Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, June 07, 1866, Image 2

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—A general Court-martial has been or
dered for the trial in Washington of the North
Carolina Freedmen's Bureau officers,and such oth
er officers as are now under arrest,or against whom
charges have been made in connection with the '
—The suspension bridge across the Cum
berland, ut Nashville, was opened on the 29th nit.
It is a structure of remarkable strength and sym
—The exchanges and dispatches from all
points West and South, report unusually cold
weather for the season. It is feared that serious
damages will result to the crops.
—ln Durham, Maine, some scoundrel en
tered the barns of several citizens and cut the
throats of more than twenty horses and oxen,leav
ing them dead in the stalls. The same rascality
had occurred for several successive years, and
the farmers are now determined to discover the of
—Three emigrant children died in De
troit, ou Saturday, from a disease supposed to be
Asiatic cholera. They had just arrived in the city,
over the Great Western railway.
Calvin Fletcher, one of the first sellers
of Indianapolis, and a prominent and wealthy
banker and citizen, died in that city 011 Sunday.
—A new police regulation has gone into
eli'ect in Chicago. All persons found loafing in
the streets, who can give no reputable account of
themselves, are arrested and lodged in the station
—Captain Fox, the Assistant Secretary
of the Navy, will leave for his European trip toward
the end of the present week.
—An elderly woman in Cincinnati com
mitted suicide the other night through fear of star
ving to death. Site possessed real estate valued at
—The Albany Argus says that it is the
impression at Saratoga that the burning of Con
gress Hall, was the work of an incendiary. The
loss amounts to $300,1X10.
—lit digging a trench-in Augusta, Maine,
the other day, for the purpose of laying a culvert,
the workmen came upon the stump of an ancient
liberty-pole that stood in front of the first meeting
house built in that city.
Front statists received for the past
week tioin Cleveland and Toledo, it a pears that
more emigrants have passed through tliosi points
for the West than in ajy previous week this year.
There is not a liquor shop in Beverly,
Mass., and no one can be found to take the State
liquor agency.
—By a special order from the War De
partment, about forty captains and assistant pay
masters will be mustered out of service in a few
— A call is published in Perry county,
Alabama, signed by aB. S. Moore, of that State,
J. L. Curry, ex-Congressman, and others, reques
ting a meeting of the citizens to devise some meth-.
od of properly encouraging education among the
negroes and treednien,
■—Mr. James M. Schovel, it is said, will
run as an independent candidate for Congress in
the First District, in New Jersey, in the coming
election —the Demoerocy having agreed to make
no nomination.
—lt is reported that Mrs. Jeff Davis has
been very uncivil in her way of addressing officers
at FOl tress Monroe, and that she has frequently
used language to them not suited to loyal ears.
—The Treasurer at Wabash county, In
diana. lias failed to the extent of $31,000, through I
indiscreet speculations in pork. His bondsmen
will secure the country from loss.
—Jonathan Burns, an old and esteemed
citizen of Chicago, lias just discovered that lie has
been robbed of SIO,OOO.
—At Jersey City, a prisoner endeavored
to escape from the cars, and was thrown under the
wheels and instantly killed.
—A woman named Doherty died in De
troit on Friday, from excessive drinking. Her
stomach was literally eaten away.
—Governor Morton, of Indiana is not ex
pected to recover from liis illness.
—Mrs. Jefferson Davis has arrived in
Washington and takenn rooms at the Ebbitt
House. She is accompanied by a servant only.
l itited .States Senator \V right's health
has utterly failed, and he has returned to the home
ut Newark, New Jersey,with no expectation of ever
returning to Washington.
—The New Orleans Times of May 12 an
nounces that the ex-rebel Gen. Henry T. Hays,just
elected Sheriff of that city, has received his pardon
from Washington.
The trial ol Maj. Gee, formerly com
niundant of the Rebel prison at Salisbury, N. C.,
is still progressing ut ltaleigb, N. C. It will not
be completed for two or three weeks ye.
Mrs. Hannah Gulley, of Suiithfield, R.
1., died there on the 12th inst., at the advanced
age of one hundred years, seven months and twen
tv-two days. She was probably the oldest person
living in New-England.
—('apt. Winder, keeper of the Richmond
prison, where so many of our brave boys were in
humanly treated and alio was arrested for his
crimes has been unconditionally released by the
President. So they go.
—Work 011 the Union andTitusville Rail
road has been stopped—reason, no funds. The
suspension is regarded as permanent.
--Last Tuesday week, ice formed on the
surface of water in Conneautville to the thickness
of a quarter of an inch.
—The publisher of the Danville Inteltigen
ra- (copper) refused to print an advertisement for
the soldiers meeting in that place, 011 the ground
that the soldiers all supported Gen. Geary.
—lt is said that Col. Dick Coulter refu
ses the honor of being the copperhead candidate
for Governor in this State. He says he "will not
make ail d fool of himself for any party."
—lt is said that about half the mill-own
ers in Orange county, N. Y., have been in the hab
it of filling up cavities in their burr stones with
lead instead of cement. As a consequent- Hour
ground by several of them is poisonous.
—lmmense fives are sweeping the moun
tains in Centre county, Muncy mountain,near Bel
lefonte, presenting a sublime spectacle, encircled,
as it is, with a la-It of moving fiames.
—A Pittsburger was challenged to fight
a duel. He- did not fight, but laid the matter be
fore the mayor, and the challenger was arrested.
—The Lyndon Union says a man in Troy,
Vt., aged 75 years, cut three cords of wood in 10
hours. A man in Montpelier, aged about ninety
years, cut two cords in one day.
