Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 12, 1866, Image 3

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    statlM ftfpfltte.
I'll, / rter is printed upon C'AMP
• , \ and J> ■ I'r* sS , Oflice No. 56 Gold
Yak. Thomas 11. Senior, agent.
, , V ,, A LYCEUM.- The society met at
, , !', lliiw's Hall on .Friday evening, April
. lis Constitution and : y-Lnws and trans
otlier business of importance and interest,
s,re t.'.i y was authorized to give notice
. papers of rliis place, that all •wishing
ndu i's, should he present at the next
ud M:.:I tlir names to the Constitution
: jjv-Laws. Tire election of officers for the en
alter will also be held. The following j
• k-cted for debate on Friday even-
April l:Uli.
veto of the Civil Eights Hill
■f Nape leon 3onaporte was trinm
; vis lieale,l by the affirmative. All present
j,j lily delighted and parted in the best of
A < a dial invitation is extended to all
. ; : i. i hie to our cause, to be present at i
- meeting. By order of the society. I
V. . 11. \V ATKINS, Sou, |
For the Reporter. \
< - a• • At the last meeting of the Conn-'
Association the undersigned was ap
! .. n a Committee to solicit space for an
E ill am in the REPCII. R;::T.
••• of that paper declines the favor, but
'•At the same time the columns of the RE- \
lw.iy' open to the publication of arti
:h. si: I,j at of Education. If the friends I
re d >irons of the publication of ar
. ilotilated to advance that cause, we shall be i
tinu - to receive their original coutri- !
Although the object of your Committee |
fu"v ac, uapiished, yet there is opened tip
h the public ear, for all such as de- j
. iv.iiu-e tli interests of Education.
;V üb. teachers, directors, do not write for the j
: . :a;iii.r. but write intelligently and to the I
in:. ! t your • • d thoughts upon paper and :
1 t: to the REPOIITEB Oflice. We hope they '
■ di. med of sufficient public interest for pub- |
• '■ : and that the cause in which you are c-n- i
1, maj thereby reeaive a new impetus.
A. R. SUM SEE. 1
I 1 ATU or ANOTHER Si'Rvivi-n or THE Wvo-
M \S-M IIE. —Mas. Lucr GORE, widow of the
A l . ■ ry Gore, died in SLcslu qiiin, Pa. Friday, I
, •!. /4. i 806: in the 'Kid year of her age.
'i! . i.ithii.i Journalist lias frequently anuottn-J
•V e itlt of the Last Survivor of the Wvo- i
M Micro, and as often has the announce- !
t 1 c-n contradi' ied. We suppose v. <■ were re
ar/ above the deer use of the last person eou
-1 with ih t terrible i vent in our early history.
; • refill inquiry disclose the fact that there are
i still remaining among us—Mrs. Satteriee of
Sn-.ithfield, Bradford Co, IV. and Mrs. Deborah!
Sutton. residi:; ; Scrub at Pa. The latter was J
id enough to rc-coili ct that she and Li r parents j ;
••r<- taken prisoners and that son., of the family !
killed la fol'i hei {yes.
< loss was nearly five years old on that ever :
'•1 of .1 . Iy, 1,, s. She v.:: i i two sisters
. and oi e younger) and her mother was i
' .. during the battle: and up to the
! m i'death she had quite distinct recollec- :
■ f many of the e vents of that day. After the
hid be i-it routed, and a small number I
.-.I .succeeded in reaching the fort they i
■ • led and compelled to capitulate.— j
I the outrages committed during this brief ]
•distxnctJy remembered. Her moth-1
.. : lolute wi man, seeing the danger ami :
.. u they were exposed, took her three j
. the youngest in her arms, Lucy by thel
■ idest clinging to Let skirts—broke i
:!.• guard stationed about the fort, and 1
d the river where she found a boat wait- ■ 1
hi<!; she and others safely reached Sun- j •
, - i scape was fortunate in view of the | ,
. r and outrage which followed.
Lucy's father, and two of his broth
. 1 George, were slain in the battle, and :
c inscribed on the "Rattle Menu-j '
lands upon the scene of the conflict. '
I ...tin r, was in the battle, but cs- I •
: the others.
; Sullivan passed through the country |
Indians aiul Tories, the family ■ I
rto the valley of ShesLevuin—a i
• :i of the valley of Wyoming—where
•i ll in,lice lived for more than four ! .
'•!:• died in the house in which she ! ,
• i d ever after lived, and over which j t
ny v .-ars. and with such a gen- i 1
■■y that her name become a house- j )
the land around. She reared to j
nhood n family often children
-urrived) and reared them so
i : hour of her life- she was proud
' • ii. hno boast nor show of religions I
u, but >l.v lived the highest order ofrelig- |
' ii tinctly, practically ; yet meek- j
-I\. She lived and died firmly be-1
•d ..■ !. ntlv hoping that God, in his own I
id through the agencies and instrn-'
• - Hi h s chosen, will save his people
n sins by turning every one awav from |
■ mid cvcntfnlly bring in the last wan- j
.1 t> the fold of Universal Holiness !
: j j au ss M'trrriy Ad.
- OK THE GREAT RKBEi.uox.--The i
■ : 11 in the United States constitutes j
-'t •' in American history, but
' -it tearful tragedy of modern times. It !
"inmoncd more than a million of men j
• liivnchcd the land in fraternal blood, and
unsettled the civilized world. Covering \
n.tury, calling forth such unparalleled
s. bringing into the field such tremendous
i-tiatcd by so many battles and sieges,
aing such displays of courage and patriot
exhibited us as the most j'diiarkahle
t i since the anc-ient ltomans.
preparation of this wfu-k, the Hon. J. T.
• - brought, not only that descriptive
liii a has given his writings a world-wide
■ i n, but the experience of several months
with our armies, and knowledge obtained
plain tance with many ot the most distin
-1 officers of the army and navy. From its
icemeut he has been treasuring up such
• is needed to write an accurate history
r< at National tragedy. As a history of the
piracy against the Union, and a record
i-cn.huts military features of the licbcl
-11 11. it can 1 ed sired : lull, authentic,
•<-. AVhile the author has avoided te
- and used only material of undoubted
. la has treated the snbjec-t imparti
• <1 embodied every thing of importance, ap-.
to the conliict, on bolh ttide-i.
Ms nor eipensegum been spared to make I
-•-t attractive and valuable history of the
•s profusely illustrated with fine Steel
; - Military and Naval Scenes, together
it.- • f officers prominent in tin war, both
utli. A. G. NFTTIIETON is agent for
• landlord Co., and those of our leaders j
bill and interesting history of the late
inly avail themselves of ftlQ jimmlj
'y f obtaining it.
IAVI.IIR Las received ul his J
1 AS Lion, a large stock of goods in ■
: bile and the Ladies especially arc in-
Oivc him an r ally call, as his goods arc-,
at a rapid rate.
tSf Quarterly Report of First National
Rank of Towanda, April 1, 1866.
