I griuTfottl gkpmlcr. UX'AL AXD GENERAL. fgi- The Jfrporfn- is printed upon CAMP ,' g Country and Job OSct No. 56 Gold New York. Thomas H. Senior, agent. On the Iltli uist., J. \V. Irvine, of y„ nr oe hilled a pig eight months and twen ,'ilVs old, vvliieh weighed when dressed. 324. .IIIHNSO.N AN'O THK HOLIHAYS.— Passing np : 1,. street this morning we chanced to drop in at Jewelry establishment of THOM. JOHNSON, and i a very pleasant hour noting the splendid, .üb.stiintiid, and almost unlimited stock of goods which this magnificent establishment contains. At the Lak> street entrance we met Mr. JOHNSON, who Vri v kindly showed m through the different de . timuts. Which were complete in every partie r. The most perfect system is observed. There particular pride and pleasure ' in g.-t --married, should take a look at JOHNSON S ,IS_ i . mat-lit of Bridal Goods. One of the institutions . -tabhsLment is JOHNSON'S celebrated Gold [Vim. and mighty good ones tlicy are. We have A . at the large glass case containing ,p. tiicl' s and eye glassi's, convinced us ofpeo stiaiuing tht ir eyes in looking fartlu r I'm these ' -idisjitusihle articles. Near the case oi sp,, ta ; MCII-S may he found the Silver and Plated Ware. ,istiug of table ware of tht well-known ltodg . a Brothers'make. Beautiful setts of iuTi s lft.. \v\. who is ju-t the uiuii for the place. JO.IN-OV-. 2S Lake street, is a jewelry establishment. compU-t. in every thine. Il l there is lie place to go.- A aoV" ft iili/ - OI'F.RATION OK OV.ARIoTi :I . LL\ T. S. UF Die GRAFF operated yesterd ty upon Mrs. LANNING, 11 RuthLoitCViHe. for an ovaii 11 tumor. Qiril.- a unmher of the medical pr.-fes-i. n ci-it pi i smt. H>- was aided by Rrs. A.U.ON \. BICE, and FRANK KKVN-'LIIS, of Blmira, and D. < . I'ATTINSON, of I'hiiaih lphia, and his office assistants. Tin usual s! Jonnual incision was made, upon which tLe tu mor was revealed. On cutting into it, one cist was •pened, which discharged nearly a patent pailful . | .re pus. Upon manipulating the tumor, ei n-iisivi- adhesions were discovered with the stom _a. omentum and bladder. To facilitate the ex t;rj iti.>ll. the abdominal incision was enlarged, in-i .mother cist was opened to still further ib - : the size, which gave forth a very tenrceous. i ; pus. Happily all the adhesions wre at length a liidered, and nothing left to be done but agate the attachments of the tumor, which I ] : v. itoße of the double ovation variety. The ■ r was then severed and placed in a large - lo wi. which it nearly filled, and togctlii rwiih L- it contained weighed thirty-live pounds, iw o made up of four cists. The amount of M v 1 lost during the entire operation, was trifling, i ~y two small ligatures besides the principal one - re-jiui'eil to staunch any oozing vessels. Tin remaining abdominal organs had the appearance | j. :.t .itn. ud gave the pleasautest encouragement ue recovery of the patient. The operation as thoroughly and carefully performed by J)r. 1 P DI; GRAFF in forty-five minutes. This is the '"•'til operation of the ind he has engaged in, tw.i pi-, vi ms resulting successfully. The patient WHS kept insensible to nny pain by chloroform, which was adniinistere by Dr. A. V. RICE, with a liltm nilable discretion and fortunate effect. IPhe history of the case reveals a hereditary ten •" '• 'i towards Ik malady m 11.■ tamily, a si>t rof Mrs. LINNINO having died of a similar disease. Th- development of the morbid growth has oceu- I- 1 more than two years. During that tiie- tie I- r.ition of tapping bos been performed nine times, on tlie last occasion, nearly two weeks ago, ,t fourti en quarts of pus having been removed. 'Teration, yesterday, took place between id '•■ ill o clock, a. in., and as so in as the extend nil was dressed and the patient disposed in ' "lie expressed herself comfortable, free from in excellent spirits, and partook finely of - nourishment, and up to Inst ev -ning no tin ''- 1 1 symptoms had -uis.