Iftadfotdi ftejmrtc*. LOCAL AND GENERA 1.. fop* We rail particular attention to the gratifying report of Sunday School operation* iu the County, communicated in another column by It S. Russell, Esq.. and Rev. R. Crittenden. RECEPTION EVENING.—The new .store of Taylor A Co., will be open on Saturday evening, April 13th, at Gj o'clock. For in spection only, no goods sold, will be open for business on Monday, April l->th. Wo learn with pleasure that oui friend J. 11. Hurst, Principal ot the Berwick Academy, has been honored with a commission as a I.ientenant of the 12th f. S. Infantry. He expects to join his regi ment immediately at Washington. Lieut. Hurst served with distinction in the 141 st Pa. Volunteers for three years, rising suc cessively from the ranks to Captaincy of his Company. He was a brave soldier, was. wounded in battle and still bears rebel lead iu his person. Lieut. Hurst is a native ol Bradford county. Last tall he was nomina ted and elected Coronor. Bhomsh.irg R< - pvblican. An exhibition of Dialogues, Declamations, Tableaux and Music, Instru mental and vocal, will be held in the base ment of the Horn Brook Church, on Thurs day and Friday evenings, April the 18th and tilth. Admittance 15 cts, children 10 cts. \V. P. HOBTON, J. H. CHAFFEE, B 1. GILLP.T, 1 \. CROTSLF.Y, T. P. MCMAHOX, C'ommit- BURGLARY AND THBFT.—TWO yonug men, Cyrus Cornell and Sylvester Rosen grant, were brought to town last week to be put in jail. They are charged with entering the Factoryville Depot and stealing there from, two pairs of boots, a five-gallon keg of whiskey, a lot of postal currency A' c. i 'ornell is said to be from Bradford Co. : and a pretty hard customer. Rosengrant gaye bail for his appearance to answer at the April sessions. The key was turned on Cornell. An attempt to conceal too much of the whiskey inside of their shirts at one time, we understand, led to the discovery that they were the takers.— Tmkhannock LV>BD, Snyder House, Waverly, N. Y., at the most favorable rates. He is agent for Lake Shore, the Grand Trunk and con necting roads. South. West. Canada and Northern routes, by railway (and Steamers when navigable). Through trains, West. 5:29 A. M., 6:05 and 10:33, I'. M. Feb. 14, 1867. 2m. LUMBER WAGONS FOB SALE. --We have for sale, several Lumber Wagons, of different styles, made oi the best materials, of excellent workmanship,which will be sold at cost. Connive. A* KVSEI L. March ti, 18C7. CLOVER SEED.—Large and Sumil Clover, and Western Timothy Seed for sale by W. A. ROCKWELL. March 11. 1867. G. F. MASON & Co., BANKERS.—Iu vite accounts, discount paper, and make collections, throughout the United States, at lowest rates. State Bank notes received at New York quotations. Gold and silver bought and sold. Government Securities bought at highest rates. Orders for the purchase or sal.- of the va rious issues of Government Rorvls, prompt ly executed. Coupons of ten forties, tive twenties, and seven thirties, cashed on presentations. Interest allowed on special deposits. Foreign Drafts and Passage Certificates for sale. Towanda, March 11, 1867. 3A. E. T. Fox will reuiovo to the Mercur Store, directly opposite io his pres ent stand on the first day of April. Towanda, March 6, 1867. STORE TO RENT—corner store in Fat ton's Brick Block, Towanda, Pa., now occu pied by Wm. A. Rockwell. Possession giv- I en first of April. For terms apply to J. G. ! PATTON. Feb. 14, 18C7 K. F. STEVENS, C. E., Surveyor, Architect, Ac., House, Land and Estate ' Agent, offers his services to the public. 