grtf®4 §fporto. REMOVAL. —The building occupied bv the REPORTER, has been removed a few • ids cast of its former location, where our friends will find us, ready to attend to all their wants in the line of Priming. SPECIAL NOTICES. I'lie Waverly Stage leaves Towauda every morning, at 7 o'clock. Office at the News ltoom. CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY. —This Company Aas organized in 1816 on the mutual system, with the well-known advantage ot furnishing insurance at its actual cost. In the amount of its business, it is the largest life insu rance company in the country, and, with the ex ception of one German company, the largest in the world. * * * The duty of insurance being admitted, the next thing is to find a safe and cheap company ; and the Connecticut Mutual is both.— Y.-tr York Tribune. 11. B. MGKEAN. Agent. Mr. C. C. PITTRICH, Merdutnt, Tailor, from Philadelphia, will he in Towauda torn the 2U ui to the 25th of this mouth. All those of our citizens who wish to supply themselves with a good winter suit of clothes, cut aud made in the latest style, will do well to give him their order, as he has re duced the price of li s fine importe I stock < -i goods on account of dissolution of partnership. Dec. 3, 1800.—2t. THE CONNECTICUT MUTXAI. LIFE IN>I RANOE Co. or HAREFOBD.— * The tii.-i question ". deed, when one is about to insure his life : Is the Company safe! Security, then, is the first idea and most important point inTile insn; N. a to security comes the question of economy in its management. These two questions being settled, it is easy to decid ' what company to insure in. That the Connecticut Mound, with its accumu latrd fund amounting to nearly TEN MILLIONS, has abundant security, is beyond the cavil of man.— That its business has been economically managed, has been definitely decided by its large dividends to policy-holders, which has averaged fifty per annum for twenty years."— l. the wind- course rendering it necessary, we 1 .tour citizens will respond with their usual t:i rality. THE CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. —This is one of those well-established an : prudently managed Lite Insurance Compa ni'- vhieh distinguish this nation for enlightened I - i -.olence, practical wisdom, i'.nd disinterested pi ithropy. It-offere superior advantages to the I lit insuring public. It is based upon fundamen-1 t ; [ inriples of soundness, and give- abundant > y in large ticcnmuiated funds, derived from ! premiums amounting to nearly Ten Million dol- I lars. i it energy, prudence, and ability of tire gentle :_k li at tiro heart ot i-s aii'c.irs, justifies us in reprt - ! otiag it to be on. of the n.y'tst, c/coq. and bet 1 . | i.ift insurance Companies in this country.—X.r | ) '. Independent. 11. B. MCKEAN, Agent. "•-JL. The Connecticut Mutual Life Insu- J v. ! ■■• c itupany especially lias been ominentlv suc ecssfiil in its business, and is established and ad l it •I as the great and leading life insurance com pany of the country. It has during the past year it.lit li..* largest business of any life insurance company in this country and probably in the ild. Its receipts have been over $4,000,000. — Its assets are now over $10,000,01)0, and it de clares to its policy Holders this year a dividend of i per cent. It will have issued during this fiscal j ear ending January 31, 1866, over nine thousand policies—a result never before attained by any life ins in nee company in the world. This company d'.os business entirely apon the mutual system", and every dollar of its immense funds belongs to '.ln policy holders.— Hartford baity Covmnl. 