Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, December 20, 1866, Image 4
g^ticuUutal. The Diseases of Trees- It is with not a little surprise that we look upon the number of letters inquiring about diseased trees, that have accumula ted upon our hands. It is the opprobrium of scientiii; horticulture that 60 little has been done to investigate the subject of plant diseases. We have read about all that has been written on the subject, have talked with the most experienced promo logists East and West, and find that there is really little postive information extant. All admit the existence of certain maladies, and attempts have been made to enumerate them. A recent work on horticulture gives us Latin names for these tree troubles ; though it may gratify the inquiring mind to know that freezing is congelatw, and that decay is caries —we are unable to see that it adds much to our knowledge. Among the causes assigned for the unhealthy con dition of our trees, some are sensible and others absurd. It is a very common thing fur the would be scientific, to attribute phe nomena they cannot explain to electricity— and this agent has been the refuge of sev eral of those who have written upon the diseases of plants. We have one letter be fore us from a photographer—who, taking a photographic view of the subject,is quite sure that the pear blight is due to the ef fect of the sudden light of flashes of light ning in a dark night—th ugh he fails to tell us why this affects one tree, and leaves another of the same variety, next to it, un touched. Jn discussing this subject, we must recollect that all fruit trees are, in a measure,unhealthy ; that the larger or finer our apples and pears, the more they have departed from the natural condition. This being the case, we ought not to look for perfect health in every cultivated variety. As to our ability to cure diseased trees by any medication, wc doubt if it will ever be attained. To many who writes us with the view that wc can prescribe something to cure their trees, we must confess our ina bility to do so. If good feediug will not help them, together with drainage, we fear that the case is hopeless. Want of vigor el- health is often due to a lack of alkaline matter in the soil, and benefit is often expe rienced from a free use of lime or ashes— but this is fertilization and not medication. Some of the most serious troubles, such as bark bursting and crackiug, are due to changes of temperature beyond our control. The selection of varieties that mature their wood early,and the use of low headed trees, r ither than those with long and naked stems, are the best preventatives against these troubles. As to the leaf blight, that as yet remains a mystery. Until its real nature is understood, we must act empi rically, and cut severely whenever it ap- i pears, even if it takes the tree down to the j ground. Onr pomological societies have,as a general thing, given too much attention to the quality of fruit, to the neglest of tiie character of the tree. Of late years there has beeD an improvement in this respect.— We have good fruits enough, now let us go in for healthy trees. — American Agricultur ist. Management of Oalves in Tall and Winter. MR. MIXER There is one thing of great importance, that is frequently lost sight of, or rather neglected,by farmers in general ; that is, the proper care and manage ment of calves, through the fall and wiu- ; ter mouths. The general practice, after i weaning a calf, is to let it shift for itself ! until snow falls, then to put it into a yard,! or an open s ed, and let it pass the winter, ; and if it lives, all right, and if it dies, it is j generally said, '"that is my luck, I never | could raise a calf." Now, such treatment is not only wrong, but very unprofitable, to j say the least of it. After weaning j'our ! calves, put them where they can have good feed, and pure water. Keep them thriving, if you have to feed them a small quantity of shorts, or ground feed daily. The better the condition you can get them in before winter, the easier you will keep them in good order. Have a good warm stable for them, fl ed them all the good hay they can eat, and do not forget to give them a daiiy allowance of grain. One pint of ground b ed, to each calf, will pay a laige profit on the investment made. Keep them clean, free from all vermin, for you will find it far cheaper to winter a calf that is clear of lice, than one that is infected with them. There are always master calves in every lot, —sep- arate them from the flock by themselves, then the weaker ones will have a fair chance for themselves. Clean the calf stable, and keep it well littered with straw ; and do not let the manure and litter accumulate, until it is a good day's work to clean it out, as it engenders disease. It is better to give them warm drink daily—the slops from the house, —such as the dish water,the water wherein meats and vegetables have been boiled. They like it, and will do well on it, and it is far better for them than to let them go to the brook to drink cold wa ter, and then stand and shiver ft r hours.