glipifltltural Cheese making in England- Mr. Williard, who waa sent oat to obtain information on dairying in England,by the American Dairymen's Association, writes from Gloucester as follows : On the western side of the Cotswold hills, extending to the Severn liver, and fifteen or twenty miles in length, is what is called the Vale of Berkeley. It has every appear ance of having been in past time, covered with the sea. This valley is the chief dairy district of the country. The native cow is of a dark color, with a black nose and muz zle, short on the legs, is a thick set, well built animal, altogether a very useful beast, hut the short-horns and Herefords are re placing her. In the regular Gloucester dairies the cheese is made thin —eight of them only weighing oue hundred and twenty pounds. They are made twice a day. They com mence at seven o'clock in the morning and finish about ten to eleven o'clock. In the afternoon they commence with the evening milk about five and finish again between eight and nine o'clock. These cheeses have a name in the cheese consuming world as the famous Berkeley cheese. They are rich and sweet, if made well. The maker of these are quite as tenacious of their repu tation as those who make cheese worth from ten to twenty shillings per cwt. more mon ey. At a nice farm in the southern part of Gloucester,which 1 visited to see the opera tions of making "single Gloster cheese,"the dairy consisted of thirty-five cows. There were short-horns, large, handsome stock, hut not showing extraordinary capacity for milk. The dwelling, dairy and out-build ings were all of stone, large, commodious, and everything kept in the neatest man ner. The place where the cheese was made was a spacious room,with stone floor,clean, and well ventilated, and as cool and sweet an apartment as the most fastidious cheese making consisted of one unpainted tub for holding the milk, leaden vats for holding the whey, a circular wire curd breaker,hav ing an upright handle springing from the center, dippers, skimmers, &c., with two box presses for pressing cheese. The last were unlike anything I had ever seen, and consisted of large,square boxes, moving up between standards by means of pully and ropes attached to a windlass. The boxes were filled with stones, iron, &c., making a woight of several hundred pounds, and are applied directly on the cheese These pres ses were very nicely made, of dark wood varnished, and evidently intended to he ornamental as well as useful. From the manner of their make, and the power to he applied in raising the weight, the services of a strong man would he required. The milk was being made up twice a day, mak ing eleven cheeses, (of fourteen pounds each,) for every two days, the cheese being about three inches thick by fourteen to fif teen inches broad. There was no heating apparatus to the room,aud none is required in the "Single Gloster" process of cheese making. As soon as properly coagulated, it is broken up with the wire breaker, by moving it up and down, which has a ten dency to pulp the curd, more than to break it, as the word breaking is generally under stood among our cheese makers. The mass is thus left for the curd to settle, and after it has arrived, at a proper degree of firm ness to he handled the whey is dipped off down to the curd,the tub canted up to drain off whey remains, and the curd gath ered to the upper edge of the tub. The whey being removed, the curd is cut across and heaped up and pressed with the hands to expel as much of the whey as possible, when it is put to press. It remains iu press till morning, when it is taken out, turned, and salted on the outside. It is then re turned to the press and goes through the same operation for four to six successive successive days. When taken from the press it is put upon the shelf for a few dajs, to he turned every morning, and finally goes to the cheese room, when prices suit. This cheese room, or drying room, is in the upper part of the dwelling, and the cheese when taken here are placed together on the floor. A cheese dealer from Bristol, who was present with us, made a test of the cheese by walking upon them as they lay spread upon the floor, which we were assured was the usual method of determining their firm ness of solidity. They stood the test of his weight and boots,and were pronounced one of the best dairies in Gloucester. The hoops in which the cheese are pres sed are turned out of a solid piece of wood, and eacli iias a bottom, pierced witli holes, sitniliar to the hoops used in Wiltshire ; and in one of the presses I counted fifteen cheeses piled up one upon the other, all of which were being pressed together. I think, from the above description, none of our dairymen in America will care