graftal fUjwrto. LOCAL AM) GENERAL. JAF The Reporter is printed upon CAMP HELL'S Country and Job Press, Office No. 50 Gold st.. New 1 ork. Thomas H. Senior, agent. 17 * 7 . ALFRED PARSONS, M. D. 1805.—The subject of this sketch was born in the town of En field, Hartford county, in_the State of Connetticut, in the year 1797. When he was but three years of ; .,'o,his father moved to the town of Eranklin,Dela ware county, in the State of New York, where, from the then wilderness, he carved for himself and family a home. That indexible integrity of character, so peculiar to the early settlers of New England, was a strong ly marked feature in the character of the subject of this notice, and of the family from which he sprung. In the year 1815 he entered William's College, where he remained about two years, giv ing his whole time and attention to the study of those principles of science,the possession of which in after years, contributed so much to his promi n. not in the profession of medicine. A reverse in tin pecuniary affais of his father made it necessary, •it this time, that he should abandon the idea ol ipiiriug a classical education, and he returned home and entered the office of Dr. Dewey as a stu dent of medicine. After remaining with Dr. Dew ey for some time, he put himseif under the in unction of Dr. Morse, of Otsego, N. Y., one of the most skillful practitioners of the State. He at tended Lectures at the old '•Fairfield College," in Western New York. After finishing the course in this institution,he came into Bradford on a visit to Eli Parsons, a paternal uncle,one of the pionrers o :in c unity,at whose earnest solicitation heconsent ,l to locate here for the practice of his profession, business accumulated rapidly on his hands ; pos sessing a kindly nature,a fine personal appearance, ml an easy, frank address, he soon won the confi dence and esteem of all who came in contact with him. His fine social qualities remained with him through life, and maintained for him that ascen denec in the social circle, which he acquired so , isilv in his youth. In June, 1831, he led to the llyun uial Altar the eldest daughter of the Hon. Ki itben Wilbur, one of the eldest and most es ti t iued of the early settlers of the county. His father-in-law is still living at the advanced age of s 1 years, loved and honored by all who know him. Dr. Parsons was ouo of the founders of the Brad ford County Medical Society, and took a lively in terest in all its meetings and deliberations. Three times elected President of the Society,he was hon ored and looked up to by each of its members.— i 'le be a pattern and guide to those who may at after him. It. C. K. h-fti"' We are informed that a bed of val- ' • Peat has been discovered on the farm of Mrs. I-: us. adjoining that of R. G. Crans, about three miles from this village. A thorough investigation ' luivm, there are several hundred thousand tons of '.ln material, and of the best quality. It is easy "t a.'i'ess, being on the line of the proposed Exten- ( sll l 11 oi the Chenango Canal, and less than a mile ] • t tin laic Railway. Should this prove as exten- f ivc and of is good quality as now believed, it will I " r " % -iln il>lo acquisition to the commerce anil i " wealth of this locality. - ( Varerly A>J. '] ' IRE Ai lh.M iiAMToN.--A fire broke out at ! hiii-'liamton about one o'clock on Friday morning | m. in tin- plow factory of J. S. Matthews on Com- ( i. mi avenue. The tlames communicated to the j 1 •ilji'ining building, occupied by Messrs Weed A 1 Ayt-rs as a wholesale grocery and provision store. < •• Mb were entirely consumed ; insured $9,009 in ( Springfield l'ire A Marine, Columbia Home, I i Liverpool and London companies, which will ' 'u.lily tall short of the loss some 88,000. j | 11.UI.ROAD MEETING. —The Ithaca and! 1 "Wanda Railroad meeting, held in this village j t'Tday afternoon, notwithstanding the almost 1 j lc condition of the roads, was largely at- £ • '•'l, and very enthusiastic. Gen. Abraham I •vstbreok president. Speeches were made by 1 ' lury Grant and Gen. Dowe of Itbaca, John A. I q ol Spencer anil John L. Sawyer of Waver- I fhe progress thus far made, and the prospects >••' future seemed eminently satisfactory. The j ' "t way has been secured along almost the en- j 't' at a mere nominal cost ; and what little i tins to be done in that behalf is but trilling.