— My views may differ from others in the management of calves through the winter, and I should like to have the opinions of those that are better versed in the subject ; so, gentlemen, readers of the Rural, let us have your experience and views, s. E. C. in Rural American. Wattsburg, Pa. Orchard and Nursery. In December there is little to add to the notes for November. Whenever the weath er will allow the work there indicates to be done, do it. In mild seasons, or in South ern localities, ground for the orchard may be plowed and subsoiled. If nothing can be done to facilitate spring operations, see that no harm comes to trees alreadv plan ted. Fences and Gaits must bo looked after,and put iu a condition to keep domestic animals out of young orchards. They will either browse or bark the trees, and do more dam age in a few hours than will l>e regained in all of next year's growth. Rabbits and mice, among wild animals, of ten do serious damage. The best way to keep off rabbitts is, to sprinkle blood upon the trees. Leave no rubbish near young trees to harbor mice, and trample snow down so hard that they can not work under it. Cions may he cut whenever the wood is not frozen. Saw-dust or damp moss are better packing than sand, for the reason that they come out free from grit. The ob ject should be to preserve the natural mois ture,and not keep them any damper or dry er than they would be if left upon the tree. Afurstry the heading hack and shaping of young trees is carried on in mild weath er, and when the weather is inclement, the hands are occupied in-doors in root grafting. In grafting, too much care cannot be exer cised,and it is well to work at only one va riety at a time to avoid all possibility of mixing kinds. See that surface drains are opened to carry water away from young trees, and that no water stands around stocks that have been heeled-in THREE things that never agree—two cats over one mouse, two wives in one house and two lovers after one young lady. Insurance. RJLOWAXDA INSURANCE AGENCY. H. B. M'KEAN Agent lor the following well known and reliiole Insur ance Companies : NEW ENGLAND INSURANCE Co.— Hartford, Conn. KENSINGTON INSURANCE CO.— Philadelphia. WYOMING INSURANCE COMPANY. Wilkes-Barre, Penn'a. Capital and Surplus $150,000 Stock not called in $50,000 Bills receivable 40,000 U. S. 5-20 Bonds ...... 25,000 Temporary and call Loans .... 6,000 103 shares Wyoming Bank Stock - - - 6,180 50 shares Pirst Nat. Bank at Wilkes-Barre, - 5,000 70 " Sec. " " " - - 7,000 46 shares Wilks-Barre Bridge Stock - - 2,580 Real Estate 1,519 Judgments 102 Due from Agents and others - - - 7,414 Cash in hand and in Bank .... 1,842 DIRECTORS. G. M. Hollenback, L. D. Shoemaker, R. D.Lacoe, John Richafds, H. M. Hoyt, Charles A. Miner, Samuel Wadhanis, O. Collins, Stewart Pierce, Chas. Dorrance, Win. S.Ross, • G.M. Harding. G. Mr HOLLENBACK, President. L. D. SHOEMAKER, Vice-President. R. C- SMITH . Sec'y. H. B. M'KBAN. Agent, Towanda, Pa. LUZERNE INSURANCE AGENCY. .ETNA INSURANCE Co— Hartford, ASSETS $3 ,000,000 FULTON INSURANCE Co.—JVeto York, CASH CAPITLA $300,006 METROPOLITAN INSURANCE CO., CAPITAL $1,4000,000 ROYAL INSURANCE CO., CAPITAL ..$10,000,000 LIVERPOOL & LONDON INS. CO., CAPITAL $5,000,000 LIFE INSUR kNCE—CONNECTICUT MUTUAL. ASSETS.... $5,000,000 *3" Policies issued for the Hitna, Fulton and Metre politan, and orders received for Insurance upon favora ble terms. R.C. >MITH, Agent, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. H. B. M'KEAN, Agent, for the above Companies at Towanda, Pa. HOMER CAMP, Agent, Camptown, Pa. Sept. 4,'65. FIRE, LIFE, and ACCIDENTAL INSUR ANCE. CAPITAL REPRESENTED OVER SEVENTEEN MILLION DOLLARS! C. S. RUSSELL, Agent, FOR THE FOLLOWING NAMED RELIABLE COMPANYS : GIRARD FIRE A MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY I Philadelphia, j Capital and surplus, over $350,000 HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, Of New-York. j Capital and surplus, over $3,750,000 j LNSURANCE COMEANY OF NORTH AMERICA, ) Philadelphia. j Capital and surplus, over $1,700,000 MANHATTAN INSURANCE COMPANY, I Of New-York. J Capital and surplus, over $900,000 ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY, ) Of Philadelphia. ) Capital and surplus, over $350,000 ARTIC INSURANCE COMPANY, ) Of New- York. j Capital and surplus, over $750,000 PUTNAM INSURANCE COMPANY, i Of Hartford, Conn, j Capital and surplus, over $704,000 MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, ) Of New-York. j Capital and surplus, over $8,000,000 TRAVELLERS INSURANCE COMPANY, I Of Hartford, Cor.n. ) Capital and surplus, over $600,000 i Risks taken on all kinds of Property, at as low rates , 83 by any other reliable Companies. air Policies issued and Losses, if any, adjusted at ; this Agency, thereby saving the trouble and expense.of going elsewhere ior settlement. ; 33" Office at the Hardwhere Store of Codding A Russell C.S.RUSSELL. Towanda, Fell. 7, 1866.