J^rifttUuraL Hints about Work- Tue farmer's most important winter work may be in cultivating bis own mind, aud i..>t l is alone, but those of bis children and 0 pendents. In tliis free and independent: c.i"try, tt is often bar 1 to tell which is the i s< v.tut, be who gives the labor of his free ! bo ids tor money,or be who gives bis money f>i labor. They sometimes change places, and very often the hired man becomes the j more intelligent, cultivated, and wealthy 01 'he two. Many a man has voted lor a former day laborer as h : s representative in ' the Legislature, or in Congress, l'uis comes only by good use of the golden hours of winter evenings. Books. —The world is full of good ones. — The less one knows, the better is he satis fied with what he knows. Those books up on subjects bearing upon a man's own cal-' ling, are a never failing source of interest and profit ; and in connection with books, Periodical* both professional and those <>l general interest,are very important as edu cators. These things should be made avail able in each neighborhood, by means of a well selected • Circulating LUtrarj, established in a cen tral location, iu the school house, a store, or iu a private family, and opea at regular hours. Even at present prices of literature of all kinds.a small sum only is required to establish and maintain such a library, if it be selected by a good agent. Account*. — To begin the new year aright when it comes, the old year must be finish ed rightly. Farmers are very apt to run into careless habits about their accounts — not so much in money transactions as in tiieir store hills, especially where the farm products are seldom sold for money,but are excuauged for family groceries. Go over ail accounts, and get ready to commence with a clean balance sheet January iSt, 18t>7 A plain account hook has prevented many a law suit, for it is the very best wit ness a mail can take into court, provided it has beeu regularly and accurately kept. Protections against Prod.— Protect cellars bv banking up outside the walls with sods an ! Girt, or what is better, tan bark, Con duct off water dripping or flowing from leaves, and pack straw or leaves against sub windows ami door as are not Constant ly in use. Pumps or hydrants may be pro tect- d by setting he&dlcss barn Is around them aud filling them with tan-bark, or muck, or manure. Protect underground cis terns, if necessary, by covering them with more earth. If water pipes lreeze,clear the ice out by pouring hot water upon the ice through an India rubber tube. Expos* d pipes may lie protected very well by wind ing them with hay rope, and smearing this with clay. Fodder. —lt makes little difference how abundant fodder is ; its waste is ciiminal- Tliose who throw out hay, straw, or stalks, to be trampled upon, and trod into the ground by cattle and sheep, do a veiy fool ish thing, for if properly used as bedding even, it wovld be worth a good deal lor ma nure. Hacks ought to be provided for the yards and sheds, as well as for the stalls, and so constructed that all the cattle refuse may be worked over, as indicated. Lioe Stork of ull Kinds require the fann er's especial care and daily personal atten tion. The cold weather is apt to induce carelessness on the part of the hands, and animals are not all well watered or equal ly foddered, or systematically carded or cleaned, unless the master's presence se cures faithful work Feed and water reg ularly aud well, and keep salt before hor ses, cattle and sheep. We like tin- Liver pool rock salt best. This comes in solid, hard masses, weighing several pounds, and lumps may be iaid in the mangers or in salt troughs in the yard. Give all kinds of cat tle a daily airing of two or three hours. Young cattle and shc< p may have much more liberty. No class of stock should be allowed to iuu down in flesh—it is so hard to bring theiu up again,and keep the young stock growing. i'nits aud Steers. When we get a snow of a loot or mure deep, it is a capital time to break steers aud colts. Horses. —Look out for having them well shod and caulked as soon as icy weather comes. I'lie best application for bruises and sprains is usually c dd water and thor ough rubbing. It very painful, put on ruin aud a little tincture of arnica,but not on raw spots. Cu's, or bruises, when the skin is broken, are best treated with grease and pine tar, fiu-lted together to soil salve. Working (Keen, if used, should be well shod and caulked, at any rate in front, oth erwise one ruus a great risk of having them get tails and sprains. C'nivs. — Keep their stables clean, spiiukle gypsum to prevent the odor of ammonia.