Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 18, 1866, Image 2

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—On the 4th inst, the wife of Robert
Shumes, a farmer in Leu J nie County, Mich., took
1 r four children into a burn and cut their throats
with u razor, and then cut her own throat with the
s.tuie instrument. The mother and three of the
children are dead, and the fourth one cannot recov
er. The woman is believed to have been insane,
—"Dexter" the famous trotting- horse has
been making quick time in harness. At a Horse
Fair in Kalamazoo, Mich., he trotted in harness, a
mile in 2:21 4 miuutes, the quickest time on record
next to the renowned Flora Temple, who made her
mile on the same coarse, several years ago, in
—A little boy of Mr. Benjamin Howland,
of Lisle, on Saturday, Sept. 29, was severely injur
ed while in a saw mill, by hilling and striking his
hand on a saw which was in motion.
On Tuesday, 2d inst a jumping match
for SI,OOO came oil'in Olean, between Bob Way of
that place, and a man named Bortle, from Detroit,
Michigan. Bortle won in the trial,clearing twelve
feet and six inches at a stride. It is alleged by
Way's backers that he sold them out.
Secretary Browning lias decided that
all applicants for patents who conform to the Pat
ent most be receive 1, and that, as a class,
citizens of Southern States are not to be exclu
—Ciias. O'Couor and W. B. Read, of Jeff.
Davis' counsel, are reported in Washington, and it
js believed ar<. making arrangements to apply for a
writ of tuibe-jui corptis in his behalf. Judge Under
wood is also in the city.
—The safe of Adams' Express office in
Elion N. Y., was blown open on the 9tli, and was
robbed of S4OOO in revenue stamps, currency, Ac.
—The Directors of the Atlantic Telegraph
Company have been authorized by the sharehold
ers to apply to Parliament for power to increase
the nominal capital to £5,000,000, including the
existing capital. In fifty-five days ending Sept.2l
cable earned £40,048.
—Mexican news by the steamer Manhat
tan, from Vera Cruz September 30, says that Max
imilian takes a strong stand, and is reassured by
promises of French money, said to be on the way
to the capital. It is rumored that arrangements
have been perfected for the continuance of the bulk
of the French troops, who will enter the service of
—A Russian Commission is examining
the work of the municipal institutions in Canada.
—The Arlington Mill,in Lawrence, Mass.,
was burned ou the 9th. Loss $150,000 ; insured.
The Spanish War Department has
taken steps for the manufacture of the Prussian
needle gun.
—The British steamer Queen Victoria
founder d at sea October 4th, in a gale which com
menced on the morning of the 2d. The crew and
passengers were saved,and were taken to Baltimore
by the schooner James Gray, from Wilmington,
X. C.
—The funeral of the late Commodore
Stockton was attended at Princeton on the 10th,
when there was a great representation of distin
guished gentlemen from the State and from other
States. The obsequies were impressive. The in
terment was in Princeton Cemetery.
—Mr.Lincoln left Springfield for the Pres
idential chair at Washington, with the utterance,
•'let us believe that right makes might." Acting
on that faith his fame became so great, that the
world did him homage.
—Geo. M. Snow, for many years Com
mercial Editor of the N. Y. Tribune, died last week.
—Frank P. Blair was nominated on Sat
urday by the conservatives of St. Louis for the
Lower House Legislature.
—News from Japan informs us that rice
lias fallen "two boos per picul," if anybody knows
what that means.
—General Couch has been notified of bis
appointment as collector of the port of Boston.
—The cattle plague, as well as the chol
era, is devastating Hungary, Moravia and Gallieia.
Large orders for grain have been sent
to the United States from France.
—Maj.-Gen. Miles, who has recently re
ceived the appointment of Colonel in the Regular
Army, is now at liis home in Itoxbury, Mass. Five
years ago he was a clerk in a store in Boston, and
hud never seen military service. He received a
commission of Lieutenant in a volunteer regiment,
siml iroiu that position has fought his way up to
the full rank of Major-General.
—The Lafayette (lud.) Journal says the
apple crop in that vicinity is very abundant this
Reason, and a great deal of cider is being manufac
tured and brought to market. It is offered freely
jit prices ranging from $350 to $5 per barrel, ac
uding to quality.
—lt is Brevet Brig.-Gen. 11. M. Whittle
sey, of Detroit, and not Brevet Brig.-Gen. Elpha
let Whittlesey, of Maine, who has recently been
appointed Chief Quartermaster on the Staff of Ma
jor-Gen. Oliver 0. Howard.
—lion, llenry Wilson made a public pro
fession of the Christian religion on Sunday last,
nnd united with the Congregational Church in Bos
ton, of which Rev. Dr. Edward X. Kirk is pastor.
—-A report that Governor Swauu intends
to remove the Police Commissioners of Baltimore,
on the ground ot alleged official misconduct in '
making arrangements for the municipal election, is
exciting much discussion in political circles in
—The proceedings of the Roman Catho
lic Council in Baltimore, ar private, and are con
ducted in Latin.
—The Indian Bureau has received from
General W. F. Cloud, special agent appointed by
the Governor of Kansas, a detailed repor; of the
outrages perpetrated by the Indians. In several
instances murders have been committed. The
Pawnees,Ottoes and Omahas are the hostile tribes.
—The steamer Andrew Johnson, from
Xew Y'ork for Charleston, got ashore on Currituck
Beach, X. C. The passengers were all safely lan
—Policeman John Hipwell.of New York,
■was shot through the heart, by burglars, Thursday
morning early, at the corner of Broadway and
Tnird street.
--A telegram from the purser of the ill
fated steamer Evening Star states that only sixteen
persons, none of whom are women, are known to
l>e saved.
—The arsenal at Port au Prince explo
ded recently, and the greater part of the town was
destroyed by fire. The loss of life is reported to
have been very heavy.
—A lire at Wicc&sset, Me., yesterday
morning destroyed over fifty buildings, including
the custom house. Half of the business part of
the town is in ruins. The totul loss is #200,000.
—John Seyc, of Ohio, has been appoint
ed Consul General to Liberia.
—Messrs. Wyman and Budd, of New
York, and Mudge, of Massachusetts, huve been ap
pointed Commissioners to the Paris Exposition.
A number of sudden deaths have re
cently taken place at Annapolis, caused by impru
dence in the use of raw oysters, which the late
tains in that section have rendered unwholesome,
at the instance of minent physicians, the corpo
rate authorities have forbidden the bringing or of- '
fe/.r>g for sale of oysters nntil the Ist day of No-;
v*ml/<-r next.
