LOCAL A XL) GENE HAL bsLT W A. Rockwell will remove on the first day of April to the store occu pied by George Stevens. Mar. '25. S&i . Mr. WM. T. POST, lias been ap pointed and confirmed as Postmaster at Elinira. in place of PICKERING, removed. I&r A Fire occurred in Elniira on Thursday last, destroying dwelling houses owned by Wilson Dean, Patrick Daily and Chauncey Smith. An attempt was made on Monday to burn the Depot, which came very near proving a success. lhe Inter"al Revenue Asses, sois are now engaged in the assessment ot the Income Taxes iu accordance with the law of Congress. The time for assessment is changed from May to March. Under the new law One Thousand Dollars is exempt instead of Six Hundred as heretofore. CHURCH DEDICATION. —The uew M. E. Church in Waverly, N. Y . will be dedi cated to the worship of Almighty God (D. V.) on Thursday, April 4. Preaching at HI 1-2 P. M., by Rev. H. Mattison ; and at 7 i P. M., by Rev. B. I. Ives. Ministers and brethren of adjoining charges are invited to participate in the services. SHAD IN THE SUSQUEHANNA. —The first shad caught in the Susquehanna since the alteration of the Columbia dam, were net ted near Fairview, Cumberland County,— nearly opposite this city—on Friday last. It is now ascertained to be a fact that shad can come up the river, and the prospect is that numerous fisheries will be established. Pike, rock and other migrating fish are said to have made their appearance in great abundance.— Jfarrisburg Patriot and Union. HOUSE BURNED. —The dwelling house of Mr. Geo. Mead, about three miles east of this village, on the opposite side of the Susquehanna, was destroyed by tire, to gether with furniture, clothing, Ac., on Saturday last, in the absence of the family from home. There being no insurance on the property the loss tails heavily upon Mr. Mead and his family, presenting a case which appeals strongly to the sympathies of the public for material aid.— Oicego Gaz. A " SMALL '' FAMILY. —There is a woman living in Rush township, Susque hanna county, named RUTH ROSENKRANS, aged H8 years and 7 months, who is the mother of twelve children, the grandmoth er of umety-one. the great-grandmother of two hundred and twenty-two, and the great great-grandmother of twenty-four children -making in all three hundred and forty nine. She is in very good health, and is able to knit a pair of socks in three day's time. THE NEW JAIL. —The Montrose Re publican says : That the new jail in Mont rose is to be built by the county, under the snperiutendency of Mr. Avery Frink. Mr. Frink is a very energetic man, of much ex perience in building, and no doubt the the work will be well performed by him.— We understand that he has a fine quarry on his farm near Montrose, from which he in tends to take the stone for the new build- COUNTERFEITER ARRESTED. —An indi vidual, calling himself Dr. Henry Corsner, and living in Thomson, this county, was ar rested a few days ago for passing counter feit money, and on Friday last had an ex amination before S. B. Chase, Esq., U. S. Commissioner for this couuty, at Susque hanna Depot. Counterfeit notes to the value of $l5O, on the Fourth National Bank of Philadelphia, were found on his person. After a hearing he was forwarded by rail to Williamsport, where he will remain jug ged until the June term of Court. It is be lieved Corsner was employed to dispose of the bills, as no dies or tools were found in his possession. — Pennsylvanian. Stxt" At a meeting of Towanda Di vision. No. 103. Sons ot Temperance, the following resolution was adopted : Whereas, It has pleased our Heavenly Father in His inscrutable wisdom, to re move by death from our circle and midst, onr much esteemed and highly respected sister, Miss MYRA BUTTY, who has long been an honored and consistent member of our order, and by her ladylike deportment and christian grace has endeared herself to us all. Therefore be it Resolved, That we tender to her afflicted and bereaved friends the heartfelt condol ence and sympathy of this Division. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to transmit a copy of these resolutions to her sorrow stricken friends. (Signed by Committee.) Dun - OF TOWNSHIP AUDITORS. —It may not be generally known that a general law of the Legislature, approved April 17, 1800, requires the bounty accounts of every district to be carefully audited by the Town ship Auditors, and "prepare a condensed statement of the condition of these finances, and publish the same, at the cost of the dis trict for three successive weeks, in two pa pers.' It not only requires this duty to be performed by the Township Auditors, but imposes a penalty of fifty dollars upon each Auditor who refuses to comply, one-half of which goes to the prosecutor, nnd the oth er half to the school fund of the district.— ft provides, also.that the Auditors shall no tify the School Directors or other parties having the disbursement of the bounty funds, to appc.tr before- them at si.eh a time as the Auditors shall fix. for the purpose of enabling the Auditors to close up the boun ty accounts of the towuship for the fiscal year. The above act may be found on page 778 of the Pamphlet Laws of 1866. CANTOS, March IS), 1867. Mr. GOODRICH. —We had a lecture on Temperance here last evening, from Gen. PATTON, of Towanda, to a large audience, in the church of the Disciples ; which was a rare treat to ns. The versatility of the General's talents enables him to sway the feelings of his audience in any direction he chaoses—at one moment he excites them to iudignation ; then to pity and tears ; and then, before their cheeks are dry, he will have them convulsed in laughter. He is certainly the best temperance revivalist we have had among ns. Th meeting was opened by prayer, by Eider If.