fculfon! gtpoitrr I (/('AL AAD(r EA ERA L. --Tl.r t rIS P l upon (/AMI , uinti'.v and Job Press, OlHce No. 56 Gold ! " \ ,i Thomas 11. Senior, agent. \,\Y ll I *** F .. i JMES S BRK.WBTER lias been appoint t r ill lolsallville. Bradford Countv Pa. .. .tniasi' ii"' v . Edstim. J ; ars. .., ill,- above from the Doylestoxvn Tieiiio j. t);,. chap was ever Constable of Bttrling . .up.the has still another name which he . \<\ I" ±'Ac. c , . ■ DISCOVERED AT >1 sgi KIIANXA Hi.- Directors of the .Susquehanna [ • ..ay n ]'ort that genuine Petroleum has E. v.rcd iii several places where cellars ; Jvchiues have been ilug. and in two I village of Susquehanna Depot, Oak- I • -nship. Susinielianna County, J'ennsylvu- I ji. t'ompauv have leases of about 150 acres - pirohuia lands there : and the Direc ; . i Ni.uiiiu d their lands there yoster , it tL.it that the qualities of petro |i> s to the surface of the springs and |,w mentioned, equal any surface manifes | . jivtioh um on < >il creek. The Company I: iL.it ti.. y haw discovered petroleum at v' Mills, about two miles south of Great iiut (it will has been commenced at Kus- I. .act the Directors of the Susquehanna wade an arrangement yesterday tit i ...... t" t.tk- tin oil lands .ft'Dtt.-eubury A I, (>.. shad township, and to sink a well in ... of Susquehanna, without delay. We lit rtquires no chemist to determine I tin cists at til. places abovemen- II 11 th : it. i ■ rson, v.ho lias < .■; te- CLTIZEN. fcf Ms> Hi NT gave a Christmas Entor i u Saturday evening, Dec. 23d. which i •:. !• i l.y a large number of invited friends I. The programme, tableux, dia •t: i the entertainment was gratelyen ; dicnee. The wardrobe and repre t : w-:• tastefully and appropriately got [te* W e acknowledge the receipl of sev- .-riving S.-imons, sent to us for publi- F: at cursory examination, tbey all np -1•— ss merit, but as we cannot publish I r>- bligeel to decline the publication of , JHII H :—Last evening (leu. Pat ■ - cade favored us with a lecture on tem uiil our people fully realized all you -} air paper, in c< lamcndation tL. r ili J r:qiiy.ioU. 10 lead them . ry indignant at him for in : t there was any danger of their be- sar 1, ; but their sad fate, which he " 'rib I. had proved that he had not in without cause. In giving an account - ■■ uy fate of some of his companions t la- ; ,s leejily affected, and his a.uli :l*' la. his feelings. His description >• - wit., from her happy marriage Nt. i. ii. ii. misery and death, and of ■'• treatment from kindut - to eru- ' . ■ . but thi lescript •-••t-t-roken daughter, recited in poetry, . - - Sl ■ u.leriug ; while his truthful des t • drunkard end of his career, through sto Lis untimely end. was start -1 ~ • ipalling. t" only difference between alcoholic stnic strichnine i>r prussic acid, is • is longt r in jiroducing death than the Ils just as certain to cause death as 1 '■ poisons, aud that the man who ' ' " 1 ' "tojiers, audi .hath ensues, •it.til responsibility of a murderer ; •''sequences of which no license tribunal can relieve him, on the s " Jtdgaient. tbi duty of every person who was I • ■•• top. ranee. to j"in soste temper '• for its suppression could only 1 1 ' • ""i'vd uctian ; that those who "t those organizations, aaoriied ct .ivt'qedre..lamation.anJ were 111 way of the advocates of inentof the cau nd responsibilities. The tern- ; -•; s '"tist ultimately triumph : •' ' l, Use "1 Hod ; and there couhl rdhout it. Virtue was synoni ' U pitiess. and, without it, there could '-•nil r ' or kereafter. The virtuous ' 1 ' Honri 3 ' Ut -" ,u numoru.i yo^tj v hiough . ; oi.iit,. 11,. closed his lecture i* utity of the passions of the I Deity in the gathering atorm cloud; the roQin j thunder ; tlx lightning Hash : the destroying toi ■ mulo ; the falling rain, the tinted rainbow ; an the bright effulgence of the meridian sun. The effect of this eloquent lecture was to add 2 ; new members to our society which now number j 115. j \Y i offered to raise a contribution to pay bis e> penses, but lie declined rieeiving them, and sai that it ho could, in his humble way, be instrnmeu ''■ldoing any good to the cause of humanity - j that was all the remuneration he desired. W 1 then gave him a unanimous vote of tha ks with ' hearty good will. The Gen. indulges in no personal abuse, but ad . ] duces facts, witji their logical deductions, and ap peals to reason without giving offence even t, those engaged in the traffic. I M fi °n. Patton could address the people in ever j vi Uage, hamlet, and neighborhood in the county ! it would drive intemperance, which is now fear fully on the increase, from our borders. Let tin ! friends of common humanity, eve ry where, avid themselves of his valuable services. His mattei and his manner are deeply interesting, even t< those who do not espouse our cause. Yours, Ac., Wyaiusing. Dec. 21. .MASONIC INSTALLATION.