UtadM gkptto. WCAL AND GENERAL. The Reporter is printed upon CAMP- J- B Country and Job Press, Office No. 56 Gold V w York. Thomas 11. Senior, agent MISS HUNT'S School for Young Ladies -Il re .open on Monday, September 17, 1866. jofTlie Select School of Miss L. E. Os- Vivn will re-open on Monday Sept. 10—the nuut [ ~ of scholars is limited to 30, for terms of admis j jn jvpply to Miss Osborn or to B. S. Russell. [IEATIL —EUGENE SULLIVAN, an old rcsi - , lt ~f Elinira, and afterwards of Southport, and w ,.(i-known railroad contractor, died recently at pffißnd, Pa., where he Las been living about a jr.tr. jgjy- We notice with pleasure in the last (\niimencement Exercises of Layfayette College, tl ~t the honorary degree of A M. was conferred NPUU DR. DANIEL HOLMES, now of Elinira, N. Y., I, n l for many years past a resident of this county. .-Honor ( whom honor is due." There will be held a Musical Conven tion of lour days at SterlingsviHe Wyoming Co. to , juiuieitce Tuesday Sept. 11, at 10 a. in. aud close | villi a grand concert on Friday evening. The convention will be under the direction of i'luf. J. 15. Stunner. Licks furnished free, tickets to full course, Ge nii unit SI, Ladies 50 cts, Concert 25 cts. UASE BALL. —MATCH GAME FOR THE CIUMI*- rioNsiur. -The Winona Club, of this place, aud Burlington Club, of Burlington, are to play a match game of Base Ball, on the grounds of the j ;,tr,t named Club, on Friday next, September 7. The Ball will pitch at 2p. m. The public are cor-' ..!! invited to be present. THE TOWANDA AND VENANGO OIL Co.—This new and highly promising enterprise we learn is progressing very satisfactorily, a good fraction of the stock being already subscribed, and the pres ets are that the subscription books will be closed, when many of our money loving, but timid citizens will be shut out unless early decisions are arrived :it. aud application made to Maj. E. W. Hale,CapL C. M. Manville, and D. A. Overton Esq. who are authorized to receive suscriptions. In Bradford county the open aflilia tiou ot Mr. Tracy with the Democrats has been a piece of good luck to the Republicans. They are rid of annoyance. And what holds good of Brad ford is true of Dauphin county. The open affilia j ii of some ol the heretofore professed ltepubli ,,.ns of this city and county with the Coppeijohn srmitcs is a good riddance of bad political rub bagc.— Ilarrisburtj Tdcjraph. SUSQUEHANNA OELLEGIATE INSTITUTE. —The Fall term commences September 5, nnd will con tinue 11 weeks. Prices ot tuition and board will be as heretofore. A full corps of teachers will be present to Like charge of the school. Mr. CARVER has been engaged as Steward, and will take charge of the boarding department at once. We assure those who patronize the school, that they will not be disappointed in the efforts put forth for the advancement of all the scholars. fey"" Ihe Republicans of Susquehanna c uuty held their Convention in Montrose, on the - tli iust., and placed in nomination the following ticket:— t ■•tigress—Wm. H. Jessup. Representative—Jas. T. Cameron. Sheriff— Samuel F. Lane. Prothonotary—Gabriel B. Eldred. Tt - stt-r and Recorder—J. Fenis Shoemaker. A - icinti- Judges—Alfred Baldwin, Eollin T. Ashley. ' ity Commissioner—Benj. M. Gage. We are glad to see that the Hou. I HEN 1". WILSON and Judge MERCUR will again apy their seats in Congress during tlie next -Sinn. Both have proven themselves to be loyal, itrietic Representatives, always voting on Hie ii of t ight and with the cause of justice and liu ltv, and always faithful to the wishes of their iistitnenG. At this time it will not do to lose services of such tried aud faithful Congress men a-, Mr. WILSON and Judge MERCUR. — l'hiladel- F'II" JVNTFC ' FORMATION WANTED.