JBradfuml fjkportct.
Towanda, Thursday, October 18, 1866.
Official returns from 40 and unofficial
from 26 of the GO Counties in Pennsylva
nia place the majority for Geary at 10,261.
The unreported official figures will not ma
terially change the result,
IT is with uo ordinary feelings of pride
and gratification that we call attention to
the official table of the vote cast in this
County, at the late election. It will be
seen that Gen. GEARY has a majority over
CLYMER of 4043 votes ; while Mr. ME Rent's
majority over Judge EI.WEI.I. is 3503 votes.
The aggregate vote is 10263, being the
largest ever polled in the County.
This gratifying result has been achieved
iu the face of the most extraordinary ef
forts on the part of the Copperheads to de
ceive the people and debauch public senti
ment. The candidate for Congress was se
lected with especial reference to the defeat
of Mr MERCUR, by drawing off Republican
votes. A long-time resident ot this County,
universally respected and esteemed, he had
been long enough removed from us, aud
upon the bench, to be lost sight of politi
cally, and consequently without an obnox
ious political record. Added to this, was
all manner of misrepresentation not only
of the Republican party, but of Mr. MER
CER'S votes in Congress, and a lavish use of
money, contributed from the office-holders
under the National Government.
Nor was the Copperhead party without
assistance from those who have acted with
the Republicans. While we have no
knowledge of the defection of a single vo
ter who has hitherto been looked upon as a
sound Republican, there wore a number of
men, under the lead of Mr. TRACY, who have
always indignantly scouted the idea of act
ing with the Copperheads, but who, this
fall threw off the mask they had hitherto
worn, and openly fought under the ban
ner of CLYMER. Their efforts to mislead
Republicans was a signal failure. We do
not belive that these men carried with
them a dozen votes.
The voters of this District have rallied,
not for the elevation of men, but to testify
their devotion to the principles of Freedom,
and their unwavering attachment to the
great cause for which they voted for years.
They have been inspired with a deep feel
ing of determination to sustain the men
who in Congress have sought to recon
struct the I 11 ion on such a basis as would
secure a lasting peace between the North
and the South —and with a desire to rebuke
the accidental occupant of the Presidential
chair. From this purpose neither the
threateiiiugs of power, nor the seductions
of place, could swerve them, but tliey have
spoken at the polls the voice of Freemen.
COLUMBIA COUNTY. —The friends of Mr.
EI.WELL expected important results in Col
umbia and Montour counties, from the ap
ostacy of ROBERT F. CI.ARK, and some other
hitherto proniiueut Republicans. The re
turns show that they reckoned without
their host, and that the Republican voters
of those counties are not to be led astray
at the beck and nod of selfish and treach
erous men. In Bloomsburg, where Mr.
CI.ARK and .Mr. EI.WELL both reside, GEARY
has 1 1 majority Mr. MERUURO —a difference
of (50 votes— j.joduced by the defection of
33 republicans, provided every Copperhead
voted for CI.YMER, which is not probable.
Ihe Republican says " A faction never
worked harder—never resorted to such un
scrupulous means—never brought stronger
pressure to bear upon the men under their
employ ; and yet with all these agencies
they really did not contiol twenty men be
sides themselves! And this is the "influ
ence" about which they boast "
FTAT" MR. CI.YMER made a speech at Phila
delphia just previous to the election, in
which he facetiously remarked that he had
been upon the " borders of the African dis
trict," as lie pleasantly termed these be
nighted Northern counties. Whereat bis
auditors laughed, as if he had perpetrated
a good joke. We should very much like
to see the smile which illumirated his
countenance as he beard the returns from
Bradford, 1 ioga and Susquehanna Counties.
Ihe laugh didn t come in, then, not much !
A majority of soOO votes, on the wrong
side, is not calculated to excite mirthful
emotions. The people of the " African dis
trict " arc now even with Mr. CI.YMER. lie
had his joke, before election. They, theirs,
at the polls.
A Washington dispatch to the Phila
delphia Ledger says : "Gen. Howard has
ordered the rents that have accrued upon
the property of JoHeph E. Davis, brother of
Jefferson Davis, to be paid to him from and
since the date of his pardou papers, which
l were issued ou the 28th of March last, but
not forwarded to him until early in Septem-
- her. The value of these rents is not far
' from $20,000 per annum ; so that, in effect,
, Davis receives probably as full, or nearly
as full an equivalent, as if the property it
self had been fully restored to him. The
question of the restoration of this property
has been before Gen. Howard for sometime,
but he prefers that another, and not him
self, shall order its restoration. lam told
that the property of Jefl'ersou Davis is also
included in the amount held or claimed by
his brother, one title covering the whole."
tnif The Hon. Isaac N. Arnold, Sixth Au
ditor of the Treasury, formerly Member of
Congress from Chicago, has resigned liis
Auditorship. Mr. Arnold was the life-long
friend of Abraham Lincoln, his chief com
petitor at the Illinois bar, and was select
ed by birn as the historian of his Adminis
tration. His appointment was the last one
made by Mr. Lincoln.
The following table contains the official
vote of this county at the election held on
Tuesday, 9tli iust., tor (h >vernor, Congress,
and Associate Judge. The entire Republi
can Count} 7 Ticket is elected by majorities
ranging from 3800 to 4000.
"nifmior. j<Jon-jrexs.\A. Judge
1 9■ G' K j<! 5'
DISTRICTS. 2 ' y 1 a 1 ?! 5 I a
i 7i 3 n ® M r
■ i ~ —I 5 !®
• i "* i a iX"
I::;|; 1 ; j ' :
Armenia ; 61 8 64j s' 65, ,v
Alba Borough j 43 j 3 41 1 37 .j
Athens twp ; 183 323 17!' "23'. 100
Athens Boro 93 93 90 10u'
Asylum 119j 110' 119 lis 117;
Albany j 151 70 153 7" I',
Burlington twp 194 30 190 32; 16S ; ;,.
Burlington 80r0'...! 42 , 24 38. 29 41 i %
Burlington West... I 140 30 137 1(1 13tij JJ
Canton twp 277 42 273 4c. 1 254'
Canton Boro ! 115 7 100 loj 119 ■;
Columbia 195 105 193 105 189 J ( H
Franklin ! 169j 113 100 113 102 JJ j
GranviUe, 240 38' 250 3c. 24s 3^
Herrick j 101 34 101 84 160
Leßoy ' 200 32 198 33 196 3]
Litchtiel.l 131 1091 133 110 130; 10 .
