Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 02, 1866, Image 2

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—The Blairs are said to be after Seward
with a hot poker, and they are confident of forcing
him out of the Cabinet. They overlook the fact
that Seward is President ik facto.
—Lieut. Gen. Grant is now General of the
United States Armies. His nomination as such
was confirmed without the usual reference by the
—Pigeons in immense numbers have con
gregated in Stephen township, Canada West, and
are searing their young.
—ln accordance with the recent law Vice
Admiral Farragut is to be admiral ot the navy.
—Hosea Morill, of Pittslield, Ohio, was
married last week, aged eighty-two years.
—A large whale visited Portland harbor,
Tuesday, and swam past all the wharves and un
der both railroad bridges. He was peppered with
rifle balls,a bomb lance was fired through his back,
and he was harpooned, but after aU succeeded in
—Several white men, who were arrested
for assaulting and beating a negro who attempted
to open a colored school at Jackson, La., are held
by the military under General Grant's order. The
disloyal portion of the community arc greatly dis
—Two men in Covington, Kentucky, Pe
ter Murphy and Henry Harriman, recently fought
across a table with revolvers. Nine shots were
fired by both parties, but without fatal results to
—A National Cemetery is now preparing
at Culpepper, Ya., on the farm of Mr. Hill. It will
embrace abo ut six acres,situated on a rising ground
a quarter of a mile from the Court-house, and vis
ible from the Orange and Alexandria Railroad for a
distance of four miles. The remains of soldiers
buried between the Rappahannock River and Gor
donsville are to be interred in this cemetery, inclu
ding those who fell in the battle of Ceder Moun
—The murderer McConnell and other 1
prisoners attempted to break jail at Cleveland,
Ohio, hut were detected. They had by some means
procured powder, with which they first blew oft' the
lock of one of the cells, and then attempted to blast
a hole through the stone wall.
—The fair of the New-England and Ver
mont State Agricultural Societies will be held on
the grounds of the Windham County Park Asso
ciation, at Brattleboro, Yt., Sept. 4, 5, C and 7.
The grounds are on the bank of the Connecticut
—Commencement exercises at Yale Co
l me hereafter to be held during the third week
\\ orks for the manufacture of gas out
of pine wood, bones, and animal and vegetable re
fuse, were started in Detroit,Mich., on Wednesday
evening. It was byway of experiment but prom
ises to be a success.
—A universal emancipation celebration,
conducted by the colored citizens, is to take place
iu Ithaca on Wednesday next, Aug. 1. Frederick
Dougl is, of Rochester, is engaged to speak.
--Rev. R. 11. Gardiner, a Methodist Mis
sionary to the Freedmen of Kentucky, was mobbed
and ducked by men in Georgetown, Ky., on Tues
day lust, for preaching to the negroes.
—The members of the Boston Caulkers'
Association offer to resume work at SI a day,ei"lit
hours to constitute a day's work.
thief Justice Salrmoii I'. Chase is on a
visit to Cornish, X. 11., his native town.
—The City Council of Boston on Thurs
day added SIO,OOO to the appropriation for free
public baths.
—A youngster going along the street in i
Meadville on Thursday afternoon let a pistol fall
trom his pocket to the ground. The concussion
discharged it, and its contents, consisting of fine
shot, went into the leg of a man walking in front
ot him. The latter at once went into the nearest
store, and began to pick out the shot with a pen
knife, congratulating himself that the pistol was
not loaded with ball.
Engineers have been engaged during
the past week in surveying a route looking to the
extension of the Tamaqua arm of the Heading rail
road, through the coal fields of the Black creek and
thence to Berwick, where it will connect with the
Lackawanna and Bloomsburg railrod
T lie W aricii and lranklin railroad has
been doing a large business since its opening to
lidionte, and the work of completing it farther
down the Alleghany is being pushed forward with
due dilligence and rapidity.
—The United States Hotel at Titusville
took fire on Sunday. The rear of the building was
somewhat damaged by the flames, and most of the
household furniture and fixtures of the building
destroyed by carelessness.
A Harrislurg man lias received the
contract ol the New York fire department for fur
nishing it with thirty thousand feet of hose.
—Many splendid private residences are
now in course ot construction in York, Pa.
—The income ol VVru. U. Astur last year
was jd.lo.'f, 1011, which is about SISO,OOO less than
the previous year-. There was a general falling off
ol incomes in New York the past year.
—Switzerland, especially the Roman
Catholic cantons, is rapidly filling with Italian
monks, who have been expelled from their convents
by the late decree.
I he 1 resident lias granted a pardon to
Lawrence Rousseau, of New Orleans, La., formerly
a captain in the United .Suites Navy, who resigned
and entered the rebel service.
—A young lady, whiie bathing at East
New Loudon the other day, had one of her toes
so badly bitten by a crab that it will have to be am
—L pwards of six thousand watermelons
came through the Albermarle and Chesapeak Ca
nal on Friday, and were shipped north Lv the
A snake measuring' fourteen feet and
seven inches recently crawled into a house in Gal
veston, Texas, and swallowed a leg of mutton. It
should be killed, "if it takes a leg."
—lt has been discovered that the names
oi several patriotic soldiers have been forged to a
call for a Johuson-Clymer Convention, at Wash
ington, Pa.
~ Thc I ' e^ ,Bl),,r h r mine "crater" is now
in the midst of a luxuriant corn-field, and is itself
planted in melons and fruit trees. The
excavation made by the explosion is nearly closed
to the surface, as it was converted, it is said to the 1
use of sepluture.
