Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 23, 1866, Image 2

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—Late advices from the Rio Grande re- '
port a political and bloodless revolution in Mftta
movas,® resulting in the overthrow of Caravajal's
Government. - He had escaped to Brownsville and
established his headquarters, joined by Gen. Lew.
Wallace and other American citizens.
—Last week an attempt was made to
break the Helena, Ark., jail. One convict, Asa
Hudson, in for horse thieving, was shot through
the body and mortally wounded by corporal Andy
Burress, of the Fifty-sixth United States Colo:ed
Infantry,who had charge of the prison at the time.
—lt is understood to be the purpose of
the authorities to stop the issue of rations through
agents of the Freedrnen's Bureau to the destitute
people in the south, except to those in hospitals
or asylums, thus throwing the burden of support
ing the poor whites and blacks upon the local au
—W. 11. Roberts, President of the Fenian
Brotherhood, has ordered the assembling of the
Fenian "Senate and House of Delegates in Gener
al Congress." The session will be held at Troy,
N. Y., commencing on Friday, Sept. 1. 18GC.
—Gov. Fletcher, of Missouri, has issued
a proclamation declaring that the provisions of the
Registration Law will he strictly enforced in the
approaching elections, and that if necessary the
militia will be called on as supplementary execu
tive force.
—An attempt was made on the night of
the 13th to assassinate Major Kellogg, Eighteenth
United States Infantry, in command at Fort Mor
gan, Colorado, by A. H. Patterson, sutler at that
post. Patterson escaped.
—On Wednesday of last week, at Lar
kinsville, Jackson County, Ala., a Mrs, Lay ton j
shot another lady, Mrs. Sisk, through the head,
with a charge of buckshot, mangling her head in
an awful manner and killing her instantly.
—On Tuesday last, during the prevail
ence of a terrible tornado at Saginaw, Mich., a
brick block, partially completed, was blown down,
burying a number of men in the ruins. Five have
been dug out, one dead, and two others will prob
ably die.
—The Fenian picnic at Harlem, near
Chicago, on Wednesday, seems to have been a \
huge affair. About twenty thousand persons are I
.-.aid to have been present. The crowd was addres- |
sed by Gov. Oglcsby, Hon. Schuyler Colfax and !
Gen. Logan.
—Gen. Thomas and family, with Majors
Kellogg and Willard, of his stall', left Nashville on
the loth iust. for two months' leave of absence.—
He will sojourn a while in Nebraska, thence go to
Chicago, then to Albany, New-Yolk and Washing
—A Convention of Western insurance
men met in Chicago on Wednesday. All t e Wes
tern States and about one hundred companies were
Lieut.-Gen. Sherman, with His brother,
Senator Sherman, arrived at Omaha on Thursday.
The party were to leave immediately for the moun
tains by the Union Pacific Railroad.
—Albert L. Starkweather, the Manches
ter murderer, was hung at Hartford Friday. He
walked to the scaffold with a firm step, and ex
hibited no particular emotion.
—The Richmond Dispatch states : Maj.-
Gen. Schofield, who supercedes Gen. Terry in the
command of this department, reached the city
Wednesday afternoon. .
—Private advices announce the murder
in Texas of G. Clark Abbot, of Portsmouth, N. 11.,
an officer of the Freedrnen's Bureau.
--Gen. Marshall Leflerts has accepted
the appointment ol' Engineer ol' the Consolidated
American and Western Union Telegraph line.
—A National Convention of School Su
perintendents is now in session at Indianapolis.
—On Monday night the cottage of Geo.
V> . Childs, at Long Branch, N. J., was robbed of
silverware to the value of over SGOU.
—A crazy man in Tyler,Texas,lately got
up in (he middle of the night and chopped his wife
and three children to pieces.
—The appearance of the Cholera in the
West has caused great consternation in that region.
The panic is immense, particularly in the cities
and towns along the railroads connecting with the
main lines to the East.
—The Boston Transcript suggests that
Andrew Johnson, like Andrew Jackson, had now
better be styled the "Hero of New Orleans."
—Evidence of the complete reconstruc
tion of the southern people, and of their complete
and full submission to the National Constitution
anil laws, continues to come in. One in particular
is the murder of G. Clark Abbott, of Portsmouth,
New Hampshire, nud an agent of the Freedrnen's
Bureau, in Texas.
—The Buffalo Express says that Mr. Rob
erts, of the Fenian organization,has called a meet
ing of the Fenian Congress at Troy, on the -Ith of
September, when the official reports of the raid on
Canada will he presented.
—Two murderers-paid the peualty of
their crimes with their lives yesterday. Albert
Starkweather was hanged at Ilartlord, Conn., and
Bernard Friery at New York.
—Attempts are being 1 made to improve
the condition of the poor whites of Xorth Carolina,
by inducing them to emigrate to localities where
labor is needed and work can be obtained.
—ln St. Louis for the twenty-lour hours
ending at noon Friday, there were reported one
hundred and forty-one cases of cholera, of which
forty-seven terminated fatally.
—During the week ending Saturday, one
hundred and seventeen deaths from cholera occur
red in Brooklyn.
—Sixty-seven deaths lrom cholera occur
ed at Cincinnati 011 Thursday.
—A number of soldiers and citizens <>f
St. Louis burned the dead-house of that city. Five
dead bodies were consumed. The cause was fear
of cholera.
Gov. Fletcher of Missouri has issued a
proclamation enforcing the Itegistry law. and an
nouncing that violence will be suppressed by mar
tial force, if necessary.