- -The officers ol I nion Lodge No. 108. were installed on the even ing ot St. Johns' Day, 27th December, at the Court House as follows ; • M. —G. If. Moutanye. f*. M.—P. Phelan. J. W.-K.H. Patch. Treasurer.—S. B. Tidd. Secretary.—Win. T. Bishop, jr. T. AY. C. AY. A. Peck. •I. M. C.-J. H. Carey. S. 1). Jesse Wilson. J- D.—G. 11. Coon. Tyler. Jos. Marshall. After the Installation ceremonies, fiev. J. y tlic Dresbyterian Church choir, under the direction of Wvr. C. DO HA trr. I AITOINTMKNTS BV THE COMMISSIONERS. —The i County Commissioners have made the following appointments for the present year : 'VE/7,.—E. B. COOIIDAEHH. , ' mi.) i>-1 —EDWAUD OYKIITON jr. Mercal&ile Appraiser- S. A. FITCHEB. PhysHan —E. 11. AI A SON . • The re-appointment of Mr. COOLBAEOH, as Clerk, secures to the County the services of A faithful and efficient officer, who mutts to a proper discharge ot his office duties, a vigilant wut lrfulncss for the < j interests ot the Comity, fhoroughlj' conversant • with the business of this important office, tlic tax payers have a guarantee in his presence, that their interests will be carefully watched. THE BARCLAY BRASS BAXH paid a RECENT visit to this place, turd serenaded several of out citizens, bnder the leadership and tuition of j Professor DITTRIOH they have attained a high de- I gree ol musical skill, and evince musical talent of no ordinary ability They do credit to their leader. W e tender our thanks for the complim-nt paid J us, and hope, shou.d a similar occasion occur, to : be present to offer a more befitting return for their I courtesy. SPECIAL NOTICES. BFEJ*- Agents wanted to sell prize Certili eates for Hold and Silver Watclres, Ladies Jewelry, Diamond Rings. Pins, Ac., only S~> each, for airy article drawn. Retail price from -10 to 52",0. All • I Goods Worn mini Gttiuinr. Price of Certificates 25 Cents each. Liberal Premiums and Commission , allowed to Agents. Sample Certificates sent free. For Circulars and Termsaddr ss MI:, si.-s. lIAVWOOD A Co.. 220 Droailwav. New-York. t3m) .. BKB" .NOW ttiid SECOND Ifand Piano b\ the most celebrated N.; kers in New-York and Phil ; adelphia, always on H .nd and for sale at th lowest j prices. i nning done on short notice bv Prof. Wit. DrriKK H. Tow audit, Jan. H bstif,. I< am) DONATION VISIT. — The friends of Rr\ . .1. I". DI:ow'::R:LI, will pay him a Donation Visit, at the M. E. Parsonage, in this boro', on Friday af ternoon and eviiii-.tg, Jan. 5. ISFTFI. All are iuiit.d. Towandtt, Jan. 1, lsia;. t-IP DR. I. W. STEWART, the renowned Physician who visitcil our place last winter, we under.-! mil is to he at the Waverly Hotel, Vfaver ly, N ) .. commencing Jan. Gth, and remaining 1 until Jan. 13th. lsi;(I. We would nilvisi nil who are afflicted to call on him, as he is performing I many wonderful cure.- Those persons who can not afford to pay at. 'cordially invited. The L)r. , often cures CA- -of almost any kind of ehrn, ir 5. T ( A MI . ting of Stockholders of tb - Company I will be held at T mtineiitul Hotel, Phila lelphia. on 1 Monday the 15th inst, from 10 to P2 o'clock a. m to take sncli action as becorut s nocejy FOI the • reorganization of the company under and in pur suance of the Law approved March 2ittll A. D.. IM A. and for Uie election of Directors AND officers, and lot transaction of such other business as may , ' come 1 fore them C. F. WELI.ES jr.. ' ' Pnml-.1. FOR REM. Tlic OD story of Ftiiou Block Towanda. Inquir- at the office of . tioii for Di rector- of the First tsational Bank of Athens will be field at TLIC Dank, on Tuesday, the '.fill day of Jan. '-• 'I. between the hours of 1 and 2 p. M. E. A. SI'ALTUN'ii, Oish'r, TOWANDA MARKETS.— (Wholesale Priees.) Corrected EVERY TIL* -day by F. T. Fox, No. 1 thick Row : I Wheat SI 75 (•■ >2 25 Rye 85 0/ DO Corn 80 (<< 85 I O. U J" F" P2 125 (N 1 50 Butter (rolls! 28 (N 30 '• (dairy ) 28 ( J ft- John N. Coleman to Miss Nancy ie L. Titus, both of Herrick. ( ' m^rn| AN ~-\V 1? y T the s '""c. at the same time and place, Mr. HeiirvJ. Coleman to Miss Marlh. ,1 A. Axis, both of lmsh, t>usqu4uuiua Co. p- 81:11H— ,S1E\ENS.—On the 21st ins t., at the M to E. 1 ttraonage, LeßaysVille, by ltev. G. R. Hair, Mi .Henry ( Smith, of OrweU, to Miss Emma L. Stevens, of Herrick. v, ( At Merrvall, Dec. lit, 1865 by r- E. C Plunimer ' h '' Vmy to Mi " B ' T,lli ' l £ -VANPiKE.-At the bride's residence in Albany, by R. H. Richard, Esq., Mr. Beuja v mmVaadiketO Mrs. Jane E. Vandike, bothAd 0 ; the former place. ;1 ( V;Y ;UXt i- At r ° tu Pa.. Oeef 20. IM">, at the lei-idi ne •ol the bride's father, Mai- Ruling. Esq., by the Rev. Henry Loseb, Mr. , i'.