to make "Single Gloster" cheese, and I cannot see why people here will continue to keep along in the same old rut of their forefath ers without making some effort to improve. Grape Hints- Grapes coming in bearing should not be permitted to perfect large crops of fruit while young. It is excusable to fruit a bunch or so on a young vine, "just to te-t the kind," but no more should be permitted till the vine has age and strength. Vigor ous growth, and great productiveness, are the antipodes of the vegetable world. En courage as much foliage as possible on the vines, and aim to have as strong shoots at the base as at the top of the cane ; this can he done by pinching out the points of the strong shoots after they have made a growth of five or six leaves. This will make the weak ones grow stronger. Young vines grow much faster over a twiggy branch, stuck in for support, than over a straight stick as a trellis, and generally do better every way. Where extra fine bunches of grapes are desired, pinch back the shoot bearing it about four or five inches above the bunch. This should not be done indis criminately with all the bunches. Too much pinching and stopping injures the produc tion of good wood for the next season. i hese hints are for amateurs, who have a ft w vinos on in ilises ; for large vineyard culture, though the same principles lndd good, so far as they go, they will vary iu their application.— Gard,ia J s Monthly. To RESTORE LEANING TREES. —When a tree after having been planted a year or two' leans badly—especially to the north-east— its direction cannot generally be changed entirely by the use of the pruning knilc. In this case,go to the opposite side of the tree, and with a spade loosen and remove the earth from under the roots, and bring back the tree in this way, pulling it over to an erect form,then pack the earth firmly about the roots, so as to hold it steadily in its place. Only a lew of these having been interfered with, growth is but little check ed. I'lune it rather more than if not dis turbed, especially on the side to which it • ut.' d, and the tre : will scarcely feel that i. Is en touched Sorlhfrn fJuUirule/r. Insurance. rpoWANDA INSURANCE AGENCY. H. B. M'KEAN Agent for the following well known aid relinle Insur ance Companies : NEW ENGLAND INSURANCE CO.— Hartford, Conn. ASKTTS 244,078 15 KENSINGTON INSURANCE Co.—Philadelphia. WYOMING INSURANCE COMPANY. Wilkes-Barre, Penn'a. Capital and Surplus $150,000 ASSETS. Stock not called in ..... $50,000 Bills receivable 40,000 U. S. 5-20 Bonds ...... 25,000 Temporary and call Ixians .... 6,000 103 shares Wyoming Bank Stock - - - 6,180 50 shares Pirst Nat. Bank at Wilkes-Barre, - 5,000 70 " Sec. - - 7,000 46 shares Wilks-Barre Bridge Stock - - 2,580 Real Estate 1,519 Judgments 102 Due from Agents and others - • - 7,414 Cash in hand and in Bank • - • • 1,842 DIRECTORS. G. M. Hollenback, L. D. Shoemaker, R. D. Lacoe, John Richards, H. M. Hoyt, Charles A. Miner, Samuel Wadhams, O.Collins, Stewart Pierce, Chas. Dorrance, Wm. S.Ross, G.M.Harding. G. M. HOLLENBACK, President. L. D. SHOEMAKER, Vice-President. R. C- SMITH , Sec'y. H. B. M'KEAN. Agent, Towanda, Pa. LUZERNE INSURANCE AGENCY. JETNA INSURANCE Co.— Hartford, ASSETS $3,000,000 FULTON INSURANCE Co.—Neto York, CASH CAPITLA $300,000 METROPOLITAN INSURANCE Co., CAPITAL $1,4000,000 ROYAL INSURANCE CO., CAPITAL $10,000,000 LIVERPOOL & LONDON INS. CO., CAPITAL $5,000,000 LIFE IXSGR LNCE—CONNECTICUT MUTUAL. ASSETS $5,000,000 MW Policies issued for the .Etna, Fulton and Metre- Eolitan, and orders received for Insurance upon favora le terms. R.C. -MITH, Agent, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. H. B. M'KEAN, Agent, for the above Companies at Towanda. Pa. HOMER CAMP, Agent, Camptown, Pa. Sept. 4, '65. FIRE, LIFE, and ACCIDENTAL INSUR ANCE. CAPITAL REPRESENTED OVER SEVENTEEN MILLION DOLLARS! C. S. RUSSELL, Agent, FOR THE FOLLOWING NAMED RELIABLE COMPANYS I GIRARD FIRE A MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY ) Philadelphia, J Capital and surplus, over $350,000 HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, ) Of New-York. ) Capital and surplus, over $3,750,000 INSURANCE COMEANY OF NORTH AMERICA, ) Philadelphia. j Capital and surplus, over $1,700,000 MANHATTAN INSURANCE COMPANY, ) Of New-York. J Capital and surplus, over $900,000 ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY, 1 Of Philadelphia. f Capital and surplus, over $350,000 AKTIC INSURANCE COMPANY, I Of New- York. J Capital and surplus, over $750,000 PUTNAM INSURANCE COMPANY, ) Ofllartford, Conn. j Capital and surplus, over $704,000 MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. I Of New-York. j Capital and surplus, over $8,000,000 TRAVELLERS INSURANCE COMPANY, I Of Hartford, Conn. j Capital and surplus, over $600,000 Risks taken on all kinds of Property, at as low rates as by any other reliable Companies. MW Policies issued and Losses, if any, adjusted at this Agency, thereby saving the trouble and expense.of ■ going elsewhere;tor settlement. OW Office at the Hardwhere Store of Codding k Eussell C. S. RUSSELL. Towanda, Feb..7,1866.