—Miss Clara Barton, whose devotion to '
sick and wounded soldiers in the late war is so Wcl ) i
known, proposes, in compliance with numerous i
requests, to lecture the coming season on "Perso
nal Eemiuiscences of Scenes on the Battle-fields. ',
—The Pennsylvani a State Teachers Asso
ciation meets at Gettysburg dn the 31st of July and
the Ist and ad of August. ' I
—Cornel! University, at Ithaca, New York,!
toward the foundmg of which Ezra Cornell some
time ago contri l/ut-.d ♦otJO.OOO, is now wc-1! under
Way, and < expncUyj Vt i, avc . u ] UrjJatol end
dent MpmJ to 3,0</0 000. }
fStadfottl fftcpotfct
Towanda, Thursday, August 2,1866.
Union State Ticket.
Adjourned on Saturday afternoon last.
Amongst its last acts was the passage of
the bill equalizing Soldiers' Bounties, and
increasing the pay of members to s'>ooo.
This provision was added by the Senate,
and reported by the Committee of Confer
ence. We observe that our member of
Congress very properly voted against the
proposed increase. The bill admitting Ne
braska was also passed, but not signed by
the President,-so that it does not become a
On our outside will be found an
admirable letter, written by E. GUYER, Esq.,
addressed to Hon EDGAR COWAN It will
| amply repay perusal, being written in a
\ candid manner by one thoroughly convers
ant with the past political history of the
CLARK of Blootnsburg, stamped this Coun
ty, to aid in the election of Mr. MERCUR, to
Congress. To-be-sure, the Republicans of
the County were sadly disappointed in the
character of Mr. CLARK'S ifforts, as his
speeches showed very little ability, and |
were principally devoted to denunciation of
Senator Bucklew, and the "Fishing Creek
Conspiracy." Still, as his utterances were
thoroughly loyal, the impression he created
were on the whole not unfavorable, though
: the idea became prevalent, that it did not
i take much talent to make a great man in
I Columbia County, if Mr. CLARK was a fair
' specimen of their "nig guns."
At that time lie was particularly severe
upon Mr. BUCKALEW and the treasonable
practices and disunion sentiments of the Dem
ocratic party. Now Mr.Cr.ARK is conferring
j with Senator BUCKALEW and appointing viru
iug all his most earnest "professions. This la
mentable spectacle is the price he pavs for
j the office of assessor of this District.
Has Mr. BUCKALEW and the Democratic
I paity changed in the few intervening months
' OR ' IAS Mr. CLARK become a traitor to
ibis party and principles? Are the plans
.of the Copperheads any the less objoction
able now to true Union men, than when
I Mi. CLARK SO boldly assailed and denoun
ced them '. \\ hatever may he the motives
which have controlled him, he has forfeited
■ the fair renown he once enjoyed, and will
find a congenial resting-place in the ranks
ot th • party he once effected to believe was
opposing toe best interests of the nation.
As we have no knowledge of the perso
nal prejudices or private griefs which have
I influenced Mr. CLARK, we have written about
his course, more in sorrow than in anger,
i as we sincerely lament that by such a great
act of treachery he should have over-shad
owed liis fair fame,with an odium which will
attach to it forever.
Hay Fader the heading of " Antecedents
' Everything," the New York Citizen, a Dem
ocratic newspaper, edited by a thorough
paced New \ork democratic politician,
I says : " Major Gen. Geary, the Republi
can nominee for Governor of Pennsylvania,
is a candidate we should hate to have to
vote against. His democratic opponent is
said to have been rather copperheady
throughout the war • and, if so, we trust \
every soldier and loyal democrat ici/l cast his !
ballot for Geary ." Good for Private Miles I
i 0 Keilly, who is tho editor of this paper.
Miles, although a democrat, is a true Irish
; soldier, and loves his country better than
his party ; and we advise all democratic
I soldiers to prove themselves true, by ful
lowing 1 livate 0 Reilly's straight-forward
I and soldierly advice.
lie adds:—"Geary did good service
everywhere in all capacities—signally dis
tinguishing himselt on the Pennsylvania
battle field of Gettysburg, which formed,
perhaps, the decisive turning point of the
war." Col. llalpine was a fighting staff
soldier during the war—serving as Assis
taut Adjutant General to the old Tenth Ar
my Corps—and this is what he says of
i Geary.
iRt E Ihe Ilarrisburg Telegraph s >ys
that if Hiester Clymer is worthy of being
elected Governor of Pennsylvania, by rea
son of his public course for the last four
years, Jefferson Davis is worthy of being
made President of the saved Union, as both
did what they could to render the rebellion
for the destruction of the Government suc
cessful— the one by his fire in the front, the
other by his fire in the rear of the Union
army. Ji the people of the country are re
solved to be liberal to traitors, we beg of
tiicui to indulge in no discriminations.
B®. The President, on Tuesday, com
munseated a Message to Congress, whereon
lie makes much discourse upon the ques
tion of Reconstruction generally, but an
nounces that he has approved the joint res
olution in favor of admitting those mem
bers of the Tennessee delegation who can
take the oath. In the House, Messrs. Tay-'
lor, Maynard, and Stokes appeared, took '
the oath and their seats. The first is a j
Johnson man ; the others are Radicals. Of i
the Senators, Patterson, the President's)
son-in-law, is of course devoted to "my :
policy." The other, Fowler, is a Radical.'
1" political strength in Congress, we gain j
JSC ' ""thing by Tennessee's admission.