• , CHLI.L ; and, at the close of it, the temperance pledge was circulated among the aecuence, and just one hundred Olsons signed it. There was also a num ber persons who signed au agreement to form a lodge of Good Templars. The Genera! was offered pay for his time ind expenses, but, different from most lec turers, he refused to receive any. Wher ever intemperance prevails his services should be secured. Yours, respectfully, LIST OF PERSONS drawn March 20, 1867, to be Jurors in a Court of Quarter Sessions, Orphan's Court, Oyer and Termi ner and Common Pleas, for May Term, A. D.. 1867: OH AND JURORS. .!//•<us hep. -William Sawyer. Canton twp. —Charles W. Landon. l-Vanklin. —Charles W. Stevens. Litchfield. —Cheater Merrill, David Struble Orwell. —Geo. W Brown. Overton —Edward McGovern. Pike— Stephen S Huehinson,. Josiah A Bos worth. Standing Stone —Myron Vanness. Sheshequin —Obediah Gore, Alanson Love less. Sylvania —Eli Burrett. Smithfield —John Bird Jr. Towanda Boro —James Elliott. Troy twp— Simon Congdon. Terry —Hiram L Terry. I Ister —Edward Walker, John Gilmour. Weirren —Harrison Whitaker. Wysox. —Amos York. H ilrnot— Hiram E Pond, Lyman Ashcralt Windham —Ransom W Darling. TRAVERSE JURORS —FIRST WEEK. Armenia—Simeon Williams. Asylum —Ulysses Moody, Samuel Kelhun. Albany —Daniel Burdick. Athens Boro Charles Comstock, Charles T Hull. Burlington West —John Bluckwell. Burlington Boro —Harry Gott. ' anion hop —William Bates, Goodwin Full er, Orrin Montgomery. Franklin - Trunk S Rice, John Cole 2d. Granville —Hiruiu Kittle, Yolney Bovier. llerrick— Solomon Stevens, John Nesbit. Litchfield — Alsop Baldwin. Lei lay sciUe —Noble Canfield. Oriretl -George Smith, Josiah J Newell. Rome twp— Lewis Goff. Ridgbury— John Carr, Vincent Owens. Springfield —Asahel Parmerter, V R Gates. Standing Stone— William Stevens. South Creek— Cyrus Burke. Smithfield —A T Allen. Shesheqnii t —ll Clay Kinney. Towanda twp —David Swartwood, Andrew Shiner. Towanda North —Wm H Foster. Towanda Boro —Gilbert II Drake. Terry —Joseph H.Horton, Charles Viall Tusearora —Samuel Overton. Ulster— Lorenzo Watkins. Nelson Olm sted. II 'ysox Morgan.D Strickland. Wyalusing —Almond Stone, Geo. S Good win, Lorenzo Allen. Warren —Loren Pendleton, Ira W Corbin. Windham —Henry Dunham. Wells —Jacob S Ayres. Wilmot —Joseph Gamble. SECOND WEEK. Athens twp— Jeremiah French, John Mills John H Murray. Alliens Boro— Zebulon Spalding. Albany— Clark Babcock. Alba —James Fellows. Burlington hop —William Shiner. Columbia —John Gurnett. Canton twp -Sullivan Hickok. Franklin —Harvey Kellogg. Granville —Luman Putman, David Sayles, Elain Bailey, Charles Clark. llerrick —Ezekiel Mintz. Monroe Boro —Marvin M Coolbaugli. Orwell —Georg< Johnson. Jtidgbury —Lewis Mosher. Smithfield twp —Virgil Vincent, Augustus Phelps, Wm Famswoeth. S}>riiojfield— Charles C Hooker, Nuina P Stacey, Sylvester Young. South Creek —Winthrop Y Glynes. Standing Stone —Nelson Vanness. Sylvan in—Seth Peck. Troy twp —N Byron Case, Ambrose Wil liams. Troy Boro— John H Grant, Edwin C Wil liams. Ulster —Philander Loomis. Barren—James M Bowen. Wyalusing— James Taylor. Wysox— John Trumble. Weils —Ahlen Swayze. A NARROW ESCAPE. —Mr. Edgar Os terhout, of LaGrange, accompanied by Mr. Jonathan Jenkins, in driving out of town on Saturday evening last, met with a seri ous and almost fatal accident. When near the north end of the covered bridge at Mar cy's his horse became frightened and ran away. In turning on to the bridge both men were thrown violently from the wagon. Mr. Osterhout over the perpendicular wing wall of the abutment, at that point upwards of twenty feet high, into the edge of the creek. His fall is supposed to have been somewhat checked by a small tree into the branches of which he fell, otherwise instant death would doubtless have resulted. As it was, he suffered very serious bodily inju ries—one or two of the ribs only being broken, however. These injuries with the shock received, and the chilling water into which he fell and for sometime lay, made it doubtful for several hours as to whether he could be brought to consciousness and his life saved. He is now said to be doing well. Mr. Jenkins who was not thrown over the wall, received but slight injuries. The horses became detached from the wagon and ran to LaGrange, a distance of four or five miles. Tunkhannock Democrat. Lyceum met for the first time on Monday evening of the 25th inst.. and was called to order by the President. The result of their deliberations was a lively and animated discussion, in which the merits of the subject under debate, were handled with such vivacity and interest, nearly every member present participating, that a question of such import.at a junction so critical and an age so enlightened as the present was not laid without pity on the table, as was the case in regard to the pe tition of our sisters to Congress nearly a year ago, but was decided a subject worthy of still more attention and the question : Resolved, That the elective franchise be extended to women, Was therefore reserved for the discussion of one evening farther. T. M. WILLOT, Sec'y, THE GOOD TIME HAS COME.—IN look ing over our files of New York city papers, we observe that during the jmst few weeks there has been a panic in the Dry Goods market. ' Over production, stimulated by high prices, by many of the manufactures of cot ton and woolen goods, has thrown on the market large overstocks of goods. The dull ness of trade throughout both East and West, has kept buyers from the cities,* and the result has been heavy failures in the Dry Goods trade, consequently large quantities of goods were offered at forced sales with but few buyers. The panic ensued, and prices gave way to an extent hitherto unknown in so short a period. We hail this not as an harbenger of the "good time coming," but believe that the good time has come. Those country merchants whose good for tune it has been to lay iu stock while this panic existed, arc enabled to dispose of their goods at a reasonable profit to themselves, while selling them at much lower price* the.ii at any time since the breaking out ef the Rebellion We cannot bnt rejoice at tbls,s there are thousands whose limited means prevented them supplying their wants at the high prices which have ruled for the past five years. In this connection