— ftive abundant ventilation, but not cold drafts. Make tin m exercise daily when it is not very icy. II kept in a yard, see that the shed is dry, well roofed, and it possible board up the front in part, and pni up feed racks. Put balls or boards on tin* horns ol tl.e "Lilies" aud of quarrelsome ones. It is sant that corn nubbins fed to cows ou the ground is a preventive of abortion. It there be any virtue in it, it probably lies in the tows' picking up some earth with the corn. It is well to give occasionally a handful of wood ashes, and if a cow's breath is not quite sweet, give pulverized charcoal and a tahiespoontul of nitre (saltpeter) iu her food —'towards the last part of the fat tening season, hogs gain slowly. As a general rule, feeding hogs is said to pay as lung as they gain daily half of one pr rent That is, when a 2(>o pound hog gains a pound. Kvt ii that depends altogether on the price ot Coin and pork, and changes in tin market may make it pay to teed hogs some weeks even, though they gain noth ing at all. Slaughter hogs for family use in the coldest weather before Clnistnias. A friend ot experience who advocates shoot ing hogs, fears that the recommendation of a correspondent to shoot a wooden plug into the forehead, woald not he effective, unless with a pretty good charge ot powder. He prefers shooting with a hall through the temples A little experience will settle the question, and enable every one to avoid all music on slaughter day. Poultry.— After the hogs are killed, the poultry will receive uusalted scraps and swill not fit for cows, and it will promote a tendency t commence laying, if they have warm ijuartors. Those who breed for pri ces w ill take care to provide warm sunny rooms, and keep tLem warm even by artiti ciai heat, so as to get out a clutch or two of chicks of each breed they fancy, as ear s tt.e lirst week in February if possible. It w ill pay to take great care ot fowls for . eggs only, when they sell for four or five cents a piece, as they do now at retail in I Nlw fork City markets. Munun- -\\ e do not approve of hauling out manure in the winter, and spreading it, or leaving it in heaps <>u the laud. It may be iuo vi d to distant ikdds when the shed ding is good, and thi ie laid in large com pact heap, trodden down, and if possible! covered with dirt. (kllara where roots are stored,should for tin same n asou be kept onen as long as, ca: safely be j dont will -ot iii.< /.ing the con-' ten's Jnsnrancr. rpOWANJM INSURANCE AGENCY' H. B. M KLAN Agen'. tor the following well known aiu -el Dole Insur ance Companies : NEW ENGLAND Insirance CO liar (fori, Conn. A SETTS " 244.078 16 KENSINGTON INSIRANCE CO. — Philadelphia. WYOMING INSURANCE COMPANY. Wilkes-Barre. Penn'a. ' Capitai and Surp ut $150,000 ASSETS. Stock not called in - $50,000 j : BiUs receivable 40,000 U. S. 5-20 Bonos ...... 26,000 j ! Temporary and call Loans 6.000 j 103 shares Wyoming Bank Stock - b.lsO j 50 shares First Nat. Bank at Wilkes Burre, - 5,000 | :70 " Sec. - - 7,000 1 46 shares Wiiks-Barre Bridge Stock - - 7.580 ] ! Real Estate j | Judgments 102 j | Due from Agents and others - - - 7,414 ; ; Cash in baud and in Bank .... 1.842 i DIRECTORS. G. M . Hollenback L. D. Shoemaker R. D. Lacoe, Juhu Richards, H M. Hoyt, Charles A. Miner, Samuel adhains. O. Collins, Stewart Fierce. Cbas. Dorrauee. ; 7,'ui S -.toss G M . Harding G. M HOLLENBACK, President. \ L. '. SHOEMAKER, Vice-President. > 11. 0- SMITH Ser'y. H. B. M'Kkan. Agent. Towanda, Pa. LUZERNE INSURANCE AGENCY. A. ma InsikanceCo — Hartford, I Ab-tt.s $8,000,000 FVLTON INSCRANCK Co.—New York, CASH Cas-ii-la $300,000 j METROPOLITAN INSCRANCK CO.. CiriTAL $1,4000.000 ROYAL INSCRANCK CO., CAPITAL ....