11. li. MCKEAN, Agent. To THE AFFLICTED--The happy day has 1 come when the sick and suffering can be healed without the use of poisonous drugs. The unseen, : yet all-potent element of nature, used by persons favorably organized and constructed perform the m ist wonderful cures without the use of mcdi ciir -, and so certain is the • licet that many eases j rt pure but one operation of only a few minutes to i , p. rlurni a cure. Most all forms of disease that ; an curable, have been found to yield under this i i.. >i of treatment, and what is still more wonder- i l .a iarge number of casts that have been given 1 mctirable by the most renowned physicians ' th different schools of medicine, have been ' i !■ et!y cured by this all-potent life-giving pow ■n an a'most incredible short space of time, j 11 >t too. without the application of medicine ■r surgical op rations. Dr. D.'s treatment is ac- t itiig t . the methods of nature, removing ob ' . tious to the nervous lluids, and restoring the nation to the various organs of the system. 1 1 bese giving the secretions a healthy action, revi- , t a/a. the tunctions of li c. This treatment is i v -pi lly becoming popular in ull parts of the coun try ot: account ot tLe many wonderful cures per i to. Iby him ; we have reason to bless GOD that tt. time has come when the people are beginning | think an 1 investigate for themselves, and are t- v;ng off the shackles of bondage by which they have been bound to a false theory in the art 'd healing disease. The treatment is pleasant to the patient, with no pain, and no medicine is em ployed. Dr. ibutr.ix has been highly successful in bis i rao ice in this and other States, which he has bim laut testimonials in the shape of personal certificates. Through the urgent request of many he has con- 1 "L'd to sojourn with us at the Means House, un t ]'. ember 15th. We have not space this week : tne many certifi ates before us for publication, si prominent citizens. All can satisfy them ive-t by calling upon the Doctor. Vf%, A Donation Party will be held at the I y it oi D. L. Sweeney in Burlington itoro, on h cdiiesilay afternoon and evening. Dec. 12, for i a' fit ot liev. Robert Stevenson. A cordial iiivnation to all It*. L-IT-1!. A. BTRBANK is canvassing as ■ tl reliable Life m l Fire Insurance 1 : I is prepared to take risks on favc r- N'.l FRUIT TREE COMPOSITION.—Mr. "■ HOWE, known as agent for the State of Penn ■:l iutonu the public that be is meet iu : with excellent success ; has sold all, or is tin dei negotiation for the territory east of the Sus qu naniia itiv i i u Bradford Co. He calls upuu uieiiicvi ry whci- to investigate for themselves by sending to Prsttsbnrg, Steuben Co. N.Y., if they i csn- an lnt-ii st therein. Perhaps there is not, iii>r never lias been any patent of s much magni le sold small a sum. He offers a single t Auslup for t-iO ; a single farm-right, $5 ; compo sition for a test. -i. it is known to be worth five bundled per cent, to any one who has trees to trout. Cost per tree from nuo to three cents, ac cording to siz?, one treatment a year being suffi ient. 1 lie agent is about to leave for New York \ * ■ tatc to be gone a few weeks and then will return. Any one desiring to communicate with him will I ..w address S. B. HOWE, Penn Y'an, Y'ates I aunty, New lork. Nov. 22, CP Lt< I.IES FOR SALE.— Ihc subscribers will j • - two-seated Buggies, 8 single-top, and 2 open i '■ " , ne^ r * ,n ' l| L Ot the best materials and finish in ta. finest style. V. ill be sold very cheap.— | ■ •' i" • u desirous of purchasing a buggy, will do well to examine them. R,. , HOLMES & PASSAGE. Towandu, Nov. ID, 18GG.-3t.* AMERICAN COOKING STOW.—IS luaxiu !• ' ■' 1,!,7 c, IT AM improvements secured bv ■ under date of May 5. 