25 Dr. Porter's Toothache Drops, for tooth ache 25 1 Dr. Porter's Tooth Powder, for preserving teeth 25 Dr. Porter's Tricogene, lor dressing and 50 ! growing the hair 50 Dr, Porter's Tricophile, .or beautifying the hair 50 I Dr. Porter's Odoriferous Shampoo,for clean ing the hair 50 Dr. Porter's Milk of Flowers, lor beautify. ing the complexion .. 50 | Dr. Porter's Pile O ntment. lor external piles 1 00 ; Dr. Porter's French Compound, for scald ing urine 1 00 Dr. Porter's Medicated Figs, for habitual cons'ipation 1 00 Dr. Porter's Healing Salve, for cuts.wonnds Ac ........ L | Dr. Porter's Lip .Salve, for chapped lips ... 25 Dt. Porter's Eye Salve, for inflamed eyes.. 25 J Dr. Porter's Eye Water, for inflamed eyes,. 25 Dr. Porter's Corn and Wart Remover, for corns auu bunions 25 Dr. Porter's Constipation Pills, lor costive ness 2 Dr. Porter's Iron Piils, for poor blood .... 25 Dr. Porter's Citrate Magnesia, for a pleas ant catharric 50 Dr. Porter's Liquid Rennet, for making nu tr tious d'et tor invalids 25 Dr. Porter's Extract Vanilla, tor flavoring ice cream, Ac 40 Dr. Porter's F.xtract Lemon, for flavoring ice cream—targe bottles 40 Dr. Porter's Oriental Cement, !o. mending broken gfass, Ac 25 Dr. Porter's Liquid Giue. lor repairing wood work 25 Dr. Porter's Cleansing Fluid,for easy wash ing 50 Dr. Porter's Bed Bug Poison, ior killing . hugs 50 Dr. Porters Fly Poison Paper, for killing flies 05 Dr. Porter's list-and Mice Poison, for ex terminating rats 25 Dr. Porters Benzine, for removing spots from clothes 25 Dr. Porter's Black Ink, in pint bottles 25 in bulk by the gallon I 00 Dr. Porter's ITorse and Cattle Powder, for diseases of animals 30 Dr. Porter's Horse and Cattle Lotion, for sprains, galls, Ac 50 Dr. Porter's Ring-Bone and Spavin Cure, tor lame horses 60 Medical advice given gratuitously at the office, charging only for medicine. sff Thankful lor past liberal patronage,would respecttu iy an ounce : . his iriends and t < e public, that no pains shall be spared to satisfy, and merit the continuation of heir confidence and patronage. U. C. PORTER, M. D. Dec. 18.1866. -yr. EVV STORE I N ROM E. The subscriber lugs leave to call the . tten ! tion of the citizens of EASTERN BRADFORD, To the fact that he his opened a DRUG AND BOOK STORE, 3 Iu the BOROUGH OF ROME. Being intimately acquainted with leading Man ufacturing, Importing. a d Jobbing Houses in ? his line, and having had extensivejexperience in both city and country trade, he flatters him lft,hat,b/ prices, and promptness and ' accuracy in business, lie will merit the confi dence and patronage of the public. A thorough -, knowledge of PRACTICAL PHARMACY, Enables him to manufacture in the best man ner and keep on h.nd all the leading prepara -1 tions of the Pharmacopoeia, Extra inducements offered to the Medical profession. I Prescriptions carefully and accurately com pounded. 1 • L. A. KIDGWAY. Rome, Jan. 30,1867. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF TOYS and Diaries for 1867. for sale at cost at KIOGWAY'S NEW STORE. FINE PARLOR SETS, at" FROST'S. r ' T>HOTOGK APU ALBUMS OF ALL 'JL sizes and styles, at the NEWS ROOM. KEROSENE LAMPS, LANTERNS, Wicks and Chimneys, at RIDGWAY'S NEW (STORE tjaucoaif. JJAKDWAHL CODDING RUSSELL UlT> A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS, To which additions are daily being made, which they offer cheap for Cash. A large assortment OF COOKING STOVES, Among the many desirable and beautiful pat terns is the CELEBRATED AMERICAN. This beautiful stove Is unsurpassed for econo my in luel ; is a pcik-ct baser; is the bebt COOK STOVE in the market. Among their heating Stoves may be found a great variety suitable forovery place where stoves are osed. STOVE PIPE AND SHEET IRON-WORK, Always on hand and made to order. TINW A R E A large stock inanclai ture-d from the very best material and by experienced workmen. A very ful