Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 23, 1866, Image 3
fftadfotd Hkjwttw. 0 / OCAI AND GENERAL. ••11 ALLY ROUND TIIE FLAG, BOYS!" • \I(>N REPUBLICAN MASS MEETING, AT :,(XV\NJA, MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1860, ( ouimtncing at 2 o'clock, p. w. i.TLVEKNOR A. J. HAMILTON, OF TEXAS, HON. SIMON CAMERON, MM. DOANE, OF CONNECTICUT, , s l. MF.ECUR, HON. GEOREE LANDON, distinguished speakers, will be present and address the meeting. HIE ULSTER BRASS HAND "Will be in attendance. il,, 1.0v.J and I' uion-Loving people of Bradford i invite ! to hear the celebrated Southern Loyal- j . (1 ,, v. HAMILTON, whose faith has been so 1 lily tried, and whose devotion to the Union j , ,i the most trying circumstances entitles him j enthusiastic reception from the Freemen of ! idfoi-1. The importance of the present cam- j a lands of all Loyal Men that they should i nitrate by tbis gathering their unanimity and —tk of their devotion to the principles of j Government. • H", C D.IWE, of Connecticut, will be I . 'thi- Mass Meeting, on Monday next, • .lii-aU upon the political issues of the day.— j . wry able and eloquent speaker, and in i > s of ISGO an 1 1801, rendered efficient ; in the Republican ranks. We arc requested to say to Consta-1 fustier s attending Court, that the amend- ! .i\ bill may he procured of F. 1!. FOUR, Con- | .Me in attendance upon Court. SsT A Mass Meeting of the Union Re-! .i.'uiis of Bradford is to be held at this place, ;..i iv next. August 27, at 2p. m. Among the j ■ _'uisl:ed speakers who will he present, is , TV J. HAMILTON. of Texas. He was appointed ■ sieaal Governor of Texas by President JOHN*- v lan. 17. 1807. and held that position until ' •: •• tlieers were elected, giving entire satisfac- ; ..a ; > .ill loyal men. Ills intimate knowledge of j itle vn men and the pres. at status ol political j i !iu... in the South, added to his well known abil- j :v i a public speaker, giv an opportunity for u | •rough understanding of the issues to be pre- ' i.ted at the coming election, which should not j •list. g.u.led. We trust that Gov. HAMILTON ] .11 receive, ue'u a welcome i . t will convince all I. it the true, kind and faithful, and Uy.ii Southern j Unionists have earned the >. titr and respect ; >f their northern brethren. ~ . . . ! S.!u Elijah Thornton, of Dauby, had his h. t picked of all the money he had with ! dm -at the depot in this village on Tuesday last, j •• uiger told him that there was a lady in the ' room who wished to see him, and as he ap- 1 Led th door three or four "roughs" blocked • •av. ne stumbling against him. Beaching j ladies' room he found no one who wanted to ! m. and shortly afterwards having occasion to i •air money discovered that he had been rob- j 1 o.rejo Ga Ate. : V DEATH. —W m. A. Lawrence, son UT. s. Lawrence, of Newark Valley, and liim a resident of that town, came to E. B. Gar hotel in this village on Thursday night last, Jgiu .'s and remained through the next day. i : lay l ight he complained of being sick, and is r quest < rin White, who occupied a bed in j •an room, procured for him a vial of lauda uippr s.-d to be one ounce, which Law rence i, .i part or the whole of, (the vial being found and was found dead when it became light i - a. ' liiug, though M'hite heard him breathe L-..vily a little time before that. Dr. Allen, i, nnmioued a jury and held an inquest, v- rdict was rendered in accordance with the Ho deceased was about 30 years of age, •■••s ; wife and three children. <Mego <ia- 1 • I\OI R DEEDS.—The Luzerne Union •-i i cites two instances in which the titles ; j f ; rty L ive been lost by the parties having ' it- record the deeds. Subsequent pur- , : thr ir deed recorded and held the prop- j v ffcHooi..—WM. P. HORTON will op- i S- *..:ct School in the basement of the Horn- i • 1 iiurch, September 3d. Bates of tuition as j Beading, Spelling, Primary Arithmetic' - M>iiy, and Written Arithmetic commenced Higher 84,25. • --tnimental Music taught if desired, by Miss TIN.,. For further particulars address the iwsigned. WM. p. HORTON, Horn-Brook, Brad : county. Pa. 11 -M 'RE His SHINGLE IS OUT.— The ir "silM. J. V. alios " TINF.V " GEIGER, the " fel •G. it makes a leetle the best 'shutiu' irun ' in Mtitud," has again resumed "bizz." His - hangs out" on the North side of the • s qu;ire, near the Court House, and his ad a.' nt will be found in another column. All , •vii is respectfully submitted. -"3}* A meeting of the Bradford County -'d Society, will be held at "Masonic Hall," ' it. Wednesday Sept...7th INCH. Election of officers. L. D. MONTANYE. Secy. fetf* The next term of the Susquehannah - iate Institute will commence on Wednesday mber 7th. -jf Hie Episcopal Congregation of Grcet -1 and Standing Stone will please accept my - ;ks for the many choice gifts received from during the past fortnight. They will be •ired as tokens of friendship from loving and i Ah- people. Detts ens lleute. W. G. STEWART. 1 lie Select School of Miss L. E. Os •>il! re-open on Monday Sept. 10—the liuni holars is limited to 30, for terms of admis •l'l'ly to Miss Osborn or to 1!. S. Russell. A MEN OF THE WAR: Their Heroism • , vlf.Sacrifice." L>y FRANK MOORE, Author of E'-bellion Record," " Diary of the American "•ion.' "Anecdotes, Poetry, and Incidents, North and South," Ac. Moore, the author of the above volume, in i'lence of his previous labors as a Writer, is '• better qualified for this work than any -' holar in the country. While the character j rmer writings insures strict authenticity, which is always attractive and brilliant, ibis, been kindled by his theme into in • xivacity and power, volume will embrace : ' irge number of Narratives, never before " of the Courage, self-Sacrifices, and Suf- j ferings of Loyal Women for the Union and its glorious banner, in the face of persecution uud danger, along the border and within the rebel i lines. 11. The Privations, Heroism, Thrilling Adven tures, and Daring Fortitude of those who went with their husbands and sons to the Camp, follow ing the Army in Mearisome Marches, submitting to the horrors of Rebel prisons, and penetrating, calmly as veterans, in the storm of battle, even to j the front of the fight. 