we will add, that Powell <fc Co., have availed themselves of the advan tages above alluded to, and are now receiv ing their first Spring Stock purchased during the panic and are offering their- goods at the great reduction. Special Notices. DECKER BROS. PIANOS. —Our ox changes as well as our readers are invited to note the advertisement of Messrs. Deck er Brothers, the prominent Piano manufac turers of No. 91 Blecker street. We inform the public that a careful and official search, made at the United States Patent Office in Washington, has proved that no patent for an improvement in Pianofortes was ever gran ted by the United States to any person by the name of Decker, excejfi to the members of the firm of Decker Brothers,of New York City. This declaration has been necesstated by the fact, that some persons are trying to sell "Decker Patent rianos," which have not been manufactured by Messrs. Decker Brothers—thus misleading quite a number of persons in the country.—_Y. J". Weekly Revieic. HOUSE AND LOT FOR S.U.E. —The sub scriber being about to remove from the borough,will sell his House and lot.situated in the south par '; of Towanda borough, ad joining the premises of Rev. Mr. Harris.— Apply on the premises, when terms will he made known. Possession given iuiinediete ly. J. 0. BLIGHT. March 26, 1867. tf. FOR SALE. —A small House and Lot on 4th street. For sale at a bargain—pos session given at once. JOHN N. CALIFV. Towanda, March 18, 1867.—iw. A NEW HOUSE For Sale. Apply to GEO. P. CASH. March 21. t@p Valuable House and Lot for sale, on 2d street, in Towanda Boro, posses sion given immediately. Enquire of W. T. Davies, Towanda l'a. ' tf. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF TOWANDA FINANCIAL AGENT OK THE UNITED STATES, Capital $125,000. Deposits received payable ou demand iu Legal Tender Notes. Interest allowed on time deposits accord ing to agreement. Uneurrent Bank Notes received on depos it or exchanged for Legal Tender. U. S- Bonds and 7-30 Treasury Notes bought and sold. Highest price paid tor Compound Interest notes. Drafts payable in any part of the United States at par for sale. Drafts payable in England, Scotland,lre land or Wales, in any amount over one pound sterling, furnished at lowest rates. Passage tickets from Liverpool or Queens town to New York,by the well known Inman Line, on and for sale. E. 11. SMITH, Pres. March 20,'07. N. N.BETTS, jr., Cash. 7-30 TREASURY NOTES—IMPORTANT NO TICE.- Holders of the August issue of Sev en-Thirties wishing to convert them into Five-Twenty Bonds bearing six per rent, in terest in gold, can now do so at the First National Bank of Towanda. This is probably .the most favorable time to make the conversion. If delayed until maturity of the notes, the rush will be so great that the Treasury Department will be unable to supply the Bonds promptly. In making the exchange, the interest will be allowed on the Seven-Thirties to date of conversion, and the back interest on the Five-Twenty Bonds paid to same date, in currency. This interest will be returned to holders of the Bonds July 1 si, in coin, nuik iny a c!e<ir profit to them of whatever the pre mium on gohl is at that time. Compound Interest Notes—June and Ju ly Seven-Thirties, also received in exchange for the new 5-20 Bonds. Any further information desired in regard to the above, will be cheerfully given by calling at the bank. N. N. BETTS, Jr., Cashier. Towanda, March 11, 1867. A large stock of Clover and Timothy Seed just received at C. B. PATCH'S. March 14, 1867. ALVORD A BARBER are now of fering their large stock of Stationery at re duced prices. Their assortment of miscel laneous and standard books is always full. THE AMERICAN COOKING STOVE.—AN OTHER GREAT IMPROVEMENT— SIFTING ASHES MADE EASY. Every housekeeper knows that the process ot sifting Coal Ashes is at tended with much inconvenience and an noyance from dust, Ac., and unless the ashes are sifted much coal will be wasted that can be used after sifting. In the Amer ican Cooking Stove this disagreeable pro cess is entirely overcome by the ingenious arrangement of an ash sifter, iu the hearth or ash box, of the stovt, by means of which after the grate is dumped into the ash box the ashes can be sifted in a moment, with the ash box all closed, and without auy dust in the room, and the coal and cinders are all retained in a separate apartment, and can be returned to the fire chamber, or be removed elsewhere, and the ash pan can then be removed containing only the ashes without any dust whatever. This arrange ment does away with the old fashioned ash sifters, and must commend itself to all, and is another long stride toward perfection, and must add largely to the already extend ed reputation of this deservedly popular stove. This improvement is fully secured by letters patent. SHEAR, PACKARD A Co.. 17 and l'J Green St., Albany. For sale by CODDING A RUSSELL, March 6, 1867-tf. Towanda, Fa. Isa L. A. Lyon will open a private school, on Second Street, in the building recently occupied by Miss Hunt. Frst term to begin Monday, April Ist, 1867. TAKE NOTICE. —AII person owing the firm of C. B. Patch A Co., are hereby notified that costs will be made if not paid in 30 days. C. B. PATCH. Towanda, Feb. 25, 1867. SOMETHING NEW. —Becoming con vinced that the wants of the people oi this anl adjoining Counties warrant me in so doing, I have constructed at much expense, two finely arranged Hot Houses for propa gating Grape Vines, Flowers, and all kinds of Green House Plants. I devote my whole time to the business and now offer for sale the following varieties: GRAPE VINES —Tona, Allen's Hybrid, Is raella, Delaware, Hartford Prolific, and all of the better known varieties, which I offer at prices that defy competition. ROSES Geaut des Battailles, Gen. Jac quiminot, Gen. Washington, La Reins. Vic tor Verdier, Hermora, Souvenir de Malrnai son and many other monthlies. Also Moss and Climbing Bos s. Among the Miscellaneous Plants will be found Heliotropes, Pansies, Tuberoses, Ci neraria. Calceolaria, Carnations, Salvias, Fn chias of all kinds, Veronica. Myrtles, Gera niums of all varieties, Verbenas of all col ours, Tulips, Gladiolus, Dahlias, Ac., Ac., in endless variety. VEGETABLE PLANTS. —Early and late Caul iflower, Cabbages : Early Wmmngstadt, Ox- Heart, Large York and Sugar Loaf, Dreei's Late Drumhead, l.ate lied Drumhead and Flat Dutch. Sweet said Bell-shaped Pep pers, Dreer's improved Celery, Bound and Long Egg Plants. Among many other vari eties of Tomatos, I would especially call attention to the "Tilden" Tomato, a new and choice variety, very early and highly recommended by all experienced gardeners and seedmen. Boquets of choice flowers for sale. All plants nicely packed in moss and can be carried any distance with safety. I extend a cordial invitation to all to call and see the garden. HARIIY MIX. Towanda, March 1, 1867.