- tf rjWANDA INSURANCE AGENCY! Policies issued,JLosses adjusted and promptly paid, by H. It. M'KEAN, Agent, Of the following well known and reliable Companies. Office Montanye's Block. Aggregate Amount of Capital $17,000,000 .JEETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, ) Hartford, Conn., j Capital $4,000,000 NIAGARA INSURANCE COMPANY, ) New York, j Capital $1,246,000 NEW ENGLAND INSURANCE COMPANY, ) Harljoid, Conn.,\ Capital $200,000 WYOMING INSURANCE COMPANY, ) IVilkes-ilari e, Pa., j Capital $150,000 j NORTH AMERICAN TRANSIT INSURANCE CO., ) (Accidental) j- Philadelphia, \ Capital $500,000 CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., ) tlarlford, Conn., j Capital $10,000,000 KENSINTON FIRE INSURANCE CO., ) Philadelphia, j Capita! $300,000 Towanda, Feb. 20,1866—tf ! THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF , A NORTH AMERICA. Office No. 242 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. This Company are now prosecuting the bu iness of Insurance from loss or damage by FIRE on B.ablings, , Merchandise. Furniture, Ac., throughout the State ol Pennsylvania, on liberal terms,for long or short periods; i or permanently of Buildings, by a deposit of Premium. • The prompt payment of claims for losses during the period of uearly '7O years that the Company has been in 1 esistence. entitles them to the confidence of the public. DIRECTORS.— Arthur G. Coffin, Samuel W. Jones, John A Brown, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, Jno. R. Xetl', ■ Richard D. Wood, Wm. Welsh, Wm.E. Bowen, James N. Dickson, S.Morris Wain, John Mason, Geo. L. Aar rison, Francis It. Cope, Edward H. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke, Wm. Cummings. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Pres'ut. C.S.RUSSELL, Agent,Towanda. FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MIDDLE PENNSYLVANIA, Office in Danville, Montour County, Penn'a. Capital .... $357,000 00 The Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Mid dle Pennsylvania was incorporated by the Pennsylvania Legislature, in the year 1859, for the Mutual Insurance of Country property only, and immediately thereafter commenced its operations on that principle, which has been strictly adhered to since. Ail losses have been promptly paid out of the Premi ums collected on application tor insurance without mak ing any assessments. The Insurance of Country proper .y only, the low rates i charged tor Insurance .and the prompt payment of losses are deemed a sufficient reeommeudation of the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Middle Penns,!va nia, to all owners of sate class country property. P. JOHNSON, Sec'y. WM. FULMKR, Pres t. C. M. MANVILLE. March 5, '66. . Agent, Towanda, Pa. TTNION CARRIAGE SHOP, AT ALBA, PENN'A. The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Western Bradford that he has commenced the Carriage aad Wagon manufacturing business, in all its various branches in Alba borough, in the shop north of the Union Hotel. His foreman in the wood shop will be N. M. REYNOLDS, who is well known to the people of this vicinity, having been in the business for the lust 16 vears. He w ill manufacture to order, and keep constant ly on hand the latest styles of Buggys, both top and open. Platform, Democrat and Skeleton Wagons, Sleighs, Cutters. Ac. His work will be done by the most ex perienced workmen, and great care will be taken in pro curing the best timber, and the most substantial ma terials . lie intends that the work turned out at his shop for style, durability and cheapness, shall not be excelled in the County. REPAIRING of ail kinds done with des patch , in a subtantial manner on reasonable terms Give us a call. JAMES Mt IXTYRE. Alba. Pa., Feb. 20, 1866 ly IjUTHER'S MILLS, BURLINGTON, PA. The proprietor, having rebuilt his Flouring Mill in Bur lington, and taken pains in sciecting articles, and the most improved machinery, it is now completed in order for all kinds of Fleming. CUSTOM WORK DONE AT SHORT NOTICE. I with cheerful attendants, who will sec to your wants in good order and with general satisfaction, j aw Cash paid for Grain. April 17,1866. ROSWELL LUTHER. 1 fjarfcroaw. 