gftatlffltd gUjrtow. LOCAL AND GENERAL. Au Owl measuring four feet and six inches, from tip to tip, was shot the other day by Jewett Fowler, of Liberty Cor ners, a little boy of 10 years. POWELL & C'o, desire to auuouuce that they will open on Thursday of the present week their Millinery Store, and re spectfully invite to their stock, the attention of the ladies of Towanda and vicinity. The Annual Meeting of the Young Mens' Christian Association of To wauda will be held at their rooms on Mon day evening next, at which time officers will be elected to serve for the ensueing year. PRESERVE YOUR MAGAZINES.—By bringing them to Whitaker's Bindery, and having them neatly aud substantially bound. Blank books of a superior quality manu factured to order. Binding done, and all work in his line, in a superior manner. BUSINESS NOTICES.—W. 11. SHAW has opened a new Meat Market, under the Ward House, and is supplying the lovers of good eating, with superior meats, fish and vegetables. C. F. CROSS & Co., will soon open a Book aud Stationery Store, in No. 3, l'at ton's block, formerly occupied as a clothing store by G. W. Coon A Co., They have already purchased a fine assortment ot Books and Stationery, and will be ready to supply the wants of the reading and writing public. THE MILLPORT TRAGEDY. —TLIO affair lias (nded by Ilogers having fleil the coun try, it is said. It will be remembered that Rogers preferred charges against Miss Falls, his outraged assailant, and she gave bail to appear before the next Grand Jury recently in session at the Court Ilouse, to ans ACT to the charge of an assault with an attempt to hill. By the non-appearance of the prose cutor the prosecution has ended, and as no indictment was found, the attorney of Miss Falls succeeded in quashing the complaint. These facts certainly extenuate the crime committed by Miss Falls, and confirm the charges laid against her seducer. — Elmira Aiictsiiscr, RAILROADS. —The Lehigh Valley railroad is being pushed on with commend able energy. The work in the rock bluffs just south of town will be practically finished by the first of May, and is to be completed ready for iron by the loth,—the date, as we understand, fixed upon for opening the ca nal. The work between Port Griffith and Mill Creek will be quite light, and can be forwarded with rapidity whenever the road south of that point is so far completed as to require it We can see nothing to pre vent this route to Wilkesbarre and the cities being opened at the time first announced, August next.— Pittston Gazette. WYOMING COUNTY. —The house of Mr. Norman Whitney, about two miles southwest of Factoryville, was burned last Wednesday morning, about nine o'clock. The fire was occasioned by the boiling over of a pot of coal tar, which was placed on the stove in the kitchen, by Mr. Whitney, to warm, in order to mend a leak in the roof. His face and hands were burned as he courageously lifted the flaming tar from ithe stove to the floor. He thought of a keg of powder, and immediately removed it from the house to a safe distance in the meadow. Everything else was burned,— The family escaped with the clothes which they wore only, for the fire spread so rapid ly that in an incredible short time they were houseless. The insurance is light, and the loss is estimated at over three thousand dollars. Mr. Whitney is abundantly able to rebuild and we presume will soon have another residence erected and comfortably furnished. JUDGE KELLEY'S SOUTHERN TOUR.— We learn from the Washington Chronicle, that the eloquent advocate of human free dom, Hon. William D. Kelley, of Pennsyl vania, will leave Philadelphia on Friday next, May 3, for a political tour in the late rebel States. He will proceed to Wilming ton, N. 0., via Goldsboro', and from Wil mington direct to Beaufort, S. C. From thence he will go to Savannah, Ga., speak ing there, and returning North byway of Charleston and Columbia, S. C., and thence to Greensboro', Concord, Salisbury, Char lotte, Danville, and other points in the wes tern part of the old North State. Judge Kelley's labors will begin in North Carolina about Monday, the Oth of May. Few truer or moi e eloquent advocates of the great gospel of all rights for all can be found than Judge Kelley, and we are sure that his pro posed labors in this new field will be as •beneficial as have all his efforts in the past. Judge Kelley is a member of the Union Re publican Congressional Executive Commit tee, now doing so great a work in the South ern States. THE Wyoming Conference, at its late session, made the following appoint ments : OWEOO DISTRICT. —Horace E. Clarke, Pre siding Elder. Owego, William B. West lake ; Candor, L. C. Floyd ; Spencer, Philip Krohn ; Flemingville, George Pritchett; North Danby, King Elwell, one to be sup plied ; Caroline, P. Holbrook ; Nichols, Asa Brooks ; Waverly, Henry Wheeler ; Athen i and Litchfield, W. M. Hiller ; Shep ards Creek, to be supplied ; Van Etten ville, to be supplied ; Barton, Will. Keat ley ; South Danby, Wm. 11. Gavitt ; New ark, Leonard Cole ; Tioga, Minor Swallow ; Berkshire, J. Madison ; Sheshequin, John M. Grimes. WYALCSINO DISTRICT.