Rills discounted, qg qjq
IT. S. Bonds deposited for circulation
', T deposits 175,001) 00
I . S. Securities on hand, 15,500 00
Due from National Ranks, * 38*598 32
Due from Rankers, 1*455 81
Legal Tender Notes, 17]c70 00
Bank Notes <j 973
( ash Itanis, 2 478 41
Expenses Ac., 2*07:! 75
Real Estate, (5, 000 00
Furniture and Fixtures 500 00
3(50,767 73
Capital 125,000 00
Surplus, 10,800 IK)
Circulation, 111,500 00
Due Depositors, 86,025 42
| Due Trsasuer U.S., 25,'561 49
1 Due Ranks. 091 70
Profit and Loss, 6,989 12
t 366,767 73
I, N. N. Betts, Cashier of The First National
Bank of Towanda, do solemnly swear that the above
statement is true to the best of my knowledge and
ability. N. N. BETTS jr., Cashier.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3d day
: of April. 1806. J. W. Mix, Notary Public.
: The subscriber lias a supply on hand of nice lonn.
Lsrai lla, Delaware, Allen's. Hybrid, Diana, Con
cord, <'raveling and other Grave vines, warranted
true t<> name. Grape vines of any variety furnished
Ito order. Orders taken for Ornamental Trees,
i Shrubs, \ ines and Flowers at established rates of
! other Nurserymen. Also for all kinks of small
fruits, such as Strawberries, Currants, Raspberries.
Blackberries, Ac., R. M. WELI.EM.
Towanda, April 8, 1806.
A. 15. Smith A Co., wishes to inform
their friends and the public in general that they
have opened a Tobacco and Cigar stcrs 011 Bridge
Street, two doors from Main-xt., where tliey will
| sell, at a low figure, a choice lot ot Cigars, foreign
i and domestic. Also Smoking and Chewing Tobac
co e>f all kinds. All kinds of fancy goods in the
, Tobacco line constantly 011 hand.
Towanda, April 15. A. R. SMITH & Co.
TOWANDA NURSERY. —Last Fall I bought,
from Daniel Ilarkins, bis entire remaining stock j
• of Apple, Cherry and Dwarf Pear trees, and re-'
| moved the same on to my premises on Towanda
1 Flats. lam now prepared to sell these Fruit trees I
at low rates. Prices of Apple trees at the Nursery '
25 cts. each, or in quantities of fifty or more trees,
i >2O per 100. Rest selected trees in small quanti
j ties of sto 15, 30 cts. each. No. 1 Cherry trees
j 50 cts each, which is the wholesale price of regular
; Rochester dealers at this time. .No. 2, Cherry
i trees, from 25 to 40 ets. each. Dwarf Pear trees j
from 20 to 50 cts. each. Quince trees from 25 to
50 cts. each. Persons who are in want of Fruit!
trees, will do well to visit my Nursery, 1A miles I
from Towanda. " 11. M! WELLES.
Towanda, April 8, I8(iC.
J COUNTY — Gt>ilkuien:-—hi pursuance of the 43d Sec.
of the Act of Bth of May, 1854, you are hereby no- ,
tilicd to meet in Convention, at the Court House j
in Towanda, on the first Monday in May A. 0., j
iB6O. being the 7th day of the month, at J o'clock I
p. 111., and select, rial t ore, by a majority of th • j
whole number of Directors present, one person of |
literary anil scieutitielacqiiiremenls.andof skill and |
1 xperience m the art of teaching, as County Super- 1
inteudent, for the three succeeding years : deter- j
mine the amount of compensation for the same : I
and certify the result to the State Superintendent I
at Harrisburg, as required by the 39th and 4<ith i
Sections of said act. O. J. CHUDBUI K.
Co. Sup't. Bradford County.
* j
fee"' New and Second llaud Pianos, bv
the most celebrated makers in New-York and Phil- :
ielph . . always on hand and for sale at 111 lowest
ju ices Tuning done 011 short notice by Prof, j
Towanda, Jan 1, 1860 JOAM
IIOT'SE ANI LOT FOR SALE.- A very desira
ble property for sale at once in this bum', lot 80 !
feet front, ovet 300 feet deep, with an alley run- j
ning through the eenter of it ; aline house, a large '
barn, easy of access, with apples, peaches, grapes
and other improvements thereon. Terms • asy.
For further particulars inquire of J. N. Culiff, of- :
floe eiver News Room. Also a small farm for sale,
inquire as above. Aprils, !w.
fegf* Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance!
Company of Hartford Conn. Assests over >lO,- !
OF)0,0(IO. Divalent paid during the preset fiscal '
\"I ar. 60 pi Rll lit. It is the largest, safest, cheap
est, and best Life Insurance company of this j
country. 11. R. MCKEAN, Agent.
Towanda, L'a.
WANTED, inmicdiatcly, Two Sewing Girls
that understand the Tailoring Trade, to work on
custom work. Not/ NEED apply unless they TlN
dei stand the Trade fnlly. Also a good journeyman 1
workman wanted. J. M. COLLINS.
FE..:" KEI'I'SEM- or (-ottl (>i!, the very best j
kind for sale by the barrel or in small quantities,
very eI.T ap, at Dr. Port* r's Drug Store.
&£}"" To those thinking of getting a Sew- J
ing Machine, it is a matter of interest to knew j
which is thiHiest. The Wheeler & Wilson always ;
the 11. st desirable, is- with the attachment of tak
ing the loop s.iteh, without doubt the machine of
all others suited to general use. Call at Wiekhaiu
A Black's and see it work.
CARD.- All snhlicrg who enlisted prior to
June 3d, 1863, will b<- furnished important imfor
| mation/r by calling at onoe upon the undersign
• od. Bring your "discharge" with you.
J. N. C VT.TFF, Pension Agent,
Office over News Room.
All men of the Pennsylvania Re
serve Corps are entitled to pay from the date of j
their enlistment to the 15th of May 1861, if not
paid. Papers prepared, Back pay and Bounty and !
Pension Claims successfully collected. All mili
tary business in any of the State and National
Departments prosecuted. H.B. MCKFAN,
Claim Agent, Oflice Moutanyes' Block.
Towanda, April 2, 1866.
PENSIONERS. — The instalment of Pensions j
due March 4th, 1866, paid 011 and after that date, i
by bringing your Pension certificates to J. N". CA- !
LIFE, Pension Agent. Office over News Room, l'o- j
waada, Pa. Feb. 26.
TOWANDA MARKETS.—( Wholesale Trices.)
Corrected exery Tuesday by E. T. Fox, No. I,Brick
Row :
Wheat 81 75 © 82 20
Rye 75
Com 65
Oats 35 © 37
Flaxseed 180© 2 00
Clover Seed, (small) v 800
" (Orwell) 10 00
Beans 1 25 © 1 50
Butter (rolls) 30
" (dairy) 1. 30© 35
Eggs 25
Potatoes 75
Hay (per ton) 8 00 @ 10 00
Salt (per lbb.) 3 00
Flous 10 00 © 13 00
Ham 18
Chickens 14 © 16
Turkeys 16© 18
Ducks 16 © 18
Geese 12
WEIGHTS or GRAlN. — Wheat, 60 lbs; Gorn, 56 lbs;
Itye, 56 l'-s ; Oats, 32 lbs: Barley, 46 lbs ; Buek
xill• at, 1 Hi:-: i'. .us, 62 lbs; Bran, 20 lbs; Clover
Set d • 2 lbs; Drit d Apples, 22 lbs; Flax Seed 56 lbs.
WILSON--MUXN. At Alba, March 18, by J. B.
Ih mills. Mr. Allen Mil son to Miss Frank Munn.
