Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 26, 1866, Image 1

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KETOBTEB is published every Thursday Morn
£ Q GOODRICH, at $2 per annum, in ad
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For the Reporter.
ve laid in quiet, dreamless rest,
Beneath a coverlet of turf
,„ ir l .veil, with others loved and blest,
Xo sit cp the sleep of all the earth ;
she sleeps, alas ! so sweetly calm,
Xor stormy sobs nor wailing sighs,
V r tears like rain nor vague alarms,
That sway our breasts bid her arise.
Pure as a lily and as fair,
IB r waking dreams through happy hours,
Bang lit color from the roseate air
Ami blossomed with the opening flowers ;
Expanding in their fragrant way,
Her sun-kissed heart as sweetly gave
Its riches forth from day to day,
As dews refresh the blooms they lave.
.And thus her life perfectedfgrew,
But blossoms droop when sun-liglit dies,
And float on wings of odor through
The heaven-illumined, azure skies ;
And eh! our flowret and our bird,
AfriglTted at the coming night,
With music in ench farewell word.
Tor lovlier summers plumed her flight
Beyond all fear of blight or chill
She dwelletli now among the blest,
And sweeps an angel's barp of gold,
Or pauses in ecstatic rest;
Look down, dear one, from highest skies,
Drop in our hearts some look or smile,
That we, by faith, may surely rise
To meet thee yet a little while.
John W. Geary was born in Westmore
land county, Pa., and although now only
i rtv-six years of age, has already won a
Listing fame by bis adherence to the cause
.: right and duty, in the different parts of
;r, uintry in which he has been placed, in
. v !, military, judicial and executive po-
Haviug lost his father very early in life,
be was thrown upon his own resources,
a:.d not only supported himself, but became
the only stay of his widowed mother, by
teaching a village school ; during whksh
■ :::c he also, by persevering industry and
c 'amendable economy, acquired means to
p:. are a classical education, which he
pitted at Jefferson College, Cannons
: urg, Pa., creating life-long friends among
pi A. -< ,rs and classmates, by the early ex
li.iii of those same sterling qualities ;
' .at have since endeared him to so many
'.hers iii social and in public life.
Having finished his collegiate education,
■ assumed the profession of a civil engi
r, in the practice of which he wept to
Kentucky, partly in tho employ of the Com
nioiiwealtli, and partly in that of the Green
Ihver Railroad Company ; and was en
-1 in the survey of several very impor
tant tranches of the public improvements
■f that State. After an experience with |
the engineer corps in many of the States, j
' ■ successfully filled all the various offices
n :n a clerkship to the superintendency of
the Allegheny Portage Railroad ; and du
r;ng several years discharged the duties of
his responsible positions with Gomplete
At a very early date, actuated by his
mathematical abilities, he exhibited a foud
ss Lr military tactics, and labored stren
u-'usly, l'\ the outlay of time and means, to
i iiirt our volunteer system. From a pri-
v ate in the ranks, he rose rapidly through
1 the grades t<> that of Brigadier General,
' which In? was elected by the brigade
- prising Cambria and Somerset coun-
W hen the war with Mexico was declared,
! was among the first who responded to
tie call for volunteers, and was accepted,
:i ;"ig with the " American Higffiauders,"
'1 Cambria county, which spleudia company
then commanded. They were incorpor
in the second Pennsylvania regiment,
which, upon its organization, he was
Lr.inst unanimously elected Lieutenant
His regiment joined the army of General
•" tt at Vera Cruz, and served in the ad
vance, under the command, and on the line
■ perations of that great chieftian, through
s brilliant campaign in Mexico. Geary
*as attached to Gen. Quitman's division,
i distinguished himself in the battles of
Hoya," " Chepulepec," " Garita de
ot-lcn," and the " City of Mexico." Upon
Arriving as the capital, his colonel having
died, he was elected Colonel, by a vote of
O re than two-thirds of the command. This
' "ipliinent was not the result of mere
'•iendship or political preference. It was
'.lie reward of his own good conduct, from
' hands of the gallant soldiers—the spon
taneous and grateful gift of associates in
arms—the brave men who had fought by
h'x side, shared his privations, sufferings
and dangers, and who witnessed and knew
i,e t how to appreciate his merits.
The war having closed, Col. Geary re
'anied with the remnant of his command to
'•in native state, and the people of Pitts
!urg will long remember the enthusiastic
w tlcome he received upon his arrival
among them. Hon. William Wilkins, in a
public speech, complimented the services
' : the gallant, weather-beaten and war
worn troops, and the excitement of the uni
'eral jubilee ran to the highest pitch.
f On the 22d of January, 1849, iu return
•° r his services iu Mexico, President Polk
appoiuted Col Geary postmaster at San
t&ncisco, which, in consequence of the
<-hea recent discovery of gold in California
E. O. GOODRICH, Publisher.
had become a port of considerable impor
tance. He was also empowered to create
post offices, appoint postmasters, establish
mail routes, and make contracts for carry
ing the mails throughout California. He
was thus placed in the way of his subse
quent and almost unparalleled success and
popularity among the heterogeneous pop
ulation of the Eureka State.
