Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, November 30, 1865, Image 1

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The REPORTER is puldished every Thursday Morn
, by E. O. GOODRICH, at #2 per annum, in ad
"pVEUTLSEMESTS exceeding fifteen lines are
, dat TEN 1 ENTS per line for first insertion,
1, N CENTS per line for subsequent insertions.
, q jiseount is made to persons advertising
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\, tr „ed one-half more than regular advertise
rs All resolutions of Associations; communi
tioiis of limited or individual interest, and no
„f Marriages and Deaths exceeding five lines,
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".■r advertisements, not exceeding 15lines,
three weeks, or less, $1 50
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,q i. t charged sls. They will be entitled to j
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■riptiou to the paper.
,!0H PRINTING of every kind in Plain and Fau
nas. done with neatness and dispatch. Hand
\ Blanks, Cards, Pamphlets, &c., of every va
,-tv and style, printed at the shortest notice. The
vi ,I : TKI: OFFICE has just been re-fitted with Power
aid every thing in the Printing line can
vented in the most artistic manner and at the
0, don't go in to-night, John—
Now, husband don't go in!
To spend our only shilling, John.
Would be a cruel sin.
There's not a louf at home, John—
There's not a coal, you know—
Though with hunger I am faint, John.
And cold comes down the snow—
Then don't go in to-night!
Ah, John, you must remember —-
And, John, I can't forget-
When never foot of yours, John,
Was in the ale-house set.
Ah. those were happy times, John,
No quarrels then we knew,
And none were happier in our lane
Than I, dear John, and you—
Then don't go in to-night!
You will not go. John !—John, 1 mind,
When we were courting, few
Had arm as strong, or step as firm,
(ir elieek as red as you ;
But drink has stole your strength, John
And paled your cheeks to white.
Has tott- ling made your yeung, firm trend,
And bowed your manly height—
You'll not go in to-night?
You'll not go in ? Think on the day
That made me, John, your wife.
What pleasant talk that day we had
(>f all our future life !
i >f how your steady earnings, John,
No wasting should consume,
But weekly some new comfort bring
To deck our happy home—
Then d' >n't go in to-night!
To see us, John, as when we dress'd.
So tidy, clean and neat,
Brought out all eyes to follow us
As we went down the street,
Ah, little thought our neighbors then.
And we as little thought,
I hat ever, John, to rags like these
Bv drink we should be brought—
You won't go in to-night?
And will you go? If not for ftie.
Yet for your baby stay ;
You know, John, not a taste of food
Has passed my lips to-day :
And t 11 your father, little one,
1 is mine your life hangs on.
Yon will not spend the shilling, John ?
You'll give it to him? Come. John,
Come home with us to-night 1
—Lomlou People's Journal. J
Were staying a large party at Thronton !
Court, at the beginning of the pheasant-!
shooting season, when J heard an account '
"1 an optical delusion, which is of such a ]
nfivel character that I can hardly suppose !
it will not be interesting to many people,
flie ladies had gone, or at least were sup
jMsed to have gone, to bed ; for I have of
ten, on my way back from the smoking
:n, at an hour when all but a few con- j
:;rmed lovers of the weed aie believed to i
asleep in a country house, heard through i
doors, which communicate between |
trie ol the young ladies' rooms and the ;
irridor, sounds of voices aud of laughter,
which have led me to imagine proceeded
; uii sleeping occupants, and which have
I nie to believe that the vague stories
wv hear of little chats by members of the
titer sex over their bedrooms fires are not
altogether unfounded.
At any rate every one had left the draw
; ig-r.ioin ; one by one, smokers in every
variety and every color of smoking-jacket
1 of dressing-gown, had dropped into the
vi re mentioned sanctuary of tobacco,
where, under sporting pictures and one or
two fixes' brushes, and shut oft the house
v d'luble baize doors, we formed a part of
about half a dozen round the cheerful fire
which the chilly days of early October
f' li h ted quite acceptable. After all the
'"rubers of the social community were sup
! lif! with cigars and large glasses, which
"lit. lined various compounds of elferves
•*!JC waters, and bad settled into their
i >. we chattered over the pheasants,the
F sp 'cts of hunting, the merits of some
well-known race horses, and such other sub
lets as form the staple of conversation
turned upon ghost and spiritualism. All
• the subject except the usually
'"iversational Col. Houghton, who silent
v pulled away at a large cigar and gazed
steadfastly into the fire.
Come, Houghton," at last said Kandon,
Ur host, •• what is your opinion on the sub-
I certainly have not the least belief in
-C-iOHts. but a most curious case once occur
"l to myself for which 1 have never been
' ' if to account," was the reply.
Dli, let us hear it by all means," cried
several, charmed with the idea of getting
" ughton.wiio was rather skeptical in most
'fitters, to tell a ghost story.
1 have never told it, but I think that
)' ,w 1 can do so, as, by giving other than
r " d names of the men I fancied 1 saw
1 ter their deaths, no one -now will be able
fed who they were," was the reply.
