Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 14, 1866, Image 2
NEWS FROM ALL NATIONS. Pour steamers were burued at St. Louis on Saturday morning. —The statement that Fitzhugh Lee is in command of the Fenian cavelry is denied. He was at a social party at Alexandria on Thursday night, and then returned to his farm. —Generals Steadman aud Fullerton had a conference with the freedmen at Augusta, Geor gia, Monday. —An adjournment session of the United States District Court of Virginia will commence in Richmond, Monday. The counsel for Jeff. Davis arrived in that city on Saturday. It is said that Davis' counsel will announce their readiness for trial, and in the event of a postponement will ask for the release of their client on bail. —Leonard Hyck, President of the Mer chants' National Bank at Washington, has been arrested for violating the National Currency act. He was held in $'200,000 bail. The internal revenue receipts during May. amounted to nearly $22,000,000. The destitution in Alabama is increas ing. —The Young Men's Christian Associa tion for the United States and British Provinces met in Albany on Saturday. —The shipment of specie to Europe on Saturday amounted to $3,630,000. —The Statement Department has receiv. Ed official notification of the extension of privileges to vessels along the coast of China. —The receipts from customs at the sev eral southern ports last month were unusually large, those at New Orleans alone amounting to about two millions. The total receipts from this source, when all the ports are heard from, will amount, it is estimated, to nearly seventeen mil lions of dollars in gold. The contracters are fast progressing with the Lancaster branch of the Reading and Co lumbia Railroad. The Company expect to have passenger trains running over the new road on the 4th of July. This will put the cities of Reading and Lancaster in direct communication. —The Grand Jury of Common county, Texas,has indicted ex-Major General F. J. Herron, j United states army, for kidnapping and delivering ! to the Liberal General Cortina a suspected Imper- j ialist named Rejon, who was subsequently shot by Cortina's order. One Chas. S. Dunlap got himself into ; jail, the other day, at Zanesville, Ohio, for going ! through the country and poisoning the mouths of horses, then suddenly appearing as a "horse doc tor," and offering to cure them for "so much." —During the month of May there were shipped from New York to the lately rebellious States 20,496 pounds of gunpowder, 54,539 pounds | ot shot, 212,000 percussion caps. 156,721 ball car tridges, and 1,165 guns and pistols. Pickpockets took advantage of the! throng attending the funeral of General Scott, and plied their vocation with success. General Grant and Speaker Colfax were relieved of their purses j by the light-fingered rogues. —The returns thus far received from the j recent voting in West Virginia on the constitution al amendment denying the right of suffrage to reb- j els indicate a majority in favor of the amendment of about 8000. Franz Joseph Christ was killed by in juring his spine, while attempting to turn a sum merset, in Pittsburg, Pa., on Monday last. He fell upon his head, and lay senseless, with his lower extremities paralyzed for forty-eight hours, when he expired. Dr. G. R. Sweeting, of Berlin, Wiscon sin, died May 30, from the effects of a slight punc ture in the finger with a needle, received while sewing uy> a body after post mortem examination. ' —A young lady, of La layette, fnd., who ; had been in the habit of eating arsenic to improve her complexion, took too much the other day. and came near dying. -—Eight or ten millions of logs are block ed np on the Allegash river, in Maine, for hick of water, and will probably not be got out this year. -The street railroad drivers are on a strike in Cincinnatti. They demand an increase of wages and privilege of sitting down while driv ing. —in Patterson, X .1., the locomotive j shops are busy. In one of the shops they expect ; to turn out eleven locomotives each mouth for the ; next three mouths. President Johnson and Cabinet will v s- i it Chicago Ui participate in the cermonies attending j the laying of the corner-stone of the Douglas rnon anient. —Col. Beauchamp Wilker informs the. Royal Geographical Society of Loudon that the population of Pekin, China, is not more than one million two hundred thousand. Governor Curtin has appointed Charles R. Coburn Superintendent of Common Schools for 1 the State of Pennsylvania. About 300 colored couples were mar ried lost week at the freedmen's village on Arling ton Heights. —ln Brooklyn, on Tuesday, a jury gave a colored man $350, indemnification for loss sus tained by him during the riots of 1863. —Commissioner Theaker, will issue du ring the week ending June 12th 165 new patents. lt appears that John Vat Bureu, who is now in England, has u special mission from the owners of American yachts to those of Great Brit ian, regarding an international competition, and there is some hope that the proposal will result successfully. —The New Bedford Mercury says that some ef the old whaling captains in that city are very much downcast at the prospects of a Fenian defeat in Canada, their desire being that John Bull should have some punishment as a set-oft' of the jute piracies. —The case of Clark Dodge & Co. against the United State*, the question being as to the val idity of the bankers' tax law, has been argued be fore Judge Kelson, of the L'nited States Circut Court, at New York. The decisiou was reserved. Several thousand Norwegin irumi- 1 grants are expected to arrive in Chicago within a 1 few days. A large proportion of them will locate permanently there. —A man was recently arrested at Cor- j ilova, one of the Argentine provinces, for the com mission of twenty eight murders. He was to be shot