—D. C. Olmstead, Presiding Elder. Montiose, Luther Peck ; F&irdale and Rush, J. P. Towner, W. -Shelp ; Brooklyn, S. F. Brown; Le Rays ville, A. Brigliam : Auburn, J. 11. Weston ; -Springville, J. F. Wilbur ; Tuukhannock, J .L. Legg; Skinner's Eddy, to be sup plied ; Mehoopany, Joshua L. Lewis; Nicholson, E. 11. Hyson : Wyalusing, A. J. Arnold ; Rome, A. C. Sperry ; Orwell, A. W. Loomis ; Windham, E. S. Walworth; Sterlingville, E. F. Roberts ; W. 11. Pearne transferred to Tennessee Conference. A "CRACKSMAN" ON HIS TRAVELS.— the New Albany (Indiana) L&ljer, ol the 13th inst., reports the arrest of a man who was once arrested in Cincinnati, on the charge of petit larceny, and upon whose per son was found a bunch of burglar's keys, several forged checks, and various other suspicious papers. Among the papers was a song book, on the tiy-leaf of which was written the following : "My right name is Henry Javan Salisbury. I have two uncles, hy the name of H. Il.Jesup and Samuel •Jesup, who are missionaries to Syria. My grandfather is the lion. William Jesup, LL Do who was either President or Vice Frcsi dent of the American Board of Foreign Mis sions. He resides at Montrose, Susquehan na county, Pennsylvania. 111 am killed the person who finds this will do me a favor by sending word to my relatives. My father's name is Colonel J. B. Salisbury. He was iu General Siegel's and General Milroy's stall's during the war. He was residing, when last heard from, at No. 341 Fifth Ave nue, New York City. Will Meylert is the naino Igo under now. I have 'shoved' a good deal of 'queer' during my day, and 'cracked' many a house." This memorandum was no doubt written under the impression that he might be kill ed while attempting to "crack" a house, in another memorandum he claims to have studied law in Mr. Ewiug's office, in Pitts burgh, having left here a few weeks ago for St Louis. He stopped in Louisville, how ever, where he doubtless ran short ofmoney. He put up at the National Hotel, but left there after getting in debt and being unabl6 to pay his bill. His baggage was retained by the proprietor, to whom he wrote a let ter, begging the return of a package con taining tobacco, as he was "a dear lover of the weed." The authorities of New Albany having received information sufficient to satisfy them that Salisbury, aikts Meylert,is a forger, counterfeiter and burglar, telegraph ed to the cashier of one of our city banks, upon which he forged a cheek, and also to the Chief of Police, notifying them that ho had Salisbury in custody and subject to their orders. GREAT IMPROVEMENT.—That new crossing in front of Taylor A Co.'s Store. Special Notices. BANKING HOUSE or B. S. RUSSELL ACo., 1 Towanda April 23, 1867. ) Holders of U. S. 5-'2O Coupons due on the Ist of May, can have them cashed at the highest market price, by calling upon us. -w. B. S. RUSSELL. . 7-30 TREASURY NOTES —The Govern ment is now converting the first series of 7-3(1 Treasury notes into the 5-20 Gold Bear ing Bonds, the undersigned have arrange ments and facilities for procuring their con version on the most favorable terms, holders who desire to have them converted are re quested to call upon us. The new 520 Bonds oe hand for sale, we also purchase all descriptions of Government Securities and pay the highest market price. April i, 67.' B. S. Russell A Co. teg* If you would have a beautiful light from your lamp, just go to Wickham A Blacks and get one of those opal shades. They are a new style, of superior quality and of a variety of designs. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE.—The sub scriber being about to remove from the borough, will sell his House and lot,situated in the south pari of Towanda borough, ad joining the premises of Rev. Mr. Harris.— Apply on the premises, when terms will be made known. Possession given immediete ly. J. 0. BLIGHT. March 26, 1867. tf. A NEW HOUSE For Sale. Apply to GEO. P. CASH. March 21. Valuable House and Lot for sale, on 2d street, in Towanda Boro, posses sion given immediately. Enquire of W. T. Davies, Towanda Pa. tf. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF TOWANDA FINANCIAL AGENT or THE UNITED STATES, Capital $125,000. Deposits received puyabie on demand in Legal Tender Notes. Interest allowed on time deposits accord ing to agreement. Uncurrent Bank Notes received on depos it or exchanged for Legal Tender. U. S - Bonds and 7-30 Treasury Notes bought and sold. Highest price paid for Compound Interest notes. Drafts payable in any part of the United States at par for sale. Drafts payable in England, Scotland,lre land or Wales, in any amount over one pound sterling, furnished at lowest rates. Passage tickets from Liverpool or Queens town to New York, by the well known Inman Line, on and for sale. E. H. SMITH, Pres. March 20,'67. N. N.BETTS, jr., Cash. 7-30 TREASURY NOTES — IMPORTANT NO TICE. —Holders of the August issue of Sev en-Thirties wishing to convert them into Five-Twenty Bonds bearing six per cent, in terest in gold, can now do so at the First National Bank of Towanda. This is probably the most favorable time to make the conversion. If delayed until maturity of the notes, the rush will be so great that the Treasury Department will be unable to supply the Bonds promptly. In milking the exchange, the interest will be allowed on the