Importer. LOCAL AND GENERAL. JOJR The Reporter is printed upon CAMP ., Lt , Country and Job Press, Office No. 5(1 Gold York. Thomas H. Senior, agent. •a,™ The Ladies of the Episcopal Church holding a Fair for the sale of useful and .uncus, during the lira, week in September. ,L< it tcih be impossible to see personally many iiieir friends out of town, they would take this , ,ho I of informing those interested in the church, ilieiting contributions. ,I IRTKBI.Y REPORT of tire Bradford Couu . - M-.ith School Missionary, ending June doth, , ~i new schools organized 10 \ -.Tool* visited and addressed, . 20 \ > .-liools otherwise aided, 11 r ui, ii .. . nit in books sold, $404,33 y-uuit pnpe rs sold, 25,9G laiouiit books and papers given away 31,94 t -iiies of the Scriptures given away 32 vri: ns preached, 14 ■ ireiscs delivered, 27 fjuilies visited, 178 Miles travelled 595 f: .ures very inadequately express the design . rn-ut of the work contemplated by the Couu -imtiy School Association. What is it ? It Ls : .rely to organize as many new schools as N'ur is it fairly indicated by the number ;■> iud papers, bibles and testaments, sold ■i ' iy. The Asssociation proposes, . p. plant an 1 make permanc ut Sabbath Schools _. .ever there is a population destitute of any :-truction on the Lord's Day. Some of h. ..Lads which have been established for the j urne the present season, in point of behavior : i,.st. will compare favorably with any Sun - ,oo!s in the land. lid in the support and improvement of .ug Schools, To circulate moral and religious reading J . .t this county and section of the state. :k:.-. purpose we keep constantly on hand the -election of books suitable for Sunday School _ i tarnily use. Bibles and Testaments from the . iican Bible Society, with authority to make 1 donations of the same. In a word, the i -l.ject is a diffusion of scripture knowledge ■_ ag the children of men with a view to their mil salvation. The Missionary cannot express .. titnde and obligations which he feels to tb officers and members of this Associa- I for their hearty co-operation, always the j and abounding, since his first connection j tbelu. Most respectfully, 11. CIUTTENDEN. T .'. audu, July, BfGli. BgL> The Waverly Advocate of last week -p :iking of the proposed railroad from Ithaca that place, says that the engineers who have on surveying the railroad route from Ithaca to ,t place reached there a few days ago. They wry easy route, indeed. From Spencer tin* grade is but about 14 feet to the mile : ad SjK'tns r it is more, hut still a very feasible The Brie tra k is reached without difficul- I from thence to Athens there can be 110 1c to the finest road in the country. It adds, trust we shall live t 1 see this important part at North and South thoroughfare in suc ; .1 operation." T/i' V initial Fair of tiiu Dai ton ' ,:J Society will be held at the Fidr Grounds -. iety on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, r "27. 2 and 2'J. Ample preparations arc ::.i ie to render it one of the most success .t..: itioiis e very witnessed in the county. i ,'s MONTHLY for August is on out As usual it is rich in good things. Among ire the following : More Curious Homes II utlis with Italian Brigands ; Iloroic Deeds a r-'ic Men ; Crochet; National Cemeteries ... Ingersoll's Tride ; Miss Stuyvesant ; Oui to Mexico ; Burning of Columbia ; A ruf the Old School, and many other articles • iiit' Tcst, both instructive and entertaining. AT ANTIC. —c have the A.tlnntit ,: *r August. It contains, among other con : L . coud paper by Professor Agassiz on lay ska! History of the Valley ot the Amazon, :. Ir.sion of a painful story called The Great :.. harming passages from Hawthorne s -b > k- a further portion of Mrs. Stowes y Corner, several chapters ot Mr. Charles - uew novel, and Loudon Forty iears Ago, a memoranda of a Traveler, who is no less .: '■ im Xeal, of Portland, and gives short and notices of men, places and things, as he . th.-u in I*2l : among the persons are Lord .. :• iklilon, Edmund Kean, Charles Young, t >r, Robert Owen, the socialist, Jo una Bail poet, Catalani, the singer, John Dunn r. tin humbug, John Randolph, and Mun tin tor. Boston : Published by TicKnor A id. '■:. VOCM. FOLKS.— The August number w magazine is fully up to its predecessors, : tL. young folks about here are always impa : for the day of its arrival. It is the best young magazine ever published. tar Last week we visited Wyoming y. We m. t a number of the leading active The political horizon is bright. "My poli iily finds endorsement from Copperheads and skt ditddlers. The men who are attempting .ih this District to defeat Judge Maseru I they have made ft mistake.