— J being taken to ascertain the amount of which the rouil can rely upon when com- ' 1 upon a satisfactory show of which capita- J , '• nul ready to take up the stock and build j • i-.i'l. Ihe prospects are cheering. A more report next week.— Wuvcrlg Adrooate. IOW.\\" A LYCEUM. —This association met ■ I riihiy evening last, ut the Odd Fellow's ml discussed the question published in the ! ■.ist week, in an animated and lively man- | 1 lie audience was large and seemed highly; with the proceedings of the evening, which ! •)-tnteil were quite interest ng. The question ' rided in the affirmative by a vote of the I t ommittee on resolutions presented the *mg question for Friday evening, March 23d. Hmt the United States should vindi- 1 -s Jlouroe Doctrine, by extending military •'' the Republic of Mexico immediately*. ' '"ugh the association is yet in a rather un -1 state, it begins to move oil" in an inter- j ' '.liner, and bids fair to be a place to spend ! " um of each week profitably for both ladies • -'Uitkmen. The ranks of the society are; - '1 of all ages, and include as well th •••• -ad inexperienced speaker, who has for the ! "i f - made his public and bashful effort before ' ■ 1 as the old political campaigners, of ■ I ' 3 contested issue. A cordial and wel "'Vitation is extended to the ladies of the disposed to honor the society with e-ence and a guaranty that they will all be G' '1 with sofas and cushioned chairs. Be! lur ßri Ihe noisy children. OF THE STATE TAX. -The Legis a- J ' : -teT v' n .M, I r iled the tax on r d estate, no! u >i collected on that kind of proper- I 'WT ta * Dp ° n trades ' occu pations, pro- j 1, and watches will I> o levied and ! A RIGHTEOUS DEBT PAIII IN FCIX. —Some * j-' 1 ' 1 ') fixe years ago, St Peter's Church in Bain ridge needing a bell, the members of that churel and others raised a portion of the amount require! for the purpose, and sent Hon. John C'. Clark an! Capt. John Newton, then of their village, and ac -- tn e men °f the society, to Troy to make the pur 1 c kase. !\ hile on the way they came across Hon. John G. McDowell, of Chemung county, and thee a State Senator, and casually made known to him , their errand, and that thoy had not funds enough to make payment in full. With characteristic lib erality, Judge McDowell tendered them the | amount needed, exacting only the promise that the bell should be tolled when he should pass away. The bell was bought, elevated into its place in t . the tower ot St. Peter's, and hung there for all of these years, calling worshippers to church, and communicants to the sacrament, and ringing mer ry peals for merry weddings ; it has tolled for the , xra j | may order, and any amount, i GLASSWARE, LANTERNS, GLOBES, &E. WOOD E N W ARE, tr, l>e had from Babies' Cabs to a Butter I^aille. A complete assortment of GROCERIES. Also the best BEE HIVE. SYRUPS and SUGARS of all kinds. A superior quality ot BLACK, JAPAN, GUNPOWDER, and YOUNG HYSON TEAS. BLASTING POWDER, and TOBACCO of all descriptions Every thing in the shape of TOYS FOR CHILDREN. Save your meat by calling and supplying yourselves with pure ASHTON AND TURK'S ISLAND SALT Oct. 10,1863. W. A. ROCK (TELL. sOtD£ll & €d.'s NfU) 0001)5. rjUIE GREATEST ATTRACTIONS IN GOODS EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. POWELL &c CO., Have now in store the largest stock of goode ever exhib ited in Northern Pennsylvania. Additions will con stantly be made to this stock dnring the season, and it will at all times he found FULL AND COMPLETE in all its departments. We invite the particular attention of our customers to our magnificent display of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS I Which we offer at prices much below those of last year. We have given special care to our selections in this line and are now able to exhibit the newest,most fashionable, and most desirable styles to be obtained. Our new stock all colors of Plain and Plaid French Merinos, Empress Cloths. Striped Melanges. Striped and Plaid Poplins, Tafl'etas, Lamas, Tinsel Poplins, Paris Crepes. Reps, Plain and Brocade Alpacas, Poll de Chev res, Delaines and Armuses, Bright Plaids for children's wear, and a great variety of other Dress Fabrics. MOURNING DRESS GOODS. | Black French Merinos, Bombazines, Tamese Cloths, | Baratheas, Mohair Lustres, Black and White Check and j Striped Poplins and Alpacas, Double and Single Fold All i Wool and a full line ot those High I.tistred 1 Black Alpacas, at a great reduction in price. | LADIES' CLOTHS, CLOAKINGS AND SACKINGS. ; A SPLEN I) I D ASSORTMENT. 1 Beaver Cloths, Tricots, Velvet Cloths, Cassimere Saek . iugs. Plain and Twilled Black Broadcloths, of all prices j all colors of Plain and Fancy Sackings, Opera Flannels, j Ac., Ac. I GLOVES AND HOSIERY. Ladies, Misses and Childrens White and Colored Cot- : ton, Fleeced and Merino Hose, Ladies Merino Vests j and Drawers, Gloves of every description at low prices, i [ LINENS & HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Bleached. Half Bleached, and Unbleached Damask Ta ble Linens, Napkins, Towels, Towellings, Scotch and Russia Diapers, Bleached and Unbleached Huckabacks, Crashes, Irish Linens, Ac., 10-1 and 9-4 Sheetings, Pillow Case Cottons, Counterpanes, Draping Muslins, Shaker Flannel Sheetings, Rose Blankets, Ac., Ac. CLOTHS AND CASSIMEREP. Esquimaux, Moscow and Castor Beaver Cloths, French and German Blaek Broadcloths, Doeskins, Fancy Cas simeres, Tweeds,{Meltons, Satinetts, Union ('assimeres, Jeans, Ac., Ac. ALSO, All qualities Plain White, Shaker and Welch Flannels, Fancy Shirting, Miners, Red and Gray, Plain and Twilled Flannels, and a full assortment of DOMESTIC COTTON GOODS, At the Lowest Market rates. SECOND FLOOR. We are now opening and desire to call special at ten -i tion to onr unusually large stock ol FINE CLOAKS. As we make this department of our business a special- | ity, we have given it much time and attention. Onr se- j lections have been made from the newest styles in the ! market, and our Cloaks are manufactured in a manner j that cannot fail to please, and give entire satisfaction, i SHAWLS ! SHAWLS ! Having made our purchases before the recent great \ advance in price, wejare able to otter decided bargains ; in Ladies, Misses and Childrens Double and Single ; Shawls. Our present stock tar surpasses in extent and variety, any purchases we have ever before made in this I line, and we have availed ourselves of the most favor- j able time to select the choicest and roost desirable goods in the market. __ BON TON FLEXIBLE SPRING SKIRT. | - THE NEWEST AND BEST PATENT CRINOLINE VET ! INVENTED. We have now on liaDd a good assortment ot these eel- j ehrated Skirts, In White and Colored. ALSO, The Eugenic, Empress, Paris Trail, Multiform, and a j variety of other popular makes L of Skirts in ail sizes ! for Ladies Misses and Children. CARPETS AND FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, j Brussels, Three Ply, Extra Super, Supeifine. lugrain, j Kidder,and Hemp Carpets. All widths Floor Oil Cloths Mattings, Door Mats.J and Rugs. Anew stock just re ceived. BOOTS AND SHOES. Having.made arrangements with manufacturers to supply our sales with the best quality of Boots and Shoes, we shall at all times he able to lurnish onr eusto mers with the best custom made Shoes of all kinds, for Ladies, Misses and Children, and Boots for Mens and Boys wear, at reasonable prices. We shall also keep con stantly on hand a complete assortment of Meus.Womens and Children's Rubbers and Ar • ".)( Overshoes. i IIATS AND CAPS. A splendid assortment of Mens aud Boys Huts and Caps just received. Having closed out our old stock almost entirely previous to our late purchases, we now offer an entire new stock ot the latest styles. i PAPER HANGINGS & TRANSPARENT • WINDOW SHADES. We are now receiving large additions to our stock ot \ Wall Papers, Transparent Window Shades and Trim ! mingn window Papers, Ac., Ac. fllcnfjan&uc, &r. OASH PURCHASERS TAKE NOTICE ! Oh, yes ! the subscriber has again returned from New York, having in the meantime selec ed with great care a splendid assortment of NEW GOODS, well adipteu to the wants of all, the old, the middel-aged aud tin young, and at the same time not torgeting the " wee bit of folks that get up locomotion by creeping. These all have especially been cared for in the selection of tht stock. He wonld now tender bis warmest thanks to all bis old friends and patrons for past favors, and respect fully solicits a continuance of a share of their patron age. You wili please come and 0 You will find the same good At th e B K F HIVE, Or w c 1 1 , Pa . F URS ! FURS ! ! F U RS ! ! ! A splendid assortment of Gents'. Ladies' and Child rens Furs, at the Bee Hive. Ladies, Gents and Children are al! tespectfully invited to call at the Bee Hive and examine the extensive line of Furs. Gents before they buy they would do well to look at the large stock ol HATS,CAPS,FUR GLOVES,FURCOLARS, Ac., found ol course at the Bee Hive. - 800 T S A \ D SIIO E S , in any quantity and style at the Bee Hive. OVERCOATS at the Bee Hive. | COATs rit the Bee Hive. I VESTS at the Bee Hive. ! PANTS at the Bee Hive, j I 0 R 0 C K E R Y , M I R R 0 R S k C ., At the Bee Hive. TEA, AS USUAL, FRESH & FRAGRANT At the Bee Hive. ! CLOCKS. FROM THE BEST MANUFACTURERS. i At the Ree Hive. Captain's Office open troin 6 A. M. to 9 P. M.. tora j few day < njer. ! All those who have old unsettled Book Accounts with L. 11. Bronson, if thev wonidsave themselves cost, wil! j please call without delay aud settle up. L. H. BRONSON BEEHIVE, Orwell. Pa. IL|E X R Y MER(j UK k CO., Towanua, Penn'a, Have on hand and are opening at I. O W ES T M A I! KE T P RI C E S i A s uperior stock ol DRY GOODS DRESS GOODS, WOOLENS. * COTTONS, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, BOOTS & SHOES, CROCKERY, Ac. j Towauda, March 21,1865. j OJ_ RE A T ATTRA C T T 0 N AT MONT A NYE'S STORE! PEACE'PRICES. Every vaaiety ol LADIES' CLOTH, AM) FA NCY D RESS GOODS Goods for .Gentlemen ol EVERY DESCRIPTION. And alljthejknown Styles to Market, which will tie sold at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL TO SUIT CUS T (I MERS At prices that cannot hut please. 1 Returning thanks for past favors, we invite attention j to our Large Stock nf Goods . I Jnne 6, ISfi.l. MONT A NYE A CO. £egal. ! RPX EOUTOIT8 NOTICE - N'OTI C K Li is hereby given that ail per ons indebted to the ea etate of Ezra Godard.late : \V. Burlington tp.,dec'd,ar< requested to make immediate payment,and those having I demands against -.aid estate will pr -••at them d-ily an thenticated for settlement. GEO. VV. (40DAU0, Jan. lfj 1866. Executor. \ D.MINIM KA : SIX'S NOTICE.—Nutic. i.L in hereby given, that all pcrsoua indebted to tie estate of Ai .-el Tillotsm, dee'd, iate of Ltßoy twp, art requested to make immediate payment, and those liav ing demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated lor settlement. SAM.Y ANN TILLOTSON, Jan. 18, 18(56. Administrator. \ DMI NISTR ATO R'S NOTlCE.— Notice •TA j 3 hereby given, that all persons indebted ■•. the c - tute of Daniel Miller, deceased, late of Wilmot twp., are requested to make immediate payment, uuu iho-c having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. LUCY A MILLER, GEO. W. MILLER, 11. MM. Administrator. A DMINISTRATORSNOTIQE. -Notice is JA. hereby given, that all pet sons indebted to the es ate of HIRAM B. JOINER, late of Springfield tp., dee'd are requested to make immediate payment, and those ) having claims against said estate will present Ibtin duly authenticated for settlement. MATTHEW HI EL, Jr., 1 Jan. 25, iB6O. Administrator, j ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Notice j is hereby given that all persons indebted to the e- i late of JOHN W. ALGfiR, late ol Unveil, deceased, are requested to make payment, without delay. I and those having claims against - aid estate must pri .-cut j them duly authenticated lor settlement. O.J. ALGER, Feb. 15,1866. Adui'nistrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S XOTIU'E.-L- iters of administration u( the goods, chattels, Ac. ol GEORGE KINO late ol Wells township, deceased, have been issued to the subscriber. All persons indebt ed to said estate arc requested to make payment,and ail persons having demands against the same are notitii ■.! to present the same lor settlement to the subscriber. MARTIN WARNER, Feb. 15,1864. Administrator. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE.—NOTICE is hereby giveu, that all persons indebted to the t I estate of PETER STERIGKRE.fate of Albany town-hip, j deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, i | and those having claims against said estate will present i them duly authenticated for settlement. J. B, BTERIGERE, j i Feb. 15,1866. Administrator, j A 1 DM INISTRATOR' S N OTICE.-N otitic ! is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the j estate of HIRAM MEKNE'I'T, late of Towanda, i dee'd., are requested to make immediate payment I and those having demands against said estate will pies j eat them duly authenticated for settlement . BENJ. M. PECK, Jan. 29, IS6C. Administrator. ! A DM INISTRATOR'ri NOTICE.-Nolice is ! jCX.hereby given that ail persons indebted to the c -'ate i of DAVJD 1.. SCOTT, uecd, late of Danviile, l'a.,! ■ are requested to make immediate payment, and those ' i having demands against said estate will present them j i duly authenticated tor settlement. ELLIOTT WHITNEY, t Feb. 27, 1866. Administrator. ! ORPHAN 'S COURT SALE.— By virtue of an older i.-.-ued out ol the Orphan's Court ol Brad- I ■ InrJ County, the undersigned admini.-.trat r ol the cs- j i late ot Jo.-rah btanton. late ot Litchfield l.vp., deceased. ! I will .-cil on the premises, FRIDAY, MAltclii 30-h, 1 at 2 o'clf kp. in., the following prop-cry, situate in ; ! said twp., to wit . j Bounded on the north by lands <: Oliver Emer ..JII, on i • the cast by lands of said Oliver Emerson and Jas. 1. • , 1 doljih, on tbe south by land- ot said Jas. Rand ,'ph. and 1 ion the west by lands of Wright Snyder. Containing ; 5 -j acres of Bod be the same more or less. TERMS—SSO to bo paid on the property being stni -k ! i down and the balance on the confirmation ot sale. WM. SNYDER, I Feb. 27, *66. Administrator. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.-By virtue of an order issued out of the Orphan's Court o! Brad j ind County, the undersigned administrator ot the es i fate of Herman D. GiCbrJ iatco! Wells twp., d. cea.-ed, i will tell on the premises, on FRIDAY, MARCH 30th, j 1866, at 2 o'clock p. m., the following described prcp : erty, to wit : I Bounded on the south and east by auds ot Whiting j Gilford, on the by lands of Myron Capron and by j lands belonging to the heirs of Gates Bird. ai.d"on the ' west by lands of W. S. Derails. Containing about one j hundred acres more or less. I TEI-'MS—$25 to le paid when the property is ! struck down, 4 the balance on confirmation of sale, he balance in one year then-alter with interest from confir mation. " SAMUEL 11. IXGERSOLL, Feb. 27. '6O. Administrator. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtu ,- ol an order issued out of the Orphan's Court of Brau . j ford County, the undersigned adiuinistrat- r of tiie e=- : fate of Hiram Bennett, late of Burlington twp, deoeas-d, will sell on the premises, on FRIDAY. MARCH. Jyrh. j 1?G0, at 2 o'clock p. in., the following described prop- j | erty bounded as follows, to wit : i Beginning at a post south-west cornei of a lot now or j lately in possession of Geo. Bennett, thence west itiO i per. to a white ik tree for a corner, thence north 1-2 ! per. to a hemlock tree for a corner, thence east 100 per to a white oak, thence 162 the place of beginning, i C ante inn g 101 auts and 40 p< r., It being the sar c 1 ; nuw in the possession of Finos Bennett, a' • ut 60 a i - ; improved, one framed house, one framed barn, at d a few I fruit tiees ll.ereou. . TERMS—S2S of the purchase money t. be paid a' the time ot sale, and A ot the balance up- it final eontirm.i- J tion, and the balance with interest one year there alter. BENJ. M. PECK, ' Feb. 27, '66. Administrator. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.- By virtue of an order issued out of the Orphan's Court of Brad ! ford County, the undersigned administrator of the es- • ! tute of Joseph G. Spencer, dee'd. will tell on the prera ! ises in Winulialu twp.. FRIDAY, MA IK ci 5 th. I - 2 o'clock p. m . the iolioiving property, branded and de- I scribed as follows, to wit: Beginning at the north-east corner ol tiie s called 1 Homer Dimoc-k lot now owned by and in posse.- i a of t Eliza E. Spencer (your petitioner), thence east 4-10 I per. along the line of Reeves Boardman and John 11-.-.v --•61 to a post and stores in the public highway, theme • south 5° we.t 6s 9-10 per. along said highway to a hem_ | l"ck tree, thence north 60 8- to per. to a post and stone" the place ot beginning. Containing 36 acres and is i perches be the same move or less (excepting about eight j I acres off the west side, set apart to your petitioner by . the appraisers ot the personal estate of said decedent i wbii li appraUmeut has been continued by your Hon. I Court), about 20 acres improved, with a small framed ' - house and framed In rn thereon. ( TERMS—S2S dollars ie paid when the property is I struck down.the balance ot the purchase money on • .a- ; I lirmation of sale. ELIZA E. SPENCER, Feb. 27,'66. (now Jakeway)Administratrix. RPIIAVS COURT SALE.—By virtne of an older issued out ot the Orphan's Court ol Brad lord County, the undersigned Guardian ol the Minor I Children of John Haythorn, dee'd, will -el! on the pre • mises FRIDAY. MA GH 30th. 1866, at 2o' dock p. m.. I the following property situated in Overton twp., bound ' ed and de.-cribcd as follows, to wit: j Beginning at a stake the north-west corner ol Samuel Yens' I -t, fanning theme north 31° east 106 reds to a II beach, thence southsßJ° east to a corner, thence .south 31° west 106 rods to a stake, thence noith 58'}° v., s(j rods to the place of beginning. Containing" 53 acres 1 more or less. i TERMS—SSO of the purchase money to be paid on the ; j day of sale, £ on confirmation, the balance in six mun ! th- with interest from craflrmsUpn. FA \'N\NE 11AYTIIORN, | Feb. 27,'66. Guardian. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order issued out of the Orphan's Court of Brad- • I lord County. the undersigned administrators of the e tate of Justice Sliirdevuut, dee'd, will seil on the pre- < ; mi-e- FRIDAY, MARCH 30th 1-66. at •_ o'clock p. in., I in Granville twp., the following property bounded as 1 follows, to wit : On the li rtli by I.,uu ot Win. HalleU, ou the east by lands of Joint flallett and Noah Loomis, on the south ! by lands of Ward Warner, and on the w<- t by lands of ; David DcWitt and Alvin J. Dunbar. Containing 56 I acres of land, be the same more or less, with about 40 • : acres thereof improved, a small framed house, and a I small apple and peach orchard thereon. TERMS—S2S ot the purchase money to he paid ou ; the day of sale, J on confirmation of sale, and the hal ! ance in oue year thereafter with interest from confirms.: ! i tion. Ml OUT. DORTER. THOMAS AMES, ! Feb. 27, '66. Administrators, j ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an cider is-tted out of the Orphan's Court of Brad lord County, the undersigned administAtor of the es tate ol Charles Philips, ate of Springfield twp.. dee'd., wills-ilion the premises, FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1866, j at 2 o'clock p. m. the following described pr ni-rty to j wit: Bounded on the south by the htgh-.vay leading 1 Irom Sherman Bery'a to the Bush Creek road, ou the - north and east by lands of Charles Burgess, on the west by lands in the possession of Sherman Spear. Contain ing 39 acres or thereabouts, 30 aires improved, and one 1 trained dwelling hou e and 1 rained barn thereon. TERMS—O .c-tonrth oftlie purchase money to be paid on tbe confirmation of sale, ai d the balance one year thereafter with interest. JAMES L. PHILLIES. Feb. 27, '66. Administrator. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order issued out of the Orphan's Conrt ot Brad ford County, the undersigned administrator of tlie es tate of James Layton, ilec-'d, late of Rome twp., will ell : on the premises, on FRIDAY, MARCH 30th. 1-66. at 2 o'clock p. m., the following property,to wit : Beginning at n stake and stones at the north-cast i or iter ol -aid lot, thence south 91 r ds and four links to a stake and stones on the south liue "I tin: Henry FaiTut lot. thence west 32 rods to a hemlock being south-east corner >1 said Foriut lot,thence uortii 27 per. to a stake and stones, theuce north 65 1-10 perches to a hemlock, thence cast til 5-10 per. to the place ot beginning. Con ! taihing 32 acres more or less, about all improved, one ' framed house and bain, with some fruit trees thereon, j TERMS—S2,S to be paid on the day of sale, the bal- . II ance of said purchase money on confirmation of sale. WM. FORBES, 2d. Feb. 27, '6O. Administrator. Ccgal. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order issued out of the Orphan's Conrt of Brad ford Couuty, the undersigned administrator ot the e tale of Isaac Middaugh, dee'd, will sell on the premise-, THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1806, at 1 o'clock, p. in., the following property situate in VVyainsiag and Standing Stone townships, bounded and described as follows : Beginning in the Camp road at a corner of lands ot Ellen Middaugh, thence south 70° we„t 16 per. to a cor ner, thence north in 9 west 35 perches to a corner,tin: <• uorth i.h° west 31 per. to a corner,thence nor h 1° west sft per. to a hickory, thence north 9° e'ust 31 per. to a corner, thencq northjj 0 west 23 per. to a yciiow pint, (down) thence east along Patrick Boyle's land 140 per. to a post, thence, south 2 5 east 4o per. to a ..-hite oak. thence south 784° west 29 4-10 per. along said Ellen Mid daugh's lot to a post, thence along the same south, 14° west 2 per. to a corpcr, thence south 47 s west 11 pe:. to a corner, thence south 114° east sft 7-10 per to tbe place of beginning. Containing sixty four acres, about 45 acres improved, with a framed house, trained bain, out buildings, and a few fine trnit thereon. TERMS—SS6 to be paid when the property is struck down, SIOOO on the same being confirmed,and balance i two equal payment to he made in six months from > lirmation, with interest on tbe whole sum. and the re mainder within six in mtUs thcrealter with interest. JOHN F. CHAMBERLIN, ELLN MIDDAUGH, Feb. 20, 1866. Administrators. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order issued out of the Orphan's Court of Brad I ford Couuty, the undersigned Executor of the e j tute ol William A. Retail, deed" late ot WeiL twp., wii! | sell ou the premises, Saturday, April 7,1866, at 2 o'cl .< i p. m.. the tallowing property, to wit : I Bounded on the north bv Frederick Thomp, >n, on ill" cast by Geo. Wilson, on tfie south by Win. R. Shepai ' and ou the west by Joseph B. Retan. Containing •; ■ i acres and 105 per., be the same more or less, about 4 1 acres improved, with a large number ot iruii trees, an ! | a framed house and barn therein. Excepting the: ! Irom the interest which E. A. Scott has in 4 acres, i rod. and 30 perches, called tin- Vineyard, the laud b ing all that was conveyed Nov. 21, Is ;2, by John 1.. Pedrick and wife to said W. A. Betan Nov. 14, 1860, by Joseph li. Betan and wife to said Wm. A. Betan and iii I interest in the viney rd conveyed to hint and L. A Scott Nov. 14, 1860. TERMS— SSO to be pai 1 down at the time th: prope, ty is struck down, SIOO at confirmation of tiie saii, the balance in five equal annual installments with intc., -" from confirmation. THOMAS E. ARNEEL, Feb. 27, "ijO.. Executor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. —/n tlif matter of the tsta'r I,J Aliriam Pinrt, dte'd. Iu the Orphan's Court o: f Bradford County. The undersigned. an auditor, appointed by said com • j to dispose of exceptions tiled to the account of < . E. j Pierce, one ol the Executors ot the Will oi the said 1 Abrium Pierce, will attend to the duties at his office in ! the borough ol Towanda, on Thursday the 12th day oi ; April, lebu, at 1 o'clock p. in., and all persons having ; claims upon said funds must present them, or ei.-e be I for V-.T debarred from the same. E. OVERTON, jr. Match 7, "06. Auditor. Upbegraff's jfnstitute. Y E AN ]) EAIi INST IT UT E DR. UP DE GRAFF. ; OCLLIST, ACRIST AND GENERAL SURGEON, ELUIKA.N. V. Treats all Diseases of the Eye. Ear and Ihrv •/. j THE EYE—lie will operate upon Cataract, Arlifiuh. Pupil, Cross Eyes,l-acliiymall'i tula, Pterygium, Eutr i pion, (inversion ol the eye-lid,] and treats all forms o: -SORE EYES,'' sueh a Granulated Lid.-.. Purulent Ophthalmia, Opacitie- < 1 the- Cornea, Scrotal eases of the Eye, a:;d all diseases to which the Eye- I subject. THE EAR.—Treats iccea (hlly Discharges fri : Ear, aVois.a in the Ear. Difficulty of Hearing. Dept. [even witen tie DIUM i ei :reiy do-tr.yeJ. will H i an urtiiiciai one, ai.-vwi...-. tally ail the purposes : tl. i natural. 1 HE THROAT.—U! rated Throat, Enlarged ails, together with CATARRH ' in ali its forms, permanently cured. GENERAL SURGERY.—He will operate upon t ; Feet. Hare Lip, CTeit Palate, Tumors, Cancers, V nt;iu i Giowths, Defor -.ities from Burns, and Hernia and ; i- I forms PLASTIC OPERATIONS-Where the X t L I or any portion of the lace is destroyed through disea or otherwise, by healing them on autv.-. tir Will attend to the Amputation cf I.i Is, tj and General Surgery in all its branches. INSERTS ARTIFICIAL Ei ES—Giving them ah th. : motion and express: :i of th. natural, defying dele :i n. they are inserted without removing the old "ue or ; ■ j duciug paiu. The l)--.dor's coßgction ol instruments comprises I the latest improvement -\ and is lite large-1 in the .State, the superior adv.iutagi s he li,.s had in perfecting him selt iu ai! that is Lew and valuable in Surgery, wart ;nis him in saying that everything within th • hi :nds of the ptotession may be expected ot him. The institute has been greatly enlarged, so taat we can now accommodate an increased number ol patients J from a distance. ComforlaWe Boarding House- att. h ed to the establi. hment. -Yo incurable cases received for 7 1 catmint at (.; • <- lions. If a case is incurable he will be so informed. Institute on Water street, eppo itetheßrainard Ho i Elmira, N. Y. Feb. 2 156... iHiscclliincoas. TUES FOR THE RAILWAY FROM TO- L WANDA TO STATE LINE. [ We wish to ion tract for ties for this rood at once, t<. ! be delivered on the line ~f the road along the Canal, during the winter. We prefer to have theni all delivet ed at and above Tow in la, but will buy ties delivered on the Canal at all p ia'- north . f Mcshoppun, Wyoming county, at rate- will equal those paid for delivery along the rail line. We wish al! white and rock oak. but we will buy hemlock, and young, free-growing, chestnut ties, all to be 10 feet long, nothing less than 6 j inch lace in lull length. For white and rock oak ti>- ! s inches thick, full 6 inch lace, we will pay 40 cts. eucu i For the same wood, 6 inches thick 3.5 " •• 1 • 30 - i Chestnut S " uo .6 " " 30 " " Delivered ou bank of Canal hue Tcwanda handy for ! unloading i t parcels ot 3,000 each mile, (payment made ! od the 15th to 20th <;f each month for all ties delivered lup to the fir.