FINCH—HARDING. —By the same, at Alba, ,
Man-h 29, Mr. 1). Finch to Miss L. E. Harding
of Canton.
WILL*'ON -SECOR.—At Monroeton, April Ith'
I ID v. 1L thick Armstrong, Mr. Frank 1,. Will
c {t■ Nii>-. June G. tsecor, all of Monroe.
TOWN EII—COLLINS.—In Rome, April 1, at the
hi 'Use of the officiating Clergyman, Rev. S. Lt at,
M Wayne Towner of Rome, to Miss Eliza A. ,
Collins of Windham.
BENJAMIN MINGOS.—March 20. by Rev. R. L. j
Stillwell, Mr. A. E. Benjamin of Asylum, to!
Miss Eliza Miugos of Monroeton. !
TOMPKINS \ ANGORDER.—By tlie sanie March
2 tii, Mi. < liarles Thompson ol Shesheqtiin, to j
Miss M. A. \ ungordi r of Monroe. '
511NGOS— Vi HITNEi. —By the same, March 28, '
Mr. Geo. G . Miugos, to Miss Clara E . Whitney,
both of Monroeton.
D 1 EI) .
MERRILL.—In Milan, March 9th, 1866, Martin
I Merrill, aged 21 years.
He was token ill with fever through the month
ot February, hut the strongest hopes were enter-
I tained that his recovery would be speedy and com
( pletc. These expectations however, were doomed
,j to disappointment. lie suffered much both in
> j mind and in body, du ring his illness, which as
l surued a typhoid form, and became so insidious
] j and violent as to resist the skill of the physicians,
I j and terminate his life. Thus in comparative
"> J youth, amid a circle of deeply attached friends,
j j and while his earthly promise was constantly
J augmenting, was this esteemed young man sud
i | denly taden away. Society feels the loss of an
| eminent member, while the home circle mourn the
| . absence of a beloved son and brother.
'■ LEWlS.—Ascended to the home of the immortals,
' Ellen J. Lewis, youngest daughter of the late
• Joseph Jenkins, ol Leßnysville, l'a.
She was born Oct. 10, 1831, and brought up in
j Pike twp,, where she has many friends, auil devel
-1 oped those amiable end intellectual qualities for
which she was always beloved. A few years ago
' | sbe left for Minnesota, where, in an evil day she
• ■ married, since which time, amid incessant toil and
j labor, constant removals, and exposure, she cou
i tracted that Inlal disease (consumption) which ter
■ 1 minuted in the city of Hannibal, Mo., March 22,
j iB6O, in hi-r dclivct .nee. She leaw s a beautiful j
1 little girl of four years of age to suffer for bcr de
parture. Our sister arose t D a higher life gently
j and peacefully, reclining in her chair, an experi
! ence which cannot be repeated, for there is no
! pain in the spirit land and no death in the homes
| of the angels.
Sister thou hast gone and left us,
Thou hast reached the farther shore,
Tears are dried and sorrows ended,
Sickness, fears and pains, no more.
j Toils and sorrows now are over,
Thou hast reached the heavenly rest;
Hopes are reached and fears are ended.
Rest our sister—ever blest.
Gentle, sweet, and kind and loving,
Trusting, true, tried, faithful, bland,
Join the song of the immortals,
In the peaceful "Summer Land."
TOWNSEND.—III Ton-y. Yates county, at the res
deuce of her son, Mr. Manchester Townsend, on
the 19th inst., Mrs. Hannah Townsend, wife of
the late Ilezekiah Townsend, aged 100 years, I
month and 26 days.
Mrs. Townsend was a native of Slieshequin, l'a.,
| where she was born in 1766, when the Thirteen j
i Colonies were subject to Great Britain. In 1788 j
j she came to this country with her husband, and
1 settled near Milo Center, where she has lived most
jof the time since. She was married in Pcnnsylva
-1 ilia, and her eldest was bom in the year of their
| emigration. Some time after this, she took this
boy behind her on horseback, and went to visit ;
her parents in l'a., and swam the Susquehanna
i river with her horse, and when she returned she
j brought a bag of Hour before her, and again swam
| her horse across the same river. Her husband j
; opened the first tavern ever kept in Western New
| York, and lived here in the days of Jemima Wil
j kinson's glory. She was ever respected and be
loved by her neighbors and associates. Her de
scendants are quite numerous and respectable,
anil living in various towns in this section. She
1 was generally a vigorous, healthy woman, and
j never allowed herself to flinch from any duty, and
never knew how to say can't What changes she
has seen! When she eaiiic here she went from
| the head of Seneca Lake near Dresden in a canoe, j
j and the Lake was then undisturbed by commerce |
■ —mi read.-, in the country—a dense wilderness all '■
j over this now populous, rich and pleasant conn- |
I try. She was healthy to the last, and died from I
; sheer old age, having her senses to the Inst, com
| plained of no pain, but gradually sunk, and finally
went out like a taper burnt to its socket. Her
| like will 11 ever bo seen again among the females of !
i this laud. May her virtues be remembered, and !
; her memory long cherished.— lh.uubr !,' ■ .01.
'■ STALFORD.—At Wynlnsiug, March 30, .Tool Stal- ,
ford, aged 49 years and three months.
! Oh, yea! the'aobacriber baa again retained from New i
York, having in the meantime M lec ed with great eaie, {
.1 splendid a- "ltnicnt of NEW GOODS, well adapted
to the wants of all, the old. the middid-aged and tin
yout g, and at the same time not targeting the " wee"
bit ol fo Iks that get np locomotion by creeping. These ■
.!! lime 1 jiecially !. 011 cared tor in the selection ol th
■toi-k. lie would ta.v. tl lid I Lis ivai mt.-t. thank, to all
Ins i-V. ;i',nil 1 and p;ill'";..- lor pa :, and lopci t.
!nl!v Ti-it a c utiimance of a slune oftlieir patron
a "° : 1
Yon will please come and f ]
Yon will lindilie same "ood 'I 1
At the n r-1 EIIIVK,Orwe 11 , I' a . j
i •'
- ; v
I a
A splendid assortment of Gent-.', Ladies' and Child
ren- Dus,.at the HeeHive.
Ladies, Gent- ami Children arc ail respectfully invited T
to call at the lice Hive and examine the extensive line
ot Furs.
Gents before they buy they would do well to look at 6
the large stock of
Ac., found of course at the Bee Hive. ''
15 00 T S AN I) SIIO E S ,
in any quantity and style at, t.iic lice Hive. •
OVERCOATS at the Hee Hive. J[,
COATS at the Bee Hive.
VESTS at tlic Bee Hive.
PANTS at the Bee Hive, j
At the Bee Hive.
At the Bee Hive.
At the Bee liivc.
Captain's Oilicc open from C,!A. M. to 9 P. M., for a {
lew day onger. 1
All Hi MO who have old unsettled Book Accounts with ,
L. H. Broil son, it tliey would save themselves cost, will j
please call without delay and settle up.
h. 11. BRONSON A
BEE HIVE, Orwell, Pa. r
Powell & (Eo.'s New (Poobs.
Have now in store the largest stock of goods ever exhib I
ited in Northern Pennsylvania. Additions will eon- j
stantly be made to this stock daring the season, and:
it wilt at all times be found FULL AND COMPLETE
I in all its departments.
We invite the particular attention of our customers to ;
| our magnificent display ot
Which we offer at prices much below those of last year.