-The oldest man in the State of Illinois
is said to lie Mr. Jordon Rhodes, of Huntsville.—
He is over 104 years of age, yet he splits mils, car
ries easily a two bushel sack of meal on his shoul
der, and can walk as briskly as any of his neigh
—The small-pox, which for some months
past has been quite prevalent at Ephrata Springs,
near Lancaster, has entirely disappeard.
-'llu-J f; was a very disastrous fire at Al
bJfear-JTorit, K;.relay morning. Clark's block
a-vl 'Aleer property run*tuned, at a loss of
IBratlfatil $ quitter.
Towanda, Thursday, June 7, 1866.
We have seen in our day a good deal of
party jugg ery and a good many devices
concocted by partisan leaders to deceive the
masses of the people, but we have witness
ed nothing that surpasses the anxiety, the
labor and devices of the JOHNSON organs
and leaders to deceive each other, and the
public, in regard to the standing of the
President with the union voters of the na
tion. In one place it is asserted that all
the people are for JOHNSON and " my poli
cy." In another "nearlyall." In the third,
" with few exceptions," and in the last
place it is held "that a few may be found
who oppose the restoration measures of
JOHNSON," and thus the sentiments of the
people in the four cardenal points ol the
country, are held to be devotedly, nay en
thusiastically, attached to the President.
That, however, which is a little marvellous
about this busiuess, is the lact, that while
this boasting is going on among the ad
herents of "my policy,"—and this is con
fined to the office-expectants and democrats
—there are many grave charges about
Congress misleading the honest voters. If
all the people are supporting JOHNSON, how
can they be under theinfiuence ol Congress?
Why too, if the patriotic masses are siding
with the President, is there such an anxie
ty to get up meetings in his favor, and so
many, and such bold falsehoods in respect
to their size and enthusiasm ? If the peo
ple are all for JOHNSON, for whose eyes are
these immense and spirited meetings her
alded forth in glowing capitals ? Some
body is to be influenced by them, and pray
who is it, if the people are all right al
ready ? AL, Messrs, Democrats and Com
pany, "your zeal o'erleaps your discretion,'
and the weakness of your cause is plainly
seen through the flimsy gause behind which
you act. It will not do. The people are
not caught in that way ; and it has been
tried tin hundredth time, and the hundredth
time it has disappointed the knaves who
It is a wonder too, that sooid a politician
as JOHNSON is, should rely 011 such shallow
devices. He must know their entire worth
lessuess : or, is he blinded by the infatua
tion that he is the greatest man living, or
his rage ? He is following, as near as the
circumstances of the case will admit, in the
footsteps of JOHN TYLER, the worst used
up man that ever left the Presidency of the
United States, except JAMES BUCHANAN ; and
how did JOHN TYLER ruin himself so com
pletely ? By taking counsel from demo
crats, and making war on those who had
elected him to the position he held. lie
vetoed the party measures just as JOHNSON
IS doing. lie quarreled with the leaders of
his party in Congress. He used his patron
age to defeat the measures ot the party,
and injure its leaders. He called around
him those who had opposed his election and
abused him without stint. He subsidised
with the government patronage the " con
servatives and their papers"—and they
were as numerous then as now—and these
bought-up interests, lavished abuse without
incisure on CLAY, BUTTS, and others of that
class, whom the President could not control.
All this while the democratic press was
profuse, lavish of its fulsome adulations of
JOHN TYLER for his manly independence of
those who made him what he was, just as
the same press is now doing with JOHNSON.
They made him believe he would be re-elec
ed, aud the greatest of all the Presidents ;
and when they had done using him, and
got fr 111 him all they could, they dropt him
like a hot potato, and laughed at him for
his folly. This same game is being played
with poor JOHNSON, to the country's injury,
! and his own disgrace. History is repeating
j itself, and instead of one, the country is to
have two Presidents who defeated the
measures on which they were elected, earn
ing for themselves infamy by their base be
mercial men traveling in the South, write
to their friends in various parts ol the North,
that the condition of business is at a dis
cotiraging ebb, and that every dollar now
owed by merchants in the late rebel States,
! will be repudiated until its election is forced
i by the military authority of the National
j Government. In Tennessee, Alabama,Mis
| sisippi, Louisiana, Arkansas and Texas,the
magistrates and police forces in every town-
I ship and city, are composed entirely of ex
rebels or those who sympathized with the
rebellion. With the local authority thus in
the hands of the men who have engaged in
an armed conflict with the National Gov
ernment, citizens who were Union men are
treated as traitors. In fact, in the regions
named there are 110 traitors except those who
would not participate in the fight for the
Confederacy. Andrew Johnson is busy par
doning rebels, but we have yet to learn of
a rebel in the South who has pardoned a
Southern Union man. The rebels who were
lately in arms openly nurse their hate of
the North, boldly declare that no man can
live in peace in the South who refused to
fight for the Confederacy. This feeling now
renders life and property insecure in every
Soutlieru State, while the security afforded
by the army is beiug weakened by the re
moval of officers who believe in making
treason odious.
Without the authority of law Presi
dent Johnson, among his earliest acts of
reconstruction, ordered the sale of Govern
ment railroads and railroad runuing stock,
iron and materials to au enormous amount
to Southern men, on credit; he directed the
(Quartermasters in charge to turn over the
property, and take the purchasers' notes,
payable monthly, up to two years ; the val
ue of the property thus nominally sold, but
in reality given away, was probably $200,-
000,000. Of course the notes, as they fell
due, were not paid, and it was never inten-1
ded I hey should be paid. They are under'
protest here to millions. The Government
holds chat '" mortgages on property, all in
Rebel hand ; that has been consumed in
large part ; in part has changed bauds :
and the balance of which is used in defiant
disregard of the contract of purchase. The
l'resideut refuses to permit proceedings to
compel payment, or to recover possession
of any portion of this immense amount of
the public property.