-tot the month) and | '.iced and piled as di ; reeled by cur gent who inspect them. We shall also , need a quantity of pine oi long Icitg'hs 1 ■; bridges, ai ak in various shapes. Wn H Morgan, at Towanda will contract for ties, and will inspect the same. ah ". John i.jlini, David Rabin. Put Mahony, oi Lacyville ; H. C. Smith, of Athens. C. V. WELLES, Jr. Athens, Dee. S. 1865. A TTEXTION FARMERS AND DAIRY JJX MEN ! CHEESE FABTORY IN DERRICK! The subscriber will Le ready about the 10th of May 1866, to receive and manubn ture into a prime article " t i Cheese all the milk may be delivered at his Factory ! Feb. 27, '66. A. A. SsJOHH. J. S. ALLYN'S OYSTER SALOON, (Formerly Laughlin's) Under Chamberlin's Jewelry Store, west of lbthlic Square, Main Stre t Oysters by the thou-a ,I. hundred or dish. F'ami lies and dealers supplied on short terms. Give us a r.fil. Oct. 24, 1865. PUBLIC DRAY—TI bscriber having ! A purchased a good Dray, de o inform the pith ' lie that he is fully prepared to do ; ads of wotk in | his line- His services can be secured n 7 o'clock, a. * m., to 6 o'clock,p.m. He can trauspu cheaply and j expeditiously all kinds of Household Go Ms, jicrclian dizc, Ac. toauy point desired, and icspecttully toliciis ! a -hare of public patronage. Stand in tront of Maishail's Hardware Pre, near 1 door to the Post Oliice, whero lie run always be seen i when not engaged. Orders Kit at Marshall's Hardwu u I store, will t e promptly attended to. B. S. THURBKII. ! Towanda. Dee. 7,1865. —tl. I "VrOTKJE.—A SPECIAL MEETING OF I Iv the stockholders of .'ne -'Pennsylvania and New York Cauai and Railroad Company" will beheld on Thursday the 22d day of March, 1 •->•<>. at 1'- o'clock, at No. 412 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, f r the purpe-e of taking acti u as o increasing the Capital Stock of said , Company t > sncli sum as may be necessary to construct end equip the railroad of said Company, or any • ortion tiicrc i : or: st. i.-suing the Bonds otibe Company and j securing the same by a mortgage for "he same porpese cad as to such other measures as they may deem advis ; abie to so ure the prompt completion ol said road. March 7, "66. U. F. WELLES . Jr., President. I WmHE TRIUMPH OF FREEDOM OVER A SLAVERY." ' A COMPANION FOR TUE DECLARATION OF INDKI'FM'ENCK. This National Engraving ilesig : d and copy-righted by J. HO!.COMB, and published by C. ■ Cross.Xo.l37 , Room 7, Broadway, New-York, is . ■ „• being oficred to 1 tlis people of Bradford County through traveling agen :s. It is a copy in official hum of the lmeudmcnt ot the ! Constitution ot th- United Si, tes ah lishing Slavery : to w! ich is appended the Autographs ol President '.in ' coin, Vice President Hamlin. Schuyler Coltax, .Speaker cf the Hone of Rcj.rc-ei:t.6'.v- ;J. W. Forney,Secre tary ol the Senate: Edward M'Pberson. Clera ot tlic I House of Representatives, an i .1 all the members at both the Senate and House of Representatives, who vol - ed'for this important measure, giving 162 fac-simile sig natures, and a reliable and true record ot oneoi the i most important events in the Nation's history since the , immortal Declaration of Independence. The whole is engraved on copper plate, and published on strong, fine Card-! i.ird 10x25 inches, and is accompanied by an ex planatory Key, giving also the negative vote upon the amendment. " The Kner&ving is appropriately embel lished, and forms an ornamental,anu valuable tui iuemo. it should be procured r,d preserved by every friend ol Freedom Price $1 50. I>. W . Hughes, ot Towanda,is aa auth. tized traveling Agent, for the sale of this work, for the following towns viz : Ulster, Sheshequin, Wysox. Asylum, Athens twp,. and Boro', Litchfield, Windham, Warren, Rome, Orwell, Pike, Terry, Men me, But ling tons, biiiitlilicld. and Her rick. Iluivev- Uokomb.ofl.eßoy, is agent tor Le Roy, j Enuiklin, Canton. Troy twp. and BoroVOolumbia.Gran ville, Springfield and Columbia. T. We!l. for fcou.h | Creek and Ridgbury. I Nov. 27,1866—tf I' OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE BY i E. T. FOX.