diUpovtcr. iOVAI. AND GENERAL. J. r y Tlir is printed upon CAMP , , (Vmntiv and Jol. l'rcss, Office No. 50 OoM . \ t w York. Thomas H. Senior, agent. The Annual Election for Directors j t First National Hank of Towaiula will be ,1 at the Hank, on Tuesday, the 'Jth day of Jan. s . . h 'tween the hours of 1 and '2 p. m. N. N. itETiajr., (osh'r, I MTKRANT E. —lien Button of Towuuda, li ,|. liver an address on the svbject of Temper u , at the Academy, in Wyalusing, on Wednes ■, evening. Dae. - 2(itli 1805. The lecture will be . -;ud all are invited to attend. General Fatton able and eloquent advocate of the Temper , ause. and never fails to please and interest di.nre, (to and hear him. In the list of the Standing Commit , I : tin House, announced by Speaker COLFAX, i lice that Hon. I . MEKCCH, M. C. from this ostiivt is a number of the Committee on theDis ,; ;,-t Columbia. The U heeler A. \\ ilson Sewing it lias no Superior.'— Aiwiici.tu Agrict'ltv r- ' New ears will be celebrated ;it tbe \ [' •use. Shi'sliequiu, by a Grand Ball, Mon . .. uing, Jan. 1 18'itl, and an opportunity will n ;.> all to Lave a "guy and festive ' time. \MI S knows bow to manage such affairs to '•ii> guests enjoy themselves. Bill i>2.sn. li. ;i ,h'lis F. Lo.xc; died ut Burlington, in . i :r. on the '2lth nit., aged 58 years and 1(1 Ml. LONG was one of the most respected us i f Western Bradford. He was an \ssoci .li ■. through one term, and enjoyed in a high , tie-confidence and respect of the public, lij. i. :>c is universally regretted. |) ,-ini'i'TtvK J IKE. —On Saturday evening i bout '• o'clock, the Foundry and Machine - .s of Messrs. BLOOD & Co., at Athens, were ■ vend to be on fire. From the combustible of tbe contents the fire spread with great , irv. and in a short time the buildings with i, contents wa re consumed. The loss is about ■ SHI. upon which then is an insurance of s;i.. I Iv.vlliug of 1!. C. Sinisebaugh was in inimi ■ .lunger, but was saved with great exertions by ■ring down his bain. NI.W YFARS BALI, AT MILAN, I'A.- .1. S. L\vr- IN. Proprietor of the Milan House, respectful •> .. .lli uiices to the dancing public that be will a Grand New Yeai • Ball, on Monday evening •I n. I. lsfiii. ll.s m.iug'Weiits will be complete, and ivi r\ facility will be afforded for a "gay and ft-rtive season." ('mue om conn all. Music— K. 1 i s (nil Band. Bill—s2 50. NRIEN AND Si.vet i. ut DEATH. —Mosman \;.ns, i West Burlington township, while eating iim.. rut Cass' Hotel in East Troy, on Friday ■ linked at the table, and getting up, went out i doors. Not u turning, search was made for aii J he was found to be in a dying condition, xpired in a short time, all attempt-: ' > relieve v*u I' ing unavailing. The present fall and winter lias been ible for its mildness. Up to this time the iias not closed, and boats are still loading ■ sth. al. \ deranged woman came to the i." of Gen. Fatton, in this borough, Tnes iiing. She says her name is Elenor liil ■ L (1 ia r husbands name is Abraham ltilburn, n sub s in Bloomsburg, but she has been re is a supposed i. sident of Wavorly. She -i d, tall and slender, with light coni ■ti and eyes. Her conversation is so mingled a.i nherent vagaries of the imagination that . reliable can be elicited from her concern ttial residence or past history. We in ' this notice that her friends may know where i iml her. \ I K INT. — Men iu Brown, son ol Bcnj. f ..a. of Browntowu, met with a serious and ! Ally tatal accident on Monday last. He was a aviug the la use with a loadi d gun ill his hands, ■: ut of the doo ; : ■ gun wt s d - g. d. th- c nteut.s passing into the-left side ■ r the arm. At latest accounts lie was alive itii litti j n sji, et of his recovering from the sot the wound. He had served his couutiy ngh the reb< llion, in the 6th Reserves and es ■ ti • rebel bullets to meet with sucli a sudac nt t his own hands. MIS JOHNSON, at \<>. is Lake street, as. in our columns a great display of Goods If lidays. Our Western readers, many of - is it Elmira will do w. !L toe ill at JOHNSON'S >:mi. nt. and see the • are and splendid arti i i~ for sale. Be is also agent for some of ..pproved sewing machines liov in mar : A::N ~-Sullivan county is good luuit --i ind still to those who "know how the s Our enterprising Revenue Assistant Mi. Lewis Zuuer, and his son, Adam H. ■ L: t hery twp., ale always successful. In (■;■ ■ this •hunting party" of two, shot five < iet-r ereatures."—three bucks and two Last Friday one, Saturday three, and •>' lie. the sadlll of one of tile bucks I seventy-five pounds. l)tm, '• \t. I Ik< 3D story ol I nioii Block Inquire at tin office of G. I>. Mon j 1 "• Eix. — We believe it is now lid beyond the possibility of a doubt, 1 has tually been found in the above named ! " [ nations are now being made to rim out "■ and it it proves to be of the flowing '• I'Uiuping v. ill be required ; but if liot, • : 1' resorted to. We hope it may • >s, as much money has already been and besides it will help to strengthen st. nmv so slightly felt, in the undevel " uirci - (j, e country. Troy Tiin*s. B' .MNFSN AT THE CHEMC.NO DEPOT.