• S( verai new cigars were lighted, some
Bosses we:e replenished, and we disposed
. 'vesto listen, when Col. Houghton,
! wing very grave, and with an expression
' ba\e never before seen on his face, began
■us tale ;
' must tell you that my adventure oc
in a country, which 1 think is the
E. O. OOODIMCII, INiblislior.
last place on earth where one would have
expected to encounter anything mysterious
or unnatural ; for it was in China, the conn
try of ideal dullness and practicality, that
1 witnessed the phenomenon I have hither
to been unable to account for satisfactorily.
In order to understand the whole case I
must begin it a much earlier pnrioil of my
life than that at which the circumstance I
am about to relate occurred.
" When I was about sixteen years old,
and at school at Eaton, 1 was seized with a
j most ardent desire to enter the army, and
; in frequent letters implored my father to
I let me leave Eaton and go to a private tu
tor's, where I might undergo a special
i preparation for the military profession.—
: .My lather for a long time opposed the idea,
as he wished me to go to the bar ; and as
I was not an over diligent boy, imagined
that in the army 1 should not do anything
I except smoke and run into debt. At last
I my importunities led him to consent to a
compromise, and 1 was removed from Eton,
but not to a military tutor's ; I was sent to
a clergyman in the west of England, who
received a very limited number of pupils,
and who was to teach me thoroughly such
subjects as would lit me for the army, in
case I remained steadfast to my wishes, or
which otherwise might be useful in a civil
career. When I arrived at Dr. Warnbor
ough's I found there only two pupils, one
named Charles Granger, and another who
left soon after I joined ; Granger and I in
a short time became warm friends ; we rode
together, boated together, had no secrets
from each other, and for eighteen months
were almost inseparable. I)r. Warnbor
ough and his wife were a most kind, good
hearted couple, and made us most comfort
able in every way,an attention, lam afraid,
we did not always reciprocate, for we were
both rather wild and foolish, although I
must do Charles the justice to say that in
all scrapes I was the leader and cause.—
One incident which amused us much at the
time I may mention, en passant. The village
in which Dr. Warnborough's rectory was
situated abounded with cats, against which
we two boys declared a war of extermina
tion. Many fell before our air-guns(bought
surreptitiously at an ironmonger's in the
neighboring town)before the bright idea
struck me of making a rug of their skins ;
but the idea when it did come up in my not
over well stocked brain, was regarded,
both by myself and Charles,as quite equal
to Watt's conception of the steam engine,
or, what interested us more, the invention
of air guns. Naturally my idea was soon
acted upon ; the next cat that we killed
was skinned with our pocket-knives, the
body buried, and all seemed well, when a
new difficulty arose. How were the skins
to he dried ? It would not be safe to place
them in any of the outhouses, for the doc
tor might find them, and would lecture us
on what would appear to him cruelty, al-,
though to us it seemed only in obedience to
the dictates of youthful nature that we i
should kill the cats. My invention again
came to the front; the dining room table '
was turned upside down and the skin nail
ed on under its surface ; the table being re- :
stored to its proper position, and the cover j
put on, no trace of the currier's establish- i
inent below was visible. But vision is not ;
our only sense ; next day at breakfast Mrs. 1
Warnborough began to think that some of;
the drains were out of order ; but as deaic- \
cation had only just set in, her idea was
pooh poohed by the doctor, and we boys '
had too strong stomachs to feel any incon
venience from u smell of which we so well
knew the cause. By dinnertime, however,
there was no doubt on the subject, and the (
good lady felt, 1 think, almost a little tri
umph even on such a subject, when the doc
tor was obliged to confess she had been in
the right in the morning. Every search
was made to discover the cause of the
evil, which increased hourly ; the drains
were examined, hut all without avail, the
room with the table (which no one thought
of examining) standing in its centre was !
uninhabitable ; and at last I felt I must tell ;
the doctor ; so I went to him, received a |
mild reproof, and the nuisance was repres-!
At the first mention of the table with the
catskin stretched below it, several of the
audience expected some account ot table
rapping, or of the supposed spiritualism,
for the demonstrations of which this very
useful article of domestic furniture used a
few years ago to be the favorite instrument:
Webb of the Artillery, who knew that cat
skin generated electricity, was prepared to
account for any phenomenon by the electric
agency of the catskin below the table ; but
as the termination of this part of the, story
opened no chance to him for broaching this
theory, it was only in a confidential mo
ment next morning he discovered to me
what had been passing in his mind.
Colonel Houghton after a few moments
pause, recommenced : '' For about eighteen
months Granger and I lived most happily
in Dr. Warnborough's house ; but at the
end of that time the poor doctor caught a
cold in returning at a late hour from a visit
to a dying parishioner, which settled in
his lungs, and from the effects of which he
died within a few weeks. Both Granger
and myself were deeply affected by the loss;
we had both loved sincerely the worthy
estimable man whose only fault ( if lie had
one at all) had been too much kindness to
"As this loss left Mrs. Warnborough to
tally unprovided for, the curate, who re
ceived the late doctor's living, being an
unmarried man, generously gave Mrs.
Warnborough the free use of the rectory,
and engaged himself to read with us, so
that Mrs. Warnborough might still receive
what our parents paid for our board and
lodging to help to eke out her little income.
