TKKJHS OF PUBLICATION. THE BEPOBTEB is published every Thurs day Morning, by E. O. GOODBICH, at $2 per annum, in advance. ADVERTISEMENTS, exceeding flftecn lines are inserted at TEN CENTS per line for flrst insertion, and FIVE CENTS per line for subsequent insertions. Special notices in serted before Marriages and Deaths, will be charged FIFTEEN CENTS per line for each insertion. All resolutions of Associations ; communications of limited or individual interest, and notices of Marriages or Deaths exceeding five lines, are charged TEN CENTS per line. I Year. 6 mo. 3 mo. One Oolumn $75 S4O S3O Half " 40 '35 16 One Square, 10 7i 5 Estray.Cuution, Lost and Found, and other advertisements, not exceeding 10 lines, three weeks, or less, $1 50 Administrator's & Executor's Notices. 2 00 Auditor's Notices 2 50 Bnsiness Cards, five lines, (peryear)..a 00 Merchants and others, advertising their bnsiness, will be charged S2O. They will be entitled to 4 column, confined exclusive ly to their business, with privilege of change. Advertising in all cases exclusive of subscription to the paper. JOB PRINTING of every kind, in Plain and Fan\v colors, done with neatness and dispatch. Handbills, Blanks, Card 3, Pam phlets, Ac., of every variety and style, prin ted at the shortest notice. The REPORTER OFFICE has just been re-fitted with Power Presses, and eTery thing in the Printing line can be executed in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates. TERMS IN V ARIA BLY CASH. (Sarbg. 1 THOMAS J. INGHAM, ATTOR . NEY AT LAW, LAPORTE, Sullivan County, Pa. tTEORGE D. MONTANYE, AT- T TURKEY AT LA IP—Office in Union Block, formerly occupied by JAMAOFAKLANE. WT. DAVIES, Attorney at Law, • Towanda.Pa. Office with Wm. Wat fcins, Esq. Particular attention paid to Or phans' Court business and settlement ot dece dents estates. MEROUR A MORROW, Attorneys at Imw, Towanda, Penn'a, The undersigned having associated themselves together in the practice of Law, offer their pro fessional services to the public. ULYSSES MERCUR. P. D. MORROW. March 9,1865. ___ PATRICK & PECK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Offices In Union Block. Towanda, Pa., formerly occupied by Hon. Wm. Elwell.aud in Patrick's block, Athens, Pa. They may be consulted at either place. a. w. PATBICK, apll3 w. A. PECK. HB. MCKEAN, ATTORNEY has HC young man says that a young lady's licart is like tfco moon, it ' changes continually, but always luis man in it ARTKMI-S WARD says : " Let us be i happy, aud live v. ithiu <>ur ine ms, even it' we nave to borrow money to do it with." A SUMMER TOILET.*- A paper men tions the arrest ol' a woman •' with nothing ' on her person but a love letter and • ?•- goerreotype. THE editor of a newspaper iy that he never dotted an "i" otrtancein his life, and that was in a light with a oo temporarr. "THERE are ties which should nev er be severed." as the ill-used wife -aid when she found her brute of a husband hanging in the hay-loft. A oovSCRIPT being told that it was sweet to die for his country, tried to excuse himself on the gronud that lie never did like sweet things. THE recent marriage of Mr. Day with Miss Field presents this singular ano maly, that although he gained the FjeM she won the Day. A LADY contributor says the reason j why tall men always succeed iu matrimony j is because all sensible women favor Hy men. J A HENPECKED husband writes : Be ! fore marriage I fancied wedded life would j be all sunshine, but afterward I found out that it was all moonshine. "I WOULD not be a woman, for then I could not love her," says Montague. La dy M. W. Montague says, "The only ob jection I have to being a man is flint 1 should have to marry a woman "Do you think yon can do the landlord in the Lady of Lyons?" said a manager to a seed}* actor in quest of an en gagement. "I have done a great man)' landlords in my day," replied the appli cant. FORTUNE tellers and tilting hoops operate quite differently. The former re veal what a woman will be in the future, the latter what she is at the present. WE regret to announce the death of Quow Duny, King of Aquaquin, West Africa. He was a man and a brother, and lunched off missionary, when in season with great regularity. A PAPER asks very innocently i! it is any harm to sit in the Inpst of ag. , Another replies that it all depends ou the kmd of ayes selected. Those from 18 to 25 it puts down as extra hazardous. AN exchange tells us of an editor who went soldiering and was chosen cap tain. One day at parade, instead of giving the orders, "front face, three paces for ward,' he exclaimed : " Cash, two dollars in advance." llniAN existence hangs npon trifles. What would beauty be without soap ? You can't get along in the world with a homely wife. She 11 spend hah her time in locking in the glass ; and turn, and twist, and brush, and fix, t.ll she gets com pletely vexed with her own nglines-. and she 11 go right oft and spank the baby. A MAN down east complains of his daughter's extravagance because she per sisted iu buying a waterfall for her li ad, when she already had a cataract in her eye- He conldn't brook that. AN Irishman, on hearing of a friend having a stone coflin made for himself, ex claimed: "by my sowl and that's a good idee. Sure and a stone coffin 'ud last . man a lifetime.' A MAN who heard it stated that all flesh is grass, wishes (o know whether Inn is beef a-la-wiced. A DRUNKEN niau lately tried to got policeman to arrest his own shadow. His complaint was that an ill-looking scoundrel kept following him. A W ESTEKX poet is the author of these epigrammatic lines : • ■ The old dog is ever faithful they say ; 3ut a dog that is faithful can never be To .' •SUBJECTS lor couumdrums being nearly exhausted, oue desperate joker has g' lie back to our first parents, and inquire* "Why was Eve not afraid of the mcasle- - Because she'd Adam." SOMEBODY says a baby laughing iu its dreams is conversing with angels. lJer ! haps so : but we have seen them crying in their waking Lours as though they wer huving a spat with the devil. "JEBMS, my lad, keep away from I the gals. Yen you see one coming, dodge Just such a critter as that young uu clean in' the doorstep t'other side of the street fooled yonr poor dad, Jimmy. If it hadn't been 'or her, you and yer dad might ha been iu Californy hnntin dimuns,my -son. —ln the Legislative Couucii of Ida ho Territory, the vote for Chaplain in Ik cember 5, stood : For the Rev Mr Bishop. 5; for Brigham Young, 1 : for I'arson Brown low, 1. The two latter maybe considered complimentary votes. A youug man una; ried a buxom Irish girl greatly to the horror of his ruoih, and sister, made the following defence : "J I niurrie.i an American girl 1 mu-t Lave an Irish girl to take care of her, and I caum afford to support both of them ." A Western editor lately man.. J one of his compositors, another Composite.-, acting as bridesmaid, th officii.ting eh rgv man being n retired printer, and the local editor giving away the bride. A youug lady stepped iutu Uie- st'ol of a merchant named Wade, and very iui ( cently said she would like to be ictighnl - "Really, lam very sorry, but my wife will tell you that you are too late by a couple •>! year" " MOUNTAINS AROUND J ERISAIAM. -In rusalem does not lie in the hollow of an ainphitheatre ; it is placed, t>u tin contrary, on au eminence, with deep valleys r nuning nearly ad around it. But it is true, not withe Lauding, that the mountains girdle it about, as tb Psalmist describes. (V : two sub north and cast, it is < nfofded by the Moftnt of Olives : on the south the Hill of Evil Counsels—the repute 1 sight of the country palace < i t'aiaph as, the High Priest, where the conspi rators against our Lord met on tin night of his seizure in Getliseninite— overhangs tan valley ol Minnow, and looks right over it on Mount /.ion.— And, although upon the west the hills are at a great distance they are. on that side the highest >1 all. in that direction are lluiaak and Gibeou, and not further away than five or six miles is the remarkable height known by the name of Neby Bam wil,npon winch height tradition tells n* that Samuel, the prophet, was burned. Of the frnlh of this statement there is no evidence, but recent inquiries and observations seem to have proved it to be the site of the aueieut Mizpab of Saul. Stan ding on the tep of the Neby Saniwii, the eve ranges from .Tafia,on the Med iterranean sea. on the west to Jordan i valley, and the mountains of Amnion i and Moab beyond it on the east. Je j rusalem is thus in the heart of a luouu i tain laud, l-'or nearly twenty miles i on either side there is nothing a mure I it bnt fiflta — mtchnnan l * ClcriHfl t>ir . j oitgh in (he Hvly Land. NUMBER 33.