Leßaysville 80r0... 66 12 03 15 04 p_
Monroe twp ' 180 50 J7' > 54 ITO| 5]
Monroe Boro ' 48 15 48 15 48 j-
Orwell 273 35 204 48 271 •]
l'ike 32! 24 320 28 320 2-1
Ridgbury 208 87 214 82 208' #7
Rome twp 193 39 103 39 192 3;
Rome Boro 43 15 43 15! 42 J.J
Smithfield f 320 105 1 331 110 317 pa
Springfield 241 113 240 117 244 n;
South Creek 143, -17 143 17, 141 .p;
Sylvania Boro | 42 II 42, 11 42 ]]
Sheshequin 200 79 250 83 257 S(
Standing Stone 4' 148 50 1-11 49 ip
Terry 119 75 115 81 115 7^
Towanda twp 94 55 93 57 92, 51
Towanda Boro ; 217 135 217 13* 239 it]
Towanda North....] 81 42 81 -11 81® }•_
Troy twp i 238 100 210 107; 233 Jp
Troy Boro • 136; 02 134; 04; 130 c„ r
Toscarora 103 31 100 35 102; 3;
Ulster 131 103 134 101 131 >,)
Warren 230 01 236 01 230 0]
Windham 11l 98 145 90 112 <>■;
Wyalusing 212 104 204 110 208; 10;'
Wysox 118 111 110 110, 145 n ; -
Wells 118 142 110 115 nr. Ip
Wilmot ; 140 94 ltl 9! 110 0;
j j ! j I
Total 7134 3091 707* 3185J005 31K
Republicans in SMALL CAPS, Democrats in Roman,
The following is a list of Congressmen
chosen at the late election, CAKE, in the
Schuylkill, and COVODE, in the Fayette Dis
trict, are Radical gains. The delegatior
stands 18 Radicals, to 0 Democrats The
Lnzerne District will be contested by Alton
niAi.r>, (radical).
L Philadelphia... .Samuel J. Randall, Dem
V. "and Bucks— CALEß N. TAYLOR, "
A I. Lehigh, Ac., — B. Murkley lUtyt-r, Jim.
VII. Chester, Ac.—JOHN M. BROOMAI.L, Rad.
VIII. Berks— iMwrewe (Jetz, Di-ui
X. Schuylkill, Ac., —HENRYL. CAKE, Rad.
XI. Pike, Ac., — I). M. I "an AuLtn, Dcim.
XII. Luzerne, Ac., —(Contested).
XIII. Bradford, Ac., —ULYSSES MEKCT'b, R id.
XIV. Dauphin, Ac., —GEORGE F. M11.1.E8. Rad.
X\. \ork, Ac.,- — Adam ,/. OVo-vst;-. ~, , Dem.
XVI. Franklin, Ac., —Gen. Wll. 11. 17,, ~1/, Rad
XVII. Cambria, Ac., —DAVID J. MORI ELL, Rad.
XIX. Erie, Elk,Ac, —GI.KNNI W. BCHOFIKLD, Rad.
XX. Crawford, Ac , —DARWIN A. FINNEY, Rad.
XXI. Fayette, Ac.,—JOHN COVODE, Rad.
XXIV. Beaver, Ac., —GEO. V. LAWRENCE, Rad.
The following are the names and politi
cal complexion of the members ol' the Leg
islalure. It will be seen that the Union
majority on joint ballot, is !!o, which se
cures without doubt the election of a loyal
man as Senator to succeed COWAN.
District. District.
1 Wm McCandless, (O.); 17 E Billingfcll, (U.)
2 J E Ridgway, (U.) Gen. G WFisher,(U.
3C M Donovan, (O.) 18 A Iliestand Glatz,(o.
4 George Council, (1.) 19 D McConp.nghv. (U.)
5 W Worthington, (U.) 20 Alex. Stu zmun, (U.)
Horace Royer, (U.) ,21 Louis W Hull, (l.)
0 Oliver 1* James, (O.) Kirk Haines, (P.)
7 Geo. 15 Schall, (O.) 22 Harry White, (U.)
H Col. Jl> Davis, (O.) 23 Wm A Wallace, i ().)
9 Wm. M Randall, (O.) 21 "l'hos H Seariglit, (O.
10 Charlton Burnett, (O.) 25 Thus -J Bighaui, V L'.)
11 George Landon, (U.) Jas. L Graham, (Ci.)
12 L D Shoemaker, 'l'.) 20 Col. A W Taylor, (['.
13 Warren Cowles, (U.) 27 R A Browne. (U.)
14 John Walls, (O.) 28 Jas. C Brown, (U.)
15 Geo. D Jackson, (.0.) 29 M B Lowry, (1 .)
10 GI) Coleman, (U.) j
Union Senators, 24 ; Opposition, 12.
The Union party lose one Senator ii
Philadelphia and gain one in the Twenty
sixth District (Washington and Leaver 1.
Dist . 'C E Boyle, O.
1 Geo. W Ghegan, U. GREEXE.
2. Wm S Gregory, U. John Phelnu, 0.
4 W W Wart, U. JUMATA.
5 Wm B Ilood, 0. II S Wharton, U.
0 Jas. Freeborn, I'. James M Brown, I*.
7 James Subers, I". Indiana AND WEST MORE
8 Jas. N. Kerns. U. LAND.
9 G A Quigley, O. Cpt W C Gordon, U.
10 E W Davis, U. A W Kimmel, U.
11 W J Donohugh, U. Col T F Gallagher, U.
12 Alex. Adaire, U. LANCASTER.
13 Michael Mullin, O. David G Sta';y, U.
14 W M Worrall, U. Andrew Armstrong, U.
15 G Denaven, jr.. I', ('apt EI) Roath, U.
10 D Wallace, I*. John M Stebman, U.
17 Ed. G Lee, U. i.EBA NON.
18 J N. Marks, U. Capt J B Heily, U.
Nicholas Ileitzel, O. i James F Cline, O.
ALLEGHANY. John II l'ogel, O.
It A Colville, U. . EU.
Geo. S McKee. U. Samuel C Wignard, U.
Geo. Wilson, U. lames Marshall, U,
Wm. Peters. U. I John 11 Wright, U.
Samuel Chadwick, U LUZEUNE.
ARMSTRONG. 'Wm Breunad, O.
Lieut. F Mechling, U. David Koon, O.