" About three months after I>r. Warn
borough'- death, a match at football took
place in the village between our parish
and a neighboring one. Charles and I
were players on our side, aud worked hard
at a rather uphill game all the afternoon.
In the evening we left the drawing-room
and retired to the dining room, which after
dinner was devoted to our use for the pre
paration of our lessons. This evening the
severe exercise of the afternoon told on us
so much that Charles, after a vain attempt
on a piece of French composition, threw
himsclt on the sofa, ami in a lew minutes
was fast asleep. A quarter of an hour more
of Euclid made me follow his example in
the armchair hy the fire. The room was
well lighted with four candles aud a toler
ably bright fire. Charles' sofa was at the
end of the room furthest from the door, and
I was sitting in the armchair, which had
its back towards the door. After being
asleep about an hour and a little before
ten o'clock, as I afterwards found bv my
watch, I was aroused by a sudden cry from
Charles. On awakening, I distinctly saw
Dr. Warnborotigh, dressed in his morning
gown, walk across the room from the end
nearest Charles to the door, where lie dis
appeared either through the door or by
opening it, and closing it after him : in my
surprise I could not see which.
" A few moments sufficed to completely
awake me, and 1 rushed out of the door
to try to perceive something more of the
extraordinary vision; but all was still and
undisturbed in every part of the house.
Charles and 1 discussed the matter very
seriously. He informed me that he had
awoke and seen the doctor standing look
ing at him, the sight caused him to call
out and thus awaken me. We neither of
us believed in ghosts, but were much de
pressed and puzzled by this strange ap
pearance, which we resolved to confide to
no one, in case it might reach Mrs. Warn
borough's cars and give her pain. Often
and often we talked to each other, how
ever, on the subject and .ultimately made
a compact that if it were possible, which
ever of ns died lirst should appear to the
other after death.
" in a few mbnths after this 1 was re
moved from Mr. Warnborough's, and at
the same time Granger went abroad to
look after his father's business in Austria
For six or seven years I was quartered with
my regiment in several parts of the United
Kingdom ; I occasionally saw Granger
when we both happened to come to London
together, which was not often ; but in the
excitement of early military life, I thought
no more of optical delusions, and almost
forgot my compact with Granger and the
vifiion of Dr. Warnborough, I was after
wards sent to India, where I still received
occasional letters from Granger ; but diff
erent tastes and pursuits rendered our cor
respondence uufrequent and uncertain.
"When the expedition to i'ekin was de
termined on in 1860, the cavalry regiment
to which J was attached was ordered to
China, and wu arrived without incident at
Talien Buy, where the English army were
disembarked in order to wait for the French,
previous to a common descent on China at
the mouth of the Peiho. The shores of
Talien Bay did not afford facilities for en
camping the whole army together, on ac
count of the small space between the beach
and a high rocky range of mountains which
ran along the bay at a distance of about
half a mile from the sea in some places, but
which ran close down to the water in others.
The cavalry were encamped at an open
part of the shore, where there was room
for their camp between the hills and high
water mark. Another portion of the army
occupied a similar encampment about six
miles further up the bay.
" On account of the rocks running down
to the sea between the two camps, there
was no road or means of communication
along the shore ; the only way to g-o from
one camp to the other was to pass through
a gap in tiie hills behind our camp, where
we always had a picket, ride about five
miles across the plain, and re-enter the
hills by another gap behind the infantry
camp, where pickets were also regularly
established. I had many friends in the
neighboring camp, and used often to ride
over there, not unfrequently stopping to
dine, and riding hack at night. These ex
peditions were not, I believe, known to the
superior authorities, who would probably
have stopped my evening rides beyond the
sentries, as it was not certain whether the
country was infested with Tartars, who
might have carried off any stragglers ; but
trusting to a revolver and my Arab horse,
1 had individually no fear of being taken,
even if attacked.
" One night 1 had been over to the infan
try, and had stayed till about eleven o'-
clock, when I started to ride home. There
was a tolerable bright moon shining, and 1
trotted quickly through the hills, past the
infantry picket,|and into the plain, where I
drew my horse into a walk and smoked a
cheroot while he walked quietly along the
smooth turf. About half way across the
plain I was aroused from a deep reverie in
which a certain lady in England, who is
now my wife, took a prominent place, by
my usually quiet horse manifesting an in
clination to bolt. I attributed his restive
ness to a desire to get home, but was as
tonished, after 1 had quieted him, to find
him burst into a cold sweat and trembled
violently. Fearing he was ill, I was about
to dismount, when a noise behind me struck
upon my ear. 1 looked around and saw a
human figure walking behind me at a dis
tance of about a hundred yards. My im
pression was that I was about to be at
tacked by some Tartars, so I got my revol
ver out and urged my horse with difficulty
into a trot. In a few minutes I again
looked behind, expecting to have left my
pursuer far in the distance, but to my great
surprise he had walked faster than my
horse Could trot, and had gained upon me.
I was more astonished still when, as lie
continued to gain on me, I perceived he
was dressed in ordinary evening costume,
especially as 1 did not think a dress of that
kind could have been found in the whole
army, lor we always all wore a uniform
adapted to the climate, and had little
enough baggage allowed us without car
rying any superfluities.