- -tf | MOWANDA INSURANCE AGENCY ! Policies issued.JLosses adjusted and promptly paid, by H. It. AT ICE AN, Agent, Of the following well known and reliable Companies. Office Montanye's Block. Aggregate Amount of Capital, $17,000,000 OEETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, I Hartford, Conn., J Capital $4,000,000 NIAGARA INSURANCE COMPANY, ) .Yen- York, j Capital $1,246,000 NEW ENGLAND INSURANCE COMPANY, i Hartfoid, Conn., j Capital $200,000 WYOMING INSURANCE COMPANY, ) IVlikes Ran e, Pa., j Capital $150,000 NORTH AMERICAN TRANSIT INSURANCE CO., ) (Accidental) > Philadelphia, Capital $500,000 CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., F Hartford, Conn., j Capital $10,000,000 KENSINTON FIRE INSURANCE CO., I Philadelphia, j Capital $300,000 Towanda, Feb. 20,1866—tf RP H E INSURANCE COMPANY OF A NORTH AMERICA. Office No. 242 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. This Company are now prosecuting the bu-iness ot Insurance from loss or damage by FIRE on Buildings, Merchandise. Furniture, Ac., throughout the State of Pennsylvania, on libera! terms,for long or short periods; or permanently of Buildings, by a deposit of Premium. | The prompt payment of claims for losses during the period of nearly 70 years that the Company has been in esistence, entitles them to the confidence of the public. DIRECTORS.— Arthur G. Coffin, Samuel W. Jones, John A Brown, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, Jno. R. Neff, Richard D. Wood, Wm. Welsh, Win. E. Bowen, James N. Dickson, S.Morris Wain, John Mason, Geo. L. Aar rison, Francis R. Cope. Edward 11. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke, Wm. Cummings. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Pres'nt. C. S. RUSSELL, Agent, Towanda. FARMERS MUTUAL FIREINSURANCE COMPANY OF MIDDLE PENNSYLVANIA, Office in Danville, Montour County, Penn'a. Capital • $357,000 00 The Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Mid dle Pennsylvania was incorporated by ihe Pennsylvania Legislature, in the year 185'J, for the Mutual Insurance of Conntry property only, and immediately thereafter commenced its operations on that principle, which has been strictly adhered to since. All losses have been promptly paid out of the Premi ums collected on application for insurance without mak ing any assessments. The Insurance of Conntry properly only, the low rates charged lor Insurance,and "the prompt paymeut of losses are deemed a sufficient recommendation of the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company ot Middle Penns . !va nia. to all owners of sate class country property. P. JOHNSON, Sec'y. WM. FULMKR, Pres't. C. M. MANVILLE. March 5, '66. Agent, Towanda, Pa. TTNION CARRIAGE SHOP,, AT ALBA, PENN'A. The undersigned respectfully informs the'eitizens of Western Bradford that he has commenced the Carriage as.u Wagon manufacturing business, in all its various branches in Alba borough, in the shop north of the Union Hotel. His foreman in the wood-shop will be N. M. REYNOLDS, who is well known to the people, of this vicinity, having been in the business for the last 16 years. He will manufacture to order, and keep constant ly on hand the latest styles of Buggys, both top and open. Platform, Democrat aud Skeleton Wagons, Sleighs, Cutters. Ac. His work will be done by the most ex perienced workmen, and great care will be taken in pro curing the best timber, and the most substantial ma terials . He intends that the work turned out at his shop for style, durability and cheapness, shall not be excelled in the County. REPAIRING of all kinds done with des patch , in a subtantial manner on reasonable terms— Give us a call. JAMES MtTNTYBE. Alba, Bradford County, Pa., Feb. 20, 1866—1y ruT HER'S MILLS, BURLINGTON, PA. , The proprietor, having rebuilt his Flouring Mill in Bur ington. and taken pains in selecting articles, and the most improved machinery, it is now completed in order for all kinds of Flouring. CUSTOM WORK2DONE AT SHORT NOTICE. with cheerful attendants, who will see to your wants in good order and with general satisfaction. 33-Cash paid for Grain. April 17,1866. ROSWELL LUTHER. satfcmare. £JARDWARE CODDING & RUSSELL HAVE A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OP GOODS. To which additions are daily being made, which they offer cheap for Cash. A large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Among the many desirable and beautiful patterns is the CELECRATED AMERICAN. This beautiful stove is unsurpassed for economy in fuel; is a perfect baker ; is the best COOK STOVE in the market. Among their heating .-.tores may be found a great variety suitable for every place where stoves are used. STOVE PIPE AND SHEET IRON Wul'.K Always on hand and made to order. TINWARE A large stock manufactured from the very best ma ter id and by experienced workmen. A very ful assortment IRON, NIALS AND STEEL, At New York prices. HOUSE AND CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, TOOLS FOR THE FARMER, Tools for the House Joiner and Carpenter—Tools for Blacksmiths'—Tools for everybody. WINDOW SASH AND GLASS, PAINTS, OILS AND j VARNISHES, MACHINE OIL AND BENZOLE, KDROSENE OIL, LAMPS, WICKS AND CHIMNEYb BELTING, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, BRITTANNIA AND PLATED WARE, Pumps, Ltad ripe, (hain Pumps, Water Pipes, Grindstones and. fixtures, KEROSENE LANTERNS, JOB WORK done with dispatch. Lamps repaired. Fluid Lamps and Lanterns altered and fitted to burn Ke rosene. Grain, Old Iron, Casting and Wrought Scraps, Copper, Brass, Brittannia, Beeswax, Feathers and Rags taken in exchange for goods. Highest price in cash paid for Sheep Pells and Furs. *3- OUR GOODS have been purchased on