—News from the plains announce the In
diums very troublesome. Between Reno and Lar
amie they Lave captured another train and run the
stock off into the mountains. North of Fort Reno
the Lsth I. JS. Infantry bus been repulsed by the
--Since the removal of the military from
( lmch County, G.i., the colored people are being
treated most shamefully. Judge Z. King of that
county sentenced a colored woman to receive C 3
lashes because she (jtiarrelcd with a white woman
who had made scandalous charges against her.
-On Saturday night the store of Jack-'
.s -,u A Wortliington, and the dwelling of Mr. Worth- (
ington, near Rose Clare, 111., were burned,and Mr.
Worthington perished in the llames. It was thought
he lead been murdered and (.La premises tired to
conceal the crime.
Major-Gen.'ferry, lately in command
at Richmond, \a., has been succeeded by Major
' Bchofichl, who has been appointed also an
t OUbMohi of the Freedmen's Bu
A now |bo counterfeit Coupon Interest,
***** dneektiuß,
' nl/i • v.dy O'b.'.U'J. j
fßtaflfottt glcporter.
Towanda, Thursday, August 23,1866.
Union State Ticket.
We venture to aosert, that in the history
of political conventions held in this coun
try, uone was ever convened and carried
through, where the inconsistency and hy
pocricy of the prime movers, were as trans
parent as in the last weeks' Philadelphia
Convention of Johnson men, Democrats
and Rebels ; aud there is a verdancy ex
hibited in those who hail it as a great suc
cess, that should disgrace a school-boy.
" Drowning men catch at straws," and ne
cessity often begets hopes which wise men
do M't divulge, because they do not like to
be laughed at ; but " simpleton's bones are
broken in the jester's mortar." For ex
ample, look reader, at a few prominent
This Convention, in its declaration of
principles asserts that " No State or Con
vention of States, lias a light to withdraw
from the Union," and ALEX. H. STEPHENS,
the Vice President of the rebel Confedera
cy, was a delegate to this Convention, and
agrees to this proposition. Yet lie has de
clared a number of times since the close
of the war—aud the declaration is on re
cord over the whole country—that while
he did not believe it was good policy to
withdraw from the Union when secession
took place, he believed, nevertheless that the
Stales had the right to du so: and all the in
telligent men of the South believed this. That
the South appealed to arms aud was de
feated, and that the people would submit
to this decision ; but that their defeat did
not change their convictions." Now all the
intelligent men of the rebel states were
represented in the Convention in Philadel
phia, by intelligent delegates, and tbey
agree that " no State, or Convention of
I States, has a right to withdraw from the
Union." In view of all the facts connected
with the South, her disastrous overthrow,
her hatred of the Free States, her ambition,
j and her anxiety still to erect a Slave Con
j federacy, who believes in this sudden
chrnge ? Who does not know that she is
deceiving and stooping to conquer ?
Again, here is FERNANDO WOOD of New
York, a notooious sympathizer with rebel
lion, who from the beginning to the end of
the war, denied both our right and our pow
er, under the Constitution, to subdue the
South, and denounced the Emancipation of
j Slaves as an outrage upon the Constitution,
and the people of the South, and that the
amendment prohibiting Slavery, as ratified,
| was a fraud, says he withdrew from the
' Convention in order to secure harmy to its
| deliberations, but that he neither regrets or
! recalls any of his acts during the war.
I Still, this same FERNANDO WOOD now agrees
' that " the war has maintained the Consti
tution," and " that slavery is abolished."
So with YALLANDIGHAM, and the whole north
ern portion of the democratic party.
Then, the out-spoken, unrepentant rebels
from the Southern States, who proclaim
' their purpose to reach through the govern
j ment what they failed to accomplish by
1 arms, viz : the division of the Union, are
made to say in the propositions of this
Convention, " that revering the Constitu
tion as it comes from our ancestors, regard
ing the Union, in its restoration as more
sacred than ever." This is sacrilege of the
grossests kind ; and those whipped-in trai
tors, would not so far forget what is due to
their own manhood as to give expression to
such bald falsehoods, in a convention of
their own, and in their own States, but
having weak-kneed republicans, like Sena
tor COWAN, to give them utterance, they
give to them a silent acquiescence, iu the
hope that through this and other kinds of
deceptive practices, they may again get in
to power.
The formation of this Fiiiladolphia Con
vention too, has a singular feature, which
deserves a passing notice. It will be re
membered that it is called a National Un
ion Convention, and that democrats, cop
perheads, and rebels, from all the states
and territories, were invited, and expected
" to take part in its deliberations ; and it is
usual, when diverging sections, or discord
-5 ant elements are thrown together in a eon
i vention like this, to divide the honors and
! labors among the various divisions asnear
ijly as may be equally. But in this Nation
al Doolittle Convention, there is nothing of
j this kind. There is only one party ropre
. i seated. Renegade republicans are the act
j * ll g spirits, and the exponents of the doc
p j ti iues and principles, which are to be the
future light, not only of this motley creed,
j but of the proselyted world which is to fol
j low it. Gen. Dix, a war democrat, who
j has held good fat offices, and got them
| from the republicans too, , and the anti-war
j democrats said it was for tiiis that he went
: with the republicans,) was made temporary
j chairman of the convention, and made a
| speech in which the whole proceedings !