— I at ■ ltizciis are aware of tbe immense business done by tbe Towuuda 11 h< iming. The platform and fixtures L I unloading coal occupy some seven and further improvements are in * nby the Company. Several di me s i ration, and each derrick has what is . "'•< t, that contains from forty to fifty • 'iL .unt of coal business done by the ■l Co., at t lit mang Depot will amount _ v sw>,°oo the present year. M. T. Frrz (periuteudent of the Towuuda Coal i" Cheniiiug Depot. JAMES MACFAU- I, ' " ii- r.il Sup -riateiiileiit of the Com . -t Towuudu. The company are for ■ fining the service of business men !r/ AN 'L MAO Kln.ira Advertise,-. • HURT PROCEEIMNUH. —The December Tenu and Session of our County Court commenced on Monday Ttli inst., Hon. F. B. STHEETER President •Tu Ige, and Hon. V. M. Lour,, and Hon. L. P. STALFOUD, Associates. At the opening of Court the commission of Hon. F emus H. .STHEETER as President Judge of the 13th Judicial district was read. WILLIAM ']. DAMES, District Attorney elect, took and subscribed the proper oath of office, and en tered upon the discharge of the duties of his office. The first day was occupied in the usual prelimi nary business, receiving Constable's returns, hear ing motions, and argument oi rules. The Grand Jury was sworn. Monday afternoon, as follows : O. P. HARKKESS, Foreman, Philip Angle, Harri son Black, John Brink, D. W. Brown, Wm. Chase, John N. B..rr, I'. D. Corel, Geo. W. Elliott, H. Granger, Scth P. Gustin, Harrison Greeno, James Johnson, Joshua Kilmer, George McCube, Caleb Xnrss, Charles Pendleton, Slielden Payne, Walker Pierce, < eo. W . Tallmadge. 11. W. Thomas, Wm. W utkins, 15. E. Whitney. The Grand Jury was discharged Wednesday af ternoon, having acted upon all the business laid before them. The following hills were acted upon : TRUE BILLS, Joseph C. Bates for adultery. Michael Berne, for assault and battery. Jeremiah Brown, for larceny. Myren Owens, for adultery. Wm. Butler, for larceny. Anna J. Dickinson, for adultery. W. Bessy, for horse stealing. W. Allbridge, for horse stealing. Cyrus 11. Wheeler, for larceny. Joseph Armstrong, for larceny (two bills.) Xheo. Hints, for selling liquor to minors Ac. Win. S. Miller, for larceny. Amelia J. Miller, for adntery. NOT A TRUE BILL. Audrew J. Boss, for lureeny. NOT A TRI E HILL —PROSECUTOR FOR COST. •Tames Foster, for assault and batten", rhe following busbies.-, was transacted in the Quarter Sessions . ' out. (••>. Josrjih i. Holt.-: Dei'ciidunt was re turned at Sejiteniber session, for selling counter feit postal currency. < living to the difficulty ot [Worming tin- attendance of Commonwealth wit nesses, no bill was laid before the grand jury, and an motion ot defendants eoiinsel. he was diseharg fd by order of Court. ' "ht. vs. Mil-Intel Ji,, i. -The defendant was In dicted tor an assault and battery, committed on Maj. A. G. Mason iutbis borough, on the night of 23d October last. The stubbing was not denied, ind tile plea of insanity was set up. Several wit nesses were examined who testified as to the itrange conduct and appearance of the prisoner, rhe jury returned a verdict of Not Guilty, on the ground that the prisoner was insane. Ho wasconi nitted to the County jail. l>y the Court, for safe seeping. o<>„,. is. .[eiehndh Broini. The defendant was ndicted tor stealing Sl-lO from 4". R. Jordan in borough. Being arraigned, he plead guilty md was scute need to pay a fine of >2O to thet.'om nonwealtli and cost of pros'crution, and undergo in imprisonment in the Penitentiary for the Eas s rn District of Pennsylvania, by separate and sol tary confinement at labor for the term of one year nd six months. i\s'. //. llihln. -Charged with larceny. So prnsertitor ajipearing, Complaint discharged as unfounded, by order of Court. ('O,O. is. William Butler. Defendant was charged •vith the larceny of an overcoat and pair of gloves, ih'-property of G. D. J.indley. Being arraigned, lie plead guilty, and was sentenced to pay a fine of S2O, and costs, and one year and three months in the Penitentiary. i "in. is. 11. ll's si/ami l| oi. Allbriibje.— Thi de fendants hired a horse add luiggyof Asa B. Moore, in Troy borough, on 20th Nov. and were pursued and overtaken going in a contrary direction from the place toward which they professedly stated. The jury found them guilty, and the Court sen tence them, each, to pay a fine of >SO and costs, md one year and nine months in the Penitentiary. ("in. is. Joseph Armstrong. Defendant was ar raigned on two indictments, one for stealing a puck age of figured cotton handkerchiefs from L. L. Moody, in Home borough, and the second for stealing *lO in greenbacks, from Silas W. Him y of Rome twp. He plead guilty on both charges, and the Court defer sentence on the first bill and sentence In.a for the larceny of the mousy, to pay a fine of >2O and costs, and one year and six months in the Penitentiary. i inn. is. liirhanl Hi unfit. Indicted for assault tnd battery upon