THE MEMPHIS RIOTS. —The Secretary o!
War has sent to the House, in compliance
with a resolution of that body, the report of
General Stoneman relative to the recent
Memphis riots. The latter says that upon
investigation by the commission,it appears
there were killed out-right twenty-four ne
groes, eight of whom were discharged sol
diers. The 3d colored artillery had been
stationed at Memphis since its organization
and consequently were not under the best
jof discipline. Large numbers of the men
had what they call families living in South
Memphis, contiguous to the fort in which
the soldiers were stationed.
These soldiers had been used as the in
strumeuts to execute the orders of Govern.
ment agents, such as provost marshals, bu
reau agents, etc., and consequently had
been more or less brought directly in con.
tact with the law-breaking port ion of the
community, and the police, which is far from
being compo ted of the best class of resi
dents here, but principally of Irishmen,who
consider the negro as his competitor and
his natural enemy. Many negro soldiers
have,from time to time,been arrested by the
police, and many whites, including some of
j the police, have been arrested by the negro
soldiers, and in both cases those arrested
; have not unfrequently been treated with a
harshness altogether unnecessary.
After giving the particulars of the riot,
General Stoneman concludes by saying :
''The rioters were composed of the police,
firemen and rabble, and .eg ro-haters in
general, with a sprinkling of Yankee ha"
tors, all led on and encouraged by dema
' gogttes and office-hunters,and most of them
under the influence id whisky." It appears
in evidence before the commission that
(hf glc ii. r .••infer of tin- city, made a
| speech to the rioters, in w vrii he said :
| ''We are not prepared, but. let its pupate
1 to clear every negro s—of a It—out of
town." Very few paroled confederates
were mixed up with the rioters on Tues
day and Wednesday, the large portion be
i ing registered voters. Who commenced
j the iucendarism on Wednesday night re
| mains to be developed.
Late foreign dispatches show the old
| world is in great trouble. A fiiuyieial.pan
! ic has suddenly sprung up in England not
I exceeding in intensity by any that has pre
i vailed since 1825. The causes are not ful
ly obvious, for foreign news of the week
previous, though recording an increased
stringency in the money market, seemed to
anticipate no such serious results us have
followed. But probably the steady depre
ciation in the prices of most commodities
for the last four or five months, with heavy
losses in particular branches, and the in
creasing perplexities in continental afi'airs,
have been chiefly influential in bringing on
the panic, which is said —as is always said
of such crises—to have "no solid founda
tion." But the end had not been reached at
the date of the last, advices, though the
crisis in London was fought to have been
With this uncertainty as to the precise
nature and extent of the panic in England
it is impossible to say what its effect will
be here The rise in gold which has alrc-ady
occurred was, of course, inevitable. The
preliminary state of alfairs had tended to
that, for specie has for some time been so
urgently caked for by foreign bankers to
strengthen their position, that nearly nine
millions of gold were shipped from New
Yoik last week. It was thought that this
would give adequate relief abroad ; but
now the prospect is uncertain. But with
our present information we have no reason
to regard the English panic, or its effects
here, otherwise than temporary and of lim
ited extent. The homeward current of our
live-twenties is also liable to be still furth
er checked by the disposition of the holders
of other securities in Europe to resort to
these, which cannot he affected by the hos
tilities now likely at any moment to break
In regard to this latter source of Euro
pean trouble, it can only be said that tin
prospect grows more gloomy every day.—
Prussia, Austria and Italy have entered up
on a course of mutual irritation,from which
they seem to have but little ability or dis
position to recede. The whole future ap
parently depends upon the restraining in
fluence of England, France and Russia,that
is, when narrowed down to the actual facts
of the case, upon the course of Louis Na
poleon. This man is the arbiter of Europe.
Ilis recently avowed detestation of the
treaties of 1815 has not a very soothing
sound ; but if, in consequence of it, he can
bring about his long-cherished project of a
European Congress, peace will probably be
preserved; if not,the chances are heavily in
favor of war.
The following deserved tribute to
our Member of Congress we fiud in the
Montour American :
" Among the most faithful of the Penn
sylvania members, in adherence to the po
litical policy of his party, and to the wish
es of his constituents, and attention to the
minutia- which make up the duties of a
member of Congress, stands the member
from your District—Hon. U. MERCUR. Be
ing a thorough and discriminating lawyer,
whose ability has passed sufficient tests, by
his elevation to, and administration of the
President Judgeship of his Judicial District,
to entitle him to the commanding position
and influence which he enjoys here ; he is
at once classed among the leading and
most influential members of the present
Congress, prudent, he has not weakened
his influence by over much talk ; yet, his
words in the right place, have done much
in shaping the legi lation of the present
session, and every evidence indicates that
before the close of the present Congress,
he will become one of the foremost leading
men of the House."
tesT Anton Probst, the murderer of the
Deering family at Philadelphia, will be ex?
ecuted in that city 011 Friday of the present
week. It is said that 110 special change is
noted in his demeanor.
Lieut. Gen. WINKIEI.D SCOTT died i. West
Point a little alter 11 o'clock Tuesd;-2 morn
ing. Few Americans will hear without
emotion the announcement of the death of
one who in years past has deserved so well
of his country ; although, infirm as he had
been for a long while, the news does not
come upon us with the shock of a surprise.
