v.radford gkjwtte. I.OCAL AM) GEXERAL. TLIF is pi int .IL uptm CAMP- Country and Job Press, Office No. 56 Gold . W York. Thomas H. Senior, agent. IVSI'AKOFFA On; W EI.I.. — As some extrava .. STORIES are in circulation concerning this well, think proper to state the facts of the case. Mr. . swell has just called oil us and stated that on I'nesilay last, (Jan. 23,) at the depth of 750 feet, A,, V stiuek a crevice, emitting large quantities of ~ ~>l,l some oil. The rojie, tools, and sand PYMP , , sited with oil, emitting an unmistakable nlor of letrolenm. J Jut tliey have as yet no means T JUDGING of the quantity until the well is tubed „d tested. Mon'rose Hep. GSJF TIIP Union Aleetings which have been . i in tie -Presbyterian L Lurch in this place for , J -t TIVI WI eks, with sueli marked and gratify- F. _ 1,-alts, wen eoneluded on Tuesday evening last. IMBIIG the past two weeks, important and vidn- I ;i id HAS BET II rendered LQ tbe Rev. Mr. ATKIX . A .■! tin I S - Christian Conuuission, by Bev. ; \i R.O.VIS. formerly of Christ's Church, in this ROW mar Philadelphia, and Bcv. Dr. NEW- X. IFF Philadelphia. 11, N -u lis of these meetings have been the ac -i.ffi to the difl'crent churches litre, of many . J, ; L T-rs. and the awakening in others of a spirit : inquiry, which cannot fail in the future to pro iui. good fruits. Daily prayer meetings are still held in the Metli ! E'littreh. and in the evening at the rooms of ! Y. M. Christian Association. FIRE AT IWERVII.LE. — We learn tliut on C-IV morning last, about 2 o'clock, tbe Khoe | .! Y'MIU. R. Darling, in Potterville, was dis ! U-I'ed to be on fire. Mr. Darling being awaken- I one of his children, and seeing tip- light, ; -edetl hastily to his shop : but the fire had unci! such headway that it was inquissible to LT VK it. Both the back and front doors of his Lop had been broken open, and left almost closed, tb -.t when Mr. Darling pushed them open the ■' -1111-s burst out with such fury that it wasdanger - lo attempt an entrance to the building. MI Darling had a large number of boots enclos ]. -TUL a large stock of leather on band which he ( ■ L-avored to save, but found it had be.EU remov .As the outside of tho building burned away I 30 die by. standi rs could look through tlie frame, ■ :I traces of the leather nor the partially eomple • I work could be seen. Itis evident thai the shop ,1 E. eti robbed and fired. \s Mr. Darling was emerging from Lis house. lon- he gave the alarm, lie saw two LIO-n coming -FF of the church opposite his house. It was I and that one of the lamps was broken, and one 4 -f tl' SEATS split up. Mr. D. recognized the men, •;D as snspi*-ion N-sts -trongly upon them, it is hoped that til- Y will be arrested au.L brought to justice. Mr. IL. slos.s IS i-.L OUT >6OO. 1 here was an iu- I SAD AH IDENT AT RN. FI.ATT. — A little boj, 1 II of Mr. Bos WFI.L G.UT. iff Sing Sing, in the town of big Flaft. while playing about a threshing ! N;:II-hine, on 'Tuesday, fell, and an arm was caught I IN the inaeliinery, and torn tiff near tho body. Dr. W'V. IVOIIDWAKD, of tlie Fhitts, rendered surgical I 1 iimnediately, amputating tbe mangled stump j ■ unii rfnnate little fellow's arm. — Dinette. —♦ | fa?* Rev. E. I\ IJAMMOND left town for Ro- T : ' sti-r on Saturday, and on Sunday afternoon, ao- V'HNG to the Rochester /*'•, he addressed the • at Rev. Dr. SHAW'S Brick Church. The 1 .. hug was crowded to excess. Rev . Mr. H. re- : :U- .l here on Tuesday afternoon, and preached I FIN M. E. Church in the evening. The audience | S largo that large numbers were obliged to j • during the entire evening. He took occasion :• !' to various slanderous reports, circulated ' • impair his usefulness, aud his vindication iL :VI not failed to satisfy all whom argument i convince. Those whose hatred to religion I -t.IIN to propagate such reports, will doubt -IL! DO so. One charge brought against him -1: II In- would not preach without a stipulated j ; J .a, and that of an excessive figure. He : . J that his entire receipts during the year P;.