1 were foreshadowed, and Mr. DOOLITTLE was
the President. Mr. RAYMOND, of the New j
York Times, ai d who needs democratic
| votes to return him to Congress, was at the
head of the committee to draft an address,
and has the honor of making the argument
| —though it smells very WEEP-I'Sll —for this
new and wonderful party. Mr. COWAN,
' Pennsylvania's trusted but degenerated
Senator, has the credit of making the plat
form ; and thus throughout, this vast as
semblage of regenerated democrats and
reconstructed rebels, ail boiling over with
disinterested love for the Union, is manipu
lated, combed and brushed down for public
presentation, by discarded republicans.—
They have all the braius, influence and
honor connected with this new party. The
talented democrats, the men of character
| and standing, who have long led that or- i
i guuization, editors, ex-governors, ex-con
gressmen, are all swallowed up by the j
great Doolittle's, the great Cowan's and !
Raymond's of this eventful movement.—
Aud so also, of the lepresentative men
from the rebel states. These former shin
ing lights are now but bobs in the tail of
the kite Mr. DOOLITTLE is flying. Now, why
is all this? If this is to be a great Na
tional Union Party, why do the rebel and
democratic delegates take no part in its
proceedings ? Heretofore, the representa
tives of the democratic party, and 1 ading
southern men, have not been remarkable
for their modesty. They were never known
to take buck seats before. Is the thing n. :
all transparent, that they are only a. Umf a
part. They went into this convention, i. i
gave it countenance, in order to encourage j
Messrs. Doolittle, Raymond and Cowan, in j
their (utile attempt to divide the republi
can party. This is the whole game. If
Mr. JOHNSON had called a National Conven
tion of his own adherents alone, there
would hardly have been a corporal's
in attendance, hence to give it importance
and character, " all the world, and the rest
of mankind," are invited in. The shallow
ness however, of the trick is ridiculously
transparent, and what an idea these hucks
ters of shallow tricks must have f intelli
gent republicans, to suppose that they can
be bamboozled into the support of "my
policy " by such stuff".
It is very evident that Judge MERITK,
who faithfully served this district in Lim
last Congress, will have to bear the assault
oi the combined opposition of democrats,
copperheads aud Johnson renegades from
tin's on to the election. By his fidelity to
the cause of human freedom, to his country,
and to his constituency, he has aroused the
bitter hatred of traitors and their abettors,
and their envenomed wrath is poured out
| against him without measure. We confess
that we like this. No man can have a bet
ter recommendation than the enmity and
I abuse of the enemies of the country. If
they howl and fain would bite him, one
may be sure that he has done his country
service, and Judge MERCUR can give the
loyal men of this district no b. tter proof
J of his devotion to the true interests of the
nation, than the hostility his course in Con
gress has awakened among rebel synipa-
I thizers. \\ e hope the leaders, and the pa
pers of this party, will keep up the lire at
him until the day of election—indeed, we
| beg of them to let him have a broadside of
I their peculiar slang every week—for it
! will so arouse the zeal of the Republicans
of tie district, that not a loyal vote will
| be left out when tne returns coine to be
j counted. Come then, gentlemen democrats,
| copperheads and Johnson renegades, do
your best against Judge MERCUR, for we
' want ltiin elected, and the more you slash
i away at him, the more votes he will got.
. You know very well, that if the Judge's
) course in Congress had been dubious, or
i such as to secure your praise, the loyal
| men of the district would have been shy of
I him, aud perhaps dropped him altogether,
| and nominated another, and so, by parity
j of reasoning, it he has awakened your ire
| and abuse, it is pretty good proof that the
Judge has gone right ; and the more too,
|he gets from you of this, the stronger the
evidence in his favor, and the more he de
serves re-election from the hands of the
Union men. So crack your whips over
Judge MERCUR, gentlemen grey-backs. And
then too, we like to see the game of per
version so well practiced as it is in the
case of Judge MERCUR. When his enemies,
when speaking of his public acts, are
obliged to hide important facts connected
with them, it looks as if they were hard
run ; and the Republicans know the whole
story, and are always ready to tell it, so
that msiepresentations of our congressmen
generally come to a bad market. Hence,
when copperheads, democrats and Johnson
men tell that Judge MERCUR voted to en
franchise the negroes of the District of
Columbia, when seven thousand out of sev
en thousand and seventy, of the white vo
ters of the District, voted against it, they
carefully avoid telling the fact, that the
j seven thousand who voted against the en
: franchisement of the blacks, were rank
rebels, and the abettors of the murder of
LINCOLN, while the seventy were the only
loyal eh ment of resident voters in the Dis
trict ! To be sure, with copperheads, this
is a strong argument against the Judge's
action in the premises, but with loyal men,
Union-loving people, it is'a strong argu
ment in his favor.
So Uiso, when talking about the increase
of pay which Members of Congress voted
themselves, we are right glad that the
i Judge's enemies try to hide the fact that lie
; voted against this increase, although the
\ proposition was attached to a measure he
favored, but he would not be tricked into
jits support. His loyal supporters know
! this, and to see an unscrupulous opposition
striving to deceive the people in this par
ticular in order to injure the Judge, only
i tends to stir up the just indignation of all
, fair-minded men, who from thence out be
j come zealous in the exposure of deception
I and unfairness. So wo repeat, crack your
I whips over Judge MERCUR, all ye who are
; opposed to freedom to all—who acquiesce
|in rebellion—who luvc traitors better than
loyal men, and who approve of riots and
I£ORKICK. —Foreign news by the Atlantic
cable seems to be one of the regular insti
tutions of the day. The chief interest, of
course centres iu Germany, where Prussia
has still the upper hand. The King of
Prussia has appointed one of the generals
Governor of Hanover,and the Queen of that
country has been notified that her further i
stay in the Hanoverian capital is undesira
ble. The probabilities of the renewal of
the war between Prussia and Bavaria is
probable, at the termination of the armis
tice on the 22d inst., should no change
take place in the aspect of affairs. A Gov
ernor has also been appointed to control
affairs in the conquered territory of Nas-j
sau, Ilesse and the city of Frankfort. The
Prussian ministry have asked of the Cham
bers the passage of a bill of indemnity.
