Neius from all Nations. Accounts from the upper Mis souri siy that the high water ot the Platte River lias caused great damage to the Oma ha branches of the Pacific Railroad, and no trains ere running at present. Forty miles ,ihe track are under water,and the bridges • <\er the North Platte and the South Fork are so badly damaged as to be unsafe for crossing. —Four persons have been arrested and lodged in jail at Schenectady. N. Y. i ..barged with stealing tra"k-iron from the Nw-York Central Railroad. They belong to a gang which has stolen and sold mauy tons ol" railroad iron. Some of the rails stolen were found in junk shops in Troy and Albany. —The colored men's shipyard at : Baltimore was purchased by them not quite thirf-cn months ago. It is entirely man aged by colored men, and 225 workmen are employed, 35 being white. Last year work was done to the amount of $70,000, the prof- | its being 25 per cent. —The colored people of George town and Frcedmen's Village. Thursday, celebrated the anniversary of their emanci pation in the District of Columbia. They parade the streets in procession, with ban ners and mottoes, and were addressed by Senator Morton and other speakers, both white and black. A large portion of the city of Des Moines, lowa, is now under water, owing to an unprecedented rise in the'Des Moines River. Great damage has bee n done, and a still farther rise in the river is anticipated as the snow on the mountains melts. —The Augusta t,Ga.) Press says there is a prospect that an extensive crop of wheat will be harvested in Upper Geor gia this season. An unusually large amount was sown, and the fields give every indica tion of a large yield. —The Liquor Law is now strictly enforced in Maine. A grocer of Augusta was arrested Thursday morning and fined lor selling one glass of new cider. After the fir-t week in June all similar offences will bo punished by imprisonment. —An average majority for the Re publican ticket at the election in Chicago on Tuesday was 3,851 —that for Mayor being 3,933. The Council stands twenty-four Republicans and eight Democrats. The \ otc- cast was less than 20,000. —Five thousand dollars' worth of smuggled liquors and spices were seized on Monday night on Peak's Island by the Uni ted States authorities. The articles were being brought from Canada to Maine. —One hundred and twenty thous and bales of cotton have been received this season at Norfylk, Ya. The steamship Pe ruvian is now loading 1,600 bales, with which she will sail for Liverpool in a few days. —The iron moulders in Cincinnati ••re on a strike. Four hundred of them are out of employment in consequence of it. —Belleville, 111., elected the entire Republican ticket, being a gain of Mayor and two Aldermen over last year. —Five men were killed, Thursday, at the marble quarry at West Stockbridge, Mass.. by the caving in of a portion of the rock. —Over 200,000 shad have already been shipped from Norfolk, Va„ to North ern cities this season. —Gov. Vance, of North Carolina, has been pardoned by the President. —Sallie St. Clair, the popular ac tress, died at Buffalo, last week. —The rebel Gen. Gano, of John Morgan notriety, is preaching in Kentucky. —The oppressive heat is beginning to drive the people from New Orleans. -Sleighing was good in Belfast, Maine, on the 2d inst. —Dominick Pott w :■ instantly kil led in Rochester, last week,by a heavy piece of timber falling on liim, while at work in (he canal. —The Governor of Delaware has appointed Hon. James A. Bayard U. S. Sen ator, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Senator Itiddle. —G. W. Curletou & Co., are about to publish a book which prophecies the ut ter extinction of christian civilization. —A partly finished frame hotel buil ding, was recently blown down in Mans field. It is a complete wreck. —A farmer by the name of Lopp,in New Berlin, Bucks county, recently lost a good horse by hydrophobe. —John Young, who, with his fam ily, residing near Hollidaysburg, was pois oned two weeks before, by some person un known, died on Friday of last week. —Michael O'Day was stabbed by John Clark, in Allentown, last week, and died in halt an hour. John Dronv, one of ids accomplices, was arrested. —Mrs. Keefer, the wife of a hotel keeper, in St. Thomas, Franklin county, went to the balcony to shake a rug, when the railing gave way,and she was precipita ted to the ground and killed. —A boy 11 years of age, son of Judge Reeves, of the Circuit Court, was fa tally shot by a playmate named Moseby, on Saturday last at Memphis. The lads got into a quarrel