Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, May 03, 1866, Image 3

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£E> . _
>loiiliiy Evening, May 7, lsG,
In the Court House, Towanda.
j lon. GEO. LATVDON,
Viul other uhlo Speakers, will address the meetiiig, !
' npoii the momentous questions of the day.
JAF- The Reporter is printed npuu CAMP
i-u s Country and Job Press, Office No. 50 Gold
. York. Thomas 11. Senior, agent.
jy Our Banks and Merchants are now
uerolly declining to receive State Bank Notes at
it appears that all the Banks and business
11A u about us are taking the same course. We
suppose this movement takes place sooner than it
would otherwise have done in consequence of the
f. Jure of a number of State Banks and tlie fear of
Pi, aking of still more—but under the law of
i .'tigress State Bank notes cannot circulate after
the tirst of July. All those who have any money
on hand, had better join in the movement if they
wish to save themselves from the risk of loss, and j
it time we will have all good money.
.Vs printers never keep any money of any kind, i
lS t. 1 advice.
, nnber is equal to its predecessors, and received
tt great delight.
I'ETEHSON. —This is the best two dollar magazine I
j .Wished. The May number is fine, in engruv
m <s and reading matter.
Tun ATLANTIC. —The May number of the Atlan
tic has reached us. Its contents are interesting
wild entertaining. They are, "The Harmonists;"
"\hrai am Davenport,'' a poem by Wbittior; "To
i, , v ," by Longfellow ; "I)r. Johns," continued;
"Passages from Hawthorn's note book "The
F> i;ian Idea ;" "Chimney Comer "Last days of I
Walter Savage Lander ;" "Edwin Booth "Me
piii-ti'pheleoil "Hosea Biglow's Speech at the '
March Meeting," and "Questions on Monuments."
Boston : Tieknor A Fields.
ON; YouNO FOLKS.—The May number has ar- :
rived and is eagerly devoured by the juveniles of
,dl. ge>. It is always a welcome visitor. Boston:
'l'icknor & Fields.
TOWANDA LYCEUM. —The Society met on
Fiiib.y evening, April 57, for the purpose of trans- i
acting business, and debating upon the question ]
presented at the previous meeting, namely -
hV.Weo/, That the citizens of Pennsylvania sho : 'ld |
elect General John W. Geary for their next Gover- j
After the question was warmly argued by most 1
all the members present, it was finally agreed that
it should be left to the citizens of Beunsylvania, to
decide by ballot on the second Tuesday i:i Octo
ber, '66. There being a number of members ab
sent, who have not jet paid their initiation fee,and
some necessary expenses having been incurred by
the organization, which have not been discharged,
they are requested to leave one dollar with Mr. G.
1). MOXTAXYE, Esq., Treasurer of the Society, who
is authorized to receive all moneys and settle all
ourstanding claims. On account of the short du
ration of the evenings and the approach of warm
weather, the Lyceum decided to adjourn until the
first Friday evening in Sept. '6O.
We have exceeded, in the line of success, all
reasonable anticipations, when we take into con
sideration the circumstances, which have, unfor
tunately, surrounded us in our efforts to establish
this institution. When we first met at the Public
School Flouse in this place, late in the season,
t. nit two mouths ago, there were but a few speak
ers and some noisy and mischievous boys present,
t" e impose our meeting, which has since grown to
a large, appreciative and J intelligent audience.—
There has been everything to attract attention
lVoiu our cause, and especially that of the young,
wh e society has been sought after aud solicited
1 y the various philanthropic societies, which have
D en so numerous and frequent, as to crowd every
evening of the week (except Sunday) t<- their l'ull
i-t and most known capacity. We are under obli
gations to many for favors received in the past>
1 take tbe opportunity of returning our sin*
i re thanks to all who Lave manifi sted a kindly
intst in our welfare. Especially we thank the
founder (General WILLIAM I'ATTON,) who been zealous in promoting the success of our
"i';. affixation. Always on hand at an early moment
and one ot the first to lead off in an eloquent, eon
viii'-ing and fearless argument, in which w ere fully
i xhihited, his new and original ideas upon the va
ii"i:s i> -olutions successively debated upon by the
8 "it ty. By order of the Society.
RECORD YOLK DEEDS.—We call the atten
tion of those interested, to an Act of Assembly
which requires that "all deeds and conveyances
f>r real estate in the Commonwealth, shall bo re
corded iu the office for recording of deeds in the
t ;mty where the lands lie, icithin six months af
ter the execution of such deeds and conveyances,
uid > very such d< cd and conveyance not recorded
i.s aforesaid, shall be judged fraudulent and void
against any subsequent purchaser for a valuable
consideration, unless such deeds be recorded he.
fTc the recording of the deed or couveyanco na
il' r which subsequent purchaser or mortagages
shall claim." This is a very important notice, and
those holding unrecorded deeds will see the im
portance of having them recorded without further
It will be seen by referring to the
notice iu another column, that the Lecture Com
mittee Lave finally succeeded in securing one of
the ablest lecturers, and the greatest orator in the
("uitcd States, and we sincerely hope that our
people will show their appreciation of the Associa
tion's effort, by giving Mr. CHAI-IN a full house.
Mr. C.'s reputation as a public lecturer is too
well known to need any extended notice from us,
We simply say that we consider it a great favor to
enjoy the privilege of listening to him.
Persons having Magazines or any
other binding, should bear in mind that next week
is court,and au opportunity will be afforded i -• n 1
it along if you arc not coming yourself.
under HEIKXBTEIS Office.
"THE YANKEE BOYS."—This celebrated
troupe of Vocalists having been re-organized, arc
about to favor the public with tla-ir performance,
under the lead of Prof. TOWXEIL This troupe lias
already achieved a wide and favorable reputation,
and receives the patronage and encouragement o:
good audiences wherever they perform. Their
present arrangement will certainly increase their
fame, aud make them still more largely the favor
ites of the public.
Dr. DAVID BARUER, well known in
the Courts of this County, died at the residence ol
David Rutty, iu North Towanda, on Tuesday even
ing last, of old age, being about SO years old.
rectors of this County met in Convention at thii
place on Tuesday last, and re-elected O. J. Cars
BUCK, the present Superintendent. The salary
Was fixed at #ll MR).
WO* Rev. WU. DELONG, (Universalis!,]
will preach at the Court House, on Sunday even
ing next, at 7j o'clock.
one horsepower, suitable for threshing machine
will lie sold cheap. Enquire at don DIM; A RUS
SELL'S, Towanda. %
Ihe First National Bank of Towan
da has this day declared a dividend of five percent. j
tree of Government and State tax, payable on and
after the 7th insfi X. N. BEITS, jr.. Cash.
May 1, 'CO
fiST Linen Dusters, Coats and pants, for
: sale cheap at SOLOMON T SON. '
neu A meeting of the Bradford County '
Medical Society will be held in Odd Fellow's Hall, I
Towanda, Wednesday, May 10, 18CG.
L. ]>. MOSTANYE, Sect.
W&* .Soldiers and widows of soldiers ofj
war of 1812, who are in necessitous circumstances
are entitled to a gratuty of #lO, and au annuity of •
$lO, payable semi-annualy, provided, they was and |
are residents of Pennsylvania. Apply to H. B.
McKean, Claim Agent. Office Montnnyes' Block.
Towanda, Pa., April 16, 1866.
BSf" Groceries at greatly reduced prices
at C. B. Patch's.
The subscriber has a supply on Land of nice lona. 1
Israelis, Delaware, Allen's, Hybrid, Diana, Con
cord, Graveling and other Grave vines, warranted
true to name. Grape vines of any variety furnished '
:to order. Orders taken for Ornamental Trees, j
I Shrubs. Vines and Flowers at established rates of !
! other Nurserymen. Also for all kinks of small 1
' fruits, such as Strawberries, Currants, Raspberries,
Blackberries, Ac., It. M. WELLES, j 1
Towanda, April 8, 18C6.