\Vinfield Scott was horn in Petersburg,
Ya., June 13, 1786, and consequently at
the time of his death lacked only two
weeks of the age of 80. He was the grand
sou of an adherent of the Pretender, who
llred to America from the field of Culloden,
and the son of Captain William Scott, an
officer of the army of the Revolution. He
was educated at William and Mary College,
and after having devoted a short time to
legal studies, removed to Charleston, with
the intention of practicing there as a law
yer. But the war with Great Britain was
then imminent, and when hostilities seem
ed on the eve of breaking out, young Scott,
who once before on a similar alarm had
ridden 25 miles by night an soon as heard
a cry for volunteers, and appeared on par
ado the next morning in borrowed uniform
in the ranks of a dragoon regiment, threw
down his books and hastened to Washing
ton to ask for a commission. In April,
1808, a bill passed Congress authorizing
the increase of the Regular Army by the
addition of eight new regiments, and on
the 3d of the next month Scott was ap
pointed a Captain in one of them—the light
The war came at last, in 1812, and Capt.
Scott was promoted to the rank of lieut.
j colonel, and ordered to the Niagara fron
tier. Here he witnessed his first battle—
; the affair of Queenstown Hights—where
I he commanded on the field during the latter
j part of the day, and greatly distinguished
himself. In the Spring of 1813 he returned
! to the frontier, with the rank of colonel and
| the position of chief of staff to Gen. Dear
: born. He commanded the American forces
j which captured Fort George, on the 27ih
j. .f May, when he was severely wounded.
He shared in the abortive frontier campaign
of "That unprincipled imbecile" (as be used
t<> call him, ) Wilkinson, and when that was
over, was sent, with the rank of brigadier
general, to command a camp of instruction
jat Buffalo. The value of his labors in this
: place was strikingly displayed at the battle
!of Chippewa, July 4, 1814, when, after a
long series of disasters, the American arms
aincd a victory. sin.ill in itself, but most
imp utant in its moral < fleet. In this en
gagement, as well as in the well-fought
buttle <>l Lundy's L ine, about three weeks
afterward, Scott had a gallant and promi
nent share. In the latter action he was
twice \v mndetl. He was immediately hre
\ i lb d M tjur-Gi la ral, and Congress ordered
a gold medal to be presented to him in tes
timony of their appreciation of his distin
guished services, "and of his uniform gal
lantry and good conduct in sustaining the
reputation of the arms ol the I nited States."
He was offered the post of Secretary of
War, but declined it. The peace which
soon ensued gave him an opportunity to
visit Europe, where he saw Paris during
the allied occupation, and made many dis
tinguished acquaintances. With the ex
ception of the publication of his "General
Regulations for the Army" in 1825, undone
or two personal quarrels with Gen. Jack
son aud others, which fortunately did not
lead to hostile meetings, lie did nothing to
bring himself much before the public until
the outbreak of the Black Hawk war in
1832, when he was sent to the West in
command of an army, but had no opportun
ity of fighting. During the nulification
troubles he commanded in Charleston. The
hostilities with the Seminole Indians in
Florida began in 1835, and Scott was or
dered to the theatre of war, but was soon
recalled and sent to the Creek country.
His campaign here too was brief, and was
closed by a court of inquiry, which decided
fully in his favor. He attributed the sum
moning ol tins court to the personal enmity
of Gen. Jackson. In 1841 he became
General-in-C' ief, on the death ot General
The Mexican war opened in May, 1846,
with the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca
de la l'aUna, followed by those of Monterey
and Buc-na Vista, in September and Febru
ary- -all won by Gen. Taylor. It was evi
dent after the storming of Monterey, that
hostilities, to be effective, must be carried
iuto the interior of Mexico, and a new line
of operations chosen, having the capitol for
its objective. Tii army for this task was
was placed under the command of Gen.
Scott, who landed at Vera Cruz with 12,-
000 men, March 0, 1847 ; captured the city
af'cr a bombardment <>f fifteen days ; and
on the Bth of April began his march toward
Mexico. The heights of Cerro Gordo,where
Santa Anna had thrown his army across
the American's path, where stormed with
magnificent gallantry on the 18th ; Jalapa
was taken on the 19th, Perote on the 22d,
and Puebla on May 15. Here Gen. Scott
was compelled to halt, and wait for rein
forcements until Aug. 7. At the beginning
"f September operations were resumed on
the S. \V. side of the city. The wooded
heights of Chapultepec, with the Molino
del Key and the Cusa Mata, were stormed
by Worth, (Jnitman and Pillow, September
13, and the same night the San Costue and
Beieii gates were carried after heroic fight
ing. The next morning the American
army entered the city in triumph, and the
war virtually at an end. The treaty of
Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed March 2,
1848, and the troops soon afterwards evac
uated the capital, having won the esteem
of the citizens by their strict discipline and
orderly conduct.
The outbreak of the rebellion found Gen.
Scott still at the head of the army, but in
firm in health and no longer capable of di
recting an active campaign. But he was
frequently in consultation with the cabinet
and military authorities at Washington.
As early as October, 1860, he had urged
President Buchanan to garrison the South
ern forts, and he repeatedly begged leave
to send such troops as he could reach to
Charleston, Pensacola and Mobile harbors.
Our readers will remember the controver
sy on these matters which took place be
tween him and ex-president Buchanan some
time afterwards. On the 3d of March,
1861, he addressed a note to Mr. Seward a
note of advice, in which he urged him, as
the probable chief member of the new cabi
net, to throw off the old designation of Re
publicans and assume that of the Union
party ; to adopt the Crittenden Compro
mise, and to collect the import duties out
side the ports of which the government had
lost the command, or else to blockade them.
He wanted no war in any case, and con
cluded with these words : " Say to the
seceded States—'Wayward sisters, depart
in peace.'"
