Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 18, 1866, Image 3

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    %xdUx& JiUpovtcv.
. —-
i'LIC is prii.tfil upon CAMP
s (\untn and l'ress, Oitice No. sf> Gold
w York. Thomas H. Senior, agent.
_\t the Annual Election for Directors |
f tin' First National Bank of Towanda, the follow- j
, . nnuu il gentlemen were chosen for the present
I'. H. Smith, Geo. Stevens, O. I). Burtlett,
j ~t h Powell. K. T. Fox, J. O. Frost, E.W. Hale, |
, Afanville. After the organization of the new |
, ~i. Mr. E. If. Smith was unanimously elected !
; .nt and N. N. Belts jr., continued as Cash- j
i. n.
i n, GRKAT REVIVAL tx IOWAXDA. —A t erics i
meetings has been going oniuTowanda
,j; last two weeks, forming the most remark-j
,m ni the history of tho place. Itev. EDWAKI>
. S lIiMMOMI came down from Elmira, where !
[, „i i vi u preach'ng for four weeks, on the Cth ;
~md has la Id om or two meetings here daily ;
istli. He first aj.ij ■:. led on Saturday j
•4 .■! Amu ting in behalf <1 Sunday Schools.
- lie spoke in the Methodist Church, and
..•lie afternoon he addresse 1 a large audience
hildren and others in his peculiar manner]
! }>.. giv.-n hini his world-wide reputation as
Id ,As preacher. His message from GOD
seed "fell into good ground.and brought ;
■ !i nil " in the conversion of some of the dear I
, -at that first children's meeting. lie
1 a powerful discourse, or rather series of :
; .lis. ourst s. on Sunday night, enchaining for j
> ilu attention < I a large and unwearied eon- '
licit by l:is peculiarly interesting mode of il- :
.-. iting gospt 1 truth.
At this time the thermometer, which had fallen
,lv about-the lime Mr. HAMMOND left Eltuiro,
; .lowu to tliiiteeu degrees below zero, but
: that loiig-tu-l .-n numbered cold Monday
ing the weather moderated : very soon ii got
. t... freezing point, and in a few days, tin le
a- it thaw : forming an apt illustration of
.•> . s of the good work in the hearts of the
. :; Beautiful w< ather followed, and thank .
tl ' sun (•! liightionsness arose with heal
.l hi.- wings." Either the Devil had got ahead 1 ]
e -i ng. r, or the people of Towanda had
:d their spiritual sleep out, and "were waked np ;
>ss ™ to quote ont "L MR■. HAMMOND'Sillustrations, j
• ribt what followed after the tide turned
' l-.youd tin power of the writer. The his-!
tin- conversion of a single sinner, a de- j ;
.i M■ I Lli. iv . ad. ii il tking.a change of heart,
-! ev.-r b. a futile attempt. It must be felt to j i
fully nndersb id. But how con we depict the I t
wlier. hundreds , f all ages were •'converted j
1 i me as littb children. As the cold- i
"at the beginning of the meetings was not pe- j
... t' any den.-iuiii.ttioir, .-•< the awakening was i (
.. ral and simultaneous. The "shallow sectarian
pools on the shore were obliterated" by the in- j
Ming spiriiig-tid. -t the ocean of Christian love. j
: ns filled tire largest churches in town, and t
.ni tim s the Court House to over-flowing : many :
often stum ling during services protracted j *
•;!.■■ rl'oui hours, refusing to go awav after ' '
• ting was dismissed more than once, tilling t
- ;s. aisles and standing places sometimes till , '
midnight, in tue most extraordinary manner. 1 -
'- s ini'l Hms. the cl.-rgy of all the different de- j :
as iii the t(.wu and vicinity aided in the i
: ... and above all the voice of fervent !
. mti hearts and lips of thousands as- !
Itoll ivm. Old Christians were revived, | •
.:nlers who had been mere inmates in the i
i '■ !>. many of whom had not, (or thought I
i i t.) done enough for the family to even :
their board, became active, working Chris- ;
i- iveiing that it was not enough*to pray i
save sinners, without themselves saving
-i-ason to theni, or reaching out a hand
I . . in. Hundreds upon hundreds who had 1 '
• cared for none of those things,'• j 1
. . .a i Ives np wholly to Jesus and confessed | '
renounced all self-righteousness, looked ] '
s and were healed, depending alone on j 1
' i. i him crucified and finding comfort in be- j 1
t •lu is able and willing to save all tlmt i 1
;■> liiin. while many anxious inquirers say- j
at shall we do to be saved" listened with !
... - interest to the answer of Christian j '
••-!. -cs done it all."
who reads this suppose this is a mere ! *
(.' i e iteineiit got up among weak-minded : '
• .... i ehil.'.iii. On the contrary men and ! *
' -i ag s, of the best intelligence and ca- •
... t ••V.sui'-n, merchants and professional;
. llii is iiini nldiers in the late war who had j
i ■(• .(.tli in i:..vuy battles, tavern-keepers, the j J
m. air; iu illu ] those who had been j
in lie . 1 ii, thcii i.. s, tie. rich and the poor, ]
i ti, v. tilled, the learned and theignor- j
tag-up 1 and tin simph -minded, bowed i
I ]
. uie*r at Li- toot of the cross, friends rejoiced ;
an ; foes M ere reconciled.
; t
tlilheult to estimate the numbers of p
• ,::i;.mi is and hopeful converts, but ue
. lii.iV talcly -ay that at least four hundred (
■in of twenty-five hundred people gave ; ,
w • conversion, or committed j t
i luiie .'.eel oation in some form of p
on tin i/oril s side, and il we add to
- n.,uiy who nceal their interest in the ! ,
nipt to smother tin ir conviction by j
. lai or frivolity, the numbers who t
.. iby the power e* the Holy Spirit ' ,
■ • ainr i: ith in believing that arc ,
' - di In sa\a J and reminding u> of that : j
t • >•. hich no man eottld number of ull •
■ • '..( ir. d and people and tongues, wliieh j
'. throne and before tie Eambcloth- : .
■ b. and with pahus in their hands." I ,
I'AV-OX UAMMOXI).— Let it j *
.(gl'aeious that We LIUVT so little to ; '
' i nuai :id. itv.uuldl • inter, sting j 1
j; ■ id not the privilage of hearing him, j '
i riptiva of Lis pi.,tchiii; . But our j
I .;! of thankfulness to tiod for His
t ifial or . ven take time to thank
!i ■ di, accotiipHiu! d by ii. v. Mr. ! *
I tii/• Episcopal Church, v . tit to Athens j
•.'■' t.'l ma le arrangements to hold meet- .
on Thursday and Friday. Thence he
.•ii . carrying with him the hearty l
'■ ' inla that God would bless Athens
'•' LOW. MRS A. 15. and M. J. ECK- |
h'.lge th. receipt of a Donation in
! ' s . irom th.- Church and community at
' -'hord Co., Fa., Jan. J. 186 C. The party
of M l '. D. Gillets, where an excel
'-s dinner v. as prepared for the old
ladies of tli. place. And as wc were,
•1 rtl.tiou, scatc d around the table
"-'Uiantly I thought the old year had
into th. new. with a smile of joy.
obliged in the flight of tim.. to 1 i.l
'' e'. 1 friend. I could but hope that our
be as abundant in its supplies. The
- d v iy v. ry pleasantly, having the
'isteniref to some well-timed music on
van by Miss Gilletand Miss Crotcldy.
niag to those patriotic airs it WM a
nglit, that otu-e more, as the entered
" m w ytar,
bur st.,r Spangled banner
! 'i triumph did wave,
1,,r tke laud of the free,
i the home of the brave.
| j*
AI MOSTACAI AMITV.—On Saturday evening !
j * Mrs. D.L F. CLAIIK, residing near this ;
I village," was stepping into the hull with a large ker
osene lamp in her hand, the lamp exploded with a
loud noise, breaking it into a thousand pieces, scat
tering tin oil and fragments of glass in all direct
ions. Some pieces of the I.imp M,. r ,. driven into
the casings and some thrown a distance of nearlv
; twenty feet. This explosion occurred without the
gas igniting, and can l>e accounted for onlv on the
supposition that the wick filled the tube si. tightly
j "n't the gas, which was formed above the oil, eoulil ;
not escape, and its pressure burst the lamp with- !
out the gas taking fire.— Waverly Advocate.