— Bloomsbvrg • 'r.ii. ' 1 R CANDIDATE. —We this week hoist to mast head the name of Hon. Ulysses Mercur, candidate for Congress. We go in for re- Uug merit. Let us have tried and true men to . .-cut us. What say our Republican brethren . % illivan i Vtc Press. j Jof The third and Trial Game between Winona Base' Ball Club, of this place, and the . (.Tub of Athens, takes place at Burlington j Wednesday). We shall endeavor to give j t suit of the game in our next issue. In the Scrauton Morning Herald we ! 11!: following complimentary allusions to Mr. •■>.. -I.'.E COREY, late a citizen of this county. Ate : • rdially add our endorsement to all that is ■i ■ oncerning him. The Herald says \V. ; notice bv the lest Pittston Gazelle., that n •■* i. others who are likely to be candidates for 1 m.ition at the Congressional Convention, that • esteemed townsman Mr. George Corey. M e ■ • with the suggestion of the Gazette. There is 1 more capable, honest anil deserving man 111 District, than the subject of this notice, and - friends should be fortunate enough to se f-the nomination and election, the 12th Dis ' would be represented by a man every way rthy of the distinguished honor. •h. Corey possesses a clear, logical mind, ma t* judgment, and by close reading, reflection • vperience, has stored his mind with a vast i of useful knowledge. As a debater, be is logical, and what he says is to the point, •lis hoaestv is above question or price. Ducli would adorn the council chambers of the ' uand reflect great credit upon his constit s-hcy. I SELECT SCHOOL, _W. H THOMPSON wil open a Select School in Herrick, at Camp's Schoo House on Monday, August 13. Common Englisl branches. Higher Mathematics and Language, aught. Extra tune and care devoted to the Teach er s Normal Department. DEMOREST'S MONTHLY for August is a con O fountains of literature and art. While other EST- ,LIS " musual composition, "Touch not the Mine Cup,' rt UU , mtur worthy of Perusal, and will repay L oftort °t rts sentiment. The superb steel g of Washington Irving will be hailed with de light by the admirers of that American Author - 1 here is an extra number of good stories, and a continuation of Alice C'ary's " Confession of a Co queue, with Poems, Illustrations, and Fashions too extended to catalogue here. In a brief sum ti!!!! g Ti Ult T th the I)riCe ° f B year ' B Bubscrip tion Those who wish to subscribe can address W. Jennings Demorest, 173 Broadway, New York. fey- Among the recent changes of Post masters, is the appointment of Col. ELHANAN SMITH as Postmaster at this place vice ALVOUD. The •Senate, we believe, neglected to confirm the an pointment, so that the honor was an empty one. ACCIDENT ON THE BARCLAY RAILROAD.— One day last week, while engineer TIDD was running a eavy coal tram about one mile from the footed the plane, he discovered some cattle on the track The cattle in crossing a bridge, stepped through, and were run over, throwing the engine and tend er oft the track. The engine was precipitated down the embankment into the creek, a distance ot perhaps twenty feet, followed by the tender.— The engine was a new one, the damage done to it, must be considerable, as it turned completely over in the descent. No person was injured by the ac cident SPECIAL NO '1 \IC \ES. EMERY Two HORSE POWER, THRESHER AND CLEANER lon SALE. One complet, set of'the afe na "'T "°° ll ord(!r lbr imn.eili- The Tli'rl s° r cash, or for good notes on time The thresher has been used but one season The bTlte' aPlUrofgood Wa ° U axluS - Apply to JAMES D CCMMINGS, at Liberty Corners, ortoK M. Welles, at Towanda. Au. 2.—tf recthuTof w Ud m al (jl) " vetJtio ". miler the di rection oi J. G. TOWNEE, will be held at Chenmno- N. Y., commencing Tuesday AAUR""" IMPORTANT. Officers Mow the rank of •i igadier General aud discharged from the I' s service after April 9, 18, id, are entiUed to thm' Vl'iv T eX U i p0 & All interested call on JOHN U Mix, Towanda, Pa. Ollice Ist block below Ward House, up stairs. Juiy 21 -lw.pd ..J 9 ®- \. nder approved July 12, 1800 >lhcers from the ranks of Colonel down Second Lieutenants, who served until H„..V A the Mar, are entitled to three months evt™, Apply immediately to 11. B. Mc Kr.??T L Towanda, Pa. J i> 5, li HARPER'S SUPERIOR lIOR.SE POWERS A,., I HKESHING MACHINES. —The subscriber is agent fo Haider's Endless Chain, >r, Railway Horse