Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 24, 1867, Image 1

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I'm: HEPOETKB is published every Thurs
day Moming, by E. 0. GOODRICH, at $2 per
aunnm, in advance.
ADVERTISEMENTS, exceeding fifteen
lines are inserted at TEN CENTS per line for
first insertion, and FIVE CENTS per line for
subsequent insertions. Special notices in
serted before Marriages and Deaths, will
be charged FIFTEEN CENTS per line for each
insertion. All resolutions of Associations ;
communications of limited or individual
interest,and notices of Marriages or Deaths
exceeding five lines, are charged TEN CENTS
n r line.
1 Year, fi mo. 3 mo.
One Column $75 $4O $3O
Half •' 10 25 15
One Square, .. .10 74 5
ilstray,Caution, Lost and Found, audother
advertisements, not exceeding 10 lines,
three weeks, or less,. $1 50
Administrator's A Executor's Notices.. 2 00
Auditor's Notices 2 50
Business Cards, five lines, (per year).. 500
Merchants and others, advertising their
business, will be charged $2O. They will
be entitled to f column, confined exclusive
ly to their business, with privilege of change.
Advertising in all cases exclusive of
subscription to the paper.
JOB PRINTING of every kind, in Plain
and Fancy colors, done with neatness and
dispatch. Handbills, Blanks, Cards, Pam
phlets, Ac., of every variety and style, prin
ted at the shortest notice. The REPORTER
OFFICE has just been re-fitted with Power
Presses, and every thiug in the Printing
line can be executed in the most artistic
manner and at the lowest rates. TERMS
A KEY AT LAW, Lii'ORTE, Sallivaa
U 'I'OHXEY AT LAW— Office in Union
Block, formerly occupied by JaMACFARLAMS.
TXT T. DAY IKS, Attorney at Law,
H • Tuwajida, Pa. Office with Wm. Wat
; Esq. Particular attention paid to Or
p: ms' Court business and settlement ol dece
dents estates.
\ lERCUB A MORROW, Attorneys
IVL al, Towanda, Penn'a,
The undersigned having associated themselves
together in the practice of Law, offer their pro
:*-sional services to the public.
Match 9, 1565.
A LAW. Offices In Union Block, Towanda,
i'.t.. formerly occupied by Hon. Wm. Elwell.and
in Patrick's block, Athens. Pa. They may be
consulted at either place.
i! W. PATRICK, ap!l3 W. A. PKCR.
d::. Pa. Particular attention paid to business
iu the Orphans' Conrt. July 20. 1566.
UKNRY FEET, Attorney at Lav.
Towan la. Pa. jun27, CO.
• KEY AT LAW. Troy, Pa. Special
.-.'.tention given to collecting claims against the
G verument tor Bounty, Back Pay and Pensions.
Office with E. B. Parsons. Esq. June 12,1565.
OVERTON Jr.,. Attor-
A-Juiy a! Law, Towanda. Pa. Office in Mon
tauyes Block, over Frost's Store July 13.1665.
t) AT LAW, Towanda, Pa. Also, Govern
i at Agent for the collection ot Pensions. Back
Pay and Bounty.
No charge unless successful. Office over
ti.i i'o-t Office and News Boom. Dec. 1, 1664.
i \ D. STILES, M. D., Physician and
* '• S i.gton. would announce to the people ot
R. ::i- Borough anj vicinity, that he has perma
nt y locate at the place formerly occupied by
I>r. G W. Stone, lor the practice of his p ofes
n. Particular attention given to the treat
ment ot women and children, as also to the prac
tic of operative and minor surgery. Oct. 2,'66.
DR. PRATT lias removed, to State
street, (first above B. S. Russe'l A "Co's
Bank). Persons from a distance desirous .! con
-ultiug him, will be most likely to find him on
Saturday af each week. Especial attention;will
be given to surgical cases, and the extraction of
teeth. Gas or Ether administered when desired.
July IS. 1666. D. S. PRATT, M. D.
fice in GORE'S Drug Store, Towanda, Pa.
Palis promptly attended to at all hours,
i'owauia, November 26, IC6.
AJ All Utters addressed to him at Sugar Run.
Eradroi J Co. Fa., will receive prompt attention.
L'RANCIS E. POST. Painter, Totc-
JL anda, Pa. with 10 years experience, is con
fident he can give the best satisfaction in Paint-
Graining. Staining. Glazing. Papering,.Ac.
tf Particular attention paid to Jobbing in" the
antry. April 9. 1666.
Orwell, Bradtord Co. , Pa., will promptly attend
to all business in his line. Particular attention
given to running and establishing old or dispu
ted lines. Also to surveying of al! unpattented
lands as soon as warrants are obtained, myl"
J. S SntTH. M. D.. would respectfully inform
the inhabitants of Bradford Cor.nty that he is
ue. iiianantly located in Waverly. X. Y., where
he has been in the practice of his profession for i
•he part four years. He wonid say that from his ,
1 ng and successful practice of 25 years duration '
hi - familiar with ail the different styles of work
d ne in any and all Dental establishments in
> or country, and is better prepared than any :
r Dental operator in the vicinity to do wort
■ •est adapted to the many and different
s that present themselves oftentimes to the
> as be understands the art ol making his
owa artificial teeth, and has facilities tor doing
he same. To those requiring under sets ot j
te "h he would call attention to his new kind of
w k which consists ot porcelain tor both plate
tad teeth, and forming a continuous gum. It is
durable, more natural in appearance, and
h . Iter adapted to the gum than any other
h .1 of work. Those in reed of the same are
.to ,a!l and examine specimens. Teeth
'■ ed to last for years and oitent mes for lite.—
I '>. • :o m. ether, and ".Y t'ous oxide " admin
- t-red wtfit perfect safety, .j over four hundred
•'test- wuhin the last tour years can testify.