The Carlisle Herald is responsible '
for the following : Mr. John Hefllefinger !
was elected bupenutendent of the common 1
schools ,n Cumberland county because he ;
was a good Democrat Ü Bt WCek he ap-<
peared before the Slate Superintendent to!
be examined as to his fitness for the posi
tion. We have been informed that accord
ing to his geography West Point is situa
ted in Kentucky, and according to his his
tory Gen. Jackson fought the battle of New
Orleans during the Mexican war. Of course
Superintendent Coburn refused to issue tin
commission to him.
The Atlantic Cable Laid.
Messages Between Valeutia Bay & Heart's Guuteiit- :
Cyrus W, Field's Journal of the Voyage. ■
The fifth Atlantic Telegraph Expedition
arrived at Heart's Content on the morning
of Friday last, the Great Eastern having
laid the Cable safely during a voyage ot
twenty days from Valentia Bay. Messages
passed between Ireland and Newfoundland
on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and the
line was found to be in perfect order.
The following despatches, and the journ
al of Mr. Cyrus W. Field, tell the story of
this great success :
HEART'S CONTENT, July 28.— We arrived
here at nine o'clock this morning. All
well. Thank God ! The cable has been
laid, and is in perfect working order.
HEART'S CONTENT, July 28.— We are in
telegiapbic communication with Ireland.
The cable is in perfect order.
HEART'S CONTENT, July 28, 1866.—Eng
| land and America are again united by telc
] graph. The cable is in perfect order. We
! have been receiving and sending messages
| through the whole cable ever since the
' splice on the 13th, off Valentia.
Mr. Field also furnishes the followiug
journal of the voyage of the Great Eastern:
HEART'S CONTEXT, J uly 2S. —The steamship
Great Eastern left Sheerness on Saturday
at noon, June 30, arrived at Beerhaven on
Thursday morning, July 5, and received
the balance of her coal and provisions.
On Saturday, the Ith of July, the eud of
the Irish shore cable was landed from the
William Corry, and at 9:30 the next morn
ing the laying was successfully completed,
I nhuse'at V alVm'tla twenl
ty-seven and a half miles ; twenty-nine and
a quaitei miles of cable paid out.
FRIDAY, i3th.- The shore end was counec
! ted to the main cable on board the Great
Eastern and at 2:40 p. M. the telegraph fleet
started lor Newfoundland and the Raccoon
SKI H Vi, C,ltia ' The td <*raph fleet
fir *i I,nvui " or( l-'r : The Terrible
ahead of the great Eastern on the starboard
bow , the Med way on the port and the Al
bany „„ the starboard quarter. Weather
thick and foggy, with heavy rains Si,-.
nals sent through the cable on hoard the
Croat Eastern and to the telegraph house
at \ah iitia. Two thousand four hundred
and forty nautical miles found perfect
The following table shows the distance
run by the Great Eastern each day, and the
number of miles of cable paid out •
-v Miles of
a j T , Distance Ilun. Cable lVid Ont
Saturday, July I t iau
Sunday, July to iao Hp
Monday, July 16 ' 115
Tuesday, July 17 m fvZ
Wednesday July 1H 105 }:,?
Thursday, July 19 joo
Friday, July 20 IJ7 , ~ 7
Saturday July 21 . 121 \fS
Sunday, July 22 128 ™
Monday, July 23 nil loa
Tuesday, July 24 12i
Wednesday, July 25.... ITo J '''
Thursday, July 26 128 J: J
Friday, July 27 112 {j { *
Fourtecu days 1,6.57 , V ir
Shore end Valentia 27 00
Shore end, Heart's Cyntent 2
' r ° tnl 1,680 Tsir
Arrived at Heart's Content eight a m Fri
day, July 2S.
The average speed of the ship from the
.me the splice was made until we saw
land was in little less than five nautieai
miles per hour, and the cable has been paid
out at an average of five and one-half miles
per hour.
cent' 6 t(>tal NlaCk WaS ICSS than tWolve l )0r
The weather has been more pleasant than
1 have ever known on the Atlantic at this
season of the year.
We have had alternate days of rain, sun
shine, fogs and squalls.
wi)b V l T e . lH ' en in C< ! nSta " t com 'nunication
with\ , alentia since the splice was made on.
the Idth instant, and have daily received
news from Europe, which wat posted up
outside of the telegraph office for the infer
nn f Si? r Tt T*' °[ thc Grt:at Easterii,
thc other shi Ps
wf=S ki '!f ' n COa,s thc te| egraph fleet
bTrfT Hpot wi,ere tl,e cab,c was
lost last year,recover the end and complete
a second line between Ireland and Vew
ionndland, and then the Medway will pro
nevv c^b l' across the Gulf
be open for business in a
few days, and all messages will be sent to
hurope in the order in which thev are re
ceived at Heart's Content.
1 cannot find words suitable to convey
my admiration for the men who have so
ably conducted the nautical, engineering
and electrical departments of this enter
prise so successfully,amid difficulties which
required to be seen to be appreciated. In
fact, all 011 board of the te egrapli fleet and
all connected with the enterprise have done
their very best to have the cable made and
laid it. a perfect condition ; and He who
lules the winds and the waves has crowned
their united efforts with perfect success.
Cyrus W. Field.
Messages were sent to President John
son and Secretary Seward, announcing the
success of the undertaking, and congratu
latory answers received. On Friday the
first news despatch was received, being in
telligence of peace between Austria and
1 russia.
A despatch was also received from the
Queen of Great Britain to the President of
the I nited States, to which President John
son returned an appropriate answer.