We have given special care to our selections in this line '
and are now able to exhibit the newest,most fashionable, j
and most desirable styles to be obtained. Our new ;
stock 'comprises all colors of Plain and fluid French j
J Merinos, Empress Cloths, Striped Melanges, Striped
! and Plaid Poplins, Taffetas, Lamas, Tinsel Poplins, Paris j
' Crepes, Reps, Plain and Brocade Alpacas, foil de Chev- '
i res, Delaines and Armases, Bright Plaids for children's 1
wear, and a great variety of other Dress Fabrics.
Rl.irk French MeriiP-, Bombazines, Tame so Cloths J
Baratheas, .Mohair Lustres, Black and White Check and !
| Striped Poplins and Alpacas, Double and Single Fold All j
Woo! Delaines, and a full line o( those High Lustred
! Black Alpacas, at a great reduction in price.
Beaver Cloths, Tricots, Velvet Cloths, Oassimeve Sack
ings , Plain ind Twilled Black Broadcloths, ot all prices
all colors of Plain and Fancy Sackings, Oiiera Flannels,
Ac., Ac.
Ladies, Misses and Cliildrens White and Colored Cot
ton, Fleeced and Merino Hose, Ladies Merino Vests
and Drawers, Gloves of every desi ription at low prices.
: Bleached, Half Bleached, and Unbleached Damask Ta
' hie Linens, Napkins, Towels. Towellings, Scotch and
, Russia Diapers, Bleached and Unbleached Huckabacks,
Crashes, liish Linens, Ac., 10 I and 0-4 Sheetings,
Pillow Case Cottons, Counterpanes, Draping Muslins,
Shaker Flannel Sheetings, Rose Blankets, Ac., Ac.
Esipiimaux. Moscow and Castor Beaver Cloths, French
: and German Black Broadcloths, Doeskins, Fancy Cas
-itucrcs, I'wcods.gMoltoiis, Satiuetts, Union Casshneres,
Jeans, Ac., Ac.
All qualities Plain White, Shaker and Welch Flannels,
Fancy Shirting, Miners, Red and Cray.Plain and Twilled i
Flannels, and a full assortment ot
At the Lowest Market rates.
I '
Wi- are now opening ami desire to call special atten
tion to our unusually large stock oi
As we make tlii department of our business a special
ity, we have given it much time and attention. Our se
lections nave lief ci made Iront the newt : t styles in the
market, ami our Cloaks arc manufactured in a manner
that cannot tail to plea-e, ami give entire atislaction.
Having made our purchases before the recent great
advance in price, wept re able to otter decided bargains
in I.adies, Misses ami Children* Double and Single
Shawls. Our present stock tar surpasses in extent, and ,
variety, any purchases we have ever before made in this j
line, and we have availed ourselves ot the most lavor- '
able time to select the choicest and most desirable goods
in the market.
Wc have now on hand a good assortment of these eel- j
ehrated Skirts, tn White and Colored.
The Eugenic, Kmpress, Paris Trail, Multiform, and a
variety of other popular makes jit Skiits in all sizes!
for Ladies Misses and Children.
Brussels, Throe Ply, Extra Super, Supc-ifine. Ingrain,
Kidder,and llctnp Carpets. All widths Floor Oi! Cloths
Mattings, Door Mats,s and Rugs. Anew stock just re
Having made arrangements with manufacturers to
supply our sales with the best quality of Hoots and
Shoes, we shad at all times be able to furnish our custo
mers with tlie lies' custom made Shoes of all kinds,
lot Ladies, Misses and Children, and Roots for Mens and
Roys wear, at reasonable prices. Wc shall also keep con
stantly on hand a complete assortment of Mens.Womens
and Children's Rubbers and Af 'i Overshoes.
A splendid assortment ol Mens and Roys Hats and
Caps just received. Having close d out our old stock
almost entirely previous to our late purchases, we now
offer an entire new stock ol the latest styles.
Wc are now receiving large additions to our sto> of
Wall Papers, Transparent Window Shades and Trim
mings Window Papers, &c.,itc.
1 OHERIFF'S SALES.— By virtue of a writ
i O ot Fi. Fa., issued out of the Court of Common
I'leas of Bradford county, to me directed and delivered,
will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in the
Boro' of Towanda, MONDAY, MAY 7, 1806, at
one o'clock, p. m., the lollowiug described lot piece or
parcel of land situate in Smithticld tp.,and bounded as
to wit: On the north by iauds in the possession of Eliza
beth Decker and (he school house lot, east by the public
highway, and ou the south and west by lands of Sevel
' leu Wilcox. Containing four acres more or less all im
proved, with a framed house, small framed barn and a
i lew iruit trees thereon.
I Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Harris A
i Saltmursb vs. William H. Huff.
i ALSO —The following described lots pieces or parcels
of land situate m the boro' of Athens, as follows to wit:
! Lots No. 72,73, 82,83, 45, 47, 4s, lit, 53, 54, 55, 88, SO,
| 33,40,30,31,33,00,23, 24,25,20, aud 100, according
! to Plot and Survey ot boro' of Atliens.
j ALSO—Two other lots situate in the boro' of Tow an
da, bounded as follows to wit: nort by W. B. Dodge,
j east by Front street, south by lands of M. C. Mercur,
! west by lands of Hiram Yaw and Reed Smalley. Being
) 100 ieet on Front street and about 100 feet back. Con
: taiuing 0000 square leet each more or less,
j Seized and taken in execution at the suit of M. W.
; Wheelock use vs. Chauncey N. Shipmau, Charles F.
Wells and Nathaniel C. Harris.
ALSO—The lollowiug lot piece or parcel of land sit
j uate in Ulster twp., hounded as follows to wit: north by
i laud of Ralph Russell, east by the Susquehunua River,
J south by lauds oi John b. Anthony and west by lanes ot
M. G . Vausiekie. Containing 125 acres more or less,
about 100 acres improved with a framed dwelling house
framed barn, cow shed and an orchard ot iruit trees
thereon, being the same lately owned by James Park.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit ot Waverly
National Bank vs. S.Nortlrmp.
ALSO—The the following dcscril>ed lot, piece or piw
celot land, situate iu Burlington twp., and bounded as
loilows, t<w it : Not tli by lauds ol James Boss, east by
I laud.- ol Henry A George Hill and J. W. Park, south by
I lands ot Philo Beardsley, and west by lands ol Silas
Belts and Horace Burus. Containing 107 acres more or
; less, about 75 acres improved, with small flamed house,
: trained barn, log house, log baru aud two orchards ol
iruit trees thereon.
Seized aud taken into execution at the suit of Albert
T Wheat vs. Frank A. lieardsley.
ALSO—By virtue of a writ of Vend. Ex., the lollow
iug described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in
Athens twp,, bounded as follows: north by lands of
John P. Green and L. O. Snell, east by lands of D. C.
Kimball and Ira Elsbree, south by land of William
Phelps and west by lands of Page A Bristoll, W. W.
; Wolcott, Iru Elsbree and A. C. Elsbree. Containing
! two bundled and titty acres more or less, about 150
j acres improved with a framed house, framed barn,shin
i gio mill, hog pen, corn house aud fruit trees thereon.
Seized ami taken in execution at the suit of Job P.