Solomon Colo, in Asylum twp. rhe jury found defendant not guilty, and directed hat each party pay one-half the costs. In the matter of petition of many citizens of I.t - Roy twp.. asking for view for County Bridge across I*oWanda en ek, in Lclloy twp., Court appoint lohn Sayles, Wm. Buuyan, Calvin Churchill, John Fandyke. Charles Wright and R. M. Mauley, as viewers. James J. N\ well, Coiuity Surveyor elect subscri bed and too the usual oath of office, Upon presenting petition and filing bond, Court lircct a transfer of K. W. Neal's tavern license, in l'erry twp., to Shubel Bowman. In tin matter oi Bridge- view upon contract with Walker A Hill, in Athens twp. Court appoint F. Alle-n, U. C. Sinsabipigh and A. 1". Campbell as viewers. Repoit of vi< ucs fileel an\ the Court. Upon pres. nting petition and filing boml, Court lire ot a ti.Ulster of E. King's tavern license in Springgeld township to Darius B. Leonard. The report of the Commissioners to run out the Northern boundary line of Franklin township, was filed and approved oi si by the Court. In the ( eiiniiioii I'leas, George D. Montanyo was appointed Auditor to examiiu the books and ac counts of the public officers. In the matter of the application of the Young Men's Christian Association of Towanda borough, mi filing proof of publication, and on motion of E. Overton jr.. Court decree Incorporation. Dec. on motion of W. A. Peck, FRANKLIN ERASER was admitted and sworn as an attorney to practice in the several Courts of this County. Divorces were decreed in the following cases : Luthei B. Cue vs. J.ydifi Ann Coe. Sylvauus French vs. Lvdia French. Hatth (). Stevens vs. Brace Stevens. Lueretia L. Laman \s. Jacob Lamau. Dec. 11, on filing certificates, and on motion of Mr. Baird, EDWARD IIERRICK jr., was admitted and sworn to practice as an attorney in the several Courts of this County. DAILY TALUKS —The present Congress will In one of the most exciting and deeply inter esting ev. r convened at the National Capitol. The Government is to he reconstructed and great prin ciple established. Every reading man should liavi during tlie session a Daily paper. Thev can be obtain, d at the News Room. A new Telegraph Line is to be built from Towanda to l'ittston next Spring. Sonielialf do/.en or more operators will be wunted. A good chance to those who wish to learn. For terms en ipiii. t the Telegraph office. Towanda. Ti TTI.K & MATHER, Proprietors of the Exchange Hotel, I later, Pa., respectfully announce to the dancing public, that they will give a Christ mas Party at their house, on Monday eve., Dec. 2..!h, lsi',s. ..lmn a good time is confidently expec ted. Music,K.Tier's Cotillion Band. Bill, $2,50. XKU KNTERITUSE.— A Regular Daily Ex press Line has just been established between To wanda ami 1 roy- another is in operation between lowaiiduand Waveily. Special attention paid to cx ressing goods to all parts of the country. Office it the News Room. ELECTION. —The annual Election for Di rectors of the First National Bank of Athens will be held at the Bank, on Tuesday, the 9th day of Jan. 18t>t>, between the hours of i and "J p. m. E. A. SPALDING, ('">///. MA B 111 E1) . < 1 MMINGK—SCOTT. -])ec. sth, by 11. L. Sti well, Mr. Harvey Cnmmings and Miss Fanny Scott, both of Liberty Corners, Bradford county l'a. LEV ERIFG—BIIADLEb—I)er. tith, by the same. M. M. Levering of Frankliudnle, to Miss Sarah M. Bradley, of Asylum, Bradford county, Fa. coxc.nox SCOTT. Nov. Dith, l.y lt. \. S. (i. Stevens, Daniel O. Congdon to Miss Frances E. Scott, both of Warren. PBENTIt E ANDERSON. In Franklin town ship, on the 7th inst., Mr. S. Prentice to Mrs. Margaret Anderson. GOFF -WILLCOX. At the Holcomh House Le lloy, Dee. 7th, by A. ltoyse, KSIJ. , Mr. Clarence G.Goff and MissEniniat). Willeox, both of Can ton. Fa. I) 1 E f > . FAKKIII RSI'. < H 1 yphoid Fever, in l.eltoy, Nov. 2Cth, Mrs. Mary A. Farkbitrst, wife of 11. W. Parkhurst, Es.j . aged .'l2 years. MATTEBSON. In Orw B, Nov. 15th. Maria, wifi of Mr. Thomas Mctterson, aged o* years. >h, Israel weep i and all yc saints Weep, weep, and mourn for her whom (hatli Hath this day elairu >!. I'is in. t r<> --in • . for such. Her seat within God's house is vacant, And her voice forever hushed on earth. V.ea weep : but while thy tears do flow Look up and bless h EE TI N TS , Respectful !y announce to the public tli.it they have >pened a Dental otii e in .Inlin F. Means' Biock, iri the (aims lormuiy ociupiul by Dr. O. I!. Woodruff. (d.-c'U) where they are prepared t > do all kinds o! work la the rery best style. Tertu- reasonable and all woik war anted to give perfect kali-Motion. A share of the pub lic patronage i-s n pectfullv solicited E. F. SMITH. WH.K. TATI.OK. Nov. 27, 1565. tt Id WE N T Y-FIV K YEARS EXPERIEN<' K A i.\ DEN i'ISTRY.—J. S. SMITH, M. 11., would iv spcctlully iidoim the inhabitants , : Bradh id C. nnty that he i.