Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 11, 1866, Image 3
I Bradford |leporin. i(K'\i< AAD (i I'ji\El\ AL. P V TLI !> i' r, ' r is Printed upon CAMP j ' . , (1 V UII 1 TOL) L'ross, Office No. 56 Gold ' —I , ..." fhoiaas H. Senior, agent. \ W lOtk- I , LI'MHER.—Y\"E noted last I - high, THO ice going out of | A 1 irge ijuantity of logs with it. The | _ J.ROVTD to he very heavy. It is estimu- j PI.OTXI.OOO of feet passed this point, and I v ill he very severely felt hy the hunber- I ! .J IN Lock Haven. The heaviest lours J JJ, S „R- Dodge A - Co., Herdic, Lent/. A | ud 1' Herdic. Many of the logs will be 1 HETWEEN here and the Chesapeake Bay : 1,1 U:;lli< -n OT dollars w ill be a total loss j West Branch lumbermen. — Williamsport I ; .MI. llruNt'o. —\\ cdiipstlny ttbout 12 o'-j , 1 irnofCol. Henry McCormick, on the j • J ~| TH. rivi r, took fire from some nn . , ;INS MEL WAS entirely consumed, with j US ~J Hay. together with Straw, Ac. As ; ulurm ri adn I the village, our firiiuui ; 1 juoct CDEIL to the place of the fire as „ I, --.Li . but could not reach there iti j 1 ...-REST the flames. Col. McCormick was in j N tin flv> broke out. Hiss loss, we nn . . ; IS tstimati • I at some SBOO, some portion covert D by insurance. — Ototgo Gkuette. .1.,:1>. G. MI'DOWEI.I., of Chomung, J U J at I::S le i,L MRE, on Monday Ist inst.. V, .!> and I" months. The Elntira Atlrer- j IS tla-following tribute to the memory of | , J, us PAST Judge MCDOWELL has, . !; .. NlJl.irative seclusion and retirement, rlv he was a man of influence and dis- J ,:I this section of the state. Under the] ..Ltntiou he was a state senator, and was ] LUIIONUY in political life with Martin Van j SILAS Wright, William L. Mnrcy and John | v. ith all of whom he held intimate person- j itical relations. AVe happened last sunt- I • IS I A party in New York where Judge I I. MI his old friend Gen. Dix, and it j ; ting to sec how these old political gen warriors of grape and shell, delighted i.tinu their battles o'er again." MCDOWELL was one of the oldest settlers - , unity, if indeed he was not bom on the •.ire he di- D. And his greatest pride and to the day ol his death, was to meet and •I US hospitality to the old pioneers. He A.,111 I ! strong A, Evictions, fervent impulses, Ut conduct. If he had a weakness for :: _ it was for the democratic party, which he .:>V trust'. .l in sickness or in hi alth, in pros ;. ' r adversity, abiding with it always, and •1, as a consequence, politically often wrong, as p. rsi nally always right. Of the blessings is world's goods Judge MCDOWELL had an , glance, and was surrounded with all the coju wliich human posterity can bestow. So far ",.I • w, he enjoyed tin M rationally, being . liiniscll, geneioi.s to hi.s fan ilyand friends, . kind Snd liberal to the poor. His memory ■v.:-.'.be cherished and rewarded as a true • ..IIII'II of the olden school." AT W.WERLY. — On Sunday week, . :ii. IST alter the congregation in the M. : 1: at Y\Y . erly had left that building at the : ti. morning service, the edifice was dis- Itohe on fire in the upper part of it. A Mud prevailed, and efforts to save the buil ■ ;•• unavailing, and it proved a total loss. •iHii.g was erected about two years ago at a JBU'OO. It was insured for about half .it :.. ".nt. ,tr I THAI A, — Ou Wednesday night, - >II. A little after midnight, the foundry and ... ,p OF Tetius A Bostwick, of Ithaca, was ML TO he on fire, and before the flames ck- d, the main part oi the establish !, striiyed. The building fronted in 0 treet, and that portion of it was • -FT-, pt away. The fireman worked well, I A.IS an insufficient supply of water, and I T ;> uid only he had by forcing it from ■ -T 111 entire loss was estimated at from in .7 " : insured $8:700 in the I'henix R. LYII. AMI the Manhattan and Morris N' I' ik. The property lost included • i tt- Ns. AT,d machinery, as well as the de ! ;UI 1 inum d portions of the bnildiug. 1. ; R II: :— 1 LEE] constrained to beg ' ■ F'l • 1 I link- -PACE in your columns this 1-I tiu purpose of saying some things, i ; ILD not be so well said in any • about four months since, in cheerful obedi of "the powers that be," l i'.ito T!:icharming village, as a Metho ' CI. It -,/ V i first (ip)ioiittment. I was, i. . 1-T;ALIGN OI A strange land. Of all the V HO daily throng these busy streets, but 1X ■ • !'SI In 1 ( fore. With many misgiv- H trembling, but with the love of NII :, burning in my heart, 1 went to it lay Ma TOR'S business. R.'IT-efforts were received in the same A they were put forth. Stranger faces ■ | ti; tin- fires of friendship and brotli ( '• MIL g voices encouraged me on every T souls crowded the house of God j "•• lof truth from my inelocjucnt lips, j rial, social, or spiritiml want of j d his wife was left unearcd for. ] • LOT enough. As an extraordinary j ' -""a f regard, lust Friday evening saw ! TSRSONI.GE filled with welcome guests, ] •• 1 j ] Y with their cheerful company j "and, deputing, left behind them" ticent J rtSMit ot >l*2s 00 in rush. Verily htivi- fallen to its in pleasant places, we ! - ■■ '-lly heritage." red. kind frit trds, that your nudes rvod | " it LO T be wholly unmerited. L!e as- 'MI • hall be no abatement of fervent ' ■ D J alons toil for y • nv spiiittial welfare. ; : -it D iightful < veiling I have had the uu- ! ! ..-urt of leading some of ymi treinb- , 1 J 1.-.0, to the cross of Jesus. May you all j the happy subjects of saving and sanctify- I J • r humble serv ant in tlie everlast- J. T. BLOW NELL. - ■ ; T JIR.II ITTKII — I)KAR SIR:— A little af t < INI.- turns, that important day, it ■'•'iv I-H'U TO me that the King of gifts taken up bis residence in our midst I:I . V MEMBERS of his generous household. " U longer believe, what is sometimes re 'hat Santa Clans is partial : that he be ■' 1 -t NL His gifts on the rich and the less '•'U the poor. '•'y that this certainly is not always the '' R little family trio, feels nuspeakably . " TO TIRE MANY friends in Towauela, who, R "L D gift of greenbacks, made our V" glad and cheery. Kind friends, this • -sing. given at your hands, will receive rd than acknowledgement of thanks. , of man -shall come in his glory ■' holy angels with Him," then shall He . 'I, " Inasmuch as ye have done it unto "" *' "'T of these uiy brethren, ye have • HIE. "Enter thou into the joy of L.ord. -peetfullv. your humble servant and Mis- It. E. CRITTENDEN. Dec. 2LJ. IH:ATH hk AN AUEII MAN.—On Thursday ' niorniug, Dec. 2MIL Nicholas Carman, of tliis vil t luge, died at the advanced age of 99 years, 7 months and "S days. He lived on the south side of the Susquehanna river, in the sixth ward of the vil lage. He was an active man until within a few days nl his death. It was but a few years ago that I i he chopped a follow of ten acres without assis tance ir. m any other person, and the neatness of the wi uk was a subject of remark. AVithin the last : two years he has cut twenty acres of woodland. He was an early settler in this region, having come | here when a young man, and resided in this vicin ; ity since that time.