IFEPOTTRR. LOCAL AND GENERAL tetr We have added several bund led names to our subscription list, within the past four weeks, and presume that mis -11 es both of omission and commission have occurred. We will thank those interested, tu notify us when an error has been made, that it may be rectified Subscribers will bear in mind that the date printed upon the colored label, after their names, indicates when their subscription expires. accident to our engine, and E failure to receive a timely supply of paper other circumstances over which we had no control, have delayed the appearance of the REPORTER, for the past two weeks, so that H portion of our subscribers have not receiv ed it on the usual day. We beg their for bearance for another week, when we shall be • 'on time.'' NOTARY PUBLIC. —Guv. C'CRTIN has appointed W. HKBSET W ATKINS, Notary Pub lic, for this borough. His card may be fonud in another column. REMOVED. —We notice iu the Argun that E. M. FARRAR and ANTHONY MULLEN have been removed from the post of Assis tant Assessors, and C. H. AMES and W. H. DECKER, appointed to fill their places. The two former gentlemen are sound and staunch Republicans, while the latter are new con verts to the Democracy. HORRIBI K ACCIDENT —We regret to ie-rn that an accident occurred at the Steam Saw Mill, of Mr. George Houseknecht, in Penn township, this county, on Monday of last week, resulting in the instant death ot a -ou of Mr. Houseknecht, a young man aged about 17 years. The young man it ap pears was acting as fireman, and by some means was caught in the machinery of the Mill. Being alone at the time it is not known exactly how the acci lent occurred. Those on the Mill discovering that the ma chinery did not work smoothly, sought the cause and found young Houseknecht, en tirely stripped of his clothing, his entrails lorn out and of course, dead. The frequen cy with which accidents occur where ma chinery is used, should serve as a warning to all who work at such establishments, to use greater caution while in the perfor mance of their duties.— Muncy Luminary. TEMPERANCE ORGANIZATIONS. The cause of temperance is now in the full tide ot its successful career. We have at pres ent two temperance organizations ia this Borough. The " Sons of Temperance " and ti:e • Good Templars." The former con tinues to receive weekly accessions to its numbers, and the Latter has been recently organized under auspicious piospects.— There is a general similarity in the regula tions and in the obligations that eacu im poses upon its members, with this differ ence, that the Good Templars have secret f-igns of recognition, by which they can know each other as brethren and sisters, whether they meet as strangers abroad or n- acquaintances at home ; which the Sons of Temperance have not; and they, more over, extend to the ladies full equality ot membership, whereas the rights and privil eges extended to them, by the Sons of Tem perance, are limited ; and they also extend to the young men under age a similar equal ity ot rights and privileges. In conse quence of these popular features, in the Good Templar organization, it is rapidly gaining ground in the acquisition of new members and in the increase of the number ot its lodges. The Sons of Temperance hold their meetings, in Odd Fellows' Hall, every Tuesday evening ; and the Good Templars, at the same place, every Wednesday even ing. The Laporte Tannery is adver tised to be sold at Sheriffs sale on the Ist div of February next, to satisfy a debt of some *28,000. This Tannery we are relia ble informed, is turning out $15,000 worth • 4 bather monthly.— Sullivan Free Press. Has"* Ou Wednesday night the 2't iust., the Barn and Grocery of Z. Bennett, a' Wilkes Barree, was destroyed by fire Nine mules and eight valuable horses in the barn, were burned np. The fire was the work of an incendiary. Hi? The Hon. Ira J. YauVosburgh, late of Mahony City, this State, who died ou the 20th of Novt ruber, bequeathed to Miss Lizzie Filley.of Pittston. his affianced, the sum of $15,000, to be recoverable at the age of 21. Miss Filley is the daughter of poor parents, and is sad to be a very lovely and amiable young lady. iji IREME COTRT.—By the arrange ment of the Supreme Ceurt for the Eastern District, the trial of causes for the counties of Luzerne, Wyoming, Wayne, Susquehan na. Bradford and Tioga is fixed on the sec- I'T'd Monday of March. CHENANGO CANAL EXTENSION. — About • Uree-quarters of the work on the Chenango canal extension is now under contract, and H being rapidly pushed forward to comple tion. What remains to be done will prob •ibh be placed under contract the present -inter, and the whole cut -rprise can becom- I'le-t. 3. and the canal opened for business bv the first of May, 1868. The high prices of labor and materia! w ill increase the orig inal estimated cost of the work. The sum of $650,000 has already been appropriated, $500,000 oi which has already been expen ded.