(ORATLTAL GKJWRTET. IjjCAL AAD OEA ERA L. jThe Reporter is printed npun CAMP ■S Country and Job Press, Office N<\ 56 Gold Y■ York. Thomas H. Senior, agent. ' LI ITTLF.SXAKE OIL ARM IN G TuRKEYB. —A VERY „.RE and novel occurrence took place on the V". U maiiouing near Wistar, Penna., a short time which may appeal to the reader very snukey, , I TS truthfulness can be vouched for by Mr. B. IV MCCLELLAND, and others in that vicinity, who were eye witnesses . (HE attention of a resident of that place (Mr. J; ''.elland,) was attracted to a yard in the rear of house, where a large flock of Turkeys were ,, R ,.gating, uttering wild and discordant cries, 1 ETTERING iu the greatest consternation. On I vouchiug he observed a huge Rattlesnake, coil ,\ MI, in the act of ehanning a lordly gobbler of TI , K. who was gliding swiftly in a circuit with ;; S RIVETED on the glassy orbits of his captor, and -- .dually approaching its venomous jaws. Air. \\ I'lt-Hand quickly dispatched the bold intruder, ,1 the Turkey was set at liberty, but strange to ncord, with its eyes so singularly transfixed, that . FT -1- unable to move ahead in a direct line, and , . retired from its vanquished ioe, moved off , lU .ly with a shambling gait. At dusk of tbe „ ■ H Jay a snake equally as large as the one des 1, CAME into tbe same man's door-yard and calling for bis absent mate, by rattling loud it was summarily disposed of, and when mea ' , ,I, WAS ascertained to be four feet in length, W .; ;1 tail studded with thirteen rattles, S iiiicuiahoning country is famous for snakes, I , v ,EMto be unusually numerous this sea 'Tl-A REGION where snake-jugglers can re ■ Ynisk their exhausted menageries with every '• F ics in America known to the naturalist. Also IFIACK Bear, Owl and Wliipoorwill, the never • lIR.A companion and allies of the Copperhead, ;i---:UG Adder and Rattlesnake, may all be found ih..t region in loving contiguity. F, A. ACCIDENT. — On Friday last John C. Lincoln, of Newark Valley, fell backward from a .lefLay striking upon the back of his head | SI-L 1.-. I'k and injuring him in such a manner as to - ..tirclv paralyze his body and lower limbs, so that whilst he retains his consciousness there seems to be ao hope of his recovery. Mr. Lincoln is a : iher of the late Otis Lincoln, and is 74 years of "' r *'Jo Gazette. A BARN STRUCK BY LIGHTNING.—DEATH OF , Y.,rv. LADY. -*-On Friday evening, the 13 th inst., j I .an belonging to Mr. Ilenry Codner, who re- I siifi-S about six miles south of Owego, was struck j by lightning and but slightly damaged. At the \ saim instant a daughter, Miss Cyntha Codner, who wis in the act of letting down some windows in | th,- upper room of the house, which stands about j sixteen rods from the barn, was knocked down and remained unconscious a short time. After she re vived she went below, washed her hands and face, and said she felt better. The next day about 12 o'clock she fell into spasms, and continued in them until she died on Sunday in the lore part of the day. The deceased had been in a very deli- JE state of health for soun time past, and whetli tla- shock and fright.or the electric fluid caused her death, must remain unknown tons. Uicejo lie die. STAT A Musical Couvcutiou, under the di .-tiou of J. G. TOWNER, will be held at Chemung, \ V.. commencing Tuesday, August 7th and ■ -nig on Friday. August loth. Lovers of music . : solicited to attend. ♦ DU.i -.LEVI. CASUALTY ON THF. ERIE RAIL ROAD . I HEWI NG. On Saturday last the Mail train go- I. :st rati over and killed Mrs. Catherine Ever t. relict of the late John Everett, and daughter -Jiuaes and Elizabeth Brown of Wallkill, Orange j -mity. N. Y. The circumstances of this MUUM : ~ v,-nt are briefly as follows : Mrs. E. was re .Jiiig with her sou, James, who, with her son W .ITE, were assisting another brother, living about aiile distant, across lots, in raising a barn. — About 1 p. m., tbe deceased took a small pail and ; 1 !-> the girl she left in charge of the house, that •he would go across the fields and see if she could . i some berries, and might go to her sons, lure thc-y were raising the barn. She was seen .'■ t ever the R. 11. fence just before the cars GIIAE ITB -ug. When crossing the track it is sup -2 her dress caught, she fell across the rail, i HAIL IN IT time to get up before the Engine was apon her. Thus, in an unexpected moment, her spirit left la- M II FIED body and was burled into Eternity. Mrs. Everett was 64 years old, and had long i • aIT -;. lent of the town of Chemung. She WI- A G ,>J neighbor, an exemplary xvift-, a kind AUJ afltretionate mother, and is deeply mourned t I;ly by Ler afflicted family and relatives, but JL who kin-w her. Waverly Aduocaie. N"7 BAD.— The Xaiad Boys cleared the ROME NIIM of >ll6, at their Festival best week. 1:.- Buys return their most sincere thanks to our 'MENS for their liberal patronage, and the ladies - kindly aided them in trimming the Hall n-iu ting the Festival. The Boys have al wly purchased new Hats, Flannel sufficient for the luueh needed Shirts, and a splendid Oil tti ( np. t for their Boom, and have still suffi t funds B it to procure new Belts for their en- Coinpiuiy and other necessaries. The Boys •fi- very successful at their Festival, and are ex- HI. G their money in a judicious and very com i-LIBL. manner. Long may they wave ! WE spent the most of List week in 55--id AND Sullivan counties. We met hundreds . ph.- and not a single "Andy Johnson lle -5I in " among them. We heard of two or three publicans of easy virtue who have volunteer 's join the •' Bread and Butter Brigade "/or the I hatter. But the feeling against "my pol ls so universal and emphatic that those who i t the conditions already understand that uv<- forth they must part company with honora -I*sl*ll. They will be made to realize that They who bend to Power and lap its milk HI- tickler and more despicable far than they B'ho honestly defy it." urse of Judge MEIMI'E is universally en • RSED by Republicans and Union uien. The at- J -pi of Buckalew, Tracy, L'iolett and P>or HAL to defeat him will not succeed. We never 5-W the Republicans of this District to be so j rally aroused and so thoroughly in earnest. I i*t.siurj Republican. BKATII BY DROWNING. —Ou Monday even ccst about ten o'clock, Miss Maggie Shifl'er, • 'ghter of (iilbert Shifl'er, of West L'ittston, was ' thing with a company of some