Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 26, 1866, Image 1

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BEPOBTKB is published every Thursday Morn
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~ aince the Reformation commenced
Europe, there has been a convictiou
. ilily growing in the minds of the
mmon people, and that is that the
- and privileges witli which nature
• lowed them as men, were usurped
. other class ; whose only claim to
was the accident of birth and posi-
To litis fact we may ascribe the ef
ts of Algernon Sydney and his com
ers in the times preceding the revolution
■ piss and also the spirit of the Puritans
•ho sought a retreat in the wilds of the
\,w World, where they might worship
: :r common Father in peace. Every one
. ws the result of their labors and sacri
•s—that a spirit of Liberty grew up di
■tly antagonistic to oppressive exactions
: the ruling class, and that this spirit cul
..hinted in the Declaration of American In
i-.peudeuce of 1770.
That declaration was a manifesto to all
world that all men were equal in nat
.! right,—that God had not endowed one
Ass of men with privileges he had with
>'Ul from another, —that free government,
i-preseutative government, self govern
icnt was a natural rigltt which man pos
■ssed, or was entitled to, by virtue of his
.uiiiood and power to preserve it ; and
.it kings had no divine right to exact the
Amission of their subjects to their rale.
Republics had had a prior existence, but
r was one established upon the express
;i that men were rational beings, and
..sufficient intelligence to choose the
_i.t. rather than the wrong ; and not up
: .at 1 expediency, which had been the
' principle in the foundations of those,
h in earlier ages, had preceded it.
• world beheld with astonishment the
■ ration of tree government, and felt the
-ting of the leaven. A new element
nt si d into the effete nationalities of I
t'M W urld. They began to think, to
:re, to compare, to reason, to know.
:y imformed them, duty to the present
!t: > c ming age, urged them, and that
-lUic.i'ss aspiration for a free life, which
uicnt soul ever cherishes as the true J
un of its being, impelled them |
' •• was rocked by the tempest from its j
nt its furthest circumference, and
q mded to the call by shedding the
• ! her tyrants, and often of her
ends Tin* conservative spirit of Eu
pe was aroused, and then followed the
- ■ '■■■'■ First Napoleon, the dynasties,
;: .v with age and reeking with the blood
tie true and the brave, until the last
i. carnage of Waterloo, where conser
' - w a its last victory, and the treaty
1 enna secured its last diplomatic tri
_■ . j
ere is nothing more true than that
medom's battle once begun" will in the
•• won." The host enlisted under
anner. represents a principle of uni
interest, one springing from the
'•al constitution of every sou of Adam, I
N-rtwined with all his interests and af- j
us, and duties and responsibilities,
attle-field is the wide earth, her sol-1
rs the entire family of men who love |
and Ler warfare will endure through
ng ages of the life-time of the world, i
y life lost, every drop of blood spilled,
' 4 ?acritiee upon her altar calling for
-iiuice, a vengeance as sure to be ren
a> that a just God rules in the affairs
i men.
"Te is every indication that we are
'it to witness a great European war.
at this distance are inquiring what J
i- spective combatants are expecting to
Are the little Duchies of Sehleswig 1
llolstein of sufficient importance to j
• r belligerent, to warrant the loss of so ;
• y and the expenditure of so much
cure ? In one little battle, or march. !
• treasure would be sunk than both are
"hi >o, is Venetia so necessary to Italy I
Austria, that these great states should
• utely peril their future prosperity for
;r possession ?
!, ut in this reasoning we overlook the
philosophy of the matter : It may
•ie that the belligerents themselves do
v ictlv understand their position. The
each state is impelled by motives
- r asp and significance of which is
only to Providence, who permits
' struggle. They are in the hands of a
" : y which brings them into a warlike
'i t ! or the sake, aud in the interests of
-'-unity—into a struggle for life, in which
! w.-r they have so long wielded for
" SB 've ends is in jeopardy, and may es
from their grasp. Nearly all the
• i '- wars of the last three hundred years
'"'ended in the establishment of some
- -'Don which has elevated that of the
E. O. GOODRICH, Publisher.
masses, and done away some foul wrong to
their moral interests and natures. Those
of William of Orange in Holland, those of
Queen Anne with Louis XIV, those of Fred
eric 11, of Prussia, each and all, served to
lift some oppressive weight from the crush
ed spirit and open to it a pathway nearer
the throne of its Maker, to let some light
into the soul benighted by the ecclesiasti
i oul darkness of a thousand years. If Pru
sia is victor in this contest, which may
God grant, such a result is inevitable ; for
Prussia is Protestant and intelligent, while
Austria is ignoraut and steeped in the foul
est dregs of Romanism.