-T WERE less than those of a pastor of a church ■A ty LARGE village, and yet he labors so as to re nt REST and travel. Much lias been said of his -ing a diamond ring. The fact is that it is a J Earn GOLD ring, given him by Lis dying mother J with AN injunction to wear it from regard to her Mr. lb lias hi- peculiarities of speech and man lier. Lilt tin- testimony of those who knew him while I:e was a student in William's Collage, and v Ll'> have LABORED with him, or knew hint since he >■ - ordained to the work of the Ministry, is that in- IS I .. DUNS and devotedly pious Minister, and is! -. A eminently useful in promoting revivals ot igion. Mr. H. lelt L'or fikwnellsville on Wednes- RNVFE, Feb. 2, LSI3>. D I;. (MI IDAIT H : — Last evening we bad a large' inn-resting temperanei meeting here, which - ad in ssed by Hen. Button, wlio held his audi 'UL< - BI almost breathless attention for upwards of ; H ur. His lecture presented a variety of fea- | •s. illustrated with facts, and anecdotes, such I • NAM - illimitable capacity for knowledge and en- : . I' nt the perversion of his natural taste by ex rdiuury artificial means, used by Bum-sellers, ; 1 ",v him into their dime nets. He made a 1 ■ oniparison between the good that farmers, : NIES, profess onal men, aud honest lal or : r tin benefit of society, and the paiqe r • rime, nd premature death caused by those - 'SA D in rum selling under our legalized crime ! gating license law. After the lecture, tiie : , ranee pledge was circulated, and 102 nairo s ' ' S:_I), Dto it. The GI-U. complimented IN by ! - - that the people of Rome were trm Romans: ' "fi WAS now the JL (/oi- < (own of tempi r- J Yours, Vc. fa?* lin revival in o\ve' LAST. J'BIS prayerful feeling has extended ACADEMY and to several of tbe Public : As yet no out-side aid lias been used; ••'I pastors and influential Christians of each : miitation have nobly borne the extra burdens ' -ABORS thrown upon them. This religions " '-' 'it taken us a whole, far exceeds anything I HIND that has preceded it in this locality. — IS no lioisc, no excitement in one sense of ' RI| I- There is A deep, prevailing seriousness, ; SO. that places of amusement are nearly, 1 quiti- deserted . There is no doubt but that gnial has already been done. We believe it ' of all, young and old, to be present as of ■ AND TAR AS can be. at these meetings. 'The ,T God is evidently moving on tbe face of so > as at Creation's dawn it did upon the face of I'-''ringing order out of confusion, light ■ LARLUK -S, and turning many from the error O WAYS, and enabling them to walk in the ■' the (UIRPEL of Peace. Owego needed such ■ •"N and we pray that it may not only be '""gli but permanent TLIRCQO Times. On, AT Sviawnia.