B®= A. B. Smith A Go., wishes to inform
their friends and the public in general that they
• have opened a Tobacco and Cigar stors on Bridge j
1 Street, two doors from Main-st., where they will
! sell, at a low figure, a choice lot ot Cigars, foreign 1
; and domestic. Also Smoking and Chewing Tobac
co of all kinds. All kinds of fancy goods in the
Tobacco line constantly oil hand.
Towanda, April 15. A. B. SMITH A Co.
TOWANDA NURSERY. —Last Fall I bought,
from Daniel Harkins, his entire remaining stock j ■
of Apple, Cherry and Dwarf Pen- trees, and re-'
moved the same on to my premises on Towanda]
Flats. lam now prepared to sell these Fruit trees
|at low rates. Prices of Apple trees at the Nursery j
. 25 i ts. each, or in quantities of fifty or more trees, \
' S2O per 100. Bt st si 1. .t<dto ,s in small quanti
ties of sto 15, :;o ets. each. No. 1 ('herrv trees
! 50 ets each, which is the wholesale price of r gular ,
! Rochester dealeis at this time. , No. 2, Cherry
| trees, from 25 to 40 ets. i ueh. Dwarf Pear trees •
j from 20 to 50 ets. each. Quince trees from 25 to i
oOcts.iaeh. Persons who are in want,of Fruit I
trees, will do well to visit my Nursery, E miles]
from Towanda. R. M. WELLES. I
Towanda, April 8, 1806.
V&rx, Proposals will bo received at b
| office of G. D. Montanye for furnishing 20.000 feet >
14 inch Dak Blank, not to exceed 6inches in a 51th
J —SOOO feet 3 and J inch scantling 10,000 ft. thick :
| Hemlock Flank. To be delivered by the Ist day I
l of June next.
| Towanda, April 23, 1866.
HOUSE AND LOT FOR SAI.E.-~A very desir:;- :
I ble property for sale at onci in this boro', lot 80 |
I feet front, ovc-i 300 feet deep, with an a'li-y run- ]
j ning through tho eenter of it : afii e house, a large ,
barn, easy of acci ss, v.ith apples, peaces, grapes 1
inud other improvements thereon. Terms easy.
| For further particulars inquire of J. N. C'aliff. of
; fice over News Room. Also a small farm for s- tie, ,
I inquire as above. April 8, -lw.
j Connecticut Mutual Life In.-uraiut
; Company of Hartford Conn. Assests over 10,- '
; 000.000. Divident paid during the pre-ait fiscal
! year, 60 per cent, ft is the largest, safest, cheap- !
est, and best Life Insurance company of tins !
country. H. B. MCKEAX, Agent.
Towanda, l'a.
BSP Kerosene or Coal Oil, the very K; t '
kind for sale by the barrel or in small quantities
very cheap, at Dr. l'orter's Drug Store.
1 i jfcsjr- T.. those thinking of gutting a Srtv
' ; ing Machine, it is a matter oi interest to know
- which is the best. The Whei ier A Wilson ahvays
j the most desirable, is with the attachment of tak
! ing the loop sfiteh, without doubt the machine ofj
j all others suited to general use. Call at Wickham ]
, A Black's and see it work.
L CARD. —AII soldiers who enlisted prior to j
June 30. 1863, will be furnished important imfor- -
. motion//•<•. by calling at once upon the undersign
ed. Bring your "discharge with you.
J. N. CALIEF, Pension Agent,
Office over News Room.
BSR. All men of the Pennsylvania Re- ]
serve Corps are entitled to pay from the date of j
their enlistment to the 15th of May 18G1, if not
paid. Paper-, prepared, Back pay and Bounty and i
Pension Claims collected. All military busiiu
in any of the State and National D paitment:.
succc si'nUy prosecuted. 11. B. MCKEAX, I
1 Claim Agent. Office Montanyc.s' Block.
Towanda, April 2, 1866.
PENSIONERS. — The instalment of Pensions
• due March 4tli, 1866, paid on and after that date,
by bringing your Pension c< rtiticates t" J. N. Or- |
Lirr, Pension Ag. lit. Office over Nev.s Room, To- ;
' w.mda, Pa. Feb. 26. .
[New York Herald, Friday, April 16. R6G.] .
THE IXXIAN LIKE.— Ib r ns! -. .1 ppeumn and
Xovtlfeatures. A list ■ ' ('<■•■• ■ rs < tin I
Ac.—The Liverpo.-'l, N-iw Yirk aud Philadelphia
Steamship (5 >iupi'.uy, which is already possessed
of a number ol' magnificent ocean vessels, has
placed upon tin line a new screw steamer, the City
of Paris, which was yesterday thrown open for in
spection for the benefit of a few privileged guests.
1 The most critical could find little cause for com
plaint on viewing the many novel features intro- j
ductal throughout the steamship to add to the com
f it of passengers, while the combination of str-ngtli ]
• and beauty for which her Lull is noticeable, could |
. b appreciated by such as were least v< rs< din the j
ship builder's art.
The City of Paris lias been built expressly for i
' speed and safety '.u the carriage of the Vi itt -1 States |
- m tils, which the v. - ,els of the company convey for j
r oe- an po '..age only. Her diiuensious are 373 feet
iu length, 1(1 feet in breadth, and 27 feet in depth : i
her tonnage 2,800 tons, old measurement 'lLcj
hull i-- divided into eight water lii'ht compartments
j bv bulkheads, which, while imparting great strength
to the broadside of the steamer, will prevent her
" i from sii'hing on the occurrence of any slight acci
f • dent Each of tho water tight compartments into
s which the vessel is divided is filled with a -steam
r fire auuihilator and a centrifugal pump, that can
lilt upwards of one thousand gallons of water per
" minute. The City of Paris is fitted with a boom i
and topgallant ton castle, and these are united by j
o | a deck house, which runs along the centre of the
, j spar deck. A double set of steering gear has been
" ] provided wheelhouses being erect< d both lore and
0 aft, this contrivance greatly reducing the labor of
tin men at the wheels in heavy weather. The
steamship is propi lied by a pair of direct acting
horizontal trunk engines, of nominally six hundred
y and eighty horse pov. r, an 1 constructed with the
k latest improvements in surface condensation aud
fuel hiating.
1 Th e comfort of the pa.-. • ngers, officers aud crew
▼ has not been overlooked. In the after part of tbe
deck house is a spacious and elegantly fitted up
dining room for tlic first el s.-- pass, ngers, with vel
vet cushioned s< ats, ln sooed ceiling, and walls
d adorned wish 1 riiliantiirah; sques. The remainder
of the d-- k h<-use is occupied by staterooms for
the i.file .-- and u.i 1 -r end storerooms.the crew
' finding accomodations in tho forecastle. The lniui
s j attire apart mi nts designed for the use of the "
J sient" guests art unusually complete in the thous
, and and on liltie a; purleuain c.s so necessary to
1 tin ten. .so. durum .. i voyage,and are sufficient
s' ly spacious am 1 well lighit d'aud ventilated. A few
r i of these apaitment . intended for the occupancy of
r _ a party ol truvelh-rs, are provided with six berths
; each. Looking above, the eye can pt rceive a sec
tion of tie steel d ■ k that nndetlii - tbe wood work.
! and adds to tin- strength of the hull,
e i The City of Paris, so welcome an addition to the
.f many lio itiug pahve , owned by the Innian line,
(Was laiuieiied from the building yard of Messrs.
l * Tod A McGregor, Pnrtiek, Glasgow, early in De
: c< mber, and amvi d at this port a few days since,
having • xporicn-ed dnrin : the passage a sncces
• . siou of hi avy wi---.ii ily gal. s. B- jug built with a
l " ' view toinsnri speed and safety to her patrons and
ix ( freight, tln-re is but little doubt that the time made
B_ on her i;> \t trip will be ]>ut on record, us an evi
dt iu .of the snecess of tlie lmilders. Tin; new
vessel \v:il sail at t )-morro\v morning,car
rving out tho officers and crew, one hundred and
i thirty-four nn-n, and al oat one hundred drat fllass
passengers. She will be conianded by Captain
' i James Kennedy, an experienced seaman who lias
had charge ot the largest vessels built, including
i the Great Eastern, and who, moreover, enjoys the
enviable title of commodore of the line. The'other !
officers are—Mr. Matherson, chief officer, Messrs. j
Proton, .Street and D: cksbury assistants. Mr.