1 TTARDWARE. CODDING A RUSSELL HAVE A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OP GOODS, To which additions are daiiy being made, which they offer cheap for Cash. A large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Among the many desirable and beautiful patterns is the CELEf'DATED AM ERICA N. This beautiful stove i- unsurpassed for economy in fuel; is a perfect baker ; L th- best COOK STOVE in the market. Among their heating Stoves may be found a great variety suitable for every ph. <• where stoves are used. STOVE PIPE AND SHEET IRON WORK, Always on hand and made to order. TINWARE, A large stock manufactured f rom the very best material and by experienced workmen. A very ful 1 IRON, NIALS AND STEEL, At New Vork prices. HOUSE AND CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, TOOLS FOR THE FARMER, Tools lor the House Joiner and Carpenter—Tools for Blacksmiths'—Tools for everybody. WINDOW SASH AND GLASS, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES, MACHINE OIL AND BKNEOI.E, KDROSENE OIL, LAMPS, WICKS AND CHIMNEYb BELTING, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, BRITTANNIA AND PLATED WARE, Pumps, Lead Pipe, Ghain Pumps, Water Pipes, Grindstones and fixtures, KF.ROSE N E LANTERNS, JOB WORK done with dispatch. Lamps repaired. Fluid Lamps and Lanterns altered and fitted to burn Ke rosene. Grain, Old Iron, Casting and Wrought Scraps, Copper, Brass, Brittaunia, Beeswax, Feathers and Rags taken in exchange for goods. Highest price in cash paid for Sheep Pelts and Furs. MW OUR GOODS have been purchased on the pay down system and will be sold for READY PAY. " H „ K ™?? INO ' [ CODDING A RUSSELL. V* ' • tvLSbCLJi a J Towanda. March 10, 1863. * Cc C M as- a ~ << g 2 cc ( £ SO fej • 'C ~ h J"" 1 F*s w > § c CI g < < P? 5 r—i wls* ? 2 o & Si S rn c <. ► -T 2 "*3 X W 5 ~ K —t = 5 K r I I * B* -O —■ O a c P i . § P i* BROTHERS & CO., Wish to call the attention ol the public to their new Stock of HARDWARE, FARMING IMPLIMENTS, BLACK SMITHS' TOOLS, and CARPENTERS' TOOLS. Also, a large assmtmcnt of Window Glass, Sash, Paints, Oils, .Putty, Varnishes, and Paint and Varnish Brushes of all kinds, which will be sold lor the lowest Cash price. Also, a fiine assortment of KEROSENE LAMPS of every style and pattern to suit the public. Lamps repaired and changed from Oil and Fluid to Kerosene. Particular attention paid to the manufacturing of ail kinds of TIN WARE. JOBBING PROMTTLY ATTENDED TO. Wc have on hand a fine article of GLASS FRUIT J A R8 , with improved self-sealing corks, and HERMETICAL SEALING CANS, which is one of the best cans used. June 20, 1865. JJljotograpljs. OMET H I N G NE W A T O GEORGE H. WOOD'S PHOTOG R A PIII OCXALL E R Y , TOWANDA, PA. He lias the pleasure ol informing bis old friends and patrons, that he is now prepared to make the new and beautiful style of GE M FER R 0 TYPES, mounted on cards very cheap. Also, Melainotypes for Lockets, Cases, or Frames, as well as all kinds of PHOTOG R A P II S AS BEFORE IN T IJ BEST ST Y L E OF ART. Views taken of Houses on short notice. COP Y I N G I) 0X E T 0 0RI) E R In a few days. AL L WOR IC WAIiRA N T E D . Albums kept on hand and will be sold cheap. G. H. WOOD. Pec. 6, 1864. PHOT 0 G R A PIII C"GAL L E R Y D. W. HUGHES luf vma the public that he has removed his Photograph ic (. tilery, to Montanye s lot, cast side ol Main St.. two doors below Beidleman's Block, where lie is now pre pared to : (ke Photographic iakene.- cs in the highest sty <• of the art. mbrotypes, Melainotypes, and Fereotypes, in Cards, taken in a superior manner. A good assortment cl Photograph Albums, every style, kept constantly on hand. Also Photographs distinguished public men, military and civil, lor sale. Being now prepared to take Likenesses in the host manner, he is confident that lie can give satisfaction to all who may call. Towanda, April 3; 1866. JJ E W PLANING M I L L . The undersigned having built a;large and commodious Mill in the Borough of Towanda, and filled it with 'the most modern and improved machinery, for the manufac ture of WINDOW SASH. BLINDS, are prepared to fill orders, I, rgeor small, upon the shortest notice. We 1 ve u large variety o! MOULDINGS, of the latest vh .: d pattern, which we can furnish much cheaper than they can be worked by band. PLANING, TONGUEING, GROVEING, AND SCROLL SAWING, and all other work pertaining to Joinery, will be done to suit our customers. Persons building, and not living more than twelve or fourteen miles distant, will find it largely for their inter est. to buy ot us, or bring their lumber and have it worked by our machinery. Bring your grist of Floor ing. or other lumber, and while your team is fee'liii" have it ground out and take it home with von. We w,!l pay CASH for PINE ft HEMLOCK LUMBER delivered at our lumber yard. Come and see us, or if you can't come, write. , , L. B. RODGF.RS & CO. Towanda, Feb. 8,1861. CUWING MACHINES! Flavin# taken the