Seven-Thirties to date of conversion, and the back interest on the Five-Twenty Bonds paid to same date, in currency. This interest will be returned to holders of the Bonds July Ist, in coin, mak in/j a clear profit to them of whatever the pre mium on yohl is at that time. Compound Interest Notes—June and Ju ly Seven-Thirties, also received in exchange l'or the new 5-20 Bonds. Any further information desired in regard to the above, will be cheerfully given by calling at the bank. N. N. BETTK, Jr., Cashier. Towanda, March 11, 1807. SOMETHING NEW. Becoming con vinced that the wants of the people of this and adjoining Counties warrant me in so doing, I have constructed at much expense, two finely arranged Hot Houses for propa gating Grape Vines, Flowers, and all kinds of Green House Plants. I devote my whole time to the business and now offer for sale the following varieties : GRAPE VINES —Iona, Allen's Hybrid, Ls raella, Delaware, Hartford Prolific, and all of the better known varieties, which I offer at prices that defy competition. ROSES —Geant des Battailles, Gen. Jac quiminot. Gen. Washington, La Reins, Vic tor Verdier, Hermosa, Souvenir de Malmai son and many other monthlies. Also Moss and Climbing Roses. Among the Miscellaneous Plants will be found Heliotropes, Pansies, Tuberoses, Ci neraria, Calceolaria, Carnations, Salvias, Fu chias of all kinds, Veronica, Myrtles, Gera niums of all varieties, Verbenas of all col ours, Tulips, Gladiolas, Dahlias, Ac., Ac., in endless variety. VEGETABLE PLANTS .—Early and late Caul iflower, Cabbages ; Early Winningstadt, Ox- Heart, Large York and Sugar Loaf, Dreei's Late Drumhead, Late Red Drumhead and Flat Dutch. Sweet and Bell-shap#d Pep pers, Dreer's improved Celery, Round and Long Egg Plants. Among many other vari eties of Tomatos, I would especially call attention to the "Tilden" Tomato, a new and choice variety, very early and highly recommended by all experienced gardeners and seedmen. Roquets of choice flowers for sale. All plants nicely packed in moss and can be carried any distance with'safety. I extend a cordial invitation to all to call and see the garden. HARRY MIX. Towanda, March 1,1867.-4 m*. G. F. MASON JSL CO , BANKERS. —In- vite accounts, discount paper, and make collections, throughout the United States, at lowest rates. State Bank notes received at New York quotations. Gold and silver bought and sold. Government Securities bought at highest rates. Orders for the purchase or sale of the va rious issues of Government Bonds, prompt ly executed, Coupons of ten forties, five twenties, and seven thirties, cashed on presentations. Interest allowed on special deposits. Foreign Drafts and Passage Certificates for sale. Towanda, March 11, 1867. STORE TO RENT —corner store in Pat ton's BricK Block, Towanda, Pa., now occu pied by Wm. A. liockwell. Possession giv en first of April. For terms apply to J. G. FATTON. Feb. li, 18C7. TRIAI. LIST for May Term, A. D., 1867. Commencing Monday, May 6. Chas. A. Heavener vs. Comfort C Gore. Is sue. Clarkson A Nichols vs. Meylert and Ward. Debt. Chas W Clapp vs. Welles, Blood & Co.— lteplevin. SNiJP Blood's use vs. C F Welles jr. Case. John Borts vs. Pomeroy Brothers. Tres. Amos Gritfeth et al vs. A H Spalding. Apl Polly Chilson vs. John W Sweet Replevin. Samuel Hyatt et al vs. F S Elliott et al. Trespass. Augustus Lewis vs. D D Brewster. Eject R W Cheeney vs. Athens Township. Case. Robt Campbell's admrs. vs. John S Madden John Thompson's admr's vs. G W Dickin son. Sci.Fa. Seth Peck vs. Stephen Bullock. Case. Miles Prince vs. Edwin Owens et al. Eject J A Bradley vs. Towanda Township. Debt Morgan A Davison vs. Wm S Dobbins. Cse J J Denmark vs. Northern Cen. R. R. Case Wing & Mitchell vs. Welles A Blood, do Alfred Noxon vs. Towanda Coal A Iron Co. Sci Fa Mort. F B Ford vs. H B McKean et aL Att. Ex. Darwin E Martin vs. Daniel Coolbaugh's adm'rs. Case. W H Van Syckle vs. Fall Creek Coal Co. Appeal. John Putnam vs. Granville Township. Debt Michael Kerwin vs. Geo Simons et al. Case L B Gardner vs. Ridgberry township. Debt Wm Elsbree vs. John McQueen. Appeal. Henry Miller vs. Ransom Tanner. Sci Fa. Patrick Blade vs. Wm J Kisner. Ejectm't. Alvin Sayles vs. Leßoy Township. Debt. William Wright vs. Litchfield twp. do G F Redington vs. F II Person. Appeal. Subpcenas returnable at ten o'clock a. m. on Monday, May 13, 1867. W. A. THOMAS, Prothonotary. LIST OF PERSONS drawn March 20, 1867, to be Jurors in a Court of Quarter Sessions, Orphan's Court, Oyer and Termi ner and Common Pleas, for May Term, A. D., 1867: GRAND JUBOBS. Athens hep.—William Sawyer. Gmton twp. —Charles W. Landon. franklin.— Charles W. Stevens. Litch field. —Chester Merrill, David Struble Orwell. —Geo. W Brown. Overton —Edward McGovern. Pike— Stephen S Huchinson, Josiah A Bosworth. .B landing Stone —Myron Vauness. Sheshegnin—Ohedinh. Gore, Alanson Love less. Sglcania —Eli Burrett. Smithfield —John Bird Jr. Towanda Bora— James Elliott. Troy twp —Simon Congdon. Terry —Hiram L Terry. Ulster —Edward Walker, John Gilmour. VPajren—Harrison Whitaker. Wysox —Amos York. Wilmot —Hiram E Pond, Lyman Ashcraft Windham— Ransom W Darling. TBAVEBSE JUBOBS —FIRST WEEK. Armenia— Simeon Williams. Asylum —Ulysses Moody, Samuel Kellum. Albany —Daniel Burdiek. Athens Boro— Charles Comstock, Charles T Hull. Burlington IPest—John Blackwell. Barlhiglon Bora —Harry Goff. Canton hep —William Bates, Goodwin Full er, Orriu Montgomery. franklin —Frank S Itice.JJohu Cole 2d. Granville— Hiram Kittle, Volney Bovier. llerrick —Solomon Stevens, John Nesbit. Litchfield— Alsop Baldwin. Leltuysville —Noble Canfield. Orwell— George Smith, Josiah J Newell. Rome hep— Lewis Goff. Ridghury —John Carr, Vincent Owens. Springfield —Asahel Parmerter, V It Gates. Standing Stone— William Stevens. South Creek —Cyrus Burke. Smithfield —A T Allen. Shesh&piin—H Clay Kiuney. Taieanda twp —David Swartwood. Andrew Shiner. Towanda North —Wm H Foster. Towanda Boro—- Gilbert H Drake. Terry —Joseph llTlorton, Charles Vialii Tusmrora —Samuel Overton. Ulster —Lorenzo Watkins, Nelson Olm sted . Wysox —MorganjD Strickland. Wyahisiny —Almond Stone, Geo. S Good win, Lorenzo Allen. Warren —Loren Pendleton, Ira W Corbin. Windham— Henry Dunham. Wells —Jacob S Ayros. Wilmot— Joseph Gamble. SECOND WEEK. Athens twp —Jeremiah French, John Mills John II Murray. Athens Boro— Zebulon Spalding, Albany —Clark Babcock. Alba— James Fellows. Burlington hep —William Shiner. Columbia —John Gurnett. Canton twp —Sullivan Hickok. FruMin —Harvey Kellogg. Granville —Luman l'utman, David Sayles, Elarn Bailey, Charles Clark. Llerrick —Ezekiel Mintz. Monroe Boro —Marvin M Coolbaugb. Orwell —Georg< Johnson. Ridghury —Lewis Mosher. SmUifieid twp —Virgil Vincent, Augustus Phelps, Wm Farnsworth. Springfield —Charles C Hooker, Numa 1' Stacey, Sylvester Young. South Creek— Wiutlirop Y Glynes. Standing Stone— Nelson Vanness. Sglcania— Seth Peck. Troy hep —N Byron Case, Ambrose Wil liams. Troy Bora —John H Grant, Edwin C Wil liams. Ulster —Philander Loomis. Barren—James M Bowen. Wyalusing —James Taylor. Wysox- —John Trumble. Wells —Alden Swayze. EARI.Y TOMATOES.—I have ready for delivery, raised in pots, Keye's Early Pro lific, which is 30 days earlier tuan any other variety ; Early Tilden, Dreer's Extra Early, the Cook's Favorite, Perfected, Feejee, and Muupays. Egg Plants, and other early garden vegetables, fairly started and ready for delivery. Send orders to Tov.'andu, April 15. HARBY MIX. i lor* E. F. STEVENS, 0. E., Surveyor, Architect, Ac., House, Land and Estate Agent, offers his services to the public. Office over Frost's Furniture, Towanda, Pa. Jan. 10,1867. *ay-Tlie 10th term of Miss Os borne's school will commence Wednesday, May Bth. All applications for admittance must be made by parents. May 1, 1867. t&~ The First Xatiouol Bank of Towanda has declared a dividend of 5 per cent., free of U. S. tax, payable to stockhol ders on and after May 3d. SUSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. —The annual examination of the classes of the Institute will take place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, the 6th, 7th and Bth of May. The friends and patrons of tne school, are invited to be present. Mayl, 1807, J D- HEWITT. TIIE NEW "PORTABLE ORGANS" for sale at Powell's M usic Store, Scranton, are made by Mason A Hamlin, and in all of the most essential points are of the same mate rial and workmanship as their celebrated "Cabinet Organs,'* but in order to furnish a good instrument at a lower price,the cases are made smaller and of cheaper material.— Go and see them. May 1, 1867. MA RK TED. BENDER—HARD -By Rev. A. C. Sperry, Prof. J. F. Bender, to Leonora L. Hard, both of Towanda. DIED. ATWOOD—Deceased April 17, 1807, Mrs. Sarah Ann Atwood, daughter of Elijah Camp, wife of N. R. Atwood, in the fifty third year of her age. She was born in Camptown.Sept. 22,1814, and reared in a pious family, early became the subject of religious impressions, and a member of the Presbyterian church of Wya lusing in January 11, 1834. From that time to her death, she maintained an exemplary christian character. As a wife, she was faithful ; as n mother, devoted and affec tionate ; as a friend, substantial and true. During her lust illness she expressed firm confidence in Christ Her hope sustained her to the last. She feared not the approach |of death. Her eud was calm and peaceful ' ''Blessed are the dead that die ia the Lord." N™ TUROCRTISTMCNTS. F. S. M. & CO. Metvof store, wroer Main and Pine Sfs. The undersigned having for med a partnership as general dealers in the GROCERY, GRAIN & PROVISION BUSINESS, would respectfully invite the attention of c lose buyers, and the public generally, to our Stock of Goods purchased under very favorable circum stances, which we offer for Cash or short time, at prices which we think will satisfy our friend s that we c m furnish Goods at the LOWEST MARKET RATES, One of our firm being constantly in New York, and making purchases for a Urge Jobbing house there, as well as for us. We hope by giving per sonal attention to our business, keeping a full assortment at all times, aud liberal dealing with our customers, to merit the confidence and pat ronage of the community. Special attention given to Merchants and oth ers who buy goods by the packuge. Cash paid for all kinds of Grain aud Country Produce. FOX, STEVENS, MERCUR A CO. Towanda, April 1,1867. We have a large stock ot CHOICE T E A S , selected with greit care, which will be sold by the box at New York Wholesale Prices. SUGAR, MOLASSES, SYRUP, RICE, Codec, Tobacco, Soap,Sileratus,Starch, Candles, Crackers, Ac. In great variety, cheap by the Package. A LARGE STOCK OF FLOUR on hand in Barrels, Sacks or iu Bulk ; also Corn Meal cheap.