— liinghnrnton IfepttWieaii. - S&" Tin- Catholics of Wavcrly htive re-j alized line tliousau 1 dollars as the receipts of a i lair held in that village last week, which amount ! I is to be applied to the construction of a new church I j edifice. fitaSf' 1 lie Mefliodists of \\ averly liave re-1 | solved to rebuild their church at once. The house J will be nt brick, and modified somewhat from the j former building. ■ tear" 1 lu* work at the Sylvania Oil well is now progressing favorably. The depth is fust ap proaching 600 feet. The indications ae most fa- ! vorable and we should not be surprised to hear at I any hour of the satisfactory and remunerative re- ' , suit of the enterprise. Even now the well yields ' quantities of "black soot " and gas which burns' ! freely upon the debris brought up by the sand ! pump—indications which are regarded as almost I infallible by those experienced in the business.— | We anticipate success and earnestly hope that ?>ur ] anticipations may not end in disappointment. 1 ' 0 : We learn that the Bradford County | Petroleum Co., after a long though necessary de- ] lay in their work, have at last completed prepar- ; ' ations to test their We ll at Alba. They have put ! ! down their tubing three or four times, and as of ! ten removed it on account of some defect in their 1 apparatus and seed bag. AVe now understand ] everything is in order, and that the pumping has ] ] actually commenced. AA'e hope soon to hear that ] i they have oil in abundance, and that their tlatter j big indications may not lead them to unnecessary ' ] expense.— Troy Times. ►- KEMCIOUS. — A series of special exercises are now being held at the Presbyterian church in this place, under the conduct of Rev. EDWARD Pay sox HAMMOND, the celebrated revivalist. The meetings have attracted considerable interest, are well attended, and we believe promise to be very ! successful as a means of converting sinners. They I will be held throughout the week. Coi.n WEATHER. —The thermoinctor on Monday morning last stood at 18 deg. below zero. The coldest weather known here for some years. The same extreme cold prevailed generally through- ' out the county. GREEI.EA''S " AMERICAN CONFLICT." —One volume of this great work, has already been is sued, and lias received the universal enconiums of the press and the public, it has taken a front rank amongst the standard publications of the day, Nt) ra*' who desires to be thoroughly informed as to the causes which brought about the Rebellion, and the history of that struggle, should be without it. , Mr. Braiuerd, now receiving orders in this place, ' for this work, is agent for the following towns in Bradford county : Ulster, Kheshequin, North To wanda, Town :da, Burlington, AVest Burlington, Troy, Granville, Leltoy, Franklin and Monrec. The Albany Evening Journal says of it: "No man in America is more conversant with the subject than Mr. Greeley, and none more competent to do it justice. This Historical sketch will stand as a monument of patient and laborious research. We confess that in this part of the work we are agree- . ably disappointed. It is pervaded by a spirit of catholicity and a freedom from partisan leaning j that some of his best friends did not expect. -A finer specimen of bookeraft has not recently is- j sued from the American Press." SPEC JA L NO TICKS. A splendid Chickering Piano for sale ut second-hand. Terms moderate. For fur ther information apply to Mr. E. T. Fox. CKAI HERS. —Messrs. Barber & L'ettes, of the Towanda Bakery, art now manufacturing Crackers of every variety, and of a very super! r quality. Dealers supplied on reasonable terms. None but tresb crackers ever offered for sale. 1-8. ' DONATION VISIT. —The friends of the Rev G. J. Dubois will pay him a Donation Tisit at the M. E. Parsonage, Burlington boro', Friday after noon and evening, Jan. P.fill, 1866. All are most cordially invited. lap The friends of Rev. 11. Armstrong \ have appointed Wednesday, Jan. 17tli, afternoon and evening, as the time for their donation visit at his Louse in Monroeton, Pa. tey" The friends of Rev. S. J - '. Brown will makt him a Donation A'isit on Thursday, Jan.'2s, at his residence in Camptnwn. N. B. The hotel ] in Cainptown will not be open for a party in the 1 evening. jfeV" Agents wanted to sell prize Certiti- > elites for Gold and Silver Watches, Ladies Jewelry, ] Diamond Rings. Pins, Ac., only $5 each, for any ' article drawn. Retail price from $lO to $250. All (jin*ils M'ttrrnii'eil <Jtn>iln(. Price of Certificates ' 25 Cents each. Liberal Premiums and Commission j allowed to Agents. Sample Certificates sent free. For Circulars and Terms address MESSRS. HAYWOOD i A Co.. 220 Broadway, New-York. (3m) WANTED. —A person to learn the Drug Busint ss at Dr. Porter's Drug Store. FOR RENT. — The 3d story of Union Block Towanda. Inquire at the office of G. D. Mon | tanye. DAILY PAPERS. —The present Congress j ! will lie one of the most exciting and deeply inter- ' t sting ever convened at the National Capitol. Tlia i Government is to be reconstructed and great prin-1 ciples established. Every reading man should ] have during the session a Daily paper. They can j \ be obtained at the News Room. A now Telegraph Line is to he built IV >iu To\v. inl ito Pittston next Spring. Some half- i dozen or more operators will he wanted. X good; chance to those who wish to learn. For terms en- i quire at tie Telegraph office, Towanda. New ENTERPRISE. — A Regular Daily Ex press Line has just been established between To wanda anil Troy another is in operation between Towanda and AVaverly. Special attention paid to expri -sing goods to all parts of the country. Office at the News Room. TOWANDA MARKETS. —( Wholesale Prices.) c .> r etc.l every Tuesdiu by K. T. Fox, No. I,Brick Row Wh"at........ SI 75 Oi. $2 25 Rye 80 (ri) 85 ] Corn 81) (,i 85 Oat- -10 Beans 1 25 (', 1 50 I Butter (rolls) 28 ( 30 " (dairy) 28 (•< 33 Eggs. 28 (a : . 30 Potatoes 05 Hay (per ton) 8 00 (>• 10 00 Salt (per Iblo 3 (10 1 Tons 10 (MI (i> 13 00 , Hani 18 Chickens 14 16 Turkeys 16 <aj 18 I Ducks . 16 („ 18 ( ' 8D . 12 \\ j-.icms ot (ik.\i>.. Wheat, 60 lbs; Com, 56 lbs; Rye. 56 lbs : Oats, 32 lbs : Barley, 46 lbs ; Buck wheat. 48 lbs: Beans, 62 lbs: Bran, 20 lbs; Clover Set d 62 lbs: Dried Apples, 22 lbs: Flax Seed 56 lbs. MA BR 188. GASH TA LER.