-4 m*. T'lwn Order Books, bound in convenient form, for sale at this Office. JHouse to rent in North Towau i da .about 4 mile from the Court House.— Enquire of Dr. Porter. HafDowii with Horse Thieves'.! Get your Horses Insured! The GBEAT WESTERN IIOKSE INSURANCE AND DETECTIVE COMPANY insures Horses and other Live Stock against death, theft or accident. J. F. PAYNE, General Agent, Harrisburg, Pa. Applications for insurance received by JOHN W. MIX, Agent, Towanda. Pa Of fice Ist block south of Ward House. Towanda, Feb. 19, 1867.-6w. Western Tickets can he had of C. WARFOBD, Snyder House, Waverly, N. Y., at the most favorable rates. He is agent for Lake Shore, the Grand Trunk and con necting roads, South, West, Canada and Northern routes, by railway (and Steamers when navigable). Through trains, West, 5:29 A. M., 6:05 and 10:33, P. M. Feb. 14, 1867.- 2m. FTED" GEO. STEVENS will remove on the first day of April next, to the Mercur Store, corner of Main and Pine Street. LUMBER WAGONS FOR SALE.- WE have for sale, several Lumber Wagons, of different styles, made of the best materials, of excellent workmanship, which will be sold at cf> st. CODDING & HUH EM.. March 6, 1867. CLOVER SEED.— Large and Small Clover, and Western Timothy Seed for sale by W. A. ROCKWELL. March 1 1, 1867. G F MASON A (TI, BANNERS.—In vite accounts, discount paper, and make collections, throughout the United Stntes, at lowest rates. State Bank notes received at New York quotations. Gold and silver bought and s >ld. Government Securities bought at highest rates. Orders lor the purchase or sale of the va rious issues of Government Bonds, prompt ly executed. Coupons of ten forties, five twenties, and seven thirties, cashed on presentations. Interest allowed on special deposits. Foreign Drafts and Passage Certificates for sale. Towanda, March 11, 1867. E. T Fox will remove lo the Mercur Stoic, directly opposite to his pres ent t ,nd .>n the first day of April. Towanda, March 6, 1867. STORE TO RENT— corner store in Put ton's Brick Bloc!., Towanda, Pa., now occu pied by Win. A. Rockwell. Possession giv en first of April. For terms apply to J. G. PATTON. Feb. 1-1. 1867. jfcaP' E. F. STEVENS, C. E., Surveyor, Architect, Ac., Hmi-e. Land and Estate Agent, offers his serve st. > the public. Office over Frost's Furniture, Towanda. Pa. Jan. 10. 1,867. MA Jill IE b. VANDYKE—YANNESS— At Camp town. March 17,1867, by Rev. A. F. Harding, Mr. Cortlin Vandyke to Miss Marietta A. Yanness, both of Wyalusing. DIE b . WARD—At Homellsvilie, Steuben Co., N. Y., March 18, 1867. of Consumption, Mrs. P. C. Ward, wife ol Col. P. Ward,aged 54 years. MAYNARD—March 22, Mary 1' Mutant child of Davis D. an I Marv E. Mavnard. filtsccllaiuotis. DISSOLI TION.— TIk; co-partner ship heretofore existing under the firm name ol Long Brot.. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. A Long retiring from the firm. PHILANDER LONG, M.J. LONG, ALBERT LONG, Burlington boro, March 13,1867. The Mercantile Business will be continued at the same place under the same name by the an ner-igned. All persons indebted to the above fir.u are hereby requested to make payment im mediately. PHILANDER LONG. M. J. LONG. DISSOLUTION —The firm of Mar shall Bros. A Co., is this da}' dissolved by mutual consent. Marshall Bros, will settle ai I accounts wi.h late firm, and continue 'he busi ness at the old stand. R. T. MARSHALL. W. K. MARSHALL, M. M. MERCUK. Feb. 12, l*o7. AUDITOR'S NOTICE In the m a'- . ter of the estate of li. P. Snyder, dee'd In the Orphan's Court ot Bradiord County. The undersigned, an auditor, appointed by said court to distribute moneys iu the hands ot Augusta Snyder. Executrix of said estate, (as shown by Auditor's report, confirmed February 11,1867,) will attend to the duties ot his ap pointment at his office in the borougli of To wunda.on Monday, the 22d day of April, 18C7, at 2 o'clock p. m., and all persons having claims upon said luuda must present them, or else be forever debarred from the same. H. PEET, Mar. h lb, 1867. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the mat tei uj the t stale of Cornelius Quick, dec. In the Orphan's Court of Bradford County. The undersigned auditor appointed by said Court to distribute funds in the bands of the executor of said estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his office, in the borough of Towanda, on Wednesday, 24th day of April, 1867, at 2 o'clock, p. m., when and where all persons having claims against said es tate, must present them, or .>e debarred from coming in lor a share ot said lands. H. PEET, March lit, 1867. Auditor. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue o an order issued out ot the Or plum's Court ot Biadloid county, tlie under signed Administrator of the estate ot Harrison Carlisle, deceased, late oi said county, will sell on the premises, on Saturday, April 13, 1*67, at 2 o'clock, p. m., the lollowing described lot, piece or patcei ol land situate in Smithfield tp. Bounded on the north by lands ol Warren Chamberliu, on the east by lauds ol Joseph Carlisle and John Parr, south by lands occupied by Henry (Juick, and on the west by George Gordon and Horace Keeler. Containing about 87 acres. TERMS—SSO to be paid ,d the sale, one-hall the balance on confirmation! and the remainder in one year from continuation. SAMUEL NILKs, March 16 , 1867. Administrator. EWFI R M ! At the old stand of J. W. Taylor. B . A . rR T TES, Having purchased the entire stock of Uocds formerly owned by J. W. Taylor, on Main-st., one door north of the I'ost Office, in the Boro" of Towanda, and hiving associated with him Mr. S. Eastabro 'ks, late from Seranton Pa., would respectfully inform the citizens of To wanda end vicinity that they intend to continue the Millinery and Fancy Dry flood- V-inc- •-. heretofore carried on by J - W 'faylor, under the name and firm o r B A PETTKS \ CO., And would re:pcctfuliy soli it the patronage of the public. N. B. -The best and most experienced milli ners will be kept in the M iillnery Department. B. A. PETI'ES. .S. EASTABROOK3. i Towanda, March , r >, 1567,-ltm. DONT FAIL TO CALL AT THE NEWS ROOM,and if you don't sec what yon want, ask lor it. AI.VORD A BARBER. JQ D. KNAI P, Watch Maker aud Dealer in Gents and Ladies Watches Chains and Finger Rings, Clocks, Jew elry. Gold Pens, Spectacles, Silver ware, Plat ed ware, Hollow ware, Thimbles, Sewing Ma chines, and other goods belonging to a Jewel ry Store. Pellicular attention paid to Repairing, at his old place near the Post Office, Waverly, N. Y. Dec. S, 18M—tr. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO ALL THE kJ STANDARD Daily and Weekly Papers, re ceived at the NEWS BOOM. ~VT ALU ABLE FARM FOR SALE. T The subscriber otters lor sale his farm sit uate in North .o.vandl, aii iif one mile from Towanda Borough, ou the ..•: leading from Towanda to Waverly. Said uiui consists ot t2 acres o.t the east aud about 41 acres ou th west side of the road. Has a new framed barn trained dwelling house, aud good fruit thereon, and is well watered. Terms made easy. For further particulars enquire ou the premises ot WM. M. WATTS. March U, 1867. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS AT cost, at the NEWS BOOM. fttifftfllantons. GREAT SECRET EXPOSED ! Yielded at last to th wishes of friends. Time and again has the following proposition been made ; but never exposed until the present. FIVE YEAKS AX UXREVEAI.EH SE CRET ' NKKVK VOL'BKKLF FOK THE SUOCS ! First proposition to be made public : FRIEND NELSON :—First, I would say, ac cording to the best calculations, in the* Borough oi Towanda, there is sold yeaiiy one hundred thousaud dollars worth ol Boots and Shoes, mostly slop work of the nio-t interior kir.J and the people generally are sick of it. Aud now 1 say to your again, as 1 have belore, en large your Store make it neat and commodious, and keep a good stock ol Boots and Shoes, and you shall be sustained. Most ol the people tie gin to feel a little above buying their boots and shoes at Dry Goods Stores ; it looks verdant and outlandish. We do not ask to make your goods it it is not convenient. The facilities in some other localities, where a better choice of sto i k aud workmen can he hud, may be still bet ter Aud you have always been in the business and better understand this one point and im portaut branch of the Merchant's ait, than those that deal in Silks and Muslins, aud they, I believe, would he glad to let this business go where it belongs ; that, they have done it hereto fore to accomodate the people ; I do believe if you wouid opeu a tirst-class Shoe Store the people would not-go to Dry Goods Stores lo buy Shoes any mure than they would to Drag Stores for Oats. Stop, stop,! what are you talking abouthas not any one the right .to sell what he pleaseslt may be, bunot injustice is it right in so large a place as this, where practical men ore engaged wholly in this business. It ha-- been given up in every other place, and according to custom it will lie here. Two thousand live hutidied propositions madeirom customers, is, to bring more ol the same kind ol Boots and Shoes you brought with you wheu you came in town seven years ago. I Bare neve seta a good Shoe before nor since, i the language o them all at the same time, liaise thy teet gently And think it so queer That the Boots 1 sold then Should wear them a year, i now yield to the above propositions, and have promised to sell Twenty five Thousand Dollars worth ,r his Bonis and Shoes it he would make tliem as good as those 1 brought, here seven years ago. aud the answer is I will! 1 will! Well friends, your proposition made And I've consented to the trade, So 1 will sell yon Shoes both strong aud neat, To please the taste aud suit the feet. I have loidies,' Misses', Boys' aud Mens'.J From fancy down to coarse biogaus. Gome oue aud all. do as you agree, And buy your Books and Shoes ot me. Come! Come! 1 say. where you can find Boots exvctiy to y rur ui.ad ; A d it you was never here before, You'll find it is the very Stoic. Come Ladies, Gents, 1 have goods tor atl. Buy your goods ol me this Fall. And wtien Spring comes I will the cry,J " At L. C. NELSON'S I wiil buy!'' There is oue thing more 1 "I! aiy to you, i m iu the old Store made over new ; II any read, and stand the shock, •!y pi.ice you'll liud joins I'atton's Block. GENTS CALF BOOTS AT BARGAINS. M IN Kits Kll* ,V COWHIDE , Gents . u.i by Met alio Corrugated Per'ora te-t Plate.- A grea saving. terms Cash, no credit. Small profits lor in acm - the motto. L. C. NELSON, i OV .Hula, Nov. 20, 1866. EW A RRANGEMEX T AT TUB NEWS ROOM AND BOOK STORE. The iiutli-r-iuried hiving purchased the BOOK STORE AND NEWS ROOM of J. J. Griffiths, respectfully invite the old patrons ot the estab lishment and tin- pubis generally, to call and ex amine our stock. ALVORD A BARBER. S. W. ALVOKLL. K. K. EAUBKK. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OFYO cal and instrumental music constantly on hand at the NEWS ROOM. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT of Family and Pocket Bibles, cheaper than ever before offered in this market, at the NEWS ROOM. Iy ROPOSA LS.