4@r*Tiu! following pertinent inquiries we
1 find in the Advcrtisrr. Though intend. .1 for
1 that place, they are equally applicable to this lali
| tudo :
i "If seven strong churches can meet in perfect
union, and profit by prayer or preaching three
! weeks at a time, in Elmira, —why cannot two or
three littlo%-hnrches meet in as perfect union, and
: profit year utter year in those villages who need but j
] one schoolliouse, and ought to have but one meet- !
j ing-house?
" Why V
"And who can tell why everybody sings in a re
vival, and wby the choir does the surging when j
' there's no revival?
"Or why we get 'so tired of those same old !
tunes," usually, anilyit enjoy ' revival melodies,'
j sung twice each evening, every night for three
"Or why people who •don't believe in Mr. HAM
MOND,' and 'can't get any good liom excitements,'
yet suddenly enough, happen to rouse up and de
clare their faith and begin to goto meeting at a re
vival time ?"
day morning last a fire broke out at the comer of 1
Lake and Carrol streets, Elmira, and could not be
subdued till nine stores were burned, involving a
loss of $50,000, about one half of which was cov- 1
ered by insurance. It is thought t. be the work !
of (in incendiary.
DEO. Jlst, lfit.o.- lii Eel ii lary last, a thor.ugh o.'.n
vass of the County was comijleted and ti ■ ti. ul
summary of results is her.-given, showing the S. i
S. force of the County for the year 18(l.
No. of schools f.jf j
No. of scholars enrolled iidsg j
No. of attendance of the same 1923
No. of schools taking s. S. papers ]
No. holding teaeheis meetings. 1 i
No. holding S. S. concerts . 21 |
No. continued through the y. c.r 21 -
No. having libraries j
This general summary is deduced from pc.rtir- '
nlars in regard to the status of each school in the f
County iu 1801.
Items of special interest iu the c. ;e of any par- (
ticular school have been cart-fully noted. Tin;
history, iu detail, is tola jr..served, and will le '
of permanent value for future reference. AS. S. ,
Map, of the size oi' the County m p, h been cou
structed for the use. of the Association. Tin n. i>
presents the names and locality of the school;; of
each township. During the month of March of
th" present year the Missionary was al. -ui.
No. of schools organized since April Ist .. .. 12 '.
No. of schools reorganized 1
No. other schools visitc-.l and ads'ed since Jan 1. 71
Total for the year ',12
No. of persons in the new schools 529 '
No. in schools reorganized 495
No. in other schools visited, addressed, Ac.. .25580
Total 3394 j
Amount in books sold $634,93
Amount in papers sold 67,42
Amount in books and papers given away. 1655,17
r 1
Total . . j5865,82
No. of Sermons preached 35
No. of Addresses delivered 105
No. of families visited ... 511 1
No. of Missionary letters written 11
No. ot miles traveled 1969
It is hardly necessary to say that the numerous ]
details which enter into a work like this cannot be
formally reported. A mere summary is all that I
have attempted to give, with no ripecification of i
the difficulties, prejudices and other opposing in- 5
tluences which, in a greater or less degree, always
accompany any religions, and especially a purely I
missionary enterprise. It will be seen, however,
that the general aspect 11'eitir field is such as to
lead us to expect great things in the abundant
blessing ot God upon our efforts.
One fact is really inarming. Taking the V. K.
Census of 1860 as a basis for calculation, tliere up- (
pears to be not less than eleven thousand of th.
young in our County who are always < tit of the S. j
S. lam confident that more than this number arc J
destitute of any public means of religious institu
tion for more than half oi each year. This fact
points to another which observation proves to be r
true, i lint these children, at horn . receive almost s
no "mature and admonition of the Lord." "Go ®
out into th. highway" of our Bradford mid you r
wi]l not go far before you will find those who know ; v
not tin- name of Christ or that ther.- is such a book s
as th-Bible. Without some religious restraints]!
th. se "little ones'" and others of larger growth will 1
be lead away by Satin "captive at his will.
Christians, ('liil.slin.j.s-. all of every name, come
to the rescue. You are most earnestly entreat til
to unite and cooperate in the combined effort for
the salvation of the young in our midst. The Brail
ford County S. S.. Association is a name that means
work, work li r all, and work unceasing until '
ev. iy child in the county :■! all be , mi :..<-ed ill th.
aving influences . t tie- Sabbath and the Bible.
The object of our Association is to build up not
particular religions s , t. but rather to win the
young for Christ by teaching them the Word of
Life. This then is not <■ .-• appeal, simply, the
M. xter himsi If calls. He bids us work to-day in a ;
part of his vineyard which I all radiant v ith hop j
and promise. Friends, let us give it our ar
dent pray, rs and cheerful cooperation, remember
iug that the word will not be done until we have
sought for the last lost one on our mountain- : the ]
1 c-t lust otic in our valleys ~:ul iiu re be none 1. It
who have not been directed to Ji -us "ivlio take ill
away the sin of the world."
Your humble si i vant in < 'Frist,
Towauda, Jan. 4tli, 13 6.
1 fiinu' lu Towauda last Jviiic, by j
the consent and license of Bishop Stevens, to as- ;
sist the Hev. Mr. Douglas in missionary labors
connect. 1 with Christ Church Parish. My first
sen . .. wax deliver. J at Highland from the text,
"Not: of u liveth to himself." Since that time ,
the i-'iugn get ions in that place have increased
from 20 to about 70 persons. On going to my ap
points. ff at Highland last Sunday, the people
met me with a --mile, and that which it is so very
conv. (.i iit to b -.v, in these days of high prices—
u roll li'iuh Ir :Is. 1 take this method of ac
knowlcd; i.-g the favor, and of expressing the hope 1
that tin y wl.o contributed to my New Year's gift,
may ri aliz- the truth of the inspired sentiiuent,
"The lib mi s ail shall be made fat."
trifi- \ ejdondiil (Jhickerittg I'iaau for
sole at second-hand. Terms moderate. For fnr- '
ther information apply to Mr. E. Fox.
< 'RACKETS MOSSIS. Barber <X Pott is, .f' j
ti. 'i'ov.aiiilit Bi.kfcry, are now manufacturing |
Craeki; "f i. i y v.u-.'j ty, and of a very superior
quality. la.-a - . upplied on reasonable terms.
None but i. a•nuk< rs ever offered for solo. 1-8.
DoxAiio.x \ t-ir.- Tito friends of the Ht v
G. J. Dußoix will p.y him a Donation Visit at the '
M. E. Parsonage, Builington boro', Friday after- j
noon and evening, Jan. 19th, 1866. All are most
cordially invited
19" The friends pf the Kev. J. A Ros*[
sLi.i. are invited to meet at the Parsonage, in Wy- ;
sox, on Tuesday evening next, 23tl inst.
'1 in- Iricnds of the i!cv, CI.ARK Sot,-!
" X Will pay them a Donation Visit at the Town
Hall. Orw. 11. Pa., on Wednesday evening, January
1 1i... public arc cordially invited to at
BH&r lho friends of Rev. 11. Armstrong
have appointed Wednesday, Jan. 17th. afternoon j
I and evening, as the time for their donation visit at i
j his house in Monroeton, Pa.
S-irjy* llu- Irioiuls of Rev. S. F. Brown will
liiake him a Donation Visit on Thursday, Jan. 25,
a la.x residence in Gumptown. N. 15. ' The hotel i
in t amptown will not be open for a party in the
Agents wanted to sell prize Certifi
cates for Gold and Silver Watches, LadiesJewclry,
Diamond Biugs, Pins, Ac., only $5 each, for-aiiv
article drawn. 15. tail price from $lO to $250. All
'. (iutxls 11 arruultd deintiiie. Price of Certificates
25 ( cuts each. Liberal Premiums and Commission
allowed to Agents. Sample Certificates sent free,
l-or ul;.is and 11 NU.xaddress M:.--us. HAYWOOD
A Co., 229 Broadway, New-York. (3ni)
FOR RKNT.—The UD story oM'nion Bloek
Towauda. Inquire at the ofli.-e of G, D. Man
ia nyc.
DAIRY i'.\i-KRs.—The presi-nt t'ono'resfi
will be one o! ti.e most .-xciting and deeply inter
e ring ever convened at the National Capitol. The
Govt niment is to be reconstructed and great prin
ciples established. Every reading man should
have during the session a Daily paper. They can
be obtained at the News Iloom.
U&L. A new Telegraph Line is to be built
from to Pittston next Spring. Somehalf
dozen or more operators will he wanted. A good
< Lance to those who wish to learn. For terms en
quire at lie Teh-graph office, Towauda.