Paris despatches stab' that the French
Government has officially announced its
withdrawal of the demand for the Rhine
provinces. This is done, so says the para
graph in the Government journal, in the
interest of peace. The Moniteur says that j
France desires peace and harmony more j
than mere territorial aggrandizement, and j
hopes that Prussia will not extend her pro
ject of annexation to the German States
south of the Maine.
! nu < m e FIRE. —A destructive fire oc
; -'it-red Sunday in Jersey City, just north of
j the Erie Railway buildings, resulting in
. the burning to death of ten or more per
sons ; the destruction by fire of the oil and
cotton docks ; about 15,U00 barrels of pe
troleum oil, some JO cars ; a large quanti
ty of cotton ; two ships ; one schooner ; a
sloop and canal boat, ajid nine lighters, in
volving a loss, estimated by those compe
tent and in positions to judge, of over
I The fire occurred about 15 minutes past
iA. M., and was caused by an explosion
on board of the schooner Alfred Barrett,
Capt. KEI.I.Y, of Barnstable, Mass., with a
cargo of 1,030 barrels of crude oil, the gas
arising from it becoming ignited by the
lighting of a match in the fore hold of the
' vessel. There were on board four persons:
the Captain, mate, and two of the crew,
three of whom were burned to death— one
of the crew escaping with probably fatal
injurie .
i'osx OFFICE, I
To WAXDA, Aug, 18, 1866. I
11.1 J. K CAN, Esq., Tresident Johnson dab, /iii--
anda Borowjli.
DEAB SIB—I was solicited n few days since to
sign a call for a meeting to organize a •• Johnson
Club " in this borough, with the assurance- that the
organization would not be called upon to advocate
the election of Mr. Clynu-r, or any other Democrat.
With this understanding 1 signed the caiL 1 how
ever informed the committee who had the matter
in charge, that I did not subscribe to all the prin
ciples set torth in their paper. I was not in town
when the meeting came off, and have just returned.
By the published proceedings, 1 notice that my
name was placed upon the Executive Committee.
From the known political views of most of the offi
cers, 1 am led to believe that the Club will
be employed to hi lp secure the election of the
Democrctic nominee for Governor, and very likely
a candidate of the same political faith lor Member
l of Congress. For such purposes, 1 am frank to
i contess to you, 1 cannot consent to allow my name
jto be used. 1 therefore respectfully decline the
( aspointment conferred upon me, and request you
to erase my name from the list of members.
Many of the measures of President Johnson,
have my hearty approval, and I should be glad to
see the party to which 1 belong adopt them : but
while 1 thus agree with the President in some
things, there are many of his late acts which 1
cannot endorse.
When the call lor the Philadelphia Convention
appeared, I honestly believed such a convention,
li conducted by loyal men, would result in much
good to the country ; but before it assembled, it
became evident to all, that i wns to be used to
build up the tailing fortunes of the almost defunct
Democratic party. The result of the meeting has
not disappointed the expectations of the country :
and to-day the leaders of the Democratic party,
who labored earnestly for four years to embarrass
! the government in its prosecution of the war for
the suppression of the rebellion, are rejoicing at
their prospect of again securing control of the af
fairs of this nation, through the influence of ihe
men who managed the Philadelphia meeting. God
. forbid that such a calamity should befall us.
1 have been repeatedly informed, of late, that
no man could expect to hold any office under the
administration, and withhold his support from
Democratic nominees. To such terms, I cannot
with honor to myself, comply : and if it is the pur
pose of the Administration at Washington, to en
force such conditions, the position which I hold
is at their disposal -although I believe every con
sideration of honor and fair dealing among men,
would give the patronage of the- Government to
the men who helped to elect President Johnson,
instead of those who opposed his election, by all
means honorable and dishonorable.
Presuming the above declaration of my princi
ples will be used to remove me from the position
of Tost Master, yet 1 cannot longer remain silent.
My political opinions are sacred to me, and I shall
ever assert my right to proclaim them.
With feelings of kindest personal regard to your
self, and the other members of the Club,
I remain, yours respectfully,
officers, State, County and District, will be voted
for on the 2d Tuesday of October next, the oth day
of the month :
One person for Governor of the Commonwealth :
One person for Congress. The district is com
posed of the counties of Bradford, Sullivan, Mon
tour, Wyoming and Columbia.
Two persons to represent the counties of Brad
ford aud Sullivan in the State Legislature.
One person for Sheriff,
One person for Prothonotury.
One person for Register and Recorder.
One person for Associate Judge.
One person for Commissioner.
One person for Auditor.
—The Illinois Union Republican State
ticket is headed by Major Gen. John A. Logan, for
Congress-at-large. lie stands squarely on a strong
radical platform and in direct opposition to the
Paesident. He will sweep the State by a splendid
—Major Gen. Butler, it is confidentally
asserted, will be nominated for Congress by the
Republicans of the Fifth Massachusetts Disttict.