— Bing. U. Hair The Ward House Barn which Was recently burnt, has leeu rebuilt, and travellers find ample accomodations in its enlarged form. ~ COLNTEBFEIT COIN.—A counterfeit Ave cent of the new nickle issue, is in cir culation and is calculated to deceive the un wary The counterfeit is remarkably good o far as the dye is concerned, but the met al has that greasy appearance common to compounds of pewter and other baser met ric substances. It is very soft and cuts I essi v. OLR YUCNO FOLKS. —The January uumlier of this excellent Magazine for boys Aud girls comes to us in an entire new " as, beautifully printed and numerous en ravings. The Contents • —Among the lee uters; Moth and Rnst; Little Pussey billow Mayne Reid; The Little Post-Boy; ! i 11 Gobbling's Song ; Aunt Fanny's first : j triage ; Trotty : Good Old Times ; Tin | ' vpes ; Independence ; The Castle Build-! 1 New Year Song ; Music ; Round the • vening lump. Lcknor A Fields, Publishers, Boston.— j Ascription $2,00 per annum. DEUORKHT'S MONTHLY. —This really (forgeous Magazine has outdone itself this As a mirror of th Fashions, it bus no equal this side the Atlantic, and for beauty of typography, engravings and liter ary excellence, no superior. Terms, $3,00 per year. \V. Jennings Demorest, Publish er, 17:1 Broadway. New York. FlßE. —Quite a serious fire occurred early ou Sunday evening, causing an abrupt dismissal of congregation worshippers in the several churches, which was found to be in the rear of the American Hctel, on Fourth and William Street. When tirst discovered, the fire was seen coming front the bant, spreading with such rapidity as to soon en velope the whole building, and also that of the new residence of P. C. Van Gelder, which was destroyed. Mr. Van Gelder was insured to the amount of $1,500, and we be lieve Mr. Martin's loss will reach upwards of fifteen hundred dollars. Jt was the work of au incendiary.— Lycoming Gazette. OLIVER OPTIC'S BOYS AND GIRLS MAG A/INK. —This new oandidute for public favor is issued every week by Gee . Brewster. ..ejec't R. W. Cheney vs. Athens Twp case Robert Campbell's Administrators vs. John S. Madden appeal N. C. Harris's vs. A. P. Stevens's udminis trat >rs sci. fa. Fall Creek Coal A Iron Co. vs. J. Monroe Smith trespass C. T. Hull vs. F. N. Page appeal Seth Peck vs. Stephen Bullock case Benj. J Middaugh vs. Wm. Decker do Z, P. Corson vs. 11. W. Thompson. ..ejec't S. N. Bronson vo. N. N. Parks ... appeal Alfred Noxon vs. Towanda Coal A Irou Co. and terre Tenants sci. fa. sur mort Fort-Plain Bank vs J. T. D. Myer .. deb. I). E.Martin vs. Daniel Coolbaugh's admin istrators case Eli P. Rockwell vs. Alba JJ0r0....... debt Dewitt Slaughter vs. Shepard Fierce, exec utor sci. fa. Cortissoz, St. Anna A Co. vs. J. Monroe Smith et al trespass L. B. Gardner vs. Itidgbury Twp debt Wm. W, Wright vs Litchfield Twp do State of Pennsylvania, ) BRADFORD COUNTY SS : | Subpo-iias returnable Monday, February 11th, A. D., 1867, at 10 o'clock A. M. WM. A. THOMAS, JMi> i Pruthonotary. HaT* E. F. STEVENS, C. E., Surveyor, Aarchitect, Ac., House, Land aud Estate Agent, offers his services to the public. Office over Frost's Furniture, Towunda. Pa. Jan. 10,1867. A Musical Convention will be held at Smithboro, X. Y., in Van Winkle's Hall, commencing on Tuesday A. M., Jan. 22d, 1867, to continue four days and close on Friday evening, Jan. 25th, with a con cert under the direction of Prof. J. G. TOWN ER. The Psalm King the best and Idlest book w ill be furnished for use in the con vention free. Good board at reasonable rates. All lovers of music are solicited to at'eud. Admission to full course SI,OO. Concert 25J|cts. By order of the Committee. Jan. 17, 1867. IgL Fist of Jurors drawn for Feb ruary term, 1807 : GRAND JURORS. Asylum, Richard E. Gilbert: Athens bo ro., O S Haekett, J A Bristol; Burlington twp, T S Knapp ; Burlington West, Samuel Simpkius ; Canton twp., Samuel Annable ; Franklin, Ira Morse ; Litchfield, J Hunt: Leroy, Richard Montgomery ; Rome twp,, Albert Richards ; Smithfield, S Wilcox, C. Gerould ; Standing Stone, Hiram Gorden ; Springfield, Lafayette Leonad : Troy twp., R A Ballard, Euos Luther ; Troy boro., X M Carnochan, Thbeodore Walilron; To wanda boro,, Win. Heeler ; Tuscurora, Cal vin Newman. Reuben Mattison; Ulster, Al fred Ilolcomb, G II Vandyke : Wyainsing. Charles Ingham. TRAVERSE JURORS —FIRST WEEK. Athens twp., Elisha Satterlee.' Julius To zer, Lorenzo Rollinson : Armenia, Jaiues P Burman, Nathan Sherm n, Chas. Crandall: Asylum, Wm. Frisbee, Jonathan Stevens, John Brauud; Albany, Ralph Stevens, Win. Bahr; Burlington boro., Mason Long; Bur lington twp., Morris Smith; Burlington west, J G Blakestey, Myron Ballard, Chas. Lewis ; Canton boro, Orrin Brown ; Cautou twp, Horace Webster, John Lilly ; Colum bia, James Lane, Daniel Bradford ; Frank lin, Nathan Kilboro, Ira Smith : Herriek, Andrew Overpeck; Monroe twp, G C Irvine, Jeremian Blaekmun. Jas R Irvine ; Pike, Azariah Champion : Ridgbuvy, Horace Kel se.