$10,000,005 LIVERPOOL & LONDON INS. CO., CAPITAL $5,u00,000 LIFE INSUK INCE—CONNBCTICCT MVTCAL. ASSETS . . $5,000,000 j * Foil, it- issued lor the jEtna, Fulton aud Metre poi'.tan, aud orders received tor Insurance upon iavora- - "ole terms. R C. MITH, Agent, Wiikes-Bai re, Fa. H. B. M KEAN, Agent, tot the above Companies at Towanda, Fa. HOMER CaMP, Agent, Camptown, Pa. tsept. 4.'65. CURE, LIFE, and ACCIDENTAL INSDK r ance. CAPITAL REPRESENTED OVER SEVEN '/ EE .'V MILLION DOLLARS' C. >S. RUSSELL, Agent, iuR THE FOLLOWING NAMED RELIABLE COMPANVS I GiRARi) File A MARINE INSCRANCK COMPARE i Philadelphia, f < apital aud surplus over f3so,ix>; H'er, and the most substantial ma lei ials . lie intend, that the work turned out at his shop tor style, durability and cheapness, shall not be excelled in the County. REPAIUINt* ul all kinds doue with des patch . iu a KtbUnliai Banner ou reasonable terna Give usacait- JAMES UeINTYRE, Altia, Bradford County, Pa., Feb. 40, l- .s. lv 1 T II E R ' 8 MI L L 8 , BURLINGTON, PA The propuc-tor, having rebuilt bis Flouring Mill in Bur- ! lington. and taken pains iu seiecting articles, and the] most mipiwved machinery, it is Uow completed in order lor all kinds of Flouting. CUSTOM WORK.. DONE AT SHORT NOTICE. aUU t bciifal altendauls, who will see to y our wants in good order ami with general satisfaction. Am Lab Laid lor Grain. i : April 17 1866. ROB WELL LUTHER. I fijctfctpcirt. f JJAKDWAKE. CODDING k KCSSELL BaVK A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK <>K GOODS. To which additions me daily aeiLg made. which 1 hey oflei cheap for Cash. A large e- -fwent f COOKING STOVES. ! Mcug iho many desirable and beaut P- ! la'terae is the CELECRATED AMKRii AN This beautiful stove is unst ; • --eci for economy u, fuel; is a perlect baker ; is the best C'-'U BTOVK iu the market. Among their heating -.*.<>-.•• my be iound a great variety suitable for every piece where *' mes are | used. STOVE PIPE AND SHEET IKON W.iKK Always on band and made to order TINWARE ; A large stock manufactured Iroic the very est maien end by experienced workmen. A very ful assort IKON, NIALvS AND STEEL, At New York prices HOUSE AND CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS. TOOLS FOR THE FARMER ! Tools tor the House Joiuer and Carpenter—Tools ; Blacksmiths—Tools for everybody. I WINDOW SASH AND GLASS, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES, MACHINE OIL A Nil BENZOLE, | KDROSENE OIL, LAMPS. WICKS AND CHIMNEYS BELTING, TABLE AM) SOCKET CCTLKRY, BRITTANNIA AND PLATED WARE, Pumps, Lm.il Pipe, kcun Pump*, Wnler Pipes, Grindstones and firlures, KEROSENE LANTERNS j JOB WORK done with dispatch. S-amps repaired, j Fluid J-anipsaud Lanterns altered and lilted to bum Ke rosene. Grain, Old Iron, Casting and Wrought raps, Copper. : liras.- Brittaunia. Beeswax, Feathers ami Rags taken in I exchange for goods. Highest price in cash paid for Sheep Pelts and Furs. ir OUR GOODS have been purctj-.c-e i on the pay J.'Wii system and wili be Bold for READi i'A i. IZZZZST'I OOODIMG A aWWBIX. Towanda. March 10, 1863. yj \HSI! VI. I C ' HERS A CO , I>K\LKRS IN li V K D W ARE! TIN, COPPKK, SIIKKT IRON, iND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, TOW AND A, PENN A. Store or is door K TO We have on hattd a line hi tide of, GLA 8 S FRUIT J A it 8 , with improved seit- sealing corks, and i HEBMETIb'AI. SEAM N 0 0 A N h , which is one of the ixisl cans used, l June 20, Isiifi. : 'j' RUE! TKU E ! Tit ( K I j VV II EEI. E R k VV lI.S (J N , TliK litisr F A M I L Y M A(J II I N E ! UKAU Tilt. fUtifiMONY ! i ' Wheeler and Wilson is the best for household work Tunis. i We praise the Win der .k Wilson w,th euthusiasm. CA. /„/ y. Being in constant receipt oi iinpiii :es from our l ieth ren respecting Sewing Machiues, with rei|nests to re comiueud and purchose, we have in coujuuc'ion with scone lady friends, caretully aud thoroughly ex iimned the various machines oi practical value tor tamily ,ew ing, aud UnU those uiatle by the Wheeler A Wilson Manufacturing Company, 62) Broadway, New foik n lolly combine the essentials ot a good instrunieut, aud such as we can coulideutiy lecommend. Having seen so favorable results from their use, in our owa and tt„ households lot our tiieods, we are desiiou* Dial iheir beuetils should la; shared t.y all oui hrelhreu, and hence have inteiestt-d ourselves iu tlielr ben ill Ansel SteVeils f hos C'ail.'U, Daniel Wise. J. Belli Edwards, James Floy, J. Porter, David Teny, Wiu a. Cox. F 1> K T .