HON. J. K. MOOKEHEAD.— \V e are exceed
ingly gratified to learn that this Republican War
Horse has again been nominated for Congress
from the "Gibraltar of the West." Mr. M. has
served his contituents autf the country on the
flour of the House of Representatives,in Congress
faithfully for a series of years, and his unanimous
re-nomination must be exceedingly grabbling to
himself and the country at large.
—Long John Wentworth has predicted
that Grant will be the next President and Ben.
Wade, of Ohio, Vice President. We are satisfied
that it shall be so.
—A Republican Mass Convention was
held at West Chester on the 14th inst. Mr. Broom
all, the member of Congress for that district,made
the main speech. A resolution, instructing the
members of the Legislature for Chester County to
I vote for Governor Curtin for United .States Sena
tor, was laid on the table.
The St. Louis Republican having pub
lished General Sherman's name amoug the list of
speakers at a recent Conservative Rebel meeting
in that city, the General responds in a card indig
nantly denying that he trains in any such crewd.
—lii the late Delaware County Republi
can Convention Mr. Stevens received 73 for United
States Senator, and Mr. Curtin 53.
The Erie Gazette declares for Mr. Stevens.
—The Union State Convention for New |
York will be held at on the sth day of
September next. Candidates for Governor, Lieu
tenant Governor, Canal Commissioner, and Inspec
tor of State Prisons will be nominated.
—Gen. Fremont will be a candidate for j
U. S. Senator iu Missouri provided the next Leg- j
islatnre is radical,
This body of diaffected Republicans, ex
pectant office-seekers, and reconstructed
rebels, met at Philadelphia on the 14th, and .
was presided over by Senator DOOI.ITTLE.— |
The love-feast concluded with the reading ;
of a long address by RAYMOND ol the New ,
York Times, and the adoption of the follow-j
ing platform reported by Senator COWAN :
The Declaration is as follows :
The National Union Convention, now as
sembled in the City of I'hiladeldhia, eotn
•posed of delegates from every State and
Territory in the Union, admonished by the
solemn lessons which,for the last live years,
it has pleased the Supreme Ruler of ttie
Universe to give to the American people,
profoundly grateful for the return of peace,
I desirous, as a large majority of their coun
j tryinen, in all sincerity, to forget and for
l give the past, revering the Constitution as
it comes to us from our ancestors, regard
ing the Union, in its restoration, as more
sacred than ever, looking with deep anxiety
into the future as of instant and continu
ing trial, here issueß and proclaims the
following declaration of principles and pur
poses on which they have with perfect un
j animity agreed :
First: vVe hail with gratitude to Al
i mighty God the end of war and the return
! of peace to an afllicted and beloved laud.
Second: The war just closed has main
i tained the authority of the Constitution
j with all the powers which it confers, and
| all the restrictions which it imposes upon
; the General Government unabridged and
unaltered, and it has preserved the Union
| with the equal rights, dignity and author
j ity ol the States perfect and unimpaired.
Third: Representation in the Congress
of the United States and in the Electoral
College is a right recognized by the Con
stitution as abiding in every State and as
a duty imposed upon its people, fundamen
tal in its nature and essential to the exer
cise of our Republican institutions, and
neither Congress nor the General Govern
j ment has any authority or power to deny
j this right to any, or withhold its enjoy
j ment undftr the Constitution from the peo
j pie thereof.
Fourth: We call upon the people of
! the United States to elect to Congress as
members thereof none but men who admit
tie's fundamental right of representation,
and who will receive to seats their loyal
representatives from every State in allegi
ance to the United States, subject to the
Constitutional right of each House to judge
of the election returns and qualifications of
its own members.
Fifth : The constitution of the United
States and the laws made in pursuance
thereof are the supreme law of the land,
anything in the Constitution or laws of
any State to the contrary no.withstanding.
All the powers not conferred by the Cou
! stitutiou upon the General Government
i now prohibited by it to the States are re
j served to the States or the people thereof,
: and among the rights thus reserved to the
! States is the right to prescribe qualifica
tions for the elective franchise therein,
i which right Congress cannot interfere
| with. No Slate or convention of States
has the right to withdraw from the Union,
or to exclude, through their action in Con
| gross or otherwise, any State or States
I Com the Union. The union of these States
| is perpetual.
I Suth: Such amendments to the C'on
; stitutiou oi the United States may be made
by the people thereof as they may deem ex
pedient, but only in the mode pointed out
by its resolution,and proposing such amend
ments, whether by Congress or by a Con
vention, and in ratifying the same, all the
i States of the Union have an equal and an
i indefeasible right to a voice and a vote
Seventh: Slavery is abolished and for
ever prohibited, and there is neither desire
nor purpose on the part of the Southern
States that it should ever be re-established
upon the soil or within the jurisdiction of
the I nitcd Slates, and the enfranchised
slaves in all the States ol the I niou should
receive in common with all their inhabi
tants equal protection in every right of
person and property.
Eighth: While we regard as utterly in
valid, and never to be assumed or made of
■ binding force, any obligation incurred or
i undertaken in making war against the
United States, we hold the debt of the na
tion to be sacred and inviolable, and we
proclaim our purpose in discharging this,
as in performing all other national obliga
tions, to maintain unimpaired and unim
pcached the honor and the faith of the Re
Ninth: It is the duty of the National
Government to recognize the services of
the Federal soldiers and sailors in the con
test just closed by meeting promptly and
j fully all their just and rightful claims for
, the services they have rendered the nation,
! and by extending to those ol them who
I have survived, and to the widows and or
phans of those who have fallen, the most
i generous and considerate care.
