OK I'l"iil.lt'ATlOK. ii published every Thursday Morn ' ~, ~n.u >H. lit per aniuun, in ad ,, by t- ' ■ ! : MS fxettuiug fifteen lines are i . , fcNTs i-. r hup lor first insertion, j, v ., s j. r line for subsequent insertions ! inserted before Murringes and • j 1( r !..j v?d fifteen cent, per line for v U resolutions of Associations ; • < of limited or individual interest. .„[• fIHICW ,uu j •vt ri e'es and Deaths exceeding five .- . . t eliaixeil ten cunts pr line, j , 1 Year. 6 mo. 3 mo. . .$75 s4(l S3O .. 10 *2-. 15 . ■/: n !. -•! .-.nd Found, and oth is. not exceeding 15lines, . or less, $1 5u • old Executor's Notices. .'2 00 D.rK si. <• Hues, (per year 1 ...5 00 . advertising tlieir business _"i Tbey v. .11 be entitled to .{ eh Aely toth-'irbusiness, with .i ■ in !l eases inclusive of sub ....it- 'he isiper. I \ ti',ve,\ kiml in I'lain uudFan j O ' la itK ss aid dispatch. Haud ■ t'auipUlei.s, ,te., of every va nned :d the shortest notice. 'lbe , 1 ,a:.t been re-fitted withl'over ... " every thing in the Printing lim- can tee n -t artistic manner and at the TERMS INVARIABLY CASH. '! !1K 111 21 Kit SII>K. ii t. is si-.le of Jordan's stream, • i, n -onit s a shining beam V:■ --s from yonder shore ; visions of a holy throng, c;.I of harp, and scrapli song, - m gently wafted o'er. i : r side ! Alt! there's the place ■its in joy past times retrace. ~1 tliiuk of trials gone ; . irhdrawn. tlicy cl' arly see at ,rtli had need to be, . i.i ; tie in safely home: •er i No sin is there, i the roi- s that bh ss'd ones wear, le .hite in Jesus' blood : . t f grief, no voice of woe, i rt'.e p t ate their spirits know— ir constant peace with God. . ir sale ! Its shore so bright is.it with the golden light i n Zion's city fair! . : many d .tr ones gone before ay tr.-ad the happy shore : i ..a i s them there. fih< other •:.!• ! Oh, charming sight! I . ". it- . array■ .1 in white. Over lis -trecta le calls to me, f'. ::r i. t—l : m thy guid< to be. Up to tie. J . :!y at- s. i "ther side! lib w> 11-i.uown voice, ■ ! Jar, bright f ice, will lm- rejoice : We'll lnei t in fi lid euibl'i ee : ii le; 1 1 Hie oU, lilltil We stalld, ■ii a palm brauc-h in our hand, lieioie the Saviour's face. .•tlierside! The other side ! . • would not brave the swelling tide Of earthly toil and care ; so ' ne day, when life is past, •!.•• tr. am. at home at last. With all the bless'd ones there! i\u\ THE DEVIL'S INN. Tj'jl . „/S Christ man ■'"•lory. t . ■ legend of a house called the - in. -t ! idiug in the heather on the ' iiiiii'inara mountains, in a shal- 1 Mowed between live peaks.— a< uies come in sight of it on n.itig' : a crazy and weather ; t on, with the sun glaring at . •t\ II the lai 1 Is. and striking window panes. Guides are ■ .',n it, however. % as mil ly a stranger, who | sin ,v hence, and who the ■ d i ail Dhu fßlack Coll), • sullen bearing and solitary !! :ig ilu-y c.illed the Devil's j i ' tired traveler had ever been ■ , h-r its roof, nor friend ss its threshold. No one bore ;..y •: s retreat but a wizen faced - timed the good-morrow ol ■iit when lie made oeca - to the nearest village for >r ■ inisei f and master, and who is i stone concerning all the s i ! both. ; iof thtir residence in the i had ban nnic.li speculation ' y were, and what they did r s up I here among the clouds :in .-aid that Coll I)liu was ii • I tumilv from whose hands . ' als hud passed: and that I • y ! ivi'r \ and pride, he had ny : mself in solitude, and brood -rt lines. Ot er hiuted of crime, a ai another country ; others ispered of those who were cursed : i ia, and could never smile, nor iti- ids w;ih a fellow-creature till tii ir death. But when two is •!, the wonder had some ■ it. and C ill Dim was little tho't ' a a herd looking for sheep " 'ink of big dark man walk nu in hand, to whom he s:: v, "i. i:; save yoll !'' or when rocking her cradle of a \\ in- . . , ci i-siai herself as a gust of e i! ov< r her" cabin-roof, wi h * i a, "Oil.then, ifs Cull Dhu that - o'th • fresh air about his bead , tin: i ! ' i had livi d tims in liis solitude }■ ar , when it b. came known that ■ if ike, the new lord of the soil, was - • visit the country. By climbing ■ peaks encircling bis eyrie, Coll '•> -lieer down it iiiouiitain-side, and a 1 ature beneath him a gray old '■g a;ih ivied chimneys and weuther v 'tis, standing among straggling i grim, warlike rocks, that gave it ' t a for! less, gii/.ing out to the At ' ever with the eager eyes of all a- if demanding perpetually, at tidings from the New World ?" Id see now masons and carpenters s lout below, like ants in the sun, gth - old house from base to ! 1 . bulbing here and knocking there, uii walls that looked to Coll,up 1 , elunds, like a liaiidlull of juck ■ ' am! building up others that looked " feiic* sin it child's {arm. Thro n'viral months he must have the busy ants :it their tusk oi 2 and mending again, disfiguring on lying ; but when sill was done not the curiosity to stride down and ' the handsome paneling of the new 1 'in, nor yet the fine view which 1 "go ! buy-wind iw in the drawing aianded ot the watuy highway to l ' w loundland. E. <>. GOODRICH, Publisher. VOLUME XXVI. Deep Summer was melting into Autumn, ! and the amber streaks of decay was begin j ning to creep out and trail over the ripe purple of moor and mountain,when Colonel ! Blake, his only daughter, and a party ofj friends, arrived in the country. The gray house below was alive with gaiety,but Cull Dim no longer found an interest in observ ing it from his eyrie. When he watched the sun to rise or set, he chose to ascend some