1803, and De arr-w':, 'T'/T' ( ' COV- . •, . , firiing a portable ash pan "V 1 cooking Stove, t ° rocc-ive tin . -i,- ' anftSCrf SS AU persons | * using OtlMSI 'T manafnrtunng, v ,nding or i , -as suits' harm J 1 " I ', m i " ulai ' ,A \oi the Ama i- j rneut of thase T 1 j OI H tor infringe-I iag, > U !' d " Jl !WKOU S '"auufactur- I ' 1 diui'-'es mUatioM, will be liable I | t at. ' ' J : -m these letters pat-' Ml LA It, PACKARD A CO., ' 17 and 19 Green St., j! i, t i | 1?. S. RUSSELL & OP. will casli th I 5-20 Coupons due Ist of November. They will a!- so attend to the conversion of the first series 7-3- ; Treasury Notes into the 5-20 Bonds. -FECIAL NOTICE TO THOSE INTERESTED IN THE - PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF BRADFORD COUNTY.—In the fol lowing named Districts the Osgood Progressiva ' Series of Text Books has been adopted or recoin j mended for adoption, and supplies for the schools have been deposited with merchants by direction of the Boards as follows : TROY TWP. j CANTON TP. & ALBA BORo'. G. F. lledington & Co., J. M. Foster, B. B. Mitchel, ltockwell & Wilson. K. Stiles. ( GRANVILLE, FRANKLIN, ;L. D. Taylor, i Barclay Coal Company, j MONROE TP. A 808O 1 , N. Kiiborn, H. C. Tracy, G. H. Estell. |A. L. Cranmer & Son. OVEBTON. JWYALUSING A TUSCAROTA, Heichemer & Bro. 'J. G. Keeler, ~ WELI.S. C. S. Lafferty* S. B. Sergeant, ] Bishop & Taylor, C. L. Shepherd. jJ. V. Biles, ABALENLt, jAnd at Laceyville. with supplies for Troy] WESTBUBLXNTON, and Canton. ! Ed. E. Loomis. BIDGIiURY, j HEBRICK, T. L. Woodruff, ; Stewart & Wickizer. J.C. Robinson, | PIKE, Yoorhia & Hammond. -J. Burrows. LITCHFIELD, | LEBATSVILI.E, S.B. Carner. J. F. Boswortb, ATHENS TP. I Boswortb & Co. G. A. Perkins, WYSOX G. F. Waldo, jV. E. & J. E. Fiolett. A. Beidleman. j IIOJIE TP. A BOKO', SHESHEQUIN, L. L. Moody, Kinney & Brigham. iGeo. Nichols. NOTIIH TO WANDA. STANDING STONE, Alvord & Barber. Alex. Enuis, WINDHAM, jF. E. Bush. Wm. C. Peek, ' TEBEV Bars tow ,y Kivhy. JJ. H. & W. T. llorton, A\m. H. Russell. IJ. L. Jones . Vi. D., Towauda, care of E. O. Goodrich, sta- '■ j ting price of the map. ,-*: ; : : | MA ERA ED. 1 GILLETT—ROGERS—At the M. E. Parsonage, Towauda, Nov. i J. 1860, by Rev. J. T. Brow ! Nell, Mr. A. It. Gill< tt aud Miss Nettie Rogers, both of Shesli qaiu. i'. . I FItISBIE—KNAPP—In Wysox, Nov. 28, by Rev. Henry J. Crane, Mr. C. M. Frisbie and Miss | Emogen Knapp, both of Orwell. ENGLISH—YANDIKE—At Overton, Dec. 2, by R. H. Richards, Esq., Mr. Cameron English to Miss Clarenda Vaudike, both of Albany. SPENCER—JOHNSON—At the Methodist Par sonage in Jacksonville, Nov. 11, by Rev. M. Covle, Mr. Horace S|)eneer, Jr., to Miss Eloisa A. Johnson, both of Granville. HOLCOMB—BURTON—In Alba, Saturday, Nov. 21, by V. M. Wilson, Esq., Mr. Kingsley O. Holcomb, of Leßoy, to Miss Adaline Burton, of Rutland, Tioga co., l'a. BATES—LILLEY—In Alba, Nov. 25. by the same Mr. John P. Bates to Miss Augusta L. Lilley, both of Canton. MH C'IKMUHBRTSIE DIED. CHILDS—In Smithfield, Oct. 1, 1866, Mrs. Har riet M. Childs, in the 57th year of her age. fHisccllancons. HARTMAN'S SAFETY BRIDLE AND LlNKS—Patented X vemker 7, 1 ->os .—This most nave invent! >n prevents ail accidents by ho ses. With it, the ranningaway, or sicking of a horse, is utterly Ible. 4 most valuable arthde for all who drive horse*, dee Agncufurht Or Much, 1-m;. Itecoia nteuded y Wi.the Xp. , t i-f tin Timet ; Bonner o! the New York the EJit jrof the Fitld, Tmf and Farm, and many other celebrated horsemen. The suo..'.Tiber owns the pateiit lor Tioga, S usque hanna and Bradford counties. Individual or township rights for sale, on lavorable tci ms Harness makers who wish to make the lines for their customers who buy individual tights, will be dealt with liberally. Isy a slight alteration, the duty lines may be at tarhed t almost any bridle. AL pel so us are cautioned against making or using the ttr; lle iji', in th- count..