\ ?, to Jr ' ss Augusta T. Darliu". both ol iotterxille. ,t'l TROUT PLATTS. -January Ist, ts66. by the l " r.T l} !!' ini < Ml - ftu't.m W. Trout to t Miss Lttie E. Phitts, all of Canton. WlJt.Hi BPAJLDING.—By the same, , vr' " h ;; b right of East Canton, to Airs. Cj'utlia Spalding of Granville. Mft-ft s - fty the same, Pec. 25 h, Mr. Albert A. Mills of Canton, to Miss Me.rv Jan. Gorton of Union. SMITH-FOSTER.—I)ec. 31st, 1865, by A. Royse Lsq ill Leßoy, Mr. Ezra O. Smith to Miss Mary A. Tester, all of Granville, Pa. ( r :E -MANLEY.-By the same, Jan. Ist, 1865, Mr. M. M.Gage to Miss sr. E. Manlev. all of t anton Pa. . ™}: HAYERLY. At Monroeton, Jan. -■ ; v -. "v ->ft - fmtis ( In-.nolds oi Nichols, N.Y., to MissAlmira Hav eiiv of Aili.Liiy, ; (Lime (Tables I3EAIHNG KAIL ROAD—WINTER ll ARi;\N(;I-;M!:NT. November 27 (iKEAT rrKK LINE FROM THE NoSTB AND NrtBTB WEST ' 1 for Philiißljihia, New-Yo k KeatCng, PottsviUe, r ; :i 60. 7.25 .-.lai 9.05 a <.. and I <5 an ■ 9On p. m . arriv- ' Rig at N( -v V-1.. at . I I a.ul I . at.ii J.IO ami , ■' i'. s, j' i,; 1 *i Jl .~ >i 'ii!.ii 1 r.iiii.s i)ii tne I'cnii silx.mi.i dail I .'oul : sleeping ' .as aa. icauanx iag 1 in; ; and 9.05 a. in., Traius, without i hange.' ; Leave Harrislnirg for Beading. Piittsville Tamaoua, ■inersrille, Asblaad, I'ine 6i-i ve, Alleutowa and Pbil adelpbia.ai 7 a.m , and 1.(5 and 900 p. m., topping ! . Li i- .a si .:i: ; ail \\ a_v tai i .n- : : . > ;,o j, (n. Ti . n M, KING i: ■ i !u E I-,.M is ti-in i n- Puti ville nor Phiiadi-! Ijiii-i. i-. t'iß'-ville. - ii Ukill 1 vi.u iml Aiilinin.-, ,'a Si iui> lk.il a.n; Mil- (it a.. ..n., it lii Uu ui.lt ..ve H;n I ~-liiug at Ino . in. Beturning : Le ive New-York at ..00 a. m., 12 mv n .nd s()o p u,. : piuiuc. ij.lJa at sOO a.m. ami ;;.:,u p. : i'< :t.-vi:ii at • 3 a nt a- ,< •> r p m ; A/1i1.ii.,; A U.lto ami 1 i I' a. in.; Tainaipia at 73a ami 1.l i p. ;i . Leave l'ct: villi' i r Bart.-burg, via M-linxikiii .m i Siisijm liarina Bail iio.wl ~t 6 4". a. m. Beading accnmmcdutioi! Train : Leaves Pending at <; a tn.. retmuing In m Philadelphia at L3O p.m. Coliiiiil j Rail ii am iiaiim leave Reading at i; Ida m ami 0.15 p. m. Ii i Ephrata, Litiz, Lam -"ter Cnfcn- Li i. Ac. tin Sum ay- : 1 cave New Ymk at 8.00 p. in Pldla- • delphia 3.15 p. m.. Pottsville 00 a. m . Tam tq'ua 8.00 a. m , Harnsbnrg 9 05a a.and Reading at 1.00 a. in. i ior Harrisburg. and 10.52 it m. for New Y"i-k. Ccmuiutalion, Mileage. School and Excursion Tickets t .aid - in ail jn.ints .it i JiHi-d rates. Baggage checked through ; 80 pounds allowed each Passenger 11. A. MCoi.l.s. (>i uer.ii feiiperint endent. '■ 16 . Sin. P. . N \ mi.-.- 27. Is.;-,. rpiME TABLE- WAVERLY STATION Nhtt YORK ASH EIUK KAIL ill)AO. Change of hours commencing Monday, November 20 I D■- D"' as w.ii . :vc it 1.. .Station at about llig i t'lllowing hourj. > . . UOiNll EAST. Ti.tin Nc 2, P. y K- press troni Bul.iilo 11:4:! a. m. " i, Night Express from Dunkirk 1-59 an.! ;• - n Steam oat Express . . 3:38 p. m. ( m.-mnati Kxpress .5.0:5 a. m . 16, DiDgnamt >n Acoommodation. . 8:43 a.m. j " AccomiaodaMon 3.-01 p. m! •• ■ 28,Way Freight 4.35 p.m. GOING WfcST. 11 aid No- I. Lie, Express .. .... 5:25 pm. i . ' 5, Ex. Mail for Buftalo ,x Dunkirk 10:34 pm. ' L Night Ex. tor Dunkirk * BnMo 5:29 am. '•6 Mail 9:2s p. m. 1.. Mmii.i Aiz..,mnii'(i..tion ... 4:03 p.m.! _I, Ate. aim"dation and Lmigiant 2:32 p.m. f Way Freight 8;40 p.m. j Trains ;!. 21, and 22 run daily. 12 daily except s a,inlays. 8, daily i \cep; Mondays'. ■, exi • pt Sundays and Mondays . .!, (: Sundays and Monday.-. 12, on Moi days, top a Waverly. Alt u'.bei- Trains run daily,except Sundays. WM. R. BARB, H. RIDDLE. !* Hen i Pa-s Ag t, New-York. Gen'l. Sup't,New-York. J. S SUEAFE. Siati'/ii Agent. PHILADELPHIA AM) ERIE RAIL. i- ROAD.—This gre.it line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties ot Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, i or. Lake Erie. It has lg!.. mased by the PeimtylKania /iC / /i-,.-., Coaipauy. and is operated by tlieni Time ol Passenger trains at Williamsport LIiAVE EASTWARD, Erie Mail Train 3.47,1'. M , Erie Express Train 1:50* A". \ Elinira Express Train.., ... 9:".0, P.M Elmim Mail Train,. 8:45 A. M! g.AI'E WE-sTWAKD. Erie Mail T;uio 5:2u M. Erie EnneMTrain 4:22. P. M. EUttira Express Train 7:20 A." m[ i Etmira Mail Train, .. C-.30 P, M Pa--i ngi i cars run thiough without charge both way • between Philadelphia and Erie. NKW YORK CONNECTION. i . vt Ni v. Yoik at 0:i:0, r i. arrive at Erie 1:37, t . a. Leave 11 i' ;.t '•55 c. i.. arrive at New.Yoik at l :15p m.' XO 1 CAM B Cr CABS SKTWEKH LRU. AND NBW-TOHX. ! r.liy.i'iit Car* on all iglit 'trains. Fo- iii i cation respecting Passenger Uisiness apply at ( iuer 301 h ami Market streets, PaiPa. I And foi Freight business ol the Company's Agents: S. ); King-ton, Jr., < liinw isih and Market streets, ■ Philadelphia; J. 1. Be|aud>, E.iie; Wm. Brown, Agent 1 N. Y. R- 11, Haitian ..