" My follower still continued to gain on
me, and I was so much astonished that I
continued to gaze on him as, coming near
er and nearer, he became more distinctly
visible. When lie was within a few yards
1 saw that the front of his shirt was entire
ly covered with something red, which looked
to me as if a bottle of port had been spilled
over it. Nearer and nearer he came ;
slowly and steadily the moon, high up in
the skv, but directly on the way 1 was go
ing, came from behind a slight cloud, just
as he reached my girths. She shone full
on a very pale face, weich was turned up
o mine, on a month from which blood was
slowly issuing, and on a pair of eyes which,
although now they appeared fierce and
staring, I well knew. It was Charles
Granger. Still he walked steadily hut
quickly ; he passed my horse's shoulder,
then his head. The poor brute shook as if
he were going to fall.
" I was so surprised that I could not
; speak, nor did I remember that I held a
! pistol in my right hand. When the spectre
j ' for so 1 then thought of it) had passed on,
' f could distinctly see it in front of me
walking away from me, but straight along
the path I was pursuing. Then 1 recovered
my presence of mind and called after him ;
in vain 1 implored, imprecated, and threat
ened to fire if he did not stop ; but on he
went steadily, though quickly, without ap
pearing to hear me. 1 then urged my liai se
(who had recovered from his fright,) into a
canter and pursued, hut could not gain on
my extraordinary fellow traveller ; the fas
ter 1 cantered and even galloped the taster
he went; hut he never ran, his movement
was always a long steady stride. After a
pursuit of about ten minutes, I saw the sen
try of the outpost at the pass of the hills
leading to our camp standing directly in
the patii th figure was pursuing ; loudly I
called to let no one pass. I saw the sen
try bring his musket to a charge when the
apparition was within thirty yards or so
of him, heard his cry, 'Turn out the guard.'
The men who were loitering near fell in al
most instantaneously and quite closed the
pass in the rocks when the figure appeared
to fade away. I hastened forward and
asked the sentry :
" Did you see a man walking in front of
me ?"
" No sir,'' was the answer, "no one has
been past here to night since we mounted."
" VVhy did you turn out the guard?"
said I.
" Because 1 saw you galloping and call
ing out, sir, and I thought you were being
chased by Chinamen."
" The sergeant and other soldiers fully
confirmed the sentry's assertion that no
person had passed their post ; and as I
did not wish to be thought absurd, I sim
ply said 1 supposed 1 had been mistaken,
and rode into camp without seeing any
thing more of the figure of Granger."
"Did you drink much wine at dinner,
Houghton ?" hero inquired Random
" No upon my honor, all I drank that day
was one glass of rmn-and-water, and that
early in the afternoon. I never did drink
much of anything in the East for the sake
of health ; and that I was perfectly sober
at the time of the occurrence all my broth
er officers could testify."
" Do you ever see it again ?" asked some
one, almost acknowledging, by the form of
his interrogation, that the story had told
on him.
" I soon got over the effect of that delu
sion, which I believe it must have been, al
though 1 cannot account for it," resumed
Houghton, " hut I received another shock
when we were well on the road into IVkin,
about two months afterwards, and the En
glish mail arrived. 1 was away for a day
or two from my own regiment when tin
letters came, and did not receive my own ;
but in the papers which came to the regi
ment I was quartered with, 1 read that
Charles Granger had died on the very day
1 had thought I had seen him at Talien
Bay. A day or two afterwards, my own
letters came to me. One was in Mrs. War
borough's hand writing. She was writing,
she told me, to give me the particulars of
the death of poor Charles, my old fellow-pu
pil, who had been cut off so suddenly,which
she had heard from his relatives. He had
been dining at a public dinner at Vienna,
when suddenly he fell forward senseless,
having broken a blood vessel. The blood
poured in torrents over his shirt, and he
had bled to death, without speaking a word,
before medical aid could arrive. She then
gave the hour and day of his death. Al
lowing for the difference of time which ex
ists between Northern ('iiina and Vienna,
Charles Granger had died in Vienna, al
most ton minute, at the very time 1 fancied
I saw him on the plain of Chinese Tartary."
f/Onffon Soviet •/.
THE PUNCTUAL MAN. —Mr. lliggins was
a very punctual man in all his transactions
through fife. He amassed a large fortune
bv untiring industry and punctuality ; and
at the advanced age of ninety years was
resting quietly on his bed and calmly wait
ed to be called away. He had deliberately
made almost every arrangement for his de
cease and burial. His pulse grew fainter,
and the light of life seemed just flickering
in its socket when one of his sons observ
ed :
" Father, you will probably live but it
day or two ; is it not well for you to name
your bearers
" To besurt; my son," said the dying man,
"It is well thought of, and 1 will do it
He gave the names of six,the usual num
ber, and sank back exhausted upon His pil
A gleam of thought passed over his
withered features like a ray of light, stud
he rallied once more. " Aly son, read me
the list. Is the name of Wiggins there ?"
"It is, father."
" Then, strike it off !" said he etnphat
icly, " for he was never punctual—was nev
er anywhere in season, and lie might hinder
the procession a whole hour."
