Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 20, 1866, Image 2

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    news" from all rations,
- f
—On the committee of one hundred ap
pointed to receive the President at Memphis, are
Galloway, of the Avalanche, and the ex-confeder
ate Generals Forrest, Jordan and Pike.
—A call has been issued for a State Con
vontion of North Carolina Unionists, to assemble
at Kaloigh on the 20th inst. Governor Holden in
dorses it.
—The Grand Jury of the United States
District Court at Baltimore has made presentment
of Justice Thomas Watkins, of Washington Coun
ty, Maryland, for refusing to take the testimony or
oath of Lnrmda Warner, colored, who charged a
certain white man with committing an outrageous
assault upon her.
—Col. Woodward, late of the fourth reg
iment, Hancock's Corps, and for a time Comman
dant at Camp Chase, Ohio, has been appointed
Major of the Forty-fifth Regular Infantry, V. R. C.,
one of the four Veteran Reserve Corps Regiments
retained in service by Congress.
—Mr. Baldwin, who died ill Philadelphia
last Week, built the first model locomotive engine
ever constructed in this country, about the year
and at the time of his death had over 1,000
men employed in his locomotive works.
—George V. Moodey, late Colonel in the
rebel army, and a delegate from Mississippi to the
Johnson-Philadelphia Convention, was shot dead in
his office at Pert Gibson on the Bth inst.
—The American Colonization Society
have recently had applications from 600 colored
persons to aid them in their purpose to emigrate to
—Gen. Hood, when in Austin, Texas,the
other day, was waited on by a committee of ths j
Legislature and escorted to a seat of honor in that
body. All the members rose as he entered.
—Dr. Winans, of Baltimore, the great
Russian railway contractor, entertained Fox and
the American party in princely style in St Peters
—Hon. Henry o rider, member of Con
gress from the Third District of Kentucky, died at
his residence in Warren county, in that State, on I
—The Houston Telegraph has good au
thority for stating that General Magruder will re
turn to the United States shortly, and become a
good loyal citizen thereof.
—Mr. Collins, of Cincinnati, wrote a trea
tise on the cure of cholera, and died of the disease.
—Bishop Wittingham, of Maryland, has
sailed for the sonth of France, hoping to restore
his health.
Joseph E. Davis, brother of the ex-con
federate President, has been pardoned by Presi
dent Johnson.
—Tombs of Georgia, is going to Switzer
land for his health.
—The Republican vote in Vermont has
increased 5,000, without the advantage of President
Johnson's indecent exhibition. If he had taken
Vermont in his tour, the increase would have been
—President Johnson, while denouncing
the Union party at .Seneca Falls, said the "party
might go to the devil." But we beg to be excused.
We don't want to travel in the President's compa
—The Johnson Republicans say to the
Democrats, "you get ready to vote while we eat
our bread and butter!" Some of them "don't see
lylor tried to buy a party and failed.
So will Johnson. Political treachery may be ex
cused by those who profit by it, but it is always
condemned by the people.
—lt is significant fact that most of the
Government officers removed thus far have always
been recognized as earnest "Seward men." Mont
gomery Blair is having his revenge.
—"We stoop to conquer" is the motto of
the rebel politicians who are hurrahing for Andy
—The President is wont to boast of his
' 'economy in spending the people's money ; but
he is the first President who makes a regular elec
tioneering tour at the expense of the public treas
—A mysterious attempt to assassinate a
young lady took place at Augusta, Ga., on Friday
evening. The victim was asleep in her father's
parlor when she was stabbed in the left breast,
near the region of the heart, but a little below the
vital part. No clue has been discovered either as
to the motives or indentity of the assassin, who is
believed to have escaped through an open window.
—The labors of the United States Burial
Corps in removing the bodies of Union soldiers
from the battle fields in the Shenandoah Valley to
the National Cemetery at Winchester are progres
sing favorably. Twenty-six hundred have already
been reintemd, and about the same number re
main to lie removed.
—At a crossing on the Cleveland and To
ledo Railroad, the other day, the train ran into a
carriage containing two men, shattering it into a
thousand' pieces. When the train was stopped the
men were found On the forward part of the engine,
in neaily a sitting posture, and Loth dead.
—Two men while attempting to cross
the river just above Niagara Falls, on Wednesday
afternoon,had their boat struck by a squall, forcing
it into the Rapids and over the Falls. The men
were Mr. Cooper (said to be Postmaster at Chip
pewa) and a ferryman.
—Bishop Timon, of Rochester, has an
nounced that that city will soon become the seat
of a new diocese of the Catholic Church. The se
lection will be made by the approaching Council,
to he held at Baltimore.