Xi-.w LM'FURKISK.— A Regular Daily Lx-
P® - Lint has just been established between To
wanda and ir-..y another is in operation between
I' aud V> a\, rly. Sjiecinl attention paid to
t xpressing goods to all parts of the country. Office
at the Hews Room.
T WAX! A MARKETS.— ( Wholesale Prices.)
1 ■ ted exery Tu. .-alav by E. T. Fox. No. 1. Brick
Bow :
Wli-ai $1 75 Or $2 25
Bye hit („ 85
l orn : 80 fit 85
Oats 40
B. ans . 1 25 (! 1 50
Batter (rolls) 28 (h 30:
'• (dairy) 28 (a 33
Kggs 28
li; v (per ton) 8 00 (ii 10 00
Salt (per li b.) -J 00
i'lons 10 00 13 oo
Ham JS
< hi kens 11(5 p;
Turkeys 16 fo 18 i
Ducks 16 (ri 1H
V-: ZGHTS OP GRAlN.—Wheat, oo lbs: C0m,56 lbs;
By; . .it! lbs : Gats, 32 lbs ; Barley, 46 lbs ; Buck- :
■ i s lbs: Beans, 62 lb.-,-. Bran, 20 lbs; Clover
Si 102 lb;: Dried Appl. s, 22 lbs: Flax Seed 50 lbs.
1 ff ).\ • 's i IN. —ln Burlington, Jan. 1, by Bev.
i • i' "lb. .ugh, Mr. L. H. Doan of Spring
;i. M. to Mi: s Emma J. Austin of Burlington Pa.
i I ETON LOl'D.- At Post Headquarters, Meri
diem Miss., Oct. 22. 1865, Lieut. E. 11. Burton
oi the 52d l". S. ('. "P., to Miss Winnie F. 15.
Louil, teacher in the 52d I*. S. C. P.
COLE \\ ILCOX.—Jan. 8, by Bev. E. Burroughs •
Mr. Edgar Cole to Miss Prudence Wilcox, all of
West Franklin, at the residence'of bride's fath- 1
PHELPS—"WILCOX. At Athens, Jan. Ist, at the j
r. sidencc . J'the officiating clergyman, Itev. C. j j
Thurston. Mr. Victor E. Phelps Lite of T'. S. A., j j
to Miss Wealthy S. Wilcox of Sinithfiel.l.
LEONABD BAKER.—ISv the same, Mr. Silas
Leonard of Nichols, N. Y . to Miss Mary Baker
of Shc-shequin.
BOSWOBTH- l-'I'LFOBD.— By tlie same, Jan. 3,
Mr. Wni. A. liosworth to Miss Harriet S. Fttl
ford both of Athens.
BAIIM KNNES. At the house of the bride's fa
ther, Jan. 2, 1866, bv Rev. Wm. M. DcLong, Mr.
J. M. Balim, to Miss Millie A., daughter of A
Ennes, Esq., all of Standing Stone.
HANKINS()N—IIILLIS. At the Parsonage, Dee. '
2S, I si! 5. by lie Bev. 1). Cook, Richard Hankin- '
; >n, to Miss Harriet N. Ifillis. both of Derrick.
('ANI" 1 ELD —INGALLS. -In Salem, Mass.. Jan.
1, IMH. by Bev. Dr. Wuircester, Charles K. Can
ffeld, of Steven r ville, Pa., to Amanda M. Ingalls, t
of Salem.
bIE b .
QUICK. In Albanv. Jan. 8, istiff, A. c. Gniek,
aged 3-4 years. ' j
BASKET !'. Animi-rilla M., v.ife of Mr. A. D. Fas- '
s 11, d< parted this life, in Pike, I), o. 39, 1865, in 1
the sjdth year of her age.
The departed bore hi r last illness with exempla
ry path id i i ii.l resignation. She passed away iu
spii • 1 1 y leanil trusting in the living Redeem
er. A devoted wife, an affectionate sister, and a j
valued neighbor, possessing an amiable and some
what retiring disposition, she was deservedly re
sp.-t.-il by all who knew her, and was followed to t
h. r last ti sting place by a large circle of sorrowing !
tii. urns: ill relatives, who "sorrow not as those ! t
who have no hope." - '
•• Friends anil loved ones weep no more.
Mi.! me on the other shore." COM.
iXciu vlbucrtisciiicnts
1 i .a (iii-ncii . Mondny, Feb. sth, A. I).. 1806 :
Xat j .a ( Kl.-liiee vs. S(■ Hathaway \s heirs, eject men I.
I.yiiia Munson vs. Amos Baker issue. M
ftaniel Cnrrsn vs. Mary ABB Bishop. del.'.
Ichu F Means vs. Dam Wilmot appeal.
Wai B Clymei vs. Perry Cobb et. al ejectment.
V N 1 • -v. Jl' Bleed ... .. debt.
• a ii;< !loader's adm'r v- Thomas Doud . . .Sci. Fa. i
" vs '■ de.
ii A Hi d vs.Snipman A Welles debt.
1> ! Osl 'Tii ACo vs. it M Welles et. al. debt.
tl I! Smith vWm it storrset al tiepass.
CI W ( !(.)■!> vs. Welles, Bbod ACo replevin
( : Ku .pp vs. A Sons trespass
Clark £ Baker vs Abraham Steers dent. ,
Jam s H Sawyer vs. Alonzo Long ease, j
John Boris vs. Pomeroy Bros ... trespass. , !
.i. - i i-iffths v-'. A H Spalding appeal.
I'. i!y < iiil on v- J- Ini W Sweet replevin.
Tl mas ■ end's adm'rs vs. Hiram Spear case. .
(le > A Holden vs. John W Sweet ejectment. ,
A . t'orden vs. 11 I! Vangilder appeal.
Dai I Blai km an vs. James L l!..ckivell case.!
Mary A .VAllistcr's use vs. Jo bee a lunatic, .trespass.
\IU i> White vs. Lewis D. Goodwin appeal. .
T I' Hall vs. Caroline Ilall ejectment. I
.brio ( t.'elle's assignee vs. Shepard & Hathaway do. , I Hyatt et. al. vs. F S Elliott et. al trespass.
Elijah Waiker vs. Peter Ilendershot appeal.!
Kbi./.i-i Potneroy vs. Josiuh Gilbert ejectment. .
Augustus Lewis vs. It I) Brewster do. j J
il Pbiuney vs. tffis P Lyon case.
David Barber vs. Wm Collins set. la.
Com" we It li ot Penn'a vs. P P Sweet et. al do.
Fall Creek Coal A Irou Co. vs. J M Smith trespass.
John <(shorn vs. Richard 0 Sinsabaugh do.
N C Harri-i vs. J K Wright.Garnishee Ac attch. ex.
C S Itu-sell's use vs- same do.
Join: baltmarsli same appeal.
N t' Harris vs. same do.
same same do.
Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania,!
Bradford County, sx. j
Sulipa-n. .s return;.hie on Monday, Februar 12. A. P.,
18i!6, at 10 A.M. K. O. GOODRICH,
Jan. is, lS'iii. Protlionotary.
lI'XECI I'OR'S NOTICE. — Notice is liete-
J by given.that all persons indebted to the estate of
GOBI" 'N W LCOX. late of Sinithtield twp., dee'd are
reifiiestt-d to make immediate payment, and those having
demand against said e-t.itc will please present duly
authenticated tor settlement.
Jan I. food. Executor.
i of admitiisl ration ol the goods, chattels. Ac. of
THOMAS PAILEY late of Athens t. wnship, deceased,
, ue i-.-tii isst.. . to the- r -lK.crit<er. All persons indebt
p. i < 1.1 estate ■re requested to make payment, and al
p'-r ■ i. !. tvinc demands sgaiiist the same are notified to
i iff the c e lor settlement to Hie subscriber.
Dec, £0.18(55. Administratrix.
i DMIN ls'R'S NOTICE.— Notice is ltere
by given that all persons indebted to the estate ot
Itit'H ARIiSON WOOD, intent Smithfield twp .Rradtord
e (.inly, de.'d. are requested to make payment, without
uekiy and all having claims against said estate are re
ui(i':ed h> i resent th'-ni duly authenticated tor settle
Jan. 4, 1806, Administrator.
|3oiufll (To.'s Nrui (PooDs.
Have uow in store the largest stock of good? everexhib
ied in Northern Pennsylvania. Additions will con
! stantly be made to this stock during the season, and
! it will at all times be found FULL AND COMPLETE !
in all its departments.