the pay dowu system and will be sold for READY PAY. JOHN A. CODDING, I CODDING & RUSSELL. c. S. RUSSELL. \ Towanda, March 10,18G3. MARSHAL ,J FC"HERS & CO., DEALERS IN HARDWARE ! TIN, COPPER, SHEET IRON, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, TOWANDA, PENN'A. j Store oae door south of the Post Office. R.K MARSHALL. W. K. MARSHALL. M.M. MEUCUB. J |l jyjARSHALL BROTHERS & CO., Wish to call the attention of the public to their new Stock of HARDWARE, FARMING IMPLIMENT3, BLACK SMITHS' TOOLS, and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. Also, a large assortment of Window Glass, Sash, Paints, Oils, ;Putty, Varnishes, and Paint and Varnish Brushes -of all kinds, which will be sold for the lowest Cash price. Also, a fiine assortment of KEROSENE LAMPS of every style and pattern to suit the public. Lamps repaired and changed from Oil and Fluid to Kerosene. Particular attention paid to the manufacturing of all kinds of TIN WARE. JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. We have on hand a fine article of, GLASS FRUIT JARS, with improved self-sealing corks, and HERMF. TIC A L SEALING CANS, which is one of the best cans dsed. June 20, 1865. TRUE! TRI' £ ! TRU E ! WHEE LE R & WIL S U N TIIE BEST F A M I L Y M A CHINE ! HEAR THE TESTIMONY ! Wheeler and Wilson is the best ior household work— London Times. We praise the Wheeler A Wilson with enthusiasm. Ch. Intel. lutelligent sewing women are now generally satisfied of the importance and value oi these Sewing Machines. —Rev. Dr. Tyng. The Wheeler A Wilson will give entire "satisfaction. —New Vork Observer. There is emphatically but one Sewing Machine, and that is Wheeler A Wilson's— Judge Meigs, Secretary Ameiican Institute, N. T. City. Mrs. Vinton desires me to express to you her entire satisfaction with your Sewing Machine * My purse bea s witness that the Sewing Machine, among its oth er excellencies, is a household economy— Rev. Dr. Francis Vinton. The Wheeler A Wilson has no rival. - Scientific American. V OMAN s GREATEST BOON .—We would advise a man to forego a thresher and thresh with a flail rather than to see a wile wear her health, vigor and lite away in the everlasting '■ stitch, stitch, stitch,' when a Sewing Machine can be obtained. The Wheeler A Wilson is an iiivalu ible aid in every household. We have had several different kinds on trial, and alter six year-' set vice, the Wheeler A Wilson has taken the .precedence as the best wbere all kinds ol sewing is to be done in a family.— American Agriculturist. METHODIST BOOKJCOXCERN, 2OO Mulberry St., N. Y. Being in constant receipt ol inquiries from our breth ren respecting Sewing Machines, with requests to re commend and pnrchose, we have, in conjunction with some lady friends, carefully and thoroughly examined the various machines oi practical value lor family sew ing, and find those made by the Wheeler A Wilson Manufacturing Company, 625 Broadway, New York, to fully combine the essentials of a good instrument, and such as we can confidently recommend. Having sceu so favorable results from their use, in our own and the households lot our friends, we are desirous that their benefits should lie shared by all our brethren, and hence have interested ourselves in their behalf. Ansel Stevens. Thos. Carton, Daniel Wise, J. Benj. Edwards, James Floy, J. Porter, David Terry, Wm. A. Cox. F O R T AILORING, OR II E A V V YV O R K , RET SINGER'S I M P ROVED, YV I C K H A M Sc B L A C Kf, AGENTS, TOYY T ANI)A, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA. | 0ct.22. 1860. £ U N S HOP ! GUNS, RIFLES AND PISTOLS. J. V. GBIGER, would respectfully inform the public that he has opened his GUN SHOP On the north side of the Public Square, near the Court House, where may be found Double and single Barreled Guns, Rifles, Revolvers, Pistols. Cartridges, Ac . Keys fitted to Doors, Trunks and Padlocks, •a. Particular attention given to repairing, and all work warranted. J. V. GEIGER. Towanda. Aug. 26, 1866 6m. filer rbanfctir, ARRIVAL! W. A. ROCKWELL, I' ( Is now receiving an UUCHIII large s uppply of j GOODS, Comprising a fashionable assortment of 1 DRESS GOODS, ■ CLOAKINGS, SHAW i.S, BREAKFAST CAPES, HOODS, EMBROIDERY. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, SHEETING, BATTING, YARN, And all d33oript ions rf DRY GOODS For Men and Boys wear, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, OF ALL KINDS. Also a large assortment of CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, LANTERNS, &c, To bo sold "at the lowest rates. WOODEN WARE, 01 all descriptions, Bir.l CagM, Ll'liei Fa ncy Buc keta. TOYS FOR THE CHIi.DREN, To appreciate the great variety, you must call and see them. VARIETY. Perlumery, Jewelry, and all sorts Kn icknacks. GROCERIES Of all kinds, Syrups. Mobis ;M, Sugar, at the lowest market price. TO THE PUBLIC. We have purchased these goods at the lowest de cline in the market, and feel confident that I can give j utmost satisfaction quality and price. Towauda, Oct. 15, 1806. J W . TAY L 0 R Is now receiving a very large and well selected STO C K 0 F FA L L G0 0 DS.j Comprising al 1 the . j NEW AND DESIRABLE STYLES In market, and will be exhibited with pleasure. A very fine assortment of DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS ' To match. A targe stock of CLOTHS AND SACKINGS. A large sto k of Ladies and Misses WOOL SHAWLS AND KNIT GOODS Of all kinds. BROWN SHEETING & BLCH'D MUSLIN A full assortmeut of FANCY GOODS. And i very ..large and complete stock of MILLINERY GOODS, And a great variety ol other goods too numerous to mention. Oct. 9, 1866. (J 0 0 D B A R G A I X S AT WI C K II A M & BLACK'S, * Wishing to close out oar stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, IIATS AND CAPS, HARDWARE, AND BOOKS, * We are now offering them at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. This is no humbug. We are bound to sell. A large NEW STOCK OF DRY GOODS AND CLOTHS, JUST OPENED. The largest stock of CHINA, CROCKERY, AND YELLOW WARE, Ever brought to{this market, will be opened ina FEW DAYS. Towanda, Oct. 3,1866. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF VOCAL --A. and instrumental music constantly on hand at the NEWS BOOM. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF Ai. Family and Pocket Bibles, cheaper than ever be fore offered in this market, at the NEWg ROOM. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS OF ALL sizes and styles,at the NEWS ROOM. Orngs anft ftlefiirinea. H. GORE'S DLR.UG STORE W. H. 11. GOEE. (successor to Bars tow & '.Gore,) ,is continuing the business at Ihe old stand, No. 4, Pation's / Block, where he is daily reviving additions to his Stock from the most reliable importers and manufac turers respectfully a.-ks or a liberal share of public patronage," A large stock ot FRESH DRUGS AND MEDICINES Has just been received,and we are now prepared to sup ply the WANTS OF THE PUBLIC WITH ALL ARTICLES BELONGING TO THE TRADE. f t Pi RE WINES AND LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL USE i NLY. A FULL ASSORTMENT OF CONCENTRATED ; I .s. TANI . ECLECTIC AND HOMCEPATHIC MEDI- I CINES. | ALL THE POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES. J 1 PAINTH, OIL, VARNISH, \ PAINT AND VARNISH BRUSHES, J DYE-STUFFS AND GLASS. FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES OF EVERY KIND. TILDEN'S ALCOHOLIC AKD FLUID EXTRACTS, 1 AI.KALOII) AA* I) RE SJNOIDS . All the Best Trusses, ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER^, Shoulder Braces, . BREAST PUMPS, NIPPLE SHELLS, AND SHIELDS, Nursing Bottles, Syringes and Catheters, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF RAZORS, STROPS, POCKET KNIVES, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS OF LATE STYLE AND BEST QUALITY. A large supply Brushes for the Hat and Hair. Also for the Teeth and Nails, Tootii Powders and Pastes, Oils, Perfumery, Soaps, Combs, Hair Dye, ln vigorators,&c., Kerosene, Kerosene Lamps, Shades, Chimneys, Wicks, Ac., all of the latest styles. CHOICE CIGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF. ■ Physicians supplied at reasonable rates. Medi cines and Prescriptions carefully and accurately com pounded and prepared by competent persons at ail hours oi the day and night. Sunday hours from 9 to 10 o'- clock in the forenoon, to 2iu the afternoon. W. 11. 11. GORE. Towauda, Sept. 29, 1866. HI!. PORTER'S OLD DRUG STORE. AlreadyaJmitted to be The largest,safest and most approved DRUG HOUSE IN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA, WITH Anestablished reputation for keeping the beat medicine i UNEQUALLED In its taciilt'es and apparatus for compounding and pre 1 paring MEDICINE AND PRESCRIPTIONS, Conducted by thoroughly competent persons, who d< vo . the most careful attention,pay the strictest regard i to accuracy, and use only selected arti cles, and medicines of unques tioned purity, has become THE CASH DRUG STORE I With prices revised to correspond with the market. WHOLESALE AND RET AIL, ALL ARTICLES WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED. ! ; By recent arrangements with the Manufacturers, Impor ters or First Holders of (foods and Cash Porcha ses.tlie prices wil! always be atthelow est point for Prime Goods. LOWER FIGURES THAN EVER IN PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS DRUGS AND DYE-STUFFS. Everything in this exlaisiv.e v.' </. will le sold Cheap for Cash ! PRICKS REDUCED, VIZ: OF SOAPS PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, COMBS. roCKKT KNIVES AND RAZORS, | LAMPS ANDMA TL RI AL S FOR LIG HT. TRUSSES & SUPPORTERS, ' WINES AND LIQUORS, ONLY FOR MEDICINE. TOBACCO AND SNUFF. ALL THE POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES, TOOTH, SKIN AND HAIR PREPARATIONS, FANCY ARTICLES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Eclectic., Botanic and llomaopathic Medicines Spices, Bird Seed, Lamp Shades and Garden Seeds. FISH TACKLE, AMMUNITION, &c. Constituting the most complete assortment, embracing the great wants of the People, reduced in Price and revised for the Cash System. DR. PORTER'S COAL OIL. DR. PORTER'S CAMPHENE! DR. PORTER'S ALCOHOL! DR. PORTER'S BURNING FLUID ! Are Fresh, daily prepared, and unrivalled by any iulL Market. DR. FOR T Ell'S I' 1 EPARA TIO N S FOR FAMILY USE. Known as Safe and Reliable Remedies .are warranted fi, what they are intended to give satisfaction, viz : Dr Porter's rectoral Syrup price 50 cent, Dr Porter's Family Embrocation " 35 " Pr Porter's Tonic Elisor " 100 " Dr Porter's