—A son of ELIAS h; Au.ii, of Big Flats, went out berrying with a ■mpany on Friday last, in the woods south of the ■ t opposite the Shoemaker tavern. Since then '.lung has been heard of him. Several hundred "I'D have searched the woods in vain, and even '• " hver has been dragged, and still no traces -itve been obtained. The age of the boy was •-■"' St titteen, and it would seem quite improbable sit lie could have been lost, unless he met with IJ - play, lie was living at the time with an un -VJ.VAU ROWLEY. — Elinira Adverther. ATTEMPT AT MURDER IN BINGHAMTON. —Last o'tt, Friday, August 24, says the Binghamton ™d of August 25, a person entered the house Lev. Mr. PI.ATT, of this village, through the slnr-way, anil proceeded directly to the room of : "ITA O'CONNOR, the hired girl. The glrHiad 'tired, but was not yet asleep, and on hearing her Uh r open, inquired who was there. At that iu nt she was struck a hc-avy blow in the chest, .tiled loudly for help, and the would-be as mum, going out through the back kitchen. . roenring a light, Mr. PLATT'S ax was found in hall, just outside of the girl's bedroom door, if dropped by the criminal in his hurry to get ■'ity. Various circumstances pointed to a colored >" by the name of Eli Miller as the perpetrator of offence, and on the complaint of Uonora O'- Uiuuor, a warrant was issued by Justice Durkee, "■'"l placed in the hands of Chief of Police Flynn, J arrested Miller, and he is now in jail, awaiting lamination. Mr. l'latt s family arc absent, nnd the premises -re in charge ot a Mr. Stoddard. He was awaken , by the noise, but on going to the room from whence the screams issued, the man had fled. ' "'■re is every reason to think that he intended to ' kill Uonora. This Miller had been at work for Mr. l'latt, but was discearged just after Mr. P. • tit away, and he knew he was not at home. The following notice of our village ■ lrom the If nvcrit/ Advocate. It contains too •h truth to be complimentary, and we commend ' t the careful perusal of our borough fathers : An article in the Athens liqmblican of best on the. wealth and general prosperity of To * 'a, reminds ns that we recently paid a brief Dit to that village. We can vouch" for its being ' ItLy, and blest with a good share of individual j ' uprise ; but we think the village, iu its corpor * 'pacity, will not bear the very flattering no sii is accustomed to receive. Towanda has a ; ••t'-r number of first-class residences than any "iL.-r place of its size within the limits of onr ac '-aiutance, and the business portion of the town "ill up in a highly creditable manner. All j" 1 ' ' ! °wcver, is the result of that individual en r -pttse fur which she is deservedly noted : but iti crossings, side-walks, gutters, s. rjLIE GREATEST ATTRACTIONS INI GOODS EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. POWELL &; CO., Have now in store the largest stock of goods ever exhib ited in Northern Pennsylvania. Additions will con stantly be made to this stock during the season, and it will at all times be found FULL AND COMPLETE 1 in all its departments. We invite the particular attention of our customers to our magnificent display of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS! Which we offer at prices much below those of last year, ffc have given special care to our selections in this line and are now able to exhibit the newest,most fashionable, ami most desirable styles to be obtained. Our new stock 'comprises all colors of Plain and Plaid French Merinos, Kmpross Cloths. Striped Melanges, Striped and Plaid Poplins, Taffetas, Lamas, Tinsel Poplins, Paris Crepes, Reps, Plain and brocade Alpacas, Poii de Chcv res, Delaines and Armuscs, bright Plaids for children's | wear, and a great variety of other Dress Fabrics. MOURNING DRESS GOODS. Black French Merinos, Bombazines, Tamese