ainulfortl gkpflrter. p jOCAL AAI) GENERAL. ,Hr/nr/ir is printed upon CAMF • j, \ ur.d Job Press, Office No. 06 Gold w York. t'homas H. Senior, agent. , : I'RHCEEMNOS. —The February Term ■:;s . t ('oiiiity Court, commenced Mon | M.1,. K. 15. STBEETER, President, '.'lion. V. M. 1 \.. ami Hon. L. P. STALVORD, Judges. ,! ■, of Court was occupied in making ~.. uictioiis. receiving Constables returns, Constables chosen at the late election, mating liccnsest (.riiii.l Jury was sworn on Monday after .. ;! s follows: — . :N |. iv Foreman, Bradford Beechcr, ( la.btrliu, (.'handler C'anfielJ, Win. M. P; t rick Dunfee, W. S. Grace, Beebe i;il \ Hill, Joseph Hunt, Geo. B. Mills, s ,Ic. J 1- Scudder, Henry Shaw, H. 11. I Seward. Hiram Terbtisb, A. W. Van . j mathan \t hippie. .!••! Jury ". as dischaig. .1 on Wednesday, i,d upon all the 1 usiness laid before , uti unusual dearth of criminal ... . '.. inv an improved state of public mor- i Grand lu.\ returned the following! TRUE BILLS. .: i~. I i larceny. '. ! kw. 11, for assault and battery Ac. jr. for larceny, a 1 ft. for arson. . ; a, i :s. for cruelly beating domestic V ui-liti. lor selling liquor on Sunday. V x TlifE BILL. AND COUNTY FOR COST. . :\\ .klc. for violation of liquor law. ;..rtt Sessions, the following cases /. Miller. —lndicted for adultery ssions. Defendant being arraigned •• ""'cs.- Defendant was indicted . .. - sions. for adultery with Amelia J. Wihaot township. The jury found the ! gu Ity. but that he pay s]oo of the 1 th. p'-osecntor Daniel S. Miller, pay (lie : .~f the costs. . lioyU jr. —The defendant, who . 11- • 1! y. ars old was indicted l'or stealing ■ ; postal cttrrency from the money fH. T. Btardsley in Canton boro. The ii ! aa guilty. . T<r . Leßaysville " la { Orwell twp. .. .Standing Stone twp. Muttlilicid " : i Teny " .' ■ V at Towanda boro'. j i.tA v • ri-ige .* | .. Troy twp: - '■ ■ '• boro'. | . - .... Ulster twp. . I ! ■ Wells Windham " F i; -I.' Wysox '• SERCHAST DEALERS. ■■ K Athens boro'. 1 : y Burlington boro". , [ 'jusrii Tr.iv " 1 '■ ■' '-is Towanda boro*. i ■ ''s 1 tition oi citizens ofLeKoy twp., j : .t the Constable elect refused to , ,office. Court appoint Carpenter Hoag- 1 1 : for I.dtov twp. -tt'.i.gthe appointment of Burton W. ! ■ i>, puty Constable ofCanton boro'. Court ! 1 ' 'ii the same. ■rt , th. appointment of Edward j t■ . 1' puty Const dile of Sheshequin twp. } iy V M i r-.i! ■ y ws appointed Town Clerk j y. •n : j pii ition ot sundry citizens of.said j ' 'b 'kvi w - a]-,pointed Auditor of Alba | I presenting petition of citizens of said j a. it.; 1.1 petition of sundry citizens of j a>kmg for a view for a County - - iow alula creek in Monroe township, j i ; i t 11. it. McKean, E. W. Ilule, Nelson , ' ■ liidgway. B. Laporte and Wm. ; 1 Wl-ls. it.i ol p.- tition ol sundry citizens of 1 ""king for a view for a'County bridge, h branch of 1 creek, in Al- i Conrt appoint I. L. Jones, J. Bnt-1 Edward A\ bite, Thomas I.aiuli and a, viewers. ■ i i ill.- petition ol sundry citizens i 'M . asking lor a view for a County ! -- bappasening creek, in Warien twp., ! ■ l ' Major 1!. Darling, W. L. Frisbie, 1 lues llackns, H. P Kimball and rth as viewers. |t \\' re enjoying' u gracious revival j tuis place. We commenced a series ' -s on the 7th of January. The ! month, tl.e Presiding Elder ot •I'lc and tarried with us four even " • .iter we sent for Itev. G. J. Du '"ii -he came in the spirit of the | bed in the demonstration of the y aver : and as the result, many j 1 ' a. on ertc.l, and reclaimed. We "Iy one hundred. Th< work is , !soi lif . the brethren and the from your village, came up a few r dus good service. The rueet nr place by the Kev. E. I'. Ham •nt.