Italy is also a party in this war. She
goes into the struggle to recover Venice,
a state that is purely Italian ; handed over
to the tender mercies of Austrian rule by
the Congress of Vienna and Paris, in 1814,
and 1815. No one can blame Victor Em
anuel for the part he is about to take. The
people of Venice have besought him
through long years to come to their aid.
Deserted by Napoleon JII at the very mo
ment when the door seemed opening for
their enlargement, they have mourned their
sad fate without the power to free them
selves from it. There are not words in our
language to describe the utter hopeless
ness of their situation, unless released by
this war, and no pen nor pencil can por
tray the depth of their debasement, as Italy
now is. She maintains a large army of her
own sons to enslave herself, —she is sub
ject to a grinding taxation to fill the coffers
of the Austrian State, her sons are torn
from her hearthstones to fill the ranks of
the Austria 1 Army. Austrian officers des
ecrate her firesides and altars, robbing
beauty of its bloom and purity,—in truth,
the slavery of ancient times had no fea
tures so revolting as that has which now
curses the proud city Venice.
If Germany were united under one head,
with a government like that of the United
States, her law would be the law of Eu
rope. Her population would then equal
sixty millions, occupying a territory hav
ing a most fertile soil and a healthy tem
perate climate. The largest rivers of Eu
rope would water her provinces, bestow
ing upon her sites for great centres of pop
ulation and commerce. But here stands
that eternal, everlasting, bug-bear of ty
rants, —the " balance of power " the theo
ry of which is, that these crowned robbers
having spent their lives in robbing their
subjects, and acquired the habit of rob
bery, to prevent mutual encroachment have ;
fenced themselves within certain bounda
ries and limitations, outside of which they |
have agreed to rob no more, and to exer- j
cise their talent at robbery within their I
own borders, or in a direction which will j
not intrude on each others territory. Thus
England has agreed to rob no Continental i
Power, but to bestow her attention upon !
helpless, famine stricken Ireland, or upon ;
her Indian subjects in Asia. France, hav-1
ing been so great a robber in the time of
Napoleon the First, now obliged to dis
gorge some of her plunder and confine her
self to her old limits ; though upon Algiers
and Mexico, neither of which seemed to j
tempt her predatory appetite much then,
she might try her cunning hand. Russia
was to perpetrate no robbery upon Turkey
—she might rob all around the further
coast of the Black and Caspian Seas, all
over Asia, and particularly China, but she
must play no tricks of her trade upon any
portion of the Mediterranean or Atlantic
coasts. Austria, having acquired all her
possessions by wholesale robbery, agreed
to be satisfied with the plunder of Lom
bardy and Venice, with now and then an
inroad upon the Turkish Principalities ;
and Prussia, overjoyed to retrieve her
Rhenish Provinces, felt well paid for the
dozen drubbings Bonaparte had given her.
Denmark was to keep the Duchies now in
dispute, but to her and to the lesser king
doms and sovereignties, were given no for
eign field to steal in, the greater Powers
solemnly agreeing to respect them as make
weights in any bargain they might have
on hand, or wanting that, to protect them
as they were.
These self-imposed restrictions and agree
ments constitute the treaties of 1814 and
1815, and in them we find the far-famed
" balance of power," which became the pub
| lie law of Europe in the policy of each
state, as regards its intercourse with the
rest. It will be a study for the historian,
furnishing a dark chapter of human deprav
ity and greed. It has crushed the spirit of
the people, resting like a dead weight upon
their moral aspirations and hopes. It was
a league of tyrants, a conspiracy against
truth and right, a pledge to hunt down each
I effort of the nobler nature to rise in the
: scale of humanity and to assert its equal
j claim to the free air of Heaven. It has
banished Mazziui from the land of his birth,
; set a price upon the head of Garibaldi, and
loaded Kossuth with chains. The hopes it
lias crushed, the blood it has spilled, can
only be known in that day, when the ty
rant, stripped of his power, shall stand
naked by the side of his victim, at the bar
of a just God.
The parties to this treaty broke it them
selves Nicholas wanted Constantinople,
and then came the Crimean War. Louis
Napoleon, to humble Austria, took sides
with Victor Emanuel, and then came the
Italian War, and now we have this quar
rel of Austria and Prussia, ostensibly about
! the Duchies. But the greatest infraction
of the treaty was when Louis Napoleon
Napoleon seated himse f upon the imperial
throne of France, as the executor and
avenger of his " Uncle."