111. The Sacrifices and Christian Self-Denial of \\ omen who lett the enjoyments and "coin forts of home, to perform Laborious and Servile Duties for Sick and Wounded Soldiers, and to labor in the hospitals those great houses of suffering which sprung up after each Bloody Battle. It will not be for sale in the book-stores, but is pn'olished and sold only by subscription. Agents wanted for every county, city, and township in the United States. Address S. S. SCKANTON & Co., 120 Asylum Street, Hartford, Conn. The Church Edifice of the Presby terian Church of this borough, is now undergoing extensive alterations increasing the size and other wise improving it. Until completed religious ser vices will be held in the Court House, 101 a.m. and Bp. in. until further notice. i REPCTJLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION. —A Con vention of the Union Republicans of Bradford County will bo held at the Court House in Towan da Borough, on MONDAY EVENING, the 3d day | of SEPTEMBER, 18GG, to be composed of two | delegates from each Borough and Township, to i place in nomination candidates to be supported at the next election. A cordial invitation is extended to all loyal Union men to take part in the prelimi nary meetings for the election of delegates. The following named persons who have been selected as Vigilance Committees, are requested I to give notice of caucus meetings in their several ■ towns and Boroughs, to be held SATURDAY', SEPTEMBER 1, bet-veen the hours of 3 and G p. m. G. D. MONTANYE, Chairman Union Republican Co. Committee. VIGILANCE COMMITTEES. : ALBANY— C. 11. Corbiu, Russell Miller, James Lee. i ARMENIA— Nathan Sherman, James Mason, Oba diah Williams. I ATHENS Bono—J. B. Goodman, C. H. Spalding, Eugine Coryell. ; ATHENS Tp —Lernan Elsbre, Hawley W. Thomas, John F. Satterlee. ASYI.CM - -S. McKean Laporte, Richard Gilbert, U. Moody. • ALBA BOKO —C. G. Manley, A. T. Lilley, O F Young BURLINGTON Bono -Dr. Everett, Mason Long, Ralph Phelps. BURLINGTON EAST— lsaac Soper. Tracy Knapp, Samuel Whitehead. ■ BURLINGTON WEST Perry Pratt, Edward Looinis, John Campbell. : CANTON Bono—John S. Mix, Geo. W. Griffin, Eze kiel Newman j CANTON Tp —C. W. Laudon, A. T. Owen, John G. I Mason. i COLUMBIA Stephen Bullock, John Morg -.n, Allen S. Parsons. • FRANKLIN —Matthew Marshal, F. F. Fairchild, Wm Scott 1 GRANVILLE -David S.iyles, William Bunyon, Oscar i Saxtou, HERRICK -G. M. Elliott, I. A. Park, Dayton Barnes LEROY Andrew Rovce, Reuben Stone, Robert McKee. LITCHFIELD A. J. Lay ton, Benj. Park, T. W. Brink. LERAYSVILLE —Asa Nichols, Stephen Gorliani. G. W. Brink. MONROE Bor.o—S. S. Ilinniau, N. W. Rockwell, J. G. Hornet. MONROE TP— Chas. lloUou, Samuel Lyon, Hiram I Northrop. | ORWELL- M. L. Ellsworth, AVm. Howe, Heurv J. Taylor. j OVERTON Jacob Hevcrly, Lewis Bolt, James Moly neux. . PIKE—G. DeWolt, A. B. Bartlett, L. A. Bos worth. | RIIJGBCRY—E. R. Beekwitli, Alexander Stirton, I Daniel Gillett. | ROME TP. — L. W. Towner, -J. A. Moody, M. K. Taylor. ROME BOBO —J. l'assmore, Daniel Yought, O. F. ; Young. SMITHFIELD— Lark Bird, S. W. Gerould, Samuel ; Hamilton. SPRINGFIELD—M. L. Harkness, Joel Adams, Theo dore Wilder. SOUTH CREEK —Peter J. Dean, -J. M. Young, John F. Gillett. SYLVANIA BORO — Orrin Furman, (1. P. Monroe, Eli Burritt. STANDING STONE —Stephen Bishop, G. A. Wood, Hiram Govel. : SHESHEOUIN —Wm. Snyder, Geo. Blackmail. G. C. I Gore. TERRY- N. T. Miller, William Terry, J. It. Frazer. I To WAN'da Bono W. H. Shaw, W. K. Marshall, John Meredith. TOWANDA Tr—Geo. Fox, E. G. Mason, Geo. Sco ville. TOWANDA NORTH -A. H. Kingsbury, Frank Watts, W. W. Easterbrooks. TROY BORO —B. F. Bee-be, D. F. Pomeroy, G. D. Long. TROY Tr—Milton Loomis, C. N. Pomerov, J. W. i Taylor. Test ABoiLY—Hiram Taylor, D. Ackley, A. J.Syl vava. ULSTER G. W. Nichols, S. C. Hovey, E.B. Moore WARIILN H. G. Corbin, S. A. Pitcher, Howell I Howell. WINDHAM —M. V. B. Rogers, S. A. Kimball, Asa McKee. W YALUSINI i—E. R. Vaughan, L. P. Stafford, Almon j Fuller. AY YSOX —T. F. Madill, George Granger, Eseck ; Wood. WELLS—Alfred Brink, Lorenzo Grinnell, Newell Leonard. AVILMOT—J. W. Ingham, A. J. Stone, Capt. J. T. Brown. SPECIAL NOTICES. WANTED. — A few Girls to do house-work. Enquire at the AVard House. PENSION MONEY. —The installment of Pen sion due on the Ith of September, will be paid to Pensioners by bringing their Pension Certificates to the undersigned. JOHN N. CALIFF. Towanda, Aug. 21, 1860. LOST. —In the road from Towanda to AYyalusing a package containing five yards of lin ing for Carriage Top, whoever has found it will do the undersigned a favor by letting me know where it is and shall be liberally rewarded. AVyalustng, Ang. 20th, 18G6. J. LEWIS. ATTENTION 141 ST REGIMENT PENNSYLVANIA A T OLUNTEEBS —And all others entitled to the addi- j tioual bounty and pensions, granted by the Act of ; Congress, July 28, 1860. The undersigned is pre pared to make out all the necessary papers to ob tain the additional bounty and increased pensions granted by the above act. Office Smith A Peck's Law Office, over Moore's store, Towanda, Pa. Aug. 10. BEN). M. PECK. EQUALIZATION OF BOUNTlES. —Additional bounties to two and three years men who havo served their term of enlistment, or been discharged from mounds, are now due all soldiers who have re ceived but 8100 Government Bounty, and can be collected promptly by applying to the uudersign ed. No charge unless successful. Information in regard to all the recent Pension and Bonn y Laws, given free. Office over News Room. Towanda, Aug, 13. J. N. CALIFF. BOUNTY AND PENSlONS. —Additional boun ties of 870 and 8100 to soldiers who served two and thr. e years or heirs, lather, mother, widow, or i children enlisted since April 19,1860 :an increase of pensions to widows who now receive less than ; 88 per mouth : an increase of pensions to widows at the rate of 82 per month tor each child of such soldier or sailor under 10 years ; rations paid to all prisoners of war while prisoners ; three months extra pay to officers mustered out after April 9,1805, Apply to H. B. McKEAN, Claim Agent, Montan yes' block, Towanda, Pa. Aug. 7, 1800. Two YOKE OF WORKING CATTLE FOR SALE. Will be sold on reasonable terms on application to DA. OVEI: TON, Towanda, or MAT MARSHALL, Franklin. Aug. 10. 3t. THE FALL Tf.RM OF THE MONROETON HIGH SCHOOL will commence on Monday, the 27TH of Au i gust. Tuition from 83 to 85 per term. A teach er's class will be organized. Aug. 7. REV. HALLOCK ARMSTRONG. Principal. HARVEST PARTY. —The undersigned will give a HARVEST PARTY at their House in Ulster, Pa. : on Fiiduy Evening, August 31, 1800. August 7, 1800. ' TUTTLE A MATHER. '1 EACHERS' INSTITUTES. —Teachers are re quested to meet for drill instruction and mutual improvement, at Springfield Center, on Monday, Sept. 10th, at Leßoy, Sept. 17th, and in Herriek Church, Sept. 24th. All should attend. It is ear nestly urged that they be present at the opening on Monday at two o'clock,and remain till the rios- Friday noon. Able instructors will assist, audio ettort will be wanting to nuike tliese no - tings prof itable to all who attend. Teachers will bring test looks, note books and .Stationery. Invitation to the public is extended. O. J. CHTTLIBFCK. GRAND FESTIVAL. —A Grand Festival will be held at the Academy in ltome, on Friday eve ning. Aug. 24th. Ice Cream, Music, and Flowers will be among the many attractions of the occasion. A distinguished troupe of Musical Performers have kindly offered their valuable services for the evening. A talented amateur Theatrical Company will de light the Audience with their powerful representa tion of Striking Scenes in Ancient and Modern History. The Queen of the Gipsies will letch her tent on the ground, and in consideration of the occasion, will tell fortunes at one eighth the usual price. Peelem A Co., will open one of their Gift Agen cies, where splendid Prizes can be secured for mere nothing. The American Telegraph Co., have kindly offer ed to connect their wires with the Post Oiiice, so that anxious lovers will not experience those pain ful delays in receiving their correspondence, which are unavoidable under the old mail arrangement. By order of the Com. HARDEI.'S SUPERIOR lIOR.SE POWERS AND i THRESHING MACHINES.