\ ; Rome twp, Siilas Hidt-y, Silas Allis ; Shesheonin, G E Humphrey: Springfield, M C Berry ; Smithfield, James Fi'eteh r ; South Creek, Philo Fassett, jr.: Troy twp, Orrin Morse, Geo Ballard : Towunda b ro, H A Cary ; Towanda twp, G W Scovell; Li ster, G W Nilcliols, Ethan I> Moore : Wil mot, John Morrow; Wyalu-dng, Joseph Yan auken, G I\ Ackroyd: Warren, Wm. L Beardslee, Geo Hicks, Wm Rogers : Wind ham, Charles Was !i burn. TRAVERSE JURY —SECOND WEEK. Albany, Williams Lee, Warren Allen: Ath ens twp, J K Wright, Daniel McDuffee, 2 1, Sidney Hayden ; Canton boro, Samuel H Newman, G W Griffin ; Canton twp, James Warren: Columbia, Albion Budd, Raymond Guruett : Franklin, B E Baken, Wm L Ly on: Herriek, Philander Barnes,J D Squires; Leßaysville. Stephen Gorham : ltidgburry, Deltuar Martin : Rome twp, Wm McCabe; Sheshequin, David Horton, W li Chaffee ; Springfield*, Collins Tracey; Tuscarora, Ed win Sturdivant, Wm M Black: Towanda twp. Miller Fox : Towanda boro, Edwin E Buffingtou: Troy twp. Win Young, Stephen Wilber.W S Manley; Warren, J A Newman, James Whalon : Wysox, J D Allen, John B Hinds ; Wells, John Updykc, Geo Wilson : Wyalusiug, Seth Hornet, Ceo X Vaughn : Lister. Jason Smith. QALRTEBLV REPORT of the First Na tional Bank, Towanda, I'a., ou the morning of the first Monday of January. 1867 : ASSETTS. Notes A Bills Dis'uted $100,970 77 Indebted of Directors 22.229 10 Total Discounts 123,208 87 U S Securities deposited with Tr. IT S 175,000 00 L. S. Securities on hand 13,000 00 Overdrafts 958 20 Banking House, Furniture and fixtures 6,500 00 Expenses, 1,512 76 Cash Items, 6,164 13 Due from National Banks, 61,917 72 Due from Bankers, 2,084 37 Legal Tender Notes ou hand,.... 25,100 00 National and State Bank Notes,. 1.768 00 $117,521 00 LIABILITIES : Capital, 125,000 00 Surplus Fund,.. 16,500 00 Circulation, 111,500 00 Individual Deposits, 135,187 57 L. S. Deposits 24,680 26 : Due National Banks 1,003 85 Due Bankers 180 64 Dividends unpaid 45 00 Profit and LOSS 3.423 71 ! | $417,521 06 I, N. N. Betts, Jr., Cashier of the F rst ' Nattoual Bunk of Towauda, do solemnly ; swear, that the above statement is true to ' the best of mv knowledge and belief. X. N. BETTS, Jr., Cashier. Sworn and subscribed before ine,this Bth day of Januarv, 1867. H. J. MA DILL, Recorder. MA hhlbD . ROCKWELL- HIGH -At the residenco of the bride's father, Rev. E. M. High. Jan. Ist, by Rev. A. C. Sperry. Mr. Wm. P. Rockwell to Miss Frances M. High, both ot Rome, Pa. BOARDMAN—HINEY.—At the residence of the bride's father. Mr. C. Hiney, Dec. 24th, by Rev. A. C. Sperry. Mr. S. D. Boardman to Miss D. Hiney. both of Rome, l'a. DUNHAN—STAFFORD.— At the M. E. Parsonage in Rome, Jan. Ist. ly Rev. A. : C. Sperry, Mr Wm. B. Dunham of Wind- : ham, Pa., to Miss M. E. Stafford of Litch- i field, I'a. ADAMS-FOWLER.—At the Cathedral of ! Sts. Peter and Paul, on Thursday even- \ ing, January 10th, 1867,by the Rev. ('has. j V. Kelly, D.D Asst. Rector of Trinity Chnreli. George W. Adams and Ella M. | eldest daughter of Col. R. Fowler, all of ( 'hicago, 111. MARSH—TAYLOR.—At the M. E. Parson age in Rome, Dec. 14, by Rev. A. C. Sper ry, Mr. E. C. Marsh of Rome, Pa., to Miss L. D. Taylor, of Orwell, Pa. BROWN—MORROW.—At the r. idencc of John Morrow. Wilmot, Jan. 10. 1867. by the Rev. David Craft, Capt. J.ihn G. Brown, late of the 141 st Reg't. I'. \ . to Miss Nancy P. Morrow. TERRY—JACKSON—At the M. E. parson age, by Rev. C. E. Taylor.on the sth inst , Mr. James Terry, of Friends ville, to Miss Laura Jackson, of Jackson Valley. HAIGHT—SLEEPER—At the same place, by the same, on the 13th ius't.. Mr. O. 15. Haigh of Apalachin, to Miss llosina E. Sleeper, of Warren, l a. HIGGINS—MILLER—At tlm residence of the brides father. Jan. Ist, in Wiota, Wis consin. by Rev. S. N. Butler. Mr. Frank Higgins, of Orwell pa., to Miss Lizzie J. Miller. ■■ DIED. DA VIES .—Departed this life, at Tideoute. . Warren Co., Pa.. Monday evening, Nov. 25, 1866, after a painful illness of disease i of heart and lungs, Thomas R. Davies, ; Jr., aged 33 years, eldest son of Thomas R. and Aseuatli Davies, ot Athens, Pa. His remains were brought to Athens, where the funeral services took place, Nov. 28th, Rev. Mr. DELONG, of Binghamton, ; addressing a large concourse of sympathiz- • ing frien's and relatives, who gave evidence ! by their grief, how well and unniversally he was beloved by nil. The subject of this i notice was a volunteer of three years ser-1 vice in the army. At the time the soldiers j were honorably discharged, he was sick in ' the hospital at Harper's Ferry, with iufla mntion of the lungs, contracted when