while playing together, when young Moseby drew a revolver and shot his companion, inflicting wounds which caused death in a tew hours. —A donation of thirty thousand dollars has recently been made to the Theo logical Seminary at Audover, Me., for pro viding a short term of study for those who j desire to enter the ministry, but who, for various reasons, find it inexpedient or im possible to take a full course. —Edwin A. Stevens, Esq., has pre sented t;> the Board of Education of the City of Camden, in trust for educational purpos es, a valuable lot for a school-house, which is to be called the "Edwin A. Stevens School. " —ln the Massachusetts Legislature the House Committee on Railroads and Canals Lave unanimously reported a bill in favor of granting the State credit to the amount of $9,000,000 to the Boston, Hart ford and Htie Railroad. —The store of C. A. Budlong at Cassvill.New York, was entered by burglars on Wednesday night,and robbed of $lB,OOO iu Government and State Bonds. The property was deposited in a safe, which the burglars broke open. —The Propeller Congress, which left Detroit on the 15th iust., reached Buf lalo Thursday, the first arrival of the season. -Two negroes, convicted of the murder of Mr. Savannah,Ga. were executed at the jail in that city Friday. Towanda,Tkursday, April 25,1867. A MASS CONVENTION OF THE UNION REPUBLICAN PARTY, OF BRADFORD CO., WILL BL HELD At the Court House, rN TOWANDA BOROUGH, ON MONDAY EVENING, MAY 6, '67 At 7 1-2 O'Clock, P, M„ For the purpose of electing delegates to the State Convention to be held at WILLIAM SPORT, on the 26th day of JUNE, next. By order of the Standing Committee. G. D. MONTANYE, Chairman. TnF. CATTLE EPIDEMIC IN NEW JER SEY.—The farmers and owers of cattle in New Jersey have recently been seriously alamed at the simultaneous appearance in various parts of the State of a new disease among their horses and mules. The disease has, in the few cases which have up to the present time occurred, invariably proved fatal, and although the symp toms are not in all instances identi cal, they are sufficiently alike in their general character to warrant the be lief that they are the beginning of an epidemic, which may possibly create as much loss among the cattle of this section of the country as the well known rinderpest has already caused in Europe. It is admitted by all that the past year, has been ex tremely unfavorable to the health of either man or beast, and there is a reasonable basis for the fear that the nuusual physical conditions under which we have been placed, may have produced effects which although they have hitherto remained dormant, may shortly become only too clearly apparent. For some time complaints have been made in nearly every county in the State of New Jersey, to the effect that an unusual amount of sickness was prevailing among horses ; and, in fact, live stock gen erally. One of the most dangerous and fatal diseases which attack horses—lung fever—has lately been extremely destructive, while every other malady with which they are at any time visited has existed with more or less intensity. A number of deaths have, however, occurred in whicli the precise nature of the dis ease is unknown ; though many of the symtems are similar to those which in human beings characterize typhoid fever. IN Tennessee the " Conserva tives" count on 27,000 majority on the white vote, aud estimate the colored vote at 10,000 for Brownlow and 20,000 for the Conservative can didate. By tltis reckoning the anti- Brownlow party claim the election of their candidate by 7,000 votes. In order to secure this result, the negro vote must be controlled very largely by the late rebel element. It is the heartiness with which they enter in to this new work that is peculiarly wonderful. Men who, 12 months ago, declared they would die before they would consent to go to the polls with the negro, are now zealous in their efforts to control his vote. They do not do this out of any change in their feelings toward the blacks, but they do it that they may, if possible, secure the defeat of the Radicals. How near these estimates are to the truth, it is of course impossible to tell, but that the Conservative party will use every me ns, fair and foul, to secure success, thero can be no doubt. RUSSIAN - AMERICA. —The Senate last week ratified a treaty between the United States and Russia, by which the latter government cedes to the United States Russian America for $7,000,000 in gold. Russian Amer ica is a vast territory situated on the Pacific slope of this continent