-u. Surgical si fistic • the following results niter ovariotomy. Out '' '-hty-six eases, forty-nine recovered, and tliir "■'■twu din). Of sixty-one in which tin tumor was '■ ted, thirty-five recovered and twenty-six . I'he mortality is not greater than in many r surgical operations. Some operators have ' lost a single life in seven cases. Dr. I n Dk i nun take great pfaise for Lis sin . > ,lul. ud we hope that the patient may make so iwi i-overy as to impart additional laurels to ' t' D'-i tor - fann already so fully acquired. tor A sari ucciuent iiajiju rtl at (lie Mi "Ui Hotel on i'ridity evening. Dee. loth, wliiie the w- r, gathering together to enjoy the pl<. - I -s ul i,ue of their Grand Dancing schools. A ' ai - wan named Horace J. Hull of \tln-ns, ae nied by his friend ('curb's Spanldiug came, purpose of taking sapper ;.ml ■ i- ilain ng ■!i self by looking on. as hi was no deuccr. At ' '• > o clock lie came down stairs walking out of 'f It is supposed he stepped < -ff baekward " '• ''dar, knocking him si nsi 1. -s, as he was in le when ho was found and remained so 22 G I rc we could perceive any hope for recov- , H>-n, iw seems rational and improving fine "• is a young man of good habits, and lu - W all of his acquaintances. COM. •*1 K A it's H vi.i.. A Now Year's ball given at the Central Hotel, in Burlington, '""day eve., January Ist. Isfi6. The company '■-eli and lady is solicited. Come one, coine Music, Kendall's Full Band. Bill, * 5.(J0. GEO. C. HILT., T'r<,)i'r. 'NATlON.—'i'ho friends of Ilev. H. 1,. ' 'l propose making him a Donation Visit at '■•"■ tit residence, in the borough of Monroe '" dnesdiiy evening, Dec. 27th. lfftwl. A cor " invitation is extended to all. W \ EARS HALL AT MILAN, PA. —.l. I'AT- N ' i 'opiietor of the Milan House, respectlui . """ounces to the dancing pnblic that he will 1 Grand New Year's Ball, on Monday evening • lN'it;. His arrangements will be complete, "virj facility will bg aflbrded for a "gay and season. Come one, corneal). Music— •" full Band. Bill- *2 -70. HOLIDAY PRESENTS.—BibIes, Testaments i sua other books of various styles, was IU J.I price -S can BT hail of the Co. S, B. Missionary at Wn-khnm Black's. lie has just the book that should bo presented to every S. S. Snpi rintcndent. Teach ers and Scholars pless • take notice. J6KGF Rev. J. (j. CARNACHAN of Troy, DC , livcr.-d the Tlurd Lecture oi the course bel'or,- the V. M. C. A., on Friday >;\oning last. Subject, '•Burns and his lVietry.' it is very seldom indeed that we have an oppor tunity of listening to a lecture possessed of so | much real merit. Fhose of our CITIZENS who W •. not present lost a rich intellei tual treat. We trust that the Lecture committee will invin Mr. < . to favor us with another lecture at some future time. The next lecture of the course will conn -ILL OIL J Friday evening, Dee. -2:lth, by 111*. Mclx-UM, one I the most celebrated Lecturers in the country. Hij subject "livery Tub stands 011 its own bottom," is an inter, STING one. FITER" LLF 1 airier <>l tin- l!>jivtir presents his compliments to those 1 ■ has weekly served, and will pay them a New V. ar' visit with an ad dress of great literary merit, printed in the highest style of the art . HE hop, sto ii.,,1 A libeial and appreciative feeling on the part :>FTK> public. TEXT 1 In* Ward IF> |>AS BEEN SOLD by T. L.'W.ua> 1.5.j. . to JOHN (>. WAHD formerly of East Troy for the sum of • 15.000. Mr. WARD takes immediate possession, and vv, understand it is bis intention to repair the House, and furnish it throughout He has had considerable experience in keeping a Hotel, and W < have no doubt but that at hi* hands the previous put it ion ot the V-VR.L House will be fully sustain,-,!. INTF I IRF W heeler AC \V il.sou SOWIIITY Machine has 110 rival. <.-I, HFIC AH.-RIF ■. FOR RENT.--The *id story of I'uion Block Towanda. Inquire at the office of !. f>. Mon tanyc. - . KTB~ Now Years will BO eel, -brat,-,! at the Valley House, Shcshequin, by A ( fraud Ball, Mon day evening, Jan. 1 I „.... ..nd N opp->i Utility will be given to all to 100 ■ . "ray and festive tiim-. ('apt. AMES knows how to NE U YGC such . LL'airs > make his gliosis enjoy thennelves. Bill .