It is barely possible that we have exag
gerated impressions of the rigor and in
justice resulting from a system like the
above ; bui it is said to cast its shadow
over the commonest affairs of life. We
hesitate to award to human actions their
just claim to condemnation or commenda
tion, irrespective of the position of the ac
tor. If in any portion of our civilized land a
dozen men in the common walks of life
should conspire against the peace, pros
perity, and lives of those around them, if
they should pry into the motives of others,
spy out their domestic affairs, maintain
spies in their kitchens, cast them into pris
on upon suborned testimony, banish them
from their native soil, or bring them to the
gallows and then seize upon their property
as confiscated to their sole ownership, we
should think such men depraved to the
very marrow of their bones, and hunt them
to theiY death, and yet, we are told such a
system is in daily operation in nearly ev
ery portion of Europe, except that the au
thors and originators of the foul wrong
wear crowns upou their heads, and are re
garded as the source of all honor, and pow
er in the state. The Ireland of to-day is
cursed with it. Every fifth man in Paris
and Rome, is a spy, every third in Naples,
Venice and Vienna, every fourth in Peters
burg and Constantinople. In every city of
Continental Europe, men feel little securi
ty compared with that perfect confidence in
Government which is the lot of an Ameri
can citizen.
In view of all the circumstances of the
present situation of affairs in Europe, have
the friends of humanity much to fear ?
War has become inevitable, not from the
fact that a more humane solution of the
difficulty is in wanting, but that the Pow
ers most uearly concerned will not embrace
it. Each complains of each, each has long
averted the present moment, each has made
due preparation, and each expects a tri
umph. Let them fight, fight to the bitter
end. Nothing cau be lost to Freedom aud
humanity 7 , and since in just such struggles
they have gained all they have, let them
hope to gain more, and at last, to gain all.
There can be little doubt in the mind of
one who looks camly upon all that is pas
sing, that Louis Napoleon is the genius
who is directing the element of discord. He
has found in Bismark one who is willing to
take the initial step while he afiects a neu
trality. Does any one believe that Prussia
would have been so determined on war, if
France had withheld her consent? They
act in concert now, knowing they are to
separate when certain objects are accom
plished. England has already signified her
neutrality. Russia will interfere only in
certain contingencies. Austria is to be
thrashed out of Germany into the Turkish
Principalities. Italy is to be liberated from
Austrian dom inatiou and will find her mas
ter in France. Haviug gone thus far to
gether they will quarrel, for Louis Napol.
eon, having kept Bismark in countenance
to the end of his complete triumph in Ger
many, will demand the Rhine as his boun
dary, Prussia proud of her position in the
very center of European civilization will
demur, even through her consent is at this
moment registered in the Tuilleries. A
French army will now cross the Rhine, and
while the toiling millions of France and
Prussia are cutting each others throats,
Russia will march upon Constantinople ;
for Turkey is still sick, —sicker even than
iu the days of Nicholas, and less disposed
to receive Russian physic. And now ev
ery element of strife is let loose, old ties
are severed, new combinations arise, every
power in Europe as principal or auxiliary
hasten to the war. Then will be fought
the great war of modern times, the great
war ol all times, —the great battle of Arma
II Louis Napoleon and Bismark shall both
live through the next teu years, or if but
one through the next twenty years, the
above predictions, within the periods men
tioned, will be accomplished.
Henry Ward Beecher, who, by the way, is
a good teacher, gives soine good advice
about the girls, and it is a pity his coun
sels could not be heeded. By-and-by there
will be no girls and children, they will all
be women from ten twenty years old. Mr.
Beecher says:
A girl is not allowed to be a girl after
she is ten years old. If you treat her as
though she were one, she will ask you
what you mean. If she starts to run across
the street, she is brought back to the nurs
ery to listen to a lecture on the propriety
of womanhood. N.ow it seems to me that
a girl should be nothing but a girl until
she is seventeen. Of course there are pro
prieties belonging to her sex which it is
fitting for her to observe, but it seems to
me that, a.-ide from these, she ought to
have the utmost latitude. She ought to
be encouraged to do much out of doors,
I to run and exercise in all those ways which
are calculated to develop the muscular
frame. What is true of boys, in the matt
| er of bodily health, is eminently so of girls.
