Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 30, 1865, Image 2
NEWS FROM ALL NATIONS. —The New York city election takes place on the first Tuesday ii December. C. Godfrey Gnntlier has heeu renominated for Mayor by the McKeon Democracy, and John Heeker by the Cit izens' Association (Repn Tiean). Fernando Mood will he the Mozart, and F. I. A. Boole the 'lauinia ny candidate. —The. Committee appointed by the Tenn essee Legislature to investigate the affairs of the State Bank of Nashville, have discovered tha* about $6,000,000 in spurious notes were issued by the Rebel Gov. Harris. The notes were dated hack before the Rebellion, in order to give them greater value in case of its collapse. —A considerable number of the I. b. surplus naval vessels are to he sent abroad to cruise between the principal commercial ports of their respective stations. —Admiral Porter has prepared and will shortly publish a reply to Gen. Banks' recent strictures on the conduct of the navy in the Red River campaign. —The War Department has ordered that in mustering out the regiments recruited from the Rebel prisoners, those who enlisted while prison ers. and who desire to go South, shall be furnished with transportation to their homes. —The steamer Greyhound, from Boston to I'rince Edward Island, struck on Bird Rock Ledges, on the 12th inst.. and sunk. All persons ,ti hoard were saved. —An express train, from Jersey City to Washington, ran oft the track at Newark, N, J., on the loth inst., killing two persons and seriously injuring several others. The accident was caused by the carelessness of the switchman. —The Cumberland, Pa., almshouse was destroyed by fire on the 10th inst. The inmates all escaped. Loss covered by insurance —The man Fuller, who used the name of Senator Harlan to obtain $40,000 belonging to the National Republican Committee, and who has been in the Old Capitol for several months, has been released. -lt is said that the Fenian Head Cen tal of Quebec has abandoned with all the money in his possession belonging to the organization. The probability is that he is keeping out of the ay of the English detectives. A colored bridegroom shot his grooms man fatally, in a lit of jealousy, a few days ago in st. Louis. The steamer Ben Stickney, one of the finest on the Mississippi River, sank on the 16th inst., below Island No. S. —The first session of the l\ b. District Court held in Richmond, Va., since the passage of the secession ordinance, began on Nov. 13. The Judge stated that the confiscation of property in that State had been very limited, and that when ever the parties whose property had been libelled for confiscation had been pardoned, proceedings "against them would be stopped. —The canker worm is making great hav oc among the apple trees in the vicinity of Bos t. ,11. Mass. Many farmers are entting them down and replacing them with pear trees. —Monterey has been captured by the Mexican Liberals, and Matamoras is still closely invested by the Jnarist forces. Heavy reinforce ments foi the Imperial garrison of that city have landed at Bagdad, down the river, and a Republi can force is marching to meet them —The successes of the allied forces of Brazil. Uruguay and Argentine, in the war against Paraguay, indicate an early end to the struggle. It will probably result in the annexation of Paraguay t<> the Argentine Republic. —Over 2,000 rebels have been hanged and shot under court-martial sentence in Jamaica, since the breaking out of the negro insurrection there. --Theold Vmerican line of steamships between New-York and Havre, France, was sus pended during the war, has been re-established. —The colony established in Mexico by the rebel Gen. Sterling Price, has collapsed. —.ludah 1' Benjanin is in high favor with certain prominent statesmen in England. He is now in London awaiting the legal term of resi dence to qualify him for admission to the bar. —Argnollcs is about to be released froui imprisonment in Cuba, by order of the Spanish Government. —Gen. Lamotiie. ex-President of the Hay tim Republie. has been arrested in Jamaica. He is charged with being implicated in the negro in surrection in that island. —ln various parts of France, associa tions have been established by the vuirkiugmen for the purpose of buying articles of food at wholesale, to be retailed among themselves at a reasonable profit, which, after deducting the expenses, is di vided among tin: members. —Highway robberies and burglaries have become so frequent and daring in St T.onis, Mo., lately, us to create general alarm, and a vig ilance committee is strongly talked oi by the cit izens. Unfinished counterfeit 50-eent notes to the amount of sue, ooo, together with all the imple ments for counterfeiting, were recently seized in Philadelphia by the Government detectives. —Geo. Stephenson, private secretary to l)r. Kane in the famous Arctic Expedition, die! in Brooklyn. X. Y., on the 10th inst. There are now only two survivors of the expedition- Dr. Hayes and ('apt. \V \V. Wilson. —The Russo-Ainerican Telegraph via Beliriug Straits is being pushed forward vigorous ly. both on tin American and Asiatic side, and everything promises its early completion. —The Oregon Legislature will meet, in extra session, on Dec. 5, to take action on the Con stitutional Amendment prohibiti g Slavery. As both houses are Republican, its ratification is cer tain. —I he 1" irst District ol Alabama elects i.e. i.angdon to Congress. Mr. Langdon is the man who said in the State Convention that the Emancipation Proclamation of President Lincoln was the blackest act recorded in history. —The Georgia election for Governor, Members ot C ongress anil the Legislature, was held on tin loth iust. ( has. J. Jenkins was elec ted Governor. Luke I'. Poland ban been appointed F. S. Senator from Vermont, to fill the vacancy oc casioned by the death of Senator Ollamer. -The recent election