—PENNSY L VAN IA AGRICULTURAL LAND SCRIP FOR SALE. The Board of Commissioners now offer tor sale 520,000 acres of Agricultural College- Land Scrip, being the balance of the Scrip granted to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania tor the enduwme ut ol Agricultural Colleges in this State. Proposals tor the purchase ot this Land Scrip, addressed to "The Board ol Commissions of Agricultural Land Scrip." will he received at the Surver General's office, at Harrisburg, until 12 o'clock, M. on Wednesday, April 10. 1867 . This laud may be located in auy State or Territory, by the holders oi the scrip, upon any ol the unappropriated lands (except min era! land )o! the Lnited Slates, which may be subject lo sale at private entry. Each piece ot scrip represents a qu.rfer section o oue hun dred and sixty acre", is issued in blank an I will be transferable, without endorsement or formal_ assignment, i'he lauk need iot be till ed uutil the .-clip is pivseu ed for location aud entr , when the parly holding it cau till the blank and enter'he laud in his own name.— Bids must be i.ade as per acre, and uo bids will be received for less than one quarto, se tidi The Scrip will be issued immediately ou ih e pay me i of the money to the Surveyor dene r al Oil aii bids for i les quantity than 40,t)0u acres.-mi-third of th" purchase moucy mil i be pa d within ten day- , and the remaining fw birds within th rty cays alter notiti .itiou ol the acceptance of the bid or bids by the Board ol Commissioners J A('OB M. CAMPBELL Surveyor General. For ihe Board ol Commissione- Harrisburg, Feb. 27, 1887.—ts. NOTICE.—Notice is -U hereby given that .ill persons indebted to he estate ot JOHN TURNER, late of Canton twp., dee d., are requested to unto im mediate payment, and those having claitu against said estate must present them duly au thenticated for settlement. W. S. NEWMAN, CHAS. ROCKWELL, Match 4.l>>t>7. Executor. POCKET BOOKS, PORTE MO nais, Rocket Knives, Combs, and a full stock of Druggists' Notions, at B1 DO WAY'S DRUG A BOOK STORE. BATH BRICK, CORKS, BOTTLES, via!-. 15, i isi Pumps, Nur.-iug Bottle-;, Nippies, Nipple Shell , Syringes, Ac., at Kit Hi WAY'S NEW DRUG STORE. | N ST RU.MENTAL MUSIC.—Miss X STELLA HALL would inform the public that t she proposes giving instruction upon the Pie t.o, and ithit haviugpaid especial attention to the principles of Music, she tcels confident of giv ing entire satisfaction in the advancement in musical attainments of any who may be placed under her charge. Terms—24 lessons and use of instrument sl2; without use o; instru ment $lO. Residence two doors north of Dr. Ladd's. Towanda, Dec. 21 stiti.—tf. PAPER, ENVELOPES' BLANK ! Books. Writing Fluid, Ink, Pens, Pencils, j Slates, Paper Slates, \ isitiag Cards. Reward i Cat is. Wt:n? Desks, Ac., at ; ID • 'VAV' DRUG A BOOK STORE. A CHOICE SELECTION OP MlS ccllaiie as and Juvenile Books at RIDGWAY'S DRUG A BOOK BTORI. DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMI CALS and Patent Lcdicinen, at RIDGWAY'S NEW DRUG MORE. I LWTKA BARGAINS IN PAINTS, _LI Oils. Varnishes. Bcnziue and Turpentine, at Riit.l A'AY S NEW DRUG STORE. S. HOLLAND, ROOT AND SHOE M YKB t. p. plar si toe' in rear ot Ward House, Towan da, Pa-, where he will make to order all kinds of Boots and Shoe 9 tor I tidies and Gentlemen on the shortest notice, a,so REPAIRING DONE. All woik warranted as good as t <• liest. A share of patronage resoecttuliy -.di- it d. Jan. 20, ISG7. HAIR, HUSK, MOSS,SEA-GRASS and Straw Matresses. Also Spring Mat ! iesses. cheap at FROST'S. HUE LARGEST ASSORTMENT j JL ot Mirrors n town, at FROST'S, I ENAMELED CHAMBER SETS.— i i-Jt Also Fine Chesuut or Walnut chamber sets a FROST'S. K' EROSENE LAMPS,LANTERNS, Wicks and Chimneys.at j RIDGWAY'S NEW STORE A' LL THE LEADING WEEKLY and Monthly Publications, for sale at I RIDGWAY'B NEW STORE. fllifftfUantons. Jp URN ITU RE & CABINET WARE The subscriber would say to the people of BRADFORD AND VICINITY, That he hag enlarged his FURNITURE WARE ROOM The past season, and i constantly mauutactar ing, and intends to keep ou hand a large assort ment ol COMMON FURNITURE, Which he is se ling at great bargaius FOR READY PAY. My stock i ousists in part ot BUREAUS, EXTENSION AND FALL LEAF TABLES, BOOK CASES, SECRETARIES, CUPBOARDS, LOUNGES, BEDSTEADS, ROCKING CHAIRS, CANE, FLAG, WOOD SEAT AND OFFICE CHAIRS, CRIBS, WASH STANDS, ROUND TOP STANDS, Ac., &c., &c, And in fact every variety ot wares needed in Family. Office or shop. Those desiring any thing iu my line, will liud it to their advantage to give me a call, as I am NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD ! Persona keeping Public Houses, will he luniish ed at Wholesale prices in wanting a large hill. Particular attention paid to re seating and re pairing old chair* and furniture. Custom Wood Turning attended to promptly. Beech, Birch, Maple, Cherry , Baswo. d, Whitewood, Chesnut ana Pine I,umber, wanted iu exchange for fur niture. Cash paid for Newspaper-. BEAR IN MIND, If you would buy good reliable furniture cheap , go to JOHsS 0 N ' S ! Work ot all kinds warranted to be made ol good materials, and well put together. Thankful for past liberal patronage, would so licit a continu i nee of same. Shop and Ware- Iloom sitnated on the road leading from Orwell Hill to LeKaysville, three miles Iroin either place. Come one, come ail And give me a call. And don't grumble at the pri. es 1 give you, For the price is small, Aud that is not all: I'm sure it can't help but plea-o you . Terms—Cash or Ready Pay. ti. N. JOHNSON. Feb. 14, 1867 3m* POLICY! Whereas 1 have just returned Irom New York with a tine stock of New Goods, seta ted with great care and bought very close, consequently am enable.) tooffer gieat inducements to those wanting goods. The stock is adapted to the wants ot all both old aud young. The leading departments are all full. The DRY GOODS, GROCERY, BOOT AND SHOE, READY MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, BUFFALO ROBES, GENTS FURS, LADIES FURS, CHILDREXS SETTS, SOLE LEATHER, &C., BEAUTIFUL STYLES DRESS GOODS, WORSTED SHAWLS, NUBIAS, HOODS, AC. All my old frituds, and the " rest ol man kind,' ate eordially;invited to <-all and sec. No charge for showing goods. Tickets of Admission free. L. U B BON SON. Orwell, Nov. 1,1860, rp H E TO WA NDA BA KER V AND EATING ESTABLISHMENT ! W. K. HILL, having purchased the Bakery and Eating E-tabli buieut and Grocery recently kept by Pettes A Hovey, first door south of the Ward House. Main street, Towanda, Pa., and having remodelled the -ante, aud having asso ciated with him IRA SMITH, they are prepare d to fn nish their customers aud the public with everything in their line at reasonable rates.