A violent Copperhead who had made
Inmse f notorious by denouncing Abraham
Lincoln and the Republican party during
the war,and who was not among the mourn
ers when the late President was assassin
ated, was heard loudly eulogizing Andrew
Johnson a few days ago. A by-stauder
remai keel, \\ ell, now that you are prais
ing the man you so bitterly assailed I
presume you will admit that you have
Changed ground ? "No promptly res
ponded the Copperhead, "I stand where I
have always stood ; it is Andrew Johnson
who has changed and come over to us."
he Copperhead felt, and rightly, that he
had the best of the argument I
Special Dispatch to The N. Y. Tribune.
WASHINGTON, Monday, July 30, 1800.
The following special dispatches were
received this evening at this Bureau from
THE TRIBUNE Bureau at New-Orleans :
NEW-ORLEANS, July 30 — 1 p. m.—The
Convention met at 12 o'clock, and opened
with prayer. On the roll being called, 20
I members answered to their names. On
; motion of K. King Cutler, the Sergeant-at
erms was directed to arrest and bring in
I absent members. A colored procession
! bearing a llag was tired iuto by a liebel
mob and oue man killed. A terrible riot
is imminent. There is intense excitement,
all the stores are closiug up. The Govern
or has called on the military to protect the
Convention and loyal citizens from the
liebel mob.
1:30 p. in.—A terrible and bloody riot is
progressing. Pistols are firing all round,
and, from where I am writing, I saw two
negroes shot. The Mechanics' Institute,
where the Convention is in session, has
been stormed by the mob, and several
negroes killed. The riot is progressing
with frightful results.
1:30 p. in.—The President and other
members of the Convention have been ar
rested by the police.
Special Dispatch to The N. Y. Tribune.
WASHINGTON, Monday, July 30, 1800.
The following special dispatch was re
ceived to-night from the Tribune Bureau
at New-Orleans :
NEW-ORLEANS, July 30—9 p. m.— The
troops have been marched into the city,
and martial law proclaimed.
Gen. Kautz has been made Military Gov-
I ernor of the city.
I have just visited the State-House,where
J the members of the Convention and Union
I men were slaughtered ; it presents a ghast
ly appearance, the floor is literally flooded
with the blood of our best Union men.
Comparatively, quiet has been restored,
but it is regarded as the calm before the
storm. Over 200 Union men are known to
I have been butchered.
Gen. Baird it? responsible for this inas
much as he had no troops in the city, al
though warned of what has transpired.
Gen. Sheridan's stall' have behaved most
/.ens pray ror tne return ol Gen. Sheridan.
The following is the law passed on the
last day ol the session of Congress, for the
equalization ol bounties :
SECTION 1. I hat to each and every soldier
who enlisted into the army of the United
States alter the 10th day ol April, 1801, for
a period ol less than three years, and hav
ing served his time of enlistment, has been
honorably discharged, an has received or
is entitled to receive from the United States,
under existing laws, a bounty of SIOO, and
no mote ; and any such soldier enlisting
for not less than three years, who has been
honorably discharged on account ol wounds
received in the line of duty,and the widow,
minor children, or parents, in the order
named, ol any such soldier who died in the
service of the United States, of diseases or
wonndc in th li, u; a f du
ty, shall he paid the additional bounty of
SIOO hereby authorized.
SEC 2. i hat to each ami every soldier win
enlisted iutt> the army of the United States
after the 19th day of Aprii, 1861, for a pe
riod ol nut less than two years, and, having
seivcd his time ol enlistment, has been hon
orably discharged, and who has received or
is entitled to receive from the United States
under existing laws a bounty of sso,and no
more ; and any such soldier enlisted iornot
less than two years who lias been honora
bly discharged on account of wounds re
eei\id in the line of duty, and the widow,
minoi children or parents in the order nam
ed of any such soldier who died in the ser
vice of the United States of disease or
wounds contracted while in the service and
in the line of duty, shall he paid the addi
tional bounty ol SSO hereby authorized.—
Provided, that any soldier who has barter
ed. sold, assigned, transferred, loaned, ex
changed or given away his final discharge
papers or auy interest in the bounty provi
ded by this or any other act of Congress
shall not be entitled to receive any addi
tioiiul bounty whatever, and when applica
tion is made by any soldier for said bounty
lie shall be required, under the pains and
penalties of perjury, to make oath or affir
mation ol his identity, and that he has not
so bartered, sold, assigned, transferred, ex
changed, loaned, or given away either his
discharge papers or any interest m any
county as aforesaid, and no claim for such
bounty shall ho entertained by the Pay
master-General or other accounting or dis
bursing officer, except upon receipt of the
claimant's discharge papers, accompanied
by the statement under oath as by the sec
tion provided.
SEC. 3. That in the payment of the addi
tional bounty herein provided for, it shall
be the duty of the Paymaster-General, un
der such rules and regulations as may he
prescribed by the Secretary of \\ ar, to
-•atise to he examined the accounts of each
iiid every soldier who makes application
therefore, and if found entitled thereto pay
nent shall be made.
SEC. 4. Tuat in the reception, examina
tion, settlement, and payment of claims for
said additional bounty due the widows or
heirs of deceased soldiers, the accounting
officer ol the treasury shall be governed by
the restrictions prescribed for the Paymas
ter-General by the Secretary of *\'ar and
the payment shall be made in like manner
under the direction of the Secretary of the
1 rcasury.