—By Rev. James McWilliains, in Towanda, the. residence of Chauncey S. Rns- ' sell Esq., ou AYedncsday, 3d inst., Air. Charles Cash to Miss Caroline Tyler, all of Towanda. NORTHROP LITE. At M.u.roetoi,, Jan. Ist,, 1866, by J. B. M. Hiuiiiiui, S. AY. Northrop of Monroeton, to < 'harlottc Lite of Burlington. HOLCOMB- BOOTH. -By the same, at Green wood Cottage, Jan. 3d, Mahlan A. Holcomb of i Leroy, to Mary Booth of Troy. STEWART—-TOWNSENDBy the Rev. J. AV. Putnam on the 4th inst., Mr. N. Coe Stewart of ] Hermitage, Pa., to Miss Gabrielle Townsend of 1 Canton. i PHELPS— AVILCOX At Athens, Jan. Ist. it the ' residence of the officiating clergyman. Rev. C. Thurston. Mr. A'ietor E. Phelps iate of U. ,S. A., ' to Miss Wealthy S. AVileox of Smithfiel.l. : COLE—WILCOX.—At the residence of the briies ' father, Jan. Bth, by Rev*". E. Burroughs, Mr. Ed- i gar Cole to Miss Prudence Wilcox, all of AA'est J ] Burlington. LEONARD—BAKEft.- By the same, Mr. Silas ■ 1 Leonard of Nichols, N. Y., to Miss Mary Baker I 5 of Shesheqnin. j BOSWORTH—FULFORD.—By the same, Jan. 3, ( Dir. AA ? ni. A. Boswortli to Miss Harriet S. Fnl- ; ' ford both of Athens. PRATT—TOAYNER. —Jan. 1, at M. E. Parsonage, I Le Raysville, by Rev. G. R. Hair, Mr. Hubbil Pratt of Pike, to Miss Melissa AI. Towner: of Rome. ! OSBORN—RUSSELL.—By tlie same, Mr. Daniel G. Osborn, of Windham, to Airs. Esther E. Rus sell of Rome. ] GREEN—DAAVSON.—Bv the same. Air. John G. ] Green to Miss Hattie E. Dawson, both of An- ! *• burn, Susquehanna Co. \ DIED. FASSETT.—Ammarilla M. wife of Mr. Dennis Fassett, departed this life in Pike, Dec. :((ith, in ] the thirtieth year of her age. Tunkhaunock papers please copy. j CAMP.— Oct. 26th, 1865, at Albany Ga., of typhoid fever, AValter S. Camp, Co, F, 147 th Regt.. 111. A'ol., in the 29tli year of his age. i He was the second son of Charles and Rodol pha Camp, of Camptown. Bradford eo., Pa., who j | had three other sons in the service. Cupt. Treat ' j Camp of the 52d Reg. P. A'., went in answer to the J ! first call for seventy-five thousand men, and served , to the close of the war, and was with his regiment ■ in nearly every engagement and escaped unhurt j j though he had a taste of the quality of rebel pris ons. Ezra, the youngest of the four, carries in his leg a memento of the skill of rebel sharp-shooters, j Almou, the other escaped unscarred : all were true ! patriots and good soldiers, and few parents have i , furnished more or better defenders of the Union I i and the old Hag. AValter S. the subject of this : notice, was mustered in Feb. 10th, 1865, at Chi ! eago, 111., and served his country faithfully until death signed his discharge, and released him from the battles of life. He was a generous, outspoken, I industrious and honorable young man ; the hope and stay of his parents, and deeply mourned by i a large circle of relatives and friends. Another added to the long list of precious sacrifices for the ; salvation of our country, and the perpetuity of our j free institutions. Honor to their memory. ] "The tumult of war shall awake him no more, He is deaf to the cannon's loud lattle ; Emblazoned his name on the banner of fame, i For the hero has fought his last battle. For the Union he fough'% for the Union he died. AA'itli the foe of his country before liim, Let the nation remember liis valor with pride, And the Star Spangled Banner wave o'er him. j , (lone, when young and full of promise. Gone, our loving, brightest one, Life without thee, oh, how lonely, Farewell brother, precious son. Gone, but not forgotten : May be rest in peace! - fllenljanbhe. E w <; o <> 1) s ! ■ YY ILL IA M A . KO V K \\" HL L I Isjreeeiviug :i most choice, anil selected assortment GOODS FOJI THE SEASON, t i Consisting ot LADIES' DRESS GOODS, DE LAINE, ALPACAS, i and all varities to be had hy the asking. COTTON YARN, CARPET YARN BATTING, BLEACHED GOODS, FLANNELS, CLOTHS, CASSI MERES, SHAWLS, i HOODS, ; i And a great variety too numerous to mention. To lie had everything in the Y A N K E E N 0T I O N L 1 N E , Kven to a Violin. The place to find what you want in the line "I j , HATS, CAPS, FURS, GLOVES, and MITTENS. II you are in want of CROCKERY, in ets. or as you may order, and any smount. GLASSWARE, LANTERNS, GLOBES, Ac \Y O ODE N W A R E , j to be had from Babie* Call* to a Butter Ladle. A complete assortment of G 11 0 C E R I E S. Also the beet BEE HIVE. SYR TPS and SUGARS ot all kinds A superior iiualiiv ot BLACK, JAPAN. GUNPOWDER, and YOUNG HYSON TEAS. BLASTING POWDER, and TOBACCO of all descriptions Every tiling in the shape of TOYS FOR CHILDREN. I ' [ Save your mat by calling and supplying yourselves j with pure II ASHTON AND TURK'S ISLAND SALT. t i ! i Oct 10, 1805. W. A. ROCKWELL. I /AOEFEE AND SPICES, WHOLE AND • ground, and u prime quality of (iround Java Col ' tse at FOX'S. jJoincll Sr Co.'s Xcm (£OOll3. R JPIIE (GREATEST ATTRACTIONS IN GOODS EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. \ i I POWELL &C CO., | Have now in store tho largest stock of goodr everexhib i ied in Northern Pennsylvania. Ad itions will con stantly lie made to this stock during the season, and ' it wiil at all times he found FULL AND COMPLETE! in d! its departments. We invite the particular attention of our customers to 1 ! our magnificent display of i , ; l FALL AND'WINTER DRESS HOODS! \ Which we offer at prices much below those of last year. | I We have given special care to our selections in this line 1 and are now able to exhibit the newest most fashionable, j • and most desirable styles to be obtained. Our new ! ' stock comprises ail colors ol Plain and Plaid French j I Merinos. Empress Cloths. Striped Melanges. Striped j < and Plaid Poplins. Taffetas, l.amas. Tinsel Poplins, Paris ! i Crepes. Peps, Plain and Brocade Alpacas. I'oii de Chev- I ' res, Peluines and Armases, Bright Piaids lor children's i ' wear, and a great variety of other Dress Fabrics. • ! i [ I i I ( MOURNING DRESS GOODS. ! H Black French Merinos, Bombazines, Tarnesc Cloths, I Baratheas, Mohair Lustres, Black and White Check and c Striped Poplins and Alpacas, Double and Single Fold All J Wool Delaines, and. a full line ot those High Lust red j Blaok Alpacas, at a great reduction in price. 1 I LADIES' CLOTHS, CLOAKINGS AND SACKINGS. \ i i A 1' LKNI) II) ASS () UTME NT . ! ? j l Beaver Cloths, Tricots, Velvet Cloths, Cassimere Sack- i ' ings. Plain <nd Twilled Black Broadcloths, ol all prices i all colors of Plain and Fancy Sat kings. Opera Flannels, i i i ; t a GLOVES AND HOSIERY. j 1 Ladies. Misses and Childreus White and Colored Cot- j . ton, Fleeced and Merino Hose, Ladies Merino Vests ' and Drawers, Gloves ol pvery description at low prices. i i 1 t LINENS A HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS , 1 Bleached, Hail Bleached, and Unbleached Damask Ta- ■ hie Linens, Napkins, Towels. Towellings, Scotch and Russia Diapers, Bleached and Unbleached Huckahucks Or -shea, ltish Linens, Ac.. 10-4 and 9-4 Sheetings, Pillow Case Cottons, Counterpanes, Draping Muslins, Shaker Flannel Sheetings, Ro.-e Blankets. Ac., Ac. I | < ; i CLOTHS AND (JASSIMERES. 