gjTiutfoTil gUpmlrr. I (;(A /- A- • EX ERA L. r . ... yj.,. /,'iy-Wir |rii ?•! }><> N CAMD- I' NTI\ .1 N*.L Job I'ross. Office NI. sti Gold 1 \ RIMUJIUI II- Senior, agent. fg. yi i f" iti evening, ami tlic Pastors now J N „ ,-tiiiga it til" it RESPECTIVE churches. It is ~;} II >T 1.1 ally 300 J isons, including clril- S .... • N convert <<• Mr:— The readers of (lie AND ir frauds abroad will be glad to , THAT tin grace of God, tlirongli Jesus Christ, TUN;. >• T'> !■'• magnified in Bradford county, F T,,;!,,TT11 ■ given merely as AN esunijile, , , 1. R Lord I.- ILOINO for us in the sal ; ~>■ I s a, Is, alal also to show themiiu , 1.11 FN meetings. IN Lellaysnille, : . v.E : oi grace IS now progressing ~ TBI M-t: odists and Coiigrationulists. v .. a;! X .LLl.ge in LITN T • ntteml a ehil , etii ' .TO clock 1 VOLY, nt 5 o'clock, a ■\< • I ■ ting S held composed entirely . la . md boys, unil> Bering not less than !!•!• ' ■ oit similar meeting for the ._ x- a A. lh< hour be to re 'luring at the S ~ -PI I.' i:I piavei by adult christians, 'lhe .1 I"i Wid ill the ;ri at 'llgn g itioli I ..LB N.pt to A s, . ibc. M. us. e, r throng, crowded the house. ; I | ■ INl.itj was manifested throughout. •II Pl' y< '••, for sp. cial objects, not exeeed- II 'ANT' s ."-H, TOG th. r xxitii singing, . 111 I•] . liii G I V.'L'l !-IS. THR. V uses of v d. upon xxliieh a few remarks , liinuig direotly to the salvation of the tin :i: B • a-,. 1 tut e young converts, luisi ii I.- . To v. audit, then narrated their X] LIT nee. Within the space of twenty . la UT ioi l\ joinig P< RSOUB stood up and •i I to, LI sie A large number of OTHERS ii .tt 1. l y rising, thoii' dt sire to become ii ! |L II IS .'tie oft el t d specially pi i.s ill I xxhich the doxology wins . , la. 1.1 ll' tiate 11 ploiioniicech All inqni- I .tltixvi.;. |o U inch Mal ly the entire lnailit d The young oilVelts gather, d ~•! TI. J•„ IIT and sung, while older christains d wit! lip.litis Jt was now half past U Vltiek md no appait nt weariness was utuui ; , 111 IX-.T-IOY AI D thiity came torxxaul tin tir t NINE PIT T SWD to have found 0 . . ..1 ■ S ::.s tiieir Nt\ior. Anothx r 1 I '. ' sci vt d. "llappy in the I- - ■ t. ■. T nciiit TIUII again pronounced ■> J ; : pi BY retiicd to their happy I • IST I 1 NIT unty. Christians evoi y- L !• I • I and work with i. "wit! tei ng, and greater things than -!, I; I the J .:.-• OT the gltny ol TU-O.' 11. c. '! • W.O i.i. F i -lth. Istlth ATTEMPT T • F ,- RV A CH>*K( H. —A moat di- I attenij I ■ ..de to hum the Church in I til', ON Fa'TA.lay night or SUNDAY morning -I IT., J itiiuhiis. us lelutid to ns by A gcu- TN - Iti tp! . aic substantia ly A f tllows : ■!T I. an old G. nth man who rt sides mar ! ■••. !. M 1 who builds the fires iii the house iiairiiiugs, proceeded to tin; church about K MI tin morniiig in question, and us he DT I a volume of smoke ami flame {!• immediately gave the alarm, and i.- IN ,t strenHons exertions of the citi ti" fire vas extinguished ami the church la. tire had been built upon the floor, lv IN trout ID the stove, and a portion of ? I iuriiitlirc. Ac., had been used to kindle • I-■ • A space ot about six feet square was OI the TL .or, T. oof t lie .>lct pt-rs burned off. 'l...l'l'ed fraguieuts of stuff uscl to kindle I. ID tall, n through on to the ground, • which was a potion of a chair which T !• -Vt ICI II .XT on the toj) I f the pile tor I Ip. ot kei ping down the flame. In a few la. LE it would have lieen impossible to • I'lilditig. \s A strong north wind . the tinic. had the ehurch hurntd it have been impossible to have saved the I "I Sir. < U. Barling, whose shoe ..■bl T.L and T.urned hut a short time • I sp . d that tin -i jt ct of the in. T ndia ies .-I. i l to burn th.- ehnrcli and al o the ■ng ot Mr. Darling. -II>: the SECOND .AT. iiipt at incendiarism in Pottervilie, WI should suppose the people of that would investigate tht mMer.—LcEaystille JIM. I MOX MfETiscs.— Belli ving that the ' '• nnitt 1 ami \ igt.rous campaign / ~ ' J darkness,' a delegation from hurt :,IS IN tiiis city, met at the LU ' I I ! S .Tl.rtlay, Jaunary 27, and LE IL.SOLL'IIA.II Prayer Meetings, react to the outpouring of the Ho- Iti T SALVATION ( f souls. It was also T I" .--ii le. to SI ••lire the SEL vict s of KeV. I PXV: •>' II MSIOM), the Evangelist, whose -* II -- 1 ally 1 lessexl at lxochoster, I ' i.RNL otii. V J.laet s. 11. • tiiasxveiee MII.T need on Sunday, the ,1 nun d Mitil Saturiiay. I'T hruary 3. • -I -T LV. ,! to C,.111111' 11, E a Union mnrn ' : H T < hililr. LI. and the xxet k dav ser- I. CTNTN.I.I,I N, IIN- Fust I'IT sl.yteriau : ' I til W T tb.l sth.X . FIB. 11, BEN THE arrival M M>, ami tin- w ant ot room, l'cmle e f X T 1, 11 OX'C to the Court Hnllsc, which T tl ttn Mr. 11. and xxhich would uc • SIX, IAL huiiditd more persons than ' o.T el LOT lit s in 0111 eily. •it S M T 1... . xxas IN I I T>N Wednesday, at I ..'COURT lb, use xx. ,S ilciisely parked, • ot the serx ices, over one hundred I! tl . n. S, lv. SI. I PRAYERS-. Many ■ '■ b Such things had never been wit ■. I. tier ■ and surprise filled the ' 1" '< I 1 But this Was I lit the begin •Vi nit's xx. Morning, afternoon ami ... lbaise xxas tilled with eager, attentive HA! inai.y of th S'-WIIO, tor yean, had • I'tj. !