John Kavanagh, purser, Dr. Black, physician, aud j
Messrs Hamilton and Kidd, chief and assistant en- j
giuet r, with live subordinates.
The Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia I
Steamship Company now possesses the following
vessels :
City of Antwerp (Now Building.)
City of Paris Captain Kennedy.
City of Londen Captain J. Mirehottse. |
City of Boston Captain S. Brooks. j
City of New York Caption R. Leiteh.
City of Baltimore Captain P. MeGuigan. i
City of Washington Captain T. F. Roskell. |
City of Manchester Captain T. C. Jones.
City of Dublin Captain .S. Eynon.
City of Cork Captain W. Bridginan. j
City of Limerick Captain H. Manning.
Edinburgh Captain J. J. Aulcrow. |
Etna Captain H. Tibbits.
Kangaroo Captain W. It. Philips.
Bosphorqus Captain J. McCartney.
City of Durham Captain G. Loeliead.
These steamships form a splendid and extensive ,
line of ocean packets.
B. S. ltussel, Bankers, Towanda, are agents for |
the above line, and furnish tickets at New York !
rates; also drafts from one pound upwards to any i
exhibition at the salesroom of Messrs. "WitEEU'.it A !
S\ILSOX. No. 625, Broadway, the first Hewing Ma- j
eliine, (No. 11 made by the company, the present
number being 220,000. Let the interested compare !
the machine sold iu 1851 for $125 with those now !
offered for i 55. The former owner 11 this lua- |
chine gives its history as follows.
The machine was finished early in 1851, and i
learned its use from Mr. Wilson himself. 1 was \
thus, you see, the first to work the Wheeler A Wil
son Machine, mid learned on the Machine tlicy j
ever manufactured.
Iu 1855 1 earned with the machine $265, besides
doing my own housework and taking care of my j
baby. In 1850 we came to Davenport,and brought
the machine with us. I believe it is the first Ala- I
efii ic ever brought to lowa.
I run that Machine almost constantly for more than
fourteen years, on all sorts of work,from the finest ]
dress making to the heaviest tailoring. 1 quilted
a full sized white bed-spread with it which has been
exhibited three times at the Fair. It took me three
weeks to do it with my other work, but it could j
not have been done by hand in so many years. I ]
have even stitched leather with it, anil at the time
1 exchanged it, (in 1665) for No. 1'J3,320 ii worked j
just as well as when made.
It is perhaps unnecessary for me to add that 1 i
bt lieve the Wheeler A' V. if.on to be vastly superior ,
to any other machine made.
Yours Respectfully
April 21th. P. E."B. j
At R ix.ccting of tho Directors of the |
First National Bank of Towanda, it was resolved, j
i'hat in view of the action of neighboring Bank .
the mites ot State Banks not redeemed at par in
New York or Philadelphia, will not lie received at- j
ti i tin- 2-Btli day of April, except ul a discount suf- !
licit nt to cover the expense of sending them lining j
for redemption ; ami that we xvill not pay out any ;
tl ii ■ but Legal Tender or National Bank Notes.
N. N. BETTS, jr., Cashier,
i'eiwandu, April 22, 1860.
FOR SALE.—A new Dental Operating
(■hair (Archer's Patent), also a complete si t of In
struments. Address, E. F. SMITH,
Towanda, Pa.
TOWAMIA M ARKETS. — ( Whotemh' Prices.)
Corrected exery Tuesday by E. T. Fox, No. I,Brick
Row :
Wheat $2 00 @ S2 50
Rye 75
Corn % 65 () 70
Oats 35 (a} 37
Flax See d 1 bO fit; 200
Clover Seed, (small) 8 00
" (Orwell) 10 00
Beans 1 25 07 1 50
Butter i.iiills) 35 0i 40
" (dairy) 40 (5> 45
Eggs 20
Potatoes 87
Ilay (per ton) 8 00 10 00
Salt (per Ibb.) * 300
Flour 10 00 (a. 14 00
ITam 18
Chickens 14. <77. 16
Turkeys 16 Co 18
Ducks' lOg: 18
Get ;e 12
Wi ruins OF GRAlN. —Wheat, 60 lbs: Corn, 56 lbs;
Rye, 56 11 s : Oats, 32 lbs ; Barli y. 46 11 s ; Buck
wheat. 48 lis; Beans, 62 lbs: Bran, 20 lbs: Clover
Si i d 62 lbs; Dried Apples, 22 lbs: i b.xKi eels6lbs.
M A Ii R IB D .
' CONK LIN CLE WET, AND .—April 26th. by Rev.
S. ('. Stevens. Mr. G. Dmklin, M. D., to Miss
A.(). (-lcvehiud, all of Orwell, l'a.
CHAMBr.fI LIN BROWN. In Wyalu ing, March
27. by Rev. G. W. Jackson. Mr. Byron A. ( ham
berlin, of Orw ell, to Miss Mnthe-na S. Blown, of
; WILLIS—GREGGS.—By the nam . April 10, Mr.
i John Willis, of Fall Crock, toMiss Ke-si di Gre-ggt;
! of Standing Stone.
SCOTT—SAGE.—By Rev. R. L. Stillwoll, April
17, Mr. John IT. Scott to Mrs. Mary J. Sag-, ; 11
of Li berty Corners, l'a.
VANDYKE POSTER.—By the same. Aj- i! 25tli,
Mr. Eugene- C. VaiiDylo of I. Roy, b Ali-;
Sarah E. Foster, East Canton, l'a.
lCnu 3i)Dfrtisenicitts.
Qll E A T R E D U C T I 0 N
In prices of
For Meu ami Uoys wear.
Mu.-t of tuese* goods are manufactured Kxpic. ly ;or
O U R T It A I) E .
Raving just returned from the Eastern and Western
; Market.- with oue o! the
We rub Pit an early call and examination ul our as
j n.riment, which cannot be beat ia ia (rLe,
STYI,EANI)Q D A I, 1 1 Y .
Our -tuck of HATS arc ol the latest My la > sir) ,i large
1 a iortinent of
Which will be sold at low prices.
Thusc v.-isiiing tu bay, will find it to their advantage
to call before bovine elsewhere. Remember the place,
: at
No. 2, Rattan's Block.
J Towanda, May I. "Cfi.
May he consulted in person or by letter, at his ic.-i
de>ui i , East .-priug Hill, Bradtord county, Pa.
Au intelligent community require u medical doctrine
'■ grounded upon tight reason, in harmony with auc
avouched by the unerring law - of Nature and of the vi
tal eigaiiism, and authenticated by suCce-.-ful results
! Hence we solicit an examination ot our system. Claim
ing that all diseases tan be suecesslully treated w itl
truiy Hygienic Agencies.
No Drug poisons will bo given. As a giaduute ot till
only College in the w< rid where health is t..ught, wi
shall take especial pains to explain to the patients thi
nature ol the ci ierse. The laws of lite and health, why
it it is uiiiieei-.-.ny :.rd dangerous to take drugs, am
. huvto pn .-erve health and lung lite. Will visit pa
■ tients, and give directions tor home treatment, wliei
. i East Hpringhili, May 1, '66.—ly,p.
TV condition, aud with tight hatches—to carry
'! ab nt : i tons. Address with particulars as to price Ac
1 i April t, 1866.—4t Box 126, Piitstou, l'a .
_ • FOX'S.
PoiVfll & CO.'B NMD 000*19.
Ipowbll <3c CO.,
j Have now in store the largest stock of goods ever exbili- j
| ited in Northern Pennsylvania. Additions will con- j
i stantly be made to this stock during the season, and
it will at all times be found FULL AND COMPLETE j
in all its departments.
We invite the particular attention of our customers to
our magnificent display of
| !