crag that looked on no human habita tion When lie sallied forth on his exeur- . sioiis, gun in hand, he set his face toward : the most isolated wastes, dipping into the ! loneliest valleys, a id scaling the uakedest j ridges. When he came l y chance within i call of other excursionists, gun in band, he | plunged into the shade of souie hollow, and avoided an encounter Yet it was fated, for all that,that he and Colonel Blake should meet. Toward the evening of one bright Sep-j tern her day. the wind changed, and in half j an hour the mountains were wrapped in a ! thick blinding mist. Coll Dhu was far from liis den, but so well bad lie searched these mountains, and inured himself to their cli mate, that neither storm, rain, nor fog, had power to disturb him. But while he stalk ed on his way, a faint and agonized cry from a human voice reached him through tie smothering mist. He quickly tracked the sou'.d,and gained the sine of a man who was stumbling along in danger of death at cvciy step. "Follow me !" cried Coll Dim to this man, and, in an hour's time, brought him safely to the lowlands, and up to the walls of the eager-eyed mansion. " I am Colonel Blake," said the frank sol dier, when, having left the fog behind him, they stood in'the starlight under the light ed windows. "Fray tell me quickly to whom I owe my life." . As he spoke he glanced up at his bene factor, a large man with a sombre sun-burn ed face. " Colonel Blake," said Coll Dhu, after a ' strange pause,"you father suggested to my 1 father to stake liis estates at the gaming j table. They were staked, and the tempter j won Both are dead : but you and I live, j and I have sworn to injure you." The Colonel laughed good humored ly at j the uneasy face before him. "And you began to keen your oath to- I night by saving my life," said he. " Come! j I am a soldier, and know how to meet an j enemy : but I had far rather meet a friend. : I shall not be happy until you have eaten j my salt. We have merry-making to-night ] in honor of my daughter's birthday. Come j in and join us ?" Coll Dhu looked at the earth doggedly. " 1 have told you," he said, "who and i what I am, and 1 will not cross your thres- j hold." But at this moment (so runs the story) a , French window queued among the flower- ! beds by which they were standing, and a vision appeared which stayed the words on j Coil's tongue. A stately girl, chid in white satin, stood framed in the ivied window j with the warm light from within streaming ! around hei richly-moulded figure into the ] night. Her face was as pale as her gown, | her eyes were swimming in tears, but a | firm smile sat oil her lips as she held out j both hands to her father. The light behind ! her touched the glistening folds of her dress —the lustrous pearls around her throat— the coronet of blood-red roses which encir cled the knotted braids at the back of her head. Satin, pearls, and roses—had Coll Dhu, of the Devil's Inn, never set eyes up on such liiings before ? Evleen Blake was no nervous tearful miss. A few quick words—"Thank God ! , you'ie safe ; the rest have been home an hour"—and a tight pressure of her father's fingers between her own jeweled hands, were all that betrayed the uneasiness she had suffered. " Faith, my love, 1 owe my life to this brave gentleman !" said the blithe Colonel, j "Press him to come in and be our guest, Evleen". H< wants to retreat to his moun tains and lose himself again in the log where I found him ; or, rather, where he found nie ! Come, Fir," (to Coll,) "you must surrender to this fair besieger." An introduction followed. "Coll Dhu murmured Evleen Blake, for she had heard the common tales of him : but with a frank welcome she invited her father's preserver to taste the hospitality of that father's house. " I beg you to come in, Sir," she said ; " but for you our gaiety must have been turned into mourning. A shadow will be upon our mirth if our benefactor disdains to join us." With a sweet grace, mingh d with a cer tain hauteur from which she was never free, she extended her white hand to the tall looming figure outside the window ; to have it grasped and wrung in away that made the proud girl's eyes flush their am azement, and the same little hand clench itself in displeasure, when it had hid itself like an outraged tiling among the shining folds of her gown. Was this Coll Dhu mad, or rude ? The gin si no long' r refused to enter, but followed the white figure into a little study where a lamp burned ; and the gloomy stranger, the bluff Colonel, and the young mistress of the house, were fully* discover ed to each otheCs eyes. Evleen glanced at the new comer's dark face, and shud dt n d with a feeling of indescribable dread and dislike : then, to her father, accoun ted for the shudder after a popular fashion, saying lightly : " There is some one walk ing over my grave. So Coif Dhu was present at Evleen Blak.