• tl and reviled religion, were pros- Pa tl roue ot glace, seeking pardon and " " HFT ON the mor ling of the 28th, having 1-t ami day with untiring zeal, energy I" \ IN the uphuihling of Zion LIT re, ami • SUIT of these Union meetings, it may ' > • Puiattd that over six hundred have ' 1 l oth IN ( in ist. and ate now happy on ' : 'W;, V to heaven. !I cum S with him the prayers of linndit ds •USJ. it. TOR the blessing of heaven to at- D'ORS. xx HTN vcr he may raise the banner 1 -S, J.UD invite sinueis to JX siis. '" Hoiiw bad been engaged lor the ; Bultimor Confriente, prior to the IT . T these nuttings, it was found J P. s SPEND operations there, hot tht r ■:.I, RT ST -NIL CONTINUES, and IN the respec inuny ~re Saying : " LLV.OF s/.'l// / .FT, M- ,X,I 1 11 S. NL J N ]., ft-rcm-I. to the do. ply < T ILT s transpiring in our midst, the • pbitoftht cbtm h, and the zeal and TI ■•'IBC YOUNG converts, bat SPACE will NOT ■> IS the Lord s T'N ings, ami murvt llout ' OIL WE indulge the hope that yel ■ I'fr^l.; inay be hat! "/rom thi t ce t h single Union paper in the State of Pennsylvania sustains Andrew John sou iu the platform attached to his veto message. T owiindn Lvcoutn mot asativer tise,l ~u Friday evening last, ut the Free Seho. i House, and was a graud success. Dr. E. H. Mn soil xvas elected President, and the question dis- CUKSCII in a most ahle and interesting tnaifner hv Steplie 1 Voshurg. J. G. Pattou, W. T. Davis, G. D. Moiitanye, T. M. Wiluiot, Stej>hen Shores and E. 11. Mason. Messrs Montanye, Davis and Pat v t°n were appointed a committee to report on por s 1 maneut organization and to procure a suitable . : room. The-following question was then selected for discussion at the next regular meeting. /,V\,,bvd. That the late Rebel States are entitled to and should receive au immediate representation in Congress. b This question w ill be warmly debated this week t | on Friday night by icveral members of the Bur—a good time is expected, come out and hear them. lht. LitiHTfiii.i..—Those siiff.M'ing with Cat arrh or with Deafness who desire to consult Dr. Liglithill should do so immediately, us his office ■ closes t.n Friday evening next. On Saturday he ' rt turns to his Institute in New York City. He . cures many cases iu a few minutes. He has a very tine suit of convenient rooms at the Ward House. On the second page may lie found some highly complimentary testimonials to the doctor's ' skill. SPECIAL NOTICES. \ _ ISsU Kerosene or Coal Oil, the very best kind for sale by the barrel or in small quantities, very cheap, at Dr. Porter's Drug Store. METHODIST BOOK CONCEBN, / 200 Mulberry-st., N. Y. ( ' Being in constant receipt of inquiries from our brethren respecting Sewing Machines, with re . quests o recommend and purchase, we have, in conjunction with some lady friends, carefully and thoroughly examined the various niachiuesotprac r tical value for family sewing, ami find those made • by \\ lit t ler A Wilson to fu ly combine the essen- I tials of a good instrument, and such as we can con fidently recommend. Having st-en so favorable results from their use, in our oxvn and the house holds of our friends, we ale desirous that their benefits should be shared by all our brethren, and hence have interested ourselves in their behalf. Abel Stevens, Thomas Carlton, Daniel Wise, J. B. Edwards, J. A. Fay, J. Porter, David Terry, W. A. Cox. > " OIK CHEAT Al THORS." is the title ot Si Splendid Steel Engraving on exliibith u and for sale at the Jewelry Store of W. A. Chamberlain. 1 t . CARP. — All si tidier.- who enlisted print' I|| June 111 i, 1803, will be furnished important itnYoi laalit>ll J'rtt by calling at once upon the Ulltlt-lsi pi ed. Bring your "discharge" with you. J. N. CALIFF. Pension Agent, Office over News Room. \Y ANTED, Mltltu diately, Txcn Ht-VX ing frills that uuderstaud tin- Tailoring Trade, to work on custom work. None need apply unless they un til -island the Trade tully. Also a gootl journeyman xiorkmau wanted. J. M. Coixiss. Ft R HF.NT.—Tin 3d story of Union B'M-k Toxvaiida. Inquire at the office of G. D. Moii tanye. 4®- A Musical Ct ut von tit HI will be In-hl at Ca.t-y's Ilall. Smithhoro. N Y., commencing on Tuesday March 13th, 1800, at 10 o'olock a.m., to continue four days and close with a concert on Friday evening. March 10th, under the direction of J. G. Txnvner. Music Books for the use of the Con vention furnished free. Admission to the full course including concert. Si,oo ; Concert, 23 cts. PENSIUNEHS. — The instalment of Pensions due March 4th, 1800, paid on and after t lint date, by bringing your Pension certificates to ,J. N. C.\- i-irr. Pension Agent. Office over News Room, fo xvauda, Pa. Feb. 20. ' . , U. S. CLAIM AGENCY. Persons holding- Pension certificates cam draw the installment due the Ith of March, by bringing them to me. A copy of the Official Andersonvilic Prison Record, containing 13.000 names of those who died there from all the States, can be seen at my office fixe, l.iformutiim In rajind to all Bnuiity Arts ijiven free. JOHN W. MIX, Agent. Office Ist Block below Ward House, Toxvanda Pa. New and Second Hand Piano", by the most celebrated makers in New-York and Phil adelphia, always on li md and for sale at th lowest prices. Tuning done on short notice by Prof. WM. DITTIUCH. - Towaud t, Jan. 1, 180 C. (oam Agents wanted to st-ll prize Certili catcs tor Gobi and Silver Watches, Ladies Jewelry, Diamond Kings. Pins, Ac., only So each, for any article drawn. Retail price from $lO to $250. All (jixxl.i W'triutihil . PATCH MOORE.