A#nry of the two best Machines yet made. WHEELER & WILSON, AND SINGER. Wc are now ready to supply all. 4QT MACHINES SOLD AT NEW YORK PRICES "Be aw No mi-t :e—the above makes ARE THE BEST Mi" The wok of these Mai him s is alike on both sides and wilt nut ravel, just come and try it."4a MW Silks, Thread, Oil. Soap, Needles, Oil Cans, Needle Cases, and extras kept on hand at our More." I ®# MW We sell the thing that always pleases, "Bn Call and see our samples and get our prices. WICKHAM A BLACK, Nov. 20, 18(55. Towanda, Pa. SUGARS IN EVERY STYLE FOR SALE kJ cheap, wholesale and retail, .t FOX'S. B GIST'S PHILADELPHIA GARDEN SEEDS lor sale uy March 7, CG'. E. T. FOX. I fllcri ffanbpe "JJ EW SPRING UOOiii) I VV. A, ROUKW Ks.i,, ib receiving a large stock of Spring Good; u (great REDUCTION IN PRICEB, and oflera them at corresponding prices. CVmprising a well selected assortment ol LADIES' DRESS GOODS, DE LAINE, ALPACAS, LAWNS, CUALLAS, THIBET AND CANTON CLOTH, ALPACA, BERAGE, POPLINS, TRIMMINGS & BUTTONS TO MATCH. CLOTHS, CASSIMFRES, SATTINETTS, I TWEEDS, KENTUCKY JEANS. Of all descriptions lor men an.i boys. YAN KE E NOTI 0N S Too numerous to mention. II A li D W A R E , A good assortment'on and CROC K E li Y , Is in full and complete supply. G li 0 C E li I E S. Teas, Cotlee, Sugar and Molasses, ut greatly reduced prices. L E A T II E li , A supply of Sole and Upper on hand. W 0 0 I) E N W A li E , Tabs,[Pails, Brooms, Ac. TOYS FOR CHILDREN. Cabs, Carts, Chairs, ami toys to please them all. April 9.1866. E W SPRING GOODS! J. W. TAYLOR, Is just receiving a large and welt selected stock of Spring Goods ot the best qualities, and choice styles, having purchased them when goods were the lowest, he feels fully confident that he can sell to please all. A large nc .ortment of Dress Goods, variour colors and styles. A line line of French Poplins, the gem of the season. Come and see them, all wool Alpacca Poplins, a gen eral assortment of BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS, and a very great variety of other dress goods too nu merous to mention. A complete line ot Mourning goods, Detains, Prints, Ginghams, BLACK AJ\D WHITE BALMORALS, Hoop Skirts i large quantities, from three yards to three and ah It around, and splendid assortment of GLOVES AND HOSIERY. Ladies' and Gents kid gloves, Dress Trimings and But tons to suit all. Ladies' Cloths, Brab, Black and White, and Black Eepellant Cloth, SPRING SUA WLS, Bleached and Unbleached Muslin, Sheeting, Crash, Scotch Diapers, brown and white table linen Napkins, and a full line of White Goods, Jaconet, Nansook, Swiss, Mull, Victoria Lawn, Striped Muslin. Dimity tjekeJ Muslin, a nice assortment of BLACK AND COLORED DRESS SILKS. A large quantity oi Embri idery CHEAP. Gent's Neck Tics, Paper Collars and Hosiery. One olthe largest and best selected STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS ever brought in this market and cheap. All the latest styles ami novelties of the season, in Bonnets, Gipsies, Ac.. Ribbons. Ac., Flowers to suit every one. White Embroidery, Hoods and Caps for infants. Ladies' and Hisses' Hat . the Sailor,mnrguretta derby, and all styles t ■> nnmerous to mention. Having secured the servu es <: Miss MCSHLIf, 1 feel confident we can please ail, and all kinds ot Milinery work done on short notice. 1 invite the people of Towanda and vicinity to call and examine my stock i f goods and judge hr themselve- : 1:0 trouble to show goods, one door north ol the Po.-t Office. April 9, 1866. V"ET ANOTHER STOCK OF NEW JL GOODS AT WICK II A M & BLACK'S. DRESS GOODS, DOMESTIC'S, FLANNELS, WIIITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, * TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS. The above lines we oiler in great variety and latest styles HATS and CAPS, LARGE STOCK, BOOTS and SHOES, BEST MAKES. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS. This part of our stock wc pay particular attention to, ami now offer two of the best patterns ol Ironstone Ware in the market. Erie and Sevres, also C. C., Yellow Rockingham and Wedgewqod. Beautiful assortment ol Glass Lamps. Call aus see our stock ot NOTIONS. Thankful for past favors we respectfully invite your trade and promise to do our best. WICK HAL A BLACK. pU M P MANUFA CTU II Y ! SILAS BETTS A AO., Of Burlington, Bradford County, Pa., are manufactur ing the old and well known Wooden Pump with all the latest improvements. Also laying Pump Logs from Springs, Ac., All orders promptly attended to. July 10,i860.—t1. Drugs anl> fHclrichus. TJARSTOW & GORE'S DRUG STORE ! NEW FIRM, NEW GOODS, AliD NEW PRICES ! The undersigned having formed a co-partners'nip in the Drug business, under the name of BARSTOW A GORE, at the old stand No. 4, Patton's Block, where they are daily receiving additions to their stock, from the most reliable importers and nt üb.