[ Which we offer at prices much below those of last year. 1
i We have given special care to our selections in this line
j and are now able to exhibit the newest,most fashionable,
| and most desirable styles to be obtained. Our new |
j stock Icomprises all colors of Plain and Plaid French
Merinos, Empress Cloths. Striped Melanges, Striped .
I and Plaid Poplins, Taffetas, Lamas, Tinsel Poplins, Parts
I Crepes, Reps, Plain and Brocade Alpacas, Poil dc Chev
ies, Delaines and Amuses, Bright Plaids for children's
I wear, and a great variety of other Dress Fabrics.
I Black French Merinos, Bombazines, Tainese Cloths, \
] Baratheas, Mohair Lustres, Black and White Checks;..i
. Striped Poplins and Alpacas, Double and'.Single Fold "All I
Wool Delaines, and a full line ol those High Lust red i
i Black Alpacas, at a great reduction in price.
' Reaver Cloths, Tricots, Velvet Cloths, Cassimere Sack-j
tugs. Plain and Twilled Black Broadcloths, of all prices j
i all colors of Plain and Fancy Sackings,{Opera Flannels, '
Ac., Ac.
Ladies Misses and Chilli ens White and Colored Cot
-1 t.m, Fleeced and Meiino llosc. Ladies Mviino Ve is
and Drawers, Gloves ol every description at low prices,
I ,• tl
Blea' hed, Half Bleached, and Unbleached Damask Ta
ble Linens. Napkins, Towels, Towellings. Scotch aid
Russia Diapers, Bleached and Unbleached Uuckabucks
| (,'i isbes, liDh Linens, Ac., 10-4 and St-4 Sheetings.
! Pillow Case Cottons, Counterpanes, Draping Muslin- ,
I Shaker Flannel Sheetings, Rose Blankets, Ac., Ac.
Es(|iiimanx, Moscow and Castor Beaver Cloths, French
and Be!man Black Broadcloths, Doeskin . Fancy Cas-i
sinures, Tweed.r.JMelto:: . Ratinetts, Union Ca.s-imercs,
: Jeans, Ac., Ac.
All qualities Plain White, Shaker and Welch Flannels,
; Fancy Shirting, Mine is. Red und Gray, Plain and Twilled '
> j Flannels, and a lull assortment of
At the Lowest Market rates.
We are BOW opening and desire to call special atten
' tion to our unusually large stock of
As we make thi- depart ne ntof our business a sue ciai
ity, we havi given it much time an 1 nttenlion. Our .c
--j lections have t ,en made from the :ewe.-t styles in the
market, and our Cloaks arennuioiactnred in a mati..ei
that cannot tail to plea: e, an ! give entire Ist tithm,
Having made our purcl: ■ •
advance in price, wejare able t,, utter dta ided bargains
in I allies. Misses and Cl.ildrcu.-s Double and ringle
Shawl*. Our present stock tar surpasses in cxten- and
variety, any purchases we have i ver la ire mad - in thi.-
tine , and we have availed ourselves ot tie most favor
able time tn select the choicest and rnost dt -arable goods
r in the market.
We now on hand a aoo.l , - -rtment of these cel
ebrated Skirts, in While and ('nlored.
' The F . Empr- Paris Tiail. M ill conn, and a
i variety of other popular inn!.• ol Skirl- in all . izes
, : lor Ladies Misses and Children.
i | Brussels, Three Ply, Extra Super, Rttpeifir.c. Ir.g>. in,
• Kidder,and Hemp Carpets. All widths Floor Oil < loths
Mattings, Door and Rugs. A new stock just re
' Having made arrangement -* with manufacturers to
supply oi.r sales with the best quality o: Boots anu
! Shoes* we shall at nil times be able to furnish our oust, -
j mers with the liest custom made Shoes ot all kind- .
foi Ladies, Misses and Children, and Boots for Mens and
1 Buys wear, at reasonable prices. We shall also keep con
stantly <oi hand a complete assortment c! 'den ,Women*
and Children's Rubbers and Arc. i Overshoes.
L . A splendid assortment ot Mens and Boyst Hats ana
1C ' Caps just received. Having cloned out our old stock
lV almost entirely previous to our late pure; -es, we now
jfl oiler an entire new stock ot the latest stylos.
a- i
■ i
We are now receiving large additions to our si a,.
Wall Papers, Transparent WindowHSliades and Triic
mings Window Papers, Ac., Ac.
Thi ■■ we 1 known and favorite hotel, hai Jti r re
opened tor ti ca< - omtnodi Hon of the traveling puhjic,
it ha> la : " titurni-lied and refitted with every cunten-'
' iencc for Ibe e<mTuft of guests. The table arid bar are
supplied with the Ir tie market affords, and no effort
I wiiVlic s'lsiwi! to .Jin eirliie MtiHtftCtion-'tb all who pat
roui/.e the lidrise. A Sev. d< Arable ro qua tor summer
hordci*. G.K.SMITH, I'roii'r. ,
| AlUcji-, Pa,, Match 22, ixGii.
Pl, A NT S , GItA Is V INE S ,
Ac., fcr sale at the
ii.G Winn iugstaddt. Ox heart, sugar loaf, and large
1 York Cabbage. X cer.L- per dozen ; t.nly aud iatu Oauli
! flowers, h cents per dozen ; Large smootfa, Fejee-Island,
perfected, led and yellow Tomato, io cents per duzeu ;
Egg plants, and sweet and bell shaped Peppers, 10 cents
per dozen ; Melons and Cucumber-, io pots, 25 ets each .
including puis j Celery und all kinds of late Cabbage, 35
cents per 100.
I All plants will be nicely packed in moss, and can be
rent to any part ot this and adjoining counties, with per
fect safety.
For sale Cheap. Enquire at the Garden.
_ Towamlu, ApiU lT.lftdtj.
18 SE 6 UPUA MS,
i Would invite the attention of ti c ladies of Towaxda
10 their Bpring Kiyles just received Horn New York.
Tiny ell confident that they <-in please ml who will
; give litem a call.
i The latest lashions received regularly flour Madame
Demurest' shop, .Yew York. Hutching done to order.
| Rooms ovei laid} s Clothing btorc, bu story.
April, 15tb, '6O. bin.
jyj ISS II . C 1U N T
: Will open the Fo.ii-li Term of her School, on Second
1 Street, on Monday, May 4, HSGti.
Common Engli-h Branches $5 50
Higher " " (j 25 to 7 00
French (extra) 2 50 to 4 10
No extra charge fur I/at in.
School year of 12 weeks,divided into four equal terms
Much expei' nee. and considerable opportunities for
0 servatiou in diflbnnt methods of teaching, enable
Mi.-s HIM co ••tier her services I > those interested with
at; tel. gn eof < ei!ideucc. Uuc.vept: nabb ifie.cil
ccs gii cu it reipiited■
l ow am!.!. April IT, 1 sCG.
I -Ll I: : i Banks of thi.; County baling deUlinm'; d not
,I • :•..*. r ; y on: .my k:ud ,t ciirreucy utter the Ist
day •.( j ;,,_.\i ex ,-pt Null u.oi or Greenbacks, it Le
■ a -m- ,ry iia- tu s.,y to ail Collectors that we
i .11 i '.st oi {Solvent Bunks iu payment ol
I taxes i.niii nday. May 7, at which timfali In the
tnd ot must be paid t > the Treasurer, and
j alter that u.,1 N nai Currency or Grcenbscks will no
i h<| i i<d .n j :y...c:.; <>i all tuxes due thcCuuuly.
!, oners. K. B. COOLBALGII,
I Coin's, offi 123.4866. Clerk. .
Wm. tl iittmiu the pubiio iu general, that they are
pivpaied w itii wsil fated machinery and a j imaiieiit
wat. 'rprivilegf, to do
At t*l r t'aii Factory, Nortli Towanda. spei i; 1 rate
wi.i ia t <iito d i work in a satisfactory manner ; and.
all wbi d(--ire g"od work done pit sit ut notice, will do
s. to give us a tail. W. G LOVKLAND,
N> rth Tovrhtlda, A rii 2:1. v,6. —tf.