* ..foresaid, without au thority tne undersigned. K'JBKItT C. SIsiPSON. Wellsboro, Sept. 5, l*oo t b QROCKERY AND DRY GOODST~ Having determined to open a CROCKERY STORE, We have enlarged and refitted our Stflre expressly for this purpr se, and we are now opening the largest and most varied stock of CHINA, CROCKERY, GLASS, LAVA, YELLOW, ROCKINGHAM, AND STONE WARE. Also a large assortment of SILVER I'LATED GOODS, TABLE CUTLERY. WOOD, WILLOW, AND JAPANNED GOODS. All the above goods we buy either frora the Mnnufac turer or Importer aud thus can sell them at \>ery lota figures. Our stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHS, TRIMMINGS, AND NOTIONS, Will be kept fail for this season, and sold at low rates. All our goods .to hold lor cash. tto~ For the Holiday* a v -ry fine ass u-tment. Hoping to met it a continuance of your faver in our new undertaking, we remain yours 11 command. WICKHAM & BLACK. Towanda, Dec. .1 13C6. / M>MMI;RCIAL NOTE PAPER, BY THE V lb .I!u I i quire, very cheap at the NEWS BOOM, i QHAVING AND TOILET SOAPS, FOR 0 sale cheap at the NEWS BOOM. POCKET BOOKS, A LARGE ASSORT; A MKN'T at the NEWS BOOM. I fflercljanbije. !- o s II P A L L A N D W I N T E R GO O D S FOR CASH, H ENRY MER 0U R & CO. TOWANDA, PA., DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, DOMESTICS, WOOLENS, HOSIERY AND NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SII S, CROCKERY, &C. Nov. fi, 186 C. j |_JEAD(JUARTERS FOR BARGAINS I FULL VALUE FOR CASH 1 SPFNf) VOL'It MOXF.Y WHERE YOU CAN GET THE REST RETURNS. 1 TRACY k MOORE, Are now cflering at ruinous prices FANCY DRESS GOODS. MERINOS EMPRESS CLOTHS, POPLINS, PLAIN AND FIGURED ALL-WOOI. DELAINES, of all colors. TRACY & MOORE. ALPACAS, PAREMETTAS, AND FANCY PLAIDS, a full line. TRACY A MOORE. OUR STOCK OF WHITE GOODS will be found complete. BARRED MUSIJN, BOOK AND STRIPE NANBOOKS, VICTORINE AND BISHOP LAWNS. TRACY & MOORE. SONTAGS, HOODS, SCARFS, BREAKFAST CAPES, at prices that defy competition. A lull line of DRESS TRIMMINGS, VELVET RIBBONS, GLOVES 4- HOSIERY, YANKEE NOTIONS, TRACY & MOORE'S. BEAVER CLOTHS. BROAD CLOTHS, CASS IMF.REB AND JEANS. A large assortment. TRACY & MOORE. The largest stock of FLANNELS ever brought to this market, among which may be found plain and colo red and (ringed OPERA FLANNELS, SHAKER AND MINER'S FLAN NELS, FANCY CHECKS, AC. TRACY & MOORE'S. We are now receiving the largest and best assortment of BOOTS & 'SHOES, Which will be sold at hargaiiiis. ea- Our stock of GROCERIES and GLASSWARE, j will t e found complete, being fhe largest stock ever] brought to this place, which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest. Call and see them, TRACY A MOORE. | Towanda, Nov. I,IBSG. miscellaneous. Jff Y EOLI C Y : Whereas I have just returned from New York with a fine stock of New Goods, selected with great care and bought very close, consequcn tly ain enabled to otter great inducements to those waliting goods. The stock is adapted to the wants of all both old and young. The leading departments are all fiii!. The I)KY GOODS, GROCERY, ROOT AND STIOE, READY MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, BUFFALO ROBES, GENTS FURS, LADIES FURS, CIIILDRENS SETTS, SOLE LEATHER, AC., BEAUTIFUL STYLES DRESS GOODS, WORSTED SHAWLS, NUBIAS, IIOODS, AC. All my old Iriiuds, and the "rest of mankind," are cordiallyjinvited-to cati and see. No charge lor show ing goods. Tickets of Admission free. L. 11. BKONSON. Orwell, Nov, 1, iB6O, Q L OTHI N G ! 1800. FALL ! 