i will be in Towanda from the loth to 30th of
> : .osih, at the office of W. K. TAYLOR,
(i .met iy occupied by Dr. O. H. Wood uff. )Hav
made arrangements with Mr. Taylor, I am
prepared to do all work in the very best style, at
his office. Kov. 27.1165.
Office in Patten's Block, over Goie's
and Chemical Siors.
On Main -Teet, near the Court House
C. T. SMITH. Proprietor.
'Jet. 6, 1666.
T o wanda, pa.,
Raving purchased this well known Hotel on
d ice Street. 1 have refurnished and refitted
*ik every convenience for the accommoda
ir u of aii who may patronize me. No paint will
* f areu to make all pleasant and agreeable.
M ... '66.—tf. J. S. PATTERSON,Prop.
PER HOUSE, a four story brick
k.- edifice near the depot .with large airy rooms,
e.ecant parlors.newly furnished, has a recess in
new addition for Laiies use. and is the moat
r.v nient and only first class ho'el at Waver'.y.
T • It is the principal office tor stages south
II express. Also for sale of Western Tickets.
"■ *' a t anada, on Grand Trunk Kail-wav. Fare
1 - treit from $4, is cheaper than any
other rente. Apply for tickets as above to
"tabling aud care of H.-rses at reasonable
Waverly .5.Y.0ct.26. 1566.-3 m. C. W.
EB Books at the NEWS ROOM.
- A- in our iiae, ordered at short notice
QT caUing at the NEWS ROOM.
thsn at any other etabliakeut in town
E. O. GOODRICH, Publisher.
Delivered January l.i, 1866.
FELLOW CITIZENS :—Honored by the
selection of the sovereign people of
my native State as their choice for
Chief Magistrate of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, it is with
mingled feeliugs of humility and
gratitude that I have appeared in the
presence of my fellow countrymen,
and before the Searcher of all Hearts,
to take the solemn obligation pre
scribed as a qualification for that ex
alted station, "to support the Con
stitution ot the L nited States and the
Constitution of Pennsylvania, and to
perform my official duties with fideli
Profoundly sensible of everything
that is implied by this manifestation
ot the people's confidence, and more
deeply impressed with the vast im
portance and responsibilities of the
office, than elevated by its attendant
honors, let it be our first grateful du
ty to return fervent thanksgivings to
Almighty God for his constant provi
dence and unnumbered blessings to
us as a people, and especially mine
to implore His aid and counsel in the
discharge of civil trusts, who has
been my shield and buckler amidst
scenes of peril and death.
In addressing you on this occasion,
in accordance with a custom origina
ting with the Republican fathers, I
propose briefly to express my opin
ions on such questions as concern our
common constituency, and relate to
our common responsibilities.
Like countries of the Old World,
our nation has had its internal com
motions. From the last of these we
have scarcely yet emerged, and dur
ing which " War's desolation " pass
ed over our land, leaving its blight
ing influences principally upon those
unfortunate States whose people re
belled against the government, and
notwithstanding the agonizing sacri
fices of a great civil war, the States
that maintained the government and
determined that the Union should be
preserved, have constantly advanced
in honor, wealth, population and gen
eral prosperity.
This is the first time that a change
has occurred in the Executive De
partment of this State since the com
mencement of the war of the rebel
lion ; a brief reference, therefore, to
that conflict, and to its results, may
not be inappropriate.
We have the consolation of know
ing that the contest between the
North aud the South was not, on our
part, one lor ambition, for military
renown, for territorial acquisition,
nor was it for a violation of an}- of
the lights of the South, but it was
for the preservation of our own rights
aud privileges as men, and for the
maintenance of justice, liberty aud
tbe Union. The object of the South
was avowedly the dissolution of the
Union and the establishment of a
confederacy based upon " the corner
stone of human slavery." To have
submitted to this on our part, and to
have shrunk from a manly resistance
under such circumstances, would
have been deeply and lastingly de
grading, and would have destroyed
the value of the priceless legacy be
queathed to us by our fathers, and
which we are obliged to transmit un
impaired to future generations. The
patriotic aud Union-loving people felt
that the alternate was that uf life or
death to the l uiou ; and under the
auspicious guidance of Abraham Lin
coln, that virtuous aud patriotic Chief
Magistrate, with the blessing of Him
who directs the destinies of nations,
after open action and arbitrary vio
lence on the part of the South, the
appeal to arms was made. We had
a just cause, and our citizens approv
ing it with a degree of unanimity
heretofore unknown, in this or any
other country, left their various em
ployments, their homes and aU that
was dear to them, aud hastened with
enthusiasm to the scones where duty
and danger called, and as the surest
pledge of their unswerving love aud
fidelity to the Union, they unhesita
tingly offered their lives for its pres
ervation. Nor was any other tribute
withheld in providing the means ne
cessary for the support of our fleets
and armies. Nearly two millions of
soldiers entered the field from time
to time on different terms of enlist
ment. The citizens generally exhibi
tea the highest degree of patriotism
in the prompt payment of taxes, in
tht ir liberal contributions in the shape
of loans to the government ; and the
world was astouished by the amount
expended in their benevolent care for
the sick and wounded, through the
agencies of the Sanitary and Chris
tian i ommissions aud other charita
ble associations. More than six huu
d.ed sanguinary battles and skirm
ishes were fought, in which nearly
three hundred thousand of our heroic
defenders laid down their lives in
their devotion to the nation —" for
God and Liberty."