\ ILOHINU, OR II E A V V SV (> R K , (JKT SINGER'S I M l' K O V E 1> , W 1 C K II A M BLACK, AO Ft NTH, TO WAN DA, BRADFORD COI'NTY, PA Pit .'ii. IS6U Q. V N SHOP! (iONS, LIEi.KS AND PISTOLS. J. V. (igiaea, would' iepeeifully inform the public I bat he taw opened his GUN SHOP Ou the u,i. i, side of the Square, ue.tr the Court Hou e, where may he lou'td i' >.ihle aud ."uugle barreled Utile • it- v.tivets. Pistols. Cartridges, Ae . Keys iiiu i to Doors. Pranks aod Padlocks Particular alleuliou given to repairing, uud all work warranted. j. y. UEiCKK. Towauua, Aug. 'do Ihthi. fiiu . ill rnijOm)r>i, JT ft W A ft ft! fAM W A ROOK WELL, It- now rec-iviug an ,u i ili !v,' > uppplv ui (J OOPS, Comprising a l.isbi one'ole ass ortmeot of PRESS GO'DS, CLOAK INGS. SHAW i-S, BREAKFAST ('APES, HOODS, EMBROIDERY HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, SHEETING, BATTINtj, YARN, Ana all d3S3ript ' uu * ; 1 1 RY GOODS ! > . For Men and Boys wear, CLOTHS, OASSIMEBES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, OF ALL KINDS. Alsoaiir# ' is-ortui ?at ul CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, LANTERNS, in i, I . be sold a'. he lowest rates WOODEN WARE, Of a oa-, Birl ' c'i ncy Buc * TOYS FOR TIIF CHI DREN, To appreciate tbe great variety. you must call and see : hem. VARIETY. P ri ornery, Jewelry, and ail scr ts Kni knacks . GROCERIES 01 all kinds. Syrups .\f .1 Sugir. it tin* lowest market price TO THE PUBLIC. We have purcba i d these goods at the lowest de ■ • lie in the market, ami feel confident that I can give i utmost saUOaction quality and pi -. Tnwands. 'et. I i, Imp;. ' J w . '!' AVI. ') R Is now receiving a very large and well selected STOCK O K K AL L GOO I) S i { .We ire .m l t.i sell. A large NEW STOCK i>r DRY GOODS AND CLOTHS, JUST OPENKI>. The Urgent stock of CHINA, CROCKERY, AND YELLOW WARE, Ever brought to; thhTuiarket, wit! he opened in a ! FEW DAYS. Towanda.Oct. 3, 1 still. I F CHAMBERLAIN, el. WVALUSIKG, PA., successor to B. M. A E WELLISS, general Warehouse business. Also keeps ou hauj a general assortment ol i>d ami sol! ground plaster, Liiue, Salt, and Farm tug Implements. Cooking Stoves of virions patterns • I'arlour Stoves, Ac . all ol win-h will be sola at iea souah.e rates, lor ready pay. Cash paid tor grain Wyaluaing, Pa. Oct. 9th, 1966-Ira* Drugs anfr jUtbirincß. y^ T H. GORE'S DRUGS TO R E W. b. b. Goe-> . ,.? old a'end Mo. 4. Psion a Block. wlie.e be i-> r'aiiv ttocvjii* foußiobs to bis blots icon in ... ci do D ID, e.s .'DO Ula ttliac luieis It'Sp#'i ,udy e as oi . i. 1 .su.ee oi poolic pa lou.ije AI a rye sleek t>' FBEhH U B l"i b AND MEDICINES Has just i.eeu meiTW,aud we art now p'ej.a'ed to sop ply the WANT.-. OF THE t'Liill,it WITH ALL ARTICLES be norm i> u to T at T a ale. Pa RE WINE AND LIQUORS. FOR MEDICAL USE >KLY. A FULL ABSOhIaSM OK UOJttBTtAI St TAN J ECLECTIC AND HOMEPATHIC MKL>I CI NEB. Al.i. THE POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES. FAINTS, OIL, VAKKISU . PAINT AND VARNISH BRUSHES, DYE-STUFFS AMI GLASS. ! FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES OF EVERY KIND. TILDKN H ALCOHOLIC AND FLUID EXTKACTg, ALKALOID A .V h R E SIM OID 8 r All tbe Best Trusses. A B DO M I N A L 8 U P P O B T K KB , Biiouldei Brn'fc?,* BREABT PUMPS, NIPPLE SHELLS AND SHIELDS, Nursing Bottles, syringes and Catheters. A LAKOK AB6ORTMFNT OF RAZOR . STROPS. POCKET EMVES, ! SURGICAL INBTRUM ENTB OF LATE BTYLF j AND BUST QUALITY. 