fifteen, in the R ABOUT a quarter of a mile below Nanticoke 'hrn, when herself and another young lady unac -S.UIITC.L with the bed of tbe river, stepped from a : f into water about 20 feet deep. Both immedi 's :y went down, letting loose the grasp they had °l"!i the hand of the young man who was piloting tu, who being a returned soldier with but one could render them no assistance, but immedi- A made for the shore which he reached with ' R 'T iiifieulty. A Mr. Smith, one of the party, "'ii the occurrence attempted to rescue the "■'' S. and succeeded only in reaching the other ■ "IG lady, because she happened to be nearest to and nearest to him. Miss Sliiffer's body • " '"A found until about ten o'clock ou Tuesday. ' brought to the HOME of her parents on Tnes vening. The funeral took place at the Lack aa Cemetery at 2 o'cloekon Wednesday aftoj-- 11 • Ihe age of the deceased was about 23 • —■l'ittston Gazette. FEU, IN A (JOAI, SHAFT. —On Monday last a man by the name of Ellis, a boatman, from the 1 town of Nichols, Tioga county, N. Y., was looking about the llavino Coal Cracker, and walked into the mouth of the shaft, falling to the bottom, a distance of some two hundred feet. His body was picked up at the bottom a mass of mangled life ; less flesh. It is supposed that he must have been looking upwards nt a rising carriage, as the car riage was up on the side which the man fell. His wife was on board the boat in the canal. His age was about 35 or 40 years. He had about his per ; son, in cash and checks, about $l2OO. He was I sent to his home neatly boxed, at 3 o'clock on Monday afternoon.— Pittston Gazette. Kev. W. N. BARBOR, (Univcrsalist,) will preach at the Court House in Towauda, on Sunday the 20th inst., at half-past ten a. m. The Ladies of the Episcopal Church intend holding a Fair for the sale of useful and fancy articles, during the firs; week in September. As it will be impossible to see personally many of their friends out of town, they would take this method of informing those interested in the church, and of soliciting contributions. fisgf" On Monday evening last, a lamp ex ploded in the Photographic Gallery of Prof. J. F. BENDER, occasioning conriderable excitement but doing very little damage. Naiad Engine No. 2, was promptly on its way toward the scene of ex- j eitc-ment, but its services not being required, the ■ " Little Tub " was returned to the Engine House, I and " all was once more quiet along " Main-st. LOST ! LOST ! —Between the hours of eleven and twelve of the forenoon of July 19th, on the road between Towauda Bridge and York's Nar rows, a fine Broche Shawl, with a red center. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving the same at this office, or at the residence of J. S. . CRAWFORD, Herrick, Pa. jfeaf* We learn that a party of Engineers are surveying a route for a Itail Koad, from Cay uga Bridge to Ithaca, on the east side of Cayuga Lake, along the shore of the Lake, to connect at Ithaca, with the Ithaca and Towauda Bail Koad. We also understand that the N. Y. and C. B. B. Co., are enlarging their Coal Depot at Cayuga, and favoring this enterprize.— lthaca Democrat.- Mr. Christian Robinson of Scranton, was so much injured on Sunday last, by being thrown from wagon by his team running away, t at he died in a few hours. He was buried by the i Masonic Fraternity, of which he was a member, on Tuesday. AX AGREEARI.E PURI-RISE.—A few even- ; ings since, Mrs. J. P. VAN FLEET received from the ladies'of the First Presbytorian Church of this ! place, a beautiful Silver Cake Basket, as a token ofj their appreciation of Mrs. V's kindness extended to them during the Festival which took place on the 3d and 4th inst., for the aid of their church. To the L<idles of the First Pr<shyterian Church of Tovcamta : Permit me to tender to you my sincere thanks for the beautiful present received from you on the litth inst. Although it was entirely a surprise, I appreciate and accept it, and shall ever prize and esteem it, not more on account of its pecuniary value than as an evidence of your kind regards. Very respectfully, yours Ac., MRS. J. P. VAN FLEET. SPECIAL NOTICES. IMPORTANT. —Officers below the rank of Brigadier General and discharged from the F. S. Service after April 9, 1865, are entitled to three months extra pay. All interested call on JOHN W MIX. Towanda, Pa. Office Ist block below Ward j House, up stairs. July 21.—lw.pd. Under Act approved July 12, 1806, officers from the ranks of Colonel down to Second Lieutenants, who served until the close of the War, are entitled to three months extra pay. j Apply immediately to H. 15. MGKEAN, Claim Agent 1 Towanda, Pa. July 21, 1806. HARPER'S SUPERIOR HORSE POWERS AND THRESHING MACHINES. —The subscriber is agent fo Harder's Endless Chain. >r, Bailway Horse Pow ers, Threshers and Cleaners, Ac. I have long been a dealer in and manufacturer of Endless Chain Horse Powers, and am acquainted with all the best now in use in the Middle States, and am prepared to say with confidence, that the Harder Horse Power is decidedly the very lust ><oir made. It has more power, runs stiller, is better made and more durable than any other. Harder's Thresher and Cleaner is a simple and durable macbine, will not choke, does not waste grain and threshes and cleans rapidly and thor oughly all kinds of grain. Farmers, once employ ing flic Harder Machines to do their threshing, give them the decided preference. Every machine is warranted, samples are not kept on hand. Or ders must be filled from the manufactory. Circulars and Price Lists mailed to all appli cants. B.M.WELLS. Towanda, Pa., June 25, 1866.—tf. NORMAL MUSICAL lILSTITUTE, in State.- Nor mal School Buildings, Mansfield, I'a., commenc ing July 23, and continuing two weeks. Seven classes "in the various departments of singing and ' vocal culture, will be formed, all to be under the . direction of l'mf. L. O. Emerson, of Boston, Mass. Singers and teachers, this is a rare oppor tunity. You will be under the instruction of one of the great teachers and composers of the age.— Tuition and board for the entire session, >ll 00. For particulars address the Principal, J. C. WHITE, Mansfield, l'a. jy.16,2w. CHEAP MOWING MACHINES. —The subscriber has for sale a number of Farmer Mowing Machines, old pattern, which he will sell at greatly reduced ],rices, so as to make it a great inducement to pur chasers. He has six or eight of these mowers that have never been run. His machines are now at Mr. John Carman's Machine Shop in this place, where various improvements and repairs are being added, so as to secure the durability of machines. The prices of the Mowers will be governed by the fact, whether the machines have been used or not, and the amount of changes and improvements ad ded. For sale one new Improved Fanner Mower. The Farmer is an exeeilent Mower and of very light draught. B. M. WELLS. Towanda, July 10. THE AMERICAN COOKING STOVF. —Is manu factured with certain improvements secured by letters patent, under date of May 5, 18(53, and De cember 5, 1865. One of these improvements cov ers the arrangement of fitting a portable ash pan in the hearth of a cooking Stove, to receive the ash-1 es as it passes down from the grate. All persons are cautioned against nrannfaeturing, vending or using other Stoves made in hiatal inn of the Ameri can, as suits have beeu commenced for infringe ment of these patents, and all persons manufactur ing, selling or using said imitations, will be liable for damages for infringement on these letters pat j i .nt. SHEAB, PACKARD A CO., 17 and 19 Green St., Albany, N. Y. The AMERICAN is for sale by Codding and Kussel I Towanda. FARMERS—HAYING.- -Light Hubbard Mow ing Machine, improved for 1860, Wheel Bakes, Hay Knives and Horse Forks combined, Ac., at S. N. 1 IRON SON'S, wbo is selling many goods since credit exploded, sending lots of cash into Metro ; politan Hardware Store, Orwell, Pa. Bead his proposals in another column. PENSIONS INCREASED.—I am now prepared to get Pensions increased in the following cases, | (under an Act of Congress just passed, viz : To 1 Soldiers who have lost both eyes, or both hands, :to >25. To those who have lost both feet to 820 ; and those who have lost oue hand or one foot, or ' Lot-n totally disabled in the same to $l5. Depen dent Fathers are also entitled to Pensions. All persons interested please call immediately on JOIIK W- MIX, Towanda, l'a. Oific-e first block south of Ward Hons;.- —up stairs 9PILJA. B. Smith A Co., wishes to inform their friends and the public in general that they have opened a Tobacco and Cigar .--tors on Bridge Street, two doors from Main-st., where they will sell, at a low figure, a choice lot ot Cigars, foreign and domestic. Also Smoking and Chewing Tobac jco of all kinds. All kinds of fancy goods in the j Tobacco line Constantly on hand. Towanda, April 15. A. B. SMITH A Co. ' GRAPE VINES, ORNAMENTAL TREES, AC., — I The subscriber has i supply ou hand of nice loan. [ Israella, Delaware, Allen s Hybrid, Diana, Con ] cord, Creveliug and other Grape vines, warranted true to name. Grape vines of any variety furnished to order. Orders taken for Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Vines and Flowers nt established rates of other Nurserymen. Also for all kinds of small fruits, such as Strawberries, Currants,Baspberries, Blackberries, Ac., li. M. WELLES. Towanda, April 8, 1866. tesi" K eiotu.'ue or Goal Oil, the very bo I j kind for sale by the barrel or in small quantities, i very cheap, at Dr. Porter's Drug Store. CARD.— AII soldiers who enlisted prior to June 30, 1863, will be furnished important imfor niation /Vee by calling at once upon the undersign ed. Bring your ' discharge" with you. •J. N. CAIJFF, Pension Agent, Otfiee over News Boom. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF TOWANDA FINAN CIAL AGENT OF TILE UNITED STATES, Capital $125,- 000. Deposits received payable on demand in Legal Tender Notes. Interest allowed ou time deposits according to j agreement. Uncurrent Bunk Notes received on deposit or exchanged for Legal Tender. U. N Bonds and 7-30 Treasury Notes bought and sold. Highest price paid for Compound Interest notes. Drafts payable in any part of the United States at par for s.,le. Drafts payable in England, Scotland, Ireland or Wales, in an amount over one pound sterling, fur nished at lowest rates. Passage tickets from Liverpool or Q ueenstown j to New York, by the well known lonian Line, on and for sale. E. H. SMITH, Pres. N. N. LETTS, jr., Cash. too" Connecticut Mutual Lib liisuiaui. Company of Hartford Conn. over . 1.0,- 000,000. Divident paid during the pre . i fiscal i year, 60 per cent. Il is the largest, safest, cheap- j est, and best Life Insurance company of this j country. 11. B. MCKKAN. Agent. Towanda, Pa. • ~ PENSIONERS. — The instalment oi L'< nsiorts ! due March Ith, 18(50, paid oil and after that date, by bringing your Pension certificates to -i. ,\. ( ~ niFi, Pension Agent. Otfiee over 2\t ws Boom, i'o wanda, Pa. Feb. 26. fi®* Soldiers and widows of soldiers oi'i war of 1812, wbo are in necessitous circumstances ! are entitled to a gratuty of $4O, and an annuity of j $4O, payable senii-annualy, provided, they was and j are residents of Pennsylvania. Apply to If. 15. McKeun, Claim Agent. Office Montanyes' Block. Towanda, l'a., April 16, 1806. TOWANDA MARKETS. —( Wholesale Prices.) Corrected exery Tuesday by E. T. Fox, No. I,Brick Bow : Wheat $2 50 @ $3 00 Eye 85 (y 90 ! Com 85 Oats 60 f" (55 Flax Seed 1 80 (a) 2 00 Clover Seed, (small) 8 00 " " (Orwell) 10 00 Beans 1 25 (.< 150 Batter (rolls) 28 ( 550 " (dairy) 30 (-< 35 Eggs ' 20 (n 22 Potatoes ] 5U Hay (per ton) 8 00 : Salt (per lbb.) 3 00! Flour 12 00 (a 16 00 Ham 25 (, 2> : WEIGHTS OF GRAlN.—Wheat, CO lbs; Corn, 56 lbs; Bye, 56 lbs ; Oats, 32 lbs ; Barley, 4(5 lbs ; Buck wheat. 48 lbs; Beans, (52 lbs; Bran, 20 lbs; Clover Seed (52 lbs; Dried Apples, 22 lbs; Flax Seed 56 lbs. | MA It 111 EI) . lIAURLS—POST.—At the Snyder House, Waverly, N. V, July 22, 18(5i5, by Uev. I). S. Johnson, of that place, Mr. Llewellyn Harris to Miss Ella Post, both of Towanda, Pa. GAYLOBD In Wyalusing, June 24, Charles, .-.on of Joseph Gay lord. Aged 9 years and 5 months. X ctu 2litocvtiscmcnts. • DR. I'ItATT has removed to State street (first above B. S. Russell & l ots Isaek). Persons Irum a diftance desirous of consulting him, will lie most likely to find li mou Satuitluy ol each week, l .-peeial attention will he giveu to surgical eases, and the extrac tion ot teeth. Cat or Ether administered when desired. July 18,1866. U.S. PRATT, M. D. rrt 11 £ BINKERH O FF C 11 UTR Y This churn firings the fiutter on an average of less i than ten luiuutc-s the season through, usually in Iroui four to six minutes, audit is warranted to produce as much, and as good butter, as the dash churn, or the money will fie refunded. It will work tiie butler from 1 the fiutter-nn'k completely, (leaving it ready to salt and pack) iu less tfiau five minutes It is as easily cleaned as the d.i-h churn, and much easier t > churn with. Solon Robinson, Agricultural Editor of the New York . Tribune, alter thorough trial. recommends it to all hut ter makers. S. Edwards Todd, Agricultural Edit ro the New York limes, alter careful fists, says it can ' have no successful rival. L. fi. I Moore, Editor ol the Rural New Yorker, says he believes it will prove the , long sought desideratum among butter makers. The 1 introduction and use ol this churn in various portions c. the country, during the past iluec years, ha- i is a ted such a demand lor it that the patentee cannot supply all who want them. Having purchased the territory o! Bradlurd and Susquehanna c ounties, 1 oll'e-r the Town Rights for sale cheap, as hunters can make it very profi table to have these churns made and sold in each town, lor all that is required is to put them in market. I hey will sell themselves. 1 will refer you to some who have the churns in the "county : (. i'. Freeman, 11. L.l-'n-e -man, Alba, Vial Bullock, Columbia, Washington Camp bell, J. I). Tracy, i-t-ldeu Tracy, East >m it bin- Id, Win. Dittrich, Towuud\, and innrty others in this and Susque hanna county. A churn can fie seen at the store ot Marshall Brothers ft Co., in Towanda. Go and see it. Churns on baud. II orders must be accompanied by the cash. Price $lO. For further particulars address L. T. HIKCIIARI/, July y. ;;t. East Smiihfield, Bradford co., I'a. J_>UI3LIC SALE.—The heirs of I'eter Ste rigere, late of Albany twp., deceased, will expose to public sale, on the prcmist s, ou the 2stb day ol July. Pod, at 2 o'clock, p. in , the foliuvvmg lots or parcels ol land, to wit : One lot containing •'.() acres, about 40 acres improved, with dwelling liou e, barns, sheds, and other outbuild ings and au orchard thereon. One other lot containing 72 acres, about 2 o acres im proved. one house and an orchard thereon . The unim proved laud is well timbered. Also one other lot containing about 80 acres, two acres improved, with good saw mill, dwelling house and hays'. ih-icon. This tract is heavily timbered. These three lots are situated in Albany township, Bradford ui.ty. Pa., and will be sold to the highest and best bidder:.t the time mc; amed above. The heirs of said l*et. r Sterigcre reserve the right to bid ou said lots lor themselves. A map showing courses, distances, location and number of acres iu each lot. will he ex hibited to all persons desiring to see the same on the day of sale. Terms made known ou the day ol -ale. July 9, 1866.—t5. TT'OL'XD-—OH THE road between Towanda J. and Dushore, a Morocco Covered Pocket Diary, containing two notes over three hundred dollars, with other papers. Ac. The owner can have the same by identifying, paying charges, and cost of this advertise ment, at the Farmer's Hotel, Towanda. July 9, 1866.—3t. P. K. FOOT. OUN T A I X LA K E ! The subscriber respectfully informs the public that the Pleasure Grounds connected with Mountain I.ake, have been put iu complete order, and that he is prepared for the reception of parties. His Buildings and Boats have all undergone thorough repair, and parlies will and everything provided tor their eomlort. A more delighllui place ot resort can not be found in tbe county than this lake and the adja cent grounds, affording shady walks, good boating, and excellent fishing. HARRISON DODD. . Burlington, July 2, 1860. A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF PER- J.JL SONAL PROPERTY.-—The undersigned admin istrators of th e esta'e ol John McMation, dee'd late ol Sheshequin twp . will sell on the premises in said town ship on WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1866, the following personal property, viz:—Two Span of Hor.-es. (lows. >beep. Calves, Hogs, one set of Blacksmith Tools, Threshing Machine, one Durham Ball. Plows, Drags. Household Furniture, Drills, Crowbars, Shovels. Picks, ' 1 Mower and Reaper attached, 1 Patent Cider Mill, Wa gons, Harness, '2 Carts, Horse Power Sawing Machine, 1 Safe, and many other articles not mentioned. *5. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, a. m. Terms- All sums over $lO six months credit, with approved se curity. All sums under $lO cash down. THOMAS McMAHO.V, MARTHA McMAHON, July .0,1866 —13. Administrators. AUDITOR S NOTICE.— In the matter of .the estate of A. P. Stevens deceased. In the: Orphan's Court of Bradford County. The undersigned, an auditor appointed to distribute the monies in the bands ot the administrators,will attend i to the duties of his appointment at the his office.• in j Athens borough, on the 6th day ol August, 1566, i at 1 o'clock, p. m., and all persons having claims upon said monies must present tliem or else be forever debarred from coming in for a share oi said funds. 1. N. EVANS, June 26, 1866. Auditor. FLOL R OF ALL GRADES. —Some very choice brands for sale cheap. Flour by the load or quantity at the lowest rates at FOX'S. JJouicll (£o.'s sTrui 0ooi)s. ImHl GREATEST ATTRACTIONS IN' GOODS EVER OFFERED IN TUIS MARKET, POWELL &c CO., Have now in store the largest stock of goods ever exhib ited in Northern Pennsylvania. Additions will con stantly he made to this stock during the season, and ! it will at. all times he found PULE AND COMPLETE | in all its departments. We invite the particular attention of our customers to I our magnificent display ol j FALL ANI) WINTER DRESS GOODS I I Which we ofler at prices much below those of last year. We have given special care to our selections in this line : and are now a hie to exhibit t lie newest.most fashionable, ' and most desirable styles to lie obtained. Our new stock "compiises all colors ot Plain and Plaid French Merinos, Empress Cloths. Stuped Melanges. Striped and Plaid Poplins. Tafletas, Lamas, Tinsel Poplins, Paris Crepes. Iteps, Plain and Brocade Alpacas, Foil de Chev res, Delaines and Armusts, Bright Plaids tor children's wear, and a great variety of other Dress Fabrics. MOURNING DRESS GOODS. Black French Merinos, Bombazines, Tamese Cloths, Baratheas, Mohair Lustres, I'.lack and White Cbeckand Striped Poplins and Alpacas, Double and Single Fold All Wool Delaines, and a full line ol those High Lustred Black Alpacas, at a great reduction in price. LADIES' (J LOT I IS, OLOA KINGS AND SACKINGS. A BI'I, ENI) I D ASSO ft TME N T . beaver ioths, Tricots, Velvet Cloths, Cassimere Sack ings, l'iain and Twilled Black Broadcloths, of all prices ill colors of Plain and Fancy Sackings, Opera Flannels, ie., Ac. GLOVES AND HOSIERY. Ladies, Misses and Children.-! White and Colored Cot ! ton, Fleeced and Merino Hose, Ladies Merino Vests and Drawers, Gloves of every description at low prices. LINENS & HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Bleached, Halt Bleached, and I nhlr.hed Damask Ta ble Linens, Napkins, Towils, Towellings, Scotch and Russia Diapers. Bleached ; nd L'ubh ached Huckabacks Crashes, liish Linens, Ac., 10-4 and 9-4 Sheetings, Pillow Case Cottons, Counterpanes, Draping Muslins, shaker Flannel Sheetings, Rose Blankets, &<•., Ac. CLOTHS AND OASSIMERES. Esquimaux, Moscow and Castor Beaver Cloths, French and German Black Broadcloths, Doeskins, Fancy Cas simeres, Tweeds,(Meltons, Satinetts, Union Cassimeres, Jeans, a<-., Ac. ALSO, All qualities Plain White, Shaki i and Welch Flannels, Fancy Shirting, Mint-rs.Red and Gray, Plain au-.l Twilled Flannels, and a lull assortment of DOMESTIC COTTON GOODS, At the Lowest Market rates. ■ SECOND FLO 08. W- aii-now op< ;dug and desire to call special attcn- I tiun to our unusually large stoi k ol FINE CLOAKS. As we make ibis depart moot of our business a special ity. we have given it much time and attention. Our se -1 lections have bc-cri made from the newest styles in the market, and our Cloaks are manufactured ilia manner ihat cannot tail to please, and give entire satisfaction, j SHAWLS! SHAWLS! Having made our purchases before the recent great | advance in price, we,a re able to otter decided bargains j in Ladies, Misses and Children* Double and Single j Shawls. Our present stock tar surpasses iu extent .ml variety, any purchases we have ever before made iu this < line, and we have availed ourselves of the most favor able time to select the choicest and most desirable goods in the market. HON TON FLEXIBLE SPRING SKIRT. | THE NEWEST AND BEST PATENT CIUNOI.INE YET i INVENTED. We have now on hand a good assortment ot tiiese cel ebrated Skirts, in White and Colored. ALSO, The Eugenie, Empress, Paris Trail, Multiform, and a variety ot other popular makes yd Skirts in all sizes lur Ladies Misses and Children. CARPETS AND FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. Brussels, Three Ply, Extra Super, Supeifine. Ingrain, Kidder,and Hemp Carpets. All widths Floor Oil Cloths Mattings, Door Mats,] and Rugs. Anew stock just re ceived. BOOTS AND SHOES. Having made arrangements with manufacturers to supply our sales with the best quality nl Boots and Shoes, we shall at all times be able to furnish our custo- i mers with tiie Itest custom made Shoes of ail kinds, for Ladies, Misses and Children, and Boots for Mens and Boys wear, at reasonable prices. We shall also keep con stantly on hand a complete assortment of Mens.Womens : and Children's Rubbers and Ai't Overshoes. . HATS AND CAPS. A splendid assortment ot Mens and lloys Hats and Caps just received. Having closed out our old stock almost entirely previous to our late purchases, we now ofler an entire new stock ot the latest styles. PAPER HANGINGS k TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. We are now receiving large additions to our stock ot ! Wall Papers, Transparent Wihdow[|Shades" and Trim i mings Window Papers, Ac., Ac. ttailoatis. 171 R I E RAIL W A Y . IJj On and after Monday June 11th, 1866, Trains will leave Waverly. at about the following hours, viz . OOING WFCST. 6:27 a. in Night Express, Mondays excepted, for Rochester, Buffalo . Salamanca and Dunkirk, inakin.' di rect connections with trains of the Atlantic and sat Western, Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Railways, for all points West ; also at Elmira for CaDandaigua. *5:57 a.m., Lightning Expt ess. Daily, for Rochester Buffalo, Salamanca, Dunkirk and the West. 8:28 a. in., Mail Train, Sundays excepted, for Buffalo j and Dunkirk. 2:10 p. w., Emigrant Train, Daily, for the West. "J:-1 :j p. in., Elmira Accommodation, Sundays exeep i ted. 5:30 p. in., Day Express, Sundays excepted, for Roch i ester. Buffalo. Salamanca, Dunkirk and the West, Con nects at Elmira lor L'anandaigua ; at Salamanca with i the Atlantic and Great Western Railway, and at Buffalo with the Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Railways, for all i points West or Sonth. * i 0:34 p.m., Express Mail, Sundays excepted, for ! Buffalo. Salamancaand Dunkirk, connecting with trains J for the West. i 840 Way Freight. Sundays excepted. S "St >ps at Waverly on Mondays only. 00180 BAST. j 5:00 a.m., Cincinnati Express, Mondays excepted, s connecting at Owego tor Ith ca ; at Binghamton for Syracuse ; at Great Bend for Scrantou and Philadel phia : at Lackawaxe i lor Hawley, and at Graycourt lor Newburg aud Warwick. 8:4 i a. m., Binghamton Accommodation, Sundays ex cepted. il :50 a. m., Day Express, Sundays excepted, connec ting at. Gt. Bend lor Scrantim, Philadelphia and South. 6:10 p. m.. New York and Baltimore Mail, Sundays excepted. B:2s p. rnt, Lightning Express. Sundays excepted. 1:35 a. m., Night Express, Daiiy, connecting at Graycourt for Warwick. 4.3s Way Freight, Sundays excepted. WM. it. HAITI!, H. RIDDLE. Gen'l Pass Ag't, New-York. Gen'l. Sflp't. DEADING RAIL ROAD—SUMMER jXV ARRANGEMENT. April 23.1666. ! GKKAT THI NK LINE FROM THE NOKTII AND NORTH WEST j for l'hilidelphia, New-York, Reading, Pottsville, Tama qua, Ashland, Lebanon, Allen town, Kaston, Ac. Ac. I Trains leave Harrisburg for New- York, as follows: At I 3.00. 7.40, aud 9.0a a. in., and 2.00 and 9.20 p. m., con ic ting with similar Trains on tne Pennsylvania Rail , ltoad, and arriving at New-York at 5.40 and 10.00 a. m., i and 3.40 and 10.35 p. in. Sleeping Cars aocompanying , tin 3.00 a. in., and 9.20 p. m., Trains, without change. I.t ~ve Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamnqna, ! Minci'sville, Ashland, i'iue Grove, Alleutown aud i'bil i adclphia,at 7.40 a. in., and 2.00 and 9.20 p. m.,stopping j at Lebanon and ail Way Stations ; the 9.20 p. m. Train ! making no close connection tor Pottsville nor Philadel phia. For Pottsville, Schuylkill llaven and Auburn,via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road .leave Harrisburg i at 4.1 i p. in. Returning : Leave New-York at 9.00 a. m., 12 noon and 8.30 p. m.; Philadelphia at 8.00 a.m. and 3.30 p. m : Pottsville at 8.30 a. m. and 2.45 p. m.; Ashland at 6.00 and 11.15 a.m., I.' 5 p. in : Tamaqua at 9.45 a. m., and 1.00 and 3.65 p. m. Le ive IMt.sville lor :'a, ri.-burg, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road at 7.00 a. m. Reading accunuiun, ..t i..u Train : Leaves Reading at 6.00 a. ui . returning u in Philadelphia at 5.00 p.m. Columbia Rail Ron a Trains leave Reading at 6.10 a. m and 6.15 p. m. lor Epbrata, Litiz, Lancaster, Colum bia, Ac. On Sundays : Leave New York at 8.30 p. m., Phila delphia 8.00 a.m., aud 3.15 p. m., the 8,00 a. m., train running only to Reading. Pottsville 8.00 a. m. Tamaqua 7.30 a. m., Harrisburg 9.05 a.m. and Reading at 1.30 a. m.. lor Harrisburg, and 10.52 a. m. for New York, and 1-25 p. m., lor Philadelphia Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion Tickets to aud from all points, at reduced rates. Baggage checked through ; 80 pounds allowed each ; Passenger G. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent, i ' Reading, Pa., April B, IfMt PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL. | J ROAD. This great line traverses the Northern and Norihwecounties of Pennsylvania to the city ol Erie, on Lake Erie. It lias been leased by the Pennsylvania Unit Hum Cvmpuny, and is operated by tlicm Time of Passenger trains at Williamsport LEAVE EASTWARD. laic .Mail Train 9.55, P. M Erie Express Train 4:20, A. ii, Elmira Mail Train, 8:45. A. M. LEAVE WESTWARD. Erie Mail Train 7:20,A. M. Erie Express Train 9:00. P.M. Etmira Mail Train 6:50 P, M Passenger cars run through without charge both way be: ween Philadelphia aud Erie. V ( tr-1 oi /, Connection. I eave New-York at 9:00, A. M. arrive at Erie 9:30, A. M. leave El i at 4:45.p. m.. arrive at New.York at 4:1 On. m." Xo change of Curs between Erie und Xeir- Yo/k. Elegant Slcefting Cars on all„~ ight Trains, i For information respecting lmssenger business apply I at Corner 30th and Market streets, Pnfl'a. And fur Fieight business ol the Company's Agents: j S. 15. Kingston. Jr., Corner 13ih and Market streets, PLi.ad-- phis: J W. Reynolds, Erie; Wm. Brown, Ageut j N. C. R. R. Ba I itnore. H. 11. HOUSTON Gen'l Freight Agt. Phil'a. H. W. GWINNER, Gen'l Ticket Agt. Phil'a. A. L. TYLER, Gen'l Manager, Erie. Y E A N [) EA 11 INS TITUT E. j DR. UP DE GRAFF, i Oralis/, Auri.t and Central Surgeon, Etmira. X. 1". Treats at! It is fuses of the Eye, Ear und 'lhroat. j THE EYE—He will operate upon Cataract, Artificial Pupil, Cross Eyes, Lachrymal Fistula, Pterygium. Entro pion, (inversion ot tin- cyc-hd,] and treats all tonus ol j " SORE EYES," -.in h as Granulated Lids, Purulent j Ophthalmia, Opacities ol the Cornea, Scrofulous dis eases ol the Eye. and all diseases to which the Eyes is ! subject. ! THE KAll—Treats successfully Discharges from the Ear, .Vi.i-es in tho Ear. Difficulty ul Hearing, Deafness, (even when the Drum is entirely destroyed, will insert an itti'icial one, answering nearly all the pnrposes f the I nuttirai. 7'HK THROAT. Ulcerated Throat, Enlarged Ton sil . together with CATARRH ! iii ail its Firms, permanently cured. GENERAL BURGERY. -lie will operate upon Club j Fi i !. Han Lip. l icit Palate. Tumors, Cancers, Morbid t Growths, Defor ities from Barns, and Hernia, and per limn* PLASTIC OPERATION.- 1 Where the Nose, Lips ui any portion of tin face is destroyed through disease or otherwise, by healing them on anew. tin- Will attend t-> the Amputation of Limbs. ' and Gem ral Surgery in all its branches. INSERTS ARTIFICIAL Et ES.—Giving them all the motion and exprc.-.-ioii ol tin natural, defying detection, they are inserted without removing the old one or pro | during pain. 11: Doctor's collection ot instruments comprises all tie ' .test i= M iiients, and is the largest in the State, tin supt.-ri r advantages he lias l.ad iu perfecting him si uin ail that new aud valuable in Burgery, warrants him in saying that everything within the bounds of the piolessiou may be expected oi him. The Institute has been greatly enlarged, so that we can now a commodate an increased number ot patients f'r in a distance. Comfortable Boarding Houses attach ed to the establishment. No incut able cases received for 7 rcalmenl or Opera it us. li a case is incurable he will be so informed. In iitute on Water street, opposite the Brainard House E aire, X. V. Feb. 2 1865. ;jn M . C R A~N DA L L & CO., MAXITACTUBERS OF FLAX-WHEELS. WOOL-WHEELS, SNAP-REELS, WHEEL HEADS,4c., MONTROSE, PA. FLAX-WHEELS AT TUB M() N THOSE \Y lIEEL FACT 0 R Y Wholesale and Retail. GRAN DMO THE 11 IIEUSE/.F AGAIN! We can furnish you with a Whei which we will war ant to give entire satisfaction aue which yuurselt will say is lit to GRACE YOUR PARLOR. FATHER If you wish to hear the music of Industry and Econo my in your house, remember the best teacher is a GRAND-MO THER'S PIANO. MOTHER! j If you wish your datignter to be useful aswellasorn ! mental, teach her to divide her spare time between the j Melodeon and the LITTLE WHEEL. BROTHER ! Buy one lor your sweetheart, and thus, while making her an "elegant present,'' convey a polite hint as to what you shall expect of her when you move on that NEW FARM.-' SISTER ! Ask your lather to give you u Wheel; tell him you ; don't want to he a " LILY OF THE VALLEY." ELITE BOY ! Show your mother how your pants "rip"'and how the buttons come off when you ••slide down hill'' because she will use " STORE THREAD;- LITTLE GIRL ! it your folks get one of Ciandall's Flax-Wheels, yoji ' can do some ot the work, for there is a place fixed on : purpose to Uoid the Spool, so that if you are small you • van DO THE REELING. EVERYBODY Ought to buy a Wheel and teach the rising generatious i to depend on their own resources. Then indeed, as now. : shall the American people be a great and independent nation—and may the inheritance ut each of our chilil reu be ONE FLAG,ONE COUNTRY,and TWO FLAX WHEELS! N. B.—Merchants and Dealers wishing to purchise to sell again,will please address by mail when Ist oi prices '•card samples" 4c., will be sent. All goods packed in shipping order ; and all orders will receive prompt at tention. C. M. CRANDALL, Montrose, Pa., Dec. 20,1865. RW SPRIN G (.<)■ > ! W. A. ROCK WEi j, Is receiving a large stock of Spring Goods it the great REDUCTION IN PRICES, and offers them at corresponding prices. <' i-rising a well selected assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, I)E LAINE, ALPACAS, LAWNS, C HALL AS, THIBET AND CANTON CLOTH, ALPACA, BERAGE, POPLINS, TRIMMINGS & BUTTONS TO MATCH. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATTIXETTS, TWEEDS, KENTUCKY JEANS, 01 all descriptions for men and hoys. YANKEE N0 TI ONS Too numerous to mention. U A R D VV ARE, A good assortment on hand CROCKERY, Is in full and complete supply. GROCERIES. Teas, Coffee, Sugar and Molasses, at greatly reduced prices. ! L E A T HER, A supply of Sole and Upper on hand. WOODEN WARE, Tubs, Pails, Brooms, Ac. TOYS FOR CHILDREN. Cabs, Carts, Chairs, and toys to please them all. April 9.1866. M' E W SPRING GOODS! J. W. TAYLOR, : Is just receiving a large and well-selected stock of Spring Goods ot the best 'jualities, and choice styles, having purchased them when goods were the lowest, he feels fully confident that he can sell to please all. A large j aesortment ol Dress Goods, variour colors and styles, j A fine line of French Poplins, the gem of the season. Come and see them, all wool Alpaeca Poplins, a gen- ! eral assortment of BLACK AS I) COLORED ALPACAS, and a very great variety of other dress goods too nu merous to mention. A complete line ol Mourning goods, j Detains, Prints, Ginghams, BLACK A.\D WHITE BALMORALS. Hoop Skirts i large quantities. from three yards to three and ah it around, and splendid assortment of i GLOVES AND HOSIERY. Ladie-' and Gents kid gloves, Dress Trimings and But tons to - it all. Ladies' Cloths, Brab, Black and White, ' and Black Kepellant Cloth, SPUING SUA WIS, i Bleached and Unbleached Muslin, Sheeting, Crash, j Scotch Diapers, brown and white table linen Napkins, ' and a lull liue of White Goods, Jaconet, Nansook, Swiss, i Mull, Victoria Lawn, Striped Muslin. Dimity treked, Muslin, a nice assortment of BLACK AND COLORED DRESS SILJKS. A large quantity ol Embroidery CHEAP. Gent's Neck Ties, Paper Collars and Hosiery. One of the largest and best selected STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS ever brought in this market and cheap. All the latest i styles and novelties of the season, in Bonnets, Gipsies, ; .Y .Ribbons. Ac . Flowers to suit every one. White j Embroidery. Hoods and Caps, for infants. Ladies' and j Misses" Hats, the Sailor.marguretta derby, and all styles too numerous to mention. Having secured the services ot MISS MOSHER. 1 feel confident we can please all and all kinds ol Milinery work dout on short notice. 1 invite the people of Towanda and vicinity to call and examine my stock of goods nnd Jnlge fir themselves : no trouble to show goods, one door north ol the Post Office. April 9, 1866. TJOMESTIC GOODS AT REDUCED P RICES ! •- CALL AND SEE, AT MoNTANYE'S. Feb. 3, 1806. YET ANOTHER STOCK' OF NEW -L GUODS AT VV I c K II A M Sl B L A C K 'S. DRESS GOODS, DOMESTICS, FLANNELS, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS. The above lines we offer in great variety and latest styles HATS and CAPS, LARGE STOCK, BOOTS and SHOES, BEST MAKES. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS. This part of our stock we pay particular attention to, ! and now offer two of the best patterns ot Ironstone Ware in the market. Erie and Sevres, also C. C., Yellow Rockingham and Wedgewood. Beautiful assortment ol Glass Lamps. Call ane see onr stock of NOTIONS. Thankful lor past favors we respectfully invite your trade and promise to do our best. WICKHAM A BLACK. Cf t'-m ADM IN IS; >-A i" NO i ICE—Notice is hereby given h i ie ted to the es tate ot ALMIItA A. jO.i ■ ' a mot, deceased, are requested to ma,. .cat, .tithout delay, and those having';.a msagaiiwt aide-' .it-mast present them duly authentb ated tor settlement. J. L. JONES, July 9,1866. Administrator. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE.—NOTICE IN hereby given, that ait persons indebted to the es tate of Jas. A. Furmau, late ot Columbia twp., dee'd are requested to make immediate payment, ana those having clam, - aguiu-l oanJ oetulfc Will present tueiu Uuiy authenticated lor settlement. LUCY A.FURMAN, EDWIN ULsaDLL, July 9, ioGo. Adminiatratorii. IRIX'S NOTlCE —Notice is hcre- J-i uy given, ibat ai. pei.-.oua indebted lu the estate ol JutlN C. ADAMS, late ol North Towanda twp., dee d., are requested to make immediate paymeut, and those-naviug cla.ui'against =aiu e-stale are requested to present them to John V. Mix, at his office in l'owauda Borough, duly anthenticated lor settlement. OCOY . ADAMS, July 11, lode, KXecuU'lX. ADMINI.S 1 RA'iUH'SNOI'iCE.—Aui te is n< retry given in jo. persons indented to luces U... oi VMiliKa, rateut AiUclia tp. uev'd, arc requested to in. ..t .tincdiate payment, ana all having claims upon s..id estate win present idem duty autnenU calc-u lor setlrrrneot J.rati. 5 11. WI.LLL.-5, A. H. SPALDING, May 21, 1860. Adutinisirauirs. ADMIN JLoTIt A IRIX NOTICE.-Lelterß ol administration ol tire goods, chattels, Ac. ot jA.vlfc.is 1-ALfcLY lateol Franklin towp., deceased, have oeeu issueu to the aubsClincr. An persons inueut ea LO saiu estate are requested to make payment,and ail persons uaviug demauds against the same are notified to picseul the name lor settlement lo luc sunseriber. GAI'riAKiNL t ALSLY, May 24, '66. Aduritustiatnx ADMIN ISi'KATOK'b N UllCE.—Notiou is nercny given, that ail persons indebted lo rbe estate ot K. RuDABAUGII late ol Canton twp.. de cea-d, are requested to make immediate payuicut, an a those having claim against said estate will present tUeiu duly authenticated lor sc-ulenreni. C 11 AS SI'OCKWELL, May 31, 1660. Adminislraiur. A DAI I NISTRATOR' S N OTICE.-N otioe is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate ot Henry Cunningham late or West Burlington dee d., are requested to make immediate pay meat and those having demands against said estate will pres entthem duly authenticated tor settlement. A. GKLENO, June 2d, rslib. Adnrinistratoi. ADMIN ISTKAXOKS N uiiCE.-Nouce IS hereby givcu .tn a., persons indented to tne estate I oi Joan McAlahon, need, late ol Sfieahequin twp., i are requested to make immediate payment, and thuse having demands against said estate wu. present them duly authenticated .'or settlement. MARTHA M'MAHuN, JOHN MMAHON, June la, lhob. Auministrators. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. — J. I'. Kvrfofs twe vs. -he Atlmiiiis:. alors of RuJial Murray, dec d | No. 34b, December Term, lobb. I The undersigned an auditor appointed by said Court to distribute moneys arising lruni Sheriff's sal.- ol de cedents real estatei will a 'end to the duties ol his ap pointment, at his oti.ee in lov. aucia horn , on Wedues the lslh day ol July,lbCO, at 1 o'clock p. m., at which time and place all persons interested can attend if they think proper or be lorever debarred iroiir the same. J'JHN W. MIX, June 14, ISGG. Auditor. A DiliNibißATiilX'S NOTlCE.—Notice J.X. is here j given, that all persous indebted to the estate of Gabriel Davis, dee'd, iate oi Albany twp., ai j requested to make immediate payment, and those hav ing demands against sditi estate will p.esenl them duly anthenticated lor settlement. HARRIET E. WILCOX, June 14,1500. Administratrix. I lAXEGUTORS NOTICE. NOTI C E Hi i- hereby given that ail persons indebted to the es ' etate ol C. ii. LAMB, late ot Leiioy, dee'd, are I requested to make immediate payment ,aud those having demands against said estate will present them duly au . thfcutieated lor settlement. EDMUND KELLY, j July 6,1866. Executor. ! IB NIB U TOR'S NOTICE. —Notice is here- JU by given,that ail persons iuueoted to the cstat 1 I DAV D t. BItOWN, iate ot Ulster twp., dee'd ..re i requested to make immediate pay meat, and those hu\ iug ; demands against s.nd estate will please present duly autuetiticated lor seltiement. iiii.Lb F. RANSOM, July 5, 1866. Exccuim . \ DMIN'ISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice ii is hereby given, thai all persons indebted to the I estate ol PATRICK. McALLIQAT, latent N. Towanda, deceased, are requested lo make immediate payment • and those having claims agaii.st -aid estate will present ; I hem umy authc-iilkated lor settlement. DENNIS MCMAHON, I July 3, lhii-i. Administrator. A DM IN ISTRATO R'S NOTlCE.—Notice 1 il is hereby giv-n, that a.I persons indebted to the e-- !' tale SAMULi. G. DRAKE, deceased, lateol Rome tup are requester to uinke immediate payment, am. those having demand- ..gainst said estate will present them duly authenticated lor settlement. I RAMUS A. SEXTON. July 5, '66. AdmiuisUator. SALES.— By virtue of a writ ! O ol Vend. Expo., issues! out ot the Court ot Common i i'ieas ol Brauloid county, to me directed and delivered, j wiil be expu-ed lo pubic - ile at the I 'outt House iu the Boro' of Towanda, SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1866, at I one o'clock, p. nr.. the toilowiug di ribed lot piece or j | . ret. ol lauu situate in Athens township, bounded Ua • ' int., !o wit : Beginning iu the center of the road a-. mi. 11*.nit Miiitown to Athens borough at the north west oiler ot G. 'A . i'arks land, Uieuce north ei.-t ti v 2-10 ; <■'. ai ug the center o. said road to the north line of the Pickering tract, (so called) oi which ties is a part, them e -outusiy- east ul >ng the north hue oi Said tract 150 pel. to a comer, thence soulli 39- east 14 4-10 per. to a corner, thence south 7- east !i per. to a corner, thence south 854° east 27 2 lu per. to a urncr. theuce south south 4a-' west 24 3-lo per, UM corner ot Joseph t-hepard s laud, thence south 31i J east 28 5- lo per. to a mer, thenee south lui° east 40 per. to a corner, then e soutn 5- west 21 per. to a corn er ot said C. W. Dark's laud, ihcuce north west 230 3-lU per. lo the place of beginning, c'onta.iiiiig lb acres and 93 perches o; laud, more or less, ali im proved with a trained dwelling house, two liauica oarns cow shed and orchard oi fruit trees thereon. Fcized and a ken in execution at the snit ot Harris A haltuiarsii vs. James b. Leggetl. ALbO—By virtue ola writ ol Ais. ii. Fa., will be sold at the same time and place, all that certain lot. piece or parcel oi laud situate iu Tuscarora twp.,con taining 100 acres ot laud more or less, about 3d acres improved, with a lio .se and bain thereon,aud being the same land which E. W. Smith, as agent, c ntracted to sell to William 5. Hall, which was dated June 1, which was duly assigned to 8.1), Phelps, aud said Rhelp and by said l'helps contracted by article of agreement. . th ay, 1848, to said William S. 11 ill. aiul oy said William 8. Hail assigned to J. R. Hall, Nov. 10, IsGO. Seized aud taken in execution at the suit of A. P. Kecney's use vs. J. K. tlali. J. M. SMITH. Towanda, July 9, lbli-i. Sheriff. iUtsu'Uaneoua. "VTEW AND FRESH GOODS! A.T Just received, A El EL STOCK OF GROCERIES, Bought for Cash, WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT A SMALL ADVANCE. l'hauklui toy past favors, 1 would respectfully say to my old trietids that 1 hope by staict attention and tair prices to merit a continuance of their favors. Towanda, Feb. 2. E. T. FOX. r u T n ER ' S M ILLS, BURLINGTON, PA. The proprietor, having rebuilt his Flouring Mill in Bur lington. and taken paius in selecting articles, am! the most improved machiuery, it is now completed in order tor all kinds oi Flouring. CUSTOM WORK DONE AT SHORT NOTICE. with cheerful attendants, who will see to your wants in g.,od order au.i with general satisfaction. 49"Cash paid tor Grain. April 17,1866. BOfeWBLL LI THEK. \ VALUABLE MILL FOR SALE.— X3L The Hearing mill, known as the Chaffee Mill, situ ated in Rome, one mile north ot the village, will be sold at a great sacrifice. Any person wishing to buy such a property, will tiud it to their advantage to calf and see the above mill before buying eNewhere. All necessary information will be given by calling upon C. G. Uridley, iu Orwell. A tul. aud complete title will be giveu by me. C. fi. GRIDI.EY . Orwell, May 20, lsofi.—Bw. uoRsALE 0 R R EN T, A valuable Hotel property, the Bradlord House, lo cated on the south side ot the depot at Waverly N . Y. Connected with it are two barns, a large Garuen, fruit trees and two wells of soft water. For terms inquire 0 j C. F. SMITH, Proprietor. May 24, '<l6. —tl. IBOR SALE.—The subscriber offers for 1 J. sale a valuable Building Lot, situate on Franklin -ti set, about one bundled aid titty teet from Main St. T here is a barn on the lot ana a Inundation aud traine - work lor a house. It will be sold as it is, or with the house finished. For further particulars enquire ol the subscriber at his residence on tiie premises. U. M. HALL. Towanda, June 20, 1800,. BATH brick at FOX'S.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers