g^nruiiuntl. Notes fcr October. "October! e'en thy very name, Is syllabled into the ear In litjui'l sweetness ; and the same Sweet promise ripens in our cheer. We see thee in thy deap-liued dress ; Wo hear thee in thy plaintive breeze ; We taste thee in the mellowness That drops from thy rich, burdened trees." As August is appropriately styled the golden month of summer, so may we, with tli" same fitness, speak of this month in most localities, where the Observer is re ceived, as the golden month of autumn. The labors of October, both on the farm od with gurdners, are various,and require timely attention. As winter fruit, iu most parts of the country, is unusually poor the present season, the crop should be secured with the greater care and thankfulness.— IV rs and apples should be handled as care fully as eggs ; ami after the fruit has been plucked, always by hand, from the trees, i' should not be poured, as it usually is, into barrels, or boxes, as falling on the bottom, • it- on other fruit, will often bruise the skin us much as to drop from the trees. Another thing of great importance when plucking fruit,is care of the fruit-buds,near tii iruit. Few people ever think of this important consideration The fruit-buds that will produce the crop next season, are found close by the stems of the ripe fruit. Now if thor-e buds are injured in any way, there will be no fruit next season. Careless employes, when plucking fruit, seldom, or never think, if they tear off a large stem of the fruit branches, that they are destroying the crop of fruit for next season. But it is nevertheless true Where fruit is shaken, or beaten or beaten off violently, so that many of the fruit-buds are separated from 1 the branches, no fruit will appear on those twigs, within two or three years ; and per haps never again. Boys, and men also, s! mid have this thought vividly impressed their minds when they are gathering fmit, that if they break off the buds near the fruit, they destroy the crop for next season. Turnips and carrots should receive atten tion the early part of this month. If a sec ond crop of weeds has appeared, let them be pulled up, not hoed, as the soil around turnips and carrots, at this season of the year, is full of numerous small roots, which the hoe would sever. Carrots and turnips enlarge rapidly during the month of Octo ber ; and a careful person should pass be tween the rows and pull up the supernume rary plants, as one good turnip of fair size is better than two inferior ones. Weeds are pushing, at this season of the year, as if it were now or never, with them. If the b ps are not more than six inches high, grind and whet the scythe, as for mowing grass, and cut the stems close to the groud. Mowing weeds in autumn hurts their growth wonderfully. As the weather becomes colder,aud driv ing storms prevail, domestic animals re quire extra care and protection, especially during cold nights. At ndcr horse, ex posed to a cold, October storm,for only one night, Contracts a cold that ruins his con stitution. Milch cows, if protected during stormy nights, w ill yield much more mi.k, than when compelled to stand or lie on the cold and wet ground during a long and chilling storm. Colts, calves and lambs, in latitudes North of Now York city, require protect ion from storms, even in the month of Octo ber. Thirty Yi ;rs ago, farmers thought all 1 fieir animals must be exposed to polling storms, in order to "toughen them" for wiu • r. But they have found it is infinitely t. tter, in every respect, to protect tlietn with comfortable sheds. Neat cattle that are to be slaughtered ii xt month,should be f< d four to six quarts ying nothing oi the economy of painting, il is an excellent practice to apply a thin coat of paint to all the wood work of the kitchen, once in i! or !> years. Good paint always saves much hard labor in keeping such parts of a house clean. Some doors that are used often, need painting every year, to keep them at all decent. It is not I'i st to put oil thick, heavy coats, as these ate needlessly expensive, and after a few years will lock bad. The same amount o! paint, applied often in thin coats will bok better and cost little more. V. here wood work is much spoiled, espe ially by hands not scrupulously clean, it is sometimes dilllcult to make even the best of paint hold well. It will dry soon enough, j but will afterwards peel off, for paint w ill not adhere well to a dirty, greasy surface. This is particulary the case in rooms,where washing and cooking are usually carried oil. In order to make paint stick and become about as firm as the wood* itself, wash the surface thoroughly with moderately strong ley, using a short swab, then wipe it off with a cloth wrung out in fresh water.— Tins will remove all grease and dirt that prevent the paint from taking a firm hold. 1 aint lor such places should be made of the best white lead, mixed to the consist ence of thin cream, with two parts of the best boiled linseed oil,and one part of good lacquer, or "liquid drier." Such paint will dry in one day,aud*become sufficiently hard to handle in a few days. A very "small quantity of lamp black will make a beauti ful lead color. \ ollow ochre may be added until the paint is of tin- desired" shade for painting mop-boards, or wainscoating.