his j regiment was driven into the wilderness in j the mountains of Virginia, on that ever ■ memorable raid under Gen. Hunter. He was one of the sixty survivors of the one thousand hale and hearty men (the sth 1 N. Y. Volunteers) who started on that long j and ardnons march, only these returned to tell the sufferings they endured. He saw his dearest companions shot down I in battle by bis side, and others die of star- j yation and disease, in those days of sorrow* j -nd suffering yet he was spared, but with j broken health and shattered constitution, I from which he never recovered. He is not dead! the child of our affection, j But gone to that school, Where he no longer needs our kind pro tection. For Christ himself doth rule. There is 110 death! what seems so is transition, This life of mortal breath, Is but the s \burb of the life elysiau, Whose portals we call deuth. TOWANDA MARKETS.- Wholesale. Prices.! Corrected every Tuesday by E. T. For. No. 1, Brick Bow : Wheat $2 50 0 W 00 Bye $ 85 (a, 00 Corn 1 00 Oats Flax Seed 1 80 (aj 2 00 Clover Seed, (small) " " (Orwell)... .... Beans 1 50 (j 2 00 Butter (rolls) 28 ( 30 " (dairy) 25 % 30 Eggs 28 Potatoes . 40 (a) Hay (per ton) 15 00 Salt (per bbl.). 3 (Hi Flour 12 00 @ 16 00 Ham 16 @ 20 WEIGHTS OF CHAlN.— Wheat, 60lbs; Corn, 56 lbs; Rye, 56 lbs : Oats, 32 lbs ; Barley. 46 lbs : Buckwheat, 48 lbs; Beans, 62 lbs ; ! Bran, 20 lbs; Clover Seed 02 lbs; Dried Ap ples, 22 lbs; Flax Seed 56lbs. NOD ntiDcrtiscments. Y\r II ERSE Y WAT KIN'S, A Mary ' ' • l'ublir —Ail! prepared IO take Depo i in<. Arkn iwledg- he KX'Uliori of Meeds. |H' rigagt.-*, t' iwer ■>( -t.orney, and ail ojber j ii stiaiuebls. AffiJavi s and oilier pipers m.y be s vorn to belor. me. Olliee opposite the Banking House ui B 8. Ifussell A (' i,, a lew rods uortli ol the Ward Boose. Towasda. Pa , Jan. It, Jst;7. FY\EM FOB SALE.--The übscri la-r oflers hi farm for nale, situated in | Asy'vui towns) ip. throe miles bom Towanda, | along she Su-qiehanna B'Ver Containing i aiioui 150 seres, lib improved, with two houses I two bains, two R >ed ort'hards. good fences and well wateied. 'llie whole under a good state o cultivation. A R-.pe Ferr. belonging to ihef | 'a'ni. For terms apply to the subscriber on the place, or E. M. BISHOP, Wyalusing. J. M. BISHOP. Jan. 20. IM7. LICENSES. —Notice is hereby giv en that the following app ieations for Li censes tor Taverus and Merchant Dealers have been filed i this office, and the same will he pjeseuted to the Court oi Quarter Sessions.on Monday, February 4, ISO7 lor the considera tion ot said Court : TAVERNS John Crist ... .. .Try Township. Miles D. Cass, .... .. " " 1 I). B. Bartk-ti, .Towanda Borough. I X. I'. Tuttlc, Smithlleld. ! Shuht-1 Bowman, Ttiry I P. It. WUcox Mbany. i Ceo. W. Si)aires, ... standing Stonei jS S. Downing franklin. j J- S Bill -Arlington Borough. i Frederick Tetzlafi', Troy Borough. ; Allen McKean Towanda Borough - I Win. J. Crane Wysox j Stephen I. Bennett, : .Ulster. ! C. T Smith, Towanda Borough. | A. C. Peters, Weils iItKOUAWJ 111. At. ESS. ' B. B. Mitchell, Troy Borough. j H. W. N0b1e5,.... totvan .a Borough. i L. I'. lloyse Burliiiglon Borough. W. A. THOMAS, j Jau. 17, 1m67. Cle-1.. j CI AUTlON.—Whereas, iny wife ) Hannah has left nre bed and board with out jm-t cause or provocation, all pe sons are I oau tu ned against haihoiing or trusting her on my account as i wilipay no debts of her con ! flatting alter this date. SOLOMON COLE I Asylcm. Jan. lb, 1867 —3t* WANTED. —A GOOD Sawyer to run a water power Saw Mill, situated near the mouth ot the Wyalusing Creek. Jan. 10. l-G -3t. L. P. STALFORD. TVTOTICE is hereby given that Pro j. v posal.s wiil he received up to February Ist 18t>7, to Surnish the material and build a church in Asylum. Bradford county. Pa. The size and spec ifleatious ol said edifice may he knowu by calli gat the store of U. Moody, in said town ship and countv. U. MOODY", R. E. GILBSBT. F. X HO ET. B. L STILLVVELL, Jan. 10.1867.->t. Building Committee W-MITIIBURO HOTEL, SMITHBORO. N. Y . Having rented aud Refitted this well known Hotel. 1 am ready to aceom n d tt-i all who may tavor me with a-all I htv.- a It ge Hall a'- tache-l, scitable for lectures, dtnees A- -. :'.sv engers carried to any point by applying at th t Hotel. No pains will be spired to u.ik- eve'y thiog agreeable and c-MB'ort-ibie for the iavt-1- ing puolic. J. B. VAN WINKLE. Jan. 10, 1867. Proprietor. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC. Mi.-s J- STELI.A HALT, would inform the public that she proposes giving instruction upon the Piat o. and th t bavingpaid especial attention to the principles ol Music, she leeks confident ol giv ing entire satisiact on in the advancement in musical atiainm> nts ot any who may be placed under her charge. Terms—24 lessons and use of instrument sl2 ; without use ol instru ment sio. Re-ideuce two doors north ol Mr. Ladd'a Towanda, Dec. 3,1866 tl. GREAT SECRET EXPOSED I Yielded at iast to th wishes ol friends. Time and again has the toilowing proposi ion been made; but never exposed until the present. FIVE YEARS AN VNREVEAI.ED SE CRET! NERVE VOt-RSKI.r FOR TIIF. SHOCK ! First proposition to be made public : FRIEND NELSON :—First. I would say, at i ording to the but calculations, in the Borrngh ot Towanda, there is sold yearly one hundred thousand dollars worth ot Boots and Shoes, mostly slop work of the most inferior kind, and the people generally aic sick of it. And now 1 say to your again, as I have before, en large your Store make it neat and commodious, ami keep a good stock ol Boots and .shoes, and you shall he sustained. Most ot the people be gin to feel a little above buying their boots and shoes at Dry Roods Stores ; it looks verdant and outlandish. >• edo not ask to make yor goods if it is not convenient. The facilities in some other localities, where a better eh ice ot sto i k aud win kmen can he had, may I t -till bet ter And you have always hroa in the business and better understand this one puiu; and im portent branch ot the Merchant's art, than those tail deal in Silks and Vluslins, and they, i believe, would be glad to let this business go where it belongs ; that they he.edone i: hereto fore to accomoaate 'he people : I do believe it you wonld opiu a fir.. . ,e - shoe Store the people would no (go to Dry Gods Stores to buy r-b-.es any m-re than they would to Drug Stores for Gats. Stop, stop,! what are yon talking about ? has not any one the right to sell what he pleases ? It may lie, huuot in justice is it right in so large a place as this, where practical men are engaged wholly in this business. It has lieen given np in every other place, and according to custom it will be here. Two thousand live hundred propositions 1 madelroni customers, is, to bring more of the same kmd ol Boots and Shoes you brought with you when you came in town seven years ago. I have neve seen a good Shoe betore nor since, i thc iauguage o them all at the same time. Haiw- thy leet gently And think it so queer That the Boots I sold then should wear them a year. I now yield to the above propositions, and have promised to sell Twenty-five Thousand Dollars woith oi his Boots and Shoes i' he would make them as good as those 1 hi ought here seven years ago. and the the j wants ol all both >l4 and young. The leading departments are all full. The DRY GOODS, GROCERY, | BOOT WD SHOE, READY MADE CLOTHING, : HATS AND CAPS, BUFFALO ROBES, i GENTS FURS LADIES FURS, i, CHILDREN'S SETTS, SOLE LEATHER. ScC., i BEAUTIFUL STYLES ORES< COOf'S. WORSTED SHAWLS, NUBIAS, HOODS, &C All m\ old bunds and the " rc.-t of man kind,'' are cordially.invited to call and see. No charge for showing good-. Tickets ol Admission free. L H. BRONSON. Orwell, Nov. 1,186b, IWTA Y L 0 H •I • Is now receiving & verj large 'and we;: -elected ' 8 T O 0 K OF F A L L GOODS; Comprising al 1 the NEW AND DESIRABLE STYLES In market, and will he exhibited with plea sure. A very fine assortment ot DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS ' To malcli. Ainr<:-> slock-il CLOTHS AND SACKINGS. \ large stork of Ladies and i-issea i * WOOL SHAWLS AND KNIT GOODS Ol all kind BROWN SHEETING AND BLEACHED MUSLIN j A full assortment of I FANCY GOODS. ! And a very large and complete stock of [ , MILLINERY GOODS, And a great variety of other goods too nnmer ottg to mention Oct. 9, 1860, tjumpljrcg Hrotl)cr'c Column. 1 {HUMP H R E Y B R O THE R S j Are prepared to meet the demands of the i BOLT AND SHOE WEARING COMMF'NITY nt'Bis* rut: omto; VEAH, And liavc ir, store a very large and -omplete as i men! of I iL A DIES F INK S HOE S ! Consisting in part of j LADIES CONGRESS GAITERS, I.AMIES LACE GAITERS, LADIES BUTTON GAITERS, ALL STYLES IN > LASTIXH, GLOVF Kin, OR MOROCCO, j I. Glove Kid Balmorals. LADIES MOROCCO BALMORALS, ! Ladies Lasting Balmorals. LADIES BOOTEES AND BUSKINS | ladies Slippers. Kid or Lasting, ; WOMEN'S CALF AND THICK BOOTEES, j Misses Gaiters, Balmorals and Slippers, , CHILDREN'S FINE SEWED SHOES Childrens < ...per Tipped Shoe-, CHILDRENS SLIPPERS AND TIES We - all especial attention to our stock of O V E R S II O E S . MEN'S. WOMEN'S A CHILDREN'S ARCTICS, j Men'", Women's and Children's Rubbers, MEN S BUFFALO OVERSHOES Gentlemen's I'ine French Calf Root-, MEN'S KIP \ND STOGA BOOTS, BOYS FINK CALF BOOTS BOYS KIP AND THICK BOOTS,. Youth'■< and Children's Boo!-, IN ALL VARIETIES, PRICES • AND SIZES In tact every thing in the Boot and Shoe line, FROM THE SMALLEST T > THE LARGEST. THE HARNESS DEPARTMENT! On the Second Floor under the superinten dence) oi MR. JAMES V. WILCOX. Long and lavorably known a* the manufacturer I >: good work, is well -locked with FANCY CARRIAGE HARNESS, iir.AVV TEAM HARNESS. Six. I F 11 VP.NFS- •] EVERY DE.SIT.IPTIOX , I j i LIGHT AND HEAVY COLLARS GRNTS \ND LADIES SADLES, j f:II>lN . BRIDLE HORSE BLANKETS, WHIPS. &C„ ! i Any pie. <• or jiart ot a Harm-.