It is all important that woman should be
healthy, well developed. Man votes,
writes, does business, etc., but woman is
the teacher and the mother of the world ;
and anything that deteriorates woman is
a comprehensive plague on human life it
self. Health among woman is a thing that
I every thing that every man, who is wise
and consideratd for his race, hould more
I earnestly seek and promote.
[MB. EDITOR—One morning very early I found
this manuscript upon the side-walk. It manifests
such a profundity of thought, such an acquaint
ance and familiarity with the writings of learned
men, thut I cannot withhold it from the public.—
I presume also, that the author will not object to
seeing it in print. I give it word for word, as I
found it. It is possible you may think the poetry
not sufficiently meritorious to be embalmed in print,
but it conveys a moral lesson and deserves preser
The wind roars,
The rain pours,
Do up your chores,
Fasten your doors,
And go to bed.
And thus every night,
May you take your delight,
In doing the right,
Indifferent quite
To everything said.
The rain does indeed pour from the clouds,
and, I would have you, under the rule of
right, determine your position, by dutiful
consideration respecting the basis or un
derlying priuciple of all philosophical in
vestigation. To analyze the theory of me
chanical force as it may be applied to mor
ality, and ethics, you are to prove all things
holding fast to nothing, for nothing venture
nothing have, and nothing is the result.
Mr. Carlyle has written the life of Fred
eric Bradenburg, our old school-master,
whose theory of volcanic phenomena is
contained in Paul's speech to King Agrip
pa, on the occasion of his coronation by
the Lord Bishop of Durham, at Schone, iu
the highlands near Cape Matapan. You
will understand from this fact, that water
is a fluid of a specific gravity of one in
ten, or a hundred, or a thousand, as you
may chance to place your numeral on the
right or left of your decimal remainder.—
But all this counts for nothing in the great
calculation of antipathies, or as some the
ologians say, idyosyncrasies, Put whether
of pleasure or pain, whether of justice on
the one hand or of conglobation on the
other, this deponent saith not. Further
than this, my Lord, 1 cannot assert ; for I
am bound by conscientious scruples and
have no doubt of the atomic theory of in
dividualities and infinitesimals, as contra
distinguished from Mr. Emmerson's Histo
ry of the Russian Campaign in Algiers,
and the duel between Peter the Great and
Emanuel Swedenborg.
That we may proceed in order, we are to
consider, first, the positive Philosophy of
John Calvin, and compare it with Swift's
Tale of a Tub ; for in these we find the
sum total ol the Unconditional Philosophy
ol Alexander Hamilton—but of this more
when we come to our second part. The
American drama is founded on incongrui
ties and impossibilities. We are lost in
meditations upon the starry heavens, and
borne away upon the wings of our own
fancy ; for where is the proof of the Divine
afflatus in reconstruction and gravity. Sir
Isaac Newton and P. T. Barnum, have filled
the measure of their couutry's glory, and
the style of Naval Architecture has been
vastly improved since Boswell wrote the
Life of Andy Johnson, aud the Loves of
the Angels. Ours is not the degenerate
age some cynics call it, for the sun, the
moon, the stars, the nebula, and other
bodies belonging to the solar system, prove
the universality of nature, and men are
taught by irrefragible evidence the vanity
of human reason, and the folly of common
Our second part treats of man in his so
cial aspect, as an individual entity, as a
compound of body and soul, or of matter
and spirit. In his social relations man's
inhumanity to man, makes countless thou
sands mourn. This is not a text from the
Bible as some divines quote it, but a mel
ancholy truth, nevertheless. See Josephus,
where not only a thousand, but a thousand
thousand mourned, not only in sackcloth
and ashes, but in starvation and death.—
See also—but it is too long a list to men
tion here. Julius Ctesar says, or said, that
cowards die many times before they are
stabbed in a Senate house, as he was,
when the ideas of March obtained such a
fixture in his brain as to banish all fear of
death. Pity for him and all the world too,
for had he lived, Kome would never had a
Pope to write such nonsense about Troy,
and Paris, and Helen, the —(but we won't
call names in a moral discourse,) aud a
wooden horse crammed with a thousand
living men. I doubt it somewhat, —a Pope
should'nt tell fibs for he sits in Peter's
chair, and is Peter's legitimate son in the
church. But enough of the Pope, aud Pe
ter too—let all who read this history, bear
in mind what our great American poet has
written of Truth, one line of which I quote
lest it be forgotten :
'• Truth crushed to earth shall rise again in her
majesty and beauty in some one of the long
years which are hers."