-- i'urc white lead for the body will make a I more durable paint for lloors than most oth kinds. The use of zinc-white, which is much suj i-riur to white lead in some situa tions, as for instance in privies, is attended I y a little difiieulty, because it must be ap plied very thick t. cover well, when used | alone ; but a second coat, not so thick,may | 1. put on over other paint, and it will give ! greater brilliance and will not tarnish Horn sulphurous gases frequently rising from sink-drains, etc., nor from the exclusion of j light, which causes white lead paiuttoturn yi 1 low.— S. K. Todd, in Country Gentle man. MANURING ORCHARDS —The best time to manure an orchard is just as the trees are making their growth in spring. It is usu- j ally more convenient to haul manure in winter when the ground is frozen,aud there is more time tor the work, hence it is fre quently done at that time, though at some waste of manure. ASPARAGUS. (ut the tops when growth c<-ases and bum then . Cover the beds with littery manure. Insurance. moWANDA INSURANCE AGENCY. H. B. M'KEAN Agent for the following well known and reliable Insur ance Companies : NKW ENGLAND INSURANCE CO.— Hartford, Conn. ASKTTS 244,078 15 KENSINGTON INSURANCE CO.— Philadelphia. WYOMING INSURANCE COMPANY. Wilkes-Barre, Penn'a. Capital and Surplus $150,000 ASSETS. Stock not called in - $50,000 Bills receivable 40,000 IT. 8. 5-20 Bonds ...... 25,000 Temporary and call Loans .... 6,000 103 shares Wyoming Bank Stock - - - 6,180 50 shares Pirst Nat. Bank at Wilkes-Barre, - 5,000 70 " Sec. " " " - - 7,000 ■l6 shares Wilks-Barre Bridge Stock - - 2,580 Ileal Estate 1,519 Judgments 102 Due from Agents and others - • - 7,414 Cash in hand and in Bank 1,842 DIRECTORS. G. M. Hollenback, L. D. Shoemaker, 11. D. Lacoe, John Richards, H. M. Hoyt, Charles A. Miner, Samuel YVadhains, j O.Collins, Stewart Pierce, j Chas. Dorrance, Wm. S. Ross, 1 G.M.Harding. G. M. HOLLENBACK, President. L. D. SHOEMAKER, Vice-President. R. C- SMITH , Sec'y. 11. B. M'KKAN. Agent, Towanda, Pa. LUZERNE INSURANCE AGENCY. /ETNA INSURANCE CO.— Hartford, ASSETS $3 ,000,000 FULTON INSURANCE CO.— Neio York, CASH CAPITLA $300,008 METROPOLITAN INSURANCE CO., CAPITAL $1,4000,000 ROYAL INSURANCE CO., CAPITAL $10,000,000 LIVERPOOL & LONDON INS. CO., CAPITAL $5,000,000 LIFE INSUR TNCE—CONNECTICUT MUTUAL. ASSETS $5,000,000 Sir" Policies issued for the A-ltua, Fulton and Metre- I politon, and orders received for ln.sur.ince upon favora i ble terms. If.C. -MITII, Agent, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. H. B. M'KEAN, Agent, for the above Companies at | Towanda, Pa. i HOMER CAMP, Agent, Camptowu, Pa. j Sept. yes. _ IpiRE, LIFE, ii;i>l ACCIDENTAL INSUR ANCE. CAPITAL REPRESENTED OVER SEVENTEEN MiI.LION DOLLARS! C. S. RUSSELL, Agent, FOR TIIE FOLLOWING NAMF.D RELIABLE COM PAN VS : J (XIRAKD FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY ) Philadelphia, J j Capital and surplus, over $350,000 ' HOME INSURANCE COMPANY ) Of New-York. j Capital and surplus, over $3,750,000 INSURANCE COMEANY OF NORTH AMERICA, I Philadelphia. J Capital and surplus, over $1,700,000 MANHATTAN INSURANCE COMPANY, I Of New-York. j Capital and surplus, over $900,000 ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY, I Of Philadelphia. j Capita] and surplus, over $350,000 ARTIC INSURANCE COMPANY, 1 Of Neip- York. f Capital and surplus, over $750,000 PUTNAM INSURANCE COMPANY, / Of Hartford, Conn, f Capital aud surplus, over $701,000 MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, I Of New-York. j Capital and surplus, over $9,000,000 TRAVELLERS INSURANCE COMPANY, I Of Hartford, Conn. j Capital and surplus, over SGOO,OOO Risk* taken on all kinds of Properly, at as low rates as by any other reliable Companies. Ko' Policies issued and Losses, if any, adjusted at tiiis Agency, thereby saving the trouble and expense.of going elsewhereffor settlement. Office at the Hard where Store of Codding A Russell C. S. RUSSELL. ! Towanda, l-Yb.,7, I>6G.- -if rriOWANDA INSURANCE AGENCY! Policies issued, J Losses adjusted and promptly paid, by H. li. MKEAN, Agent, Of the following well known and reliable Companies. Office Montanye's Block. Aggregati Amount of Capital $17,000,000 ' .EKTNA INSURANCE COMPANY, I Hartford, Conn., j ! Capital $4,000,000 NIAGARA INSURANCE COMPANY, I .Vein I'o?