Cloths, baratheas, Mohair Lustres, Pluck and White Checkaml Striped Poplins and Alpacas, Double and Single Fold All Wool Delaines, and a full liue ot those High Lustred Black Alpacas, at a great reduction in price. \ LADIES' CLOTHS, CLOAK INGS AND SACKINGS. A SPLENDID ARSOI: 1' ME N T . Beaver Cloths, I ricots, Velvet Cloths, Cassimere Sack ; ings. Plain and Twilled blaci Broadcloths ol ~11 prices all colors of Plain and Fancy Sackings, Opera Flannels, Ac., Ac. GLOVES AND HOSIERY. Ladies, Misses and Cliildrcns White and Colored Cot ton, Fleeced and Merino Hose, Ladies Merino Vests i and Drawers, Cloves of every description at low prices. LI S ENS A HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS bleached. Halt bleached, and Unbleached Damask Ta bic Linens, Napkins, Towels, Towellings, Scotch and , I Russia Diapers, Bleached and Unbleached Huckabacks, |Cr shes, Irish Linens, Ac., 10-4 and •■)- 4 Sheetings, Pillow ("use Cottons, Counterpanes, Draping Muslins, .Shaker f i mi l the term. No dt-dnctions on account ot absence except in cases of protracted illness. Wyalnsing, July 10; loGG.—Bw. JD OME ACADEMY! A i-chool v iil be opened in the Rome Academy, in Rome borough, on Monday, the 3d day uf September, next, and continue one quarter only—eleven weeks. R. 8. HOWLS, Aug. 8. ISGG. Principal. lilcMcal. JA V B AND E A R 1 NSELT UT E. DR. UP DE GRAFF, Or u list, .lu/i-/ and Central Surge, u, Elmira, .V. I'. Ticats all his. uses of the Eye, Ear and Throat. THE EYE He will operate upon Cataract, Artificial Pupil, Cross Eyes, Lachrymal Pi tula, Pterygium,Entro pion. (inversion of the eye-lid.] and treats all forms oi "SORE EYES," mil in Granulated Lidf., Purulent Ophthalmia, Opacities of the Cornea, Scrofulous dis omies ol the Eye, i d all dt-euses to which the Eyes is subject. THE EAR Treats nun c- iully Discharges Irom the Ear, .Yo'.ses in the Ear. Difficulty of Bearing, Deafness, [even when the Diam is entile y de-'.royed, will ;usen an artificial one, answering ne. i ly ali the purpose a • f the natural 7'IIE THROAT.--Ulcerated Throat, Enlarged Ton sil.-,, together with CATARRH in all its forms, permanently cured. GENERAL bU'IGGRY.—If" will operate upon Club Feet. Hare Lip, C elt I'aiate, Tumors. Cancers. Mm hid Growths, Delort.ii' i - trom burn.-, and Hernia, and per forms PLASTIC OPEKATIONS— Where the Nose, Lips or any portion < , the : els destroyed through disease or otherwise, by healing thrm . n anew. *gr- Will att< rto th - Arnpu ..tion of Limbs, *®a and General S ret r. in all its branches. INSERTS AI.ITITCIAL li.lv- - (living them all the in uion and expression of the uaiur.it, <* lying detection, they arc inserted v ';;iout removing the old one or pro ducing pain. The Doctor's collection of instruments comprises all the latest improvements, and is the iargi st in the State, the superior advantages he baa had in perfecting him seit in all that it new'nd valuable in Surgery. \ nts bim in saying that everything within the b. .s of ;he pioic.-.-iou may beexpei;d of him. The Institute has been greatly enlarged, so that we can now accommodate an increased number of patients from a hi. tance. Comfortable Boarding Houses attach ed to the establishment. .Vo incurable case* rnxittd for 7 . cain.ti.i vi Ujitt a lions, it a case Is incurable be will be so ia'.ormed. Institute on Water stivet, opposite the Br.iiuard Hoc. e Blntira, N. Y. Feb. 2.18G5. HEALTH IS THE GREAT NEED OF THE AGE. A NEW SYSTEM Of THE hI.ALIXG J RT. N. J. COGSWELL, M. I>., HYGIENIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, May be consulted In je. rson or by letter, at bis >e, den ... Last Spring liiii. i. ..•..