YiTtuTford flfjwttfL 10(A/ NL) OENERAI, The Reporter is printed upon CAMP i ounti v and Job Press, Office No. 56 Gold : v uk. Thomas H. Senior, agent. . —This well-known Ho jias-i J into the hands of Mr. G. E. Smith, 11 in ke]>t iu such a manner as to deserve patronage of the public. , ,V F.KT. —Tlie classes under the instruc . Prut. J. B. Sumner will give a Musical Con ,i the Wy.dnsing Academy, on Tuesday ,-ling. Apcil 18, 1866, under the direction of . who will be assisted by Mrs. Sumner, j iOi-vi tD will be applied towards furnishing the rooms in tlie Academy. Admittance 25 ■ id-. Kn.iuiui'tb— Right Rev. Bishop VAII, will L anil administer the rite of confirmation in Episcopal Church, on Wednesday evening, toril lb I*'l'l - U TION - The linn of CCIA ER, PENN k Co., V w York, suspended on Wednesday. It is said ftss.-its will pay their liabilities. They are unccti d. more or less, with a number of banking tl ,ti •- in this State, and the following banks j irted as tailed, viz : l'ithole Bank, Law , ißank, Oil City Bank, Petroleum Bank, art rfi County Bank, Tioga County Bank, and u no County Bank. The notes of the Venango i •.. ,nd the Petroleum Bank are countersigned . : jj, Auditor General of the Stateand are a legal 1 r f,>r State taxes. There need be 110 great fire 011 them, and others may yet have their . fit established. i iiiENTAi. >HOOTIN.— A serious accident > ii. d at tin- Herdie House on Saturday evening A man whose name is said to be Strouse, -aling near Crescent, entered the bar-room liav ..l rifle in his hand. He laid it down on the infer, and asked if anybody wanted to purchase fii A- it touched the counter, it was aeciden . li-' barged, the ball striking a stranger in the ,t. just cutting the skin, and passed to Mr. bidden, striking him in the shoulder and -Jug through and out at the back, producing a 1 .lis, though not dangerous wound. Strouse - s,, shocked at the accident that he would not ii til. gun again, and went away leaving it on bin counter. ,S=3f Barney M. ißtebbins has been appoin i sheriff'of Tioga County N Y iu place of-T. B, 1 mi, li-signed. frgf Aii". •!. R. Piatt luis sold the "Brad ! House' to Cyrus T. Smith of Towanda for -I.OIHI. Mr. Smith takes possession the Ist of tpril. Warerty Ad. FIRE. The grocery belonging to A. C. id, at Stevensville, was together with its entire nteiits, destroyed by tire on Saturday morning boss s.'tOO; insurance 8100. aft,. I Ross Esq., late of tlie linn of !.. lloss A Co., of Tunkhanuoek, died a few - since, at the residence of his brother, in New I, si Mr. Ross, who was one of onrmost enter ing and successful business men has been ill ~my months, of that insidious and fatal dis consumption. His family have lost in him uful sou. a kind husband and loving brother ; ; ti.e cimmunity at large, one of its most worthy -liiuabli- citizens. Harper's for April,opens with a very -ting article entitled "Birds at Home." It a little history of each bird ; also an account maimer in which they build their nests. — naulale." by "Wilkie Collins," —the favorite : this fascinating story, is concluded in this .-i/iiii-. It goes very far ahead of "No Name' tue -Woman in White,"' in our estimation.— ng the other literal}- articles, will be found I'rim of Kung,' with a photograph ; "Con .ii-' Round Dances," and a very pleasant little entitled "-Dream Reading. Davan. a LVI EI m. —The society met at ".hi Fellow - Hall and discussed the following -olution . • That there is more to praise than to am-mii in th. life and public services of Napo n Bonapart. Ihe debate not being brought to a conclusion, iie question was continued for further discussion I inlay < veiling, April 6. Members are reques he in attendance, as business of importance be transacted. The association would be ippy to see their Chairman present. SPECJAL NOTICES. WG. Quarterly Report of the First Na ' -1 Bunk of Athens, Monday. April 2, 1866. RESOURCES. ' and Bills discounted, 90,171 62 - itbtednesss of Directors. 