without the formality of a tr&l. --The Vicoryof Egypt is interested in the 1 Suez Canal to the amount of 180,000,000 trances, ! and his special envoy, Nubar Pasha, is in Paris trying to buy up the French .shares. —A family in Albany has been poißoned by eating unwholesome veal, and one of the chil dren died. Bishop Atkinson of the Episcopal diocese of North Carolina, is going to Europe for his ! health. —James B. Hoemer. of Hartford, Conn., j ous made a donation of 950,000 to the Theological , institute of that city. The estimated expense of the city of 10 yu tor tha > om>ng vbi/£*/.b 12,812,413- 86. Bradford Bcportrr. Towanda, Thursday, June 14, 1866. Union State Ticket. FOB GOVERNOR, GEN. JOHN W. GEARY, OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY. A SOITHKRN VIEW OF RECOXSTRFCTIOS. The Philadelphia Daily News, whose edi tor is an applicant for the Collectorship of the Port of Philadelphia, has become a most violent JOHNSON advocate, lauding his re-construction measures beyond all reason able bounds, and abusing Congress to the full extent of its ability, for daring to act independent of the President. Its merce nary motives, however, are so well known, that it fails to have any effect; and the vulgar ribaldry it indulges in, when speak ing of Messrs. STEVENS and SCMNER, and the republican press of the couutry, shows its bad temper and bad taste, its own weak ness, and the weakness of its cause. This journal, in its issue of June Ist, makes a great ado over an editorial article it extracts "from a religious paper of the South, and declares, in substance, that the republican press will not publish such ar ticles aB this, and others like it, which give a true version of the sentiments and actions of the Southern people, yet it ad mits that the New York Tribune published this very article, but finds fault because the Tribune replies to it. The flummery of the Daily News about bigotry and preju dice are contemptible. We give below the whole article, verba tim et literatim, of the Atlanta (Ga.) Chris tian Index, as we find it in the Daily News, proposing, however, to follow it with a statement of some pertinent facts, such as are necessary to a true understanding of the averments which the Index makes. FOUB MISTAKES. —The great obstacle to recon struction in Church and State, in fact and in feel ing, lies in mutual misunderstanding of the facts in regard to each other by the northern and south ern people. If the troth were known at the North as to what is said, and done, and thought, and felt in these southern States, we believe that a control ling number of the people there would be inclined to extend to us such treatment as we desire and as we think we deserve. There are four leading par ticulars in which we think their judgments of us are entirely wrong, and if they could be correctly informed on these points, we believe that a vast stride would be made toward real peace. With a sincere desire to do good to our fellow-men, and to glorify our Father in Heaven, we proceed to men tion these four things, and to put on record our solemn testimony in regard to them. First. It is believed at the North that the peo ple here consider the late dispute still unsettled, that they are anxious for another opportunity to resort to anus, and that they are ready and ripe to avail themselves of the first occasion to make an other effort for independence. In all this our nothern friends are entirely mis taken. There is not a word of truth in it There may be individuals of whom it is true—of course we cannot say that there are none—but we can and do say that we know of none and have heard of none. The people here are not thinking about arms nor about independence ; the ideas for which the war was fought are considered obsolete and are seldom spoken of. The great idea with almost ev ery one is to take care of himself and improve his own condition. Revolution is of all things the furthest from their wishes or thoughts. Second. It is believed at the North that there is ! here a general disposition to oppress and perse- ! cute the negro race, and, if possible, to re-enslave J them. Nothing could be further from the truth. During ; the war the slaves for the most part stood by their ! masters, labored for them without overseers in j thousands of instances, and sympathized with i them and sustained them in every possible way to the last. Since the war they have conducted them- | selves with a degree of propriety which, under the j circumstances, is a wonder to the world. These | things have increased the kindness of feelings J which were kind before, and the negro race is held i in higher estimation at the South this day than it j ever has been. The rights of suffrage, of holding , office, and of sitting on juries are denied them by j our laws, but in all other respects they are (in j Georgia) precisely on a footing with the white peo- ; pie, and so we think it is in most of the other States. The people of the North have been so of ten told that the opposite of all this is true that they may find it haril to believe what we tell them; but the facts are as we state. Third. It is believed at the North that the mo- | ment the southern people are clothed with politi cal power, they will use their influence for the re pudiation of the national debt. We have never heard this scheme proposed by a southern man, and it probably would never have been thought of here if we had not received the idea from northern newspapers. We have never | heard jt spoken of except with condemnation.