assortment <:f IRON, NIALS AND STEEL, At New York prices. HOUSE AND CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, TOOLS FOR THE FARMER, Tools for the House Joiner and Carpenter — Tools lor Blacksmiths' — Tools for everybody. WINDOW SASH AND GLASS, PAINTS, OILS AND VARKISHBS, MACHINK OIL AND BENZOLK, KDROSKNE OIL, LAMPS, WICKS AND CHIMNEYS, EEI.TtytJ, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, BRITTANNIA AND PLATEDW ARE j Pumps, Lead Pip*, 'fain Pumps, Waler Pipes. Grindstones and futures, KEROSENE f. A N T EI? N R JOIi WORK done with dispatch, latin), re paired. Fluid lumps and Lao: ems altered and fitted to burn Kerosene. Grain, Old Iron, Casting and Wrought ' Scraps, Copper, Brass, Brittannia. Beeswax, Feathers and Rags taken in exchange for goods. Highest price in cash paid for Sheep Polls and Fnrs AjrOUU GOODS have been purchased on the pay down system and will be sold for j READY PA V JOHN A. CODDING, ) rAnn ,..„ . . , , ~,, , IC. n. RUSSELL. f CODDING A ire sdBLL. j Towanda. March 10,1863. 33 > O g* <-4 M > \ i > * -T5 * §* a a s - 3 so % - ae >- r. wo _ I 5 * -* 2 ? 5. O —t * ~ t* vx - s: B c ~r> E " Z - flsi * * % I'° 5 - e o R 2 jq c F V. ! MARSHALL BROTHERS*& CO, ( Wi-h to cad the attention ot the public to their new Stock of HARDWARE, r.\ KM ING IMPLIMENTS. BLACK SMITHS' TOOi S and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. Also, a large assortment ot Window Glass. Sash, Paints, Oils, Patty, Varnishes, and Paint and Varnish Brashes j of all kinds, which will Resold ior the lowest | Cash price. Also, a Sine assortment of KEROSENE LAM PS | ot every style and pattern to suit the public, lamps repaired and changed from Oil and Fluid re Kerosene. Particular attention paid to the manufacturing ot all kinds of TIN WARE. JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO | We have on hand a fine article of GLASS FRUIT JARS, | with improved self-sea'.ing corks, aad jHERMETIOALS E A L I N G C A K s , ; which is one ol the best cans used. June 20, 1865. ! jpURNITURE WARE-ROOMS ! JAMES MAKlNSONannounces to the public that he still continues to manufacture and keep on hand a large assortment of CABINET FURNITURE, Bureaus, Tables. Bedsteads. Stands, Chairs, Ac., ot every descriplioi which will be made of the best materials, and in he most workman like manner. 1 invite the inei tion o! the public to my, work, which shall nc be surpssed iu durability, at any shop in the count' y, and my prices will he j found to be as low as the time' will admit. Ready-made Coffins constantly on hand or made to order. A good Hearse will be furnished when desired . tug. 15, 1865. II EALTH IS THE GREAT NEED i I X OF THE AGE. A NEW SYSTEM OF THE HEALING ART. N. J. COGSWELL, M. D., HYGIENIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, May be consulted in person or by letter, at his e deuce, East Spring Hill, Bradtord county Pa. An intelligent community require a medical doUriu, grounded upon right reason, in har mony with nid avouched by the unerring laws of Nature and of the vital organism, and au therilicuted by successful results. LK-n. e we solicit an examination of our system. Claiming that all diseases can be successfully treated with truiy Hygieuic Agencies. No Drug poisons will be given. As a graduate ot the only College in the world where health is taught, we shall take especial pains to explain to the patients thecatuie ot the aiserse. The laws of lite and health, why it it is unnecessary and dangeious to take drugs, and bow to pre serve health and long life. Will visit patients, and give directions lor home treatment, when desired. East Spririfihill, May 1, 'o6.— ly,p. Iff E W PLAN 1N G M ! f L The under- -le. 1 it. .vine, built a large and com mudiousMill ~i the Borough of Towanda, and fiiled it with the oie t modem and improved machinery , ior the taut, .'