Pow ers, Threshers and Cleaners, Ac. * I have long been a dealer in and manufacturer of Endless I hain Horse Powers, and am acquainted with all the best now in use in the Middle States, anil am prepared to say with confidence, that the Harder Horse Power is decidedly the r< r.y note made. It has more power, runs stiller, is better made and more durable than any other. Hai der's Thresher and Cleaner is a simple and durable machine, will not choke, does not waste grain aud threshes and cleans rapidly and thor oughly all kinds of grain. Farmer , once employ ing the Harder Machines to do their threshing, give them the decided preference. Every machim is warranted, samples are not kept on hand. Or ders must be filled from the manufactory. Circulars and Price Lists mailed to "all anuli- C 'Towanda, Pa., June 25, CHEAT MOWING MACHINES. —The subscriber has for sale a number of Farmer Mowing Machines, old pattern, which he will sell at greatly reduced prices, so as to make it a great inducement to pur chasers. lie has six or eight of these mowers that have never been run. His machines are now at Mr. -John Carman's Machine Shop in this place, where various improvements and repairs are being added, so as to secure the durability ol machines. The prices of the Mowers will be governed by the fact, whether the machines have been used or not, and the amount of changes aud improvements ad ded. For sale one new Improved Farmer Mower. The Farmer is an excellent Mower and of very light draught. R- M ELLS. Towanda, July 10. THE AMERICAN COOKING STOVE. —Is manu factured with certain improvements secured by letters patent, under date ol May 5, 1803, and De cember 5, 1805. One of these improvements cov ers the arrangement of fittiug a portable ash pall in the hearth of i cooking Stove, to receive the alli es as it passes down from the grate. All persons are cautioned against manufacturing, vending or using other Stoves made in b/te item of the . !.•<•• W cwi, as suits have been commenced for infringe ment of th< se patents, and all persons manufactur ing, selling or using said i/ uiUiti"e •■, will be liable for damages for infringement on these letters pat tint. SHEAR, PACKARD A CO.. 17 and 19 Green St., Albany, X. Y. The AMERICAN is for sale by Codding and Bussed Towanda. LUST ! LOST !—Between the hours of eleven and twelve of the forenoon of July 19tli. on the mid between Towanda Bridge and York's Nar rows, a fine Broche Shawl, with a red center. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving the same at this office, or at the residence ol J. S. CRAWFORD, Herrick, Pa. PENSIONS INCREASED. —I am now prepared to get Pensions increased in the following cases, (under an Act of Congress just passed, viz : To Soldiers who have lost both eyes, or both hands, to 825. To those who have lost both feet to 820 ; and those who have lost one hand or one foot, or been totallv disabled in the same to sls. Depen dent Fathers are also entitled to Pensions. All persons interested please call immediately on JOHN W. MIY, Towanda, Pa. Office first block south of Ward House —up stairs 8@„!A. B. Smith A Co., wishes I" inform their friends and the public in general that they have opened a Tobacco and Cigar stors on Bridge Street, two doors from Main-st., where they will , sell, at a low figure, a choice lot ol Cigars, foreign and domestic. Also Smoking and Chewing I obae eo of all kinds. All kinds of limey goods in the Tobacco line constantly on band. Towanda, April 15. A. B. SMITH & Co. GRAPE YIN EH, ORNAMENTAL TREES, &C., The subscriber lia- , supply on hand of nice lona. Israelis, Delawar -. Alien s Hybrid,, Con-; cord, ('rev,-ling and other Grape vines, warranted true to name. Grape vines of any variety furnished , to order. Orders taken for Ornamental frees, ; Shrubs, Vines and Flowers at established rates of, other Nurserymen. Also for all kinds „ small fruits, such as Strawberries, Currante.hasp 1 ■ vnes, , Blackberries, Ac., K - " LLLES. Towanda, April 8, 18GG. C i( . n —All soldiers who enlisted prior to June 30, 18b3, will be furnished important liufor mation free by calling at cnce upon the unalign ed. Bring your "discharge" with yoiL J. N. CALIFF, Pension Agent. Office over News Room. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OK IOWANDA IINAN-I CIAJJ AGENT or THE UNITED STATES, Capital 8120,-; Deposits received payable on demand in Legal j I Tender Notes. .. . Interest allowed on time deposits according to - ! agreement. . _' Uncurrent Bank Notes received on 1 sterling, tur uished at lowest rates. Passage tickets from Liverpool or Q ueenstown to New York, by the well known Inmun Line, on ■ | and for sale. „ , I E, U. N. N. BEITS, jr., Cash. ftaV Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance v-ml To, ; i';" d dnrm 8 J,IV,a fiscal e-t *ami " I ' U T F T S the llir K est . safest, choap couan v ' L,f ° company of tin, Towiinda, Pa. ' R McKea > ABtut -1 EXS,OXERS.- The instalment of Pensions by brinoiL v * P°' paid " U(1 after tLat date, by blinking your Pension certificates to J. N CA SZtSr*—- <*•'to- Feb. 2(5. il,ul widows of soldiers of tire onutl ,?f ° at i 111 n "*' ~SMto us circumstances urt entitled to a gratuty ol sltt, and an annuity of are 'resident I'.'ovided, they was and 1] 1 - ' !! ', J ciinsyleama. Apply to li. 11. w ~ k - TOWAXDA MARKETS. — ( Wholesale Trice.-; ) Row': eS, ry Tnesda y by E. T. Fox, No. I,Brick A\ lieat ,n e* Rye S2 50 @ $2 75 Corn © '-Hi Outs.... 85 Flaxseed.'.'.';.' ,wo „ S Clover Seed, (small Beans..".. (0rwell) " Butter (rolls) 1 25 @ 1 ™ " (dairy) *0 © 32 Eggs / 30 © ; 15 Hay (per Von" )\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ 150 © 175 SR R, " M SR Ham 12 22 @ 10 . 00 , fco 0 t' I>uaus - 52 lbs; Bran, 20 lbs- Clover fetid ... lbs; Dried Apples, 22 lbs; Flax Seed 50 lbs. MAIiU I E D . GREEN—-KILMER—At the residence ol Air Joshua Kilmer, in Asylum, July 21 bv Pev T L- fetillw ell, Air. James 11; Greenf of Simth An iC'L tt nna ° oUnty ' Pa " 1° Miss Alber lD I 'c M k' US \f Alen 'y al1 ' Bacey, to Alls* Jmmie Kcunard, botW Wy! U 1 E [) . BIGGS A* East Canton, on the inst m i„ hagS,' Xno A&Dcrtisfmrnts. THE PUBLIC is respectfully informed that the IWL- i;. i 1 * ten removed to the A reus Buitdinn- 'I' 0 * Tlindery has IT ill be done g Building, Jd story, where BOOK-BINDING! H. C. WHITAKER, v". X &wiili.r'h VVili '* pwmntly u every l 'V] r ' < , , .'Bu E"~ | kUi'te~7b<.und id to the Ruling ami Rinding of attentlon will **> BLANK BOOKS, " •■" i • ■., - (OH.mda, August 2. lhtiG tf. W*LYIXSTITL-J E.-TIU- 36th to, m Lang, A M., wtyerly Institute under charge ol A I th. first applicanW'oeu August 21, lvu;.' Twent'v of free insiiuet.oiiitoratfike Normal Class will receive Bates of tuition in ibis i 4 weeks, will, li e piiu-s- iLe times, Lm>. have not advanced ''-.'f v, ' r f e^ I,t - v< " rs , aff "• . -arly the same as 1 hone desiring hoard can receive inform plying io the Principsl. • - Pupils can lessen expenses very much by proeurin g anl themselves. 1• our irieotls auu p.itroii-s we would aay, that our sp 1 ji us and commodious roons have accomodated 250 t.uciits during the past year, satisfactorily, and iu slru; t is lmve been sec ired for that number the coining year. ARTHUR YATES, President of Board of Trustees. . 8. PRATT, M. D. TjA II E R INKEKIIO F F OIIVII N. I bis cliurn brings the butter on an average ol less than t. u miuutes the season through, usually in from four to six minutes, audit is warranted to produce as rail- h andas good butter, as the dash churn, or the i iev will be reluuded. It will work the butter from tV- butfer tni'k completely, (leaving it ready to salt and l.ack) in less than live minutes It is as easily cleaned aa the dash chnrn, and much easier to churn with.— - u [, jn, Agricultural Editor of the New \ork T- lan.e, alter tli ,roic;h trial, recommends it to all but s. Edwards Todd, Agricultural Editor of the New Voii; I'lnm . after caretul tests, says it can have no sn- L. L. T Moore, Editor of the Rural New Vorker, savs he believes it will prove the lung sought desideratum among butter makers. The introduction and u.-v ol this churn in various portions el the couu'ry. during the past three years, has created si. li a demand lor it that the | atentee cannot supply nil who want them. Having purchased the territory ol Bi.'dtord and bus'iuehanua comities, 1 offer the Town Rights tor -ale cheap, as farmers ca:r make it very profi table to have these churns made and sold in each town, for -ill that is required is to put them in market, lhey w ill sell themselves. 1 will reler you to some who have th ■ churns in the county i b. P- freeman, 11. L. tiee, Alba, Vial Bullock, Columbia, Washington Camp bed J.D.Tracy, Selden Tracy, East ismithtield Win. Dittrich, !<• wanda, and many others in this and Susque hanna .unity. A churn tan be seen at the store ol Marshall Brothers & Co., in Towanda. Go and see it. Churn < n hand. 11 orders must be accompanied by the 1 rice rlu. for lurther particulars address 1,. T. BIRCHARD, July 'J.