- ni .de to order on short notice. 1 T R UN K S . LADIES TRAVELLING TRL'NKS, GENTS TRAVEuLIXU TRUNK.-, VALISES OF LEATHER. WOOD, i OR CLOTH. RAIL ROAI> BAG -, RETICULES, AC AC.. AC ALSO FULL STOCK OF LEATHER ; i French and American < C A I. F N D KIP SKINS, M.-roi. Glove Kid and Binding Skin- OAK AND HEMLOCK SOLE LEATHER, Shoe Finding-. : . 1 HARNESS TRIMMINGS,!' - And all machinery n-ed in mannfactnring. Thanking the public for their very liberal pa tronrge during the year just rastc . -ve invite a , centimmnce during assuring them that we slial' endeavor, by employing none hut first | class workmen, ah 1 using good material, to sustain the reputation of oor house as being the IK-st Boot, Shoo and Harness Establishment in Bradford or adjoining counties HUMPHREY BROTHERS. Towanda. Jan. 1,1867. Cfgal. SHERIFF'S f>ALK. By virtue of sundry writs ut Vend. Expo. issued out of the Court i ! CobiuiOD Fleas of Bradford County and to me directed, will be exposed to public sole at the Court House in lire Borough of To wan da. on Monday, February 4, 1867, at 1 o'- clock, p. m., the billowing deeri ! *d lot, piece or pari el ol land situ to in South Creek two., bounded >nd described as follow.-', to wit: He (tinning at n post in the w rrant lite at the ; south east corner of Edward Meads lot, thence j so nth 1° and 30 miu., wist 166 7 10 per. to a j post at the southeast corner of the warrant, | thence north BfiJ° w-st 108 t 10 per. to a corner < thence north l 1 east ia'.i per. to the south-west e rncr ol Edward Mead's lot, and thence north | 86° east 100 per. to the place of beginning. Con- ! taining 11 1 acres and so prs. more or less, about ' so acres improved, with a. framed house, log | shtd auii a civ irnit tiees I hereon Seizpd and taken in execution at the suit of Lyman Truman vs. Thomas Foemao. ALSO- The lollowing lot piece or purtel ot land situate in To.vanda Boro' bounded north by land of Wm. 11. Hedge, east by lands of M. C Meicui,; outh by land ot Heed Smalley, and j west by William Street, being 50 feet trout and ! 100 *eet bn k Containing 5000 square feet, I more or iess, all improved with a framed house ' thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Allen McKean's use vs. A. J. Trout. AI.SO The lollowing iot piece oi patoelof land situate in Franklin twp., beginning at a post on the s .nth b ink of Catbon Creek, thence u rth ">l° west 100 prs. toa stone corner, thence north lib 1 ' east 100 pis. to a stone turner, thence south 51° east 71 prs. to the 14th mile post troro lowaudi on the Barclay Kail Hoad,thence i -outh 51° east 2 3 prs. to the south bank of Car- j bon Creek, thence along the so th bank of the | j same the several ionises to the place ol begin- j ! uing. Coutsiuing 100 avrea, more or less with j a i:.mt d house and two board shanties thereon. | Seized and taken J execution at the suit of | John K. Means vs. Bradford Kailroad and Coal j I Company. 1 ALSO—The following described lot piece or | j panel ol lauu situate iu Sinithlield twp.,bound- | i ed north by lands ol 1. I*. Uillett aud M. A. i • Forrest, on the east by land of S. S. Baker and i - 'and of M. A Forres ,on the south by the put j iii highway and on the we*t by linos ot 'i. t } Hulls anil VViuuvv blown. ConKilliug about , i 100 seres i ( !u; .1 more or lea-, eboui 40 acres' 1 improved wiih a t.iiined house, trained turn j and a lew iruit trees therioa. | stizt d and taki nin execution ' - : Edward -wain's use vs. Chanes H a-Is { and li Nichols. i ALSu- Ihe to!,owing 01, pitc. ->i paict-l ol , land siiiPite iu Lome twp., bounded north by j i Liiu oi VV'i iiara I'nrks, east by land ot mine ! ' bins, treulh by land oi Harvey hire hard, and j west by land • f sud William I'aik-s. Contain ' ing 40 acres ot laud, mote or less, with a train i ed house, Ir-ißitd barn and a tew trait trees | thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit ot George C. At wood's use Vs. James S. Parks and | E. W. Parks. ALSO—By virtue ol a writ of Fi. Fa. will be I sola at the same time and place, the lollowing ; lot, piece or parcel oi laud situate in Troy twp. ! hounded on ibe north, south and *rs=t by land ol Wm. S Bobbins, and • u the e st by land ot E. ! B. Parsons. Containing 15 acres ot land, more |or les-, a i' > , acres improve'', with an old I i log house au J "i lew irait trees thereon, i Seized and taken in execution at the suit of , S niilniu b. i/obuius vs. Bully C'ea-e anu Henry I ; Cease. Aire O—Th" following described lot, piece or ; parcel ol land situate in Bur,ingtuii Boio' ' : bounded north by the pubiic highway leading ! 