-'2,50. —— IGU The Annual Election for Directors of the First National Bank of Towanda will be held at the Bank, 011 I U, sdny, the IHL day of 2; a. I Silt!, between F'R HOWS of 1 and -> p. M. N. X. Bt.TlK.jf., M A R R J R j) . MAYNARD—FISHER IU LT wif burg, Union Co. • tie- evening 1 ' tl ! -;;H i M . ]>. S. ;la ' of Homo, to Miss LOU ,-M st DAU-bter of Cot T. H. Fisher. COL'FRN ( IFAFFL'.E At 11, 3. M,n<, , F tb bride's father ill TV, 'V, - ON tb, ii !..B V. ' nelia F. Che.ft . . Hasans TuewsnEaciiaf! 1) 1 E l> . DEMOREST In if. rrick, Nov. 30, 1865 Mrs. An na ]>. merest . -YD N; yr vs iXau riiHifitiscmcnts. C; lit REW'AI.'D.— \ I.wutdo! Sid , 'II L 1 ' 1.. ;.NI! any 1 • W I. A ~ .-uth in. .a mat], U as will L.ad t<> "he 11 -t AMI e nvi.l: not ' person who stole ray Oyster Sign, Wtdnesday night December 4,1nK5. .J. s. AI.I.YN Tewnniia, 1 e.- 20, / 1 M C E . N DALE A , <). MAN t'F AtTl'tll • OF FLAX-WHEELS, WOOL-WHEELS, SNAP-REEI S VV HKEL-lIKADS. Ac. , MONTROSE. PA. F LAX-WiiEEI.S AT TUK MONTROSE WHEEL F A (!T() R Y. VVllul' • ile an bet ~1. A it. I xj) MOT IIK it IIK us/:/, Y UIAI.X • We ran furnish yon With , Wheel whit h we will war ant to give entiia -atisiu-ti, and wbi h yo-N | say i I fit to CRACK YOUR PARI. nil. FATHER ! ii you wish to beat tiic music OL Jndu-iry an.l Econo my in yoi.l lmuse, ienic-aJ.tr jtlie best te - H.-I i- , OR AA H MOT Hi. ICS RIA.XO. MOTHER! If YOU v. FSH your DAUGU fr I HE useful AS well as en ~ NAEITTI. tea. 1; la rIU 11.-,- spare time between the Jlelotfei A ai, . TI., UTVU-: U'lIE r.'f. BROTHER ! Hay one fin- year sweetie ut, and thus, wltil, making her an "elegant present," convey A polite hint as to Alia! y.a ,-h.I i CXPT , : ber W en y A move oa lint " -V . /F I ARM." SISTER ! Ask yon- 'ail.er to give YEN a Wheel; tell him v >-t lon 'F want to he a • /.//.;* OF RM VAI.I.KY: III'! J E BOY ! SHOW y U- 111 -ILO r i.ow yi ur II nts "rip" and hr.W tl- - iiilt. il- , aneoi! when Y A , .... |, U ■ . the will "-C •• S J ORI- TURKA/K" LITTEE OIRL ! !. yoor FOLK- G'T 'T' 1 ( • ij F i.. A \ iieels YO.I that if you arc small you an I/O IUK RKK / I.XfJ. EVERYBODY ■ . nli : tl. A ii,, J- ; | j nd its, I !■• iiili-nt itlioit .tiai iij A -ii ... it -if OUR chiul '■lll I.'- DNE I- 'l.><; ■ I ' i i•• J;Y FI A:, I: OK- > • • NT.;.;■ I ' . > ST-1 • Nv. ill •, 1 -c <• J: 1., : v. ->. 1 •T I : p hi-.. . • I : M. A .. I : t 1.1- Al- ' C- Pa., j-. 2 -. 1-. " HO TO THE BAKERY WD .-.EE THE NEW HOODS FOR THE HOEIDAXS. '1 HK FINEST ASSORTMENTOF CANDY I'OYsjl,V, IHE 15 VKKIiV. ' Ti B 'FRIES VERY CHE A R, A IIL; .' B\ KI UV. CHINA TOYS, and CHILDREN'S PISIIES IX BBEAT V/.PJETV, at the P.VKi 1;V. THE Mo.-T VARIED ASSORTMENT OF ( AMD;,, . stii. at the li.XKEIiY. STA FiONEUY- 20PER( EXT.CHEAPER "t AN .N ai y • M: t--w: , _L the BAKCIIY. FEIOTO' > I Alii ALL E.MS., VELA CHEAP, At tl; iiAKFftV. RE RFC M E''', ~r eale I 11-kaoura Tn v <: ' •. 1 • • •>-- . >v. . reh\ \S I . ', I . ftt-i t -' i'i i *i11i•-jr ! ?i. The alf rge Tavern jj-u-e. Ban. i • >;!iotlur mii-tvi'tldings and a,.- 1 '"" • ' ii-'M is a very desirable one. ' ■ *' l ' •ii about forty a< res. all improved, of u \' i: "U-l. ii*.' iitvtn and l anu ill t/ sold to f 't* *op irately, os porch t- rs tat y desire; !*■- f■- ?q o; in.* Farm given imni<*di*tj/iy. ]• oi li.i .u r partkui*iir> |*lv to J. i'. Kiiby.Towanla, w *> , J. W. UjWM VN, JMouroe, net*. I*2, Isgs u POR SALE ON REASONABLE TEEMS v !•• hie i>i -j- sty h.dcd wiiij white . 'c !;i, •• • ° t \i!-. liU? tiini.ot r.u Brown's creek, ti c . t.'.ii ivh ii dcaivd is jiood n-r aiming purpose; acrw f 60 Ql which Is partly cleared. '1 he 1 v ;.:!:• are ; i fi steam Aiw mill, also one v,:: ; • icj ii -! o d.im i.u ran by wafer. Tie g •> ii'i I -litii-h (at •!, and Sie-iio' lian tta Hirer, to cap i • his wo Id •. & valuable itive i n.iMiT. lor I;nlier pjrti u! .rs j.ddrr.-H _ i'i.TMt i>*A .Agent, \ r ALKABIE FARM EOli S ALE --The f i.il'iit K>:m'A n iIS .'if " { !; ii' !■>. White I* : l TJI '! I;,; * 0 'it F taaklia to a r - tie. It, (on'tuius one Uun .: i and Iliii \ u-.uv.T ttli" ll ilidlld u.' IV'hn I ;?il . i.:}:; •' na 11. It ~t J\ the waft red hum* m the ' ' ;i "'- w iib'u \ t tn!!• • f Ttfwnnda. On the same are u\. ;t >d Irani • dwcllin-; r-us. >, one very ' • iv . I . M I <•* tic i We.l < ah' il;:f.d . !• J Hons ; tv • ! • ~; i, a |j:A, •ne .