— i Most of us are wise enough to know that it is to | our interest to sustain the government under which | we expect to live. Fourth. It is believed at the North that the i southern people, if invested with political power, i would endeavor to force upon the government the assumption of the debt of the late confederacy. We do I,'pf believe that this idea ever entered in to the wildest dreayi of the most visionary man in ; these southern States. We have never heard the ! subject mentioned, except with ridicule, and, as in I the preceding case, we believe it never would have j been mentioned at all if it had not been thrust up- I on our attention by the northern press. If the people at the North could only knoic the | truth in regard to the four points above spoken of, we believe that there would be an immense change i in public opinion, and in the state of public feeling i there, and that the result would be a restoration of | friendly relations and of material prosperity. Few ! of them, perhaps, will see these lines ; of those : who see them, some, we have no doubt, will be -1 lieve all we said, for some of them know that our I testimony can bg relied on ; some, we iear, will j say that we willfully falsify, and others will proba ' bly say that we are mistaken as to the facts. We , earnestly entreat thosu who doubt our evidence to j tell us what evidence would be satisfactory, and if ! they demand evidence, which the nature of the case admits of, we. think we can pledge ourselves in advance to produce it. This article may be copied by northern news- I papers, and it is just possible that some of their j readers would like to obtain more full information i from the same source : if so, let them address a letter to the editor of the Christian Index, Atlanta, ! Georgia, and they shall be promptly responded to \ publicly or privately, as they may desire. I. To the first paragraph of this article, we reply, " mutual misunderstanding of the : facts in regard to each other," has little or I nothing to do with the question of re-con struction. It is not so much what the south ] ern people are now doing, or thinking, as j what they did do and think during the four : years they made war upon the United | States. They did great injury to the gov j ernment, and to the loyal people who de feuded it in that war, and it is the opinion of the sufferers that some atonement should be made for these wrongs. We think they deserve punishment, whether they desire it !or not. But the Index has not told us what it desires, or what it thiijks the South de serves for butchering half a million of our 1 people and loading us with a debt of four thousand millions. We judge from the ideas of the Index that these important considerations are not to be thought of in the adjustment they call lor. Doubtiess al! who do wrong feel in this way, but those who suffer from their wrong doing do not, and here is the difference. 11. The people at the North know that the " late dispute " is settled ; hut if the tone manifested and sentiments uttered by all the political journals of the South are to be relied on, nothing hinders the southern peopl ' from renewing the fight save their want of ability. But the Index declares this is not • le sentiment of the southern people. Then the question arises, which is the true exponent of the South, the politi cal journals and her public men, who have testified before the Committee of Re-con struction on public sentiment in the South, or the Christian Index ? Do politicians lay their designs and political views before the editors of religious papers, generally ? And have not the editors of political pa pers a better chance of knowing the politi cal sentiments of the people, than those of religious journals ? Then here is one re ligious paper, and published in the South, that professes to be friendly towards the North, or that alleges that the people at large are not unfriendly to us. While all the others, religious as well as political, take the opposite view. Now, which is en titled to credit, the one or the many ? The religious editor has to do with religious people—and this editor's patrons ruay be of the mild and sensible type, like hims >lf while the political editors get their views from the leaders, framers and controllers of public sentiment. So that the chances are, that the latter represent the true sentiment of the South, and the former does not. We can believe that the editor of the Index is honest—that he tells what he sees and be lieves, but his sight is limited. He has lit tle opportunity of knowing the true state of public sentiment where he lives, outside of his peculiar sphere. To say the least, all others who express an opinion on this subject, many of whom have as good op portunities of judging as the editor of the Index, disagree with him, and we think they are light, and he is wrong. 111. We at the North do believe that there is a disposition on the pait of a ma jority 7 of the southern people to " oppress and persecute the negro race, and if pos sible to re-enslave them," and while we hav a great deal of positive and undispu ted testimony proving this fact, we will waive it here, merely because testimony 7 of an opposite character is given—and which only shows that the southern people are not all brutes—and no one believes they are—and will rely solely on the enactments of the legislatures of different southern states since the close of the rebellion. What do the vagrant acts of the Legisla ture of Tennessee, and other states, in re spect to the negro race indicate, if they do not tend towards re-enslavement ? and what of the labor regulations prescribed by South Carolina, Lonsiana, and other southern states, for the negro race ? No having any analogy to these have ev er been adopted by these states for the white men, and no one ever heard of such regulations for free people, and can only be applicable to a subjugated race. Still in the face ot these palpable evidences to the contrary, the Index avtrs "That nothing could be further from the truth thau an in tended re-enslavement or oppression " ot the black race. What will