BEUKS. John McHenry, O.
Richard L Jones, O. MERCER, I.AWUENCE, AND
Frederick llarner, O. BUTLER.
Henry B Rhoads, G. Josiah Mcl'herrin, U.
BUCKS. iJames A Leech, U.
Luther Calvin, O. W C Harbison, U.
F W Headman, O. I Henry Pillow, U.
G W Kinney, U. A D Markley, O.
James II Webb, U. ; Edwin Satterthwait, O.
Samuel McCamant, l". (Oliver II Meyers, ().
CAMBRIA. T D Barrington, O.
CENTRE. Col. F S Ktanibaugh, U.
Fred Kurtz, O. iMaj G A Skuman,°U.
C. Wogle, O. ;Kennedy Robinson, O.
FORREST. [Philip Green O.
m'KEAN. John Wheeler, TJ,
G O Deise, O. [John K Richards. U.
Xatban J Sharpies, I'. MING.
X A Pennypacker, l r . James T Cameron, C.
W B Waddell, 1". Jacob Keni-.edy, U.
J T Chase, I . John S Manu, I*.
J Boyd Espy, U. Dr. W T Humphrey, U.
Thomas Chalfant, O. > Dr. WI. Whann, U.
CUMBERLAND. J Col Harrison Allen, U.
DAUPHIN. Col M S Qnav, U.
II B Hoffman, P. jj l; Day, P.
Jeremiah Seeler, U. [Col John Ewing, U.
John II Barton, D. L Westbrook, O.
Col. D. B. McCeary, (*. Levi Maish, U.
Col. O. S. Woodaril, U. (Step .en G Boyd, O.
111 ion Representatives, <3. Opposition,
47. Union majority on joint ballot, 35.
HARRIS una:, Oct. !.—When the returns
announced the fact of Gen. John \V. Geary's
election as Governor of Pennsylvania, the
" Boys in Bl ie" formed a procession and
proceeded to the Jones House for the pur
pose of serenading him. When the hand
had ceased playing, Gen. Geary, who was
loudly culled for, appeared and responded
to the compliment in the following address:
FEI.T.OW-CITI/.ENS : As the candidate and
representative of the triumphant 1 nion
Republican party of Pennsylvania, i recip
rocate your cougratulations, and return
yin my sincere thanks for this greeting.
It is indeed a noble victory we have achiev
ed. We cannot too fervently and too 're
peatedly offer thanks to Almighty God for
tics new evidence of llis presence in the
midst of our national difficulties. The
same hand that guided us through the
sulfcrings and death of a causeless rebell
ion has led us safely through a new and
even more tremendous peril. The intelli
gence of the terrible overthrow of treason
in Pennsylvania—the sublime civic sequal
to the c.owning victory of Gettysburg
—the second and final surrender of the
Rebel sympathizers, will forever and justly
settle many disputed questions. It per
manently establishes the fact that the Gov
ernment of the Unitod States is vested in
the American people, and in their represen
tatives in Congress assembled, and not in
a corrupt Executive. And upon this strong
and granite foundation we shall now pro
ceed to fortify against the inroads of time
and the attacks of treason, the following
truths and covenants :
"That the Government of the people, hy
the people, and for the people, shall not
perish from the earth.
"That cruel and revengeful traitors, de
feated in battle, shall not be restored to
ruin the country they attempted to destroy.
"That when our forefathers declared
man capable of self-government, they re
jected the heresy of human Slavery, and
pledged equal political rights to all r'vir
"That hereafter the citizens represented
in the State and National 1. -gislatnivs
mpst be clothed with the rights of citiz u
"That all the agencies of the Govern
ment, civil and military, must 1 e j>• •iv r
ingly and sternly exercised to [ lotect, vin
dicate, and, if needs be, avenge onr op
pressed brothers in the South against th •
savage persecutions of Rebels who are
siiil so impenitent and delimit that even
Andrew Johnson fears to pardon tis m ?
"That this obligation is as sacred as
that which made the Roman citizen strong
and respected all over the world, and which
stimulates the British Government to day
to defend British subjects against oppress
ion and persecution, however remote and
however rem >rseless : that as we must
choose between those who will not yield
to the conquerors' terms in the recent in
surgent States and those who have fought
steadily for the Government and pray for
its protection, we gladly prefer tic men
who offered tie ir lives tor the llag to tie -a;
who continued to scorn and trample upon
The defeat of the sympathizers a gh treas
on, and the overthrow of an abandoned
anil ungrateful Executive in Pennsylva
nia, opens the whole Southern count.y to
the progressive people of the Vug with
their ten thousand intellectual and elevat
ing agencies, and better than this it s< ■
cures to the resident loyalists, white ai d
black, those natural and civil rights pl< dg.
Ed in the Declaration of j Independence a d
secured by the laws of the land. What
Peunsylvauian, who contributed tithe re
splendent majority we contemplate with
such gratitude and joy to-night will not
feel proud that to his vote and to his ener
gy mankind is indebted for these pried
blessings. Having fortified these great
truths against till future d mgers, it is f< i
us of Pennsylvania to maintain the for
ward position we have so proudly Won
Tne result proves that an intelligent people
cannot be drive i away from principle by
appeals to prejudice. But it fixes the fact
that more than all that profligacy and pro
scription in high places serve to arouse
popular indignation, and to strengthen
popular convictions. No ty: ant in unv agi
—not even that of Nero, whose iufamy is
written in the immortal pages of Seutonius,
ever descended so low in efforts to d. baud
or reached so high in his efforts to destroy
as Andrew Johnson. Strong in the stole:
power of a betrayed people, lie stretched
forth his arm, paralysing where he could
not purchase,and scourging when- he Could
not subdue. Our .State was converted in
to a market-places where tlx fli-■. > . , ho
people were proffered to them-adves
the price of their own degradation, and
where honest opinion was ostracized and
craven sycophancy disgustingly rewarded
/>! thin a/tempi to restore the traitors of l/o
South ami to rrrire the Coppi rhead of tin
North has jiroved to be a galranism so brut
thai his failure has consigned both to a </• • pri
death and to a darler grave than tha' thru oc
eupied before. The Commonwealth that has
resisted and defied such bribes and such
brutalities may well claim the proud title
of being the fortress oi American freedom.