- i ermanantty I. a ted in Waverly, N.V .. wl ere ic has been in the piaelice oi his pn u-ssiou lur the past 'enr years. Be would say that from hit 7ng aud sue tessful practice oi 25 years donation, be is familial with ill the different stylos of work done in any and all Pen al establishments iu city or country, and is Letter pie- MiL-d than any other Dental oprra~.ur iu the vicinity to do work the l.e-t, adapted to ihe many and different eases that present tin in.-elves < Ueritimes to the Dentist, is he understands the art ol making his owu artificial teeth, and has facilities tor doing the same. To tho.- requiring under sets ol teeth he would eali attention to bis new kind of work which consists ot porcelain for both plate and teeth, and tunning a • ontLiu ms gum. It is move durable, iu .ic natural in appearance, ai.d i.unh better adapted to the gi.m than any other kind of work. Those in need of the same are invited to call and e.xam ine spei iim-ns. Teelh tilled to last lor \,..rs arid ofti a mes for lite. ('ldoroto HI. ether, and •.V trow i .tide" ldministeied with perfect safety, as over lour hundred latients within the last four years can testily. Nov. 27, lsiio. ion QLOTJIING ! CLOTHING ! READY MADE AND MADE TO ORDER. .1. M. COLLINS, Ist door South of (.'• aiding A Itussell's, has just rcecivid Irom New York a large and atractive assortment ol NEW WINTER CLOTHING. Oui stock comprises every article worn hymen and hoys, PILOT AND BEAVER OVERCOATS, BEST QUAL ITY BUSINESS SUITS OK ALL STYLES. COATS. PANTS VESTS. SHIRTS. COLLARS.N'K TIES. WRAP i ERS. DRAWERS Ac. G E XT S F F R N I S II IN G GOO MS Of every description. Especial attention is called to our stock ot CLOTHS, I'ASSI MK R ES AND V ES T I X. W. Hughes, ol 'l.r.vanda.is au auth li/.ed traveling Agent, tor the sale of this work, for the following towns viz: Ulster Shesbe.jiiin, Wysox. .'.sylnm, Athens twp.. and Boro", Lit, hlicld. Windham, Warren. Rome, Orwell. Pike, Terry, Monroe. Burlinglons, Srniihlield. and tier ink Harviy Rolcomb, ol Lt-Roy, is agent tor Leßoy, Erankliu. Cant' n. Troy twp. ami Ron inlumbia,(Dan ville, Springfield and Colombia. T. Wills. (or South l reek and Itidgl ury. Nov. 27. IKIio. tt OARGE SALE OR KFKNHTRE AND HOUSEHOLD ROODS AT AUCTION. Will be sold at Publie Auction, commencirg on TUESDAY, DECEMISER IDtli. lxifi, it ID o clock, A. M . and continue ' rum day to day .until ;he entire stock ol HOUSEHOLD EURNiTUItE", con lined in the WARD HOU.-'li, at J<>wanda. Pa . is lisposed of. Among the numerous articles to be sold may he iound i:. pait as follows, viz: Sofas, Lounges, Settee-. Divan-. Tet a tctei, Wash stands, Bureau-, Bookcase, Dre-s ; ngease, Tables, Cot age and French Bedstead-. Mahogany, Cane sea; and Windsor Chairs, Looking Obese-. Pictures. Limps, Cases and Carpeting, DIN I N (j-R OOM FURNI TU R E Consisting ol Tables, Crockery, Knives. Forks, Silver tin! Plated Ware, and Glass Ware. REI) S A N D II ED D 1 \ G Consisting ol Feather Reds, Hair. Cotton and Straw Mattiu-se.-, Spreads, .sheets. Pillow eases. Pillows, and Comfortables. P. A R - RHO M FIRM T I R E . Tables, Dei aiiters, Tumblers. Water-coolers, Ale- Pump, besides all kinds of K IT('II E N FF R N ITF RE , Parlor, Coking and Office Stoves,both Coal aud Wood, nne large Hotel Cooking Stove, Refrigerators, one large Iron Sate,two Provision Safes, Well-pump, Uorae.Wag on, and Harness, Two Platform Sea Jes. Ir, fad all ar ticles used in and about a Hotel. The attention of Landlords is railed to the very fine stock of Liquors aud Cigar,which will he sold at pi irate -ale. Terms made known on day ol sale. (leoHun O . CitAFVKi:, Auc'ioncer. I'ttWELL A sMI. H. Proprietors. Towanda, Nov. (I, 1-0.). JLf ISS E S I'PHA MS, DRESS MAKERS, TOWANDA, PA. Over Eddy's* lothing Store, 3d Story, offer their ser vices to the Ladies, confident that a long experience .and the most desirable lacilit'.ea, with promptness and eoiir tesy will ensure satisfaction. The latest fashions received regularly from Madame Demurest's shop, New York. Particular attention paid Rasguining. Stitching done to order Oct. '>4. V,. fUtrtl)anbije. YET ANOTHER STOCK OP NEW OOODS AT \v 1 0 K II A M & B L A C K 'S. [►HESS GOODS, DOM ESTICS, •'KAN NEDS, \\ IHTK GOODS, jI.M BROTHER I KS, TRIM MINOS, MIA WES. The al*>ve lines wo nlloi in < ie.it vstrutv :hml lat* tyle-. iIATS unci DAI'S, LARGE STOCK, M )'i S and SID ES, BEST MA k ES. CHOCK EH V, OEASSW A HE, KAMI'S. This part l 1 our stock we pay particular attention to, ml now offer two ol the last patterns ol Ironstone Vare in the market. Erie ami Sevres, also bellow toekingham and Wedgewood. Beautiful as-ortment o: •!.< Damps. c,i)l arte see our st.i h i NOTIONS. Ihanklui lor past favors [we respectfully invite your raiie and promise l<> do our best. MICKIIA,V A Bi.ACK. SE\V I N(J MAcII I N E R E I'OT. Having received the Agency ol the liru bt*t St wine Jachines in use,we are now ready to supply all the peo tie of Bradford and Sullivan, with either Wheeler A Vilson's or Singe'rs, than which none better is made.— Ve keep needles, oil, soap, thread and all the extras leedcd to work the machine. All are invited to call at in -tore ai d examine Machines ami work. Call or send and get a circular and puce ii.