iu Colorado resul ted hi the success of Gilpin for Governor, Chileott for Congee**, and tin entire Union Administration ticket —Tlx- recent election in California tor Judge of the Supreme Court, resulted in the suc cess of Sanderson, the Union candidate, by al most S.iKut majority. —•Tames L. Filkius the leader of xhe mob tlvit made the- recent murderous attack upon the Looous family, near I'tica, N. V., has leen in dict- d foi murder, assault and iWlerv with intent to kill, ami arson. —Bishop Davie* of South Carolina, In u recent address on the subject ot ,i reunion of the Northern arid Sorithem Übun hes, advocated the ind-jS'tnii nee of the Snnflieni Church. —A colony of SouthenxTH ia to najl for Br.t/il trom Mohili on lie. J —The I,♦> 10 National Banks now in op eration a circulation <>f $214,111,815. Tlio Canadian Finance Minister re cently stated that. if Canada were annexed to the United States, her share ol the national debt would be $300,000,1)00. —An Italiau princess, of the late reign ing house of Modena, was recently received into j the Murytebone (London) workhouse, where she | tlied. Other members of the family are living it( j London in a state of poverty. —Maximilian has abandoned his content- j plated trip to Yucatan, and the Empress Charlotta i will go thither alone, and tlienee to Europe. —The Davis and Elliott prize light, : which was to have come oft near Albany, N. Y., j on the 21st inst., was prevented by the autkori- j ties. —Tom Sayers, the great English pugil ist, is dead. He died of a lung disease. —ln many counties in Georgia the cot ton and other crops have proved almost a total loss, front the lack of laborers to seenre them. —The imbroglio between Spain and Chili has not yet resulted in bloodshed. The principal Chilian ports are blockaded by the Spanish tleet. but the President of the Republic has opened 26 new ports, where goods are admitted duty free. —Two new revolutions have broken out in the Republic of Colombia—one in Cundina marea and the other in Canea bnt the revolution ists are getting decidedly the worst of it. —The Mexican Republicans abandoned the siege of Matamoras on tlii Nth inst. Previous to retiring they were badly beaten in a battle with the Imperialists, losing three Generals killed, and three others, including Cortina, wounded. —R. C. Wylie, the Foreign Minister of the Sandwich Islands, died on the 10th ot Oct. Several shiploads of Chinese coolies have recently been landed at Honolulu. Sandwich Islands. —Two years ago the French Govern ment notified the American Minister at Paris tha 1 the French troops would be withdrawn from Mex ico as soon as the United States recognized Max imili an : but that, until then, Fiance was bound in honor to protect him. Will France desert him now —A panic occurred in Toronto on the lfitli inst. The authorities having received reli able information of au intended Fenian attack, all nigkt long the town was hustling with military preparations. Bnt'the Fenian did not appear, and the alarm subsided. —Great sympathy with Chili and indig nation against Spain, in regard to the <ptairel be tween those countries, is manifested in all the South American Republics. —A meeting was held in Manchester, Eng., Nov. (1, for the purpose of raising funds for the emancipated negroes of the I nited States, the Mayor officiating as chairman. —The rag-pickers of Paris have nearly all died of cholera, showing the effect of tilth in in troducing that disease. —Lt. Lalor, of the 9th Connecticut Vol., who was recently arrested in Ireland on suspicion of being a Fenian, has been discharged. —Earl Russell has been formally install ed Prime Ministir of Great Britain, and Lord Clarendon Foreign Secretary. -lt is announced that Maximilian lias ordered the withdrawal of the Imperial troops from all their outpost positions in Mexic •>. They are to he concentrated at the three points of the City of Mexico, Vera Cruz, and San Luis Potosi. —The Legislature of Lower California has passed an act recognizing the Mexican Empire, hut the Governor refuses to sign it on account of the opposition of the people. —Much concern is manifested by the Spanish Government lest tin negro revolt in Ja maica shonld extend to their own West India pos- sessions. | -The French press is discussing, with I some nervousness, the meaning of the visit lately paid by United States war vessels to the French wa j ters. i -Gen. Burnside is building a railroad in : the Pennsylvania oil regions, 104 miles long,which ' is to be completed in '.lO days. A large auction sale of U. S. hospital . stores took place at Chicago on th lfith inst., com prising $500,000 worth of goods in their original , packages. i —Tiie Cherokee Indians have deposed i John Ross aad proclaimed Downing as Chief, with ! the approbation of the Government at Wasliing | ton. —Gov. Morton of Indiana lias turned his ' duties of his office over to the Lieut. Govern or. and will soon leav, for Europe. j —A Special Commission trom Chili to the U. S. Government has arrived in Washington. -The Fenians had a grand torchlight procession in Wilmington, Delaware, on the even -1 ing of the IKth inst. The greatest enthusiasm pre -1 vailed. -Agents of the Mexican Republic are in New England raid New York City making large ' purchases of munitions of war. -Secretary Seward has issued an order • prohibiting the admission of members of the press to the State Department. ( —Ex-Frcsident Fierce is seriously ill at lijs residence in Concord. X. 11. -There arc now less than 5,000 sick in the Government hospitris. Eight months ago there were over 100,000. Mrs. Clement (J. Clay of Alabama and ; Gen. Echols of Virginia are in Washington urging , the releasi of Clement C. Clay from Fortress Mon ; roe. —Fresident Johnson sustains Gen. Fisk's action in the ease of John Overton of, recently pardoned, and has instructed Governor Brijsvnlow to retain