: THPjil.p ii*-TA i,< .iSfIMi:NT S TILL IN OPERiYT lUN .
its r Rev: Ids. Fellows ft Co., ate no*..* < filling
f!!.,| -re prepare-.'. I > iurniab <m start ntio<>. Wagons,
t :!U *> i .pi s. ot an ih sc: ipll a.- . .ai Hie la
'. St so i ist approved styh . _.._ d Utm bt'.-t,
at the "(a y'and .qomidte tin. Guiou iluu.->u. L. tiie c-n
--t . irt • I Alba Borough, t ßradford Connty, i'a.
i übli. are aGnied that tli-,- repuctiou the shop
1, ■ acq si,.: luring the last six years under the siibcr
iai ad v • i .1. It. i'cliuw-. will be tu :e, than ninin
t biird. will -iipct ie:.d the '.roll as '.laK I ilore he
: g bei ii b ivlng : icli expejncu*.: as a
• '■alSlel-h Buildei w, lid a-surc the pnlilie
,i ; • > -a.,.us will l.a: sj, r-d by the above firm to make
| the c.: 11 1.:, c i.' v'l iiy oi lip-ir pßimmg'. J b.;:ik:.L
; .. . one of the oid timi for the patronage thus far exten
ded. we hope to a pontinnance >t the same.
| N. B.—Wc, the undersigned, being practical inovitan
} i >. caa a..1,:i.n aidodlr to He public at priced
1 tail ,n.. J y uoiiipvtiUoa. JAMK-11. FELLOWS,
I .'.ii iII ,r< toll, April 15, Uu<>. ly.
5 > 11 U IOC E A r 11 i G A L LEli Y
i\ w. ntrr.Hßrf
! lr.: ri. 3 ■: i iat lm baa rcino>.->1 his Photograph
rv.' * tn • •'' 1 i-t .-iJe 11 Main .. tw o
I door* Itelow Beidleman's Block, where he is row pre
tafcfe Photographic Likenesses in tlie highest j
SrV'i 'via* . Midair,.type-, and i'Vreotyjw . i Cards, I
A '1 ii— n . lit. tl Phot graph Albums
style, kept constantly on hand. Also Photographs
dA: ii'-tifcd in' I'f mi-ii. military and eiril, ior ale.
I Being now preputed t" fuse likenesses ii the Lest I
it. i. he is i-ouudeut that he can give satisfaction t > ,
j l. n<j.r, \j ril Im>6. |
I ::: the vats L-rii Itiral print-,' ro'hef jTmree?. j
i im w t Hrtnvvh Law becotuu auatc ot tll£ v;ist 1 iperit ity
i,i . <. ot!. i - . /V/<)/* -. Tin.;* uuiiv illcu
:■ • : h - n" ■ . ii-lil ex-c ingiy C-V sG rjt !"i' 1 :'.le
• nk, and live iiom r.t. mildew or
' <.i fa e. 1 well known qualities ate merit i that have
I M tor li t Goodrich Seedling Potatoes a better name
I than any other potato heretofore known- A limited -
j j.!\ • ; u1 •• obtained y application at Dr. Ik.iter s
1 itruer Stole, a* the following rates
I!"' 1 1'"drich ifl 00 a peek
; <: •A a 1 ."til "
Call lot) " i
; > i ■" "
■ i 00
Garni t < oil; at an tut the market price,
lln , ha* been known to \ it! ! ;• bushels to the
,i a. in We early Goodrich 100 boshela ; the oth.-
! crs ; eu 3JJO and 100 bushels to the acre; In ir
i* ; .a! •.! with jir-'per tillage, they will average
' ~V t r :ti.o 1" -'t: ! j to the .tore. Whoever pr* omes ami
[; . it ti.o .ve vmlties, will consider tliemscles"
I ona'-'itt ' voiit secured the seed at en- It appari titiv
! : i •' ML H. li. I'UM'KIL
! Tow .fi■.;■■!, .lan. 1. '63.
; TiL'BLIC I'RAY.—TU •vbsi.-ribci- having 1
IJL pur* ii. scd a ! Dray, JcM o ir.Crm the pub
| i:c to .1 lie Is !a!ly ..repaid'' Udo a. 'uth* ot Work ill
!.: isne. 11 m i vi. i-s eau "be secured . oVV. -k. ti.
1 j in.. to 0 o'i '•,( .* p. m. He can trahSpo dimply and
1 exj edit y all kindt < t llou chold Goods. Mt .eh.ut
■ A*-., to'ai.v I'nii * do-iied.aud respect fit lly " 'licit*
I a .-bull! <*; pbbiie • a'rMi ige.
! ..I i trout < i M. i bull's H ldwufe store, near
| d' rt i the l'ost Office, where he can nltvays be secu
. wont not engaged. Orders lelt at Marshall s ITardwa e
' re. will i e promptly attended to.
■ T. Wanda, Pec. 7, Im!s. —tf.
uicl .* ni (•!**!:'* be told by tl *ir appear
■' : ante. i i? • ' com e ilesirsole to purcha-e * tily -nch a
- are k:* tvu t . t.i :cli.i:de. It will require lint Tittle lT
j fin: on 1 tliitik Ui couvince any porauu that a bouse
ii...* send seeds all overthe country To oe sold * :i com
n.• . j'ii, taki. ' .. all uu.-old, is less likely to fnrnbh
' red . tl.'tit < ' which sell-* their tuels outright,
tl is having no old seeds on hand. Last seasnnl bought
i quantity ot limit's Ctltbraltil *S'inG(ptul thn-e who
t .l il them 1 think will not be s .tifiic.! b tvtun, to the
' i 1.l - toe k of * omiuirsiou seeds.
I 1 l-.iYc t hi- a. -u a large fc>ck ol the tame kind of
u.ij, and j hope to I e able tn snpplj ml who will try
: - in v itii lii f/i.-.'i anil rninhh xred*.
March 7," V. E.T. FOX
imu Tn t: i* .\ oiEh.
' s| AIRS. E. M. KINO,
Would anuour c to the l.idics ot Wyaltisinz and vicin
i •. . that she ha- just received from New York, a large
i and' well selected assortment of J
, I Please give her a call.
vVyulunhig, April 23, YG. —3w.
\r ALI - ABLKriiU i'ERTY l'Oli SALE.-
T Tie subscriber otters fur sale his floc-e and Lot at
| Gtain i!ie Onttf, <-r. very feasimahle terms. Upon it Is
a i'.lueksmiih SI. r* und Tool: . which will also lie sold.
T> For a K'n-ksmiih this ira first-rate lout lion. En
q ire w theptemtosoof HENRY ARNjOEu.
: ' nville. April, 24, 'U(!.~ilw.
I prm:::.ieeu that good garden
i V aly, produce good vegetables ; and that w
t- will sell jtc ii seeds just us cheap as you buy poor onee
and buy jour supply at FOX'S.
Ccgal. 1
SHERIFF'S SALES.—Hy virtue of a writ
ol f i Fa., Fzcod out ol sue Couit ol Common I .
| picas ut ttt MMS directed and delivered, ' <
will l.e exposed to l-r.Mift salt' a' the Court House in the I
' Boro' t>r ToWumJ*. MONDAY, MAY 7. INW, at '
I one o'clnuk, p- on, the following described Jot piece or .
parcel "I Und situate in f-mithticld tp.,and bounded as I (
| to wit: On the north IJ.V land* in the possession ot Eliza
i ke'h Deekcr and the school uouse bit, cu*t Oy the public |
i highway, anil on the couth and west by lands oJT I
' fen WilcbS- Containing tour acres more or lean all im- <
1 proved, with n trained lirrn-e, small Iramed barn and a
t lew trait trees thereon. '
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Hams A
Saltuiarslr Vs. William H. Huff. 1
ALhO— The follow,ug described loLs pieces or parcels
ol land situate in the boro' of Athens, as follows to wit: i
Lots No. 72, 73,62, 63, 45;4T,4H ( 4, 58,61, 66,66, 9,
39,40, fid, 31, ill, 80,'23, 24, 26, &, and 199, according <
to I'iot and Survey ol buro' ol Athens.