18*0. SOLO M ON A SON, The attention of the public is invited to the large and attractive stock of Goods off eriug at PEACE PRICES. The stock consists of OVER COATS, BUSINESS SUITS, PANTS AND VESTS, <)l all giades, for men and boy a wear, a fine stock of HATS AND CAPS. Also in store for the trade a complete stock oi GENTLEMEN'S ITEM .TUNG GOODS, sueir as PLAIN A FANCY CAorIMERE SHIRTS LINEN AND MUSLIN SHIRTS, SIIIRTS AND DRAWERS, LINEN COLLARS AND CL'EFS, PAPER COLLARS AND CUFFS, SUSPENDERS, GLOVES AND .MITTENS, j SCARFS, TIES, AC., AC. Gall and examine our stock anl prices. You will tig d it to your interest to da so Ve bay cx lusivcly for ■ cash, and with the advantage ot having a Buyer at ail times in the market, we feci confident to supply out 1 riends and customers a the lowest ; -h;' rates, ltemember the place at SOLOMON ,v SON, No. 2, Button's Bl u k. Towanda.Oct. 2!). '6(l. (Pimcational. E W BOOKS! BANDKB S UNION READ lifts AND It OH INS OS' S MA THE MA TICS, Have been adapted by fhe School Directors oi Tovwoda Borough as Text Book.'. Other townships desiring to change their Text B< >ik.->, can be supplied with these books on lower term #. any • ,< r l'nblisliiug ilou-e can ofi'ei. Read the following testamou a.. iu the County Superintendent, and Mr. King ry, 'rincipalot the Towuoda Graded School : MAY, 1 0. I have examined Sander's Union IL-aders P ■ in ~ h satisfaction. The selections ait n'imble, wen graded interesting and oi high moral '<• c. 'i'he.->s Reader-, are not excelled by any with win . icquainted. I can cheerlully recommend them for use in the schools of this county. O.J CHUBBUCK, County Supe' iii" ■ dent. MAT, 1806. Altera careful examination ot Sander' Hi n . pell cr and Readers, I am fully persuaded i iiey are much superior to auy others with which 1 am .. quaint ed.both in their attractive appearance, and in their ad mirable selection and arrangement of matter. J. 11. KINGSBURY, Principal High School, Towunda. For further particulars call at the Book Store ot AL VORD & BARBER, Towanda, Pa. Aug. 19. QSGOOD'S PROGRESSIVE READERS AND I) E 4 A N' S A 111 TIIMET IC S , AND OTHERS, Having been largely adopted in the County ot Brad lord. we invite the atteution of School Boards and ed ucators generally, to the following testimonials among many others, some ol which have been received irom those who have those who have not only examined the books, but tested them in the school room. OawKLL, July 13, 1806. I have examined Osgood's series of Readers, they are well graded, the selections are good, and i think them calculated to give satisfaction to all who may have occasion to use them. O. J. CHUBBUCK. WYALUBIKO, Sept. 1, 1806. Mr. J. K. FLBKIKO —I have examined with some care the copy ol Public School Arithmetic yon scut me. 1 am much pleased with it, and thiuk such a work is needed iu oar Academies and Jiigh Schools. We can not sneak too highly of the Osgood Readers. We have adopted the books iu oar school and the change has not with universal approbabition. Yours, tiuly, W. H BROWN, Principal ol Academy. MONUOETON, 0ct.21,1806. J. K. FLEMISH —Sir: We have introduced Osgood's series of Readers, Burtt's Grammar and Dean's Arith metic into the Monroe ton High School, and alter hiv ing tested them for two months, I mi prepared to say that they take rank will) the very b A. ihey give en tire satisfaction. Yours, Ac., UAf.LECK ARMSTRONG, Principal ol Monroeton High School. Okwkli., Sept. 5, 1800. Mr. J. K. Fi.Ewrs —Having ex a nined Osgood's se ries of Readers, and found t'mni admirably adapted to the wants of our schools, 1 take pleasure in recom mending thera to teachers and friends ot edui ti = n generally. My short acquaintance with "lie books has impressed me so favorably, that I am almost constrain ed to say with others, " They are