—The subscriber is agent fo Herder's Endless Chain. >r, Railway Horse Pow ers, Threshers and Cleaners, <fcc. I have long been a dealer in and manufacturer of Endless Chain Horse Powers, and am acquainted with all the best now in use iu the Middle States, and am | prepared to say with confidence, that the Harder j Horse Power is decidedly Ha very best now m ■■•/*. It has mure power, runs stiller, is better made and more durable than any other. Harder's Thresher and Cleaner is a simple and durable machine, will not choke, docs not waste j grain and threshes and cleans rapidly and thor oughly all kinds of grain. Farmers, once employ ing the Harder Machines to do their threshing, ! give them the decided preference. Every machine is warranted, samples are not kept on hand. Or ders must be filled from the manufactory. Circulars and Price Lists mailed to all appli cants. It. M. WELLS. Towanda, Pa., June 25, 1860. tf. THE AMERICAN COOKING STOVE. —Is manu factured with certain improvements secured by letters patent, under date of May 5, 1803, and De cember 5, 1805. One of these improvements cov ers the arrangement of fitting a portable ash pan in the hearth of a cooking Stove,to receive the ash es as it passes down from the grate. All persons are cautioned against manufacturing, vending or 1 using other Stovi.s made m imitation of the Ameri can, as suits have been commenced for infringe ment ot these patents, ami-all persons manuluctur ing, selling or using said imitations, will be liable for damages ior iutriiigement on these letters pat tent. SHEAR, PACKARD A CO., 17 ani ly Green St., Albany, N. Y. The AMERICAN is for sale by Codding and liussei Towanda. P. 11. MORROW, W. T. DAVEES, JOHN W. .MIX. CLAIM AGENCY OF MORROW, DA VIES A: .Mix, TOWANDA, PA. —We are prepared to assist claimants in procuring the additional bounties and increased pensions authorized by the recent acts ol Congress. Those having claims had better make their appli cations early. Apply to either of us at our oiiice | in Towanda. Aug. 7, 1800. HARVEST PARTY.—The undersigned will 1 give a HARVEST PARTY at the Milan House,in Milan, Pa., on Friday, September 7, 1866. Good music in attendance. Bill c 2 50. August 7, 1866. H. E. A S. WATKINS. A. B. Smith Go., wisjies to inform ; their friends and the public in general that they : i have opened a Tobacco and Cigar stors on Bridge Street, two doors from Main-st., where they will | sell, at a low figure, a choice lot ot Cigars, foreign I : and domestic. Also Smoking and Chewing Tobac- 1 'co of all kinds. All kinds of fancy goods in the; i Tobacco line constantly on band. Towanda, April 15. A. li. SMITH A Co. GRAPE VINES, ORNAMENTAL TREES, &C., — ! The subscriber Las a supply on hand of nice lona. j i Israelis, Delaware, Allen's Hybrid, Diana, Con cord, Creveling and other Grape vines, warranted true to name. Grape vines of any variety furnished I I to order. Orders taken for Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Vine.-: and l'louv s at established rates of other Nurserymen. Also for all kinds ot small , fruits, such as Strawberries, Currants, Raspberries, .Blackberries, Ac., R. M. WELLF.S. Towanda, April 8, 1860. CARD.—AII soldiers who enlisted prior to June 30, 1863, will be furnished important imfor l nuition/ree by calling at once upon the undersign ed. Bring your "discharge" with you. J. N. CALLFF, Pension Agent, Oiiice over News Room. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF TOWANDA FINAN CIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES, Capital 8125,- | OUO. Deposits received payable on demand in Legal ! Tender Notes. Interest allowed on time deposits according to 1 ; agreement. Uncnrrent Bank Notes received on deposit or < j exchanged for Legal Tender. U. S Bonds and 7-30 Treasury Notes bought j and sold. Highest price paid for Compound Interest notes, j Drafts payable in any part of the United States at par for s..le. Drafts payable in England, Scotland, Ireland or : Wales, m an amount over one pound sterling, fur nished at lowest rates. Passage tickets from Liverpool or Q ueenstown j to New York, by the well known Inmun Line, on j and for sale. E. H. SMITH, Pres. N. N. RETTS, jr.', Cash. TOWANDA MARKETS. — ( Wholesale Prices.) Corrected exery Tuesday by E. T. Fox, No. I,llrick j Row • Wheat $2 50 .-2 75 ! ■ Rye 85 @ DO | I Corn 85 I I Oats 60 (m 65 Flax Seed 180(4 2 00 . Clover Seed, (small) 8 00 ! " " (Orwell) 10 no Beans 1 25 (S) 1 50 j Butter (rolls) 30 (a 32 : " (dairy) 30 ( 35 I Eggs _ " 22 I Potatoes 1 50 (re. 1 75 j Hay (per ton) 8 00 ! ! Salt (per lbb.) 3 00 j : Flour 12 00 @ 16 00 j j Hum 25 ( 28 WEIGHTS OF GRAlN.—Wheat, 60 lbs: ('nrn, 56 lbs; i Rye, 56 ibs ; Oats, 32 lbs ; Barley, 40 lbs ; Buck- I wheat, 48 lbs; Beans, 62 lbs; Bran, 20 lbs; Clover i Seed 62 lbs; Dried Apples, 22 lbs; Flax Seed 56 lbs. j MA RRI EL . ABRAMS—ORMSBY- In Tunkliannoek on the 7th inst, by Rev. M. Brownsbcmbe, Mr. David T. Abrams, of Wilmot, to Miss B. Onnsby of Mon to nr. I DAVIS—WILSON—At Windham Center, by Rev. Win. C. Peck, William Davis and Miss Lysena Wilson both of Warren. ■\~cui 2li>Dertiseni£nts. LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN the Post Office at Towamla, I'a., tor the week end* j ing August IS, IsGG : [ Austin John, Brown Chas A, Black C A Mrs., liutiu | Eliza P. Iliead Margaret, Barrett Mary, Cawford Ade* j lia Pole Chas W (141 st ITegt. I' V) Costelo Cammond, Cook James, Carroll John, Conley John, Clar , Thomas, Dunham I). Pecker Dan!, Priscoll Michael, Dull W A, '• Ferguson Curtis, Frazier Danl. Fury Patrick, Galutia A India, Gregg John, Gray Thomas Hart A. 1,. Hend i rick G. 1., Jillsou J O, Kirby PC, Monnahan A Hannc lian, Mor is Minnie L, McMahon T, Moore Thomas, Nettleton Asahel, Newall I', Newman Saml, Pierce C ! w 17, Purdy D E, Penuell L A, Ryronßridget,Re;-nolds : N F, Rycrson P A, Kobe Valentine, Stevens Alice M, ; Secar I L, Sinsabaugh Jennie, Swackhammer P.iilip, | Smith P, Stuart Sidney I)r, Tripp D VV, Talma-lge G I W, Winn Levi, Wilcox S E, Ward Thomas (foreign) ! Yeselhoff J 11. ; Stir Persons calling for any of the above lettvis nil please say "Advertised." and give the date of the a-U vertisement. S. W. ALVOUI), Aug 20, 1866* Fiistiuascr. AD MINISTR ATO R'S N OTIG E.