—At tin* house of the bride's latlu-r in lowaiidn. Match Ist. bv Rev. Wni Harris Mr. R II 1 a .h toMixsHil.i Mooie bo h I ot this plaee. COX— I'ORD.—III Caniptown. Feb. 28, by Rev. S. I 1. Brown. Mr. Jesse Cox to Miss Louisa J. Ford, both of Wyalnsiug. 1 IlOi 'KWLI.L-- \ ROMAN.—At' the residence of the bruit s parents, F> b. 22. by Rev. J. B. Luke. Mr. R. ibeii Rockxxtll, of Franklin, to Miss ( Wealthy Ann Yrnumn, of Granville. • I IJO-I'ARTJEKSHIP NOTICE ! Mr T. r. DEI.AM. has this day been admitted as a part., e: in-air fiim. PtIWKI.I, A AO. II 'Jaxv.iidu March 1.1*116. f>ULST'S PHILADELPHIA GARDEN h 13 sKKhS tor - ale tv M•• h7.•• H K T- FAX. r / 1 \IxDKN .SEEDS. AS THE QUALITY i? tie told ljr their appear* ; el* i-<•! 1 ftu!>e t* piiieh ise only wich a* le Kru .iit •tc ♦. I i.i 1 le. It *\ I require taut little re* tie* t :<*h \ iii; k t> rdiviiice any |>etMu that a IIOIIM* , 1 li.it x :nl> - . I over flio country t '-e sold on eoiiii 1 iiii -ioo. kin_ l ack *ii unsiild, is less lik*lv to tiirni>h ii- -d mi * tii.iii oi.e hhich .-ell- their >*eds outrivht, ti.os io •!d s*e si (i h. lid. l ast *ea-on i Ih*iitrii> f a (jiii.u'ily ot /iui i'.t Crhbiatul Sttds and those who iJ '!•' iii I tliii.k will pot l*e satisfied to ret HI u lo the old -t H-k ot coiutoiNsioti seeds. t I. . v- J I.i.- se i.-oii a Urjte sto:k ot the same kin 1 ! 5 v • • Iti to i e aide to aappl? all who will try ' w will J . r/aai fteih utid vHmbit • ::ii ' I fc.T. FOX „ J. S AI-LYN'S OYSTER SALOON, (Formerly l^ughl'm's) I ij'it i < hainl eilm s Jcwcliy btore, west ol I'uhiic ie MjDa'e . > .nil t d * 'y-ters ly ilm ih . i-aii l hundred or di-h. Families and ccai* i s Mipplit'l on short tetms. Give us acill. 1 OH. 24. 1 Kcui vlliiwrtiscnu'nts. rjISSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP ! | The Parti:eislii|) existicg between the undersigi.cd h j thi- d:y di>sur. ! , Feed Corn-meal, and tine ground Plaster for side. 1 J 1.. ROCKWt hh. ' | Feb 8. 18'i— lin li. W. WELLS. TL I NTERESTI N G TO FARMERS! : ! L From the various Agricultural [>iiut.s,m o'her sources. I ; most farmers faave hecome aware ol the vast superiority . |ol the liixidrirh Sntlti ng Pntutins. They are unrivalled in their immense yield, exceedingly excellent lor table ; • i use or tor leeding stock , and tree liom roi, mildew or disease. Such xvx ll known ipmli-ics are merils that have i won tor the Boodricb Seedling Potatoes a la-ttei-naiiie' ' I than any otln i'point" heretofore known. A limbed sup . ply can now la-obtaiiieil by application ut I'r. Pi-riei - llrug Stole, ut the tallowing rates ; Early Goodrich *1 00 a pick ' ti lea.son I 50 " | Calico i 5o Cuzco i i'inU Eyed busty Coat . 1 00 , | Garnet Chili at about the market price lhe Cuzco ha. 'Ken kuo-.vu t . yield(it,-i, ush: is to tlie acre m tlriils; the c.i-b fi..odrich |ti lai.-lie'is ; the o'.li ers belweeii 3no and toe hush: Is to the acre. iu > ur I saii 1 in liia.il ml ix illi proper tillage., they will average ov: r 3')o bushels m the a-re Wli -ever p-ocuies m d plains any ot the a'e.vi- v niiies, will consider themseles loriuiiaie iu having aeeured the seed at sub appaienliy t high prices. Pit 11. c, Ini.TF.R. Towamla.dan !. . C PEC I A L.—ALL PERSONS HAVING L-J in-ctlird bo,-k accounts xvith u-. in i.oti-s past due aie mo ilied that pux ment uiosi I e made inimediati-:x. J.l> HUMIMiRr.Y A C'U. ALSO all persons indebted to the estate ot J I), limn plney me i.i tilled that all monies due said e-t.ite o i.st i lie p id iu immediately. JICA B. HIIMi'HRE.Y Jan. 31, IMib. Ailn lor. KAY .SCALES EOK SALE ! [Paleiit Applied For ) The Su's' tibi i having spt nt lino ; nd money in pei feeting a New, Simple. ' heap, and Durable Hay Scale, xx-arralil:d collect '• I tVe xtaisor longer, now oilers 11 to tbe public oo Ibe billowing lcruis : I line (2 ■el plal , lin Hay Suilr, weighing -t.Ooo lbs. . (dn |iiiu lia-cr liiini-iiing , ml trmiing t.iuber-) #:io on line 13 it plallonu, weighing 5 Hon lbs, ... . |i.3 on tine 14 '• " '• l>,oiMl " 125 (ill .Aodress. G \V. J \CKSOX. I .lan 25 I'at —t' x\xah.Mi,o. lit .on.rd :' .Pa L'UU RENT. TAVERN AND I'AUAI i~ I*j|>trty ;it My vi I) iig, ii u if*y fittua ;.J> I %v. %o I IMITI* tv tircbar-H M) .m ve 7 ■> iv ol l.nnt P give i \|r il 1, Iui farm !r dairy parj oes Pur iixirti. al.us UDU u i Higher •• *• ...... ... it 2.i i 7 in * ' Prcueh (exti.i) 2 aU to 4 UU 1 Xo**xcd chtrgvfor I-t u. Sclu.l ytar ol 42 wiek-,divided intt lout equal leitu j - Mu !I EXJI* riuuee and cro!uloiis iii-- , eases ot the Eye, aud all diseases to vx hieh ihe Kyc- is [ subject. I HE EAR.—Treats successfully Discharges from the j E'r A',Uses in the Ear. Dilfienliy ot Ileal ilig. He dness. I [even when ihe Ilium is euiire.y destroyed, xviii usert an uititicial one. answering nearly all the purposes t :h I natural '1 '/ HE THRO A I.— Ulcerited Tliroat Enlarged lon sils, togjther with CATARRH in all its forms, permanently cured. GENERAL SURGERY.