-. 11. li. BOESiitN Cen 1 Freight Agt. Pkil'a. l! ' OWINNER, Gen'l Ticket Agt. Phil's. A.I i 1 I.ER, Cen 1 Manager, Williamsport. I S. ALLY VS OYSTER SALOON 1 rt (Formerly Laughlin'a) Under t'haniberlin's Jewelry Store, west o Public Squ.ce. liain Sin I Oy-s-v-• by tin th at- ml. hundred or dish. Families j and dealt is supplied on *hi,rt term- Live us a call, (let. 2(. 1865 I nimljattbhf. Ie VET ANOTHER STOCK OF NEW ,C 1 coons 'S Ai 1- W I c K H AM & B I- A I'K'S, y e DRESS GOODS, H a | DOMESTICS, ■t FLANNELS, e I WHITE GOODS, r. ' ' EMBROIDERIES, ■ I TRIMMINGS, . SHAWLS. The above lines we offer in pi cat Cvarietr and late styles. HATS and OA PS ' LARGE STOCK, BOOTS and SHOES, BEST MAKES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS. .... i bis part of our stock wc pay particular attention to, and in w offer two of the best patterns of Ironstone Ware in the market. Erie and Sevres, also C. C. Yellow Ih rkiligham tid Wedgewood. Beautiful assortment ol tamps, (.'all ane see our stock ot NOTIONS. lhauklui tor paat favors , wc respectfully invite your trade and promise to do our best. WICKHAL A BLACK. SE\Y IN G MA('H iN E I) E POT. Having received the Agency of the two but Sewing ' Machines in nee,we are now ready to supply all the peo ple < ■ Bradford and Sullivan, with either Wheeler A \V ilson - ( ,r Singe rs, than which none belter i- made.- Wc keep needles oil, soup, thread and all the extras needed to work the machine. All are invited to call at our tore a. d examine Machines and work. fall or send and get a circular and price list, at Wickham A Black's Store. Nov. 6. 186S V E W G O (> I) S ! WII.L IA M A . ROOK WE L L receiving a most choice, ind selected a<- irt neat u ' GOODS FOR THE SEASON, Consisting oi LADIES' DRESS GOODS, I)E LA INK, ALPACAS, and all varilies to he hud by the uskiiig. COTTON YARN, CARPET YARN i 1! VTTING, BLEACHED GOODS FLANNELS, CLOTHS. C A SSI MERES, SUA WLS, HOODS, And a great variety too numerous to men; ion . To be had everything in the Y \ N K E E NOTION LIN E . Even to a Violin. The place to find wli t you want in the line oi HATS, OA PS FPUS, GLOVES, tttid MITTENS. ll you ere in w int of ( ItOCKEKY, in or as you • mav order, and any amount, i GLASSWARE, ' i LANTERNS, GLOBES, Ac. wOODEN W A R E , to be had from Barries' Cabs to % Butte I adie. A complete assortment of GEO C E E I K S. Aire tire best IS EE HIVE. SYR LPS and SUGARS ot aii kinds. A superior quaiitv ol BLACK, JAPAN, GI'NPOA VDER, and YOUNG HYSON TEAS. BLASTING POWDER,, tuiii rOBACCO nf all ilt .-citpiiiifut: Every thing in the shape (1 | TOY'S FOR CHILI tIEN Save yotir meat, by railing and supply inf. vno lvpt with pare ASH TON AND TURK'S ISL .NO S/iLIV Oct. 1(1, 1865. \v. A. I;0' J : OFFER AND SPICES, WHOLSI AND \J ground, and a prime ynulity ot tiround Java Col teeat FOX>. jiJouicl! Co.'e Xcm 0ooi)s. ' ! rjpilE GREATEST ATTRACTIONS IN coons EYE It OFFERED I.N' TillH MAHKEi', i POWELL &c CO., I Have now in -tore the largest stock of good* evorexhib- I iied in Northern Pennsylvania. Ad itions will con stantly be made to this stock during the season, and j it will at all times be found PULL ANI> COMPLETE j iu all its departments. We invite the particular attention ot our customers to ; our magnificent display of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS! Which we offer at prices much below those of last year. ; We have given special care to oar selections in this line and are now aide to exhibit the newest most fashionable, and most desirable styles to be obtained. Our new .-tock comprises ail cob is of Plain and Plaid French >, l Merinos, Empress Cloths. Striped Melanges, Striped and Plaid Poplins, Taffetas, oamas, Tinsel Poplins,Pari: Crepes, Beps, Plain and Brocade Alpacas, l'oil tie Chev ies, Delaines and Arm uses. Bright Plaids for children's wear, and a great variety of other Dress Fabrics. MOURNING DRESS GOODS. lilac k French Mi lin • . Bombazines, Tarac.-c (Mollis, Baratheas, Mohair Lustres, Black and White ( heckand 2 Striped Poplins and Alpacas, Double and Single Fold AU Wool Delaines,and a full line ot those High Lostrcd Black Alpacas, at a great reduction in price. LADIES' CLOTHS, CI.OAKINGS AND SACKINGS. A SI'LE ND ID ASSOKT ME N T . Beaver Cloths, Tricots, Velvet Cloths, Cassimere Sack ings. Plain ml Twilled Black Broadcloths, ol all prices • all colors of Plain a id Fancy Sackings, Opera Flannels, Ac , Ac. GLOVES AND HOSIERY. (audit-*. Ai isses and (Jhildreus White and Colored Cot- I ton, Fleeced aud Merino llo.se, Ladies Merino Vesta ' iinii Drawers, Gloves ot every description at low prices. ( LINENS A HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS IS lea lied, Hail Bleached, and Unblc chtd Damask Ta l,lt. line.-. Napkins Tow !