But as I speak to you 1 feel that we an
not alone entitled to the laurels of tram
scendaut triumph. Indiana and Ohio com
plete the triumvirate as they compete for
the palm. Let us share it with them as
those who won the immortal battles ag;ffns(
rebellion shared equally the dangers and
the honors of the conflict. Now that wt
have done our duty, it will be easy foi
others to follow—easy, let us hope, fu
Maryland to hold the position so bravely
and so bloodily won during the war, and
now sought to be torn from her by returned
rebels and pensioned mercenaries ; easy
for Tennessee to retain arid rivet the splen
did post she has captured from a double
treason; easy for Delaware to cut loose
from the prejudices under which she has
groaned so long ; easy for Missouri to add
another page to her crimsoned yet immor
tal record ; and, above all, easy for the
patriots of the South to compel obedience
to the last generous proffer of the Ameri
can people in the new amendment of the
National Constitution.
At the shameful riot in Cairo, which
broke up the Union meeting addressed by
the Southern loyalists, the streets were
noisy long after midnight with hurrahs fur
Andrew Johnson,and cheers for Jeff. Davis
During the disturbance in front of the thea
ter,cries came from the crowd, "Takedown
that Yankee flag." In a like spirit in a riot
last Saturday in Indiaua the Rebel flag was
raised and the Union men driven out of the
tki>" A horse thief, who was arrested a
few days since at the railroad depot in Ed
dysville, lowa, alter handcuffs were placed
on his wrists, obtained permission to take
what he called ague medicine, which he
had in his pocket. It proved to be strych
nine, hut he refused remedies and died in
about half an hour in the greatest agony,
lie stated to the officer that he had served
one term in the Penitentiary and was de
termined not to serve another.
Almighty find, our Heavenly Father, lota
been pleased to vouchsafe to us as a peo
ple another year ut that national lift- which
is an indispensable condition of peace, se
curity and progress. That year, moreover,
has been crowned with many peculiar
blessings. The civil war that lias r< cpiitly
been among us, has not been anywhere re
opened. Foreign intervention iia* ceased
to excite alarm or apprehension. Intrusive
pestilence lias been benignly mitigated.—
Domestic tranquility has improved, senti
ments ol conciliation have largely prevail
ed, and affections of loyalty and patriotism
have been widely renewed. Our fieldß have
yielded quite abundantly ; our mining in
terests has been richly rewarded ; and wo
have been allowed to extend our rai road
system far into the interior recesses of the
country ; while our commerce has resum
ed its customary activity on foreign seas.
These gicut national blessings demand a
national acknowledgment.
Now, therefore, I, ANDREW JOHNSON, Pres
ident of the I nited States, do here by rec
ommend that THURSDAY, the 201 li day of No
vember next, be set apart and be observed
everywhere in the several States and Ter
ritories ol tiic I nited Slates by the people
thereof as a day ol thanksgiving and praise
to Almighty God, with due remembrance
that in His temple doth every man speak
of His honor.
1 recommend, also, that on the same sol
emn occasion we do humbly and devoutly
implore Him to grant to our nationa' coun
cils and to our whole people that divine
wisdom which alone can lead any nation
into the ways of all good.
in offering these national thanksgivings,
praises and supplications, we have the Di
vine assurance that the Lord rcmaineth a
King forever ; those that are meek shall
lie guide in judgment, and such as are
gentle shall He learn llis way. The Lord
shall giV strength to His people, and the
Lord r,! i.. 11 give to His people the blessing
oi peace.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set
t iy band and enured the seal of the United
States to be affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, this
eighth day of October, in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and six
ty-nix, and of the independence oi the Unit
ed States the ninety-first.
By the President:
WILLIAM 11. SEWARD, fiecrelary of Slatr.
hawk (Colorado) Mining Journal says the
second snow-storm of the season commen
ced on the 1 'Jth ult., at daylight. The
Journal adds : It would seem strange
to our friends in other parts of America,
alter being blessed with two or three
storms at this thm of the year, to see
green corn, tomatoes, green peas, Ac., for
sale in the stores and ■ n the streets ; an 1
last, but not least, w< to-day saw a gentle
youth, over whose { •*<•; -us bead scarce a
dozen summers bad gently parsed, seated
in quiet and conscious dignity (on the
ground) tciting a chunk of water-melon,
undisturbed bv so ;w, choh ra, or aii3 r other
man. Mich is life—in Colorado."
panied by his wile and child, was riding on
the voad bet we. n Columbus and Fall Rivet
V\ isconsin, one day last week, when twe
boys, aged twelve and fourteen, demanded
bis " money or Ins life," and no attentioi
being paid to their demand, grasped tin
bridles of their horses. The eldest thei
drew a revolver and fired, the ball coming
in close proximity to the gentleman's head
Tin rt port of tlm vca; it startled the team
which left tlie precocious urchins standing
by the roadside. The boys have been ar
The mail steamer Evening Star, Capt
Knupp, of the New York Steamship Com
pany's Star Line, sailed from New York
for New Orleans, Sept. 3, at 3 o'clock, p
m. She encountered a eev re gale at S
o'clock in tlie afternoon of the 2d inst.,
miles east of Tybeo Island. After weath
ering the storm some seventeen hours, slit
foundered at 0 o'clock on the morning ol
the 3d inst., with two hundred and seventy
souls on board, only seventeen of whom arc
known to have been saved.
fleij"* Gonzales and J Vll!cicr,the two Span
iards who murdered Senor Otero, also a
Spaniard, in the City Park, Brooklyn, abonl
a year ago,were exeuted at Raymond street
jail, Brooklyn. The execution passed oil
quietly in the presence of about four huri
drcd persons, without any specially note
w. i .by incident. A lull confession of guilt
was m el- by Pellicier, a day or two since,
in which ae implicates Gonzales and a man
named \ i •!<•. The laiter was a principal
witness against tlm two men who were ex
ffcro n^uatiscmcnts.
mOWANDA Nl RSERY. —-The snbscri-
A bcr would re.,peet'u'iy invite tile Attention of the
people ol Bradford to his fu-Hi: i,-s t..- snpplvingtfeea
with the best of every Unas' i l tbo line ot
I can supply anything wanted at shortest notice, . 1
ou as tivurable terms, to say the least, as can be h>d
liotn tii • bes tand most reliable New York Nursery
men. Do not neglect tlie v iluable an i 1 .seiius Small
Fruits, such as the celebrated
Provide your door yards and gardens with fine Rosea
Ornamental Shrubs and Flowers. Farmers! If you
neglect to ill ike your homes to your sons and
dangli'eis, b> filling to improve your every opportu
nity to aioru your grounds with the beautiful things
th is nature has provided fur your happiness with so
lavish a hand, you need not wonder that your children
will wish to leave you at an early age, and your seek
elsewhere lor that enjoyment th.t tiny ought to find u t
home, ii you plant Fruit Trees that have been raised
in your own e >uut.y and, are a Unrated, you will find
them more hardy and vigorous, and much more likely
to live than those that have to be brought trout long
distances. "
Will be ready fur distribution in a few days, and will
be supplied gratuitously to all my customers, or sent
to any one by mail, who send six cents in stamps
which does not pay one third of the cast u< the cat a
logue. It contains much valu ible intormition for t hoe
who desire to put out Fruit Trees, Ac.