—Feed Ac. PORK, HAMS AND LARD, FISH. OF ALL KINDS. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Stone Ware, Brooms by the quantity. BU I S T'S GARDEN SEEDS. CLOVER A TIMOTHY SEED. ASHTON'S SALT, The only kind suitable for Dairy use. Agency tor the sale of MARVIN A CO. KEROSENE OIL, at Mannfactuicr's prices. This oil is put up in good sound tight barrels, warrantedto be full measure, and we believe the quality to be the best in market. MOWANDA NURSE RY. The subscriber is now prepared to fill orders for choice Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Vines, Flowers and Plant*. Thrifty and well rooted Standard aud Dwarf APPLE TREES Of the leading and best varieties, well supplied with tine fibrous roots, aud warranted to grow. SIBERIAN i KAB APPLES, four varieties. STANDARD AND DWARF PEAR TREES. Fine first class trees of leading kinds. Dwarfs of bearing size. STANDARD AND DWARF CHERRY TREES. ORANGE QUINCE TREES. The Celebrated Hale s Early Peach, The best, most hardy and earliest ot all peaches ; ripens last ot July. I have a lint lot of these trees of my own raising. Also ol uice trees ot other leading kinds ot Peaches. White Grape, Versailles and Cherry Currants, Houghton's and American Seedling Gooseber ries. GRAPE VINES. Fine and strong vines, well rooted, and of vari ous sizes and prices. VARIETIES—Ioua, Isr a eila, Delaware, Concord, Rebecca, Anna, Hart ford Prolific,ToKalon,Allen's Hybrid, Andiron dac, Diana, Isabella aud Creveling. Kirtland, Joslyn's Improved Black Can, Yel low Antwerp Raspberries. Kittatinuy. Wilson's Early and Lawton Blackberries. STRA WHERRIES, Agriculturist, Russell's Great Prolific. Fihaore, Early Scarlet, Jucunda or Knox's No. 700, Wil son's Albany, and other Strawberries. ORNAMENTAL. EVERGREENS—Norway Spruces and Balsam Firs, from 2to 6 feet high. American and Si berian Arborvltacs, Irish Junipers, English Yew, Mabonias, Ac. 5 DECIDUOUS—New American and Kilmar nock Weeping Willows. Horse Chestnuts, Mou ntain Ashes, Purple Fringe, Spireas, Sweet Scented Shrub, Tamarix, Ac. CLIMBING PLANTS— Bignouia or Trumpet Flower, Clem alis, Wistarias, Ac. ROSES—Hybrid Perpetual. Moss, Summer. Yellow Persian aud Climbiug Roses, such as Baltimore Belle, (Jueen ol the Prairies, Dundee Rambler, Ac. Al! being Urge and strong pUnts. I invite the attention ot 'he public to my Trees and Ornamental Shrubs, Ac., aud respect fully solicit a lair share of custom, provided my stock aud prices suit. Now is the time to plant all kinds of hardy trees, plants, Ac. R. M. WELLES. Towanda Flats, April 23, 1867. JJUOUR AT WHOLESALE. Having cpened my Wholesale Stores on the line of the Erie Railway for the sale of ray CELEBRATED PREMIUM FLOUR, I am now prepared to furuish dealers along the road with CHOICE GRADES OF FLOUR AT LOW PRICES. Being so fortunate as to secure a large quautity ot choice wheat in Michigan, in the winter, at prices far below the present rates, aud as I al so manufacture my own (lour there, where I can select the beet wheat, saving cootrni s.iions and profits usually paid by others, I am ena bled to sel. my .flour at least, a Dollar a Barrel Beloic the Market, For the same quality of flour. FOUNTAIN'S PREMIUM FLOUR Is made from the BEST MICHIGAN WHITE WHEAT, And is universally conceded to be THE BESTF LOUR IN THE MARKET. Customers will please ask for Fountain's Premium Flour if they want (he best. Wholesale Flour Stores at Waverly, Tioga county, and Port Jervis, Orauge Co., N. Y . J. 11. FOUNTAIN. April 1867. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GI.OBE FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY—Office, 45 William St., and 704 Broadway, N. Y. Capital, Surplus and Reserved Funds (Gold) $16,271,675 Assets in the United States,over 1,800,000 Daily Premiums, upwards ol (gold).. 17,000 The shareholders personally responsible ior engagements of the company. All Directors must be shareholders. DIRECTORS IN NEW YORK.— Francis Cottenet, Esq. Chairman, Henry Grinneli, Esq., Deputy Chairman, Joseph Gaiilard, Jr., Esq., E. M. Archibald, Esq., H. B. M. Consul, Alexander Hamilton Jr., Esq., Robert C, Ferguson, Eso. Alfred Pell, Esq., Reaident Secretary. Alex ander Hamilton, Jr., Esq., Counsel of Board. Bxnxkbs— Pheuix Bank—Cammaun A Co. The Policies of this Company are issued by well-known American citizens resident iu New York, who are Directors and Shareholders, and consequently, with the other Shareholders, are individually liable for all the engagements of the Company ; all Policies are signed by them ; all claims are payable in cash o.i proof of loss, without deduction lor interest, aud not, as is usual, sixty days alter presentation of proof ; They expire at six o'clock, P. M., and not at noon. Life insurance eQected, aud annuities granted on favorable terms. H, B. MCKEAN, Agent. Towanda. April 23,1867, THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT ol Mirrors in town, &t FROST'S, ftaglor fc (Eo.'s Stort. 