-. Towellings'. Scotch ami Russ G Diapers,"Bleached and Unbleached Hnchabucks (_' r .|, vs. lii-h Linens, Ac., 10-4 and 9-4 Sheetings, Pillow Case Cottons, Counterpanes, Draping Muslins, ij;, ,■ j "fj.nne-I Sheetings. Rose Blankets, Ac., &<•. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. Esquimaux, Mosi r ,w and f aa.'oi Beaver Cloth.-, French and German Black Broadcloths, Doeskins, Fancy Cas -inn li s, Twi t'Us.lMclttn:", Satinet I*. Union Ca.-simeres lean-. Ac.. Ac. ALSO, . , i All qualities Plain White. Shaker and Welch Flanße.*• i aiicy Shirting. Mincisjted and Gray.Plain and iwillea Flannels, and a full as-ortment oi DOMESTIC COTTON GOODS, At the Lowest Market rates. SECOND IP Xj O OR.. Wc an-new opening and desire to call special atteu- i tin to our .no.-1 ally large so ■ kof FINE CLOAKS. is r , make ibis departmcntuf IIS have been made ironi ihe acsft styles la the market, and our Cloaks are manufactured ma manner! Ih.u cannot fail to please, ana give entire satisfaction, SHAWLS! SHAWLS! Having made our purchases he'oic the ncent great ; advance in | rice, we are able to offer decided bargains , in Ladies, .'di-.-cs and Chldrens Double and Single Schawls. Our presvut stock tar sarj isea in extent ud variety, any pun bases v e have ever before made in n .ue and wc linvi vailed o.a -elves of the most tavoi • ible time to select the choicest; ud rro-t desirable goods 1 in the market HON 'ION FLEXIBLE SBRING SKIRT. TUB NEWEST VNP BEST PATENT iltlVOblNE YET INVENTED. V. . have now on hand a good assortment oi these eel i bra ted skirts, in White and Colored. ALSO. I j The Eugenie, Empress, Paris Trail. Multiform, ami a, variety ol other popular makes ot skiits in all sizes j tor Ladies Misses and Children. ('ARRETS AND FLOOR OILCLOTHS. Brussels. Three Ply. Extra Sot er, Supeifine. Ingrain,; Kidder,and Hemp Cipets. All widths Floor Oil Cloths Mattings,DoorHataJand Bugs. Anew sio kjust re reived. *" BOOTS AND SHOES. ll*vii.g;inade arrangements with manuhu hirer* to supply out sale with ihe br.-t quality of Boots and Shoe-" we shall at all times be able to furnish our custo mers with the b*"-t custom made Fines of all kind*, for Lade Misses and Children, ami Boots for Mens and Boys wear, at reasonable prices. We shail also keep con eiautly on hand a complete a rtnieut of Mens.Womens ,u;d Children's Rubber- and Arctic Overshoes. HATS AND CARS. A splendid assortment of Mens and Boys ilnts aud Caps just received. Having closed out our old stock almost entirely previous t > our late purchases, we now offer an entire new stock ot the latest styles. f'VRFR HANGINGS A TEANSEARENF , WiNDOW SHADES. v.'e are now recc.vu,.- huge additions to oar stock of Wait Papers, Transparent Window Shade* and Trim , tilings Win,low Papers, A- ... £cgal. I pXECI TDK'S NOTlCE.—Notice is liere -1 J by given.that all persons iudihtid to the- tate ol GORDON W.LCOX. late >1 Sinithiield twi).. dec'd are requested to make immediate payment, arul those li:virin demands against said estate trill pieuse present duly authenticated for settlement. SEVEi.I.ON WILCOX, Jan. 4. (M. TT" INXECUTOT'S NOTlCE— Notice is her e- J by givi i, tlrat all per:, t. - indebted to the estate ot i .i,.OMiX ItAIiDWELL. late ol t^pitownship, dee d., are requested to make immediate payment, and tL-u.se having claims against said estate must present them • ! duly authenticated lor settlement. i i NANCY E. BAKDWDLL, J F.G. BENNETT, ! Jan. 4 IHoi; Executor. |iIXECUTOii'S NOTICE.—X OTI CE IS xA hereby giveu, that .ol persous indebted to the I : estate ol JOHN FCRMAN, late ot Columbia, twp., | dec'd, arc requested to make immediate payment, and j those having ueuiauds against .-.aid estate wiJl please pre • sent duly authenticated lor settlement. : I BAYMOMD GKRX FT, Jan. 4. lstjii. Executor. [ I a DMI M.-'R'S NOTlCE.—Notice here -1 oy given tiial all persons iudebt- d to the estate ot RICH A UD.SON Wuou, iateot tsmitliUeid t-.vp..Bradiord County, uee'd, uiv requested to make payment without ' i delay and all having claims against said estate are re ! quested to present them uuly authenticated lor settle i meat. H ILLAiIh rt UOi), | ' Jan. 1, 1866. Administrator. \ DMIMISTKATORS NOTICE.-Letter* JV ol adminislration ot the goods, chattels, Ac. ol THOMAS DaILEY - late ot Athens township, deceased, nave been issued to the subscriber. Alt persons inueht cd to said estate are requested to make payment, and ai persons having demands .-gainst the same are notilied V pie... ut the same tor settlement to the subscribe!. DELIA A. DAILEY, Dee, 20,1-65. Administratrix. \ DMINISTKATRIX'S NOTlCE.—Notice ■XX. is hereby giveu, that all persous indebted to the estate ot Simon I'.Cunsi.ev,dec d,late ut Granville tpyire reque-ted to make immediate payment, and those hav ing demands against said estate will present them du'y authenticated lor settlement. JAMES MEIUtITT, ELIZABETH CHESLEY, Dec. 14,1865. Administrator 8 - i EDITOR'S NOTICE.