1 A large supply Brushes for the Ila.l anu Hair. Also for tie Teth and Nails, Tooth Powders and Pastes, Oils, Perfumery, Soaps, Combs. Hair Dye, ln vigoratora. Ac., Kerosene. Kerosene Lamps. Shades, Chimneys, Wicks, Ac , all of tbe latest styles. i CHOICE OIGAJib, TOBACCO AND SNUFF. j fir ' t iaicians supplied at reasonable rates. Medt • : Pre* , I US CArefnUy and accurately com- , :• 'tid pre; red by c> ri.etent persons at all bourn day at.o ■ ight Bmdajr how Irorn to 10o 1 * j I Bock in the fctwnil, to 'I in the afternoon. W. H. H. GORE. Tovands, Btpt. 10, i^ |\R PORTER 8 OLD DRlfo STORE. .lire idy admittedto ;>e The largest,safest and most approved DRUG HOUSE IN* NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA WtTii AnestablMbed reputation lor keeping the l es medicine UNEQUALLED • In Its facilities andapparat is lor compounding ano p*e paring MEDICINE AND PRESCRIPTION?- | Conducted by thoroughly competent person* v. *o the most careful at.en", ion.nay the S. i est :e',;>: to accuracy, and '-eonly se'ec'- o arti cles, and medicine- of nnour;- tiuned purity, has become J HE CASH bItUG KTORE j With prices ccvised to correspond with tbe o.vrL>-'. WHOLESALE A N D RE T A I L. ALL ARTIULKS WIHKIH..:! 1" KLi HRILNTiiO. i By recent art tugc-nic-ntk with the ilam tai uiera, 1 i.-. .r ters or Fit-l Holticrr of Good -in ' .Purcic see,tbe prices will always b. in lovr est point for I'm icimoos. LOWER FIGURES THAN EVER IN i'Af.N ! - OILS V MDNISHE.- GI,ABs. DKUftB AND j i Ectrylhing iu this r/Uunrf u■ U hr ■ln f'h'tip for Cash ! VK ! • . U KKDt'CID, VIZ: OF SOAP- I'ERcT.'M? RY, BRUMIES, COMBS, j I IMVi -■ AND UI7.OCS, I. A M PS AND M A 1 I-: li f \ L K FOR I. Hi H T. j TKUBBKS A SUPPORTERS, '.VINES AND LIQUORS, ONLY FOR MEDICINE. I TOItAI AND SNUFF. ALL THE POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES, TOOTH, tut.". AM. IIAIK I'iIEFAKATIOKS. FANCY ARTICLES OF M.I. DF>CKIPTIONS, Edt'hr, Botanic and lioyuioyilhic Mrdirines S/iirrs, Li, 1 1 Setil, l.unt/1 Siiurit < and Uat den Seeds. FISH TACKLE. AMMUNITION, Ac. . S Constituting tbe most complete assortment, embracing the great wants of tbe I't ijilc, reduced in Piice, and revised lor the i ,sh .System. 1)R. PORTER'S COAL OIL. DR. PORTER S CAMPHENE ! DR. PORTER S ALCOHOL! I)R. PORTER'S BURNING FLUID! Are Fresh, daily prepared, and uunvalied hvanv in the Market, " * DR. lORI KI: f i I 1 ARATI (I X S FOK KAKII.Y IVK. Known as Sale and Reliable Reiueiiics.are warrauted fo what they are intended to give satisfaction, viz : Dr Porter's Pectoral Syrup. price JO eentr I)r Porter's Family Entbrocatioa •' 35 •• Dr Porter's Tonic Elixer • Kgj .. Dr Porter'• Worm Syrvp " so l)r Porter'a Comp. Syr. Hypophoaphitea.. " lop t)r Porter's Uterine i oni. * > Dr Porter's Blackberry Balsam " ;t Dr Porter's Tooth Ache Drops " 'JS .. Dr Porter's Cephalic Snutf •• 25 " Dr Porter's Tooth Powder •• ap <• Dr Porter'sTricogene • yp .. Dr Porter's Tricopbile " ,-,i, .. Dr Porter's Shampoo •* , .. Dr Porter's Dorse and Cattle Lotion '• ;,n Dr Porter's Horse-end Cattle Powder ■' bj l)r Porter's Bi'd Bug Poison . . ' " u, Dr Porter s Black Ink.. ' .. 2', •• Dr Porter's Cleansing Fluid "* ' << -J-i fir i'ort. r's Hat and Mice Poison •< 35 .. Dr Porter's Citrate Magnesia • 1. Dr Porter's Worm Waft-is 35 MEDICAL ADVKI- GIVEN GRATUITOUSLY Ai THE OFFICE. Charging only tor Meuicine. s' i hitukliil ior j -,-i ' la! pa ronage would respect :u!l> announce to liis friends and the public tbatuo pain haii l.e Spar, d to satisfy and merit the continuance of then confidence and patronage, at the O A M it I) It U C STORE! Corner of Slain and Pine streets. r jniK NORTH BRANCH FOUNDRY AMI M A C H 1 N E SHOD, Situated on fine, east of Main Street, TOVVAN DA, BRADFORD COUNTY, FA., Is now prepared to turuMi CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, AND S H 1 X G L E M A C II 1 N E S', Of the best quality with tire l itest improvements. All kiuds ot Machinery lor Flouring aud Sw Mills. ! STEAM ENGINES, .MADE A REPAIRED I STEAM WHISTLES, STEAM G AGUES, GAUGE COCKS, OIL CANS, AC., Furnished at short notice. B0 L T Cl T TTI NG , Done from J to It iuohes in diameter. FORGING t< heavy wrought work for Br'dges, and .11 other pur poses, done to order. Also, a large assortment of ! COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, foul and Wood Burners. Furniture lor Cooking Stoves, S'ove Pipe. Tin-Ware, Boat Pumps, Plows, Cultivators : aud Lcrapers, kept constantly on hand. DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS Oi all kiuds of machineiy for mills aud other purposes j prepared by G . S. PECK, Foreman, wb • has had large experience in this branch ot the business. , r , ~ JOHS CAKMAN. Towandt, Oct. 29, 1*66 !y. .furniture. E W AH IA N 0 EMhN T ! | A M AMMOTH FURNITURE STOKE, j w TOWANDA, BRADFORD CO UN TV , PENN'A., WITH KCDCCBD PRICK*. .f A M E S O. FKO S T Would respectfully annouuct to the people o! Brad lord mid the a .joining counties, that In- - purchased the Store, on the south side of the Put Square, tor iueri> occupied by CHESTER WELL* ; and also the Store on Main Sire t, formerly occupied by J. W.Mcan.