1 Esquimaux, Moscow and Castor Beaver Cloths, French and German Black Broadcloths, Doeskins, Fancy Cas- i simeres, Tweeds,{Meltons, Satinetls, Utiion Cassimeres, j . Jeans, i'C., Ac. 1 ! A LSO, All qualities Plain White, Shaker and Welch Flaunels, i Fancy Shirting. Miners, Bed and Gray, Plain and Twilled i h iannels, and a lull assortment of DOMESTIC: COTTON GOODS, - At ihe Lowest Market rates. i 4 I I 1 SIECOISND FLOOR. I We are now opening and desiie to rail special atten- ] lion to our unusually large stock of FINE CLOAKS. * As we make thi- department of o.r business a special ity. wc have given it inu h time and attention. Our se lections have been made front the newest styles in the ; market, and our Cloaks arc manufactured In a manner, that cannot fail to please, and give entire satisfaction, SHAWLS! SHAWLS! Having made our purchases before the recent great ■ advance in price, we are able to offer decided bargains i in Ladies, Misses ami Childreus Double and Single Shawls. Our present stock lar surpasses in extent mi variely. any purchases we have ever before mud- in ibis line and we have availed ourselves of the most favor- i able linn to select the choicest and most desiral !c goods | < in tin- market. : < RON TON FLEXIBLE .SPRING SKIRT. j THE NEWEST AND HEST PATENT CRINOLINE VET j INVENTED. We have now on hand a good ass. rfinenf of id elnatedSkirts. 1n White and Colored. ALSO, , The Eugenie, Empress. Paris Trail. Multiform, and a! variety ol other popular makes of Skirts in all sizes t for Ladies Misses and Children. CARPETS AND FLOOR OIL ('LOTUS. Brussels, Three Ply, Extra Super, Snpeitine. Ingrain, Kidder,and Hemp Carpets. All widths Floor Oil C loths Mattings, Door Mats,J and lings. Anew stock just re ceived. , BOOTS AND SHOES. Ilaviugjmade arrangements with manufacturers to supply our sales with the I est quality of Boots and Shoes, we shall at all times tie able to furnish our custo mers with the best custom made Shoes of all kind;, for Ladies, Misses and Children, and Boots for Mens and Boys wear, at reasonable prices. We shall also keip con stantly on hand a complete assortmt nt of Mens, Women* and Children's Rubbers and Arctic Owrshoea. HATS AND GAPS. A splendid assortment ol Mens and Boys Hats and Caps just received. Having closed out our old stock almost entirely previous to our late purchases, we tn-w oiler an entire new stock ot the latest styles. PAPER HANGINGS & TRA.Y-PAKLM" WINDOW SHADES. We are now receiving large additions to our stock "i Wall Papers, Transparent Window Shades and Trim mings Window Papers, Ac.. Ac. Cegai. I IST OF THE NAMES OF PERSONS 11 _Lj drawn Pec. 21. 1865, to l e .1 urors for a Court of | Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas to he held at To- ' ' w iiiida. commencing on the Ist Monday ol Feb. 1866 i t GRAND JL'HORS. " J * Asylum, Jonathan Whipple ; Canton boro . Jobn W. i i Giifliu ; Leßoy. A. W. Van Fleet ; Leßaysville, N. W. j e Browning; Monroe born', Patre k Dunfee; Orwell. H. H. ; Smith; I ;ke. Edward 8. Skeele, ChandlerCanliilil, Brad, i v ford Beecher; Sylvaaia, Seih Peck ; Sooth Creek. J. G- t Scudder ; Mnithlieid, Beese (ft ion d, T. A. SCwaid. H. a C Biigh.irn; Springfield, Wm. 8. Gra e; Troy twp., Jos. ' Hunt, Wm. Baker; Troy boro', Win. Dai to ; Ulster, Hi- 1 ley Hill, Ilenry Shaw ; Wyalusing, Jahc-z Cbaraherlin ; * Windham, lliruni Tuiliush ; Wells, Win. M. Dunning; l Towundu North, Geo. I! Mills. v TRACERS JI KOKS Ist WEEK. Armenia Jan.cs Mason ; Alla.ny, Russell Miller, S. D. o Steriger; Athens twp.. Job i Woodruff; Burlington ho. n ro', Charles Williams ; Columbia. Moses Ayers; Canton I v twp., E. L. Andrews; Franklin, Ogden Varney, Manford Stevens; Granviile, Ward Warren; llerrick. H. W, Camp; Leßoy, A. M. K. West, Robert M'Kee, Sullivau Morse; Leßaysville, M. B. Porter; Monroe twp . bamuei Lyon ; do. boro', Lyman Blackmail ; Overton, Richard j Bit-hards; Pike, Joba Black; Rome twp./Smith Forbes; ' Springfield, A. W Leonard, Koduey Cooley; Smltbtiehl, i 0 E. Harris ; Standing Stone, John Bishop ; l'owanda i hoio', Wm. A. Chamberiin Milton Warner, J. F. Means; v do. North, Ahijah Me.d; Troy twp , Jared Ca.-e, lusca- | rura, John Taylor; Windham, Geo. Coffinj; Wilmot, Ira K Brown ; Wyalusing, Stephen Lyou, Jackson Eiliott ; Wells, A. Roy; Warreu, Irani Manchester. TKAVKKS.UHOUS 2D WEEK. U Albany. Geo. ti. Kt-ud.ili; Asylum, Richard Bennett ; ( Athena livp., Alexander Elsbtte; do boro',Win.Durum, > Wm. Hancock; Cautuii Uvp., Enoch St-Hard; Columbia. Wm. VV. Young. Wm.G Bradloid ; Litchtield, A. I*. ) Woli-i tt, Benjamin Pi.k, George Davenport ; Leßoy p Chester stone ; Monroe twp., Aaron Eusail ; Orwell, , Robert MeKe. ; Pike. It. Gaylord; ltidgburry, Guy Hen- j oy, John L. 'Aebb; Rome t.vp,. J. G. Towner, Dan litis- „ sell; .Springtield, Marcus (strange, Irvine Burgess, J. k. e 1 eikesjSmnhlield, Linus Calitt ; Slieshequin. yers Os- a burn, L. J. Cnlvei*; Tututm Thomas Arnold; l'owan da born ,1.. li.biott; Terry, Ciiarlts hompson; Ulster, t James M Cariy, 8.0. Uovey 8. S. Lockwood, Ralph i Russell; Wyalilsiug, Niraru A. Fuller; Windham, Abel t Boardman; Wilmot, John Ely ; Warren, James Wbita- ' her- J. M.SMITH, SheriC AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—/ the matter of < the Estate uj Jifhfliah llvrlshorn, dec'til. In Ihe i I Orphan's Court ol Bradford County. The undersigned an auditor appointed by said Court j \ to distribute moiieys, in the hands ol the administrators, j u will attend to the duties ol liis appointment, at his office j . iu Towandu boric, <m Friday tlie filth day id Jan. lstiii. ] at 1 o'clock p. m., at which time and place all persons : t interested can attend it they think pioper or be forever j i debarred from the same. VV. T. DA VIES, ( Jan. 4, 1866. Auditor. 1 APPLICATION IN DIVORCE. To Mar- ' FA tha Parker.—So. ill Sept. Term, 1805. You | ' are hereby notified that Junes Parker, youi husband, j 1 has appiied to the Court ol Common Pleas of Bradloril j County ler a divorce lioin the bonds ol matrimony, and j J the suiti Couit has appointed Mouday,i-ebruary 5th,1806, I at two o'clock p. m., at the Court House iu Towanda,for j ' hearing the said James Parker in the premises at which j time mid place you can attend if you think proper. J.M.SMITH, { Jan. 1, fiC. Sheriff. APPLICATION IN DIVORCE.— Ib Hear- ' FA. ,Nt Ayrts — No. 113 Sept. Term. Ifc6s. You are 1 hereby notified that John Ay res your husband,has appli- 1 ed to the Court o; Common Pleas ol Bradford Co. lor a 1 divorce D m the bonds ol matrimony,and the said Court j has appointed Monday, February sth, 1866, at two o'- ( clock p. in., at the Court House iu Towanda.for heuriiig } j the said John Ay res iu the premises at which time and ' place yon can attend it you think proper. ' J. M. SMITH. Jan. 1, tifi. Sheriff. 1 Uail-lloab (time (tables. READING RAIL ROAD—W INT E S , ARRANGEMENT. November 27. 1866. ! ' GKKAT THI NK LINK FROM THE NORTH AND NORTH WEST j L for Philidelphia, New-Yoik Reading. Pottsville, Taina- i t qua, Ashland, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton. ke. Ac. ! \ Trains leave Harri-loirg for New-York, as follows: At .J 3.00. 