Worm Syrrp " 50 " i)r Porter's Comp. Syr. Hypophosphites.. "100 " Dr Porter's Uterine Tonic " 150 " Dr Porter's Blackberry Bal a m " 3 Dr Porter's Tooth Ache Drops " 2o Dr Porter's Cephalic Snuff. " 25 " Dr Porter's Tooth Powder . " 50 " Dr Porter's Tricogene .. " 50 " Dr Porter's Tricophile " 50 •' Dr Porter's Shampoo " 50 " Dr Porter's Horse and Cattle Lot! u " 50 " Dr Porter's Horse and Cattle Powder " 3 5 Dr Porter's Bed Bug Poison " 35 • Dr Porter s Black Ink. " 25 '• Dr Porter's Cleansing Fluid < 3-1 << Dr Porter's Rat and Mice Poison " 35 " Dr Porter's Citrate Magnesia 35 u Dr Porter's Worm Wafers "35 MEDICAL ADVICE GIVEN GRATUITOUSLY AT THE OFFICE. Charging ouly for Medicine. taTThankful for part liberal patronage would respect luily announce to his friends and the public that no pain I shall be spared to satisfy and merit the continuance ot i theirconiiuence and patronage, at the C A S H DII u G STORE! Corner of Main and Piuestreets. rr*HE NORTH BRANCH FOUNDRY ; 1 AND M A C II I N K S }l O P , Situated on Pine, cast of Main Street, | TO WAN DA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., i Is now prepared to furnish CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, AND SHINGLE MACHINES, Ot the 1 est quality with the latest improvements. Ali kinds of Machinery for Flouring and Saw Mills. STEAM ENGINES, MADE it REPAIRED, STEAM WHISTLES, STEAM GAGUES, GAUGE COCKS, OIL CANS, <fcG, Furnished at short notice. BOLT CUTTING, Done from 4 to 1£ inches in diameter. FORGING Of heavy wrought work for Bridges, and all other pur poses, done to order. Also, a large assortment of COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, Coal and Wood Burners. Furniture for Cooking Stoves, Stove Pipe, Tin-Ware, Boat Pumps, Plows, Cultivators and Lcrapers, kept constantly on hand. DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS Of all kinds of machinery for mills and other purposes prepared by G . S . PECK, Foreman, who has had large experience iu this branch of the business. JOHN CARMAN. Towanda, Oct. 29,1866- ly. .furniture. Jj" E W ARRAN6MENTI { A MAMMOTH FURNITURE STORE j ( a ! • TO WANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PKNN'A , | WITH REDUCED PRICES. J AMES O. FRO S T j \ Would respectfully announce to the people of Brad- • ford and the adjoining counties, that he has pnrchaserl I ~ the Store, on the south side of the Public Square, tor- j „ merly occupied by CHESTER WEI.LS ; and also the . Store on Main Stre t, formerly occupied by.l. W.Mean- • as a Grocery Store, and having connected the same, has now the largest and best Furniture Ware Room to be found this side of the city oi New York And he would , furthermore announce that he has in the same the larg est and best stock of Furniture ever offered in this Mar ket, or to be found iu Northern Pennsylvania, to which constant additions will be made from Boston, New-York Rochester and various other places to numerous to men tion all ot which will he sold at lower prices than any other dealer this side of New York, will sell the same quality of goods. My stock contibsU in j>art oi MARBLE and WOOD TOP CENTRE TABLES, MARBLE and WOOD TOP HALL STAND*, i I DINING and EXTENSION TABLES | CARD TABLES, PIANO STOOLS, 1 ( BUREAUS, STANDS, BEDSTEAi'S. Ac.,Ac j Chairs of every variety and style, as cheap us the cheapest and good as the best. Enameled Chamber Sets, also Oak, Cbestuut and Walnut. Parlor sets in Ilair, Cloth, Damask, Moreen. and Reps, at prices which defy competition AWo EASY CHAIR 3, and ROCKERS, CAMP CHAIRS and STOOLS. BOOK RACKS, WHAT NOTS, IRON BEDSTEADS, HAIR and HUSK M ATTRESSES. < Children's Carriages, Children's Cr idles and Cribs : LOOKING GLASSES, LOOKING GLASS PLATES, • | PICTURE FRAMES, MOULDINGS, PHOTOGRAPH OVALS. STEEL ENGRAVINGS, CORDS and TASSELS, In fact everything in the line usually to be found in a 1 first class Futnilure Store. I shali also continue to man ufacture furniture as usual aud warrant the same to give satisfaction. The public are invited to call and examine for themselves. at the store, on Main street, two doors south ol Montanyes. My motto is, quick sales and small ] profits. Ready made Coffins, Burial Cases. Coffin Plates and j Handles, together with everything in the line of nnder-' taking constantly on hand, with two elegant Hearses. — Funerals attended within a circuit oi 25 miles on reas onable terms. Towandu, Pa., June 20,1 865. JA MES O. Fib )ST. ■pURNITURE • WAR&ROOMS ! JAMES MAKINSON announces to the public that he still continues to manufacture and keep en hand a large i assortment of CABI NE T FUR XITUIt E, - Ik;!.: 1 aides. Bedsteads. Stands, Chairs, Ac., of every descripuoi which will be made of the best materi ' al s and in be must workmanlike manner. 