We invite the particular attention of our customers to
our magnificent display of
Which we offer at prices much below those of last year. I
We have given special care to our selections in this line i
and arc uow able to exhibit the newest most fashionable, j
and most desirable styles to be obtained. Our new '
stock comprises all colors of Plain and Plaid French '
Merinos. Empress Cloths. Striped Melanges, Striped \
and Plaid Poplins. Taffetas, L#raas, Tinsel Poplins.Paris
Crepes. Reps, Plain and Brocade Alpacas, Pot! de Chev
ies, Delaines and A mioses, Bright Plaids for children's :
wear, and a great variety of other Dress Fabrics.
Black French Merinos, Bombazines, Tamcse Cloths,
Baratheas, Mohair Lustres, Black and White Check and
Striped Poplins and Alpacas, Double and Single Fold All
Wool Delaines, and a lull line of those High Lust red
Black Alpacas, at a great reduction in price.
Reavn Cloths, i'ricots, Velvet Cloths, Cassimere Sack
ii?;s. Plain ;n<l Twilled IMack Ilioadcloths, of all prices
all colors of Plain and Fancy Sacking*. Opera Flannels
Ac., Ac.
Ladies, Misses and Childrens White and Colored Cot
ton, Fleeced and Merino Hose, Ladies Merino Vests I
and Drawers. Gloves of every description at low prices.
Iflea hed. Halt Bleached, and Unbleached Damask Ta
ble Linens. Naj kins, Tow. Is. Towellings, Scotch and
Russia Diapers, Bleached and Unbleached Huckabacks
Vr sites, ltish Linens, Ac., 10-4 and 9-4 Sheetings,
Pillow Case Cottons, Counterpanes, Draping Muslins,
Shaker Flannel Sheetings. Hose Blankets, Ac., Ac.
Esquimaux, Moscow and Castor Beaver Cloths, French
and German Black Broadcloths, Doeskins, Fancy Cas
simeres, Tweeds.JMeitons Satinetts, Union Cassimeres, 1
Jeans. Ac., Ac.
All qualities Plain White, Shaker and Welch Flannels, ,
Fancy Shirting. Miners, Bed and Gray.Plain and Twilled
Flannels, and a full assortment of I
At the Lowest Market rates.
We arc now opening and desire to call special atten
tion to our unusually large stock of
As we make this depart meat of our business a special
ity, we have given it much time and attention. Our se- !
lections have beeu made from the newest styles in the
market, and our Cloaks are manufactured it! a manner
that cannot tail to please, and give entire satisfaction.
' c
Having made our purchases before the recent great . (
advance in price, wejare able to oßer decided bargains
in Ladies, Misses and Childrens Double and Single
Shawls. Our present stock tar surpasses in extent nd
variety, any purchases we have ever helore mad- in this
line and we have availed ourselves of the most favor
able time to select the choicest and roost desirable goods
in the market .
We have now on hand a good asst rtmenf of these cel
ebrated Skirts. in White and (' ilored.
The Eugenie, Empress, Paris Trail. Multiform, and a
variety ot other popular make ol Skiits in all sizes
for Ladies Misses and Children.
Brussels, Three Ply, Extra Super, Stipetftne. Ingrain, 1
Kidder,and Hemp Carpets. All widths Floor Oil t !< f lis
Mattings, Door Mats.| and Bugs. Anew stock just c
Uavingjmade arrangements with manufacturers in
supply our sales with the best quality of Boots and
Shoes, we shall at all times be able to furnish our eusto
mers with the best custom made Shoes ot all kinds,
for Ladies. Misses and Children, and Boots for Mens and
Boys wear, at reasonable prices. We shall also keep con
stantly on hand a complete assortment of Mens,Won ens I
and Children's Rubber* and Arctic Overshoes.
A splendid assortment of Mens and Boys Hats aud 1
Caps just received. Having closed ont oar old stock
almost entirely previous to our late purchases, we now
offer an entire new stock ol the latest styles.
W'c are now receiving large additions to our stock <*
Wall Papers, Transparent Window Shades and Trim
mings Window Papers, Ac.. Ac.
JLI drawn Dec. 21. 1865, to be Jurors fur a Court of
Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas to he held at To
watrda, commencing on the Ist Monday of Feb. 186S i
Asylum, Jonathan Whipple : Canton boro, Join W.
Giiflin ; l.cßoy. A. W. Van Fleet ; Leßaysvillc, N. W.
Browning: Monroe boro', Patrick Doatee; Orwell. H. H.
Smith; Pike, Edward S. Skcele, ChandlerCanlield. Brad,
ford Beechcr; Bylvauia, Setli Peek ; South Creek. J. G-
Scuddrr ; t-mithiield, Biebc Gcron d, T. A. Sewuid. H.
j C Brig hum; Springfield, Win. S. Grace; Troy twp.. Jos.
j Hunt, Win. Baker; Troy boro', Wm. Burto ; Ulster, Iti
j ley Hill, Henry Shaw ; Wyalusiug, Jabiz Chiniberlin ;
Windham, Hiram Turbusli ; Wells, Wm. M. Dunning ;
; Towanda North, Geo. B Mills.
Armenia James Mason ; Albany, Russell Miller, S. It.
Steiiger; Athens twp., John Woodruff; Burlington bo.
ro', Charles Williams ; Columbia, Moses Aver-; Canton
twp., E. L. Andrews; Franklin. Ogdcn Varney, Manford
| Stevens ; Granville, Ward Warren; Merrick. 11. W.
i Camp; Leßoy, A. M. K. West, Robert Jl'Kee, Sullivan
Morse; l.eltaysville, M. B. Porter; Monroe twp . Samue.
I Lyon ; do. boro'. Lyman Blaekman ; Overton, Richard
! Richards; Pike, John Black; Rome twp., Smith Forbes;
| Springfield, A. W Leonard, Rodney Cooley; Smithtieid,
O.E. Harris ; Standing Stone. John Bishop ; Towanda
! boro', Wm. A. Chamberlin .Milton Warner,.). F.Means;
j do. North. Abtjah Me id; Troy twp ,, 'l'usca
i rora, John Taylor; Windham, Geo. Coftiu ; Wilmot,lra
Brown : Wyalusing, Stephen Lyon, Jackson Eiliott : ;
Wells, John A. Roy; Warren, Irani Manchester. .
Albauy, Geo. fl. Kendall; Asylum, Richard Bennett ; i
Athens twp., Alexander Elsbtee; do bnio'.Wm.Durant, i
Wrn. Hancock; Canton twp., Enoch Sellard; Columbia. 1
Wm.W. Young, Wm.G Bradford; Litchfield, A. P.
! Wolrutt, Benjamin l'uk, George Davenport; Leßoy
' Chester Stone ; Monroe twp., Aaron Edsail : Orwell,
lioheit McKe. : Pike. It. Gay lord; Itidgberry, Guy llin
dy, John L, Webb; Rome twp,. J. G. Towner. Dan Rus
sell; Springfield, Marcus strange, Irvine Burgess. J. E.
> eikcspSmithlield, Linus CaliU'; Sbesliequin. yers Os
burn, L. J. Culver; T use a rora Thoma- Arnold; 'i'owau- j
da boro', L. 11. S ott; Terry, Charles hompsou; Ulster, t
James M'Carty, S. C. llovey S. S. Lock wood, Ralph
Russell ; Wyalusing, Niram A. Fuller ; Windham, Abel
Boardmau; Wilmot, John Ely : Warren, Janus Whita
kcr. J. M StllTH, Slu'iitl.
4 EDITOR'S NOTICE. — In ih<' matter of
J.\- the Kstah of Jtilnliah J lor i shorn. ilrr'nl. In the
Orphan's Court ol Bradlord County.
The undersigned an auditor appointed l>y said Court
to distribute moneys iri the bauds ol the administrators,
will attend to the duties ol his appointment, at his office
in Towanda boro', on Friday the 'itith day ol Jan. iMiij,
a! 1 o'clock p. m., at which time and place all persons
interested can attend it they think ntoper .r be forever
debarred front the same. W. T. DAVIKS,
Jan. 4, lßtil>. Auditor.
f\. lha Parker. —No. ill Sept. Term", 1865 You
arc hereby notified tint Junes Parker, your husband, :
has ol Common Pleas of Bradford
County 'or a ilivi rce from the bunds ot matrimony, and i
flic said Couit has appointed Monday, February sth,lsti6,
at two o'clock p.m.. at the Couit House in TOY.■!.da,tor
hearing the salil James Parker in the jiremi.-c at which
time and place you can attend i! you think proper.
Jan. 1. o;. si riff.
Hail-Uoab (time tables.