WHT was there a financial panic in
Egypt in the days of Pharaoh '( Because
the mother of Moses went to the bank and
made a deposit. After that Pharaoh's
daughter went and drew a large draft. The
Bible then says there were rn*he* on that
THE difficulty of acquiring our language
which a foreigner must experience is illus
trated by the following question : Did yon
ever see a person pare an apple or a, pear
with a pair of scissors ?
A JUDGE out West has recently decided
that it might lie insanity to sign another
man's name to a check in place of your
own ; but when you draw the money on
the check, and spend it, there is a great
deal of sanity in the proceeding.
THE best description of weakness we
have ever heard is the wag's quefy to his
wife, when she gave him some chicken
broth, if she would not try to coax that
chicken just to wade through the soup once
THE surest way to prevail or: young
couple to get married is to appose them.--
Tell them you would rather see them in
thefr graves, and twelve months will not
elapse before their baby will pass you twice
a day in a willow wagon.
* TUB best game for a blacksmith t play
is old sledge.
THE two Kings that rule in America.—Jo
king and Smo-kiug. I 'ire In lie/iuUiqee.
WHAT town in Ireland would an Irishman
name to a fellow-countryman when in the act of
■'flooring" liim ! Down, Patrick.
W HO K .vows —•-l)utrk wonders if "eternal
vigilance is the price of Liberty, ' what the price
of built.- will be by the time grass gives out. -
(ptein Suite
A WEI.SH paper recently contained the
following in its notices to correspondents: "Truth"
is crowded out of out columns this week."
A CERTAIN barrister, who was remarkable
for coming into court with dirty hands, observed
"that he had been turning over Coke.' "Coke?"
exclaimed a waggish brother. "I should have
thought it was coals!
BKMI s asked Jemima, a few days ago* if
she had seen hei 'vegetable friend?" "My veget
able friend? Who is that?" Why the young man
T met with yesterday, who has rarrntf/ hair, rrtbllsh
whiskers, anil a turn-Hp nose.
A CORRESPONDENT introduces a piece of
poetry to us with these words : "The following
lines were written more than fifty years ago,by one
who has for many years slept in his grave merely
foe his iiir/t ((<"'•* lli'nt.
DEEI'I.Y were we affected, on reading the j
other day, of a young ladv, who being told that !
her lover was suddenly killed, "O ! that splendid
gold watch of his—give me that—give nie some
thing to remember him by! Touching simplic
ity. •
A LAWYER one pleaded with gieat ability
the -a use of Iris client for nearly an hour. When
he had done, his antagonist, with supercilous
sneer, said he did not understand a word the other
said, who merely replied. "I belb vc it. for 1 was
speaking law."
A CRAVE stone in the cemetery at New-
Imryport, marks the resting place of an estimable
lady, who, according to the inscription, "was in
state ot health suddenly summoned to the skies,
and snatched from ye eager embrace of her friends
by swallowing a Pea at her own table, when in a
very few hours sin sweetly breathed her soul away."
"WIFE," said a married man looking for
the bootjack, after she was in bed. "I have a
place for all things, and you ought to know it by
this time." "Yes," replied she, "I ought to know
where you keep your 'ate hours, but 1 don't." Jio
VERY LIKE. An unsophisticated country
man tin • ; her day, coniiug in Washington with a
load of wood, saw a military officer, followed at a
respectful distan by two orderlies, in full gallop,
"Good gi.-.cious, .-aid he, "lutv. u t they caught
him yet! I was in about three weeks ago, and
they was a-rumiin' after liim then.
FAME.— Thackeray when speaking about
fame,would fr< quently tell the following anecdrde :
When at dinner, in St. Louis, one day. he heard
one waiter say to another, •• Do you know who that
is?' "No," was the answer. "That is the cele
brated Mr. Tliacker." "What's he done?" "Bles
sed if I know." was the reply.
A Coi.o NEE of one of the regiments at- 1
tached to the Army of the Potomac was recently j
complaining at an evening party that, from the ig- j
noraneo anil inattention of the officer t, he was j
obliged to do the whole duty of the regiment.
Said he : '1 urn iuv own major, my own • apt on. '
my own lieutenant, my own sergeant, and"
"Your own trumpeter," said a lady present.
A Li EI TENANT was promenading in full |
Aiuitorm one dry, and approached a volunteer on j
sentry, who challenged him with "Halt! who
conn s there ? ' The Lieutenant, with contempt in
ev.-ry lineament ot his- face, c \pr- sed his ire \.itli j
indignant "Ass! The sentry's reply, apt and
quick, came. "Advance, ass. and give tin counter- !
IHE 1 olio wing dialogue ,s said to have j
taken p'ace recently betwee n a married couple on )
their travels : " Sly dear, are you comfortable in :
that corner ? "ipate, thank you, my dear."— ]
"Sure there's plenty of room for your l'eet ?" "Quite j
sure. love. "And no cold air from the window j
by your ear':' "Quite certain, darling." "Then,
my dear, T'll change places with you."