emphatically the cheapest and best series now published. Yours, respectfully, Mrs. 11. G. SALMON. SlfEsllEql ls, Sept. 3, 1860. Mr. J. K. FLEMING— Sir: I have looked over the specimen books you lelt wi h me, aud am much pleased with all ol them, particularly so with the series of Os good's .Readers. They are emphatically Progressive works, and moreover the steps ot their progression are so carefully taken, and# so secur iy planted, that 1 cannot see how any teacher who follows the directions of the author can fail of the highest success. The exercises in articulation at the opening ol all the lessons in the Primary numbers, atlbrd a pastime as pleasant as it is profitable to those pupils whose teachers enter upon them with a spiiit and a relish, and the rules and txercises iu lirllectiou, Emphasis, Ac., in the more advanced numbers, are so definite and ! plain that all who attend to them c n not fail to be- i come good critics as well as good readers. I cannot expre s " brietly my liigb appreciation ol j tlxsee works, and while r would by n> means depre- | ciatetbe bander series fnr the good they have done, | I yet rejoice that so great an advance on them iiaa been reached by the Osgood Progressive Readers. 1 Yours, Ac., Mrs. S. ELIZA GIBSON. Oct.22.—St. STRAY'.—Game into the enclosure of the J subscribsr iu Burlington twp., Sept. 1,1800, a spotted red and white Steer. The owner is rcques ed to come forward prove property, pay charges and take the same away, or it will be disposed of according to law. WESTON .RUSSELL,. Burlington, Nov. 1, 1806,—4tf jjC'.Dfit & Co.'S :: . ©OditS. • IP O "W* 3±! I_i I_i OC OO . CAL Ii TIIE ATTENTIO N O F B U'Y E1! S T 0 TIIE I R FALL STOC JC , JUST RECEIVED. JN EACH DEPARTMENT A FULL ASSORTMENT WILL BE FOUND. . BIARRITZ CLOTHS, a novelty, and very desirable goods for LADIES' DRES SES, in choice colorings. POWELL A CO. FRENCH MERINOS, EMPRESS CLOTIIS, POPLINS, we., Ac. All colors. POWELL A. CO. • LLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS, Hops, Caslunerc ", All Wool Delaines, and a great voriety of Fancy Fabrics for Ladies dresses. POWELL & CO. BRIGHT PLAIDS, Stripes, and other high colored Dress Goods. A full line. POWELL A CO. MOURNING DRESS GOODS. A complete assortment in this line. ' POWELL A CO. BLACK AND COLORED DIIESS SILKS of different widths and qualities. A large stock just received. POWELL A CO. BLACK AND COLORED BEAVERS, CHINCHILLA'S, and other fancy loakings, Sackings, Repellants, &c., Ac., in great variety. POWELL & CO. j I j E QUEMAUX, MOSCOW, AND CASTOR BEAVER CLOTHS. PLAIN ack and Colored Broadcloths, and black Doeskin Cassimeres of all grades. POWELL A GO. FANCY CASSIMERES. A better stock and more complete assortment than I WE have ever before offered. POWELL & CO | SATTINETS, DOUBLE AND TWIST CASSIMERES, Plain and Check all wool filled Kentucky Jeans, and other Fancy Goods for Boys wear. POWELL 6c CO. i FLANNELS.—PLAIN RED, GREY, AND BLUE TWILLED, MINER'S Checks, Fancy Shirting, Colored and White Domestic, and all grades of YVhitc and Shaker Flannels. POWELL & CO. DOMESTIC COTTON GOODS.—We always have in stock, a full and complete supply of Domestics of every description. POWELL & CO HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, Ac. —Special attention has been given to this stock, to make it complete ancj attractive. POWELL 6c CO. LINEN GOODS.—More than otrit. usual variety of Bleached, Half Bleached Brown Table Damasks, Shirting Linens, Diapers, Napkins, Towellings, Crashes, Ac. POYVELL A CO. PAISLEY, CIIAINE LAINE AND BROCHE SIIAWLS, Single and Double. POWELL A CO. YYOOL LONG SIIAYY LS—Ladies, Misses and Children's sizes—from the finest to the lowest grades. A larger stock than ever before offered by us. POYVELL A CO. LADIES CLOAKS AND BASQUENES, from the most fashionable Broadway manufacturers. Just received. POWELL A CO. I LADIES AND CIIILDRENS' FANCY FURS.