- -- „ NEWB -FROM ALL NATiOMH. - —A "Louiuiana Tiger," Wasting of >kie hiving IwiftJrt in the l-ehfl utnov-w.is knocked j "ilffWii by .1 barkeeper in Reading, on Nut.nrd*\ j niijht- TUe Innkeeper was n returned sohltpv, mid Die language ol" the "Tiger" W:w snt-h as no Unioh soldier could stand. —Capt. W. A. S;*IKIS, whiskey inspector for the Eighth district, who fought the rebels da ring the war, has been removed, and a strong Cop-j per head appointed. —A Republican in Ron*ling, who won! #O,OOO on the election, gave a sapper to his Cop-j per'nead friends the other evening.. . —ln Rush township, Schuylkill county,' the majority against Gen. Cake is more than the whole legal vote of the township. —The Empress of Mexico is said to be ft raving manic. It is supposed that the failure of her attempt to procure aid for Maximillion. in En rope, has produced the result. —lt is said that Mr fur doe, of the Eighth Congressional District of Indiana, spent #Bo, nilFappptent ifa clination of President JOHNSON to have Mr. DRVIS brought to trial for his crimes. For several months prior to those elections it was manifest" a favorable" opportunity was iiminary step to Aha final disraiKsal-nf. ail jagabist him. The judgments of The Dal rot-box rendered iu four States are not o'ply consequential in themselves, puti are really pvophetje of other judgments, ■ siinilftr in kind, to fpllyw, Xq. i rijuni j iaiefo fur tburt bigii-huafled 1 Career upon wb+etl tk; Adminktwetion was- hiVger toefi frr. To attefrtnt ft'VonM be 1 Mi! I>V all vnoOu'i ou which, if adopted, will destroy 'ox rights of tig State and of the people, arid centralize all the powers;of. Government vn tUc Federal,head. .* * * * Tjiis.anJopdmcßt, arlopUxl by a Congress ol jesp than thieod'qurtiis pi .the Stales of the Union,'in palpable vjoUtiou of tho rights pf liiore thau omgfourtU of the States, is S.uqh au ineultppg outrage arid denial of tlie equal lights of so many of our wortiii est citizeus wleniight/- en the public inppn the pfeselit state ut| l'airs. F- >rtbef pre^ut "at s*tcfjterfcaps for will oeeupygiK; satnA position, and another term of States Circut Court will be suffered to go by without any action to try the prisoner Tieing taken 1 Ty fßTTjitdicTaTautTibrities Thp legal difficulties in the way oi hold ing the Court at Richmond, in consequence nf the adjournment from Norfolk, in .Tune last,- aiife a serjoufe djuttfrtent to Uottfi w4H nfittfflTtPTOhTg" nexFrnonTTf Inßicti moud as was before generally Tnis. of course involves a further postpone ment of u civil trial of Daviß under the in dictment of treason presented at the last term of the Circuit Court, and in all proba bility he will be kept in confinement the entire winter,that is to say until t< e spring term of the Court, excepting, of Course,that Executive clemency does pot interpose and grant him a parole and release him from his confinement. 1 In December, when the Supreme Court of the United States meets, Judge Chase will be too busy to devote any of bis time or at tention to other legal matters,and the advo cates of a speedy trial of Davis, both in the north and in the south,have nothing to hope for from the present actions of the judicial authorities ; neither is it likely that a writ of habeas corpus will be issued upon the commandant of the fortress, acting as his custodian, demanding his deliverance to the United States Marshal fop incarceration in a Virginia State jail. As long as he re mains a prisoner in the hands of the Uni ted States government he will be retained here in a United States fortress and guard ed beyond all possibility of escape. The statement of United States District Attorney L. 11. Chandler to Attorney Gen eral Stanberry confirms this view in assign ing two different reasons which influence him in not taking any steps for removing him from their custody, the one relating to his safe-keeping, the other to his own per sonal comfort and health. TRINITY Ciiip.cn TROUBLES. —A