ALSO --'I wo other lots sitnate in the horo' of To* in- <
da, hounded as lollowc to wit: uoit by W. B. Budge,
1 east by Front street, south by lauds ol M. C. Mercur, 1
i west by binds to iliruni Yaw iiad Ueed Smilley. Being ;
• ' 100 leeton Front street and about 100 feet back. L ou- | 1
taming 50bO square leet each more or lees.
Seized and liken in execution at the snit of M. W. i
■ Wheehck nse vs. Chauncey N. Shipmau, Charles P.
Weiiß and. -Nathaniel (J. Harris. i
ALSO—The loilowiaig lot piece or parcel of land sit
i irate in Ulster twp., bocm-led as follows to wit: north by >
■ land of Ralph Unwell, east by the Susquehanna River,
south by lands ol John S. Authouy and west by lanes ol
M< (J • Yausickle. Containing 125 acres more or less,
I about UK) acres improved witb a Iramed dwelling bouse 1
j trained barn, cow shed and an orchard ot lruit trees j
| therecur, being tbe sam- lately owned by Juices Park. ! I
• Seized and taken in execution ut the suit ot Waverly j
j National Bank vs. S. Northrup. j J
| AljU—l he the following described lot, piece or par- '
eel of laud, situate iu Burlington twp., and hounded as j <
j follows, to wit : North by lands ot Jawed Bus*, east by j
i lauds 01 Henry ,t George litß and J. W. l'ark, South by : <
; Luide oi f'hilo it ardsh y, and wc4l by lands ol riflus |
■ Belts and Horace Burns. Containing 107 acife more or j
I | ii *. ab-ait 76 acres impeoved, with small trauma la ue.
Iramed barn, lug house, log barn and two orchards of
: j uuil trees thereon.
Seized end taken into execution at the suit ol Albert i
T Wheat vs. Frank A. Beardsiey.
Al-hU—By virtue of A writ of Vend. Ex., the follow- i
irg described lot, piece or parcel ol land situate iu
Athens twp,, bounded as follows: north by lands ol
John F, Green aud L. O. Snell, east by lands of I'. C.
Kimball and iva Elsbree, south by land of William
' , Pheips and weat by lands ot Page A Bristol!, W. VV.
I Woldott, ira BULee and A. C. tllsbrce. Containing
i 1 vim hundred and lifty acres more or less, aWut lad
1 ! acres improved with a iramed he use. trained barn, shin
' I gle mill, hog pen, ooitt house and lruit trees thereon.
1 oeiaed and I.lken iu execution at the snit of Job P.
Kir'uy's use vs. Franklin Murray and John Griffin,
Adiu'ts., ol Rachel ilurray, deceased.
ALSO—Ibu lollowiug described lot, piece or par el of .
land itua'.e in Granville twp., bounded us follows: north j
1 by holds belonging to the etute ol Br. Buvier, dee d.,
'joust by land ol Joseph i louring, south i>y tbe public j
: highway and west by land ol Duvid Coe. Containing Is
I acre more or lea-, nbut.t Id acres improvee, with a
I ti.. J houre.:armed baru and atcw fruit trees li.ere ui. !
j ijeized and ukou in executiou at the snit of Lyman • j
1 Rockwell vs. Onen K. Rockwell. ; ,
[ -The following described lot pie eor p..reel A' t
land situate iu Aruicuai and iioy tivps., bounded oe '
I i ii, vu n.oh by lauds ot I!. Case, tx-t by land ot
Wm. is. Duubihs. south by land ol A Bumhutn ana
west by iaini ol J. J. Green. Cutilair-ing si auet i„ re 1
K zed ai.d taken iu exccuii a at the suit of Ponicroy ,
! fn uhi iH vs. FL B. Ftrail
j A Lai i— The toUpwiug de. cribed lot, piece or parcel of ,
land ituatcjiu Mourbe t.vp , and bounded as tollow.- i.
• nm th ly lands ot Prteiuau riwoot, east by lands <4 J. 11. .
' Luc ell,"euath hy hind ol i sweet and we t by
I land ot said Freeman Sweet aud laud hereinafter de-1
scribed. Containing 5b acre*-more or less, about 15 j
H< re improve 1 with one Iramed house, trained baru and ,
j a t< o iruu tiees thereon.
Af.iH) On • itherpiece or parcel of laud "ituaie ia i ,
' sold twp., of Monroe, bounded as follows,to wit: North
, | by !. ad ot F ie-'U,aii orteet.euci by laud ol said Free
man Sweet and the above described lot, south'by land o! t
-aid Freeman Sweet, and west by lnnd lielongitig to Coal
I(' n; any : o called. Containing 50 acres more or less, •
• al • in ten acre- iinpipved with one log house and apple I
) orchard thereon.
Seize d auu taken into execution at the suit ot J. U
> I UuCKWe.I to use ot E. C. Kellogg vs. Geo. K. Elliott,
i AL U Ihe I'olloWiug described lot. piece or parcel ot j
land, -it ite la Monroe twp , and bounded as loiiuws : ,
i I!- ,' at i corner on the iiue between FL C. Kellogg ;
i and i'avid liidgwsys,oil the east side ol the turnpike. I
j the .-.chml L c, thence south 21° east 24 peivbes
- 1 to a slake.thehee tast sixty-tour perches to a white • .is, i
thtiice noitn 24 pe:. to a stake ana stouts ou -aid Kel
ivftg s ime, thetiec- we-t along .-aid Kellogg*s liiio.tbeuce i
tvs.-t along said Kelh'gg '.- line .-ixty-tonr and 4 perches, j
•I t the puree ol beginning. Con laming F acres auu l 1 1
j pern luorti <•! less, all iinpr uco, with one Iramed house,
iiaiucd barn, saw mill, and a lew lruit trees thereon. |
Seized and taken into execution at the suit ol W. J. j
T 1 Gaakill vs. George Bessey,
Al S >—The lollowiug described lot, piece or parcel ol 1
latid situate ;n Ulster twp., aud hounded as loiiowt- : - ,
j N'oitli oy [httdic liigh,a\ lead tug Irout Milan to SIL a*
btio.ods; •/ p,.bue bi^bv.jy le.'id...g tram Town tto t
, Athens. .-.;.t,i i>y laud ol Widow Harsh, and west ly ;
laud of Butler Vincent. Containing acres u! laud
' more or loss, all iuipioVed, wita one liumed tavern
: u i...c, ciF i uiitcii daeilitig, one liallied barn and J
" a eff fruit iiccs thereon.
I Al.iO—tine ether piece or j aicel ot land situate in'
,! Mill lii-B : twp., bo.iioc'J as toltows : North by laud
„ j of F.mi .el Ha!!', t.,-; Ir, the public highway leading Ironi
T-wn: .hi to Athens, south by land ot Widow Flood,aui
| v-t tiy of H*uiuei liuU. Coutaiuiug one acre ot I
laud or less, all impn veil, with uue trainied steuni
(List, rail! . nd machine !her<n.
I Seized at J taken tat! execution <•-< the euii Of Hat i
j a S.Uiuairsh \... Dttrius Mier-.
April n.l-.;o Slit i :l .
J_i -u that the Pil-owing applications far l.iecn- ■: i
Taverns aud Merchant Dealers have been filed in t!
citit e, und lb i th. same wiil be presented t. ibeiji it .
of Quarter on Monday 5 Ma} - 7. 18Ci, for the!
v.:. ; Serai oil ofsiki Court.
Theodora limes TFyalusiug tap
J. YT. Taylor, Monroe "
J. 8. Pafur-on Utter "
V. il. long, i'roy boio i
\iiuur 4) atkius, Ulster twp.