.i , t < WINDOW SASH, A BLINDS, are prepared to fill orders, whether large or small, upon ilu: aiiortket notice. V> l; have also a large variety of MOULDINGS, of the latest style and pattern, which we -on furnish much cheaper than thev can be worke 1 bv hand. PLANING. TONGUEING, GROVEING, AND SCROLL SAWING, auu all other work pertaining to Joinery, will be done to suit our customers . Persons building, and not living more than twelve to fourteen miles distant, will find it largely for their interest to buy of us, or bring their lumber and worked by our machinery. Bring your grist of Flooring, or other lumber, and while your team is is feeding, have it ; ground out and take it home with you. We will pay CASH for PINE & HEMLOCK LUMBER delivered at out lumberyard. Come and see us, or if yoa can't come, write. L. B. RODGERS A CO. Towanda. Feb , 1864 BOOK-BINDERY.— THE PUBLIC is respectfully iuformed that the Book- Bindery has been removed to the Argus Build ing, 3d story , where will he done BOOK-BINDING! In all its various branches, on teres as rea sonable as" the times" will allow. The Bind ery will be under the charge ot H. C. WHITAKER, An experienced Binder, and all work will be promptly done, in a style and manner which cannot be excelled. Music, Magazines, News i i papers, Old Books, Ac., bound iu every variety j ot style. Particular attention will lie paid to | the Ruling and Binding of j BLANK BOOKS, ' To any desired pattern, which in quality and i 1 duraoility wil he warranted. 1 All work will be ready for delivery when 1 promised. II The patronage of- the public is solicited, and I perttc satisfaction gnarrauteed. ! Towanda, Angnst 2,1866 — tf. miscellaneous. BRANCH FOUNDRY AND ! MACHINE >S II OJ* , j Situated on Pine, east of Main Street, | TO WAND A, BRADFORD CO, PA., in now prepared to furnish CIRCULAR SAW MILL.S, AND SHINGLE MACHINES, j Of the I est quality wilh the latest Improve- ! i cuts. Ail kinds oi Machinery lor {-'louring and ( Saw Mills. STEAM ENGINES, MADE A REPAIRED, STEAM WHISTLES, STEAM G AGUES, GAUGE COOKS, OIL CANS, AC , Furnished at short notice. B0 L T OUTT IN G , Pone from i to 15 inches in diameter. FORGING Of heavy wrought work for Bridges, and all other purposes, done to order. Also, a large assortment of COOKING A HEATING STOVES, Coal and Wood Bmaers. Furniture lor Cooking Stoves. S'ove Pipe, Tiu-Ware, Boat Pumps, Plows, Cnitivators and Lcr.-tK-t-, kept constant - | ly on hand. DRAWINGS A SPECIFICATIONS Of all kinds of maehineiy for mills and other purposes prepared by • WARREN HILL, Foreman, who has bad large experience in this ' Branch of i he business JOHN" OA UMAX. | | Towand-i, Oct. 20. 1866 lv. Ij> I, O 0 D A ' O , .-till Manufacture the best H O li S E I' <1 \V E R S , 1 1 The Best I THRESHERS \ Nl> CLEANERS, i 1 I Abo. TH RES HERS AND SEPARATORS, ! I FANNING MILLS, . .Ac., Ac. All ol which we furnish at the Lowest Prices, j Ciu ■■■• Skk. at THIS Nxw SHOP. ' Athens, An*, U, -tf. ( UT U EK ' S M I LL S , L< BURLINGTON, PA The proprietor, having rebuilt his Flouring Mill s it- Bnriiigtou. and taken pain* in selecting ar tii i'-.l t: most improved machinery, it is ! now suipleted inorder l-,r all kinds ol Flouting, i CUSTOM WORK DONE AT SHORT NOTICE. .. cheerful sTa ;a:.uho w il sec to yonr wants in good older an. with general satisfac tion. #®* paid for Grain. April 17 Wfi KiISWEI.I I.OTHER WHOLESALE MUSIC DEPOT, j L. B. POWELL. Scrantou. Pi., Dealer in C'nickering's Pianos, Pe--ker Piano-:. Mason & Hamlin's Cabinet Or gins. Treat, i.indsley A Go's Melo eons, and all o! Musical Instruments. Sheet Music and Music Bo !;s. Orders from caters and Teachers es pecially solicited. Address, L. B POWELL. | 116 Pennsylvania Avenue. Seranton, Pa. ■ j March 2s, leiiT. —em PIANOS, AMERICAN ORGANS AND MELODIANS. I | The undersigned most respectiully announces j to the citizens ol Towanaa and vicinity, that he ; | has purchased toe Musi ■ business oi G. T. COLS, : and