—The annual convention of the National
Carpenters' and Joiners' Union has just been held
in Detroit. By a vote of the Convention it was re
solved to keep the proceedings secret and accord
ingly no reporters were present.
—lntelligence has been received that
Snrg.-Gen. Barnes, v.ho has been seriously ill of
congestive chills at Chicago, is much butter, and
considered out of danger.
—A number of physicians of Philadel
phia hare been prosecuted for not making returns
of the cholera cases coming directly under their
professional notice.
1 lie Now York Herald says : "We re
gard the contests between the President and Con
gross as \ irtu.dly decided by Maine. We bow to
the judgment of the people of the mighty North,
nud wc trust tin t the President will shape his course
—Secretary Seward, who was taken ill
at Pittsburgh with cholera,lias arrived at his house
in Washington. Though feeble, Lis symptoms are
not deemed alarming, and his entire recovery is
looked for in a few days.
—The way of the transgressor is hard.
Senator Doolfttle.on his return home to Wisconsin,
vainly attempted to address his townsman, but
they would not listen.
—The Fredericksburg!) (Ya.) Herald an
nounces that a steam sugar refinery is in opera
tion in Richmond— the only establishment of the
kind in the South, outside of New-Orleans.
—A large fire occurred among the oil
wells of Burning Spring, West Virginia, on the 10th
nst. Five wells were destroyed and three lives
fMfottl llepfittet
Towanda, Thursday, September 20,1866.
Union State Ticket.
Subject to the Congressional Conference,
Union County Ticket.
Hon. J. R.U. PITKIN, of New Orleans,
Towanda, September 22,
The Republican Union Mass Meeting at
this place, on Saturday next, promises to
be one of the largest gatherings held here
since the days of 185 G. Should the weath
er prove favorable, thousands will unques
tionably be present to greet and hear the
able and distinguished men who will be
No man has fought the foul spirit of trea
son with more unflinching courage, with
more persistent energy than JOHN W. FOR
NEY. He has made himself a reputation in
tho conflict of the age, which will endear
him forever to the friends of freedom and
human rights in all ages to come. A grace
ful and eloquent orator, to hear him discus
traitors and treason will be a rare treat.
The presence of Governor CUKTIN, the
"soldiers friend," as he has been aptly
named, will draw together all the "boys in
blue," who remember with gratitude, the
many favors they received from him while
in the field, and his tender care for them
while they were in the hospitals. We trust
that he will be welcomed to Bradford by
such a demonstration as shall prove that
the soldiers and their friends are not un
mindful of his services, nor ungrateful for
his devotion to their interests.
JUDGE PITKIN, of New Orleans, who will
also be present and address the meeting, is
an able speaker, and one of that band of
loyalists which has upheld the flag of the
country, in the crescent city. A spectator
of the dreadful scenes of carnage recently
occurring in that city, he is well qualified
to speak of the disloyalty and intolerance
of the "reconstructed."
The President has swung round the en
tire circle, and having deposited the Consti
tution at several hundred places, in the
hands of the people, has finally returned to
the White House, to the great relief of his
pavtizans. The Country, which has been
thoroughly shocked and disgusted by bis
insane and intemperate conduct, will be re
lieved from daily accounts of the humiliat
ing spectacle presented by the Great Ego
tist, and the demented SEWARD. NO sadder
incident has ever occurred in the history
of the nation than this electioneering tour
of President JOHNSON. Even that thorough
lick-spittle RAYMOND has been obliged to
apologize for the President's indecent con
duct and intemperate language.
The President can now settle down in the
White House,and prepare for the thunders
of popular disapprobation, which begun
in Vermont and Maine, will sweep across
the whole Continent, and would teach him
how low he has fallen in the nation's esti
mation, has he not become besotted in his
own self-conceit and bad passions.
There are a large number of returned sol
diers who,during the four years of the war,
lost their assessments at their usual places
of residence. Some of them secured the
right to vote under the article of the Con
stitution allowing soldiers to vote ; but
many of them no doubt neglected to be
properly qualified last Fall. To all such,
we would suggest that it is their duty to
watch the assessment lists which are re
quired to be posted at various places in
their township in a short time. If they
should not find their names there, they
should be particular to attend the extra as
sessments and secure their rights. Once
assessed, and having paid their taxes, they
will be ready to vote in October, as it is
their privilege and duty to do as faithful
WE listened, for a few moments, to the
speech of Mr. MONTGOMERY BLAIR, late Post
Master General of the United States, and
like many others, were disappointed. Much
has been said and written of that gentle
man's ability, and of his tact to interest an
audience, and it may all be true, neverthe
less, but we failed to discover it. We think
the Republican party may well afford to
pay his expenses for the service he is un
wittingly doing them. We happen to know
that the Democracy of this Borough thor
oughly regret his appearance ainpng tkqm,
as a herald of their faith, although what
that faith is, we believe they do no! know
themselves; at least, we believe, it is rate
to find two who agree about it. How can
they agree when now standards are sought
for as often as the moon changes ; when
to-day it is orthodox to praise the Emanci
pation Act, and will be orthodox to con
demn it to morrow ; when to-day Mr. LIN
COLN'S policy is regarded as patriotic, and
is sure to be vituperated to-morrow ? Mr.