Alas, alas, how long deferred is her resur
rection from that death dark tomb which
error is one day to fill.
Now, nobody ever ijuotes the above line
in these days of premiums on Gold and
Fenianism ; but we must hasten to a con
clusion, nevertheless. Man is an individu
al, and life is a forced state. He breathes,
but the breath is forced into his body—
how did Adam get his first breath ? The
air enters our lungs by its levity. Hippo
crates says by its gravity, but I beg to
differ from that learned modern author.—
Any one may be assured that it is just the
1 opposite property of air that carries it
through the bronchial tubes, if he will re
member the time honored principle of all
physical truth, that nature abhors a vacu
um. Let a man persist in consecutive
breathing, will he ever die? No, verily,
and this answers the long agitated ques
tion propounded by the ancients but never
solved by the moderns, respecting the seat
of the soul. When one stops breathing is
not the breath forced out of his body? Now
here is a logical conclusion deduced
straight from the premises—it is a syllo
gism having its major and minor terms,
and the ergo is that the human body is a
musical machine, —in fact, a harp of a
thousand strings, and animal life a jig
Who has not heard of the statue of Mem
non in Lower California, that played a tune
every morning when the sun rose ; or of
St. Simon Stylites who stood erect forty
years upon the top of Bunker Ilill Monu
ment ?
Bat we must not, on this account des
pair of our race and country. Some phi
losophers say that apes are our progeni
tors, and Adam aud Eve gorillas of the
most approved pattern. But here again
observation and speculation are at logger
heads. Who believes that Uncle Ezckiel
Webster was more gorillious than was Dan
himself?—or that the present age is ahead
of that of Stonehenge or the pyramids—
those extraordinary works of ancient art
and architcture that taxed the energies of
the ancient Peruvians through the lapse of
a thousand years ?
Everybody regards China as a model na
tion ; but does the China of to-day equal
the China of Confucius, and will our own
model republic, which embodies the wis
dom of modern thought, compare with that
venerable empire that dates its origin in
an antiquity whereof the memory of man
runneth not to the contrary ?
Ch ! this strong mother-love, why was it given ?
Up from my heart comes the passionate cry,
Say shall we learn in llis beautiful heaven,
Why our lost darlings were given to die t
—Mrs. J. P. Oliver.
Thus on my ear from a mourner's lip,
Falls the low moan of a mother distressed ;
Joy's cup a moment 'twas hers to sip,
To know how earth fails when promising best.
The beauties of Nature her spirit gave joy :
The song-bird, the cloud, the bloom on the rye,
But the pride of her heart was her beautiful boy—
Ah what were all else if the darling must die ?
The sun shines the same, the stars are as bright.
The rose-buds they burst, and the sparrows are
g ft y.
But over one heart is a limitless night,
The joy of her home is extinguished for aye.
Oh, let the sighing forever be still,
Tears all be dry, and hushed every moan,
Where Baby is now he can never know ill—
JESUS has claimed him in love for his own.
Listen, fond mother, and hear his light wing,
Rustling above you so softly at even,
Hear the sweet "voice of a cherub who sings :
"Come to me Mother, oh! come up to Heaven!"
CONFEDRIT X ROADS, wich is the Stait 1
uv Kentucky,) June 9, lb6o. j
They Led a ruction in the church at the
Corners yisterday, wich bid fair to result
in a rendin uv the walls uv our Zion, and
the tearin down uv the temple we hev rear
ed with so much care and hev guarded
with so much solissitood. When I say
" we," I mean the members thereof, ez the
church wuz re-organized sence the war by
returned Confedrit soljers and sich Dimo
krats ez remained at home noDtrel, but in
asmuch ez I am the only reglerly ordained
Dimokratic paster in these parts, I ginerly
conduct the services, and hentz hev insen
sibly fell into a habit uv speekiu uv the
church ez " my " church, and I feel all the
solissitood for its spiritooal aud temporal
welfare that I cood ef I wuz reglerly or
dained ez its p ister, wich I expect to be ef
I fail in gettin that postoffis at the Corners
wich is now held by a Ablishnist uv the
darkest dye, wich President Johnson, with
a stobborness I can't account for, persist
ently refoose6 to remove.
The case wus suthin like this :
Deekin Pogram wuz charged by Elder
Slather with hevin, in broad daylite, with
I no attempt at concealment, drnnk with no
attempt at concealment, drunk with a nig
ger, and a free nigger at that, in Bascom's
grocery, and to prove tiie charge Deekin
Slather called Deekin Pennibacker.