-d in no small degree to help on v ik lure. Whoever lias been the . O'joict and praise the Lord of we will ascribe the glory now and ;| "1 Aineii. E. HUDSON, Pastor. MROJE. —t)n Wtidnosday morn | 0 ' lock, we learn a fire broke out Hotel at Montrose, kept by P. V. , 'i.e.l by j. T. I.angdon. consuming! r. '1 entire contents, and also Judge ' '■ w office. '• understand that the dwelling ,! "' w Fatten, of Pike township, was tire on Sunday night last. Nothing : ' s Kf > v ed. The fire was accidental. , -'l,c dwelling house of David Ilor- I qnin twp., was destroyed by fire on '•.si Week. The fire was communi sof a defective stove-pipe. Most " nre was saved. ORPHAN'S HOMESTEAD. —The question of , caring for the orphans of such of our brave sold iers as died in the defence of otir common country, is one that must deeply interest every patriotic heart. * An enterprize otthis kind, called ' 'The Orphan's Homestead Association," is already on foot, and I bids tair to more than meet the first sanguine ex pectations ol its originators and friends. Gov. POLLOCK, ot this State, represents the As- ! I sociation as its President. J. F. BURNS, Esq., of • Philadelphia, is Treasurer, and Rev. Taos. Ancts- i ; SON, of the same city, General Agent, j The last named gentleman was recently among ! i us - an, l eloquently presented the cause to our two- : j P^. No doubt the response given will be a generous one, and in all respects worthy of the well-known ' : patriotism and general intelligence of the commit- I i nity. Mr. B. S. RUSSELL, of Towanda. is local Irens . urer for this place and vicinity. Contributions can he made to him at any time, j j Much lins already been done, and is still doing.— i i We have every reason to believe that yet much i more will be done. C ertnin it is that no worthier object can be bro't before the American people. It is truly National in character, and in purpose and i'nl- ! i Ailment. If any thing is done at all in this diree i tion, it must be done soon. Those heroic martyrs, self-sacrificed on the al- ; J tars of their conn ry's redemption, have bequeath !edto us these their orphaned little ones. Let us I accept the sacred trust. It is a solemn charge ' which the great GOD of battles hath given us. It ' ; is a part of the stipulated price of our glorious lib- : crly. Let us so care for the orphaned children of ' the gallant defenders of the Republic, that the j proud honor associated with the names they bear, ' ' shall not sleep in the graves of the dead sires : bnt march nobly down our country's story, with the ! living, acting inlineutial sons. Towanda. Feb. 12. 1866. j. T. B. LECTURE. — Kev. EDWARD 1' HAMMOND, the celebrated Evangelist, will Lecture in the Court ; House, Towanda, Pa., Friday evening, Feb. 16th, Subject: "True Heroism." Tickets3o cts. Doors . open at i o clock—Lecture to commence at 8 o - : clock. Tickets for sale at the News Room. OAXAI. LETTINGS. — It has been seldom, I( ! ever before, that canal lettings have taken place in j Out go, yet that phenomenon actually occurred in I Outgo yesterday. According to a notice which ' ■ appeared in this paper, ten additional miles of the Cllenango Canal Extension, were put under con tract. The lion. Ik F. Bruce, Canal Commission- , or, had charge of the lettings, assisted by a num- ] ber of Engineers. The number of bidders was large, almost till gentlemen from a distant who | have made the canal business a profession. The , I present lettings will bring the canal to within 1 two miles of this village, but if as we anticipate ' the monies already set apart for the Chenango Ca nal Extension shall be reappropriated and an ad- j ditionnl appropriation secured, additional letting will at once be made. It is expected that by next t fall the canal niny be open to this place and fully i 1 ready for operations in the spring. Tin citizens j 1 i of Tioga County and of the Chenango Valley on up jto I tiea, are under many obligations to Canal j Commissioner Bruce for his unswerving fidelity to t this important public work. Having full faith in ' the good which this Extension will confer on this ' portion of the State and on to Albany, he has been j the linn friend of the undertaking. Dew/o Tones. * | c TICKNOR A. FIELD'S PUBLICATIONS.-—OH Sat- i urday, JaTi. 0. this eminent publishing house, be- I % gan the publication of a weekly journal entitlid s I Every Silvrday: A journal of choice re ding, selec- i ted from foreign current literature. Much of the -j best literature of the day is found in the English t S and Continental magazines and periodicals ; and it is the design of the Publishers of this new jour- j nal to reproduce the choicest selections from these ! 