and running up north to the North pole, so far as any body knows to the con trary. Its inhabitants are princi pally Esquimaux, polar bears and seals ; —its productions icebergs and possibly furs There is great diver sity of opinion as to the advantages of tiiis acquisition—but we are in clined to the opinion that the weight of testimony would place its intrinsic value at a low standard—although the treaty was ratified by the Sen ate almost unanimously. We do not know that any body knows the num ber of square miles embraced with in its boundaries. Uasr The State Tax on personal property, we see it stated, has been abolished bj> the Legislature, and in lieu of it a levy of $300,000 has been apportioned upon the several counties of the Commonwealth according to population. As the State tax on real estate was abolished last year, there will be no State tax whatever to pay in future to the tax-collector, but the county tax will have to be increased to meet the quota of each county in the $300,000 State bonus, which will come back to the county again in the shape of appropriations for public schools. Sufficient revenue to pay current expenses and interest is ob tained from banks, railroad compan ies, and other money-making asso ciations According the best Advices ' from the far West, the Blackfect, . Sioux, Arrapahoee, Cheyennes and Camanches have all determined upon war with the whites, and several; other tribes are also banding togeth-' er for the great struggle. We do j not see how the Pacific railroad en-1 terprise is to be successfully conduct ed so long as the route is liable to j be struck at any time by hostile sav ages,who would delight to run trains off the track and murder passengers. If it be possible to bring them under subjection to law, it seems to us the government cannot too soon be about it. It may be that Sherman's propo sition of "extermination" is the only practicable way of ridding the coun try of Indian hostility, but whatever may be required for that consumma tion should be promptly done. The whole number of Indians in the United States is stated at not exceed ing 400,000. S&- The resolution which was be fore our Legislature to commit the State to the aid of the efforts to ar rest the murderers of Noah and Abraham Zook, two citizens of Lan caster county who were murdered last October in Mississippi, was de feated at a late hour of the session by a Democrat objecting to its con sideration. Another link in the long chain of evidence of Democratic sym pathy with Southern traitors and murderers. GEORGIA —A large mass meeting of freedmen was held at Augusta, Geor gia, on Saturday. • Governor John son made a speech, advising the blacks to be sober and industrious, and to exercise the right of franchise judiciously. He believed the good and intelligent white men South would do justice to the negroes. He would do all in his power to improve the race in the social and political scale. NEGOTIATIONS FOR BRITISH AMERICA.— A rumor is current that negotiations are in progress for the purchase of British America,including Vancouver Island, and that the only difficulty that appears to stop the final con summation of the bargain seems to be that Mr. Seward insists upon turn ing in the Alabama claims as part payment of the purchase, to which Lord Stanley, the English Secretary of the Colonies demurs. POSTMASTER.—WILMAM B. SHAW, of Washington city, has been appointed and confirmed as Postmpster at this place. WOur readers will bear with us for the lack of our usual quantity of reading matter. Meanwhile our ad vertising columns are not devoid of interest. HOW DR. LIVINGSTONE WAS KILLED. Official iuformation of the death of Dr. Livingstone has been received at the British Foreign Office. He was slain during a sudden and un provoked encounter with the very Zulus, of whom, in the last dispatch received from him (dated Ngomana, May 18), he said that they had laid waste the country round about him. With an escort reduced to twenty by desertions, death and dismissals, he had traversed terra incognita between the confluence of the Leonde and Rovuma rivers at Ngoma and the eastern and northeastern shore of Lake Nyassa, had crossed the lake at some point not yet ascertained, had reached a station named Cam pnnda, on its western or northwest ern shore,and was pushing westward or northwestward into dangerous ground, when between Marenga and Maklisoora a band of implacable sav ages stopped the way, a mixed herd of Zulus or Mafite and Nyassa folk. The Nyassa folk were armed with bow and arrow. The Zulus