On the Ist of August, 1849, the munici
pal election of San Francisco took place,
and although ten different tickets were
framed for the various minor offices, his
name appeared at the head of them all, and
he received every vote cast that day for
the office of First Alcade, it being at that
time the most important, responsible and
difficult office in the State of California. It
required administrative and executive abil
ities of the rarest quality. The population
numbered 20,000, almost entirely adult
males, drawn together from every section
of the world, and possessed of every im
aginary variety of character.
To effect anything like a proper organ
ization of the city, and establish an ordi
nary police force, from the chaotic material
and rebellious spirits that then existed,was
of itself an herculean task. But added to
this, the duties of Alcade embraced those
of every one of the customary offices of a
city and county jurisdiction. He was a
Mayor, Sheriff, Marshal, Probate Recorder,
Register of Deeds, and even Notary Public
and Coroner. He daily held an ordinary
police or mayor's eourt ; an alcade's court,
for the minor cases and general executive
matters of the city ; a court of first in
stance, with universal, civil and criminal
jurisdiction ; and a court of admiralty, for
maritime cases. In a word, he was the cu
rate of the public, doing everything that
was to be done, even to the holding of in
quests and taking acknowledgment of
deeds. And so well did he perform all these
varied, arduous, complicated and difficult
duties, that at the expiration of his first
term he was re-elected by an almost unani
mous vote, the city in the meantime having
more than doubled its population. During
the time of holding the office of Alcade,
Col. Geary tried, as Judge, over twenty
five hundred civil and criminal cases ; and
from his decision* not over a dozen appeals
were made, and not one decision was ever
Under the old Mexican laws, Alcadeshad
power to grant away the public lands, at
twelve dollars for "fifty vara lots," (26
yards square.) All American Alcaldes,
previous to Geary's time, had availed them
selves of this privilege, and disposed of an
immense amount of valuable property at
these mere nominal rates. A resolutiou,
after his election, was debated by the Ayuu
tairniento (the Council,) directing the Al
calde to make such grants at the legal
rates. General Geary assured them, that
rather than make such grauts he would re
linquish his office, because the sudden and
unexpected rise of the value of the lands,
would enable the Alcalde, if he were so dis
posed. to enrich himself and friends to the
public detriment. At the rates named, the
lands belonging to the city were worth
only $35,000. A small portion of these
lands were then sold at public auction, and
brought half a million of dollar*. This sum
was placed in the city treasury. The tracts
remaining unsold were proportionally
worth several millions of dollaas ! Thus
was this immense sum saved to the city.
On May Ist, 1850, the first city charter
was adopted, and Col. Geary was elected
Mayor under its provisions, by a large and
flattering vote. The manner in which he
discharged the duties of this position, can
best be understood from his inaugural ad
dress to the city councils, all of which are
on file, and have been published, as well as
from the fact, that at the expiration of his
term of office, a petition, numerously signed
by the most prominent citizens, without
distinction of party, was presented, request
ing him to be a candidate for re-election,
which he declined.
The Legislature, however, having crea- j
ted a "Board of Commissioners of the fund- j
ed debt of San Francisco," Col. Geary was j
appointed a member, and upon the organ- j
ization of that body was elected ils Presi- [
dent. Here, too, by his financial knewl- :
edge and judicious counsels and advice, he i
rendered L T aluable service to the city. Be- !
sides all this, during his residence in San !
Francisco, he was Chairman of the Board j
of Health, had assisted iu the organization
of Masonic and Odd Fellows lodges, and
was in fact instrumental in establishing j
comfortable hospitals for the sick, and was
connected with every benevolent and char- ;
itable institution of the place. He signal-1
ized himself by his courage and intrepidity
in arresting the progress of the great fires, j
and lsy the promptness with which he an
swered the call of the authorities of that
city, rendered efficient aid in suppressing
the squatter riots at Sacramento.
Iu the year 1849, when Colonel Geary
was a resident of California, a Convention
was formed to frame a State Constitution,
and some of our readers still remember the
intense anxiety and excitement which pre
vailed throughout the country regerdiug
the result of its proceedings. The pro-sla
very Democrats of that time were deter
mined that California should only be ad
mitted into the Union as a slave State; and
for the sole purpose of exerting their influ
ence in that behalf, many removed from the
Southern States to that distant region. The
plan was well conceived, and intended at
all hazards to be accomplished, to insert
the slavery clause into the Constitution,and
forward it with hot haste to Washington
for adoption, without presenting it to the
people lor ratification. Col. Geary was
thoroughly acquainted with the program
me, and resolved that the proposed meas
ures should not be effected. He accord
ingly took strong grouuds against them,
and used all his influence, which was then
equal at least, to that of any man in the
territory, first to have omitted the clause
legalizing slavery, and secondly to prevent
the Constitution, when adopted by the Con
vention, from being sent to Congress until
after it should be submitted to a vote of
! the people and bad received their approval,
i No man could have labored more earnestly
; and siiccessiully than he did to effect these
j two objects, both of which, after a most
| terrible struggle, were accomplished, and
| California was received, free from the stain
lof slavery, into the Union of States. It is
not too much to say, that had it not been
for the active part taken by Colonel Geary
against the pro-slavery party then in Cal
ifornia, this result might not have been ac
Private affairs of great importance re
quiring his presence in Pennsylvania,' Col.