1 for American renders, in a form at once attractive ! " ... t and inexpensive.. Every Saturday is intended for Town and Coun ty, for the Fireside, the Seaside, the Railway, and the Steamboat. Its plan embraces Incidents of Travel and Adventure. Essays Critical and De scriptive, Serial Tales, Short Stories, Poems, Bi ographies, Literary Intelligence, etc., in connec tion with judicious selections front the admirable popular papers on Science which are constantly appearing in foreign periodicals. The value of these papers arises from the fact that scientific subjects, however harsh and dry in themselves, arc here treated in so graphic and picturesque a style as to charm the reader while instructing him. Every Saturday will contain each week thirty two large octavo pages, handsomely printed in double columns, with and engraved title. Terms: Single numbers, 10 cents. Subscrip tion price, $5,00 per year, in advance. Monthly Parts will be issued, containing 128 pages encb, handsomely bound in an attractive cover, price 50 cents. Subscription price, >5,00 per year, in ad vance. Clubbing Arrangement.—Subscri era to any of tLc other Peri rdicals published by Ticknor and Fields will receive Every Sotonlfty for $4,00 per year in advance. THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY. —With the num ber for January 1866, this deservedly poputar jour nal entered upon its seventeenth volume. It has reached an age and and circulation never before attained by any American magazine of its class, and its popularity steadily increases with each suc ceeding pear. The publishers have provided for the readers of the Atlantic during the present year, articles hich they are confident will not only sustain the reputation of the magazine as the lead ing exponent of American literature, but w ill in crease its general usefulness and value. Its corps of contributors contains the names of Longfellow, Bryant. Taylor, and the first American writers. Terms : .Single copy, SI,OO. Club Rates—Two Copies for s7,Of); Five copies forsl6,oo: Ten cop ies for $50,00, and each additional copy $6,00. For every club of Twenty Subscribers an extra copy will be furnished gratis, or Twenty-one copies for $60,00. The Postage on the Atlantic is 21 cents per year, and must in all eases be paid at the office where it is received. The Atlantic and Our Young Folks w ill be furnished to one address for $5,00 per year. Orp. Vor NO FOLKS. --The Publishers of Our 1 oung Folks take pleasure in announcing that they have made such arrangements for liter ary and artistic contributions daring the coming! year as will give to the Magazine additional value a lid attractiveness. ■ Round the Evening Lamp," which has proved one of the most attractive features of the Maga zine. w ill be enlarged, and a Correspondence De gartnieut will be added. Occasional articles will also be luniishf d, as during the present year, by many of our most eminent writers. The Illustra tions will he rendered still more copious and at- 1 tractive during the coming year. Original draw ings arc in hand from American and English art ists of the first rank. During the year several full page Illustrations, printed in colors, will be intro duced. In the January number was given a I Fine Steel Portrait of Mrs. Stowe, carefully en graved from a new likeness taken especially for Our Young Folks. Terms : Single copy $2,00 yer year. Single num ber 20 cts. Three copies for $5,00; Five copies for SB,OO ; Ten copies for $15,00 ; Twenty copies i for $50,00; and an extra copy gratis to the person ! forming the Club of Twenty. Bound Volumes of Our Young Folks, including the first twelve numbers, are now ready, in hand some cloth binding, npproeriately stamped. Price, ! $5,00 plain : $5,50 gilt. Address, TICKNOR & FIELDS, 124 Tremont-st., Boston. SPECIAL NOTICES. fcj" Kerosene or Coal Oil, the very best kind for sale by the barrel or in small quantities, very cheap, at Dr. Porter's Drug Store. A Meeting of the Bradford County Medical Society will be held at Troy, on Wednes day. Feb. 21st. 1866. L. D. MONTANA E, Suoretarv. METHODIST BOOK CONCERN, I • . 200 Mulberry-st., N. Y. | i | iseing m constant receipt of inquiries from our : j brethren respecting Sewing Machines, with re- i | quests o recommend and purchase, we have, in eoi'mm-pon with sonic lady friends, carefully and thoroughly examined the \ annus machines of prac | tical value for family sewing, and find those made by Wheeler A Wilson to fully combine tke essen tials of a good instrument, and such as we can con fidently recommend. Having seen so favorable 1 results from their use, in our own and the house holds of our friends, we are desirous that their benefits should l>e shared by all our brethren, and hence have interested ourselves in their behalf. Abel Stevens, Thomas Carlton, Daniel Wise, J. i | B. Edwards, J. A. Fay, J. Porter, David Terrv W I A. Cox. "Ho, EVERY ONE ! COME."