— Wi' learn front a r>- I liable person residing ut Kylvunia, that oil has "jjt-cu struck," nt the Well at that place, and that I considerable quantities flow out with the water. It lins been gathered in appreciable quantities by persons residing in the vicinity. The opinion of experienced oil men, is, that oil will be found in paying quantities. FE? 1 ' Godky s> Lady's Rook is certainly not i surpassed either in its engravings or fashion plates, ; or the excellent tone and variety of its reading I matter. The February number contains a fine | steel plate of "The Crossing-Sweeper," a superb | colored Fashion l'latc : a picture in tints— "Drift- I ing with the Tide," various costumes. Patterns, ; .Ac., whilst it-, reading pages contain -"llizpah's Idols, by Marion Harland. in continuation. "Mrs. Washington Potts," by the lute Miss Eliza Leslie, is concluded. Miss Mary W. Janvrin, Miss S. An nie I: rost, with other writers of eminence, idso | contribute to this number. SPECIAL NOTICES. Lincoln's Birthday. —The people of HER vick w ill celebrate the Birthday of Abraham Lin ; coin - Monday evening, l'cb. 12th, IHGt;. Th- ex i ereises will consist of an Address, reading of the j "Proclamation of Emancipation," Essays and se- I lect declamations, and vocal and instrumental liiu ! sic. The public are cordially invited to attend. Com. i JfeiT Valentines ! Vai.estinks !—The lai j gest assortment of Valentines ever brought to-this ! i county. Comic and Sentimental. At News Room I : Book Ntdrs. Lost. - On the 3d instant, iu the road be ; twec-n Towanda and Myersburg, a bundle done up in brown paper, containing Alpacca and trimndngs ! for a dress. The finder will confer a great obliga i lion ly leaving the same at the Myersburg Hotel, j | or at the Jlejuaier Office. Grand Concert and Dance —The Ulster j Brass Band, (Win. Dittrieh, Leader,) will give a ! Concert and Dancing Party, at Patterson's Hotel, ' | Milan, on Thursday. Feb. 22,1 K(i.7. Bill, *2 .YD, The Bradford County Teaelter's Asso-' elation will meet at Merrick, on Friday, Feb. oth. j I at 11 o'clock, a. m. (). F. Yottno, Pres. Apdif. Passmore, Bee. CARD. —AII soldiers who enlisted prior to j •June 30, 180.'!, will be furnished important imfor mation .free by calling at once upon the undersign ed. Bring your "discharge" with you. J. N.C.u.iif, Pension Agent, Office over News Boom. W anted, immediately, Two Sewing Girls that understand the Tailoring Trade, t-1 work on ; custom work. None need apply unless they un- ; derstand the Trade fully. Also a good journeyman ! workman wanted. J. M. Coia.ins. Good Books ! Good Rooks. — Don't fail to to call at the News 800 n Book Store and get Mr. Hammond's Beligious Books, among tliem are the Harvest work or the lloly Spirit, the Blood ot Je sus, Children of Jesus, Child's guide to Hyaven. Liftle ones in the Fold, Praises to Jc-sus. We have also on hand a large assortment of mis- j oellaneous and religious works, and the largest as ' sortment of Bibles and Testament.; ever brought I into Bradford County : and ask all to call and con-1 j vinee themselves that we arc now determined to ! sell cheap. Fob Rent. Tin- 3 heretofore known. A limited sup ply can now be obtained by application at Dr. Porter's iji ug Stoie, at the following rate- : Early Goodrich -1 00 a peck Glt-usou 1 50 " Calico 1 .70 •' 1 U7.CO 1 .70 Pink Eyed Rusty Coat 1 00 Garnet Chill al all-mi tbe market price. 1 lie Cuz-o has-been known In yield 600 bushels to the acre in drills; the early Goodrich 400 bushels ; the otb- ' er- lieivven 300 and KM' bushels io tlieacre. In our soil in Bradford. with proper tillage, they will average over 300 bushels to tlie acre. Whoever procuies and plants any ot the above varities, will consider themsele- ' i .i lunate in having secured the seed at such apparently I high prices. DR. H. O. PORTER. I Towanda. Jan. 1. '65. YY ARI) 110F.SE, TO\YANI)A, PENN A. JOHN O. WARD Respectfully informs the public that he has purchased this well-known Hotel .and taken possession of the same. The Ward House will be thoroughly r paired and re furnished, and no labor n-.r expense will be spared to give satisfaction to guests. The traveling public and persons visiting Towanda, are requested to continue the liliera! patronage which the Ward House ha- hitherto employed. Having had considerable cxpciience in the business, he is confid nt that with a strong determination to please, and with strict attention to t fie House, he can satisfy the requir meuts of those stopping at the House. 20dec65-tf ! fIfES FOR THE RAILWAY FROM TO- X WANDA TO STATE LINE. We wish to contract for ties for this road at once, to be delivered on the line of the road along the Canal, during the winter. We prefer to have them all deliver ed at and above Towanda, but will nuy ties delivered on the Canal at all points north of Meshoppen, Wyoming county, at iatesth.it will equal those paid for delivery along the rail line. We wish all white and rock oak. but we will buy hemlock, and young, free-growing, chestnut ties, all to he 10 leet long, nothing less than 6 inch face in full length. For white and rock oak ties, s inches thick, full 6 inch face, we will pay 40 cts. each For the same wood, 6 inches thick 35 " " Hemlock s " " 30 " " do 6 " 25 " " Chestnut . . . 8 " " 35 " " do .0 30 " " Delivered on bank of Canal above Towanda handy for unloading iu parcels of 3,000 each mile, (payment made od the I.7th to 2otb of each month for al; ties delivered up to the firs! ol the mouth) and placed and piled as di reeled by our agent-who inspect them. We shall also need a quantity ot pine ol long lerig'hs for bridges, also, oak iu various shapes. Wu 11 Morgan, at Towanda, will contract tor lies, and will inspect the same, also, John italun, David Rabin, Fat Malioutr, ol Eacyville ; 11. C. Smith, ot Athens, ('. F. WELLES, Jr. Athens, Dee. b, 18C5. AT H BRICK Ht > FOX'S. Miscellaneous. ; OASH PURCHASERS TAKK NOTICE ! Oh, yes ! the subscriber has again returned from New | York, having in the meantime selec ed with great care, a splendid assortment ol NEW C.flOD*, well adapted | to the wants of all, the olu, the middle aged, and the • | young, and at the same time not lorgtting the " wee ' I bit ol to lk that get up locomotion by creeping. These ; all have especially been cared tor in the selection ol the j stock. He would now teudi r his warmest thanks to a" I his old friends and patrons*for past favors, and respeit tally solicits a continuance j.l a shore ol their patron i i Von will please come and Yon will find the same good At the 1! E E HIVE, orw e1 ! , I' a . * r R s ! 1" V R S ! ! FIRS!!! A splendid assortment of Gents*. Ladies' and Child rens Purs, nt tiie Beo Hive. Ladies, (.ents and Children are al respectfully invited to call at the Bee Hive and examine the extensive line ol Fnrs. Gen > before they buy they would do well to look at the large stock of 11 A TS,('A I S, Fr If <; 1.0 Y Es,FFR COLA RS, Arc., found of course at the Hoe Hive. ROOTS \N | sIIO KS , in any quantity and style at the Bee Hive! OVERCOAT- ft t the Bee Hive. >ATs at the Bee Hive \ I-.SI r> n i t) ie |; ee | jjve. PANTS at the Bee Hive C R 0 0 K E RY, Ml R R O R S A C., At the Bee Hive. TEA, AS CSUAL, FRESH A FRAGRANT At the Bee Hive. t'EOCKS. PROM THE BEST M \ NCI AtiTURKKS, AI tie Bee Hive. Captain's Ofli-r open Hum d A.M. ton 1* .M., lora I few days longer. All those who have old unsettled Book Accounts with E. H. Bronson.il they would save themselves cost, will please call without delay and settle tip. E. H. BKONSON BEE HIVE, Orwell. Pa. M . CRAN |> A LI. A <'<>., MASI K ACTUBEKS 01 PI.AX Wit KEEK. WOOL-WHEELS, >\ M'-REELS WHEEL-HEADS, Ac . MOXTROSE, I'A. I-I.AX-WHEELS AT THK MOV T R OS E XV II K E L F ACT O R V Wholesale am ail. OR iXJJ MOTHER HERS/ >] A(.AI.\ ■ We can furnCh you with a Wbei which we w ill war ant to give entire sutislud ion ant which tonrselt will say is fit to OR AE VOUH /' MA>n. FATHER II you wish ti> hear the music ol Industry and Econo my in your house, remember the best teacher is a ERA XDMOTHERS I'/A X(> MOTHER ! 1 1 you vvi-b your daughter to be usefulas well as oru mental, teach her to divide her spare lime her ween the Melodeon and the i.rrn.t: wheel. BROTHER ! Buy one lor your sweetheart, and thus, while making her an "elegant present," convey a polite hint as to what you shall expect of her w ieu you move on that • SEW J-ARME f SISTER ! Ask your lather to give you a Wheel ; tell him you don't want to he a • LILY OF THE VALLEY LITTE BOY ! Show your mother how your pants "rip" and how the buttons come ofl when you -slide d iwu hill" because she will use •'STORE thread: LITTLE GIRL ! II your folks get oneol Ciandall's Flax-Wheels, you can do some ol The woik, for there is a place fixed on purpose to hold the Spool, so that if you are small you can DO THE REELING. EVERYBODY Ought to buy a Wheel and teach the rising generations to dejiend on their own resources. Then indeed, as now. shall the American jieople be a great and independent , nation—and may the Inheritance ol each of our child ren be ONE PL At!. ON E COUNTRY and , TWO VI.AX WHEELS' N. B.— Merchants and Dea'ers wishing to purch se to I sell again,will jdease address by mail when list of prices i ■•caul sumplt *" Ac , will he sent. All goods packed in shipping order : and all orders will receive prompt at tention. C. M OR AN DA I L. Montrose, Pa., Dec. '20,1805. £JLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! READY MADE AND MADE TO ORDER J. M. COLLINS, 1 Ist door South of Codding & Russell's, has just received : Irom New York a large and atractive assortment of NEW WINTER CLOTHING. ! Our stock comprises every article w.t-n by men and boys, PILOT AND HEAVEIt OVERCOAIh. BEST OIIAI. lIY BUSINESS SUITS OF ALL Si TLKs. COATS, PANTS VESTS, SHIRTS, COLLARS,NIK TIES. WRAP KISS. DRAWERS Ac. G ENTS FI - R N 1 S II I N G G0 O DS Of every description. Especial attention is called to our stock ol CLOTHS, CAHfiIMER ES AND VEST IN (is, < I we will make up to order on >hort notice. • Jiieol Fancy Cassimers k,r Pants and Coats, v >Hats and Caps. Cents Fur Collars. u ting done to order on short notice. i mind if you wish to bay Clothing CHEAP, j > good as represented, call at Terms Cash. COLLINS' Towanda, Dec. 7.1866. "KToTlCE.—Whereas, my wife .M D A-y has left my lieu and board wiMiout just ... <■ m . provocation, notice is hereby given, to all persons, iu to harbor or trust her on my account,l will pay no dei t of her contracting alter this date. Sheshequin. Jan. :iu. 'tin. CEO. WARNER. Mmljanbi?e. VET ANOTHER STOCK OF NEW A ROODS AT Wl('K II A M .& BLA o K 'S. DRESS GOODS, DOMESTICS, FLANNELS, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES. TRIM MINGS, SHAWLS. The above lines we oiler in great variety and late style-. HATS rind OAFS, LARGE STOCK. BOOTS and SHOES, BEST MAKES. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAM FS. This part ol our stock we pay particular attention to, and now < Her two ol the best patterns ol Ironstone Wire in the market. Eiie and Sevres, also C. t'.. Yellow Rockingham and Wedgewuod Beautilul assortment ol Glass Lamps. C ill atie see our stock ol NOTIONS. Thankful lor past layers we lespectfully invite your trade :tr,d promise to do our best. WICKHAH A BLACK. SE W I N G M ArH I N E D E FOT. Having received the Agency ol the fieo bt*l Sewing Ma bines in use.we are now ready to supply all the peo ple of Bradford and Sullivan, with either Wheeler .V Wilson's or Singe'rs, than which none belter is made.