—Mink, Fitch, Siberian Squir rel, River Mink, and French Coney, in Three Quarter, Half and Quarter Capes, Victorines, Talmas and Collars, with Mulls and Cuffs to match. Manufactured speci ally for our sales. POWELL A CO. HOOP SKIRTS.— Bradh tfs Celebrated Duplex JElipth 'Shirt, in all the differ ent numbers of springs. THE FAVORITE SILY'ER SKIRT. Together with our usual variety of other makes in lower grades. POWELL -A CO. CARPETINGS.—BrusseIIs, Three Plv. Extra Super and Super Ingrain, Kidder and Hemp' Carpets, Cocoa Mattings, Floor Oil Cloths all widths, Druggetts, Mats, Ac. POWELL A CO. HATS AND CAPS.—We arc now prepared to exhibit the Fall Sty Wo of Hats and Caps. POWELL A CO. LADIES FINE SHOES, of the celebrated Burts manufacture. Also n full as sortment of Ladies, Misses and Childrens Shoes, both fine and heavy, manufactured specially FOR US. POWELL A CO. i MENS', BOYS AND YOUTHS KIP AND STOGA BOOTS. Ail made bj j hand. Every pair warranted. POWELL A CO. j 10,000 ROLLS WALL PAPER, ASSORTED QUALITIES, togLihet wit Borders to match. Also a choice selection of Transparent Window Shade-. POWELL A CO. | October, 1800. Xtxo Ztfcucvl i3CHICntS. ) QUSftPUBA NXA CGgLLGiATE IN8TI : O TUTE. TOW AS nA, MiAOfii": It >:o.. I'/l --i JOHN I>. HEWITT. 4. J5.; i'r, entMrot Mathematics, Mental, • > and Shoes,mostly sl ip work of the most inferior kind, and the people generally are sfclt tint. And uow 1 s: y to your -g. a, us I have bolore.enterge your Store, make it neat auJ commodious, and keep a good stock ol Booh* and shoe.;, an 1 yon shall be ana tamed. It st of the people begl.i to feel a little a-cive baying their boots and .-m..s at Liy Goods t. jies ; L looks v.-ruant and outlandish. 1 • r. - :,to make y- ur goods ii it is not convenient. The facilities la some other localities, • aama a better choice oi st 11 a and workmen can be hud, may be 6tiH better And you be yo always btea in the btisiaess, nd better :.r-i " :il .. ; on point and i;r\- rtan . t*. than those that deal in fci.L. and ... .: i ;h;.-, 1 behave, would be gl i'l to let this bnsfne i > where it belongs ; that thoy have done it Uceteftwe to accomodate the pdopfe ; I i dicve i. you would opcu a dra. ciasd feboe a tore the I. I Would not go to Dry Goods Stores to bay Shogß, any'ni >re than ihey i to Drug S- .es lor Oats. h op, stop! what are yon talking about 1' has not any one right to sell what hesleaaea? It way lie, bat ' ;=■)• injustice is it right in so largo a place as this,where : ■r. tail men sro cugaged wholly in this business. It lh .s been given .pin c\ y other place, and according 11, custom it will be here. j Two thousand Ave handled jMoposttlona maderom |l a: omci . I , • br.n ; • oi the same kind oi Loots .. v, Lay. . .. Lea yea caiue in town j seven years art. I re never seen a good Shoe before 1 nor sin e, is the fang tage o. them ail at the saafa time'. Raise thy feet gently Anu tlnnx it sj queer That the Boots I sold then j AT wear them a year. I 1 now yield to the above propositi one, and have protn i l-ii -k,\. ikioneaal Joidars worth ot hi.: ' ut here seven years a go. and 'te -iHwcr is I-.,.11! I will! Wll i.tends, yrr pr Dion made Ana I've consented to the trade, So 1 will nli yon Shoes both strong audne.i', To please the taste and salt the feet. I have Lauics/ Hisses', Bays' and Mens', From f uev down to coarse bmenus, Come one "and ell, do r,a yon agree, cay your L< . * ....d oLjOs ot nrc. Come! Come! 1 say, where yon can find I:-. exactly to your mind ; ' d it you was never here before, You'll find it is the very Store. Gome Ladies, Gent I have goods for all, iluy your goods oi me this Fall. '-.nd wli! u Spring • mc-s I will the cry, •' At L. C. NELSON'S I wiT buy !" T! :is one thing m .re I'll say to you. I'm iu the old Store made ovrr new ; If any read, aud stand the shock, My place you 11 find joins Palton s -810.