Geary left San Francisco in February,lßs2,
and repaired to his farm iu Westmoreland
county, where he remained until again
called into active public life, through his
appointment, by President Pierce, as Gov
ernor of Kansas Territory, which appoint
ment, without the usual reference to a com
mittee, was confirmed by a numerous vote
of the Senate.
He received notice of this appointment
in July, 1856 ; and having delayed only
long enough to receive his instructions and
make the necessary arrangements, he pro
ceeded to Kansas, reaching Fort Leven
worth on the 9th of September following.
No pen can adequately describe the ter
rible condition of the territory at the time
of his orrival. The scenes he had witnessed
in California were being re-enacted, with
horrors greatly intensified. Civil war was
raging with more than fiendish ferocity ;
and all on account of slavery. Men were
flocking from all parts of the South, of des
perate character, with passions inflamed to
the highest pitch, and with the express and
avowed purpose of making Kansas a slave
State by any means, however fair or foul I
And these again were resisted by actual
settlers and new comers from the free
States, equally as determined, though not
so brutal and ferocious. The fiercest pas
sions of human nature, with all their dread
ful consequences, were visible on every
hand. The smoke of burning buildings
blackened the air ; fields ofgrain were laid
waste and desolate ; women and children
were driven, starving and naked, from their
homes, to perish on the desolate prairies ;
and the dead bodies of murdered men were
strewn along the wayside. Chaos reigned*
supreme—Pandemonium had poured,forth
its demons —and crime, in all its most hid
eous forms, ran rampant through the land.
Such was the gloomy prospect that pre
sented itself to the new Governor. A man
of less nerve would have looked upon it
with amazement, and with dismay fled from
the scene, as did two of his predecessors,
and many others. But Gov. Geary was
not the man to be easily intimidated. He
had passed already through many a fiery
ordeal. He took in at a glance the entire
situation. From this dismal chaos—from
this hell of discord—from all this terrible
and confused mass of conflicting passions,
he was expected to produce order, peace
and harmony. He faltered not, however,
but buckled on his armor, and in good
earnest applied himself to the difficult task.
And so earnestly and effectually did he de
vote himself to the work, that as early as
September 30th, he was enabled to write,
truthfully, to the Secretary of State, say
ing : "Peace now reigns in Kansas. Con
fidence is gradually being restored. Set
tlers are returning to their claims. Citizens
are resuming their ordinary pursuits, and a
general gladness pervades the community."
He had arrested criminals, driven brigands
from the roads, disarmed and disbanded in
vading armies, and insured protection to
all peaceable citizeus.
But this state of tranquility, thus effec
ted, was precisely the reverse of what the
pro-slavery part}' in Kansas and the admin
istration at Washington desired. Gov.
Geary's course, instead of receiving their
approval, met their decided condemnation.
It was intended that the agitation and ex
citement should continue until the Free
State men were either annihilated or driv
en from the Territory, and the pro slavery
party could have everything in their own
hands. Hence tho Governor's report to
Washington was coldly received, and, if
answered at all, as coldly answered. There
was no mistaking the tenor and spirit of
their communications.
In the meantime the leading ruffians
were becoming more and more emboldened
by the encouragement they received from
the seat of the General Government. At
the Lecompton post office, the Governor's
letters-and papers, both private and official,
were opened and their contents scrutinized.
The few troops that had been left to guard
his person and official documents were
gradually removed by order of Jeff Davis,
then Secretary of War. Pro-slavery mur
derers, whom he had caused to be arrested,
were liberated by order of C. Justice Le
compte, and public meetings were held in
which he was denounced as an Abolitionist
for refusing to give his sanction and assis
tance to the vile plots to force the institu
tion of slavery upon an unwilling people.
One villain, actuated and aided by others
less bold, was foiled in an attempt to ass
assinate him on his departure from the leg
islative hall, and almost* in sight of the
members there assembled.