<> by 4% t< ether with cow u-e, corn a. ti sni' Ke ho.: <• . iii, je U .. 4ivid appie orehaid pedrtug IN fluff, a '.i. . u . . , r p acli V>l '•' i '• 1 } 1 ll .. ill:, tl. im cut : ■' - ' ■ ring rape vim -. Iheid mia W• . .ji!ap!ed t * gr.d'i . d or furth.i* , I;, -.i.. • • Au:iiu< A i'ti-.1. >■ K..Ll.\i;i'OX III,•A.Mii lf.! 1. 1 • tpARM FOR SALE. '! HE SUBSCRIBER X oflera for tlea bim >itnatc on Stigaf Creek, ii.m miles in in iotanda I -■ -• .*. it ccntainaal nii'd- a* en It well watered aud is a first class i!.iir> laini. alUwueh. ot it are we 1 idapted to grain, here Is upon • \ !' • 11.. i:i-ge o:.ai (the best in the : >.'• h, P) horse bam. corn house, other oat traildines it. V: • ■• " ' '■ Will ■■ r if.| . 11, : I i. : Mi ,: ( i ii. i'•A . ; iii| , i ; •. . CpARM l oi; SALE.—The undersigned V 4..''"' a VJ!u ' !,, ' t ' 'fna In hmitbfieid two. U< t! <>!!>•.: , n i,.. .It tut Ac. JOHN X OAI.IFi i ■ .:.v Ist;.'. .. s . 11V , r i> r ? V !•: IRAISLK I'Af.M |-'Ut \LE ! Tiiis ' I. \S \ tv. I !• ;: .' !1 • :; 11 - '■ V' • • ' '• • ' Ir- Hi. ' I Ii .. . (ti>l i . i.i.iv-.-Mioni.- I.i ■ "'•M ■ • 1 '• '• • • i • l-"',e ft-' iHie, 1 r !'■'■ . "101 il). i,. : tuec on tint •. Kli i art Ii ! ":i|i t'fttal: a . I jl!y . : ll ■. . .1 t u.lf K ' : 1 ]jt a, i , . -U,,i cm vl^vcrttscincnts gMITU k TAYLOR. DENTISTS, ■ V : ii • t rtjflt n i.i,s i.. i ■ :..i .I. nd all v iik .at ■ .'l' .-} r. i .nil v la ite i '' ' y 1; il K. 'i i Tl.nlt. i im 1 11;.o : ( i.oi inxr; • Ii VFtV MAIrK AX'I) MAW; Tl) OUItKU. J. -M. I'OLLiXS. . NEW WINTER CLOTIIINO. Onr omprises evt :y article worn by men and ' I'!!'tl AND BKAVER OVLPCOA'IS. BEST OUAL- I'tY BUS I N :SS SUIT OP ALI BTYI.Es TS. CHIRR. I 'ii i. •'. !|." .>. K '1 AS W'i \I" I'R *. We i> Ae. !■' E N T S EI II \" I c HI xi; (; o(j ns Of cieiy d. riiit; .a. 1..- e .i! atteniiou i:. . Ito our • koi '■ hi w will iu.il U|l i i M.it ■ in short n .tie. A ';' u ' y < ■ v r.i. •. o n. • ' . }•-. : ■ <.'.-ips. O i i-'tir i ' filar-. t t.l'.iii im * it, order c.t sliort notice. ■ a.'l i . t. j ■' ;! • < UI.I.IXS !• . n,da, (••■. 7. I TH E NA T IONAL IN K (707s ' iHOi. t< ( I.i Nt .A(i l:t)i ii IMR. ■ V 1 . 1,. VAX ALI.KX 1 . 41 y. • > IK : i sni' I tv it. .. it j• i I ! ■ '.'•'ill .at . -• - - i:- ii .ti ! •-*y \ irii ; l ine. - ii juts lit •j • i rliint : '; - i 1.2 ; i TIME 1 ABLE WAVERLY STATION, j ■ . v; VM!K IS It i \l I ■ : I . ; .V • '•fa i .;• ' n •;. '..t the !l i' ill; It :.)• . via : (in INO EAST. 1 'lt i •I ■ ;•.. ■ ■ i... it-,: . 11:4. . tit. '. t .i.i i .. r .„. J)t i,'.i '• !••... s: ;• f. i. . . ' • .' t-m. J. Wot. 1 •'."'•' etc • it; .1 |i • '• I•' t -.i,.• ii •. I.i 1i.i1., .J , a a. . ' . -• i .' I" ■ :! '|i in. if. j 22 iii 0 :T . . ■ d soi i'r yl .•..! : ' tin- • : |\ oi Et ■, i i ittini Hait itoui ' i ■ st it . t VVjliiams|Mrt : tsT'.V 4KIJ. i i'ie ' ;; n ... 3.47.P. M P. if i ttt'i 11:'• t A. V I • ■ I rat.- l'.M I i.. .j..i i . ..n T r,.; Ml •, A. .M. ; i.i. vvj. ivt -riVAHt). <"• i- v i 'ft;. r.s ' A '•!. 4 '. •. I • V.' 4 OUR OIVNi CTiON. I.< ..V X. w-Y' tl; lit t.no !• It sniiv at Erie '1:117. A.M. .. i • ' '■ i 1 r.i I.S li.r 1. AM) NKW-VOt.R. I.i mil . ir, ii ' < it' a; il i .! i tains. For ini irmat ion respecting Passenger bnaineas apply 1 ■ ; a. B. Eingstou. Jr., Corner 13tb ..nd Market streets, . ■ li. I!. !TH s'| i V | i : l,t Apt. Phil',. X yf. 11 ..i.i;, ..... .; ■. he. ..fit. l : h;i , . \i ISS E S rEIJA A1 s, i I)]'j.- ~ MAKERS, TOWAXDA, I'A. > rices to thr i. . es, mfideat that long experience*tnd . '. v - ensure s lis re. i n n. itie ,>• i,'st ti.siti' ■ ■ it,l ived rettil.iilv at: Maditin. Stitching done to ordt . Oct. 24, '65. I ARGE ADDITIONS ARE BEING CON- M-J slantly < rSt (troceri and we tv%, . . a Kri .t... • c rtfvs . ud.tpie to he r\i 1 T" 0 win ton est quufket ratea. iicini: all VI. .UJ)4 p.f i its Sept.?:. 1 E T. FOX. fllrnljanbiu. VET ANOTHER STOCK OP NEW J- GOODS AT W I 0 K 11 A M & B 1. A CK'S. KRESS GOODS, DOMESTICS, FLANNELS, WHITE COOKS, EMBROIDERIES, TRIM MIX (IS, SHAWLS. 1 tie above lines we oftei in meal \ :ii :<-t\ mill lute :tvle-. 