will hereafter supply any oi the above arti cles, together with , VIOLINS, GUITARS, ACCORDIANS, ST RINGS. AC , on Us good terms as ihey can be had elsewhere. I W. A. CHAMBERLAIN. ; , He is also Agent lor the CELEBRATED AMERICAN WATCH | and has always on hand, u good assortment ol , Swiss Watches, with a general assortment of JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS, • Silver and Plated Ware ol the BEST HAND- j i i ACTUKERS. which will be sold at unusually j low figures. A large variety of Clocks just re- ! ceived. among which may be tound the Seth Tho mas, which has no equal ! REPAIRING AND JOBBING, done with neat tss and dispatch, and wtrraut ed. To those who can't see. we would say go :o ha in her lam's aud gel a pair ot „ asse.- that will make jou see us Weil as ever. Don't lot get the shop, nearly opposite the Court House. Dec. 1,1*66. W. A.Cii v • ohItLAIN. lllajjons, Carriages, &"c. ARRIAGEB, WAGONS,SLEIGHS THE OLD ESTABLISHMENTS IT i.L IN OPER ATION FELLOWS, CRAXDALL & CO., Successors to Reynolds, Fellows A Co., are now ottering and are prepared to lurnish on short notice, Wagons Carriages and Seighs, ot all descriptions aud ol the latest and most appro ved style, and ol the best material at the old stand opposite the Union House, in the cen tra! part oi Alba Borough, Bradford County, 1 Pa. The public are assured that the reputation the shop has acquired during the last six years under the superintendence ot J . U. Fellows, will be more than maintained, as he will superin tend the work as bereloiore he having long been and having had much experience as a Carriage and Builder would assure the public that us pains will be spared by the above firm to make the establishment worthy of their pat ronage. Thankful as one of the old firm foi the patronage thus far extended, we hope to merit a continuance of the same. N B We, the undersigned, being practical mechanics can manufacture and oiler to the public at prices that will deiy competition. JAMES H. FELLOWS, D. w. c. c RANDALL. J. (}. MERIT'' Albs IW.iuch. April l.i. IxnK. ly. | JJNION CARRIAGE SHOP, AT ALBA, PENN'A. I i The undersigned respectfully informs the cit ! ikons of Western Bradford that he hits commen , ced the Carriage- aad Wagon mauutacturiug busi. j ness, in all its variousb ranches in Alba boro jin the shop north of the Union Hotel. His loieuiau in the wood-shop will be N. M. REY NOLDS. who is well .known to the people of this vicinity, having been in the business tor the last 16 years. He will mauutactiire to order, and keep constantly on hand the latest styles ol ■ fiuggys, both top au>i open, Piatiorm, Democrat and Skeleton Wagons, Sleighs, Cutters. Ac. His work will be done by the most experienced workmen, aud great care will be taken in pio curring the best timber, and the must substan tial materials. He intends that the work turned cut at his shop lor style, durability and ehe-ap , ness, shall not be excelled in the County. RE PAIRING ot all kinds done with despatch, in a subtantial manner on reasonable terms. Give usucutl. JAMES Mt-LsTYRE. Alba. Bradlord County Pa.. Feb. - i, l-nti.- ly \*7AVERLY CARRIAGE FAC vf TORY.— The undersigned d-sire to call the attention oi tbe cilizeus oi Bradiord Couuty to our EXCELSIOR CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. Our establishment is so completely fitted up in the departments of Woodwork, ironing, Paint ing and Trimming, and so supplied with fiist class workmen, as to eunabie us to lnruish ail kinds ot carriages in the best aud most modem style, and always warranted to be ot the best material and workmanship. New work of ev ery kind kept consiautly on hand, including the best article ot Platform Spring Wagons to he fuund in the country. Please call and exam ine for yourselves Careful attention paid to ordered work, Job bing and Repairing in each departmitnt.espeeial ly Painting. N. KINNEY A CO. Waverly, If. Y., Nov. 12, 1866.