-'s birthday ball. Here he was, under a roof which ought to have been liis own, a stranger, known only by a nickname, shunned and solitary. Here ho was, who had lived among the eagles and foxes, ly ing in wait with a fell purpose, to be re vi iiged on the son ol liis father's foe for poverty and disgrace, for the broken heart of a dear mother, for the loss of a self slaughtered. father, for the dreary scatter ing ot brothers and sisters. Here lie stood, a Sampson shorn ol his strength ; and all because a haughty girl had melting eves, a winning mouth, and looking radient in satin and roses Peerless where many were lovely, she nil'vi d among her friends, trying to be un conscious of t lie gloomy fire or those strange eyes which followed her unweariedly wher ever she went. And when her father begg ed her to gracious to the unsocial guest whom lie would fain conciliate, she cour teously conducted him to see the new pic- TO WAN I) A, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., JANUARY 18, 186 G. 11 m ture-gallery adjoining the drawing-rooms ; ; explained under what odd circumstances j the Colonel had picked up this little paint- j ing or that ; usii g every delicate art her pride would allow to achieve her father's j purpose whilst maintaining at the same timelier own personal reserve; trying to' avert the guest's oppressive attention from herself to the objects for which she claimed his notice. <'oil Dhu followed his condtic tress and listened to her voice, but what she said mattered nothing • nor did she J wring many words of comment or-reply' from Ids lips, until they paused in a retired corner, where liie light was dim, before a j window from which the curtain was with drawn. The sashes were open, and noth ing was visible but water ; the night At lantic, with the I'm 11 moon ndinghigh above a bank of clouds, making silvery tracks outward toward the distance of infinite mystery dividing two worlds. Hero the following little scene is said to have been enacted. " This window of my father's own plan ing, is it not credit aide to his taste ?" said the young hostess, as she stood, herself like ( a gleam of beauty, looking on the moon light. Coll Dhu made no answer, but suddenly it is said, asked her for a rose from a clus ter of flowers that nestled in the lace on her bosom. For the second time that night Evleen Blake's eyes flashed with no gentle light. But this man was the saviour of her father. She broke off a blossom, and with such good grace, and also with such queen-like dignity as she might assume, presented it to him. \\ hereupon, not only was the rose seized, but also the hand that gave it, which was hastily covered with kisses. Then her anger burst upon him. " Sir," she said, " if you are a gentleman you must be may ! If you are not mad, then you are not a gentleman !" "Be merciful," said Coll Dhu. " 1 love you. My God, 1 never loved a woman be fore ! All !" he cried, as a look of disgust crept over her face, " you hate me. You shudder the first time your eyes met mine. I love you, and you hate me 1" "1 do," cried Evleen, vehemently, forget ting everything- but her indignation.— " Your presence is like something evil to me. Love me? your looks poison me. Fray, Sir, talk no more to ine in this strain." " 1 will trouble you no longer," said Coll Dhu. And, stalking to the w'ndow, he placed one powerful hand upon the sash, and vaulted from it out of her sight. Bare headed as he was, Coll Dliu strode off to the mountains, but not toward his ; own home. All the remaining dark hours of that night he is believed to have walked ; the labyrinths of the hills, until dawn be gan to scatter the clouds with a high wind, i Easting, and on foot from sunrise the morn- j ing before, he was then glad enough to see j a cabin right in liis way. Walking in, lie i asked for water to drink, and a corner j where he mi&ht throw himself to rest. There was a wake in the house, md the j kitchen was full of people, all wearied out ; wi h the night's watch ; old men were doz- i ing over their pipes in the chimney-corner, j and here and there a woman was fast ; asleep, with her head on a neighbor's knee, i All who were awake crossed themselves j when Coll Dhu's figure darkened the door, j because of liis evil name ; but an old man j of the house invited him in, and offering | him milk, and promising him a potato by j and by, conducted him to a small room off J the kitchen, one end of which was strewed t with heather, and where there were only j two women sitting gossiping over a fire. "A traveler," said the old man, nodding j his head at the women, who nodded back, j as if to say. "he has the traveler's right," And Coll Dhu flung himself on the heather, in the furtherest corner of the narrow room The women suspended their talk for a while ; but presently, guessing the intru der to be asleep, resumed it in voices above a whisper. There was but a patch of win- j ilow with the gray dawn behind it, but Coll ! could see the figures by the firelight over which they bent ; an old woman sitting forward with her withered hands extended to the embers, and a girl reclining against the hearth wall, with her healthy face, bright eyes, and crimson draperies, glow ing by turns in the flickering blaze. " 1 do know," said the girl, " but it's the quarest marriage iver 1 h'ard of. Sure it's not three weeks since he tould right air left that he hated her like poison !" " Whist, asthoreen !" said the colliagh, bending forward confidentially ; "troth an' 1 we ali know that 'o him. But what could I he do, the creature ! When she put the j burragh bos on liiin !" "The what ?" asked the girl. "Then the Imrragh-bos inachreo-o? That's the spauchel o' death, avoiirneen ; ar.' well she has him tethered to her now, had luck to her !" The old woman rocked herself and stifled the Irish cry breaking from her wrinkled lips by burying her face in her cloak. " But what is ; t ?" asked the girl, eagerly. "What's the burrugh-bos, anyways, an' where did she get it ?" " Octi, och ! it's not fit for cotnin' over to young ears, but cuggir, (whisper,) acushla! Its a stlirip o' tke skin o' a corpse, peeled from the crown o' the head to the heel, without split or crack, or the chain's broke; an' that, rowled up, an' put on a