year ago Trinity Church was, financially, as poor as a church mouse. In May last a large amount of finely improved property held by the Astors under a long lease reverted to it again; and Trinity vestry found itself in receipt of an income ofsGoo,ooo per annum, lu its poorest days it had practiced econo my with great success, and on entering on its prosperous career it found that it could do business in the same style at an annual expenditure of only sixty thousand dollars. This would have left, and probably will leave, the vestry a handsome sum at the end of the year, unless the numerous claim ants who have suddenly sprung up succeed in establishing their claims to the property which has reverted to the Trinity Church corporation. There are not less than 700 claimants for various portions of the re verted property ; and Trinity Church lias the prospect before it of a generation or two litigation. This state of affairs is an other of the windfalls for General ITix, and may have something to do with his declina tion of the French mission. For forty years General Dix has been the counsel for Trinity Church corporation. His son, Rev. Morgan Dix, is rector of Trinity parish.— N. Y. Paper. DEDICATION or THE STONEWALL CEMETERY AT \\ IXCIIESTEB, YA. —The dedication of the Stonewall Cemetery, at Winchester, Va., took place on Thursday, and was attended by over five thousand persons. The occa sion was taken advantage of to transfer and bury the remains of Gen. T. Ashby aud also those ui Cols. Marshall and Thompson —all of the rebel army. This was done un der the auspices of the Masonic lodges of the valley. The Ashby brothers were bur ied with one coffin in one grave. Their only relative present was an aged aunt, their n'ster being coufiued at home of typhoid fe ver. Immediately after these services the crowd gathered around the stand, and the affair of the day began, Henry A. Wise de livered the oration. The oration, as might have been expect ed, was an exceedingly treasonable one, and was followed by an original poem not kiss treasonable. Every sentiment uttered of a character in laudation of the purposes of the rebellion was greeted with expres sions of intense satisfaction. The crowd having dispersed, the streets of the village were soon filled with scores of drunken men, giving utterances to opinions better in keeping with the past record of the town than in harmony with its future good. Sev eral small rows occurred about the railroad station, the combatants being left to fight out their feuds. No CHOLERA AT THE NEW YORK QCARANTIXE. —Dr. Bissell, deputy health officer of New Tork, reports that good health prevails in hospital and on the Illinois, the hospital ship. He suggests that the passengers should be discharged before the winter is upon them. fiiar The Hurricanes of this season, in all parts of the world, were the most destruc tive ever experienced. In this country, great destruction of property has resulted from these causes,while in the West Indies the loss of life and property has been fear ful. Late accounts from the West Indies represent the suffering there as very severe from the effects of these hurricanes. PUBLIC SA LE OF STOCK, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, A N D FA R M I N G UTENSILS. The subscriber wil! sell at public sale at bis residence in Orwell fwp., on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1866, at 9 o'clock a. m., the following personal proper ty, to wit : one pair Matched Young Horses, Two ; air Steers, Cows. Hogs, Sheep, Ac., Mowing Machine, Roller and Plaster Sower, Wagons, Harness, Jtc., Dairy Fixtures, two Stoves, and numerous other ar ticles. Terms made known on the day of sale. 11. PORTER, MINOR TAYLOR. G. VV. BRINK, Auctioneers. Oct. 29, 1866. A LOTION.—A. R. MOE, Auctioneer.