The successful completion of the Atlan
tic cable enables us to give the London
news of Friday, July 28, to the effect that
"a treaty of peace has been signed between
Austria and Prussia. 1 In addition, we have
news by the arrival of the steamers Peru
vian and China, with details more or less
complete to the 22d, leaving only live days ,
as a field for conjectures to be filled up here-,
alter with the facts.
| After the battle ot Asehafienburg the !
j federal army was much demoralized, and a
truce was established on the 18th at the re-1
<piest of Bavaria,which was a virtual with
drawal of Bavaria from the Confederation,
with a probable acceptance of the Prus
sian policy as to the future.
The Prussian army, under General Fal
kenstein, occupied Frankfort on the lsth,
and were cordially received, the comman
der immediately assuming the provisional
government of Frankfort and Xassau. The !
rump of the Diet escaped to Augsburg
where six or seven states only are repre
1 be Prussians advanced towards Vienna
the Austrians steadily retreating. The rail
way connection between Vienna and the
main army at Oimutz was cut at Lunden
burg on the lHth. Slight engagements
occurred, with results generally in favor of
Prussia. The possession of Moravia had not
been contested. General Benedek has been
displaced from the command of the army,but
remains in command of a corps,for which he
is fitted. Prince Albert takes the chief com
The Emperor appeals to tjie Hungarians
to show their "hcrditary fidelity" in this ex
tremity, and makes to all his people the am
plest promises that their internal ailiairs
shall all be settled to their satisfaction. It
comes too late.
The naval disaster to the Italians, the I
marches and countermarches in the neigh
borhood of Verona, the skirmishes and oth
er engagements of the Italian army and of
Garibaldi, are too imperfectly known to es
timate their importance.
It is formally denied that the Emperor of
France had any thought of mixing in the
strife, either by armed intervention or oth
er-wise. On tin.* contrary, he has avoided
the concentration of troops on the frontier
near the seat of war, "to avoid the slight
est indication of France being dragged iu
to military activity." So much for the news
mongers, who set the world agog with that
of which they knew nothing.
11A VIIE-DE-G RACE, July 26, 1800.
A terrible tornado visited this vicinity '
about 0 o'clock last evening. The threat-1
ening masses of clouds, which hung around J
the horizon from north-east to west during '
the afternoon, rapidly concentrated north !
of this point, and at the above-named hour
the storm burst upon us with irresistible
fury, uprooting trees, prostrating bouses j
and doing much other damage.
The magnificent new bridge of the Phil- j
adelphia, VVilminton, and Baltimore Rail- j
road Company, spanning the river at this ■
point, some twenty-five feet above tide-wa- j
ter, encountered the violence of the storm. 1
It trembled for a moment, and then was [
hurled down from its piers into the river
with a terrific crash. Ten spans of the
! bridge, each 250 feet long, the labor of
! months, were rendered a complete wreck,
the river and buy being strewed with its
; debris for miles. Only one span on the
' Cecil side remains.
The loss cannot fall short of $200,000,
and is perhaps much greater.
Several workmen were carried into the
river with the falling spans, but were res
Without this disaster the company con
fidently expected to have the bridge ready
To-day several tugs are traversing me
river and bay, saving the wrecked materi
al, and the disaster, although serious, will
be promptly met by the energy ol the com
J lie wind lasted about fifteen minutes,
ami swept over the country in a oelt übuut
ten miles wide.
V\ (; learn that considerable damage was
done at Port Deposit by the storm.
IILISTER CLYMER said in his speech in
loading, on Wednesday, that "his history
as a politician was the history of the State
for the lust six years, and he would uot to
day alter a line or blot out a particle of it."
(Wc quote from the Aye.) We are glad
to notice tli • t lie is so frauk. Let us see
what he did lor the soldiers and sailors on
one or more occasions while he was in the
State Senate. During the session of IS'tq
Senator Graham, of Alleghany, offered a
resolution that tin: SSeuate ot Pennsylvania
uige upon Congress the propriety of in
creasing the pay of officers of the army
and navy twenty-live per cent., and of pri
vates one hundred per cent. On a motion
to proc< cd to a second reading, the Demo
i tats, with their leader, Mr. Clymer, voted
in the negative, thus causing a tie vote,
and the motion was lost. At the same
session a joint resolution was adopted re
<ju<.sting our Jiopresentatives in Congress
to vote for and use their iuflueuce for the
passage of a law increasing the pay of
non-com missioned officers and private soldiers
but upon its liual passage ileister Clymer
votes nay. Subsequently, when the bill
regulating soldiers' elections was passed,
- per again proved bis consistency by
voting against it. And yet, with this rec
ord, of which he now has the boldness to
suy he would not blot out a particle, he
asks the soldiers and sailors to give him
ttieir voter, ihe effrontery is only equalled
by that which prompted his organs to com
plain that he did not occupy a position in
the heroic hue which marched to Indepen
dence Square on the 4th of this month
i n" tr ,' I t ! cl , ivcr "P thcir blood-stained and
shell-riddled colors.
benefit of the public we give the following
description of tli new ten dollar counter
feit note on the National Hanks :
• "i!' I "" I re „ o ' on an eagle upon
right end, Franklin and Boy on left. The
signatures are engraved in the counterfeit
and in the genuine, they are written The
lightning, grasped by the hand of Libertv
is barely perceptible in the genuine, while
m the counterfeit it is broadly defined on a
dark, coarse back ground, which in the o-eu
niiie is light. The general appearance is
air hut is very coarse on examination. On
the back of the note the followers of De-
Soto appear as if engaged iri a terrible bat
tle, and appear mixed up, while in the fore
ground, that which is designated for a
priest, bears the exact image of i moukev
these notes may be altered to represent
my National Bank." |
IHE testimony before the Iluuse Com
rmttee on the condition of Utah discloses
the tact that the laws of the United States
are openly and defiantly violated through
out the territory, and that an armed force
is necessary to preserve the peace and
give security to the law t and property of
citizens of th United States residing there.