—Notice . is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of ABSALOM J. CARD, late of Albany twp., deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present ; them duly authenticated lor settlement. I It. H. RICHARDS, J. H. CAIIR, | Aug. 20,1866. Administrators. miscellaneous. HEALTH IS THE GREAT NEED OF THE AGE. A NEW SYSTEM OP THE HEALING ALT. N. J. COGSWELL, M I)., HYGIENIC PHYSICIAN' AND SURGEON, May be consulted in person or by letter, at his r deuce, East Spring Hill, Bradlord county. Pa. An intelligent community require a medical do. i: , grounded upon right reason, in harmony wit avouched by the unerring laws of Nature aud of the ■ tal organism, and authenticated by successful results, j Hence we solicit an examination of our system. Claim ing that all diseases can be successfully treated with i truiy Hygienic Agencies. No Drug poisons will he given. As a graduate of the I only College in the world where health is taught, we I shall take especial pains to explain to the patients the I nature oi the diserse. The laws of life and health, why j it it is unnecessary and dangerous to take drugs, and i how to preserve health aud long life. Will visit pa j tients, and give directions for home treatment, when desired. BfEaat Springhill, Muy 1, '66.—ly,p. T J. NEWE LL , y * COUNTY SURVEYOR. | Orwell, Bradlord Co. . Pa,, will promptly attend to all | business in his line. Particular attention given to run ning and establishing old or disputed lines. Also to : surveying of all unpattented lands as soon as warrant | are obtained. | May IV, iB6O. I M PORTA NT TO BUTTER MAKERS.-- -I- The under signed are now fuily prepat Jto furnish i | the public with an " Inclined Dog Power Machine, - 'oi j | a superior quality and pattern at the fo' wing rates : j Machine suitable far Dairies of from Jto 10 cows, 110. " " " 10 to 15 " sl2. " 15 to 20 " sls. " 20 to 25 " S2O 24 to 30 " $25. •' •' 30 or more " $35 Every machine ehveied and put in running order, ■■ '. warranted to giv entire satisfaction or money re ; funded. Ail orders by mail promptly attended to. LUTHER A ROSS. Burlington hoio', May 8, 00. A'e, the nudersigued, have each bad in use daring the past season, one of Luther A Ross"lnclined 0.-g Power Machines," aud cheerfully recommend them to i , the public as the best Churn Power yet introduced. U.M. Pruyne. 1). S. Luther, David Slrope, Joaepbus May 3, 'O6 3m. DISSOLUTION. — The co-partnership here tl lore existing between C. L. Stewart A C. C. '■ : Stewart, in the mercantile business, is this day dissolved j by mutual consent. All accounts must he settled before ; August 1, 18(10. The books and accounts will tie set- : j tied by Stewart 4 Wickizer, who will continue tile bu- j siue.-s at tbc old sLud. C. L. STEWART, Her+i kville, July 2, ISGU Ot.p. C. C. STEWART. I "VOTICE.—HAVING DISPOSED OF MY If interest iti the 80. k.Statinary and News Store to | .Messrs. A lvoru A Barber. 1 t ike pleasure in r usouimeiid ing them to the confidence of the public as gentlemen worthy their patronage, i All accounts ol the late concern will he settled by me I at their store. JOHN J. GRIFFITHS. Aug. 8. 1800. COLOUR ! FLOUR ! FLOUR I~ln VTOW A ot the high price ol wheat we have been endeavor ing to produce an extra quality of Rye Flour lor those ol our customers disposed to economise. We now make j it so white as to he scarcely distinguishable from good ! w heat flour. Try some. Flour from White Winter Wheat, also Buckwheat flour, t oru meal and different kinds of Feed fur sale.— i Cash paid for all kinds of graiu. 11. B. INGHAM. Cascade Mills, Camptown, June 11, 1866. : rpHE NEW 1 RUNN- GRIST MILL AT A Camptown is in operation, turuiabed throughout ; with lie most complete, thoroughly tested, and highly | approved machinery and fixtures, now in use in the | United States ; uninterrupted by IlliiU Oil LOW WATER. I Flour. Feed and Meal, always on hand at prices cor ri -. ending to the cost ol Grain. H.B.INGHAM • Muy 7, 'OO. —t'- pU M P MANUFA CTU R Y ! SILAS BETTS A AO., Of Burlington, Bradford County, Pa., art manutactur- j ing the old and well known Wooden Pump with all the ' latest improvements. Also laying Pump Logs from ! Springs, Ac., All orders promptly attended to. July 10, Isuo.—tt. C CAUTION.—All persons tiro hereby cuu ) tioned not to -h.ot birds of any kind on the prem- j I isesot either of the undersigned, as the law against ! [ such will he stiietly enforced ; D'A. Overton, E. H.Smith. Wm. Dittrich, Jos. Pow- ! i ell, Francis Watts, B. S. Russell, M. C. .Mcreur. H. O. Porter, James M. Ward, A. li. Kingsbury, W. W. Kingsbury, Mrs. Lucy M. Adams, E. It. ik-Luug. i July 26. l-'6t;. I hll. I'RATT lias removed to State street j A/ (first above B. S. .. . - A Co's Bank). Persons j fronts diftance desirous t --i.-lilting him.wiilbe most likely to find him on Saturday ol each week. Especial attention will he given to surgical cases, and the extrac- j thm of licth. 'Li-or Ether administered when desired. Jnly 18,1866. D. S. PRATT, M. 1). J I 0 i NT A 1 N LAK E ! The subs, liber respectfully informs the public that the Pleasure Grounds connected with .Mountain Lake, have been put in complete order, and that he is prepared lor the reception of parties. His Buildings and Boats have all undergone thorough repair, and parties will and everything provided n.r their comfort. A more delightful place oi resort can not be found in the county than this lake and the adja cent grounds, affording shady walks, good boating, and excellent fishing. HARRISON DODD. j Burlington, July 2, 1866. 0 OOK-BINDERY.—THE PUBLIC IS Aw respectfully informed that the Book-Bindery has been removed to the Argus Building, 3d story, where will be done BOOK•BI N l> 1 N G 1 In all its various branches, ou to; :. - as reasonable as j " the times " will allow. The Biudery will be undea the charge of H. C. WHITAKER, An experienced Binder, and all work will ho promptly done, in a style and manner which cannot he excelled. Music, Magazines, Newspapers, Old Books, Ac., hound in every variety ot styie. Particular attention will be i paid to the Rulingand Binding ot BLANK BOOKS, To any desired pattern, which in quality aud durability wil be warranted. All work will be ready for delivery when promised. The patronage of the public is solicited, and perilct satisfaction guarranteed. Towunda. August 2. IS66.