/.", J Capital $1,240,000 NEW ENGLAND INSURANCE COMPANY, | llartfoul. Conn., J Capital $200,000 j WYOMING INSURANCE COMPANY, ) tVitkes-Bari e, Pa., J I Capital $150,000 1 NORTH AMERICAN TRANSIT INSURANCE CO., ) (Accidental) y Philadelphia, I • Capital $500,000 ! CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., ) Ila/tfortlj Conn., \ ! Capital $10,000,000 KENSINTON FIRE INSURANCE CO., ) Philadelphia, ( , Capita! $300,000 Towanda, Feb. 20, I*66—ff |IPII E INSURANCE COMPANY OF } A NORTH AMERICA, i Office No. 242 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. - This Company are now prosecuting the business of 1 Insurance from loss or damage l.y FIRE on Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, Ac., throughout the Stote'of j Pennsylvania, on liberaltermajor longorshort periods; I or permanently of Buildings, by a deposit of Premium. llie prompt payment of claims for losses during the ; period of nearly 70 years that the Company has been in : esistence. entitles them to the confidence of the public. DIRECTORS.— Arthur G. Coffin, Samuel W. Jones, John A Brown, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, Jno. If. Xeff, i Richard D. Wood, Wm. Welsh, Wm. E. Bowen, James N. Dickson, S.Morris Wain, John Mason, Geo. L. Aar rison, Francis 11. Cope, Edward U. Trotter. Edward S. | Clarke, Wm. Cummings. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, I'res'nt. C. S. IIUSSELL, Agent, Towanda. FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE I XSURANCE COMPANY OF MIDDLE PENNSYLVANIA, Office in Danville, Montour County, Penn'a. Capital .... $357,000 00 The Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Mid dle Pennsylvania was incorporated by the Pennsylvania Legislature, in the year lss'J, for the Mutual Insurance of Country property only, aud immediately thereafter commenced its operations on that principle, which has been strictly adhered to since. Ail losses have been promptly paid out of the Premi ums collected on application for insurance without mak ing any assessments. The,lnsurance of Country proper .y only, the low rates charged for Insurance,and the prompt payment of losses are deemed a sufficient recommendation of the Farmer< Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Middle Penns lva nia, to all owners cf safe do s country properly. P. JOHNSON, Sec'y. W'M. FFLMER, Prcs't. C. M. MANVILLE. March 5, 66. Agent, Towanda, Pa. | TTNION CARRIAGE SHO£ AT ALBA, PENN'A. The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Western Bradford that he has commenced the Carriage and Wagon manufacturing business, in all its various i branches in Alba borough, in the shop north of the ; Union Hotel. His foreman in the wood-shop will be N. IM. REYNOLDS, who is well known to the people of this vicinity, having been in the business for the last 10 year-. He will manufacture to order, and keep constant ly on hand the latest styles of Buggys, both top and 1 open, Platform, Democrat and .Skeleton Wagons, Sleighs, Cutters.ic. His work will be done bv the most ex perienced workmen, and great care will be taken in pro : furring the best timber, and the most substantial ma terials. He intends that the work turned out at his shop for style, durability and cheapness, shall not be excelled in the County. REPAIRING of all kinds done with des patch , in a subtantial manner on reasonable terms Give us a cad. JAMES McINTYRE. Alba, Bradford County, Pa., Feb. 20, ISGG ly I r UT II EE'S M ILLS, BURLINGTON, PA . The proprietor, hiving rel uilt his Flouring Mill in Bur | lington. and taken pains in selecting articles, and the j most improved machinery, it is now completed in order I for all kinds of Flouring. CUSTOM WORK DONE AT SHORT NOTICE. ! with cheerful attendants, who will see to your wants in ! ■ good order and with general satisfaction. ] Cash paid for Grain. | April 17, lbCt?. KOSWELL LUTHER. 1 tjarfcroarc. JTARDWAE& CODDING k BUSSELL HAVE A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS, To which additions arc daily being made, which they oQer cheap for Cash. A large assortment of COOKING STOVEB, Among the many desirable and beautiful patterns is the CELECB A YE! > AMERICA N This beautiful stove is unsurpassed for economy in fuel; is a perfect hakei ; i.. i!.e !>c-t COOK STOVE in the market. Among tie ii he •.g Stoves may be found 1 a great variety suitable fortmry place where stoves are used. STOVE PIPE AND SHEET IRON WORK, Always on hand and made to ord'. v. T I N W ARE, A large stock manufactured m i the very Loot mat and by experienced workmen. A very ful • IRON, NIALS AND STEEL At New York prices. HOUSE AND CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS. TOOLS FOR THE FARM EH, Tools lor the House Joiner and Carpenter—Tools for Blacksmiths'—Tools (or ev, rybody. WINDOW SASH AND GLASS, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES, MACHINE OIL AND BENZOLE, KEROSENE OIL, LAMPS. WICKS AND CHIMNEY; - BELTING, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, BRITTANNIA AND PLATED WARE, Pumps, Lead Pipe, ' twin Pimps, Water Pipes, Grindstones and fixtures, K E R O S E N E L A N T E it N S , JOB WORK douc with dispatch. Lamps repaired. Fluid Lampsand Lanterns altered aud fitted to burn K<- rosene. Grain, Old Iron, Casting and Wrought Scraps, Copper, Brass, Brittanniu, Beeswax. Feathers and Rags taken in exchange for goods. Highest price in cash paid for Sheep Pelts and Furs 1W OUR GOODS have (in purchased on the pay dowu system and will