-tnivrs, respect fully ask tor a liberal share of public patronage. A large stock ot FRESH DRUGS AND MEDICINES Has just been received,and we are now prepared to sup ply the WANTS.OF THE PUBLIC WITH ALL ARTICLES BELONGING TO THE TRACE. 1 i RE WINE* AND LIQUORS, FOR MEDICAL USE ONLY, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF CONCENTRATED BOTANIC, ECLECTIC AND lIOMCEPATHIO MEDI CINES. ALL TIIE POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES. PAINTS, OIL, VARNISH, PAINT AND YARNISII BRUSHES, DYE-STUFFS AND GLASS. FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES OF EVERY KIND. TILDEN's ALCOHOLIC AND FLUID EXTRACTS, A LK A I. OID AN D RESI NO IDS, All the Best Trasses, A BI) O M I N A L S U 1' P O II T E RpS , Shoulder Braces, BRJSAST PUMPS, NIPPLE -HELLS, AND SHIELDS, Nursing Bottles, Syringes and Catheters, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF RAZORS, STROPS, POUELT KNIVES, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS OF LATE STYLE AND REST QUALITY. A large supply Brushes for the Hat and Hair. Also for the Tee'h and Nails, Tooth Powders and Pastes, Oils, Perfumery, Soaps, Combs, Hair Dye, In vlgoistort. Ac., Kerosene, Kerosene Lamps, Shades, Chimneys, Wicks, &c.,ali of the latest styles. CHOICE CIGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF. tsr Physician.-, supplied r.t reasonable rates. Medi cine; :o. 1 Pre--riptioiH carefully and accurately com pounded and prepared by competent persons at all hours of the day and night. Sunday hours from 9 to 10 o'- clock in the forenoon, to 2in the afternoon. D. 11. BARSTOW. W. 11. 11. GORE. Towanda, Aug. 1,1865. jQR. PORTER'S OLD~DRUG STORE. Alreadyadmitted to be The largest,safest and most approved DRUG HOUSE IN NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA, wim Anestablished reputation for keeping the best medicine UNEQUALLED In its facilities and apparatus for compounding and pre paring MEDICINE AND PRESCRIPTIONS, Conducted by thoroughly compel! at persons, whode vo the most careful attention,pay thestri* test regard to accuracy, and use only selected arti cles, and medicines of un.j ies tioned purity,lias become THE CASH DRUG STOKE With prices revised to correspond with the markc-t. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ALL ARTICLES WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED. By recent arrangements with the Mannf?.. fvrcrs, Impor ters or First Holders of Goods and Cash Purcha ses,the prices will always be at the low est point for Prime, Goods. LOWER FIGURES THAN EVER IN PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS, DRUGS AND DYK-STUFPS. Everything in this extensive s'ock will be. sold Cheap for Cash ! PRICES REDUCED, VIZI OF SOAPS, PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, COMBS. POCKET KNIVES AND RAZORS, LAMPBA N DMATEBIALB FOR L I G II T. TRUSSES & SUPPORTERS, WINES AND LIQUORS, ONLY FOR MEDICINE. TORACCO AND SNUFF. ALL THE POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES, TOOTH, SKIN AND IIAIR PREPARATIONS FANCY ARTICLES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Eclectic, Botanic awl Ilomctopa'.hic Medicines Spices, Bird Seed, Lump Shades and Garden Seeds. FISH TACKLE, AMMUNITION, Ac. Constituting the most complete assortment, embracing the great wants of i he People, reduced in Price, and revised for the Cash System. DR. PORTER'S COAL OIL. DR. PORTER'S CAMI'HENE 1 DR. PORTER'S ALCOHOL! DR. PORTER'S BURNING FLUID ! Are Fresh, daily prepared, and unrivalled by any in the Market. ' PI: . PORTER'S TRE P A RATIONS FOR FAMILY USE. Known as Sale. and Reliable Remedies,are warranted to what they arc Intended to give satisfaction, viz : Dr Porter's Pectoral Syrup price 50 cents Dr Porter's Family Embrocation •' 35 44 Dr Porter's Tonic EUxer " 100 " Dr Porter's Worm Syrup 44 50 44 i>r Porter'sComp. SVT. Hypophosphites.. 44 100 44 Dr Porter's Uterine Tonic 44 150 44 Dr Porter's Blackberry Balsam 44 3 44 Dr Porter's Tooth Ache Drops 44 25 '• I)r Porter's Cephalic Snnlf. •' 25 " Dr Porter's Tooth Powder •' 50 44 Dr Porter'sTricogene 44 50 44 :)r Porter's Tricophile 44 50 44 Dr Porter's Shampoo 44 51) >< Dr Porter's Horse and Cattle Lotion 44 50 44 Dr Porter's Horse and Cattle Powder 44 35 44 Dr Porter's Bed Bug lhdson 44 35 ■ Dr Porter's Biack Ink 44 25 4 * Dr Porter's Cleansing Fluid 44 374 •• Dr Porter's Rat and Mice Poison 44 35 44 Dr Porter's Citrate Magnesia 44 35 I)r Porter's Worm Wafers << 35 • MEDICAL ADVICE GIVEN GRATUITOUSLY AT THE OFFICE. Charging only for Medicine. A3"Thankful tor - ■ oral patronage would respect fully announce to his friends md the public thatno pain shall be spared to ati lyand