-llvailiovd ovtcx. I.OCAL AND GENERAL c.j- Tin' llt'porter its printed upon Camp- • V( . untry anil Jol> Press, Office No. 5G Gold j . a York. Thomas 11. Senior, agent. -vo Accident. — On Saturday afternoon, i tli, as Andrew Lants of Franklin town- A; ., swimming liis hora e for the purpose of ire Liru, in u very deep pool of water just be low Lis father's mill dam he was thrown from the I and not being able to swim, immediately : the bottom. His body was recovered in a j.. a time and every effort made to resuscitate him i [L. > tal spark had lied. v i. ;us by terian Church on Monday and Tues .] in xt week, commencing at fifteen minutes it- eight in the evening. The Literary and Mu- J . xi-reise, of the Young Ladies Department on j jj lay owning, and the exercises of the Pliilo- I i....iiican Society in connection with the Young j nth-nun's Department 011 Tuesday evening, i Public are respectfully invited to sttend. •— jg,., The Board of Managers and members j ,f the Young Men's Christian Association olTowan- | ,l,i, di-siro to return their sincere thanks to the la- ! ,11, i the place for their generous assistance in I ,itiugupand conducting their festival, there-! of which meet most satisfactory, placing the i \ viatiou in the necessary funds inly their Public Heading Dooms with a choice s ,,ii,n of reading matter, and they would once j iiKu mwie ine public to make the rooms a visit, j Kli tug they w ill find them a pleasant place of r, ■ :t. ♦ (~j- Waverly stage leaves Towanda at T • ... m., connecting with trains East and I ILturning at 6 a. ni., on the arrival of the , i from Buffalo, and Buffalo express from I Nee York. The Festival given by the Ladies : i th, benefit of the Presbyterian Church, of this I ]., <•, on the 3d and 4th inst., was a great suc x, the proceeds amounting to about SIOOO. The balloon ascension in the evening of the 4th, >,!•• v direction of Prof. Bender, was a marked feu- j : >ft' c occasion, contributing by its success, j i,. little to the gratification of the spectators. ♦— i en Sports. — Match Game of Ham' Ball. > .1 mutch game of Base Ball was played on the \ !th ii l, between the Tioga Point Clou of Athens , .1 the Winona Club of this place, on the grounds ! i>l ii., latter. The prize played for was a Bat and j l: 'l. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the ; v.v.itlier -it the commencement ot the game, at 1, as: iiue thousand people were present to witness I the playing. The choice was won by the Tioga's, j who t the Field, and at '1:10 the Umpire called •• Ball to the Bat," ami the game commenced, with the rain pouring down in torrents, which it con tinued to do until two innings had been played, alien the rain l eased and the sun e..me out, muk- j nig the balance of the day quite pleasant, although raiiiej- warm for such active work as playing Base 1 'all. Considering the heavy condition of the Tield, the playing was excellent on the part of Loth ! Chins, and elicited frequent bursts of applause f. i the spectators. The players all did well in veral positions, and it would be almost un to say who excelled. As Umpire, Capt. •I. J Beeves, of the Tioga's, showed himself fully i fur the position, and Lis decisions were re -1 Ly both Clubs with entire satisfaction. The t run untile was that of the Winona's on their > innings —13. The time occupied by the j ■sue was three hours, ami resulted in the success | i the WiXuXA's by a score of 41 to 31. After the ! the Winona's entertained the Tioga's at the ; s House, where an elegant supper was dis : i ~f by the friendly contestants. \ni:, veil is the score of the game : WINONA. HOG A POINT. O. K. O. It. T",.nev. 3b... 2 I! Coryell, p 3 4 lireou, lb 4 3 Wright, c 4 2 j Wilbur, r f 5 3 Saltmarsh, ss. .. 4 3 j Ir, liailwny Horse Pow ers, Threshers and Cleaners, Ac. I have long! Lin a dealer in and manufacturer of Endless : -a Horse Powers, tuul am acquainted with all the 1 t-st now iu use in the Middle States, anil nm I'D p; led to say with confidence, that the Harder Horst Power is decidedly the very l>est noir made. It 1 more power, runs stiller, is better made and | Tc durable than any other. Jlanli r's Thresher and Cleaner is s simple and '.'Table machine, w ill not choke, does not waste grain ami threshes and cleans rapidly and thor- . ably all kinds of grain. Farmers, once employ e's the Harder Machines to do their threshing, them the decided preference. Every machine • v . rrnnted, samples are not kept on hand. Or -1 r must he filled from the manufactory. t ircnlars and Price Lists mailed to all appli -I'-'tx. It. M. WELLES. Towanda, I'a., June 25, 1866.