-t.gt Vickham X Black's Store. Nov. li. 18C.S AJ" E W G O O D S ! A' I K E I A M A . liOCkW K E E sjteceiving u most choice, and selected as-u tuieut o GOODS FOH THE SEASON, Consisting ol I A DIES' DHESS GOODS DE KAINE, ALPACAS, ind all varities to be had by the asking. COTTON YARN, CARPET YARN HATTING, BLEACHER OOODS, CHANNELS, C EOT IIS, CASSLMERKS, SHAWLS, HOODS, Ind a great vaiitty too numerous to mention. To be had everything in the Y A N K E E NOTION 1,1 N E , Even to a Violin. The place to (ind what you want in the liue.ii HATS, CAES, ICRS, GEO YES, mill MITTENS. il you are in want of CROCKERY, in -ets. or i= you my ordi r, and any amount, CI, ASS WARE, LANTERNS, GLOBUS, \c. WOOD E N W V R E . o be had from Babies'.Cabs to :: Butter Li.Hr. A complete assortment of GROCE R 1 E S. Also the best BEE 111 YE. ST HI PS stnil Sl'C \ US' i! all kinds. \ -nperior qualit T HI HE M'K, JAPAN, GIN POWDER,, and YOl NG HYSON TE\S. BLASTING POWDER, ttnd TOBACCO of stll descriptions Every tiling in the shape ol TOYS FOR CHILDREN. Save youi meal by calling and .applying yom> eli < with pure ASHTON AND Tl RK'S ISLAND v\ Li. Oct. 10, 18C5. W. A. UOCKW E! (~ pOFFEE AND SPICES, WHOLE A ND Nv ground, and a prime qnaiitr of Urnnnd Java ( ■!- ee at FOX' f JJouull Sc (£o.'s iX'cui (£ooits. nHHE GREATEST ATTRACTIONS IN ; COODs ICVK'ti OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. POWELL & CO., 7 Have now in tore the I:w ee-t stork of goods ever exhib ited in Northern Pennsylvania. Ad it ions will con stantly In- made to tlii stork during the season, and it will at all time.- he ' t ml l-'ULI. AND COMPLETE in all its dcpai llilelits:. We invite the pavticulai attention < I otir customers to our magnificent display of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS! * Which we offer at prices much helow those ol List year. We have given special care to our selections in this line and are now able to exhibit the newest most fashionable, and most desirable styles lo he obtained. Dor new stock comprises all cob ra of Plain and Plaid Preuch Merinos, Empress Cloths. Striped Melanges. Striped and Plaid Poplins, Tat)' i.amas, Tinsel Poplins, Par Crepes, Iteps, Plain and brocade Alpacas, Pail de Chev res, Delaines and Arm use s. bright Plaids for t hildren's wear, and a great variety ol other Dress Kal>rirs. MOCKNING DRKSS GOODS. Black Prene.li Met in bomb.>/dues, i .i.a -, cloths. Raratlnas, Mohair Lustre.-. black and While Check and Striped Poplins and Alpacas, Double and Sing!.' bold All Wool Delaines, and a lull line ol thor: High l.ustred Black Alpacas, at ag'cat reduction in price. LADIES' I-LOTUS, CLOAKING* AND SACK INGS. A SPLENDID A fjSU 1! T MK N T Beaver th tlis, i lie. is. Velvet Cfotlis, la- iinetc nk ing Plain and Twilled Black Bi< adclothji. of all prices all c< lort> ol Plain and Pant v S iekinga. Open Flannels .Vc . Ac. GLOVES AND HOSIERY. latdios,.Misses and Children- While and Colored Cot ton, Fleeced and Merino Hose, Ladies Merino Vs;s and Drawer*, Gloves of every desi ription at low prit 11. LINENS A IIOCSE ITRNISMING GOODS bleached. Hall Bleached, ..i d I'nbb ■. iud Dun'A Ta ble Linens, Napkins, I'owils. To.vellings, Scotch and bu-sia Diapers, Bleached and I'nble; lieu liuckabui ks vh.i.-hcs, lii.-b Linens, Ac., 10-4 and a-4 sheet in as. Pillow Case Cotton J, Coiiiitcrpac , Draping Muslim . Shaker Piannel Sheetings, it ise Blankets, Ac.. Ac. CLOTHS AND CASS I.MERES. Esquimaux. Moscow and Castor bc.ni r Ci 'tie. French and German Black Broadcloths, Doeskin-. Fancy Cas sinieia-. Twee s.j.Meltor*. Satinetts I'nion Cas- nicies, J. us. Ac.. Ac. ALSO. All qualities Plain White. Shaker and Welch Flannels, Fancy shirting. Miners.bed and Gray .Plain ami Twilled Flannel®, and a full assortment of DOMESTIC COTTON GOODS. \t the Lowest Market rates. SIECOIISriD FLOOR We are now opening and de-ire to call s| ial atten tion to cur unusually large stock of FINE CLOAKS. As we make this department of our husinc s a special ity, we have given it much time and attention. Our se lections have) been made from tlie newest styles in the market, and our Cloaks are manufactured in a m.iii ici that cannot fail to pienee. cud giro entire satisfaction, SHAWLS! SHAWLS ! Having in ;.ie our puvcLasrs Fefot.- the nccnt gieat advance in price, wejarc aide to oiler decided tar. ns in Ladies. Mis.-es and Childtens DouhV and Single Shawls. Our present stock lar surp. --c- in extent ■. ,j variety, any purchases c li ne ever before made in tic line, and v.e have availed ourselves ci the most favor able time to select the choicest and m -t tle-irable goods in the market. HON TON FLEX I RLE -RRlN'fi SKIRT. TIIK NEW EST V Nl> WEST PATENT i.'KIMd.INK VET IN VENT F.I i. We have now on band a good a--.ftiuont ol tbe>< ■•'.