merit the continuance of theircontidence and pair- age, at the CASH DRUG STORE! Corner of Main and Pine streets. Dcntestrp rpWENTY-PIVE YEARS EXPERIENCE JL IN DENTISTRY—J. S. t :itu. M. 1)., would re spectfully iniorm the inhabitants of Bradf >rd County that he is permanantly located in Waverly, N.Y., where lie has been in the practice of his profession for tlic past four years. He wouid say tiiat from his long and suc cessful practice of 25 years duration, he is familiar with all the different styles of work done in any and all Den tal establishments in city or country, and is better pre pared than any other Dental opera'or in the vicinity to do work the best adapted to the many and different cases that present themselves oftentimes to the Dentist, as he understands the art of making his own artificial teeth, and has facilities lor doing the same. To those requiring under sets of teeth he would call attention to his new kind of work which consists ol porcelain (or both plate and teeth, and forming a continuous gum. It is more durable, more naturai in appearance, and much better adapted to the gum than any other kind of work. Those in need of the same are invited to call aud exam ine specimens. Teeth tilled to last lor years and oiten t mes for life. Chlorofo• m, ether, and "Nitrous oxide" administered with perfect safety, as over lour hundred patients within the last lour years can testify. I will he in Towanda from the 15th to 30th of every month, at the office of W. K. TAYLOR, (formerly oc cupied by Dr. O. 11. Woodruff.) Having made arrange ments with Mr. Taylor, lam prepared to do all work in the very best style, at his office. N0v.37,1865. yl. IYiI H. WESTON, DENTIST. Office -Le in Patton's Block, over Barstow & Gore's Drug and Chemical Btora. 1 jantiG TMPOIITANT TO DISCHARGED WOUN- A ded Soldiers, Fathers, Mothers,Widows,Brothers and Sisters, and Orphan children of deceased soldiers, and all persons that have claims against the United States, in any of the Departments at Washington, can have the same promptly collected, by calling on H. B. McKEAN, tar Office over Montanye's Store, Main, Street wanda, Pa. March 20,1865. Ha y SCALES FOR SALE i [Patent Applied For.] The Su! -c ribor having spent time ami money in per fecting a New, Simple, Cheap, and Durable Hay Scale, warranted correct lor five years or longer, now oilers it to the public, on the following terms : One 12 feet platform Ilay Scale, weighing 4,000 lbs. (the purchaser I'urnisning ."rid framing timbers) $D 0 1 0 One 13 form, weighing 5,000 lbs, 113 00 One 11 44 44 •• 6,000 44 125 00 Address, G, W. JACKSoN, Jan. 25,'66.—tf Wvalusicg, Bradford Co. Pa, (Hart's HPHOMAS J- INGHAM, ATTORNEY X A T I-A IV, LAPOBTE, Sullivan Connty. Pa TVRJI. H. MASON. PB YSICIAJS AJNJj XJ SURGEON, offers his professional eryice; to the peopleof Towanda ami vicinity. Officeat in. reriar-nco on fine street, where he can always be found ••••.. i professionally engaged. EORGE I). MONTANYE, A TTOt- TXEV AT LAW— Ofiice in Union Block,for mer- Iyoccnpied by Jab. M a ki.ake. \\[ T. DAVIES, Attorney at Law, To- V? • wanda, Pa. Office with Wm. Watkins, Esq. Particular attention paid to Orphans' Court business and settlement ot decedents estates. 26-42. Vfl ERCUR A MORROW^ ttomeysat Law, JLvJL Towanda, Penn'a, The uudtrsigued having themsclvos togctn cr in the practice of Law, offer their professional ser vices to the public. ULYSSES MEIICUR, P. D. MORROW. March 9,1865. 17 L. ANDRUS, Ltcensed Auctioneer, JDi* Canton, Bradford county, Pa., having had much experience, offers his services to the public. Address by letter., or otherwise. Canton, July 18, 1665. I PATRICK & PECK, Attorneys at Law, j Offices In Union Block, Towanda, Pa., formerly j occupied by Hon. Wm. Klwell, and in Patrick's block, i Athens, Pa. They may be consulted at either place. 11. W. I'ATKICK, apll3 w. A. PKCI. I HI). McKEAN, A TTORNE Y<6 CO UN- i • SEI.I.OiI AT I.A IV, Towanda, Pa. Par ticular attention paid to business in the Orphans' Court. July 20, 1866. " ! HENRY PEET, Attorney at Law, Towan-i ia, Pa. jun27, C 6. 1 W H. CARNOCHAN, A TTORNE Y V , • AT I.AIV, Troy, Pa. Special attention given to collecting claims against the Government lor Bounty, Back Pay and Pensions. Office with E. B. Parsons, Esq. i June 12,1865. 