At ARRANGEMENT. Novemtier 27. I*o>.
for Pbilidt-lphiu, New-Yo k Reading, Pottsvillo. fanta
qua, Ashland, Lebanon, Allenlown, Eastern. A •.
Trains leave Han i-burg for New-York, as foil iws: At ,
3 on. 7.25 and 9.05 a. r.i., and 1.65 and 9.00 p. m , arrlv- j
ingat New York at 5.40 anil 10.00 a m., and 3.4u ..nil
10.35 )i m.. connecting vviili sin Bar Trains on tne Perm '
sylvania Rail : Sleeping Cars aoeotnpanying the
3.00 and 9.05 a nr., Trains, without change. '
Leave Harrisbiirg for Reading. Poltsvillc Tamaqm.!
Mintrsville. Asbh.ud. Pine Grove, Alleutowu aud Phil
adelphia,af 7 3 a. in , at.d 1.15 and 9( op. nn, top, in*
at Lebanon and ail Way stations ; the 9.50 p. ni. Train
making no close connection for Pott-ville nor Pinhole!- |
jdiia. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn,via !
Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail R ad,leave Harrisburg !
at 4.00 .m.
Returning : Leave Nctv-York at 9.0b a. nr., 12 no .11 i
and 8.00 p. in.; Philadelphia at 8.00 a.m. and 3.30 p. j
in.: Pottsville at 8.30 a. in. and 2.45 p. in.; Ashland at I
0.00 and 11 45 a. in.; Tamaqua at 7.35 and 1.40 p. m.
Leave Pottsville tor Hani-burg, via Schuylkill and
Susquehanna Rail Road at 0 45 a. m.
Reading accommodation Train : Leaves Reading at;,
030 a. m., returning fr< m Philadelphia at 4.30 p. m.
Columbia Bail Road Trains leave Reading a' 0.10 a.'
in and 0.15 j). m for Kphrata, Litiz, Larica-ter. Colum- I
bin, Ac.
Oil Sum ays : Leave New York at 800 p. m , I'hiia- '
dciphia 3.15 p. m. . Pottsville 800 a. in., Tamaqua 1
a. in., Harrisburg 9 05 a. m. and Reading at 1.00 a. m.
lor Harrisburg, and 10.52 a in. for New York.
Commutation, Mileage, School and Excursion Ti kets
to aud lrm all points, at reduced rates.
Raggage checked through ; 80 |iouuds allowed each
Passenger G. A. NICOLLS.
Genei il superintendent.
Reading. Pa.. November 27. I*os.
Change of hours commencing Monday, November 20, ,
1805. Trains will leave Waverly Station at about the .
following hours, viz :
Train No. 2, Day Express from Buffalo.. . 11:43 a. m.
" 4, Night Express livui Dunkirk 1-59 a. m. •
" •' o,Steamboat Express 5:38 p.m. 1
" ff,Cincinnati Express 5.03 a. nr.'
" 10, Binghamton Accommodation... 8:43 a.m.
" 22, Accommodation 3.01 p. nr. 1
" 28, Way Freight . 4.35p.m!;!
Train No. 1, Day Express 5:25 pm. '
" 5, Ex. Mail for Buffalo A Dunkirk 10:31 I) m. 1
' 7, Night Ex. lor Dunkirk A Buffalo 5:29 AM. ,
'lN*" -• • 9:28 p. m. 1 ,
'• 15, Elmira Accommodation ... 4:03 p.m.
•' 21, Accommodation aud Emigrant 2:32 p.m. !
•• 27, Way Freight *:4n p.m.
Trains 3, 21. and 22 run daily.
12 daily except Saturdays. j
" 8, daily except Mondays.
7, except Sundays and Mondays.
3, 011 Sundays and Mondays.
12, on Mondays. .-*oji a Waverly.
All other Trains run daily,except Sundays.
Gen 1 Pass Agt, Gon'i. Suii't.New-York. \
J. S SHEAFE, Station Agent.
ROAD.—This gre, t line traverses the Northern and ,
Northwest counties ot Pennsylvania to the city ol Erie, 1
on Lake Erie.
It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Rail Rout ,
Company, aud is operated by them
Time of Pas enger trains at Williamsport .
Erie Mail Train 3.47, P. M
Erie Express Train 1:50. A. X
Elmira Express Train, 9:50. P.M.
Elmiia Mail Train, . 8:45, A. M.
Erie Mail Train 5:20,A. M.
Erie Express Train ... . 4:22, P.M. .
Elmira Express Train. 7:20 A. M.
Elmira Mail Train ti:3o P. M
Passenger cars run thinugh without charge Loth way j
lietween Philadelphia aud Erie.
Leave Ni vv-5 01U nt ti:( 0 r. M. arrive at Erie :57. A. JL.
Leave Eric at 1:55.c m . arrive at New.York ..t 1:15 p.m.
Elegant .V'c</iiii, Cars on all iglit Trains.
1 or information icspci'iiiig 1 '..-,-engcr basiiies.-. ajipiy i
at Corner 30th and Market -treet-. I'hii a.
And lor Freight business ol the Company's Agents: 1
S. It. Kingston. Jr.. Coiner 13th and Market streets.
I'hiladeljdiia; J. . Reynolds. K.iie; Wm. BD en. Agint
N. C. It. R. Baltimore.
H. 11. 111)1 Sl().\ Gen 1 Freight Agt. Pliil'a.
M.W. GwrNXER. (ten*! Ticket Vet. fhiFa
A. L TYLER, Gen'l Manager. Willia.ns|>ort.
-Ll Ju.-t received,
Bought for Cash.
Thankful for past favors. I would respectfully say to
my old triends that I hope by .-t.ii't attention and fair j
prices to merit a continuance of their favors.
Towanda Feb. 2. E. T. FOX.
Over Eddy's Clothing Store, 3d Story, idler their ser
vices to the Ladies, coniidcut that a long experience .and
the most desirable facilities, with promptness and cour
tesy will ensure satisfaction.
The latest fashions received regularly from Madame
Demurest"s shop. New York. Particular attention paid ,
Besquining. Stitching done to order. Oct . 24,'65.
(Formerly Laugblin's)
Under Chamberlin's Jewelry Store, west of Public
Squa'e, Main Strei t
Oysters by the thoasanil, hundred or dish. Families
and dealers supplied on short terms. Give us a call.
Oct. 24. 1*65.
Those in want of nice Cuttir* can iird tliem by calling
on tlie subscriber, who is now finishing up a good as :
-ortment of them probably the 1 est in the county. Call
rid see them at his carriage shop in Athens. Bradford
Co. .Pa. .1. A. BRISTOL!..
Dec. 20, 1865.
TJUBLIC DRAY.—The subscriber having
I purchased a good Dray, desires to inform the ptib
lie that he is fully prepared to do all kinds of work in
his line. His services can be secured from 7 o'clock, a.
in ,to 6 o'clock, n. m. He can transport cheaply and
MU ditiously all kinds of Household Goods. Merchau
■/- to any point desired, aiid respectfully (olicits j
•1 •• ■: ; ni,lie patronage.
- 1 i .11 i; nt i f Maishall's Hardware st re, near
•' "r to the Post Olli 1 >vliere he can always be seeu
ln-11 not eugtigcd. Orders lelt at Matshail's llardwa e
t • . will 1 e promptly attended to.
Towanda. Di e. 7,1865.—ti.
en that the following apnlir.sthms for Licenses for
Taverns- and Merchant Dealers, hive been filed in
this office, and that the same will be presented to tie
I Court of Quarter Sessions, on Monday .February.3, li-O'l,
; for the consideration of said Con:!,:
i P. D. Disbrow Albany twp.
Daniel 1). Parker . .. Athens"
! Girsbon E.Smith . " boro'.
; (ieorge C. Hill Burlington boro'.
| 1.. T. Royse " - "
i S.S. Downing .. Franklin
j .1. K. Fletcher Leltaysville "
i tieorge W. Squires ~. Standing Stone twp.
| Edwin Blakeslee Sinitiiticld "
1 Hhubal Bowman Teny "
i John O. Ward Towanda bom'.
I .Samuel Walbrioge - " "
j •>. If. P. i isbrow "
i M. D.Cass Troy twp:
: lleuben Stiles
! Francis Green .. " boro'.
I Ellis lioaglaiid Ulster twp.
iS. W. Reynolds VVells "
W.N. Richards Windham "
Win Van Brunt Wysox "
Horace A. Kill', Athens boro'.