— THEIR EATING DEPARTMENT Is fitted up in the most approved style and meals are served a all hours, and their store is filled with a good assortment ot GROCERIES. CONFECTIONARY, Ac.. Ac. They will keep iu store and sell at wholesale and retail or manufacture to order BREAD, BISCUIT, RUSK, FRESH BOLLS, BUNS PIES AND CAKES, Ot all kinds. Also will keep the best Crackers ! ot all kinds in the markot, by the barrel or j pound. Fresh Oysters constantly on hand by ; the keg or dish, cheap as the cheapest They will use the best materisls in evety tiling and will try to please the most fastidious. W Wedding and other fancy Cakes made to j order. Families supplied daily and promptly I with anything desired in our line. They employ none but the most skilful work men, and use only the best material. They are i determined to keep a first class establishment, j Give u a fair and candid trial and you will find ' it to your advantage. W. K. HILL, IRA SMITH. Towanda, Jan 2J, 1807—yr. rrUKE NOTICE.—AII persons in- JL debted to W. A. Rockwell, will please give prompt attention to settling and paying, and I will close Book Account on and after the first day of April next, 1867. ' W.A.ROCKWELL, Feb. 4. 13. snmp!)rft! Srotljer'a Column. HUMPHREY BROTHERS AI prepared to ni'- Mi* : -id* of the BOOT AND .SHOE WEARING CO Mil UNITY M'RlKfi THK COMING YKAB, And have in store a very large and complete as sortment ol LADIES FINE SHO E S 1 Consisting iu part of LADIES CONGRESS GAITERS, LADIES LACE GAITERS LADIES BUTTON GAITERS, AL.L STYLES IN LASTING, GIOYE KIP, OR MOROCCO, I.adie Glove Kid Balmorals, LADIES MOROCCO BALMORALS, Ladies Lasting Balmorals, LADIES BOOTEES AND BUSKINS ladies Slippers, Kid or Lasting, WOMENS CALF AND THICK BOOTEES, Misses Gaiters, Balmorals and Slippers, CHILDREN'S FINE SEWED SHOES Childrens Copper Tipped Shoes, CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS AND TIES We call especial attention to our stock of OVER SHOES. MEN'S, WOMEN'S A CHILDREN'S AIICTICS, Men's, Women's and Children's Rubbers, MEN'S BUFFALO OVERSHOES Gentlemen'- Fine French Calf Boots, MEN'S KIP AND STOGA BOOTS, BOYS FINE CALF BOOTS, BOYS KIP AND THICK BOOTS, Youth's and Children's Boot-. IN ALL VARIETIES, PRICES AND SIZES. In tact every thing in the Boot and Shoe line, FROM THE SMALLEST T ) i'HK LARGEST. THE HARNESS DEPARTMENT I On the Second Floor under the superinten dence o! MR. JAMES V. WILCOX. Loug and tavoiably known as the nianufactuier ot good work, is well stocked with FANCY CARRIAGE HARNESS, HEAVY TEAM HARNESS. SINGLE HARNESS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION LIGHT AND HEAVY COLLARS, GENTS AND LADIES SADLES, RIDING BRIDLES, HORSE BLANKETS, WHIPS, AC., Any piece or part ot a Harness made to order on short notice. T RL'SKS. LADIES TRAVELLING TRUNKS, GENTS TRAVELLING TRUNKS. VALISES OF LEATHER, WOOD, OR CLOTH, RAIL ROAD BAGS, RETICULES, AG., AC., AG. ALSO FULL STOCK OF LEATHER French and Ameiicau CALF AND KIP SKINS, Morocco, Glove Kid and Binding Skins, OAK AND HEMLOCK SOLE LEATHER, Shoe Findings. . II A R N ESS TR 1 M MING S, And all machinery u-ed in man factoring. Thanking the public for their very liberal pa tronage during tne year just pas red, we invite a continuance during 1867, assuring them that we ahal' endeavor, by employing none but first class workmen, and using good material, to sustain the reputation of our house as being the best Boot, Shoe and Harness Establishment in Bradford or adjoining counties. HUMPHREY BROTHERS. Towanda, Jan. 1,1867. Cega!. AUDITOR'S NtTICi: In the mat tfrnfth• ratal' of Hoc! /,'■<• , / / In the Orphan's Court o! It . ',.oi !< . The undersigned auditor jp- i.t Court to dispose ol except;. .1 , , tiaiacconui of Jiuc- 'u'.i. said estate, will ntleud to ti:•* cu'i appointment,at h.s office iu tut B> :; . Towauda, on Tuesday, the 9th day i.i pi , 1 at 1 oVIo'-k, p. rn,, where all ] cr-o - bar , claims must present them,or he forever th ~an BEN J. 11. i'iii/.i, March IT, 1567. Auditor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that ail p is indebted to the estate of HENRY CV dee'd, late of Athens twp., are rer|ue-ted make immediate payment, and thou hav. demands against t>aid estate will present th duly authenticated fill illllllMill JoiiN t). KEYSEIi WM.K. WALKER, March 12, 1967. Admin; -.t. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— hi the m lev of Uu estale oj Corut!ion i s.. ' ■ In tbo the Orphan's C .urt ol Ur.n! i.- The undersigned,an Auditor,appoint. Court to dispose of t . eptious ti 1 t tee a account ot Harriet Chandler, administratrix said estate, will attend to the duties of hi r. poiutment at his olliee in tie borough ~. T wanda, I'a., on the id day . • April, ik7 a , 0 clock, p. in. " W. A PECK March 7, In;;. Auditor EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. No hereby given, that all persons lad bted the estate of John Hortoa. lute oi Terr twp dee d., are requested to in ike iinmt-iu p. meat, and all persons having c 1... as as said estate will present them duly i ;:b ' for settlement. GEO. F. lIOKfON. ELMORE HORTON March 7, i 867. Executor- V EDITOR'S NOTICE.— E.-tale I lk - Jotiah SI an ton, deed. In the Orpl. •. Court of Bradford County. I The undersigned Auditor, appointed by = ton: to distribute moneys in "the ,aa s oi ~ . : uimUtratar, will attend to the duth-. <. h - !po ntment at his office in the Borough !'i wauda, on baturday, April 20, 1-oT dock p. m., at which time and place ail p sons having claims upon saiJ money-, mu.