7.2 V and 9.05 a. m., anil 1.45 and 9.00 p. m., arriv- I i ing at New-York at 5.40 and 10.00 a. m., and 3.40 and < 10.35 p. in.. connecting witli similar Trains on tnePenn- ! 1 sylvania Rail Ro iil ; Sleeping Cars aocomfianying the j J 3.00 and 9.05 a. iu., Trains, without change. l-e.tvc ilarrisluirg for Reading. Pottsville, Mmer-ville, Asliland, Pine Grove, Allentown and Phil- u udelphia, at 7.35 a. m , and 1.45 and 900 p. m ,-topping at Lebanon and all Way Stations ; the 9.50 p m. Train t making no close eoncection lor Pott.-ville lior Phiiailel- \ l pliia. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn,via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road .leave Harrisburg ! at 4.00 . ni. Returning : Leave New-York at 9.00 a. m., 12 noon ! and S.OOji. m.; Philadelphia at s.OO a.m. and 3.30 p. | in.: Pottsville at 8.30 a.m. and 2 45 ,p. m ; Ashland at i J 6.00 and 11.45 a.m.; Tamaqna at 7.35 and 1.40 p. m. Leave Pottsville lor Harrisburg, via Schuylkill and . Susquehanna Rail Road at 6 45 a.m. Read ing accommodation Train : Leaves Reading at i. 630 a. m.. returning from Philadelphia at 4.30 p. m. Columbia Rail Road Trains leave Reading at 6.10 a. ! in and 6.15 p. m. for Ephrata, Litiz, Lancaster, Colum bia, Ac. On Sundays : Leave New York at 8.00 p. in.. Pliila- I * dclphia 3.15 p. m. . Pottsville 8.00 a. m., 'iamaqua 8.00 ; a. m.. Harrisburg ;• 05 a. m. and Reading at 1.00 a. m. 1 for Harrisburg, and 10.52 a in. for New York. Commutation. Mileage, School and Excursion Tickets to and Irom all points, at reduced rates. Baggage.checked through ; SO pounds allowed each Passenger G. A. NICOLLS. General superintendent. , Reading. Pa.. Not ember 27. 1865. rriME TABLE—WAVERLY STATION, J A NEW YOT.K AND EIUE KAIL-UOAD. , Change of hours Monday, November 20, 18 5. Trains wiil leave Waverly Station at about the i billowing hours, viz.: i GOING EAST. Traiii No. 2, Day Express from Buffalo.. 11:43 a. m. ; . " 4, Night Expre-i from Dunkirk 1-59 a. m. < " 6, Steamboat Express 5:3s p. m. 1 •• 8. Cincinnati Express. ... 5.03 a.m. t " 16. Bingbaniton Accommodation... 8:43 a.m. i I "22. Accommodation 3.01 p. m. ' ' • 2s, Way Freight 4.35 p.m. I < GOING WEST. I Train No. 1. Day Express .. 5:25 pm. •• 5, Ex. Mud tor Biifialo A Dunk ill; 10:34 )i m. I ' 7, Night Ex. for Dunkirk A- Butl'alo 5:29 a til. ! ■' 9. Mail 0:28 p. m. " 15. Elmira Accommodation ... 4:03 p.m.! " 21. Ai commedation aud Emigrant 2:32 p.m. '■ •• 27, Way Freight s;4(i i t m. 1 t Trains 3. 21, and 22 run daily. i •' 12 daily except Saturdays. I <B, daily except Mondays. i 7, exi e]it Sundays and Mondays. 3, on Sundays and Mondays. " 12, on Mondays, stop a Waverly. All other Trains run daily,except Sundays. WM. It. BARB, ' H. RIDDLE, Gen i Pass Agt, Gen'l. Sup't.New-York, t J. si stIKAFE, Station Agent. , . piIIIrADLLFHIA AND ERIE KAIL, j i S ROAD.— Chits gre.t line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties ol Pennsylvania to the city ot Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased i>y tlm Pmiijhmis Hail ftwi i Company, and is ojierated by them Time ol Passenger trains at Willinmsp >rt LEAVE EASTWARD. 1 I Erie Mail Train 3.47, P. M ! • Erie Express Train 1:50, A.N. i I Elmira Express Train, .. ..9:50, P.M. Elmira Mail Train, 8:45, A. M. LEAVE WESTWARD. Erie Mail Train 520,A.M. ; Erie Express Train .... 4:22.P.M. 1 Elmira Express Train 7:20 A. M. Elmira Mail Train 6:30 P. M Passenger cars run tliiough without charge both way between Philadelphia and Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave Niw-Yotk at 6:(.0, r. M arrive at Erie i:37. A. M. Leave Erie at 1:65, p. m.. arrive at New.York at 1:15 p. in. NO CHANGE OF CARS BETWEEN ERIE AND NEW-YORK. Elegant Sleeping Cars on all ighl Trains. For iiiforma ti HI respecting Pas-cngcr business apply at Corner 30th and Market streets, Piiii'a. And lor Freight business ol the Company's Agents: S. li. Kingston, Jr.. Corner 13th and Market streets, Philadelphia; J. W. Reynolds, E.iie; Wm. Brown, Agent ; X. C. 1!. It. Baltimore. 11. 11. HOUSTON Gen 1 Freight Agt. Phil'a. ; H. W. G WINNER, Gen'l Ticket Agt. Phil'a. A. L TYLER, Gen'l Manager, Williamsport. miscellaneous. "VTEW AND FRESH GOODS! 1* Just received, A FI LL STOCK OF GROCERIES, Bought for Cash, WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT A SMALL ADVANCE. Thankful tor past favors, I would respectfully say to my old triends that I hope by -t.iict attention and fair prices to merit a continuance ol their favors. Towanda Feb. 2. E. T. I-'OX. ISS E S UPIFA MS. DRESS MAKERS, TOWANDA, PA. Over Eddy's Clothing Store, 3d Story, offer their ser vices to the Ladies, confident that a long experience,and the most, desirable facilities, with promptness and cour tesy will ensure satisfaction. The latest fashions received regularly from Madame Demurest"s shop. New Y'ork. Particular attention paid Besqnining. Stitching done to order. Oct. 24,'65. T. SL ALLYN'S OYSTER SALOON, (Formerly Laughlin's) Under Chamberlin's Jewelry Store, west of Public Square. Main Stre t Oysters by the thousand, hundred or dish. Kami lies anil dealers supplied on short terms. Give us a call. Oat. 24. IS6. RFHIE HOLIDAYS ARE. COMING AND THE CUTTEBS ARE READY'. i bus '. in wani el ib e Cutti rs can tii d them by calling • the subscriber, who is now finishing up a good as -'•iiiupnt ol them piohnhly the best in ihe county. Call in, M'c ihem at lii. < orGnge shop in Athens, Bradford j Co. , Pa. -I. A. BRISTOL!,. Dec. 20. 1865. Ccgal. OHI'HAN'n (JOl KT SALE. — By virtue ol ( mi order i-sued out ol the Orphan's I,'uuit ol Brad | | lord County, the under-igned administrators ( ot the e- j ] lute ol A. i . Stevens, Jute ol Alliens boro , deceased, i will sell on the premises, on SA'l'i ItDAY, JAM. 2iTh, | Ibtio, at I o'clock p.m.. lire lolloaiug described prop- < erty bounded as lollows, to wit : I but ol land in Athens borough, with dwelling bouse, wagon -hup, smith shop, and barn thereon, bounded , east by Alain St., noilh by Wui. 11 hopley, 'l'. 11. Davis and otneis, we.-1 by the Chemung rit'er, and south by N. C. Ha: ris, Blood A Co ,C- I'. Vtelles, jr., and others, | i less a.l that portion ol ibe above described lot lying j j west ol ilie Guard bank mad by the chizeus ol the borough as prot< clion against ftuous, sold by A. I*. hte- I ] ven.s to C. I Welles, jr., loi lire N. Li. t aoa. Co. i * TERMS—to be paid when tbe property is struck I down, and one ioorth ol the purchase money on the li- ! | ual, and the ualaiue one year thereaiter , with interest uoui coiiiii iualiou l C. F. WELLES, Ja , - ] CI)WIN WHITE, | f Dee. 20.1665. Administrator*. 1| OKi'ii AN\s 001 KT SALE.