— tf. r '"i American Cooking Stove. — is mauu- Hctured with certain improvements secured by letters patent, under date of May 5, 18G3, anil De cember 5, 1865. One of these improvements cov ers the arrangement of fitting a portable ash pan in the hearth of a cooking Stove, to receive the ash es as it passes down from the grate. All persons I are cautioned against manufacturing, vending or I using other Stoves made in imitation of the Ameri | can. as suits have been commenced for infringe- ; 1 ment of these patents, and all persons manufactur ; ing, selling or using said imitations , will be liable for damages for infringement on these letters pat- Gnt. SHEAR, PACKARD A CO., 17 and 19 Green St.,, Albany, N. Y. The AMERICAN is for sale by Codding and Kussel Towanda. FARMERS — HAVING. —Light llubbanl Mow ing Machine, improved for 1866, Wheel Rakes, Hay Knives and Horse Forks combined, Ac., at S. N. BRONSON'S, who is selling many goods since credit exploded, sending lots of cash into Metro politan Hardware Store, Orwell, Pa. Read his proposals in another column. PENSIONS INCREASED. —I am now prepared to get Pensions increased in the following cases, (under an Act of Congress just passed, viz : To j Soldiers who have lost both eyes, or both hands, to s'2s. To those who have lost both feet to S2O ; ; and those who have lost one hand or one foot, or | been totally disabled iu the same to sls. Depen dent Fathers are also entitled to Pensions. All persons interested please call immediately on JOHN W. MIX, Towanda, Fa. Office first block south of Ward House—up stairs FIRST NATIONAL BANK ok TOWANDA FINAN CIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES, Capital $125,- i 000. Deposits received payable on demand in Legal ■ Tender Notes. Interest allowed on time deposits according to agreement. Cneurrent Bank Notes received on deposit or exchanged for Legal Tender. U. S Bonds and 7-30 Treasury Notes bought 1 and sold. Highest price paid for Compound Interest notes. | Drafts payable in any part of the United States i at par for Si.le. Drafts payable in England, Scotland, Ireland or ! Wales, in an amount over one pouuil sterling, fur nished at lowest rates. Passage tickets from Liverpool or Q ueenstow n , to.New York, by the well known Inman Line, on and for sale. E. H. SMITH, Pres. N. N. BETTS, jr., Cash, j • s&" Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company of Hartford Conn. Assests over $lO,- ! 000,000. Divident paid during the preset fiscal j year, GO per cent. It is the largest, safest, cheap- I est, and best Life Insurance company of this i country. H. B. MCKEAN, Agent. ! Towanda, Pa. PENSIONERS. — The instalment of Pensions due March 4th, 18GG, paid on and after that date, ; by bringing your Pension certificates to J. N. CA- j llff, Pension Agent. Office over News Room, To- j wanda, Pa. Feb. 20. j Soldiers and widows of soldiers of war of 1812, who are in necessitous circumstances are entitled to a gratuty of S4O, and an annuity of S4O, payable semi-annualy, provided, they was and are residents of Pennsylvania. Apply "to 11. B. , McKean, Claim Agent. Office Montanyes' Block. Towanda, Pa., April IG, 186 G. GRADE VINES, ORNAMENTAL TREES, &C., — j The subscriber has a supply on hand of nice lona. ' Israelis, Delaware, Aliens Hybrid, Diana, Con- i cord, Creveling and other Grape vines, warranted j true to name. Grape vines of any variety furnished | to order. Orders taken for Ornamental Trees, | Shrubs, Vines anil Flowers at established rates of 1 other Nurserymen. Also for all kinds of smalf fruits, such as Strawberries, Currants, Raspberries, Blackberries, Ac., R. M. WELLES. Towanda, April 8, 18GG. S&° Kerosene or Coal Oil, the very best kind for sale bv the barrel or in small quantities, very cheap, at Dr. Porter's Drug Store. CARD. —AII soldiers who enlisted prior to June 30, 1863, will be furnished important imfor mation/ree by calling at once upon the undersign ed. Bring your "discharge" with you. J. N. CALIFF, Pension Agent, Office over News Room. &3L. All men of the Pennsylvania lie- : serve Corps are entitled to pay from the date of , their enlistment to the 15th of May 1861, if not pj#d. Papers prepared, Back pay and Bounty and j Pension Claims collected. All military business j in any of the State and National Departments i successfully prosecuted. 