To crown all, the pro-slavery men of all
parties, the great majority, however, being
old line Whigs, mostly from the South, met
together in convention at Lecompton, and
organized the "National Democratic Par
ty." There was much discussion in regard
to the adoption of this name, the leading
men of the convention declared that they
could not swallow the word " Democrat,"
having been life-long "Whigs." But this
objection was overruled, by the argument
that the name would not change positions,
while it would assure them the support of
"the Washington Democracy." The plat
form of the " National Democratic Party,"
thus adopted, is clearly expressed in the
following unanimous resolution of its Leg
islature :
" WHEREAS, We believe that on the suc
cess of our party depends the perpetuity of
the Union, therefore,
Be it resolved, By the House of Repre
sentatives, the Council concurring therein,
that it is the duty of the pro slavery party,
the Union-loving men of Kansas Territory,
to know but one issue, slavery, and that
auy party making or attempting to make
any other, is, and should be held as an ally
of abolition and disunion."
In carrying out this doctrine, all the
Free State Democrats were exclnded from
membership with the "National Democratic
Party," not one of them being received into
fellowship or allowed to take part in its
proceedings. This platform was endorsed
by the Democrats at Washingtoa at that
time, and was subsequently adopted and
carried out by the President to the full
measure of perfection. Se far as he had
the power he ostracised all Free State
Democrats, no matter how long or how or
how faithfully they had served the party.
The " National Democratic Party" being
thus organized, the next movement was to
commit Gov. Geary to its policy. Accord
ingly, the Chairman of the Central Commit
tee called upon the Governor, with the as
surance that if he would connect himself
with the party, he should be one of the two
U. S. Senators soon to be chosen. The
Chairman urged the matter with such de
termined pertinacity, that Gov. Geary or
dered him out of his office, and declared
that if he should dare again to approach
him with so vile an offer, he would toss him
through the window.
Soon after these proceedings, a Consti
tion, known as the " Lecompton Constitu
tion," was received in Kansas by the "Na
tional Democratic Party, direct from Wash
ington, where it had been carefully pre
pared ; and agreeably to the directions ac
companying it, an attempt was made to
have it adopted by an improvised conven
tion, and returned to Washington in the
shortest possible time, regardless of the
known wishes of the people. An act of the
Legislature to this effect was immediately
passed, which was vetoed by Gov. Geary,
for several reasons, the most prominent of
which were, that no provision was made
lor submitting tho Constitution to the peo
ple for ratification, and that he was satis
fied that a large majority of the actual res
idents of the Territory were decidedly and
strongly opposed to the institution of
slavery, which the Constitution was inten
ded to force upon them.
This having occurred after the election
of Buchanan, but before bis inauguration,
Gov. Geary addressed him letters, stating
the true conditiou of aff airs, but received no
reply. He did, however, receive positive
evidence, from other sources, that the new
ly elected President had abandoned the true
Democratic principles, and adopted the
platform of the "National Democracy."
Hence Gov. Geary resolved at once not to
hold an office under his administration, and
on the day he was installed in the Presiden
tial chair,wrote and forwarded his resigna
tion as Governor of Kansas. On the 10th
of March, 1851, he left the Territory, and
again returned to the quietude of private
life. Had Gov. Geary been sustained in
his honest and manly course in Kansas, by
the administration at Washington, there is
reason to believe the destructive war
through which we have just passed, and
was then foreshadowed, and even threat
ened, might never have oocurred, and the
hundreds of thousands of brave soldiers,
who now sleep the sleep of death, would
have lived to bless with their presence the
homes made so sadly desolate.
Although Gov. Geary thus refused all
connection or fellowship with the " Nation
al Democratic Party," he persisted in ad
hering to the doctrine he advocatedjmore
recently in Kansas, that the institution of
slavery should not be forced upon an un
willing people, and never hesitated to ex
press his disapprobation of the institution
iu all its forms ; sentiments which have
since formed the basis of the Union Repub
lican platform. Hence, after his return
from Kansas he associated himself with the
party th§t sustained Stephen A. Douglass;
which was greatly instrumental in break
ing up the pro-slavery faction, and effect
ing the election of Abraham Lincoln to the
Presidency, a result which he foresaw and
which he was desirous of having accomp
No sooner was the result of that election
known, than plans were being adopted by
the "National Democracy " to fulfil their oft
reiterated threat to destroy the Union.—
Consequently, when, after the inauguration
of Mr. Lincoln, a war against rebellion be
came inevitable, Gov. Geary was again
among the first to offer his military ser
vices to the government. He raised and
equipped, at his own expense, the 28th
regiment of Pennsylvania volunteers, of
which he took command. With this splen
did regiment, numbering over sixteen hun
dred men, he entered the field in July 1861,
and continued iu active service during the
entire four years of the war, with the "ex
ception of twenty-eight days, and when he
was incapacitated for duty by wounds re
ceived in battle.
For meritorious deeds he was promoted
to the rank of Brigadier General on the
25th of April, 1862, and breveted Major
General January 12th, 1865, "for fitness to
command and promptness to execute."