BLAIR took especial pains to impress his au
dience with the fact,that he had been in the
Cabinet of the late President, and if we cor
rectly remember, that he claimed to have
bet*n his best, his very best friend, and the
very man who originated the measuro of
emancipating the slaves, and that he urged
it upon the Administration long before it
became the last, and only resort,to save the
country. Whether this unsolicited avowal
was politic, in the view that he had before
him many who had, from the first official
act of M. LINCOLN, cast contempt upon him
as a statesman, in general, and opposed
the Act of Emancipation, in particular, as
the certain ruin of the country, and a flagi
tious and wicked violation of the Constitu
tion, we leave to be settled by the wire
workers who imported the astute orator
from his sunny South, to warm the blood
in our frigid veins. Settle it as they may,
dispose of it as they will, it fell from his
lips like a wet blanket, smothering all their
party enthusiasm, and henceforth, through
that long three hours' declamation, a gloom
was apparent upon the spirit of the gather
ing boding a deeper gloom at another gath
ering in October.
But why should Democrats complain at
this harmless egotism of Mr. BLAIR ? The
success of Mr LINCOLN'S policy is known to
all the world, and they cannot render it un
availing to those who are struggling for
the right ; neither can they prevent the
success of those who still adhere to it. It
has cast in its wake a brilliancy which mis
construction cannot gloom—it is a safe
conduct to all who love country, and free
dom, and why denounce Mr. BLAIR for the
part he bore in inaugurating it ? If he did
pioneer the work of emancipation, as he
says he did, his co-workers should be proud
of him, and not meet him with averted fa
ces. Is it possible that they fear his sta
bility ; that even now they suspect him of
a disposition to change his politics from
what they seem, and return to his first
love ? Is it not natural that they should
wonder a little that one who gave the last
Administration such a zealous support
should support the present ono with the
same, or even more devotion ? And, indeed,
they have some reason to wonder. Not one
of his present associates give him the mer
it of consistency. Not one but saw the
shallowness of his argument to prove he
had not changed. Well might they ex
claim, What ! what! Mr. BI.AIR, a radical
Republican in your support of Mr. LINCOLN,
and a radical Republican now in your sup
port of Mr. JOHNSON ! It can not be. Mr.
Blair has changed, or else we are radical
Republicans, for we are acting together.
The Republican party is, to-day, pursu
ing the same policy it has pursued ever
| since its earliest organization. It'has al
i ways made a determined opposition to
| class legislation, whether it be to favor the
! rich at the expense of the poor, or to per
i petuate power in the possession of one race
of uieD, at the expense of the freedom of
another race. Equality before the law, is
its motto, and it will take more than the
eloquence of Mr. BLAIR to convict it, in a
single instance, of a departure from the let
ter and spirit of that sentiment. It is Mr.
I BLAIR who has changed. By what method
| of reasoning can he show that Mr. LINCOLN
| would have stumbled on "My Policy" when
| every act of his life was kindness and mer
cy to the colored man, and "My Policy" is
but a continuation of the old system of op
pression, even to blood and death.
Through the whole speech, the orator
was evidently laboring under a strong feel
ing of ill-will against Mr. LINCOLN'S Cabi
net. We knew he resigned his place as
one of its members, but we cared little for
his private animosities. Mr. STANTON is no
favorite of his, but as Mr. STANTON has en
deared himself to the country by his servi
ces during the war, the people will be loth
to pronounce him unpatriotic, though he
has incurred Mr. BLAIR'S displeasure. Even
the Democracy did not seem to care much
about the merits of a private quarrel be
tween these two men, and they listened
with the same indifference to the " charac
ter " over the late President's hand and
seal, they would have listened to Bridget's.