D. H. Sweeney Burlington boro".
11. W. Noble Towanda boro'.
Morgan & Davison.. Troy "
Thomas J . Jones Towanda boro'.
Jan. 15,1866. Clerk.
an order issued out ol the Orphan's Court ol lirad
lord County, the undertigned administrators ol the es
tate of A. I. Stevens, late ol A theirs boro . deceased,
will sell on the premises, ou-SATURDAY. IAN. 27tb.
lhtiii, at 1 o'clock p. in., the loliowing desciibed prop
erty bounded as follows, to wit :
Hot ol land in Athens borough, with dwelling bouse,
wagon r hop, smith shop and burn thereon, bounced
1 east by Main St., uoilb by Win. 11. fchopley, T. ii. r'avi
aud otiieis, e.?t Ly tuc Chiu.nng river, and south by
N. C. Harris, Blood A. Co., C. F. Welles, jr., and olle-is,
less all that poition ot the above described lot lying
west ol rhe Guard Bank mati by the chizens ol tire
borough as prot < tiou against floods, sold by A. P. Ste
vens to C. F. V\ ellcs, jr., lor the N. B. Canal Co.
TERMS—S2S to be paid when the property, is =;.uck
down, and one iourth of the purchase money on the !i
--nal eonlirmation, and the balance one year thereafter
wiili interest lrom eoulirniatioii.
C.F. WELLES, Jit..
l)ei'. 20.186... Administrators.
ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.— By virtue ol
an order issued out ot the Orphan's Court oi Lh ad-
I <rd County, the undersigned administrator ot the es
tate of David O. Tears late ot T.oy twp., deceased,
will sell on the premises, cu SATURDAY, JAN. 27tb,
INGC, at 1 o'clock p. m , the following described prop
erty, to wit :
Bounded on tire north by lauds ol If. Tens, • l>)
ij i.ds LeniiiUlttr described and lands ol A. R. 11l k,
,itn wesj by lands ot 11. A. t a.-.e and Edmund Cure.—
Containing 7U acres lnoie or less, being lot No. 117 011
;% o. 1001 1 1 the Drinker tiaet of 'and in raid township.
A I.SO—The 101 l wing piece or paiccl ol land situate
ill Troy twp., bounded as loilows, to wit : On the inilli
by the publr highway leading lrom Troy bote' to va
tils b'-ro", on the cast by lands < ! Hiram .Jackson aiid
.John Siuiuis, en the south by lands ol A . It. ilickok and
on the west by lands ot B. S. Tears. Containing sixty
eight acres ot laud, more or hers,.with a framed house
ai.d barn thereon.
Tt.ibUS— ioO 10 be paid on each lot when the proper
ty i- si ruck clown one hall ol the amount o! the purr base
money 1 11 continuation, and the remainder 111 one yeai
ihtreuiler. wilt inteiert In 111 conlirmuti nil.
Dee. 20. l-ii.7. Administratrix.
ORPHAN 'S COURT SALE,— By virtue of
an cider issued out ol the Ol pilau's Court 01 B; uti
le ret County , rhe undersigned;.-.trater ot tire es.-
ate oi Cjius Smith. late ol BurliugUm twp., deeeased,
w 1 ri sell on the pit mistSATL'Ki l aY, JAN. n
at 1 o'clock p. m., the 1-Row ing properly, situate 111
sjiJ ovp., to wit .
Beginning at a post the north-east corner ot .-aid lot,
thence by lot No. lib and loif north 89', wi.-t lln -10
per. to a post,thence by lanas ol E. I' Hensou 11 rth 2, -
east 83 1 10 pernio a post and st. nes,theme by llenso 1 s
lot south fc'J J east 70 8-10 perches to a post and lorn ,
fhence i.y land formerly known as the Stroud lot south
1° west 73 4 10 per. to the place of beginning. Contain
ing 4(1 acres ami 100 per., alt improved,with a log h -
and l/aru and ruit trees tiiercou.
lERMS - i-u to bt- paid when the property i- str •
down, 1 ue halt the balance 011 confirmation 01 sale , the
balance in 01 e year thereafter with interest truurci-n
tirmaCou. \VM. BUNYAN,
Dec. 20,18G3. Administrator
an order issued out ol the Orphan's Court ot Br d
bud C unty. the undersigned administrator ol the es
late ol Wm. M. sludde. i.ite ol ispr iugticid (p., occea-a-d,
will seil en the premises, SATURDAY, JAN. 271h.18(1G,
:rt 1 o'clock, p. in., the following property bounded and
described us loilows:
North by lauds ot the estate ol Lew is I randail, dee'd
cast by tin highway leading lioin Burlington to Ehni. a.
south bj lands ol Addison Grace, and west by lauds of
Fin man Wood. Containing 70 acres of laud, with a
framed house and barn tbeteou erected.
Tr.R.MS—J .O to be piid when the property is struck
down, one-halt the purchase money on coniirmat iou of
sale, the remainder in one year tliereatler with interest
from confirtnation It. F. KX rPI'
Dec. 20, 1860. AdmiuisllalOis.
ORPHAN'S COURT SALK.— By virtue el
an order issued out ol the Orphan's Conrt ol Brad
lord County, the undersigned administrator of the es
tate ot Chaeles Phillips. late of Spriugiie'd twp., dee'd,
will sell on the premises, in said twp. 011 SA'l L'RDAY .
JAN. 2711 i, iB6O, at 1 o'clock p. m., 'be lollowiiig lot.
piece or parcel ol land, bounded as follows, to wit :
011 tlie north by ths highway leading from Sherman
Berry's to the Bush Creek mail, on the \re-t by lands .7
Martin l'hilij s, 011 the suuth by lands ol Martin 1 tulip.-,
and east by lands ol Calvin Lewis and ( har.ncey Ibi -m it
Corrt tiniug about SO acres, a' out 4 7 acres are iinorov e-J
and 011 which tiiere is one framed barn.
'TERMS—Occ-torth ol the purchase money be paid on
the confirmation . I the sale, and the balance one year
thereafter with interest.
Dec. "20, lSi.a. Administrator, j
A UDI lull & NOTICE.— In tke nailer oj
J.X. he extate of C. 11. AYZ/ogg deceased, in the
Orphan's. Court o: Bradlord County.
The undersigned, an auditor appointed to distribute
the monies in the hands o! the administrator, raised by
the sale ol decedent's real estate, will attend tr, the :
duties ol his appoi. tment at the his oflit e in Towanda
borough, on Saturday, the 20th day ot January, 18GG.
at 1 o'clock, p. in., and all persons having claims
upon said monies must present them or else he forever
debarred from coming in tor a share ot said funds.
Dec. 20. l8(ia. Auditor.
I llill'Oiv'S NOTICE.— Li lite mailer <j
f V the flute o) 1 auc fhdduug/i,deceased.
The undersigned, an auditor, appointed to distribute
the monies in the bauds ot lire Administr'er raised turn
by the sale oi decedent's personal estate, will attend to
the duties ot his appointment at his office, in the
bmough ol Towanda, on Friday, the Huh day ot Jan
uary, A D., IFGG, at I o'clock p. m., and ail persons
hiving claims upon said monies must present ttiein, or
else be forever debarred iromthe same.
BEN J. M. l'E k,
Dec. 20. 18G.3. Auditor.
4 UDI TOR S NOTICE.— In the nuttier uf the tsiae of
fx. H iUtam Meail, lale of Athens fir/i.. dee'd. Ju tire
Orphan s Courtot Bradlord County.
The undersigned, as auditor, appointed by said
to di-p' .-c ol exceptions tiled to the Partial Account ol
E. s. Mai-hewsr-ii, Administrator, ot said Mead, dee'ed.
will attend to the duties at his cilice in the borough
ol Towanda, 011 Monday, the 22d riay ol January. 1-1,0,
at 1 oi lock p. m., and all persons having elaiuis upon
said Uiuils must present them, or else be for. ver de-1
barred lrom the same. TV. A. PECK,
Dec. ID. 1803. Auditor.
- 1 *■ is hereby given, tlral a 1 persons indebted to lire es
tate ol 1 auiel C. Miller, dei rased, late of Wiluiot twp..
aie requested to make immediate payment, and th se
h.v ing demands against said . slate will present them •
duly authenticated for settlement.
Jan. 11, IStiG. Administrator.
4 i>.MlMr> 1 RA'illlX ft NOTICE Nol
0..V is hereby given that a!! persons indebted tlu- t
tatr of HIRAM KNAPP, late ol Orweil twp . deed,
are requested to make payment, without delay,
and those having claims against said estate must pte. ut
them duly authenticated for settlement.