In every phase of this terrible con
flict, Pennsylvania bore an honorable
aud conspicuous part. She contribu
ted three hundred and sixty-six th®u
sand three hundred and twenty six
volunteer soldiers to the rescue of
the nation ; and nearly every battle
field has been moisteued with the
blood, and whitem.d with the bones,
of her heroes. To them we owe our
victories, unsurpassed in brilliancy
and in the importance of their conse
quences. To the dead—the thriee
honored dead—we are deeply indebt
ed, for without their services it is pos
sible our cause might not have been
It is natural aud eminently proper
that we, as a people, should feel a
deep tad lasting interest in the pres
ent and future welfare of the soldiers
who have borne so distinguished a
part in the great contest which has
resulted in the maintenance .of the
life, honor and prosperity of the na
tion. The high claims of the private
|" oldiers upon the country are univer
sally acknowledged, and the gener
ous sentiment prevails that the am
plest care should be taken by the
government to compensate them,
equally and generously, with boun
ties and pensions, for their services
and sacrifices.
I desire that it may be distinctly
understood that I do not speak of
myself, in connection with this sub
ject ; but I am happy to avail myself
of this opportunity to speak kind
words of Pennsylvania's gallant pri
vate soldiers, and the noble officers
who commanded them.
The generosity of the people of
Pennsylvania to the Union soldiers
has been imitated, but not equalled
by other States. There is something
! peculiar in the loyalty of Pennsylva
-1 nia. She seemed to feel, from the
first, as if upon her devolved the set
| ting of a superior example. The fact
j that she carried upon her standard
! the brightest jewel of the Republic,
; that in her bosom was conceived and
'from her commercial capital was is
sued the Declaration of Independence,
' gave to her contributions, in men and
money, and her unparalleled charita
! ble organizations, all the dignity and
1 force of a model for others to copy.
The rebel foe seemed to feel that if
he could strike a fatal blow at Penn
sylvania, ho would recover all his
losses, and establish a resistless pres
tige iu the old world. But thanks to
! Divine Providence, and to the eudur
! ing bravery of our citizen soldiers,
' the invasion of our beloved State
j sealed her more closely to the cause
| of freedom.
The result of the battle of Gettys
burg broke the power of the rebel
lion, and though the final issue was
delayed, it was inevitable from the
date of that great event. That bat
tle rescued all the other free States ;
and when the arch of victory was
completed by Sherman's successful
advance from the sea, so that the two ,
conquerors could shake hands over ,
the two fields that closed the war,
the soldiers of Pennsylvania were
equal sharers in the glorious consum- j
No people in the world's history J
have ever been saved from so incal
culable a calamity, and no people ;
have' ever had such cause for grati-,
tude towards their defenders
And here I cannot refrain from an '
expression of regret that the Gener- ■
al Government has not taken auy
stcps to inflict the proper penalties of,
the Constitution and laws upon the
leaders of those who rudely and fe- i
rociously invaded the sacred soil of •
our State.
It is certainly a morbid clemency, |
and a censurable forbearance, which i
fail to punish the greatest crimes
" known to the laws of civilized na- j
tions and may not a hope be rea-!
sonably indulged, that the Federal'
authorities will cease to extend un-!
merited mercy to those who iuaugu- J
rated the rebellion and controlled the !
movements of its armies ? If this j
be done, treason icill be " rendered j
odious," and it will be distinctly pro- j
claimed, on the pages of our future :
history, that no attempt can be made j
with impunity to destroy our Repub- i
lican form of government
And while we would remember'
" the soldier who has borne the bat-!
tie," we must not forget " his widow i
and his orphan children." Among :
our most solemn obligations is the !
maintenance of the indigent widows, I
and the sapport and education of the ■
orphan children, of those noble men j
who fell in defence of the Union. To I
affirm that we owe a debt of grati- !
tude t those who have been render- j
ed homeless and fatherless, by their i
parents' patriotic devotion to the!
country, is a truth to which all man-!
kind will yield a ready assent ; and j
though we cannot -call the dead to i
life, it is a privilege, as well as duty, j
to take the orphan by the hand, and '
be to him a protector and a father.