But does Mr. BLAIR really fear that any
thing unpleasant will follow an attempt to
alter the Constitution ? Is there—can there
be danger to the stability of our institu
tions in changing, or amending, the organ
ic law? How can it beget such fearful
results as are pictured to the imaginations
of some, and were implied in the Bpeech
under review ? Mr. BLAIR need have no
fears. An amendment by a convention is
a peaceful resort to a method provided by
the Constitution for the purpose. Better
that, than a delay which inaugurates a
revolution by blood. It is more than eighty
years since our present Constitution was
framed, and we were not then the great
people we have since become. Then the
organic law was made to avoid protection
to slavery,—it only recognized it, letting it
be a creature of state polity. Now, slave
ry is abolished, and is not a recognition of
that fact necessary in the Constitution?
As conditions change, so ehould legislation
change. A necessity of to-day may have
had no existence eighty years ago. An im
perious duty of our age might be destitute
of fulfillment if the organic law made po
provision for it. All progress would cease
while the State confined the law-making
power to past history only. Why, the old
monarchies of Europe are, many of them,
embodying in constitutions new bases of
legislation, and why should we tie our-'
selves to the past ? There is now an ex
citing struggle in England to alter the
British Constitution in the jqrfkjle Qf suf~.
frage, and nearly ever} - year, by enact-'
ments of Parliament, or by decisions of her
highest courts, that instrument is amended
and changed, enlarged to permit legisla
tion of a more progressive character. Wo
have outgrown the instrument of Eighty-
Seven ; the American mind has expanded
and risen to the level of higher duties. Ca
pacity requires a theatre commensurate
with its power of performance, but the
Southern school of statesmen would limit
its action to the exploded theories of the
To make us more contented with our
present Constitution in respect to repre
sentation, or rather, we suppose, to show
us that we never asked for an amendment
of a feature still more repugnant than that
of which we do, he brought to our atten
tion the great wroug of permitting the lit
tle States of Delaware and Rhode Island
to have the same number of representatives
in the United States Senate, that Pennsyl
vania and New York have. He implied that
representation in the Senate should be bas
ed on population ; and if so, why, then the
larger States have ever been cheated, inas
much as they have each but two Senators,
while the smaller have the same. " Here
is an injustice of whicli you do not com
plain, one of which you ask no abatement ;
why clamor so loud in respect of a matter
not half so bad ?" Now our respect for Mr.
BLAIR, our estimate of bis intelligence, will
not permit us to believe bim so ignorant
as all this driveling implies. Ho knew—
we know he knew—that he was attempt-
ing to mislead, and that here was a wau- |
ton perversion of the truth. What North-;
ern statesman acquainted with Northern
audiences would risk his reputation upon
the succeas of such a ruse ? It was a poor
attempt to deceive, such a one as his fath
er, or Mr. CI.AY, or Mr. CALHOUN, or any
statesman of character would have spurn- !
ed as dishonorable and infamous. Mr. BLAIR !
knew that representation in the Senate is
one of States and not . of population—that
it is a representation of State sovereignty,
of a State as a State, of a body corporate ;
and here is a peculiarity of our system, one j
for which we look in vain to all other syfi-'
terns of national polity under the sun. It
is a check upon the exuberance of popular
power, a vindication of State right, pre
venting the absorption of the small States
by the more populous, and giving them in
the final passage of a bill or resolution, a
veto upon each encroachment upon their le
gitimate privileges. No, Mr. BLAIR, WC con
sider this provision of the Constitution of
immense value to the Union, and while we
desire its preservation, shall oppose its ab
In many respects this effort of Mr. BLAIR
was worthy of commendation. The eulo
gy and praise bestowal on Mr. LINCOLN
was responded to by three-fourths of his
audience, however distasteful it may have
been to the remainder. The same may be
said of that portion of it which had refer
ence to emancipation. Very few dare,
now, to lift their voices against it, and the
" My Policy " politicians are sorely puzzled
to avoid its inevitable logic. It embarasses
every step they take in the field. It as
sails them in front, Hank, and rear ; it van
quishes them in battle, and slaughters
them in retreat. Like the ghost of the ir
repressible Banquo, it pushes them from
their stools and will not " down at their
bidding." Ah, the sooner they make peace
with the " obstinate nigger " the speedier
their admission to Uncle Sam's banquet of
loaves and fishes.
We must forego any allusions to many
other topics presented in Mr. BLAIR'S speech.
His style of oratory is altogether argumen
tative, not glowing and impassioned, as we
have always presumed characteristic of
Southern eloquence. His whole effort, con
sidered in all its parts, was not really dis
creditable,his key-note being the worth and
patriotism of Mr. LINCOLN, and the wisdom
of emancipation. As Republicans agree in
in these, and agree with him, we have not
much to complain of and would be glad to
have him repeat his whole speech in every
school house in the State. He is, no doubt
a high toned, gentlemanly, Southerner,
maugre his unjust effort in behalf of a
of a sinking cause.