—He will operate upon Club Feel. Haie Lip, t't.l Palate. T mors, I.unci- 'J Hi,l | Growth*. Deh-r ities Iroiu Burns, and Hernia ltd pel mi nis PLASsTIC OHKUAiklNS—Where the N-is. Lips ot any portion ol the lace L destroyed through de-ea-* ' ; or otherwise, by healing them oil anew. ! | Will attend lo the Amputation of Limbs, -fo , and General Suigery in all its brain lies. t INSERTS ARTIFICIAL LES —Giving them all ttn ■ mot ion and expression n| Ih- nutuial. dt-ly iug cete. lain ihe> are inseiled xvilhout removing the old ol , or | i< - dueing pain 'I lie Doetor's collection ot instruments compiles ail | the latest improvements, and i- the laigesl in the Slate j the superior advantages he his had in perleciing liim -1 -• It in all thai i- new and valuable in Surgery, warrants I him in saying that everything within the hounds ol tin . pioles-ion may la-expected •>! him. The Institute has been greatly enlarged, so that xv, ' can now act-ommodaie ait increased number ol patients 1 | 'root a distance, t, unions bit- Bourdiag House-, tllaeh 1 : ed lo the establishment. .Vo in* u> nb/r rer.ired f r 'liraiment w ');.r, ti 1 lion*. Il a case i- iticunible lie xv it Ibe so iiili.ni.eil ; lii-titul- oi, W'alei slteel, cppie-ite tile Bt'siitsrd llou-t I E a NY. Feb 2 I*.'-'. J Ulistcllancous. N' 7 E\V AND fix LSI I GOODS! Just received, \\ A FULL STOCK OF GROCERIES, j Bungli! ti Cash. 1 WHICH WILL BE SlH.ti AT A SMALL AHV A N't E. I I , j Thsioktitl tor ia*t t:vis I wntitil nsj •( T'.tllv <;iy • 1 m\ old tluit 1 I y -TjiuT attvut ion an> 'aii % prii p" to nit rit i cotitinurtn( < •l ih*ir v•-•*. ' T u i.d F.. >. V T P' X. C I IKS FOR TDK RAILWAY 1 ROM IO - ; I WxNlnTtt T x*l't- I.i.N' . . I We xvisii toeontrael l-ir I'e: tor tiiis rouj at once, t* i j In- di live.c.l on the line ol the Mui along the '•■li.il.! I dming tin xv ii it ei. We p. eli-r t" Ii ive i Item •II delivei . ' | id .it and above low-null, twill ',., v 'i.-- il--bveie.| oo ■ ! the''anal at all p iti's north of Mrslinppeti, Wxomita ! Ico ntx. Nt iate-th.it wilt eipetl tlrise pid t><■ del.v n a! .ng the rail line, tie wish all vhite am) rock oak • • tit we will buy hemlock. and young, fiee-gmxviitg, j elie-lent tie-, all lo be 111 leet I. ng, nothing b-s- th ill • , K inch tace iu full lengtii For white ;,nd rock 0.,k ties. ! ' n inches thick, lull inch luce, wc will pay lo is. ear i For the same-wood, b inetics 'link 35 •• '• : Hemlock. " " on '• ' 25 " " ■ ! Chestnut ... .* " " 35 •' " | , ! "do . " " 311 " " Delivered on liank ; Tlie latest tashious reeeived regulariv Irom Madame I Detnore-i"s sh p, New Yntk. I'attvulai attention paid | lltt-ipiiil ng. Stit. hing rtmieto order. Oct. 21. 'du. REMEMBER THAT GOOD GARDEN >• eds only, pioduee good vege a hies ; and thai we j*i ill -ell g< od sted ju-l as cheap a- Ve l l buy p..or ones, i and buy jour supply at FOX 8. ftml (Estate. 1 LOR SALE ON REASONABLE TERMS ' lh.il v.iluuhle properly studded Willi white "nl h" iiil ,M 'b ii.'il oihei vuli alile turn., ron Brown's cieeh I lie Ihii.i r. heu cleared I- gonu !• r homing pnrpo-es i 'niiMiiiiug Sill hciw, 611 til which is partly cleared. The i | iiupM'Veint ula are : I (fond "team aawr mill, also one | i wlin 111 tie lepairsto the dam call run by water, >ue paid ■ •• I'll, and reveral dwellings itruutid Hie mill. Tin-prop ' ert.v is "tily a lew rui.es wast d ship- j pin}! point on I lie North liraneli Canal, and Sii-queh.ui- | na Liver to i cspihilsl Hps would la* a valuable mvc I -1 incut. For lurther particultr* address i'ETKB KIiADY. Agent. J i-'ept. I*. ISOS, Sparta, bu-sex Co., N.J. j VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.—' The T lurin known as I lie < ti.il i s While I 11 111 ' situate |in Franklin township .s lor sale. It contains one hull- j ! du d and Ihir y-lwu ueres.over one handled oi wliiehar< i tnprovid. It is one oI llie lier.l wuleiid hums in (lie ! county, and is within seven miles ol Towaiida. On the ! same are two good iraine dwelling houses, one very : large (having been receully inipioved). the other is j well cah uluted tor a tenant house : two trumed hams, | i one lid liy -1W leel. together Willi cow house, corn and smoke house, Ac there is a good sized apple ore ha id j i lnai lug excellent truit, a laige uumner ol peach trees j which have yielded titty bushels during the | resent ; | season, also liuil hearing gt'iipe vines, 'lhe hum is; I well adapted to grain mid grass. For further particulars inquire n! Adams A Peet. WLLL.XCTON BUAMII ALU. TuWanda,net. 14. Ikba. T7"ALI'ABLE STEAM FLOURING MILL f FOlt >A K. rhat large five story stone Mill known a j MoTf'S, in tin* IS ol rittstnii, Lu/erut County, iVnn'a, siiu iiUi! m the lieait ol the Wyoming and Lackawanna I .ii ! R'td-, reitjinly ptih>e.s>es advantage* ul lcnuliiy, water and railroad coiiimuiih'aiious lii.it no other Mil! can compete with. It ha> a wain communication Iroia its very door to K.iiiitn ire. d. on tlie one sine, and lluflah*, V., on the • ther. while coiiiiiiuuicuitou is had ly Kail loud witli ail parts il ilie country, and a In idge spanning the bu>- (p(i iiantia biiiign the plain ol Wpiimi.g valley and all uu.-auo* crossing ihe iiver past its duo is. Ihi decease m MulT L-q.. its proprietor, is t!.c cause ui litis valuable pi opt ily helug L.ioau uu the inaiiiet. Mr. Mott. as is well known, was a practical mi It-r, and alter l. e destruclioii ol his old Mill by tile, conceived llie idea ul tit-cling a riiodt 1 Mil, and tiom hi> -iiupie means buill tiie preaeiil structure, Inruishcu wiiii engine, lour run •! bi.ne, and iu-dein tuachineiy . in lhe inosl ample liiaiiiiei. He tiuill il on a rock.ou aho ii lis lii.is.