- ebrated Skirts, in White and OoUoc.b ALSO, The Eugenie, Empress, Paris Trail. Mnltilnrrn, anl a variety of othci popular makes <•' skirts :- i all sir.es for f.mlics Misses and Phihlren. ( ARRETS A\l> FLOOR OIL < LOTUS Brussels, Tlnee Ply, Katra Super, snpeitine. Ingrain, Kidder,and Hemp t'nvpr ■ All widths Floor Oil Cloths Mattings, lioor Mats., mid 1S . \ new -tookju-t re ceived. MOOTS AMI SHOES. llaviiijfjmade arrangements with manni i :revs to supply nili silea w:th the test ijtialit\ ol Boots :ind Sbmr, we shall at all times be able to Tarnish oar earto merswiiii the I. -t custom made Shoes e. all kinds, tor Ladies, Misses and Children, and P. lor dens and Boys wear, at reasonable prices. We shall also keep con stantly on hand a complete assortment oi Men.-.Womens ind Children's Bobber- and An tie Over hoes HATS AND CARS. A splendid assortment ot Mens and Boys Hats and Caps just received. Having i h>sed out our oil stock almost entirely previous to our late purchases, we now offer an entire new stork ot the latest -tyles. R/ RF.R HANGINGS & TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. We atnow receivo I trgc additions to our stock ol Wall Paper.. Transparent Window Shades and Trim inings WiA-doW Capers. Ac. ,V. . Cegal. A DMINISTKATORS NOTlCE.—Notice is i hereby given, that .ill persons iudcbted to the ev tute of HIRAM U. GIFFOKD. late of Wells twp., dee d I are requested to make immediate payment. and those having claim* against said estate ivi-l present them duly , authenticated for settlement. 8. H INGEHSOLE, Dec. 14. 1806. Administrator. Al >MI N ISTRA TKI VS NOTD K NCA M is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es tate ol lIIUAM KNAI'F, late 01 Orwell twp., dee d. are requested to make payintnt, without delay, and thosehavingelaims against said estate must present them duiv authenticated tin settlement. WM . 1.. FIMHBIE, Dee. i-i, i- ;•. AteHtMnttt. A DMINISTRA 1 OIL'S NOTICE -Notice ft is hereby given, that all persons iinlebted to the estate of I)A\ID VOL'GIIT, late ot Standing Stone twp. deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. WM. VOUGHT, GEO. A. SXEI'AENS, Nov. it, lso.i. Administrators. 8 NO I ICE. N O T I C E ■Lj is hereby given that all peisous indebted to the e.-> eiate ot Saiift:. MASON, late of Columbia twp.,dec'd,ar requested to make immediate payment,and those having demands against -aid estate will present them duly au thenticated lor - Clement. WM. 11. GERNERT, CATHERINE HasON. Dee. 14, lsij.'i. ExtcuUu.s. \I )M INI STE AT 111 X'S NOTICE.—Net ice J\ is hereby given, that all pei ous indebted to tlie t-Lite oi SIMON l J .(.'nJisi.tr .dee'U.lute ol Granville tp.are i. oiie-tel to make immediate payment, and those hav ing demands against said estate will pre-eut them duly ] authvtiti L i ioi settlement. JAMES MERUIT T, ELIZABETH OHESL.EV. Deo. 14, 1863. Administrators. : * I) M J NISTIIA TOR'S NOTICE-Notioc il la hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate ofiLLLWI.LLYX DODGE,late of Broome Co . N.Y., d.-c'o., are loque.-tcil to make immediate payment. ago those ha ving claims again-! said rte must present t hem duly authenticated Cor settlement. WM. ii. DODGE. Nov. lb. ■ Adminislratt r. \ DM 1N I.STKATOITS X(l PlCE.—Notice Ay. is hereby given, that all peis-ms indebted to the est.te of -J VMlv-i (' GRACE,Iate oi Springfield, twp., u c'd, are requested to make immediate payment, and tho - having demands against said estate will please pre sent duly authenticated R>r seiUeneent. i HARUOTTE GRACE, I.OUIX GRACE, Nov. lb, 1 ►<>.'. Admiiiisti'ato:#. 1. D.MINJSTE'OES NOTlCE—Notice, i aIA. lit-iehy given thai ail persons hide, ted to the est Ac oi 1.1. ANTIsDH.L late of Wanen twp., Cc ! d ure requested t j make immediate pa nicnt. and ail having claims against .-aid estate are reqne ted to pre ent tiivm duly authenticated for sv'tlaineut. ! \V, ItK.VE ANUS! ILL, Nov. Id, lsoo. Administrator. A DMINST'R'S NOTlCE—Notice ieltere- J. t- by given. that •■!! per.-ous indebted to the esta' ol OSCAR H.WOODRUFF,Iate ol Towanda boro' dee'd ire req u -t> d t-> tuake immediate payment, and th se having tiema agrin-1. -r.d estate will please j re.-eti'. duly an'-, ei G<- ,'cT lor settlement. JAMES THO Ml' ON, Nov. 10, 1-33. Adiuiuisl rater. \DM IN NOTICE.— Notice is h'-re *• by given that a'.i persons i rd- >tvd to the estate oi WaßuK ■ ii. 1 lils-.lJlt, lateoi Orwell twp.. Brad lord County, dc>' .mpiete stock ol Mourn ing goods and Dc lains. Calicoes, Gingham- Balmoral*. Hoop Skirts, and a c a plete -to, 1. of dress trimmings ro match all colon. Broad t 1 ths. Ladies Cloths, and Ladies Vcclen I Shawls. V iMi -es Shaw!-, Ble, bed Mc-'iu* and Shirting-. He wi-hes t" say li " Miliinery i- c..mpiete with ;all thijnew -t tyc ol ! ' n-. Bonnets .ml li. v.ers, al- i old Ladies ( ap-. inia'b - Hod- and Scotch Caps. Tmbans and Hals ia all i.iud- and in feet everything la-1 ■ a tic - to tic ililliueiy his- ue - tic i vite> the attention ' the people of Towanda j.. I vlei- •• t-i cMinine hi< : -k ol tloa.l- . on d r north ot the Post oilice. Sept Is. is-;: I * i M I' H KK V A I'll, Would rcsptetluUi invite tuc attention •! the ~tibli. to their very extensii stu- 1, of MKN t l> <> YS ' an 1 t O U|V H - MOOTS. WOMKXS MISS KS : A > !I ! I 1' H I X S S II II , I..M' KOKKS. HI FFW.O KoMKS. IIOI'SK m, \N k J;T>. TKr N K , YAI.ISKS, ITiWKI.IM; MA OS, KK'I KTLKS. A. . A . Towamla, IK I. lt>. Ot/>. r|i II E N VTIO NA L INK CO.'S SCHOOL ANIM t (STINT. ROOM INKS. Bnsinc-s ofliee I*l Wa-hingim Street. New York. C. I..VAN ALLEN, Actuary "1 lii* I ik tins been in general and constant ue lor the lite' Jdie u.and is warranted in lit nil that ire n .