— Ia lh<> matter of J.%. tht Kilah of J Mar- X\- tliu Parker No. ill fcept. Term, leb.i. Y-.u aie hereby notilied thai James Parker, your husband, has appiied to the Court ol Common Pleas of Bradiord County lor a divorce liom the bonds ui matrimony, and I the sain Couit lias appointed Monday,l-ebruary 5t1i,1-UG, at two o'clock p.m., at the Court House in Towanda.tor lie .i ing the said James Parker in the premises at which time and place you can attend it you think proper. J. M. SMITH, Jan. 1,6b. Sheriff. A PPLICATION IN DIVORCE.- ToHar- Tl , ~t Ay,ts - No. 118 Sept. Term, 1-65. You are ij notified t ( ,t John Ayrea your husband.lias aj.pli e to the Ceuit o Common Pleas of Bradiord Co. tor a divorce from the bonds oi matrimony,and the said C,ui t ! has appointed .'-.onday, Fcbruury sth, IVW, at two o - ch ek p. in., at the i out; House in Townuda.lor bearing the said John Ay res in the premises at v. hich time and pi.it." y can attend i! you tlimk proper. J.M. SMITH. Jau. 1,66. Sheriff. iUisrcllaneous. I E W FA L L GO ol> S ! J. W. TAYLOR, J ii.t-jn-1 leceivcd a splendid stock of Fall Goods, con sisting o! a.l the late styles of DHE-3 GOODS, suekas Empere.-s el.uh l'oplius, a large assortment ol all the i-w shades o. French Meriuues, Plain Alapaoc.es and W- -1 Delains, al , some patterns ol new French goods. ) Blii- k Silks plain and rept.-i complete stock of Mouin i.sg go 'ds and Delains C Jicoea, fiinghanis, Bitliuorals. ii ,ip Skirts, and a i complete -*. c !: of dress trimmings to match all colors. 11.0 .. rl l.adiv s Cloths, .ml Ladies woolen ; c-liuwls. Ai ' Misses : w Is. Blcai-lied M -.. us and j I Shirtings. IF-v. i-hi to -;y hi- Mil'ine ;• is omplete with all | i the new -st .-ty'.es o! Itihtnn s. Bonnets and I-iowcis, J 'at .tid i.adics Cap-. infant's Hood- a'id Scol -hi Caps, j ia, an -, ; . i 11.. kinds, and In fait everything - • 'en- .. c to the Mii.oiery 1 nin:-s. I \.. ' - atleution ol the people ot Tows ik> j ii\. -oi-x iniio- hit stack-I. Go • < ! 0-,lt'll Post OtSi . Sept 1-. isi'.i IT u M I- HR E Y A CO. 1 iVt: d ri-sjiecttnllv it vi!.e ine Attenti • a . . tie puidir^to tiifii very ftxtciiMVf . iv .•! M I N it tt VS • I! 1 Y • u.l MS ' HDD T s . ,\V(I M ENS' M I SSHS' A ( II 1 I !• R ENS' SHOES, ; I.AI' ROBES, BEFFAEO ROBES. lIORSE BLANKETS. I TKUN K S , VALISES, TRAVELING BAGS, RETKTLES, Arc., Ac To wan da, Oct. 16. I^6.a. \ T E\Y AND FRESH GOODS! if Just received, A FELL STOCK OF GROCERIES, Bought for Cash. WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT A SMALL ADVANCE. Thankful !<>r past favors, I would respectfully say to my old trieuds that 1 hope by staid attention and fail prices to merit a continuance ot their favors. Ttiwamla Feb.' 2. K. T. FOX. Vf ISS E S rPHA MS, DRESS MAKERS, TOWANDA, PA. Over 1 .lily's Clothing Ston , 3d Story, oiler their ser vices to the '.idles, confident that a long experience,and the most desirable taeilitiea, with promptness and cour tesy will ensure satisfaction. The latest heliion-- received regularly from Madame • Deinoicsi'.- • bop, New York. Particular attention paid Bnsijttining. Stitching done to order. Oct.'24,'6'. £cgal. - OIIERIFF'rf SALES.—By virtue ot a writ 1 kJ ot Fi 1- a., i sueu out ot ins Court ot Common 1 l'iC"3 ol Bradford county, to mo directed and delivered, ' will be exposed to public sale at the I.ourt lio-isc ill the 1 Boro'ot lowanda, SATURDAY, JANUAUY 0, 1 at one o'clock, p. in., the Imiowiug de.cnoed lot piece or parcel ol laud siiuale in nouth creek fp.,aud irouuded as tollowa, to wit: orlh by lands ol licuiy Turk,vast by land ot James Horning and the ealate oi James Hines ' tiee'd, south by land ol Beuj. Wilson, aim west by land ' belonging to the Bngh.m est le. Convamuig bo acres, ol land, more or less ; about Vi a re • unproved, tvilh a i named house, framed baru, and orchard of Iruit trees 5 thereon. Seized and taken into exe- ution at the suit of Ei'-j/.- r Pomeroy vs. David iiapemun Jr. A LrsU—The lollow mg lieocnbed iot, piece o: pfcr. ei ot land situate In Ulster twp., and noun ed as to lows, to wit : North by land ol Newell Havens, east by .a.-id o: i Phjlinfiur iaromis and John Hull, .viatli by laud ol Jos. l- Newberry, and ive-l by laudol Ijto. inc.- and Josepii Smith. Containing '2bj acic-s more or less, about UU i acres improved with a ituined house, log house, Lamed barn, lramed shop and ."saw Mni and Shingle Men-nine, and two -in Hi orchards ol trull trees thereon. .