1 iin v it't:. intitiou o the public to my work, which . shall ne he ur --> ed in durability, at any shop in the I comby, and m;, prices will ueyound to be as low as the tteet will udinit. :: v.dy-m.ido Coffins constantly on hand or made to or- I der. A good flense will be firtMnil when desired. ! Aug. 15, 1865. _ E W FUii N ITURE STORE ! | Having rented the Furniture Ware-rooms formerly oc- ! copied by P. N. Page, Athens, Pa., would now say to the patMns of the old Establishment that 1 have a oom ph Lc .lock of Goods, jut received, embracing every thing in the FURNITURE LINE. My goods are new and well selected, and for GOOD GOODS Will not be wilier.sold by any. Call and examine my i stock before parch;- nig. 1 retain the Workmen of the . old establishment, ti.d MR. N . i. DART Will have chaage ol the bu- ine-s and Manufacturing. In short we have the finest Stock oi Goods In our line west of New York, consisting of Pari >r Furniture, Chamber-Sells, Sofas, Bureaus,. Marble-top Centre fables, Extension and Dining Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Mirrors, Picture Frames, Photograph Ovals, Cord and Tassels, 1- tee! Engravings, Oil Curtius, Toilet Stands, Work-Boses, Pictures, Ac. COFFINS AND BURIAL CASES. Our Vnd 'lakei's Department will at all times be! well supplied with everything in that liue. We have the FIXE ST IIEAIISE In -.his section, not evcepting anything west oi Ne* York, and will attend Funerals within a circuit of IWnty Miles, on reasonable terms. G. 11. VOORHI3. N. I. BAIIT, Agi-nt. Athens. .1 n. ] v fTIHE OLD BAKERY REVIVED ! PETTES & HOVEY, Are now receiving a fresh supply of Nuts, Fruits and Candies, at the old Stand on Main Street opposite the Court House. Also au assortment ot FAM IL Y GROCERIES, Such as Teas, Sugars, Coffee, Saleratns, Molasses, Syrup, Spires, .V;'., Ac. which will be sold as cheap as can l e bought in the borough of Towauda or elsewhere. GOOD GREEN TEA FOR sl, PER POUND. Kept constantly on hand, BREAD, BUSCUIT, PIES, CAKES, AC., AC., At the Towauda Bakery. Crackers by the barrel or pound, at the Bakery. PETTES A HOVEY, _ May 7, 'C6.—tf. L O O I) & CO., Still Manufacture the best II O R S E P 0 W E K S , The Best THRESHERS AND CLEANERS, Also, THRESHERS AND' SEPARATORS, FANNING MILLS, Ac., Ac., Ac. All ol iv hich we furnish at the Lowest Prices, CALL AND SEE, AT TUB NEW SHOT. Alliens, Pa., Aug. lti, 1666.—tf. BOOK-BINDERY.— THE PUBLIC is respectfully iuformed that the Book Bindery has been removed to the Argus Building, 3d story, where will be done BOOK-BINDiNG! In all its various branches, on term as reasonable as " the times " will allow. The Bindery will be under the charge ol H. C. WHITAKER, An experienced Binder, and ail work will be promptly done,in a style and manner which cannot be excelled. Music, Magazines, Newspapers, Old Books. Ac., bound in every variety oi styic. Particular attention will be paid to the Ruling and Binding ol 81-4NK BOOKS, To any desired pattern, which in quality and durability wil be warranted. All work will be ready for delivery when promised, The patronage of the" public is solicited, and perfect satisfaction guarranteed. Towanda, August 1, 1-66. —ti. E W AR R A-H GEM EN T AT L'HE NEWS ROOM AND BOOK STORE, j Tiic undersigned having purchased the BOOK STORE : ANL> NEWS ROOM ot J. J. Griffiths, respecttully in vite the old patrons of the establishment and the public generally, to cull and examine our stock. ALYORD A BARKER. Si W. ALVOkP. P. E. (Slotting. QOOD NEWS. REBELLION ENDED ! Tl'v PRICK OK CLOT HI NO Gv N E DO W N WIT II G OLD good, well made Clothing <•.. : to lb. mo. .it is now open for inspection at Ue TORE OF R. W. EDDY, Bought since the fall of Gold aud th< Rebellion, which will enable him to give bis customers the benefit oi very low figures, and the decline in prices. My goads as usif. al an. stylish, and la mode. No second rate shoddy goods, every article guaranteed as represented or a sale, ily goods are alt IE LATEST FASHIONS, And equal to the best city custom made, and fit to a T As usual Hie best quality nil wool Business Suits, Black Frock Coats, Bla- k Doc Pants and Vests, Linen Goats, Dusters, and Pants, The Latest Style Fine Siik Hats, Soft. Straw, Panama and Cloth Hats, White nrai Negligee Shirts, Collars Neck Ties, Gloves,- UN penders, Under Shirts and Drawers, Be.-.t quality English Halt Hose. Over Alls, Over Shirts, Linen Hand kerchiefs, Ladies Fine Morocco Travelling Bags, to fact everything usually found in a First Class Gentleman's Furnishing Store. My motto is good Goods at a fair price are cheaper than poor goods at any price. All goods sold at one price, r.o banteringnor teasing U> make au offer, but every one gets the name goods at the same price, which is the bottom oi the market. Ail old goods marked down to the gold base, and will be sold regardlessjol sacri fice. It yon want good goods at a fair price, go to EDDY' ti, where you will find him Wudy to show his goods and sell them too at the lowest tig- * ore to correspond with Gold. Bear ID mind the place to buy good, well made, reliable Clothing is at R. W. EDDY S, next door to Powell A Co. R. W. EDDY. Towanda , Jan. 7, 1865. QLOTHIXG ! CLOTHING ! ~ READY MADE AND MADE TO ORDER. •J. M. COLLINS, Ist door South of Codding A Russell's, has jnst received from New York a large and atractive assortment ot NEW WINTER CLOTHING. Our stock comprises every mtiule worn hymen aud boys, PILOT AND BEAVER OVERCOATS, BEST QUAE IIY BUSINESS SUITS OF ALL hxiLES. COATS, PANTS, VESTS, SHIRTS, COLLARS, N'K TIES, WRAP ERS, DRAWERS Ac. GEN T S FUR NIS HIN G GOO DS Of every description. Especial attention is called to our stock oi CASS I MERES AND VESTING S Whir . we will make un to order on short notice A Dice line of Fancy Cas-imers for Pants and Coats. Latest style Hats and Caps. Gents Fur Collars. Cutting done to order on short notice. t Bear in mind if you wish to bay Clothing CHEAP, 1 and . good as represent*, call at I Terms Cash. COLLINS' j Towanda, Dec. 7. 