— We keep needles oil, soap, thread and all the extras needed to work the machine. All are invited to call at our store and examine Machines and work. Call or send and get a circular and price list, at Wickham A Black's Store. Nov. 18tl.~. EwGO o D S ! W I L L I A M A . ROCK W E L L Isjieceiviiig a most choice, and Selected a-- rlmcnt "I GOODS FOR THE SEASON, CoiiefCting ol I. A DIES' DRESS GOODS, DE LAINE, ALPACAS, and ail varities to be had by the asking. ■ COTTON YARN, CARPET YARN B CITING, BLEACHED GOODS. FLANNELS, CLOTHS, CASSIM ERES. SHAWLS, HOODS, And a great variety 100 numerous to mention. To be had everything in the Y A N K E E X OTION LI X E , Even to a Violin. The place to find what yon want in the line ol HATS, CAPS, FURS, GLOVES, and MITTENS. II you are iu want ol CROCKERY, in sets, E A DING RAIL ROAD—W INT E R 1 I ARRANGEMENT. November 27. 1-G.i. T.HEAT TEDWI LINK rsOX THK NORTH AMI NorTH W for Philiiielphia, New-Yu k Beading, Pottsville. Turn qua, Ashland, L-barimi, Allentown. Eastou, Ac. A Trains leave Harrisbtirg for New York, as fol r.w-: A 3 0(i. 7.21. and 9.05 a. ni., iilt.l 1 !5 oud 9.UU p. in., rrit ing at New-York at 5.49 and 10.00 a in., and 3.40 an 10.35 p to., connecting wi'h similar Trains on foe l'eiiii Ivania Rail Road : .Sleeping Cars aocompanying lie 3.00 and 9.05 a. m., Trains, without change. Leave Harrisbnrg for Reading. Pottsville, T.iraao'.u. Minersville, Ashland. Pine Grove, Allentown and Phil adelpbia, at 7 3 a. m., and 1.45 and 9.00 p. m..stoppiri : at Lebanon and all Way station- ; the 'J.SO p. m. Train making no close contortion lor Pottsville nor Philadel phia. For I otfovilic. Schuylkili Haven and Auburn.via s buy ik 111 and -s.squehanna Rail Road.leavt Harriste. i at I.on . m. Retugaiug : Leave New-York at 9.00 a. m., 12 u. u and 8.00 p. m.; Philadelphia at s.OO a.m. and 3.30 p. m : Pottsville at 8.30 a. m and 2 45 p. m.; Ashland a' ii .00 and 11.45 a. m.; Taniaqua at 7.35 and 1.40 p. ni. Leave Pottsville lor Ham-burg, via Schuylkill ami Susquehanna Rail Road at 45 a.m. Read ing accommodation Train : Leaves Reading • 0 30 a. m , returning Ircin Philadeliihia at 4.30 p. n;. Colunitiiu Rail Road Trains leave Reading at o 10 a m and 0.15 p. m foi Ephrata, Litiz. 1 ancaster C-dum , bit. Ac. On Sum ay.- : Ltavi New iork at -,ou p.tn Pi da delpliia 3 15 p. m . I'- ttsville 800 i m . Taniaqua *.<*■ a. in., Harri.-burg 9 05 a m and Reading at 1.00 J. in. lor Harrisburg, and 10.52 a m. lor New York. Commutaliuu, Mileage, School and Excnr.-ion Ticket to and Iroin all points, at nduced rates. Baggage checked through : HO pounds allowed e • Passenger G. A. NICOLLS, General superintendent. Reading. Pa.. November 27. 180.7. rpIME TABLE—WAVERLY STATION, I NEW YORK AND KRIK BAIL-ROAD, t Change of hours common ing Monday. Noveinbei 2u. 18 5. Trains will ieave Waverly Station at about tin following h' urs, viz : GOING . ! Train No. 2. Pay Express from Buffalo.. 11:43 a. in -4, Nipht Express iivm Dunkirk 1-59a. n.. " tl.Ste rabo.t Express 5:3s p.m. '• " S.Cincinnati Express 5.-03 a. in I •• 10, Bmgbamton Accommodation... 8:43 a. m. " 22, Accommodation 3.01 p. m. •'2B,Way Freight 4.35 p.m. GOING WKST. j Traiii No. 1, Pay Express 5:J5 i m. '■ '• " 5, Ex. Mail for Buffalo A Dunkirk 10:34 p m • 7, Night Ex. tor Dunkirk 4 Buffalo 5:2n a in. J - 9, Mail p. m " 15, Elmira Accommodation .. 4:03 p ni. •• 21. Accommodation and Emigrant 2:32 p.m. " •' 27, Way Freight 8:40 ii m Trains ii. 21, and 22 run daily. 12 daily except Saturdays. '• 8, daily except Mondays. 