- a* a Grocery Store, and having connected tlie smut, has j now the largest and best Furniture Ware Uooixi U o tound this side of the city ol New York And he would I fanbertnore utuouDct' that h<* bw> in tbf* b'ods. My stock consists in part o! MARBLE and WOO It TOP CENTRE TABLE*, MARBLE and WOOD TOP HALL TAND, DINING and EXTENSION TABLES CARD TABLES, PIANO STOOLS, BUREAUS, STANDS, BEDSIEA S A':., A j Chairs of every variety and style, a -neap as if. 1 cheapest and good as the • ■-! Enameled Chamber - i- „;vi Oak, CheSU-r . Walnut. Parlor sets in H.r, Cloth, La:i.;u-b Vor?' a and lieps, a! prices which defy competition A-i EASY CHAIRS, aud liOCKEKri, CAMP CHAIRb and iTOOi-S BOOR RACK-, W HAT NOTS, IRON BEDSTEADS HAIL amfHU.-.K 1 ITRE.-v-..-. Children's Carriages, Children's Cra*j.- • a ■ r - ! I liOCKING CLASH! j LOOKING GLA.-O PLAT&-. PICTURE FRAMES, MOULDINGS, PHOTOGRAPH OVALS. STEEL ENGRAVINGS, • trKDS and TASSELS, In fact everyt- : g in the Iln- usually to he found in a first class Futailure Store. I bhali also continue to man ulacture furniture ah usual aau warrant the saint to give ! satisfaction. The public are invited to call lad ftVSmi' ; ior themselve.-. at the store, on Main atieet. two do rs south of Montanyes. My motto i, quick salts aud sinali , profits Ready g" de Coffins. Burial Cases. -Co.an I'iatea ~nd Handle's,' o witu everything in the iyne o! under ■ taking constantly on bund, witn two elegant Hear Funerals attended within a circuit 0f.25 miies on reas onable tutu-., rowan da* Pa., Ibm 20,1865. JAMBS O. FBOSt. JP I'KM TI KE WAKE-ROOM.t ! JAM - MAKIN'SON nil-, tnee- to the public that he t ■ it ■ u hi-, .uf lure and keep on hand a large a - ■ tri. lit-' C A B ISET FUBNI TUH B , B:- Wed-'JO-.!-. Stands Chairs, Ac., of every di -.-i.-.i oi 1. : ti ii,: is? made of the he-t ma eri aN, ind in h- w. -' . km.-*! kt manner. fit vit* ■ iin "on the public to my work, wuicb 1 - <■•;.■ iit urp- td in tine, .iiity. -t any shop in the Htsl y, and my price* will he found to :>e as low us the | Tin. -i 'lnr.it. ~ i_. -■< it, us >us-aat!y on Baa or made to or di -g i Hearse wil imtahed when desired- I VE W FU K NIT UR 8 .STOKE ! it >i..vmg lcnied the Furuituie W.irc rooms formerly oc- i e ij-.i-.i by P. N. Page, Atbc ns, Pa , would now say to I to-- pali' ns ■ ! tbr old Establishiiicat that 1 have a com plete Stock of Goods, ju received, embracing every-1 . thing in the FURNITURE LINE. My goods urc new and wc ii selected, aad lor GOOD GOODS i Will not be undn'old i.y any. Cull and examine my | stock bei ore put chasing 1 ret..i th Workmen : t' - j old e- T ab.:-hmeat. and MR. N. I. iIART i Will have charge of the l.u nc-ss and Manufacturing. It short we h.:v- ;hc tilu-.-t -fork of Goods in our one w of New York, com; tug of Parlor Fnmiture, Chamber-Se-.ts, s Ns. Bare l is, Marble-top Centre Tables. Extension and Dining Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Mirrors, Picture Flames, Ph-togiaph Ovals, Cord aud 1 assets, Steel Engravings, Oil Curiins, Toilet Stands, Work-Boxes, Pictures, Ac COFFINS AND BURIAL CASES. Our Uwleitakti'* fie/iaitment will at all times 1-e well supplied with everything in that line. We hate the F/XEST HEARSE In this s>-utiiin, not ev • ;>ting luy thing west of New York, and will aileril Funerals within a circuit o f 1 wruly Jii'f.i, on ri .