Towanda. Pa., Oct. 0, 1868. R. M. WELLES.
XJ ED 100 iOO (eet ol Maple and Bass wood Lumber
We also will buy any quantiry of Maple and White
Birch cord wood, eight to twelve loot long, not less
than a inches at top or id at butt, tie also want 100
cords Dog Wood, for fnrthei particulars enquire at
Oct. 15, 18 it.. Turning Mill, Moaroetou, Pa.
A J ISS HI NT'S SCHOOL.-Circumst iiitces
i-'X having delayed the erection of the. new school
house, Miss Hunt, will re open ber school tor young la
dies at the old location, on Monday, September tbe 17 h
Terms:—English Branches $7 50 to $7 00. French anu
Latin .extra, each, $2 50 to $1 00. Also a charge for
'del. Towanda, Sept. 13, ImS(J.
da, Bradford coo ui,, take., this ineti.o.!.: re.i.n-i.. h:
Uniuks to the public lor their ci> li J ' '' >-
the past, and state tb it be has re-bo.!' Etibi-h
--raent that was destroyed by lire i. May t : 'rid
tins not hesitate to sty tint he now '•< 'lf bt 't ' :0.
Ivtkmtnl this vide of Philadelphia. as he lia - i. i u>
expense in lilting it up witti all tie- V •• •• lwpiuvt
meats. He now Colors and Fiashr.i by - s < ,-■ lit •
is far superior to the old rat-tlu i, as it pre !ud> , .a
possibility of injuiing goods by ... ui-ig. lie i. pre
pared,to do a l kind- ol wells. Ih tloo ao. every
description, such as Woo s Merinos, Delaines, Alp,,
.Siiks and Satius. Also, to ea.ior ali color* mtij shades.
To the Ladies he would say, bring mi your dresses
mid shaw to. and have the to cleaned or r*>\ ired to up
pear as good as new. To the Gcuileuie i, that he is pit -
ji red to do all kinds ol scouring and eoloring, ucb as
Coats, Vests and Pants, in the very best n. in
ner, aud to do Repairing on the most re.Mijiatifc Is jus
ay sou, Richard A. C-uiipton, wili can vans the Oi.ii
ty, ami ail work entru ted to him, or Kit with out
scent, W. A. Hock well, at T.,n idi. will he t. ken
away aud returned promptly . charg
References—A j Updcgran, V. Docbic
and others. Williarasport ; J. Mmtanye, .1. G. Puttoa,
M. H. •'4). lain, rlou. 0 >V ~n . i'ow.iilj,
Towandl. Pa /Oct. 5 , IBiC. - 3m.
O 11. VV". HUGHES, has litUsci ,i fin- ar (inmccly
occupied lor a Picture Gallery) i au laatnig tmloon,
where he intends to keep at! kinds of Refreshments
served up in the be.t style. lie his made an arrange
meut W*.th au ex-teusivo Oyster Dealer to famuli him
with the l est kind of Oysters directly trow Baltimore,
whereby he will be able to larnWi parties and famil :t
--ou the shortest notice. He has always on hiu 1 the j.
kind ol ale, cider aud domestic wiues, also ~ears, ceo
dies and nuts of all kinds Farmers .mJ others visit
ing Towania, will find it to tlu-ir int. res to . all al this
saloon to get then- meals, where they nm be accoutnit
da ed with he best of lure a' a cheap late- Cash piid
for all kinds ol fruit, chesuuts. A- Doe t lorget tilt
place, second dour soutu of tteidleiuuii s block, nearly
opposite Means House, llaiu sticet.
Towanda, Oct. t>, 1806.
A liIHTUR h NOTlCE— Daniel Gurrim
J.M. vs. Mary Ann Hi,hoy. in the Court, ol Common
Pleas of Bradtord County. No -ill, term, I tel.
The undersigned Auditor, appointed by \ Court tc
distribute uioaoys arising lrom .-sheriß's sale ol deien
fendaotsreal estate, will attend to the dutie of hi- iji
polntment at his office in the borough of To.. anJ.t,
Friday, November 10, 1660, at I o'clock p. m., at wlii- h
time aud place all persons having claims up.-u raid
moneys must present th ui or h. forever cebarred. *
O.t. 13, IsC. . Audi nr.
Still Manufacture the
II O It S E P 0 W E RS ,
The Best
FANNING Mi 1.!..;, ,c,,
Allot aliicli wo furnish at the Lowest Price:-.
CAM, A.l> SKK, AT tiik NEW SHOP.
Athens, Pa., Aug. 14, IB6o.—ti.
Bouaht.aud sold by
The Treasurer ol the United States is now converting
the lirat S-rios ... 7 3-10 Treasury Notes iu the 5-2'
Bonds of 1605. Holders ;u this vicinity who wish t<
haretbeir Notes eonremd, Can di-i'r.- catling nus
Aug. 20. 186.. Bank tie low •••■ i.
-Li inter, t ;u ll.e Book. St .tionary and News Store t.
Mi -Ai. i.V Barber, 1 tukupleasure iu recommend
iug them to the confidence of the public as genthmei
wortiiy their patronage.
Ail accounts ol the lute concern will lie settled by tat
at their store. JOHN J. GIUFFITHs.
Aug. 8,1800.
This large well known and favorite hotel, has been r
opened lor the accommodation ot the traveling pabli
It. lias been reiuruished aud retilted witli every convei:
iencc for the comfort ol guests. The table aud bar ar
supplied with the best the market affords, and no ertor
will he spared to give entire satislaction to ail who ? at
roioze the iioiisC. A few desirable rooms lor sumrne
borders. G.E.SMITH, I'rop'r.
Athens. Pa., March 22, 1866.