—By virtueot ! an order issued out ui the Orphan s Court ol brad- ! lud County, the uuuersigued administrator ol the es- ; < tale ol David O. Teals late ol Tioy twp., deceased, | will sell on the premises, en oA'PLRDAY, JAN. 2710, 1 I*o6, all o clock p. in, ibe lollowiug described prop- [ ' erly, to wit : < bounded on the north by lauds of B. is. Tears, eirst by ! 1 luiiu.s hereinalier tiesctibed anu lauds of A. li. Hkkuk, < and wesj by lands ol U. A. Cu.-.e and Edmund Ca.-e.— j 1 Containing 71) acres mure or less, being lot No. 147 on No. lUOI oi the Drinker tract ol laud in said township. j i ALSO—The ioriowiug piece or paict-i ol laud situate ' ' in Troyatwp., Ixiuirued as lollows, to wit : On tbe i.t ilii 1 by the pubii. highway leading Iroin Troy boro' to by :vt- I ma boio ,ou lire east l>y lands ol Hiram Jucksuu and 1 John Siinins, en ihe south by lauds ol A. K. iiickok aud ; on lire west by lands ol B. S. Tears. Containing sixty- ' ■ eiglit acres ol laud, more or less with a framed hou-e aud barn theieon. iLUils—sso .o be paid on each lot when the proper- : ty is struck down,one Imll ol the amount ol the purchase j money on continuation, and the remainder in one year j thereaiter, will interest lront continuation. ' MELINDA L. TEARS, i Dee .20, lsos. Administratrix. j 1 ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order issued out oi the Orphan 's Court ol Brad- j lord County, the undersigned administrator ol the es- j ' ate ol Cyius .Smith, laic oi Burlington twp., deceased, will seii on the premises. SATURDAY, JAN. 27th,166, j at 1 o'clock p. m., the following property, situate in ' s.jiu twp., to wit . Beginning at a post the north-east corner of -aid lot, ! thence by lot No. 110 and 109 north 89°, west 110 8-10 ! per. to a post,thence by lands ot K. I* Benson north JO'-' j. east 83 410 a post and stones,thence by Henson s j lot south Ml" ea-t ill s-10 perches to a post and stones, i ' thence hy laud formerly known as the Stroud lot south i 1° west 75 410 per. to the place ot beginning. Contain I ing 40 acres and 100 per., ail improved,with a log house j aud burn and ruit trees thereon. TERMS—S2S to be paid wheu the property isstrucki down, one hall the balance on eoulirmatiou ol sale , 'he j balance jn oi e year thereaiter with interest trom eon" j lirmation. WD. BUN VAN, ( Dec. 30,1865. Administrator. I. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. —By virtue ofi an order issued out of the Orphan's Court ol Brad- ' ford County, the undersigned administrator o! the es- , tate ol Win. M. Sladde, late of Spriugiieid tp., deceased, will sell en the premises, SATURDAY, J AN. 27th,1866, at 1 o'clock, p. in., the following property bounded and described us lollows : North by lauds ot the estate ol Lewis t 'raudall, dc-c'd. ca-t by the highway leading iroin Burlington to Elrnira. south by lands ol Addison Grace, aud west by lands of j Kurman Wood. Containing 70 acres of laud, with a framed house and barn thereon erected. TERMS—SSO to be paid when the property is struck ' down, one-hail Ihe purchase money on conQrmat ion of i sale, the remainder in one year thereaiter with interest ; from confirmation. B. F.KNePF. P. C. SHADE. Dec. 20,15C5. Administrators. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue ofl an order i-sued out of the Orphan's Court of Brad- ! lord County, the uudersigued administrator of the es tate ot Chaeles Phillips, late of Springfield twp.. dee d. . will sell on the premises, iu said twp. on SATURDAY . JAN. 27th, Ihtiij, at 1 o'clock p. m., 'he lollowiug lot. piece or parcel of land, bounded as follows, to wit : ; On the north by the highway leading trora Sherman Berry's to the Bu-li Creek load, on ihe we.-t by laud- ot Martin Philips, on the south by lands of Martin Philips, and east by lands of Calvin Lewis and Chauncey lias-eft. . Containing about bo acres, auout 45 acres are improved and oil which llu ie i one framed barn. TERMS—One-fortli ot Uie purchase money be paid >ll the confirmation ol the sale, and the balance one pur thereafter with interest. JAMES L. PHILLIPS, Dec. 20, LSod. Administrator. A UDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of JLX. the extute uf V. It. Kellogg deceased. In the Orphan's Court ol Brudiord Couuty. The undersigned, an auditor appointed to distribute the monies in the hands oi Ibe administrator, raised by the sale ol decedent's real estate, will attend to the duties of his appoi .tnrent at the his office, iu Towanda borough, ou Saturday, the 2uth day ot January, Ls.;iL I .t 1 o'clock, p. to-, and all persons having claims upon said monies must present them be lorever ; debarred Horn coming iu lor a share ol -aid lunds. H.B. McKEAN, Dec. 20, 1865. Auuiio;. , AUDITOR'S NOTlCE.— lathe' matter of the e tate of l-aur Hhddaugh.deceatied. The undersigned, an auditor, appointed to distribute ihe monies in the hands of tue Admiuistr'er raised liom hy the -ale ot decedent's personal estate, will aitend to the duties ol his appointment at his office, iu the . borough ol Towanda, on Friday, the Jltih day ol Jan uary, A D., IsUG, at I o'clock p. m., and all persons having claims upon said monies must present them, or else be forever debarred lroni the -ame. BKNJ. M. PK K, Dec. 20. Ist;.;, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— Ju Ihe matter of the estoe of H'ettiam JSlead, lute of Athena twp.. dee d. In the Orphan's COurtot Bradford County. The uudersigued. an auditor, appointed by-aid court to di.po-e ol exceptions liled to the Partial Account of K. is. Mu! hew soi i, Administrator, of -aid Mead, dec'id, . will attend to the duties at his office in the borough ot Towanda. ou Monday, the 22d day ol January, l-i at 1 o clock p. nr., and all persons having claim- upon 1 -aid lutids must present them, oreise tie lor vet de barred Iroiu the same. W. A. PECK, Dec. I'd, i.-tio. Auditor. \ DM INI.STKATO 148NOT1CE.—Notice: is f T licitLy given, that ah persons indebted to tut es tate ol 111 It A M 1). GIFFOIID, late of Well* twp., dee'd are requested to make immediate payment, and tlio-e having ciauns again-t said e-latc will present them duly authenticated tor settlement. 8 li iNGERsOLL. Dec. 14. 1-<IS. Admini.-tr-tot \ DMIMSTIIATRIX'S NOTICE-Xotiei-. il is hereby given that all persons indebted t-- the es tate ol HIRAM KNAI'P, late of Orwell twp., dee d, i are reque-ted to make payment, without delay. ! and those having claims against said estate must pic-int : them duly authenticated tor settlement. WM . J.. FRISBIE, Dec. 11, I t5. Auni'uistrator. I I>MIN IcTRA rOR'S NOTICE N'otii-e 1 J.