On the 31st of October, 1861, having
been a cripple aud unable to walk without
assistance for three years, he retired from
the army, President Lincoln and all the
members of the cabinet waiting upon him
to bid him farewell. By special act on
congress he retained his full pay and air
The general was a magnificent man
physically, of almost gigantic stature,
powerful aud well proportioned frame, and
dignified aspect. His stately manners in
clined now and then toward pomposity,
and his acknowledged greatness in his own
profession made him ofte i intolerent ; but
lie was universally respected for his ster
ling virtues no less than for his public ser
vices. He spoke his mind so freely about
people he disliked that he had enemies
everywhere, but private frieuds will never
be able to displace him from the exalted
position he holds in the respect and grati
tude of the American people.
Gen. Scott was married in 1810 to Miss
Mary Mayo, of Richmond, Va., who died in
Rome in 1802. There were seven children
by this marriage, of whom three daughters,
we believe, are still living.
BUFFALO, Friday, June 1, 1800.
Notwithstanding the viligence ot the au
thorities in this region, the United States
steamer Michigan being under steam and
having her ports open, and the fact that I
the city is swarming with Canadian spies,
j several regiments of Fenians crossed over J
into Canada last night,including the troops
from Kentucky, Tennessee and Indiana, a
regiment from Ohio, and a regiment from
! this city.
At this point they crossed in canal-boats, !
drawn l y tugs, and when uearing the Can
adiau side sent up wild Irish cheers, with
the green Hag floating
O'Neill, of the 13th Regiment, of
Nashville, is in command at Fort Erie.
A large number of persons are viewing
; the sight, from this shore.
Col. O'Neil threatened to bayonet a man
who attempted to appropriate to himself the
use of a large woolen shawl found in a pub
lic house.
The Fenians say that no depredations j
shall be permitted.
The approach of a mounted Fenian cans- ;
ed great terror and excitement among the |
passengers and crew of the International
j ferry-boat, to the merriment of lookers on ,
i upon the Buffalo side.
All the telegraph wires to Canada are cut
| on tho Canadian side except those via the
Suspension Bridge.
The agent of the Associated Press has left
for the scene of operations.
It is reported that the mail agent was
fired upon this morning as he was crossing
in a small boat.
The Fenians are reported marching to
ward the Suspension Bridge, 22 miles from
The latest accounts from the Fenian bat
tle ground, given Saturday, left the con
querors of Fort Eiie in a rather demora
lized, because unfed and unreenforced, con
dition. It appears, however, that at an
early hour on Saturday morning, having
burned the bridges at Frenchman's Creek
and Miller's Point, the whole force was put
in motion. They were pursued on the road-.
toward Port Colborne bv a party of Regu
lars, while another party of two companies
; occupied Fort Erie, and sent out skirmish
ers in all directions. Seven miles up the ;
lake,toward Port Colborne, near Ridgeway,
the Regulars came up with the Fenians
who were encamped in a bush. The col
umn at once attacked them, the " (Queen's !
Own" firing the first shot. The fight now ■
became general, the Volunteers driving the
Fenians. A number were killed on both
sides. The volunteers behaved splendidly,
rushing at the retreating Fenians with the
| utmost gallantry.
Of the forces engaged, there were about
j 800 Canadian volunteers and toward 1,000
I Fenians. One authority state that two of
the English troops were killed and a num
! her wounded,and that the Fenians suffered
to a greater extent. At all events, there
were about 00 taken prisoners nad carried
to Fort Erie. Auother account says : "The
Queen'B Own Company of volunteers came
upon the Fenians this morning near Ridge
way, a small station below here, and at
tacked them at once. A general fight en
sued, resulting in the withdrawl of the vol
i unteers to await reenforcemeuts. A few
| on both sides are reported to have fallen,
hut there is trustworthy information of only
one volunteer killed, viz : Ensign McEech
ren. A few others are reported wounded."
sTciu vlboertisemcnts.
The floating mill, known as the Chaffee Mill, situ
ated in Home,one mile north of the village, will be sold
at a great sacrifice. Any person wishing to buy such a
property, will find it to their advantage to call and see
the above mill before buying elsewhere. All necessary
information will he given by calling upon C. G. Gridley,
in Orwell. A full and complete title will he given bv
me. C. (i. GRIDLEY.
j Orwell, May 20, lKiki. —Sw.
subscriber otters lor sale his Farm, Saw Mill, Cider
Mill, and Feed Mill, situated on Towauda Creek, known
as the White property, 3 miles from Towanda. For par
ticulars address or inquire of the undersigned on the
premises. G. W. WHITE.
Monroe, June 4, 18GG.
heretofore existing betrwaen J. A S. BeiJiemau,
i is this day disolved by mutual consent. The accounts
will be settled by John Beidteman.
Towanda, June 4, 1866. S. BEIDLEMAN. !
The business will be continued hereafter by John
! -Li the I'ost Office at Towanda, Pa., tor the week end- |
; ing June 11, 1860 :
! Bixbv A., Beunett Aaron T. Bailey Augusta Bowmau I
E. W. Begley John Berry John Bowman O. If. Chase C. j
i S Capt., Dercbaux Alexander Donorow William Ells- |
worth Franklin English Wni H.Groves Alice Goetihius
I D. C. Goetcbius Gusta A. Gold George Goetchius Jennie
: C. Goetchius Mary Aun Gunn William Hoffman C. H. j
: Hassel D. Holleuback E. H. Higgons Philip Hughes j
: Thomas Hall William Lake C. F. Low Ellen Mrs. Lalley j
Ellen Labostis William Morgan John McHale Mrs. Mc- |
| Cracken M. J. Mrs. McN'amarra Mary Magane Michael i
; Osburu Stephen Mrs. Peters Francis Dost G. S. Parks j
1 H.S. 3, Roberts H. C. Rogers Harriett Strattou B. A. ;
! Sterling C. B Sheeler Hester M. Santee James Snlver
! John Stapleton Patrick Telford Wm. H. Westgate Betsy
i Wheeler J. 11. Westgate 0. B. 2, Whipple Nelson H.