From reports filed in the office of the Sec
retary of War, it appears that during his
term of service, Gen. Geary was engaged
iu over fifty hotly contested battles and im
portant skirmishes, besides many others of
lesser note. Among these engagements
may be especially named that of "Bolivar
Heights," "Cedar Mountain," the three days
fight at Chancellorville, the struggle at
Gettysburg, which also lasted three days,
and resulted in driving back the enemy
from the soil of Pennsylvania, "Wauhatch
ie," "Ringgold," "Triauo," "Mill Creek and
Snake Creek Gaps," "Resaca," (two days,)
"New Hope Church," (seven days,) "Mud
dy Creek," "Nose's Breek," "Kolb's Farm,"
"Keuesaw," "Piue Hill," "Marietta," "Peach
Tree Creek," siege and capture of Atlanta,
(twenty days,) siege of Savannah, (ten
days,) which was captured by his division
ten hours before any other troops reached
that city, as was also Fort Jackson, both
of which places were surrendered in person
to Gen Geary. In this capture, 350 pris
oners, 114 pieces of artillery, 38,500 bales
of cotton, and five ocean steamers, with an
immense variety of ammunition and other
stores, fell into the hands of the victors
Upor the capture of Savannah, General
Geary was appointed by Major General
Sherman its Military Governor, which posi
tion he filled with signal credit to himself
until he was relieved, that he might ac
company the triumphant army of Sherman
in its further march through the Carolinas.
Iu the battle of Bolivar Heights he receiv
ed a severe wound in the right knee, and
at Cedar Mountain he was slightly woun
ded in the left ankle, and seriously through
the elbow joint of the left arm. He was
also struck in the right breast and severely
injured, by the fragment of a shell atChan
celorsville. His two sons accompanied
hirn to the field, the eldest of whom, a
young man of eighteen years, who had ad
vanced himself by sterling ability* to the
command of a battery, with the rank of
Captain, and gave promise of the utmost
capacity and usetulness, was killed at the
battle of Wauhatchie. "At the time that
he fell," says an eloquent writer, "he was
acting as Lieutenant of one section of
Knapp's Battery. As an artilleryist he had
no superior in the army. His gun was his
I pride. He was always beside her, and his
aim was unerring. At this battle, about
twelve hundred and fifty men, under com
mand of Gen. Geary, were attacked from an
eminence, by five thousand of the enemy,
at twelve o'clock at night. The unequal
fight was gallantly accepted, and though
the command was at first thrown into some
disorder, they speedily rallied, and not only
repulsed, but drove from the field the vast
ly superior numbers of the enemy. In the
hottest of the fight, in the act of sighting
his gun, his forehead pierced with a bullet,
young Geary fell, and instantly expired.
His father coming to the spot, clasped in
an agonizing embrace the lifeless form of
his boy—then, mounting his horse, dashed
wildly into the thickest ranks of the foe,
and rode like an avenging spirit over that
bloody field, until the enemy were utterly
routed and put to flight." This General
Hooker pronounces the most gallant and
successful charge that has come to his
knowledge during the war.
In his official report of this battle, Gen.
Hooker says, " During these operations, a
heavy musketry fire, with rapid discharges
of artillery, continued to reach us from
Geary. It was evident that a formidable
adversary had gathered round bim, and
that he was battting him with all his
might. For almost three hours, without
assistance, he repelled the repeated attacks
of vastly superior numbers, and, in the end
drove them ingloriously from the field. At
one time they had enveloped him on three
sides, under circumstances that would have
dismayed any officer except one endowed
with an iron will and the most exalted
courage. Such is the character of General
TIMES. —One of the oldest men of Western
New York resides at Suspension Bridge,
Niagara county. We refer to the vener
able father of Fraukling Spaulding, Esq.,
Collector of Customs .at the bridge. Mr.
Spauldiug the elder is now ninety-four
years of age, and is a native of Windham
county, Connecticut. He came to Lewiston
in 1810, and is identified with the history
of our river frontier since that time. This
hale and still vigorous old gentlemen pos
sesses stamina sufficient to carry him to
the end of a century of life ; he reads with
great enjoyment the current news of the
day, and converses without showing any
diminution of his powers except an inabili
ty to remember names of persons. He
recollects Washington, whom he has seen
—Lafayette, Putnam, and other eminent
revolutionary heroes, and dwells with great
unction on the days of the War of Indepen
dence. Mr. Spaulding says that .he saw his
friends and neighbors hastening to Con
cord the day before the battle, and speaks
of the news of the battle of Bunker Hill as
it went sounding through the land, stirring
men's souls to their lowest depths.
His long life bridges the space of time
betwen the laßt days of Colonial history
and the suppression of the great Ameri
can rebellion. As a child he listened to
the stories of the old French wars, and he
has read the daily record of the battles
which the Republic waged for its existence
against the foulest treason of which his
tory makes mention.