11A ! S and CAPS, LA ROE STOCK, BO(! i s awl SHOES, BEST MAKES. CROCKERY, 1I LASS WARE, LA.MBS. !! - |>art "i our M- ik we pay particular atte atiou to. and i. w oiler Ibu of the la st patterns ot Ironstone ware in the market. Erie and Sevres .r. C., Yellow Hock ngham and Wedgewood Beautiful ass o *• ■' tnJ• - • < ill :•>. tf •• if stuck NOTIONS. ihaiiktiil lor past favors [we respectfully inn's your tiade and promise to do our best. WICKHASS .V BLACK. SE W INC MACH I\ E I) li B (IT, Having received tor Agency of the Iteo best Si wing Jl ; ir.es in nee.we are mr ready to supply a'l the ju i !• i ; Brad lord and Sullivan, with either Wheeler A Wilson's or Singe'ra, than which none better i< made.— M e keep needles oil, soap, thread and all the extras n-* tied to work the ma hine. Ail aie invited ; >e. la' our store a. d examine Machine* and work. t all or send and get a circnlar and price li '.at Wiekham A Black's Store. Nov. H. lstia VEWCo O !> s : WILL 1A M A . R0 ( KWK L L * Isjreeeiviag a most choice, and selected assortment o COOKS FOB THE SEASON, Consisting ol i \KIES' KRESS GOOKs. KE LA INK, ALPACAS, and u'l vaiitiea t(> he had by the asking. COTTON YARN, CARPET YARN BATTING, BLEACHED GOODS ! LANXELS, 0 LOTUS, C A SSI.MERES, SHAWLS, HOOKS, fcnd a great variety too numerous to mention . T he had everything in fie V A N K E K NO T ION LIN E , Even lo a Violiu The place to find what you want in the line of HATS, CA PS, FCRS, GLOVES, and MITTEN'S. 'I v.rue in want of OHOOKBIiY, in 5. t>. or is vou ' 11 ■ 1 Older, arid any amount, CI. ASS WARE. LANTERNS, GLOBES, &<•. W O of ENV\A K K , ,0 lie had Iroiu Bahies' Cubs to s Butter l.ad.e. A complete assortment f G ROC E R I K S. Aiso the best BI IK ILVK. SYR I" PS ■ ti 1 SI'CARs 1. all kinds. A Mip.uior ejiia!:"t t BLACK, JAPAN, CBN* POWDER and YOENG HVSON TEAS. BLASTING POWDER, and lOBACCl) oi ai! IB sn ijitiot > Evet y t ing in tne sha e 1 TOYS FOR CHILDREN. S' e your meat |.\ u'ling and .upplyiu: v. iir-c • . witb pure ASHTON AND Tl RK'S IS! > - ! SAL _Oct. 1 lSti.S. W. A. IMit'K.w rjOFFEE \NK SPICES, WHOLE A> VJ erouno. and a prime i,n itv of Ground Java (">■' >•'. " POX'S }3omctl $r £o.'s :\"cni C!>ooi>s. TORE GREATEST ATTRACTIONS IX (JOOD-! EVER OFFERED IV THIS MARKET. POWELL CO., Have now in store the tergrststi k'ol -i- . . exbib i'cd in Northern I'enn-jlv.inin. Ail itinns will ion stantly l><-made to this stork during the*- wen. ,1 it will stall tune-- tv t..j;r,d 1-TI.I. iXI t'OMi'IETK in .ill its depnrtmi • i-. We invite tlit- particular attention ot our < nstouierk to our magnificent di-play . ' FALL AND"WINTER DRESS GOODS! Which we olfer'at prices much in-low tho.-e ot last year. We have given special cure to onr selections in this line nnrl are now aide to exhibit the nt west most, fashion- , and most desirable styles to he obtained. Oar sew - .01 k comprises all col> re of Flaln and I'laid French Merinos, Eton re as Cloths. Striped Melanges, Striped and Fluid Poplins, '! am- < - namus, Tinsel J oplin• I'll t npea, Kej s, I'iain ~i:d 11i.:.,de Alpaca*, Foil do t bev ies, Delaines and Arnuutts, Blight Plaids for i hildren's wear, and a great vm iety of other Dress Fabric*. MOFRXING 011 ESS GOODS. tllai k Fret.- !i Mi ..1 .... Bombs, -k>p 1. la., <'ioi!,s, lJar.lthc.ls, jtohair La tree, l'-te* at d W|fh Chi-kand striped I'opliua and Alp-,i-:°,s,t> .1 !- ?i ] King!- Fold All Wool Delaine-, and a fall line those High Isi ,d liia- k Alpacas, at a great r- duct ion in ;.r ■ • LADIES' ('LOTUS, (J i.O A KIN GS AND SACK 1 N( ;s. A SPI. E K DID ASS uIIT ME N J (leaver 1 lot ha, : rieots. \ civet Cloth. . Cas- utcrc - k inga. Plain nd Twilled Black Broadcloths, oI all prices ill culm s of Flam and 1 miry Sackings, Opera Flannel.-, fcc., Ac. OLOY.ES AND HOSIERY. Ladies, Misses and Children* \\hite and Colored (' ton, Fleeced and Merino Mow, Ladies Merino iV n ntd Drawers,tilovesoi every description nt low pri e % LINENS a HOLSI. FURNISHING goods Bleu- hed. Half RlcacUed, and Unid.- •< I: d Dan. - Ta !i!c Linens. Xa; km*, To., 1- Towelling . t ,t.-h a.. Russia Diapers, Bleached and Unbleached Hucksl .- . lti ... i'dhnv Case . dtoiis, Co' ;tci'p*. , Dialog Al u ■ I-, Shaker Flannel Sheetings,H ~. Rfankela, Ac., Ac. CLOTHS AND CASSLMERES. K iinnui, Moscow and Castor Beaver ('!