3STETW FI -Rl&l NEW STORE! AND NEW O O O t> 8 ! TAYLOR & CO., Have ju9t opened their large and spacious store, and will keep at all times A LABOR AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF £ DOMESTIC AND FANCY DRY ROODS. (Opposite Codding & Russell.) Towanda, April 16,1867. ISriEJW" FIRM I NEW STORE! AND NEW GOODS! -| H TAYLOR & CO., Have just opened their large ami spacious Store, ami will keep at all times, A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK or DOMESTIC AND FANCY DRY GOODS. 1 (Oppoaite Codding A Russell.) Towiuds, APtil 16, 1867. Rtal (Estate anb Insurance. JJONTANYE & WARD, % REAL ESTATE AGENCY, Offer sale the following propertle. at reasonable prices and upon favorable terms : I. Twelve towD lots, on Lombard and Third Sts. Towanda Borough. 11. 10,000 acres heavily timbered land on tbs bead waters of the Sinnamahonlng, Potter CO., Pa. 111. A Valuable Anthracite Coal Property, near Scranton, Pa. IV. 7,000 Acres oi Wild Land in Stewardson township, Potter county, Pa., heavily timbered. V. 76 Town l.otB in Monroe Borough, Bradford county, Pa. VI. 782 Acres of improved and timbered land, known as the Peltier and Pratt (arms, in Mcln tyre and Union townships, Tioga and Lycoming counties, Pa. To be arid in lots. VII. 49Town Lots in New Millord, Susquehanna co. Immediately adjoining the Railway De pot. VIII. One third of 100,000 acres ol wild timbered land, Montgomery County, Georgia. IX. 3,000 Acres Wild Land. Svllivan county, Pa. X. A valuable Coal property (near Wilkes-Barre, Pa., having thereon all the coal veins of the Wyoming Valley. XI. 122 Acres good Farming Land, Burlington towuship, Bradford county. XII. 2,000 Acres, more or less, wild land, heavily timbered, Mclntyre township, Lycoming coun ty, Pa. XIII. 60 Town Lots, situate on Main. Railroad and Centre streets, Towanda. XIV. 40 Acres of improved tanning land, highly cultivated, Wysoz township, near Towanda. XV. 11 Acres highly improved farming land suita ble lor a ' truck farm, or residence—Wysoz. XVI. 7 Acres improved land, Wysoz, ten miuutes walk from Towanda Borough. A FINE RESIDENCE, With every modern improvement and conveni ence . House nearly new. XVII. 36 Acres heavily timbered land, oak, pine, chesuut, Ac. Wysoz, within half mile of the Susquehanna. XVIII. TOO Aert* valuable (arming bind. Atlantic county, New Jersey. XIX. Tenements and improved Real Estate, To wan:!* Borough, aud other properties. MO N TAX YE & WARD, Execute.Conveyances, turnish Briefs ot Title, buy and sell Ileal Estate, collect rentals aud lien s,survey and examine all kinds of property. They are prepared to negotiate sales of farms, homesteads, aud properties especially desirable to capitalists ; to procure advances of money upon bond aud mortgage, aud to prosecute in quiries for those desiring to make investments :,or secures home. They will eflevt IXSUII A N 0 E intbe best known companies, FIRE, LIFE, AC CIDENTAL aud INLAND MARINE. They have ezclusive Agency lor Bradford and neigh boring couuties tor leading companies in these several departments of Insurance, r Those who desire to buy or sell farms ; All who wish to effect Insurance against Fire; All who seek permanent investments tor the future benefit of their families, in secure and first-class Lite Companies ; Capitalists desiring to buy or sell valuable speculative properties ; All wishing surveys aud examinations ; i All wishing advances upon valuable real . property ; AH who wish to obtain lease or rental of Farms or Tenements, ! Are respectfully solicited to entrust such busi ness to our Agency. Farther particulars furnished ut our oflice. Office, Union Block, Towanda. (To be re moved May Ist, to corner of Main and Pine streets.) G. D. MONTANYE, HENRY WARD. MT PROPERTIES ADVERTISED FREE OF CHARGE. REFERENCES: Hon.U. Mercur, Towanda, Pa. Hon. Wil.l am El well, Bloomsburg, Pa. C. L. Ward, Esq., Towanda. M.C. Mercur, " (5. F. Mason A Co., Boukera, Towanda. h J. D. Montanye, Towanda. 1-athrop, Luddington A Co., New York. liickson Brothers, Philadelphia. Hon. John N. Conyngham, Wllkes-Barre. Charles Parriale, Wilts-Barre. Hon. F. B. S tree tor, Montrose, Pa. Towanda, April 2,1867. Cfgal PROCLAMATION. —Whereas Hon FARRIS B. STRKETER, President Judge of the 12th Judicial District, consisting of the counties of Bradford and Susquehanna. and Hons. Levi P. Stafford and J. W. Van Dyke, Associate Judges, in and for said County of Bradford, bave issued their precept bearing date the 2d day of April, A. D. 1867, to me directed, ior holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer, fJen era.! Quarter Sessions of the I'eace, Common Pleas and Orphans Court, at To wan da, for the County of Bradford, on Monday, the (ith day of May, nest, to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coro ners, Justices of the Peace, and Constables, of the County of Bradford, that they be then and therein th :ir proper person, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their records, in quisitions and oilier remcmbreuces, to do those tilings which to their office appertains to be done ; and those who are bound by recogiiizane or otherwise to prosecute against the prisoners who are or may he in the jailof said County, or who shall be bound to appear at the said Court, are to be then and there to prosecute aga ust tbem as shall be just. Jdrors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda, the Bth day of April, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty seven, and of the Independence of the United States, the ninety-first. WILLIAM GRIFFIS, Sheriff. LICENSES. —Notice is hereby giv en that the following applications for Li censes for Taverns and Merchant Dealers have been filed in this office, and the same will be presented to the Court of Quarter Sessions, on Monday, May 6, 1867, for the cnosideration of said Court : TAVKKNS. G. H. Estell Alba Boro'. J.M.