\ is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the esiateot DAVID VOUUHT, late o! Standing Stone twp. i dice .seil, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate w ill present i them duly authenticated lor settlement. r WM. VOUGHT. GEO. A. STEPAENS, Nov. it, lnos. " Administrators. I HXECUTORB NOTICE. NOT I C E 1-4 is hereby given that all persons indebted to U.i es- , elate ol Sampej. Mason, late of Colombia twp.,dee"il, are i requested to make immediate payment,and those having demands against said estate w ill present them duly au thenticated for settlement. WM. 11. UERNERT. CATHERINE MASON. Dec. 14, l-ti.'i. Executois. pXECUTOT'S NOTlCE—Notice is here- JLJ by given, that all persons indebted lo the estate ot j SOLOMON BAR DWELL, late ol' Springfield township, j dee'd.. are requested to make immediate payment, and : those having claims against said estate must present tic ra duly authenticated lor settlement. NANCY E. BARDWDI.L, E.G. BENNETT, Jan. 4. 18t>6. Executor. j EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.—NOTICE IS hereby given, that all persons"indebted to the j : estate of JOHN FUUMAX, late ol Columbia, twp., i dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment, and j ; those having demands against said estate will please pre- j sent duly authenticated for settlement. RAYMOND GERNET, Jan. 4. 1856. Executor. 1 ADMINIS'R'S NOTlCE.—Notice j by given that all persons indebted to the e-t ite ol RICHARDSON WOOD, latent SmithtieM two .Bradford County, dee'd, are requested to make payment without delay and all having claims against said estate arc re quested to present them only authenticated lor settle ment. WiI.LAHI) WOOD, Jan. 4, 1-<!'). Administrator. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. —Notice is here la by given,that all persons indebted to the estate of GORDON W.LCOX, late of Smithlield twp., dee'd are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will please present duly authenticated for settlement. SEV ELLON WILCOX. Jan. 4, ISGti. Executor. \ DM IMSTRATOR S NOTIOE.-Letttfß of administration ol the goods, chattels, Ac. ol THOMAS DAILEY late of Athens township, deceased, i liave been issued to the subscriber. Ail persons indebt ! ed to said estate are requested to make payment, and til 1 persons having demands sgainst the same are noli lied u ! present the same lor settlement to the subscriber. DELIA A. DALLEY. Dec, 20.1 MS. Admlnistrauix. ! \ DMIMSTRATRIX'S NOTlCE.—Notice Jt\ i- ln-reby given, that all persous iudebted to the esiale ol Simon I'.Cuemley, dee'd.lute ol Granville tp.are requested to make immediate payment, and those hav ing demands ugainst said estate will present them duly autheulieuled lor settlement. JAMES M ERR ITT, ELIZABETH CUES LEY, Dec. 14, 1865. Administrators. Ccgal. SHERIFF'S SALES.— Hv virtue of a writ ol Fi Ka., i-sued out of the Court of Common Fleas of Bradford county, to me directed and delivered, will lie exposed to public sale at the Court House in 'he Boro'of Towanda. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 5, 1866, at one o'clock, p. m., the following described lot piece or parcel of land situate in Sheshequin tn.,and bounded as 10110*1", to wit: orth by land- of G. Wayne Kinney, on the east and South by land of Valentine Smith, and west hy tbe Susqnehenr.a River. Containing about 100 acre* of land more or less ; about -5 acres improved with one framed house, framed barn, and wond hojse, granary, and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the luit ofH. H. Mace to nee of Arabella S. Mace vs. E. P. Straw, Uriah Shaw, and Harry Shaw. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land eifnate in Ul'ter twp., and houn ed a- fu lows, to r.dt : North hy land of Newell Havens, east by and of Philander Loomis and John Huff, south by land of Jus. Newberry, and we tby land of Geo. We- and Joseph Smith. Containing 205 acre- more or less, about 130 acres improved with a framed house ! g house, framed barn, (rained shop and Saw Mill and Shingle Machine aid two stntli orchards of Imit trees thereon. Seized and taken igto execution at the suit of Harris A Saitmarsh vs Isaac Huff. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of land, situate in Warren twp., imd bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by land of R.'Cooper, eas' hy land of Susannah Pitcher. south by laud ol John Jlurpbey, and west by land of -aid - . Cooper. Containing i ol an acre of land, ail improved, with one framed dwelling house thereon. ALSO—One other kit, piace or parcel ol Find situate in said twp., of Weruu. and bounded as follows, to wit: North by land of Alonzo D.Corliin, east by lauds of J. P. Corbin, south hy land of Harrington Wnitaker, west by land ot K. Cooper. Containing 27 acres ot land more of less, about 25 acres improved—no buildings. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Charles James vs. Amelia Bruff and John Bruff. ALSO—^The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit nate Iu Rome twp., and bounded as follows, to wit: On tbe north by land of Hiram Russell, on the east by land Gabriel, south by lands of Hiram J hnson and J. B. Decker, and west by Albert Richards. Containing 60 acres of land more or less, about 40 acres improved with one trained bouse, two framed barns, and an or chard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Ge< rge C. Page vs. Joel Tuttle and Rachel A. Tuttle. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land sitnafe in Windham twp . bounded as follows, to wit : Beginning in the road the north-east corner ol tbe lot, thence south 14 s wesi 90 perches by land of J. V. Wheelhou-e, thence north 8-4° west 70J per., thence north 14° east 132 6-10 perchts by lands of Wm.Grinh y. thence by the centre of the road south 68° east 31 per"., and thence south 52° ea-t 53J perches to the place of be ginning. Containing 50 acres of land, more or less aboat 20 ai res improved, with a framed barn and au old log house thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of S. Kir by to use of Miles Prince vs. Joseph Kelley. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate <n Ulster twp., bounded as follows, viz : On the north by lands of Horace Heath, ea-t by land ot H. H. Smith, south by the public highwry leading from Ulster corners to FmitbUeld, and west by land of Win. Monncey. Containing one half of an acre of land more or less, all improved, with a framed dwelling house, framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and tiken into execution at the suit of Philip Keller vs. Win. L. Smethers. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sit ua'ein Ulster twp., and bounded and described as fol lows : On the north by land of E B Tuthiil, east by public hignway, south by land of Edward Mills, and west by land of John Conkiin. Containing 4of an acre more or less, all improved, with a large framed dwelling house and a few truit trees thereon. ALSO—One other lot. piece or parcel of lard situate in said twp., and bounded as follows : On the north By land belonging to Mather Bros, and j iiS M'Carty, east by the North Branch Canal, south by land of Newell A Co., and west by the public highway". Containing Jol an acre of land, more ">r less; all improved, with a framed dwelling house, framed Grocery Store, framed barn, and a tew fruit trees theieon. A I.SO—One othei lot, piece or parcel of land situate in -aid twp., bounded and de-crib* das follows : On the north and east by lands of James M'Carty, south by the estate of Chauncey Rockwell, dee'd, west by North Branch Canal. Containing 4 an acre ot laud, more or less, all improved, with cne framed barn there n. Seized and taken into execution at the suit ol H. (.'