•seized and taken into execution at the suit oi Han 2c JsaitUiuish vs. Isaac fluff. ALoO—One other piece oy parcel ol land situate in Windham twp , bounded as to Hows, to wit: Beginning u the road the norlh-e si c ruer oi the lot.theucv Oul.i 1 14° weal M per. by laud oi J. V. W neeihou-Uieuce i uottb .ssr' west ioi per., thence north cast IJ2 o-lo per. by lauds oi V. M. Griuley, tneme oy the ceutrcol t..e rcau south east Jt per., anu tuence soutlt ot - east jJJ per. to the place ut beginning. e.unLriuiu b o'l acre-sol land more or less, about -u acres improved, with one lramed barn and an old log iiou.-e thereon. Seized and taken lulo exeauUon at the suit oi S.Kiiby , to use oi Mile- i'uace vs. Joseph K .iogg. AlJ4U—One other piece oi parcel ol mud situate in ' Athens twp., bounded as lollows, to w it: Un the uortli ; I by lauds oi Yules A Co., oh the east by lands oi ..e- nge ' Woicolt and Abraai Huusiker, on the south i.y lanus oi I awith Griliin audlaud beiuugmg to the liens oi ri. v., j listen, eec h, and we-t ..y iano- oi icdvvara A lilitttus It 1-1 i Smith Urilliu. Goulaiuuiug 256 acres ol laud, more u. less, about IUO acies lurpruved, with two lramed dweil : ,pg houses, three named barns, ami a -uiati .ercnaid ol liuit trees thereou. j fteiz d and tuken into execution at the nit ol H. W. j Patrick Vs. t.haii iiun-iker. J. MuNltuL nMlitf, I Dec. 13, lCa. rsherill. U ! REHAN',-5 LO Lh i SALE.—By vn luc oi an oruer issued out oi ihe Oipuan s boui i ol Biau | ioid C juuty, tue uudeivigued admiuislratuls ol the ei . | late ol A. P. SicVtns, late ol Athens Ouro , Ueceasc-a, will sell ou the pieinrses, on hAicUn.H, JAN. dith, 1566, at i o'clock p . in., the lollowing irc-cnbcd prop- I erty batiudea as toiluws, to wit : ; 1.0 l oi laud in Aniens ooruugh, wnu dwell.ug Uj ,=c ' wagon •• hop, sinilu shop. aad u.i ... thereon, ouuuued ! least by Main st., noun by Win. 11. chupley, f. B. nav.s j and otatis, we-t oy ibe chemuug nvti, and soain oy : N. C. liairis, o.oou A Co., L. i-. vVelies, ji., and others, | legs a,l that poilion ol Ihe above ticscrioeU lot lying I west ot Hie tiuuih i,ank maU by the cbizehs oi toe ' botougu as piolcclioii agaiiist iioous, s-dd oy A. p. tue i yens to C. 1 . A tiles, jr., lor tUe N. ii. canai Co. I Ti.UM.S— f2.j to be paid when the pioptr.y lshii oci. i down, una one lourln oi ihepurcnasc- money on tut n ual co.i lb illation, anu the balance one year luereuiter ! with interest trom eouururali in. i .1. W EbLEtj, Jn., EoiViN v> uiib, Dec. 20. UU. Adunuiatlatois. ORi'liAN'ft COL iii CfALE.—By vntue oi aij older itaucd uut oi tiic Uijjiiaii 6 Court 01 bi ju i ;iu CoUlitj f List u udliaiiiidUiklOf U> WIC f tale oi liatid U. laud itie .i tvp., (teceaned, | Will bCii Oil i 120 jHCiULsWr, Od hAiCiiii-ll . JAaS. j i 0 clocik p. ili . iliC i>lioWiii 0 L "Ciillcll prop ; city, to wit : | Jiounded oil Uic iioitii u'j laiiUa ot .*?. l'.jara, cllsl by j 10. LO." LclciUaiUi UC£>v.liUlU uiili aitiiGb Ol A. 1.. iinKuii, I aid iVt. j ItiLua oi a, A cue oliu ladUkULd Ou-C.— Containing u iicrco inoic or icsi, ioi wu. i4< on I AO. iOOI Ol I life id luhti Ua oi aud lie IUA tUlllif A injV.j iitC iOz 1 /ViiUjj jiiC COl J HtLCs Oi Ittii j SitmUlv. | ui lu\ irtp-.i'" . ,- • .Wt : Uli iUo ii itlr oy luc puLfii- Ligiiway ic-iLiug liciu ii 03 ijoro to j Hid Ok/*VJ , Cxi ti-i. Ct. b ij ~Gio3 .* Id st-, UI E aCh.lv/il UJid I Joiiil OilliUl.>, Cil e iiC .- a.;! ij . • i at. m* z-i.t.txvjxi Hnll oil IdC Oj' iudUh t-i ii. ."3. ictlG. C oUldiiliiig . j I clgil. ac'i'co oi rUIKI, UaOiO Oi" ic:V3, Willi a. 11 alii.d II . tind oaiu tucieoii. ijO o Lc paid du c.icii lot vviiCii tnc proper" ty id alfucik down,oilc u oi t. CUiil an ji lilcpt.l" : * money oil coniitiiraiiaii, uUa Luc icuiaiaaci in out* vu.it llicreaitcr, win inlcrcAb irom cwnliruiiiiiou. .G/aLLNJA L. XL i H*.-, Coc. ij, loUj. -s-aniliiinLialllik.. j / vRi'JiA.N S CGL iii .SALE.—By virtue- <>i Uli Older' Kfitittl LLI Oi tiif Ci I'iia.li bC . ull i L. J lord County, the LimcrMgneL auiuiLii." .ius r oi the t-- ate oi iae o. iiuriiuglou twp., deeta^ed, will on the premnies. , 'iitii,iso 1. at 1 o'clock p. in.. the lulioiviiig pijpeny, sin Siid twp., to wit . Beginning ala p f -t the iioiiii-caat coinur vl r.na . I| Ce by lot No. 110 and ii 911 :1 n b• wes lid per. a pot,iiieace oj 1011021 01 ji. i* iieiisou north -'J " Ce..s? 5 ' per.to a p oat and >1 ucj uente 03 lien on lot south 'j J cast "i ptrclifi l-J a | .21 .aid loac-. tbeu- e *'}' Known a> 1.. Sli sad ... - luii p west To 4 id per. to the place of beginning, t onuiru ing 4'J acres ana 100 per., ali impioveU,\v iiu a i g ii )d.-c I and haru ami iiiit trees tliereoii. IEBMB *25 to be paid when tiie pi peiU s*; k down, one hall the oaianee on eonliimaiioii ot >.iie , la balance in o. e year thereatter wila mtcresi iromcon j firmation. WAi. BUN VAN, Dec. 20,1565. Administrator. ORPHAN'S 001 RT SALE.—By virtue of an urdei i--ucd out of the i!iph ,n's C not ol Bimu foiu C. uiity, Lie undei-signed ,1 I ~\u-tr.i(.. ot tfc c j tutt-bl '..1::. li. FiaJhc late <1 spiiague; 1 lp., il.