the pardon, it having been granted throngli mistake. -(ien. Terry, commanding the Depart ment oi Virginia, has issued an order suspending j the allowance of Government rations to destitute! persons in his department. —All the property in the hands of the 1 Freemen's Bureau in Northern Mississippi has been restored to the owners, hut the restoration does not invalidate the right of the Government to confiscate the same property by due process of law, nor entitle the owner to damages on back \ rents. —Provisional Gov. Hamilton of Texas has appointed -Jan. H, for the election of delegates j to the State Convention, which is to meet on the I 7th of February. —A judge in Arundal County, Md., re cently sentenced a woman to la: sold into slavery j for two years. , —The number of workmen in the Phi 1- odfslphia, Boston and Portsmouth Navy-Yards is ! to be greatly reduced. About 1,000 Government mules were i recently sold at .Springfield. 111.. :<t 911 average of[ f lUO per head. —Gen kirhy Smith recently took the j ' amnesty oath iu Lynchburg, Va. —Tin; noted Dull (jrecu is not dead. The 1 report arose from the death of his son. Duff ('. > Green jkadfowl Reporter, i Towanda, Thursday, November 30,1865. THE SUFFRAGE gI'KSTIOX, The following remarks which we find in Ifar/itr's WWkl;/, so exactly meet our ! views upon the subject of negro suffrage tliat we transfer them to our columns : "The suffrage question has many as pects. It is both denied and asserted with equal vehemence that political rights are natural rights ; but every American at least must be very wary how he commits himself to the negative of the proposition. ■ If governments justly exist by the consent of the governed, it is rather difficult to show that there is no higher claim to a share in political power than the consent of those who already enjoy it. That it may j be withheld is very possible. That ii can j be justly witheld is not evident. But in the discussion of impartial suff rage in the late rebel States we may de- i scend from the heights of abstract right, i and regard the point as purely one of ex- j pedieney. It is asked, and fairly enough, ! whether in the condition of public opinion j in tiie loyal States, as shown in the Con necticut refusal of impartial suffrage ; in j the defeat of the same proposition in Wis consin by a majority of ten thousand in the popular vote, while the Union ticket was elected by eight thousand ; and in the dis abling suff rage laws of many of the other i States, it is advisable to insist upon impar tial suffrage in the States which are to be recognized. We say this question is fair and natural enough, but the subject must be regarded from the point of view of the national welfare. Thus, in a State like Connecticut, which ' is indisputably faithful to the Government, it is not directly essential to the national safety that the two thousand colored men ! should lie allowed to vote. It is a pitiful i disgrace to the State ; but it is not essen tial to the nation, because the non-voters are so few, and because the political power remains steadily in patriotic hands. So, I also in Wisconsin and other Western States. But in Georgia or Mississippi the consider ations are very different. In those States , the question of impartial suffrage involves directly the national welfare. The point of inquiry is, whether if political power be in trusted exclusively to the late rebels with their present disposition, the State will maintain that intimate and hearty relation with the National Government which is in dispensible, and whether the dangers of impartial suffrage there are not very much more than balanced by those of partial i suff rage? It is not a question for passion or rhetor ic, bnt for the calmest and most thorough deliberation." This ijucstion, it has, always appeared to us, was one to be treated in the light of policy, and with regard to the future wel fare and safety of the country. If the ex ercise of the right of suffrage by the Freed men will insure us from the danger of fu ture rebellions, and will tend to secure the negro in those rights which belong to him, in his new relatious, should there he any hesitation in conferring that light upon him ? Mr. Humphreys, Governor elect of Mississippi, has sent a message to the Leg islature, recommending, as of vital impor tance, and as a means of relieving the State of the national troops, the passage of laws admitting negro testimony in the courts, affording the IVeedmen protection iu their rights, giving them encourage ment in industry, rendering them assistance in the education of their children and tax ing them for the support of the vagrants and helpless among them. The Legisla ture, according to telegraphic dispatches heretofore published, has already conceded tiie right to the negroes of testifying in all cases in which one of their number is in terested. fisjf In the United States Circuit Court in Baltimore, Md., on the 22d inst., Justice Chase presiding, in an action brought against the Northern Central Railfoad Company by a British subject, the company claiming the right to retain 5 per cent of its interest coupons to pay the income tax, and three mills on the dollar under a law of Fennsylvania, the court decided that the company mast pay the tax, and that the coupons must he paid without any de duction therefor. m~ An attc mpt to defraud the Govern ment by the abstraction of papers in the cases of deceased and discharged soldiers, has just been brong'o to light in Washing ton. The Second Auditor states that, had the fraud been undiscovered for a few months, the Uovernnient would have been swindled out of over $1,000.4)1)0. The guilty parties. Win. Rabe, a claim agent, Berthold Dressen, a clerk in the Second Auditor's office, and Marman Gossman, have been arrested. Additional correspondence has taken place between Minister Adams and Karl Russell in regard