. Bc.iid vs. Uriah Shaw and E. P. Shaw. ALSO—The foil; wing let, piece or parcel of lauj sit uate in Burlingb n twp.. bounced and described as fol lows, to wit : Beginning at a j "St at the south-west con er o! a lot of land contracted to Benjamin Bolt, be inp 26 5-10 per south 4° west ot the north-east corner of the Wm Lane lot thence -onth by said Lane lot 36 2-10 per. to a piue the north-west coiner of the Earl Nichols lot, thence b\ s.n.l Nichol's lot north 7(*4 3 east abont 80 per. to n corner of a iot of one acre an I 51 per. dtcded tp Charles ut >:i in trust sal thence by -aid Scouton s lot on the north line there f to the centre of the turnpike road, and thence bv the centre of said turn pike to the south corner I the Benjamin Bolt lot, and thence by the soutn line of the sold IMt lot north 88| 0 we.-t 88 8-10 per. to the place of beginning. Containing 14 acres and 111 perches ot land more or less, all im proved with a fiamcd dweliing house.: nda Blacksmith shop thereon. Being tbe samo iot ot land conveyed hy E. Overton K-q. to () C. Tavh rbv article of agrceaien' bearing date Oct. 12, 1-59, and known .-.a the Tail oi Lot " Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Greet, leaf P. Davis vs. John Stephens. ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land sit - nate in Sheshequin twp., bounded and described as fol lows, to wit : Beginning *t the north west corner ot a lot deeded by h sspli King-berry Att'y in tact lor P. J. Decatur to Periey Ayers, thence north l 3 ea-t 74 2-10 per. to a black oak stump is-inp the south-we-t corner of S. Hulse s iot. thence souths- c east CO 2-10 per. to the south .ea-t oner of Samuel Hulse's lot. thence north 1° ea-t 38 ,'O-lHi; cr to the -outb west corner of Tho* Heavener's lot. thence east 56 6-10 per. to post tor a the the we-f line ( I David Heavener's lot, lhence south <0 8-1# per. to a lieiiilock lo a corner the south west corner oi David Heavener's lot, thence south 89° east along the -, :th line of David Heavener's lot 45 7-10 per..tLencc south 1° we.-l 42 3-lo per to a post the north east corner of said P. Ayer's lot. thence south 89° west 162 GlO per. to the place oflteginning Containing so acres of land, more or le--,—no improvements. Seized unci taken inf< executi, n at the suit o! Mveis O-l urn vs. E. P. Sh w and C. A Heavener. AI SO—By virtue of a wril of Vend. Ex. the follow ing lot, piece or parrel , f lnd situate in Ulster twp., bounded and described a-follows : On ihe north ly Ralph I'u.-sell eu-t by the Snspuehanna River, south by lands f J tin S. Anthony, and west by laud of M G. sku sickle. Containing 125 acres of land, more or less, about 100 acres improved with one framed dwelling house, framed barn, cw -bed, and au orchard of fruit 'rees thereon be zed and taken into i-.\i at the suit of IVoverly National Jiank vs. S.piire V rthrap Al.SO—The foil wing lot. pie e or parcel of land -it r.ais io the Boro'ot Alliens, bounded aud described as follows : 1 ast by tbe pubii highway. North by land of Franci Tyler, .ih by hind ot EGwaid Huii. k. and Cbemui g River and C< al Yard ex, ept lots Nos. 130,111, 122 123. 136.1.17 13s. lit). 141 :oul 142 us per plot made by lb Rickey L r-aid Edward Herriek. Contain ing about 17 acrea and 126 perches, mom r le-s ; the same being delPts C. N. Snipman's undivided hail Inter e-t except I I(i i el ng ng to the Diexell e-fale. he zed and taken into ix; cution at the suit of M. IV Wheeioi k'.-i u-t- v* t'hauniey N. Shipman t'hirles F. Welle-, Jr.. end N C. Harris. J MONROE SMITH, jani'66. _ Sheriff. KhlllSl Fli'S NOTlCE.—Notice in hereby > given, that there has 'oetn liie■! and -ettlcd in ihe ( fli e "i ihe Register of Will-, in -nd tor the County of Br:idl-,ril. a<com :s of Adminis ; r.i':>,n upon the follow ing estates, viz . Final ncc't of Harry Mix, adm r o: the estate of John l Simons, dee'd, late of North Tow n-.hi. Final ncc't ot S. Farwcll. adm'r of tlie c-tate of Jot. Quick, dee d, late of Smithlield. Final acc't ol S. P. Wide it. ndiu'r ol t lie estate of ; James Brown, dn 'd, late of Smithlield. i Final acc't ol Mary.). Overpcck, former iy Mary J. 1 Titus, adm'r of M. 11. Tiius, dee'd late of Herri k Find acc't ol J times K Ward, adm'r of Ihe estate •' llenian R. liickok. dee'd. lute of Troy. I itial acc't i i l a' Ous S. V. hippie anu David Whipple, i iidm'rs ot Nathan V hippie, dee d, late ol Buiiinglec. Final sec tot K. Ca-e, executor ot the isiate of Tim othy I a-e, dee'd. lale ot Troy. Fir.ul acc't of Buvlingame Haytborn, executor ol John ( Hay thorn, dee'd. late ol Bnvlington. Final ner'i ol Sarah E. Cold . adm ix of the e>ite of Edmund L. ( übb. dee'd. late ot Pike. Final acc t ol Eliza E. Spencer, adm'lx ot the estate of Joseph G. Spencer, de d, late (I Windham. Final acc't ot James Mason, udm'r of the estate of ! Hiram Mason, dee'd. idle- ol Windham, i Final account ot N.C. Short... adm'r of tbe estate o I Stephen L. Clark, dee d, late ot Wysox. I inal acc't of John Feigns ri and J B. I'ackaid, ex : ecutora ot Joel Packard, d, "d, late (,t Granville. Final acc't of I'ubcit McKi e, adm'r ot the estate oi Ira Forest, dee'd. late of Smithlield Final acc't of Levi Preston, executor of Nancy T. Decker, dee'd, late ol Springfield i final acc't *6 Thomas Owens, adm'r of the estate of 1 James Gerdon, dec d, lute of W ells I Partial acc't ol August# Snyder, exe'rix of B. P. Sny. ! der, dee'd, late ol Athens. i ALSO—The appraisement of property set off by the Executor or Administrators to widows or children ot the following decedents : Estate of David Andrews, • E L.Cobb, M. M'Crr ny, " Philander Foster, •' '• Samuel W. Wilcox, '• •• Ncrus Boardmau, " •• E P. Perine, | " " Warren Frisbie, '• '• Alfred Parsons, " " David O. Tears, •' •' Divid Voughr, " " O. H. Woodrull, '• " Uriah Braund. " *• Asa Pratt, "W.B.French, " •• Wm. Gerard. •' 0. Vancise. '• Alans n Lindley, • Minor H. Titus, Willis J. Brownsoii. " Miles F. Packard, " Win Vauderpool. And the same will beprc-ented to the Orphan's Court ol Bradford Coqnty, or. Monday the sth day of Febru arv next, for confirmation and allowance J N.C.ELLSBISE, Jan. 8, 1666. Register. aDM I N I ST RATO K'S N OTICE. —N Dticv ax is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Daniel C. Miller, deceased, late of Wilniot twp., arc req'iested to make immediate payment, aud those having demands against said e-tulc wilt present them t'uily authenticated for settlement. LUCY A' MILLER, GEO. W. MILLER, Jan. 11.1866. Administrator.