-■ i tliieterms. G. H. VOORHIS. N.I. HAUT, AE t. Alliens ,Im. ' 1 sr.' jy |Jl)otogrupt)S. (J OME Tll 1N G NE W A T GEORGE H. WOOD'S PUOTUG li AP II 1 0 GA L L ERY, TOWANIIA, PA. le ha the pleasure oi informing his old friends and patrons, that he is now prepared to make the new and beautiful style of ! P 11 0 T 0 G K A 1' II S AS BEFORK tN 'I'D BEST ST Y L E O F A R T . View s taken f Houses on short notice. VO P 1 I N(1 I) 0N E TO ORD E1? In a few days. Ai. L WO li K WARRA NTE D . Albums kept on hand aud will be sold cheap. G. H. WOOD. IW. |Bu. | THE OLD BAKERY REVIVED! PETTES &, HOVEY, Ate now receiving a tresh supply of Nuts, Fruits and i Candies, at the ohl Stand on Main street opposite the I Court House. Also an assortment oi FAM IL Y GROCERIES, Such as Teas, Sugar*, Coffee. Sa'eratus, Molasses, ! Syrup Spices, Ac., Ac. which w ill be .-old as cheap as j can be bought iu the borough ot Towauda or elsewhere. COOD GREEN TEA FOR sl, PER POUND. Kept constantly OD hand. BREAD, BUSCUIT, PIES,CAKES, AC., AC., At the Towauda Bakery. Crackers by the barrel or pound, at the Bakery. PETTES A HOVEY, i May 7, '66.—tf. I U L 0 O D 6i CO., Still Manufacture the best II O R\s E P 0 W E li S , The Best THRESHERS AND CLEANERS, Also, THRESHERS AND SEPARATORS, FANNING MILLS, Ac., Ac., Ac. All of which we lurulsb at the Lowest Prices, CALL AVI> SRK, AT THIS NKW SLOP. Athens. Pa.. Aug. 10. 1866 —tf. Clotljing. i t S*BW> ftSBSLLION eSheD ! i -.LK OF GI.OTHIM, |O < N E r> O VV S WITH GOi. |. •d, well made Ciotiuwg . '• " > now open tor inspect!- n *' ih. oiUKE OI K. W. EWLIY, Bougu' siu-.e toe fail oi Gold aud the Reoeinc i • ■ will enable him to give his customers the b- -t : u i i •OW hßures, and the decline in prices My ■> , al ar?'stylish, and c la motlr No sec -no iste , go'ju*. every article guaranteed as represented*o> r* seat fcv gooo: are a;. THE LATE-T FASHIO-NF, And equal to Ure best city custom made,so '< • ax if uacts' the nest quality sii wool Business Suits. Black F'rock CoaU, Bis- f I Hie Pent* and Vesta, Linen Coats. Duster*, and Pants, The Latest blyie i ine Bilk fiats, -o'i. Htrew, Panama and Clot'i Hats, White ... Negligee BhirU, Collars Net k To- Gfovoe, a ptrnders. Under isbirts a;.o Disacra, Bestuus. ;v English Halt Hose Over Alls, Over Shir' ■. Line: >Ut,j kerchiefs, Indies Fine M-roc<*> Traveling Bag-. ' Jx ia-A everything uausliy found in a Fir.ic.o-- (- •u'ieiuan a Furnishing More. My m- tto o, go-gi I G-—C- a* a 'sir price are cheaper than poor go-xi-, at any li"!'* Ail good- sold at one price.no oaufcrirignoi tec.Mng to iuake an offer, but every one get- the goods -1 the same price, which Is the - • 'lt the market. All old g'g)dh " it-' - c now u to the gold base, and • ill bes-ild rega.-nlesagif sacri hce. 1} y-ru want good gooc - at a fair price, go to EDDY'S, here you will End -ii!' icu } to stow hia goods -co -• • -:e?n t-s. •.* the lowest fig 'T to eonespocd with Gold. Bear m mind the place to t-ci g>c . well made, reiiabl j Clothing is at R. W. EDDY .- next door to Powe *, Co. ! . K. W. EDi Y. I , JiD. 7,1 jo. : { ! CLOTH I.Y G ! I -ax J\ aj A l)L AN' * MA ah i O OR 'J * K. J M. COLLIN'S, : Ist door .Sooth of Codding 4 BuaselTs, has just recei . <1 ir'i New York a large and atractive assert in en: ot NEW WINTER CLOTHING. Our stock comprises every .rude worn by men a.-,u boy r, PILOT AND BEAVER OVERCOAT*. ,E-T QUA L i.Y BU-IN'ESS SUITS OF ALL h. /Liir- COAT.-. PANT- VESTS. SHIP.TS, COLLARS N K TIES. WRAP- I ids. DRAWERS ie. G E > i .- F U R N ISH IN G G0 U D.< Of every derx ripiion. Especial attention i- calleti to oar stock of CU'Tlti, CAS.S I MERES AND VEST IX o > Wfc.-' we will make up to orier on short notice A nit e tie of Fancy Cassiuaen for Pants and (' at... . La*?-st style Hats and Cups. Gents Fur Collar-. cutting done to order on short notice. | t -.or in uiiua ii you isb to buy Cioth*ng CHEAP, and • ■ g'.-id as represented, call at I i enns Ca-h ' COLLI X [ T 'Wanua, Dec. 7. Isds. fUistcllancons. H ! EALTH I.S THE GREAT NEED OF THE AT.; A NEW -YSTHM OF THE HEALING * HI. N. J. COGSWELL, M D., 9YGIENIC PHYSICIAN AND -URGEOX, May G . L-uitec in |. -jg p Lsou- will Ije given. As a graduate : th; oniy- College in tne world where health is taught. ae -li.t l Uk- • pecial pain? to explain to the patient.