-art ol it, 1. It is indelible, "2. i' will not i ntrude the |>en. I. It iio.vs will perfect facility .a line never is broken. llt r idnnt collect on the ncu'noi inoiitbjof (lie stai d: ill this is warranted. Tins Writing Fluid is blsek with a rii li and glossy tint of blue. This ink istorsule, wholesale and retail, y SOI.O ■ON STEVENS, Herrickellle, Bradford County, Pa. Orders lii'.ed on short notice Oct. "J:'., !*.%. Ural Estate. fAVEKN STAND it FA KM FOIL SALE A The subscriber offers for sale th* well-known T iv em Stand, in Monroe boro',now occupied by W. Decker, and also the adjoining Farm. The premises comprise a large Tavern ifou-.0. Barn Horse and Grain Barn, with other out-buildings and ap pin tenancies. The location is a very desirable one. j The taiin contains about torty acres, all improved, ol ; first rate land. The Tavern and Farm ill be sold to get her, or separately, a- purchasers may d-v.re. P"s sc .-ion ol the Farm given iinmediateiy. For turther particulars apply to J. P. Kirby,Towanda or to . J. W. HAW MAN. Manna;, Dec. 12, 1863.—tf POR SALE ON REASONABLE TERMS. "■ That valuable property studded with white oak hemlock and other valuable timber on Brown's creek, the laud when cleared is good lor farming purpo-e --t imUiiiing 2iO acres, (,o of whii h is partly cleared. 1, • improvements are : 1 good steam saw mill, also oi." with little rcpairsto the dam can run by wDev, one good b rn. and several dwellings around the mill. The prop erty is only a few miles west ol Ui-ter, a good ship ping point on the North Branch Canal, and Susquehan e itiver, to a capitalst this would nea valuable nv<* i incut. Pur Inrther particulars address PETER BRADY, Agent. iscpt. IS, 18U3 Sparta, Sussex Co., N.J. I/"ALU A RLE FARM FDR SALE.—Tin f farm known as the "Char cs White Firm"' situate in Franklin township m lor sale. It contains one hun drcd and thir y -two acres,over one hundred ol wlii h jc improved. It is one of the best watered fiuau in the county, and is with'n seven mill sot lowanda. t>u th j same arc two good frame dwelling houses, one very large (having been recently improved), the o;lici well calculated lor a tenant house ; two trained barn-*, one 36 by 16 feet.together with cow House, corn ana ; smoke house, Ac. ril ire is • good .sized apple orclia bearing excellent iruit, a latgc-tiumhtr ot peach liv . which have yielded 31'., bushels oaring the pre- . i season, also lruit bearing grape vines. Ihe ,larm is well adapted to grain and era-... For further particulars inquire ol Adams & t'eet. e. LLLINGTON BRA Mil ALL. TosV. iida . <:t. 14, 1663. L'AILM FOR SALE. -TUE SUR.SCRIBER X' oilers id sale a lann tluatc on Sugar Creek, hir miles iron) Tnwaniia boro". It contains about i2s acres, ■ IP) ol which are in a good state ol culiivatini. It i well watered and is a tiist class dairy farm, although, p j lions ol it are well adapted to grain, i here is upon ft, a good dwelling ho .se, 1: ge barn (the best in tin !<>wii.-bip) horse barn, corn nouse, other out buildings and orchard. i me fourth ol the purchase money will he required, at i line ot sale, and any km unable ciedit will he Rive i the residue. ULYSsES MhHct'R. Towanda, Oct. 4. W;;. L~FVKM FUR >ALE.—The uuder.sigin d X. oiTersfor uilc a valuable farm in iMiiith.ield twi- Good buildings, fences, fruit Ac. JOHN N. CALIFF, To,vaioir, Jul) ii), lso.i. OZ\ e over I'. O Desirable farm for sale j—Thin Faun hes in Wyalusmg twp.. uue mile Irom Cam, town, coiiiainiug aicut 13d acres ; )■> acres improved, with - .pen '. buildings, fen-.e.s vnd ImproveiuentH <. II eiud's. It has a tine liui or 'h ird, cou-istiug .1 . j.'A's. peat lies pears, plumbs, cherries, Ac., berrie . g.apes. gooselierrtes, carasats, Ac., in large quantities. TERMS fl'l Itr a-r . v Id'tO down, the oda:-. - o • time. For fnrth) r inr r-aatioii apply radie-s J.N. CALIFF, Gt'iee over l',,- 1 .-tfice, Towanda, F. Hejit, ■), 1663.—2 m Jruit (trees, &T. XI II OI(' E FRD I T TRE E S ' .lit I !'>< IBER lIAS Now 4N Ills iJ Touykin Coin.' . HT giae, . Bald -in. L, mont, Tal man Stßttling, Rozbury Russet, Rhode /< luAil Gnetting- . I)- ~ and all the desirable kinds b. Summer a:id Fall u-e. Also, a line as-f so!,-, ! Cii -rries.l'lums and Pears, and a tine a-sorHnent ol Bearing 'Trape Vinos. The proprietor li tv; ig re uove r m Wilkes-Barre, a:.u established his iiurs. ry busine-s th i .make it nece.-.-ar> for liini t-.> close oat ,t an early day his Towanda Nnr serv Stack. lie now offeis this choice st , k ol superior fruit tie - at greatly i-.-Ju ed pr. ■ -celling at t ■ ".< p n c. ?it. t he qier than . ilier nursery-meu > t e-tahl. h.-d !