A ropy ~f a special order issued in 1853
■\ IJKIOIIASI \OUXG was submitted to the
Committee, for the murder of eighty inno
cent men, discharged teamsters of (Jen
JOHNSTON'S command, then at Fort Bridge r
. t: ' rou ' e for California. Fortunately i
the olhcer designated to execute the or
der was a humane person and did not exe- !
cute it.
j liio Pittsburgh Republican states
that at Kisiug bun, lud., on the Ohio River
on the 14th of July, while the sky was per
lectly clear so far as the eye could reach,
| and the sun was shining brightly, a vivid
liasil of lightning appeared, followed by a
long and sharp peal of thunder. The elec
tric lluid struck a church and three dwell
ing-houses. At the same instant a little
boy had his clothing stripped completely
oil his body, not exceptiug his shoes, all of
which had the appearance of living been
cut with a sharp knife. The boy was on
ly stunned and slightly injured in one of
his logs. Another boy in the same vicinity
was also struck at the same time, but was j
more seriously, although not fatally in
jured than the boy who had his clothing
torn on. °
CHOI* STATISTICS. —The abstract '>l crop ;
returns for .Inly, just issued fi< in tin I'<
partincnt of Agriculture, shown the pi. - .
pect of ii year of average fruiti u i.< r
The present indications, as marked by l 'n. i
sands of correspondents of the department,
point to an average of about e:. In ro d
half tenths of an average in quanti y ■ I
wheat, of a quality that will make r. <•)>■ 1
in value to last year's en p. The ti stiim iy
from all quarters renders it certain that the
quality will he excellent. Ihe showing is
more favorable than in the .June report. —
Winter barley is in very nearly the same
condition as the wheat. The o&t crop has
been unusually good, almost beyond pre
The condition of the pastures is gener 1- j
ly above the average. V\ ith tiro exe< ptioii i
of Maine and New Hampshire, every State
reports a greater breadth of corn than !
A somewhat diminished average, of sorg- j
hum is indicated.
There is nearly an average; breadth of
In every State more potatoes than usual
were planted, which promise better than
The prospect for apples is not so good as
usual ; aud no fruit upon tin; list makes so
poor a showing as peaches.
ii hereby given, that all persons indebted to I lie
i estate of I'eter J. Vroman, late ol West Llurliugi. ■ twp ,
I de'd, are requested to make immediate pay::. ut, and
! hose having demands against said e late wi:'. please pre
sent duly authenticated tor settlement.
I July 21, 1860. Administrator.
Cf Al'TlON.—Whereas, my -in Edgai
J Vroman, has left my 1. ~-e withou any just.,
I I therefore forbid any person trusting hiic < n my ac-
I count, as 1 shall nay ao debts ol hi- contracting alter
th Sedate. ' 11AKNA YHOMAN.
I Granville. July 14.1866.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—The uiiiluruigucd
baviDg been appointed auditor by the Orpbai;'
Court ot Bradford County, at February Term, tin ir
exceptions to the partial account ol Augusta Snytb r
executrix ol B. P. Snyder, and having had by s- iu
Court at the May Term thereof, 1866, his jurisdiction as
auditor extended to all the accounts of said executrix,
for the purpose ol re-examining and re stating the
saute upon exceptions then tiled, or to be thereat Ut
died by exceptants, (at least 15 days before the time of
hearing.) will attend to the duties of his appointment
at his office in Towanda Borough ou MONDAY, the th
day of AUGUST, 18GS, at 2 o'clock, p. in
July 21, 18M. 3. FEET, uiditor.
SALE.—Threshing Machine and
Horse Power complete, for $125 cash. Enquire ol
W. Bramhal), one mile from Franklin on farm formerly
i owned by t . F. While. July 21, 1866-
posals will Ik; received by the under ign d. n ji to
i the tit st day of September next, fur furnishing the ma
' letial aud building a Universalis! Cuurch iu owattda
! Platte ttld specitl'ations can oe II at th" (ifficß „t |)r
".II m i' a- —joe maae ior Stone, Brick or
. Wu'.d. Church to be finished by tbe first day ol Au
! gust. 1 7. By order of the Trustees.
G. F. MASON . President.
i Towanda. July 19, 1866.
ORPHAN'S CO IRT BALE. —By virtue of
an order issued out of the Orphan's Court ol Brad
j ford County, the understgued Administratrix of the es
tate of i'hiletus \ andyke, dee'u.,late ol said county,will
sell at the Central Hotel, in the borough of Canton on
Fill DAY, the ,11st day ot AUGUST. 1*66, at 2 o'clock,
p. m., the following property situate in Canton two
Beginning at the uoith-i ast corner of the farm ' n whi. h
Aaron Coons lives, thence north I 3 east 1 prs. along
the line ol Kphriaui land to a si.iku and stones.
1 hence north c 7° west li; prs. to a stake and stone-,
thence north 34° west 7 prs. to stake and stones. Him ,
| north lib 0 west !• prs. to a stake and stories, thence
j north 11° oast 14 prs. to stake and stones, thence south
! i!o° west 11 C-lo prs. to stake and stones io Manuly
Road, thence south 11° wet 37 prs. along the said
Coons line, thence south *7j° east 15 prs. along .-aid
I Coons line to the place of beginning. <'outcinin; -r\
Irn acres and 15 perches, more or less. Said ] t .