—6 . VI ITCH ELL'S EXTRACTS. Tin •UA finest extracts tor tUvoriiig in use. For salt* wholesale ami retail al Fi*X"S (JOAPS, SPONGES. PAINT, YAK h_? uistj.Sasb, Clotn, H. Ir, Tooth, Nailund other kinds ol Brushes, at RIDGWAY'd NEW HTOKE. Ja~. rr G W A N'DA I N SURA \OK I AGf- NCY ! Policies issue i.l/Otaes adjnsted and promptly pp Jiy //. IS. MTh'EAN, A pent. Of the following well known and rait able Philadelphia, J Capital Aoboyoo CoNNEcTicrr Mr-rrAi.l.rpji INSURANCE I Co. Hartford, Conn., I Capital $10,000,000 Towanda, Feb. 20,1866—tf HARTFORD LIVESTOCK INSP RANGE COMPANY. CAPITAL $500,000. Cash assets Nov. 1, 1066, $165,206 03 insures on all kinds of live stock, against theit and death from any cause. H. B. McKEAN, Jan. 10, 1667 Agent, j Dec. sth, the Mare " Lady Mace," owned by Dermis F. Flagged Boston , Mass., accidental ! 1 received a kick from another horse, breaking j her left tore leg, above the knee, rendering it . necessary to kill her as an art of humanity. ! sured in the Harttord Livestock Insurance Co' ! paiiy. lAISS paid 1 ec. •th 1667. IPI RE, LIFE, AND ACCIDENTAL INSURANCE. CAPITAL REPRESENTED OVER .'V A' VEX'i'EES MILLION DOLLAR.- (J. 8. RUBSELL, Agent, • FOR THE FOLLOWING NAMED RELIABLE COMPA-I -| GIRABD FIKE .V MARINE INSUBANCK I ' COMPANY Ctiitadrlphm, F t apiial and surplus over .$3 ,< tniums collected on application for insurance without making any assessments. The insurance of Country proper .v only, the low rates charged tor Insurance, and the prompt payment of losses are deemed a sufficient recom mendaiion of the Farmer Mutual Fire Into, ance Company of Middle Penns lvania, t a' owners ol sale class conntry property. P. JOHNSON, Sec'y. WM. FULMER, Pres t. C. M. MANVILLE. March 5, '66. Agent. Tovranda. Pa, Potograplil)3. A GOOD THING MAY BE SEEN AT WOOD & HARDING'S GALLERY OK ART. TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA. We take pieasme in informing oor old friends and the public, that we have procured one of the best large Solar Cameras now in use, aud are prepared to furnish to all oar patrons, better PHOTOGRAPHS, from miniature to life size than ever otiered iu this count ,at very low pri ces. We are still making the neat GF.M FERRO TYPES, mounted on card", as well as all kind.- of CASE PICTURES, such as ME LAIS O'J'YPES and A MBR O TYPE*. We are also making beautiful c A II I) PHO TO G RAP HIS, ol all the best style . and having secured the best, and plenty of help, we can insure sitting!' to all that may lavor us with their patronage. We >hail in future give onr strict attention to a, sittings, in order to secure the most favorable positions, and as littl inconvenience as post ble to our customers. In regard to COPYING, our present f>cilities enable us to make on si notice, the most artistic pictures from very poor D AGUERROTYPE3, MELANIOTYPES OR AMBKOTRPES, the increasing demand for that kind of work hs lead us to give our attention particularly to that branch ot the business. We are making large additions to our *L". > of GILT, ROSEWOOD AND WALNUT FKAMK'- GEO. H. WOOD. DEL. HAKDiSU- Dec 10.1666. QROUERIES AND PROVISION." WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, JOHN MBRTDETU, Main St., first door south ol Rail Road Hou'e Towanda, has just received large addition his stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Which will be said at wholesale and retail, the very lowest rates. RYE FLOUR, WHEAT FLOUR KEROSENE OIL, At Wholesale. Fanner's Produce of all kinds, bought ana old- The public attention is respectiully invit ed to my stock which will be found t< t-e Fresh, bought at low prices and will be sold s' correspondingly low rates. Towaudi. July 17.1666. MUSIC, OK ANY OTHER AR TICLE in our line, ordeicd at short notice by calling at the NEWS ROOM. DOCKET CUTTLERY LOWER X than at any other establishment in town at the NEWS ROOM