■.id county. Pa. An h.i-iligent commnnity require a medical doUi.a grounded upon light i\. An. in ln.rmony with md avouched by tin. unerring laws ot Nature and of the vi tal organism, and authenticated by successful results. Hence we solicit an examination of our system. Claim ing that all diseases <-au be successfully treated with trioy Hygienic Agencies. No Drug pr ions will tie given. As a graduate ot the only Coin go i„ i;i world where health is taught, :e shall take espco paius to explain UJ tie pa:it its tne nai te oi the disuisc. The iaws of Lie and health, why it it is unnecessary ami dnngcroa.- to Pike d.ugs, anu how to preserve licaitli and ieug li e. Will vis.t na tic-nts, and give dire- : i.s lor 1. ,tu.- neatmcnt, when d: sired. f.„ t niagb,l:, May 1, <>.—ly,p. I \ll. FRATT li i.-t rpnmved t:> h-title street AJ (fir-t cfiive B. S. 5: Co'- B : i;). Persons from a diftance desirous . ..... ulting him, will be most Mke'.y to find h.m on San each week. Especial an.-ntion wi .be given to •u: tai c ists, and the exiruc tion Of teeth. La- Or Ether administered when desired. July IS, 1866. i). S. i KATT, M. D. iUusifrtl. yy HOLES ALE ML'siO DEPOT. !.. B. POWELL, S nt.in. i'a.. Dealer in Cbicker ing's Piano- In :..-r"s 1 h n..s. Mason &■ Hamlin's Cabi Te Organs, Pr at Lii dsi.-y i Go's Melodeons, and al kiuda <■: Musical Instruments, Sheet Mimic and Music Books. Orders- trom Dealers and Teachers especially solicited. Address L. B. POWELL, 11G, Pennsylvania A venue, Scran ton, Pa. June 11, 18GG.—yl. DIANOS, AMERICAN ORGANS AND A MELODIANS. The undersigned iin-.-t respectfully announces to the Citizens ot Towanda and vie inity. tint he has purchased the M .sic business ot G. T. COLK, and will hereatter supply any ot the .dove articles, together with VIOLINS, GUIT A! 4. At CORI'IANS STRINGS, AC., on ics gi*t.l terms as ihny can iie had elswliere. W. A. CIl .YMBi.RLA IN . Ho is also Agent for the CELEBRATED AMERICAN WATCH, | aud has always on baud, a good assortment ot Swiss Watches, with a general assortment of JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS, Silver and Plated Wore of the BEST MANUFACTUR ERS. \\hi--h wii! be -II at unu-uully low figures. A large variety o; Clocks jus! received, among which may be found the Setli Thoiu , whir ii has no •• jml UEPA 1 RING AN D JOBBING, done with neat -s and dispit T, and w 'touted. To those who can't e, we would say g < numberlain's and get a pair of g..istirat will mis t see as well as ever. Don't forget the shop, marly opposite the Court House. W. A.CH.Y 'BERLAIN. Towanda, Nov. G, 1 45. [>OOK-BINDERY, -THE PUBLIC IS 9 respectfully iutormed • m! Ihe Book-Bindery has b. en removed t ) the Argus Building, 3d story, where will be done BOOK-BIN IHN6! In all its various branches, on tor us as reasonable as " the times " will allow. The Bindery will be unties the charge ot n. C. WHITAKER, An experienced Binder, and all work will be promptly done, in a style ami manner which cannot be excelled. Music, Magazines, Newspapers , Old Books, Ac., bound in every variety of styie. Particular attention will be paid to the Killing and Binding ot BLANK BOOKS, To any desired pattern, which in quality and durability wil be warranted. All work will be ready for delivery when promised. The patronage of the public is solicited, and perfect satisfaction guarranteeil. Towands, August 2, iß6o.—tt. * _ ________ ROCERIES of all kinds are selling T cheap at FOX'S. Croai ADM INI STRATOK'S N OTlCE.—Notice is hereby given tiiat all persons indebted to thecs tate of Davids, llorton, late ol Wysox tp. dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims npon said estate will present them duly authenti cated tor settlement. GEO. T. GRANGER. A eg. 31, 1866. Administrator. ADMINISTRATORS NQTICE.-NOUOC J* hereby given that a.i persons indebted to the estate ot Absalom J. Carr, dee d, late of Albany twp., are requested to make immediate payment, aud those having demands against said estate will present them dnly authenticated for settlement. It. U. RICHARDS, J. N. CARR, Aug. 28,1866. Administrators. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice ■A hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the es tate Sally Olmstead, deceased, late of Ulster twp.. are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated Tor set tlement. GEORGE MORLEV, Aug. 20, 1866. Administrator. \ DM I MSTKATKIX NOTICE. -Notice fe *A. hereby given, that all persons indebted i; the es tate ol Jas. A. i'urman, i.vte ol Coiumblu twp., dei'd. mi icquc-led to make immediate payment, and tbosi imving claims against .-aid estate wi.l present them duly authenticated mr settlement. LUCY A. I'URMAN, EDWIN RUSSELL, Juiy S, 186 G. Administrators. EXECUTRIX'S NOTlCE—Notice is here- J-J by given, that all persons indebted to the estate ol JuflN' C. ADAML, late of North Towanda twp., dee'd , are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate are requested to pre -cat them to John W. Mix, at his office in Towanda Bo rough, duly autheuticated tor seitleineut- LUCY M. AD Ail S, July 11, IfitjG. ExcJutrix. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE - Notice is hereby given, that ai! persons indented tc the estate.of JOHN HEVERLY, late ot Oveito. twji., d d, are requested to make immediate payment, and h as having demands against said estate will please pre sent duly authenticated lor settlement. E. C. KELLOGG, SepLA, 1866. Administrator. A D.MiMS'R'S NOTICE.-—Notice is herc by given that all persons indebted to the estate au! noutiv.auu tor settlement. C. U, GRIDLEY, Aug. 16, liG6. Administrator ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to tin? estateul AIWAI.OM J. CAltli, late ot Albany twp., de< eased, ai - req .v.-.-led to make immediate payment. th ■- !,.ii ug .La ni- against said estate wilt pri .ient them duly ach iti ited tor settlement. R. 11. RICHARDS, J. It. C A Kit, Aug. 20, 1566. Administrator*. /or Sale. SALE.— OHO "KueleiN Latent A Mnut Mill," in fine working order, aiij one de siring to pnrch -e with a view to ccou ..uLa will lind it i . their iutere.- to c.iii on. or apply t> A. B. Suirir, U later, Pa. Aug. 2s, Ism . -4t,pd. i>OILER rflß SALE.—A 25Hor.sc Pow * ei l ue Boiler, in first rate order, tot - tie '-heap at the Waverly i' aning Ali ii JENNINGS, LYMAN & CO. Waverly, X. Y., Ang. 14 1806. \r ALU ABLE HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE. T —The nbsci v'oers ('tier tor sale the house a e iut known as the "James McCabe house ' and ■ tuerK owned by iVm. Girard, dee'd, situate .. orn.i <> Fianklfn and Second sts. 'i'eima of . made known by enquiring on the premises. G. M.HALL, MARY T. GIRARD, Aug. 7, 1806 E eeutnrs. JI O it S ALL O R R E N T . ? A valuable ITo'.el property, the House, lo cated on t e s ,uth .ue of the depot at Waverly X. Y. Connected v.iili i: are two barns, a large Gar eon. fruit trees and two wc.is ol solt water. For ;erma inquire ot C. F. SM IT'ii, l'roprietor. May 24, 'GO. —tt. SALE—The subscriber oilers lor . -lie vaicable Building Lot. r-i-t-,on Franklin sliact, about one hundred auo fifty ev t ion Mainßt, Tiicie i- a barn on the lot and a u mate and Irame work for a house. It will be solo . , i aitii the houae iiuisiicd. For lurther parlictil vu ptire of the mbacriber at bL residence on the pre ui.-e-i. G. .G. HALL. Towanda, June 20, ISCG. POR .SALE.— Threshing Macliine and A Horse Power complete, t r $125 cash. Enquire ol \Y . l.iamhall, one mile trom Franklin on tjrni tormerly owntu by 1 . ii. While. July 21, 1866. FOR S.\ LFV -The undersigned A uavn.g i>urehaed r portion ot the Thonas J. iter r„. lying ja-t oa' i.ie ol t'ue orougb of Tioga north and vic.-vl ut Cl-i crock aud Tioga river, ..r --sires to sell about eight e:os ol it, ou reasonable te.... It i .