Kirbv's u.->e vs. Franklin Murray and John Griffin,
Adm ts., ot Rachel .Manay,deceased.
ALSO - The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Granville twp., bounded as follows: north
by lauds belonging to the estate ol Dr. Bovier, dee'd.,
j east by land of Joseph i ieiniug, south by the public
; highway and west by laud ot David Goe. Containing 18
i acres more or less, about 10 acres improvee, with a
framed house .farmed burn aud a few Iruit trees thereon.
I Seized and taken i:i execution at the suit ot l.yman
! Rockwell vs. Orreti I_. Rockwell.
ALSO—The lollowiug described lot piece or parcel ol
land situate in Armenia and Troy -twps., bounded as
■ follow.-,: uoib by lauds ol H. A. Ease, east by land of
Wm. S. Dobbins, ,-outh by land ol A Buiuham and
west by land of J. J, Green. Containing 84 acres more
j or less.
Siczod and taken in execution at the suit of Poiueroy
■ Brothers vs. E. B. strait.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
; land situalcqiu Monroe twp , aud bounded as follows:
noitli by lauds of Freeman Sweet, east by laud-, ol J. ft.
! Cowc-11, south by land of Frcemau Sweet and west by
laud of said Freciiiaii Sweet and land hereinafter dc
-1 scribed. Containing 50 acies more or less, about 15
acres impiuvcd with one lianied house, framed baru and
a lew nuit trees thereon.
ALSO—Ouo other piece or parcel ot laud situate in
-aid twp., ol Monroe, hounded as loilows, to wit: North
by laud oi Freeman Sweet, east by land ol said Free
man Sweet aud the above described lot, south by laud ot
-aid Freeman Sweet, and west by laud belonging to Coal
Company so called. Containing 50 acres inoie or less,
about ten acres improved with one log bouse and apple
orchard rhereon.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit of J. L.
Rockwell to use of E. C. Kellogg vs. Goo. K. Elliott.
ALSO— The following described lot. piece or parcel ol
laud, situate in ilonroe twp , and bounded as follows :
Beginning at t corner on the line between E. C. Kellogg
ami David liidgwuys, on the east side of the turnpike,
near the school house, thence south east 24 perches
t ; -take.thence ta t sixty-four perches to a white oak,
tin lice north 21 per. to a stake ai.d stones ou said Rei
ki.e, thence west along said Kellogg 'a line, theme
v, . uiong said Keii gg s tine sixty-four and i perches,
1 the jla e ■ egrnaing. Containing • acres una io
per. more or less.ailimpruved, with ,c framed honae
trained earn, aw and a lew fruit tr t es thereon.
.-i / uan i taken into execution at the suit oi \V J.
ca-kili vs. George Bessey.
'"'l o * rug described lot, piece or parcel oi I
k'uu .-nuate in Lister twp.,and bounded as follows :
A..rib i v puoiie highway leading from Milan to Smitli ..y puo.ic aighway leading from Towanda to I
A locus, souto by land of Widow Harsh, aud west by j
land oi LuUer V incent. Containing lj acres of land
inoie a u 3, a.i improved, with one framed tavern
am. c, o.n fianicd dwelling house, one Lamed barn and
a ,cv: fruit trees thereon.
-Due other piece or parcel ol iand situate in j
said Ulster twp., bounded as follows : North by land
ot Sam at Ifufl, east by the public highway leading from
lowai.ii.i to Athens, south by land ot Widow Flood,anf |
west i.\ iand ot Samuel liufl. Containing one acre ol
land moie or less, all improved, with one- fraimed steam
Grist mill ami Shingle machine thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at tHe suit of Harris
A Salt ma rsh vs. Darius Myers.
. , " J.M.SMITH.
April 9,1866. Sheriff.
i -LJ as Jurors lor May Term, lKfiti.
Athens boro , Dana F. Park ; Athens twp., Francis : Burlington twp., Russell Allen ; Canton lmro\
1 c- i., Bullock, John s. Mix; Canion twp.,M. L. Pack
, .no. Wm. .-. Jayne ; Co lull, i ia. Nelson Wood, Samuel
!: til. John Mot- an; Granville , 11. Spalding:
Lit add. Stephen Evans ; Mot.roe twp., S.C.Xaghe:
Ir.vcil, 1.. 11. Rionsou; Pike. >amue! : Rome tp.,
' ' -ya -1 : Mit-shcquiu, Miller Smith ; Troy twp., (it. eno. Oliv.i- Williams : Ulster, A. R. Smith :
Ay o.x, lieiny \an Brunt ; Wyalusiug. Daniel Brown ;
Warren. Josephuß Sleeper.
A iliiuty twp., K. W. Rurdick : Athens twp., Hawley
io/.er; Athens boro", John Suc-11 ; Asylum, E. 11. De-
Long, Lurlington boro ,A . J Ross; do. twp., Burton
'.u-liu: do. west,\\ m. Ardway, John Eglin; Canton bo..
•I"hu \ an Dyke; Canton twp., John G. Mason, Thomas
>. Mautcy, David Durat, Perry Lewis ; Columbia, Geo.
Card; Frankliti. J. Doroey Johnson, Nelson Gilbert, D.
Green jr; Granville, Valentine Saxton, C. N. Say Its :
Hcrrick, tbS. Squires, Barney Carr, A. R. Brown ; .'brio. L 11. Brink. S. 15. farmer jr, Hiram Rogers:
.cl.aysyille, A. 1.. Baldwin; Monroe twp.. J.S. sals
ovrry, Win. A. Kellogg, J. L. Rockwell; liidgberry, O.
h. C hamberlm, D. 11. Rurnham, A. 11. Voorhis ; Rome
D'l'-j Geo. Riant; Smithfleld, John Bird. Edwin Blakes
ky, Jesse .Sumner; Standing Stone, Geo. W. Squires
Jalues L.-py; Shc.-hequin, Jesse Brown, Stephen Newel;
South Creek, S. IJ. I'eLtingil!; Tuwanda boro", S. Willis
nogeis; 1 loy twp,, Leonard Vanhorn ; Tuscarora, Wei
ling ton: barrov., ! :i ; Wyalusiug ,J. D. Camp ; Wysox,
Eaack Wood; Wells, James Brink; Wilmot, G. H. Mor
n,n~- Tr.Avr.r-s jrrons 2d week.
Athens boi.F, A. ii.Spalding : Alba boro", Albert T.
I.iilcy: J.uiiiiipt u twp.. Emanuel Buyer; Canton twp.,
\\ m. 1. overy. Robert Lilley ; Herriek, M. Slocum ;
Luchltcld, Elia* tladlock: Leßoy. H. W. I'aikhurst,
Leroy llolcond,: Monroe twp., Beuj. North; Orwell, 11.
i . Kemliao , Geo. Lyon jr, C.J. Chubbuck ; Pike, El
more Blister, John X. Barnes; Smithtield, C. B. Iliggs,
-.mill Creek, ha Crane ; Springfield. S. D. Hurkuess ;
sheshequin, Horace Kinney, John Smith; Towanda bo : ,
\\ .J. Norton, H.C. Porter; Wyalusiug,E. D. Stafford ;
wells, James I. Osgood ; Warren, Robert Corbin, Win.
Howell; Wysox, Jos. Smith ; Wilmot, Erastus Quick.