1 irom Burlington a Troy, east and sou'h by j lands ot Addison McKeau, and west by lands ol | A £J. iiorley. Containing hail an ere oi j land, mo! or it- -s. ail improved wi'h a trained '• house, irunn d bai n and at w fi uit trees thereon reized au, taken iu execution at the suit ol 1 P. i.. Ward v. t . r. Marry & H B. Wiiluim. aLbil— Ibe lallow ing lot, piece or parrel of [ i i t in he-* Builiugton iwp., oouuued i tic-ith by lands ol lb Bourne, cast oy lands ot 11- It- llill, south by lands ol L>. H. Sweeney, ,tiid west by the public highway leading Iroin 1 Bui iiuglou to i-muhueld. CoutaiuUig 400 acies ji iaou. more or le- s, about 45 acres improved, j with three small plank bouses, iranted baru, j raw mill and slung. n in execution at the suit of A. Newell & Co. vs. A. W. Wheaton. AL>O —By vir.ue oi a writ of Leviri Facias v. ill i C sold at the same time aud place ail that i certain piece or parcel oi laud situate in Athens j j Boro b -uuded north by a public alley leading ' 1 to the Baptist Church, on the east by the puo- j lie highway leading Irom Athens Boro" to Fac- 1 i toryvilie. on the south by .ands of James Smith, and on the r-t by lands ot C.N. ship- i man. y ut j unary, A . D. i*6T, to tnc directed, for holding u Court of Oyer and Teiminer, Genera l Quarter Sessions ot the Peace. Common Plea ' anu Orphan's Court, at Towmida, for the Couu- , ty c,t Biad'oid. on Monday, the 4th day ot Feb- > mary. next, t continue two week-. Noli e is htreloie hereby given, to the Coro- J n • Ju-tic ; ot the Peace and Constables,ot . tli ounty i-i Bradfoid, that they be then and I thcic in lli ii proper person, at id o'clock in the | t ucnoou of said diy, with their rec rd>, iuqui- i siti. ns and other lira inbrauccs, to do those ' •hue- which t > their oilic appertains to bo I don, . ..nd t. i . .h i arc bound oy recognizance i i r : 'lit rwisc to prosecute against the prison rs j v. ho are or ui j be iu the jail ot said County, or I ft . hall be bound to appear at the said Court. t arc to be tht"! and there to prose vine ..n-l i hem ss shall lie jn-f Juror are requested to te punctual in their attendance, agreeably to j their notice Dated at Towanda, the 10th day ot January, iu ; the year ui our Lord, cue thousand eight budred and sixty-seven, and ot the indepen dence ot the United States, the nine'y-fn-t. VVIII.IAM GKIPFIS, Sheri.f. fUieirllaiuoug. i i GOOD THING MAY BE SEEN ! A W.X.I) ,\ HARD G'S GALLERY OF ART, TUVVAMU, BRADFORD COI'NTY, PA. We take plcasuie in i.-.lot wing ot-r o!u friends ! a tin- i bill:.-, that we have procured one of the bit ! age Solar Cameras now in use, and are I pivpaivt to furnish to ,-!! our patrons, better PHtiTOGHAPHS, bom miuiatuie to life size, than ever otitrpil in tliis count .at very low pri ces. A t uie st.U making the neat GEM KEKR.O TYPE-i. in iuuli-,1 on card-, a.-, we.- a- all kiud -0 CA E PICTOEES. sOch as MEL iikoffPES m 4 AMBROTYPF.&. Vi ear also making beauti'ul t All 1) Pli (l I O, lß'i7. Auditor. A I DITOK'S N UTILE —/H 7he mat trr of the etlatr of !*hejiurrt t'asjitr.dre'il I In the Orpnan's Court oi Bia-Jturd County. I The undersigned auditor appointed by said I Court to distribute moneys in inc hind- •/. ! administrator, wih aticnd to the duties of his - iMipouuuicat.at his office in the Borough oi fi •, on Friday, the 2jtU day ol January, ihti, at 1 o'clock, p. m.. where all persons having | claim- up )U them, .u i-t present them, or be tor i i ver debarred. F. SMITH, Jan. 10. 1 - 7 Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— Lithe mat . lei of ilit estate of Uliccr eat!tell, dee'd in ihe Orphan's Court ot Brad lord County. The undersigned, as auditor, appointed by | said court tu distribute moneys in the bauds ot | the administrators, will attend to the dutie,. ot bis appointment at his office ia the borough of Canton, on Thursday, the 2tth day ol Jaua ary, 18(47, at 1 o'clock p. ui., and ail person having claims upon -aid funds must present them, or else be lorcVer deoarred Iroin the same H. N. WIAJHA.US, Jan. 10,1807. Auditor. APPLICATION IN DIVORCE.— To Napthali Woodouru.—No. 21J, sept, teim.ldod. You ar> ht lebv notitied that Eliza beth vVoodburn, by her next lrieud Clarence Aoudbhrn, ha-- applied to Uie Court oi C uimon , Pleas, ot Bradtord County, tor a divorce irom i the bonds oi matrimony, aud the said Court ha* | appointed Aiouday, FeotUary 4, lotii.a 2 o'- ! clock, p. in ,at the Court tlouse in To w., .da ; loi hearing the said Elizabeth Woodohm iu '.he, | pi causes at wnicu tunc and place you can at • j tend d you tiii-.k proper. ! Jan. 10. leoT. WM. GRIFI IS, Sheriff. APPLICATION IN DIVORCE.— To Harvey Beam —No. uu, February term 1 18*ui. You ate hereby iiotnied that Elizabeth Beam, by ber uexi tsieud Jo-hua Pecknam. : a | applied to the Court oi Cuuiruoa Picas ol Brad- I lord County, tor a div-ncc hour the bonds o. matrimony, and the -aid Court las appointed | Monday, the 4th cry u Feoru iry, is-?, for i healing the said Elizabeth Beaut iu we prerni i scs, at which time an ! place you can attend il | you thick proper, WM. GhIPPfS Jan lu, 1-bi. isucriS. V[ OT ICE IS ILEUEBY GIVEN, if That W. Biam ialt.G. H. E.