— To the friends I ot the S. S. in Bradford Co.—Dear Brethren and Friends, in this our "day of pentaeost." when mul titudes are converted to Christ, and are able, as never before, to salute you with a holy greeting, jlt is hearty welcome to "glad tidings" that we j extend to you. It each successive convention of 1 our County S. S. Association hassurpassed its pre decessor in real interest and siiirit. we may look to the coming one with delightful anticipations.— You are therefore most cordially invited to meet in convention in th.- Presbyterian' Church, in Rome borough, on Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 27 and 28, 1866. Tin-re will be a sermon from Rev. 11. Crittenden .Co. S. S. Missionary), Rev, J. Brown ell and Rev. James MoV> illiam. and discussions on topics of interest to S S workers, also a Union Child reus meeting on Wednesday afternoon. \\ e give only a part of the programme, but en sure our friends a feast of good things. O. A. BLACK, Sec'v. - TIN- lar gest assortment of Valentines ever 1 rought to this : county. Comic and fkntimenM. At News Boom | Book Stors. "OUR GREAT AUTHORS," is the title of U Splendid Steel Engraving on exhibition and for sale at the Jewelry Store of W. A. Cliamberlnin. LOST. On the 31 instant, in the ruatl be tween Towanda and Myersburg, a bundle done up in brown paper, containing Alpaeea and trimmings for a dress. The finder will confer a great obliga tion by leaving the same at the Myersburg Hotel, or at the Beporttrr Office. GRAND CONCERT AND DAN. E —The l ister : Brass Band. (Wm. Dittrich, Leader,) will give a Concert and Dancing Party, at Patterson's Hotel. Milan, on Thursday. Feb. 22. 1H65. Bill, >2 JO. CARD. —AII soldier* who enlisted prior to |, June 30. lsij.'!, will be furnished important iuifor- 1 mation/i'c by calling at once upon the undersign ed. Bring your "discharge" with you. J. N. CALHF, Pension Agent, Office over News Room. W ANTED, immediately, Two Sewing Girls 1 that understand the Tailoring Trade, to work on custom work. None need apply unless they un derstand the Trade, fully. Also a good journeyman workman wanted. J. M. COLLINS. GOOD HOOKS ! GOOD BOOKS. —Don't fail to to call at the News Room Book Store and get Mr. ' Hammond's Religions Books, among them are the ' Harvest work <>r the Holy Spirit, the Blood ot Je sus, Children of Jesus. Child's guide to Heaven, Little ones in the Fold, Praises to Jesus. We have aLso on hand a large assortment of mis cellaneous and religious works, and the largest as- , | sortinent <>t Bibles and Testaments ever brought into Bradford County : and ask nil to eall and con vince themselves that we nre now determined to 1 sell cheap. ] I'OK KENT.— I lie 3.1 story .>1 I nion Block Towanda. Inquire at the office of G. D. Mon tauye. I New and Fecund Ilaml Pianos, by the most celebrated makers in New-York and Phil adelphia, always on hind and for sale at th lowest prices. £-■&' Timing done on short notice by Prof. WM. DITTRICH. Towanda, Jan. 1. 1866. (oaiu j f-'iy*' All persons who have old magazines, newspapers, or books which need binding, are re , minded that tlicy can have the same done at the | Bindery in the lu'/iurltr building, in the best man ! ner and on reasonable tt rtns. All kinds of ruling j and Blank books to order. TOWANOA MARK ITS. — ( TI7IO/C.:G/I' Prices.) ■ Corrected exerv Tuesday by E. T. Fox, No. I,Brick i Row : i j Wheat $1 75 (& $2 20 ; Rye 80 @ 85 ! Corn 80 . Hum- J plirey are notified that all monies due said estate trust ! he paid in immediately. IR A R. HUMPHREY. ! f An. 31.1866. Administrator. I* fp II E INSURANCE COMPANY OP ' 1 NORTH AMERICA. Office No. 242 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, litis Company are now prosecuting tlie Lu mess of i Insurance iroui iu.