-llt. East Smithhi Id, Bradford cu , Pa. A>i RLKJ SALE.—The lieirs of Peter Ste rigere, late of Albany twp., deceased, will expose to public sale, on the premises, on the 2sth day ol July. 1-1,,;, it 2 o'clock, p. ui., the following lots or parcels ot Uiid. to wit : . one lot containing 00 acres, about 40 acres improved, wiih dwelling bou e, barns, sheds, and other outbuild ings and an orchard thereon. One other lot containing 72 acres, about 2 0 acres im proved, one house aud an orchard thereon . The unim- j proved land is weil limbered. Also one other lot containing about 80 acres, two acres improved, with good s tw mill, dwelling house and hay -bed thereon. This tract is heavily timbered. These three lots are situated in Albany township, Brad lord county, Pa., and will be sold to the highest and lies! bidder at the time mentioned above. The heirs ot said Pet. r blerigcre reseive the right to bid on said lots ior themselves. A map showing courses, distances, location aud number ot acres in each lot, will be ex hibited to all persons desiring to see the same on the day ul sale. Terms made known on the day ot sale. July a, 18GG-—ts. TPOI XD—On the ruad between Towauda Jt. and Onshore, a Morocco Covered Pocket Diary, containing two notes over three hundred dollars, with other papers, Ac. The owner can have the same by identifying, paying charges, and cost of this advertise ment, at the farmer's Hotel, Towanda. July 9, 1866 3t. _ _ P- K- FOOT. AT OUNT AIX LAKE! The subscriber respectfully informs the public that the Pleasure Grounds connected with Mountain Luke, have been put in complete order, and that he is prepared tor the reception ot parties. ... , His Buildings aud Boats have all undergone thorough repair, aud parlies will and everything provided for then comfort. A more delightful place o! resort can not he found in the county than this lake and lie adja cent grounds, affording shady walks, good boating, and excellent fishing. HARRISON DODD. j Burlington, JMy 2,1866. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. — In the natter of tl,e estate of A. I'. St evens, deceased. In the Orphan's Court ol Bradford County, i The undersigned,an auditor appointed to distrioutn ' the monies in the hands of the administrators,will attend to the duties of his appointment at the his office,'.m . Athens borough, on the 6th day ol August, IsoG, 1 at I o'clock, p. m., and all persons having claims upon said monies must present them or else be forever debarred trom coming in tor a share ol raid tumls. I. N. EYANB., ' June 26, 18i)G. IiiLOUR OF ALL GRADES.—Some very choice brands for sale cheap. Flour by the load I or quantity at the lowest rates at hOA . fjotucll & (To.'b KciD 0OO&3. GREATEST ATTRACTIONS IN GOODS EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET, POWELL cSc O O iu ,£" w largest stock of goods cvercxhib- J " Norther" Pennsylvania. Additions wiM con stantly be made to this stock during the season and f ° Und FUU ' ANI > COMPLETE ."'ITAIAS""*" ■* *> PALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS! and jnosTdesdrable* Ify^ stock 'comprises all colors of plain and Pluid Frent-h " ' variety o! other " MOURNING DRESS GOODS. Black French Merinos, Bombazines, Tantese Cloths Baratheas, M ollair lj(lstres> ~| a(. k an d WhX Checkand Uiped lojihns and Alpacas, Double and Single Fold All Debimes, and a full i illc . ol those High l ustred ' iik Alpat as, at a great reduction in price. LADIES' CLOTHS, CLOAK INGS AND SACKINGS. A BI'I,E ND I D ASBOR TME N T Beaver Cloths, TricoCs. Velvet Chtli Cnet.;™ i iup, Plain .tnd Twilled Black fi&thToTSfprices all; colors of I lain and Fancy Sackings, Opera Flannels, GLOVES AND HOSIERY. ! M L sseH Childrens White and Colored Cot. ;utd'l)r!. EeC *.' ind German Black Broadcloths, Doek>'> Vamy Cas iimeres, Tweeds,J,Mel tons, Satinetts, UiiouCassiinc , leans, Ac., Ac. Fanc'ySbirtingfAAVhite, Sfcakcmand Welch Flannels, and a full ass, Bed and Gray, Ham an,. Twilled * ot DOMESTIC COTTON GOoi>S, .11 cue irowv- ' SECO 3STXD FLOOR We ar" now opening and desire to call special atten tion to our unusually large stock ol FINE CLOAKS. As we make this department of our business a special ity, we bave given it much time and attention. Our se lections have been made from the newest styles in the market, and our Cloaks are manufactured in a manner that cannot tail to please, and give entire satisfaction. SHAWLS! SHAWLS! Having made our purchases before the recent great tdvance in price, wept re able to oiler de. ided bargains in I.adies, Misses and