1865. miscellaneous. LTEALTH IS THE GREAT NEED OF LA THE AGE. A NEW SYSTEM OP THE HEALING ART. X. J. COGSWELL, M. D., HYGIENIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ■ 1 ...y bo c. nsuiied la person or by letter, at bis u i dec- L. • Spring 11111, Bradford county. I*a. An intelligent. community require a medical doctrine Igr tpon right reason, in harmony with t...; | avouch.d 1 y the unerring laws oi Nature and oi the vi tal organism, aud authenticated by successful recalls. He ace we solicit an examination ol our system. Claim ing that all diseases can be successfully treated with truiy Hygienic Agencies. No Drug poisons will be given. As a graduate of the only College in the world where health is taught, we shail take especial pains to explain to the patients the nature of the diserse. The laws of life and health, why it it is unnecessary and dangerous to take drugs, and how to pre.-erve health and long lite. Will visit pa tients, and give directions for home treatment, when desired. East Springhill, May 1, "CG.—ly,p. PIANOS, AMERICAN ORGANS AND MELODIANS. The undersigned most respectiußy announces to the citizens ot Towauda and vicinity, thaf he has purchased the Music business of G. T. COLS, and will hereafter supply any of the above articles, together with VIOLINS, GUITARS, ACCORDIANS, STRINGS. AC.. on as good terms as ihey can lie had etswhere. W. A. CHAMBERLAIN . He is also Agent tor the CELEBRATED AMERICAN WATCH, and has always on hand, a good assortment ct Swiss Watches, with a general assortment of JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS, Silver and Plated Ware of the BEST MANUFACTUR ERS. which will be sld at unusually low dgures. A large variety ot Clocks jnst received, among which may be tunnd the rfeth Thomas, which has no equal. REPAIRING AND JOBBING, doue with neat and dispatch, and w.iriaiited. To those who can't .e, .ve would say go t„ Chamberlain's and get a pair of giasse- that will make >.> i see as well as ever. Don't hnget the shop, nearly nppos ite th • Court House. W. A.CiiA -tBEiiLAIX. Towauda, Nov. 6, 1865. JEFF DAVIS ESCAPED! How many hearts will barn with indignation cn read ing this announcement. But we counsel you to spare your feelings ot indignation for a future period, for al though this arch traitor has escaped lieiug hung or shot the Public are requested to call at WARNER'S JEWELRY STORE, And examine his splendid stock oi Watches and Jewel ry of the latest designs and elaborate finish, which are being sold at VERY LOW PRICKS. 1:38 8. m., Night Express, natty, connecting at BeOrayxourt for Warwick ; and at New Y'ork with aftei- AiCoon trains and steamers for Boston and New England koCitie-. toi 4.38 Way Freight, Sundays excepted, pa WM. R. BARK. H. RIDDLE Geal Pass Agt, New-Y'ork. Gen'l. Sop't. -rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE OPENED / -L a Banking House in Towanda, under the name c. V.G. F. MASON A CO. TI They are prepared to draw Bills of Exchange, and make collections in New Y'ork, Philadelphia, and all portions oi the United Mates, as also England, Ger many, and France. To Loan money, receive deposit -. and to do a general Banking business. SU G. F Musou was one oi ihe late firm of Laporte, an Mason A Co., of Towanda, Pa., and his knowledge oi Cathe business men of Bradford and adjoining Counties, tesand having been in the banking business lor about til at teen years make this house r desirable one, through traWhich to make collections. j G. F. MASON, ha- Towanda, Oct. 1,1866. A.G.MAsON. Si/V HEAP PASSAGE" FROM OR TO j ha -V IRELAND OR ENGLAND ! tin: 3UIONj* CO.'s LINK OF STEAMSHIPS FROM oK TO QUEENS TOWN OB LIVERPOOL . act! . . - Williams A Guion's old "Black Star Line" <>t Liver pool Packets, sailing every week. Swallow-tail Line of Packets from or to l/> don, -ail ing twice a month. Remittances to England, Ireluu d and Scotland, pay- Able on demand. Th. For further particulars, apply to Will.ams A Guion, M' !9 Broadway. New-Yor ,or ■hi: G. F. MASON A CO.. Bankers, fur. Oct. 1, 1866. Towanda,l'a. •heW AVERLY CARRIAGE FACTORY.- jjO The nndersigued d> sire to call the attention of tie citizens of Bradford County to our EXCELSIOR CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. PL 3ur establishment is so completely fitted up in the de lartmeuts of Woodwork, Ironing, Painting and Trim ning. and so supplied with fiist class workmen. as to tunable lis to iurnish all kinds ol carriages in the be.-t andtnd most modern style, and always warranted to be ot best material aud workmanship. New work ot sv pity kind kept constantly on hand, includiug the t.est fouarticle oi Platform Spring Wagons to be fuund in the est :ountry Please call and examine for yourselves, woi Careful attention paid to ordered wo. k, Joobing and i-gJepairiug in each department, especially Paiuting. ! hav N. KINNEY A CO. We*WUL pay f r \ VH for I'TNE A HEMLOCK LUMBKL: delivered at our lumber yard. Come and see us, 5r il you can't come, write. L. B. BODGERS A CO. Towanda, Feb , 1864.