to the depredations of the. Rebel cruisers fitted out in England. Earl Russell repeats the argument that En gland acted upon precedent in the matter, and endeavors to show that steps were tar ken to prevent and punish breaches of neu trality. BtiT A citizen of Lewisburg, Pa., an nounces that he will furnish, for a thanks giving dinner, a turkey to every soldier's widow in Union County, Pa., and also one to every widow who has lost in the war a son upon whom she was dependent for sup port. tej!r The ex-rebel ram Stonewall, in con voy of the 1 . S. steamers Rhode Island and Hornet, arrived at Washington Friday irom Havana, where she was surrendered to our government by the Spanish authorities. An order has been issued from the ! War Department, by direction of the Presi dent, notifying all claimants for the re wards offered by government for the ap prehension of Jeff Davis and the assassina tion conspirators that they must file their claims at the Adjutant fieneral's office be fore the Ist of January next, and also an nouncing' the revocation of the rewards ofl-; ered for Clie arrest of Jacob Thompson, ; Beverly Tucker, George N. Sanders and 1 William ('. Cleary, the rebel agents in i Canada, and John H. Suratt, suspected of: complicity in the murder of President Lin- j coin. Bug" A military commission has been I ordered by the Washington authorities, on i the complaint of the Prussian Government, ! for the purpose of investigating the charges j against the Massachusetts State authorities ! of enlisting- Prussian subjects during the) late war to fill their quotas. THE NEGRO EE VOLT IN JAMAICA, Full particulars of the negro revolt in the island of Jamaica are furnished by res ident correspondents of the New York Herald. The facts elicited show that the massacre was the result of a deliberate, plot for assassinating the white population, ' and putting the negroes in possession of; the island. The following are the particu lars : The 2Vttli of October was fixed for the , rising; but the arrest of some of the con- \ spirators on other charges precipitated the outbreak several days. At the bottom of the conspiracy was George Williams Gor don, ex-magistrate and members of the , Colonial Assembly, aud it would seem (though 011 this point the colonial papers make no definite statement), a white man. The active leader was Paul Bogle, a negro preacher, and it is significant that most of : the rebels were in some way connected with negro ''religious" associations. Bogle, j Gordon and the other principal rebels have been arrested and hanged. General La -1 mo the, ex-President of the Haytien Repub lic, implicated in the rising, has been ar rested on board a schooner, in which he was trying to escape from the island. At the date of last advices the revolt was nearly suppressed, though frightful I stories continued to be told of the negro atrocities, and one road eight miles long was said to be almost impassable from the j j collection of dead bodies. The insurgents j ' do not seem to have attempted the destine-1 1 tion of the property on the island. Their aim was to assassinate the whites and then 1 enter into possession of their property. Over one thousand of the rebels have ! been hanged and shot in the parish of St Thomas up to the time the steamer left ; ' and it is not at all unlikely that ere the 1 different Courts Martial close their settings, \ | there will be far over two thousand who | will have paid the penalty of their vile at tempt to exterminate the white and colored ' races of this island. Bom ROKBKKY. —On Sunday night last one of the boldest and most daring robber ies ever known was perpetrated at. llain uiel's Hotel in this Borough. A peddler of Furs,uaoied Backer, who had been stopping at that hotel for a few days, retired to bed j as usual, taking the precaution to place his pants containing over live hunched dol- | lars in money, and a gold watch valued at two hundred dollars, under his pillow.— , When sound asleep the room was in some i manner entered by two burglars who ad ministered chloroform to him (it is suppos- | ed,) and took the pants from under the pii-1 low. j Two men, named John Caiu and Felix , Kenyon, had been prowling adout here ev- | I er since the arrival of the peddler, having : followed him from Binghamton ; and the i peddler had become suspicious of them, thinking they had designs upon his valua- j hies. Consequently he had, as he suppos ed, taken every necessary precaution to foil any attempt of the rascally villains, Mr. Louis Hauiiiiel, proprietor of the ho- j tel, had kept some watch ol the villains j also, and in the morning they wet • arrest ed. Alter a sic :t healing before Eeq. Cur tis they were committed to the county jail to await then trial, and coustable Love lace deputed to take them to Montrose forthwith. They were accordingly hand culled and placed in a two horse carriage i with three or four lady passengers wtio were go\ng to attend Court, and when all i was ready the singular load started on its | winding way to the county seat of moun- j tainous Susquehanna. Everything went i smooth as a wedding until the weary load i came to a hill a strip of woods on the otli-1 er side of New Milford. Just then the two j passengers of the male persuasion thought j they would relieve the horses of some of j the weight they had to carry ; so one jump-! Ed out ou one side and the other on the op-! posite, and then some of the tallest walk-1 iug took place that has been witnessed i around these parts lately. Constable Love- j lace not being so lleet on loot as they, did not succeed in overtaking them. Suffice it to say, the birds have tied, and neither they nor the money and watch have i as yet been heard from. This whole pro ceeding will, we trust, go far toward mak ing peddlers, constables and other people still more careful. -Northern I'ennxijlvanian. \ THK WKSTKKX PENNSYLVANIA