1 Office over Frost's Furniture, Towanda, Pa. Jan. 10, 1607. MARRIED. SMTI'H—DIMOCK—At Monroetou, on the 20th inst., by Rev. Ilallock Armstrong, Mr. Edgar W. Smith of Monroeton. to Miss Amanda E. Dimock of Asylum. FCLLER—KELLAItD ly Rev. E. Loorn is, Mr. C. F- Fuller to Miss Del phi tie Sel lard, all of Canton. BOTHWELL—GREENLEAF—AIso March 25th, by the same Mr. Alexander Both well to Mrs. Hannah Greenleaf,all of Can ton. CONRAD—STRUBLE—At the residence of j Wm. Yaußruut, Esq., in Myersburg Feb. ; 21, by Rev. A. C. Sperry, Mr. A. Conrad | of Windham and Miss A. .Struble of Litch- i field. SHOWER—COLLINS—At the residence ot 1 C. Richardson, in Rome, Pa., March 21, by Rev. A. C. Sperry, Mr. Philip Shower of Wysox and Miss, Sarah Collins of She sheqnin. ENGLISH—AUMICK—March 21, 1867, by Rev. R. L. Stilwell, Mr. Orlando English and Miss E. F. Auinick, both of Asylum, Pa. AYRES—EMERY—By the same March 28, 1867, Mr. John Ayres and Mrs. Sarah A. Emery, both ot Asylum, Da. FOSTER—STRAIT In Mansfield, 'iioge Co. Pa., March 21, ISO7, by Rev. If. Lambkin, Morton R. Foster of East Can ton, and Miss Ellen Strait, of Mansfield, Tioga Co. TERRY—CRANPALL- By the Rev. S. V. McVey, at his residence, March 28th 1867, Mr. Charles F. Terry, of Albany, Brad ford Co. Pa., and Miss Jane O. Crandall, of Terry Towns Lip. DAVIS—WILLIAMS—In Pike, April ltb, by Rev. T. Thomas, Dr. Rees Davis ot Warren, and Miss Maggie K. Williams of Pike. DIED. WESTON—At Wysox at the residence of his brother in law, Dr. T. F. Madill,John Norris Weston, vou&gest son of the late Dr. John N. and Nancy Weston, aged 21 y ears and five months." John Weston, who does not remember him - Mony of us have noted ids progress aa we saw him from time to time, from that early orphaned infancy, through childhood and youth to the first flush of manhood in which alas he was cut oft". A boy of won derful promise and beauty, a young man without a failing, an esample in his brief life and early death to others of his age,aye and not alone of his own age, all of us. the old, those in the meridian of life asj well us the young, might read a solemn and touch ing lesson in the triumphant death of this dear boy. He bore his terrible sufferings with more than patience and manliness, with christian fortitude and faith,he looked forward to death eagerly, joyfully, saying with child-like confidence that he felt such inward peace, such a longing to be with God, 'to fold bis arms on h s Saviour's neck" that he knew his sins must be forgiv en, for 'God is too good to hold out false hopes to me, I know this happiness conies from him." Which of us could meet death with common presence of mind - far less with constant prayer, hymns of praise and gladness [aud words of consolation to our friends ! Nobly self-forgetful to the last, ha exhorted those around him to lead christian lives, and endeavored greatly to reason away their grief, he left farewell messages to all, "say good by to my friends, give my love to the boys ; tell them I hope again to see them all in our Father's House." Adieu John Weston, happy, happy boy, yon have fallen asleep peacefully in the bosom of God, you have safely landed on the shining shore with those glorious angels you almost seemed to see in your last moments, and left us who tarry behind you in this vale of tears an example of many virtues. niisccllancous. DI SSOLITIONTlie co-partner ship heretofore existing under the firm name of Long Broi , is this da}- dissolved by mutual consent. A Long retiring trom the firm. PHILANDER LONG, M. J. LONG. A I.BERT LONG, Burlington bor, March 11, 18ii". The Mercantile Busiues* will be continued at the same place under the same name by the un eer igned. All persons indthted to the above fir.n arc hereby requested to make payment im mediately. PHL.ANDER LONG, M. J. LONG. D RADF OR r> C OUNT Y REAL ESTATE AGENCY, H. B. MCKEAN, REAL ESTATE AGENT. Valuable Farms, Mill Properties, City and Town Lota for sale. Parties having property for sale will find it to their advantage by eaving a description of the same, with terms of sale at this agency, as parties are constantly enquiring for farms Ac H. B. McKEAN, Real Estate Agent. Office Montanye sB: k, Towa- da, Pa. Jan. 39, 1867. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO ALL THE STANDARD Daily and Weekly Papers, re ceived at the " NEWS ROOM. S. HOLLAND, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. Poplar street .u rear of Ward House, Towan da, Pa , where he will make to order all kinds of Boots and Shoes lor I adies and Gentlemen on the shortest notice, a'so i< EPA IKING DONE Ail work warranted as good as tie best. A share of patronage respectfully solicited. Jan. 20. 1867, Real (fstate ant) insurance. I OXTA NY R A WARD, REAL ESTATE AGENCY, i Offer sale the followingpropertie at leuooua lc j prices and npon favorable terms : I Twelve town lots, on i omhard and Tfiird St.-. Towunda Borough. II 10,000 acres heavily timbered laud on the ; head waters of the Sinnamahoning, Potter eo., | Pa. ill i A Valuuhie Anthracite Got! Property, near i Scranton, P3. IV. 7,000 i Vi ltd Land in stewardson ! towD'hlp Potter eennty, Pa., heavily timbered. V. 26 Town ! vth in Monroe Borough. Bradford county. P-!. VI. is 2 Acres oi improved and timbered land, known as the Peltier and Pratt farms, In M la tyre aud Union townships, Tioga and Lycoming counties, Pa TohftuHd in lots.* VII 49 Town Lots in New Millord, Busqueh una co. Immediately adjoining the Kailway Dc pot. VIII. lino third AJMoJtou acres oi wild timbered I land. Montg riieWS- intv, Georgia. IX. .5,000 Acres Wild Land. >vl!ivau county, Pa. X. A valuable Coal properly neat Wilkes-Barre, Pa., having thereon ail the coal vein® ol the Wyoming vailey. Xi 122 Acres good Farming land. Burlington town- hip, Bradford county XII. 2,000 Acres, more or less, wild land, heavdy timbered. Mclntyre township, Lycoming i-nv.ti ly. Pa. XIII. 60 Town Lota, situat- on Main Railroad and Centre street-, Towanda. XIV. 40 Acres oi improved tavuing land, highly cultivated, Wysox township, near Towunda. XV. 11 Acres highly improved tanning laud suita ble for a ' trnek ' farm, or residence —Wysox . XV J. 7 Acres imp roved land, Wysox, ten minutes walk from Towauda Borough. A FINE RESIDENCE. With every aioderu improvement aud conveni ence. House nearly new XVII ou Acres heavily timbered land, -ak, pine, chesnnt, Ac. Wysox. within bait mite ot the Susquehanna. XVIIi. Too Acre® valuable iarraing lane.. Mlantie county, New Jersey . XIX. Tenements aud improved Real Estate, To wunda Borough, uad other properties. MONTANYE k WARD, Execute Conveyances, fnrnish Bruns of Title, buy and sell Real Estate, co Uect rentals and lien s,survey and examine ail kinds of property. They are prepared lo negotiate sale- ol farms, homesteads, aud propertie especially desirable to capitalists ; to procure advances of money upou bond and mortgage, and to prosecute in quiries foi those desiring to make investments or secure a home Tbey will t-ffc : INSIR A N C E In tiie ins! known companies, FIRE, LIFE. AC CIDENTAL and INLAND MARINE, They have exclusive Agency tor Bradford ami neigh boring couutiea lor leading companies in these saveral departments of insurance, Those who desire to buy or sell (arms : All who wish to effect insurance .gainst Fire; Ail who .