people think of the statements of this paper, when such acts as wo have referred to come from the authority of the States themselves to con tradict them ? IV. We will consider the two last pro ! positions together. Intelligent people of the North do not believe that the South will urge a repudiation of the public debt, but they do believe that she will use all the ' power she is master of "to force upon the government the assumption of the debt of the late Confederacy and what the lnde.c has to Bay on this point iudicates less knowledge of the people of the South in particular, and people in general, than any editor ought to possess. Why, aside from I any averments made by southern men on | the subject, how stands the case ? A very : large pioportiou of the Confederate debt is held by the ruling class in the South, into j whose hands politica power will lall when her states are restored, and who are now ! generally poor, save in Confederate Bonds. 1 These bopds are not worth the paper they i are printed on, but if our Government j would assume their payment, they might be worth something now, and in ten years they would be par. Now, is it possible I that any one is so infatuated with the i abnegation of these bond-holders in the i South, or so gullible in respect to any peo ple, as to believe, when having the power they would not try to make something out of these bonds. Such a proposition is be yond the credence of auy man properly bal anced. Nay more, it is even feared that these holders of Confederate Bonds, at the proper time, will attempt to carry a mea sure for their assumption, without waiting for political power, by corruption. The Confederate debt is over five thousand mil lions, over four thousand millions of t sis is held in the South, and suppose a corruption fund of a thousand millions was created for the purpose of carrying this measure through Congress. Would all members of Congress reject bribes of ten, twenty or fifty millions each ? No one believes this. Then when the South is represented, our majority will be much less, and the chances of the pass age of such a ineasuie greatly increased. And who in his sober senses does not be lieve this will be uUeoipted ? DEATH FROM CHOI.ERA —There were two j deaths from cholera in New York City last I week. The last victim was Mrs. Read, who died at No. 303 Broome-st., at mid | night of Tuesday, after an illness of only | ten hours. She was attacked while pre i paring to attend the funeral of Mr. Frazier, j a relative who had previously died of the i fearne disease. A German servant girl in the same family was attacked day before yesterday, but is now convalescent. Since I last reports there have been three deaths J but no admissions at lower quarantine. EXECUTION OF PROBST. —Anton Probst, the murderer of the Deering family, was executed in the yard of Moyameusing pris on Friday at noon. His body was handed over to surgeons for dissection. THE SOLDIERS IN COUNCIL.. The Soldiers' and Sailor's Conventb which met at Pittsburg, on the sth im \, was largely attended, nearly every Congres sional district being represented. Gen. J. T. OWENS, of Philadelphia presided. Noth ing can be more emphatic and distinct than the tone of their resolutions iu favor of loy al men and against all "who by word or deed embarrassed the Union armies.or east odium on the cause for which they fought," and in support of such a policy as will se cure the fruits of the triumphs of our sol diers by preventing unwise concessions.—-* They propose, as a basis for platform which enunciates the doctrine that our late foes should be tr ated with chival rous magnanimity, but that no principle should be compromised, and no ally deser ted ; that guarantees should be demanded to prevent a recurrence of the rebellion, to ! "secure justice and lreetlom to men of all i classes, conditions and colors, and guard j the national faith from violation that "the rebels ought not t > be precipitated in pow er before such guarantees have been ob tained that "with the beginning of the war this nation took a new departure, and thenceforth her Constitution is to read in the interest of liberty, justice and security, according to the spirit of its preamble and the immortal Declaration of Independence, i under the teachings of its authors and com- j patriots. Too long already has it been in- j tcrpreted in the interest of slavery and J caste." This platform abounds with great j truths, pertinent to the times, ably expres- j sed. The resolution we have just quoted \ furnishes a noble theme lor every orator | who may take the stump in the coining ; camp tign, and for every citizen who wish- j ea to examine critically the political history ; of our country. In reference to the Gnber-! natcrial candidates, the convention pledged j its hearty support to Major General JOHN j W. GEARY for his faithful devotion to the Union during the war, when "many like j HIESTER C'LYMF.R were rendering aid and comfort to the rebels." TIIE FENIAN FIZZLE. The Fenian invasion of Canada, has come to a sudden termination, and the tele- j graph is no longer incumbered with des-! patches from the front. The few deluded j Fenians who embarked in the enterprise I have gone to their homes sadder if not wiser men. The whole affair was a miser able abortion, gotten up by the auscrupu- ! lous leaders of the movement for the pur- i pose of promoting personal ends. Gen. | Sweeney was arrested on Wednesday night, while iu bed, at the Treinont House, j at St. Albans, by order of Major Gibson, U. S. A. During Wednesday, arms, Ac., belonging to the Fenians, valued at $l5O,- 1 000, were seized at or near St. Albans. A Toronto dispatch says that the action of the United States government causes the greatest satisfaction. Six Fenian officers were before the United States Commission er at Buffalo on Thursday, and were ad mitted to bail to appear before the United States Court at Canaudaigua on the 19th. Col. W. R. Roberts, President of the Fen ian Brotherhood, was arrested at his head quarters in New York by the U. S. Marshal. . He refused to give bail, or to accept that offered, and also refused to give his parole not to violate the neutrality laws, j He was remanded into custody, and will probably be sent to Fort Lafayette. Y\ ar rants have been received for the arrest of , other prominent Fenians in New York. The Reconstruction Resolutions Passed by the Senate* At a late hour Munday evening the Con stitutional Amendment was finally disposed of in the Senate by a vote of 23 to 11. The nays were Cowan, Davis, Doolittle, Guth-j rie, Hendricks, Johnson, McDougull, Nor-i ton, Riddle, Sanlshury and Van Winkle.