-iVc iouiidalloii icsls and lists live si m ien liigu livma Hie canal, Hie grinning 11 or • eina lhe middle si iy. Il is Ihe most solid sliuclute m the county, and wit vcr alter re vie wet* with honest pride, and JuMij, ioo. as an enduring inutiiutietil o! the n*Uei'? luuusiiy and pel sevei at ice. lln >io age capacity ut this Miil is cuoimous, and I! ai. glaln, iVc., are Da *ll Ud unloaded Ifolli t übal Goals uy improved ehvaloiH. llicie is Jiiucbinciy lo convey gi-.ia to any putloi llie lit it is lignum. A I.fine inuikel ll is a leady sale lor all tie oiau, shorts, .ii.d liiill s!..ir iiiuoii.Ucliiied, ul gOutl prices. then is a ll, uvv illng no.ac and t uiii, all ila hie lor (lie nniier. and a sioieaut 1>1 atj 'luiitg lue Aldl |MOp* o-y, uh i h uid lie sold With il i> ue-ucd. 1. iioi s.olu tannic ihe itbtn ul Match it will be uttered •or a ut. l vcy pr.,ciical Ow>iiie--. man wh • iuvesligab a the de alia leue-s .#1 os loc.*ll*'U and •he j.ciiuauct.ee o is sj t.ciioe luu-t be lutiv c xiviut td lu n lui- i> a lu st ia vuiit 1- opp rionl'y l>i iu.ihc a sure tud piunlt-ne in vestnem. autt aUnUsii n.f cmiice lo avcuinu;ale a lot- I une. tne i\ i ins (ii deMied) might be une (planer down, v. oit itoi ctpt.ii pijiij paymcuia. vv-iu lulciv-st 0.. note sum oi United paymctiLi ..uuna ly 1 iiiihei yail.♦ ulals uit lie ie..invd by udulessing il li ft oi the auosclloets. It. U Mss Cat tafiiiiale I'a ti. U. i! IL it LIA A i (V It.gstoli , i'.t. I" cb lU,lbuo. LMCußiia u o as* *. oit. deed. Y aluable FARM FOR SALE.— the T stit.-c i tia i >tieis ioi s.tie uttc oi lite iu-mI ticMiu./R alio pkasaitttiy 1 < .tied iui iti-> lit secttuu >i v. cll ii til. i iti.-v t.ti ttt voittpi lacs I \\*i ilittioiv u a.td scVcitty ttitt acres, ia o lldltU KU llitpl* V. d ; Out ialjjC itp|ii(: t/lctiUlU llivie fit. as v\ til dS a guv. Valleiy tl UtiiCl licit, a Ul l-h1d.13 siig.o-ousil, Ii e tttd Lia tt, wcu* Wuteied uUu coutiiiu dtoUs, cotiipai in , AT.u .ai iu a.d lotdliou. 1 ain st i iwo itt.uuit da* ifs witkli :l. incTuuc-all cue bni.uu.gs, or Hie tt It It: lu a lump, lo sun luc putcituset . I cutis iiiade easy . AtI.VLU tA i Ldli. Ol rtt li, I ib. il*. IbOG L'Oii SALE. THE UNDERSIGNED, i I. .ving l.ecuuie impuiieJiu heu t:., w i>hes l . change ii..-* hu.-itic*s, ai.il Ihutlure .ilhi , lor -.i!e hit well kieovn j pieiui-e- in Slie.hequili- llu* i- undoubtedly llie l.e-l local ion lor .t Black-.milh in X o l hern Pe iusylv.un.i.uiid lhe pnuii-es are w dl titled up lor carrying uu thai i.u*i riue-.s Good Shop Hou c, Ac. Ii not sold be.ore the Istol April, will be for rent, for further particular*, call on or add ess G. \V VINCENT, Jan. 20.'UU- lapr Shesliequiu, Bradhod t 0.. I'a L'A KM AND MILL PROPERTY FUR T r-A I.E.—This proptrly is situaled in Rome town ship, J mile from Rome borough, ou Wy-i.x crick The I u.iin eousi-ts ut 22n iicies: lso acres iuipiovid; two : large truit orchards, g nod "M g.r bush,", buildi. g-. Ac j I lie Saw M ill lias ju-t Inn tin icughly lepaiied ; is in I line mi ni' g order, with good st ik ot log- in tie _\ind. : If the above prope'iy is not -old by the 10! h ol March , it w ill lie Or relit, for luither informal ion inqoiie ol tin imdeisigne d on lhe pumi-es, i.r ol J. N. Ual:H, To waiida, Pa. JAMES .m CABE. I'ei.. 14 15.a;.—41 Rome, Pa. NOME FUR A MECHANIC OR PRO- I'LS-IuNAL MAN.—The sub-enber offers hi pioperty in t'ampt .wn, lor sale, consisting ola good j h ui*e and bam, a lew large healing apple tree, also I pea.-ii. pear, plum and cherry free-, and a few ehoiie I grape vu es and a • nr-ery ol young lr.es. all in ilie vil i i.ge, wUh a I 101 l ;i:l acres ol land ai j nelit. about twelve improved, with wood convenient Price .ne iliou-and dollars wiili time on a pari i it. ii wauled. Feb 27. no. >. K BROWN. OK I'M A N '.S COl 1H" SALE By virtue "I Mil "Itlei I-.-mml tn;l ft l|;e ()i| hull's C'uuit ul Uiail f. r '.C ni;t\, * hi- d admuji-!r;itfr ol the e>- fateui Isaae Mfrhknu h, tlee'ci. will !l l> sN , MAi.'( H 11. 15t..,. HI 1 o'clock, p m. the 1011-.wiiii; | i|r ity -(IIIHIc ill alio Staiicliiig Stone township-, b uiiulecl ami described ;<< follows : HcL'inuoig in ttie Uain|j rn. l at a corner ol lauds ol Kltei! MiddaiiLli. iiience Mu'h 7u° u >t hj per. to cr •iet tliene*' tiorlh wpsl a.> pefefie--! y eoriier .Ihein e north .k° ve>t .11 per. to a coinei ,i hence unr Ii 1° we-t .*>s per. t u hn kry. tbetice north n° east 31 per. t :• •oii.er, then e north ">° we-t 'i'.f per t.i yellow pine, (tJ .vvn) theme ca>t .1-nir I'nfin k B yle'.t laud 140 per. ft i post, thence Miith 2° I pi. t()4 while <-ik them e south 7" i° we.-l 2'. 4-1(1 |* r Kllell Mb*- 1. i !i lot to a post. them e the same mhi Ii 11° .vol *2 per lo u corner them e hmiili 47° west 11 p*r in ,i fin.tr iliei ce south lij°eas* 5H i-lu per l- ihe ,11,11 c ot i sixty !• '• ies. ah ut |.*> . iv< uiijii' vol willi ii iiTtiuetl house, iiumed bmti •il> b li I (lu jrs, .10 a |( W line It uit HieieoD 'I rI. MS— s.*>(! l le p ill wlu ii tin* pnpere isbti'ifk , < low ii sltHi( on the same hoi £ culirim d and balai.ee in iui equal pay uieiit- t be ill '. ls.;r, v y ,n, ' l| ist r.ilurs, ORPHAN'S COURT SALE —By virtu.* "t an fid r isuued mil ol the t'rpli -n s < ourt of liriiii* or.l to uty the mid* r-fened H.x4 ut*r l 'lie es i ft'o! Willi ,rn \ R tan, deeil' life l Well- two, aid Sell on He ieuti-e4 %pril 7, Im4, ill 2oelitk ;ii in the lolloaiiiM proper*\ to wit : B •uoded on the n 11!