I. Camptown is in operation, farni.-l.ed thrdegtw..
with the most complete, thoroughly tested, cud high!
approved machinery aud fixtures, now in use in Ui
Uj.P. d Urates ; nniit rrupted by
man u;i loiv water.
Flour, Feed and Meal, always o Jat prr . :
responding to the cost ot Gram.
H. B. ING.. a...
May 7, 'CC.-ti-
Just receiv
'Bought for Cash,
Thankful for past favors. I would ic; ■ j t
tny old triends thut 1 hope By attiet atte tion and fa]
prices to merit a continuance vl their la .
TowanJa Feb. 2. . T. FOX.
n u N s II o l ;
J. V. Gms, would respectfully inform the pabli
that he has opened his
On tiie north side of the P :'iiie Square, mar the Cour
House, where may tie to iid Double and Single Bar relet
Cons. Rule.-, Rev liven, I'! Cartridges. Ac.
Keys fitted t i P.. rs, Trunks aud Padlock .
Part r-ular attention given to repairing, lal
work warranted. J. V. GEIGER.
Towanda, Aug. 26, lsu6 6m .
r\ISSOLI 1 lON.—Notice in hereby givet
XJ thai the partmrship lately existing between [>
Henry Baratowand W. n, 11. Gore ui Towanda, i'a.
unner the firm of Barstow & Gore, was diss Iv ! „„ tin
nth of September, lsoo. by motoal ebnwßt. All debti
owing j i the s.iid pai tiiersiiip are t> be receive-.i by sale
W. li. li Gore, and ail demands vu the .-aid ; ii er
ship are to be presented to said W. H H. Gore tor i v
meut, as lie is authorized to m ;tlr all debts due to ui
by the company. 1) H. BARSTOW,
Sept. 11, ivih. W. U. H. GORE.
*' The business will bti continued by W.H.H.GORI-1
who will keep a full assortment ot DRUGs & MEDI
CINKS, and every thing appertaining to the trade.
Thankful tor past liberal patronage, he hopes bv strict
attention to business to merit a continuance of the same
Orwell, Bradford Co., Pa„ will j romptly attend to ah
business in bis line. Particular attention given to ran
ning aud establishing oil or disputed lines. Also tc
surveying ol all unpatteuted lands as soon as warrant
are obtained.
May 17, 1866.
Ali tale aad efl ;• 11 remedy foi Diarrhea, Ch
Morbus, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Intantum, v r.uups
Spasms, Griping Pains in the Bowels, aad the ast anti
dote for CHOLERA.
The Great External Remedy ol the Ace. A certain
cine fur Neuraiiga,Quinsy, Croup.Fore Tii oat, Rheu
matism, Sprains, .swellings, Pleurisy .Crick in the Back,
Spinal Irntution", Cramps. Spasms, Numbness of the
Limbs, Chilblains, Ringworm, and the bc-t external ap
plication lor Dyphtberia. For sale by dealers in medi
Orders directed to J. A. Roy. Weilsbo:,), Pa.,or W.
D. Terbcll, Corning. N. Y., will receive prompt atten
tion. Sept. 20,1866.
Having purchased this well kn >w-n H .tel oa Bridge
Street, 1 have refurnished and refitted it with every
convenience for the accommodation ol all who may pat
ronize me. No pains will be spared to make all t ie„s
ant and agreeable. J. S. PATTERSON , Prop.
May 3, '66. —tf.
On Main Street, near the Court House.
C. T. SMITH, i'reprktor.
tut. S, 1866.
Q0 O D OUs TO M 800 TS,
And a ntw supply of Women's A'/iors,
Sept. 28,1666.
■ —l——.
fjl" Fit LIT G lio w K |;.
'*• B. SHFLbny,
/' MV "V' Bortri „n,l olhn- /„,... ,
u "'i O'Xutunlul 'JiI
A tier twelve years' experience sad ' „
'l; 0 .A, . .*i k>. s: • l(-a-:, I * il( i
lie tills V, w i
tented, auu is rectm.-m-nded i, v ,
The highly cuaccntraUc ..,i,
Ingredients (being cnmpi, | .
Alkalies) nukes it i:a
xibh* acquisition to ihr Fanner
cHL :ually cxtc; minute the i;, : , • "
of all rough h irk an.) n. . -
gt .-• .V- sr. , ... . "
Hut! In .Ithy growth to tbe tm-
We, the i.udei-sigr.ud, have ...
have been treated with p. ii. Mm
Uke pleasure ill -,r> in- tuat lb- tticci u ' ■
ah wonderful, imd believe it t. . "
covery, and • mid recommend it
Irui: and fruit tree-. We *o .lj i. ■ ' . ■
ar. person lily acquainted with p.
liici tu to a iauu ol i
a. cbnjiiii. Pntutmt, 8. .H a.. Waldo, < , Z" 1 " 1 ian
H. H. Fosketr '• ,l. i i
Wm.B. Pratt, •• . .. „ ■
George Ardell,
J. L. MeCarriek, • ti : i .'
J.B. JohsKe, Naples, Hon. Wn .
(ait of State of ii. Y.)
tar Individ . rl, Town. C
sale. Send ler Circular, Add
r. rt. SliKKi.o p
S?. B. liowt:, I't-nn Yon,. Y ' '■ - •
CAUTMN.—SOII.O persons hi. .
p-u Uj.u the j>u brie some v.oiin.
potting to >o e-(-ructive to .tor .n i -
it to farmers nt all kind' •
tonflslrsdtbpawMtgus having.; /
names attached thereto. The imbli t
that there is not, nor never ha ■••■' ,
that nrr priwrii) imrmiriilliul i'. B. j
OomponituMidn abundance of liviugwiti
tily, and it will ; ; uy ; , f-,- . ,
test therein t" ''j a';. J1 .. ) J , I
and aitiicr to * r.i-.hing c 7 l- *
the last live y ars. Any Infrti reme t <M
either m material or apj,.;.;,,:. „ v j ■
forced. ~'.
J. a l> .uking IF use in 'iV..-.,;.ea •
G. P. AtioG.. a CO.
I hey me prcpuiej to d:a - .v i>:
make collections in New fork, p.,
portions oi the United -tales,
I • •i .• . • ••ti • t 'ii. •;. A. J* l .ait t . ... .•
i" M.iV'N wa- o
Ma.-ou A Co., ot iowitt .ia, Pa., and .v i . ,
the busmen inen oi Gr. utoiii „ .
and navi.'jg Ijeen in the bunki;--
teen years make this house 0 .
which to make collections.