Legislative appropriations have i
honored the living soldiers, and en
tombed the dead. The people, at the i
ballot-box, have sought out the meri- J
toi ions veterans, and the noble spec- !
tacle is now presented of the youth- 1
ful survivors of those who f-.-l! for !
their country, cherished and educated !
at the public expense. Even if I !
were differently constituted, my offi- j
cial duties would constrain me vigi- j
lantly to guard this sacred trust. But i
having served in the same cause, and f
been honored by the highest marks !
of public favor, 1 pledge myself to j
bear iu mind the injunctions and!
wishes of the people, and if possible !
to increase the efficiency and mnlti-1
ply the benefits of the schools and iu- '
stitutions, already so creditably c-s- ]
tablished, for the benefit of the or-!
phans of our martyred heroes
The infatuation of treason, the
downfall of slavery, the vindication
of freedom and the complete triumph
of the government of the people, are
all so many proofs of the " Divinity
that has shaped our ends," and so
many promises of a future crowned
with success if we are only true to
our mission Six years ago the
spectacle of four millions of slaves,
increasing steadily both their own
numbers and the pride and the mate
rial and political power of their mas
ters, presented a problem so appall
ing, that statesmen contemplated it
with undisguised alarm, and the mor
alist with shame. To-day these four
millions, no longer slaves, but free
men, having intermediately proved
their humanity towards their oppres
sors, their fidelity to society, and
their loyalty to the government, are
peacefully incorporated into the body
politic, and are lapidly preparing to
assume thei-i rights as citizens of the
United States Notwithstanding this
unparalleled cnange was only effect
ed after an awful expenditure of
! blood and treasure, its consummation
may well be cited as the sublitnest
proof of the fituess of the American
people to administer the governme nt
according to the pledges of the Dec
laration of Independence.
We have but to estimate where hu
man slavery would have carried our
country, in the course of another
generation, to realize the force of this
commanding truth. And as we dwell
upon the dangers we have escaped,
we may the better understand what
Jefferson meant when, in the compar
i alive infancy of human slavery, fie
| exclaimed, " 1 tremble for my conu
i try when 1 reflect that God is just !"
A simple glance at what must have
been our fate had slavery been per
mitted to increase will be sufficient.
In 18till the slave population amount
ed, iu exact numbers, to three mil
lions nine hundred and fifty-three
thousand seven hundred and sixty
Taking the increase, 23.39 per cent.,
from 1850 to ISGO, as the basis of
calculation for every ten years, in
1900, they would have numbered at
least upwards of nine millions What
Christian statesman, as he thanks
God for the triumph of the Union
arms, does not shudder at the terri
ble prospect presented by these start
ling figures ?
But while there is cause for con
stant solicitude in the nativral irrita
tions produced by such a conflict, he
is but a gloomy prophet who does not
anticipate that the agencies which
accomplished these tremendous re
sults, will successfully cope with and
put dowu.all who attempt to govern
the natiou in the interests of defeated
ambition and vanquished treason
The people of the conquering North
and \\ est have comparatively little
to do but to complete the good work.
They command the petition. The,
courage of the soldier and the saga
city of the statesman, working har
moniously, have now sealed and era- •
firmed tiie victory, aud nothing more
is required but a laithful adhuroucc (
to the doctrines which have achieve d |
6ueh marvelous results.
The overthrow of the rebellion has
changed the whole system ol South
ern society, and proportionately af
fected other interests and sections.
Demauding the enlightenment of mil
lions, long benighted, it forces upon
the North and West the consideration
of a more perfect and pervading edu
cational policy.
Much as we have boasted, and have
reason to boast,of our comrnoy schools
we cannot deny, when we compare
them with those of New England,
and contrast them with the prepara
tions for the education of the South
ern people of all classes, that we
have much to overcome, if we would
equal the one, or stimulate the other.
Tiie recent convention of County
School Superintendents of Pennsyl
vania exhibits some startling l'aets,
which deserve the attention of the
people and their representatives.—
Yet it is not by legislation alone that
any people can be brought to under
stand their relations to each other as
citizens. Their best instructors are
themselves. However liberal the ap
propriations may be, if these are not
seconded by that commendable spirit
which impels the parent to impress
upon the child the necessity of a
sound moral and intellectual training
your representatives are generous,in
vaiD. Every thing depends upon the
people ; hence the great complaint,
preferred by the convention of teach
ers, of shortness of terms in some
districts, of the small attendance of
enrolled scholars, of the employment
of unqualified instructors, and of the
want of proper school houses, results
unquestionably not so much from the
indifference of the State, as from the
aegligence of those who are invited
to share and to enjoy the blessings
of a cheap and admirable system of
popular education. If my fellow
citizens will only recollect the differ
ence bet ween the opportunities of the
present generation and those of their
fathers, and how much is to be gain
ed by a cultivation of modern facili
ties, they will require little exhorta
tion to the discharge of the duties
which relate almost exclusively to
themselves and to those nearest and
dearest to them
The importance of c minion sch-> >ls '
in a republican government, c m ricv-!
er be fully estimated T > educate !
the people is the highest public duty, j
To permit them t< i -main in igfior- '
anee is inexcusable Every thing, j
therefore, should be encouraged that |
tends to build up, strengthen : nd el
evate onr State on the sure founda j
tion of the education of the people.'
Every interest and industrial pursuit
will be aided and promoted by its
operations : every man who is edu
cated is improved in usefulness, in
proportion as he is skilled in labor,
or intelligent in the professions, and
is in every respect more valuable to
society. Education seems to be es
sential to loyalty, for no in the
full enjoyment of free schools, ever
rebelled against the government.