&D U.Brown Wyalusing. Geo. W. Soper Troy Boro'. A. G.Reynolds Sylvania. Geo. Nessersmith Wilmot. H. G. Gcff. Rome Boro ; . J.D. & Seymour Smith Franklin. E. B. Tuttle Ulster. J, M. Bike . Athens Boro". J.F. Mastin TowanUi " Daniel Sullivan •' " 0. H. P. Disbrow " " j J.S Patterson •• •• i Morgan 3c Wolfe " " Thos. R. Jordon R. H. Benson Spriugfield. I. H. Smith Mourtc tp. Elsworth Osborn Windham. Gershom E. Smith Troy Boro'. Bepj. Herman Ridgberry, Ebenezer Cowlca Standing Stone. Seth Watkins Ulster. H. S.Phinney Monroe Boro.' J. I'. Rodgers Sheshcqnin. S. R. Ormsby Monroe Boro'. Jared Bunyon Canton " Orator Rockwell " " L. D. Forrest Smitblicld. Josph Carr Ridgberry. Morgan d., are icqu -ti to make immediate payment and tin. . hav ing demands again-' said estate -.v ;; , r . them duly authenticated ' i • 'ma •>,? LAFAYETTE DICKKIt-ritN. HIRAM H. BRANT. April U 1867.* Administrators. XECUTOR'S NOTICE N is hereby given that all persons indebte to the estate of CALEB INGERSON, late o S esbcqnin, dee'd, are requested to make im mediate payment, and a! h ving claims upon said estate will present them duly i utica'i d lor settlement CHARLES CHAFFEE, April 10, 1867. -Executor REGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, tint there has be- a tiled and settled in the office of the Register ! Wilis in and for the county of Bradford, account, ot ad ministration upon the following estates, vi/. : Final acc't of MA tin Wo tier, adm'r of the estate oi George King, late of -Yells, de Final acc't ot J. <). Alger, adm'r oi t . es tate of J. W. Alger, late ot Orwell, dc-e'd. Final acc't ot Mathnv Hill jr., adrnh ihe estate of lliram li. Joiner, hue ol Kj ri.'g .• I. deceased. Final account of Geo. Lnvn, adm'r oi the c.- tateoi John Howe, late of W.,, :en. dee'd. Final acc't ol I'. S. Brewster, guardian Catherine Middaugh. minor child oi isat.-M..; daugh, late ol Wyalusing, dee'd. Final acc't ol Geo. A. Stevens and William Vought, adin'rs of David Vought, late ol Stand ing Stone, dee'd. Final acc't of W. 8. Jayne and Thomas S. Mauley, adm'rs ol Oliver Burtlett, late ol Can ton. dee'd. Final acc't o! Isaiah Ztner adm'r of William Zaner, late of Albany, dee d. Final acc't of John ii. Edsali, acting .i . ii'i Emly Drake, late ol Litchfiel I. dee'd. Final acc't ol Benj. U. Ptck, adm'i ii mm Bennett, late ol Burlington, dee d. ; Final acc't of Dclo.s Bockwell—Partial a I of Mary T. Long, adm'rs of AIODZJ Long, ! ' j ol Troy boro' dee'd. Final acc't ot Isaac Lyons, guardian a Mary > J.Gray, minor child of Oliver S. Gray, late o! Standing Stone, dee'd. Fiual acc't ol Geo. F. Reddington, adut V !.'. P. Pcrine, late of Troy boro' ucc'd. Final account of E. A. Coolbang'u,odni'r of the estate ol James Y, Hinma.n, late ol Wysox, deceased. Final acc't ol H. C. Altyo, adm'r of Caleb A; Allyn, late ot Orwell, dee'd. Final acc't of Ale! Moore, executor ot John T. Morris, late rt Pike, dee'd. Final acc't of James Drak>, adm'r of the r tate of Julia Darke, late (A Litchfield, de< d. AlJ3o—The appraisement of properly by the Executor or Administrators to wi-l'-.v or children of the following decedents : Estate ot Casper Gannett, " David Shores. " Milow l'eet. " John Owen. " Oliver O. Besley. And the same will be presented to the Or phan's Court ol Bradlord Connty, on Thursday the 16th day of May, next, lor coniirmat. and allowance. H. J. MADILL. Jan. 10,1 >67. Register. APPLICATION IN DIVORCE.— To J. Kingsbury jr.—No. 518, May term 1866. You are hereby notified that Em:.: Kingsbury, your wile,by her next frien7, W. Marshall, has applied to the Court of < mon Pleas ot Bradford County tor a divorce from the bonds ot matrimony, and ti.e -ai 1 Court has appointed Monday the 6l!i dv. May, 1867, at two o'clock, p. in., lor heard, the said Emma, in the premises, at which time and place you can attend ii you think p. , er. WM. GRIFFiS, She:.'!". April 10,1867. ADM IN I.SIR A TOR'S NOTICE.— aA. Net ice is hereby given, that all pers indebted to the estate of David J. Horton, late of Sheshequin twp.,dee'd. are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them :i y authenticated for settlement. WM DKLPEUCH, April.B, ISO". Administrator. SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue oi' a writ of Fi. Fa. issued out ot the Court o Common Pleas ot Bradford co..:.ty. and to mc directed, there will be exposed ' i j public sale at t:ic Court House in the Borough ' ol Towanda, on MONDAY,.'! V'l 6, i 7, a: .o'clock, p. m, the following de- riled : . ' piece or parcel ol land, situate in Wys x twp. hounded as lollovvs : Beginning t a comet n ihe public road being . corner oi land .A .'