We commend to the Historical Society
the preservation of these reminiscences,
and hope that some friendly hand will pre
serve them for the future use of history.—
Buff Com.
days ago, a man named Dr. Johu W. Hughes,
was hanged at Cleveland, Ohio, whose fate
teaches a salutary lesson. He was a man
of good family, well educated,had an hono
rable profession, and at one time, a good
social position. But he seems to have ruin
ed himself by liquor and bad company.—
Under these influences he became thorough
ly demoralized and scoffed at morals and
religion. He was held by no conscienoe
whatever. Having a good young wife and
child, he married another woman almost in
presence of his family, she however, being
ignorant of his first marriage. For this
crime he was tried, convicted and sent to
our Western Penitentary at Pittsburg.—
His injured wife procured him a pardon for
this, but instead of being grateful to her,
he abused her in the most false and heart
less manner, and went off' to seek the wo
man he had injured. Having found her, he
deliberately shot her through the heart be
cause she refused to live with him. For
this he was tried and hanged. On the scaf
fold he alluded to his advantages in life,
his education, the wealth and position of
his family, but all these, he said, he had al
lowed to be overcome by drink and bad
company. It was not he that did the crime,
so he-said, but the man who had been turn
ed into a devil by intoxication. What a
lesson !
IF anything in the world will make a
man feel badly, except pinching his fingers
in the crack of a door, it is,unquestionably,
a quarrel. No man ever fails to think less
of himself after it than before. It degra
des him in the eyes of other, and what is
worse, blunts his sensibilities on the one
hand, and increases the power of passion
ate irritability on the other. The truth is,
the more peaceably and quietly we get on,
the better for our neighbors. In nine cases
out of ten, the better course is, if a man
cheats you, quit dealing with him ; if lie is
abusive, quit his company ; and if he slan
ders you, take care to live so that nobody
will believe him. No matter who he is, or
how he misuses you, the wisest way is to
let him alone ; for there is nothing better
than this cool, calm, and quiet way of deal
ing with the wrongs we meet with.
A YOUNG man in England having enter
tained a tender passion for a young woman,
felt such insurmountable diffidence as to
prevent his ever disclosing the same* to the
fair empress of hie heart, and resolved on
an expedition which would bring the busi
ness to an issue. He weut to the clergy
man and requested the bans of marriage
might be published according to law. When
the pubiication was brought to her ears,
she was filled wfth astonishment, and weut
to him to vent her resentment ; he bore the
sally with fortitude observing if she did not
see proper to have him, she could go to the
clergyman and forbid the bancs. After a
moment's pause she took wit in her anger,
and said, "As it has been done it is a great
pity that the shilling should be thrown away."
per Annum, in Advance.
In one of the small interior towns of
New England, where the superstitions of
our own ancestors still possess a hold on
the people, the facts occurred a few years
since of which the following is a true nar
ration :
An honest farmer and his family prepar
ing to celebrate Thanksgiving at his wifo's
father's, in an adjacent town, were hurried
and confused extremely on tbe day preced
ing that festival, by the multiplicity of
things which must be done before they
could leave home with safety. The house
was to be "banked up" and the gleanings
of the harvest, cabbage, turnips, and so
forth, put into the cellar, that the external
entrance thereto might be closed for the
season. Having carried in the vegetables,
the boys were dispatched to the barn for
straw to fill the passage with, while the
good man himself was busied on tbe oppo
site side of the house.
An old ram, the horned patriarch of a
large flock of sheep kept on the farm, hav
ing got a taste of the scattered cabbage
leaves, unobserved entered lhe cellar and
silently continued his feast. The avenue
through which he entered was immediately
closed up, and all the necessary work and
arrangements being completed, the larger
boys and girls set off on foot in high glee,
the dog running and barking before them.
Soon after, the parents and their little
ones, having put out the fire and fastened
the doors and windows to keep out thieves,
started on the same destination.
On the afternoon of the day following
the festival, the family returned home, ac
companied by some young cousins. Some
of their youthful neighbors of both sexes,
were invited in, and a merry Thanksgiving
carousal was i full tide of successful op
eration, when one of the boys who had
been sent into the cellar witli a little two
wick candle, which gave just enough light
to make darkness visible, to draw eider,
ran back into the room, with eyes glaring
wildly, uttering the half suffocating excla
mation :
" The devil is in the cellar !"
" Pooh," said the father, "you have only
been frightened by your own shadow ; give
me the light."
Saying this, he seized the caudle—leav
ing the candlestick fast in the hand of the
boy, and boldly rushed to the cellar stairs,
but before he had decended half the steps,
the large saucer eyes and enormous horns
of the ram caused him to retreat as much
terrified as his son, exclaiming :
" Sure enough, the devil is in the cel
lar !"