Pennsylvania should be the van
guard in the great missiou of educa
tion. She should remember that as
she has been the mother of States,
she should also be the teacher of
States. " The great problem of civi
lization is how to bring the higher
intelligence of the community, and
its better moral feelings, to bear up
on the masses of the people, so that
| the lowest grades of intelligence and
i morals shall always be approaching
the higher, and the higher still rising
A church purified of superstition
solves part of this problem, and a
good school system does the rest."
Nothing, after the education of the
people, contributes more to the secu
rity of a State than a thorough mili
tary system. Tbe fathers of the Re
public, acting upon the instinct of
preparing for war in time of peace,
embodied this knowledge among the
primary obligations of the citizen.—
Yet the rebellion found us almost
wholly unprepared. Our confidence
in our institutions was so firm that
the idea of an attack upon thetn from
any quarter ranch less from those
who had been the " spoiled children"
of the government, was never be
lieved possible, however threatened.
The first clash of arms found ns
1 equally undeceived and unorganized,
and we very soon experienced that
the contrivers ol the great slave con
spiracy had not only strengthened
themselves by the btolen ships, arms
and fortifications of the government,
but bad been for years designedly in
structing their youth in the science
of arms ; and when the bloody temp
est opened upon us they were ready
to spring at the heart of the Republic,
while the citizens, in whose hands
the government was left, were com
pelled to protect themselves and their
country as best they could.
When we reflect upon the terrible
sacrifices we endured to maintain
our liberties, and anticipate that glo
rious period of our country when the
whole continent will be dedicated to
human freedom, and when the despo
tisms of the earth will construe our
example into standing threat against
their tyranny, we cannot disregard
the consideration of this important
As betore remarked, Fenusylvauia
contributed over three hundred thou
sand troops to the natioual cause.—
Deducting the loss of nearly thirty
thousand by wounds and disease in
curred in the field, what an immense
army has been left to circulate among
and to educate the mass of our pop
ulation ! Properly comprehending
this thought, we have at once the se
cret oi our past success, otir present
safety ami our future power. It
would be easy to create an emulation
in the s icuee of anus among the
v >uth of the State, by proper orgaui-
zation, aud to disseminate, in all our
schools, that 1 ivalty to the whole
country, without which there can be
no permauent safety for our liberty.
In their late report, the visitors to
the West I'uiut Military Academy
laid a significant stress upon the ne
cessity .it such preceptors, in the fu
ture, as would teach the students of
that institution their first and una
voidable obligations to the principles
upon which the government itself re
poses. The neglect of this kiud of
instruction was felt in every
movement during the recent conflict ;
aud it is not going too far to say that
many who disregarded their oaths,
aud who drew their swonds against
the government that had educated
and nourished them, found a meretri
cious consolation in the fact that tLey
were permitted to cherish an allegi
ance to the State in which they were
born, which conflicted with aud des
troyed that love ol country which
should be made supreme and above
all other political obligations.
If, in our past and recent experi
ence, there has been exhibited the
valuable and splendid achievements
of our volunteers iu the national de
fence, there has also been shown the
necessity fui military skill, and that
knowledge of, and familiarity with,
the rules of discipline so essentially
necessary in their prompt and effec
tual employment. In order, there
fore, to make our military system ef
fective, we should have particular re
gard for the lesson, and to prevent or
repel danger, our State should al
ways have a well disciplined force,
prepared to act with promptness and
vigor on any emergency ; nor should !
we forget that it is impossible to tell 1
how soon our warlike energies may
again be required in the field.
In nothing have our trials d-iring
the war, and the resulting triumph to
our arms, been so full of compensa- 1
tion, as in toe establishment of the
proud fact that we are not only able
to defend ourselves against assault,
but what is equally important, to de
pend irp"ii and live upon oar own re
source*. At the time the rebellion
%vas preepiilated upon us the whole
business and trade of the natiou was
paralyzed. Corn in tbe West was!
used for fuel, aud the producer was
compelled t i lose not only the inter
est up >u his capital, but the very
capital lie had invested. Labor was
in excess, and men were everywhere
searching for employment Mills and
turnaees' ; were ab mdonrd Domestic
intercourse was so trifling that the
stocks of a number of the most im
portant railroads in the country fell
to, and long remained at, an average
price of less than fifty per cent But
the moment danger to the Uniou be
came imminent, and the necessity >f
seh'-rcbihce was plainly presented as
the auiy means ol securing protec
tion and the gradual dispersi >n of
our mercantile marine by the appre
hension of the vessels ol the
rebels, tUe American people began to
practice upon the maxims of seif-de
| fence and self-dependence. From hav
\ ing been, if not absolutely impover
i ished and almost without remuuera
tive enterprise, depressed by uneiu
; ployed labor and idle capital,all their
\ great material agencies were brought
I into motion with a promptitude, and
i kept in operation with a rapidity and
| regularity, which relieved from want,
their country from Jauger, and excit
ed the amazement of civilized na
Protection to the manufactures of
the couutry, when rightly viewed, is
merely the defence of iabor against
competition from abroad. The wages
of labor in the United States is high
er than those- iu any ether couutry,
consequently our laborers are the
more elevated. Labor is tbe founda
tion of both individual and national
wealth ; and those nations that have
best protected it from foreign compe
tition, have been the most prosper
ous. It is clearly, therefore, the iu
terest of the nation to foster and pro
tect domestic industry, by relieving
from internal taxation ever sort of
labor, and imposing such heavy du
ties upon all foreign manufactured
articles, as to prevent the possibility
of competition from abroad. Not only
should individual enterprise and in
dustry be thus encouraged, but all
public works, a liberal and properly
restricted general railroad system,
and internal improvements of every
kind, receive the fostering care and
most liberal aid of the government.