— "**• Desiring to close out our stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, AND HARDWARE, We will sell them at Public Sale at our store, on FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9 and 10. WICKHAM fy BLACK. Towanda, Nov. 1, 18G6. CNYDER HOUSE, a four story brick e York MO\/-Y H'f/Rl;r voir CAN GET 'l'llE HE*Yl' RETyRNS. TRACY & MOO UJB,W D Are now offering at rnlnnns prices < I i~mk k hibtsy <}J (i its, JIERfNOS irA.lhi ' i - I EMPRESS CLOTHS, in -i ■■.ill' POPLINS, PLAIN AND FIGURED ALL-WOOL DELAINES, of all colors. TRACY & MOORE. ALPACAS, PARKMETTAS, AND FANCY PLAIDS, a full line. TRACY A MOO HE. OUR STOCK OF WHITE COOVS will be 1 ouiid complete. BARRED MUSLIN, BOOK AND STRUT" NAXSOOKB, YICTORINE .AND ItISIIOP LAWNS. TIiACY A MOORE. I | SON TAGS, HOODS, SO A UF3, BREAKFAST CAPES, at price* that defy competition. A lull liae ol PRESS J RIMMINGS, VEL.VE T niI; RONS, GLOVES HOSIERY, 1 A NKEE NO TION ft, TRACY A MOORE'S. BEAVER CLOTHS. BUOAD.CLOIHS, CASS tMERES AND JEANS. A large assortment. TRACY eY MOORE. The largest stock ot FLANNELS ever brought to this market, among which may he iound piniii am] colored | and fringed OPERA FLANNELS, SHAKER AND MINER'S FLAN NELS, FANCY CHECKS, AC. TRACY A MOORE'S. We are now receiving the largi a a-t 1 best assortment ! of BOOTS A SHOES, ! Which will lie sold at bargains. *ur Our stock of GflOCKItl ES and GLASSWARE, ; will be found complete, being the largest stock ever : brought to this place, which will be -aid as cheap as ! the cheapest. Call aud see then. TRACY A MOORE. ! T- wanda, Nov. 1,156 C. RYALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE ■ FARM, TAVERN STAND AXIq- 1 AGE RuUTE. ; The subscriber offers for sale the nbove enumerated ! property at a Bargain, the whole "or f itl.tr , to suit pi ! chaser. Said farm contains one hundred andfity acres, 1 of which one hundred aud ten acres arc under improve ment, and well adapted to grazing or grains, has tw o well built barns, one good trutne house with a never failing stream of spring water in close proximity. The farm is well watered and timbered, together with good fruit and sugar orchards titer.on. and is as desirably located as any farm in Eastern Bradford, being about equi-distant tront the markets north aud south, lyincr in Orwell Township 1$ miles east lr.uu Orwell Hili where he has a Licensed llot. l, pleasantly located ntid way on the regularly established stage route lrom Nichols, N. Y.. to Camptown, Pa., and back, tri-week iy. The Stock on the route Is all iu good running or der TERMS—About f'i ,000 down, the balance iu iu sUlments, lor the farm. WM. U. DARLING. Orwell, Nov. 1, ISGG —4t* fjpHE NORTH BRANCH FOUNDRY AND M A C 11 I N E S 1108, Situated on Pine, east ot Main Street, TO WAN DA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., Is now prepared to furnish CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, AND SHIKGL E M A C II I X E S , Of the best quality with the latc.it improvements. All kinds ot Machinery for Flouring and Saw Mills. STEAM ENGINES, MADE k REPAIRED, STEAM WHISTLES, STEAM GAGUES, GAUGE COCKS, OIL CANS, AC., Furnished at short notice. B O-L T CUTTI NG , Done from sto inches in diameter. FORGING Of heavy wrought work for Bridges, an 1 all other pur poses, done to order. Also, a large assortment of COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, Coal and Wood Burners. Furniture lor Cookiug Stoves Stove Pipe, Tin-Ware, Boat Pumps, Plows, Cultivators aud Lcrapers, kept constantly on hand. DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS Of all kinds of macliiiiety for mills and other purposes prepureU by G . S . PECK, Foreman, who has had large experience in this branch of the business. JOHN CARMAN. Towanda, Oct. 2!), 1866.—1y. THE NEW 4 RUNN GRIST MILL AT Camptown is in operation, furnished throughout with the most complete, thoroughly tested, aud highly approved machinery and fixtures, now in use in the United States ; uninterrupted by HIGH OR LOW WATER. Flour, Feed and Meal, always on Stand at prices cor. responding to the cost of Grain. „ „ , , H.B.INGHAM May 7, '66.