still ing roun' the neck o' die wan that's cowld by the wan that wants to be loved. An' sure enough it puts the fire in their hearts, hot an' sthroug, afore twinty-lbur hours is gi me." The girl had started from her lazy at i i tude, and gazed at her companion with j eyes dilated by horror "Merciful Saviour !" she cried. " Not a ; sowl on earth would bring the curse out o' heaven by such a black doin !" " Aisy, Biddeen alanna, an' there's wan that does it, an' isn't the devil. Arrah, as thoreen, did ye niver hear tell o' Pexie na Pishrogie, that lives betuue two hills o' Maam Turk ?" " 1 h'ard o' her," saul the girl breathless ly. " Well, sorra bit lie, but it's herself that does it. She'll do it for money any day. Sure they hunted her from the graveyardV Saliuek, where she had the dead raised ; an' glorv be to ( Jod ! they would ha' mur tliered her, only they missed her tracks, an' couldn't bring it home to her afther." " Whist, a-wauher," (my mother,) said the girl ; " here's the thraveler gettiu' up to set off on his road again. Och, then, it's the short rest he tuck, the sowl." REGARDLESS OF DENUNCIATION FROM ANY QrARTF.It. It was enough for Coll, however, lie i had got up, and now went back to the ! kitchen, where the old man had caused a ilDh of potatoes to be roasted, and earnest ! l\ pressed his visitor to sit down and eat ci them. This Coll did readily ; having recruited his strength by a meal, he be took himself to the mountains again, just as the rising sun was flashing among the waterfalls, and sending the night mists drifting down the glens. By sundown the Miine evening he was striding over the hills lof Maam Turk, asking of herds his way to tiie cabin of one Pexie na Pishrogie. In a hovel on a brown desolate heath, with scared-looking hills living off into the distance on every side, he found Pexie ; a yellow-faced Jiag, dressed in a dark-red blanket, with elf-locks of coarse black hair protruding from under an orange kerchief swathed round her wrinkled jaws. She was bending over a pot upon her fire, where herbs were simmering, and she look ed up with all evil glance wli ii ('oil Dhu darkened her door. " The burragh-bos is it her honor wants?" she asked, whe l he had made known his errand. " Ay, ay ; but the arighad, the ar ighaif (money) for Pexie. The burragh bos is ill to get." " 1 will pay," said Coll Dhu,- laying a sovereign on the bench before her. The witch sprang upon it, and chuck ling, bestowed on her visitor a glance which made even (.'oil Dhu shudder. "Her honor is a fine king,"she said, "an' her is fit to get the burrah-bos from Pexie. But the is not enough. More, more." She stretched out her claw-like hand, and Doll dropped another sovereign into it. — Whereupon she fell into more horrible con vulsions of delight. " Ihu kye !" cried Coll. " I have paid you well, but if your infernal charm does not work. I will have yon hunted for a witch !" " Work J" cfied Pexie, rolling up her eyes, " if Pexie's chimin not work, then her honor come back here an' carry bits o' mountain away on her hack. Ay, her will work. If the colleen hate her honor like the old diaoul hersel', still an' withal her love love her honor like her own white sowl a lore the sun sets or rises. That (with a furtive leer,) or the coleen dhas go wild mad afore wan hour." "Hag !" returned C >ll Dim ; " the last part is a hellish invention of your own. 1 heard nothing of madness. If you want more money, speak out, but play none ot your hideous tricks on ine." The witch fixed her cunning eyes on him, and took her cue at once from his position. " Her honar guess thrue," she simpered ; " it is only the little bit more arighad poor PeXie wants." Again the skinny hand was extended Coll Dhu shrank from touching it, and threw his gold upon the table. " King, king I" chuckled Pexie. " Her honor is a great king. Her honor is fit to get the burragh-bos. The coleen dhas shall love her like her own white sowl. lla, ha !" " When shall I get it ?" asked Coll Dhu, impatiently. " Her honor shall come back to Pexie in so many days, dc-deag, (twelve) so mail}' days, fur that the burragh-bos is hard to get. The lonely graveyard is far away, an' the dead man is hard to raise " " Silence !" cried (.'oil Dhu ; " not a word more. I will have your hideous charm, hut. what it is, or where you get it, I will not know." Then, promising to come back in twelve days, he took his departure. Turning to look back when a little way across the heath, he saw Pexie gazing after him, standing on her Black hill in relief against the lurid flames of the dawn, seeming to his imagination like a fury with all hell at her back. At the appointed time Coll Dhu got the proposed charm. He sewed it with per fumes into a cover of cloth of gold, and slung it to a fine-wrought charm. Lying in a casket which had once held the jewels of Coil's broken-hearted mother, it looked a glittering bauble enough. Meantime the people of the mountains were cursing over their cat-in fires because there had been an other unholy raid upon their grave-yard, and were banding themselves to hunt the criminal down. A fortnight passed. How or where c< mid Coll Dim find an opportunity to put the charm round the neck ot the Colonel's proud daughter? More gold was dropped into Pexie's greedy claw, and then she promised to assist hii.i in his dilemma. Next morning the witch dressed herself in decent garb, smoothed her ell-locks un der a snowy cap, smoothed the evil wrink les out of her lace, and with a basket on her arm locked the door ol the hovel, and took her way to the lowlands. Pexie seemed to have given up her disreputable calling for that of a simple mushroom gatherer.