— the absentees were Brown,who would have ! voted yea. and Bnckalew, Dixon, Xesmith 1 j and Wright, who would have voted nay As amended in the Senate and sent back j to the House for concurrence in amend ment, the joint resolution is as follows : .Joint resolution proposing an amendment to the ('on- I stitution of the United States. Resolved, By tlie Senate and House of Represen- | tatives of tlie United States ot America, in Con- ; press assembled, two-thirds of both Houses con- ; curring, that the following article he proposed to : the Legislatures of the several States as an amend- ! ment to the Constitution of the United States, ' which, when ratified by three-fourths of said Leg- 1 islatures, shall be valid as part of the Constitution : : namely : ARTICLE — .SECTION 1. All persons born or natur- ! alized in the United States and subject to the juris- j diction thereof, are citizens of the United States ' and of the State wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any laws which shall abridge j the privileges or immunities of citizens of the Uni- . ted States, nor shall any State deprive any person | of life, liberty or property without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdic- | tion the equal piotection ol the laws. SEC. 2. Representatives shall be apportioned j among the several States according to their respec tive numbers, counting the whole number of per- ! sons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed.— I But whenever the right to vote at any election for electors of President and Vice-President, or for United States Representatives in Congress, Exeeu- I tive or judical officers, or the members of the Leg. J isiature thereof,is denied to any of the male inhab- j itants of such State, being 21 years of age and citi- ! zens of the United States, or in any way abridged ; except for participation in rebellion or other crime , j the basis of representation therein shall be reduced J in the proportion which the number of such male . citizens shall bear to the whole number of male j ci tizens 21 years of age in such State. SEC. 3. No person shall be a Senator or Repre sentative in Congress, or elector of President or | Vice-President, or hold any office, civ il or military, under the United States, or under any Stats, who j having previously taken an oath as a member of i Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State Legislrture, or as an ex ecutive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection of rebellion against tbe same,or given aid or comfort to the enemies there of ; but Congress may, by u vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability. SEC. 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred lor the payment of pensions nnd bo unties for service in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, j shall not be questioned ; but neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt ' or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or re bellion against the United States, or any claim J for the loss or emancipation of any slave : but all | such debts, obligations, and claims shall be held illegal and void. An article from the Pittsburg Gazette which will be found In another column, was evidently written by some one who has a correct idea of the situation of political affairs in this County. Ou Tuesday, the United States Cir cuit court convened in Richmond. Much trouble was experienced in obtaining a proper attendance of the Grand Jury, on account of the constant threats made against them by the people and press of that neighborhood. Finally, however, the requisite number were secured, and Judge Underwood delivered his charge, in which he commented very severely on the action of the ex-rebel press and population, and compared their city to Sodom, although here he had been able to find the ten right eous men. William B. Reed then asked what was going to be done, and said that he was in attendance on account of his strong personal and professional sympathy with the prisoner. Bgk, A few days since a coffin containing the body of a lady was shipped from Park-1 ersburg, Va. ,on board the 1). M. Sechler, for transportation to Guernsey, Ohio, via Wheeling. Upon reaching its destination, and being opened by the friends, their hor ror and dismay may be imagined upon dis covering that the unfortunate lady had evidently come to life during her incarcera tion within the narrow limits of her coffin. Her hands were up to her head, and the tangled and disordered hair gave evidence of a struggle which must have been as brie as terrible. DISFANCHISINO DESERTERS.