The Deekin wuz put onto the stand, and
testified ez follows :
" Wuz iu Bascom's grocery a playin sev
en up for the drinks with Deekin Slather.
Hed jist beet the Deekin one game and hed
four ou the second, and held high, low and
jack, aud wuz modritly certin uv goin out,
particklerly ez the Deekin didn't beg. Wuz
hevin a little discussion with him—the
Deekin insistin that it wuz the best three
iu five, instead uv the best two iu three,
jest ez though a man cood afford to play
five games between drinks ! The ijee is
| preposterous and unheard of, and there aint
|no precedent for any sich course. We wuz
settlin the dispoot in regler church style—
he hed his fingers twisted in my neck hand
kercher and I held a stick uv stove wood
suspended over his head. While in this
position we wuz transfixed with horror at
seein Deekin Pogram enter arm iu arm with
a nigger and—
The Court—Arm in arm did yoM say, Bro.
Pennibacker ?
rrr*. ~ . • •
The Court—The scribe will make a min-
uit nv this. Go on.
Witness—They cum in together, ez I
1 . ii_j a ai 1 1
sea, arm 111 arm, walked up to tue bar ami
drank together.
#3 per Annum, in Advance.
By the Court— Did they drink togeth r ?
Witness—They ondeniably did.
By Myself—The Court desires to know
what partikeler tlooid they absorbed.
Witness—Can't say—spose 'twas Bas
com's new whiskey—that's all he's got ez
the Court very well knows.
By Myself—The Sextou will go at once
to Bascom's aud prbcoor the identicle bot
tle from which this wretched man, who
stands charged with thus lowerin hisself,
drunk, and bring it hither. The Court de
sires to know for herself whether it wuz
really whisky. The pint is an important
one for the Court to know.
A wicked hoy remarked that the pint
wood be better onderstand by the Court if
it wuz a quart. The bottle wuz, however,
brought and thfe Court, wich is me, wuz
satisfied that it wuz really and trooly whis
ky. Ez the refreskiu fiooid irrigated my
parched throat, I wished that trials based
upon that bottle cood be perpetooal.
| I considered the case proved, and asked
Brother Pogram what palliation he bed to
olier. I set before him the enormity uv the
crime, and showed him that he wuz by this
course sappiu the very fouudashun uv the
Church and the Democratic party. Wat's
the use, 1 askt, uv my preechiu agin nigger
equality, so long ez my Deekins practis it.
I told him that Ham wuz cust by Xoer, and
wuz condemned to be a servant unto his
brethren—that he wuz an inferior race,
that the Dimocrisy wuz built upon that
idea, and that associatin with him in any
shape that indicated equality, wuz either
puttin them up to our standard or lowrin
ourselves to theirn ; in either case the re
sult wuz fatal. I implored Bro. Pogram to
make a clean breast uv it ; confess his sin
and humbly receive sich punishment ez
shood be awarded him, and go and sin 110
more. " Speak up Bro. Pogram," sez I pa
ternally and yet severely.
Bro. Pogram to my unspeakable rslief,
for he is the wealthiest member of the con
gregashun, and one we daren't expel, im
plied :
" That he DID drink with the nigger, and
wat wuz more, he wuz justified iu doiu it,
" But shoorly," I remarked, it wasn't nes
sary to yoor purpose to come in with the
nigger arm in arm, a attitood wicli implies
familiarity ef nut efi'eckshun.
The Prisoner—The nigger and I lied bin
pitchin coppers for drinks, and I, possessin
the most akootnis, won. I took the nigger
by the arm, feariu that ef I let go t\y him
he'd dodge me and not pay. They are slip
Overjoyed, I clasped him around the
neck, and to wunst dismist the charge as
unfounded and frivolous.
"My brethren," sez I, "the action of
Bro. Pogram is not only justifiable, but is
commendable anil worthy of imitashuu. —
Ham wuz cust by Noer arul condemned by
him to serve his brethren. The nigger is
the descendant uv Ham, and we are the
descendants uv the brethren, and ef Noer
bed a clear rite to cuss one uv his sons and
sell him out to the balance uv the boys for
all time, we hev ded wood on the nigger,
for it is clear that he wuz made to labor
for us and minister to our wants. So it
wuz, my brethren, until an Ape who bed
power interfered and delivered him out uv
our hand. Wat shel we do ? Wat we can
not do by force we must do by financeerin.