Childrens Double and Single Miawls. Our present stock tar surpasses in extent and variety, any purchases we have ever heioremad - in this lint and we have availed ourselves of the most favor li.le time to select the choicest and roost desirable goods in the market. BON TON FLEXIBLE SPRING SKIRT. THE NEWEST AND BEST PATENT CRINOLINE VET INVENTED. We have now on hand a good assortment ol these cel ebrated Skirts, in White and Colored. ALSO, The Eugenie, Empress, Paris Trail, Multiform, and a variety ol other popular makes k ct Skirts in all sizes tor Ladies Misses and Children. CARPETS AND FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. Brussels, Three Ply, Extra Super, Superfine. Ingrain, ; Kidder,and Hemp Carpets. All widths Floor Oil Cloths [ Mattings, Door Mats,J and Rugs. A new stock just rc- | ceived. BOOTS AND SHOES. Having.made arrangements with manufacturers to supply our sales with the best quality of Boots ana Shoes, we shall at all times be able to turnisn our custo mers with the best custom made Shoes ot all kinds, for Ladies, Misses and Children, and Boots tor Mens and Boys wear, at reasonable prices. We shall also keep con stantly on hand a complete assortment ot Mens,V\ omens and Children s Rubbers and Ar< t Overshoes. HATS ASD CAPS. A splendid assortment of Mens and Boys Hats and , Caps just received. Having closed out our old stock almost entirely previous to our late purchases, we now ; offer an entire new stock ot the latest styles. j | PAPER HANGINGS k TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. We are now receiving large additions to our stocK of I Wall Papers, Transparent WindowHShades'. and Trim mings Window Papers, Ac.. Ac. liailoaiis. L] R I E H A I L V\ r A Y . , V," and after Monday j mie llth, 1866, Trains will leave \\ uverly. at about the following hours viz • OLY GOING WFCST. IARSKWRAS- S ret t connections with irainii of the Atlantic ami , tswatste- ,or * ll nfr?' o I ll '' Kxpress. Daily, lor Itochestei Buffalo, Salam u< a, Dunkirk and the West *"*■*-* ', to MM. jSMSmsaaSfeMSKU- Uh- AthuUe l '?d f ;- r -a w b 40 Way Freight. Sundays excepted. Stops at Waverly on Mondays only. EAST. " , a . ,n > Cincinnati Express, Mondays exrentoA sp; asm KKS •* - - SWStt rented a ' B,nghamton Accommodation, Sundays ex excepted. York and Baltimore Mul, Sundays SS - DEADING RAIL ROAD-SUMMER Xt ARRANGEMENT. April 23.1860 Xt r„, onMi t IU i NK 'i NE KK 'U the IVOHTU AND NOBTII-we-T fur Philidc-lphia, Ncw-Yoik, Reading Pottsviil T,, ' ?ua, Ashland, Lebanon, Allcnt.nvn' Ao 3 f/oTlOanl ooV' r, ' ,bUrg for few-York, as follows': A! a.uu, 7.40, and 0.05 a. m., and 2.00 and 020 n . , , GGTEF.TFTA.GG iu& a n t i tnd°a!i- &^ making no close connection lor Pottaville nor "hV tdl.'" Scj^i*msmmb aaa* iS-A"" iu4ucSu'nna7:aW l':'!, l'"/'ffw Schuy!kiil *"* Reading accomm latfen Train • Leaves Columbla re iM fiir^fn^K^'i- 5 * 00 ?" " a! in IKuZ* m< ' ~iii]a R S"SK A YF ind 4-2a p.tu., for Philadelphia. * ** thronh ; M ' each '>•"•.1:...., ai>i .i 83, lm. em>nl Philadelphia AND ERIF pah """ lime ol Passenger trains at Wiliiamsport Crie .Mail Train. LKAVt; . KASTWARI> - ~ 1 Erie Express Tuun ~.. •'•'•"■"■■ ' ' ('foi'' M EOI^M% 3FC through VritU..ut charge both way Ctwccii philad> A l ' l ; 1 J 1 , 11 ;/' Connection. v ,tM9:OO A.M. arrive' .cav 4. t >.i-. arrive ' NewAors at 4.1 • • Xu'chunet oj Cars Ulwnn hi t" aitd Af " > ' ■ Elegant Steeping Car* on all ■ igiV{ l '. u i'A S s apply ForiafonwSionrespe tiny PawMgerbusiness apPW at Corner 30th and Mattel strec s, .- • •;• Agents: ,-riisa^^SHSSaSs Philadelphia; J W. BQmMs> En , N. C. It-K. Ba timore. .. _ ..... ... phii'a. li. If. ll.>UH3'ON\ (Jen 1 Frem.ii At a 11. VV.l.b I.N.StI;. it' ll 1 t Y E A NO EAR 1 N> T i TUL' B. DR. LT DR (JRAFF. Orulisl, Jurist tuui (initial Surgeon,, A- V. 'Krials alt Kisiaat toJ the Kye,Kiu anil llnvit'- TIIE EVE.—He will operate upon alaract, Artiiioial Pupil. Cross Eyes, Lachrymal Fistula, Pterygium, Entro pion, (inversion nt the eye lid.] and treats all forms ol "SORE EYES." si. li as Granulated Lidm Purulent Ophthalmia, Oj .i it.c- ; the Cornea, bcrolulou- dis eases of the Eye, and all diseases to which the Eyes is subject. THE EAR.—Treats successfully Discharges from the Ear, IVoises in the Ear. Difficulty ol Bearing, Deafness, [oven when the Drum is entirely destroyed, will 'mart an artificial one, answering nearly all the purpose-, f the natural- _ , , ~ the THROAT Ulcerated Throat, Enlarged Ton sils, together with CATARRH in all its tm-ms, permanently cured- GEKEBAL SURGERY.