—tt. \Y YALFS IN I! ACAD EM Y . JWYALUSING, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA. ' WM. H. BROWS, Principal. Miss MARY E BROWN, Preceptress. The Fall Term will commence on Monday, August 20, 1866, and continue 14 weeks. Rate of tuition as fol lows : Reading, Spelling, Primary Arithmetic and Geogra-j pity $4 00. English Grammar, Geography, Writing and l Arithmetic to Cube Loot, $5.00. Single-Entry Book j Keeping, Botany, Rhetoric, Anatomy aud Physiology, ' Astronomy, Latin, Greek, Higher Arithmetic aud Alge- j I bra through (j id ratio Equations $6,00. Natural Phi losophy, Chemistry, Double Entry Book-Keeping, High- j i er Algebra, ueometry, Trignometry aud Surveying | i $7,00. Incidentals, 30 cts. Tuition invariably payable ! j by the middle of the term. No deductions on accouu: I i of absence except in cases of protracted illness. Wyalusing, July 10; 1866.—1w. WHOLESALE MUSIC DEPOT. L. B. POWELL, Scranton, Pa., Dealer in Chicker 1 ing's Pianos. Decker's Pianos. Mason & Hamlin's Cabi | Te; Organs, Treat Lit dsley A Co's Mel jdeons, and al j I kinds ot Musical Instruments, Sheet Music and Music j j Books. Orders front Dealers aud Teachers especially ; | solicited. Address L. B. POWELL, 116, Pennsylvania Avenue, Serin ton, Pa. | June 11, 1866—y1. TEAS of very fine quality, bv the chest or at retail, bought before the recent advance, and (or .-ale cheap at FOX'S, j June 13,1866. \I ITUII ELL'S EXTRACTS.— The finest -IvA extracts lor 11a vcring iu use. For sale wholesale aud retail at FOX'S, j UTRATTON'S VEAST COMPOUND " O is the best yeast ever sold. lam agent lor the ' manufacturer. For sale at wholesale or retail. E. T. FOX. ! /GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, VT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, JOII N MERII) ETII , Main at., first door south ol Rail Road House, Towanda. has just received a large addition to his stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Which will he sold at wholesale and retail, at the very lowest rates. Farmer's Produce of all kinds bought and sold. The public attention is respectfully invited to my 1 stock, which will he touud to be Fresh, bought at low prices and will be sold at correspondingly low rates. 1 Towandi.July 17,1866. ftlml)ant>w |VE \V SPR IN G UOO . ! W. A ROCKVV KI.IJ, receivings lar,—slock of Spring Goods great REDUCTION IN PRICES, and oners them at corresponding prices. Comprising I well selected assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, I)E LAI N E, ALPACAS, LAWNS, CIIALLAS, THIBET AND CANTON CLOTH, ALPACA, BERAGE, POPLINS, TRIMMINGS & BUTTONS TO MATCH, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ! SATTINETTS, TWEEDS, K ENTUCKY .7 EANS Of all descriptions lor men an hoys. YAN KE E NOTI 0N S Too numerous to mention. II A R 1) W A Ii E , A good assortment ou .and CROCK E R Y , fs iu full and complete supply. G R OCERIK S. Teas, Cot), e. Sugar and Molasses, at greatly reduced prices. L E A T HER, A su;.]i!y of Sole and Upper on hand. \V 0 0 I) E N w A R E , Tubs, Pails, lb. .ins, Ac. TOV.- Fill! CHILDREN. Cabs, Carts, Ch.b. . .oys to please them all. I April U. IstiG. JJ EW SPRING GOODS! J. W. TAYLOR, Is just receiving a large aud well-selected stock of Spring Goods ot the best qualities, and choice styles, having purchased them when goods were the lowest, he feels fully couiidcMt that he can sell to please all. A large aesortnnut ..! Dress Goods, varionr colors and styles, A line line ol French Poplins, the gem of the season. : Come an.l soe them, all wool Alpaeca Poplins, a gen eral assortment of BLACK AND COLORED ALPACAS, and a very great variety of other dress goods too nu merous mention. A complete line of Mourning goods, Detains, Prints, Ginghams, BLACK Ai\D WHITE BALMORALS, Hoop Skirt- i large quantities. Irow three yards to three and ah If around, and splendid assortment ol GLOVES AND HOSIERY. Ladie ' and Gents kid gloves, Dresa Primings and But tons to suit all. Ladies' Cloths. Brab, Black and White. and Black llcpellant Cloth, SPIiING SHA WLS, Bleached and Unbleached Muslin, Sheeting, Crash, Scotch Diapers, brown and white table linen Napkins, and a full line ol White Goods, Jaconet, Nansook, Swiss, Mull, Victoria Lawn, Striped Muslin. Dimity t leked Muslin, a nice assortment of BLACK AND COLORED DRESS SILKS. A large quantity ol Embroidery CHEAP. Gent's Neck Ties, Paper Collars and Hosiery. One ol the largest and best selected STOCK OF MILL! VERY GOODS ever brought in this market and cheap. All the latest styles an t novelties of the season, in Bonnets, Gipsies, Ac. . !:•• • . Flowers to suit every one. White Kmbroidci •,, i tods and Caps for inlants, Indies' and Misses' 11.. -. lie bailor,margaretta derby, and all styles too numi i -'o an l.tion. Having secured the services of MISS VGSHFR.I feel confident we can please all, and all kinds of Miiinery work done on short notice. I invite the people ol Towanda and vicinity to call and examine my stock ol goods and judge for themselves ; no trouble "to show goods, one door north of the Post Office. April 9, 1866. GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES! AS- CALL AND SEE, AT MONTANYE'S. Feb. 5,1866. VET ANOTHER STOCK OF NEW X GOODS AT \Y ICKBAM & BLACK'S. DRESS GOODS, DOMESTICS, FLANNELS, WHITE GOODS, j EMBROIDERIES, TRIMMINGS, ! SHAWLS. The above lines we oiler iu great variety and latest j styles I!ATS and CAPS, LARGE STOCK, ! BOOTS and SHOES, BEST MAKES. CROCK ERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS. Tbis part of our stm k we pay particular attention to and now otter two ol tlie best patterns ol Ironstone Ware in llie market. Erie and Sevres, also C. C., Yellow Rockingham aud Wedgcwood. Beautiful assortment ol Glass Lamps. Call aue see our stock of NOTIONS. Thankful lor past favors we respectfully invite yoni trade and promise to do our best. WICKIIAM & BLACK. £cgal. LIST OF PERSONS DRAWN AS JTJR ors for a Court ot Quarter Sessions to be held for September Term, A. D., 1866. GRAND JURORS, Jusephus Capbell. Burlington ; Jas. Molyncux, Over ton ; Lyman French, Wells ; Joseph Seeley, Koine tp.; Burton Luther, Burlington; Jame* Ed.sall, Wells; Smith Lent, Kome twp. ; Addisen Cooper, Kldgbury ; Jesse Moore,South Creek ; Charles F. Sayles, Allen Pierce. Geo. B. Davison. Troy boro'; Edwin ltoscll, Columbia ; fhornas B. Smith, R. J."Pickering, James Cleaveland, Orwell ; Ulysses Moody, Smilhlield ; Gabriel Walker, Athens two.; Means Watts 'i'owanda North ; Benjamin Clark, Leßoy; L. P. Williams, Troy twp.; John Fisher, Wyalusing ; Dauis Gray, Tuscarora ; A. C. Arnold, Rome twp. TKAVKRS JI'UOKS Ist WitßK. Thomas James, Cyrus Weaton, Warren ; Stephen Clark, Burlington; Stephen Hornet, Justus Aekla, Wya lusing; Charles Taylor, Burlington West; Morris Shep ard, wells; Homer Brooks, Jas. Kennedy, Springfield ; John Divine, Towanda North; A .T.Owens,Canton tp.; Stephen Strickland, Alva Cooley, Alvin Nichols, John B. Smith, Wysox ; John Grifiim, Francis Oveushire, Athens twp. ; Luther Loomis, Ransaler Leonard, Troy twp. ; J. A. Bradley, Asylum ; Orrin Hnnt, Orwell ; A. L. Cranmer, Monroe boro'; J.P. Nichols,Windham; Martin Heckmer, Overton ; J. A. I'ark.Herrick ; Jabcz Fish, Sheshequin ; George Horton, Wilmot; D. A. Greeno, Leßoy; Edward L, Gregg, C. S. Taylor, Standing Stone ; William Peck, Orrin McCollum, C'ol nmhia ; A. G. Mason, Towanda twp. ; Lyman Durfee, Merrit Wood, Smithfield ; Geo. Merrill, Athens horo. TRACERS JURORS—2d WEEK. George Johnson, A. J. Drake, Granville; A. B. Lack ey, Addisen Beidleman, Shesheqnin ; Geo. T. Granger, Jonn Allen. M. J. Coolbaugh, David Shores, Wysox ; Levi Stall, C. 8. Elliott, Canton twp.; Edwin Collins, James Finch, Windham ; Geo. Stone, Calvin Stowell, I-eander Gamble, Wilmot ; Wm. Shumway, Tuscarora ; Horace Corbin, J . P. Coburn,Warren; Abram Hunsiker, Athens twp.; Elijah Wolcott, Litchfield; Samuel Wells, Elijah Potter, Orwell ; Hiruin Mason, South Creek ; Miles Carter, J P. Culver, Towanda Borough ; Henry Manu.Wm. Hewitt, Terry; Charles James, Rome boro ; ; Wm. Stevens, Ridgbury ; James Vandyke, Ulster ; L. H. Doan, Springfield; Able Bolls, Herrtck; Ebbin Pack ard, Samuel Williams, Franklin; Chauncey Pomeroy, Troy twp.; E. W. Jones, Pike. J. M. SMJTU, Aug. 7,1866. Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALES.— By virtue of a writ ol Vend. Expo., issued outot the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford county, to me directed and delivered, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in the Boro' of Towanda, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1,1866, at 1 o'clock p. in.,the following described lot piece or par cel of land, situate in RidgLury twp., bounded as fol lows, to wit : North by land of Calvin P. Hall, east by laud of Orrin Burnham, south by land of E. Ji. Brown, and west by lands ol James Barrett. Containing fifty acres ol land, more or less, about forty acres improved, with a framed house, 1 ranted barn,and two orchards ol fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of R. C. Lockwood vs. Joseph Parker. ALSO —The following lot, piece or parcel of land, sit uate in Athens twp., bounded as follows, to wit : lie ginning in the centre ol the road leading from Mill town to Athens boro', at the north-west corn-rot O.W.Park's land, thence north 16|° east 108 2 10 per. aloug the cen tre of said road t • the north line ol the "Pickering Tract" (so called) of which this is a part, '.hence south east along ihe north line ol said Pickering tract 180 per. to a corner ,'hence south 39° east 14 4-10 per. to a corner, thence south JoJ° east 9 per. to a corner, thence south 85j° east 27 2-10 per. to a coiner, thence south 32° west .. ■: 10 perches to a corner, thence south 49° west 24 .1 10 per. to a comer of Joseph Shep ard's land, thence south 3eJ° east 28 8-10 per. to a cor ner, thence south 10j° east 40 per. to a corner, thence south e? west 21 per. to a corner of said (J. W, Park's land, thence norm west 259 3-10 per. to the place ol beginning. Containing 168 acres and 93 per. ot land more or less, all improved,with a framed dwelling-house add two Iramed barns, cow-shed, and orchard of truit teees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Harris A Saltmarsn vs. James S. Liggett ALSO—By virtue ola writ ot Pi. Fa., the following piece or parcel ol land situate in Columbia twp., bound ed as follows, to wit: On the north by lands ol George Furman, east by the public highway, south by lands ol Thomas Maxwell, and west by lind ol Edward Young. | Coniaining 110 acres of land more or less, about 85 ! acres improved, with one Iramed baru thereon. Saized and taken into execution at the suit ol Alfred I Parson's admi x use vs. Moses Seeley. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit- I uate in Athens boro', bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by Abraham Frederick, east by land ol Mrs. Welch, south by Margaret Amley, and west by the pub lic highway. Containing 4 halt an acre of land more or less, all improved with one Iramed dwelling house,a fe-.v fruit tree, thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Frank M. Cole vs. J. W. Cole. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel ot land sit uate in Herrick twp., bounded as follows, to wit; On the north by land ot Nathauial Piatt, on the east by Ar chibal Coleman, on the south by Elisha Lewis, and on the west by Silas Titus. Containing 100 acres more or less, about 60 acres improved, with two framed houses, | framed barn, and a tew truit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Nelson Vanderpool vs. Henry Green. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel ol land sit uate in Wilmot twp., bounded as follows, to wit: North by the Susquehanna river, east and south by lands of Geo. Miller, and west by laud ol Aaron Ely. Contain ing two acres ot land more or less, all improved, with framed house, Iramed wagon shop, and a lew fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit ot G. W. Jackson use vs. H. L. Edwards. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel ot iand sit uate in West Burling ton twp., bounded as 1011-ws, to wit: On the north by the public highway, east by' lands ot Fowler Swain, south by lauds ot Geo. Johnson, ! and west by Theodore Curtis. Containing 46 acres of < laud more or less, about 30 acres improved, with a fra- i med house, framed barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. • Seized and taken into execution at the suit of N. C. I Harris" use vs. George Perry. ALSO -The toliowing iot piece or parcel ot land sit- i Bate in Albany twp., bounde< a- l Hows,to wit : North j by lauds of Patrick Finns i ml John Ciine, oast by j lands ol Wm. Gibbs, south . 1 .n.lsof Phillip Cain and J Patrick McKernon, west by au.t of Joseph Hunsinger. | Containing 58 acres of land more or less,abont 15 acres 1 improved, with a hewed log noose, a shed, and a lew j fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit ot I. M. Seacock's use vs. Jonas Hunsinger. ALSO— I The following lot, piece or parcel ot land sit- j late in Ulster twp., bounded as follows, to wit: North 1 ay public highway leading Irom Milan to Smithfield,' last by public highway leading from Towanda to Ath- j ;ns, south by lands ol the Widow Harsh, and west by j land of Butler Vincent. Containing I.J acre acre of land ' more or less, all improvea.with one framed tavern house ! iramed dwelling house, framed batu, and a few fruit j trees thereon. ALSO—One other piece or parcel of laud situate in ' said twp. ot Ulster, bouuded as follows, to wit : North i by la nd of Samuel Huff, east by the public highway leading from Towanda to Athens, south by land of the Widow Flood, and west by laud ol said Samuel Huff. Containing one acre ol land more or less, all improved, with one Iramed Steam Grist-mill and Shingle Machine .hereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of N. C. Harris vs. Darins Myers. ALSO—The lollowiug lot, piece or parcel ot land s t late in Towanda twp., boundnd