.1.-.icd Rtmycn, Canton boro I
iliran Sherry Windham i
(bit. Ann-?, Sheshequiu twp.;
X .man P. F.;S, Monroe bora' '
M irthani Must in fiviy '•
Oil i i fc'urniiui,. Sylvauia •'
( Utiles Pay Athens [
Orator Rockwell .Canton "
George Messersmith Wiluiot two. ,
J.S. Thompson, YYyalus'ug iwji. ;
Ira 11. Smith ...Alba bora' :
Charles Richardson, Home '
K. ii.Pavis Ueßtf iwp.
Tut tie Mather Lister * (
Thorn - R. Jordan, l'owundn boro'
J.J. Grhhths Towiuida bore' ,
HduurK. Cole, Franklin tap.
A dam P.. Oliver -
J hn If. Pike, At In us biro' j
C. X. smith, '• twp. :
Kbenezer C .wles, Standing Stone
J. 1.. Dickersou Warren tap.
il. 11. Htnson ~.. .Spi inglk; d "
Win. W. Pecker Meuroe boro"
l!rrj:n;ia Herman Ridgbrj twp
P. jA Foot, Tow.tuda boro"
C. 1-1. ttqletuub Leruy twp.
A. I'. Goodrich Colombia two.
JM)ii Carr llidgbary twp.
oumai WaiUidge Tow.iuda born'
UEr.etiANT nn.Ai.Ens.
W. S. Cratimer Monroe hero'
l.clloy Mckean Tonandu hoi >'
A. O. Micil Athens "
Dennis M--Mnhen To wanda "
(. F. fh ingflan A Co., Try tan'
i AprHlnth, 1 866. Clerk*
SALE. —By virtue of a writ
I .O at 1 i. Fa., iv-ued out o! tli.- Court of Caniui >n PI. a
i.f llraiTlord eounty, to me directed atul delivered will he
exposed to pa'oik sale at the C urt House in the'
I el 'I >\ suidu, sA A1 *lt DAY . MAY 12, ltsli'... at 1 oYieck
p. ui- .' '■ following de-enbe i lot pie-0 or par e? oi
j i t d situate in Athens twp., Itouuded aud deor!iwd as
i follows, t i wit : Ueginniug io llto centre of the read
lending fioni Mil'.towu to Alliens boro', at the noilli
[ grest cotOet of C, W. Park's land, thence north P'tP
1 east 11 s 2-10 perches aiong the centre of said road to
I itieu-itU line ot the riekeiing track (so called) of
j which this Is a part, thence sonth B'4i° cist along the
' it irth line of the said Pickering tract IsO perches to a
j corner, thence south 39° east 14 1-10 perches to a eer
i iter, thence south 7 A east 0 perches to a corner, thence
' outh >: e.i-t -7 210 perches to a corner, thence south
32® wi st :s 8-10 perches to a corner in division line be-
I iwecu James S . Lepgott and Joseph Shepard, tin nee
south 19° wist 24 3-10 perches to a corner of said Jo
seph v-liepards land, thence south 31J® east 2$ 8-10 per
| . iies to a corner, thence south east 10 perches lo a
i corner, thcncc s nitli s° west 21 .yerehes I . a corner of
1 said V. W Parks land, thence north S4£° west 27>ii 3-10
i pi rcbt 3to the plnccot beginning. Containing ins acres
aud 93 pi tches ot land more or less, all improved with a
trained dwelling hou3 two trained barns C"W sh d and
! orchard of libit trees thereon.
| Seized aud t&kou into execution at the suit ot Prances
ICirbv vs. Jaiues S. I.cggctt and Mary O. l.cjgett.
April 15. J. MONROK SMITH, Sheriff.
i \l> MIN ilS'Ht ATO Li'S NOT ICE.-Not ice
l\ is h.-reby given, that all persons indebted to the of JAMKS Y. HINMAX, late f Wysox,
dee'd., i - requested to make immediate payment
and those having demands against said estate will pres
i cut theiu duly authenticated tor settlement.
I .MsyS.iSOO Administrator.
i s. hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate
of 11. P. SHAW, dee d, late ot Bhtshcquiri twp
are requested to make immediate payment, and those
, having demands e/ain-t s.tid estate will present them
! duly authenticated tor settlement.
I May3,lSG6. Admintstratrix.
A\. is hereby given, tluit all persons indebted to tin
estate ol i haries James, dee d, Ute of Home borough, ar'
i.-quested to make immediate payment, aud th -se hav
I in,; demands against said estate will present them duiy
I authenticated tor sefttleiucut. [UCY I\MFS
i March . 27, iB6O. Administratrix.
| X\ also Heeand Carrot Seeia by the pound at FOX- S
up mini!* in... , Ce e;ai.
I; given, that there has tii.--. a>. . sctt.ed in the
otlice o! thu RegibUsr >f V,'mis, ,b n J tor the County ot
Bradford, accounts d 1 JJfluiwV .iitibn upon the follow
iug MMH, viz :
Final at' t of 11. O. Frentii adm'r of J Au li. htrong,
dee'd. of Wel oc
Fual ace't ol F. W. Maynard adm'r of Patrick M ir
uliy, dee'tl. late of Rome.
Finfttboe' , t of J. IV. Irvine adni r of John B-irvine,
dei d, late of Towaada,
Final acc't of H-e. k V.'ood adrn'r of tleorge Nichols,
flee'd, late-of Wjsox.
Fmai uec t ol 11.41. Pruyne udrn't ol Cbai'les LigH.
deo'd, lute yl Burlington.
Fiual acc't of K E. Allyn adrn'r of U-. J, Bowen,
dec'J. late of Warren.
Final ace I oi John SV. Paysou adrn'r off. J. Allis,
dee d, kite of Orwell.
Final ace't of H. W. Camp adrn'r ol rl. A. Warner,
doe'd. late of Hefrick.
Final ace t ol Alvida Blakeslee adin'ix of Lyman
Blakeslce, dee'd, late ol Pike.
Final accA of E. Wefkheiser ad.i'r of Abraham V'al
lerstamps, dee d, lute ot Orwell.
Final acc't ol Theodore Watson adm'r of Wm. Teeter,
deeVl/luto of Springfield.
Final acc't ot U.J. Warner adm'r of N. B. Chaffee,
dee'd,'late of Orwell.
Final ace't of John McKean adm'r of Samuel wells,
dee'd, late of Armenia.
Final ace't of Win. 0. Bradford adm'r of Heman
Morgan, dee'd, late ol Wells.
F inai ace't o! Eliza B.Stuith adiu't of Alex. L. Smith,
dee d, late ol Wyalusing.
Final acc't ot Martha Miller adm'ix of Dauiel F. Mil
ler, dee'd, lute ot Albany.
Final ace't ot Jabcz C*-e adm'r ol Uel WillutiMyies'd,
iatejol Troy.
Partial acc't of Euuice Turtei and lUbstailord adm'is,
bf-James U. Turrei, dec d,late ot Terry.
Fiual acc't ol John Morrow adm'r of John Bacon,
dee'd, late of Wilmet.
Partial nets'i at B. P. Stailoid Guardian ol Viola and
ilaruaun S. Allen.
Final acc't ol J .rues Smith Guardian of llustou D„
Ida E. anu Anniu E. Shores.
Fiual aco'ts oi aaiauel B..vidsoii aud t.'yrns Bloodgood,
executors of Eleazcr Wright, dee d, late of Lltchfifi 1.
I'arria! account ot Lut n Ga P. Stevens, guardian Of I.'
sic and Willie Allis, minor children oi H.K.Allis, de 'd.
ALSO—The appraisement of property set off by tar
Executor or Administrators to widows or children ot to ■
following decedents :
Estate ol B. G. Miiier.
" " Hiram B. Joiner.
" '* Ansel 1 lllotson.
" " U B. tjiffoid.
" " Richardson Wood.
" " Julia A. Brake.
4 " J, W. Dtcker.
Aul the same will be presented to the Orphans Court
ol Bradford County, on Thursday the 10th day ol May
ary next, for contirm&tion and allowance.
April 4,1866. Register.
EXELUTOKUS NOTlCE.—Nutice is here
by given,that all persons indebted to the estate of
SiibPARD P ERCE, lute of Wy- x twp., dee d are
n juesti <i to make inii.iiditte payment, atiU tlmse hiving
deimuids against said esta e ■.ul present daiy
aatneuticaU'd b r aettlepient.