—He will operate upon Club Feet. Hare l-ip, C'e ' l'.ihi''-, Ti Cancers, V r .d Growths, Peter ities from Burns, and Hernia, and per forms PLASTIC OPERATIONS- Where the No e, Lips or any portion of the t ice is destroyed through disease or otherwise, bybeali e them on anew. 49vWill attend to the Amputation "I Limbs, -®a and General Surgery in all it< brunches. INSERTS ARTHTCIAI E • 1.5.-Giving tlicn all t... motion and expression of Un itnral, defying detection, they arc inserted without removing the old one or pro ducing pain. The Doctor's collection ot instruments commutes alt the latest improvements, and i ti.. largest iu the State, the i '.. i rior advantage- be i. .-■> had m jH-rioctiug him self in all that i- new and vain ible in Surgery, warrants him iu .-ayiug that everything v- itlun th bound.- o the pi. Ics.-ioii may be exp; ' J 1 niui. The Institute has been greatly enlarg<... so that we can nfiw av'cornniod.ile an increased number ol patient - from a distance. Comfortable Boarding Houses attach ed to the e.-lubli.-liWL-at. .Yo inruiablr cases reciiccil for "•'catmuitor Ol< ■ i (luii. . It a ca.-i. incurable 1 e villh intormed. Institute u Watci .-tnet, opposite tU Brainard House Elmira.X.Y. Feb^^|6s^ IL M . C RAN IT AL If & CO. , MANUE ACTTKERS OF FL\X-WITEELS, V.'OOL-tVIIEEI.S, r; YAP-REELS, WHEEL HEADS,Ac., MONTH OS lb, FA. m FLAX-WiIEELS AT THE M 0 N T LI 0 S 11 \Y II E E L F ACT ORY Wholesale and Retail. GRANDMOTHER JIERSFEF AGAIN: We can furnish you with a Whet which we will ar aut to give entire satisfaction ant which yourself v. ill say is fit to a RACE YOUR VARLOR. FATHER If yon wish to hear the music ot Industry and Econo my in your house, remember the best teacher is a (IRA All MO TIIFAf S VIA AO. MOTHER! It you wish your daugutcr to be its* til as uellnsorn mental, teach her to divide her spare time between the Melodeon and the LITTLE WHEEL. BROTHER ! Buy one for your sweetheart, and thus, while making her an "elegant present,convey a polite hint as to what you shall expect of her when you move on that " AEIV 1 ARM. ' SISTER I Ask your lather to give you a Wheel ; tell him you don't want to be a '• LILY OF THE VALLEY." LITTE BOY ! Show your mother how your pants "rip ' and how the buttons come oil when you "slide down hill because she will use u STQRE THREADr LITTLE GIRL! If your folks get one of Ctandall's Flax-Wheels, you can do some ol the work, for there is a place lixed on purpose to hold the Spool, so that it you are small you DO THE REELING. EVERYBODY : Ought to buy a Wheel and teach the rising generations i to depend on their own resources. Then iudeed, a.-> now. . shall the American people be a great and independent I nation—and may the inheritance of each of our child ren be ONE FLAG,ONE COUNTRY,and TWO EI.AX-WHEELS! ! N. B-—Merchants and Dealers wishing to pnrchwe to i sell again,will please address by mail when Ist of prices ! "card sampics Ac., will be sent. All goods packed in shipping order t anil all orders will teccive prompt ut i tcution, U• M, CII ANDALL, j Montrose, Fa., Dec. 20, ISCj. jW" E W 8 P SING !, J W. A. ROCKWELL, Is receiving a large stock cf Spring Goods it greal REDUCTION IN PRICES, SMSS Z&SSTT*" <"*"■ " ' LADIES' DRESS GOODS, DE LA IN 15, r ,■., ALPACAS, LAWNS, OHALLAS, THIBET AND CANTON CLOTH, ALPACA, BERAGE, POPLINS, IKIMAIfNGS 6. 'V HHEENO, ' Administrator. Ai!!; M 1 LSTKATORS NOTiCE.-Notice is -a.*.hereby g iV en tnai. an persons indebted to the estate ol John McHaboa, deed, late ot Shesheqnin tw! ate requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands ac.r,st said estate wril present duly authenticated :.>r settlement. MARTUA M'MAUOX, June 19,1166. JOHN M'MAUON, | ! .^aministraior.-i. A:WpKTBATRIX'S NOTlCE.—Notice est i'e of Pal-p FI i en *' th s at ,? 11 , l' erSO " lf indebted to the ® • 01 Oabriel Davis, dee d, lute ol Albany ta i> ar Sg WXM, MlWht June n IH.,C HARRIET E. WILCOX, June 14, 1866. AdminiatmrU, JAXLCUTOK S NOTICE NOTI C E C ■r" y ,K ,v n Haul ail persons indebted to the i r u, -tr; . HAJIB, late ot Letter, dee d are ■ --C ..u aiar.e immediate payment-ar... a tic demand A.UA : LFI id wfoV^rvmeu l a nd those having please present duly lutlienticatcd lor settlement. MU F _ ba N&OM, Executor. July J. i-btib. 4 I)\IINI6TRATOR !S NOTICE.—Notit e A .s'hereby uMven IBUUo; l'ATi t j* t J make immediate paytmnt, K 'd those hariug claittis against said estate will present £&SSU--S^>DU>ON. Administrator. July 5, lboo. ' ' . v DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Nutico \ v' i " - 1 l Al "-' 4lib indebted ho •!• fr DRAKE,decemaed, latent Bome iwy d y authenticated rol at^ n ® N( 3 l g A . SEXTON, ( ( _ Administrator^ * EDITOR'S NOTICE. — Jonn Holmes vs. ; \ s - i. n , . in the Court ot Common I'ieas Of lirau'toru county, No. el, September Twin, lW j. The uu A i -• dan auditor appointed by saiat ve. . to Uistribu e neys arising Iroin s sal of ue tei dltnts nets >mU propt lty, will attend to the duties ol his ai-iioi.itinen'.. ... !... office in Towauda ooro ,on aa.oteay t lie ' ■ Lgnst, 1866 At 1 o'clock p. m., at whKh t hue and pi- •* all persons interested can attend it tbey tbi-ik ptoper or ju turever debarred trom the same. BEN J. M- 1 Et K . . • t a, Auditor. c iiEKiiT'S SALES.-13y virtue ola writ Oot Vend. Expo., issued cit the Court of Common I'ic.t r a liradfcid county, to me directed and denveu* will be exposed to public sale at the C;mrt iiootse m u. Bon.' o! luwanda, &A'l LItDAT, ALU Lai 4. ion, ... one o'clock, p. m-, the lotl'-wmg described lot piece ... v.-eiw land situate in Athens townsmp, bounded ioiiov.'s io wit: Ueghming in, the tenter of the road ■ .from Uilltown to Athens borough at the north west corner of C. \V. Parks land, tncnee north l i t-ut; il v - 2-10 per. along tlie center ot said load to uu* neriii line oi the Pickering tract, (>j called) tvhicti this is a part, thence soiitli 84j east along t.iein itli Duo of .-aid tract 186 pom to a corner, tl. iae s.uiih 8J east 14 4-lb per. to a corner, thence s .utu iu e.wc per. to a corner, thence south 85i° .a.-; -> - • per. t > a c.rner. thence sooth suntli 49 a west 21 .10 per. to . * corner ol ioscph .-.hepard s laud, thence south air oast 28 8-10 per. to a corner, thence south lty east to ner. to a corner, thence s rath v West 21 per. to at •••• ir of said C. W. Park's land, .hence Lorth "4i *• 258 3-10 per. to the piece of beginning. Contanitng 168 acres and 93 perches ot .and, m< re or ins m proved with .1 darned dwelling house, two trame.. oarns cow shed and oicuard or lruit trees ineicdn. bcUed and taken ia excontion at tue .-uil ol it in A Saltmarsh vs James S. I.cggett. , ALSO—By virtue oi a writ ol Als. 11.1 a vin sold at the same time uUd place, all thai eeiLaiii . pie e or parcel ol laud-.tuate in lus.aroia t wp.,. a".- m • ioL-100 acres ot land more or less, about jo aeies improved, with a and bat u I hereon, and being the same Una which E. W. agent, c utiueiod t ; . to William S. Hall, which was dated June 1, L !•'. v. nil was duly assigned to 6. l>, i'helps, and I 1.0.p and by said Phelps contracted oy article ©' agreement l.;ih .ay, 154b,10 said Wi.liam S. Hail, and by said William 8. iiall assigned to J. K. Hail. Nov. in, .•se.aedaud taken in execution at the suit oi A. . Kecucy's use vs. J. U. Hall. j M i Ta , i owaiida, July '■>. lsuG. tsheriC miscellaneous. \TE\Y AND FUESII HOODS! Just reenved, A FULL STUCK OF GROCERIES, Bought ior Cash, WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT A SMALL ADVANCE. Thatikiul for past favors, i wou}d respectfully say to my old triends that I hope by staict attention ana fair prices to merit a e mtinuance oi their iavors. Towanda, Feb. 2. _ I uTIIE R' s MILLS, BURLINGTON, PA. The proprietor, having rebuilt hi.s Flouring Mill in Bur- Umgton. and taken pains in tseiecting articleß, and tbe most unproved maehiuery, it is now completed tu order i r ad kinds ot Klouiing. CUSTOM WORE DONE AT SHORT NOTICE. with cheerful attendants, who will sec to your wants in g.,.id order and with general satisfaetiou. aa-Cash paid for Grain. , , n .,., April 17.1866. BO6WELL LUTHER. A VALUABLE MILL FOR SALE.- j\_ The flouring mill, known as the Chaffee Mill, situ i ated in Rome,one mile north of the village, will be sold a' a great sacritice. Any person wishing to buy such a property, will find it to tlnir advantage to call am. -e the above mill before buying elsewhere. All e.-es...ry information will be given by celling upon C. G. Gndiey iu Orwell. A full and complete title will ira b.- nte. C'. G. TII. • - Orwell, May 20,1566.—8w. H 0 R SALE 0 R R E N T • A valuable Hotel property, pssns? May 24, '66.—tf. IiOR S YLE—The subscriber oilers for 1 gale a valuable Building Lot, aitnatc on Fr.mklm 11 strvet. about one hundred and fitly tcet lrom Main st. There is a baiu a the lot and a Inundation and Uana : work Ira house It will be sold ..s It is. or wi.htbi house finished. For further particulars enquire ot tin subscriber at his residence on the u | Towanda, June 20, 1866. 'iliA fll UKICK at FOX . 3 .