— The Supreme Court at Harrisburg having adjourned without announcing its decision as reque - ted by the Governor, through the Attorney General, on the constitutionality of the act of Congress disfranchising deserters, the bill passed at the late session of the Legislature for carrying into effect the law of Congress was on Monday approved by the Governor, so that immediate prepara tions of the records and certificates re quired by the act may be commenced and time afforded for the correction of errors in the record. BRADFORD COUNTY. Mr. HENRY W. TRACY is a gentleman of excellent social position and character, but is endowed with only a common measure of understanding and culture. His home looks out upon the Susquehanna river, at Stauding Stone, a tew miles below the beautiful thriving borough of Towanda. He followed the fortunes of the Whig party until it was dissolved. His political associates failed to discov er in him the elements wich constitute nat ural greatness, or even tin: lesser qualities which render a man sei vice-able in the performance of public functions. On the other hand, he was possessed by an ambi tion to circumvent nature, and become a statesman. This sharp difference of judg ment induced in him an uncomfortable frame of mind. A morbid sell-conscious ness overmastered him. He became discon tented, querelous, exacting. At last, to appease his disquietude, he was sent to the Legislature for two years in succession. It so fell out that the Hon. THOMAS WILLIAMS occupied a seat iu the Houso during the same two years. Agree ing in sentiment and opinion on public questions, Mr. WILLI BUS, as a vastly su perior intellectual force, so attracted Mr. TRACY that he revolved around hiui, in an eccentric orbit, as a satellite. As a men tal study the phenomenon presented was interesting ; as a political appearance it was thoroughly ridiculous. Mr. TRACY did not so understand the matter ; and he became intensely desirous of figuring in the broader and more con spicuous field of Congressional life. The j Republicans thought they could do better, in the person of Mr. GEORGE L-NDON, and i they made him their candidate. A year or more previously, that gentleman, as a member of the State Senate, had voted lor ; the repeal of the Tonnage Tax on the Penu i sylvania Railroad. Mr. TRACY raised a clamor against Mr. LANDON on account of j that vote, and announced himself as an in dependent candidate. The Democrats join led in.the clamor, and adopted Mr. TRACY, notwithstanding his avowed abolitionism. Mr. LANDON, two or three weeks before tlie 1 election, withdrew, and the canvass result !ed in Mr. TRACY'S election. This was four I years ago. In the Houie of Representa | tives he acted with the most advanced I wing of the Republicans. Two years .go Mr. TRAOY was again an j independant candidate, with democratic ! support, lie was beaten out of sight by Mr. ULYSSES MERCIR, who will, doubtless, I be re-elected next fa 1. But Mr. TRACY'S anibitiou HAS not yet entirely consumed itself. Enamored of the part he fancied he played at Washington, and of the admiration he elicited, he is anxious to re-appear on that stage, and in an entirely new character. After having aeted the part of a flaming radical, he wants,if any persons retain a recollection of him, to surprise them, by acting the role of a frigid conservative. Hence, he has espoused the President's Policy. With the aid of the democrats, on the Bth of May, he got up a meeting at the Court House iu Towanda. Of course, he was quite at home iu that crowd. He made a speech, the ingredients of which were a large stock of passion and a mild llavoring of common sense. A string of resolutions were adopted, endorsing the President, denouncing the action of Con gress, condemning the action of both the Democratic and Republican State Conven tions, and recommending the convocation of a new one,in order that the nation might not perish through lack of wisdom and pat riotism. The proceedings of this meeting were appropriately sent for publication to the Blooni6burg Columbian, the organ of Senator BUCKALEW. AS the meeting was designed simply as a grist for the demo cratic mill the right shop waa selected to grind out the proceedings. No republican need have any apprehen sions concerning Bradford county. Mr. TRACY is played out, and ought, from sheer self-respect, to subside. But he won't. There was a time that "when the brains were out, a man would die " As so much discretion is no longer practiced, he must be allowed to act his farce.— Pittsburg Gazette. Ql JS3TJON* k'OB llfclSiEli OIYSEH TO A.VBWKR. —\\ ere yon not in league with Ben. Wood, James Gordon Bennett and August Bel mot, when it was proposed to the British minister to have England interpose with her armies aud navies to secure the inde pendence ot the Southern Confederacy ? Bid you not counsel with and urge Geo. W. Woodward to make that speepb, ig which lie pleaded that thp Southern States might be allowed to go in peace ? Did you not privately assail Andrew Johnson as a drunken demagogue, and publicly charge him with having been "bribed with office" to join "the crusade of Lincoln's hirelings" on the State of Ten nessee ? Did you not justify Lee's invasion of Pennsylvania, the robbery of our fellow citizens by his soldiers, the murder of our brave defenders by his orders, when you refused to Bustain the laws to fill up our armies and declared that the conscription laws were unconstitutional ? Did you not vote against a resolution in the State Senate offering the thanks of the people of the State of Pennsylvania to Major Gener Meade, his officers and men, for the victory at Gettysburg ? Did you not vote against a resolution offered in the State Senate, thanking Gen. Grant for the capture of Vicksburg '! When Heister Clymer has answered the foregoing, we will have a few other ques tions for his consideration. — Harrixburg Telegraph. PROCEEDINGS^)! 