->eek permanent investments tor the future benefit ot thcii tamilies. in secure and first-class bile Companies ; 1 apitalists desiring to buy or sell valuable speculative properties ; All wishing surveys and examinations ; All wishing advances upon valuable tea! property ; All who wish to obtain lease or rental oi Partus or Tenements, Are respectfully solicited to entrust -uuh busi ness to our Agency. Further particulars furnished at our office. Office, Union Block, Towanda. (To be re moved May Ist, to corner of Main and Piue afreets.) G. D. MONTANYE, hfsry w*nn. toer* PROPERTIES ADVERTISED FREE OF CHARGE. REFERENCES: v ßon. U. Mercur. Towanda, L'a Hon. Wil.iam Elwell, Bloorasburg. Pa. C. L. Ward, Esq., Towsntla. M. C. Mercur. " G. F. Mason 4 Co ~ Bonders, Towanda. J. D Montanye. Towanda. Lathrop, Luddington A Co., New York. Dickson Brothers, Philadelphia. Hon. John N. Conyngham, Wilkes-Barre. , Charles Parr isle, Witks-Barre. Hon. F.B. Streeter, Montrose, Pa, Towanda. April 2.1867- Real CPstate. SALE A NEW HOUSE A.\|J LOT, situate IU one of the pleai&ut e t neighborhoods of the borough. The house is good sized, the lot is large and has a good well and cistern on it. Also a variety of rmit trees, shrubbery, grape vine, Ac. Will lie sold on reasonable terms. Apply to JOHN N. CALIF?, Towauda. March 'JO, 1867. VA LUA BL E PRO PE RTY FO R a*I.E. 1 hnvi-for sale a HOUSE *nd LOT in tlie Northern l.itiei ies in Towauda Boro. Also, at AKM iu Wyalusing township, con ' lining shin' 130 a-res 100 pores Improved. with a g-r.d new li me house and b in,nod hearing truit trees thereon. Possession given • a the Ist oi April. For terms apply to rue. I also want to PURCH ASE a few good Ca.-- t iaee Hoise.-. JOHN HOLMES. Towanda, March 13, 181.7.—4w. yALUARLK PA KM FOR 6ALE Tire sn s, riber will se'l at Private Sale, the " Kingsland Farm -ituited iu Hheshequiu township, Bradlord County, Penn'a, being one of the in si da.-ruble Farm l in thtt count-. l! contains 182 ACRES OF LAND, Abeu*. To ucrea which is rtiver f tat Una un surpassed in ii ,-iiiity. and a!i-iat 20 acres jf Wood Laud, in" improvement s are a good MANSION HOUSE, live Large Barns. Corn House, and other >ns indebted to the estate .t JOHN DIOKKKSON tate ot Warren twp., dec ? d., >| l.aw p ge 1 it') will e required. Certificate- will be gr .nted for "uimnur term only. Those, without valid excuse It- no! attending last tail, need uot apply. Candidates must be present at 10, s iu Valid certificates, must iu all eases be ■ cured hefm . emmencing school ter.u. it J t.'lIUBBl"i K. April I lsi>7._;tw. County Supt. \Y A N T K I. ! .1,000 CORDS HEMLOCK HARK ! The Towanda faimiug Company will pay the J highest price lor Bark delivered at tbeir fan i ner.y at Greeuwood the eusuing season. The Superintendent will be happy at ail tlim s . to give instructions or i t'oriuation as the peel ing and curing Bark. Proposals a .'invited the furnishing and laying down ot J.tai'J net Pine Water i'ipe or Tuning. J AS. Li. HOWE, Towanda, April 1. Ist;,. Superintendent. T K. \AT Gil AN - Arcliitecl and ft * ftuilJn All kind- o Architectural de signs furnished. Ornamental work in B'one, Iron and Wood. Office on Ma'u -Meet, over llusse'l A Co.'s Rank. Attention given to Ru eal Architecture, such as laying out of grounds, Ac., Ac. April I, 1 iSt-7.- !y DUBLIC DRAY.