; j good iiiill seat and water privilege.
I A All that, piece of land lying in Canton tup.,
| beginning in centre ol Mountain Road leudingiiom
; | steam mill iu Can "on borough to Ward twp., in l'iogt
county, Pa., in the line ot unimproved lands iu the war
rantee name of William Freeston, and formerly owned
i by Brown and Rockwell, thence north 31° west 74 pr,
i 111 a iuuj, iiieuee -1,3- ease vi prs. io a stake and stones
_ I thence south 9° west 98 prs. to the said rued, them e
north 4S° west 58 prs. along centre ot said highw.iv to
I tue place ol oeginuing. Containing 40 acres aud iid
perches,more or less. Said lot is heavily covered with
j \aluable timber, 14 ruiles from Canton Station of V r
1 i Kail road, one mile from good steam saw mill, and three
. j quarters of a mile from a good water mill.
1 P a on 'he day ot sale on each
1 lot and half 01 the balance at the coutirmation, and the
j balance in three mouths thereafter with interest
I , , pucebe Vandyke,
July 19. MM. Administratrix.
I of very fine quality, by the clu-st
. A or at retail, bought before the recent advance, *ud
I lor sale cheap at rnv<
j June 13,1864. ' '
j at' S '' V( "'"~ Km
KJ is the best yeast ever sold. ; i)m agent tor the
manufacturer. tor at wholesale or retail.
E. V. FOX ■
qroceries and provisions,
Main st., first door south ol Pail Road House, Towaud i
has just received a large addition to his slock <M ' I
groceries ANI) provisions
lowestnues b be. e B ° M 31 ttholesale retail, at the very i
Farmer's Produce ot all kinds bought and sold.
Ihe public attention is respectfully invited to nv
Stock, which will be found to be Fresh, bought at ' w
pticesaud will besoldat correspondiugly low rates I
To wand i .July 17, ls'6o.
\\it. H. Brown, Principal.
MissMaky E Brown, Preceptress.
~ J„ he Kail Term will commence on Monday tu-*ust *>o I
lows'.-*" UO!Jt, " Ue 14 weeks ' Uate ol tuition as Ibl j
uhv e M o(f' '.■ 1 ' rinulry ,4 rithmetlc '"'< l Geogiu
pnj 5-4 00. English Grammar, Geography Writing and
Arithmetic to Cube I loot, f;,,00. Siogle-Entxy Book
Keeping, Botany, Rhetoric. Anatomy and Physiology
Astronomy, Latin, Greek, Higher Arithmetic-, aLd tin-'
bra through Qadratic Equations $6,00 Natoial ]'h ; -
er HO i'2 ', mis,ry ' ull| e E,ltr y Book-Keeping. !li,-h
-- rm r -'i oeo , me try, Trignometry and Survev i,"-
bv'the m?HI| e i o ots * Tuition invariably pavab£
by the middle of the term. No deductions .m a, " cut
ir , except in cases of j)roI racted illness.
Wyahiaing, July 10; imjo sw.
Sted °Addr^° m ° Ca,CrS a,HI y< -' uc,u rs especially
ne n . . IJ - POWELL,
t ii J* 6 ' P Avenue, SciMlon PA
June 11,1866 yI. w,ll la -
May be consulted in person or by letter at his i
lence. East Spring Hilf. Bradford county. Pa.
An intelligent community require a medic ti
tal organism and authenticated by successful r >^mlT
truiy Hygienic Agencies y treated with
tit is unnecessary and dangerous to take drugs' id
now to preserve health and long life Will vi o
.leaits. and give directions for UZnt wli'e"
__East Springhill, May 1, '66—ly,p.
JpAKM FOR SALE.--The un -
J. having purchased a portion of the Thomas I l
•y farm, ying just outside oi the borough T
lorth and west of Crooked creek- and Tio~i r , "I"
ores to sell about eighty acres ol it, on reas<?nabll term"
It is some ot the best land in Tioga valley • ! if.
inallty and proximity to the railroad ami' j , 1U
market, is one of the most desirable 'farms b°r f i
n the county ol Tioga. The nrice \--di i , 10
what upon the amount o< monov ib depend some
it time ol sale ; vet it necessary t V" f" V>i
i portion, secured by bond and mortgage 8
•heap 14 UUmber * Pleasant building lots,
I .1 NEWE LI. ,
l •
Orwell. lira-,lord Co.. Pa„ will promptlyattn,,, ,
a:u liia line. Particular attention 4
. i '..'dishing Aid or disputed fines '
oi. veylng >: ail unpatented lands as soon '
ire obtained. warr *t
May It. 186f.
X The under signed am now luiiv pie
the public with an " Inclined Dog'!><,; r ,/ ,
a superior quality antl pattern at the loJlow in,, r d!:
Machine sulUihle lar I>tiri of i>om ; ] (| , 1 ' - :
•; " ;; •; jo n, u ' y,
i*' to jo ..
to ij
•; [\ " ;; i\ to so •• V
HO or mgr.' --
Cvery machine delivered and put in runnit r
und warranted to give entire satisfaction or m'in.
fended. All orders by mail promptly attenutd t,"
Burlington boio', May 8, 'Gil.
We, the undersigned, have each had in w ~,
the past season, one of J.othcr &, IbW • j,,, ; ia N :
Power Machine -," and cheeiSully recommend p- -
the public as the Jjcst Churn Power yet in' r ~'"i "
11. M. Pruyne. D. S. I.other, liuvid fci ~
May 8, '6B.—3m.