14.223 08 104,394 96 Draft-. -138 22 nutnre and fixtures, 1.000 00 -qsusc-s, 523 30 -.-.tances and other cash items, 5,998 92 : wu National Banks, 12.224 22 Bonds deposited to secure circnln j. a Notes. 106,000 00 !^ r ' • Securities on hand, 600 00 oal Rank Notes, 1,843 00 |: : N >teß, 2,766 ini 1,250 no " T , 28 00 fender Notes 1,749 00 i "'tid Interest Notes, 10,950 00 12,699 00 8248,146 35 LIABIIJTIES. T'tal Stock, 100,000 00 " F 'ind, 1.000 00 . ■ • 90,000 00 •idn.il Deposits, 44,467 63 national Banks, 1,025 11 banks and other Banke.s, 1.072 03 5,370 96 nange. 156 18 "d Less. 5,054 44 10,581 58 $248,146 35 b Spalding, Cashier of The First National • '• Athens, do solemnly affirm that the above --Git is true to the best of my knowledge and E. A. Si'Ai.iiiN'G. Cashier. "- to and subscribed before me this 2d day 1866. C. W. CnArr, Notary Public. Coiiiiecticut Mutual Life Insurance i -Pany of Hartford Conn. Assests over $lO,- Divident paid during the preset fiscal her cent. It is the largest, safest, clieap- J 1 Rest Life Insurance company of this H. B. MCKEXN, Agent. V; U-d;.. Pa. ' 'Y k "> immediately, Two .Sewing Girls b r-tniid the Tailoring Trade, to work on "• ■ I*°. None need apply unless they un " t " c Trade fully. Also a good journeyman "-nil, wanted. J.M. COLLINS. Kerosene or Coal Oil, the very best 1 "fie l.y the barrel or in small quantities, '1 at Dr. Porter's Drug Store. ...T> thinking of getting a Sew 'l .; . .f 6 ', ' s a matter of interest to know ...' * , The Wheeler & Wilson always ■ " desirable, is with the attachment of tak >tl, ■ .'."'T s without doubt the machine of •| sl, 'b'd to general use. Call at Wickham ■" K s and see it work. I • who enlisted prior to i : tioii fr,l 1"' *9?. ' )e burnished important imfor- Hri r ,", C! "ling at once upon the undersign " Jwr "discharge" with you. J- N. CALIFF, Pension Agent, Office over News Room. All men of the Pennsylvania Tie-1 sol ve Corps are entitled to pay from tlie (late of their enlistment to the 15tli of May ISO I, if not paid. Papers prepared, Back pay and Bounty and Pension Claims collected. All military business m any of the State and National Departments prosecuted. 11. B. McKfan, Claim Agent. Office Moritanves' Block. Towanda, April 2, 18G(S. LOOK IIERK LOOK HERE.—Patterson ad vertises a 1' urewell Party, to be given at his house ; in Milan, on Friday evening, March 30th, 1866. Now is the time for all ye lovers of Dancing to im prove this opportunity. Go right in and give him a full house, you will always find him at his post, and never no trouble to entertain all who may pat ronize him. All necessary arrangements will be made to secure you a grand and glorious time. Come one and all. J. S. PATTERSON, Pro'r. PENSIONERS.—The instalment of Pensions due March 4th, 1866, paid on and after that date, by bringing your Pension certificates to J. N. CA ktff, Pension Agent. Office over News Room, To wanda, Pa. Feb. 26. I. S. PI.AIM AGENCY.—Persons holding Pension certificates cam draw the installment due the 4th of March, by bringing them to me. A copy of the Official Andersonville Prison Record, containing 13,000 names of those who died there from all the States, can be seen at my office free. Information in regard to all Bounty Arts given free. JOHN W. MIX, Agent. Office Ist Block below Ward House, Towanda Pa. TOWANDA MARKETS.