GOIJI KK- , ciioNS. —A gentleman called in our office on J Saturday last, aud exhibited several spec- j i mens of pure gold found upon Deep Run,' Duukard township, Green county, Fa., and , assayed at the Fnited States Mint. This J ore was fouud at the depth of nearly seven hundred feet, and we were shown numer ous affidavits which were given by the men employed at the works, establishing ! the fact that the ore was brought up in the sand-pump of the Amber Oil Well. From the certificates shown us of the Assayer of! the Philadelphia Mint, we learn that the ore is a sulphurct of iron and lead in quart/., with visible gold, which appears upon . hasty or careless examination so much like the pyrites as to be mistaken on overlooked. It was assayed in three different parcels ol various weights, from fourteen grains to three pennyweights, apd by three standard , methods, either of which gives au accurate result of its richness. These results show much irregularity as to the aiqount ol the precious metal, but in any case a very ex traordinary richness of tfje ore is illustra- > ted. The result is given in avordupois < pound weight of the ore, and it should be stated that the silver returned as present as J a natural alloy of the gold, making it some-, what pale, and the fineness of the precious metal is from 7'J9 to 81fl, or about lit} car ats. l'he richest specimen assayed yielded in pure gold $87,0, and in silver $3, or sBB,I'O per pound, which will make $177,- 800 per ton We learu that a shaft is im mediately to be sunk to the level of the gold vein, and that capitalists have already subscribed all the funds necessary to* thoroughly develope the lead.— Pittdutrg Dispatch. PARDONS. —Applications fur pardon are i still coming in at the Attorney General's 1 office, though not in such numbers as lias i hitherto been trie case. Until recently they | have averaged twelve hundred per week,' but now will not exceed six hundred. About four hundred per week are acted upon and the requisition forwarded to the State De partment, from' whence they are sent to the President in small parcels, thus resulting i in an accumulation of warrants in the office ;of the Secretary of State, the President • i having no time to devote to them at pres ent. The greatest number of applications are now coining in from North Carolina, I Virginia and Arkansas. One hundred pe ! tit ions were presented yesterday by the I Secretary of Statu of Texas. It is under stood that the diminution of applicants for j . pardon is owing to the prevailing idea in | the south that Congress will grant a gener ; al amnesty, a result highly problematical. | There are now in the office of the Attorney i General about one thousand cases, which i are filed away for further consideration by the Cabinet. These include rebel generals, i membets of the confederate Congress, and i officers of the rebel service who graduated lat the United States Military and Naval | Academies. Alabama is considerably ahead of other States with respect to par | dons, and will probably have comparative ly few more petitions to present.— HYP-Vl | ingtmi Ittar, Saturday. i A Raleigh despatch announces that Provisional Governor llolden has received instructions from secretary Seward that he is to continue to exercise executive func tions in North Carolina until specially re lieve! by President Johnson, notwitlistand i ing the fact that another Governor was ; e'ected by the people of that Mate on last Thursday. It will be remembered that in the interview which the North Carolina t delegation had with the President on last ; Friday he informed them that Mr. Hidden would be so instructed, as have also been the Provisional Governors of Mississippi, South Carolina and Florida. Thus it will ; be seen that the President is not disposed to allow the people of the States lately in | rebellion to assume unrestricted control of their affairs until, by complying with the l terms which he demands, they demonstrate i their loyalty to tiie government beyond a doubt and give security to keep the peace .in future. Their Legislatures must ratify the slavery prohibition amendment to the : national constitution. Bf%„On last Saturday night a burglarious ; attempt was made to enter Meyleft's Bank iat Scranton. Four men, equipped with | eight hundred pounds weight of superior i tools gained an entrance at the side door and commenced operations on the vault.— i Mr. Scranton and Mr. Chittenden both have offices over the Bank. It so happened that i they had occasion to be out together un- I commonly late that night. Ou the way i home Mr. Chittenden stepped into his office, | leaving Mr. Chittenden outside on the side walk. The burglars heard Mr. Scranton overhead. One of tbein came to the side j door, and seeing Mr. Chittenden, gave the ! alarm. He and his associates fled, leaving : their whole set of tools behind them. Mr. j Chittenden did not identify cithei of the men, and they effectually escaped. 1 s-. New B V H . M (r ALLA 1! E R Of New York. ] Will Lecture before the Y. M. 0. A. of Tnwunda. ft the (' OI'RT HoI" 5 K . ION TUESDAY EVENING, DEO EM BLR lb. I-u 1, Svkitrt : -"lreland and the Irishman." I Doors open at J o'clock, Lecture to commence at S. ) Tickets 30 cts. For sale at the Reading New* i Room, aud Drug Stores, j Nov. 2s, lst;s. j dhAA REWARD—STOLEN.