\\ AGON'S, SLEKjjjc
Successors to Reyuolds, Fellows A Co., arc Ufiw ~,
and are prepared to furnish on short not;-.., u
Carnages und tj eigbs, ol all deacriptr.i.. j; . lj(
test, and most approved style, and of t
at the old stand opposite the Union House, p, .1
trn! part ol Alba Borough, Bradford County.Va.
The public art- assured that too reputation : ..
bia iicquired during the last six y. c ...
iuteudence of J. IL Fellows, will Is- n. ...
tained, as he wiil superintend tiie w-,ri, a
having long hem and having ban mu liexp-
Carriage and Sleigh Buildei would a -
that ■■<> pains will be .-pat id ny the i ...
the establishment worthy of their pah 0n.,,
as one ot the old firm for the patronage ti,u
ded, we hope to merit a continuance of tii- -
X. —We,theniuluiMgHnii,beingpra :,
Ica,can m.-nulacture and offer to the pu,.. •
that will deiy competition. JAMKn ii. r , j „
D. W. C. Cit.'.Xij
J. g.meritt,
Alba Borough, April la, I*B6. ly.
| HHSOLUTiON. —Ting co-pat tiic-i s
loloti existing between C. 1.. ?trv. •
Stewart, in the mercantile busiue* i -.t,
by mutual consent. All accounts m-at ~ settk
August 1. 1<66. The books and account! will ..
tied by Stewart ft Wk-kizer, who will cotrtinre;
siness at the old stand. < . L. Tf ..
Herri kville, July 2,1866 3t.p. C. C. STEW A R
*) *• \J oi the 5-2U Bonds purchasi-n at 6 .
market price by B. S.BUSSELL..
U.S. Secuiities of ail kin is bo ight .... .
B. S. RUS>EI.L ft i daL,.
L'etroleum, Venango and Craw lord Co. 1k... \
bought by JL S. RUSaKLL A i 0
A ol the bigli prici ui wheat wi have u-u e'
llig to prtitiuic au extra quality if I;ye J.
ol our customers disposed to economise. \V.
it so white as to be scarcely distioguiahai- - t'r
wheat Hour. Try some.
Floor from White Winter Wheat, also Bu k.
flour, < orn mealaod different kinds of Fee*} ! -r - .
Cash paid for all kinds oi grain.
, V li. B. J\GHAj
(,a?'cade MiIN, Camptown, June li ; 1
oy givi-u al! persons indebted to tu-
Martin Compton, late of Burlington twp..
County, di-c'd. are requested to make paymeat *'
delay and all having claim- agnu.-t saiii,.--
quested to present them duly a .thenf
mriif. ' . BBSS it Mi KB\ X
July 1 , lsoo. Admin
i-Vj_ Having the agency . r
sand a> 110 l the choicest Pine rim tei La ...
State of Michigan, I am prepared to offer ...
tnentH to th me who wish t > invest their :i.< i.
will pay. These lends aw among the best
in lia-Raginaw and Muskegon Valle-. . . -
floating stiearns, and are n >.v nee'ivd i
purposes. Business men and cftiiit ii-is w
examine llit-ui bet re investing their ce .c - t ...
For particulars inquire of or addre.--
HEM \N Mftß-K
June 22, IKUt;. Litchiield, Bradtord ( mty
J K1" F 1 AA' 1 S ESC AP E '
How many hearts will burn ivith indignati. l on
ingthis announcement. But we counsel youtoa
your feelings ol indignation for a future e
though this arch traitor has escaped k,Be
the Public are requested to call at
And examine his splendid rtock oi Watches u .
ry of the latest designs and ela!.orate !i
--being sold at
He also keeps the celebrated Beta Thorn.:- (,
American and t-wiss Watches. Other ait
kept in a store of this kin i. Remeutler •'
tons Bio k. N. B—Watches. Clonks and.
paired -nd warranted.
rn . A. M. W i.'.N'E:
lowauda, June '10. 1806.—0 m.p.
p> uM P Al A N uFA('T YR T !
SILAS BEITS & ,vt>..
Of Burlington, Bradford County, Pa., arc:
ing f fie of J and well known Wooden Pua;: a
latest improvements. Also laying Paul,. .. -
Springs, Ac.. Ail orders promptly attea liil' .
July 10. 18(56.—tf.
-L' Look at the Light Hubbard Mowet
1866. which took a one hundred d01!..i Gold I
great trial ot Is machines at Syracuse Usf sc
Also the Gremmin Wheel Indepen.i. Nt :
Hake, which we otler to give to any matt who e
as the gleanings ut wheat of a thirty acre wl
raked clean by it, alter having been raked .:. th
•y manner of harvesting. Also the Cetti i:
Snite and Horse Fork, a most perfe t and vslar ■
proyeiuent. Terms reasonable. goods cheap, i .
t will pay you to come and examine any o,
hem before buying elsewhere, at the Metre'
hardware >tore."
.8. X. BBOXtt >'
Orwell, June 27, 1866.
Grindstones. Cradles. Revolver Rakes. Ac.
lools, .-pinning Wheels, Reels, wheel heads, tf. t >
.nil steel, hubs and fell->e-. -p kes, spring- and
:ardware, and tin, Ac., A.-.. in . trge quantity- la
or ware at BROXn'N -
Are Invited to examine ail the
In town,
In order that they may be
That we are selling goods it as
st splendid stock oi
Just arrived,
We would invite the attention ol.tkf
Irt particular, an-1
in gencru I.