be sold for READY PAY. JOHN A. CODDING, I CODDING & ROSE!.!,, c. i 5. RUSSELL. \ To wall da, March 10, i*OT JJARSIIAL BFC T HERS & CO., DKAI.KKS IN II A R I) W A R E ! TIN, COPPER,. SHEET IKON, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, ! TOWANDA, PENN'A. Store one door south of the Port Office. R. T. NAKSIIALL. W. K. MAUHIIAI.L. M. M. MBKCI B. MARSHALL BROTHERS & CO., Wish to call the attention of the public to their new Stock of HARDWARE, FARMING IMPLIMENTS, BLACK SMITHS' TOOLS, and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. Also, a large assortment of Window Glass, Sash, Paints, Oils, 'Putty, Varnishes, and Paint and Varnish Brushes of all kinds, which will be sold lor the lowest O ■ -h price. Aiso, a fiiLe assortment of KEROSENE LAMP S oi every style and pattern to i alt the public.. Lamps repaired and changed from Oil and Fluid ,o Kerosene. Particular attention paid to the manufacturing ol all kinds of • TIN WAII E . JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. We have on hand a lire article of, G LA S S FRUIT J V i:S, with improved self-scaling corks, and II E RMET IC A L S KALI X G C A N - , which is one cf the best cans used. June 20, 1X65. j3l)otcgrapl)o. gOMET II IX G XE W A T GEORGE H. WOOD'S PII O T 0G R A FIIIC G A L L E R Y , TOWANDA, PA. He has the pleasure of -informing bis "hi friends and patrons, that lie is now prepared to make the new and beautiful style ol GE M PERR () T Y FE S , mounted or, cards very cheap. Also, Melainotypes for Lockets, Cases.or Frames,as well as all kinds of P II 0 T 0 G R A P 11 S AS BEFOREIN T U BEST S T Y I, E O F A R T . Views taken c.f Houses on short notice. CO P Y 1 X G I) 0 X E T 0 0RI) E R In a few days. A LI. WO R K WAItIfA NTE D . Albums kept on hand and will be sold ch< ap. G. H. WOOD. Dec. C, 1964. pII OTOG 11 A P 111 C GA L L EIIY D. W. HUGHES Informs the public that he has removed his Photograph ic Gallery, to Montanye's lot, cast side of M tin St.. two doors below Beidleman's Block, where he is now pre pared to take Photographic Likenesses in tlie highest styie of the art. Ambrotypes, Melainotypes, and Foreotypes, in Cards, taken in a superior manner. A good assortment of Photograph Albums, every styie, kept constantly on hand. Also Photographs distinguished public men, military and civil, for sale. Being now prepared to take Likenesses in. the best manner, he is confident that lie can give satisfaction to all who may call. Towanda, April 3; 18(16. JH" E W PLANING MILL. The undersigned having bnilt a'l nve and commodious Mill in the Borough of Towanda, and tilled it with ft In most modern and improved machinery, for the manufac ture of WINDOW SASH, & BLINDS, are prepared to fill orders, whether large or small, upon the shortest notice. We havt also a large variety <,> MOULDINGS, of the latest style u:d pattern, which in tan furnish much cheaper than they can be worked by hand. PLANING, TONGUEING. GROV'EING, AND SCROLL SAWING, and all ether work pertaining to Joinery, v. ill he done to snit our enstomers. Persons building, and not living L ore than twelve <>r fourteen miles distant, will find it largely for their ii'm est to buy of us. or bring their l imber and have it worked by our machinery. Bring your grist of Floor ing. or other lumber, and while your team is feeding have it ground cut and take it home with you. We will pay CASH for PINE A HEMLOCK LUMBER delivered at our lumber yard. Come aud see us or it you can't come, write. L. B. LODGERS A CO. Towanda, Feb. 8, 186-1. QEW IX G MA C FIXES! Having token the Agency of the two best Machines yet made. WHEELER & WILSON, AXD SINGER. We are now ready to supply all. WMACFUNKS SOLD AT NEW YORK PRICE "S* WNo nii- t. .e—the above makes an thk bk.-v The-..oru of these Machine- Is alike on both sides ami will not ravel, ju-t come and try it.~Qt W Silks, Thread, Oil, Soap, Needles. Oil Cans, Needle Ciii>es, ana extras kept on hand at our *3* We sell the thing that always pleases. -fc* Call and see our samples and get our prices. I „ n WICKHAM & BLACK, I Nov. -0. 1805. Towanda, TV | QUGARS IN EVERY STYLE FOR SALE L/ cheep, wholesale and retail, at FOX'S. "RUIST'S PHILADELPHIA GARDEN , X-* SEEDS lor sale uy ' March 7, Cti'. x. FOX. filer* !)anfor,< E W S P RING UU01 •- ! W. ROCKWiis.j., is receiving a large stock of Spring Goods it mi: great REDUCTION IN PRICES, and oilers tliem at corresponding prices. Comprising a well selected assortment ot LADIES' DRESS GOODS, DE LAINE, ALPACAS, T i AWNS, CIJALLAS, | THIBET ANDJCANTON CLOTII, ALPACA, BERAGE, POPLINS, TRIMMINGS & BUTTONS TO MATCH. CLOTHS, CASSIMFRES, SATTINETTS, TWEEDS, KENTUCKY JEANS. Ol all descriptions tor men an boy*. Y A N K E E N0 T I 0N s Too numerous to mention. 11 A R D W ARE, A good assort ment on md CROCK E R Y , Is in lull and complete supply. G R OCE R I E S. Teas, Codec, Sugar and Molasses, at gr< ally reduced prices. LEAT H E R , A supply of Sole aud Upper on i,....d. WOO I) E N W A R E , Tubs,JPails, Bru.c.is, Ac. TOYS FOR CHILDREN. Cabs, Carte, Cltai ■> uni ioysto please them all. April 9. 