11. B. MCKFAN, Claim Agent, Office Montanyes' Block. Towanda, April '2, 18G6. TOWANDA MARKETS. —( Wholesale Prices.) \ Corrected exery Tuesday by E. T. Fox, No. I,Brick Row : Wheat $2 59 @ $3 00 ; Rye 90 (a 100, Corn 90 i Oats GO | Flax Seed 1 80 @ 200 . Clover Seed, (small) 8 00 ! " " (Orwell) 10 00 j Beans 1 25 @ 1 50 j Butter (rolls) 25 (;, 28 1 " (dairy) 28 Eggs 20 | Potatoes 125 @ 1 37 ! Hay (per ton) 8 00 i Salt (per lbb.) 3 00 j Flour 12 00 @ 16 00 Hum 25 @ 28 | WEIGHTS or GRAlN. —Wheat, 60 lbs; Corn, 50 lbs; j Rye, 5G lbs ; Oats, 32 lbs ; Barley, 46 lbs ; Buck- [ wheat, 18 lbs; Beans, 02 lbs: Bran, 20 lbs; Clover : Seed 62 lbs; Dried Apples, 22 lbs; Flax Seed 5G lbs. MA RJtIE D . OSBoRN —BENEDICT—On the 3d nit, at the resi dence of the brides father, by Rev. A. C. Sperry, Mr. John Osborn, of Sheshequin, to Miss Aman da Benedict, of Wysox. FITSWATER—WILLIAMS—On the 19 th ult, by! the Rev. J. W. Putnam,Mr. Warren Fitswater to | Miss Florence A. Williams, all of Canton. WATTS—MORSE—By the same, on the 21st ult., | Mr. Andrew Watts, of Canton, to Miss Laman- | tha Morse, of Leroy. DEYOLL —OGDEN—AtthellolcombHou.se iuLe- j Roy, June 27th, by H. W. PakhurstEsq. Mr. 11. ] C. Devoll of Susquehannah Depot Pa. to Miss ] Emma Ogden of Union. CARR— YOUNG—In Asylum, June 20th, by R. E. Gilbert Esq., James Carr, to Miss Ellen B. j Young. BARNUM—HORTON—On Monday, July 2d 18C6, at the house of the Brides Father, by the Rev. A. B. Eckhert, Mr. Smith D. Barnuni, of Litch field, late Captain 23d llegt. U. S. Infantry to i Miss Sophia P. Horton, of Sheshequin. ; PADDOCK MING—In Auburn, June 23d, at the residence of the brides father, by Rev. H. H. Gray, Rev. J. H. Paddock, to Miss Elsie H. Ming, both of Auburn. Susquehannah County Pa. HOLFORD—RUPERT—In Franklin, July 4th 1860 By George B. Park, Esq., Mr. James Holford, of Franklin, to Miss Martha M. Rupert, of Burling ton, all of Bradford Co. Pa., i j GODFREY- McLUER—JuIy 3d, by Rev. J. B. Lake, Mr. Wm. Godfrey, to Miss Mary, E. Mc- i luer, all of Leroy. MEEKS—McPHERSON—by Rev D. Cook, at the j Parsonage, Meryall, July Ith 18G6, Mr. M. E. j Meeks, and Miss Nancy A McPherson. PLACE —LOVE—At Tuscarora, by Rev. I>. D. , Gtay, July 2d, ISGG, Mr. Jacob S. Place, of j Wyalusing, and Miss Rosama Love, of Auburn. KF.KNEY—DETRICK—By the same.r.t Windham, j July 3d, Mr. Watson L. Keeney, of Golden Hill, and Miss Lucinila D. Detrick of Skinners Eddy. BLACK— BOLLEN— By the same, July 4th, at Tuscarora, Mr. John H. Black of Tuscarora. and Mis Sarah A. Bollcs of Auburn. ALLEN -THAYER By the same, at Braintrim, July Ith, Mr. Junia W. Allen of Wysox,and Miss Jttiia A. Thayer, of the former Place. XERIiY—CHItISTIAN—By the same, at Tuscarora, July sth, Mr. Henry F. Terry of Terry town, and Miss susie Christian, of the former place. MARCY— COX At Monroeton, on the 7th of July, by Rev. Hallock Armstrong, Mr. Vinson Marcy to Miss Charlotte M. Cox, both of Monroeton. I) 1 E D . BRAGG In Wyalusing, June ]2th,lß n Julius Bragg in the 38tli year of his agi- MoIVI'YRE —Drowned at this place, July 4, iB6O, Huttie Bell, only child of George and Olive Me lutyre. Aged 1 years, 4 months and 21 days. " Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to j come unto mc ; for of such is the kingdom of | heaven." Ncui SliiDntiscmfnts. ] T S. INTERNAL REVENUE.—NO- L • TICK TO TAX PAYERS.— Notice is hereby I given that the annual assessments of Taxes in the 13th district ot Pennsylvania, comprising the counties of : Montour, landlord, Sullivan, Wyoming and Columbia, upon Incomes lor 1805 , and licenses, carriages, pianos, Ac., tor 1800, is neaily completed. COURTS OF APPEAL for the correction of erroneous assessment will be held as follows : IN MONTOUR COUNTY on FRIDAY the oth nay ol Ju.y, 1800, at the Montour House iu Danville. IN BRADFORD COUNTY on WEDNESDAY the 11th day of July. iB6O, at the Ward House in Towanda. IN SULLIVAN COUNTY ! on FRIDAY the 13th day ol July, 1866, at the house o D. A. Vaughn in Dushore. IN WYOMING COUNTY on WEDNESDAY'the 18th of July, 1860, at Baldwin's Hotel in Tunkhannock. IN COLUMBIA COUNTY j on FRIDAY' the 20th ol July, IS6G, at the Assessor's ' Office in Bloomsburg. ALL APPEALS MUST BE IN WRITING, | and rnu-t specify the particular cause, matter or thing i respecting which a decision is requested, aud shall state the ground or principle ot error complained of. I Appeals may be made at the office oi the Assessor at j any time previous to the days above fixed for he aring ! appeals. *5-- li any person liable to lucome tax, or owning i carriages, watches, pianos and other articles liable un j der schedule A oi the Excise law have not yet reported they are hereby notified to do so at once or become lia j ble to the penalty. The excuse that 1 tie Assessor has | not called up m him will not avail. It is the duty of ev j ery one amenable to the law to seek the Assessor of his j District and make his return. PALEMON JOHN, Assessor loth Di- trict, Pa. Assessor's Office, Bloomsbnrg, Pa., June 21,1806. UNT AIN LAK E ! i The subscriber respectfully informs the public that the : Pleasure Grounds- connected with Mountain Lake, have ! been put in complete order, and that he is prepared lor ! the reception of parties. His Buildings aud Boats have all undergone thorough repair, and parties will and < veryhwg provided for I their comfort. A more to. l ghtlui place o! icsort can- I not be found iu the county than this lake auu the adja cent groan. .