7, except Sundays and Mondays. 3, on Sundays and Mom! iy>. '■ 12, on Mondays, stop a Waverly. I All other Trains run daily, except Sundays. WM. B. BARK, H. RIDDLE Gen'l Pass Agt. New-York. Gen'l. Sup't.New \ • rk. J. S SHEAFE. Station Agent. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAD This grr„t line traverses the Northern and ! Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city o: Eiie, . on Lake Erie. ' It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Kail Koui i Company, and is operated by them I Time of Passenger trains at Williamsport . L.EAYK EASTWARD. Erie Mail Train 3.47 I*. M Erie Express Train 1:50. A.X Elmira Express Train, 9:50, I'.M ! Elmira Mail Train, ... 8:45 A.M LEAVE WESTWARD. [ Erie Mail Train 5>20.A. M : Erie Express Train 4:22, P. M. Elmira Express Train, 7:20 A. M. Elmira Mail Train, . P. Ji ! Passenger cars run through without charge both way between Philadelphia and Erie. NEW YOBK CONNECTION. Leave New-York at tirno R. U. arrive at Erie 3.37. A. \J Leave Erie at L:55,r. M.. arrive at Ncw.Yorkat L:lsp. in NO CHANGE OF CABS BETWEEN ERIE AM) NEW-YORK. Elegant Stttyina Cart on all ight Tragi*. For information respecting Passeuger business apply at Corner Goth and Market streets. I'liiFa. And tor Freight business ot the Company's Agents: S. B. Kingston, Jr., Corner 13th and Market streets. Philadelphia; J. W. Reynolds, E.iie; Wm. Brown. Agent N. C. R. U. Baltimore. H. H. HOUSTON. Gen 1 Freight Agt. Phil's H. W. GWINNER, Gen'l Ticket Agt. Phil'a A. i,. TYLER, Gen'l Manager, Williamsport. ttpilegrafTs Institute. Y K A N I ) KA li I XS T ITI T K DR. CP DE GRAFF. OCULIST, ACRIST AND GENERAL SCKGKON, ELMIRA. X. \ . Treats all Diseases of the Dye, Eur ai d 'lhroal. THE EYE—He will operate upon Cataract, Artificial Pupil, Cross Eyes, Lachrymal Fistula, Pterygium,Entro pion, (inversion of the eyc-iul,] and treats all forms ol | • SORE EYES." such as Granulated Lid- , Purulent j Ophthalmia, Opacities ol the Coruta, Scrofulous dis i eases of the Eye, and all diseases to which the Eye- is subject. I'HE EAR.—Treats successfully Discbarges Imm the Ear. -Yoises in the Ear. Difficulty ot Hearing, Deafness, [even when the Drum is entirely destroyed, will -iseri an aititicial one. answering nearly all the purposes : the natural THE THROAT.—Ulcerated Throat, Enlarged Ton sils.tog ther with ' CATARRH in all its forms, permanently cured. GENERAL SURGERY.—He will operate upon Club Feet. Hare Lip, Cieit Palate. Tumors, Cauc-ers, Morbid Growths, Deformities from Burns, and Hernia and per forms PLASTIC OPERATIONS—Where the Nose. Lips oi HIIV portion of the face is- destroyed through disease or otherwise, by healing them on anew. Will attend to the Amputation of Limbs, -fc* and General Surgery in all its branches. INSERTS ARTIFICIAL Ki ES —Giving them all tb. j motion and expression of tlu natural, delying detection. . they are inserted without removing the old one or pro ' during pain, j The Doctor's collection ol instruments couipuses all the latest improvements, and is the largest iu the State. 1 the superior advantages lie has had iu perfecting him I sell in all that is new ui.d valuable in surgery, warrants ! him in saying that everything within the bJuuds ol tiir , : piotession may be expected ot him. The Institute has iieeu gieutly enlarged, so that we can iiow accommodate an increased number ol patients from a distance. Comfortable Boarding Houses attach ed to the establishment. Xo incut able rates received for 7 / eatment to Opti a t Hunt. It a case is iuourable be will be so informed. Institute ou Watei street, opposite the Brainurd House Elmira. X. Y. Feb. 2 Ist!;,.