—The subscribe! J lias bad made anew and convenient PRAY and wiil hereatter be prepared to do ha iling far all persons desiriug bis services. His Dtay will st nd in front of Patch's -tore, when not engaged and all orders m < •• left at (bat store. the patronage ol ihe public is le-pccltully solicited, as l>y prompt attention to orders, auu, by punctuality and low charges, he i-drterm i p:l to merit a shared custom. Frank Stephens. Voreh 2s. |st;7. :tic 'IMPORTANT TO HITTER MAK- A EBS. -The undersigned are now lully pre pared to furnish tue public with an " Inclined Dog Power Machine," ola .superior quality nud pattern. Piice oi Machines from twelve to thirty-live dollars, according to size ot Dairy. Every ma chine delivered and put- in runmug order, at d warranted to give entire satisfaction, or money refunded. Ad orders by mail promptly attend ed to. P ICE & COMPTON. Burlington boio, March 25, 1867. We, the undersigned have each had iu use during the past scasoi one of the above named machines, and can eheeifully recoinmeud them to the public a° the best Churn Power vet intro duced. LONG BROS. J D. SOPEK. WHOLESALE MUSIC DEPOT. L. B. POWELL. Seranton, Pa., Dealer in Chickering's Pianos, Decker's Pianos, Mason A Hamlin's Cabinet Or gans, Treat, l.indsley A Go's Meloteons, and all of Musical instruments. Sheet Music and Music Books. Orders flora Dealers and Teachers es pecially solicited. Addrcs-", L. B. POWELL, lid Pennsylvania Avenue. Seranton, Pa. March 28, lsfa7.—Bm. MANUFACTURERS AND 1M ATA porters ageucv lor Genuine Italian Violin Strings. Piauoes, Melodeons, Cab net Organs, Brass, silver and all other kinds ot Musical In struments. Also Sheet Music and Music Books of all kinds procured to order, at I KIDGWAY'S new store. ftliscfllancous. & CABINET WARE The subscriber would say to the people of BRADFORD AND VICINITY, That he has enlarged his FURNITURE WARE-ROOM [ The past season, and is constantly mannfaetnr i int. and intends fo keen on hand a largi assort men! mptly. Beech, Birch, Maple, Cheu y iiuswind, White wood, Chcsnut an - Pine I ember, wanted iu exchange for tor nknre. < . -ii paid for Newspapers. BEAR IN MIND, If yon would tiny good reliable furniture cheap , go to .] O 11 X S O N ' S ! Wiirkofall kinds warranted tube made of good materials, and well pat together. Thanklul for past liberal patronage, would so licit a continn . ncc of same. Shop and VVme- K',m situated ou the road leading u > u Orwell Hill to l.i-itjysville, line mile-, irom cither place. Louie one, come all Aud give me a call, And don't grumble at the prices I give you For the price is small, And that is not all: I'm sure it can't help bnt plea.-- yu.: . Toms—Cu-li • i Beady Pay. G. N. JOHNSON. Feu. 14, ls67—3m* VI V POLICY! Whereas! have just it turned trom New York with a flue stuck of New Goods -elected with great care and bought very close, consequently an. ecu' ed tnoffer great inducements to those v.njiiaa gcoiU. The slock i- adapted to the wants ol all both old and young. The leading department- are al. full. The DRY GOODS, GROCERY. BOOT AND SHOE, KKAIG MADE CLOTHING. II ATS AND CAPS, BUFFALO ROBES, if FATS FURS, LADIES FURS CHILDREN? SETTS, S >LI. LEATHER, ,Y\ BEAUTIFUL STYLES DUE — t.otiDs WORSTED SHAWLS, NUBIAS, HOODS At' All my
l man-| kind," are curdially.invited to "i 1 and see. No j charge for showing g.%ls. Tickets of Admission ' tree. I. H. BIiONsON. Orwell, Nov. 1,1865, rpilE TOWANDA BAKERY AN I' EATING ESTABLISHMENT ! W. K. HILL, having purchased the Bakery aud Eating Establi hmcnt and Grocery recent ly kept by Pettes& Hovey. first door south of the Ward House, Main stieet, Towanda, Pa , and having re modelled the same, and having asso ciated with him IRA SMITH. they are prepare d to (u nish their customers and the public with everything in their lineal reasonable rates.— THEIR EATING DEPARTMENT L- fitted up iu the most, approved style and meals are served a all hours, and their store is filled with a good assortment of GRriCBRIt- CONFECTIONARY, 4c., A They will m-.