A Kl< ii petroleum worker, gaunt a.s a
! skeleton and ignorant as a hodman, wont to an nr
j tistto have his portrait taken. "Will you have it i
I taken ill oil or water-col inquired the artist, j
| "tie, of course," replied lie. "It conies to me more
! natural ; and, besides it makes me look fatter." I
\\ MY is a favorite singer's voice like a
j crown?- -Because it's replete with proeious tones, i
i THE beautiful tresses ol voting ladies are
; UOW ealled beau- 11 ill';
i TJIK tongue was intended for u divine or- !
| gam but the devil often plays upon it.
I THE coat of a horse is the gift of nature I
—-that of an ass is often the work of a tailor.
I \\ 11 EKE do you hail from queried a '
Yankee of a travel, r. "Where do you rain from ?" '■
; "Don't ruin at nil," sai l the astonished Jonathan, j
"Neither dot hail, - mind vonr own business."
A PHILADELPHIA editor affirms that the ;
poetical age of women is thirty, when they begin !
to love conscientiously.
IN the sinner's life the roses perish, and !
the thorns are left ; in the good man's the thorns
die and the roses live.
I HE difft renee between perseverance and
obstinacy ; the first is a strong will, the last a
strong won't.
THOUGH the proverb says yon cannot make !
an auger hot. with a gimlet, yet a small man may
make a great bore.
WHAT is the between a North- j
era and Southern gentleman? One blacks his j
own boots, and .he other boots his own black.
(That was before the war.)
\\ 11 AT is the differ* nee between a school* i
master ml a ail-road conductor ,J One b./.'es the !
j miiii!, and the oth. r iiibf/.s the trai t.
\\ HAT is the d fference between a bad boy !
| and a postage stamp ? < live it up? One you />/.•
. with a slid.', and the other you st'rl.- with a .
A i.tTTi.E fellow going to church fur the ;
first time, where the pews were very high, was ask
ed, on coming out, \vhat ( he did in church, when he '
i replied : "i went into a cupboard, and took a seat I
on the shelf."
(D.n CENT! EMAN (affectionately): My son, j
i why do you chew that filthy tobacco? PRECOCIOUS
i YOUTH fstjtlly): To get the juice out of it, old cod
SPEAKING of a beautiful brunette belle of
an Illinois city, our friend accounts for the brown
j nes.s of lier complexion by the fact that she had
been so often toasted.
WHEN a Baltimore lady is kissed, she
says she feels as though she was taking chloroform,
and remains insensible as long a.s the operation
'I ii EKE js a family in Ohio so lazy that it
takes two of them to sneeze—■one to throw the
head back, and the other to make the noise.
ARTEMIS WARD says, when he hears T lie
I song. "Come where my love lies dreaming." he
don't go. Ho don't think it would be right.
MR. QUILP, upon censuring his nephew
for bad speculating in "oil" was shocked at the re
port th it the money was trW/ spent.
M. who boast loudly that they never
show quarter in time of danger are certain to show
none hut their hind ones.
WHEN may two people be suit! to be half
i witted : V.'hen they have an understanding be
tween lie m.
***-2 pei* Annum. 111 Atlvance.
A few months ago there was a festive cel
ebration in Hettstadt,a small country town
I m ar the llartz Mountains, in Germany.—
l.'pwards <fa hundred persons set down to
an excellent dinner, having enjoyed
) themselves more major am, separated and
went to their homes.
Of these one hundred and three persons,
! mostly men in the prime* of life, eighty-three
art- now in their graves ; the majority of
; the twenty survivors linger with a fearful
| malady ; and a few only walk apparently
unscathed among the living, but in hourly
i fear of an outbreak of the disease which
| has carried away such numbers of their fel
! low-diners.
They had all eaten of a poison at that
festive board, the virulence of which far
surpasses the reported effecs of aqua topha
rta, or of the more tangible agents describ
ed in toxicological text-books. It was not
a poison dug out of the earth, extracted
from plants, or prepared in the laboratory
of the chemist. It was not a poison ad
ministered by design or negligence. But
it was a poison unknown to all concerned ;
and was eaten with the meat in which it
was contained, and of which it formed a
living constituent.
When the festival at Hettstadt had lieen
finally determined upon, and the dinner had
been ordered at the hotel, the keeper of the
tavern arranged his bill of fare. The in
j tinduction of the third course, it was set
j tied, should consist, as usual in those parts
| of the country, of Rudewur.d and
: The Rodewurd was, therefore, ordered at
j the butcher's the necessary number of days
beforehand, in order to allow of its being
! properly smoked. The butcher,on his part,
; went expressly to a neighboring proprietor,
| and bought one of two pigs from the stew-
I ard, who hud been commissioned with the
! transaction by his master. It appears,
! however, that the steward, unfortunately,
| sold the pig which the master had not in
; tended to sell, as lie did not deem it sufii
j eutly fat or well-conditioned. Thus the
I wrong pig was sold, carried on a barrow
j to the butcher, killed and worked up into
sausages were duly smoked and delivered
!at the hotel. There they were fried and
j seved to the guests at the dinner table.