as follows, to wit : Be ginning at a yellow pine coiner in the line ot J. P, Kir ay's laud, theme south 6b£° west 24 6-10 perches to the ; south east corner of said Kirby's farm, it being also a I sorner ol Edward Overton s land, thence somh 324° ; sasl 78 per. to a stake and stones in Jas, Nesior's line. ] thence north 69° east 24 3-10 per. on the line ot lands ! formerly of James Nestor's, now the heirs ol D. F. Bar itow, tiee'd, to a corner in line of Cornelius Moore, and thence westerly in a straight line 81 6 10 perches to the j place ol beginning Containing 12 acres more or less, ' About 9 acres improved, with a iramed house thereon. ; Seized aud taken luto execution at tt.e suit ot Daniel Cuiran vs. Mary Ann Bishop. ALso—The toliowing lot, piece of parcel of laud sit ! uate in Leßoy twp., bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by land ot A. G. Kelley. east by laud of, Chauncey Chaapel, south by Towanda Creek, and west by laud ot A. M.K.West. Containing 50 acres more j or less, about 30 acies improved, with a trained house, s framed barn, aud a lew truit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Edward ! Walker's use vs. B. B. Stone. ALSO—The lollowiug lot, piece or parcel of land sit uate in Smithfield twp., bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by lands ot Timothy Giliailand Horace Heath, east by laud ol M. F. liansom. south by laud ot George Griffith aud Bcnj. Thomas, and west by land ot Alexan der Lane and Benj. Dan ton, Containing 108 acres more or less, about 60 acres improved, with a tew fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of W. Ransom vs. M. F. Ransom adm r of David Brown dee'd. ALSO —By virtue of a writ ol Levari Facias the fol lowing lot, piece or parcel ol land situate in Athens tp., bounded as follows, to wit : On the south by the So phia Calkins' lot, on the west leading Irom Wheelock's Factory to Milltown, on the north by land of Benjamin C. Rice, and on the west by said Sophia Calkin's land. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Samuel H. Sawyer's use vs. John C. Roberts. J. M. SMITH, Sherifi. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Aug. 7.1866. 11RIAL LIST FOR SKITEMUEB TERM. . Commencing September 3,1866. LydiaMunson vs. Amos Baker Issue Emma J. Hewitt Ac. vs. Saranel Kellum et al.ejectment David McDuffie vs. North Branch Canal Co damage John F. Means vs David Wilmot.... appeal H A Hood vs. Shipman A Welles debt Chas W Clapp vs Welles, Blood A Co., replevin S W A J P Blood's use vs. C F Welles Jr case Clark A Baker vs. Abraham Steers et al debt John Bortz vs. Pomeroy Brothers Trepass Pomeroy Brothers vs J S Srnead appeal J H A B Stafford vs. D U Blackman do Amos Griffieth et al vs. A. 11. Spalding do Polly Chilson vs. John W Sweet replevin James Wrisley vs. lloswell Luther case Daniel Blackman vs. J L Rockwell Ac do T D Hall vs. Caroline Hall ejectment Samj Hyatt et al vs. F S Elliott et al trespass Elijah Walker vs. Peter Hendersbot appeal Adam Schereuger vs. M B Owen debt Eleazer Pomeroy va, Josiah Gilbert . .ejectment Jesse Wardell vs. Elhauan Smith case Aug Lewis vs. D D Brewster ejectment Horace Heman vs. Allen A J B Conklin do H S Phinney vs. Otis P Lyon case CommowuTth Pennsylvania vs. P P Sweet et al.. .so i ta Robt Campbell's adm'ts. vs. John S Madden appeal Yal Wagoner et ux vs. Morgan Terwillegar case Joseph G Corson vs. David S. Miiler case John Mnllin vs. James McCowvilie appeal Myron Owens vs. DavidS Miller case Miles Prince vs. Edwin Oweos etal ejectment Mort Vanderpool vs. Nelson Vanderpool debt Alfred Noxou vs. Towanda CoalAlrou Co.,sci tasur mor BRADFORD COUNTY, ss. Subpoenas returnable on Monday, September 10, A. D. 1866, at 10 o'clock, a. in. E. O. GOODRICH, August 16,1866. Trothonotary. CuMi REGISTER'S NO d( 'ES.—-Notice i-s here by given, that there has i.cs:. tiled ami settled in j the office of the Register of W!H, in and for the county of Bradford, accounts. of Ad miiustra'. n upon the fol lowing estates, viz : Partial acc't of Elvira jj aib'.ey Guardian of IdaC and Elvira A Sihiey. Final acc't of Win H f'pindler <-x,r of Bfiza Gist, late of Springfield ,dec'd, Final acc't of V S Vin :ent adiu'r of Joseph Furr.lute [ of Htdghury, dee'd. Pinal acc't of Alex. Itich guardian of Mary Virginia Clark, and BeUy M Clark, j Partial acc't of Tlios. Williams and Sam'l A unable : ex'rs of Roderick William*, late of Canton, dee'd. Final acc t of J E Cook adiu'r of Arautiius Hyatt,late of Wells, dee'd. I Final acc't of Sally M A Isaac l.ayton ex'rs of John Layton, late of Litchfield, dee'd. Final acc't ol liiram Horton udut'r of Josiuli H Little late of Troy, dee'd, Final a"C'tof Jerome J Green guardian ol Salmon T Green. Final acc't of A !> Fo; & Mary Mills adin'rs ol J ... Mills, late of l.elloy, dee'd Final acc't oi Wm. Verbeok adm'r oi M U Leonard, late of Troy, dee'd. Final acc't of B F Ktiapp guardian of George Kuapp. Final acc't of David Gardner adui'r ol 1 heron Uine hart, Final acc't ol Eliza Boardman adm'iz ol Vera X Bosrdman, late of Windham, dee'd. Final acc't of C L White (one ol tiie) adm i s of Wm. i B French, late oi Franklin, dee'd. Final acc't of Wm. Bunnyan adm'r ol Cyrns Smith, late of Burling bin, dee'd. Final acc't of C F Welles, jr. A Ed aria White adm'rs of A P Stevens, late of Athens, dee'd. Final acc't of Wm. Gregg adm'r ji Francis V Gregg, late ot Towanda, dee'd. Final acc't of Kifeou Pa k ird a lin'r ol Xilea F Pack aid, late of Lefioy. dee'd. Final acc't of Jas. McKtac adm'r ol Samaei Wilis late of. Armenia, dee d. Final account of A. it. Fos-s, administrator ol Aaml. W. Wi.cox, late of Leroy twp., deceased. Final aee't ot O !•* Parsons adm'r ot Alvali Heatu, late ol Terry, dee'd. Final account of Wm. B. Wilcox, administrator of J. A. ltoyse. late ot Le oy, deceased. Final acc't of B S Russell & Ellen Dougherty adm'i ol Patrick Dougherty, late of Towanda, dee'd. Final acc't of Gordon Wilcox exe'r Thomas Wilcox, late of Smitbtieid, dee d. Partial acc't of J L Phillips adm'r ol Chas. Phillip jr., late ot Springfield, dee'd. Final acc't ol Joseph F Wheat on adm'r of Marvin M'C'reray, late of Warren, dee'd. Final acc't of Rebecca M Martin a ting a lin'ix o; (' J E Martin, late of Granville, dee'd. Final acc't of C J Chubbuck guardian ol Byron A, Matilda and Aaron G Pratt. Final acc't of Uriah Terry adm'r of Wm. V.mderp >ol sth, late of Terry, dee'd. Final acc't ol i uoch Blackwell adiu'r ol Wyll > J ; Bronson, lat . Burlington, dee d. Final acc't •> I' H Buck adm'r of D M Bailey, !.