I Wright Richard.
Mr Persons calling lor any of the above letters will
please say "Advertised," arid give the date of the ad
ertisement. S. W. ALVORD,
June 2,1866. Postmaser.
SHERIFF'S SALE.-By virtue of a writ
k-J of Fi. Fa., issued out of the Court of Common Pleas
ot Bradford county, to me directed and delivered will be
exposed to public sale at the Troy House in the Boro'
of Troy, MONDAY, JUNE 18, 1866. at 1 o'clock
p. m. the following described lot piece or parcel of
land situate in Armenia twp., bounded and described as
follows to wit : north by lands of Simon and Dwight
Morgan, east by land ol H. A . Case, south by lands of
J. B. Morgan and west by the public highway. Con
taining 130 acres more or less, about 80 acres improved,
with a log house, Iramed barn aud a few fruit trees
j thereon.
Siezed and taken into execution at the suit of Pom- j
eroy Brothers vs. John B'xby jr. J. M. SMITH,
Towanda, May 24, 1866. Sheriff. j
| A valuable Hotel property, the Bradford House, lo- j
! cated on the south side ot the depot at Waverly N. Y.
! Connected with it are two barns, a large Garden, fruit j
trees and two wells of solt water. For terms inquire
jof C. F.SMITH, Proprietor. !
May 24, '66— tf.
The farm formerly occupied by Chester Pierce, sit- j
nated in Wysox twp., is offered lor sale. It is about 1J ;
i miles Irom Towanda ; contains about 6(1 acres of first
; rate laud, all improved. A good Dwelling House, and
i other out-buildings, and an orchard of thrifty trees. !
j This is one of the most desirable properties iu the j
market, and worthy the notice of those desiring to pur
chase a farm.
For Terms Ac., apply to S. S. PIERCE, on the preat-i
ises, or C. H. SUEPARD, at Waverly N. Y.
Wysox, May 7, '66.—4w,p.
E. T. FOX. j
Ncu) 2tt>Dcrtisc£mnto.
J* will Lecture before the Y. M. C. A., of Towanda,
Doors open at 7J. Lectnre to commence at 8 o'clock.
On and after Monday May Utli, 1866, Trains will
leave Waverley. at about the following hours, viz
5-27 a. m., Night Express, Mondays excepted, for
Bochester, Buffalo , Salamanca and Dunkirk, making di
rect connections with trains of the Atlantic and Great
Western, Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Railways, for ail
points West; also at Ehnira for CaDandaigua. Stops
at Waverly on Mondays only. ....
5:57 a.m., Lightning Express, Daily, for Rochester,
Buffalo, Salamanca, Duukirk and the West.
8:28 a. m., Mail Train, Sundays excepted, for buffalo
and Dunkirk.
2:40 p. m., Emigrant Train, Daily, for the West.
3:43 p. m., Elmira Accommodation, Sundayawexcep
5:25 p. m., Day Express, Sundays excepted , for Roch
ester. Bultalo.Salamanca, Dunkirk and the West. Con
nects at Elmira for Canandaigua ; at Salamanca with
the Atlantic and Great Western Railway, and at Buffalo
with the Lake Shore and Grand Trunk Railways, for all
points West or Booth.
,0:34 p.m., Express Mail, Sundays excepted, for
1 liofftlo, Salamanca and Dunkirk, connecting with trains
fi rthe West.
i 5:02 a rn., Cincinnati Express, Mondays excepted,
connecting at Owego tor Ithaca ; at Binghaioton for
i Syracuse ; at Great Bend for Bcranton and Philadel
| phia : at Lackawaxea for Havvley, and at Graycourt for j
Newhurgand Warwick.
8:43 a. m., Binghamton Accommodation, Sundays ex- 1
11:50 a. m., Day Express, Sntidavs excepted, connec
ting at Gt. Bend for Scranton, Philadelphia and South .
6:10 p. m.. New York aud Baltimore Mail, Sundays
| 8:31 p. Mr, Lightning Express. Sundays excepted.
1 1:35 a. m.. Night Express, Daily, connecting at
Graycourt for Warwick.
Gen'l Pass AgT, New-York. Pen'l. Sap't.
ARRANGEMENT. April 23.1866.
! for Philidelphia, New-Yoik, Reading, Pottsville, Tama
j qua, Ashland, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ac. Ac.
Trains leave Harrisburg for New-York, as follows: At
j 3.00, 7.40, and 0.05 a. m., and 2.00 aud 0.20 p. m., con-
I ucctiug with similar Trains on tne Pennsylvania Rail !
I Road, and arriving at New-York at 5.40 and 10.00 a. in., j
and 3,40 and 10.35 p. in. Sleeping Gars aocompanying 1
i the 3.00 a. m.. and 0.20 p. m., Trains, without change, j
Leave Harrisburg for Reading. Pottsville, lamaqua. ;
Minersville, Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown and Phil- i
adelphia, al 7.40 a. in., aud 2 00 aud 0.20 p. m..stopping J
! at Lebanon and all Way Stations ; the 0.20 p. in. Train \
| making no close connection for Pottsville nor Philadel- i
| phia. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auourn.via :
| Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road,leave Harrisburg
i at 4.15 p. m.
! Returning : Leave New-York at 0.00 a. m., 12 noon
and 8.30 p. m.; Philadelphia at .00 a.m. and 3.30 p.
m.: Pottsville a! 5.30 a. m. and 2.45 p. m.; A.-hland a'
6.00 and 11.15 a. ill., 1.05 p. m.; Tamaqua at 0.45 a.m.
and 1.00 and 8.55 p. m.