We can't any longer compel the nigger to
furnish us the means, and therefore in or
der to fulfill the skripter, we are justified
in accomplishing by our sooperior skill wat
we used to do with whips and dorgs. There
wuz no confession uv equality—no degre
dashua, but contrarywise the spectacle of
Bro. Pogram's marching into Bascom's with
that nigger, wuz a sublime spectacle, and
one well calculated to cheer the heart uv
the troo Diinekrat. He bed vanquished
him in an encounter where skill wuz re
quired, thus demonstratin the sooperiority
uv the Anglo-Saxon mind —he led him a
captive and made uv him a spoil.
" Wood, o wood that we all bed a nigger
to play with for drinks. The case is dis
missed, the costs to be paid by the com
The walls uv our Zion is stronger than
ever. This trial, ez it resulted, is a new
and strong abutment—a tall and strong
tower. J
Luit Pastor uv the Church uv the Noo Dispensaslntn
Toledo Blade.
We noticed in the Post of July 10 a call
for a State Convention of honorably-dis
charged officers, soldiers and seamen of
Pennsylvania, to be held at Ilarrisburg on
the 10th day of August. Who may be the
prime movers in this affair we know not and
care a little. But it is a singular fact
that a call for a convention, professedly
originated to represent such a large body
of honorable and influential citizens of this
Commonwealth should have appended such
a very large majority of signers who are
of little or no consideration either in mili
tary, political or social life. Its avowed
: object is to meet and adopt resolutions to
be endorsed by the so-thinking military"
supporting Hiester Clymer, Democratic
candidate for Governor of this State.
We have no objections to this call for a
convention. But why is it that none of our
renowned military leaders from this State
—and we have many of them—have sign
ed it ? There is not the name of one major
general to the call, not one brigadier gen
eral, and but five brevets ; but there are
forty-one sergeants and corporals and one
hundred and eleven privates : whether ev
en these have honorably served in the ar
my we have not the records to show. We
cast a hasty glance at the call, and by ref
erence to the adjutant general's report, are
able to inform the public as to whether
these men are properly to be called the
fighting representatives of our grand old
army. The following are some of the of
ficers whose records we examined :
Captain T. McDonongh, <marked Geary's old
y e .^ b " r nt bv >\ ll servioes m 4 ' to
"'Lieutenant Alfred Robertson, (marked samet in
service from Jnlv 26th. 1661, to February, 1562.
Colonel W. \V. Corbet, iu service from July to
October, 1^ 51 - t 7°. mc : ntLs - . , n
Captain R. C. Johnston, in service trom Octo
beri lo j uly , I^2-ten months.
Lieutenant Augustus F. Bartlow, resigned Aug
ust 11, I*6l.
V-Fcaster, in service from Apnl,
1861, to October, 1862—resicmea.
Francis K. Genger, served distinction) as
hospital steward awhile.
A. N. Light went into the army in 1834 as as
sistant surgeon.
Captain W. W. Murray, mustered out of the
gervice in 1862.
Colonel John B. Emblish, not on record, but
commanded hundred day men.
Second Lieutenant N. D. Bennett, in service
from November, 1862, to April, 1863—six months
Major James 15. Tread well (published Frewell),
in service from June, 1862, to Septemlier, 1862.
Major S. C. Siwunton, discharged from the ser
vice in June, 1863, after serving seven months.
Lieutenant McLean Thorn, in service from
Angest 20, 1862, to September, 1863—resigned.
Lieutenant Colonel B. McDermitt, resigned in
January, 1863—was not in the service one year.
Major It. E. Taylor, resigned in July, 1862 —
Adjutant W. 11. towers, in service from August,
1861, to July, 1862.
Captain W. Augliinbaugh, discharged from the
; service in July, 1862.
Major James Ellis can't lie found in reports,
i (must be a Revolutionary hero.)
Colonel Joseph Jack, drafted man-
Captain Lewis A. Johnson, in service from Sep
tember, 1862, to September, 1863.
Lieutenant Archibald Douglass, in service from
September, IsOo, to January, 1863 three and a
hall mouths.
We are sorry we had not time to run
through the whole list, hut we think en
ough has been seen to show of what mili
tary material the convention will be com
posed.—Fittsbury Gazette.
There's a never-dying chorus
Breaking on the human ear,
in the busy time before us,
Voices loud, and deep, and clear,
This is Labor's endless ditty ;
This is Toil's prophetic voice,
Sounding through the town and city,
Bidding human hearts rejoice.