with the traditional shield,broad bladed spears, and axes. With Livingstone, there were nine or ten musketeers ; bis Johanna men were resting with their loads far in the rear. The mante in stantly came on to fight. There was no parley, no avoidance of the com bat. They came on with a rush,with war cries, rattling their shields with their spears. As Livingstone and his party raised their pieces the on set was for a moment checked. Liv ingstone fired, and two Zulus were shot dead. His boys fired, but their fire was harmless. He was in the act of reloading, when three Mafites leaped upon him through the smoke. There was no resistance ; there could be none ; one axe cut from behind put him out of life. He fell, and his terror-stricken escort *fled. One of the fugitives escaped, aud he tells the tale—Ali Moosa, chief of his es cort of porters. " One blow killed Dr. Livingstone outright. He had no other wound but this terrible gash. From the description it must have gone thro' the neck and spine up to the throat in front. It had nearly decapitated him. Death came mercifully in its suddenness. The Mafite had respect ed him when dead, for he was strip ped only of his cuter clothing. A grave was dug with sticks and the body buried. THE CONFEDERATE GOLD. —The large amount of coin and bullion captured by our forces during the flight of the rebel troops, near Augusta, Ga., in 1865, and which has occasioned much discussion and arbitration, being claimed by several parties;in Richmond and New Orleans, has again been the source of investiga tion. From the records of the Con federate government and Irom other sources, the treasure is proved be yond doubt to have belonged to the rebel government, and not to Rich mond or New Orleans banks, as has been supposed. From entries in the journal of the rebel treasurer, and from the identity of fifty or sixty bars of silver bullion of peculiar shape, which were recognized as coming from the New Orleans mint, and from other evidences, the owner ship of the captured treasure seemß now finally established. Nrto | GOODS AT TDK OLD STAND OK J. W TAYLOR. The anbacrlbers having availed themselves of the late low prices of Go ids in New York, ate now receiving a fine assortment ol , SPRING AND SI MMER GOODS, Consisting of ever , thing in the line ol STAPLE &. FANCY DRY GOODS, Such as UftoWN SHEETING AND SHIRTING, A variety ol w'dtbs, ir >ui 10 to 20 cts. per yard. A go i/l t esortnient ol BLEACHED MUSLINS, From 124 to Ho cts. PRINTS, From 10 to 18 cts. | TABLE LINEN & TABLE CLOTHS CRASH & DIAPER FOR TOWELS. SPRING & SUMMER I)E LAINS," i A variety of styles. A large and splendid as j sortment of | DRESS GOODS FOR THE SEASON, i Including the latest styles , with varities to salt ! the most fastidious. A nice assortment of : SPRING & SUMMER SHAWLS. SACKING CLOTHS, For Ladies Sacks. BALMORAL SKIRTS AND SKITINO. HOOP SKIRTS, The latest styles. UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, A nice line ol DRESS TRIMMINGS, Latest styles. A splendid assortment of RIBBONS, A good assortment ol YANKEE NOTIONS, and PERFUMERY, 4C.. AC. MILLINERY ! THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT wiil be kept;in good style, under the supervision of MISS L. A. MOSHER, Of well known reputation. Having jast re ceived from New York a splendid assortment of SPRING STYLES of HATS AND BONNETS, Together with a nice assortment of FAXCV TRIMMINGS. We are prepared to fnrnish in that line some thing that will please and snit all. No pains will be spared to give in this branch of oar bu siness entire satisfaction. Call in and examine onr goods, one door north of the Post Office., Main Street. B. A. PETTES 4 CO. Towanda, Pa., April 16, 1867- STORK AND NEW GOODS FRESH FROM THE NEW YORK MARKETS. CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. The s nbscribers have purchased the bnilding lately owned by A.J. Noble, (one door sooth of Beidleman's Block,) and have filled it with GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, Fruits of all kinds in their season, (fresh and dred),inlact every thing usually found in a first class PROVISION STORE. A share ot the patronage of Towanda aud vi cinity is respectfully solicited. We will pay the highest market price for all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. We also have the sole Agency for Bradford and adjoining counties for the sale of the Cele brated Virginia and Norh Carolina Smoking Tobacco, A liberal disconnt made to the trade . BR AM HALL A CO WELL. Towanda, April 9,1867. Q LASSWA RE! 226 Greenwich Street, 2 doors below Bare lay st Is the Great Depot tor CROCKERY DEALERS' GLASS WARE. CONFECTIONERS' • DRUGGISTS' •< •< GREEN GLASS BY THE PACKAGE in fact all kinds of GLASS WARE. Also, a complete assortment of BRITANNIA WARE, And SILVER PLATED WARE, KEROSENE WARE, CHANDELIERS, LANTERNS, AC., Best brands of Kerosene Oil. The best patent Fruit Jars in the market, to be sold at the lowest prices. A fnll line of Looking Glasses. All kinds of Glass Ware made to order. Agent for Meridie Britannia Company. J. T. WRIGHT, 225 Greenwich Street, April 15, '67. 