Leave Pottsville ior Harrisburg, via Schuylkill and i
i Susquehanna Rail Road at 7 00 a. m.
Reading accommodation Train : leaves Beading a
600 a. m., returning Irom Philadelphia at 5.00 p. in.
Columbia Rail lloau Trains leave Reading al 6.10 a !
m and 6.15 p. m. lor Epbrala, Litiz, Lancaster. Colum
bia, Ac-
On Suiicays : Leave New York at 8.30 p. m , Phila
delphia s.Oo'a m , and 3 15 p. m.. the *OO a. in., train
running only to Reading. Pottsville 800 a. ill - Tamaqua
7.30 a.m., Harrisburg J 05 a. m. and Reading at I.3c>
a. m.. lor Harrisburg. and 10.52 a. m lor New York, ,
and 4-25 p. m., tor Philadelphia.
Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excursion
Tickets to aud Irom all points, at reduced rates.
Baggage checked through ; 80 pounds allowed each
Passenger ti. A. NICOLLS,
General Superintendent. j
Reading, I'a., April 23. 1866.
A ROAD.—This great line traverses the Northern aud
S Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city ol Erie,
on Lake Erie.
i It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Hail Horn
Company, and is operated by them
I Time of Passenger trains at Williamsport •
Erie Mail Train 9.55, P. M
| Erie Express Train 4:20, A. is.
Elmira Mail Train, 8:45 A.M.
Erie Mail Train 720,A..\1.
Erie Express Train 9:00, P.M.
| Elmira Mail Train, 6:50 P. M
Passenger cars run through without charge both way
between Philadelphia and Erie.
A"etc- York Connection.
Leave New-York at 9:00, A. M. arrive at Erie 9:30, A. M.
Leave Erie at 4:45, p. M.. arrive at New.York at 4:10 p. m
•Vo change of Cars between Erie and New- 1 'oik.
Elegant Sleeping Cars on al! -Night l'raius.
For information respecting Passenger business apply
; at Corner 30th and Market streets, Phil a.
j Aud for Freight business of the Company's Agents :
! S. B. Kingston, Jr., Corner 13th and Market streets.
Philadelphia; J W. Reynolds, Erie; Wm. Brown, Agent
j N. C. R. R. Bat imore.
H. H. HOUSTON, Gen 1 Freight Agt. Phil'a.
H. W. GWINNER, Gen'l Ticket Agt. Phil'a.
A. L. TYLER, Gen'l Manager, Erie.
T O W AN D A , I' A . ,
! Having purchased this well known Hotel on Bridge
Street, 1 have refurnished and refitted it with ever
! convenience for the accommodation ot all who may pat
j ronize me. No pains will be spared to make all pleas
i ant and agreeable. J. S. PATTERSON,Prop.
I May 3, '66.—11.
May he consulted in person or by letter, at his tesi
deuee. East Spring Hill, Bradford county. Pa.
An intelligent community require a medical doctrine
I grounded upon right reason, in harmony with and
| avouched by the unerring laws ot Nature aud ol the vi
| tal organism, and authenticated by successful results.
Hence we solicit an examination ot our system. Claim-
I ing that all diseases can he successfully treated with
| truiy Hygienic Agencies. '
No Drug poisons will be given, As a graduate of the
j only College in the world where health is taught, we
! shall take especial pains to explain to the patients the
i nature of the diserse. The laws of lite aud health, why
j it it is unnecessary and dangerous to take drugs, and
j how to preserve health and iong lire. Will visit pa- j
j lients, and give directions tor home treatment, when I
j desired.
t East Springhill, May 1,'66.—1v,p.
** v/ ol the 5-20 Bonds purchased at the highest
! market price liy B. S. RUSSELL A- CO.
| U.S. Securities of all kinds bought and sold by
B. S. RUSSELL A CO., Bankers.
I Petroleum, Venango and Crawford Co. Bank Notes
| bought by B. S. RUSSELL At 0., Bankers.
! Are uow receiving afresh supply of Nuts, Fruits and
! Candies, at the old Stand on Main Street opposite the
| Couit House. Also an assortment of
_ Such as Teas, Sugars, Coffee, Saleratus, Molasses,
Syrup, Spices, Ac., Ac., which will be sold as cheap as
can be bought in the borough of Towanda or elsewhere.
Kept constantly on hand,
At the Towauda Bakery.
Crackers by the barrel or pound, at the Bakery.
May 7, '66— tf.
The undersigued most respectfully announces to the
i citizens of Towanda and vicmity, that he has purchased
j the Music business of G. T. COLE, and will hereafter
i supply any of the above articles, together with
I on as good terms as they can be had elswhere.
He is also Agent for the
and has always on hand, a good assortment of Swiss
Watches, with a general assortment of
Silver and Plated Ware of the BEST MANUFACTUR
ERS . which will be sold at unusually low figures. A
I large variety of Clocks just received, among which may
1 be found theSeth Thomas, which has no equal.
: done with neat iess and dispatch, aud warranted. To
j those who can't -te, we would sav go to Chamberlain's
and get a pair of glasses that will make you see as well
|as ever. Don't torget the shop, nearly opposite th e
Court House. W. A. CHAMBERLAIN.
Towanda, Nov. 6,
are selling at moderate prices t
J Sept. 25 , 866. FOX'S.