—STOLEN j V/ from the enclosure ol the .subscriber, iu Bur : lington twp. ,on Wednesday night, I.Vb inst., a BA ) i COLT, two years old. with no particular marks: the ) maue being somewhat v/cin near the head The volt shod ou its fore feet only. The above reward will lie I paid upon the retnrn of said Colt to the subecrilier. or a liberal reward for such inlorinuti in as will lead to bis recovery. I'iilLli' LYNCH- i Burlington, Nov, IT. lsoT. U M I T IPS P N EL M A T IF CM P 1? V kJ Patented May 2. I mi;. THL I'TMK COMBS WHKV RKRFECTMN I- ATTAIXKD 1S A 1,1. PHINUS. In Smith's.Pneumatic Churn, perfection is reached. It ; combines all that is useful iu making Butter. The ' principle of introducing ui> into cream has long been the study of inventors of Churns, but it lias never been , accomplished to any extent nntil the invention of Smith s Pneumatic Churn. In this Churn all the air made by a double-acting Bellows is forced into the : cream, and at the very bottom, setting the cream in a ! great commotion. At the same time the air brings tiie | cream to the same temperature of heat and cold as in | the place where the Churn is worked, the butter being ! made by currents and counter currents of air, causing a 1 friction by the currents against pach other, removing i the covering withont bursting the globule-. eoti-equent |ly the grain of the but ter is perfect. In makes liult, i j in half the lime of an ordinary Churn , a tar better, and I a larger per cent, of butter than any other Churn in use. i A trial is all that is simple in its construction, not in ( any way likely to get out of order, and the same jar- I used for cream are used to make the butter in, saving j all trouble and time spent in keepings wooden Churn i clean, 1 add no certificates, but can get them wherever the 1 Chum is worked. All are governed by their interests, j and for that reason tbis Churu will take the place of !1 j others wherever introduced. Town, County and State Rights for sale. CHESTER V. SMITH. Litchfield. Conn, J Address DAV ID C. GOODWIN, Browfitown, . Nov. 20. 1565. Bradford Co., Pa, JJ I 8 8 H (! II C \ 't will open the Second Term of her School, on Second 1 Street, on Tuesday, Nov. 21. lstij. TERMS PER (Jt'ARTEB. ! Common English Branches * s.'■ '>() I Higher " " to 700 ! French (extra) . . 2 50 to 4 00 j j No extra charge tor Latin. | School year of 42 weeks,divided into four equal terms. : j Much experience, and considerable opportunities for 1 observation in different methods of teaching, enable Mi-s HINT to offer her services to those interiMM with I a certain degree of confident*. Unexceptionable reform ces given if required. ' Towanda.Nov. 14. lfltia. WILCOX & GIBBS SEWING MACHINE Universally acknowledged to be the BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE NO V |>f (ME, Po\Y EL L <V CO. Having accepted an Agenoy for the sale ot this celehra- • , ted machine, respectfully invite an examination and i tr al of tliera by the ladies of this vicinity. Possessing peculiar advantages over any other, for 1 • latniiy purpo-evwherever -old they give entire sati lac t turn to the pit chasers. Towauda. Oct iio, lMi.i JPANCY GOODS AND TRIMMINGS !' , ( Mr*. L. 11. TAKER calls the attention oljtlie 1 Antics ot Tovvutida ami vicinity, to her stock of FAXDY (jOOt)S AND TfltM ULYHS, ■ Comprising ,< large a.-sorljpont. of the most lushiouabie . and desirable articles needed tiy Ladies, selected with (freat care, and which will m. sold at lensi raide 1 prices Her stock wiii be kept constantly supplied by the most f fashionable articles in the New Y>., k mark-1, and no pains will he sp trod to .ictvuno, > i,i inse desiring to , purchase, *- Store on Main S , next door beTow Patch's Gro cery Store where she solicit- !| t( . patronage of the Lad ; Its. Towauda, Nov. 7, Istid. 'PR E W FA L L Goo DS ! The Ladies will find at Miss GRIFFIN'S a fine e lection ol Fall and WIN TE R MI LL 1 N ER \ GOO DS , Bonnets ol all prices and qualities, Ribbics and Flowers of unusual richness and variety, and in loct a large as, 1 sorlmeut of everything pertaining to 'be husinevs. Nov. 1. 1 ♦:.->. Xcu) -- - I /IASM PURCHASERS TAKE NOTP'E JI , Oh. yes! the subscriber has guin returned Iron, New York, having in the meantimeselec e l with greet e:ne. a splendid assortment of SEW GOODS, well adapted t<> the wants of all. the old, the middle aged, and the voting, and at the same time not targeting the " wee " ' : hit of (oiks that get op locomotion by nroping. These i all have especially been cared for in the selection < t the sto, k He would now tender his waimesl thanks to all his old friends and patrons for past favors and iespcet fully solicits a continuance of a shn- •' their patron- I f- ! * ? '' H "'•> -< - f " : II yon will please color :,ed Yon will find the same g ' <1 ! 1 A I Ihe BB KHIVR . O r w ell. I' a . ! • F I* K S ! KIRS!! KIRS!!! A splendid assortment of Cents'. I.adie- and Child rens Furs, at the Bee Hive. laidies. Gents and Children ureal! lespeeUulijriuvited to call at the Bee H ve and examine- tin exec:. .vc line of Furs. Gents before they buy they would do well ro look at the large stoek o! 11 ATS,C A PS. PUR GLOYKS.FURCdLAKS, Ac . found of course at the Bee Hive. 800 T S A VT) SIIO ES , in any quantity and style at the Bee Hive OVERCOATS at the Bee Hive. COATS ;C the Bee fiivc VKS |> at the Bee Hive. HANTS at the Bet flive. C R0 <! K WRY, M I RUM R S K <' , At tl.e t'.ce Hive. TEA. AS USUAL FRESH & KKAURA NT ■ At the Bee Hive. CROCKS. FROM THE REST M.\ NUFACTURKRS, At the Bee Hive. Captain's Offlte open from H A.M.tone. 11 torn tew days longer. All those who have old un.-eftled 80, k Accomi* with Ij. H. thev would save themselves :<t. will i please tall without delay andsetUe up. L. 11. BRONS IN BEE HIVE, Orwell. Ha. piAXOS, AMERICAN ORGANS AND I MELODIAXS. The undersigned most respectfully announce- to tie citizens ot Towanda and vicinity, that he has pun-hit-eii the Music business ol (j. T. Eoli , and will ueiecate, supply any of the above articles, together with VIOLINS, GI'ITARS, ACCORDIANS, STRINGS, At'., on as go d terms a.- they cat be had elswhere. W. A. CHAMBERLAIN AJ.sO AUKST 10 li THK CELEBRATED AMERICAN WATCIJ, and has always un iisnd, a go, ,1 assortment ot Swiss Watches, with a general assortment ot JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS, Silver and Plated Waie ol the BEST MANIVAC Tl'R KB.