• l\ Ire l* ri k Tlmnipsoti. on the a ■* l y (!ei. Wilson untie s h paid | iiid •••• tie vet l\ .b-ej h I. I.'et 11. Contain •' tVesaml |u." per., he the - une n*ie or h>- ;ii ul 4 - t ie- in|ir- \( f. with a l.ii'ce tiuiuher ol 1 1 •• it tie*ami run il hoi-i and learn th ie ti Kx eptiiia tin te ir II the inte:e-t \vlt h - in 4 •r s, I , i to lie paid down a! lr time the prpei a -1 'V i- ftni k d WII. f 4i.hat ffidinuation of the.*-ali. tie nal *nce in live eijuul annual eia*.- with interest . norn cot,linn ti.,u. IHbM a.S h ABNKLL. t-'e - *2.. " *. F\e. later , IJNIUN CARRIAGE SHUP, AT AI.BA, I'ENN'A. | Tim nndiTsigoml rcsppcll'illv itifnnu- lhe cirlzciis id j W.-s'cru Biiiil ""1 ill ii b>- has comimc.l tbp < uitmcc I mil Aug n lit II if c lui ing liisi it-ss. ;u nil it- Viillnu i I rmi'hps in v !i.:. In'iough, in lhe -luui nnuli of ilu I V .ion II 'el Hi- I" emui in Ihe wo .1 h >|■ will '' X. \f. REVX'>UI>>- win. is w.ll Known to the pt .pie le. dorability and cheapness. -lia.l not lieexeelkd in tin ('.nil ly. il id' \ I RlN'i lot all kiml- done itl, >!> - piiieh ina -nblaiiTial inaunci on lea-una Ie terms Live „s i call J \ME- Mel TVRE ! Alba. Bradford County. Rl., Feb. 2 . Isnil.. ly PUBLIC DRAY.- —T: liscrilwr having I purelia-ed u good I>ray, de- o inform the pub li.' that he i- fully pr* oared u" a. bids of work in I bis line. Hl* services can lie seemed u 7 nVlarlt, ! in.. to o'clock, p. m. Be can trsuspt. cheaply and ' evpmlitiousfy all kind-of U'-i-.-hold i'or.r,s Merelian ; d'/.e Ac. to a tit po'iit dt-iied. and rep|ieeiiully tolki'v i a share of psiblii p. !:-.• -gi Siainl ui Trout ol Hi a i-ball's lisrdnare store, real 1 door to the I'. -i Office wbeie h" can always be - ROOMS AND PAILS, V\ UOI E-ALF Ji te'ail. r F-' X - B.\ i II BRICK a i FOXV YFT ANOTHER STOCK OF NEW GOODS AT W 1 C K I! A M A BLACK'S. DRESS' GOODS. DOMESTICS, FLANNELS, I WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS Ttie above linen >.ve oDer lu great variety and late styles. HATS UIPI < iAI'S, LARGE STOCK, BOOTS and SHOES, BEST MAKES. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS. Thw part .•! our stfek we pay partn o!;r atienf ion t<, ami II w * flu iwo ul the ih i atierii- nl irmistone Wre iri 'ln* OG'lkel Kile alid Sevres uhu (J ('. Ve bw Ih'ck nuti :i'i ami v\''eiljp w'.ikl 4k-ao?ili.l assuciuiciit o l ■ !**—- in pa < ,il! iue see mir sl*-k of NOTIONS. Tliatikliil for past favors we lesjiectfully invite your trade and promise to do out best WICKHAS A BLACK. SE W ] N G MAC H I \ K I) EPO T. Having received the Agency of the tiro lust Sewing M;i ■ hi ne- in u-e.we are now ready t" supply all ihe peo pie ol Biadn.iil and Sullivan. Willi eiilier Wheeler & Wilson's in T-inge'ithan which none t.eiter is marie We keep needle- oil, soap, thread am! nil ihe extras needed to work the machine. All are invited local! a' I .air store ai d examine Machine- and work. Call or send and get a circular and price list, at Wickhaui A Black's Store. Nov. (i. |S(io EwGO 0 D S ! VV ILL 1 A M A . ROCK W K L L Is'reeeiving a most choice, and selected assortment of GOODS FOR THE SEASON. Consisting ol -LADIES' DRESS GOODS, DE LAI\E, ALPACAS, and all varities to be had by the asking. COTTON YARN, CARPET YARN BATTING, BLEACHED GOODS, FLANNELS, CLOTHS, CA SSI MERES, SHAWLS, HOODS, And a great variety too numerous to mention. To be had everything in the YAX K E E NOT I 0 N L INK, Even to a Violin. The place to lind what yon want iu the line of HATS, CAPS, FURS, GLOVES, and MITT ENS. It yon are in want of ( UUiMvEUY. in nets, or as you m t> order, and any am- out, GLASSWARE, LANTERNS, GLOBES, A WOODEN W A Ii E , to be had from Babies' Cabs to i Butter I.a. He. A complete assortment of G R 0 C ERIE S. Also the best BEE HIVE. SYRUPS and SUGARS oi ail kinds A .-nperioi quahi y ot BLACK, JAPAN. GUNPOWDER, and YOUNG HYSON TEAS. BLASTING POWDER, and TOBACCO ul all descriptions Every tiling in tt.e shape oi TOYS FOR CHILDREN - v ui at by calling and supplying yourselvei , Wi'e •i< \- IITON AND TURK'S ISLAND SALT Ucf. 2( I V W A. ROCKWELL. JJcmifll (c tfo.'s Xcui (P00l)5. | I 'jMIE GREATEST ATTRACTIONS IN I GOODS EVKR OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. POWELL Sc CO., HfcVe now in -tore the largest stock of good* rverexhih i cl in Northern I'enmelailies and Atmiisis, Bright I'laids 'or children 8 wear, and a great variety of other Dress Fabrics. MOURNING DRESS GOODS. Black French Merinos. Bombazines, Tamesc Cloths, Baratheas. Mohair Lustres, I'.lack and White Check and striped Poplins and Alpacas, Double and Single Fold All Wool Delaines, and a lull line en those High Lustred Black Alpacas, at a great rediiclioniu price. LADIES' CLOTHS, CLOAKIXGS AND SACKINGS. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. Beaver Cloths, Tricots. Velvet Cloths. Cassimere Sack ings. Plain -a f>itper?*, Blenched AND UIII'1P:D !**tl Htirkabip k* , (!i -In .-. Ili li Linens, A'e.. lU-4 and '.*-4 Sheeting:*, 1 *;i!w Ose Col ton. I'otiiiferp uie-, I'raping Musiittg, Shukt r Flannel Sheetings, Blankets, Ac,, tic. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. Esquimaux. Moscow and Castor Beaver Cloth-, French ant Oct man Black Broadcloths, Doeskin*, fancy Cas simere*. TweeiJs jMeltons, Satinetts, Union Cassimeres, , leaus, Ac., Ac. ALSO, All qualities Plain White. Shaker -lid Welch Flannels, | fancy Shining Minus.Red and Guy .Plain and Twilled flannels, and a full assortment ol DOMESTIC COTTON GOODS, At the Lowist Market rates. SECOND FLOOR. We are now opening and desire to cat! special atten tion to our unusually large stock of FINE CLOAKS As we make thi* department of our business a special ity .we have given tt much time and attention, ttur se lections have been made from the newest styles in the matket, and our Cloaks are manufactured in a manner i ib.it cannot iad to please, and give entire satistaction. , SHAWLS! SHAWLS! Paving made onr purchase* before ibe recent great i advance in price, we are aide to ofier decided bargain* iu ladies, Misses and I luldieiis Double and single >baw l*. Our prt *tul stock lai surpasses in extent t,d variety aoy purchases we have evei be ore mad in tl.i tme ami wc have availed ourselves ol the most favor able lino t" select the choicest and mo-t desirable goods in the market. RON TON FLEXIBLE SPRING SKIRT. THE NEWEST AND BEST PATENT CRINOLINE YET INVENTED. We Lave now on hard a good assortment of these eel- ! el.rated Skirts, la While and Colored. ALSO, The Eugenie. Eiuptess, Paris Trail. Multi'orm, and a variety ... othei p. polar makes o! Skills in all sizes 1 1 tor Ladies Mis*e* and Children. ! i CARPETS AND FLOOR OIL CLOTIIS. Brussels, Three Ply. Extra Super. Supeitine. Ingrain Kidder,and Hemp t arpe's. All wid hs floor ()i i hull* Mat' ings, Door Mats,, and Rugs. Anew stock just re ceived. i ' BOOTS AND SHOES. Having made arrangements with niai.ntactiinrs to supply our sa'es with the best quality of Ho. ts ami slu.es we shall at all times lie aide to bullish our custo mers with t e lest custom niadi Shoes ol all kind* lot Ladie* Misses and Children, and Boots for Mens and Hoys wear, at reasonable prices. We shall also k.-> p run siantiy on hand a complete assortment >o M. u,Women* and Children's Kubbir.* and Ar- '.itJVei-hoes. HATS AND CAPS. A splendid assortment of Metis and Boys Hats and Caps just ic.eivid. I Living closed out out old stock almost entirely previous to our la'e purchases, we now oflei au emire new stock ol the latest styles. PAPER HANGINGS & TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. 1 We are now receiving large additions to our stock <> Wall Papers, Transparent Window Shades and I ritu ' iniugs Window Papers, Ac. . Ac. Ccgal. ! NOTICE NOTICE | I Zj I* hereby given that all persons indebted to the e* ' elate ..I Ezia to d ud .late of W. Burlington to ,>lc' d,r< requested to make iiuiuediale payment.and those liaW.iy demands against said estate will preseut tbem duly an I iheuticatcd lor settlement. GEO. W. GODARD, Jan. 1R H'lfi. Exeeotor. i DMIMsTRATKIX'S NOTlCE.—Notice x\ is li-reby given, that all peraous indebted to tin i estate ol A sel Cillotaoii. dee d, file of Leltoy two. an requested to make immediate payment, and those liav iug demands against saul estate will present tlie.a daly : .uthenth ated lor settlement. SALLY' ANN TILLOTSON, Jan IR. W*t. vdni.i tr-'or. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-V.TUX aw. i> In re by give.., that a I persons indented o .h-- <•■ • 'ale ol l atiiel C. Miller, deeiased, late nl Milmol iw|., are requested to make immediate payment, auU id ESTATE al t* LEQUEMTD LU MAKE p-ty MRUL, AND all PERSON.* HA VI tig demand* agultial the SAME ARE UollUed TO PRESENT the same lor settlement to LIE SUBSCRIBE'. II AIM IX WA iStAI, Feb. 15, I**G. AUminiall'ATOl. ADMIMsIKA I OR'S NOTICE —Notice la UILTBY giVeu, thai AIL pti AO,I> HiOfOlfti LU 111- calalf L PC.I ..U I PALIL'GR.LICI, Ltie #I AI ANY lO*ru-hip, UTCV AED, aie reqtiealeU tu LUAKE |ja)uieui. •TIITJ LLITIAI' claiiiid AGAIN A L A.iitl CAIATC will PFCAF l. ILIFIU duly aulhculicaU'd lor ->*ULFLOTRUL. J B, Feb. 16, LFCOO. A IMM iaifilug. ADMIN ISTKA LOLL'S NOTICE -Nonce 1? heictiy fhat all |>er'ii.i ludeoled to Uif caiatc u lllu.iM bi.aN.Vbl i . iale ul ioAauda dtrc d., are requeated Lo taake iuiuiediale iiayiueaT aud llioaf tiav deuiuuda aaiu estate win pre-, aullituticaled iui aeiik neu'.. BL.XJ. A. FECK, J. in 2., L.MIB AdiUllitaiiaiur. * V DMI N ISTKATOirS NOTICE.- /L. TIE• eny K IV * D LLIAL ail JICF.VTUI LUUEDLET] LI LLLE calalt* TIL ILGFTVLU L MUL R, UTC D. liite ol UahVlllf, FA , IN* I T|lE>led lo make llH mediate |faynit;lale *VIU iieiu DIILV aiilhealicrtteu lor settlement LLLIUIT WHIVNTV, Feb 27, Adiiiiuiaiiuior. ORPHAN S COURT .>ALE.— By virtue < i • ill fidcl illcd IIUL "I LLIE ALL OlL. til A C'lUli U BI'UTI* ("IU C'OUFIIY . Uie UIIDRI DIGUED adm MI!-' ral • OI LLIC FCF ALE il JO.-IDB tlit by iauu- id B I J I*. C-Julaiaia^ a'aj .-rresv ol laud >e the a.on .u of o. !e--. A.-IL*!*;— to be POD O . IIIE ptuperiy SIRA.L DUWU Jitii llie bilalice .-H the CALL 27,'Gii. AUll.iuis ratoi*. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE By virtue of all (>id< i I-VIED "UT L the UI|,B IN S Court of Brad- I AD COUNTY, ihe I I.dtuia bitacor oi ibe E I.il* of Hernial! IL liill rd LAI'O Wells tup deceased, will sell on tbe pir IIILV.-, TO FBIHAi , M All H 30tb, 2 O'CL ICK p. IU . iht* following ilescribid prop eriy , to wit : Bounded on the south and east by aods ol Whiting (iifTud, ou the tu th by lauds ol Myron T'.iprou and by laiidn beloiiuiiig to T!IF he ITS o. GALES Bird, and ou the WF-T by lauds d W S. I ORALIS. Coutuuiuif about out hundit'D A re> uioie or lc-.s. 'I I I JH. W - ?V.