On the day after the festival, several
| persons who had participated in the dinner
were attacked with irritation of the intes
j tines, loss of appetite, great prostration
1 and fever. The number of persons attack
| ed rapidly increased ; ami great alarm was
I excited in the first instance by the appre
i heusiou of ttn impending epidemic of typhus
j lever or continued fever, with which the
i symptoms observed showed great similarity.
I But when, in some of the cases treated by
I the same physician, the features of the ill
i ness began to indicate at first, acute peri
! tonitis, then pneumonia of a circumscribed
' character, next paralysis oi the intercostal
| muscles and the muscles in front of the neck,
! the hypothesis of septic fever, though sus
j tained in other cases, had to be abandoned
j with respect to these particular cases.—
j Some unknown poison was now assumed
j to be at the bottom of the outbreak ; and
i an active inquiry into all the circumstances
of the dinner was instituted. Ever}- article
of food and material was subjected to a
most rigid examination, without any result
in the first instance. But when the symp
toms in some of the cases invaded the 11111 >
cles of the leg, particularly the calves of
some of the sufferers, the description which
Zenker had given of a fatal case of trichi
l ums disease was remembered. The rem
nants of sausage, and of pork employed in
its manufacture, were examined with the
microscope, and found to be Utterly swarm
ing with encapsuled trichina*. From the
sull'ering muscles of several of the victims
small pieces were excised, and under the
microscope found charged with embryonic
trichina- in all stages of development. It
coiiid not be doubted any longer, that as
many of the one hundred and three as had
partaken of h'os/rirnrs/ had been infested
with trichinoua disease by eating of trichi
nous pork, the parasites of which had, at
least in part, escaped the effects of smoking
and frying.
This awful catastrophe awakened sym
pathy and fear throughout the whole of
(lennany Most of the leading physicians
were consulted in the interest of the suffer
ers, and some visited the neighborhood
where most atHicted patients remained.—
But none could bring relict or cure. With
an obstinacy unsurpassed by any other in
fections or parasitic disease, trichiniasis
carried its victims to the grave. .Many an
thelmintics were arrayed to destroy, if not
the worms already in tin* tlesh, at least
tiiose yet remaining in the intestinal canal
Picric acid was employed until its use
seemed as dangerous as the disease ; ben
zole, which had promised well in experi
ments upon animals, was tried, but was un
availing. As patient after patient died oft",
and the dissection of each proved the par
asites to have been quite unaffected by the
agents employed, the conviction was im
pressed upon every mind that a man alllict
ed with ilesh-worm is doomed to die the
slow death ot exhaustion from nervous ir
ritation, fever, and loss of muscular power
in parts of the system essential to exis
But medical science hat! only just unrav
elled a mystery : and if it could not save
the victims, it was determined at least to
turn the occasion to the next best account
The cases were therefore observed with care
and chronicled with skill. All the multi
farious features of the parasitic diseases
were registered in such a manner that there
can hereafter be no difficulty in the diagno
sis of this disorder. A valuable diagnostic
feature was repeatedly observed, namely,
the appearance of the flesh-worm under the
thin mucous membrane on the lower side
of the tongue. The natural history of trich
ina in man was found to be the same as
that in animals.
All observations led to the conviction
that the trichina cncapsuled in the flesh is
in the condition of puberty. Brought into
the stomach, the calcareous capsule is di
gested with the flesh, and the trichina is
set free. It probably feeds upon the walls
of the intestines themselves, for the irrita
tion of the intestines begins before the
bringing forth of young trichina* has taken
place. Copulat'on is immediately effected ;
and within a few hours, or a short portion
of days, from sixty to eighty live embryos
leave the female, and begin their own ca
reer of destruction.
' This consist*, in the first instance, in an
attempt,to pierce the walls ol the intestinal
I canal. Great inflarnination of the entire
1 surface ensues, ending' not rarely in death
; of the villous or mucous membrane, or in
the formation of masses of pns on its sur
face. .Sometimes there are bloody stools.
But these severe symptoms only ensue
when much trichinous meat has been eat
'en ; when less has been consumed, pain
and uneasiness in the abdomen are produc
j ed, accompanied, however, in all instances
by wasting fever and prostration. The
embryos actually pierce the intestine, and
are found free in the effusion, sometime
serous, sometimes purulent,which is always
i poured out into the abdominal cavity.
' Thence they again proceed towards the
periphery of the body, pierce the pcritom
unri, causing great irritation, and sometimes
peritionitis, to the extent of gluing the in
testines together to a coherent mass. They
next proceed to the muscles nearest to the
abdomen; arrived at the elementary mus
cular fibres, which, under the microscope,
appear as long cylinders with many trans
verse strue, they pierce the membranes,
enter the fibres, eat and destroy their striat
ed contents, consume a great part of the
granular detritus, moving up and down io
the fibres until grown to tin. size necessai \
for passing into the quiescent state. They
then roil up in spiral or other irregular
windings, the bags of the muscular fibres
collapse, and only where the trichina 1 be
a calcareous matter is deposited, perhaps
by the trichina- themselves, which hardens
into perfect capsules round the parasites.
A muscular fibre may harbor one or sever
al parasites ; but every fibre invaded by a
single parasites loses its character entire
ly, and becomes a bag of detritus from one
end to the other.