— The houskeeper at the gray house bought poor Muireade's mushrooms of her every morning. Every morning she left uufailing lv a nosegay of wild flowers lor .Miss Ev leen Blake, "God bless her ! She hud nev er seen the darling young lady with her own two longing (yes, but sure hadu t siie heard tell of her sweet purty face, miles away !" And at last, one morning, whom should she meet but Miss Evleen herself, re turning alone from a ramble. W hereupon poor Nluireads "made bold" to present her flowers in person. " Ah," said Evleen, " it is yon who leave me the flowers every morning ? They are very sweet." Muireade had sought her only for a look at her beautifu' face. And now that she had seen it, as bright as the sun, and as fair as the lily, she would take up her bas ket and go away contented. Yet she ling ered a little longer. "My lady never walk up big mountain ?" said Poxie. "No," Evleen said, laughing ; she feared she could not walk up a mountain. "Ah yes ; 1113* lady ought to go, with more gran' ladies an' gentlemen, ridin' on purty little donkeys, up the big mountains for my lady to see !" Thus she set to work, and kept her list ! ner enchained for an hour, while she related 1 wonderful stories of those upper regions.— A:,d as Evleen looked up to the burly ■ crowns of the hills, perhaps she then . '-t there might be sense in this wil l old wo man's suggestion. It ought to be .-land j world up yonder. Be that as it may, it was not long altei this when Cull Dhu got notice that a party from the grey house would explore the mountains next day; that Evleen Blake would be of the number; and that he, Coll, ; must prepare to house and refresh a crowd of weary people, who in the evening should be brought, hungry and faint, to his door. The simple mushroom gatherer should be i discovered laying in her humble stock a- j rnong the green places between the hills, should volunteer to act us guid' l to the par- ; ty, should lead them far out of their way through the mountains and up and down j the most toilsome ascents and across dan- j genius places ; to escape safely from which • the servants should be t<>!d to throw away the baskets of provisions which they car ried . Coll Dhu was not idle. Such a feast was set forth as had never been spared so near j the clouds before. We are told of wonder- j fill dishes furnished by unwholesome agen cy, and from a place believed much hotter ihan is necessary for purposes of cookery, j We are told hlso how Coll Dhu's barren chambers were suddenly hung with curtains of velvet and with fringes of gold ; how the blank white walls glowed with delicate colors and gilding ; how gems of pictures sprang into sight between the panels ; how the tables blazed with plate and gold, and , glittered with the rarest glass ; how much I wines flowed, as the guests had never tast ed ; how servants in the richest livery, amongst whom the wizen-faced old man was a mere nonentity, appeared, and stood ready to carry in the wonderful dishes, at j whose extraordinary fragrance the eagles came pecking to the windows,and the foxes drew near the walls, simfling. Sure enough, in all good time, the weary party came j within sight of the Devil's Inn, and Coll Diiu sallied forth to invite them across his lonely threshold. (Ailonel Blake (to whom Evleen, in her delicacy, had said no word of the solitary's strange behavior to her-1 self,) hailed his appearance with delight, and the whole party sat down to Coil's ban- j quet in high good humor. Also, it is saul, in much amazement at the magnificence of the mountain recluse. All went into Coil's feast sa%-e Evleen j Blake, wiio remained standing on the thres- j hold of the outer door ; weary, but unwill- j ing to rest there ; hungry, but unwilling to ; eat there. Her white cambric dress was gathered on her arms, crushed and sullied 1 with the toils of the day ; her bright cheek i was a little sunburned ; her small dark j head with its braids a little tossed, was bared to the mountain air and the glory of the sinking sun ; her hands were loosely tangled in the strings of her hat ; and her foot sometimes tapped the threshold stone. So she was seen. The peasants tell that Doll Dhu and her father came praying her to enter, and that the magnificent servants brought viands to the threshold ; but no step would she move i inward, no morsel would she taste. " Poison, poison !" she murmured, and threw the food in handfuls to the foxes, who were suffering on the heath. But it was different when Muireade, the kindly old woman, the simple mushroom gatherer, with all the wicked wrinkle- • smoothed out of her face, came to the side > of the hungry girl, and coaxingly presented i a savory mess of her own sweet mushroons j served on a common earthen platter. "An' darlin,' my lady, poor Muireade her cook them hersel,' an' no thing o' this j house touch them or look at poor Muir- i cade's mushrooms." Then Evleen took the platter and ate a delicious meal. Scarcely was it finished j when a heavy drowsiness fell upon her, i and, unable to sustain herself on her feet, j she presently sat down upon the door-stone. 