••• o. : Leßaysville, ucc'o. | Final acc t > -V fIA J W Brown A E Carr exe 'is oi James Brow. , :• of Derrick, do 'd. I Partial acc't of W W Periue AG F RoJiugton adm'r. | ul E P Perine, late ot Troy, dec J. Final ace't ol C G Gridley exe'r of Oliver Ells wo . •. late oi Orwell, dee'd j Partial ace't ol C G Gridley guardian of Jcnni- and i Seymour Tyrrell. Partial te count of E. G. Kfeßogg, : rdianol Wiri Warlord. Final account of Cbas. Chalice. .i-iratoroi ! aac if, Burton, dee'd. Itieo: Sheah&q :. Final acc't of Wm. Miir guardian ■■ > Henry, Hen rielta and C'aiiie Bars.o A I,SO— Ihe appraisement of properly off by Exe cutors or Administrators to wid ws or children, .t • following decedents : Estate of Win Zauer. " '• Peter V Rennett. " " Joel Siaitord. " " Alonzo Long. " '• Calvin Lewis. " " Chas. 1) Miller. " " Chas. James. '• Caleb Allyn '• (.'has. Drake. " '• Peter Htcriger. " V -John W. Alger. And the sniii will be presented to the Urphan's Court of Bradford County, on Monday the hi day of Septem ber next, lor confirmation and allowance. C, LI .SB 1 ILL, Register. Register's Office, Aug. 7, lsud A DMIM6TKATKIX NOTlCE.—Notice is AA- hereby given, thai ; II person.-, indebted t- th--e.- tate of Jas. A. Furmu-i, iaie of Colnmoia twp., dec are requested to make immediate payment, .mil ten ■ having claims against said estate will pnseat them duly authenticated for settlement. LUC V A. FU'iIMAN, EDWIN ItUaSELL, July 9, ISdfi. Administrators. EX.EC I IRIX 6 SOiiOE—Notice is tic it by given, lie.l aiipeiaoa.: mdeoled l the eslan JOHN C. ADAMS,hate of North f i#i Ida twp., d are requested to make immediate payment, and th . having claims against said estate arc requested to pre sent them to John A. Mix, at i..„ oai. la . >wanda B • rough, duly authenticated for sef'lement. LUC* M. ADAMS. July It, Isiili. Lie . l:X. ADMIN ISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— N >t>ee is hereby given, that aii person- imi i< t" tie estateof Peter i. \ rotnaii, late >'• T •. iiciim,. de'd, are requeued to make unmediaie pay., hose having demands against said estate .11 pit at j i sent duly autlieuitcalcd lor .-> .<e.iuenf. Fill!AM 11. i'OaTER, July Ul, 1 Mjtf. Administrator. ADMNIS'fc'S NOTlCE.—Notice uTkwi by givt-n I hat ell persons iud-ut.-J > > <l. Martin Compton, lute ol Burlirgt ii us Br • County, deed, are requested to make pay IK . iiho delay and all having claims sac. u,.< . qnest ed to present went duly anthenticated lor eeri . meat. J LSSr. B. McKEAN. July 19, itsild. AdmiuistraU.l. 4 DMINISTRA TOR'S NO lit IE N - .XJL is hereby given, that a us intie >, t,. t. estate ot - aLES SAVLRe '• it- .il i'ouanda ... dee i., are requested to n . uiintdia' : v aud those having demands rq i 1 ait: estate w.ll i eut thein duly anthenticated let .er.t. r, i. •• hAVERCUUL, Aug. 8, 1666 Admittiatrai< s. A DM INISTRATOII'o NOTICE.—Xoin il is hereby given, that all p-u estateof J. W. TYRRELL late ot t) . i; twp.. ! ceassd, are requested to make immedi if e pay meat, those having claim against JAd estate •• . p.,- eut the duly authenticated lor cvitlet. -a'.. C. G. GRIDLEY, Aug. to, 1866. AJminist ra'nr INCORPORATION NOTICES Applica A tioa fur Incorporation of Nor'.bei . Command) Knights Templar, No. 17,0t Towauda. Application tor incorporation >t Union e plot No. 161, H. R. A. M. of Towanda. Application tor incorporation of Union Lodge Mo. 109, \. Y. M. of Towanda. • Application for incorporation ot the la -ma Ed'.ea tiou il Association. Application for incorporation of first Christian Church ot Franklin. Application for 'ncorporati ,n of Chri-' u Oh trch ot Albany. Notice is hereby given that the above mined A.- at ions have severally preen ed to riu C irt of Con mi ll Pleas ot Bradford County tin u . li- i < t a— • i i ion a.-kiug for a decree of laeorporat >u, an t (be said Court having ex mimed the samr, m l !1 d.u_ th - rect, will decree that they be incorporated as pra.v.-i tor on Monday, Sep:emiicr J. t-i, .. at p m . uuh>- cause be shu wu to the coot rary . E. O. GOO ft If ICR I't iliouotury. Prothonotary's Office, Aug. 2, I <t;. APPLICATION IN DIVORCE.- To Miy June Fury —No. 17J Feo'y . Teilit I•> i. You ale hereby notified that Chulc- Fury, y .r ioisband, has applied to the Comi oi Common Pleas ot Bradford Co.. for a divorce from the bonds ot uiatiiutouy, and the setd Court has appointed Monday, rept 3. I*o6 . at 2 u i!..ek p. in., at llie t'ourt Hbaae in Towanda, tot hearing the said Reuben S.Trask in the premi-es, at which l iinu and place you can attend it you think proper Aug. 5,1866. - J.M. SMITH, Sheriff. ORPHAN'S 00L KT SALE.—By virtue of an order issued out ot the Orphan's l ourt ol Brad ford County, the undersigned Administratrix of ilie i-s tute Philetns V.r lyk -. dee'd. late ol said county cm.! sell at the Central if "lei, in the Borough of Cuuton, on FRIDAY, the 31st day ot AUtil'sl.i s, at 2 o'clock, p. m., the following property situate in Canton twp.. Beginning at the uort ii-uost corner of the farm ou which Aaron Coons lives, thence north l J i-ist Is prs. along the line of Ephriaut iand to a stuka and stoues, thence north 65° west 16 i>rs. to a stake and stones, thence north l!l = west 7 prs. to .stakeaud .-toues. liienee north OG° west 9 pis. to a stake and stones, thence north H 3 east 14 prs. to stake anil stones, thence south 60° west 11 6-10 prs. to stake aud stoues to Maunly Road, thence south 11° we-t 37 prs. along the satu Coons line, thence south S7J° east 45 ,-rs. along s ' Coons line to the place of beginning. Containing s. v eu acres and 15 perches, more or less. Mid bt ha > good mill seat aud water privilege. ALSO— All that piece ot land lying in Canton two beginning iu centre of Mountain Rood leading uoui steam mill in Canton borough to Wat . two., tu 1 i-g i county, Pa., in the line ol unimproved lauds in the wai | rautee name ot William Freeston. and formerly owned .by Brown and Rockwell, thence north .li west .4 p:-. to a road, thence east :'l pw- 1 ' -- stake and stones I thence south 9° west!'- prs. to the said road, he ! north 49° west 58 prs. along centre o; said highway to ' the place of beginning. Containing ■ 1 acres and 100 I perches more or less, .said lot is heavily covered with valuable timber, lj miles from Caaton -station of N C. Railroad, one utile Iromgood steam saw will,and tlnee quarters of a mile Irom a good water mill. TERMS.--f.lO to be paid ou the day ol sale on each lot and half ot the balance at the confirmation, aud tin balance in three mouths thereafter with interest. PHIEBK VANDYKE. July 19, iB6O. Administratrix. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— John Holme* cs. S. F. intcox. Tu the Court ol Common Picas i of Bradford county, No. 81, September Term. lstu. The undersigned an auditor appointed by said Court to distribute moneys arising tr.-tu Kheiill's sal ot de fendants personal property .will attend to the duties ot his appointment, at his office in Towanda boroV-n Saturday the 25th day ot August, lS66,at 1 o'clock p. lit., at which time and place all persons interested can attend ii they think proper or be lorever debarred from the same. BENJ. il. PECK, Aug 2, 1860. Auditor.