We are rich in every thing necessary
to meet our wants, aud render us in
dependent ol every other country,and
we have only to avail ourselves of
our own resources and capabilities,to
progress continually onward to a de
gree of greatness never yet attained
by any uation. Our agricultural,
mineral and manufacturing resour
ces are unequalled, and it should be
our constant study to devise and
prosecnte means tending to their
highest development.
Why, then, should uot the wisdom
of government make available the
teachings of experience, and at once
legislate for the manifest good of the
people ? Why p rmit our manufac
turers to beg that they may live
The government of Great Britain
has, by her protective system, " piled
duty upon duty," for more than one
hundred and buy years, and hence
upon protection is founded her manu
facturing supremacy. Yet her emis
saries come to this country, and for
sinister purposes, extol "free trade,"
speak scoffingly of "protection," and
endeavor to persuade our people to
believe and adopt the absurd theory,
that " tariffs hinder the develop
ment of industry and the growth of
The great Republican party, in the
Convention which nominated Abra
ham Lincoln, in Chicago, in 1860, as
it preparing for the very war which
most of our statesmen were at that
period anxious to postpone, adopted
' a resolution, which," to use the lau
; guage of an eminent Penusylvauian,
" declared that the produce of the
farm should no longer be compelled
to remain inert and losing interest
while waiting demand in distant mar
kets ; that the capital which daily
took the form of labor power should
n i longer be allowed to go to waste ;
that the fuel which underlies our soil
should no longer there remain to be a
mere support for foreign rails ; that
the power which lay then petrified in
the form of coal should everywhere
,he brought to aid the human arm ;
that our vast deposits of iron ore
should be made to take the form of
engines aud other machinery, to be
used as substitutes for mere muscu
lar force ; and that all our wonderful
resources, material and moral, must
and should be at once developed.—
Such was the intent and meaning of
the brief resolution then and there
adapted, to be at the earliest practi
cable moment ratified by Congress,as
proved to be the case when the Mor
rill tariff, on the memorable 2d of
March, IkCl.was made the law of
the land. To that law, aided as it
was by the admirable action of the
Treasury in supplying machinery of
circulation, we stand now indebted
for the fact that we have,in the short
space of five years, produced more
food, built more houses and mills,
opened more mines, constiucted more
roads than ever before, and so great
ly added to tbe wealth of the country,
that the property of the loyal States
would this day exchauge for twice
the quantity of gold than could five
years since have been obtained for
all the real and personal property,
southern chattels excepted, of the
States and territories of which the
Union stands composed."
It the principle of protection prov
ed to le such a talisman in the time
of war. -hall we reject it in time of
peace? Tf an answer were needed
to this question, reference could be
Lad to the repeated concessions tu j
this principle by the recent free-trad
ers of the South. Scarcely one of the
ambitious men who led their unfor
tunate people into rebellion, but n >w j
admits tuat if the South had manu
factured their own fabrics, on their ,
own plantations, and cultivated skill-1
ed lab.ii in their great cities, they'
would have been able to prolong their '
conflict with the government : and I
now to eujoy substantial, instead of i
artificial pr >speii!y,tbey must invoke ,
tbe very agencies they had s>> long
and Fatally disregarded. Words need '
not be multiplied upon this import-j
ant theme, either to make my own j
position -strouger, or to impress upon j
the people the value of adhering ba'
system which has proved itself wor
thy of our continued support, and of
the imitation of its former opponents.;
The exhibit of the finances of the j
Commonwealth, as presented in the
late annual message of my predeces
- r.aiid the report of the ?tate Treas
urer, is certainly very gratifying:
•and the flattering prospect of tiie.
speedy extinguishment of the debt
which has been hanging, for so many j
years,like a dark cloud over the pros-'
pects of our State, combined with the ;
1 hope that a reasonable redaction will
I be made in our habitual and annual j
I expenditures, will cheer the people
onward in the pathway of duty.
Atnong the most del cate and ira
-1 portant obligations required of those
in official positions, is a strict aud
faithful management of the public
revenues and expenditures of the
Commonwealth. Taxation should be
applied where its burdens may be
least felt, and where it is most just
that it should be borne. Every re
source should be carefully husbandtd,
aud the strictest economy practised,
so that the credit of the State shall
, be maiutaiued on a firm and eudur
-1 ing basis, and the debt surely and
steadily diminished, uutfl its final ex-
I tinguishment. Unnecessary delay in
i this would, iu my opinion, be incom-
I patible with our true interests.
That these expectations are capa
ble of speedy and certain consamma
#2 per .-Vriniim, in Advance.
tion, has already been demonstrated.
The public improvements, the cause
of our heavy debt, which seemed to
{ be au incubus upon the prosperity of
I the State, so I tug as tiny were inau
' aged by her agents, have been sold ;
' the tax on real estate has been abol
! ished, and considerable reductions
I have already been made on the State
j debt.
This important branch of the ad
' ministration sh .11 receive iny con
stant and zealous attention.