*> t. I E J ;id WFRN the property IS -truck (I'IWII. 4 IHE balance II coii aalion OL sale, THE B.JLAUCF ITI oheycar tbeiea fer wi ii IT. let L ir MI coulir* ma HON SAMUHL if. L\GHKM)LL. Ft O. "GO. Admkills'.rator. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By \ii t "i AN order i-Micd out of the < npliaii H Court ol Brad ford County. tlie utidet igued idiniui.-tiat r ol the T- Lite of Hiram Beiuie T. late V B tarp, DECEASED will sell ON i HE PROMISES i.ll ! Geo. BENNETT thence V\E-*T LOD per. to a white ';K tree tor a CORNER, tln IN e u ITH IG2 per. t•a In IN!" k tree for corner, tfnrsce eist I'-O per L a while oak iheuee IG2 per TO the place 1 i L inn P it 1 J.T I*S M E 4U |.A r .ii ItII g IL.T SUN e iaud tiuw in tlie PTSE-.SIOII ut I UU> 81-uoeit. a N UT GO a*r. S iiiiproveil "LIE traiiicJ hou-E. oue I rained B>nn,A DA lew LI NI liees THEREON. THBMS —l2) ol Ll'.e PURCHASE mouev TO be paid at THE LIME UI sale, a ltd .4 ol ihe BALANCE up"U liual EMDII TlM ta N, and llie balance with INTEREST "lie \V.U tlu ieailer. BTSJ.M. FKL'K, Feb. 27, VIFI. Adnimi>ti.tor. /ORPHAN'S CO! K'i SALE. By v IINF I.R u.ii t issii. (I - lit .. ihe tlrpli .iiV t .nut ..I Bi.nl : luiiitunniy ihe m . ti-igi < 0 Mmu i-iut. i ul tl c cs , title nt -U.M |li G. t*|.CHC > .nM.ui'l M- I >n the |.I m i*ts in Windl m ivvp hlilli.vY M vl,v ti .} In ls.,ii.,it i :> II cluck p. ui . tlie luliuwiug junpcity. boiiu.lccl n;iu tii s. nht.l u* fullows, to wit: B> gjntiipg nt the n. rth-fnst cuvner c.Mhc sn cjlica Homer Dtmock lot now owned hy .m i in j—e-ehm of Klizn E S|.cli. • t lynilr |>ei. :t!i g lie line ol Ifet-vt * 8.;, i Umun und J -hn How ell to n p. *t no.I *tu.(* in the puniic liighw .y . ilu u . ■ south 3° c*t H* y-TU |C R J NIG SJIIL TUGIIA IY to !. IN [• ck ti.e, thence T. til) On * 111 p. ,• to .1 p. -t M.tl *IU c* . ihe place ot In-ginning. Coni.iining :ii; ucie* ami 3* ).. iclu > he THE *.NIU- IN->l or lc** (t-I T'L"> ing ah. UT right ; acres OTL llie west siilc. SET apail to YOU |.!,t...iri L.Y the APPRAISERS ol thr Irisui.nl csi.ILE ul * ID DEI edcut W hirh :p| FAISITI. NL Las l. • ■ > xMiiu iil LY Y. in Hun. I . TIRT). ai.iuit 2U acres impiuvcd. WNII a *inuii IR.I UNL . house nit.) tlMIIIrll 1.,ril T hrltsiil. ThR.M.— fdoll.ii- it pu d wiif-n the |tu|erty i | sti .ick dr.wu the ol lit: |iuniivw Hi Jiiey ..uc-'ti lii mat ion ui snir. Ll.IZt E s I NTER. Fell 27. 'dfi. (now Jakewny) \dmi. i-tmtrix. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. By vir*nt? of an older issued . ul t the tlrph ill's l . urt ol Rrad ' ..id t'niiity. the hiidcrsigue.l Gunrdii . ut tin- Minor |i l.ildieu oi J. hii linyiliuiii u-.ii. will os t . Make, thence uo 1 1. wew Ml ' K.ds io ihe la-col heginuiug. (o.ol.i'uiug j.; aeic* ! m.-re r lc*s. TER'IS— {",O oi the pnrcli .s. M .ney to i) p.ti i ou the • day ni sale, | -.u conlirui.iti-'ii. liic bti nee in six ulon Hi* w.tli iiitri.st Irum coiiliim.iu.il. i A.\.\Y li IIA\THORN, Fein 27 "C'J. GII mi in. ORPHAN S COURT SALE.— By virtue of an .'ider is*'.e*l .<■ i ..1 liie Oipinoi s i!.. nl ol Hi.id ■ niilL'unniy tin. uiulrTsigned .ulmi ,i*tnttr* > veil : On llie north l.y I .nds' l VVm. H.itictt on the . i*t !.y i laud* ol John ILi del t .Hid Noah !..mi*. o" the .**iulU i by lauds ..I Waul Vt .irner, and "ii the wtsi by 1. ml.* ol liavid I Witt and Alvui .1 Lunl.ai. C uilaiiiing 3n jacrisol l.ilnl. be lllc -ame ' nr.' r le**. *i'h alruil 40 a lesihtrcu. in.proved, as . all ir.uied in use, uiui a ' 'llliill apple "ml pun li ut. hard ihu.nil. I I'.RdS—f.'> ..' tin- pui. ha-e tin nev t.t paid nn ilic day ni sal-. J • h cai.tiim.uiaii ..I -ale. and llie b i ai c. in one yon tl.crcalur wnh interest irom . nnliiina: tnu Ml • -li I'. I'olfTEß. IHILVt AS AMI>. Feb. 27, "fiti. A. iciinstraturs. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virttit-f :• 11 < rder IS>ued NI I Hie IIR|ILI:IN\ < unit f Br.UL utilCouniy ILIT* * ll T* ♦ T (.'BULL'S I'liitiji-, ;•!* of S|U it:DI. M IWP . will XL'un lie |iumi>es. FB!L>\V V M M'T'H it 2 o'clock P IN., tbe (ILLOYVIIIG GOT I iu*.! |R Pifv to wit : BULLMLEIL uo the SOUTH by ; H Ll'irli-v.iy IC I jiug • RUM SHIM. an 18-ry -B thelii>h T'reek I IU UJ, th iiinfh MI>D E.st by lands oi ( LI r**s BINGESN. I N 'IN* WET oy lands UI llie |mSS*'SSIOU I **liNN . >PEAR 1 o-itiiu inii 3*l WIRES or TL CIEALS U'-, 3O ,I ?• llUTrovcd. AND OI E IIAII'TD JW< U;NG HMI-E Ald Ir IM< Latn fhereon. TL I(M -U T ioiirih OF ilie pi;ivlu>e nioney t BE paid n 11 e I < T• ti I IIAIT i II OF ?AH , ai d 'LU* l-;IF.O e ORE \ear LHEITJIFIER lib interest. JAMKSL. RHIM.II'S. Feb. 27. GG. Ailiiiitiistruior. ORI HAN'S COURT SA I.E.- By virlw f an older i*siii d . nl ■ I the Oi plum's t "out t ..I Brad* I n.rd I'uinly the tipdeisigned : .liiuni-lri.inr ol iln- es t'lf o'.bum s I.dMuII lit'i!. late Fume lw|.. * ill sell • I TL'l' PN MlM*>, ou I'l.'iP AV . MAlii 'll 3KHB, L"l>i, at 2 j UVLIM-K P ni.. the 10l owing PROPERTY TO wit : BEGINNING AT • >I!'KC ULUL ST INS ai the LUUFLI-cast cor ner of SAID I •', flu* ci* Ol.th 'AI rD* MINI luorlii k-toa and Ml'lie SNMH line OF th- lleur> KUI it lot, TBCIO<• WE 32 I* d- ; a B MFNEK BEING M'iih.E.T-T , I A ti** •* I -aid For til !• t ILN uce iiorib 27 p* I. Ta -take j 4ll tbeiice nor LI (•> - IN - I" a heiulo k, LIIT.CE I a.-T GI II 10 |IEI t > tilt* p ;o-E o< • EGIOUIMF LU;- finning 32 HCIES TMUE —PJJ TO lie pa d oil tin- D.TY OT 'ALE, LO- lial* . atice ot said purchase tnouev on CUI.HRMA'I" *f VVM. I NBBFS. 2d. Feb. 27, 'GG. Ailiuinisi IRIGI -