Dec. 14,1866. Administrator.
J.X is heieby given, that all persons indebted to the
estate ol DAVID V OUGHT, late ol Standing 8-tone twp,
deceased, are requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims against said estate w ill f it-cut
them duly authenticated for settlement.
Nov. f, 1886. Administrators.
by given, that all persons indebted to the estate ot
si 112 >Mr)N BAR DWELL, lata of Bpnogfid4 township,
dee'd., are requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims against said estate must present them
dulvauthenticated for settlement.
Jan. 4, li-iC. Executor.
J hereby given, ihat ail pci rns indebted to lire
estate of JOHN FIRMAN, late ol Columbia, twp.,
dec'rl. are requested to make immediate payment, and
, those having demands against said estate will please pre
sent duly authenticated for settlement.
j Jan. 4. lsoo Executor.
i 1 iit .-fjtfs —No. 11" Sept. Term. 1865. Y> 1 are
1 hereby notified that Johu Ay res your husband.i. .'Pi Ti
led to the Court o! Common PR us of Bradlord Co.: ; a
divorce from Hie bonds of matrinrr nv,at;d the said C'omt
has appointed Monday, February .3th, two o'-
clock ]). nr., at the Court House in Towanda,(or hearing
the said JohuAAles in the premies at which time mid
i place you can attend il yon think proper.
Jan. 1,6n, Sheriff.
OHBRIFPS SALES. Rv virtue of a writ
of Fi. Fa., honied oot of tiro Court of Common
Pleas of Bradford county, to me directed and delivered,
will be exposed to public sale at tlio Court Ho n® in the
, Boro'of Towanda, MONDAY, FEBRUARY .7. I? 8, at
I one o'clock, p. m., th® following described lot piece <>r
pawel of land situate in hlr-hcquiu to ,arid bounded a*
1 follows, to wit: 11'b by lands ol G. Wayne Kinney,
on the east and South by land of Valentin-: Smith, and
■ west by the Susquehanna River. Containing about 100
j acres ol lund more or Im: aboot 85 acres i-nproved
, with one framed house, framed nam. and vo- d horse.
' granary, and an orchard of !rn:t trees thereon.
I Seized and taken into ex' -uti >n at the init ot 11. H.
■ 1 Hacc to us® of Arabella Ma-: v*. E. P.Shrw I". Ti
!'Shaw, and Harry Hhnv.
Al>o—The following d< ■; ibsd lot, piece or par- elof
land situate iu I'l-ter twp., ...•! bouti ed as I !•: v. -.'. •
j ii: North by ! ma of Newell Havens, e.i ft by land 1:
Philander l.oomis air-l .T-ihn 11 - t rth t.y I 11 1 ot Jo j .
Newberry, and v. *t by iaird ol 1 .• >. V. es at.-l Jo.-cp.i
I Smith. Containing 20.7 .nn ; more or less, about Liu
i acres improved with a fr mod house '- g house. f,am :
barn, (rained shop ai d m. MI i a: d shingl■: Machiu •
and two am.ll "i hards 1! ■ .it t: thereon.
Seized and tak-u la"> cx -t at the suit of Sfji:
ft Sa'.tmaish v- 1-n • 11-tfT
ALSO—'The following dcscri. d lot, piece or oi
land, situate in Wanett tap . atjiibound( lasfoli '■ S, to
| wit: On the notih by land ol Cooper, era' by ..'.j i
of Susannah Pitcher, south by I i d o; J ihu Hiirp -j
. and west by laud <t said .Co .per. C'outaiiiing 4 t
! an acre of land, all improved, with one f ramed Awe Ho ;
honse thereon.
ALSO—One other lot, piece cr parcel <•; End siiua's
in said twp., of Wi inti. and bounded ■ folio t wi':
North by (and of Ah-nzo D.f'ortdn. ea-! by la ids ol .1
P. Corbin. south by land < i Harrington V. Tinker, we
.by land oi ft. Cooper. Containing 27 acrw of land,
more of less, about 27 acres improved—n-> building ; .
Seized and taker, into exe -til i n at fit® suit o! t'lntr! •<
James vs. Amelia 8.-nfT and John Brnff.
ALSO— The foil .vlng lot, piece or parcel of la 1 - :
nate In Rome twn . and bounded as follows, to wit:
1 the north by land of Hiram Rus-eil, on the east oy In .
Gabriel, south bj- lands r. Iliratu J i.e .on and
J. 11. Decker, and we tby Alb-rt Richard Containing
, : 60 a-res of land more or lea, about (0 a'-rrs improved
with one framc-d house, two framed bains, and an fir
chard of fruit trees there n.
Seized and taken in execntion at the nit of Ge r ; -
C. Page vs. Joel Tut lie and lUcliel A. Trrltle.
ALSO—The following described lot. piece r paicc!
of land situate in tVin-lham twp.. boun l-d as follows,
to wit : Beginning in the road the north-east corner o!
the lot. Uwace aootb IJ° weai ao perches by lanJ ol J.
V. \V||. elhmise, fbent-e n-uTh "-j 3 we.-t "ft.J per., the
north 14° east. 132 6-I0 ; r Tin by lands ot vi'rn.Grinl y
thence by the centre o! the road s-.utb -3s G east 31 per.
and thence south .72° east .32j perches to tire place of b
1 ginning. Containing 50 teres of land, more or 'less,
about 20 acres improved, witli a trained barn an ! An old
log bouse thereon.
Seized ar d taken into ex- utioii at fit - > ,'t of . Ki
by to use of Miles Prince vs. Joseph K>-'l< v.
ALSO—The foll'iwing desci iotd lot, piece or parc-.-i
of land situate 11 Ulster twp., botindcti ; s loilows, viz :
On the north by lands I.■ Hor :ue H'nth. ®a<t by land ■
H. 11 Siiiitb. sooth by the public highv ry icadiug Irani
Ul.-tei c< nu r, t.. .siaitbUtld. iii.riv.r : hy hnd ol tVm,
Moundfey. Ccntaining one htilf of in icre of bad more
or less. :,n improved, with a frauv •! dwelling b us*-
, framed barn and ale v .not trees th vena.
Seized and t .ken into executi :i at the .it Philip
Keller vs. Win. 1.. S met hers
ALSO—The toilcwing lot. piece or ) arcel ot l iu.l - r
r.ate in Ulster tw ii . :: ; , d- ribed .
10-.vs : On the north by land ol E B Tuthill, east by
public hignway. south' ,v land . f Edward Mills, and
west by land of John Conklin. c ntefoing j<lan at
more or less, all improved, with a large frat ted dwell lug
h'.ose and a few fruit tr-.0 t ■ •
ALSO—One other lot, pier ;or pared of land dttak
in said twp . and lr - Jed f T;o .■ • Oi. 'h® nor'h ••
land belongingMather B; s. ar. i J 'l'Cirtv. ea.-:
by the North Branch Canal, ronth by land of Newell &
Co., and west by the patdie liigi.w ... r 1 talniag 10l
lan acre of land, inure . r I-.-, s:; i! i::.; . .v-ifc \. ..
trained dwelling lt<":e, f ..<•••-• Cr • ■■■:'. >• n-, p
ban, an-J a few fruit trees there
AI .SO - Ore. t! ~ -. . . . ...
in said twp.. bounded anddescri ed 1 s foil rws : On the
north and co-t 1 1 lat ds of Ji n . M'Carty, ranth by the
. ate of Chaonrey Bock well, dee'd, west by N„nb
Branch Canal. Containing J fan acre of land, morr
or lew, all improved, with e:.<- ft tmed tarn there n.
Seized and taken into execution at the suit ofH.C
Band vs. Uriah Shaw ,ir,d E. P. -haw.