-. uhi h will lie > .id at unusually low figures. A large variety of clocks fast received, among which may he found the Seth Thomas, which has no eq ;ai. B E P A 181 N G AND JOB BI N G , done vvitii ueatness and di-patch, and warranted, To those who can't see. we would say go to Chamberlain's and get a pair of glasse that wili make ynn see as well us ever. Don't target the -h >p. nearly opp isite the Court House. W \. CHA'JBEhLAIN. Towanda. Nov. '1.1M5.A. r ARGE SALE 011 FURNITURE ANi HOUSEHOLD GOOD-* AT AUCTION Will i,e sold at Public Auction. coalmen..'::, g on TUESDAY, DECEMBER' D.Mh. I*s. ) at Lo o'clock, A.M ,and e nitinue from day to dav.uutii the entire sto -l; ot HOUSED >Li> Fi* fXITURE*. con It.inedin the WARD H'tUSR. at Towanda. Pa.. is I disposed of. Among the uumermis articles i> he sold, may lie lound in part as follows, vis: j Sofas, Lounges. Settees. Divans. Tete-a-tete-. Wash stands. Bureaus, Bookcase, Dreasuigcase, Tables, Cot tage and French Bedsteads. Mahogany, Cane seat and Windsor Chairs. Looking Glasses. Pi- tares. Limns. Vases and Carpeting. DINING- R0 O M FURNI TU R E Consisting ot Tables.Crockery. Knives. Forks. Silver j aud Plated Ware, Glass Ware. BKI) 8 A X I) BED I) I Nif . ( .insisting ol Feather Beds, Hair. Cotton and .Straw Maltm-ses, Spreads Sheet.-. Pillow - is, . Pillows, and Comfortables. |BAII- R0 0 M FUR NL T IRE. Tables. Decanters, Tumblers. Water-coolers, Ale- Pump. besides all kinds of KITC II E X V URNI TUR E , ! Pirlor, Cooking and Offl.-e Stoves,both Coal nnd Wood. i one large Hotel Cooking Stove, Refrigerators, ine large , Iron Sate.two Provision Sues. Well-pump, Hi .-e.Wag- J on, and llarness. Two Platform Scales, fn tar all ar ticles used in and about a H -tel. The attention ol landlords is called to thu vmy line stock of Liquors and Cigar,which will he -old at private : sale. Terms made known on day ot sal *. | GeouOK O.Chafpek, Auctioneer. I'oWELI. & SMITH, I'rpprietors. Towanda, Nov. 6, lstij. \\7 ANTED.--AN INTELLIGENT AND v T energetic M.ui to take charge ola Ira, lot hun berland, and to supply mines with timber from it. To a proper person good wages and steady work will be ; giveu. Address F. KOEUNER, Nov. 20, 'i;.',. ;;t Girardville. Schuylkill Co., L'a. i VTOTK'K.—Whereas, my wilts Si -an E. . i.l has left my beu aud board without just cause or provocation, notice is hereby given, to all persons, not to harbor or trust her on my account .1 will pay no debts t of her contracting. SV I>YANUS VANBUsKIIiK. Ridgberrv, Nov. s, ISMS. IgE VV I N Q MA U H I N E8 ! Having taken the Agamy of thv two beet Machines yet made WHEELED A WILSON. AND SINf.KR We are now ready to supply all. **-MACHI.\'KS SOLD AT NEW YORK PRICE--** WT No mistake the above make- ark tub Bk.-t "Mi •*" The work of these Machines is alike on faith sides and < all iwl rantl. just coijie and try it."4* *" Silks. Thread, Oil, Soap, Needles, Gil Caus,Needle Cases, end extras kept on liand a? our Store.'** Dv -ell the tiling that always please.* ""in ( all and see our samples aud gtt our prices. WICKHAM ,v- BLVCK, Nov. 20. Ist;:,. Towanda. F*a. Ucal Estate. LNtR SALE W REASONABLE Wftu That valaable property sledded with ;" ' v hD)'ei..k i.e4,0 btr vahn.hl. t;mUr on lii u .,. 1 the kin i irfift cleared i< g d f,- r farming ~*, 't Containing tin" aer ob of whe ii i.- partly v . impiovemfcic arc : 1 g ml strain , U. ' with little rfcpansto the dam c.ri run b*. j barn, aod fevernl dweltinga aron d the mill j-7, * , i-.rt> i- only at< w tube- wext ul Übtei V *'• ping I pint -t; tlie North Branch Canal, andnuU ' ' na River t it oapitalat th.s would l*-a vab.ji,-, mcui. For lorther paitioui is , -ldr -.- PETER Bi'ADV. \ s-cp' lb. I>>H.>. Spirt. i. H'i.-n 'y | A r \H T AI>I.E FARM FOR -.tjj T farm kn :wn as the "Chartea WliHe Finn" • in Franklin town*dip is for sale. It -,nta- '! ilml and tliirly-twn acre.-, .verone hi. . ! tui improved, it is om oI the beat aaterrd uri county, and is itb'n ." ven miles of f, ; tnwe are two good frame dweiiing honaeit, large (having been recen'.fy ir.y.ruved), tiie well calculated for a tenant house ; two (raia.-.i cne 3b by 4 <i teet, t .-gether with cow liou*e, ' cmoko, Six I here Ha good niae-i . . hearing excellent Iruit. a large uutuhei • ! p c .., ; . which have yielded fifty bushels curing 'J..'"' season, also Iruit-hear!rig grape VIM . yp, 1 well adapted lo grain ana graiw. Fotjurthrr particulars utunire of Adan ~ t. WELLINGTON HlfAMllti'r I Towanda,Oct. 14, lsipf. r\\RM FOR .-A I.E. THE SI BSCHIBji i oilers lor -ah- a iaiin on .-'Jg.n ( miles Ironi Towanda boro". It contains abu . 110 of which aie in a good -t.'tc of cult I well watered anil is a first clans dairy lanri. .. poriidiis of it :;:e well adapted to gi tin. The , . ' 1 R, * good dwelling house, large ban- (tin -,, i township) hoi'tie barn, corn house, otjjo t i, aud orchard. <ne fourth o! the pnrclia*." mone;, . !l t < ~ time of sale, and ai.y teascnalilecieuit will . tf .. , .theresidue. UI.V.-- 1 ,- m,.,, Towanda, Oct. 4. I"is. LRM'M FOR .-ALL.— flu m. i JL offers for tiK a nuHiR farm in smith • tfond h*:rlrtnrgs. tencrx, trnit Ac. JOHN N.i \LIFK T .vai, i,, July LT, it-'b'i. otti | iKS IRABLE FARM FOR S VLK !-, I'i .o m f :j s irt Wyi-li.-ing two.. our-mile ea i town, containing a b .t EPi acres ; t . aere wih superini iiuitdings, fences ..ur; impwv< ail kinds. It has a tine tinit orchard, con-i-liii.- pic-, pe.iche-. pear . plumb-, cherrie- Ac., gt.ipe-. g- cherries, curran 1 in liege q . ei: TERM - fl# pt-i u- r, I itlbb dowa, the hsi e time. For jr.rt ii r inft/rmotion tpjdy or adret-s J.N. CALIFF. uT • over Post office, Towanda , •. H, fv 2m 17' ARM FOR SALE.—A GOOD JL consisting 0T135 acfWß of fund handsomely ted on th • river, about nine miles from Tow.: ....; in a go 1 state of ctUnfatfotl, with bou-e. barn md e uv. .en; uuthuiiuiiigs,and well w.: ■ e ed lor sale on favorable termfb For parti of the -:,b- -riber at the Banking Hon-? i' - A Co. B. S. RUKstl Towai -ia, ."sept, -j, lobn. frrat ircce, n Hull ]•: FRU I T T! ' ! - mi. stm.Y i.