John ( omcska; Windham, 11. S. Elsbree. Asa McKee ;
btogbury, Oscar Larrisonj Rome twp., J. L. Parker;
1 uscaroia, Henry Ackley ; Terry, Uriah Terry ; Troy
twp., Jacob A. Linderman. J. M. SMITH,
April, 10, isuo. Sheriff.
JL Commencing May 7.
Com. Pa. Ex. IJeI.J.T.D.Myer vs. Jos. M.Ely, injunction
Lydia Munsou vs. Amos Baker issue.
Emma J.Hewitt et.el.vs- Samuel Kellum ejectme't
Danial Cumin vs. Mary Ann Bishop debt
Shipman & Wells vs. Rogers Fowler do.
Sam'l Schrader's adm'rs vs. Thomas Doud sci. la.
sante vs. same do.
W m. B. Clymer vs. Perry Cobb et. al ejectment
Wm. Peet s use vs. S. 1!. Canfield et. al '... deb'.
F. X. Page vs. I, P. Blood do.
H. A. Hood vs.Shipman & Wells do!
' lark A Baker vs. Abraham Steers et. al do.
D.C. Dibble vs. David B. Palmer ejectment.
Amos Grilklh et, al. vs. A. H. Spalding appeal.
Polly Chilson vs. John W, Sweet replevin
Geo. A. Ilolden vs same ejectment
A. A. W orden vs. 11. B. Yangilder appeal
ary A. McAllister s use vs. Jos. Lee (lunatic) trespass.
I. D. Hall vs t arolme Hall ejectment.
o no. C . Wells assigns vs. Shepard & Hathaway.... do.
dam Scherenger vs.Melvia B. Owen AM.
Augustus Lewis vs. D. D. Brewster ejectment
David Barber vs. Wm. Collins sii. ta.
Com Pa. vs. P. p. Sweet et. al do. 1
. . i Harris vs. J. K. Wright Gar. Ac att. ex.
C- 8. Rnssell use vs same do.
N. C. Harris use vs same appeal.
same vs same do.
John Saltmarsh vs same... do
Kubt. Campbell's adm'rs vs. John S. Madden.... do.
John ii. Luckey et. al. vs. Valentine Smith., .ejectment
S. N. Bronson vs. N. N. Parks... appeal
Commonwealth ol Pennsylvania, |
Bradford County ss. (
Subpienas for FIRST WEEK returnable Thursday, |
May 10, and for SECOND WEEK Monday, May 11, at,
10 o'clock a. m. E. 0. GOODRICH,
April 9,1866. Prothonotary.
_l\ is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the
estate of Charles James, dee'd, late of Rome borough, are j
requested to make immediate payment, and those hav- j
ing demands against said estate will present them duly j
authenticated lor settlement.
March. 27, 1860. Administratrix. j
T*; !-, i R.-i t and Carrot See Is by the pound at FOX'S
.13 SEEDS for sale by
March 7, G6'. E. T. POX.
of an Act of Assembly passed the 13th day of March,
1815, and other Acts of Assembly, will be exposed to
Public Sale at the Commissioners Office in Towauda
Borough, on the second MONDAY in JUNK, A. D.
1860, the tracts of unseated laud described in the billow
ing list, unless the taxes and costs upon the same are
paid before that time.
No. Acres. Warrantee names. Taxes.
91 Audrson Joseph, 8 90
107 Barron John jr., 10 40
84 Pear Able 8 19
93 Rush Moses 9 08
250 Wagner & Hines, 24 08
108 Welling Charles, 3 28
400 Edge Samuel, 72 10
171 Edge George, 30 80
400 Hardy James, 72 10
400 Hardy Andrew, 72 10
400 Hardy Simon, 72 10
400 * Hardy Nathan, 72 10
400 Hardy Paul, 72 10
100 Siddons Samuel, 72 10
400 Siddons Joseph, V 72 10
325 Siddons James, 58 00
175 Siddons Peter, 31 5G
120 Beck Frederick, 3 00
300 Antis Henry, 03 45
202 Betis Frederick, . 14 24 i
387 Douglass Andrew, " 81 78
407$ Morgan Jacob, 80 28 I
413 Pfeifer George P- 29 05 1
417 Price John, for 18G2 and 1803. 27 24 '
417 Price John, for 1804 and 18.55. 88 13
324 \\'later William, 09 30 :
181 Witzell John, 38 21 !
200 Beck Henry, 14 lo j
400 Anderson Samuel, 3s 40
391 Anderson Joseph, 29 55
301 BennerJocoh, 34 09
390 Benner Jacob jr. 37 45
78 Castator Frederick, 7 49
172 Ellis Marcy, 10 50
97 Gray William, 904
400 Hampton Robert, 38 40 i
50 Hopkins Robert, 4 81
200 North Samuel, 19 20
400 North Tctcr, 38 40
400 Shotts Peter, 38 40
400 Shotts Frederick, 3.8 40
400 Shotts George, 38 40
280 Wallace Mary, 20 88
100 Woodruff Hannah 9 CO ,
343 Betz Henry, 03 87 ;i
343 Betz John, 03 87 j
343 Betz Joseph, 03 87 )
343 Betz James, 03 87 |
400 Byson Henry, 74 40 j
375 Cooley Samuel, 09 60
400 Cooley Joshua, 71 40!
400 Castator Harmon, • 74 40 I
400 Castator Joseph, 74 40
342 Edge Peter, 03 87 \
100 Ellis Marcy, i 9 60!
172 Edge George, 31 99 i
343 Fritz Samuel, t: iB7 j
400 Hardy Samuel, 74 40 '
375 Hardy James, 69 06 I
225 Haidy Henry, 40*66 j
390 Harris Ann, 72 55
400 Ilollinsworth Stephen, 74 40 !
375 Moore George, 09 06 i
400 Moore Paul, 74 40 j
393 Moore John, 73 16 j
200 North Samoel, 37 20 i
400 North Johnathan, 74 40 j
200 l'almer Thomas. 37 20
100 Seeley Peter, 74 10 j
400 Seeley Joseph, 74 10 j
400 Seclev Henry, 74 40
225 Siddons Peter, 41 79
75 Siddons James, 14 00!
400 Temple George, 7! 40 j
400 Temple Samuel. 74 40 I
400 Temple Peter, 74 40 I
180 Woodruff' Hannah, 33 48 j
72 Keeler John A Co., owners. 184 '
150 Shnmway &, Barrowcliff, owners, 383 I
56 field Henry, 1 42
35 Porter James, 88
272 Baldwin James, 15 10
537 Cortright Cornelius, 13 IS
353 Cortright John, 21
231 Davenport Daniel, 12 84
301 Davenport Cornelius, 16(9
ALSO.—In pursuance of the provisions of the Act of!
General Assembly, passed the 2:uh day of April, A . I)..
1844, Section 41st, at the same time and place will he,
exposed at Public Sale, the tracts nr parcels ol land or j
real estate designated in the following list, unless the
taxes due npon the same or costs are paid before that 1
r ' 11 §> ? r| f|
c-H c- j P* p o c
1864 4rnts JA H, 1 lot, 1 lot, 45
.... Beebe Arthur, 32 32 1 17 i
.... Camp H W., 14 14 42
1803—Boyington O. G-, 100 100 900 j
.... Nichols Edward, 100 100 900 j
.... Waymon Orlando, 69 60 160 |
1864—Babcock William, 10 10 31
Boyington OG, 100 100 21 50
Beeinau John D, 106 100 14 54
.... Gard John, 149 2 146 26 96
Nichols Edward, 100 100 22 00
.... Hinman J. B. M., 100 fOO 1750
1863—Ballard O. P., 3 13
Stock well Charles 200200 3 On I
1864—Stockwell Charles, 200200 30 60 i
.... Ballard F. L." 80 80 10 05 j
.... Boyle Michael, 30 30 3 71 i
.... Cain Mithue), 30 "o > 60 !