-t present them or be forever debarred. G. D. MONXANYE, March 14,1567. Auiitoi \ UDITOR'S NOTICE.— In th,- mat U-Y. ter of the estate of S. S. Lathi op. I.it, i, Orwell, dee'd. In the Orphan's Couit o. lii ford County. The undersigned auditor, appointed by - Court, to dispose ot exceptions tied to lire n&l account ol Marsnal Friuk, one o. T.i tors of said estate will attend to the du'i •> appointment at his office in the R rough j i wanda. on Friday the dih day oi Ap: 1867, at 1 o'clock, p. m.. at which time as place all persons having claims upon said mon eys must present them or be lorever deban- JOHN W. JlU'. Mar. 14,1 sU7. SHERIFFS SALE U a writ of A Una. Pi. Fa issued Conrt o Common Pleas ot Bradford o .ut and to ine directed, there wii. ire exp ..-od : public sale at toe Court Iloase iu th . , . ofTowanda, on SATURDAY. MARCH :: i. Is ; at one o'clock, p. m . the following des ribed lot, piece r par-el oi laud itute .a Bmiiu,- tou boro', bounded aui -tea rib-.-l J..;.,,-,,- Beginning at the centre of the btati- Ro I joining iau- s lormeriy owned uy Wm. A ny thence south '4° tast 21 , , and 2 link . corner ot lot deeded t< S. V.Miller by V. Dickesou, Apni m, l-ou, tircace sru'tu , west 12 pi- and 22 links to ids- ~o , corner ot Mrs. Wm. T. Meads' lot, thence uort. 6bJ° west 214 pr>. to a hickory tree, tne: north 12° east o prs. to a stake, t'ac-uce sou - ., to J west IS prs. and 19 liuk- to the - east corner ot A.& J. Morley's store 1-v * along the line ot said Moriey - store lot tut. State Road aforesaid 16 p. .. thence ale-g 1 said State Road 8 prs. and lo link- tj the . west corner o: a lot known as the Yosbar. . lot, iheuce north 58° east accng said loau i 6-10 prs. tiieace north 89® east 2 • p. place of beginning. Containing lo laud, more or less, ail improved, w. ai a a, hou e, framed barn and tew frait tic.- tii.: Seized and taken in execution at th Justin Moriey vs.C. H. Fierce. WILUAM GlllFr'Ls, March 7, 1867. fch 1 Ucal Cstatf. FOR SALE.— a NEW HOUSE AND LOT, situate in one of the p! sa e t neighborhoods of the bor gh. The > is good sized, the lot i- large and has a g well and cistern en it. .ais a variety t. .. . tree-, shrubbery, grape vine, Ac. Will 1 on reasonable terras. Apply'to Juli'.i X. CALIi f , Towauda. March 20. 1 - '7. "ITALUABLE FARM FOR SAI T The subscriber hc. for s.dc u.; la: 1 I Herrick twp., Biadfni J ' utity ..oniu iag acres. Nearly ail improved. Well fen. watered and has upon it unit tr. and framed barn. Jt i- sit.imed 'a the mid , good neighborhood, with chnr h and = 1 I privileges. The Fnrin will be sold at agi bargain, and term- m ide M suit the nun . H.J Herrick, March 7. 1567.-41* VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR v SALE. —I havt iir sGo ■ HOUS "in the Northern Lib nies ia Towund. Also, a FARM in Wyaiusin, towu-. p, talning abont 190 sitges 100 acre= impt .- with a good new ir.uie lion ■ ' bearing linit trees thereon. Posse- -> ou th: Ist of April. For terras api.'iy . m 1 ,i! , w.m; to Pi'RCH \-K > •< v good t liage Jim 3M. JtltiN HOLMis.- Townada,March 12. ISC7.—fw. FARM FOR SALE The -ui'scriber ivill sel at Private Sale, " Kiugslaud Farm."' situit I ia h'-'iv| u township, Bradford County, i'eau'a, be.ng , 01 the most desirable Farui- iu "in- v . -.my contains 182 ACRES OF LAND, A bent 70 acres i which i- River F'a* snipassed in fertility, aau about 2b acre- o: Wood Land. The improvement s arc ag. id MANSION HOUSE, Five Large Barns. Cora House, and o.h buildings, in good condition. There.- the premises. a large quantity of bo.-im.' K tre s. the interest to he solu is ih • tut j . two thirds par! in tee uul a ii:._ e,i. remaining one-third. This Farm in one ,o! the i<">t ..-c j market. It is situated at the head at bra ted Staesheqnin Valley, on the m trom Shesheqaiu to Athens, ticroth trom i he North Branch Cauui, uud i (neaily cmpi. fed; ruaafag up the Branch. It c mprbes both Kiver 11 a :.nd laud, adapted l tillage and grazing, - ea worked, ani in fine condition. Terms v.. made easy to purchaser. Apply to \VM. SNYDER. Agent Shesheqaiu, March 7,1807. FARMER'S TAKE NOTICE. .. . subscriber having purchased the right Hermance's improved Farm Gate, to. lowing towns, to wit: Albany, Arm.- umbia, Wells, Springfield, Smithtield, Hi. Troy, To wane a, South Greek, Si m r.; - and Terry, is nr.. prepaicJ to eh Farm Rights' on 1 csrn: >le terms. This gate is durable ;.id cheaper ■ Any man c..u . . .he it aud any boy , Hio-e wl-hi: g • > purchase f-ovn •• wilj address '.VI I.LI AM DIMANC, Herri'l. N . 17.—G *.e ITimmiugs kept for .-de Feb 14 . Isfi7. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE T The subscriber (.tier.-for siie li.s i.ti Wyalasing twp., Br.td.uiu C- ntv. of 73 acres, of which 08 is impr ve i, and upon it a new house, large b .ru, with si., taclied, aud atiout 150 young tui.' iieti. well watered and well kneed, and f in ' the midst ot a good neighborhood with ch. es aud school lionconvenieiit. The farm will be sold at a gre.il t..n terms made to suit the pnrcba-or if. by first ot April nest, it will be rented E O. VAUGIIAN Wyalnsine. .fan. 1, IlJ7.—3m* SALE.—The subscriber oil'. lor sale his larm situate in Wyalu.-.iug ■ ■ about one mile from Gamptown. and thr. rut trom Rummcilield. •• the i* .1 Montrose to Towauda. The I aria ... ■ . tered and well timbered ; with and trait trees thereon. For parti da. of WM. GKIFFIS, Towanda. or i't at Camptown, Pa JAJlfchs r K Feb. 4,lS67—tt. IjUYRM FOR SALE.- The sub.- ■ J ber offer- hir li,rm '■*>*• - ' Asylvm towr-ship f ■ ■ mile- :• :u i I along the It a j about 150 acres, 110 improved, wit.-i fw. ii two iurus. two gicd orchards good Au - ,: ! well watered. The wh de under i goo ! >u t j cultivation. A Rope Usury brngtag to the tarm. For terms apply to the -ih-iriber ou tin place, or E. M. BISHOP, Wyalusiug. | r • j. M. Hi UOi'. Jan. 20. IBt>7. TEAS, of very due qualuy, by the chest, or at retail, bought before the recent dvauce, and tor sale cheap at FOX'S
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers