| local and general. jg- The Reporter is printed upon CAMP ... COUNTRY and Job Press, Office No. 56 Gold I \ W Vork. Thomas H. Senior, agent ♦ li QG. [ IIIOU Republican Meetings will be I DURING the week, commencing Mon -scpt. I B6 **. AT the following places, 1;, addressed by the Speakers named.J WYALUSING, Monday, Sep ;. 17th, at 7p. m. " , ikers— Gen. H. J. Madill, Col. Jos. H. Hor- Capt. J- H. Hurst, Win. A. Peck, Esq., G. tji. ilontanye. J GVNY, at Brown's School House, near WM. 1 '^i Liter's" Monday , Sept. 17th, at 7p. in. Speak i'S Wm. T. Davies, Esq., Capt Benj. M. Peck, F'J ('OL E. Overton, Jr. \\ vIIREN, IN the Welch Church, Tuesday, [1 V „ ~t 18, at 7 p.m. Speakers— Wm. A. Peck, D. Montanye, and Capt. J. H. Hurst. WEST FRANKLIN, Tuesday, Sept. 18th, at 7 V M Speakers— Wm. T. Davies, Capt. Benj. I YI. Peck, Col. E. Overton, Jr. ~ SMITHFIELD CENTRE, Tuesday, Sept 18th, ;I, in. Speakers— Gen. H. J. Madill, FL. J fret, Esq. Capt. C. M. Manville. • WINDHAM CENTRE, Wednesday, Sept. 19th, ; B*T). in. Speakers— W. A. Peck, Esq., Geo. P Montanye, and Capt. J. H. Hurst | I. LD'BLINGTON BOLLO, Wednesday, Sept 19th, 1 •7p. M. Speakers —W. T. Davies, Esq., Capt. M- Peck, Col. E. Overton, Jr. rj L.EROY, Wednesday, Sept. 19th, at 7p. m.— ,ILA rs— Capt. C. M. Manville, Judson 110 - NlB, Esq., and H. Peet, Esq. I] .. HOME. Thursday, Sept. 20th, at 7p. m. Speak- L_o. D. Bartlett, Esq., G. D. Montanye, Wm. A. Peck. | ULSTER, Thursday, Sept 20th, at 7p. m. < ~IKI IS W. T. Davies, Capt B. M. Peck, and 1 LE. Overton, Jr. ;; . pECKER'S SCHOOL HOUSE, in Towanda TOWNSHIP, Thursday, Sept. 20th, at 7 p. m. - KIEL'S —H. Peet, Esq., J. Ilolcomb, Esq., aud j CAPT. C. M. Manville. 1 R \IHENS, Friday, Sept. 21st, at 7p. m. Speak- V-—WM. A. Peck, Esq., G. D. Montanye, G. \V yue Kinney, A. H. Spalding. 1 I- MYERSBURG, Friday .>ept. 21st, at 7p. m. 1 ITERS— Gen. H. J. Madill, Capt. B. M. Peck, ' \IUI. T. Davies, Esq., Col. E. Overton, Jr. KG- ON Thursday of last week, Richard IJ Gorman, of Williamsport, who was at work on the -w store of lledington, Maxwell A Leonard as a .inter, in climbing out of one of the upper wiu ws of the east side, fell over the scaffolding to 1 THE ground, a distance of about thirty feet. He ia- picked up quite insensible, but the place where LC fell was a mortar bed aud free from stones, so | ;_at hi-- injuries did not prove fatal. He went J Lome on Saturday last. — Troy Gazette. GGK, The following is a list of officers of j die Resolute Base Ball Club of Canton. Pri-■ileal.— H. N. WILLIAMS. Fire rresulsnt. —J. D. TYLER. > rretary . —LEWl S SELLAIID. Treasurer. —GEO. BULLOCK. Directors. —W. GAGE, CHAS. VANDYKE, L. H. I WRIGHT. tPaT DR. COUI.TER, Medical Electrician, has j taken rooms at the Means House, where he is pre- I pared to receive the visits of those afflicted with disease. His advertisement, which will be found I ;n another column, specifies the particular com plaints which he cures, as Lis sojourn is necessar -1 ily limited, it will be necessary to give him an | early call. BRADFORD COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSSCIA - The members and friends of this Associa -1 >n meet at Monroeton, Sept. 25 and 26, in con ] I-reuee upon measures best adapted to promote IT religious distraction and salvation of the youth j I )'.ir country. BASE BALL. — The first of the three games | rtween the Burlington Club of Burlington, and I IT Winona Club of this place, for the Champion 'S ship of Bradford conuty, was played on the BJ troards of the latter Club, on Friday afternoon ] -I-T. The Winona's were victorious by a score of : 43. A luck of space precludes our giving the ,-• in detail. The second game will be played : Burlington on Tuesday afternoon next. The well-known Artist, O. C. BENJA | E of F.lmira, N. Y., will be at the Photographic j ..try of Prof. BENDER, in this place, for a few j Those- wishing a good picture should not -;lL' call. The Ivory types on exhibition at the ICHOR'S Gallery, are well W-orth going to see, at Covar PROCEEDINGS. —The September term of our Court commenced on Monday, Sept . 3, Hon. J ! B. SRSEETER President, Hon . V. JI. LONG and j IIJU.L P. STALFORD associates. li-T- first day was occupied in hearing motions, I -'Mi ting rules, hearing Constable returns, and the j MAI preliminary business. lac- grand jury was sworn Monday afternoon, as JOSEPHUSCAMI-BELL, Foreman, A. C.Arnold, | Addison Cooper, Benj. Clark, James Cleve land, -ORG'- B. Davidson, Lyman French, Johnson Fish ' Davis Grey, Burton Luther, Smith Lent, I - - .Wolyneux, -Jesse Moore, Ulysses Moody, R. i - kering, S. A. Pierce, Edwin Roselle, Charles %les, Thomas B. Smith, Gabriel Walker, Means 1 V-, L. I'. Williams, and Joseph Seeley. j AE grand jury were discharged Thursday eve j -have acted upon an unusually large amount i'iut-ss. The following bills indictments were j EARNED. TRUE BILLS. J ;i;raui Sherry — Selling liquor to minors, Ac. •VANE Selling liquor to minors on Sunday. I feiiuuel Depeu — Larcency. 1 Miles Wmfield —Larceny. ') illiiim Stobert — Assault and battery. iiliaui Allen — Assault and battery, j 1 rands Boyle — Fornication, J Lar Wendell — Horse stealing, j S tnford Philips — Larceny. ■■ -vph Corey — Horse stealing. 'Acob Armstrong. — Assault and battery. 1 GEO. A. Holden and O. Ilolden — Assault and | tottery. ] iimothy Downs — Larceny. I Timothy Heirrgan — Larceny. Michael Looney et al. — Assault and battery. Edward Smith —Larceny. A. G. Cole — Assault and bnttrry. Thomas Layton— False pretences. George W. Jones—Fornication. •lames Scott and Charles Crandall—Larceny. Limes Jlaher — Selling liquor on Sunday. Same— Selling liquor to minors. A. B. Spencer — Larceny. Perry Buell — Assault and battery. Jacob Grace — Selling liquor on Sunday. Same — Selling liquor to minors. Martin JlcAlister — Fornication. NOT A TRUE BILL—COUNTY FOB COSTS. | Charles Allen— Burning a barn. E. Lendington— Assault and battery. PROSECUTOR FOB COSTS. i.'Jiiisa Turner— Assault and battery. 'oha McDonald— Assault and battery. IU 'HE quarter session the followfng cases were hfed: ">■ I S. Francis Boyle .■ — lndicted for fornication, THE prosecution of Mendorah Smith. Found • "LY, aud sentenced to pay a fine of $75 to the MEERS of the poor of WyalusLug.Township, for 'VIE of the poor of said Township. US. Sanford J'hUips.— Defendant was indic ■l f purloining anovercout from the office ofls •Solomon, in this borough. Verdict of guilty, ; " G-E Court sentenced him to the Penitentary for °fe year. I •HE remaineer of Court Proceedings are ueces deferred until next week.] NORTHERN TIER GAZETTE. —We omitted, last week, to notice the" receipt of the " Gazette" which takes the place of |the | Time?. The paper has been enlarged, and] very much improved, and the two numbers we have received that Mr. HOOKER will make a paper worthy the support of the people of Western Bradford. Politically the Gazette is sound, and its editorial columns show that the editor is thoroughly fumiliar with the great questions of the day. THE following appointments were made at the East Genesee Conference, for 1866-7 : TROY DISTRICT —T. B. HUDSON, P. E. Troy— J. H. BLADES. Towanda— J. T. BROWNELL. Burlington— ELlSHA SWEET. Canton— JOSHUA THOMPSON. Monroeton—lt. L. STILLWELL. Springfield— JOHN SHAW. East Smithfield— RlCHAßD VIDEAN. Forksville— W. M. HASKILL. Dushore— M. L. KYMER. Mainsburg—C. L. F. HOWE. Mansfield— llAWLEY LAMKIN. Wellsboro—A. W. STAPLES. Tioga and Lawrenceville— NATHAN FELLOWS. Charleston— CHAßLES WEEKS. AN ATTEMPT TO ROB THE BANK OF OWECO. —There is a story current, that there was an at tempt made last Sunday night to rob the Bank of Owego. The facts, as we learn them, are nearly as follows : A young man, named Boynton, who has been in our village for some days, engaged in the sale of shells, was last Sunday in one of the Hotels near the Depot, where he made the ac quaintance of a young man from Binghamton,nam ed Dunn, and in the course of a conversation with him was asked "if he did not wish to go into a speculation, as he, [Dunn], knew of a Bank down street, in which was deposited a large sum of mon ey, and that he was possessed of the means of get ting at it, and that he only needed the assistance of another party to do so." Boynton appeared to enter into the scheme, and they proposed to enter into the Bank that night. Before night, Boynton, however, informed the police and officers of the Bank, who were, therefore, on the alert He then with Dunn visited the vicinity of the Bank, early in the evening and again about 10 or 11 oclock, when not finding everything to his satisfaction, left, without making any attempt on the Bank vault, or even touching the building. Dunn was arrested, and upon a charge of an attempt to com mit burglary, was by Justice Gere, put under bail in the sum of SSOO, in default of which he was committed. Geo. Sidney Camp appeared in be half of the Bank, and D. O. Hancock, for the de fence.—Ouetjo Gazette. HORRIBLE ACCIDENT.— On Friday last a young man named Edward Claflin, of Roaring Branch, Pa., came into town and stayed during the day, putting up at the kept by G. E. Smith. He had very little money with him, and it seems he hud come to Troy without paying his fare ; and when he came to leave the Exchange had not money enough to pay for his supper. He said he intended to get upon the 11:45 train, and during the evening left the hotel. It is supposed he attempted to get upou the train when in mo tion, but missed his footing and fell between the cars, and was instantly crushed by the remorseless wheels. About four o'clock the r next morning, when Keddy, one of the hands employed about the depot, was going along the track, he saw what he took to be a large stick of wood on the track near the wood pile, and going to remove it found it was the body of poor Claflin. The head was near ly severed from the body, together with one arm, the wee els having passed diagonally across the neck. He was lying with his face downward, and one arm extended, as if to save himself from fall ing. A coroner's inquest was held by Esquire Kendall, the jury giving as their verdict, "That the said Edward Claflin was run over by one or more trains of cars, causing death instantly." On Saturday his father was telegraphed to, aud the body was sent to his friends.