171) WARD OVERTO V Jr., Attorney at jIJ /. (to, Towanda, Pa. Office in Montaoyes Block, over Ernst's Store. July 13th, 1865 | HENRY A. RECORD, m. D., Physicum I and Surgeon, having permanantly located in To wanda, would respectfully offer his professional services to the citizens of the place a vioiuity. Office, at J. A. Record's Store. Jan. 30, '66. I OHX X. C A LIFE, ATTORNEY AT tj LA IV, Towanda, Pa. Also, Government Agent j or the collection of Pensions, Back Pay and Bounty. No charge uniess successful. Office over the i Post Office and News Room. Dec. 1, lt*64. OD. STILES, M. D., Physician , ffce. It you want ? , K ,j goods at a fair ;,. go to EDDI '.s. where you will find bim ready to show ;... . „ and sell them too at thefov-' are to correspond with ; mind the place to bgv good, a. Clothing Is at R. W. EDDY'S, i.ex- , A Towanda, Jan. 7, 1805. LOTH ING ! CLOTH I Mi \ BEADY MADE AND MADE 10 opj) J. M. COLLINS, Ist door South of Codding A Russell'-, ! .. Irom New York a large and atr.ictLc j /' NEY\ V/IX'i'ER (.'Ll )'j Hi\(; Oar stock comprises every article .■era • boys, - usd PILOT AND BEAVER OVERCOAT- I'iY BUSINESS SUITS -OF U' - '. ' AI COATS. PANTS 7-i- A: ''" • COLLARS,N'K TIE- e ■ ERS, DRAW. IK . ' (i EN T S FURNISHIX (; <; (j q Of every descriptk: . , Especial attention is called to our st 1; <■,: | CJtPTHS, CASS I MERES AND V, M tic ( we will make up to order on .-hurt no:. . A nice line of Fancy Cassiucrs I r i'- ■ j Latest style Huts and Caps. i. Nts Far t Cutting done to order on sh it Bear in mind if you wish to buy t . - and a.- - good as rt presented, Ml -a | Terms Cash. , Towanda, Dec. 7. 1-65. CHEAPNESS,"STYLEA X ITkea IT? NOW IS VOKR TIME TO | YOUR CLOTHING CHEAY AT YOC .<> PROCLAIM IP TO TUE PEOPLE, , Just received—a large stock of Fall and Wint ing at J. CORN'S Eimira Branch Ch -• - ; Says coolly. p-.ldiy an i deliberately, tc,." he !.• foremost of the Clothing Merchants ' iT- wand Eigtbeen hundred and sixty-one ha.- m<-. . i light and beauty of Spring shines upon u-. wit! * . 1 radiant splendor. I shall continue to - :11 ClcLi:.. 1 Cash, cheaper than any other man. as my.g.>ou bought cheap lor cash, and they will he sold die.,: : cash. My goods are all manufactured in Kiiuira. there I can warrant them well made. Enough for ae • : have everything in the line ot ' CLOTHING, GENTS FURNISHING JOODS, h.C CAPS, AC., AC. That is kept in any other Store in town, ntry; < their trading where they can do t. best, re.gardle* : ■ i I you to cciue and see me—country a- , . 'kecitvait invited—every person, rich or pool, a .or low ,boml .■ ree are inn At JOHN SHI.AM'S Clothing Store, next r: Mcrcar'a Dry Goods Store, Main Btreet, Towanda i N. B—We wish to be understood, that we ar... .- undetsoid by any man. or combination o' men. .** No charge lor showing our Goods. Towanda, March 12,1862. J. j(JR EA T REDUC TI () >, In prices of SPRING AND SUMMER ULuTiliA For Men and Boys weir. Most of these goods are nana :urtd Es, :-. -. OUR T R A D E . Having ji-t returned from the Ea-.-. :■ . • " Markets with one of the LA KG EST STOCKS EVER OF! !■' Hi) We B<>licit an early call and cxauiinati-n u' ..( As sortment, which cannot be beat in . ;r. c. STYLE AND Q U AI, 11 V . Our .-tock of HATS are ol the lau-t -tjlc a assortment of FURNISHING GOODS, WHITE & SPANISH LINEN -I!.' " COLLARS, TIES, SUSI'ENPEK GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEF.* WRAPPERS, PKAWEIS, SHIRT BOSOMS, LINEN A PAPER Ct'i'i'E A Which will lie sold at low prices. wishing to bny, will tin 1 it t " to call before buying el.-ewheie. I! at SOLOMON ■; * ' No. i'atton ■ Tiiwan la, May 1, '66. J EF F I) A VIS ESC A PE' 1 ' How many hearts will burn with ing this But we - J your feelings ot indignation for i I 1>; though this arch traitor has escaped i ng * the Public are requested to call at WARNER'S JEWELRY STOlilb And examine his splendid stock ot V\" b -i> ry of the latest designs and elaborate lbu-li, * being sold at VERY LOW PRICES. He also keeps the celebrated Setlt Tb >m:w 1 American and Swiss Watches. Other jD ■< ~ kept in &Btori ton's Bio k. N. B.—Watches, Clocksi 1J paired and warranted. A. M. V, ABN- Towanda, June 20, IB6o.—Cm.p. /CARRIAGES, WAGONS, SLEIGHS! THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT SI il.l, IN OI'KJ 4: FELLOWS, Oil AND ALL A CO.. Successors to Reynold-, Fellows & Co., aie and are prepared to furnish on short o'-t: Carriages and t- eighs, ol all dcsctip: .sis ana a. test and most approved style, and i the best - at the old stand opposite the Union I! 1 - tral part ot Alba, Bradford'y■> • The public are assured that the reputati a has aecjuired during the last six years under t... in tcndence of J . If. Fellow-, will l>e n.-e taiued, as he will superintend the work :- having long liern anil having had mueli ex. • ■ Carriage and Sleigh Buildei would a-- - , that no pains will be -p.trjd bv lb •t > v <" '• , the establishment wonky of th r; i.roiii-c- r . as one ot the old firm for the patro :t.: • •' ded, we hi pe to merit a continu :a e. ' ' ; !4 a- X. 8.-Wc, the undersigned, bv ing pi • y. > ics.can minnfaetnreaudoffir to the pnoW that willdcty co>njtiti n. j', A e 'C C' vNi'A'-b. JNL'mkuih Alba Borough, April 15, 1806. ly.