.! ' thias H. Lanning, then -e running north 4o west by said luinuing's cast tine 100 per-., thereabouts to u yeiluw nine stump a corner u. 1 several lots, thence north 77- east Is per. t < i ; post a corner of the! lot, thence nor! j 11° west 163 per. to a corner en the south i.m of lauds of said Lacing, and the north east I corner of said Pearsall lot ihn.ce norti. | east 107 pers. to a corner, being a corner ot . Latiiug and Harry Morgan' :.t:.d. then . ' said Morgan's iaiid souili 31 east lis ju is t I corner, thence south w.-t 62 2-10 per-, t., a | corner on the <-u>t eide o; the public road I thence south 21° east sh ng the public roa! li 2 pers. to the place o.' beginning. Containing 13u acres and 15a perches of laud, be the .-.a ... more or less, about 80 acres improved .vi'! a named dwelling house. 2 framed barns, e , home, and an orchard ot liuit trees thereoii. Seized and taken in execution at the suit e i Edward Overton vs. Allen Jayne. ALbO—'The following described lot piece < i parcel of land situa c in Wysox twp ~ b nuiutd and described as follows : Beginning a - it. south-east corner of land of George 8 in iing. thence south !<3 pers. lo a post an i . w - standing on the line ol ~u old > uvcy known .. the Adaly survey, tbenee on the !• it > t -• survey north 45 J west 22 pers. to lia- •;- c creek, tltencs east on the s-tith line.t -a i Spalding lot 111 pers. to the place o! ■ Containing 91 acres of iand, m re It . acres improved, with a framed i.vux Ira nt barn and a few fruit trees tbeic -n. Seized and taken in executl. Nat the i'■ Calvin 11. Patch vs. Raymond Case. ALSO—The following lot piece or pare I i lar.J situate in Rome twp.. bounded as to'hv.v- Leginuing ala hemlock the north-west i.a ic i of Joseph Allen's lot, thence along the wos line ol lite same south 2- west 50 uers. to hemlock for a corner, toen. a soidh Iw'c, 1 . pers. to a stake and stones in ti .• line l> tai •: the townships of Rome and Wj \. along said line north west 72 3-10 pers. to corner ct J. M. Piollet's, thence along the ii i of the same north east 55 pers. to a oi thence south SS° east 79 9-10 per .to the i : of beginning. Containing 25 acre-, be tin - ro. more or less. Seized and Liken in execution at the sad .. A. W. Ayres, now to ustr rf J .bn Holm - v N. K. Woodburn. ALSO—Tbe follow ing dc.-i ill > d lot, ph. o i , parcel of land situate in I! me twp., bound, and described as follows : Beginning at ,i t.ri. and stuues the north-east corner ot John U Woodburn's lot, thence south 4 J west l.y !.:i.. said J. W. Woodburn 72 pers. to a -L' stones, thence north 88 a west 56 pers. to a - and stones, thence north IP' west 73 1 !■< to a stake and stones, thence south 88 land of James MeCarty 71 pers. to tbe place ol beginning. Containing 28 acre, ami - perches, be the same more or less. Seized and taken in execution at the -:Pt . John Holmes' use vs. N. K. Woodbntu. ALSO—The following described lot, pic < > parcel of land situate in Troy boro' bound north by public highway, cast by land ni F.I. Peison. south by land ot John F. Means, v.i - by higliway leiding from Troy to Can'. . Containing .j acre .I land, more or lc ai . proved, wi'h one fiained hou-e and a t-.v n ire s thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the sa : Franklin U. Person vs. Warren II Boles. Al.SO—The following de.-cribcd lot. pU parcel ot land situate in Son h Creek twp.. bounded north by lands ol David Keiy. . c■: Jesse Moore east by Jesse M ><> re, tith by I lands ol Ebbtn Dunning, and we t liy l a is ui ■ David Belyea. Containing 50 acres ol inn . more or less, about 30 across improve, ui': t log house, log barn, and a lew fruit trei tin . on. Seized end taken in execute ", at th ... James S. l'utetrsou vs. Henry Miller. Also at the suit of Edward Van Dint's use •. . Henry Miller. ALSO —By virtue of a writ of Yen . Exp will be sold at the same time a: d place, the t lowing described lot, pice or parcel ol 1 ind uate in Tusearoratwp.,bounded u.ut t liy Aim.u i Armstrong, cast by Elias ami Geo. S .kmi oi. south by John and Joseph Neighs, and west i.y ; W. H. Ik Peter Neighs. Containing about -o t acres, more or less, about 2o acres improved. with a framed House, Baw Mill, si:! stable and ; a lew iruit trees thereon. II Seized and tsken in execution at the suit ot 1 ! I). L. Thompson's use vs. Jacob Bought. j ! Abo at the suit ol D. L. Tiiompson's use vs. 1 i John Bought 2d. s j WILLIAM GRIFFIS, s April 8,1667. Sherifi. 1 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.—N ti d | X-J is hereby given, that ai! persot inl ed to tbe estate of GUY TRACY, late | Milan deceassd, are requested to make irntu; i ate payment, and those having tlaii; ! said estate will present them duly authenticmt 3 ed for settlement. . 0 HENRY W.TUALY, R C. LOCK WOOD, r - C. L. TRACY, tt April 8, 1867. Lxcout : d "VrOTICE IS HEREBY C.VI'.N Xv That J- K. Seems, A. J. Conklm. am. I others have presented to the Court <•; Com mon Pleas ot Bradford County, the caarter ot ~ I the "First Methodist Epi-copa! thunh ol 1 j Canton," praying the Court lor a deeree ~i I incorporation, and that the same wm i>c mail. !on Monday, May 6th, 1807, of winch ... pm sons interested w.U I April 8, 1867. Prothonotary.