-s or damage by FIRE on Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, A, , throughout the State of Pennsylvania, on liberal terms,for long or short periods; i or permanently ol Buildings, by a deposit of Premium.' i 'Hit prompt payment of claims for losses during the ; period ol nearly 70 years that the Company has been in i e.sistence. entitles them to the confidence of the public. p I)iKfcCTOus—Arthur se to sell again.will please address by mail when list of prices "caul tumplet ' Ac., will be sent. All goods packed iu shipping order : and all orders will receive prompt at tention. C.M. CBANDALL. Montrose, Pa., Dec. 2u, lsfiii. QLOTIIING ! CLOTHING ! READY MADE AND MADE TO ORDER. J. M. COLLINS, Ist door South of Codding A Russell's, has just received front Now York n large aud atraotive assortment of NEW WINTER CLOTHING. Our stock comprises every artici. w.rn by men and boys, PILOT AND BEAVER OVERCOA ih, ;r>T QUAI. IIY BUSINESS SUITS OF ALL SiYLEs. COATS, PANTS VESTS, SHIRTS, COLLARS,N'K TIES, WRAP i ERS, DRAWERS Ac. G E NT S Fl' RN I S 111 N G GOO DS Of every description. Especial attention is called to onr stock oi CJOTHS, CASS I MER ES AND YES TINGS. •1 we will make up to order on short notice. ine of Fancy Cassimers for Pants and Coats. CxHats aud Caps. Gents Fur Collars. " "ting done to order on shoit notice i mind if you wish to buy Clothing CHE M* tc .. as good as represented, call at Tgrms Cash. COLLIN,'s Towauda, Dee. 7.1805. T\r OTICE.—Whereas, my wife Mary D. XI has left nty beo aud board without just cause or provocation, notice is hereby given, to all persons, not to harbor or trust her on my account,l will pay no debts of her contracting alter this date. Sheshequin, Jan. 30, GEO WARNER fllenljanbijE. YET ANOTHER STOCK 'OF NIW GOODS AT W I C K II A M .& BLACK'S. I DRESS GOODS, DOMESTICS,! I FLANNELS, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS. The above linen we offer in'great variety and late styles. HATS and CAPS, i LARGE STOCK, BOOTS and SHOES, BEST MAKES, j CROCKERY, 1 GLASSWARE, LAMPS. This part ot our stock we pay particular attention to, and now offer two of the best patterns oi Ironstone Ware in the market. Erie and Sevres, also C. C., Yellow Rockingham and Wedgewood. Beautiful assortment of Glass Lamps. Call ane see our stock of NOTIONS. Thanktul for past favors we respectfully invite your trade aud promise to do onr best. WICKHAL A BLACK. SE W INC M AI'HIN K D E POT. Having received the Agency of the tiro bat Sewing Machines in use,we are now ready to supply ail the peo ple of Bradford and Sullivan, with either Wheeler A Wilson's or Singe'rs, than which none better is made.— We keep needles oil, soap, thread and all the extras i needed to work the machine. All are invited to call at our store and examine Machines aud work. Call or send and get a circular ami price list, at Wickham A Black's Store. Nov. 6. 18G5 EwoO O D s : W I L L I A M A . ROCK W EL L I fs|reeeiving a most choice, aud "selected assortment ot GOODS FOR THE SEASON, j Consisting of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, DE LAINE, ALPACAS, and all varities to be had by the asking. COTTON YARN, CARPET YARN BATTING, BLEACHED GOODS, FLANNELS, CLOTHS, OA SSI MERES, SHAWLS, HOODS, And a great variety too numerous to mention. To be had everything in the j YA N K E E NOT I O N L INK, Even to a Violin. The place to find what you want in the lineoi HATS, CAPS, FURS, GLOVES, and MITTENS. If you tire in want of CROCKERY, in sets, or as you I may order, and any amount, GLASSWARE, LANTERNS, GLOBES, &c. W O 0 D E N W ARE, to l>e had from Babies' Cabs to a Butter Ladle. A complete assortment of GROCE R 1 E S. Also the best BEE HIVE. SYRUPS and SUGARS ol all kinds. A snperior quality ot BLACK, JAPAN, GUNPOWDER, and YOUNG HYSON TEAS. BLASTING POWDER, and TOBACCO of all descriptions Every thing in the shape ol TOYS FOR CHILDREN. save yum meat by calling and- supplying yourselves with pure ASIITON AND TURK'S ISLAND SALT Oct. 10, is. . W. A. ROCKWELL. i JJoruell $C (So.'b Nero (Proobs. rpHB GREATEST ATTRACTIONS IN GOODS EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. POWELL &c CO., ! Have now in store the largest stook of goods ever exhib ited in Northern Pennsylvania. Additions will con j stantly be made to this stock daring the season, and ! it will at all times be found FULL AND COMPLETE j in all its departments. We invite the particular attention of our customers to i our