- : lion ing shady walks, good beating, and j 1 excellent fishing. HARRISON DODI). j Burlington, July 2, 1m,6. IjH)K SALE — The subscriber offers for . sale a valuable Building Lot , situate on Franklin I street, about one hundred and filty feet from Mainst. There is a barn on the lot and a foundation and frame-. ! work for a house. It will he sold as it is, or with the I hou -e finished. For further particulars enquire of the subscriber at his residence on the premises. G. M. HALL. Towanda, June 20, 1866. Vf IsS E S l T PHA Ms, ' DRESS MAKERS, TOWANDA, PA. ! Would invite tlic attention of the ladies of Towanda I to their Spring Styles just received Irom New York, j They feel confident that they can please ail who will | give them a call. ! The latest fashions received regularly from Madame | Pemorest's shop, New York. Stitching dune to order. Rooms over Eddy's Clothing Store, 3d .story. April, 15th, '66. 3m. I \ DMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF PER _c\. S.ON'AL PROPERTY.—The undersigned ai'iuin- I ittiaturs ot th e esta'e ol John McMahou, dee'd late of ' Sheshequin twp , will sell on the premises in said town i ship on WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1866, the following | ; personal property, viz :—Two Span ot Horses. Cows, \ Sheep, Calves, Ilogs. one set of Blacksmith Tools, Threshing Machine, one Durham Bull. Plows, Drags, ! Household Furniture, Drills, Crowbars, Shovels, Picks, 1 Mower and Reaper attached, 1 Patent Cider Mill, Wa gons, Harness, 2 Carts, Horse Power Sawing Machine, 1 Safe, and many other articles not mentioned. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, a. m. Terms- All sums over $lO six months credit, with approved se curity. All sums under $lO cash down. THOMAS McMAHON, MARTHA McMAHON. July i 0,186 Administrators. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of lite estate of A. J'. .Stevens, deceased. In the Orphan's Court of Bradford County. The undersigned, an auditor appointed to distribute the monies in the hands ot the administrators,will attend to the duties of his appointment at the his office, iin Athens borough, on the 6th day oi August, 1866, at 1 o'clock, p. ni., aud all persons having claims upon said monies must present them or else be forever debarred from coming i:; tor a share ot said funds. I. N. EVANS, Jane 26. Duo. Auditor. rjIHE OLD BAKERY REVIVED! PETTES & lIOVEY, Are now receiving a fresh supply of Nuts, Fruits and Candies, at the old Stand on Main Street opposite the i Court House. Also an assortment of FAM IL Y GROCERIES, I Such as Teas, Sugars, Coffee, Saleiatus, Molasses, | Syrup, Spices, &c., Ac., which will be sold as cheap its 1 can tie bought in the borough of Towanda or elsewhere. GOOD GREEN TEA FOR sl, PER POUND. Kept constantly on hand, BREAD, BUSCUIT, PIES, CAKES, AC., AC., At the Towanda Bakery, j Crackers by the barrel or pound, at the Bakery. PETTES A HOVEY, ! May 7, 'GO. —tf. PIANOS, AMERICAN ORGANS AND X MELODIANS. | The undersigned most respectfully announces to the ' citizens of Towanda and vicinity, that he has purchased j the Music business of G. T. COLE, aud will hereafter | supply any ot the above articles, together with VIOLINS. GUITARS, ACCORDIANS, STRINGS. AC., on as good terms as they can be had elswhere. W. A. CHAMBEBLA IN . He is also Agent for the CELEBRATED AMERICAN WATCH, and has always on hand, a good assortment of Swiss Watches, with a general assortment of JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS, Silver and Plated Ware of the BEST MANUFACTUR | ERS. which will be sold at unusually low figures. A | large variety of Clocks just received, among which may be found theSeth Thomas, which has no equal, I REPAIRING AND JOBBING, ! done with neat ess and dispatch, and warranted. To j those who can't ie, we would say go to Chamberlain's j and get a pair of glassei that will make you see as well as ever. Don't forget the shop, nearly opposite the j Court House. W. A. CHAMBERLAIN. Towamla, Noy. 6,15G5. 1 I M POI IT AN T TO BU TT Flt MAK KRS.— X The under signed are now fully prepared to furnish j the public with an " Inclined Dog Power Machine," of a superior quality and pattern at the following rates : Machine suitable far Dairies of from 3 to 10 cows, $lO. " 10 to 15 " sl2. " " " " 15 to 20 *' sls. . 