Mr. BLAIR'S observations upon tbe scope
and designs of the Hartford Convention,
were we think, very unjust. Either he is
much mistaken, or we are. Its secret his
tory has been published to the world, and
in that history, supposing it correct, we see
nothing to countenance the inferences of
Mr. BLAIR. But our space does not permit
further notice of his speech. The meeting
was very orderly and peaceable, and there
being more Republicans than Democrats
on the ground, was respectable in point of
The Mass Meeting to hear MONTGOM
ERY BLAIR, was a complete failure. Not
more than two hundred and fifty persons
were in attendance, including Republicans,
women and children. The Democratic lea
ders were thoroughly disgusted with his
harangues, and more forcible than compli
mentary in their comments. He was in
troduced by the acting chairmau of the
Democratic County Committee, but he be
rated the Democracy and Mr. BUCHANAN
very soundly. We trust the Democracy
will keep him travelling. The his
labors are so very apparant in Maine, that
we should be rejoiced to hear that he had
been engaged for the balance of the cam
paign in Pennsylvania.
That the defeat of the Copperheads, and
their "bread and butter" allies is to be uni
uersal and overwhelming is already cert
ainly indicated by the results iuVermontaud
Maine. But it should not be sufficient that
they are defeated at the polls. The situa
tion of the Country demands that the popu
lar voice should be significantly expressed.
Every thousand votes added to the majori
ties against "my policy," is of the. greatest
consequence. It is not enough that Gover
nor and Congressmen are elected who are
loyal aif true. A popular verdict is de
manded against the usurpation aud domi-,
neeriyg insolence of ANDREW JOHNSON, which
will signify that the course of the peoples
repeseutatives meet witht heir hearty appro
bation. Vermont and Maine have already
spoken, Pennsylvania but waits tho coming
second Tuesday of October, to add ber re
spouse. But the glorious voting in Maino
was not achieved without systematic effort.
The State was thoroughly canvassed, and
the result is seen in an increased majority
of 10,000.
The Republicans of Bradford are expected
to contribute largely to the Republican ma
jority in Pennsylvania this fall. We can
give GEARY 5,000 majority,if the unionjmen
of the County will thoroughly organize and
work with the day of election. The great
effort to be made is for a full vote. Every
thing depends upon having the voters at the
polls. An organization should be imme
diately effected in every election district.
Committees should be formed in every school
! district to make a list of voters and arraug
j ments for bringing every voter to the polls.
. ORGANIZATION and LABOR should be the watch
j words.
The glorious result of the Maine election,
is at the present time of unusual import
ance and significance. That State has al
ways been looked to to indicate by its elec
tion in September, what the popular ver-
diet was to be throughout the country at
thelater elections. Tremendous efforts were
made by the supporters of "My Policy",
to secure a result which might be heralded
as a triumph for ANDY JOHNSON. A gain of
Congressmen was confidently expected.—
But the doubtful districts have given ma
jorities for the Radical candidates of from j
4000 to 0000. The confident expectations
of the Copperheads have been terribly dis
appointed. The people are aroused, and
have turned out at the polls to manifest ;
their detestation of ANDREW JOHNSON'S
treachery, and their unalterable hostility
to his scheme for bringing the rebelß back
into power.
As it was in Maine, so it will be in all
tbe Northern States. The blandishments
of office, the corruption of patronage, failed
to seduce tbe people of that State, from
their duty. The same influences that
brought out the voters of Maine to sustain
their faithful representatives will certainly
operate in other States, and secure to the
Republican party a victory more decided
than lias been known for years.
ARE YOU ASSESSED. —The law requires vo
ters to be assessed at least ten days before
election. Consequently Saturday, Sept. 29,
will be the last day on which assessments
can be made. We call upon every voter to
6ee that bis name is upon tbe assessor's
books. We also call tbe attention of our
Republican Committees to this' important
matter. Have a thorough enquiry made in
each town, that no votes shall be lost by
There is danger that some of our return
ed "boys iu blue," may lose their votes by
not being assessed. This should also be
attended to. Our brave soldiers would be
but half performing their duty if, after hav
ing fought the rebels on many a bloody
field, they now neglected to put down the
Copperheads at home.