Sweeter than the poet's singing
Is that anthem of the free ;
Blither is the anvil's ringing
Than the song of bird or bee.
There's a glory in the rattle
Of the wheels 'mid factory gloom ;
Richer than e'er snatched from battle
Are the trophies of the loom.
See the skillful mason raising
Gracefully yon towering pile ;
Round the forge and furnace blazing
Stand the noblemen of toil.
TLey arc heroes of the people.
Who the wealth of nation's raise ;
Every dome, and spire and steeple, .
Raise their heads in Labor's praise.
Glorious men and truth and labor,
Shepherds of the human fold ;
That shall lay the brand and sabre
With the barbarous things of old.
Priests and prophets of creation,
Bloodless heroes in the- fight,
Toilers for the world's salvation,
Messengers of peace and light.
.Spe6d the plow and speed the harrow ;
Peace and plenty send abroad ;
Better far the spade and barrow,
Than the cannon or the sword.
Each invention, each improvement,
Renders weak oppressions rod ;
Every sign and every movement
Brings us nearer truth, and God.
A CAPITAL STORY'.—Some years since an
eccentric old genius, named Barnes, was
employed by a farmer living in a town
some six or seven miles westerly of the
Penobscot river, Maine, to dig a well. The
soil and substratum being mostly of Band
old Barnes, after having progressed down
ward about forty feet, found one morning
upon going to work that the well had es
sentially caved in, and was full near to
the top. So, having the desire which men
have of knowing what will be said of them
when they are dead, .. nd no one being
astir, he-concealed himself in a board fence
near th mouth of the well, having lirst
left his frock and hat on the windless of
the well. At length breakfast being ready,
a boy was dispatched to call him to Lis
meal, when lo 1 and behold ! it was seen
tliat Barne . was buried in the grave uu
con>cious!y dug by his own hands. The
alarm being given, and the family assem
bled, it was decided to first eat breakfast
and then send fir the coroner, the minister,
and his wife and children. Such apathy
did not flatter Barnes' self-esteem a bit,
but he waited patiently, determined to what was to be heard and what was
to be seen.
Presently all parties arrived and began
"prospecting"' the scene of the catastrophe,
as people usually do in such cases. At
length they drew together to exchange
opinions as to what should be done. The
minister at once gave his opinion that they
had better level up the well and let Barnes
remain ; "fur," said he, "he is b- yond the
temptation of sin, and in the clay of judg
ment it will make no difference whether he
is buried five feet under ground or fifty,
for ho is bound to come forth in either case."
The coroner likewise agreed that it would
be a needless expense to his family or the
rown to disinter.him when he was effectu
ally 1 urvd,and then fore coincided with the
Uis wife thought as "he had left his hat
and frock it would hardly worth while to
dig him out fur the rest of his clothes,'" and
so it was decided to let him remain. But
poor old Bornes, who had no breakfast,and
was not at all pleased with the result of
the inquest, lay quiet until the shades of
evening stole over the landscape, when he
departed to parts unknown. After remain
ing incognito for about three years, one
morning he suddenly appeared (hatlcss
and frockless as he went at the door of
the old farmer, lbr whom he had agreed to
dig the unfortunate well. To say that an
avalanche of questions were rained upon
him as to his mysterious reappearance,etc.,
would convey but a feeble idea of the ex
citement which uis bodily presence created.
But the old man bore it quietly, and at
length informed them, that on finding him
self buried lie waited to be dug out again,
until his patience was exhausted, he set to
work io dig himself out, and had only the
day before succeeded, for his ideas being
much confus >i, ne Lad dug very much at
random, and instead <>{ coming directly to
the surface. h< cume out iii the town of
11 'den, b.x miles east of tiie Penobscot
No further explanations were asked for
by those who were so distressed and sor
rowful over his supposed final resting
AND WOEAS.— Man lives in the contentious
crowd ; he struggles for the palm that
thousands may award, and far-speeding
renown may rend the air with the h>ud
huzza of praise. His is the strife of the
theatre where the world are spectators
and multitudes shall glorify his success,
or lament his full, or cheer him in the
pangs of death. But woman—gentle, si
lent, sequestered—thy triumphs are only
for the heart that loves thee —thy deepest
griefs Lave no comforter but the secret
communion of tbine own pillow !
No matter how long you have been mar
ried never neglect to court your wife.
If a toper aud a gallon of whiskey were
left together, which would be drunk first.