.... Strait E. 11., 60 50 s 37
1863—Ward C. L., 400 400 990 j
1864 Cook Joseph, 50 50 -o j
Hcwett Charles, 49 15 34 129 :
! .... McAffe, M 4 131 1 u I
.... Foster John. 50 50 1 35 :
.... Vaiulerpool William, 24 24 c,5 J
.... Ward C. L.. 400 400 8 1(m i
1803—Ward C. L. ,* 35 35 61
1804—Woodruff J.F., 54 54 2 04
1864—810w James, 37 10 27 1 54
1863—Armstrong Geo, 27 27 88
Congblin Michael, 50 14 30 1 93
.... Horton John, 40 15 2.5 22
McCarty John, 30 30 1 00
Tubman Henry, 25 10 15 7S i
Walsh Thonivs, 40 40 55 ,
1863—Haxton Clarendon, .32 32 1 10 (
KelleyJ. 8.. 06 6G 239 ,
1563—Lunger William 125 5 120 402 j
1803—Kellogg Moses A H. C.8.50 850 7 65
1803—Campbell G. W., 50 50 55
Hinman & Park, 400 400 % 40! j
Willhime Augustus, 50 50 80 j
1864—Camp Henry, 50 10 40 155 .
.. . Hinman & Park, 450 100 36 00 !
Willhime Augustus, 50 50 4"0
Camp Levi, 50 50 30 !
1863—Cannon J. J.., estate 20 15 5 1 90
1864—Brooks Solomon, 5 5 49 '
Brigbam Charles, fl'se&lt, Hbe A lot 48
.... Fay Justus, 16 6 10 75
.... Hunt 1! T 25 25 48
.... Powers John, 30 10 20 1 15
.... Ricky David, 11 19 '
1863—Baker S S 49 7 42 304 1
1864—Griffin John, 25 25 68 ;
.... Wilhelm Henry. 50 10 40 1 98 '
1863—Clymer Thomas B 90 90 I s o 1
.... • Marshall James 50 50 1 76
Harwell W B 100 100 2 14
Hathaway A Griffin, 440 440 039
Bonglitou E F 50 50 2 77 -
1864—Clymer Thomas B 90 00 28 50 '
.... Churchill Orville, 32 32 258
.... Callan Eliza, 10 3 7 60 1
.... Gustin Samuel, 34 34 1 40 )
.... Hathaway A Griffiin, 440 440 91 95 •
Marshall James, 50 50 99 '<
.... Preston Ebenezer, 100 100 270 '
.... Sullivan Dennis 50 50 1 8b 1
Webber Ira, 4 1 66
1863—Boyce James 1 lot 1 lot 66
1564—Baxter Charlotte 20 20 86 <
1864—Bishop Andrew, 12 6 0 75 c
1803—Crow Edward, 100 100 110 i
.... Chapman E G 32 18 14 .58
Yetter Gabriel, 100 100 2 94
1804—Bennett Charles, 50 55 16 74
.... Crow John, 100 100 14 40
.... Dodge Wallace, 32 32 102 j
.... Johnson It 5 5 27
Johnson Charles, 0 6 3 28 t
.... Shoemaker Ira, 56 8 48 129 ]
.... Yetter Gabriel, 100 100 1 80
.... Craudall Edward, CO 5 55 144 j
1864—Overton Nelson, 20 20 54 j
1863—Adkins F B 50 50 1 65
.... May Wiliiam, 86 10 76 2 32
Shaffer Jacob, 2 09
1864—Barnes Dovatha 100 100 1 80
.... Churchill Asa, 56 56 1 08
.... Dickerson Perry 40 40 72 .
.... Jakcson Elias, 25 25 45
.... May William, 86 10 70 1 91 ;
.... Lewis Abram, 140 140 2 52
McKcrnon Thoinos. 50 5 0 90 j
.... PbelpsSD 114 114 2 01;
.... Shoemaker Mary A 10 2 8 23 i
1863—Hathaway A Griffin, 900 900 49 48 1
1884—Hathaway A Griffiin, 900 900 217 47'
—*No. Acres returned by Collector.
N. B. — Notice is hereby given that an am mat suffice
| ctent to pay taxes and cost wi 1 be required in every >
! case where the land is sold, at the time of sale, and mi -
less terms are complied with the lands will be agiin ex
posed to sale. J. PERRY VANFLEET, Treasurer.
Treasurer's Office, April 2, 1860.
REGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby
given, that there has been filed and settled in the
office of the Register of Wills, in and for the County of
Bradford, accounts of Administration upon the follow
ing estates, viz :
Final acc't of H. C. French adrn'r of John B. Strong,
dee'd, of Welles.
Final acc't of PA W. Maynard adm'r ol Patrick Mur
phy, dee'd, Late of Rome.
Final acc't of J. W. Irvine adraT of John B. Irvine,
dee'd, late of Towanda.
Final acc't of Escck Wood adm'r ol Geor"e Nichols,
i dee'd, late of Wysox.
Final acc't ol It. M. I'ruyne adm'r of Charles LigK.
I dee'd, late of Burlington.
! Final acc't of E. E. Allyn adm'r of H. J. Bowen,
j dee d, late of Warren.
j Final ate tof John W. Payson adui'r of I. J. A His,
) dee'd, late of Orwell.
I Final acc't of H. W. Camp adm'r of 8. A. Warner,
' dee'd. late of Herriek.
< Final acc't of Alvina Blakoslee adm ix of Lyman
i Blakesiee, dee'd, late of Pike.
! Final acc't of E. Werkheiscr adm'r of Abraham Yal
j lerstamps, dee'd, late of Orwell.
Final acc't of Theodore Watson adm'r of Wm. Teeter,
dee'd, late of Springfield.
Fiual acc't of O. J. Warner adm'r of N. B. Cba!l'.-.\
1 dee'd, late of Orwell.
Final acc't of John McKean adm'r of Samuel Wells,
; dee'd, late of Armenia.
j Final acc't of Wm. G. Bradford adm'r of Heman
! Morgan, dee'd, late of Wells.
( Final ace tof Eliza B. Smith adm'f of Alex. L. Smith,
dee'd, late of Wyaiusing.
I Final acc't of Martha Miller adm'ix of Daniel F. Mil
ler, dee'd, late of Albany.
Final acc t ol Jabez Case adm'r of Uel Williams,desM,
i late of Troy.
Partial acc't of Eunice Turrel and I..l\Staltbrd adm'r .
of James H. Turrel, dec d, late of Terry.
Final acc't ol John Morrow adm'r ol John Baron,
! dee'.], late of Wilmot.
!* Partial acc't of L. P. Stafford Guardian of Viola an 1
Harmon S. Allen.
Final acc't ol James Smith Guardian of Huston D.