• utatioii. N. IL—We vv;: hlto be parti- uiarly understood that * these Fruit Trees, are ot very s-ipc.' >.• quality; tl.ey ■ arc ol unusually tin- size, ol healfiiy growth, and e;. tirviy tree irom all di-c.i-e. tßkrWe prefer that those wishing ;■> purchase,should visit the nurseries and to se! ct- their own trees, whet , they wilt find reliable men to wait upon them at It limes. P: ire of So. 1 . Apple Trees, in /o.'- of 3b Irtu mid upwards, S2O per hundred. (Second Class, $lO to sl3 jjir hundred, o'/ only tu tho-n irht cjiuc afhi Hum.) .Yj. 1 Trees, ir lots less than 30,23 cents each. I'riei of Ciiiiy, Pear aid Plum Trees, ami ttra-.r , I Tors in proportion. ' DANIEL HARKINB. I'ropiictor. Ail orders should i-.- iddrea-ed t<- th-? Geueral Age;.) ■ a:,.l will be promptly attended t.. li i- offit e will be in Marsha Broth • Hardware St le. 11. M. WEI.LET. General Agent. Towanda, Feet. 2... I*o3. . f DDI) F i-i IIT ! LI SCIOI < (IR VI'FS * i'he sui'criber and his a-.-istants, while selling and taking orders lor the choice Apple. Cherry and Dwari P, ar tn • - iu the Towinda Nurseries, can, at the same i tin: , take ord-is ; >r Fruit and ornamental tree-. \ . t'u.F st Be procured from els. .• here to fill s.iiu :ie t -ITFRIOR GRAPE VINES Much attention is being pari throughout our laud i<. the propagati ot and cnltiv.'.! iim rt fine and hardy n-i tive grapes. Wonderful Improvements in this direction have ■ i made. flic- fine F,..i iai. ;■) u-es ot Kui hwe fitlh uin r-pen air vulture in th - .imate : ,u dit is a •••■' ll known fit that, until within a few years, wr h've had p-i native American Grapes equal to the i -! Foreign. -liwiis'he ,act no longer. The Delawa.i and I'-ua, particularly. have no superior. The povi tit tn who has room enough to set a vine, can now have and enjoy as good grapes as his wealthy neighbor, who has a i'.ot-aouse grapery. Manv | ersm s is- Bradfot J li ve la • n sadly di-ap;- ,ii-; ,ed in vines —though iiurclu-ed as improve.! and li varietie . they proved to be common sorts. Experit nee has dctnonstratrd that ch ;• or low priced vines ai a -tn ily the deans'. Tiie st.l .-eribcr l:as di'crniined t . profit by the experience of others, and will therefore buy Li- grape vines ;T v,i tic best and most wider, known grape eultnriat in th.. - l-oion. DR. C. W. GRANT, OF ION A. The crUbruted oiigiuati of llu phndiii lonu un. i 1 1 la Uiapex. We i .n buy cheaper vines, represented to be the loiia and l-raelia. ~;:d other le idiug varities, from >t'.cr I nurserymen, but they, if true to aapie.wUl most likely be iuierir vine-:—let dm not risl. III! eanxequcrtrr •. I'HE BEST VINES AND CHOICEST GKAI'Es though high priced, are the cheapest ' ll has been tonud th;.'. the vines, oi s one varitie- ot like age and size, ir uu some nuv-.iii-. ne uctualiy worth twiac as niu. li f r early , id ; r-.'Jn tive bearii.g as those from others. We will turi.ish the Delaware, l.,na, Isr.ella and a. I the leading Grapes at Dr. Giant's prices. The lokjv is the Ghekly (100 Pt exii m <; in. Every lioit.-t holder sin aid li -cr on oj there loii.) V :: • - STANDARD IMLAU AND I'EACII i ILKi-.s. All other fruit and omam.v.tal trees to liii (o.krs a . be ohluiutd from a Rochester Nursiry ot bigT np. timi. and inrnished at tha ni -t lav inl- rates The suW:liter will have si-ver.il A- i-tint Vj ...- who Will canvass for orders. We hope the citixena our County w ill lav ir u.- with : li' r.il pa r mag . 4 ct ni -pondenee promptly attended to. Towanda, Oct. y, lF'Ui. II M. \\ EI.LKS. Cost, .fount), (L'stian i I/ISTR \ Y.—FAME 1\ TIIE KNfl.OSl' RE IJ ot the subscriber .-n or about 'ho 7th of Decerab.i a Brown Cow, tj 11 7jc its old, gives milk The owner i* requested to come forward,prove property,pay charges aad take her away, r she will he di> >sed of according to law, SIMON Til ItSfON. North Towanda, Dee. 13, lsih",.- 3i I OST.—ON THE 6TH INST., <>\ THE IJi i ill between Towanda and 1 v :.kl:n. a VE--T in a cotton handkerchief. The tin dec tv ill cunlcr a it favor and re. cive a liberal reward by leaving the - inn* at the ISKPORTKR office, or at the KrTnklimlale |>nstofli'e Dec. 13,15t;:,. OTKAYED—Front tin' < nolosuvo of tin' subscriber, iti Overton !wj>.. on the 7th of De> i m l>ci 1 V) "i a Brown l ow. middling -ize, about In y it old.' One horn ... oke off at t e tip. Any person giving informi'i a - her whereabouts w: 1 ! oners y reu id C(t JOEL BAKM> Ctmp Farm,Overton, Dec 13,1865. -3t /lAUTION. —Whereas, my wife, MARY, \ y has leit my bed and b id without just cause u provocation, tu persona are here y cautioned Mains harboring or trusting heron my a '"tut. as 1 shall ..<>- • . debts o! her contracting after this date. OKI \XUO BENJAMIN. Wyeox. Dec. $, IMi. ___ V" E W FALL GOODS! Tiie Ladies w M find at M IBS GRIFFIN'S a toe at Jection of Eall and \V INT klt 11 11.1, I N Kill goods, Bonnets of alt prices and qnoUiic*, Hi'> ,;; ts und t* lower * Of unusual richness and vai iety. and in lot t a huge as. sortment of everything pertaining t" 'lie business. Nov. 1, ISti).