2 doors below Barclay, N. Y. ANTE D ! 5,000 CORDS HEMLOCK BARK ! The Towanda Tanning Company will pay the highest price for Bark delivered at their Tan nery at Greenwood the ensuing season. The Superintendent wiil be happy at all ttmes to give instructions or information as the peel ing and curing Bark. Proposals a e invited for the furnishing and laying down of 4,000 feet Pine Water Pipe or Tubing. JAS. B. HOWE, Towanda, April 1. 1867. Superintendent. CARRIAGES FOR SALE CHEAP ! The subscriber having sold his shop, will dis pose of his stock of CARRIAGES 4 BUGGIES at very low prices. He has on hand for sale 8 Buggies andT two platform Democrat Wagons, made of the best material .and In the most work manlike manner. Those wishing to buy, will do well to callus a rare opportunity is offered to buy a good Buggy cheap. I have also on hand some second hand Carriages, which have been put In thorough repair, and will be sold verv cheap- Towanda, April 15, '67. G. H. DRAKE. TAVERN PROPERTY FOR SALE The subscriber oilers for sale his Tavern Property, situated In Wysox township, opposite the borough of Towands. within a few rods of the bridge. The buildings are comnodions. and well arranged and the location an excellent one. Possession will be given immediately For terms apply to G. D. Montanye, Towanda. or to the subscriber at Myersburg. Wrw 'aWfrttofmrntg. T 0. OF O F.—BRADFORD LODGE As No. 167,1. O. of O. F.. meets at Odd Fel lows Hall, svery Monday evening from the first Monday in April to the first Monday in October at 7J p. m., iron Octob r to April at OA p. u. J. B. CAREY. Kco'y. April 13. H67. : .. WORD TQ THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT. MONTANYE 'SI Are now receiving Goods purchased during the | late panic in the market, and offer INDUCEMENTS That cannot tail to please the most fattidious j and close buyers. All the most desirable pat terns of LADIES DRESS GOODS, And Cloths and Caasimeres tor gentlemen, are not to be surpassed in beauty of style this side of New York. We hopo our friends will not fail to give us a call April 23, '67 4t. JOHN" MORAY, ARTIST AND PHOTOGRAPHER. Will promptly attend to all business in his line. Special attention given to Landscape and Stere oscopic Photography. Views of Family Resi dences Btores. Public Buddings, Animals, Ma chines, etc., taken in the best manner. Particular attentiou giveu to the novel and Leautiiul stere copic representation of objects. Orders received at Wood A Harding's Photo graphic Art Gallery, Towanda. Towanda, April 23.1867—y1. G 1 RIST MILL.—I have purchased 1 the grist-mill known as the Hsle Mill, sit uated near the mouth of Towanda Creek, and about two miles south of Towanda Borough. I take this method of notifying my old friends of my location, and am In hopes to gain many new triends and patrons by strict attention to my business. All 1 ask is a fair trial, as lam well satisfied that I can suit my customers . WM. BAHR. South Towanda. April 23,1867. pHEAP FARMS FOR SALE IN Southern Delaware. All persons desL-ing reliable information in regard to their location, soil and productiveness, can obtain It without charge by sailing on the sabscriber at his resi dence in Towanda. JAMES ELLIOTT. April 23, 1867. 2 3,0 0 0,0 0 0 ! The new Six Per Cent. PENNSYLVANIA STATE L 0 A N!. Free from all State, County and Municipal taxa tion. Will be furnished in snraa to suit, on applica tion to the nearest Bank or Banker : also by either of the undersigned, JAY COOKE & CO. DREXEL A CO. E. W. CLARK A CO. Bankers, Philadelphia. April 23,1867—-3w* TWENTY- FIVE YEARS EXPERI ENCE IN DENTISTRY. J. M, SMITH, M. D., would respectfully inform the inhabitants ot Bradford County that he is permanently located in Waverly, N, Y„ where ne has been in the practice of his profession for the past tour years. He would say that from his loDgand snccessfni practice of 25 years duration he is familiar with all the different styl.