-p in store and -ell at wholesale and retail < manufacture to order BREAD, BISCUIT, RUSK, FRESH BOLLS, BUNS PIES AND CAKES, Oi all kind-. Also will keep the bos' Crackers of all kinds in the markot, by the barrel or pound. Fresh Oysters constan.ly on hand by the keg or dish, cheap as the cheapest. Tney #lll use the best materials in every thing aud will try to please the most fastidious. iS" Wedding aud other tancy Cakes made to order. Mr Families supplied daily aud promptly with anything desired in otrr line. They employ none but the most skilful work men, and use only the best material. They aTe determined to keep a first class establishment Give u a fair and candid trial aDd yon will find it to your advsnta?'. W. K. HILL, IRA SMITH. Towanda. Jan iu, W7-—yr. LIIAKE NOTICE.—AII persous iu- JL deoted to W K. Rockwell, will please give prompt attention to settling and paying, and 1 will close Book Account on and after the first day of April next, 1867. W. A. ROCKWELL, 1 Feb. ♦. 1867 ijnmpfjres Brother's Colnmn. Humphrey BROTHERS Are prepared inter t li- -nds ol the BOOT AND sHOK WEARING COMMUNITY M'KINV fHfc COHtMli t"V*K. And have it -tOiv ,1 very large and complete ae -ortment ol EAI> I E S FINE SHOES! Consisting in part of LADIES <'(INGRESS GAITERS, LADIES LACE GAlTEfih, LADHB BUTTON GAITERS, ALL STYLES IN Ltsnjfo, GLOVE KID, DP. MOROCCO, Ladies Glove Kid Balmorals, LADIES MOROCCO BALMORALS, Ladies I.anting Balmoral- LADIES BOOTEES AND BUSKINS l adies Slipper". Kid or Lasting. WOMEN'S CALF AND THICK BOOTEES Misses Gaiters. Balmorals and Slippers. CHILDREN'S FINE SEWED SHOES Children* Copper Tipped Shot--, CHILDREN'S CLIPPERS AND TIES We call cept. i i attention to our stock ol OVER SHOES. MEN'S, WOMEN'S A CHILDREN'S ARCTICS, Men's. Women's and Children's Robber". MEN'S BUFFALO OVERSHOES Gentlemen'-, Fine Trench Call Boots, MEN'S KIP AND STOGA BOOTS, BOYS FINK CALF BOOTS. BOYS KIP AND THICK BOOTS, Youth'* and Children's Boois. IN ALL VARIETIES, PRICES AND SIZES In lad ever} thing in !he Bout and Shoe line, FROM THE SMALLEST F S'HE LARGEST. THE HARNESS DEPARTMENT! On the Second Floor under the superinten dence ft! MR. JAMES A WILCOX, Long ami favorably known a* the manufacturer good work, is well Mocked with FANCY CARRIAGE HARNESS, HEAVY TEAM HARNESS, SlNiiliK HARNEMOK EVF.RV DESCRIPTION I.IORT tNl> UK AVV COLLAR* GENTS AM' LADIES SADLES, KJDIV. BRIDLES, HOKSK BLANKETS. WHIPS. AC., .\ay j;r< i jn ui a Hai uea luiul*- to order >mi nhMt iiutuf. T R UN K 8. LADIES TRAVELLING TRUNKS, CENT- PRAVEs.I.IXO TRUNKS VALISES OF LEATHER, WOOD, OR CLOTH, RAIL ROAD BAGS, RETICULES, AC , AC., AC ALSO FULL STOCK OF LEATHER hi• fiv-li and Amen u 0A LP AND KIP SKINS, Morocco, Glove Kid and Binding Skin*. OAK AND HEMLOCK SOLE LEATHER, Shoe Findings, HARNESS TRI A1 MING S, And all machinery n-ed in icannfaotorlug. Thanking the public lav their very liberal pa tronage during the year just pasted, we invite a continuance during 18C7, assuring them that we shall endeavor, by employing none but first class workmen, and using good material, to sustain the reputation of our house as being tbe best Boot, Shoe and Harness Establishment in Bradiord or adjoining counties. HUMPHREY BROTHERS. 1 Towanda. Jan. 1,1 W7. legal. A EDITOR'S NOTRCK - -In tk> ma> MM. ttr of the estate oj HoderuL IVtliuim* gi'j fa the Orohan's Court ol Biadford County The undersigned an auditor appoint, i i, v ~i (J Court to distribute money in the hind" ,l Ex attmJ 1 'tUf thl. U a" 1 """ ti * i acc """ r . wiii attend to the datie* of his appointment AI >.;. SSflfth i P 0 !' 0 ' 1 * 11 of Towanda, on Friday " Ap , ri1 '. 