— Troy Gazette. To TEACHERS. —Our Couuty Institutes are to be held soon. Will you attend them? You can not neglect to do so without giving evidence of a want of appreciation of the means of improvement, of the importance of the work of the teacher, and the necessity of unity of purpose, and co-opera tion in advancing the cause of education. Nor could you in view of such neglect, complain that your labors are not appreciated by others. The success of our profession is measured, to a great extent, by the enterprise, virtue and knowl edge of its members. A reasonable amount of zeal, public spiritness and self sacrifice, is essen tial to success. Teachers should not be wanting in these elements of progress. Special preparation and training are needed to fit one for teaching, as well as other occupations. A largo proportion of those who teach have no oth er preparation than that obtained at school, in the knowledge of the branches. This is not suffi cient. Three-fourths of the failures arise from oth er causes than want of this. These Institutes will be made to supply, as far as time and circumstan ces will permit, this deficiency. No effort will be spared to make them as efficient as possible, and all who are not at schools for special preparation, should attend. Special effort will be made in the direction of those branches most inefficiently taught in our schools. I may name Reading, Writ ing and Orthography. Improvement must be made in these and more attention be given to them. The law requires it. The wants of our schools and the public demand it, and teachers who do not put forth reasonable efforts to meet these demands, must expect no unmerited favors. The requisite improvement will be enforced by greater stringen cy at examinations, if necessary. Those attending the Institutes shall have the benefit of the instructions of the best teachers that can be had to assist us. Prof. SANDERS, au thor of the series of Readers in use, will aid us one week, at least. All who would avail them selves of the benefit of his instructions, should at tend at Springfield. Thorough drill in Penmanship will be given by one who has made this branch a speciality. Seve ral other new features will be added, and no pains will be spared to make them profitable to all.— Teachers should .be present at the opening on Jlonday. Let none who should join the class, drop in toward the close of the week. The term of each Institute is too short at best Let all come determined to make the most of the limited time we may be together. There are indications that a season of great educational activity and improve ment is before us. The demand is for teachers better qualified. Those of Bradford must not be found fn the rear. O. J. CHUBBUCK, County Sup't. Orwell, Aug. 31, 18C6. SPECfAL NOTICES. IIERMAXCE'S PATENT FARM GATE.—TLIC par ties owning this county for the sale of this Gate, have called on us at our office. We have seen a copy of their patent papers, and can assure our readers that it is all right. They have met with good success on the east side of the river and re fer to a few of the parties that have bought farm and township rights : Judge Passmore, Prof. Towner, Messrs. Du rands, A. B. Jlatthews, L. Frisbie, Daniel Bailey, Albert Conklin, Jlinor Taylor, Robt. Nelson, Z. Cook, George W. Prince, Joseph Coleman. O. D. Cass owns the towns of Rome, Herriek and Wysox ; Charles Easterbrooks and Charles Y. Prince the towns of Orwell and Windham ; J. JL Daws the town of Litchfield ; Messrs. Taylor Brs. & Beurdslee the town of Warren ; Wm. Durand the town of Standing Stone ; E. J. Easterbrooks & Brother the the towns of Pike and Wyalusing. The parties are here for a short time, und can be seen at the Eagle Hotel. Aug. 29. \YICKHAM & BLACK are again on hand with New Goods, just suited to the season. Call and see their stock. LOST. —In the road from Towanda to Wyalusing a package containing five yards of lin ing for Carriage Top, whoever has found it will do the undersigned a favor by letting me know where it is and shall be liberally rewarded. Wyalusing, Ag. 20th, 1866. J. LEWIS. TEACHERS' INSTITUTES. —Teachers are re quested to meet for drill instruction and mutual improvement, at Springfield Center, on Monday, Sept. 10th, at Leßoy, Sept. 17th, and in Herriek Church, Sept. 24th. All should attend. It is ear nestly urged that they be