1866. (AO 0 I) II A R G A I N S AT WICK II A M A BLA C K 'S , Wishing to close out our stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, HATS AND CAPS, JIARDW ARE, AND BOOKS, We are now offering them at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. This is no i.umbu '. We bound to ell. A luigc NEW STOCK OF DRY GOODS AND CLOTHS, Jl'.sT OI'KXED. The largest stock ol CHINA, CROCKERY, AND YELLOW WARE, Ever brought to this market, will be opened in a FEW DAYS. Towanda,Oct.lß66. I "BH" E W SPRING G 0 0 D S ! J. W. TAVI.OR, Is just receiving a large and well selected stock of Spring Goods ot the best qualities, nnd choice styles, having purchased them when goods were the lowest, he feels Sully confident that he can sell to please all. A large aesortment of Kress Goods, variour colors and sty ice. A fine line ol French Poplins, the gem ol the season. Come and see them, all wool Alpacca Poplins, a gen eral assortment of BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS, 1 and a very great variety of other dies.- goods too nu merous to mention. A complete line of Mourning goods, Detains, Prints, Ginghams, BLACK Aj\l) WHITE BALMORALS, Hoop Skirtv i large quantities, from three yards to three and ah It around, and splendid assortment of GLOVES ANI) HOSIERY. Ladiet'and Gents kid gloves, Dross Trimirand Rut tons lo suit all. Ladies' Cloths, Brab, Black and White, aud Black Rcpellant Cloth, SPUING SIIA WLS, Bleached and Unbleached Muslin, Sheeting, Crash, Scotch Diapers, brown and white table liueu Napkins, and a lull line of White Goods, Jaconet, Nan.suok, Swiss, Mull, Victoria Lawn, Striped Muslin. Dimity t leked Musiin, a uice assortment ol BLACK AND COLORED DRESS SILKS. i A large quantity of Embroidery CHEAP. (ic-nt's Neck ! Ties, Paper Collars aud Hosiery. One ol the largest and i, best selected STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS I ever brought in this market aud cheap. All the latest ■ styles and novelties of the season. In Bonnets, Gipsies, ■ Ac., Ribbons, oc., Flowers to suit every one. White Embroidery, Iltods and Caps for infants, Ladies' and Misses' Hats, the Sailor,margaretta derby, and all styles . too numerous to mention. Having secured the services of MISS MOSUEIt, I feel confident we can please all, and all kinds ol Milinery work done on short notice. 1 j invite the people ot Towanda and vicinity to call and examine my stock of goods and judge for themselves ; no trouble to show goods, one door uorth of the Post Office. April 9, 1866. POCKET CUTTLE RY LOWER Til AN J. at any other establishment iu town, at the l NEWS ROOM. . -17 Drugs anb fTlc^icince. TJR. PORTER S OLD DRUG STORE, j Already admitted to be The largest,safest and most approved DRUG BOUSE IN KOBTHEBN PENNSYLVANIA, WITH Auestabliahed reputation for keeping the best medicine UNEQUALLED In its luciilt'es and apparatus for compounding and pre paring MEDICINE AND PRESCRIPTIONS, Conducted by thoroughly compuM at pers ms, whodt vo the rr.o' e u< ful at :■ :ttioß,pay the tri test regard to accuracy, and u-c only selected arti cles, and medicines of unques tioned parity, has become THE CASH DRUG STORE With prices revised to • irr< 1 ..ml with the market. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ALL AKTXCLKS WAKEiNTi.I) AS KLFKBSKfITEfI. By recent arrangements with tb.o Manufacturers, Impor ters or First Holders of Gone' 1 and Cash Purcha ses,tlie prici s will always be at the low est point for Prime.Goods. LOWER FIGURES THAN EVER IN PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS, DRUGS AND l>Yfc-STCFFS. Everything iu this extensive storJ trill be sold Cheng for Cash ! PRICES RBIICCID, VIZ: OF SOArS, PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, COMBS. rOCSET KNIVES AND liAZOKS, L A M P S A N I) M A T E RIALS FOR LIGHT. TRUSSES k SUPPORTERS, WINES AND LIQUORS, ONLY FOR MEDICINE. TOKACCO AND SNUFF. ALL THE POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES, TOOTII, SKIN ANI) ItAllt FIIKPAKATIOKS, FANCY ARTICLES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Eclectic, Botanic and Homaoputhic Medicines Spices, llbd Seed, Lump Shades and Garden Seeds. FISH TACKLE, AMMUNITION, Ac. Constituting the most complete assortment, embracing the gn at wants of the People, reduced iu Price, and revised for the Cash Syste, . DR. PORT ICR'S COAL OIL. DR. PORTER'S CAMP HEN E 1 DR. PORTER'S ALCOHOL! I)R. PORTER'S BURNING FLUID t Are Fresh, daily prepared, sud unrivalled by any in th: Market. DR. It) HT E 1 ' S PBE P A B ATIOSS 1 OIL FAMILY t'SK. Known as Safe and Reliable Remedies,are warranted to what they are intended to give satisfaction. ▼at : Di Porter's Pectoral Syrup price 50 cents Dr Porter's Family Embi atjoi " 35 " Dr Porter's Tonic r.lixer ''loo " Dr Porter's Worm Kyrt-p " 50 " Kr I'orttr's Coiup. Syr. llypophosphi'.t a.. " 100 " Dr Porter's Uterine Tonic " 150 " Dr Porter's Blackberry Balsam " " Dr Porter's Tooth Ache Drops " 25 Dr Porter's Cephalic Snuff. " 25 " Dr Pbrter's Tooth Powder " 50 " Dr Porters Tricogene " 59 ' Dr Porter's Tricoph'le " 50 " Dr Porter'B Shampoo •• •< Dr Porter's Ilea e and Cattle Lo:>n " * > Dr Porter's Horse and Cattle Powder " 35 " Dr Porter's Bed Bug Poison " 33 •• Dr Porters Black Ink " 25 Dr Porter's Cleansing Fluid " 37$ Dr Porter's Rat and Mice Poison " 35 Dr Porter'B Citrate Magnesia " 35 ■ Dr Porter's Worm Wafers << 3.