The good man seized the great bible, and
attempted to read, but the caudle sputter
ed, burned blue, and threw such a feeble
light on the sacred pages, and the book
trembled so much in the hands of the read
er, that he could not distinguish one word
from another. The little children cried and
clung to the mother ; the girls nestled
close to their favorite swains, and the
whole house was shaken with the agitation
of its half demented inhabitants. One
bright thought, however, occurred, and a
messenger was sent for the minister to
come and "lay the devil."
The parson, a man more celebrated for
good nature, piety, and credulity, than lor
talent and heroism, slipped a small bible
into his pocket, put on his band and sur
plice, that he might appear as formitMlde
to his great antagonist as possible, and
hastened to the relief of his distressed par
On coming to to the house, the reverend
was hailed as a deliverer, and implor
ed by at least a dozen voices at the same
moment, to drive the devil away. But few
moments were lost in asking which no one
could answer, before the parson pushed
forward as a leader, with the same penuri
ous light, into the cellar, the most coura
geous of the company keeping close behind
him lie reached the foot of the stairs, the
eyes of lire, the shadowy outline of the en
ormous horns, magnified tenfold at least,
by the terror of those that beheld them, re
moved all doubt if any had existed in his
mind as to the infernal nature of the being
with whom he had to contend.
The divine instantly fell on his knees,
and, with uplifted hands, began to pray in
his most fervent manner. The ram not un
derstanding the pious man's motives, but
supposing by the motion of his hands that
he was daring him to a butting contest,
made a pass with all his might, at his sup
posed adversary, but, deceived by the
swelling demensions of his drapery, missed
the slender body of the priest, and, draw
ing hastily back to renew the assault,hook
ed one of his horns into the belt of the sur
plice and pulled the priest witli him into
the cellar.
While thus in the power of his victorious
foe, he lost hope as it regarded himself,
and the natural benevolence of his disposi
tion burst forth in the exclamation :
" Brethren, take care of yourselves ; the
devil has got me."
This exhortation was better obeyed than
any he had ever delivered from the pulpit
—his friends all fled, and left him to his
fate. Among the company was a shrewd
young farmer, who had, from the first, sup
posed the fiend to be some domestic ani
mal, but being a lover of fun —and, willing
to see a comedy, kept his thoughts to hi til
self and pretended to sympathize with
others in thair fears. He thought it time
to interfere, and, snatching a pitch pine
knot from the blazing fire, expressed his
determination to rescue the preacher or
perish in the attempt.
"Don't ! don't !" shouted several.
" What docs the devil care for fire ?"
said another.
" Take along the bible if you will go !'
•suggested another.
But, unheeding the suggestion and the
manifestation of concern for his safety, he
pushed into the cellar, seized the animal
by one of its horns and dragged the strug
gling rum up stairs, calling to the aston
ished parson " Follow me 1" The horned
devil was led in triumph, followed by the
Ecclesiastic, in the midst of the company.
A momentary silence and hanging down
of heads ensued, but the past scene was
too ludicrous to admit of sober reflection,
and loud peals of laughter burst forth from
every side, during which the ram was turn
ed out at the door, the parson absented
himself without ceremony, and the sports
of the evening were resumed with better
spirits than before.
necticut, not long ago, lived Aunt Keziah,
an industrious and thriving widow. She
had not only kept good her estate, but had
increased it much in value, and she loved
to refer to it as "the little home poor Dan
iel left her."'
One day the 'income man' came along
and carried off some of that little hoarded
treasure, and she wept as she counted out
the bills on which her partner's fingers
had once rested—so sacredly does the
heart cling to the memories of the depart
A few hours afterward she was at the
table kneading bread, and evidently think
ing of the lost one, when her niece said :
" Aunty, now you you are prosperous
and well-to do, let's get a pretty tomb-stone
for good Uncle Daniel; you say he has
none at his grave."
Aunt Keziah lifted up her doughy hands
to emphasize this touching expression :
"Jane, if they want anything of Daniel
at the judgment, they can find him without
a guide-board. I tell you he'll be there on
Nothing more was said,
A FAST IIOKSE. —Dave C is one of
those characters that are to be found in al
most every place. lie is always driving a
horse that he imagines is fast, and putting
on even more style than the speed ol the
horse will warrant,
As he was driving into town recently, he
overtook "Uncle Ike," who was well known
as a dry joker, and who resolved to "take a
little of the conceit out of him," if opportu
nity offered. As uncle Ike was afoot, Dave
stopped his horse, and asked him to ride.
"No," replied Uncle Ike, "much obliged
to you, but I guess not."
"You had better do so," said Dave, eye
ing his fast horse with much complacency,
"I am going straight into the place, and
will take you right through."
"Well," responded Uncle Ike, as he com
menced to climb in. "I don't care if I do,
as I have plenty of time,and am not in much
of a hurry to get there 1"
The horse went ahead,but Uncle Ike nev
er again received an invitation to ride with
A LAWYER who was sometimes forgetful-
Laving been engaged to plead the case of
an offender, began by saying—"l know the
prisoner at the bar, and he bears the char
acter of being a most consummate and im
pudent scoundrel." Here somebody whis
pered to him that the prisoner was his cli
ent,when he immediately continued ; —"But
what great and good man ever lived who
was not calumniated by many of his con
Hoop-skirts, like gun-barrels, are not
tlangc-rous unless they have something in them.