the last session of the Legislature an act
! was passed changing the manner of voting
lin the several counties of this Common
| wealth. Hereafter the voting will be done
in the following manner: " One ticket
shall embrace the names of all judges of
the courts voted for, and to be labelled
' 'judiciary', one ticket 6hall embrace the
| names of all State officers voted for, and
labeled 'State ;' one ticket shall embrace
the names of all county officers voted for,
including office of Senator, Members of
Congress, if voted for, and be labeled 'coun
ty one ticket shall embrace the name of
all township officers voted for, and be la
belled 'borough' and each class shall be de
posited in seperate ballot boxes."
while swinging round the circle, has taken
pains to frequently repeat—and he repeats
ad nauseam every idea which struggles to
his brain or is suggested to him by others
—that Congress has voted $2,000 addition
al pay to each of its members. He has,
however, ommitted to state that the.propo
sition to increase the pay of Congress was
moved in the House by tbe "bitter Copper
head," Mr. NIBLACK, of Indiana, and in the
Senate by tbe "four-thirds rebel," RIDDLE, of
Delaware ; and that a majority of the Demo
crats of tbe House voted for the increase,
while a majority of the Republicans opposed
York Tlerald t of Tuesday, one of Johnson's
principal organs, says : "Tbe Democracy
of Pennsylvania, iu nominating for Gover
nor Hiester Clymer, a peaceman during the
war, against Gen. Geary, one of the most
distinguished Union soldiers, did for the
Radicals the very best thing that could be
done. For uobody supposes that there is a
ghost of a chance for Clymer against Geary,
and no political philosopher has yet risen
to show that, while Clymer cannot save
himself, he will strengthen the Conserva
tive Congregressioual ticket in Pennsylva
nia. In short, Clymer is a dead weight upon
the party."
We commend to the attention of the
reader, the following article on the {'resi
dent's Tonr, from the New \ ork hxamintr
and Chronicle, a religious and an indepen
dent journal, of great ability, moderate in
its political views, and which has rather
been inclined to look with favor on J'rcsi
dent JOHNSON. That the accidental occu
pant of the White House, is disgracing the
nation by hif <*>reo harangues, and gen
eral vulgarity of demeanor, is very plain,
nis inordinate vanity, and self-conceit, are
The journey which President Johnson
is now making, from the capital to the city
of Chicago, is certainly an event of more
than usual interest. Deis accompanied by
Secretaries Seward and Welles, by Gener
al Grant and Admiral Farragut, and also a
large company of invited officials and
friends. The object of the journey is to at
tend the laying of the corner-stone of the
inouument about to be erected in Chicago
to the memory of the late Senator Douglas,
and it is a distinguished compliment to the
memory of a statesman whose most con
spicuous public acts were so much con
demned at the time, and certainly were not
in harmony with the principles that are
now triumphant. It is also understood to
be the first time in which Mr. Johnson has j
ever visited Philadelphia and New-York, or j
had the opportunity of looking upon the 1
people of the Middle States in their own
homes. The arrival of so distinguished a
party of course awakens the utmost enthu
siasm in every towu aud city through
which it passes, and the spectacle which is
thus presented, of whole populations turn
ing out to utter their welcome, is one which
cannot fail to bo very gratifying to the
But what, after all, gives the greatest
peculiarity to this journey, is the occasion
which Mr.* Johnson continually fiuds in it
to address the people on the unpleasant is
sue, between the Administration and Con
gress, respecting the restoration of the
States. The visit of the Chief Mugi.-.trate
of the Republic to the towns of the Middle
and Western States is thus converted into
a series of occasions for controversial, not
to say partisan, harangues ; and the spon
taneous civilities which all delight to pay
to the President, seem to be interpreted by
; him as demonstrations in approval of the
1 peculiar course he has chosen to pursue re
i specting the reconstruction of the Union.
; In other words, the President, as he ac
| cepts the hospitalities of the States and
| cities through which ho passes, prefers to
lay aside his true character as the head of
j the Government, and to present himself
merely as the representative of a policy for
| which he everywhere challenges the un
\ popular approval. We cannot but think
that in thus doing he makes a serious mis
Nor are the speeches of Mr. Johnson in
keeping with Lis high office, any more than
the special purpose for which he makes
them. It certainly is not in good judg
ment for him everywhere thus freely to ar
raign the Congress of the United States,
and more than insinuate that it is animated
by traitorous designs, which it is his special
and peculiar mission to thwart and destroy.