20 to 25 " S2O ii •' " " " 24 to 30 " $25. •' • " •' •' 30 or more " $35 Every machine delivered and put in running order, and warranted to give entire satisfaction or money re funded. All orders by mail promptly attended to. LUTHER A ROSS. Burlington boro', May 8, '66. We, the undersigned,'have each had iu use during | the past season, one ot Luther A Ross'' Inclined Dog Power Machines," and cheerfully recommend them to the public as the best Churn Power yet introduced. R.M. Prnyne, I>. S. Luther, David Strope, Josepbus Campliell. May 8, '66—3 m. WmHE TRIUMPH OF FREEDOM OVER ± SLAVERY." A Companion for the Iteclai ation of Independence. This National Engraving designed and copy-righted 1 by J. HOLCOMB, and published by C. F. Cross,No.l37, Room 7, Broadway, New-York, is now being offered to ths people of Bradford County through traveling agents. | It is a copy in official form of the Amendment of the ! Constitution of th- United Ststes abolishing Slavery; to which is appended the Autographs of President f.in c.Jn, Vice-President Hamlin. Schuyler Colfax, Speaker , of the House of Representatives ;'j. W. Forney, Secre- ; tary of the Senate; Edward M'Pherson, Clerk of the House of Representatives, and of all the members of j i both the Senate aud House ot Representatives, who vot- i ed for this important measure, giving 102 fac-simile sig-! ! natures, and a reliable and true record of one of the ; most important events in the Nation's history since the 1 immortal Declaration of Independence. The whole is engraved on copper plate, ami published on strong, fine Card-board. 19x25 inches, and is accompanied by m ex planatory Key, giving also the negative vote upon the amendment. The Engraving is appropriately embel lished. and forms an ornamental,and valuable memento. It should he procured and preserved by every irieud ot Freedom- Price $1 50. D. W. Hughes, of Towanda.is an autln rized traveling Agent, tor the sale of this work, for the following towns j viz : Ulster, Sheshequin, Wysox, Asylum, Athens twp.. and Boro', Litchfield, Windham, Warren, Rome, OiwelL Pike, Terry, Monroe, Burlingtons, Smithtield. and Her' rick. Harvey Holeomb, of Leßoy, is agent for I.eßoy, Franklin, Canton. Troy twp. and Boro', Columbia,Gran viiie, Springfield and Columbia. T. Wells, for South I Greek and Ridgbury, r Nov. 27, 1865.—tf CANAL BOAT, IN GOOD condition, aud with tight hatches—to ? rry j about 30 tons. Address with particulars as to price Ac i April 9,1860—4t Box 126, Pittston, Pa. flomcll & £o.'s New (£OOit0. rjIHE GREATEST ATTRACTIONS IN j GOODS EVER OFFKRED IN THIS MARKET, POWELL &; CO Have uow iu store the largest stock oi goods ever exhib ited in Northern Pennsylvania. Additions will con stantly be made to this stock during the season, and it will at all times be lound FULL AND COMPLETE in all its departments. We invite the particular attention of our customers to | our magnificent display of FALL AM) WINTER DRESS GOODS 1 I Which we offer at prices much below those of last year. We have given special care to our selections in this line | and are now able to exhibit the newest,most fashionable, | and most desirable styles to be obtained. Our new ; stock'comprises all colors of Plain and Plaid French Merinos, Empress Cloths. Striped Melanges, Striped i and Plaid Poplins, Taffetas, Lamas, Tinsel Poplins, Paris ! | Crepes, Rc-ps, Plain and llrocade Alpacas, Poil de Chev ies, Delaines and Arinu.-i s, Bright Plaids for children's ' ] wear, and a great variety of other Dress Fabrics. MOURNING DRESS GOODS. Black French Merinos, Bombazines, Tamese Cloths, Baratheas, Mohair Lustres, P.lack and White Check anil ' Striped Poplins and Alpacas, Double and Single Fold All Wool Delaines, and a full line of those High Lustred Black Alpacas, at. a great reduction in price. LADIES' CLOTHS, CLOAKINGB AND j SACKINGS. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. j Beaver Cloths, Tricots, Velvet Cloths, Cassimere Sack- I ings, Plain md Twilled Black Broadcloths, of all prices all colors of Plain and Fancy Sackings, Opera Fiaunels, Ac., Ac. GLOVES AND HOSIERY. Indies, Misses and Childrens White and Colored Cot ten, Fleeced and Merino Hose, Ladies Merino Vests and Drawers, Gloves ot every description at low prices. " LINENS & HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Bleached, Half Bleached, and Unbleached Damask Ta ble Linens, Napkins, Towels, Towellings, Scotch and Russia Diapers, Bleached and Unbleached Huckabucks, ! Crushes, liish Linens, Ac., 10-4 and 9-4 Sheetings, j i Pillow Case Cottons, Counterpanes, Draping Muslins, j Shaker Flannel Sheetings, Hose Blankets. Ac., Ac. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. Esquimaux, Moscow and Castor Beaver Cloths, French and German Black Broadcloths, Doeskins, Fancy Cas | simeres, Tweeds,JMeltons, Satinetts, Union Cassimeres, Jeans, Ac., Ac. ALSO, All qualities Plain White, Shaker and Welch Flannels, Fancy Shirting, Miners, Red and Gray, Plain and Twilled Flannels, and a full assortment of DOMESTIC COTTON" GOODS, At the Lowest Market rates. SEOCASRID FLOOR We are now opening and desire to call special atten tion to our unusually large stock ot FINE CLOAKS. As we make this department of our business a special ity, we have given it much time and attention. Our se lections have been made from the newest styles iu the market, and our Cloaks arc manufactured in a manner that cannot fail to please, and give entire satisfaction, SHAWLS ! SHAWLS ! Having made our purchases before the recent great advance in price, wejarc able to otter decided bargains in Ladies, Misses and Childrens Double and Single Shawls. Our present stock far surpasses in extent and variety, any purchases we have ever befort? made in this | line, and we have availed ourselves of the most favor able time to select the choicest and most desirable goods in the market. BON TON FLEXIBLE SPRING SKIRT. THE NEWEST AND BEST PATENT CRINOLINE YET INVENTED. We have now on hand a good assortment ol these cel ebrated Skirts, in White and Colored. ALSO, The Eugenie, Empress, Paris Trail, Multiform, and a variety of other popular makes _ot Skirts in all sizes for Ladies Misses and Children. CARPETS AND FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. Brussels, Three Ply, Extra Super, Supeifiue. Ingrain, Kidder, and Hemp Carpets. All widths Floor Oil Cloths Mattings, Door Mats,} and Rugs. Anew stock just re ceived. BOOTS AND SHOES. j Having made arrangements with manufacturers to j supply our sales with the best quality of Boots and j Shoes, we shall at all times be able to furnish our custo ; merswith the best custom made Shoes of all kinds. I for Ladies, Misses and Children, and Boots for Mcus and Boys wear, at reasonable prices. We shall also keep con i stantly on hand a complete assortment of Mens.Womens ; and Children's Rubbers and Ar". Overshoes. HATS AND CAPS. ! A splendid assortment of Mens and Boys Hats and j Caps just received. Having closed out our old stock almost entirely previous to our late purchases, we now ofler an entire new stock ot the latest styles. PAPER HANGINGS . ISCG. IjJE W SPRING GOODS! J. W. TAYLOR, I Is just receiving a large and well-selected stock of Spring i Goods of the best qualities, and choice styles, having I purchased them when goods were i lie lowe , he feels fully confident tiiat lie can sell to please all. V large aesortment of Dress Goods, variour colors and styles. A fine line of French Poplins, the gem o! the season. - Come and see them, all wool Alpacca Poplins, a gcu- j eral assortment of BLACK AXI) COLORED ALPACAS', and a very great variety of other dress goods too nu merous to mention. A complete line ol Mourning goods, Delains, Prints, Ginghams, BLACK AAD WHITE BALMORALS, j Hoop Skirts i large quantities, from tbiee yards to ! three and ah If around, and splendid assortment of GLOVES AND HOSIERY. ! Radio ' and Gents kid gloves, Dr< ss Ti imings and But- 1 j tons to suit all. Ladies' Cloths, Brab, Black and White, ' and Black Repellant Cloth. SPUING SUA WLS, Bleached and Unbleached Muslin, Sheeting, Crash, Scotch Diapers, bnnvn and white table linen Napkin?, and a lull line of White Goods, Jaconet, Kansook, Swiss. Mull. Victoria Lawn, Striped Muslin. Dimity t.ickcd ; Muslin, a nice assortment of BLACK AND COLORED DRESS SILKS. . [ A large quantity of Embroidery CHEAP. Gent's Neck j Ties, Paper Collars and Hosiery. One of the largest ami ; best selected STOCK OF MILLI ERY GOODS j ever brought iu this market and cheap. All the latest I styles and novelties of the season, in Bonnets, Gipsies, Ac . Ribbons. Ac , Flowers to suit every cue. Whit ■ Embroidery, Hoods and Caps lor infants, Ladies' aud | Misses' Hats, the Sailor,margaretta derby, and all style.- j too numerous to mention. Having scorned the service- 1 •ol AlleS MOSHER, I feel confident we can piec-o all and all kinds ol Miiinery work rione on short notice. i invite the people of Towanda and vicinity to call and j examine my stock of goods and judge fir themselves : no trouble to show goods, oue door north ot the Posi ; Office. April o, l-i;0. rjOMBSTIG GOODS AT REDUCED P RICES! CALL AND SEE, AT MONTANYE'B. Feb. 5, 18tiG. "VET ANOTHER STOCK OF NEW A GOODS AT IV 1 C K II A M & BLACK'S. DRESS GOODS, DOMESTICS, FLANNELS, WHITE GOODS, | EMBROIDERIES, TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS. The above lines we oiler in great variety and latest styles HATS and CAPS, LARGE STOCK, BOOTS and SHOES, BEST MAKES. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS. J This part ol our stock we pay particular attention to, j and now offer two ot the best patterns ot Ironstone Ware in the market. Erie and Sevres, also ('. Yellow Rockingham and Wedgewood. Beautiful assortment ot Glass Lamps. Call aire see our stock of NOTIONS. Thankful for past favors we respectfully invite your trade and promise to do our best. WICKHAH A BLACK. r> Lr?ui ADM IN IS. *■ 'Ol ICE—Notice is hereby given - ed to the es- Ute ol ALMiRA A. JON f- ' ;uiot, deceased, are requested to wak .n- nt, withoat delay, and those having'usug.iii.Jt JAiUe ieraust proseut them duly authenticated tor settlement. J. L. JONES, Ju iy 9, IbCtf. A Jm'nlstrator. A DMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. —N'utico is Ja. hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate o! Jus. A.Forcuau, -ale ol Columbia twp., dee d are requeued to make inniieuinle payment, aud those having claims against said estate mil present them duly authenticated lor settlement. LUCY A. FUKMAN, EDWIN KUoaELL, July 9, IsOG. Administrators. TRIXS NOTlCE—Notice is herc :JU by given, that ali; ison.-, >n-n-bicd to the estate ot JuliN C. ADAMS, late ol North Towanda twp., dec u., are requeued to make im men idle payment, and tho uhaving claim-a;, iin ' .aid estate are requested to present luern to John W". Mix, at his office iu Towanda Borough, duly authenticated -or ecti It-meet. LUCY . ADAM.s, July 11,180> 1 xeeutrix. Ai).,liXioi AA tOu.S NOTICE. —Noun. is heiebj g. .tin an p.-. sous indebted to thee* tale oi GEO. u.AVfcLLES, !at ol Athens tp. dee'd, are requtsied to inaa immediate ..iyment, and ali having ciuim.- upon .-Jul..slate i.iu pi sent Uicin duly unbent:- caicdlorseti. n.cnt JAMEH H. WELLIES, A. H. fcPALDING, May 21, Ibtii. _ Administrators. DMiNlOiivAiiiiX NO LTCE.-LeUera XX. ot administration oi lae goods, chattels, Ac. ol JAJriA FALaitY iate oi Franklin towp., deceased, nave been issued to tue subscriber. Air persons indent ed to said estate are l, quested to make payment, and an persons having demand-, against the same are notified In present the same lor seUicurcut to the subscriuer. CATHARINE FALSEY, May 24, 'liti. Administratrix A DAiiNlS'R'ri NOTlCE.—Notice is iiere- I ■*-*■ by given lliat all pel-Oils indented to the estate . JOoEt'Ji ARDRUs, late ut Columbia twp., Biadloid County, dec d, ur requested lo make payment without delay ana all uuving claims against said estateaic re quested to present tneui uuly uuthenticated lor - ■ x mint. R. t. KN'Ai'i', May 24, is'iG. Administrator. A" DMIN ISTRATQRS NOTlCE.—Notice ia actcDy iaal ail persons lßdeoteti to Lhc es.aLti oi r.. iIuDAJJAUGii laic 01 Canton twp.. d ce.. sd, are requested to make immediate payment, aar those having i.,iui against said estate wih present luein uuiy authehticated lor .-cilie ireut, CrlAs oi'UCis. WEEL, May Ji, IHoli. Admlmstra or AD .ill Nib iiiA I Oil' ii N UTiCE.-Nuticc is hereby given, tiiat ali persons inueuted to in. estate ol Heury Cunningham iate ol West Barhngtcn dee'd., are requested to make immediate pay men and tnose having demands against raid estate win pi c eut them uuly authenticated lor settlement. A. GItEENO, June 20, isiiti Auminisirator. \ DMINISTKA'iOKS XOTICE.-Notice is AJL .ciecy giv u . persons indebted to tue • ■>' ■ ol Jobu MvMahuu. dec u, late oi nbcsiicquin twp., j are lc quested to in ..e .umediate pay meut, aud lb j having demauda ag ..us: .-.-.id estate will present them ! uuly authenticated ior settlement. MARTHA M'MAHON, JOHN JI'MAHON, June IJ, isoti. Administrators. AID! i Oii'o NOITUE.— J. P. Kirbys u.-r M. -in' ■ alois of lituitui Muiruy. tit <'(/ j No.-JiG, : em-ic. Term, istiti. i ueuL. .irigued un auditor appoiuleu by said Court j to distribute money* arising irorn sheriff's sal: ol de cedeuu: ■ erta'e, wili a'-iead to tbe duties ol li. - q pointmeni, at hs office iu Towanda boro', on Weune-. I the isth day ol auiy, iejtifi, at 1 o clock j'- m., at a hick j time and place allpersona interested can attend if they think ptoper or be lorever debarred from the same JOHN W. MIA, ■ June 14, IBUU. Auditor. j A DMIN IS TR A IRIX'S NOTlCE.—Notice XA. is hereby -riven, that all persous indebted to thi :• te oi Gabrie, Duvis, dec d, iate ol Albany twp., .. | requ.- ted to make immediate payment, and those hav ing demands against -aid estate will present them uuiy authenticated ior settlement. HARRIET E. WILCOX, June 14, ISG6. Administratrix. ! ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE.—The bub- I -H. scribers wili el! at public auction on TUESDAY, the loth day ot JUiA", next, commencing at lo o'clock j a. in .at tbe late residence ol Ceo. il. iV'clie.-,, utc u, ! iu Athens bore., the personal property belonging i j a.e es' tie, consisting ot ream Horses, Blooded Horses, I Colts, Cows. Yoaag Cattle, Bhoep, Hogs, Farming c - j leiisiis, Crops on the ground aud numerous othei urn cits. The terms 01 sale will be easa on all sums less I ban I tea ii rllar.-, .mu Oa ail sums exceeding lual amount six j mont act-edit with approved security. the .-..bscriitt!. win also sell at private sale, the real j estate or sa u co. u. Welles, uee'd., comprising | r'iist—iii - • o.i. iaim, situated in the lower part ol | the Borough Athens, at the junction ot the >u-pie hannu and t ii. mang Lives. Containing about m) ' acres, üboo . - res improved, with good buildings j truit, Ac., tbcie m. Second- ■■ u-r bow Mill on Cayula Creek, in j Bar ton, Tiog ■■■■}, N. Y., with Mill Uou-e anil I privileges, embracing about lb acresof land. Known I us tbe cjus.- ..... | 'oird—A i..vt iiniber Land in Chemung, Cno mur.g county. i.., situate on Lock wood Ran. Con | tuiuiug a.l . . ar e?, about WO improved, with grid traiidings thereon. Fourth—A limber Lot contain tag about 2no dotes, lying on trie south si!- . ii. ... J.im Run. I'iith A lr.. tot limner and Farm Land, containing about JOu acres, lying west and adjoining the last named tract, r-ixtb—One other tract ot limber Laud situate on . -.I ri ... Coiil .. ig loj acres, i above tracts oi mud have a large qui Lily ol .mi i-ei and are vu.ua->!.- lor lumbering purposes, and j tntts be sold for the pnrpoee ol settling the estate. .. portion • ; li.-.- pureba-j money m .it bo paid down | and tor iUc ballaace.a credit will be given. JAtt. ti. WELLE-, A. U. SPALDING, A.hens, June 16, lMiti. Admiuistiators. miscellaneous. YEW AND GOODS! T* , Ue! u-eeiveu, A FULL STOCK OF GROCERIES, Bought lor Cash, WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT A SMALL ADVANCE. Tbanklul for pa-t favors, I would respectfully say to my old triends that 1 hope by sUict attention anWiair pH. cs to merit a continuance of their favors. Towanda, Feb. 2. E. T. FOX. JC* 0 R SALE! 358J ACRES CHOICE PINE TIMBER LAND, ■1 miles from Towanda, LAND UNSURPASSED FOR FARMING PGUPO-Ei-. Pine timber estimated a. J.uOO.uoO leet, ileui!: k 2,ub0,U00, besidescak, maple, and other hurdwood. For pirtieulars inquire ot JXO. SALTM \RSH April 4, DOG. Athens, Pa, r U T II E R ' S M ILLS, BURLINGTON, PA The proprietor, having rebuilt Lis Flouring Mill in Knv liiigiou. auu taken paius in selecting anieles, and the most mq r.ved uiaehinery, it is now completed in order f r all kinds of Flouring. CUSTOM WORK DONE AT SHORT NOTII K. with elieeiful attendants, who will see to your wants in gi .1 cider and with general satisfaction. Kb* Cash paid lor Grain. A] ril 17. b66. BOSWKLL L 4 THI iff. SALE —The undersigned oilers lor l. s.tle i s HOU-.E and LOT situated on Main street, ii tiie south end ot the borough ol Towanda. Terms made known by calling on the subscriber, G. H. DRAKE. Towanda, March "23, ISiiil. j \ VALUABLE MILL FUR SALE.— Xa. The if nring mill, known a, the Chifte Mill, situ ated iu Rome, one mile north ol the village, will be sold at a great sacrifice. Any person wishing to buy sueb a property, wiil find it to their advantage to call and see the above mill before buying elsewhere. All necessary information will lie given by calling upon C. G. Gridley, in Orwell. A full and complete title will be g.vi ii A me. C. G. GKUM.LY. Orwell, May 20,1SG6.—Sw. ; 0 R SALE OR Ii E X T . A valuable Hotel property, the Bradford IJ- u.-e. !•> ! cated on the south side ot the depot at Waverly ... Y . j Connected with it are two bums, a largo Garcte, icit trees and two veils ol- it water. For term.- ii.qunc of C. F. SMITH, Proprietor, j May 24,'66.—ti. 1 TTALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. | The farm iormerly occopied by Chester Pierce, *it ' uated in Wysux twp., is uttered lor sale. It is about li i miles liom I'owanU.t ; contains about GO acies ol first ! rate land, all improved. A good Dwelling House, and ! other out-buildiugs. aud an orchard oi thrifty trees. This is one oi the moat desirable properties iu tin - market,and worthy the notice of those desiring to pni j chase alarm. For Terms Jre., apply to S. S. PIERCE, on tin pi tin j i-es, or G. li. SHEI'AItD, at Waverly N". Y, Wysox, May 7, 'Uti.—4w,p. I>UTABAGA TURNIPS, SWEDISH do. ill ai-o Beeand Canoi Fee sly the j-oond at FOX * i> ROOMS AND PAILS, WHOLESALE *and retail, at FOX'S. BATH BRIOK at JJ FOX'B.