■ --. Fremk ind Uerman Black Broadcloths, Doeskins, Fancy Cas uctc.-, Tweeds,JMeltotu. H.itin- !.-. C,.iun Cu •inures. ALSO, til ipialitie* Flaib White, Sbtker and Welch Flannels, ncy Shirting, iners.i;- : ,i.d .;tay,P...i ••<. 1 I'.t ~u Miftls, end ,v full ;. -ortiuent of DOMESTIC COTTON GOODS, At the Lowest Market rates. 3ECO2STD FLOOR. We are nov opening and call special atten ion to our Hf.-usualJy large stock of FINE CLOAKS. As we make th ; department of car business a special ty. we have given it much time and attention. Oi r er ections have been made Irom the newe.-t styles ia tb" uarket, and our Cloaks ,ue manufactured ins maimer ha' jam t fail '• 1 Va.-c-. give t aire satis! acthut. SIIAW US! SHAWLS! Havttt" mane our pi.v* h.t *• before the ent g*"at • • a Ladies, Misses and PhiWrena Double and Sing shawls. Our present stuck .tr surpa* es in exU . t . ariety. a.;y purchase.-. ;ve have evoi i.c rctiud j.. lii ine. and we have availed ourselves of the moat favor ibte time t" select tho choicest ami j- Sst iksiiablo good s n the market. ION TON FI.-EX IDLE SPRING' SKIRT. 'IIF VKWb.-iT tNI) !tn?T PATENT CRtNOMNE VF.T INVENTED. We hare now on hand a goo ass rtm nt of these . vi brated Skirts, tn White and Co r< ALSO. ri:c Euganie, E—pu-s*, Parte Trail. Multiform, and , . r 1 dies misses ami l drc.i. 1 'ARi'ETS AND ! LOOR OIL < LOTTI-. - • Kidder, ami iittup < erpi . All- ii ', • i Matting , Door Mats , and T ,'- . A, ew a'.i ■ kji.-t ru- ! ■civtd. ROOTS AND SHOES. Having made arraugemcnts v.- '.h nmuuta, turers !< supply 1•• 1 r sh!e< am, the • . -jiiality <•' IP ,ts anc bin es, or •hall at all 1i: tes l-r< able to urn'uh -ur --u.n. 1 men with the M custom made Shoes ot all Kurds for Ladies. Misses and Children, and Boots for Mens and Boys wear, at reasonable pi ices, ft e -i- aj 10 k--p con stantly on hand a complete r.-ortn{en; and Children's Riibh r and Arctic ()-. • i-lni.-c. lIATS AND CAPS. ' rjilendhl as-ortnirr,t , and Boy.< Hale arid Cape just reieivcd. liav::-g ell- <-d out our old stock , almost entirriy prevfoua to ot r late p rrchases, we how 1 oiler sn entire new stork -t i' latest sty' ■>. PA 1 ; : K HANGINGS & THAN SPA 111: NT W i .DOW SHADES >V< ait cow re. <-!\fog 1 -- -• additions to.per stee oi Wall IVi -. Transpare • low Shades and Trim mingH c. v i'.ipr ••. V Ccgal. H 4 !>v;:\!S' RA TOJBPg NOTFOE -L< tt* -h ' (it admi . i< "ol lb* r • •!. <1 rbOMAS - have been issued to tbe subscriber. A! person ... * il to said est are vij-i'-t. make p*J Went, •••;< .i i |WM havii) r remand* shims' ic sain i -i- no':: >i t (ili. 'nt the Situ i'r H-*ttlcm'.:U" t • Mm sub; r; HE' TA A. I \ILKV. iVc,2O. I istr.i rix A I'MIXfsTRATJiLYX NOTJr (in ivillo tt> *r ' , 1 1 ' 1 1 'it )p.ike aip, . ..i |> i m at, a,i i lh. itav- Inj.' demands :njHnst *std *--te * •!! presen them duly I' --.at hemic: ti i >e".hmec . r ' J Ail - IKtUUu, U.-7. .Ili' iM i t.KV, '* flee. It. iss . A dp- •-tra'iitN. , a 1 1 v '! N! S*l ! * ATOII'S XOll (E- N J i I f is h- >. 'i v thii: i -on I ' A t(i tut* j::> >i,.l -olP.r i.e., A V., we'd, ar<- requested t<> make fnunddiatepaymeiit.,and '• those bavlug.cU msogaioct said estate must preset then '' July authenticated I'nr settlement. WM. 15. HOIMiE, g! ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.—NotSc* . b Hereby given, that .. ; to tbe est; 'ao IJ A hlkp C. I.L/.i l.s >• oi Sj.l| :i.-sr. ; vvj)., a' il. ■■ i;; ■■.tii sU tl i take ,n aediati I ym , luij th -e i;.ivirfilaniU . aaim t. salij mi sent duly aui'ieiilieuK \ r v "ienivnt. t ;i All.'.uite <•;; vet:, I.OPi \ niuc:: Nov. 16. If 'ls. Admiuisfn.tuis. A R.MfNS'PR'S XOl iCH—Nutt.-t- is JLX. by given .that ail persons indebted to the estate of OSCAR .i. > Olli'lil, I;J Jc .;i 10.