ALSO—T Ire following I* * '"ce ■r 1 ' reel .1 land .-it
■ natc ii, Burlington in}.. bounded and described as t :
. low ,to wit: Begiut ing ; pt st at the south w- st of it 1 •of Lr d cni.'ia fed 1 Benjamin B> It. be
j inp, 2'. ..10 |ki - ..'lt j 3 wc- uf thq norfii-east corner
.of thewm.Laae lot. thence sooth by sard lan.c lot 36
I per, to a pine the uorth-west coiner of the Earl
h< 1 s thence bysa 1 Nich lot north 7:fj ; ;-ast
■ about 80 per. to a comer of a lot ol one acre and 31 per.
deeded to ( harles Sc toton in (r.isi anl thenco by said
Hcouton s lot on the I.' rth li • t!.-ere -1 to the centre oi
' the turnpike ro.vl. iu <1 tl.< rcf hy ti c <c-ntre of sai-ituro
pike to the south corio r i ib Benjamin Bolt lot, and
• thence 'y the n rr.- " ■ ... :,j n .;t lot north .—j
; west 8® 8-10 per. fo the platof beginning. Containing
11 acres and 111 p . : . - ot kind more n icss. all in:-
proved, w :h a I:, mid Cm.'.,,; g 1. .- c t:da Black mitb
■ *oop thereon. Beitgtht lotof land conveyed by
:E. Overton Esq. to O < Taylor hj rticle of agreement
bearing date Oct. 12. 1 end known as tke®Tsvki
Lot '
Seized and taken Info exe -nflon at th® suit of Omen
leaf Davis vs. .' Ii .- <, .......
ALSO—The foilu. ...g lot. t .-., . i pureed of land sit
uate in Slieshcquin twp.,: uvded and ih —r>' ed as :■ '
lows, to wit : Rt ginning at the north w< st corner. 1 ..
lot deeded by J< sepb King.-bciry At' 'y in lust t. r P.J
DecatnrtoPerley Ayers,thence north 1° cr : 74 2-10
per. to a black oak sti mp. IN ing the o ith-we t . orn .
of > HuDe sot, ti. hi e souths- 3 c i.-t GO 21, per. to
the south.c.. t . -Hi. I .-IS !,. 1-1 Hi.lse -' t. thence north
'1 iast u v SC-100 |er to the south wc- t coit.e. . : Thos.
, Beanaers It t thence east 56 6-10 |< r. to a post lor a
corner r.n ll.t wist line ol I'av .1 IJiaveneilot. Ihtr:,.
j sonth 70 8-10 per. t< a hemlock foi ~ corner the south
west corner el David lie ;v>nei's lot. thence - nth --a
ea-t along the south line ofDav d Heavener's It t 4.7 7-10
jei .tl.etii-e Mititii I - v.c-t J2 .'MO per to a post the i, lib
east corner of said P. Ayer's lot, tbence south 89° west
. IG2 810 per. to the place of beginning Con tain ing 80
acris oi land, more or less—no improvements.
Si-'/id I hen int cxnutr nat the st it oi Bvu.
Oabntn vs. B. P. Shaw and C. A Heavener.
A I^o—By virtue of a writ ot Vend. Ex. the full, .
tuglot, piece ; rjane! .f land situate iu L'l-t.i twp
bounded and described as follows : On ths north bv
Ralph Rio sell eat by th. Suspuehauna River, south by
. land.-, i f J-lui S. Antl. ' iy. and west by land ot M.G ,
Van sickle. Containing 125 acres of land, more or leas,
i — H- ,! seres iteAi -i wil . ramed dwdling
house, warned barn, cow shed, and an orchard of fruit
;rc< s there- n
Seated and taken into exei n{|on at tbescit of w.-.v l\
• National Bonk vs. Bquire Northrr p
ALSO—I he following It:. piece or parcel of land -it
cats in ute Boro <■: Athens, bounded and described as
follows : East by the public higl rty. North by land
of Tla III!.- j \ ii, a.,nth l-v latul ■ 1 Edward Hen - fc. and
Chemung !. v.and al Yard ex <pt'. Us X< -. Ihi 121
128,193, 136,137 138,139.140.141 and 142 as per plot
made by O.Rickry lor said Edward D rit k. Uoutr. :
i ing about 17 acres and 126 perches, more or ic.- : th.
-srne being deU'ts C. N. Sbij'.- ut divided half int,-:
est except 1-10 ;eing i g the D.cxell estate.
Fc zed rind taken ii.Pr t \-vi,ti' ... tke suit ol M. 7V
Whrelork'.c n.-e v- <"nun ey N. SI b-m,.- Charles F
Well. s. Jr.. ■rl NO. It.,- '
AUsO—The following do; :Hbed lot, pieoe or parcel
of laud situate ill N- :ill Tv, . k twp.. I.our.dcd a- l '
lows, to wit : North by laud of Timothy i: wen, east
by land < I John Dicne. south by tur patch inebwu-,
and west by land of John Dougherty. Ccntaining 11
acies of k.nd more k—■, il in-.-v.-v-d. : atc O •.
ol Patrick Dougherty, oe M.with a..ii trained slrmtv
Scizc.l and (a'\ru,> execution at lite sail >.( EJw.,r*l
Overton vs. B. S. R - >ll admk ol Patrick 1) ugherty
i J- MONROE Tii'H. : .• ft.
REGISTER'S NOTICE.- N icoTg herebv
1 1 given, that thfie I,.'i ;, •• .i - • d
j office oi the Regi-lii of 'c.TID, in pthe c .iunli >.
. Bradlord. ae- :.ts , . hip . ra :..;i up ut: i,,' it
ing e.-tatc-. v ;. :
Final aec't of llaii . Mix. lru'r o t'..i estate .A Johu
I Sinn lis. dee d, la'.e oi N. r:h I- ~
Final acc't of S. Farwell, adtnT of the i .tats ot
Quick dee'd, late o. v-niiih: - Id.
Final acc't ol 8. P. Wolcuit, a -ai'r ol ties estat® •>!
James Brown. de>-*.l.!ol
I Final see 1 ! of Man J. Overpeck, former!] Mars J
j Tilna, adm'r of 11. H Titns. dee'd Ut< ef Herrfek
i Final acc't of James H. Ward, adm'r of the fsta*..- <if
: Heman B. Hickok, dee'd, late of Tray.
filial loij I :v'a- or sF. 37 hippie and David Whipple.
I adm'rs ot Nathan Whipple ucc'd,lj.ic ol Burlington.
Final an t of K. t'a e. . xc- i tor ut the estate r f Tii.
c-tlix b'a e. dee d. late of Troy. ar ' ot Ruviingante ilav thorn. executor of J bn
' H ivthorn, dee'd hi t <>r Burlii'i (■
Final ee, "t i f Sarah E. i ■ a.'uTix ol the est .te ot
Ei;-. und L Co-ii, lec'd. lute I'lke. •'! ' l-.i.zu ii- S'j l. adr..':\ - t'ur estate
<.t Joseph G Sp<cr. ch. d, 'ate ot Winebam.
!■ iual acc't ol Ja; . M...- i. Ira'r > f the estate ot
lliram Mason, or i.rit r.; .iu ;i am.
Final account of N. C. Shores, admk of (he estate ot
.Stephen 1. t I .il;. dre'd, lu'-* o! \\
1 inal. it to. •'■ k;i i t-rgu* nrad J B. Packard, ex
! ecntora of Joel Pa kard, d . 'j. late < f Granville.
,1 Final acc't of E. but McKic, adm'r of the e-tatc f
Ira to.est, dec il, I.i'e .u! T
Final acc't of L< vi c. In st in, < xec of Nancy T. "d. lute of .- Hi gh I
1-iual arc tot ihoiiia.s tr-.vta.tlni 1- ol (lie rsta-e o
James Gcrdon, dec d, late of Wella.
t Partial acc't ol Augn ta Snyder, exe'rix >: B. P. Sny.
der, dee'd. late oi AtUia.s.
Finnl ccc't ol Maliilt Yi. Bu. :,! U l adar'. or i. -.
, I taic of Jacob G. fockbout.fkc'j Uu : rli i vllle.
, i Al.SO—l he antrrais. men* ; .-rtv set efV l.v *.
, Executcr or Administrators to widows or children of the
. following decedents :
Estate of David Andrews,
' " 1 E L. Cobb
•' M. M'l're. ay.
" " Philander F.-'cr,
" '• Samuel 33". Wilcox,
-• '• Xcrrrs P'.aidnian,
. " •• s: P. Pel inc.
' " Warren Fji.bfo
" '• A lived P.. sons,
, -* *' V.aVirl O. l'.ir...
1 • " Divid Y'.ngh'.
-* O. fl. 33'<,.>Ui'ii|f
•' Uriah Braund.
'• A-a Prat',
" W. 11. French,
•• 3Vni. Geranl
" C. Vanciso,
■■ Alans ii l.hidlo,
•' " Minor H. Titus",
' Willis J. Knnvns.i
Miles F. Packard,
33r"m A'anderpooi.
r And the s.rme will Vv present''.! to ibeOrphan"- < t
! bf Bradford County, on Monday the stb day ul F-br u
aiy next, lor c uidiniation a .1 "ul owauee
N f\ FI.L-BRE,
Jan. 8, 186G, Register.