-uui. HA- IN U T<) V. AN D A XI"RS Ej; ] . ready for immediate orchard pianti lii 11-:: N THGUS.'.ND CHOICE APPLE comprising the a ilowiag leading and t King of Tompki. - I'ouut'i. II ag< /■' no.;' I. t man Syrning, lio.vbury H land Greening*, o ,( -- and all tin -•- •. Hummer aud iat us . \lso, a line assortment of select Cherrii IV..*. . aud a fine n-sortment of Bearing'lr:- • Tito proprietor having retoove.l lo Wilt. R.i; eatabli hed his nursery business tjiere.make for him to close rat at an early day IT- T ■ .. set'. Stick. He now ofi- is Ibis choice stock ol supt.. ... at greatly reduced pries—selling at It -a _ •, a cei.t. cheaper than other nttr-ery-nv'ii-1 MaH!-! i.tstion. N. B.—AYtt wish it o'• parti- oiarly n'. Ii j these Fruit Twn.'ard of very supdHoi I) are ot unusually fine size, ot beaiUty tirely iree from nil divea'p. Si" We pre -i thattUut-e wishing t . pur hi visit tin- u-'.rseri • ■ and to -G ct tb- : -' tr*- ■- they will find reliuble men to wait upon them times. i'l H < of So. 1, . 1 !>/>/( 1> ' ■ . '. i 0 ' ujtvurrf?. tiffer hvr.tfnd. (A'-* •' ( <' {.• r huodiul. so J cviljflo Ihoic IC.A Com aji. No. 1 Tiim, in Jot lets limn 50,2". ernti. ... i Prici "f ("trijy. ' Plum i IViic- in proportion. DANIEL lIAliKiX* Ail osd<. - should be addressed t • t'n i! •• aiul will 1-t promptly attended p. H.-c .. r Marsha Bi Thers' Hardw ire St -re. li. M. WEi.i.Ek. General *. Towanda. Sept. 2!,'. 1 . /<()(>!> FRUIT ! LUftLlo; - Gi;.\ . The suliscrjbcr and his a-si-t mts, whih selling ai taking orders or the clioi" Ch-'try .'.n Hear tint in tue To ..o da >'.,r-ei nil, r 1 time, tak . irder- f.>. Fruit and ': I that no:t be pro ored from elsewhere t ■ said - _ iLT'iIRIUJi GILAi'L VINLB. . M - J 'ention is lieing paid th ■ - ~ t!e propagati >n md n ■-! 1 five grape-. Wonderful improve u-n: . hat# been ir.i-ie. IT - fiu. Foreign Grj,' I hitVevlnlea 1n yatii 3r cnlturc In this lirnat • is i '." ii ku-'.vn butt that, until within - have had no native American Grapes equal ) , Fori ,• t.i !, i, the fact ii ■ i a.■•;. ' - ' and lob.-i. partienJarly. h*Fe no superior. T man. who ii isi. in - aougli t-i eel . vine, mc a* : and enjoy ,cs guml grata -a- his wealthy *- --- ■ t ha - a hot-liousc gr.ip.-rv. >' V i i; !u U > VI NE - • Man . arsons in R> idford have n -a '" I - ed in vines- though ptirulitsed as iain. ■ vaiiuic*. th' y pi - red .to lie cogauuiu s , has iT-nion-trit'iul tint cheap few pi •- - ' Mtn.illrt.:edM!iwt- Tiie -nlis rit*erf ? I proti" oy i.ig i \peri-. aeo id iifa*".-, ... tray his gyape vines from the. best id raosl ■:. - • ku-wii gifipe ■ i.ft! i ♦ in The Un : m. i; . DR. C. \y. GRANT, of : m, l 'ill ■ I.toil .III! Ol igo.ofo/* if tb*. luteal ah ' ' ' J rf/ojxraars, ' , Wee in -mv cheaper vine . rep re- ' c "> ,J ■ | tonaaud Israeli#, auii nthi'i leading v.cii.' -.lnuii " . iiui>eryaitL, lait they, il true to : .. ." • 1 1 bctuter: r vile. •- v. dire not ri*k tht 1 ; ' TH:: BEST y NK> AND choicest g-UAUF- hifi 'i prifHl. fin the rln -- ' it has boon ton lid that th.* vines of -• :r-'ii . | like age and size, front some nurstti< -. arc - t worth tw iei a- much for early and j-t 'dr. "' * :i tlr 'rum others, i Vu will uirnish the I'claw, re. ! na. I- • 1 ' , the it.ulipg Giapi -at Dr. Giant -pi - Tmeffiyx l? HieiißKEtv $1(10 PBEJitru GRAK. Even i Is i.soholdcr itioute! h-ivt one of th:*/ 1-uu *! *■ J STANDARD REAR~AXD DEAt'l! TRU > I Ail other frnit and ornami ntai t.n- ' ; j be"i it .ii' i d Ir-ini a Rochester Nursery of i-.- : i•• . 1 tiofij at.-l -.iirnis-lied at the mokt for - . I Tfce snl>HCtiii'*r will have several As-i.-ta 1a * | whu will eauvic-s lor-.<! iters. We hope the c*i*® ; our County will favor us with # ii' era!! 'lf- : 1 it.i isiip micni.o pr -mu'lv attended t<*. .; J'uwaui.i, Oct. ii, isiki. 11. M. b fJ- * ! KER ' S AG I K <l* R r j I - K THB Sl'btnv CtKE OF , inti mii ml fair ■ . Ftvir iniii -Jg'-f,/*' ■ ••• •" Peeri . Dumb -fgin . IV> itnln • it>ii Htaihrchr. ttmf Jtiltou* f\-virx. imfC'd " 1 I cJum ui ion. i. i rigiualing in hiliaiy "*'■ " C'.n. < / by the Mtilii.iaoJ mil, mctu , ~ Fever end kgHeisnot the r-r.!y . —.y " " i miasm-lie pi'ist'i. A great ~irV u'■ • uders ■ . lion; It-. in It iiioff, in mal ui us ;-•...; ■ are X . tralfjfi.i. Rbcmiati-rti, G .t, !!■ ' • Tenth the. Earache. Caturrh, \sthmn. ! • " ,: > j Painfol affection of the t-j!ccu f Uy-teins. !-• • . Boiye's, Glic. Harali .-is. and Derange.;nT:' ach all of which, w io-n erigimttiiig in thD Ithe iuti itiiiltnt type, vr soine periuuic ih 4' :;s L "' ( . . c.xp.N the poison Ir.-n. i!:. blood, and thus ' , all alike. It is not only the most cflntiia! m- •'! '. diteovwit'd torth'S tl-ss ci c.onip tints. Int i cheapest and wore *vcr i pcrteclly -*• N" ' aii. .Y.v.t its hand the patient when • '.I. he* ditv-us if he liiol defer hnf he di-ea-e. .- id ■ i any other ciehu t Rills and Fevei 1 " •; •d thia and its itiuicriance to thu-e . A '<<! ' crtrtipl.nnt'c.iimot be c vcv s-tntate-l. So sure ' cure tji- I- ,*rcd Ague,that ;t u-a> t-a; -t- 5 ' ' ,to ! . i .'.tnill I' . t .1' di.-',,. —'U-j "1". is not end ifiedicipc lo -eil. Ih 'ai'. C one b whole i., .glilKiihead. I -iTvpiMaiii by .i.e. Avi.KiV").. Loweli, ! '■' sold by Dr. 11. C. l'mtei. Towanda Im* .- 1 • "a ■ am! lealer-' in mi fiicii e everyv i i-. >'•• : ; LVi'RAY.—GAME IN To THE ES 1 JJ utr ot ilio s uiseribei. in j - ar-ca • 18fi3,%Bci*dfoSteer--# ten 1 The owiwi* is requc-P-iJ to pr ve ':ef |A y and lake tfie -utile away. MM. I- I Tpscanma. Nov. lb, ltijij. | T-N fttfi MAT I'Ell UF .10-'- PR 1. l.ndMtic. In Bradi-e,-,! v'-nnmoa 1': a- '* Te in. 18(14. Notice Is h ireb) givent at t j "b. Ru-scl: Miller, Comni tee ot Jc-e ■ baa been presumed to -nid i nut. aiid '- ,a 5 , ~,e. ■ coiue up ltu nt - iii, on MON' 1 " 1k,;,. U.O.GOODRUn Pr thono'ary'sO 111 .* Nov I.IW.