\T H E N 8 iXC II \ N G
This large well known and favorite hotel •
opened tor the accommodation of the tr ' - ' l,l
It has been refurnished and refitted wit) '"' 2 t
ience for the comfort of guests. The tai'i' V ' r)l
supplied with the best the market afford', *7 J
will be spared to give entire satisfaction "
ronize the house. A tew desirable room? i'"*' i
jf r ss* s up na „,
Would invite the attention of the ladies r
to their Spring Styles just received imm •"
They feel confident that they can idea,' ** • •
give them a call. v. ,
The latest lashions received regular!,,
Demurest'* shop, New York. Slit hi:.',"' , .„
Rooms over Eddy's Clothing Store 'i'V '■
April, 15th, '66. 3m. ' 1 hUjr Y
JLfiss 11. c HUNT
Will open the Fourth Term of her - •,
Street, on Monday, May 4, 1860.
Common English Branches
French (extra) •> " J?
No extra charge lor Latin.
School year of 42 weeks,divided into foa-,
Much experience, and considerable on
observation iu difierent methods i,-V . r ''
Miss HUNT to offer her service-, to tl, ,„.'j . - -
a certain degree ol confidence. Unex
CM giveu if required.
Towanda, April 17, 1866.
Have made large addition-1 0 the
Men and Boys' wear.
Consi-ting of all the latest ;.
BANTS aud \t>\
. . .
: and HATS & CAPS,
Which we are offering ui Great p.
would solicit an early call ami ex.m,
! sortmeut. Call and get the worth ■ *<, .'.
i Dec. 12, 1865. ■> p a ..
\\ . G. LO\ ELAND a i 0,
Would in ui m 1 tie public in •
prepared with w-i! iin. ; .j machinery and a
water privilege, to do
At the Pail Factory, N i b auea_ -
will be taken to du w ,ik in a -a::-:.., • .iy
all who desire good work doi e on short nt
well to give us a call. W.i; |.n\.
WM .
N. B. Wool received aud delivered ee:,.
;J. Beidlema.i's, Towanda.
| North Towanda. A rll 23, '66.—tt.
Successors to Reynolds, Fellows A Cu.. . s
and are prepared to furnish en short u ;i
Carriages and S eighs. ot all descriptions a:.,
test aud most approved style, and uftlc. -:
at the old stand opposite the Union H .it,,,
tral part ol Alba Borough. RradlordCu.:y
Tlie public are assured ihat the repctatTs :
has acquired during the last six years under
intendence of J . H. Fellows, will be
tained. as he will superintend the wurk J- . ,
having long betn and having had mucheipa
Carriage and Sleigh Buildei, would as-are ::
that .10 pains will be -paiid by the an. ve
the establishment worthy of tueirpatii-uri." I .
us one ol the old firm for the patronage u,. . .
ded, we hope to merit a continuance I
N. B—We, the undersigned, being pra : v
ics,can manufacture aud offer to the
that will defy competition. JAMES H.KLL.
P. W. c. CHiSDi.
Alba Borough, April 15, 1566. ly.
The subscriber will lie ready about the Hpl rd v -'
1866, to receive and manufacture into a p <- -
Cheese al! the milk that may be ih-jveit-d .. •
The following is the proper minner s
pare rennet: Let the ... - kth .. ..
days, then take him off, and put him i.. ,
kill the calf in 15 hours alter sacking, take
net, fill it with salt, hang it in a dry pia.c. ' '
must not be washed.
Feb. 27,'66. AA - '
Tand age of seeds cannot be told ly t
ance. it is of course desirable to p ircba-t
are known to Vie reliable. It will re-,u :•
flection I think to convince any person t.'
that sends seeds all over the country t i •
mission, taking hack all unsold, is !• I '.
pood seeds, than one which sell- tire r ' -
thus having no old seeds on liauu. U-' .-ta
a quantity ol Buist's Celebrated Ste>h
tried them 1 think will not l,e salislird '
old stock ol commission seeds.
i have t his season ~ large stock '-' r '
seeds, and j hope to Ie ah ! supply
♦hem with first clam fi < s/i and rein... .
! March 7, '66.
Respectfully announces to the .ada-s
vicinity, thai she has just r<< • ivtd '
ol new style Hats. Caps. B( nrici . A' ■
variety ot Ribbons. Laces, Khwtv.-
Yeils. and numerous other art • .it ;:
who lavor her with a call. Custom w
done, and satisfaction given. R< - :>;
York Homestead, near M.J. Coolbau.l -
Wysox, May 1. '66. 4w
JL State of Pennsylvania, will nice! m
the 13th day ol June next at If o'clock a
i upon arriving iu W llkesharre. are req
immediately at the office of tlio Wjctuiur • ■ ,
where the committee on Reception ;
Efforts are making to secure commu.ati 1 !' _ ,
the various Brilroads leading from ditleiec
the State to Wilkesbarre. r/
By order ot the Com. o. Arr< -
is this day dissolved by mutual consent
will continue to transact business ai ike ""
notes and accounts ol the late firm w 'o :i "*"
hands for collection until the first ot J:.-}"
J. BlKß'Vpqv
Steveusville, May 7, '66 GEO-h-f"'
Ac., for sale at thc
, r ' ':*tl
Early Winningstaddt. Ox heart, sugar
Y'ork Cabbage, 8 cents per dozen : Kaify 3
flowers, 8 cents per dozen ; Large smooia. •
perfected, red and yellow Tomato. i-|■
Egg plants, and sweet and bell shape" i • j
per dozen ; Melons and Cucumbn-, m 11-l 1 -
including pots ; Celery aud all kinds ol .a- 1
cents per 100. ~j
All plants will be nicely packed in m7 ' -
seut to auy part of this and adjoining conn .
feet safety.
For sale Cheap. Enquire at the
April 17,1566. .
Miller to teud a Grist Mill.
Doshore, Sullivan Co., Pa.,
Orwell. Bradford Co.. Pa., will P^r'S"''
business iu his line. Particular attenu . y- j
aing and establishing old or dispute" ' tJ rr>
surveying of all unpattented lauds as so
are obtained.
May 17, 1866.