— ( Wholesale Prices.) Corrected exery Tuesday by E. T. Fox, No. I,Brick Row : Wheat $1 75 (,i\ $2 20 Bye ~ 75 Corn 05 Oats 35 Qi, 37 Flax Seed 180 Q, 200 Clover Seed, (small) " 800 " " (Orwell) 10 00 Beans ] 25 (j/ 150 Butter (rolls) CO " (dairy) .- 30 (a 35 Eggs 25 Potatoes 75 Hay (per ton) 8 00 (it 10 00 Salt (per lbb.) 3 00 Flous io 00 (a 13 00 Ham 18 Chickens H (f, Turkeys 10 Qi 18 Ducks 1C (a 18 Geese 12 WEIGHTS OF GRAlN.—Wheat, CO lbs; Corn. 50 lbs; Rye, 56 lbs ; Oats, 32 lbs ; Barley, 46 lbs ; Buck wheat, 48 lbs; Beans, 62 lbs; Bran, 20 lbs; Clover Seed 62 lbs: Dried Apples, 22 lbs; Flax Seed 56 lbs. MARRIED. MILLER—GILBERT.—At the M. E. Parsonage, in Towanda, March 28, by Rev. J. T. Brownell, Mr John F. Miller to Miss Delphene Gilbert. IiARVEY—COLE.—By the same al the same time and place, Mr. John M. Harvey t<> Miss Kate Cole, all of Monroeton, I'a. HORTON—FURGURSON.—In Rome, March 3, by- Rev. A. F. Harding, Martin T. Horton to Miss Mary L. Furgurson, both of Shesheqnin. THAYER—ELLIS.—By the same, Marce 10, Mr. Carydon E. Thayer to Miss Hester R. Ellis, both of Orwell. DIED. ANHII'NEY. At the residence of Alvin Whitney, in W'ysox, Feb. 28, 1866, Miss Nancy \ Whit uey, in the 31st year of her age. The departed closed k< r last illness with exem plary patience and resignation. She passed away inspired by hope and trusting in the living Re deemer. She was deservedly respected by all who knew her, and was followed to her last resting place by a large circle of sorrowing friends and relatives who sorrow not as those who have no hope. Friends and loved ones weep no more. Meet me on the other shore. ( '< "XI. yV'cui 3i)pertiscmcnts HEAPS T O R E ! 1 * H 2 W i; 3 - co •A SPALDING k WRIGHT Have o pencil their batteries on high prices,ami will fight it oat o-i this line. GO TO THE CHEAP STORE F o 1! DRY GOODS! GO TO THE CHEAP STORE F 0 It GROCERIES ! GO TO THE CHEAP STORE F O K ROOTS AND SHOES ! GO TO THE CHEAP STORE K O If TIATS AND CAPS, READY' MADE CLOTHING, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, AC I Our stock is always well assorted and complete. GO TO THE CHEAP STORE. ECONOMY IS WEALTH! The way to MAKE MONEY IS TO SAVE IT. The way to SAVE IT, J RI'Y YOUR GOODS AT SPALDING A WRIGHT S. ! Athens, Pa., March 15, 1860. is s ii . c ir rn T Will open the Third Term of her School, on Second ' Street, on Monday, Feb. 12, iB6O. TERMS I'ER QUAitTKK. Common English Branches $5 50 I Higher '• - 025t0 7Co French (extra) 2 50 to T HI No extra charge for hatin. School year at 42 weeks,divided into four equal terms Much experience, and considerable opportunities for observation in different methods ot teaching, enable Miss HFNT to offer her services to those interested with a certain degree ot confidence. Unexceptionable referee, ces given it required. Towanda.Feb. 10,1866. IpLSH OF ALL KTNDS FOR SALE BY E. T, FOX. UptHgraff's Jnstitiite. Y E A NI) E A R INS T1 T LIT L. rR. UP 1)E GRAFF. Oculist, Aunst umt Genual Sur&eint, F.'imiia. A'. V. Treats all Disease oft.ee D'ye, Bar mat "J It, out. THE EYE.—lie will operate upon Cataract, Artificial Pupil, Cross Eyes, Lachrymal Fistula, Pterygium, Entro pion, (inversion of the c-yc-lid,] and treats all forms ol "SORE EYES," such us Granulated bid.-,, Purulent Ophthalmia, Opacities id the Cornea, Scrofulous die eases of the Eye, and all diseases t" which the Eyes is subject. THE EAR—Treats suci essfully Discharges Irom the Ear, Noises in the Ear. Difficulty ot Hearing, Deafness, [even when the Drum is entirely destroyed, will insert an artificial one, answering nearly all the purposes. f the natural. 7HE THROAT.—Ulcerated Throat, Enlarged Ton sils, together with CATARRH in all its forms, permanently cured. GENERAL SURGERY.—He will operate upon Club i Feet. Hare Lip, Clelt Palate, Tumors, Cancers, Morbid Growths, Deforn ities from Burns, and Hcruia, and per forms PLASTIC OPERATIONS—Where the Nose, Lips or any portion of the lace is destroyed through du-cas - or otherwise, by healing tlnrn on anew. Will attend to the Amputation of Limbs, *64 and General Surgery in all its branches. INSERTS ARTIFICIAL K . ES—Giving them all tin motion and expri siuu ot the natural, dclyiug detection, they are inserted without removing the old one or pro- i during pain. The Doctor's collection of instruments comprises all the latest improvements, and is the largest in the State, the superior advantages he has bad in perfecting liim scll in all that is new and valuable in Surgery, warrants him in saying that everything within the bounds ot '.be piolession may be expected ot bim. The institute has been greatly enlarged, so that we j can now accommodate an increased number of patients from a distance. Comfortable Boarding Houses attach ed to the estubli. lnnciit. Ao incurable cares received for 'l i ealment tu Opt ra tions. ii a case is incurable he will be so in lor moil. Institute on Water street, opposite the Braiuard House Elmira, N. Y. Feb. 2 18G5. j I - [ i miscellaneous. ATTENTION FARMERS ANI) DAIRY MEN ! ' ; | CHEESE FABTORY IN DERRICK! >1 The subscriber will be ready about the 10th of May, i ) lsUii, to receive and manuiacture into a prime article <>f I Cheese all the milk th.at may lie delivered at his Fact try. ) The follow.ng is tlie proper m inner in which to (ire - ( pare retiuet: Let the call suck the c-.v lot ai least tour . days, then take him oii and put him in a clean (dice, ' j kill the calf in 15 houts alter sucking, take out the rcu ' | net, fill it with salt, hang it in a dry place. The rennet > i must not be washed. ! j Feb. 27, '66. A. A. STJOHN. I rjHEAP FARM FOR SALE. hi Pike township, Bradford county, on the South side j of Wyalusing t'reek, about 1.) mile from Stevensville. known as the Titus Farm, containing 110 acres, about acres improved, with asm 11 dwelling house and barn, and a lew peach and apple trees thereon. The timber land is ot Pine, Hemlock, Chestnut Ac. This Farm is well situated for schools, mills and other priv il- ges and is believed to be ot a good quality of land, W id he sold cheap and terms ol payment made ca--y. i'o-. cssion to be delivered on the Ist of April or imnte ' diately on purchase. ■ Terms of sale and full particulars can be had of my I agent Solomon C. Stevens ol Herrick, or of me tlie , ; owner at Towanda. EDWARD OVERTON. J Towanda, March 29.1866. : LWRM FOR SALE.—The undersigned JL offers for sale his hum. situated in the north-east ern part ol the twnship of Ridgbtiry, containing fifty five acres, about thirty acres ol which is improved, and the balance ol twenty-five acres, wood-land, ot much value. Upon the property i-. a log house, and log barn, and an orchard ot 50 voungand tiirilty fruit trees. A creek runs through tlie farm, alibi ding fine water priv ' ileges. A grist-mill is within miles. Terms, reasonable and easy to the purchaser will be made known on application to me. MIUHAEL LOONEY. I Ridgbury, Match 6, I V GG.—Gw IYOMESTIC GOODS AT REDUCED I' R I C E S ! ''ALL AND SEE. AT MONTANYK'S. I'cb. 5, 1860. "VTEW AND FRESH GOODS! -LX J list received, A FULL STOCK OF GROCERIES, Bought for Cash, WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT A SMALL ADVANCE. Thankfiil for past favors, I would respectfully say to : my old friends that I hope by st.iict attention and lair j prices to merit a continuance o! their favors. Towanda, Feb. 2. E. T. FOX. TOLEN.—From the subscriber, March k_/ i Ui. 1866, TWO NOTES, signed E. M. Bishop, one lot ss2o.dated Sept.. 12, 1865. due March 12th iB6O.- — One lot-SIOO, dated Sept. 10th, 1865, dm- March lGth 18Gt). Payment having been stopped. EZRA AI.EEN. Browutown, March 14;! i, 1866. / 1 ARDEN SEEDS.—AS THE QUALITY j VJT ami age of seeds cannot l.- told by their appear- I ance. it is ol course desirable to purcha-e only such as ; are known to be reliable, ft will require but little re- | flection I think to convince any person that a house ' that studs seeds all over the country to l e sold on conn j mission, taking back oil unsold, is ic - like I v to furnish i good seeds, than one which sells their seeds outright, I 'l.us having m> old seeds on hand. East season i l.ought a quantity o. Ruist's Celebrated Seed : and tl. -e who - tried them 1 think will not he satisfied to r- -'lllll to the j old sti -. k ol commission seeds. I have t his season a large -lock of the same kind .i seeds, audi hope to be able to supply ail who will try j til! m with in st class J'rcsh and reliable seeds. March 7, '66. E. T. FOX. /J M . GRAN DA L L k CO., MANUF AC'TVKEBS OF FLAX-WHEELS, WOOL-WHEELS, SNAP-REELS ! WHEEL-HEADS, 4c., MONTROSE, PA. FLAX-WHEELS AT THE MO N T R0 S E \V HE E L F ACT <> R Y Wholesale and Retail. GRAXDMOTHEIt HERSFT.F AG AIX' We can furnish you with a Whet which we will war ant to give entire satisfaction ant which yourself will j say is lit to GRACE VOI R VARI.OR. FATHER If you wish to hear the music of industry and Econo- j my in your house, remember tlie best teacher is a GRAXDMOTHER S VIA.NO. MOTHER! It you wish your dangnter to be useful as wellas orn I mental, teach her to divide her spare time between Hie j Melcdeon and the IJTT/ E WHEEL. I I BROTHER ! ! Buy one for your sweetheart, and thus, while making I her an "elegant present," convey a polite hint as to j what yon -h i ! expect of her wiien 3-011 move 011 that XEW FARM: SISTER ! Ask your father to give 3-011 a Wheel ; tell him you don't want to be a " UFA' OF THE VA/.DEV. LITTE BOY ! Show your mother how your pant.-, "rip" and how the buttons come off when you "slide down hill" because she will use STORE THREAD. LITTLE GIRL! If your folks get one of Crandall's Flax-Wheels, you ! can do some of the work, for there is a place fixed 011 j i purpose to hold the Spool, so that if you are small yon ! i ran DO THE REEUXG. EVERYBODY ! Ought to bay a Wheel and teach the rising generations | to depend on their own resources. Then indeed, as now. ! | shall the American people be a great and independent ; nation—and may the inheritance of each of our child- ! re 11 be ONE FLAG, ONE COUNTRY and TWO FT.AX IVHEEI.S! ! N. B—Merchants and Dealers wishing to purchise to j sell again, will please address by mail when list of prices j | "curd samples ' Ac., will be sent. All goods packed in i i shipping order -. and all orders will receive prompt at- j tcution, C. M. CRANDALL. j Montrose. Pa.. Dec. 20, 1865. I I>MINISTRATRIX'S NOTlCE.—Notice 1\ is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the I e-tat. of < h.i'les James, dee'd. Ite of Rome borough, are reque-ted to make immediate payment, and those liar- j ! ing demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. LUCY JAMES, March. 27, Ikog. Administratrix. T)UTABAG A TURNIPS, SWEDISH do i _L\ also Beet and Carrot See s by the pound at FOX S BUIST'S PHILADELPHIA GARDEN SEEDS for sale by | March 7. 66". K. T. FOX. Hlcn!)ttni>iu. YET ANOTHER STOCK OF NEW GOODS AT { WIOKII AM & BLACK'S. DRESS GOODS, DOMESTICS, FLANXELS, WHITE GOODS, EM BROIDERIES, TRIMMINGS, | SHAWLS. The above lines we offer in great variety and late styles. HATS and CAPS, LARGE STOCK, BOOTS and SHOES, BEST MAKES. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS. This part of our stock we pay particular atteution to, and now offer two of the best patterns of Ironstone Ware in the market. Erie and Sevres, also ("., Yellow Rockingham and Wedge wood. Beautiful assortment ot Glass l.amps. ('all aue sec our stock of j NOTIONS. Thankful for past favors we respectfully invite your trade and promise to uo our best. WK'KHAM .V BRACK. SEWING MACHINE DEPOT. Having received the Agency of the two best Sewing Machines in use,we are now ready to supply all the peo ple of Bradford and Sullivan, with either Wheeler A Wilson's or Singers, than which none better is made.- We keep needles, oil, soap, thread and all the extras, needed to work the machine. All are invited to call at : our store and examine Machines and work. Call or send and get a circular and price li EGISTER'S NO i JUL.—Notice is hereby XA given, tii it there has U'ca tiled and settled in the '.flice ot the Register of Wills, in and for the County ot Bradford, accounts of Administration upon the follow ing estates, viz : Filial acc tot If. C. Freu h udta'r of Jolui B. Strong, dee'd, of Welles. Firal acc't of F. W. Maynaffrd adrn'r of Patrick Mur phy, dee'd, late of Rome. Final acc't of J. W. Irvine adrn'r of John B.lrvine, dee'd, late of Towanda, Final acc't of Eseck Wood adrn'r of George Nichols, dee'd, late ot Wy.sox. Final acc't ot B. M. Piuyne adm'rof Chart s ~igl t. dee'd, late f Burlington. Final acc't of E. E, Alger adrn'r of H. J. Boweu, deo'd, late of Warren. Final acc't of John W. Payson adrn'r of 1. J. Albs, dee'd. late of Orwell. Final acc't ot 11. W. Camp adm'r of S. A. Warner, ' dee d, late of Derrick. Final acc't ol Elizer B.Smith adui't of sYlex. L.Smith, dee'd, laic of Wyalu-.ug. Final acc't of Martha Miller adm'ix of Daniel F. Mil ler, dee'd, late ot Aibauy. Final acc't ot J.itiez Case adm'r of Uel Williams,des'd, I ate ot Troy. Final acc't of Eunice Turrcl and L. P. Stalford adrn'r-- ot James 11. Tnrrel, dec d, late ol Terry. Final acc't ol John Morrow adrn'r ot John Bacon, dee'd, late of Wilmot. Partial acc't ot L. P. Stalford Guardian of Viola and Harmon S. Allen. riual acc't ot J..mes Smith Guardian of Huston D.. Ida E. and Annie E. Shores. Final acc't ot Samuel Davidson and Gyrus Bloodgood, executors of Eleazcr Wright, dee d, late ol LilchtielJ. ALSO—The appraisement oi properly set oil by the Executor or Administrators to widows or children of the following decedents : Estate of D. C. Miller. " '• Hiram B. Joiner. Ausei Tiliotson. " " 11 D. Gilford. " " Richardson VVood. " '■ Julia A. Drake. ' " J. W. D cker. An i the same will no presented to ti - Orpiiins Court of Bradford County, ou Monday the 7th day of May ary next, lor continuation and allowance. X.C.ELLSBRE, April 4, 1866. Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S N OTICE.-Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the estate of CALVIN LEWIS, deed, late of Spiinglield twp., are it quitted t.j make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. S. D. DARKNESS, April o, lb-id. Administrator. A DmTNISTRA TOR'S NOTIGE.-Noticp il is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of CHARLES D. MILLER, late of Columbia, dce'J., are requested to make immediate- payment and those having demands against said estate will inv ent them duly authenticated for settlement. THOMAS M. CARD, _ April 5,1-SGU. Administrator. EXECUTOR s NOTICE. noti ii . *,v andutlirjA Jiavc pit u to t .*- (• nt i oiuuioii i'lcvs ii. •td t the iT.-.itc; . ' 1 i 1 '-- vt:-a1.:.-i ? .:• v-f Totv..:.da But -. praying th C-.-urt . • inter< sled •..'ill ' i E.O. GOODRICH, April 5, lt-06. Prothcnctary. \ PI'LICATION IN DIVORCE. To Wm. I\. B. Hill. —No. IGI Dee. Term, 186.5. You an hereby notified that Maria Hill, by 1 er next friend, Jan. Smith, has applied to the Court of Common Pleas ot Bradford County for a divorce from the bonds ot matri mony, and the said Court h.ts appointed Monday, May 1 To wand.!, for L-.athi-r the ■ ::d Marin Hill !n 'he premD e.