present at the opening on Monday at two o'clock,and remain till the close Friday noon. Able instructors will assist, and no eftort will be wanting to make these meetings prof itable to all who attend. Teachers will bring text books, note books and Stationery. Invitation to the public is extended. O. J. CHUBBUCK. DR. COULTER, " Medical Electrician," of Philadelphia, has taken rooms on the first floor of the "Means House," where he will remain a few weeks, devoting his time to the treatment and curing of chronic diseases by his new system of " Medical Electricity." This practice, after prac tical proofs of its superiority as a curative agent, has been adopted in the Hospitals of Paris, and London, and after being left for a time in this country in the hands of the inexperienced in its application, and ignorant of its laws, has been adopted by some of the most eminent of the Med ical Profession. Chronic diseases which have baffled all medicine, yield to Medical Electricity. Dr. COULTER can be consulted free. TOWANDA MARKETS.— ( Wholesale Prices.) Corrected exery Tuesday by E. T. Fox, No. I,Brick Row : Wheat $2 50 @ $2 75 Eye 85 @ 00 Corn 85 Outs 00 @ 65 Flux Seed 1 80 (a) 2 00 Clover Seed, (small) 8 00 " " (Orwell) 10 00 i 1 25 00 1 50 ; Butter (rolls) 30 (a) 32! " (dairy) 30 (jn 35 I Egg 22 Potatoes 1 50 () 1 75 Hay (per ton) 8 00 Salt (per lbb.) 3 00' FLOUR 12 00 (a) 16 00 ' Ham '. 25 (a) 28 : WEIGHTS OF GRAlN.—Wheat, 60 lbs; Corn, 56 lbs; ! Rye, 56 lbs ; Oats, 32 lbs ; Barley, 46 lbs ; Buck wheat, 48 lbs; Beans, 62 lbs; Bran, 20 lbs; Clover Seed 62 lbs; Dried Apples, 22 lbs; Flax Seed 56 lbs. miscellaneous. (CAUTION. —All persons are hereby for / biJ harboring or employing a bound boy named LIS WIS BAILEY, who has absconded Irom my house. 1 shall not be responsible tos any charges made by him. Warren, Sept. 1,18n6. ELI AS LUNN. 17STRAY.—Came into the enclosure of -U the subscriber in Smitiilield twp., August G, 1866 two small two year olds—one steer and one hciter deep red. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take them away, or they will be disposed of act riling to law. sept3,3t. J.O. TRACY. QTRAYED—From the premises of the hi? subscriber, in Asylum twp., about the 10th day ol August, lt>66, a lied Cow, about six years old, with two white spots on the forehead. Any person giving any tnlurmation as to her whereabouts will cooler a great favor an the owner, CORNELIUS JOHNSON. August 23 , 1866.—3t. US. INTEIi NA L RE YEN UK. • Notice is hereby given that the Annual list of Excise Taxes for 1866, has been transmitted to me by the Assessor, and the same has become due and paya ble. All persons Assessed in the County ol Bradford, will make payment to the undersigned on or before Saturday, September 8, iB6O. Notice is also given that all persons who neglect to pay the duties and taxes assessed upon them within the time specified will he liable to pay 10 per cent, addition al upon the amount thereof. H. L. SCOTT, Collector 13 lit District, I'enn a. Collector's Office, Towanda, Pa. Aug, 24, 18GG. TO SOLDIERS AND ALL OTHER Persons inteiestedin Claims lor Pensions,lncrease of Pusious,Additional Bounties, Commutation ot Rations to Union Soldiers held as Prisoners ol War, ld at unusually low figures. A large variety of C locks just received, among which may beiound the Seth Thomas, which has no equal REPAIRING AND JOBBING, done with neatness and dispatch, and w.rrauted. To those who can't re, we would say go Chamberlain's and get a pair of glasses that will make you see as well as ever. Don't target the shop, nearly opposite the Court House. W. A. CHA • BERLAIN. Towanda, Nov. 6,1865. 13OOK-UINBCVII. BOOK-BINDERY.— THE PUBLIC IS respectfully iuformed that the Book-Bindery has been removed to the Argus Building, 3d story, where will be done BOOK-BIS DING! In all its various branches, on terms as reasonable as " the times " will allow. The Biudery will be undea the charge of H. C. WHITAKEK, An experienced Binder, and all work will be promptly done, in a style and manner which cannot he excelled. Music, Magazines, Newspapers, Old Books, Ac., bound in every variety ot styie. Particular attention will be paid to the Ruling and Binding ol BLANK BOOKS, To any desired pattern, which in quality and durability wil be warranted. All work will be ready for delivery when promised. The patronage of the public is solicited, and perltct satisfaction gnarranteed. Towanda, August 2, 1866.—ti. C GROCERIES of all kinds are selling I cheap at FOX'S. £ec\ai t 1 EN ERA L ELECTION PROCLAMAJ- I" TION Whereas, by an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, eutitled " au act rela ting to the elections of this Commonwealth," it is en joined upon me to give public notice of such election to be held, and also the enumeration in such notice what officers are to be elected, I, J. M. SMITH, High Sheriff of the County of Bradford, do hereby make known and give notice to the electors of said county, on TUESDAY, the 9th day of OCTOBER, in the several districts in said County, to wit. In Allsi Boiuug.., at the house formerly occupied by D. P. Knapp. In Albany, at the school house near Wm . Barnes', lu Armenia, at the house of John S. Becker. In Asylum, at the school house near Simeon Decker's, In Athens boro', at the house formerly occupied by E. S. Mathewsou. In Athens twp., at tho house formerly occupied by J. B. Hunt, in Athens boro. In Burlington boro", at the house formerly occupied by L. T. Koyse. i In Burlington twp., at the house of James Wilcox, i lu Burlingtou West, at the house of Ezra Godard. In Canton boro', at the Central House, i In C uton twp. at the house formerly occupied by S, 8. Myers, in Canton boio. In Columbia, at the house of James Morgan. In Franklin, at the house now occupied by 8. 8. Downiug. in Granville, at the house of Benj. F. Taylor. In Her rick, at the school house near Daniel Durand's. In Leßayaviile boro'. at the house formerly occupied by J. R, Fletcher. lu Litchfield, at the bouse formerly occupied by Cyrus Bloodgood. In i.eltoy, at the Centre School House, in Monroe twp., at the house iormerly occupied by R. R. Rockwell. In Monroe boro', at the house iormerly occupied by Ethel Taylor. Iu Orwell at the bouse of Francis Woodruff. In Overton, at the house formerly occupied by David Waltman. iu Pike, at the house of Travel' Bosworth. In Rome twp., at the Academy in Rome boro. In Rome boro', at tbe Academy. In Ridgbury.at the house of Benj. Hermans. In Sheshequin at the Valley House. In Springfield, at the house formerly occupied by Jesse Hammond. In Standing Stone, at the house of Simon Stevens, in Smithlield, at the house formerly occupied by A. J, Gerould. In Sylvania boro'. at the house of Curtis Merritt. Iu South Creek, at the house of J. F. Gillett. In Terry, at the house of Jacob Frutchey. Iu Towanda boro',at the Grand Jury Room. In Towanda twp., at the house of T. If. Jordan in Towanda boro. In Towanda North, at the house of S. A . Mills, In Troy twp., at the house of V. M. Long iu Troy boro. In Troy boro', at the house of V. M. Long. In I'uscar ra, at the school house near James Black's In Ulster, at the house of 8. B. Holcomb. Iu Warren at tbe house of If. Cooper. Iu Windham, at the house of B. Kuykcndall. In Wyalusiug, at the house of J. H. Black. In Wilmot, at the house of A. J . Stone. In Wysox, at the house formerly occupied by J. M. j Reed. In Wells, at the house of L. Seeley. At which time and place the electors aforesaid will ] elect by ballot. One person lor Governor of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania. One person lor Represent .tive in Congress from the j lJtb Congressional District of Pennsylvania. Two persons to represent the counties of Bradford and ; Sullivan in the Legislature of this Commonwealth. One person for Associate Judge lor the County of Brad- | ford. One person for High She iff for the County of Bradford One person lor Prothouotary, Clerk oi the Court of | Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer of Bradford I County. One person for Recorder of Deeds, Register of Wills, and Clerk oi the Orphan's Court of Bradford County ! One person tor Commissioner ot tne County of Brad lord. One person for Auditor for the County ot Bradford . One person for Coroner for the County' ot Bradiord. And in and by said act, I am lurther directed to give | notice" that every person excepting justice of the peace j who shall hold any office ot profit and trust under the government of the United States or this State, or of ■ any incorporated district, aud also that every Member | ot Congress aud ot the Legislature, and the select and i common council of auy city, or commissioners ot an y t incorporated district, is by law incapable ol holding or | exercising at the same time the office or appointment ; of Judge, Inspector or Clerk ot and election of this j Commonwealth aud that no Inspector or other officer of any such election shall be then eligib e to any office then to be voted lor. By tiie 4th section of an act passed the Ist day ol April, 1810, it is provided " that the 13th section of act passed July 2, 1803, entitled ' An act relating to the elections ot this Commonwealth,' " shall not be con strued so as to prevent any military officer from serving ! as Jhdge, Inspector or Clerk, at any general or special j election of this Commonwealth. An Act to change the time of closiug the polls at the i General and Township Elections in the County of ) Bradtord. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of I Representatives ot the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Asse übly met and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That at all General, Special, and Township or Borough elections hereafter helu in the County ot Bradford, the Polls shall be closed at six o'clock in the alternoon instead oi seven, as heretofore provided by law. A lurther Supplement to the Election Laws of Penn sylvania : WUBKEAS, By the act of the Congress of the United States, entitled " An Act to amend the several acts heretofore passed to provide for the enrolling and call ing out the National forces, and lor other purposes," and approved March third, one thousand eight hundred i and sixty-five, all persons who have deserted the mili- | tary or naval service ot the United States, and who j have not been discharged, or relieved Irom the penal i ty, or disability therein provided, are deemed, and tak en , to have voluntarily relinquished, aud forfeited their rights of citizenship, and their rights to become citi zens, and are deprived ot exercising any rights of citi zens thereof: And whereas, Peisous, not citizens oi the United States, are not, under tbe Constitution and laws ol Pennsylvania, qualified electors of this Commonwealth: SECTION 1. lie it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in (Jrniral Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That in all elections hereafter to ■ be held in this Commonwealth, it shall be unlawful for ! the judge or inspectors ot any election to receive any ballot,or ballots, from any person, or persons, embraced inutile provisions,and subject to the disability, imposed by said act ol Congress, approved March third, one thousand eight hundred aud sixty-five, and it shali be uulawtul for any such person to offer to vote auy ballot, or ballots. SECTION 2. That it auy such judge and inspectors of elec ion, or any one of them shall receive, or consent to receive, any such unlawful ballot, or ball ts, from any su c h disqualified person, he, or they, so offending, shall b e guilty ot a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, in any court of quarter sessions of this Com monwealth, he shall, for each offence, be sentenced to pay a fi"e ot not less than ODe hundred dollars, and to undergo an imprisonment, in the jail ot the proper county, or not less than sixty days. SECTION 3. That it any person deprived of citizen ship, and disqualiti d as aforesaid, shall, at any elect on, hereafter to be held in this Commonwealth, vote, or tender to the officers hereof, and offer to vote, a ballot, or ballots, any person, so offending, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, in any court of quarter sessions f this Commonwealth, shall, tor each offence, be punished in like manner as is provided in the preceding section of this act, in the cu-e o officers of election receiving such uulawtul bal lot, or baLots. SECTION 4. That if any person shall hereafter per suade, or advise, any person, or persons, deprived of citizenship, and disqualified as aforesaid, to offer auy ballot, or ballots, to the officers of any election, herea 1- ter to be held in this Commonwealth, or shall persuade or advise, any such officer to receive any billot, or bal lots, from any person deprived of citizenship, and dis qualified as aforesaid, such person, so offending, shal 1 beguil'yoi a misdemeanor, and upon conviction there of, in any court ot quarter sessions of this Common waaltb, shall be punished in like manner as is provided 1 in the second section of this act, in the case of officers ot such election receiving such unlawlul ballot or bal lots. An Act regulating the mode of voting at all elections iu the several counties of this Commonwealth : SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvaaia in General Assembly met, and it is he, eby enacted by the i authority of the same. That the qalitied voters of the several counties of this Commonwealth, at all general, township, borough aud special elections, are hereby, hereafter, authorized aud required to vote, by tickets, printed, or writteu. or p rtly printed aud partly writ ten, several y classified as follows : One ticket shall embrace tbe names of all judges ot courts voted for, r and to Tie labelled, outside, "judiciary;" one ticket shall embrace the names of ali state officers voted lor, and be labelled," state ; one ticket shall embrace tbe names of all county officers voted for, including office of senator, member, and members of assembly, if voted ' for, aud members of" congress, if voted for, and be la | belled, •• county oue ticket shall embrace the names of all township officers voted for, and be labelled, town ship one ticket sh ill embrace the names of all bo rough officers voted for, and bo labelled, " borough and each class shall be deposited in separate ballot t boxes. The meeting of the return judges lor this Congres sional District, shall be at the Court House, in Tu nk hannock.on the seventh day after the election, which will be the 16th day of October. ' The meeting of return judges for this Representative District, will be at the Court House, in Towanda, on the seventh day after the election, Which will be the 16 th day of October. The meeting of return judges for the County of Brad ford will be at the Court House in Towanda, on the third day alter the election, which will be Friday, the 12th day of October, at lc'clock, p. m. • J. M. SMITH, September 12, 1566. Sheriff, A DMIXIS'R'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here by given that all persons indebted to tbe estate of JOHN HOWE, late ol Warren twp., Bradford County, dee'd, are requested to tnake payment without delay and all having claims against said estate are re quested to present them duly authenticated for settle ment. GEO. LYONS, Sept. 13,1866. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es ' tate of Jonathan Payue late of Windham twp., dee'd. are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. ; WM. C. PECK, Sept. 13, 1866. Administrator. £tgal. LjIXECUTRIXfi NOTICE.—NOTI * - i Hi is hereby giver, that nil persons indebted to the e ■ estate of Job Hulet, iate of Athens twp., dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment,and those having i demands against said estate will present them duly au i thenticated for settlement. CATHARINE HULET, Sept. 13,1866. Executrix. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notite is hereby given that all persons indebted to the e8 tate ol Davids. Horton,* late oi Wysox tp. dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims upon said estate will present them duly authenti cated lor settlement. GEO. T. GRANGER. Aug. 22, 1866. Administrator. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE.-NUUCO IS hereby given that ait persons indebted to the estate of Absalom J. Carr, deed, late of Albany twp., are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demauds against said estate will present theul duly authenticated for settlement. R H. RICHARDS, J. N. CARR, Aug. 28, 1866. Administrate!* A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.— Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate Sally Olmstead, deceased, late of Ulster iwp.. are requested to make immediate payment, aud those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated lor settlement. GEORGE MOKLEY, Aug. 28, IbGO. Administrator. EpXECUTRIX'S NOTlCE—Notice is here- JL i by giveu, that all persons indebted to tbe estate ot JOHN C. ADAMS, late of North Towinda twp., dee'd , are requested to make immediate paymeut, and those having claims against said estate are requested to pre sent them to John W. Mix, at hts office in Towanda Bo rough, duly authenticated lor settiemeut. LUCY M. ADAMS, July 11, 186' i. Executrix. ADMIN ISTRATOR'S N OTICE.- X. >UCE is hereby given, that all persons indeoteu tc the estate of JOHN BEVERLY, late of Overto. twp., de'd, are requested to make immediate payment, and hose having demands against said estate will please pre sent dniy authenticated for settlement. E. C. KELLOGG, Sept.a, iB6O. Administrator. A DMINISTRATOR'SNOTICE.-N OTLCO a\. is hereby given, that a.: - i ins indebted to the estate of J AMES SAVEBCOOL. late oi Towanda twp., dee'd., are requested to make immediate payment and those having demands agaiust said estate will pre* ent them dulv authenticated lor settlement. Alii: All SAVERCOOL, j Aug. 8, 1866. Administratoi. NOTICE.— NOTICE is hereby giveu, that all persons indebted to tbe j estate ol J.W.TYRRELL late ol Orwell twp., de- I ceased, are requested to make immediate paymeut, and [ those having claimagaint said estate will present them duly authenticated tor settlement. C. G. GRIDLEY, Aug. 16, IS6C, Administrator A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice | is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the ; estate of ABSALOM J. CARR, late of Albany twp., j deceased, are requested to make immediate payment. ; and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. R. H. RICHARDS, J. H. CARR, Aug. 20, 1866. Administrators. .for Sale. SALE.— One " Keelet's Patent smut Mill," in fine working order, Any one de i siring to purchase with a view to eeonoiuiie. will find it i to their interest to call on, or apply IT A.B.SMITH, I Ulster, Pa. Aug. 28, i*nit'. -At,pd, BOILER IOR SALE. —A Horse Pow er Flue Boiler, in first rate order, toi sale cheap at | the Waverly P aning Mill JENNINGS, LYMAN A CO. Wavc-rly, N. Y., Aug. 14 1866. \T ALUABLE 110 USE 6c, LOT FOR SALE. ! T —The subscribers offer (or sale the house a d lot known as the "James McCabe house,' and •. .nierij owned by Win. Girard, dee'd, situatt • orner o! Fianklin and Seeond sts. Terms of t made known by enquiring on the premises. G. M. HALL, MARY T. GIiIARD, _ U ' Executors. |p 0 R SALE OR RENT. ) A valuable Hotel property, the Bradiord House, lo cated on the south side oi the depot at Waverly N Y. Connected with it are two barns, a large Garaen, tiuit j trees and two wells of sott water. For terms inquire of C. F. SMITH, Proprietor. May 24, '66.—tf. FOR SALE —The subscriber oilers lor sale a valuable Building Lot, situate on Franklin street, about oue hundred acu fifty til n-.n Mainst. There is a barn on the lot and a umlati- and frame work for a house. It will be solo n it , i with the house finished. For further particul. •uquiie of the subscriber at his residence on the premises. G. M. HALL. I Towanda, June'2o, 1866. EOII SALE.— Threshing Machine and Horse Power complete, for f 125 cash. Enquire ot W. Bramhall, one mile from Franklin on tarm lormeiij owned by C. E.White. July 21, 1866. FARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned haviug purchased a portion of the Thomas J. Ber rylarm, lying just outside of the borough ot Tioga north aud .vest of Cro. . creek and Tioga river, de sires to sell about eigh. ties ot it, on reasonable tei„. It is some of the best laud in Tioga valley and lor its quality aud proximity to tLe ra broad.and a good home market, is oue ol the most desirable tarm a home iu the county ot Tioga. The price will m-p. nd some what upon the amount ol money the purchaset can pay i at time ot sale ; jet if necessarj time will U .riven for i u portion, secured by bond and moitgage. Also tor sale a number ol pleasant building lots, cheap, C. H. SEYMOUR, ! July 19, 1866.—8t. Tioga, l> a . MICHIGAN PINE LANDS FOR SALE.- Having the agency lot the sale .' - veral thou sand acres ot the choicest Pine Timor • Lands in the State ot Michigan, 1 am prepared to otlei great induce ments to those who wish to invest then money where it will pay. These lauds are among the best piue tracts in the Saginaw and Muskegon Valleys, located on go-.a floating streams, and are now needed tor lumbering purposes. Business men and capitalists will do well to examine them before investing' their means elsewhere. For particulars inquire ol or address HEMAN. MORSE, June 22, 1866. Litchfield, Bradford County, l'a. A VALUABLE MILL FOR SALE.— The flouring uiiii, known as the Chaffee Mill, situ ated iu Rome, one mile north ot the village, will be sold at a great sacrifice. Any person wishing to buy such t property, wiil find it to their advantage to call and see the above mill bctore buying elsewhere. All necessary iulormation will be given by calling upon C. G. Gridicy, in Orwell. A lull aud complete title will fie giveu fi/ me. C. G. GRIDLEY." Orwell, May 20,1866 Bw. fI'ARM FOR SALE.—The subscriber of fers for sate tbe farm on which he lives in Asylum twp., containing about 90 acres, ali imp.' > • . baid farm lies on the west bank ol the Susqooinia River, about 4 miles from Towanda. It is iu a g, > | state ol cultivation, well fenced and watered, •: has good buildings thereon erected, with an abu i ic ol fruit. Will be sold on reasonable terms at an i between this and the Ist of December, au 1 it u i a- ; sold it wiil be for reut. He will give possession . ne laud this fall, and the buildings next spring, . further particulars address the subscriber at I'owau. 1 Bradtord County, Pa. BAMUEI. i\ I.LUM. Asylum, July 21, 1866. ATOI'CE TO BUILDERS.—SettIed pre. L" posuls will be received by the under-igned, up to the first day of September next, for furnishing the ma terial aud building a Universalis? Cuurch in towanda Plans and specifications can be seen at the office ot Dr E. H. Mason. Bids may be made for Stone, Brick or Wood. Church to be finished by the first day of Au gust. 1867. By order of the Trustees. G. F. MASON,President. Towanda, July 19, ISC6. IjUOUR ! FLOUR! FLOUR!—I* view of the high price of wheat we have been endeavor ing to produce au extra quality of Rye Flour for those of our customers disposed to economise. We now make it so white as to be scarcely distinguishable from good wheat flour. Try some. Flour from White Winter Wheat, also Buckwh-at flour, Corn meal aud different kinds ot Feed for sale Cash paid for all kinds of grain. a „ H. B. INGHAM. Cascade Mills, Camptown, June 11,1866. IWE NEW 4 RUNN GRIST MILL AT Camptown is in operation, furnished throughout with the most complete, thoroughly tested, and highly approved machinery and fixtures, now iu use iu the United States ; uninterrupted by HIGH OR LOW IVATER, Flour, Feed and Meal, always on hand at prices cor responding to the cost of Grain. U. B. INGHAM " May 7, '66—tf- ( CAUTION.—Whereas, my wife ELTSA J has left my bed and board without just cause o . provocation. I hereby forbid auy person trusting ber on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting after July 2, 1866. JOHN E.MOORE. July 26 —3w. "VTOIICE.—Notice is hereby given that -Ll Sarah Elieu Wheeler ami Isaac Wheeler, bound . children Irom Terrytowu twp., have lelt uie without • just cause or provocation, 1 hereby turbid ail persons r harboring or trusting them on my ••. i t, as 1 will pay no debts of their contracting atts tuis date, O. W. C'ORBIN, Albany, Aug, 24,1866.