The general and essential priuci-'
pies of law and liberty, declared in
i the Constitution of Pennsylvania,]
I shall be watchfully guarded. It will |
] be my highest ambition to administer
j the government in the true spirit of
| that instrument. Care shall be tak
:en " that the laws fathfuliy execut
! Ed," and the decisions of the courts
! respected and enforced,if within tic a
authorized jurisdiction. Influenced
only by considerations for the public
welfare, it is my imperative duty to |
sec that justice be impartially admin- f
istered. That merciful provision, the
}>ardonin(j jmver, conferred upon the
Executive doubtlessly lor correcting
only the errors of criminal jurispru
dence, and securing jus tic-, shall not
be perverted to the indiscriminate ,
protection of those who may be just- j
ly sentenced to bear penalties for in
fractions of the laws made for the se
curity and protection of society.—
Those "cruelly" or "excessively".
' punished,or erroneously convicted,are
alone entitled to its beneficent pro
; tection, and only such should expect
j its exercise in their behalf.
Whenever the people deem it ex
-1 pedient or necessary, from actual ex
perience,to alter the laws,or to amend
the Constitution, it is their undoubt
ed right to do so, according to the
mode prescribed within itself. I here
repeat, what I have said elsewhere,
that "so lung as the people feel that
the power to alter or change the
character of the government abides in
them, so long will they be impressed
with a sense of security and of dig
nity which must ever spring from
the consciousness thai they hold with
in their own hands a remedy for eve
ry political evil, a corrective for eve
ry governmen'al abuse and usurpa
We are confessedly in a transition
state. It is marvelous how prejudice
has perished in the furnace of war.
and how, from the very' ashes of old
hatreds and old parties, the truth ris
es purified and triumphant. The con
test between the Executive and a
Congress twice elected by substan
tially the same suffrages, a contest
so anomalous in our experience as
not to have been anticipated by the 1
framers of the National Constitution,
has only served to develop the re
markable energies of our people, and
to strengthen them for future con
flicts. That contest is virtually de
The victorious forces, physical and
moral, of the patriotic millions, are
simply pausing before they perfect
the work of reconstruction. Twenty
six States have not only been saved
from the conflagration of war, but
have been crystalized in the saving.
The unrestored ten, still disaffected
aud still defiant, seem to be Provi
dentially delaying their return to the
Union, so that when they re-enter
upon its obligations and its blessings
they will be the better able to fulfil
the one and enjoy the other. Their
condition is a fearful warning to men
and nations, and especially t > our
Until slavery fell we did not fully
understand the valut- u! Republican
institutions. Accustomed to toler
ate, and in many cases to defend
slavery, we did not feel that it* ci •
proximity, so far from assisting, was
gradually destroying nut liberties :
and it was only when rebellion tore
away the mask, that wo saw the hid
eous features of the monster that was
eating oat the vitals of the Republic.
. If we are uuw astonished aud
shucked at the exhibition of cruelty
and ingratitude among those who,
having inaugurated and prosecuted
a causeless war against a generous
government, and having been ptrmit
t< i to escape the punishment they
deserve, aic once more arr gantly l
clamoring to assiim- <• citr-ul "f the l
destinies <>l this great nation, how
mood gTeatei cause would wo have
had lor surprise tad slavery it a
permitted u> increase aud multiply
Roast os wo may of our map-rial
and our m ral victories, yet is it not
true that there is no such thing as a
Republican government in the ton
I states that began and carried on ti o
; war? There is nut, t eduy, a desput
ic State in Europe- wher- the right*
• of the individual man r.'-e so defiantly
trampled under f-ot. a* in the sec
tion* which were supposed to have
j t ecu brought into lull submission to
; the government of the I cited States.
! But tue disease has suggested its
' Providential cure.
j The abhorrent doctrine,that defeat
, ed treason shall not only be niagnan
i imously pardoned, but introduced to
yet stronger" privileges, because of
its guilty fiilure, seems t j have been
insisted up"::, as if t > strengthen the
better and the contrasting doctrine,
that a nation, having conquered its
freedom, is its own best guardian,
. and that those who were defeated in
honorable battle should be constrain
ed to submit to all the terms of the
! conqueror
The violators of the most solemn
, obligations, the peruetfanii'--* of the
most atrocious crimes in the annals
of time, the murderers of our heroic
soldiers on fields of battle, and in
1 loathsome dungeons and tarbar >us
prisons, they must cot. thall nU, re
appear in the council chambers of
the iatioii, to aid in its legislation, or
( control its destiuiqp, unless it shall
be on Conditions which will preserve
our institutions from their baleful
' purposes and influence, and secure
republican forms of government, in
i choir purity and vigor. in every sec
tion of the country
That they are iudisp<! to accept
such conditions,is utanih- c. iiom thru
I recent and even arrogant r- j <-tioti of
the proposed amendments of the
national Constitution amendments
I which are believed,by many true and
patriotic citizens and statesmen,to IM
i too mild and geuewms.