- iiuc oi 1.1; best :auc in i'ioga valley ; —aud lor its •j v.iiity aud proximity to the ra ihwad.and ag 'd home market, is one ol the most desirable latin a liuuie iu the county ot Tioga. The pi ice wiii .-p -nd suine whut upon the an.omit ot money ibe porcbaiei van pay at time of sale ; yet ii uecessury iluie wiii v. given lor a portion, secured by bom! and aioitgage. Also lor sale a number ot p.ei.-au: building lots, cheap. i . ii. SEi'.UUUif, July l.i, ISovi.—Bl. T.oga, Fa. MICHIGAN PINE LANDS FOR SALE.- ITA ii. ving the age: vy fi.r lite sale - veral ilion sanii acres "! the choicest Pine Timm atids in the sute ol .Michigan, i nm prepared to • ;?t-i ueut induee uitnis L th >e who v. .sii to invest their inuuay where it wi.i pay. Th e .vu l-a.o a:H'-..g the beil pine tracts in the Saginaw and Muskegon Valleys, located on good lioaluig siu.auis, uud are now needed i.■ r lumbering purposes. Business uicn and capiuiii.sls will do wcli lo ex inline them before investing their means elsewhere. For particulars inquire o: or address HUMAN. MORSE, June 22, IfCG. Litchfield, thadtord County, Pa. A VALUABLE MILL FOR SALE.— The tluuimg mill, known as the Chaftee Milt, situ att.l in Rome, one mile north of the \ iilag. , will fie sold at a great siu i.lhe. Any person wishing to buy su.-h property, will Uud it to their advantage to call and see the above mill be lore buying elsewhete. Ali necessary intormation will be given by calling upon C. G. Griuley, iu Orwell. A tuli aid complete tit.e wd oe given b me. C. G. GRiot.EY. Orwell, May 20,1866.—8w. FOR SALE.—The suustriber of- A firs for sale the farm on which lie nvs, m Asylum twp., containing about DO acres, all .inc. . . said fami lies ou the west hank ot the Snsqiv>> >... ,a K : vrr. about 4 miles from Towanda. It is iu i g>oJ state oi cultivation, well fenced aud watered, .ui has good buildings thereon erected, with au aim i ,n. e of fruit. Will oe sold on re.iaoiut.ie terms at an, .iai, between tins, mi the 1.-t • t December, and ii iut fie; solo it will tie tor rent. He wilt give poasersio.t v .he iaml t.iis tail, and the buildings next spring. . :■ farther p.nt.ra .us address UiesiitrscriLier at t'owau-i- Bradb>rd County, Pa. SAMUEL .i 1.1.UJ4. Asy i.in, July 2i, l.yhi. "VfOTICE TO BUILDERS—SeaIed pn>- JLI pos.ds will be received by the undersigned, up t y the first liny oi September next, lor tarnishing the mn urial and building a Universalis! Church in lowanda. Plans and specitications can be seen at the office ol Dr. K. H. Mason, bids may be made for Btone, Brick or Wood. Church to be fin-shed by the first day ot Au gust. 1 su7. By order of the Trustees. i. I'. MASON ,President. Towanda, July 19,1SGG. LU.OUR ! FLOUR ! FLOUR ! -In v'u w Jl ot the high price ol wheat we lave been endeavor ,■ to produce an extra quality ol i.ye Floor lor those 1.1 our customers disposed to economise. We now make it so white as to be scarcely distinguishable from go.-d wheat flour. Try some. Flour from White Winter Wheat, also Unckwlu-at Hour, Corn meal and different kinds of Feed for sale.— Cash paid for all kinds of grain. 11, B. INGHAM. Cascade Mills, Camp town, June 11, ISGG. rr'IIR NEW 4 RI'XX GRIST MILL AT X Camptown is in operation, furnished throughout with 'he most complete, thoroughly tested, and highly .! (ii-ovi l machinery and fixtures, now iu use in the Ui.ited .slates ; uuiitirrupted by 111011 OR LOW WAVER. Flour. Feed and Meal, always ou hand at prices cor responding to the cost of Grain. 11. B. INGHAM May V, 'GG.—t ; - Cl VUTlON—Whereas, my wife Eliza J has left my bed and board without just cause o provocation. 1 hereby forbid auy person trusting her on my account, as I will pay no debts ot her coa.ractiug alter July 2, 1866. JOHN K. MOORE. July 2tb—3w.