-, tne nature of the disei-e. The laws ol lite and health, why it it is unnecessary and dangerous to take drugs, ana how to preserve health and long life. Will visit pa- Gents, and give directions tor home treatment, when d'-sired. East Springhiil, May 1, Gil.— ly.p. PIANOS, AMERICAN ORGANS ANi 1 MELODIANS. The undersigned m --t respectfully announces to the citizci sol Towanda anu vicinity, that he hus purchased the Music business of G. T. COLE, and will uerc.it - r supply a' y ol the above articles, together with V IOLINS, GUITARS, ACCORDIANS, STRINGS. AC., on ax good terms as they can be h id eiswbere. W. A. CHAMBERLAIN . tie is also Agent for the CELEBRATED AMERICAN WATCH, and has always on band, good assortment ct Swiss Watches, with a general assortment of JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS, ••silver and Plated Ware of the BEST M VN'UFACTUB KRS. which will he s.M at unusually low figures A voucty oi Cluck-just received, among which may lie h uuU tin Svth l homas, which has no equal. Ut.FAiBI.NG AND* JOBBING, done with ue& :ss aua Jisjiiteh, and wirtanteil. To those wuo can't ,e. we w mid say gi 'Jhainberlain's and get a pair of -las.se-' that will rni i-n see as well as ever. Don't l -rget the shop, ueiriy opposite th" Court House. VV. A. CiiA •) bLiILAIN. Towanda, Nov. 6,1865. 1 E*F F I) AV IS ESCAPED! How many hearts will burn with indignation on real ing this announcement. But we counsel you to spare your feelings ot indignation for a future period, for al t-hough this arch trait r has escaped being hung or shot ;he Public are requested to call at WARNER'S JEWELRY STORE, Aud examine his splendid stock ol Watches and Jewel ry of the latest designs and elaborate finish, which are l>ng sold at VERY LOW PRICES. He also keeps the celebrated Seth Thomas Clock and American and Swiss Watches. Other articles usually kept in i store ol this kind. Remember the place, Pat ion s bio k. N. B.—Watches, Clocks and Jewelry re pain d tid warr late 1. A. M. WARNER. lowandii, June 20,—6 m.p. /JAR RI AGES, WAGONS, SLEIGHS! THE OLD EsTAßi.i.-UMENT fsiILL IN OPERATION FELLOWS, CRANDALL A CO.. Successors to Re. IT ' Fellows A Co., are now offering and are prepared to ,rni t oa short notice, Wagons, Carriage* and S eigi's. ot all descriptions aud of the ,'a [ test ami most approved style, and of the best materia:. , it the old stand opposite the Union Bouse, in the cen tral part ot Alba Borough. Bradford County, Pa. The public are assured that the reputation the shop has acquired during the last six years under the super intendence of J . H. Fellows, wili lie more than main tained. a* he will superintend the work as heretolor- he uavu,g ioug bet n aud hatting had much experience as t Carriage aud Sleigh liuildei would assure the pied that o pains will be spar.'d by the above tirta to m.a - the establishment worthy of 'heir patronage, rhauktu! as one ot the old linn lor the patronage thus far ext- n ded, we hope to merit a continuance ot the s.uie. N. B—We, the undersigned, baing practi •i!me• ;ia - ics,can m inutactare and otter to the pnhlic ut pr.ee that wi.l dely competition. JAMES H. FELLOWS, D. W. C. CRANDALL, J. G. MERITf Aibi Borough, \j-ril li. iS-.ii. !\ E W I' L A N I N G M i L L The undersigned having built a Marge and commodious Mill in the Borough of Towauda", and filled it with "the t:"st modern and improved much.- ni v. tor the manufac ture of WINDOW SASH. A BLINDS, are prepared to fill orders, whether large or small, opou the shortest notice. We have also a large variety ot MOULDINGS, ot the latest style and pattern, which we can : ra -h much cheaperttai they can be worked by rind. PLANING. I'ONGUEINO, GROVEING, AND SCROLL SAWING, aid all other-wort pert-caiug to Joinery, will be done to suit our customers Persons building, and not living more than twelve or fourteen miles distant, will litid it largely for their inter est to buy oi us, or bring their lumber and have it worked by our machinery. Briug your grist of Floor ing. or other lumber, and while your team is feeding, tave it ground out aud take it home with you. We will pay CASU for PINE .v HEMLOCK LUMBER delivered at our lumber yard. Come and see us, or if you can't come, write. L..8. KODGERS A CO fowanda, Feb. 8,1861 i