1 Leaning her head against the framework i of the door, she was soon in a deep sleep, ! or trance. So she was found. "Whimsical, obstinate little girl!" said, the Colonel, putting his hand on the beau- j tiful slumbering head. And taking her in ' his arms, he carried her into a chamber I which had been (say the story-tellers) t nothing but a bare and sorry closet in the mornings but which was now fitted up with j Oriental splendor. And here on a lux urious couch she was laid, with a crimson coverlet wrapping her feet. And here in the tempered light coming through jeweled glass, where yesterday hid been a coarse rough-lning window, her father looked his hist upon her lovely face. The Colonel returned to his host and friends, and by-and-by the whole party sallied forth to see the after-glare of a fierce sunset swathing the hills in flames. It was not until they had gone some dis tance that Coll Dhu remembered to go back and fetch his telescope, lie was not long I absent. But he was absent long enough j to enter that glowing chamber with a steal i thy step, to throw a light chain around the \ ! neck of the sleeping girl, and to slip among j the fold's of her dress the hideous glittei ! ing burragh-bos. After he had gone away again, Pexie | came stealing to the door, and, opening it , a little, sat down on the mat outside, with j her cloak wrapped round her. An hour l passed, and Eveleen Blake still slept, her breathing scarcely stirring the deadly bauble on her breast. After that she be ! gun to murmur and moan, and Pexie prick ;ed up her ears. Presently a sound in the ! room told her the victim was awake and had risen. Then Pexie put her face to the aperture of the door and looked in, gave a howl of dismay, and tied from the house, to be seen in that country no more. The light was fading among the hills, and the ramblers were returning toward the Devil's Inn, when a group of ladies who were considerably in advance of the rest, met Evleen Blake advanced toward them on the heath, with her hair disordered as by sleep, and no covering on her head They noticed something bright, like gold, | shilling and glancing with the motion of ; her figure. There had been some jesting among them about Eileen's fancy for fall ing asleep on the door-step instead of com* i ing in to dinner, and they advanced laugh , ing, to rally *lier on the subject. But she stared at them in a strange way, as if she did not know them, and passed on. Her friends were rather offended, and commen ted on her fantastic humor ; only one look 'ed after her, and got laughed at by her i companions for expressing uneasiness on I the willful young lady's account. So they kept their way, and the solitary figure went fluttering on the white robe j mushing, and the fatal burragh-bos glitter ing in the reflection from the sky. A hare cr.xsed her path, and she laughed out loud ly, and clapping her hands, sprang after it. per Annum, m Advance. Then she Btopped and asked questions of the stones, striking them with her open I palm because they would not answer. — ! (An amazed little herd sitting (behind a rock, witnessed these strange proceedings) j By-andby she began to call after the birds, !in a wild shrill way, startling the echoes j |of the hills as she went along. A party ofj | gentlemen returning by a dangerous path , : heard the unu nal sound and stopped to j I listen. "What is that?" asked one. " A young eagle," said Coll Dim, whose j face had become livid; "they olten give such cries." "It was uncommonly like a woman's j voice !" was the reply : and immediately another wild note rang toward them from the rocks above : a bare saw-like ridge, ; shelving away to some distance ahead, and projecting one hungry tooth over abyss. A lew more moments and they saw Evleen : Blake's light figure fluttering out towed this dizzy point. "My Evleen 1" cried the colonel, recog nizing his daughter, "she is mad to ven ture on such a spot!" " Mad !" repeated Coll Dhu. And then dashed off to the rescue with all the might and swiftness of his powerful limbs. When he drew near her, Eveleeu had ■ almost reached the verge of the terrible rock Very cautiously lie approached In r, his object being to seize her in his strong arms before she was aware of his presence, and carry her many yards away from the spot of danger But in a fatal moment Evelcen turned her head and saw him.— One wild ringing cry of hate and horror, which startled the very eagles and scatter ed a flight of curlews above her head, broke from her lips. A step backward brought her within a foot of death. OIK; desperate though wary stride, and she was struggling in Coil's embrace. One glance in ber eyes, and he saw that he was striving with a mad woman. Back, back, she dragged him, and he had noth ing to grasp by. The rock was slippery and his shod feet would not cling t<> it. Back, buck ! A hoarse panting, a dire swinging to and fro ; and then then the 1 rock was standing naked against the sky, no one was there, and Coll Dliu and Eve- t leen Blake lay shattered far below. POETRY IN UNDRESS. —An English paper which rejoices in the name of the " Ladies' Own," thus plays tricks with rhyme and reason : It is many years since 1 fell in love with Jane Jerusha Skeggs, the hand sornest country girl by far that ever went on legs. By meadow, creek and wood, and dell, so olten did we walk, and the moonlight smiled on her melting lips, and the night winds learned our talk. Jane Jerusha was all to me, for my heart was young and true, i and loved with a double and twisted love, and a love that was holiest too. I roamed all over the neighbors' farms, and I robbed the wild wood bowers, and tore my trous i ers, scratched my hands, in search <>f the choicest flowers. In my boyish love 1 brought all these to I my Jerusha Jane ; but 1 would not be so I foolish now,if I were a boy again. A citychap i came along, all dressed up in fine clothes, | with a shiny hat and a shiny vest, and a moustache under his nose, lie talked to t her of singing schools (for her father ow:.