Besides all this, what can he mean by such
language as the following, used by him in
his address to the crowd from the balcony
of Delmonico's hotel in this city ? " The
rebellion has been completely crushed in the
South. I intend now to fight (he enemies of
the Union in the North. God willing, and
u-ith your help, I intend to fight out the battle
Northern traitors ." Who are these North
ern traitors whom lie is about to fight and
crush, as the rebels of the South have been
crushed ? Are they the Northern sympa
thizers with the rebellion, who during the
war constantly gave aid and comfort to the
enemy ? By no means ; for all these, with
oue accord, profess to approve the Presi
dent's policy, as affording the surest means
of their own restoration to political inllu
ence and importance. The " Northern trai
tors " are the men who stood by the Gov
ernment through all its terrible trials—in
its days of deepest anxiety as well as in
those of its final triumph—who poured out
their treasure for the cause of the Union,
and gave themselves and their sons to be
its champions on all the battle-fields of the
war. Citizens like these, in whose hearts
and homes there is still the burden of a
mighty sorrow for loved ones slain by reb
el hands, are now held up in the cities
where they live " as opposed to the resto
ration of the States," and as " Northern
traitors." The consequences of utterances
such as these cannot fail to be bad, and
that continually, and Mr. Johnson ought to
know it. Because a portion of the people
—many of them of the highest character
and the purest patriotism—shrink from giv
: ing their approval to his peculiar views,
| they do not deserve to be stigmatized by
I him as " Northern traitors," nor will they
j tamely submit to it.
Mr. Johnson's style of oratory, however
it may be suited to the stump, especially
in Tennessee, is singularly unbecoming the
President of the United States. Official
dignity and propriety always demand con
ciseness in expression and carefulness in
what is expressed. But he rambleS" on
through a speech with endless verbosity,
I not knowing what he is going to say, and
j constantly repeating what he has said, and
I what often were better if never uttered.—
The crowd in the streets will vehemently
applaud, and well-bred people generally
will listen respectfully, because it is the
President who speaks, but he must not
therefore conclude that this amounts to an
approval of his sentiments or his mode of
presenting them. Coarse sentiments and
offensive images cannot be employed by a
person in so exalted a station, without re
acting upon their author ; for, after all,
there is an instinct of propriety in the pop
ular mind, which is sure to be offended in
such a case, by what is unworthy of a man
of good breeding.
The question of reconstruction turns
mainly, after all, upon the security of the
Freedinen. There are those who honestly
believe that the rights of these people
ought to be fully guaranteed, and their po
litical status distinctly fixed among the rep
resentative population of the country, be
fore the States lately in rebellion are again
admitted to participate in national legisla
tion. Their opinion on this point has been
strengthed by recent events, and by recent
manifestations of the dominant sentiment
in the Southern States ; and they do not
like the antecedents of the men who are
now the stoutest champions of the opposite
policy. Now this opinion may be errone
ous ; it may have its origin in an excessive
distrust of the South ; but the President
may not call it treason, nor may he impute
evil motives to those who hold this opinion
or place them on a level with traitors late
ly in rebellion at the South, unless he is
willing to forfeit the respect of all good
men. He knows that these imputations
are wholly groundless, and he would never
utter them, were he not controlled by the ;
impulses of passion instead of the dictates
of reason.
On the whole, wc think this excursion of
President Johnson to Chicago, in the man
ner in which it is conducted i .
rogrottfd lie does not ™ ch } U
t ige, and both the office which i 1 (.
the government which he represent?!'' 4
dently part with their prestige is, t j
cnce of such exhibitions as •
making of himself. He should , :u
veiled only is the President of tl„. p ,
States, and maintained the simole di!"'"'
and comprehensive courtesy which he?/' 1 ' 1
to that unique station. He has p,'! .°, nr ' s
unfortunately chosen to present V' '■'7'
everywhere as the Champion ofagn*
policy, in advocating which he app, !i'.' '!
the passions of the people, and lnjlj"
those who differ from him to the public
probrinm. lie will return to Was},
wo greatly fear, with less of the Va'p "
respect and confidence than he had bef
Judge Ehvell has been m.initiate,; t
Congress by a conference that ch,"
venture to give itself a name. V '
however, that the conference nnaiiiu, '
adopted the resolutions and \ •
National Union Convention held at pi
delphia on the 14th of August last. '
The committee appointed to wait v
Judge Elwell returned with that .
man, "who in a few brief aim pertinent
marks accepted the nomination."