magnificent display o! ! FALL AND3WINTER DRESS GOODS! Which we ofl'er at nrices much below those of last year. | We have given special care to our selections in this line i and are now able to exhibit the newest most fashionable. ; and most desirable styles to be obtained. Our new ! stock comprises all colore of Plain and Plaid French 1 Merinos, Empress Cloths. Striped Melanges, Striped and Plaid Poplins, Taffetas, oamaa. Tinsel Poplins, Paris I Crepes. Reps, Plain and Brocade Alpacas, Poll de Cbev res, Delaines and Armusis, Bright Plaids tor children's wear, and a great variety of other Dress Fabrics. MOURNING DRESS GOODS. Black French Merinos, Bombazines, Tamese Cloths, Baratheas, Mohair Lustres, Black and White Check and ! Striped Poplins and Alpacas, Double and Single Fold All Wool Delaines, and a lull line ol those High Lustred Black Alpacas, at a great reduction in price. LADIES' CLOTHS, CLOAKINGS AYD SACKINGS. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. Beaver Cloths, Tricots, Velvet Cloths, Cassimere Sack ings. Plain and Twilled Black Broadcloths, of all prices ail colors of Plain and Fancy Sackings, Opera Flannels. ; &C,, &C. i GLOVES AND HOSIERY. Ladies, Misses and Chiidrens White and Colored Cot ton, Fleeced and Merino Hose, Ladies Merino Vests and Drawers, Gloves of every des< ription at low prices. LINENS A HOUSE FURNISH! \G GOODS Bleached, Half Bleached, and Unbleached Damask Ta ble Linens. Napkins, Towels, Towellings, Scotch and Russia Diapers, Bleached and Unbleached Huckabacks ('riches, liish Linens, Ac., 10-4 and 9-4 Sheetings, Pillow Case Cottons, Counterpanes, Draping Muslins, Shaker Flannel Sheetings, Rose Blankets. Ac., Ac. i CLOTHS AND OASSI.MKRKS. Esquimaux, Moscow and Castor Beaver Cloths, French and German Black Broadcloths, Doeskins, Fancy Cas simeres. Tweeds,JMeltons, Satinetts, Union Cassimeres, •leans. Ac., Ac. ALSO, ! All qualities Plain White, Shaker and Welch Flannels, Fancy Shirting, Miners, Red and Gray, Plain and Twilled Flannels, and a full assortment of DOMESTIC COTTON GOODS, At the Lowest Market rates. % I SIECOISriD FLOOH, We are now opening and desire to cj!l special atten tion to our unusually large stock of FINE CLOAKS. As we make this department of our business a special ' ity. wc have given it much time and attention. Our se l lections have been made from the newest styles in the ■ | market, and our Cloaks are manufactured in a manner I that cannot fail to please, and give entire satisfaction, SHAWLS! SHAWLS! Having made our purchases before the recent great advance in price, wejare aloe to otter decided bargains in Ladies, Misses and Chiidrens Double and .Single Shawls. Our present stock far surpasses in extent -nd variety, any purchases we have ever l.e'ore made in this line and we have availed ourselves of the most lavor able time to select the choicest and most desirable goods ; in the market. HON TON FLEXIBLE SPRING SKIRT. THE NF.WEST AND BEST PATENT fRINOI.INE YET INVENTED. We have now on hand a good assortment of these eel , ehrated Skirts. In White and Colored. ALSO, ; The Eugenie, Empress, Paris Trail. Multiform, and a | variety of other popular makes ot Skirts in all sizes ; for Ladies Misses and Children. CARPETS AND FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. Brussels, Three Ply, Extra Super, Superfine. Ingrain, Kidder, and Hemp Carpets. All widths Floor Oil Cloths Mattings, Door Mats,j and Rugs. Anew stock just re | ceived. ROOTS AND SHOES. Having.made arrangements witli manufacturers to supply our sales with the best quality of Boots and Shoes, we shall at all limes be able to furnish our custo mers with the best custom made Shoes of all kinds, for Ladies, Misses and Children, and Boots for Mens and Boys wear, at reasonable prices. We shall also keep con stantly on hand a complete assortment of Mens. Vomers and Children's Rubbers and Ar • ' i Overshoes. HATS AND CAPS. A splendid assortment of Mens and Boys Hats and Caps just received. Having closed out our old stock almost entirely previous to our late purchases, we now I oiler an entire new stock of the latest styles. PAPER HANGINGS A TRANSPARENT) WINDOW SHADES. We are now receiving large additions to our stock of j Wail Papers, Transparent Window Shades and Trim raiugs Window Papers. Ac.. Ac. £egal. EpXECUTORS NOTICE N OTI C E is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es etateof Ezra Godaid.late ol W. Burlington tp .dec'd,are requested to make immediate paymejit.and those having 1 demands against said estate will present them duly an . I thentiuated for settlement. GEO. W. HODABD, | Jan. 18 1*66. Executor. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persoua indebted to the estate of A> sel Tillotson dee'd, late of Leßoy twp, are j requested to make immediate payment, and those hav ! ing demands again.-t said estate will present them duly j authenticated lor settlement. RALLY ANN TILLOTSON, ! Jail 1, 18bt>. Administrator. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice !14 i-, hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es ; tate of Daniel C. Miller, deceased, late of Wiimot twp., are requested to make immediate payment, and those j having demands against said estate will present thcru ' duly authenticated tor settlement. •I LUCY A MILLER, j GEO. W. MILLER, ' I Jan. 11,18tiG. Administrator. i A DMINISTRATORS NOTlCE.—Notice is D hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the es -1 ate of HIRAM B. JOINER, late of Springfield tp ,dee'd are requested to make immediate payment, and those j having claims against said estate will present them duly I authenticated lor settlement. MATTHEW HILL, Jr., Jan. 25, 1866. Administrator. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE-Notice is hereby given that ail persons indebted to the e-. ! tate ol JOHN W. ALGER, late ot Orwell, deceased, arc requested to make payment, without delay, and those having claims against said estate must present them duly authenticated lor settlement. O.J. ALGER, Feb. 15, lsb'i. Administrator. ADMIN 18TRA1 OR b NOTICE.-Letteiß ot administration o! the goods, chattels. Ac. of ! GEORGE KING late of Wells township, deceased, I have been issued to the subscriber. All persons indebt i ed to said estate are requested to make payment, and all persons having demands against the same are notified to present the same for settlement to the subscriber. MARTIN WARNER, I Feb. IS, 1*66. Admiuistratoi. A DMINISTRATORS NOTlCE.—Notice XX. is hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the e.-tateol sSTEIUGEUE.Iateof Albany township, j deceased, are requested to make immediate payment. and those having claims against said estate will present i them duly authenticated lor settlement. J B. STERIGERE, Feb. 15, lSiitj. Administrator. \ I)AIINISTR A TOR' 6 NOTICE.-Notic<- -XX is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the j estate of HIRAM BENNETT, late of Towauda dee'd., are requested to make immediate payment and those having demands against said estate will pre. i eutlhem duly authenticated tor settlement. BENJ. M. PECK, i Jan. 2i, 1860. Administrator. miscellaneous. iJJEW FURNITURE STORE ! Having rented the Furniture Ware-rooms formerly oc : copied by F. N.Page, Athens, Pa., would now say to the pationa of the old Establishment that 1 have a com plete Stock of Gocd". ju>t received, embracing everv j thing in 'he FURNITURE LINE. My goods art new and well selected, and for GOOD GOODS Will not he undersold by any. t ail and examine my 1 stock before purchasing, i retaiu the Workmen ot the j old establishment, and MR. N. I. HAH! • Will have chajge ot the business and Manufacturing, in ! short we have the finest f-took ot Goods in our line west : el New York, consisting ot Parlor Furniture, Chamber-setts, Sofas, Bureaus, Marble-top Centre Tables.Extension ami Dining Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Minors, Picture Frames, Photograph Ovals, Cord and Tassels, Steel Engravings, Oil Cnrtins. Toilet Stands, Work-Boxes. Pictures. Ac. COFFINS AND BURIAL CASES. Our I 'iidn liil.ri a Department will at all times be 1 well supplied with everything in that line. We haw ; the EISEST UK A USE In this section, not evecptiug anything west ol New ! York, and will attend Funerals withir a circuit ot ; Twenty Mia, on teasonabie terms. G. H. VOORHIS. i N. I. IlaiiT, Agent. | Alkens, Jan. 25, 1566.