-s of work done In any and all Dental Establishments in city or country, and is better prepared than any other Dental operator in the vicinity to do work the best adapted to the many and different cases that present themselves oftentimes to the Dentist, as be understands the art of making his own artificial teeth, and has facilities lor doing the same. To those requiring under sets ol teeth he would call attention to his new kind of work which consists of porcelain for both plate and teeth, and forming a continuous gum. It is more durable, more natural in appearance, and much better adapted to the gum than any other kind of work. Those in need of the sane are invited to call and examine specimens. Teeih tilled to last for years aud oitentimes lor lite. — Chloroform. Ether, and "Nitrons Oxide " ad ministered with perfect safety, as over four hun dred patients within the last lour years can tes tify I will be in Towanda from the 15th to 30th of every month, at the office ol \V. K. TAYLOR, (formerly occupied by Dr. O. H. Woodruff ) Having made arrangements witn Mr. Taylor, I am prepared to do all work in the very best style s his iffice. April 23, 1867. HE HOWE SEWING MACHINE Manufactured in New York City. Adapted for every variety ol sewing in families or Manu factures. Established 1845. Improved 1860, '62,'64.'66. A. B. Howe, sole proprietor ot the Howe Sewing Machines. At the World's Fair, held in London, in 1862, the Prize Medal was awarded this Machine, with special mention of excel ent workmanship ; also, Four Prize Medals aud Four Honora 1 e Mentions were awarded eight different English Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes for excel lence ot work exhibited, aud done on this Ma chine. This Machine in its present improved style exeels all others now offered for sale. They are cheaper by 50 per cent than any other. For lurther particulars call and examine it tor your self, or send for a circular and samples of work, to G. Z MALLET, Special Agent tor the conn ties ot B udford, Susquehanna, Wyoming and Sullivan, Pa. LeR ysville, April 15, 1867. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.— Notice is hereby given, that all persons ind bted to the estate of Wm. Seely. late of Ridgberry twp dec'd., are requested to make immediate pay ment, and all persons having claims against said estate will present them duly anthenticat ed for settlement. DAVID GARDNER, DANIEL RIG HTM I RE, April 17, 1867. Executors. fflillinerg ani> Drese fttaking. MISS GRIFFIN, Would respectfully ask the ladies to call and examine her stock ot Spring Millinery Goods, just received from New York. Every thing beautiful and new. in the line ot Bonnets, Hats, Trimmings, etc She takes pleasure In offering to her friends and the public generally. Ol her work, those who have patronized her, are the best judges, aud to them she refers. Towanda, April 23.1867.—6w* JYJISSES WOUGHTER k SHIP DRESS MAKERS. Rooms over Bramhall & Cowell's Store, Main Street. Second Door below Beidleman's Block. Towanda. Pa., April sth 1867.—3 m. JJILLINERY. MRS. J. C. PIERCE, Would announce to the citizens of Towanda, and the pnblic generally, that she has just re turned from New York with a well selected as sortment of Goods, and opened a MILLINERY STORE, Over Shlam's Clothing Store, in the front room formerly occupied by W. C. Bogart, Esq., where sno will be pleased to see the Ladies of T<.wanda and vicinity, being confident that with a varied and well-seiected assortment she can supply their wants. Having procured the services of one of the best Milliners rom the City, she believes that she can give entire sa'isfactiou. Particular at tention given to STRAW WOBK. •rCome and see as. Don't forget the place, over Shlam's Clothing Store, next door to Mercnr's Store. Towanda, April 8, 1867. M ISS M. A. BUFFINGTON, Would announce to the ladies ot Towanda and vincinity, that she is now prepared to give her time and attention to DRESS MAKING, And solicits a share of their patronage, All or ders will be promptly attended to. Rooms at the residence ot N. J. Keeler, (up stairs) two doors east of Dr. Pratt's office,on State street. Towanda, April 15, IS .7- MEW MILLINERY AT MONROETON. Miss EMMA SILL 4 Miss MARION 8. RIDGWAT, Having just returned from New York with a fine and well selected assortment of MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. Would inform their friends, and he public gen erally, that they would be pleastd to receive a call front them at their rooms formerly occuit led by Mrs. H. M. Tracy. Particular attention given to Straw Work. April 17,1867. JBrrtljanifyf. j POWELL & CO., Art now rectifiug th*ir I SPRING STOCK! Purchased during the LATE PANIC i In the DRY GOODS MARKET, Aid are now offering their Goods! it a GREAT REDUCTION. March Is. 1867. drofkerg & fHcrchonb'cr. ROCKERY STO KE" WICK HAM k BLACK Have enlarged and re fitted their store and fill ed up with a VERY LARGE And varied assortment of CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, CHINA, YELLOW, ROCK, LAVA, AND STONE WARE. We propose to keep in connectLm with the above a full stock of SILVER PLATED, WOOD, WILLOW, AND JAPANNED GOODS TABLE CUTLERY. In variety. As we bay all our goods from FIRST HANDS, We flatter ourselves, we can sell GOOD GOODS Lower than any other parties In this region. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND TAILOR'S TRIMMINGS, Of the best quality. CUTTING And MANUFACTURING Done to order, Agents for WHEELER & WILSON'S And SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. , Tomato, March 7,1867. fllisffllanf mis. I K. YAUGHAN — Arrhiter! ami *1 • Buihlrr. —All k'ntL >' ' .ctr-- .1 I ing ' .to grounds, Ac., Ac. April 1 1-7. ly E~~ XAMINATIONS.-l will itte gr ,uted for summer term ' Vhoae without valid excuse for not atlendinir last fall, need not apply. Candidates must be present at 10, a m. Valid certificates, must in all casea be pro cured before commencing school term. O. J. CHUBBtD'K, April 1. ISO7 —3w. _ County Supt. ASH PAID FOR ! DEACON AND VEAL SKINS, Also, HOMEMADE CLOTH EXCHANGED FOB WOOL, AT DAYTON'S. Towanda. April ss, IRC7- TMPORTANT TO BUTTER MAK -- ELS. -The undersigned are now lully pre pared to furnish the public with an " Inclined Dog Power Machine* of a superior quality and pattern. Price of Machines Iro;u twelve to thirty-five dollars, according to size of Dairy. F.vcry ma chine delivered and put in running order, a- d warrauted to give entire satisfaction, or money refunded. All orders by mail promptly attend ed to. P ICE h COMPTON. Burlington boro. March 25,1867. We, the undersigned have each Lad in use during the past seism one or the above named machines, anil can cheeilully recommend them to the public as the best Churn Power }et intro dueed. LONG BROS. J D. BOPER. i -yy" A. ROCKWELL, ! TO THE PEOPLE, GREETING : 1 Has removed to the opposite corner on Main ! and Bridge Streets, to lb- store formerly occu | pied by George Stevens, and will sell goods only lor READY PAY, j And pays cash lor ail kinds of produce. The public are cordially invited to call and examine my large assoitment oi Goods purchased for CASH ONLY. 1 will give my attention to the GROCERY BUSINESS, And wil! n tnv best to give entire satisfaction . to ali. W. A. ROCKWELL. I April 8,1867. ; T7~ ALU ABLE FARM FOR SALE.—! T The subscriber others for sale his larm in Wysox, nearly opposite Towan a. This farm codtains 12b seres of land in a high state of im provement, with a splendid dwelling house, barns and outbuildings. It has a latge never tailing orchard stocked with good truit ol ev ery descripi ion. It is in a good neighborhood within easy reach ol the churcn aud school privileges of Towan la b .rough. For terms ot sale, 4ru., enquire ot the subscriber on tbeprein ises. MUBGAN D. STRICKLAND. Wysox. April 8, l-.s7._tf* WANTED IMMEDIA!ELY.—SOO 1! men. to a-1 as salesmen torCObßNb ILLUSTRATED DOMESTIC BIKLE. compri sing upwards ot 1,500 crown quarto pages ; a Commentary i I i 7.000 Notts Horn difierent Commentators ; 7uu Engravings ; Family Pho tograph Dep irtmenl ; Extended Concordance ; Maps. Biblical History. Chronological Tables, , &c., Ac. A book that always sells. Our aver age sales are 000 copies per day. Asasmnd aid B ble lor Families, Teachers, Ministers aud ai. lovers ot tile word ol God, it has no corape - titor- No License required tor Agents. For particulars address, IL. A. STREET A CO., Box 222, HarrLbnrg, Pa. April 8,1867. —fit. PUBLIC DRAY.—The subscriber has had mace a new and convenient DRAY' j aud will hereaiter be prepared to do hauling tor I ail pei-sons desiring his services. His Dray will si ud in irout of Patch's store. I when not engaged and ail orders may be lett at ; I that store. The patronage of the public is respecttully so'.icited, as by prompt attention to orders, and . by punctuality and low charges, he is determ i..ed to merit a share oi custom. FRANK STEPHENS. Morch 28. IS67.