What those "few brief remarks"
we are not informed. We do i,t p., ,
how Judge Elwell will feel with the I'M
j bread and butter mantle thrust upon t, r
| but his friends are quite jubilant in
hope that they can coax over, i uv, steu
borrow enough votes to elect" him
this they are doomed to disapp intm-r
There is nothing in the new cause, Uw 'i
the man they have nominated, to win .
ular favor. The Johnson cause is aim
condemned by discriminating men j
parties. The Cops give it only a tacit .v,.'
port to earry personal ends this yen
they intend to leave Johnson in hj<,
mud, as soon as their wings, which
badly scorched in the Rebelli , ," w
iledged. Personally Judge Elw, 11j.
spectable man, but has f.-w of thuM.- ,j iit .
ties which make an influential
man. Judge Elwell has been SIKY --J..;
a lawyer ; his head i.-. full ~f report, d
cases and legal technicalities, but h, .
tics he has never risen above uieili jcrh\
Those who have known him well f>r iwuui,
years know that he has failed in aim J
every political step which he has tax
He never rose to be a political leader t ve.
of the few Democrats left in leadf- rj
tor the Republican party was formed. Th,
stronger mind of Piolet always led .
way and Elwell followed. He has frequ'-Lt
ly been a respectable tool for uuscrupu! ...
men, and that is bis position now. H
j will find that his pretended friends Im
proved his worst enemies by thrusting
into a position for which neither id- turn •
I mind or habits of life have fitted him.--
j Sullivan Free Tress.
As all the counties in this Congn-ssi i.
District instructed for Mercur, tin- r
! ence had nothing to put the uoimuatba L
j due form. His first nomination was a !.j ;
testimonial to his personal popularity. 1'
did not seek the nomination; he rut:..;
preferred the honorable and pleasant p
tion which he then held on the Bench, l :
; he was regarded as the strongest mat in
the District, and was unanimously call .
1 upon to accept the nominal ion for CJU-
I gress. His services in Congress during
the late session have been in a high degrv
honorable to himself and satirfacti .y m
his constituents. True to principle, active,
and industrious, he devoted all his great
talents to the interests of his constituents
and his country. Eminently ijualifieil as
an orator, he did not seek occasions v
"show off," but rather chose to urge W
ness forward than to hinder it with mc .
speaking. When the President raised t:.
grcat issue with Congress Mercur
firm against the blandishments and threat!
of the Autocrat at the White House— and
for this alone, if for no other reason, hi- i
serves to be reelected. Tne Copperheab
hate him with intense hatred and a-?a..
him in every possible form. The campaign
will be fierce and bitter. Money will b
used by the Johnson men with a lavtsii
hand, and promises dealt out to gin ;y
office seekers with even greater libera.::.
Against the tremendous assaults tL:-
made upon us by those who wield the p v
er and hold the purse we have nothing to
oppose but the intelligence and iuteg. g
of the people. "Upon this rok we bu •
our hope and the hosts of hell shall i t
prevail against it."— Sulivan tree l'r->-
terrible accident that occurred at .Ibus
town, on Friday, vvss much more fatal a:. ;
! distressing than the reports <>u Saturuy
j represented them to be. It seems •
I less than thirteen persons were A;, n '
■ fatally injured, and a very large numU-r
| wounded.
In expectation of the special tram c t
taining the Presidential party, a la
number of people, probably three thousa'i :
in all, had gathered in and about the '•
!at that place to tender the u.-ual saiuu
i lions. Near the depot is an old canal, ever
which was a double crossing with a sort :
cover, fifty feet square between.
Upon this structure or bridge some
or nine hundred people had congregate! .
large number of whom were urn a ay
children. The centre part was dense}
packed, and must have coutaimd at a a-,
four hundred people, the train 1.-iu mri. ..
stopped when the centre part gave w
with a tremendous crash, precipitating
entire party, in a headlong mass • m '
ty feet. Hardly had the noised thefui- ! -o
timbers and the shrieks of the terrified p
pie above ceased, when the groans my ;
dying and the screams of >A omeu am!. "
dren came from the awful wreck below.
suggests that Mr. Seward deliberately
ned the tour to Chicago, for the par;; y
destroying Johnson as a rival I'ivsnlm ■
candidate iu 18<iS. If this is the tII: '/
plauation of this remarkable journey 1
fleets great credit upon the sagacity •
Secretary of State, as he Cyuld ' ■ 1
chosen a better method of disposing' •
garrulous chief than an exhibition
the American people.
fcSF" Major General John F. Harfr "
been appointed, at the urgent ivcomii' y 1
tion of Gen. Grant, Colonel of the 24th J
i ment U. S. Infantry. It is an hojn ,;
deserved. The appointment w 'iil ,ll ••
vacancy in the Auditor Geucny- (
which will be supplied by appointim (
Governor Curtin. As Auditor
Pennsylvania, Gen. Hartranft has
great satisfaction.
The Democratic State
nominated" John T. Hoflman ot - ' . lIV
for Governor, Robert
for Lieut. Governor, Nm. V\. Oall*-
Canal Commissioner, and iranh- •
glier of Erie, for State Prison lu.>p< l