Tenth: In Andrew Johnson, President
of the United States, who in his great
ollicc has proved steadfast in his devotion
to the Constitution, the laws and interests
of his country, unmoved by persecutions*
and undeserved reproach, having faith im
measurable in the people and in the princi
ples of the Government, we recognize a
Chief Magistrate worthy of the nation and
equal to the great crisis upon which his lot
is cast, and we tender to him in the dis
charge of his high and responsible duties
our profound respect, and assurance of our
cordial and sincere support.
BSL. Governor, Fletcher, of Missouri, has
issued an address to the people of that
State upon its present condition, and what!
may be achieved by proper efforts. He i
says that the laws of the State and nation
shall be enforced. The registration act,
which gives the rebel so much trouble, will
be carried out, and the annual enrolment
oi tnc militia will be made. Armed and
organized bodies of men will not be allow
ed at the polls or at public meetings, un
less by express permission.
PROCLAMATON. —The President has issued
a proclamation, which, after setting forth
the fact that war is going on in Mexico,
and that the so-called Rmperor of Mexico
has issued a decree for the blockade of
Matamoras,which decree is given at length,
announces that the decree of blockade will
be held void by the United States as
against our citizens, and that an attempt
to enforce it against citizens of the United |
States lie disallowed.
tegf-The rising of tobacco in New-Jersey
is attracting the attention of some of the j
leading agriculturists of the State. Some i
parties have already been very successful,
and have this year promising crops. The j
Southern part of the State is, no doubt, bet-!
ter adapted than any other to the cultiva- j
tion of the plant.
J. V. GEIGBK, would respectfully inform the public I
that he has opened his
On til e north side of the Public Square, neai the Court
House, where may be found Double and Bing!<- Barreled
Guns, Rifles, Revolvers, Pistols, Cartridges, Ac.
Keys fitted to Doors, Trttnks and Padlocks.
Particular at teulion given to repairing, and all
work warranted. J.V. GEIGER.
Towauda, Aug. 20, 180 G- Cm.
Bought and sold by
The Treasurer of the United Stales is now converting
the first Series of 7 3-10 Treasury Notes in the 5-30
Bonds of 1805. Holders in this viciuity who wish to
have their Notes converted, can do so by calling > u us.
Aug. 20, 1800. Bankers, Towanda, I'a
PUBLIC AUCTION.—The undersigned
will sell at Auction, at the huiidiug lately occu
pied by him on Main street, nearly opposit the Ward
House, THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1800 . at 10 a. in.,
his entire stock, cons sting ol Lounges, Spring Beds,
Mattresses, of di flerent kinds, Rocking Chairs and oth
er chairs, Ac. These articles are all of his own niatru
tacture, made in the most substantial mauuer, and fin
ished with the best materials. Sold lor the leuson that
the building is about to be lemoved.
Towanda, Aug. 21, 1800. F. COOK.
The undersigned having purchased the BOOK .VIOIiE
AND NEWS ROOM of J. J. Griffiths, respectfully in
vite the old patrons of the establishment and the public
generally, to call and examine our stock.
TA and instrumental music constantly on hand at the
Family and Pocket Bibles, cheaper than ever bo
lore offered in this market, at the NEWS ROOM.
sizes and styles, at the HEWS ROOM.
_r_a.tthe HEWS ROOM.
ROOM, and if you don't see what you want, ask
| AT I iq our line, ordered at short notice, by culling .it
the ftfc.Wb Ruuil.
I sale cheap at the NEWS ROOM.
:JL MEN fat the HEWS BOOM.
Books at the HEWS BOOM.
J DAKI) iiaiiy aLti WEEKLY I J apers , received at the
I VA reduced pricea at the HEWS ROOM.
quality Perfumery at the NEWS ROOM.
I Realn ur f i uirC > very cheap at the NEWS BOOM.
: iHL at the HEWS BOOM.
at any other establishment in town, at the
! ± FIRE.
ASSETS, JULY I , 180 0 .
Cash on hand in bank and with Agents,..s 257.320 00
United States Stock .' 812,277 25
Real estate,unencumbered U0,'359 05
State Stocks 497,090 0O
New York Bank Stocks 834,170 00
Hartford Bank Stocks 270,810 00
Miscellaneous Bank Stocks 120'ooo 00
Railroad Stocks, etc 273,007 50
Mortgage Bonds, City County A R. R 1,011 |l3o 00
Tot "l $4,075,830 55
Losses unadjusted and not due $221,230 35
Net, $0,854,5114 20.
Income for last year (net) $2,933,399 94 j
Or a daily income oi say $9,300.
Losses and Expenses for same time $2,541,391 30 j
Total Losses paid in 47 years .$19,127,410 06 I
Viz: Fire, 17,243,000 99. Inland, $1,884,409 07.
Government and State Taxes paid $179,!7s 34
Loss BY PORTLAND FIRE, Jcly 4;ii.
The total aniouut covered by .Etna Policies on pro- ;
perty destroyed or damaged is $200,854, on which sal- I
vage will be about 5 per ceut. Our toal loss will not
vary much Iron) $200,000, and is being promptly adjust- I
ed and paid. This sum is 5 per cent, upon the assets, a ;
figure but slightly exceeding our government aud state
taxes paid last year, or a proportion equal to a SSOOO
loss for a company of SIOO 000 assets.