If it it be remembered that one ounce of
meat filled with trichina* may form th •
stock from which in a few day three mil
lions of worms may be bred, and that stria
ted muscular fibres, an idea of the extent
of destruction produced by these parasites
can be formed. We are not in a position
to say to what proportion of the fifty r
sixty pounds of muscle required for the
performances of the human body these two
millions of elementary fibres actually am
ount. In the muscles nearest to the ab
domen the destruction is sometimes so com
plete that not a fibre free from parasites
can be found. This amounts to complete
paralysis. But death is not always produc
ed by the paralysis ; it is mostly the result
of paralysis, peritonitis,and irritative fev< r
combined. No case is known to which
trichiniasis, after having declared itself, be
came arrested. All persons affected have
either died, or are in such a state of pros
tration that their death is very probable.
Most educated people in Germany have,
in consequence of the Hettstadt tragedy,
adopted the law of Moses, and avoid pork
in any form. To some of the iarge pig
breeders in Westphalia, who keep as manv
as two thousand pigs, the falling of the
price of pork has been a ruinous—at tin
least a serious—loss. In the dining-rooms
of the hotels in the neighborhood of Hetts
tadt notices are hung up announcing that
pork will not be served in any form in
these establishments. To counteract ties
panic, the farmers' club of the Hettstadt
district gave a dinner, at which no othei
meat but pork was eaten. But it has had
no appreciable effect. The raw ham ami
sausages of Germany are doomed to ex
tinction : the smoked and fried sausage*
must necessarily be avoided. * 1
In the south of Germany some people
now sa}' that it is the Hungarian pig*
which are most frequently affected with
trichina*. • This rumor, like the famous pork
dinner of the fanners' club, may, however,
have been set up with the intention of
quieting apprehension about the native
pigs. We have already mentioned the ac
cident which befel the crew of a merchant
vessel. They shipped a pig at Valparaiso,
and killed it a few days before their arrival
at Hamburg. Most ol the sailors ate ol
the pork in one form or another. Several
were affected with trichina* and died. Ol
those whose fate could lie inquired into,
only one seems to have escaped the para
sites. Another outbreak in Saxony has
carried away twelve persons. A fourth
wholesale poisoning by uichiiue is just t- -
ported from Offenbach, the Birmingham of
ITesse-Darmstadt. Of upwards of twentv
persons infected, three had alreadv died
when our correspondent's letter left. Nu
merous sporadic cases ot fever, and epidem
ies of inscrutable peculiarity, but referred
to an anomalous type of fever, are now
claimed by medical authors, and with much
show of reason, to have been outbreaks o!
trichiniasis, or tlesb-worm disease. Sever
al (fermao physicians experimentalized with
a view of finding a cure for this horrible
disorder. Professor Eckhardt at fliessen,
we are told, has obtained permission to try
the disease and supposed remedies upon a
murderer under sentence of death. We
have not been told whether his reward in
case of success is to be a commutation of
his capital sentence, but should hope th
to be the ease. The experiment, cvi-u it
should not have the romantic character in
dicated, will probably teach some cuii >u.s
details of the life of those parasites. Al
most every wherejtho commonest rules of
cleanliness are disregarded in the rearing
of pigs. Yet pigs are naturally clean an
imals, avoiding, like dogs and cats, all con
tact with ordure. Though they burrow in
the earth, and in summer wallow in tin
mud, they abhor the heaps of excrements
mixed with straw in and upon which tin }
are frequently kept. A due regard t >
cleanliness will prevent trichinae in the rug.
In wild boars,of which many are eaten in the
country around the Hartz mountains, trich
ina* has never bien found. Neither has
been met with in sheep, oxen, or horses.
Beef is the safest of all descriptions I
meat, as no parasites have ever In n dis
covered in it. They have also never bet
found in the blood, brain, or heart of those
animals in whose striated muscles they low
to reside.— Itritixh Medua! Journal.
Tun Swedes are a gay race. Balls, t, >i
rees, and card-playing enliven the long
winter. The people are fond of music, am!
sing well. One of the bores to which a
i stranger has to submit is that of taking eft'
his hat when he enters a shop or public
j house,and keeping it oft' as long as he stays.
In the streets you lift your hat to every ac
quaintance, so that it is almost as much
off the head as on. Cleanliness is a virtue
much cultivated, and the uncarpoted floors
are as clean as a man-of-war's deck. A>
1 mats and scrapers are rare, goloshes are
worn by visitors, which they slip oft before
entering the room,in wet or snowy weather,
lest the thaw from the nails on the shoes
should leave its mark in little pools on the
' floor. Touching the Subbath (for so we
must call it), the Swedes reckon it to be
gin at six i". m. on Saturday, and end at six
! a m on Sunday : but, in practice, tho'evt n
ing of Saturday is quite as secular as the
morning ; while trie evening of Sunday
the fashionable time for ball, concert, ami
theatre. The people are hard drinkers : the
consumption of native brandy being about
two gallons and a half for every man, w<
man, and child in the country. Yet they
; are rarely seen drunk, for the laws against
drunkenness are severe