—3m* rFHE TEMPLE OF FASHION ! NEW STORE NEW GOODS! An entire New Stock of Clothing bought as cheap as before the war, to be sold with SMALL I' ROFI TS ! The undersigned would respectfully announce to the citizens of I'owanda and vicinity th* t hi has this day opened at the south store of BEIDLEMA N'S BLO CK , Opposite the Means House, Main Street, a NEW ESTABLISH ME NT Of Ready Made Mens and Boys and Childrens CLOTHING! GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. HATS, CAPS Ac., Ac., Ac., And that those goods bonght at very low figures will be sold with very small profits. 1 intend to establish a permanent trade in this place ,a in to gain the confiden eof purehas will deal with them on a basis of honesty a" integrity, aud all goods sold will i>e guarantee for what they are represented to be, *9. Come and examine the New Store of H. JASOBS. Towanda. April 8.1867.—yr. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the mat tr i of Iheron liintharl, tlec'd. Iu the Or phan's Court of Bradford < ouuty The undersigned auditor appointed by said Court, to distribute moueys in the hands of Da vid Gardner administrator, will attend to the duties ot his appointment at his office in Athene Borough, mi .-Saturday, the 27rh day of April 18t>7, at 2 o'clock, p. m., where all persons iu terested can attend it they thiuk proper. I. N. EVANR, s Marcli 28.1867. Auditor. fpXBOUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice in J hereby given that ali persons indebted to the estate ot John Holieuback. deed., late ot Wyalusing, are requested to make immedi ate payment, without delay, aud those having claims against said estate must present them duly authe licated lor settlement. L. P. STAFFORD, March 28, 1867. Executor. ADMINIS'RS NOTICE —Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate ot Thomas A. Burlingame dec'd ,late ol Burlington, are requested to make payment without delay, aud tuose having claims agaiust sa d e-ute must present them duly authentica ted for settlement. NELSON BURLINGAME, Marc!i 28,1867. Adminis'rator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— Notice is hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the estate of HENRY' KEYSFR, dee'd, late ot Athens twp., are requested to make immediate payment, aud those having demands agaiust said estate will present them duly authenticated tor settlement. JOHN D. KEY'SER, WM.K. WALKER, March 12, 1867, Administrators. \IAN UFACTE RERS AND IM ■ITA porters agency ,or Genuine Italian Violin strings, Piano. s, Melodeons, Cabinet Organs, Brass, Silver and all other kinds ot Musical In struments. Also Sheet Music and Music Books of all kinds procured to order, at UIDGWAY'S NEW STORE. ALL THE LEADING WEEKLY and Mouthly Publications, for sal. at RIDGWAY'S NEW STOKE. ftttrtljanbße. (J !' LA T RKI>U! T1 o \ IN DRY GOODS! Bonght ui the LOWEST MARKET RATES, And Goods marked down to PANIC PRICES! Bargains in CROCKERY, GLASS WAR F, BOOTS AND SHOES. I CHEAPER THAN EVER, AT TRACY & MOORE'S. April 9,1867. JOBACCO A CIGARS Wholesale and Retail at RANDALL A COMPTOVS First door south of the First National Bad MAIN STREET, TOWANDA, PA BRANDS OF TOBACCO-CHEWING. I Gold Leaf, Sunny Side, Pine Apple, Mi higa. Fig, Rose Leaf and Star, which we ofier for sue in quantities to suit customers. Packages > Barrels, haifs and quarters. , BRANDS OF CIGARS. American Eagle. Gen. Grant, Leboqu.-t, lm perio, Tycoon and the very choicest brands of Yaras. FANCY SMOKING. The celebrated Lone Jack, Pride ol the I'm ted States, Yirgiuistie ,Gold Leaf, Navy an 1 - kinds ol Killicknick. Landlords supplied with Cigars and Foil T bacco on liberal terms. All orders promptly tilled on short notice W. H. RANDALL. N M COMPTON March 7. 1867. UNDERSIGNED, HAYING Purchased the entire interest oi R. H. PATCH, fn in the firm of C. B. PATCH & CO., is no* prepared to offer to the citizens of Biadfnrii Connty and vicinity, a large and well selects' stock oi GROCERIES, Which 1 have purchased for Cash and fee! c.-nf dent that can sell at as low figures as can - purchased elsewhere. I now offer to the pub a splendid stock ot TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS. STARCH, SALERATCB, SPICES, AC. Have on hand a large stock of AKRON FLOUR, GRAHAM DO RYE DO. BUCKWHEAT DO. I keep constantly on hand, PORK, HAMs. LARD and kinds of PISH. Would call the a tention of the public to onr Can't Be Be.; STOCK OF TOBACCO, in quality or price. Jesse Oakley's Celebes'" Laundry, New York Chemical aud Brown Soap- Pie ase call and examine our stock ot WOODEN WARE Large assortment oi Y'ANKEE NOTIONB. TOILET SOAPS, Ac., Ac. I will pay the bin'- est cash price tor COUNTRY PRODUCE. Farmers give us a calf before selling elsewhere C. B. PATCH All persona indebted to the late firm w< ' please call and make immediate payment. C. .B. PATCH. Towanda. March 12,166?