Ida E. aud Annie E. Shores.
i' inai acc'ts ol Samuel Davidson and Cyrus Bloodgood.
executors of Eleazer Wright, dee d, late of Litchfield.
ALSO—The appraisement of properly setoff by the
Executor or Administrators to widows or children of th ■
following decedents :
Estate ot D. C. Miiler.
*• " Hiram B. Joiner. 4
" '• Ansel Tillotson, *
" H.D. Gifford.
" " Richardson Wood.
" '• Julia A. Drake.
' " J. W. Decker.
An i the same will he presented to the Orphan* Court
j ol Bradtord County, on Thursday the 10th' day of M y
j ary next, lor confirmation and allowance.
April 4, 1960. Register.
hereby given that all persons indebted to the estar.
of CALVIN LEWIS, deed, late ol Springfield twp..
I are requested to make immediate payment, and tho-.
having demands against said estate will present them
i duly authenticated for settlement.
April 5,1866. Administrator.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the
j estate ot CHARLES D. MILLER, late of Columbia,
I dee'd., are requested to make immediate payment
i and those having demands against said estate will pi.
. eut them duly authenticated lor settlement.
j _ April 5,1866. Administrator.
JU is hereby given that all persons indebted to the r
etatc of HEMON MORGAN, late of Armenia, dee'd, ar
! requested to make immediate payment,and those liavin
i demands against said estate will present them duly a.i
. thenticated for settlement.
j April 5,1866. Executoi.
i hereby given, that all persons indebted to the e
j tate ot ELIJAH ALGER, late of Orwell twp., dv i
are requested to make immediate payment, and lb . .-
! having claims against said estate will present them r 1 !y
authenticated for settlement.
April 5, 1866. Administrator.
IfXECTTOT'iS NOTlCE—Notice is Lere-
J by given, that all persons indebted to thecstab- ol
WILLIAM N. WARD, late or Troy twp..
dee'd., are requested to make immediate payment, ami
: those having lainis against said estate must present i hem
■ duly authenticated ibi . cttlement.
April 5,1866. Exeeutois.
A-s B. lv. Ross, N. I'. Moody, F. X. Homeland olhi i-.
have presented to the Court of Common l'lous of Brad
ford Co., the charter of the '"First pociety of the Meth
odist Church of Asylum," praying the Court for a de
cree oi incorporation, and that the same will be heard
o-i Monday, MAY 7ih. is. G,of which all persons ii.
tercsted plea-e take notice.
April 5, 1866, Pruthonotary.
G. F.Mason, E. U. Mason, C.S. Russel, W. 11.
, Shaw and others,have presented to the Court ol Common
! Pleas of Bradford Co.. the charter of the •• Fir.-i Uui
! verbalist Society ol Towauda Bnro," praying the Court
lor a decree oi iuc ipoiation. and that the same will Itc
heard on Monday. May 7th, 1966, ot which all persons
i interested will please Like notice.
April 5. 1866. Prothcnctary.
_i V B. Hill. —Xo. 161 Dee. Turn, 1865. You are
hereby notified that Maria liill, by her next friend. Jas.
Smith", lias appiiedtothe Court ol Common Pleas ol
Bradford County foi a divorce from tiie bonds o! mutri
mouj-, and the said Couit hits appointed Monday. Miy
7th, 1866, at two o'clock p. m.. at the Court Hoase ir., for hearing the .-aid Maria Hill in the premi
es at which time and pie a j a tat* attend if you think
proper. J.M.SMITH.
April 5, 1866. Sheriff.
XJI garct llody.- No. 192 Dec. Term, 1865. You are
hereby notified that James Henly your husband .ha.- appli
cd to the Couit o: Common Pleas of Bradford Co. lor a
divorce from the bonds of matrimony,and the said Com t
has appointed Monday, May 7th, 1-06, at two o'-
clock p. m., at the Court House in Towanda.for hearing
the said Jauies llinly iu the premises at which time and
place you can attend if you think proper.
apruS, 1866. J. M. BHITH. Sheriff.
Application in divorce.-ibMary
Jiine TIYXSA,-.— No. 130 Sept. Term, 1864. Your are
hereby notified that Reuben S,Tri.-k, your husband,has
applied to the Court of Common Pleas ol Bradford Co..
fur a divorce from the bonds of in.iti iniouy, aud the said
Court has appointed Monday, May 7, 1860, at 2 o'clock
p. m., at the Court House lit Towanda, tor hearing the
.-aid Reuben S. Trak in the premises, at which t irac aud
place you tan attcud if you thluk proper.
April 5,1866. J ■ M. SMrTH, Sheriff.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— hi (fie matter of
the estate of Hanford ICinniy. deceased. In the
Orphan's Court of Bradford County.
The undersigned, an auditor appointed to distribu'e
the monies iu the hands of the administrator, raised by
the sale of decedent's real estate, will attend to the
duties of his appointment at the his office, in Towauda
borough, on Friday, the 20th day ol April, DG6,
t 1 o'clock, p. m., and all persons having claims
upon said monies must present them or else be forever
debarred from coming in for a share ot saidiunds.
March. 16. 1866. Auditor.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—/n the matter of
the estate of B. P. Snyder, deceased.
The undersigned, an auditor appointed by said court
to dispose of exceptions filed to the partial aeeount of
Augusta Snyder, Executrix of the estate of said B. P.
Snyder dee'd., will attend to his duties as such auditor,
at his office, in the borough of Towauda, on Friday the
13th day of April, 1863, at I o'clock p. m.
March 12, 1866. H. PEET, Auditor.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of
the Estate of Alanson flitter, dec id. Iu the
Orphan's Court of Bradford County.
The undersigned an auditor appointed by said Conrt
to distribute moneys iu the bands oi the administrators,
wilt attend to the duties of his appointment, at bis uffice
in Towanda boro', on Saturday the 15th day of Apr. '66.
at 1 o'clock p. ra., at which time and place all persons
interested can attend if they think pioper or he forever
debarred from the same. W.T. DAVIES,
March. 19. 1866. Auditor. _
of -administration of the goods, chattels, Ac. ot
GEO. W. JOYNER. late of Troy township, deceased,
have been issued to the subscriber. All persons indebt
ed to said estate are requested to make payment, aud ail
persons having demands against the same are notified to
present the same lor settlement to the subscriber.
April 9,1866. Administratot.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—7i> the matter of the estate o]
Abiram Pierce, dee'd. In the Orphau's Court ol
Bradford County.
The undersigned,at auditor, appointed by said court
to dispose of exceptions filed to the account ol I'. K.
Pierce, one of the Executors of the \\ ill qj the said
Abriam Pierce, will attend to tho duties at his office in
the borough of Towanda. on Thursday, the 12th day ot
April, 1866, at 1 o'clock p. m., and all persons having
claims upon said funds must present them, or else be
forever debarred from the same. -
E. (A ERTON, jr.
March 7, '66. •_ r\ ll^.'!! or !
aV u hereby given, I hat all persons indebted to the es
tate of Charles Drake, deceased, late of Granville,
are requested to make immediate payment, and those
having demands against said estate will present them
duly authenticated lor seltlcmc nt.
March, 27 1866. Administratois.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the
estate of PETER V. BENNET, late of Rome township,
deceased, are requested to make immediate payment,
aud those having clairrfs against said estate wi.i present
theiu duly authenticated lor settlement.
April 9, 1866. Administratrix.