-i:..: ■. > ; i c reqiu sted in i lake lii.uik) ■ payo.i . nd t? • having | rtntaeiide against said estate will please pnSeat duly j anttieutiviiU.' tor settle: • . ! _ JAMES TiiU.Vi'-O.V, I ! N-v lh. 1M55. Administrator. AdMlnTs'R'S XOYii j;. X..:.0 inltore bv given that all peraoos i debted to the estate ol AKII£N R. i liltsßlE, late ol Orwell ttvp.. Brai rd v. deo'd itnjiii-K'. J t. r.mke pftyir"ut delay .ml all having claims against s.id estate arc e lie-tfd tp tr-ati < tltctn ui. a: lie:iiiate:l t< rs< • IlltstcUancaiis. V K w i-' all o o <> D ' 14 J. W. lAVEtilt. Has iust r- cloth 1 a la. ; lit Dtbdafaol Tieri h Merl 1 : :ei. Wain tlapqj "a- i Wool lieiaiiiH.i.! | -tteniK n new Prei-;b g -a Bl..ot Silks plain and rept.a mi stock oi y. ;a --i-jir i • Oa oes. i iiuiiams. Ut<..vrs|a ft.. , W> u. tt cotoi -O'e stock .. ii f'.i; :■a oi - t-, in..ieh ; . Bi-oa-l . : .. el i'h •: ; , v. ii . ..iso i-* tp-.t, ,i>d *-'• t.< Shirtings. E- :• ~j '>. .u .j . r.ii.-jiie i a A.. ■!; •tl.— old Idulids t'aps ioftfit's H> d- aud s-ot.-t-,' t .o •. 1. ' fs.i E a', Li . U. ■. . ~. .. i: . " J vi' to •••!'.. 11l I. lj li.TO s , if; '. rtli ■■ the p. t (t i,: p. >. •js I ] rM!' !i U•: Y A ( 0, II V.". iH rrcjiectfn •• v'• ti" site i.; u.e • cto their very extensive -to k m I- N • V s :: il . v rli H ' B () 0 'I .' IV ii VEN" s MI6 s 1 *■ * A i i i i i . K S S If O V -l . LAP POBI.Y lU'l FAf.O liijßKS. lUiR.SK HL.V.X K K t tur \ s . \ ALI K<, TR\yel!X(t r-Afis, iii iit a ia' A* • i ■ W-i •!* f (r '•+ i TVTKVA OOODB ! sKVY GODIiS ! J lei 1 igi.'i ;1-.V: ,I . . ' Alt- J>l" ;• . ' ; ... ■ . .. ' ;J\ i betof, .teres; n 00..1 ao i.e.- , I • ' •r da I .1 i.t txi.'i.i 1. .1 ! r .. •; • n' i lu.iiiti: 1 rice. Ti,. • k consists .■ I'ry iHisant tiroieii.., lis'- a.idC ps # Beet - .in 1 Shoes. i)n. s. Kerosutc Lamps. Oil u U i i iiutn ; n ii idu" ■? .ii.-i k•:1. ! lory. tl.d iW ' Oi - io ik, flat N an 1 uudy. 1- i.sir in S . ',. , In lie-' V, ii: t -r Sh 1 ATk. lie "U Xiii.i Gel 1 'soil ii' tVrappe;" . Pi .vcr- nnj lil 'Vc-. Vitnk f So't •:. And a itirite •.- ortnie'it ol Plonnlis un.l t'l -. v I'oints, mnnufactared y p. V,. lui c. j'.i y. im. \ Uo. 1 it'", |jii ill' o| h. Vt|i'.U 'l.l ':' - , . ill ... ; I ' pnbli.- I. !'*• •J. IT! . •••••>• .. artl • •■■ • ■ iininu 'l. Illf'UtlOl Be ;• ie tid call :>t the Old Key ut ;eS re tul judg' tor yio:;-elvos i-Sjc uiuler- !; ~ liy ~•1 ,j ji his cii-'on crs will be sstisSea sit . both prlebs ami qualitj . .ooju ceivi ft. !: ;g i." i'":v , • Oc'ifiti' .. J. 0. ROBIN"SOX „ XTEW AND FRESH GOODS! * s .1: St I • 'veil, -\ Kl'f Ii HTO-" -. v>F itiiiKTRUY, Ponght tor Pa 1 wni s - < vu, \PVAXCE 1 my old iiieii.lt- 1! Nt Inn..-i.y ..h i nief ""1 and t—ie ?! Tow.imlu Peh."2. E. X. F>\". Ctgal. CUE iI'F'.S SALES - Tfy vfrtne of a writ 0 ''l 1 .. : •, i i'w > out oi the C'ui t oi Common i' : i.. ty, to toe directed and delivered, wid • • I ;<> fit ,:it „ .At, JANTi'AIIY li, 1806, at ■ 1 j i.tllt,wi;• -j de eribrd ■ t pie-.' or in. • .mi -i. ' Pi.utb i r'.-i • p.,a rid bounded as v-. to tut : ortu iiy l.iua* oi /in no Turk .oast by ■l •ti • -Lit:.' i c ot J itn en liine-. 'it. ii, i. iti by iiiinl "i CeuJ Wlbou, and wait by laud .A'/ . . ... oi t,i" .in . iu t-jt te. Containing 50 acres, •' ■ mo., u in. ; u.O i! 1). ... iiapicved, with a - it., ii . win. . .ii, ant orchard ot fruit tree* th >iitiiin Uittoi iwp.,aud oouu to a- fo lowa, to ■ i ■ ■'> .i i .ti'.vi ~ ll,iv a•, Cu-1 by .uU'J oi I' 1 .indt '. J Im II .if, ...til y bind .I J i ... " rry. 1 . . .. - i .y land i ijco. Wes. and Joseph mqilu. < taioiug rc-a aate-i more or /ess, aoout IJO i.: p.--. 1 a u ■■ in' '. Loue log house, liarncl oi: ~ ra-se.l ;• ]• od •aw Mill and Hiingle Machine, :r n two in ... O nurds ot Ind tress thereon. at. i au i w.o.'i in i ex ran ..on al lueaui. of Hun - c- Sill., .11-! iI. 1,.. . !i tr. ■ i:iiM)t tier | i eor parcel of land nituate in iV;. .mlwji,, xitiiu., J ii.-1 ooivs.t iwit: Beginning B tue i i. ibt net .i e t c i tei ~i the kit.theuce IBBU ' w - 80per ■ ../ oi J. V Winalhniiw. timer Li"i! > i' went i i in- . tb ice uorlli iy east lu2 6-10 1 •••' 1 oi . . ii. tiiiuiey, taettce by the centre ot t 3: 31 p> r., and t enee south 32 - • • to fbe >t 1.. i'Oi.i u .oi mad .1 or .< i, about 2'J acres unproved ... ... . . ■ - . . milan idi.g bo ;-e thereon. • r? o 1 f i lien i::io exeviti :i at the suit ofH.Kirby i, lill.-i i'i i vs. Jo. ,Ib Kellogg. ... -t ■ 1 ...u i or parol 1 or iaud aiitiale ,u * ' ; ! to (>n toe north ' i r s.v . •<., ..ii tl.