But when the former are charged—powdered,wad
ded, and waterfall caped—they should be handled
with the greatest caution. In many instances it
is dangerous to eveif look at them.
bridal reign (bridle-rein) begins with a bit in the
DEFINITIONS.— BacheIor. — A dandy-lion run
to seed in a garden, beautiful iiowers. The ingraf
ted crab-tree of humanity.
Letter. —Conversation with the pen.
Album. —A drawing-room man-trap set by young
Surgeon. —A skillful workman who repairs the
damages made by the wear* and tear ot the machi
nery of life—
An ills that oft must bo endured.
When ill are wanted to be cured.
Howem.—An essay on grace, in one volume, el
egantly bound.
Gentleman. —A manual of good manners bound in
Old Wild. —A quiver full of arrows with no bow
(beau) attached.
I f'i I —Wisdom masquerading.
Heart, —The best card in the chance game of Mat
rimony ; sometimes overcome by diamonds and
knaves ; often won by tricks ; and occasionlly
treated in a shuffling manner, and then cut alto
'•Our life is but a winter's day,
Some only breakfast and away,
Others to dinner stay, and are full fed,
The oldest man but sups, and goes to bed.
Large is his debt, who lingers out the day,
Who goes the soonest, has the least to pay."
AX OPEN QUESTION. — Urchin. "Ma, if
white people's made of dust, ain't colored people
made of coal-dust."
"MA, I've struck anjoil spring ["exclaim
ed a young hopeful, the other day, as he dipped a
slice of bree d into the gravy bowl.
A VERY worthy Minister, settled not a
; hundred miles from our metropolis, was one Sun
l day morning descanting upon the importance of
I plain speaking. " Why, my hearers," said he,
! ".St. Paul never used any 'highlhlutin'expressions.
No ; he always spoke plain Anglo-Saxon !"
I MRS. Partington asks, very indignantly,
lif the hills before Congress are not counterfeit,
: why there should be so much difficulty in passing
1 them V
A rather profane chxrch-goer of N. Y.
i.eity, one day asked his clergyman what was the
] meaning of the passage in the Psalms, "He clothed
himself with curses as with a garment." "The
i meaning," replied the clergyman, "is plain enough;
I think that the man, like you, had a habit of
i swearing."
A TRUE picture of despair is a pig reach
ling through a hole in the fence _to get a cabbage
that lies a few inches beyond his reach.
AN Irishman lost his hat in a well, and
i was let down in a bucket to recover it ; the well
being deep, and extremely dark withal, his courage
failed him before he reached the water. In vain
j did he call to those above to pull him up : they
1 lent a deaf ear to all he said till at last, quite in
despair, he bellowed out : "Be St. Patrick, it you
j don't draw me up, sure I'll cut the rope."
A BOY was caught in the act of stealing
| dried berries in front of a store the other day, and
| was locked up iu a dark closet by the grocer. Then
i the boy commenced begging most pathetically tor
! release, and after using all the persuasions that his
' young imagination could invent, proposed : "Now,
! if you'll let me out and send for my daddy, lie 11
pay you for the berries, and lick me besides! ' This
i appeal was too much for the grocery man to stand
| out agaiust.
j A country editor received a severe
! "hoist" by treading on a fragment of an orange
' peel in the c.ty, and commenced a series of letters
; to his journal, headed "My trip on the llhine."
A fashionable 1 ut ignorant lady, desirous
of purchasing a watch, was shown a very beau - , iful
i one, the shop-keeper remarking that it went thirty
six hours ; "What, in one day V" she asked.
Pride, like a wild, unbroken colt.
Its rider overthrows ;
But he who walks in humble suit
Securely onward goes.
A Western paper suggests as an im
provement in Bibles the preparation of a leaf or
two in the "family record" for divorces.
The turkey burst its confinement while
1 | roasting, and the stuffing escaped to the terror of
I ' the Hibernian damsel Kit to watch it, who ran to
- 1 tell her mistress. -Ma'am!" she screamed, "come
. i down and see the turkey ; 'tis browning nicely, but
j | some of the consalemeuts is bnstin out.
, j K disclosure which can only be made in
' ! words certainly "tending to a broach of peace"—
' i One Irishman disclosing his religion to another,
] ,
, IF a police officer is after you, the best
thing you can do is to lock the door and then bolt
' yourself.
" I don't miss my church so much as you
| suppose," said a lady to her minister, who had
i called upon her during her illness, "for I make
3 Bnldy sit at the window as soon as the bells begin
r to chime, and tell me who are going to church, and
whether they have got any thing new on.