1M7 ' at a o'clock, p. m' living claim* upon said on. " nil " r fri "' v^ r debarred LLHANAN SMITH, Apnll.looL Auditor. A UDITOK'S NOTIOE-W of """ The undersigned Auditor, appointed bv i.t Court to distribute moneys in the han hof ad miniatrator, will attend to the duties oi hrsap po ntment at his office in the Borough ol T, wanda, on Saturday, April 20, IS'J7, at 2 o'- clock p. m., at which time and place ,p ~,. SsJfSS •SttaxwSJrt""*-' A UDITOK'S NOTICE— Inthe m,l InWhJ'nrL""- ° f 13 ■ P - - s "bdfr, ihc 4 In the Orphan s Court ol Bradford County. The undersigned a auditor, appointed Mid court to distribute moneys in the hand- ot Augusta Snyder. Executrix oi said estate! (a -n 7hk7 \ 3 <-"i"irmcd Febraar, 11, 1867,) will attend to the duties ol bi-> i, pointment at his office in the borough of To - wanda.on Monday, the 22d day of April, 1807, at 2 o clock p. m., and all persons having . lain.-, ?Me d lirlSe. thPm ' ° rel " '* March 16,1867. B> r . A™™** NUTICE -In the mat ifitJV\°V •f- ° f Corntl '*' Quick dt, In the Orphan s Court of Bradford Conniy The undersigned auditor appointed bv said Court to dis ribute lunds in the haul of the PJS££ j ■ ommg in Tor a -hare ol said funds. 1607. * Stir. NOTICE.— In the mat #£te t SZ££&Sg?- Ir,bPo! The undersigned auditor appointed Lv said Court, to distribute raoueye in the hands of Da admin ' Strator ' Wi " alt Ud to the duties ol his appointment at his office in Athens Borough, on baturday, the 27th dav oi t,T? 1867, at 2 o'clock, p. m„ where all terested can attend it they thinkjiroper. March 28,1867. L ' A^tor. RXECUTOE'S NOTlCE.—Notice i.-s JLI hereby given that all persons indebted t, the estate of John Hollenback, dee'd., late ol Wyal using, are requested to make immedi ate payment, without delay, aud those ha^mg duly ' f->-WMgga, A DMINIS'ES NOTICE.— Notio ■ is ,TrL. b^reb^ Ten tUat aU Persons indebu d t (ufri?™,L MA • Bar '"igame dee'd.,late „ are requested to make payment without delay, aud inose having claims against sa d estate must present them !ui>- irth-a ted foi settlement. "wmy wwea , no " NE! *-<>N BUBUNGAME, "WH* 88.1867. Administrator. A DMINISTKATOR'A NOTICE iTnh ,^ t ', Ce A a berel ' y given - that 811 person indebted to the estate of HENRY KEY'S - p dec d, late of Athens twp , aie requested to' make immediate payment, aud those haviiu. demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN D. KEYBEE I ..... WM. K. WALKER March 12,18C7. Administrators. f EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is J hereby given, that all persons ind btcdio the estate ol John Horton, late ol Terry twp dee'd., are requested to make immediate pay*' ment, and all persons having claims against said estate will present them duiv authenticated for settlement. GEO. F. HORTON ~ . , , ELMORE HORTON, Marc.i 7, 1867. ilxecutora ORPHANS COURT SALE—BV virtue of an order ol the Orphan's Court of Bradford Couuty, the undersigned admini. tratoi s of the estate of James V. Vi ol Springfield twp., dee'd.. will expose to'pub lie sale on the SATTRDAY AL'R' i 27. i667,at 2 o'clock, p. m . the Vll wire di cribed lot, piece or parcel* of land situate in Spriugtieid twp., bounded us foliow? :On the north by the highway leddiug from Leonu l\ to Pleasant Valley, ind Ambrose Grace's land east by Russell B. Young, William Grace and Lewis Beach s laud : south by William Gra '- and William Y'oung's land, west by lands U longing o Clark S. Grace aud Ambrose Grace containing about 100 acres more or less, where on is situated erne ftame dwelling hou-e ai d name barn. TERMS—ISO to be paid at the time oi sak 1500 upon confirmation, and the balance iu -ii aud twelvemonths. w*h interest from dPe . I confirmation. I.OBIN GRACE, CHARLOTTE GRACE. " 1 I"6i. Administrators. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE virtue ot an oider issued out ol the Or pbau's Court of Bradford county, the under sigued Administrator ot the estate of Harrison Carlisle, deceased, late ot said conntv, ivnisei on the premises, on Saturday, April 17,1867, at 2 o'clock, p. in., the following descrllwd lot', piece or parcei of land, situate iu Smithtield tr. Bounded on the north by lands ot Warren Chamberlin, on the east by lauds ot Jcseph Carlisle and John Farr, south"by lands occupied by Henry Quick, and on the west bv Geoi fc . Gordon and Horace Keeler. Containing it 67 acres. IERMS—SSU to oe paid jt iht seie, oue u.,.i the balance on lonfirmatioui and the remain fe rn one year from confirmation. u ~e SAMUEL Nli.if.fs, March 16 , 1867. Auininii-tratoi. APPLICATION IN DIVORCE"- To John Hammond.—No. 149. Dec. term 1866. Yon are hereby notified ih.u Sulom. Hammond, by her next fsiend B. S.Tears, fca appiied to the Court ot Commoa Plpas of Bin i lord County, for a divorce from the bond- ~ matrimony, and the said Court las appoint,-,! Monday, the 6th day oi May, IK7, f„, hearing the said Saloon. Hammond in the prem lacs, at which time place you can atte- . you think proper. WM. Gf, fFFis Apr 10. 1867 ■ Sits riP APPLICATION IN DTVOROK To Celina Howland.—No. 306, Dec. letni 1866. You are hereby notified tbat Geo. v. Howland, your husband, has applied to id Court ol Common Pleas of Bradford for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, m*,. the said Court ha appointed Monday, the ot! day of May, 1.8t7. at two o'clock, p. ni .t i hearing the said Geo. W. Howland in the pi misea at which time and place you can at ten. it you think proper. WM. GKiFFI.- Anril 10, ISK7. Sheriff APPLICATION IN DIVORCE To Vtantiy porter—No. 337, May ton. 1866- Y'ouare hereby notified that Allen T. I'orter, your husbaad, has applied to|the Court of Commjn Pleas ot Bradtord County lor i ii; vorce from the bonds of matrimony, aud tin said Court has appointed Monday the oth d-v . • May, 1867, aptwo o'clock,of m.,for hearing the said Allen T. Pmler, iu the premises, at which lime and place yon ca attend it yon thin*, proper. " WILLIAM GRIPi-'fS. April 8, 1-67. Sheriß. APPLICATION IN DIVORCE To James Uiltis.—No. 218, Bept tein. 1866. You are hereby notified that Margare; Hillis, by hci next tnend, Frances Strntheis. has applied to the Court of Common Pleas ot Bradiord County, for a divorce Irons the boa.;- of matrimony, and the said Court has appoint ed Monday, the 6th day of May, 167 , at tv, o'clock, p. m., lor bearing the said Margaret Hiilis, it; the premises, at which time aud pla• ' you enn arieDd if yon think proper. WILLIAM GRIFFIb, Aprils, 1867. Sheriff. APPLICATION IN DIVORCE.- To Sylvester Benjamin.—No. 183. Sep! term, 1866. Y'ou are hereby notified that Emil- Benjamin, by her next (riend Harvey Cun; miugs, has applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Bradiord County ior a divorce from the bonds ot matrimony, aud the said Coaii has appointed Monday the 6th day- o! Mat 1867. at two o'clock, p. m., lor hearing ib said Emily Benjamin, in the premises, it which time and place you can aileml if \ - think proper. WM. OUIFPIB April 8, 1867. NFC II iff TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ll That J. K. Seems, A. t in, l otlrera, have piesented to the Court oi Con moil Pleas of Bradford Couuty, the charter the " First Methodist Episcopal Ohui 'i o. Cauton," praying the Court for a decree o' incorporation, and that the same will be he., ' on a oudar. May 6lh, 1867, of which all P' r sons interested will plraso Utke notice. W. A. THOMAS, April 8, 1867. I'Min iu-tary FINE ASSORTMENT OF PRAY ER Books at the NEWS ROOM. LAKGEASSO RTMENT OF vo cal and Instrumental music constantly on Uaad at tb RKWS OOM,