—1y WARD HOUSE, TOWAN DA, PENN'A. JOHN O. WARD Respectlully informs the public that be has purchased this well-known Hotel .and taken possession ot the same. The Ward House will lie thoroughly r paired and re furnished, and no labor n .r expense will be spared to i give satisiaclion to gue-ts. The traveling public and pere.ns v i-it ing Towauda, are requested to continue the (literal patronage which the Ward House ha- hitherto employed. Having hid ! cuusiderabie expeiience in tlie business, he is ' that vrith a strong delcrmiuati in to please, and with ! strict attention to *. he House, ho can satisfy the requir i lueiits of those stopping at the iioU=e. 2udec6o-tl TNT ERE S TING TO FARMERS! From the various Agricultural prints,oro her source-, j most farmers have become aware ot tiic vast superioi ity , ol the Goodrich SeidLug Potatoes. 1 hey are uuiivailed | in their immense yield, exceedingly excellent tor tabic : cse or for ieeding stock, and iiee Horn rot, mildew or , di-easc. Such well known q a'ities are merits that have ] won for the Goodrich Seedling Potatoes u better name than any other potato heretofore kn wn. A limited sup i ply can now he obtained by application at Dr. Porter's Drug Store, at the l< Bowing rate : Early Goodrich.... *1 (to a peek Gleason ... I 50 " Calico 1 50 Cuzco I AO " Pink Eyed Rusty Goat 1 00 Garnet Chili at about the market price. The Cuzco has been known to yield tiOil bushels to the acre in drills; the early Goodrich 400 bushels ; 'he oth • crs liotween 300 and 4o" bushels to the acre. lu our i soil in Bradford, with proper tillage, ibey will average over 300 bushels to the acre Whoever ptrocutes and plants any ol the above rarities, will consider themseles tortuuate in having secured the seed at such apparently high prices. PR. 11. G. PORTER." Towauda, Jan. 1. TJUBLIC DllAY.— Ihe subscriber having j-L purchased a good Dray, desires to inform the pub '< lie that he is fully prepared to do all kinds of work in 1 his line. llis servici - can bo sccuied troni 7 o'clock, a. | m., to 6 o'clock, p. m. He can transport cheaply and expeditiously all kinds of Household Goods. Merchan dize Ac. to any point desired, and respectfully (elicits j a share of public patronage. Stand iu front of Maisball's H iiiware st re, near | door to the Post Office, where he can always be seen when not engaged. Orders hit at Marshall's liardwa e i store, will te promptly attended to. U. S. THUPvBF.R. Towauda. Dec. 7,15C5. —ti. Upbcgraff's institute. gY E AN I) EA R I \sTIT UT E. DR. UP DE GRAFF. Oct list. AritisT and Gknkuai. Schokon, Kluika.N. t. Treats all Li- nsi of the Eye, Eur and '1 hi vat. THE EYE—He will operate upon Cataract, Artificial i Pupil, Cross Eyes. Lachrymal Fistula, Pterygium,Entro pion, (inversion ol the eye-lid,] and treats all forms ot ' " SORE EYES," such as Granulated Lid;., Purulent Ophthalmia, Opacities ol >the Cornea, scrofulous dis eases of the Eye, arid all disease- to which the Eyes is subject. THE EAR.--Treats successfully Discharges from the Ear, .Yoises in the Ear. Difliculty'oi Hearing, Deafness [eveu when the Drum is entirely destroyed, will useit an artificial one, answering nearly all the purposes ; thi natural THE THROAT.—Ulcerated Throat, Enlarged Ton sils, together with CATARRH in all its forms, permanently cured. GENERAL SURGERY.—He will operate upon Club Feet. Hare Lip, Clelt Palate, Tumors, Cancers. Morbid Growths, Deformities from Burns, and Hernia, and pei forms PLASTIC OPERATIONS- Where the Nose, Lips or auy portion of the lace is destroyed through disease or otherwise, by healing them on anew. ear Will attend to the Amputation of Limbs. and General Surgery in all its branches. INSERTS ARTIFICI AL K> ES Giving them all tin motion and expression ot tin natural, detying detection, they are inserted without removing the old one or pro i duciug pain. j The Doctor's collection ot instruments comprises ail | the latest improvements, and is the largest in the State, the superior advantages he has had in perfectiug him soli in all that is new and valuable in Surgery, warrants him in saying that everything within the bounds ot tin piotessiou may lie expected ot him. i The institute has been greatly enlarged, so that wt can now accommodate an increased number ol patients from a distance. Comfortable Boarding House- attach ed to the establishment. jVo ineui able eases reeeivtd for 'heatmentui Opera i tions. It a case is incurable be will lie so informed Institute on Water street, opposite the 1 trains id House Eltuira, N. Y. Feb. 2 1*65,