- .' wiiici, r- .j I ■ .• :u attf -1 A v.-.i think i-ro;,:-. ' J, M.-vMIU, , A PPLICATION IN DIVORCE.— I<> Mar- J.%. giii'it Ha A- . . 1 <••• •f.. 1 cu. \oU uii hereby uotiucd th 1 Jar.u-s Ilenlyyi t.r 1,u.--bujJCi,Lus app'i ed t' the ( art. C0n...: n Pic.,- -f Bradford <'•>. for a divorce in m the bonds ot matrimony aind the said Court has appointed Monday, May 7th, IS6G, at two o'- clock p. nr.. at the C urt House in Towanda .for hearing the said James Hiuly in the premises at which time and p ■ 1 A PPLICATION IN DIVORCE.-7b Mary J\. Jae Trask. —No. 130 Sept. Term, 1804. Your are hereby notified that Reuben S, xri k, your husband,has applied to the Court of Common t'l u - ot Bradf. rd Co.. for a divorce from the trends ->1 matrimony, and the said Cuurt has appointed Monday, May 7. 1860, at 2 o'clock p. m.. at the Court House in Towanda, for hearing the .-aid Reuben S. Ttv. :c in the premises, at v.hi -h time and place you can attend it you think proper. April 5,1866. J.M. SMrTH, Sheriff. 4 UDITOR'S NOTICE.— In (he matter ot A'JL //II t .' mailer oj j\. tht r-tale of li. P. Snydei. Dei ■ •,i The undersigned, au auditor appointed 'y said court to dispose of exceptions tiled to the partial account ot Augnsta Snyder, Executrix of the estate ot said B P. Snyder dee d , will at.i-uu to his duti. s as --u-.'i auditor, at his office, in the borough of Towanda, on Friday the 13th day of April, ISG at 1 o'clock p. nr. March 12,1866. hi. I'LEI". Aaditoi. A UDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter oh> k p. tn., tiie loliowmg property, to wit : Bounded on the north by Frederick Thompson, on luu east by Geo. Wilson, on the south by Wm. it.Shepard, and on the west by Joseph B. Bet an. t outaining 65 a. res and 10.5 per., be the same more or less, about 40 acre- improved, with a large number of truit trees, and a framed hou-e and barn thereon. Excepting there trout the interest which E. A. Feott has in I acres, 1 r nd, and GO perches, called the Vineyard, the land be ing ail that was conveyed Nov. 21, l-S'i'f, by John L. Pedrick and wife to said W. A. Be tan Nov. 14, l-s6O, by Joseph B. Betan and wife to lid Win. A. Be tan and Jii intei-'-t iu the rd conveyed to him and 11. A. Scott Nov. 11. l-i 0. TERMS—SSO to he paid down at the time the propt i ty is strui k down, JIM) at confirmation of the salthe balauee iu live equal annual installments with interest irom confirmation. THOMAS F.. ARNELL, Feb. 27, '66. Executor. A EDITOR S NOTICE. -In H math rof Hit tstaU oj J\ Ahiiam Puree, deed. In : Orphan's Court o! Bradford County. The undersigned, as auditor, appointed by said court to dispose of exceptions iiii d tu the account oj c. L. Pierce, one of tiie Estcatois - I the Miu of tue sua Abriam I'ier, c. will attend to tiie duties at ills office iu the borough of Towanda, on ihursday. the l-'n day o. * April. 1m,.;. at 1 o'cio- kp. m., and all persons .raving j ciaini-npon said funds must pre-mt them, or else be for.Vcr ifcbarred from'thc same. . t OVERTON, jr. j March 7, 'GG. Auditor. A DMIN ISTRA'I OR'S NOTlCE.—Notice ii hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the e tatc of l i -iriis Drake, deceased, late of Granville are requested to make immediate payment, and thu.-e bar hig dcrr-.-iuls au lin.-t said estate will present them duly a ithenG ileil for settlement. LUMAN PUTNAM, B.S. SMILEY. March, 27,15G6. Administrators. F) EMEMBER THAT GOOD GARDEN I Xi Seeds only, produce good vegetauies ; .uid that we will sell good seeds just as cheap a- you buy poor ones. I and buy your supply at FOVti.