The necessity for insurance and the value of the
wealthy, strong corporations, is forcibly illustrated by
this lire Several weak Insurance Companies are des I
trcyed. Portland has a population ot 35,000 was j
handsomely built, mostly tiue or s'.on.- structures
[ —protected and screened with upwards of 3000 shade 1
trees—bounded on thiee sides by water—indeed, ater
allv, almost rising troin the ocean—and with a good
steam lire depai tment—yet it lias $10,060,(WW prop
erty consumed in a lew hours—upon a holiday when ,is
people are least occup ; ed—trom the very nsigniticant
cause oi a conteniptitile fire cracker.
Remember the trifling origin ot fires that sweep 1
away in a lew hours the earnings ol years. Consider (
your best interests and give the .Etna agent a c.ol it
you need proper Insurance security. Policies is- icd at
lair terms. H. B. McKEAN, Agent. i
Towanda, Aug. 11, 1860.
tXAUTION. —Whereas, my wile Louisa
/ has left my bed and board without any just cause
or provocation, I hereby forbid any person trusting her
011 my account, as 1 will pay pay uo debts of her eon
raeting alter this date. E. P. SMITH
Aug. 13, 1800.—3w.
Still Manufacture the best
II O R S E P O W E R S ,
The Best
Also, i
■ i
FANNING MILLS, Ac., Ac., Ac. j 1
All of which we fnrnisb at the Lowest Prices. I '
Athens, Pa., Aug. 16, 1860. tf. |
This large well known and favorite hotel, has been re
opened lor the accommodation ot the traveling public "
It has been refurnished and refitted with every ccnven
ience for the comfort ot guests. The table and bar are !
supplied with the best the market affords, and uo efibrt '
will be spared to give entire satisfaction to a',! who pat- c
ronize the house. A few desirable rooms for summer
boi ; d ,f s ' _ „ . G. E. SMITH, Prop'r.
Athens, Pa., March 22, 1800.
rUlTlOY—Whereas, my son Edgar j
\J Vroman. hasleit my house without any just cause,
I therefore forbid any person trusting bin; on my ac
count, as I shall pay no debts of his contracting alter f
thie date. BARNA VROMAN. '
Granville .July 14,1860.
GROCERIES of all kinds are selling'
cheap at FOX'S. I I
•for Sale.
1_) ■ lu>. ~r , j n drat rate or,],. r ~ , * !' F
the • iv.' rly I' aning Mil! r ' <A* ap ~
Wavorly N' Y.. Aug. 14 |m,f, ' ' &(,
T li t ni.r-rliber* offer for iV u,. i
known as the ".iamea McCube I,''
owned by Wu>., iiarii, deed, ,iU:ued ~,, :' r ir" 'r '
Fiauklin ami hu-oi.d sts. Toim.- of .l"
by enquiring on the premises.
Aug. 7, iB6O .. 1 ' '
x\. The flouring mill, known a- 're ■' I,
atcd in Rome,one mile north ol tin vi ii;.,.'."'' '•
at a gieat ss :. ilii c. Any person wis! ~ '/
property, wiii (iu<l it to their uiivatit.,•
the aliove miil helore baying '
information will be given by ailing upon (• *,• n f:
in Orwejl. A lull and complete title •;
me - (' t. i no'.'
Orwell, May 20,1 8J— 8w. ''
0 It S A L E 0 U It E \ t
A valuable Hotel property, i„e 1: .uliorj ;■
cated on the south side of depot ~t \\' JT ..
Connected with it are two barn* a
trees and two well* of i... .
of o. P. siotb
May 24, '66. U.
SALE- i'he ul)cri!)cr oft".. rs <
. sale a valuable Building Lot, s la te 1
street, about one hundred aid flitj > •"
There is a haru on the tot an j a
work for a house. It will be sold
Inut flllahafl. For further particul: .
subscriber at bis re ; ience on the pr- ...""
G. M i) ii ■
Towanda, June 20, I sOO.
TB*OR Machine ...
A. Horse Power complete, for sPi~i ~|j
YV. Brum hail, aire mile aom Franklin , ."
owm d by C. E.White. j,
A having purchased a portion ot . ,
ijr teas, lying just oat me ot the borough of TiS
nortu and west <-t Ci > r ek , ' "
sires to sell about eigir. •!•..
It is some ol the l&n■ in Tioga ,
quality nd proximity to the :i ib
market, is uufeol tne must u -t..,.,.c
in the county ol Tioga. The _ id . '
what upon the u mat of ni' t. the p. r
at t,me ol sale ; jet it necessary time w.
a portion, secured by bond and a; e'.gage.
Also lor sale a number ol pl>- cat
cheap. f. H. SEVMOT;
Julv lb, loth!.—st. Tkm •
•ui. Having the ;-g-u<-y t'-r the
sand a-res ot the choicest Pine Timls: U:,T
State ot Michigan, lam prepared to ofler . ,
ments to th"..c who wish to invest then mi :.t
will pay. The*? lands are among the I !.'■
in the saginaw and Muskegon \ alley :•> re, ~
U . ing streams, sad are now needed
p Basineas men and capitalist
ex.inuiiC them before investing their ..
F r particulars inquire ot or addrt-s
Jnqe Ml, 1866. Litchfield, liradfurd mty,i
L'AILM FOR HALE, iin- u .
J. Itrs lor Mile the farm oa a . he b .'es
twp.. Contailiiug about U0 ao.e>, ~1; miptuve;
| farm lies on the west bank oi the Su quell uual!
I about 4 mile* I roro Towanda. It is ma d
cuitivaUoa, well fenced tad watered, and has
I uiidings theveou no:: J, wttu uu a .r.nuau ■
Will be sold on reasonable tern,, t any time
this and the Ist of December, and il ii" - the- -
I will be tor rent. He will give poise-si iu oi 1
t lia (all, and the b .gs m-xt pti-g. ...