1 CONGRESS WASHINGTON, Friday, June 8, 18C6. In the Senate, all other business was postponed and the reconstruction resolu tion taken up. Mr. JOHNSON addressed the Senate in opposition to the amendment, being a substitute for the second section. After further debate the joint resolution was linally put upon its passage and car ried bv more than a two-thirds vote—yeas no " 1 1 • 3d, nays 11. In the House, Mr. IIAI.E offered a resolu tion, which was adopted, instructing the Committee on Military Affairs to inquire into the expediency of providing by law for the execution of a monument at West Point to the memory of Lieut.-Gen. WIN FIELD SCOTT. Mr. HUBBARD, of West Virgin- I ia, offered a resolution, which was adopted, instructing the Committee on Banking and Currency to inquire into the expediency of providing by law for the redemption of worn out, defaced or disfigured bank notes | issued under the National Currency Act. The vote on the concurrent resolution pro I viding for the adjournment of Congress on the 28th of June, was reconsidered, and | the resolution referred to the Committee lof Ways and Means. Mr. Bi.AINE reported a joint resolution declaring that where any I enlisted man has been or may be detailed | for duty as a clerk or for other duty, he I shall not thereby be deprived of his right ! to bounty, was read three times and pass- J ed. Mr. CCLLOX introduced resolutions, which were adopted instructing the Com | mittee on Pensions to inquire into the ex ■ pediency of ameudi ig section 5 of the Pen ! sion Act, so as to allow the issuance of | pensions to date from the discharge of the I soldier or sailor, where the application is ' made within two years after the date of such discharge The House proceeded to ! the consideration ot the bill reported by Mr. GARFIELD, from the Committee on Edu ! cation, to establish'a department of educa tion in the city of Washington After | some debate the bill was rejected, yeas 59. nays Gl. The Senate amendment to the For | tiiication Bill was agreed to. The bill to I secure to MARIA SYI-HAX, an emancipated ! slave of Mr. CURTIS, the portion of the Arlington estate set apart by him for her use, was passed. Nero SliiPErtiscincntg. FLOUR I FLOUR \ FLOUR I-in VIEW ot the high price of wheat we have been endeavor- I ing to produce au extra quality of Rye Flour ior those lof oat cuß We now make it so white as to be scarcely distinguishable Irom good wheat flour. Try some. Flour from White Winter Wheat, also Buckwheat flour, Corn meal and different kinds of Feed for sale.— | Cash paid for all kinds ot grain. H. B. INGHAM. Cascade Mills, Camptown, June 11,1860. MUSIC DEPOT. L. B. POWELL, Scranton. Pa., Dealer in Chicker ing's Pianos, Decker's Pianos, Mason A Hamlin's Cabi ■ net Organs, Treat Lit dsley A Co's Melodeons, and all kinds ot Musical Instruments, Sheet Music and Music Books. Orders from Dealers and Teachers especially solicited. Address L. B. POWELL, 116, Pennsylvania Avenue, Scrsnton, Pa. June 11, 1866.—y1. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— J. P. Kirbfs use vs. the Administrators of Kaclial Murray, dee'd No. 346, December Term, 1866. The undersigned an auditor appointed by said Court to distribute moneys arising from Sheriff's salt- of "de le edents real estate, will attend to the duties ol his ap pointment, at his office in Towanda boro', on Weunes the 18th day of July, 1866. at I o'clock p. in., at which ; time and place all persons interested can attend if they i think pioper or be torever debarred from the sau^. JOHN W. MIX, June 14, 1866. Auditor. ADM INISTRATRIX'S NOTICE.— Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to tht estate of Gabriel Davis, dee d, late of Albany twp., ar requested to make immediate payment, and those hav ing demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated tor settlement. HARRIET E. WILCOX, June 14, 1866. Administratrix. JGVERYBODY Are Invited to examine ail the BOOTS AND SHOES In town, BEFORE PURCHASING OF US, In order that they may be SATISFIED That we are selling goods at as REASONABLE PRICES 4a ANY OTHER MAN. A splendid stock of SUMMER GOODS, Just arrived, TO WHICH We would invite the attention of the L A D I E 8 In particular, and E V E R Y B 0 D Y In general. HUMBHRKY BROTHERS. June 13,1866. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.—The subscriber offers for sale his Farm, Saw Mill, Cser Mill, and Feed Mill, situated on Towanda Creek, known as tue White property, 3 miles front Towanda. For par ticulars address or inquire of the undersigned on the . premises. G. W. WHITE. Monroe, June 4, 1866. DISSOLI TION. The co-partnership heretofore existing betrwoen J. A S. Beidleman, Is this day disolved by mutual consent. The accounts will be settled by John Beidleman. J. BEIDLEMAN, Towanda, June 4, 1866. S. BEIDLEMAN. The business will be continued hereafter by John Beidleman. ifliscfUaneoug. ATHENS EXOIIA NG £ . This large well known and favorite hotel, has been opened for the accommodation of the traveling m/hi lt has been refurnished ami refitted with every <, r v ' ' ience for the comfort of guests. The table and bar IT supplied with the best the market affords, and no ef! * will be spared to give entire satisfaction to all who t ronize the house. A few desirable rooms for sumT. borders. G. E. SMITH, Pron'r Athens, Pa..March 22, 1866. UISSES UPnA MH, DRESS MAKERS, TOWANDA, PA. Would invite the attention of the ladies of Towa to their Spring Styles just received lrom New y. f They feel confident that they can please ail w [ i 0 give them a call. The latest fashions received regularly from Madam Demorest's shop, New York. Stitching done to orde'* Rooms over Eddy's Clothing Store, Sd storv ' ! April, loth, '66. 3m. jyj IS S II . C HUN T Will open the Fourth Term of her School, on 5,.. Street, on Monday, May 4, 1860. TERMS FER QUARTER. Common English Branches ~ Higher " " 625t0 7 French (extra) 2 50 to 4 IF, No extra charge for Latin. School year of 42 weeks,divided into four equal tern- Much experieuce. and considerable opportunities t< observation in different methods of teaching, en Miss HUNT to offer her services to those interested w-V a certain degree of confidence. Unexceptionable refer - ees given if required. Towanda, April 17,1866. gOLO MO N & SON, Have made large additions to their STOCK OF WINTER CLOTHING FOR Men and Boys' wear. Consisting of all the latest styles, such a- BUSINESS SUITS, PANTS and VEST SHiRTS, COI.L A lis TIES, SUSPENDED ; GLOVES and MITTENS, - . HANDKERCHIEFS ! WRAPPERS, DRAWERS and HATS A CAPS. [ Which we are offering at Great Reduced Price.-. \v, | would solicit an early call aDd examination •>( our u i sortment. Call and get the worth ol your money .• SOLMMOX .v -Vix', ' Dec. 12, 1863. No. 2 Patton'- Block. j CARDING AND CLOTH DRESS- W. G. LOVE LAND A CO Would inform the public in general, that they are j prepared with well fitted macbinerv and a pormane- • ! water privilege, to do i ROLL CARDING AND CLOTH DRESSING, At the Pail Factory, North Towanda. Special care | will be taken to do work in a satisfactory manner ; and all who desire good work done on short notice, will ■]. ! well to give us a call. W. G. LOVELAND j t WM. BARNES. N. B. Wool received and delivered semi-weekly : ; J Beidleman's, Towanda. North Towanda, April 23, '66.—tt. CARRIAGES, WAGONS, SLEIGHS! THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT STILL IN OPEP.U > FELLOWS, CRANDALL A CO., i Successors to Reynolds, Fellows A Co., are n u .';- arid are prepared to furnish ou short notice. W I Carriages and S eighs, of all descriptions and ol t . : test and most approved style, and of the best mai. ! at the old stand opposite the Union House, in tl. I tral part of Alba Borough, Bradford County, Pa. The public are assured that the reputation the -h ■ has acquired during the last six years under the ■:, intendeuce of J . H. Fellows, will be more than tained, as he will superintend the work as here!' i having long been and having had much experience j. ; Carriage and Sleigh Buildei would assure the p...., that .10 pains will he spared by the above firm t> the establishment worthy of their patronage. Thai i as one of the old firm for the patronage thus far ex'tsi ded, we hope to merit a continuance ot the same. N. B.—We, the undersigned, being praiti cal me j ies,can manufacture and offer to the public at p::u that will defy competition. JAMES H. FELUGY* D. W. C. C RAN DA LI. J. G. MERITT. Alba Borough, April 15, 1866. ly. ATTENTION FARMERS AND DAIRY MEN ! CHEESE FABTORY IN HERRJCIC i The subscriber will be tea dy about the loth of Ma ; 1866, to receive and manufacture into a prime aui ie : Cheese all the milk that may be delivered at his Fa try j The is the proper m tuner in win. h t-. pre i pare rennet: Let the call suck the cow for at least : ' days, then take him off, and put him in a ciean |.*e kill the call in 15 hours after sucking, take •' i net, fill it with salt, hang it in a dry place. The rennet must not be washed. Feb. 27,'66. A.A.STJOBN C GARDEN SEEDS.— AS THE QUALITY land age of seeds cannot be told by t -t-ira:-:it | ance. it is of course desirable to purchase only - J j are known to be reliable. It will require 1 I flection 1 thmk to convince any person that a : -e j that sends seeds all over the country to be sola on r ' | mission, taking back all unsold, is less likeiv to t:.r eh I good seeds, than one which sells their seeds .: ir.fct. j thus having no old seeds on hand. l ast sea- -i - - I a quantity ol Buist's Celebrated Seeds and !!:>.->- Re tried them 1 think will not be satisfied to return '.<■• 'k old stock of commission seeds. I have t his season a large stock of the same kind t seeds, and i hope to be able to supply all who ■ i try them with first class fresh and reliable seed March 7, '66. K. T. FOX. IVTEW MILLINARY SHOP IN .V Y.SOX -L> PA. MRS. H. VAN BRUNT, Respectfully announces to the ladies ol V.'y \ :.! vicinity, that'she bus just received a selectee ot new style Huts, Caps, Bonnets, Ac. A- 1 a We vaiiety ol Ribbons, Laces, Flowers, Silk,-. Crape- Veils. and numerous othor articles, at price- I - - who favor her with a call. Custom work ol kind done, and satisfaction giveu. Residence at the < i York Homestead, near M. J. Coolbaugh's. Wysox, May 1, '66.—4w IHIE MEDICAL SOCIETY Of THE . State of Pennsylvania, will meet in Wilkr- ere u j the 13th day of June next at 10 o'clock a. m. I't c.'.w upon arriving in Wilkesbarre. are reauestcd i. r .r' immediately at the office of the Wyom'ing Vail, v where the committee on Reception will be in at'.cu--nee- Efforts are making to secure commutation tiiiei- • ■ the various Rrilroads leading from diffeicitt p -hits in the State to Wilkesbarre. By order of the Com. of Arrangement. _ DLANTS, GRA P E VINES I EVER-BLOOMING ROSES. VERBENAS, PAHI.iAr Ac., for sale at the GARDEN OF HARRY MIX. i Early Winningstuddt, Ox heart, sugar loaf. -r --| York Cabbage, 8 cents per dozen ; Early and "■ Cam; : flowers, 8 cents per dozen ; Large smooth, I • I-.inn. J perfected, red and yellow Tomato, 10 cents n . -en : | Egg plauts, and sweet and bell shaped Pep;-. :- ! eD j* per dozen ; Melons and Cucumbers, in pots- '-' at . including pots ; Celery and all kinds ot late t'.b ' cents per 100. All plants will be nicely packed in moss, and r - sent to any part of this and adjoining counties. wit" P e! feet safety. A SECOND HAND DEMOCRAT WAGON j For sale Cheap. Enquire at the Garden, i Towanda, April 17, 1866. THE SUBSCRIBER WANTS A GOOD Miller to tend a Grist Mill. Apply to CHARLES SK K | Dushore, Sullivan Co., Pa., J J. NE\VE LL , COUNTY SURVEYOR, Orwell, Bradlord Co., Pa., will promptly attend to a* business in his Due. Particular attention given tor • ning and establishing old or disputed lines. A,-* - surveying of all unpattented lands m soon a 4 wa' I are obtained. May 17, 1866. . FISH OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE to E. T. FOX BUISPS PHILADELPHIA GARDEN SEEDS for sale by ~( )v March 7, 66'. E. T.