-, •• MEDICAL ADVICE G-VEN GRATUITOUSLY AT THE OFFiOK. C uav; i. g inly .< r ,-fedii inc. i. .nk. . f . \ ■ fully announce to 1. s f rionds and *l l ■ pi biic thatno puin ball hi spar Ito - , iy r 'lie .iutiuimnce of theirccntidencc anl patronage, the C A S H 'it R U G PORE! . Snsnramc. ; rjn 1 E ,I:TNA AND XIIE FOJITLAND oBTA'A JXS! i; M'E COAITANY, liAi ■. i . • •. t L\.\* A rfSET S , JULY 1 , 18G G . | Cash on hand in bank ami with Agents,..s 257,320 00 I United States St sk 812,277 25 ... SLLt ......... ........ E.atii.rd Ban J7>. -In ' ; .Miscelk ui his Bank •!..- It!'.' ,■ 010) j .... Total ;7T.7';;G'7aa LiABILI T i i; S . Losses unaclja&lcd aud not dao $221,236 35 ! Net, XO. Income for last year (net) 62,933,399 94 . losses and Expenses f< r same time. $2,541,304 30 Total Loss* paid in -17 years .619,127,410 i".i V iz: Fire, 17,243,000 99. fnlsu d, $1,864,409 jO7. Government and State Taxi - paid 17:>,17- 34 Lo ; BY PORTLAND FILE, Ju.Y -TRA. ihe t-'t,i! :.n i ■ r .t ec vt p - i n pro perty th-troyed or dum re-ad i., . - !. ..n which s 1- vage will be about 5 per cent. Out total loss will not vary much from 6200 1 90, and ' being promptly adjust ed and paid. This sum is £ per cent, ppon the assets, a figure but slightly tx-i: : . : .a g..-.vrmuo.it and .--tate taxes paid l i t year, or a j roportion < ;-:al t) a 65000 los- ia' a compaiiy of i 11 a-. :s. The nee sity tor in '.r.u; o ami • v., ue of the wealthy, string corp ovti. ns, is forcibly illustrated by this fire Several weak Insurance Companies ate des trcyed. Portland has a population ol 35,000; —was handsomely bniit, mostly line brick or stons structures —pr ti .'.i Imd with ipwards nf ,!uu;) shade trees—bounded on three sides by water—indeed, iiur ally, a'..-.-.-: li-h.g ifaut ecean 1 with a good steam lire ile, a tment-yet it has 61b.000.009 of prop erty eonsu:. J in a few h jars—upmi a b iiJay when its pc.'plc aro k .-!. c.;;. ipk J - oil the Very nsiguificant cause ol .; c ntemptible firecracker. !' i, .-ril. t,:..! i.g :i in .l if., a that sweep ..way in aa .. hour.-, the arniugs ot years. Consiih i you; la-t iiiten-ts and give the .Etu'i gent a call if yo; need proper Insurance se. urity. Poii ies i.-. ucd at lair terms. H. B. MoKEAN, Agent. '4'owaiid.i, Aug. 11, 1566. Dnitcstrp rpWENTY-PIVE YEA RS EXPERIENCE X IN DENTISTRY. I. S. 8 iith, M. D., would r< - spectfully inform ink : of R:. J:..rd County tii.it he is permanently 1 >cs ted In Waverly, N.Y., where he b.i.-i been iu the practice hi spi !'< i r!!i >pa-t i irvi a-. He wu'iid .-.iy t'uat from U:- and uc . i | ;'.■■■( i eol 25 yei.is duration, lie i ' -uiliir with ;.l I the different styles of work done in • y a rid all Den til establishments in city or country, an '. is better pre pared tbau any other Dental operator in the vicinity so do work the best adapted to the many a- 1 < ffi 'ivnt cases that pre a nt themselves o!ltufime.s to ;'-e Dent'-t. aabennder tands the art ol makiug his own artifi U1 tectb, and ha < facilities tor doing the -ame. To those requiring under sets of teeth he would call attention to !i?s new kind < f work which consists ot porcelain tor both plate and teeth, and forming a continuous gum. it is more durable, mote natural in api i..'au c, aud much v tter adapted to the gum than any othi r kind l l work. Those in need of the same are invited to cadi and exam ine specimens. Teeth filled to last for yean and ottea t mes fsr lite. CMoroft >. n, ether, to.d Nilrovu -'.ride" administered with perfect safety, as over four hundred patient; within the lust fi .ry. .:. an testify. I will be in Towanda from t lie 15th to 30th of every month, at the office ; W.K. TAYLOR, (formerly oc cupied by Dr. O. i. V.'o l In;.':.) llavi.ig made arrange ment- v.i. i Mr. ifjii . i am prepared to do all work in the very bc.-t style, at Lis olnce. Nov. 27, 1865. yl, IYK. H. WESTON, DENTIST. Office X/ in Pulton's Block, over Bar.-tuw & Gore'; Dug and Chemical Blow. Ijan66 rjUIE OLD BAKERY REVIVED! PE'i'TES cY HOY EY, Are now receiving a frc-li supply of Nnts. Fruits and Candies, at the old Stand on Main Street opposite the Court House. Also an assortment of FAM I L Y (k ii OUEIi I E S , ; Such as Teas, Sugars, C'offec, S.iler.itus, Molasses, I Syrup, Spices, Ac., Ac., which will be sold as cheap as j can be bought in the borough ot Towanda or elsewhere. GOOD GREEN TEA FOB 61, PER POUND. Kept constantly on band, BREAD, BUSCUIT, PIES,CAKES, AC., AC., At the Towanda Bakery. Crackers by the barrel or pound, at the Bakery. : PETTES & HOVEY, | _May 7,' C.0.-if. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS AT COST, llfXatthe NEWSROOM, 1 (Saros. rpiIOMAS J. INGHAM, A TTO.R .V > J A'l' I.AW, LAPORTK.SuUivar Oi.nnty.lv. T\H.E.H. MASON, PH \ SICIA N-A Kb ( X> SURGE UN, Q(l t.. public. A duress by letter, or otherwis-. Canton, July 18, IMIS. PATRICK & RECK, AMNINA AT LAW, Offices In Union Block, Tnvanda, pa., formerly occupied by Hon. Win. ISlweU, and in Patrick's Mock Athens, Pa. They may be consulted at either place. H. w. rATities, apUH w. a. in:.:;. ÜB. McKEAN, ATTOBNE YA COXJN • SELLOR AT LAW, Towanda, Pa. Par ticular attention paid to busine:: in the Oi.-hens' Court. July 20, 18(16. nENRY PEET, Attorney al Law, lotmn la, Pa. jun'27, (16. W 11. CARNOCHAN, ATTORNEY T V • AT LAW, Troy,-Pa. Special attcntl to collecting claims against the Govern sent for Bounty, Back Pay and Pensions. Office alt 1-1. B. i' -.rsons, Esq. June 12, Im;s. 1 OVERTON Jr., Attorney a'. J Lain, Towanda, Pa. Office in Mnntanyf-s Block, over Frost's Store. July 13th, 1865 UENRY A. RECORD, \I. !)., Physician and Suigeoa, having j in. aantly located in To wanda. would respectlu'iy ollVr ti- prof- -ional -'-l-vus to the citizens of the pica a vicinity. Office, at J. A. Record's Store. Jan. 30, "06. lOIIN N. CALIFF, ATTORNEY AT tj LAW, Towanda, Pa. Also, Government Agent or the collection of Pensions, Bark Pay and Bounty. tor No charge unless successful. Office over the Post Office end News Boom. Dec. 1,1864. OI). STILES, M. 1)., Physician <£• Suryi an. • Warren Centre, Bradford County, Pa. I Offii sfoi nerly occupied by Dr. McKee Visits made : with promptness. Particolar attention given to the treatment 01 (. hroiiic ca.-es, and Diseases incident to 1c males and children. Office terms Cash. Dr. Stiles is a graduate of the "Philadelphia Univer sity oi Medicine and .Surgery." where bo mended two lull course, of Lectures, he also attended the cliuL.-.l lectures of the "Bleckley iio-pit ii" lcr two w inters and took as;- ial course on Bandaging, operative and mi , nor surge;y. D - T?DWARD MEEKS—AUCTIONEER.— JLi .\II h-iters addrc--vd to him at : agar Run, Brad . IPRANCIS E. POST, Painter, Towanda, X l'a, wall 10 years xper; ace, is c-uiident he can ■ i:.".. . papering,,. •. ta" Particular ait. ntiou paid to Jobbing in the country. April'6o. -furniture. 'XT E w A R RANGEMENT! AN A MAMMOTH FURNITURE STORE, : IN TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, FENN'A., j V.-ITD KHDUCKD PltlCiiri. JAM E S 0. FRO S T Would i- -.- ttally announce t • the pe-<; hoi Brad ford and the >• Ijoit-i.-.g •• .unties, that he has ; mim the Store, on the south side of the Public Square, for Tf.i-rly 1. Iby CHEST,'.'it WELLS ; ami also tut Store on Main Stre t, formerly occupied by J. W. Means as a U'vrcry Store, ..ad bavin,- , n.< ■ tc-d the .-ame, has now the lar. -t and best Furait :re Ware It-cm to be found thi- i-du 0, iltc • ity ui Nc,. Ytk. And he would lurtberiuoie am. -a • that he has in the same the iarg ■ . kot, 01 to i.-c .ad in Northern Pennsylvania, to v.iih ;. 11 ta:. 1 . ddi* '■ a will '-e made lr mll i.-t a, New-York IJ. sier v.; oti..-r pi sees t > numerous to men- I a allr hi ii v.i.il • old at lower jn;,--, than any <"ber • aii • tit ride 0: N './ York, v.iil .TI the saute quality 1 I g ous. My *••, . l>ts in part of MARBLE . : i MOOD TOP HALL bTAND>, DIN.NC tud EXTENSION TABLES CARD TABLES, PIANO .STOOLS, BUREAUS, STANDS, BEDSTEADS, Ac., Ac I Chairs of every variety and style, as cheap as the cheapt-t :nd good .>< 'he Eu.iuiehd t i-. : .ci Soto, ai-o Chestnut ; .n 1 t. 1 nd Reps, a' prit -,-s which y , on:; etition. Abo EASY' CHAIRS, and ROCKE CAMP CHAIRS and STOOLS, BOOK R ACKS, WHAT NO' 1 IRON BEDSTEVP . Children's Com:, ; . C! iidrcu's Cr- ■ v LOoKINO GLASSES, LOOKING GLAP-3 PLATES, PICTURE FRAMES, MOULDINGS, PHOT UIAI'H OVALS. STEEL ENGRAVINGS, CORDS and T \SSELS, In •. 'm: - : Vi. ia e |iu„ usually to be kai:id ins, first class Futniture Store. I shali also continue to man nta stare furniture .m ueital aud warrant the surra* • . ,-iv. satisfaction. The public are invited to call and examine for themselves, at the store, on Main street, two do - south ol Jlottb.nw- . motto is, quick sales and .small profits. Ready nude Coffins, Bar! 1 Cases, Coffin Plates and Handles, together with everything in the line of under taking constantly on hand, with tw > elegant Heareea. Fun misattonuid v, ithitt a circuit of 25 miles on rear on ible term ;. Towanda, Pa., June 20, 1865. JAMES O. FROST. ITU RE WARE-ROOMS ! uAV.LS M ' K: SSHN ...moiinccs to the pui.lic V-1 still continues to manufa tcre and keep on hand .1 lar > a .ortmcnt cf CA BINET FURNITURE, II ;. ur. , . ■ Bed.-teaur. Stands, Chairs, Ac., ol every de. criptiui which will be made of the best matt ri al-. iin he most workmanlike maimer. I invite the feectron oi the publi • to my work, wnicu shallue be surpssed in durability, ;lauy shop iu the count; y, and my prices will be found to be as iow as tiie time will admit. I!jady-maue Coffinsc. u-t.intiy on hand or :u.de to or der. A good Hearse will be furnished when desired. Aug. 15, 1 65. JJEW FURNITURE STORE ! H'.vmgn:.:, unit are W.ue-r00r.;.