-tell Ransom Payne, and otners, have presented to the Court I of Common Pleas ot Brad lord couuty, the cu.tr ! leroi the " First Me h idist Episcopal Church j of Frankiindaie, ' praying the Court tor a de ; ciee o; incorporation, and hat the same • iii ■ lie heard on Monday, February 4th, 1 -77, o; : which all persons interested will please take ! notice W. A. TUOMAB, | Jau, 10,18C7. Prothouotary. A UDITOR'S NOTICE— In the mat i lev of Saney Pecker, dee'd. In the Or j ph-in's Court of Br'adturd county. The under.-igned auditor appointed by -aid Court, to distribute moueys ia the hands of the administrator, w iii attend to the duties ot bis j appointment at the office ot Smith & Rockwell i in Troy Borough, January 23d, 1867, at 1 o'. I clock, p.m., where all persons interested can • altend il they think proper. JAMES WOOD, | Dec. 20,1886. Auditor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- . Notice is hereby given that all persons in j debteu t- rh estate of DM AC LAMBERSON, ! late ot Athens dea d, arc requested to make im -1 mediate payment. .nd al h vmg claims upon said estate will present them duly i utica*-d i tor settlement aQUiRE NORTHBUP. | J a.lO, 1867 * Admiui-irator. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the mat ter of tlit estate of Roderick Wilcox du d la the the Orphan's Court of Bradtord County. ; The undersigned,an Auditor,appointed by vi,i Court to distribute money in the hand- of Fx editors, will at lend to the duties ot bis appoint incut ai bis office iu the B iruugii u: Towaiid. | on Friday. Febry-'.ry 1. 1*67. ai ! o'clock, p. ri ft here all persons having claims upon said mo nies will attend i forever be u<.haired lion, i the same. F.LAHAN.xN SMIt .i, I Jan. 10.15C7- Auditor. ORPHAN - COURT SALE.-By virtue of an order is.-ued out i theUr I plian'3 Conrt of Bradf-id County, tlic undoi signed a iministrator ot tho estate "of Channrey Guthrie, late > i tinringtleld twp., dec u.,v,. ! i expo.-o to public sale on the premises iu Sprii;. I held twj. '.on Thursday the ."Ist day of .tanne ry. Wi7, at i o ciook, p. in., the lollowing de-- ! cril-cd lot, piece or paicel ol land beginni g .. a post a corner ot lands b-b ugirsr to Wit Lam T. Daily th, lice north a west 35 12-10' i pre. (-• a corner, thence south 87' east by imds C7, ill tO ' l-ek.p. i:,., at y. ia. .-alt the ' illoiring d;-r bed IF piece oi pacrlo; lur.d situate in Sbesboquin twp.. 'r ei-uiuar -it the nor!ii line ul Jab -z l- ishcr'.s land . west side oi the pnbtie highway, tlieiu-e . . Fish's laud lio til >o- 1., pre t, :. 'hence uor'ii 12U e#f 7 -l(* prs. in . r .' thenc -1. i't". 7-1 •■!-' if rs th mad ore -.'ld that, 'y• h- - Ttif "le 1-5 prs .tq the bigioiiing. Cootan,dig :10 u,s. be the same mo.e or less TERMS—Cash down. .- W. I'AI: -.. Ju. 10, 1867. Adminiiraior. RFGI-TEU S NOV' K. V,-. i heretiy revet, tip ti. hssi"- . lib .land settled i itin dice ot th" l -gi-'e. t VY lis • , I andir Iba .uty o Ut. 'Lad. anuiiii'sot •' I mird-ti t- 1 up, 't tb-j vl'.. _ c-t il- s. \iz : Final C-, "l o Hiram T. flak- evT -l .1 'ine ! bakes, dee'd litis: ot Coin: Final a-c' (! James Men in and . i zaoeth Chesley. e ii.i re ol S. D 'h--!y,d d l*tr ol Granville. Final acc't si E. J liakt-i. rdm'v ol the tate ot s s. Lath top, ile • M. Lite of Orwell. Final aec't of tV:n. S. GttUiiie, a m'ro! Gs ' estate oi i Gitthiiv. dee'd. -teoi Spriugtiol-l I final ace't of Kileo.i Packard, gutrdun I James Packard minor (MM of \*. : nekaWi deed. Final a,, tol si E - hep.-.., .-.uu.! i t rat or yl ; the estat, : sb-perd Cs- pei d->.' i lite o: Canton twp j Filial lut st.ir.-sal l-'n,tk v.\-■ e-i ,u. the ; estate ot R b. Latluop. T- 'd : f. 1 Orwell ALSO—The appr.ii- meat ui pro; eriy set eff ■ by the Ex ii!',r or Aslniin.-tiatoi'.- to widows or | iTil'dr,n of the- fell, wing decedents • i Kdate ! Harris u Carlisle. " Jame. ileverly. And the mie will lie p csented to he Oi | phans Ct.nrt ol Bradford v ounty. on i hnrsday j the lltli day ol Feline , n x>, tor I confirmation un l alliwanvc. H. •' MADHJ-. | Jan, 1u,i86;. Log!-! -- A FP LI CATION IN DIVORCE. i i\ To Henry Hit- '. r No. 5 1 '-. i-fpt tf iiu 1-66. Yoti an here'oy Botitirel that -Bat th Hnu ' ter, your wiie, iw. apolie.l t-> the t" i-irt t,t Coin ! mon" P!c: • Bradtord Count® |nr d voice l irom the bonds oi matrimoay. ai,-i Uu- -ai ; Couit lias uppuifed MoaU-ty tho4th dot ot to • taary, !67, A two o'clock, p m.. i hcani, i the said Sarah Huuter.in the pr.-mi-- M which time end place you c.iu al -cud ii vou think fir* p 1 e: -. " \YM. GRlFFi^.Rhetul ! Jan. 16,18*7. G< AMES FUR THE FAMILY CIR- I" CLE. at the NEWSROOM.