T w.mda, Oct. 1, ! -CI.
lIiELA.NI) OJ' ;
Gl'io.S X CO.'a LINE Ol ...AM . . ,
TOWN oit Livnr.i'i M
Williams Jt'Otc rM f: I; •
p Packets, sailing very w . .
, -tall I- U 0. I\; kcld it | t'J |
ing twice a mout i.
it •:ititi..:.ce to 1. ... J,.ir. ..;,.d cu . .-
able on demand 1 •
' c r particolai-. apply to \Vi,i „
4d i'ultch . Xc-A v. c .uf
G. I'. MA SOS A C'.
<Jo;. 1, lsbb. 1 ...
/\U"i ION -Wlli : .
. 118 . BJ
pruvucalico, 1.. jic'jy i>. i.-i .t. v • *;
Ulj a< • • a-t I will I y U'j i '
alter Ihte tiaU*. "
ii tilci* i. i I. 2, la-jo—iw.
a by cant n lapust
ceitain Xoie.g.vcu >.y ..euy . . ,
Francis fi. Alger, tor 150, dated ue l . '
WW, due nine hi cith"ai • • dat . m. .. .
note has btsea ■- topped, as it w - . j '
Fiaacis it. Alger by fcand ad deceit.
I'owsn . , s ■pt.'fl, 1 : v\.
toiil Vlj Icli.iC l)r N XF-. t .
ixti!>;:xt's oi ri: . .
There-is:! t itcPn j- r : .
go ia'o the regular h. 7 aor In; e .cli. 1
a.a:, ecr poetry, which .-av.,-. . i t .i.
will", 11 i'ii erv-. i,- 1 a . _T
batur idt: ol the spirit ot ie - • : ■
reports or earetul wrat-ves i evt . . am::- a;
This ithistrsMs the character Of the i ters, the ha to
of the sole iers, the devo im ot wo neo, the . inr y t
[men, the pluck ot ou. heioes, - . . hai
hips ol the aervice.
'iHe voluma i. pr lusely ill --r • : . - '
gravlngs by ta s first n tistj, which are ira ■ ■
ol themftcevet i c-th 17 *V •t v
ultr style ol L* vii-. - i'i 7 -ii Ki. id .look :
camp, p. c'. :.. 7 blvo.ta.-, -.lege rJ I
adveuti.:.-1: liinllitig I eats of bravery, w
.1. .....1 1.: .' . . ■ U.vaturt -. u
Am.;.- ... a...' .. - instruct i-a m:
every page as .rifjiWe de: .11. hrii'iset* .. '. .
i G history, are aaiinuily mtorwovea m .
i'ai.- viol! i"? it: -If. The ] -qi'e ar
; Ji-- -,ia w irk., and -i .* •
l-.i I.iaiii. .:d s-.aruiag. Go; ... .
d ivr circa! p.-. ffivin j . all i nrr
teams a all pro.! : too .. vo i-
Addrc-s, ' • HON Al. PL" it LI • ■ i
Oct. I, ..'7 ifinO. St., PhlUdel
XfOTrCE TO aliai
if |... v.-.d ne ic.-tivcd by the
tii w .;yot rlepteiabernext, or
..i. i i.;..iiiig a t
!•!. II 7 >u Hida may be made 7
Wood. Chutcit t-> be dntshuJ . y the first -
Towat.da, July lit, b- :>.
I flourl FLOI •
A' oi the high price of wheat >■•
lag to produce ou extra qnal.t t
oi our opstotcerrdisposedtc i
wheat floor. Try some.
Flour Tom White Winter Wheat,
finur, corn meat and diiferent kind
C'a-'i for all kihd.s ol grain.
il h > 11.
Limeade Jiills, Camp'owa, Jui cl. U
J*or &lllf.
0 K S A Ii E 0 ]: i. N •
A vaiiutble Hotel property, the si. ilord Hi•
Conn 'U-d with it art-two hares, a large :
tin sau i ' .vo vvt-lbs ol BiCt water i-'ei
ol f. P. -Mi l: .
May '24, 'JO.—ti.
SALE—TIie subsci
. ■
ititkt, nbout one hundred .u -. filtj mi i
There is a iiarr. or. tt lot and u
work lor a house. It w.ll be ..k
houcC tinished. F r lurther jiar:. !
subsci iber at his residence on the jr
i ■ M. ii A
To-,vauda June 20,
SALE. — Threshing Maciiii
J. Horse Power complete for slls -
\V. liramhali, one mile liom i-'ruukii:. ic
otrned by . E.White. J j !'•
AvJL ii >\ tig the .... : j r the -
sand acres ot the choices! I'i tie Ti. i
>ute cl .Michigan, I am prepared i ■ o'ci
incuts to llii'Sc a i,o wb- !i to invest tin i ...
will pay. Tlic-i ! ire atnang the
in theaginw and Mwkegon Va eys ■'
tloating streams, ami are now ; : i
purposes. Bttsiuess men an I ea, iuiisls • • 7
examine Um before investing their menus else*
For particulii icon ic ot or address
■KM A.N M< : -•
Lit hHeld, Pradford Cauutj
IjAAKiI lUil SALE, -tin* MtitMi ■'
; tcrs fw .N4.C the i irm on whieii be lives u> J*.
twp.,. mt ii ing a .ut 'JO acres, ai. imui'i
fifw pes (-ii the -ai - : 'ink •: the - •-> t :: t ' l '
aliuut I miles lu u . iwsuda. 11 t. a i , >
ealtivan n. wv.l !• u od aa.l w.tT- -J,
hnildings the>.eon erected, with an a'ti i
Will be eold en rest sable terms at an 7
this and the Ist oi Ueceuiber, aud it a>
will be tor rent, lie v. d give p■- • t y
tins fall, and the buildings next prl::.
particu an undress thesabse.-ibcr at i ->.va i • " .
t'ouuty, i'a. bAitb. '• • '-l.t.
Asylum, July '2!, IS at.
)ei F Boih r. in first rate order, toi >■ 1 ■'*'
the Whteriy f aniog Mill . , ...
Waverly, X. V., Aug. 14 lSoti.
\ r A LUABLE HOI 8E & LOI FOR S3 j 1
f —.The wlmeiibers oflhr tor sate in. :-•
known as the -James Mel'abe h">*.- ua
owned by Win. G irard, dec'J, >ituatc _
Frank lin and Second sts. Terms ol
by enquiring u the pivtnises ,
M ".UiV T.bGmlK uo
Aug. 7 l"l> I