-s ea by binds ol Georg • ot i 1 iii, ,m li jiis i, oil the south y laud a ii-" f ' i•• 'bvi r d of lCdwarh Williams an . in i tiiiiti ( . ituiuuitio .'ad ants ot land, more > •"• • • ii. r. -ved, i t'.v i framed dare;l --' ■ • ' aned bi. . o. I.■ small orchard o: .nit trfosti"- in. ■ • a i • ukrl; i.ito "xei niioii at the >uil of H. VV. ,■ vs. ICliu ai i -if' r. f ".fOJfUOE PMITH, Iec. i is o. Sheriff. J yU'HAN'S COURT SALE. - Hy virtue of an ••• . is ied it" the Urpben's Court of Bftd • ' .... tiw luni . i> n i admuiia! mtors ol the e*- •C • ■ fe-rvt. , .. a Afaeus boru , deceased, ! !" . f . >0 SATt BOAT, JAN'. 27th. is; .at i oi.. i jj el., t.i; in In.v'mg dencribed irroo I ■ •J -' •" igh, w. it duelling house, '• '' bam thereon, hounded .. i. JI?U ity \\ Hi. H. tboßley,T.B. uavis ■ii. ■ .■ ■■■'- 'in : a tr.ci, and ' by A. i l . St" : ' i "ii4i - - , • in ben e property isatruck m ... .. .. i .i. i.v. , .i.-.irtse money ou the Ii ." . I'll: HI V.I- • i 11-111 i "li. f i . • . V.'Elj.E's. Ja., lAtwiN .\-.jnc, Administrators. ( IjUUHAN S (.01 i!l SALE. - By virtue "i ■ It, ol u. Viu id. 1 lis int.-- 01 . by twp.. dc.-based, ■ • ..... ' iwing d r - :i. d pr 'p •* '•} kt >■ J. 8. T.ij e Ist by T'"- i • . .-.iv. a Qickoli ' •• nc . ta bit > " . a.I ..... . : iu... o . iu ill- bvi-j' , t>y,v . i i ii - i . • lata - v • • - VV. .a I: .ined .'lad- • ' • 's :•" " li. i i>. a i when the pi< . 'I" - •' ..lb a .i •• . II the p ircilis i " • . ■ o .... i i . :c. ~t oue ye n Motii.'V A L. t i:\lts. Admlaiatratriz. IRi B \ S ( i)i. If i BALE.— llv virtu*; ci 1 i. IM: • ■' >. I .c-iiiiha-- tlf wtrt ol :frail . ' .. : i -v'.icu ...: .iiu s'.ui .r Or the e- I vI iI . be jiremi-i-- S VT''!!i> AV.JA V. 27t!l,HW. it t . ..-oiu4i.il .. . icliovrdig |..icifrty, situate . ; ; 'l'll-. ' C 01... . : lid |: !. II .• 11,,.:, i. t. ,rtij 2c - ■ I .- ... ka 1 !|e otr.iud iot MlUfil ' . • 4 of f4l a 0(? Pc • • r >ved t log li wise I'd ' la a' -. .at ■st •!•.. in. ■ • ' ..ic-me '-i •' e j ir fhttr■■•lter with interest Imm eon V.'M. BUNVAN, _ AdmiiiistrdtOiu (\m HAN S COURT BALE.—By virtue of V 1; ■ .id ■ nit •ti vise Orphan's Cou: tof Brad ' >.vl". J \M. 27th.lsGo, - •N:ifi; iii'i-in •; .a year . 1.-..:. .- vit!i :at ■ • IJ. F K V I'i' i 1 ('.\;>in. |' ii bOt l Ii t SALE. T By virtui; of i 1 ! y. t' Ji.-i ■ .litahcritor of the e >'• 1 -'!i>. Lite 1 -■ rhi iiel i twp.. dee'd • .t • i - if ati \ 1 Ull >v V. ; ■ ■ 1 1 ; . . 4 ; liil.ig 1 0:11 she. all I ' ...i.- "•> . 1 all ;u i .-ivh atiii Ino ircey Ba-set:. 1 a a ic? arc improve.! I • • •..;• ' li.r tie I:, m-.-ti '• in. . 11.d iu 1.. illiy. i-ue liv J '■ :KS I . PlULLIi's. in uistrstor. I I'! iT-'K fc ■ (.) i ( -- In >/tr '.jnl'er > ... . - • . .- -. :* Hjf.il. V ..off ; .tii . m . A Itlu • . La. J. . . I i. ;v, . r. . vj in* t.a # -J -t. a- 7 } . i;ec d. hi till -1 •' ' ; Li-lUIiL ■ ( lU?>. - ii.i - 11l A Am.:. ~t OL t; ; • ,1 .Mead, uec eu, .t. 1 at? • viuki t.i lim Jul .41} , I>V. . -j • hifrr. !fj i; s iu . .c- .J; . Vii us ci.. be lorvVfi tie* • • -- . V.. I'Lv iv, Auuiior. .' i. \ i OJ.ri U 1 ICE. —Ai lift; its 'A : ,4 1,. ih:f. all pi lain, indebted to the es ate Ol 1 Illi .' III! t'OAtr, Ute i-i Weils twp., dee'd • • • a ■ immediate payment, .nd those 1 • rtessg 11st midsntntn wU) iireseut Ibsm duly is n IN T GEB?OI.!.. ! a e. 14. 1 ■■■•.. -♦ AdministraUn \ i' I.NISTRATIUX'B NOi ICE-Notice . . ' y giv.-i! .'. it all 1 sot.- ii'n! bled to the e.-- at II lit A %! liXM'IV lot-.; of OrwfH twp. deed, i'i • - d in c iko pnsTi without delay. ttti) thdae having clattua 1.. said estate mum present '• 'tii ibily authc< • a . 1 lenient. VVM . 1. FBISBIE. 1 . AiiiiruisUdSoi. \ n\i\! IM OR'B MiTICK.- Nutii'e I\ ..,,, , ■. (•. that .1' person* indebted to the 1 . . > . I in ! 1 " i-diat- • ij u,eiit, unj thoci having el !■ • 1 - inatns !e- tute will prci&-u< . 'V ' . VUUli'lT, < O. \. -! Bl' \E.V:i, . iv. . i A luiiiiwtrati vs M■ I jtrtOß -:• aed 10 the e .at ;.: 'U Xi tetl .. 0 bin. la lap .itov'd. HI . , 1 , .} 1 . r :;;ilta est . man ■ f! • • Wttl preseht tm .Inly an >nt 1, med fur -,1 ttlenient. ii \i. ii. ii,-. ,NKivT, ,- • M .-ON. it, iii. Rr- itur>. Ensii i, Al l. IOK SALE BY r i: 1