April 21. 1666. Exec-(or.
J is hen by given that ail , ersnu-s iudt'oied to ti. • -
etateol HbiiOJi MOUGAN, into oi Amit.nia, de- d.afi
roijue.-u-o to make immediate ; !ycii"ut,andthose :.aving
demands against said estate will present them duly au
thi ntvatej t ir settlement.
April o,lkC'L _ _ Executor.
J. 3. i hereby give .lb it all pers>u indebted to the i s
t ite oi CALEB A. ALLYN late of Or well tp. de J, arc
requested to make imoicdlate payment, and all having
claims upon sa'.d e,ta"e will present them duly auth nti
caged for settlement.
April 24. lvifi. A drain lal rat or.
1 \ OMIMSTHAI OI'S NOTItUv —Notice is
1 it hereby given, that all ueraoos iirdet.ted vthces
i tie oi ELIJAH ALGER, late ot Orwell twp.. u.- d
I arc to make immediate payment, and ti: e
; having claims against said estate will present them duty
I autlicntieated for settlement.
' April 5, IsdC. Administrator.
ipXEC UTOT'6 NOTlCE—Notice is hert"
J by given, all pcif k- iudiJifcd Cotßeestate of
.WILLI A M N . W A it IV lute of Troy twp.,
' dee'd.. are venues -d to r ike ixineiliate payment, and
those hav ing claims agaiie. saldiestate m.: I present thi ra
duly autiieii':. ■cd ?cltlcTiion.t.
j Apni a. IMPL _ Executors.
\;OTit'K IS i!SliiLiiY G-IVEN, THAT
i i\ B. K Ross, N. P. Moodv, F. X. Humvt.aliil ibr-,
have pi est Red In the Couttbl ''i.mmon Pleas -it Bi m
' ford C"' the.hartrr ot the"Fir-t pociety ot the Mcth
-1 edi-t Church : Asylum.'' praying the Court ;-r a de
i cite ot iiicorpiu vtiou. arid that t r- same will ue heard
■~u M is!ay. MAY Tib. 1•, of which all pers •:> ia
terc-ted will pi' • cuke t. it ice.
April S,I:HG, l'rothonotary.
G. 1 . Mas L. li. Mason, C. ••-. R.'.ssei. W.ll.
i Ehaw and others! -ve presented to the Court ot Common
' Picas oi Bradford Co.. the chatter ot the -Fir-i L'ui-
I ver.salist >ocictvol rowanda Be:'", praying the i iurt
for a decree ot incorporation, and that tne same will is.-
heatil on Monday, Mty 7th. 1G56, ol which nil per- i
inteicsted will please t ike notice.
J.pril 5, Istitk Prothcnotary.
[ JT\- n H&. y . i6l *• L. Tun* 4865. V . .ire
i hereby uotiilcd tuai M.ui.t Hill, by icr next IrienJ. Jus.
i gTUiiili, ba> upyiit'd to the Court o! CUDIXUOO Pleustjf
BradtorJ County hr a divorce from tlie bonus oi matri
mony. and tl.e said Ountt lots appointed Monday, May
' Ith.Teoo.ui two oVI .ckp. Ul., .it the Court House in
I Towacda, for hearing the safd Maria Hffi in the premis
es at which time aud place vor: can attend it >■ . Hunk
i proper. J.M.gMlih.
j A,pyil.s, Sneriff.
RAI gi//'<t 7/ n'y.—No. li- Ice. 'lt-im, You aie
hereby tmtibeu that James Hetily your hutdiand l.u-a| j li
'ed t. the Court r t nmmon Pleas ot Bradmru I i..i a
divorce lis tu th-- botds oi matriluouy.aud the said i 'curt
I h:is appointed Jlcuduy, May 7th, l v iu, at two o
ei • k p. m., at the C u t Honse iu Ti wauda !• r hearing
: the said Janun llinly in thi premises at wbi. h time and
i iaee you can aliend ii voa think y rop-r.
Apnij. buil. " J.M. SMITH. SUiitr.
i * i'i'lilc A'l ION IN 1)1 VOJiEE.- To Mary
I A Ju*i iViiskr-Nu. 101 l tcj.t. litim 16(54. Y • ire
heioby notiiie.i Hu: R, rn-k. your bu-i t.t tias
applied to the Cuitrt of L mmon Pleas ot Bradt id Co.,
I tor a divorce trom the bonds oi matiituuuy, auu tin* -aid
i C urt has appointed louday. M iv 7. I*-G6, at 2 o clock
. . in., at the Court House ia Towatida, tor lieariug the
said Reuben S. T'rask iu the premises, at which time aud
iilai ui ,II ,aa attend ii yoa ihiaa proper
1 April 5, ir L J.M. RMrTU. Sheriff. _
4 DMLNI.Vi Ua i (Jil T NOTICE- Jiotic*
il is hereby given that all p. sons indebted to th.- es
tate of WM. Z.'.NLif. rate or Albany twp. deceased,
I ate] retpusled t.• make payment, wii.c a. delay*
aLtl those having caiJ c -iate niu>t pu at
i .ciu duly a.i.'aeuH.'Stcd lot • tVleQa nt.
April Hi. 1-iii>. Admuitsiia'or.
. ! \ DMINIT'R'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hi-rc
by /jiTtMi that oU pers< m indebtt'd lb d
JOKE hIALFORD, Ht oi Wyalusing twp.. Bradn-rd
i county, dee d, a: requested to c. kc paynini' w ... ut
' delay aud all having claims apenst said est ate ir
' uuestrd to i .oseu' theut t. y a .tb. ntautol i i
i mint. '* i v - TTaiF i '
' April 9, 1566. Admmisti itor.
4 i \ DiilNlbTJLVroiTo NOTlCE.—Notice
, i'l is hereby given, tliut u'.! persons indebted to the
. estate of AI.UN/.O LONG, late ol Troy ba. en. de
' cca-sd. are reipiesMd to make immediate payment, and
i j those having claim against said estate will present them
, ' duly authenticated lor seUlcuteiit.
jj Aprii I". 1-tid. Administrators. _
hereby fiivou, Ihut ail i)ou>oua iudebted lo tbe
" i estate oi MiAL P. SLADE, late of Columbia, twp.,
e dee'd. are requested to make lnnncdiate payment, and
. i having demands against -a,d csUle will please pre
sent duly aullientk-ateu In seitleii.'.ut.
lAprii 17. EBENm.R I.ILLEY, Executor.
1 or admir.istration >t the g. cos, chattels, Ac. ot
1 | GEO-W. JOYNER. late of Tioy towtmhip. deceased,
' have been ls-ue! lo the subscriber. Al! indebt
ed to said e-tate are requestnl to make paym at, and all
persona having demands agaiust the swtui. are : t ia i hi
i pteoeut the same tor adttlciueut to ,-ui-sei.. < r.
April 9, 1666. Administratoi.
; f i ill ic hereby all hcrsoii* inilfhted '.ihc es
>t , tale of Chalks ibako,
s I are rciuested to njake inimcdi ite i^nuM -t, auii those
i having deannds aifviiust haid will present tnt iii
i duly authenticated iur settleme nk Pl*T\ \M
- I ii . S. SMILEY/
s ! Maro'.i. '27 1866. Administgatora.
a'' .1 is hereby given, thaf all persons indebted to the
m estate of FETEII V. BEX NET. Into of Rome township,
di eased, are requested to make immediate payment.
1 a.ul timsi having claims against said estate will present
them duly authenticated for settlement.
(, April '■>, Ist'"'. Administratrix.
_I_J are of the suK-. iu Monroe twp , April 9jb,
GC6, twelve sheep and -ix lambs. Tlie owner is re
s 1 quested to come forward, prove property, pay charges,
i and take the s.uue away .or they will be disposed of ac
cording to law. JOHN G. GALE.
Monr o, April 11, 3w.
cheap, wholesale and retail, at FOX S.