- ied a farm), and she left me, the country love, and took the new chap's arm. And all that night 1 never slept, nor I could I eat next da}', for I loved that girl with a fervant love that naught could drive away. 1 strove to win her back to me, ; but it was all in vain ; the city chap with i | a hairy lip married Jerusha Jane. And j my poor heart was sick and sore, until the ! thought struck me, that just as good fish i still remained as ever was caught in the , sea. So 1 went to Methodist ctuirch one | night, and saw ,a dark brown curl peeping ! from under a gipsey hat, and 1 married ! that very girl. And many years have passed and gone, and 1 think my loss my j gain ; and 1 often bless that hairy chap ; that stole Jerusha Jane. CAUSES OF SUDDEN DEATH.— Very few of the sudden deaths which are said to arise Iroin diseases of the heart do really arise from that cause. To ascertain the real origin of sudden deaths, an experiment has been • tried in Europe, and reported to a scientific congress held at Strasburg. Sixty-six i cases of sudden death were made the sub j ject of a thorough poM mortem examination; | in these cases only two were found who hud died from diseases of the heart. Nine out of the sixty-six had died of apoplexy, while i there were forty-six cases of congestion of i the lungs—that is, the lungs were so full of ■ blood they could not work, there not being i room enough for a sufficient quantity of uT 'to enter to support life. The causes that | produce congestion of the lungs are—cold | feet, tight clothing, costive bowels, sitting I j still until chilled after being warmed with ' ; labor or a rapid walk, going too suddenly from a close heated room into the cold air, | i especially after speaking, and sudden de pressing news operating oil the blood.— : These causes of sudden death being known ; an avoidance of them may serve to length i en many valuable lives, which would other wise be lost under the verdict of heart com plaint. The disease is supposed to be in i evitable ; hence many may not take the j pains they would to avoid sudden death if : they knew it lay in their power. A CHINESE TRIAI.. —I heard to-day a curi ous case that lately came to the knowledge of Mr Milen, as having occurred in IVkin j A man caught his wife and a paramour to . gether unawares, and killed them both. ITe then took their heads to the district magis trate, and announced himself as their mur derer,stating the circumstances under which he had been led to perpetrate the de- d. A singular hydrostatic test was then adopted, with the view of enabling the magistrate to decide as to whether the man sp ike the truth, and was, therefore, justified in what he had doue. The heads were placed in a tub of water, and both made to spin round |at the same moment. the decision depend ing on the manner in which they were pla ; ced whed they became still. They stop i i ped face to face, and this was consideied ; satisfabtory prool that the men was right I Had the heads ceased spinning r< uml with ■ j faces averted, the case would have been -j given against him, and his own life forfeit • i ed. Lynch law, consequently, in such ca -! ses, is rather a hazardous experiment tor .: injured husbands to try. FUN, FACTS AND FACET!®. 7 THE following dialogue took place, a short time since, between a visiting examiner and a pu i pil in a school near Salisbury, England ; "Sow the first boy in the grammar class. First boy •'Here 1 be, sir." Examiner—"Well, my good boy can you tell me what vowels are?" First boy , "Vowels, sir? Yes, of eonrsc lean." Examiner "Tell me then, what are vowels ?" First tooy-"Why vowels be' chickens!" AMONG the Hottentots, if a widow marries ; again, she is obliged to cut off the joint of a finger for every husband she marries after the first ; this she presents to her new husband on her weddine day, beginning at one of tin- little fingers. j A PERSON looking over the catalogue of professional gentlemen of the bar, with his pencil wrote agaiust the name of one of the bustling or i der. —" Has been accused of possessing talent-.. ' Another seeipg it, immediately wrote under ; "Has j been tried and acquitted." ON a recent trip of one of the Illinois | river packets—a light draft one—the pasenger- I were startled by the cry of a "man overboard!" The steamer was stopped, and preparations made j to save him, when his voice was heard exclaiming, j "Go ahead with your old steamboat! I'll walk i along behind you." AN "F. I". V." puts this in a Richmond ' paper : "Wanted—A situation as son-in-law in I some respectable family, lilood and breeding no j object, being already supplied ; capital essential. I No objection to going a short distance in the conn i try." A MAN much addicted to snoring remark j ed to his bedfellow in the morning "that he hn 1 ! slept like a top." "1 know it," replied the other, j "like a humming top." A FOOTMAN having learned from h : s mas ter that mala-propos meant "out of place," meet ing a brother footman who had been discharged, j he c-xclaimed, "I am very sorry for you, you are 1 a mala-propos." TAILORS may not he a very tolorablc set of human beings, but we have seen many a milita ry officer, who, although vain of his courage could not look his tailor in the face. ANGELS in the grave will not question thee as to the amount of wealth thou hast left be hind thee, but wliat good deed thou hast done in the world to entitle thee to a seat among the blest. A MAN who had read the bible with more attention than