-! formerly oc •' )•*>• I'. N.Page, Ath ns.Pa., would now say to the patiena of the old Establishment that I have a com plete Stock of Goods, just received, embracing every thing in the FURNITURE LINE. My goods are new and well rejected, and for GOOD GOODS Will not be K:>ilerxo!d by any. C..11 and examine my stork before: pu--luring, i retain the Workmen oi the e>ld crtablishmeiit, and MR. N. I. HART v 5 il: have chaagee 0! 11 •* buryicss aud s>au i .;ae tilling, iu rhoit we havi the lim >t Sti ..k of Goods in our line west o! New York, con-b.-liug of Parlor Furniture, Chamber-Setts, Sofa;-, Bureaus, Maiblc-top Centre Tables, Extension aud Dining Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Mirrors, Picture Frames, Photograph Ovals, Cord and i assets, Steel F.ngravings, Oil Curtins, Toilet Stands, Work-Boxes, Pictures, &c. COFFINS AND LURI VL CASES. Our I i'ih.l \ Drparluii ui will at ail tiii.es l*e well -applied with ewrything iu that Hue. We 'ate the FINEST JIE A USE In t!ii-. r • tion. not cv •• ptiisg anything west ol New York, and will attend l-'unetals wit hit: a cit itit of 'licenty Mj Tt.o.i tea .cable terms. G. li. VOOUHIS. N. I. HAUT, Agent. Athens. Jan. 25, 1566.—1y ClotljhlQ. go® NEWS. iSiSJoN K\f|.' fl rur. rnice OF CIOTHIM, 'ONE DOWN WITII (; 0 ; V- 'a-! of good, well mud- a tu.,, 1 *<*nr: r t*; . marki: is now open f<„ p lMl , n TORE OF R. VV. EDDY, Bongbi since the fall t.: G ,!! : . -_c il. wHt eneb'e him to •!.• hisct stomei t.. low figures, and :hc dciiiu in prR- . *t, " : .. r-.' at. ,tylib, u'.u n la niutlr. No m ' 1 amy article guaranteed as ret ' My goad* me all I'Usenud 0, THE LATEST FAsIIION,- | And ujtuil to the best city custom made.,, t 1 sua! the Ve-l quality all wool Businei-.s SuiLi, B! >ck Frock f'<- t.*, I'la- Doe Pants and V. Linen C -ats. D , ten-, .-.ml J The La*' : SU.-T ■; ■ . Btruw, Panama end tilatb Hats Neglig*-c Shirts < !at Nt :k Tiet, l pendtrs, l.'r, a r Jtrj*.*.. • Eagiish Halt Hoee. Over All ,Ov ;r S !( . iterchfels, Ladh-.s Fine M ro; - . lu fact fiverytJiing usually toe.. ' iu",. GcnUcman'.s Fornishing b.ore. \' W" Goods at a fair price are cheap - 1' price. A!! goi.-i-sold at < v-j : . '.'T* '■ 'S tea- mg to make an ofier, but t-v.-rv or.- aato goods at the same pri'-, . ',' fc bcl'cii of t : c market. All of : _ ~ L mail- "d do>.\ n to 'bo gold iu- , aud will be sold regardiea.-,o! sa- ri fie.,-. It you want go, goods at a fair pric,', go to EDDY'S, whereyou will find ' i:n ready to show bis go;>ds smd ;il them too at th< ■ ...t , ... ure to corn pond with (J-; j:' • mind the p..;-- '■> imv " <), w , Clothing is al U. W. EDDI . •' , i'ow&nda , Jan. 7. 1865. / ILOTHING ! CLOI IILNG \ ii: -D5 MADE AND MADE TO ii.l*'fi J. M. COLLINS, Ist door South of Ci Ming A Ba.-j.-eil' ,h. : • , , j Iron*. New York a large aud attractive 1-- NEW WINTER CLOTHING. I Oar stock comprises every article worn by men and -PILOT AND BEAVER OVERGO' - ■ c T r.n, I'i Y BUSINESS SUITS oi •; •' s f,-, M uAL COATS, PANTS. VESI SH/RT-i COLLAR.-..VK Tl! 'V. ' 1 EL'S, DRAWi.: G K ,1 Tri FUIL XI S 111 X(J GOO I) ij Of every description. Especial attention is called to our si -.k of C 1 TTiis, CASSI MKR ES AND VI-s T' N , V-hb -we *.*.! ;kc- :p to order 01: short nolle A nice Uncoi Fancy Casßimers : tr Pante and r<,,r j Latest style Hats and 1 laps. Gents For Collars. f -j ■ c to order or ■-rt r : .. . Bear ia mind if yotTwish to bay Clothing CHEAP anc > go •! as r pres-uteu, call t Terms Cash. COl i i Towanda, Doc. 7. !- ;*>. I CHEAPNESS, STYLE A XT' 1n..! ;v i KOW !.- V;i/.S Itiis: T J ! YOUR CLOTHING < BEVY AT YOUR OWN I. - una IT TO ".111: I-LOFi.:., j Jnst received—a large stock of Fail and v terf 1 : iuget J. CORN'S Entnira Branch Clothi Store H ! ' : cues' c: the- <;, - M , hants 01 To'.-. : Eg 1 been hundred sixty-one i> -. e . . ; • •• .-ti • aper than any other mac. ■ :...p T' . .. h, ai,o lacy Vi. L'c SOJU ci.vj■ :&h F . goods are all mnnafacf u<-.- .* in E a tact re ... ■ . - CLOTHING, GEN S : ULNIcIUNG - car* ic., AC. TJutt is kept in air ct' - - in ; ■ .-.ia it, a free country ; there!otv it, !■-;■ theii trading where they cam do tb 1. . regvdlim . 111 d.- .r look, if old.' ■ . 1 iav.-i yottto c,)toe aii ! see mc—country as " \i\ -i ,iv I ted—every person, rich or pout. hgh r • . bead ■ mc are invited to call. At JOHN KHLAM'S Clothing Store, n xt d iorwfi.t Mercui , Dry GMain •**'•' • t. 1 i s.iniia. 1 N. B.—We wish to be understood, that we arei *3" Mo charge toi sh iwing our Goods. ■ . , j QllE AT REDUCTION in prices ot riPRIN'Cr AND SUMMER CLMTIIIXg, For Men and Boys w ... Most 01 these go; ds ,re manuli : -1 Kiev-sly u O U 11 TRADE. • Carriage and Kleigli Buildet would assui - ~ that ao pains will be . irid by the ibove !tbe eatabUshment worthy thefi •• tti ; f- v ilra as one ol the old firm for the patronage thus lar ded, we ho|*e to merit a vontuiuance 1 tb , N. B.—We, the undersign*d, being p; < " - ics, can manufacture and o&r to the pnblfc a I that will defy competition. craXDALL j'* G. Mi'jiil I"'' Alba Botougli, April 15, IbOO. iy-