I particularsaddres thesuhscri'.erat i'owanda. II
| Uomitv, Pa. is.tML'EL Khi.:.
Asylum, July 21, i .
lOu SATURDAY, Sl-ii TEMBER I- .; .
p. m., at the Sixchange Uutel Athens, Pa., will
at Public Au tiu .
i All very eligible sites lor .-mai, d weiii . .
j desirable improved property at privau -ale • •
terms oi payn.i :.t.
Terms made known ou day ot sal. j
j Aug S, l iUti. P. i.. ilEI.i.-
A school will be opened in the R-uie Acude v.
Gome borough, on Monday, th • "J day uf ■
j next. unJ continne one quarter only -eleven
" n. >. Honrs
A.l Just received,
•Bought tor Cash,
Thankful for past favors, 1 would respecttc,.) •
my old friends that I hope by sLiii t atten' ...
prices to merit a continuance of their favors.
Towunda. Feb. S. E. T. -
| Xi poeals will be received by the undersigned,
the first day <>: September next, fur > rnishiuir .
ferial and building a U :ivcrs,.!i-t . .;. . ,
Plans and specifications -1:1 he seen ~t th Si
EL EL Mason. Bids may be made tor Stone, Brick
Wood. Church to he finished by the first Jav
gust. l*-d7. By order of the Trustees.
Towanda, July I'J, IMiO.
Having purchased this well known fh.f.-i .;
! Street. I have refurnished and refitted was ev
I convenience f-r the accommodation of ai. .. > m.y !-■•■
ronize me. No pains will be spared to make .
ant and agreeable. J. S. PATTERSON . K
| May 3, '66.—it.
' A Persons inteiestcdin Claims for Pen.-' •• lie- r,v-t
i Pnsions,Additional Honnties.Commutitisu oi i.'.it. • -'
j Union Soldiers held as Prisoners oi War. A Tin ...
| ders-igncd, a Clerk in the House n Represmfai.v.s a
| Washington, has prepared Croat the record, and pu
lished in pamphlet form with explanatory
I the laws passed by the last session of Cot gress g .
• an increase • I Pensions, Ad,lid .ai Bounties. l
| tat ion ol Rations to Union held a -lb •
; of War, Three Months Pay Propei to cert
I fte..&c, These laws will nt t I e pal fished by theG
j eminent in statute lot in for several :n- ii- ti
iuid the puliiicatkin oi a portion ot iln-iu . if,
papers has hi en very erroneous and incompl>'.c. ilsv
■ ing at considerable liouhlc, nutde correct ropi--f
vance of offici.i 1 publication, they will be tin ■
I t he uudtrsigued upon application to him a! tin- -
H.W. Nolle, or supplied by mail on the :e.>
i pi ice at 30 cents eaih.
! From an examination of this pamphlet, every
ant can tinders a: d their own case.
j Towanda, Aug. ii, lson.
AI 1 ION -\\ hereas, n v
ivvh is leti my bed and board without i.- 1 -•
provocation. 1 Uereiiy forbid any pers MI II iher
my account, as I will pay no debts ot her i a.r.i • -
after July 2, 1-GG. JOHN E.
July 2ti —3w.
YE A X D EA it 1 NS T ITU !' E
Oculist, .turist ami Ventral Surgeon, I V I.
Treats all Diseases of the Eye, Ear and 'lbract-
THE EVE.—He will operate upon Cataract. A■ v
Pupil, Cross Eyes. Lachrymal Fistula, Ptervg. ;:n J'-'ui;
pion, (inversion ot the cye-iid] and treats d )• •
" SORE EYES,'' such us Granulated If f
Ophthalmia, Opacities ol the Cornea, Seroftd
eases of the E}e, and all diseases to which the
subject. •
THE EAR. Treats successfully Discharge '■'
Ear, iVoises ill the Ear. Difficult}'ot Hearing. P
[even when the Drum is entirely destroyed, w!
an artificial one, answering nearly all the pun
'i'HK THROA 1.-Ulcerated Throat, Enlarged "
sils, together with
in ail its forms, permanently cured.
GENERAL SURGERY.—fie will operate
Feet. Hare Lip. C elt Palate, Tumors, Cancers •'
Growths, Deformities from Burns, and lirruu
forms PLABTIC OPERATIONS—Where the Jo ■ '
or any portion of the face is destroyed throng! s"
or otherwise, by healing them on anew.
Se* WiU attend to the Amputati u of I.iuiL-. '*
and General • ry In ail its branches.
INSERTS AlutiFH lAI. El KS.—'living Diem a
luotiou and i xpresslou of the natural, defying dele •
they are inserted without removiug the old ouc 1 r 1 ;i
during pain.
The Doctor's collection o! iastruments compi'" I '-
the latest improvements, stud is the largest in t:.. '
the superior advantages he has had in pcrfei ti:
self in all that is new and valuable in Surgery, w-o
--him in saying that evwythiug within tin b uafi.- •
profession, may be expected ot him.
The institiiie ha- been greatly enlarge !. - • ''
can now accommodate an increased number ef ! *
from a distance. Comfortable Boarding Houses athw"
cd to the establishment.
NouneeruttJe cases received for Treatment m ('je -
ttons. If a case is iucurable he will be o informed-
Institute on Water street, opposite the BraiOtinl H 11
Elinira, N. Y. Feb. 3. T s o -