, They have, however,been fully con
sidered ly the people during tire late
elections, and approved by majorities
|so large ai- to give them a sanction
which it would be improper to either
overlook or disregard. And certain
ly in view of this fact, none of the
t late rebel States should be admitted
i to their former " practical relations"
jto the General Government, while
i they continue to oppose these amend
i merits
To the Congress of the Tinted
States the heartfelt sympathies and
overwhelming sutlrages of the peo
ple have been generously given.—
They have fearlessly proclaimed their
unequivocal verdict " WELL DONE
! the deliberations and actions of <V>n
' gress our present interests and fu
j ture welfare all depend. In its firm
ness and courage the whole experi
j ment of genuine republicanism is in
; dissoluble involved. That this firm
ness and courage will be fully exhib
ited by its controlling majorities, in
the origination and adoption of meas
ures of wisdom and discretion, even
more radical and decisive, if necessa
ry than those of the past, I entertain
no doubt. Such measures will meet
wuh my cordial approval. And I
may well add, that while Pennsylva
nia will confide in a loyal Congress,
1 she will not hesitate to sustain it
with her entire influence and power.
That in the administration of the
government 1 may err, is only what
i should be expected from the infirmi
j ties of the humau miud ; but as 1 eu
j ter upon the discharge of my respon
sible duties with a firm resolution to
! act with honesty and impartiality, 1
trust my errors will be regarded with
charity and treated with the gentle
ness of magnanimous forgiveness.
And I earnestly hope that my in
tercourse with my fellow-citizens of
the Senate and House of Represents
tives will be so frank and cordial,
that our duties to a common constitu
ency will be pleasantly and faithfallv
discharged. Different branches of
the government as we are, with dis
tinctive duties, we are nevertheless
parts of one organized well regulat
ed system, and as we co-operate or
disagree, the interests of the state
will probably be promoted or retard
ed. Elected by the people, desirous
to promote the welfare of every citi
zen, mere party differences should
not be allowed to interfere with the
maintenance of a generous, a true
! and comprehensive public policy
It was the illustrious Washington,
equally distinguished as a warrior
and a statesman, who gave utterancc
to the declaration, '• that the propi
tious smiles of Heaven cannot be ex
pected on a nation that disregards
the eternal rules of order and right;"
and .lefferson, who asserted that
'• whatever is morally wrong cannot
be politica l}' right." These utter
ances express my deepest convictions
of the rules and principles which
should permeate and control all gov
i ernruents. Let us, fellow-citizens,ad
here to Ihem, be governed by them,
and our efforts will be happily united
in surrounding tin- institutions of our
State, as well as those of our nation,
with a rampart of truth that will re
pel the madness of ambition, the
schemes of usurpation, and success
fully resist the changes aud agita
tions of all coming time.
To a person standing at the north
p> i!e, the sun would appear to sweep
horizontally around the sky every
twenty-four hours, without any per
ceptible variation in its distance from
the horizon during its circuit. On the
21st of June it is 23 degrees aud 3-
minutes above the horizon—a little
more than one fourth of the distance
to the zenith the highest point that it
ever reaches. From this altitude it
slowly descends,its track being rcpre
scnted by a spiral or screw with a
very fine thread : and in the cours
of three months it worms its way
down to the horizon which it reach. -
ou the 23J of September. <>n thi
day it slowly sweeps around tue sky
w th its face nail hidden below tie
icy sea. it still c mtuitits to descend,
but after it La* entirely disappeared
it is still so near the horizon that it
carries a bright twilight around ih
heavens in its daily circuit. tin
sun finks wc. and lower, t'.i- twi
light grows gradually fainter until it
fades away
On Decern: -r 2fUh tL • sun i- J .
degrees, 3~ minutes Ueluw the iiori
. zon, and thi* >& the midnight oi i; <
dark winter of the pol< From li -
date the sun begins to ascend, a
after tun- 1 - -e'tttij is neiaid--i i>\
a fa'nt da •n, ah:eh -iivies sl.-wiy
arouud i. • I, >iiz n, .- juipteting it
circuit every 24 h mrs This dawn
grows gradually brighter, and on th
20th of March the peats are gild- ■ ;
with the firs' 1.-vel t .v- IH<- ->i\
month's day The bringtr of th:>
long day i.'iuu to wind his spiral
way upward until lt<- reaches Li*
Lights', j- ■ on the 2ist . l .luiie.
aud IF* annual cours is completed
The sain.- appearance- ire presented
at the south p >!.*, only at opposit.
dates, the 21st of June being mid
night a. I mi twinter there, whil- tb
north p.-. -having its suriinu r sun
GAHRJ. k said of Sir -!->hn Ilill, the
physi.-iali >n : .uthoi. • lii- \w.r*t 1 wi-lt
th- <i tor, is 1.- inny 1- conqirUed t--
t Jr. hi- own phy-i. and read hi- own play-.
V.MI nm-t i> v. r*. thf punishnif-at. " **i i
wag. " Airy '.Hi- ;V. i o takes the k>'t- -I - ;•)
l- won't liv,- to r- A.l his play-..
Ix an bituary uotice of an ol I cif
ho n ,u Ohio p.q- r say- : - IV w.t- h- -n- -f
and indastrious, until enf-.-rhl. d ly -r '
THE difference netwoen AN editor
and Lii wit-, is to t.. , that writes ar
ticles to set i-nd the other Article-I-.
Tin: world stands by every old
till it is found untenable. Mid oppose* -v. r.
i new tmth till it prove* im-r-übh.
1 What did Lot do when his wife
w.i- turned into .. pjlh.r of - dt: ' <->t •> !r -
• one.
' lii. who pays mure .Mention to IBs
! 1 hat than hi- head show- which i- west
1 | prized.