-ff LARGE VARIETY OF FANCY ARTI CLES at the NEWS BOOM. -r —i —i*i' -- -' - **■ " UltgrEllanrons. fl L 0 T HI N U I 1 800. FALL ! 1866. 'fc 0 £ 0 M 0 K & SON', v \Xhe attention of the public is invit 1 ! . 1 ~• In/ m l attire stock of G.ud at PEACE PRICES. The st ock consists ol OVER COATS, BUSINESS SUITS, I'ANTri AND VESI'S, Of all grades, for men and boy's wear, a fine stock ol HATS ANI) CAPS. Also in store for the trade, a complete stock of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, SUCH AS PLAIN A FANCY CASSIMERE SHIRTS LINEN AND MUSLIN SHIRTS, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, LINEN COLLARS ANI) CUFFS, PAPER COLLARS AND CUFFS, j SUSPENDERS, GLOVES AND MITTENS, SCARFS, TIES, AC., AC. j Call and examine our stock anl prices. Vou will tin d it to your interest t i dr.so. tVe : ly exclusively lor | cash, and with the advantage ol having a Buyer at all | times in the market, we .eel confident to supply our j iriends and customers at t he lowest possib! rates. I Remember the place at SOLOMON 4 SON, No. 2, I'atton's Block. Towanda, Oct. 29, 'OO. rr It uE ! TIIU E ! TRU E ! W II EEL E R A WIL S 0 N THE BEST FA M 1L Y MACII IN E I HEAR THE TESTIMONY ! Wheeler and Wilson,is the best for household work 1 London Times. We prate the Wheeler A Wilson with enthusiasm.- ( h. I,UI. Intelligent sewing woni '.i . now generally satisfied i of the importance and value ol these Sewing Machines, j —lite. JJr. Tyng. i The Wheeler 4 4 ilson will givo entire satisfaction. } —A'ete York Observer. There is emphatically but one Sewing Machine, and that is Wheel r A IVil-on's.— Judge Meigs, Secretary ; Ame, ican Institute, A*. 1". City. ; Mrs. Vinton de?ire9 me to express to you her entire saii.-luetmn with ymr Sewing Mrcliine * My purse i Lea s Witness t.iui the See ,ng Machiue, among .its oth ]ci excel:.•! eh..-. Is u house!;',id economy Rev. Dr. j Francis Vinton. j The Wheeler & Wilson has no rival. Scientific I American V OMAN s GKKATK-T BOON.—Wc would advise a man to forego a thresher and thresh with a llai rather than to see a wife wear her health, vigor and liie away in the everlasting " stitch, stitch, stitch,' when fa Sewing Machine can be obtained. The Wheeler ' me lady friends, carefully and thoroughly examined j the various niacuiiies ol practical value lor lamily sew j i.g, and tiud those made by the Wheeler A Wilson I M u.ut .turiug Company, 625 Broadway, New York, to i Hil.y combine the essentials ola good instrument, 'and | such as we c.,a utidentiy recommend. Having seen so favorable results from their use, in our own and the j households tol our friends, we are desirous that their I beiiefitsshould.be shared by all our brethren, and hence have interested ourselves in their behalf. Ansel Stevens. Thos. Carton, Daniel Wise, J. Benj I Edwardt, James Ploy, J. Porter, David Terry vi'm A i Cox. F O R T A I L O R I N G , OR II E A V Y w O R K , GET SINGER'S IMPROVED, W 1.0 K II A M A B L ACK, % AGENTS, TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA. Oct. 22. ISG6. Books anii Stationery, Jtf" E W A R R A N GEM E N T AT TIIE NEWS ROOM AND BOOK STORE. The undersigned having purchased the BOOK STORE AND NEWS ROOM of J. J. Griffiths, respectfully in vite the old patrons of the establishment and the public general ly, to call and examine our stock, ALVORD A BARKER. S. W . ALVOLIN. p. p. BARBEK. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OFYOCAL and instrumental music constantly on hand at the NEWS ROOM. A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF !•amily and Docket Bibles, cheaper than ever be lore "Hered iu this market, at the NEWS IiOOM. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS OF ALL -L sizes and styles, at the NEWS ROOM. (lAMES FOR Till: FAMILY CI RULE* M at lhc NEWS ROOM. nONT FAIL TO CALL AT THE NEWS -I-' ROOM, and if you don't see what you want, ask lor ALVORD A BARBER. MUSIC, OR ANY OTHER ARTICLE ATA in our line, ordered at short notice, by calling at tho NEWS ROOM. CyiLNESE FANS FOR SALE AT THE ' _ NEWS ROOM. QHAVING AND TOILET SOAPS, FOB h_J sale cheap at the HEWS ROOM. POCKET BOOKS, A LARGE ASSORT X MKXT a! the NEV,'S ROOM. LHNE ASSORTMENT OF PRAYER A, Books at the NEWSROOM. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO ALL THE STAN kJ DAIiD Daily and Weekly Papers , received at the NEWS IiOOM. tJOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT n reduced prices at the NEWS ROOM. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF BEST quality Perfumery at the NEWS ROOM. itttsteHancons. JUIi; HIGHEST MARKET m,. IN CASH, PAID Fun li< ' WELL CLEANED BUOKV„ Kvi AT THE CASCADE MlLfij. Camptown, Oct. 8,186®. 11 ' i; - '-Vbsiy,. J P. CHAMBERLAIN, WYALUSINO, p A ., successor to It. M. 4 E. Welles business. Also keeps ou hand a eenwro ?' . hard and sott ground planter, Litne s 3 it Mort ® e !t ■ iug implements. Cooking Stoves of var,', " D,i Parlour Stoves, 4c., all of which will £ sonabie rates, lor ready pay. Ca,U paid. * Uyalu-ing, Pa. Oct. 9th, MM-Bal ' QROCERIES AND PEO\Tm ov WHOLKSALK AKD KEtAll. JOHN MERIDETH Main St., first door south of Kail Bead u rn has just received a large addition u lis " Wlt w. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Which will be sold at wholesale and ret.n lowest rates. ' Farmers Produce of all kinds bon -M au , K . ' Ihe public attention is respe. t-ully . T stock, which will be founds be Fresh bllu I '-' prices and will be sold at correspond:-; •Ft ,J fV Towandi.Jnly 17,1866. " JW nite, THE UNDERSIGNED IUVFOPFV^ F a M ASf'of " 0 Co! ToWiDdil Un ' J '- r •'" They are prepared to draw Bills ol Fx , make collections in New York, Philadelphia ' portions of the United States, as also L7vJ many, and 1- rauce. To Loan mouey, r c and to do a general Banking bufiues, " ■ G. F Mason was one ol ihe late firm ol MaaonACo.,of lowanda.Pa., and lis k the business men of Bradford and adj .inii, ' and having been in the banking basiue.,, ..' teen years, make this house >' d -sirab'e i, which to maki- coUecti>iiA. Towanda, Oct. 1, 1566. A (J"KAP PARAGE""'FROM (j}; IRELAND OR ENGLAND ! GUIONIAiCO.'s LINK OF STKAMSHIi'S t A j)l „k TOWN OB LIVKBFOOL. Williams 4 Guion's old "Black Star bin-" . pool Packets, sailing every week. : Swallow-tail Line of Packets from or to London ing twice'a mouth. Remittances to England, Irelaa dyad - o-bn i able on demand. '-.mu, paj For.further particulars, apply to WiU ams Jc (, I'J Broadway, New-Yor ; , or 0.1.1, IMS. °- '■ " ISOSI E 1 VARaa "VTOTICE.—ALL PERSONS ARE HERt A.X by cautioned against buying or nc w .ti," cettain Note, given by Henry P. yaigiev, w -' F I'uneis R. Alger, for sao,dated about rbe lotb • - 1866, due nine months at e.- date. The pay ment' note has been slopped, as it was obtain*! t" roan;. F raucis R. Alger by fraud aud deceit. Towau ii, r>-p'. 21, F*66, FttAXCD It .Ai,i, LA LOUR ! FLOUR I FLOUR l-ln A. ol the high price of wheat we have ta iug to produce an extra quality ol iiye Fi-.ur of our customers disposed to economise. Wei,,'- it so white as to be scarcely distinguishable ,i wheat flour. Try some. Flour from White Winter Wheat, also Ik U flour, l orn meal and different kinds ol Feedbr- Cash paid lor all kinds of grain. „ H, B. ISGUAM Cascade Mills, Camptown, June 11,166 i. LUMBER AND CORD WOOD w ED —1 "j (SiU feet of Maple and Bas> w ; We also will buy any quantify of Maple j-;i * - Birch cord wood, eight to twelve let-t iuag, t than 5 inches at top or 16 a! butt. cords Dog Wood. Fur further particulars enqaireg' HAWES BROIHKII- Oct. 15, !-< 6. Turning Mill, Mo roetoa, F. BUCKS i VALUABLE BUCKS F. SALE.—The subscriber his on hand eighteen ; class Bucki, and persons wishing to pur;ha-e uv -• the services of first class stick, will find it to &, vantage to call, as he uas full blood Leicester *ui :... blood Oxfordshire, and a cross between the tiro, i, •. ing iu age (rom six months to four years, and is from flu to SSO. Sheep breeders reflect. Ilem-a it costs the same to r