-lr, GENTS' CALF BOUi's AT BARGAINS MINERS' ICIP A COWHIDE " " Geni Ri ! Boys Metalic CorngtAed htfbnMHata. - Terms Cab, no credit. Small profits for money is the m-.-uo. L. C. NELSON. Towanda, N ". 20, 1566. (d/iUXIUN. —All persons are hereby for- J b'j harboring or employing a bound bog, named William C, C'oby, who has absconded from my honse. Ish . 1 not ue responsiblofor any charges made v him. Id. J. SMITH. Burlington, N v. 12, 1^06,-3tf SALE. —The subscriber has for . sale several American Merino JSncks, recently brought from Yctpc ( ounty. N. Y., of the Wtockol Miles G. liafalce, unsurpassed lor qnlity of wool and weight of fic.-ce In East) m Bra .1 rd, i'u so wishing to ituptove their stock will do well to examine them bc :ore imrchasi. •. Also one BOAR, of the Chester co., stock, held tv. uerrice ut the larm oi '.he subscribe! iu Orwell. -G. W. BROWN. Mow. lA. 1866.—3tf 1 ~>OY'S LIIOLEH.V DROPS a A SURE, i i and r.medy lor Diarrhea,*'!., m . Morbus," Dy -ntery, Colic, Choi n Infaatqm, Cnunps. Spasms, Griping Pains in tho Bowela,-fad the best atiii dote tor CHOLERA. The Great Extern ■' b'.mcdy of the Age. A certain cure tor Mturalaia.O .iu. y, i reap, bore fh.oat, Ithen t ; L .-tit, a*, cYveii.iig i .curisy.Cn aia the ii.ieic Irritation, Cramp . Spasms, NtmtbneW of the limbs, Chilblain-", Ring worm, and the best external a pliention i.-v Dyph .- - • .--r Baloby dealers iu medi. ' Cfrderadliofaedt !. .* Jloy, WelM-orrt, I'a., or W j, t/.1, Coru'c". X. V 1 receive prompt atten. Sold in Towanda. by W. B. H. G HE. Sept. 20,1866. ■ 'EpAIIM FOU c- • i L'. i'ho .übscribcr oi -40. ..tela Butiia.,tou Bern' containing about -id s." . Good framed barn su ycungai.pie o: ,r >a. 1 N.T.DICKENSON. Burlington, Nov. 12.'if. . AA/AVEKLY CARRIAGE ..FACTORY. - If The 1< ;i. .1 -i she I ■ cdl the attention w the citizens • ' r-dC mty t-. oar LXi-LU .OI CABRIA6E HANCSACTOfaY. Our esLtblishu i > c- tpk-i-.-ly tilted up in the de partment of Wcodwo k, i tor.lng. Painting and Triut miug. and so supplied with fitst class workmen, as to cunsble us : lu i V.uu . . < art iages in tho b> and moot mot ' always vati.a.ted to beol the best material and Borkmanshlp■ New work of tv y kind kept oonatantly hand, including the best a.rtiole ot Platform Spring Wagons to ie funnd Iu the country Piea-cuali -.,-d examine for ytr- elvea. Ca refal atten;! <\ i .id to otdered wo k. Jobbing and Tleuairiuc ;a ca depar meat, epeoially PtdutßK. ! N. KINNEY A CO. Wavctly, N. Y., Nov. 12,1666.-6 ■ ! riHIL LNDLRi -.iwNEl) HAVE OPENED 1 a Rauk.xg Hon. in Towanda, under the name c. G. F. M VSOET -t CO. , , , Thev are lr®t red to draw Bills of Excaange, and make c . leciion tu New iLik, Philadelphia, and /.1 portions ot the United • tales, as also bnglanu. Ger many. >r:d i-'r.i.; -. T- I ran money, receive deposits, and to do a gW end B t br.-ht-.s. t - p jdai b was oie a the hue firm of Laporte, . : Mason & Co., of iy I frs ot 1 the business u.en oi Hradfuid and a joining touuties, and havii ; uiu iLa LauUing business tor about ut "tecu vears, make this house ? desirable one, through which to make collections ~ M \bv>N. I Towanda. Oct. 1,1866. A . <,. >!A ' 'N . lOUBSORIFTIONS TO ALL TEfiSTAN ; D DABD Ws, Weekly OF i.Vv.:L ; DL,OIUi;iION.VI U reduced prices at tfa S?® ® OOM ' a LARGE ASSORTMENT OP BEST Aquaßtym,.:neiy ! .U,. NEWSROOM. ~ T>O€EET UUTTLESY LAWLU THAN * JySWwh... —Ht TTHNE Oi'' FUXVLR 1; Book, attic NEWSROOM.