devotion, in speaking of a railroad in Missouri, said, "it belonged to the order of Mel cbisedee—it had no connections in this world. " AUGUSTUS DWOLITTLE hud been in a store about three months, when his employer asked him what part of the business he liked the best. To which the youth replied, "shutting up." Ii a girl makes more of her heels than her hc-ad, depend upon it. she will never amount to much. Brains which settle in the shoes never get above them. Voting men put this down. AN old bachelor who had been laughed at by a party of girls, told them they were small potatoes. "We may be small potatoes," said on-', of them, "but we are SWEET ones." MAY the bird who sleeps upon the wing be said to occupy a feather bed ? "Do you suppose that you can do the j landlord in the Lady of Lyons ?" said a manager to a seedy actor in quest of an engagement. " 1 should think I might," was the reply. "Ilmve done a great many landlords." WHY is matrimony like a besieged city —Because those who are in want to get ovt, and those who arc out w ant io get in. A CERTAIN deacon being accustomed to snore while asleep in church, he received the fol lowing polite note : "Deacon is requested not to commence snoring to-morrow until the sermon is begun, as some persons in the neighborhood of bis pew would like to bear the U;t.'' No matter how iong you have been mar ried, never neglect to court your wife. A LADY, a regular shopper, who had made an unfortunate clerk tumble over all the stockings in the store, objected that none were long enough. "I want,"she said, "the longestlio.-,e that are made." "Then, madam," was the reply, "you'd better ap ply to the next engine-house-.* IT is a lucky thing to have a piano in the house— it is good for-tune. IT is said that the eagle "has a contempt for all other birds." The owl, however, is more contemptuous still ; he hoots at everything. JERRY DIGGS remembered bis miserly un cle in a will, tor he bequeathed to "my mother's brother a gun flint, and a knife to skin it with." ".She isn't all my fancy painted her!" bit terly exclaimed a rejected lover; and "worse thny that, she isn't all she paints herself." AN Irish lawyer lately made a political speech, in which he alluded to Irish bravery after the following style. Said he, "The wicked flee when no mau pursue-th, but an Irishman would turn at bay ami fight as bold as a lion." A hearing that the earth was round, said that it accounted for his rolling oft' so much. THERE is a whole sermon in the saying of an old Persian : "In all the quarrels, leave open the door of reconciliation." We should never for get it, W HAT is tli-.* difference between a honey comb and a honeymoon ?—A honeycomb consists of it small "cells," and a honeymoon consists of one great "sell." GENUINE neighborly love knows no dis tinction of persons. It is like tin- Sun.which does uot ask on what it shall shine, or what it shall warm ; but slimes and warms by the very law of its own being. So there is nothing hidden from its light and heat. THE following is the conclusion of an ep itaph on a tomb-stone in East Tennessee: "She lived a life ol virtue and died of the cholera mor bus, caused by eating green fruit in the full hope of a blessed immortality, at the early age of - il years 7 months and 1(5 days, lb ad. r. go thou ami do likewise." Two boarding school misses, in such u susceptible frame of soul that the sinalli st beauty in earth or sky could not escape tliem, were riding out one smiling May morning, win u one of tlieiu spied a mossy grauite block by the roadside, on which was inscribed. "1 M. from Harlem.'' "OL. sissy dall," exclaimed 'he cider, "do look at that : epitaufi'. Isn't it byeutiful! S.. simple and yet s.> . touching -I'm from Harlem." A v.g NG lady in the "rural district," was once escorted h irae from an evening party by u young man to whom she was not particularly par tial. Ou taking his leave he remarked ; "I guess I'll came and see you next Saturday night.' "Well, Bill Smith," replied the lady, "yon can come as a ; friend, but not as a feller." Bill didn't go either j way. A CHICAGO paper says : " The boot black boy is an institution peculiar to himself, lie flourished in most of our large cities, and it may be owing to his frequent con taut with the understandings of others, which renders him, at times, peculiarly sharp and witty. A returned soldier was accosted by one of the tribe with the usual ( i salutation 'Black your hoots, sir ? make I. VM shine!' Looking at the unpolished •gunboats' in a contemplative way, the war worn veteran replied : ' Well, 1 don't care if you do--fall in promptly, though.' The . urchin gazed a moment at the soldier, sur veying him from his 'leathers' upwards,and then turnig to a comrade near by, shouted , out : 'I say, Bill, lend ns a hand, won't yer? I've got an army contract.'" I " WASN'T THAR." —The following is told i of the "hard-shell " Baptist preacher : , Two of them were in the same pulpit to • gether. While one wa- preaching, he hap* 1 pened to sav : " hen Abraham built the t Ark." i The one behind him strove to correct his I blunder by speaker out in a lound voice.— - "Abraham warn't there." But the sp< alter rushed on, heedless ol i- the interruption, ahd only took occasion 1 shortly after to repeat, still more decidedly, "I say, when Abrani built ihe ark.'' i " \ml I say," cried out the other, " Abra• i ham warn't there? The hard-shell was too hard to be beaten .- down in this way, and, addressing the peo r pie, exclaimed, with great indignation, " I sav Abraham was ihnr or thar AROCTS.' NUMBER 34.