-ic-.i- n nil:.- II a the ; • u • ATL'.:;.i i, J AN. 2,'1u.; -lii, | al 1 o'clock, ji. in. the fu.i nving j.ropeity h :ib..d an ! I des -libed as h,ii .WS : j N-'ilh hy lands u. ihe c.-tate .ii i.cvvi- iaiiea i ..le. u. ! cast by ili,- hignway !cae.. a Irotu B.i agi ai. IN ... : i south by lands ot Addis-u Grace,-aitd >. 1 by lan.l- . I .- ;,itn.ib tY-. t ~..ai::iag 7'i a c- o. i;i:U. ti:b . i lianieii Ii ■ i-e and ,a:u the:, .n ere.; i. I TEUMS—S6O to be pid when the property !* utruck av:i, one-hail the pur ha-..- in ... y -a t ual ma o: ! -ale, the remainder in one year llivi'ea:ter „.t.i at.re.t trom coniirciatiou B. F KX IT' F. C. BLADL. Dec. '.n, Im ... Auministrators. URPIIAN'S COL RT SALE. BY virtue i.f an order is-ae 1 out oi thetirphan's C- nit /f Br.oi i! lord County, tiie uudersigaed -a iallaistrat r of the - lateot Ghaeies .Phillips, late of Siningheid twp.. deed, will 'ell on the premises, ia said twp. (u SAIURDA . JaN 27th, 1866', ut 1 o'clock p. m., 'he foliowiog lot. | pic e or parcel ol land, bounded as ioiio..s t-> w,: : i Gn the mirth by th- highway leadia.- tnai j>ln ruu:. Berry V t • the Ha h i reek road, oa the we t by i- ot M.litin Philips, eh Hie south by I,i: Yiartio I*l.. and east by lauds oi Caivia Le-. i and Cha ..it . ■ b in* lining about hoacres, a -onl 41- acre- :.i•- .. ■.vc ! and on which tkeie is one lr..med bam. 1 KttMS—Uue-lvrth i 1 Hi: pureiutsi- ux-uey ha paiu -n tiie conlirmation I ihe salt, aud the balance oiicyc.u tlieiealter with interest. JAMES L. PHILLIPS, Dec. 20, IsbJ. .\ii:.ii;N-ti.itoi. a Li>IIOR SNO I ICE — ln the ■.nutter <>/ X\- i, isiu/e vj l JI. A'i//cgg I'tcturr:, ;u 'i tirphua'b Court o: Uiadloru County. tiie undersigned, an auuitor appointed to distrihiitc ! the monies 111 the bauds oi the administrator, rai.-oj hy I ihe sale ot decedent's real estate, will attend to tile duties ol his appoi tiuent al the ins office in To., ntia : borough, oa Saturday, the 2t>th il..y ol January, i-■ ' t 1 o cluck, p. m.. and ail pe.--.ins having claim : tq-on said monies must present them or else he tor- ver i debarred 'torn coming in n 1 a share oi -aid li nd-. H. B. cKLAN, Dee. 10, lsdo. Auditor. A EDITOR'S NOTICE.— hi th- math, oj il. :ke e tut, vj ! .Mutually, ■ tie, t ■ • >'i The undersigned, a.i auditor, appointed to distribute 1 the monies in the hand- ol luc Aduiinistr er raised ii an; ! by the sale id decedent"- personal c.-.iute, w ii: attend to tiie duties ol lii appointment at iii- otb-e. .n the borough ol Towauda, on l-'iiuay, the Jibu day oi Jan uary, A. 1)., lohii, at t o'clock p. m., aud aii pcisous having claims upon said in mile- must present them, or else be torever debarred trutn the same. BEN J.M. i'E k, Dec. 20. 1-GN. AndiU -.. AUDI i'OUS NOTICE.—III the umlUr of the tsla ioj li'ittium yleait, late of Athens twp. deed. In the | Orphan's Courtct Bradford County. ; i lie undersigned, an auditor, appoiuie-u by .-aid nairi : to di.-pu.-e oi exceptions filtd to the Partial Am -junt ol j E. H. Malhewson, Admiui-trati r, of -aid Mead, dee'ed, i will attend to the duties at hi lit, e m the borough : e-I iowauda, ou Monday, the 22J day ol January . i;du, • at 1 o'clock p. m., aud ali persot,. having claims upon ; said iunds must prescut them, or i ise be mr ver uc i barred trout the same. Vt. A. I 1., k, Dec. If, 1668. Auditor. A DM IN isTRATOKS N Oi'lCE.—Notice is A hereby given, that all persons iudi-bieu to th. e tate oi li lit AM D. lill-l-OIiD, iate oi Weils twp , dec d ; are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims agaiu-t said estate will present lliem duly ■ authenticated tor settlement. 8-11. INGEn-OI.L Dec. 14, 1565. Administrator. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE N tict is hereby given that all person- indebted to t! es tate ol "HIRAM KNAPP, iate i I Drwell twp., . are requested to make payment, without delay, and those having claims against said estate must present them duly authenticated tor settlement. W M . L. FKISBIE. Dee. 14,1865. Administrator. \DM IN 181RA rOR'S NOTICE Notice A is hereby given, that all persons imi. ; d to the estate o( 1' A ID VOUGHT, late ..t St .iidiug Stone twp . deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate n ill present . them duly authenticated foi smtieuient. \VM. VOUGHT. GEO. A. STEP A EN'S 1 Nov. 'J, ls-A. Administrators. j JPNF.CUTOR S NOTICE. —NOT IC K li< i- hereby giver, that nil pe: - ns indebted to thee date of Sam i : Ma late of Columbia tw p.a'lC'd, art ' r.u- led t* make iiumediati !-.iy-.i'.cnt,nnd those hat ing demand-against said estate wilt present them duly an thenti ted for settlement. I WM. H. GEIiNEBT, CATtIEISINk M ABON. Dec. 14, Ist,s. Kxecutots. OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE BY 1 K. T FOX.