aitntlM Reporter. /OCAL AND GENERAL. KI.IVATION OK THE FREEDMKN. —J. L. RICH ex-County Superintendent of Luzerne, I :.,iv authorized by the American Missionary Asso lion, to make collections in the Counties of Lu F ; no. Bradford, Susquehanna, and Wyoming fo S UDPOFT of Schools and Sabbath Schools anion; T ;,,. freedinen. The work is not denominational ,an uppeul is made to all. The Assoc,iatioi JJ.. sustained among the freedinen during the pas V , R 250 teachers, and during the coming year wil i . V increase this number. Mr. 11. is atpresen ,-uiiasing this County in behalf of this gooc and we bespeak for the cause a liberal sup I""' 1 ' , PROFESSOR CLARK will give one of hit U-IENL Sociables (as announced List week) at the art House, this (Thursday) evening. It needt issuranee from us to satisfy our citizens tli .t N ' musical tn at is in store for them, as Mr. C.'s reputation is well known. He comes with the >t recommendations both of the press, and ! the lovers of music. \. W ENTERPRISE. — A Regular Daily Ex- Line lias just been established between To and Troy—another is in operation between F. v. udaand Wuverly. Special attention paid to -sing goods to all parts of the country. Office I [I; News Room. 11. HKV. WILLIAM BACON STEVENS, D. D., , ; .AS to pleach and to administer the rite of cou in the Episeopal Church of tliis borough, > A,DAY next. Divine service in the morning T I clock, in the evening at 71 o'clock. C.IMI'ROWS ACADEMY — A. A. KEENEY, Prin ..]. Winter Term commences December 4, 1N65. .-keeping, Languages, and Ibe higher Mathe • -I.■light, llooms convenient and board at •:I ; IT.- rates can be obtained in the vicinity. 1). D. CHAFFEE, L'res't. IF MM: CAMP, Sec Y. 2t. i,ov. CKKTIN, of this State, lias been for . .a., days lying very dangerously sick at the resi , . ,T a friend in New York city. At latest ac :.ts he was recovering, with a prospect of soon frig able to return to Harrisburg. D ,m;EROI s J 'LAY. —A little boy of DANIEL HA;. KIN-. j the nursery man) while walking along M .rk, t -tn 11, in front of the First National Bank, Wednesday last, was struck in the face by an ther boy with a swab that had been saturated iu I'ru.-sie acid, nearly blinding one eye and scarring j :ace badly. The little fellow is about nine • old, and was walking peacefully along (be ; \ meut with a little sister, when he was struck. .AL Hut-kins will pay a reward of SRI to any per- ' n who will furnish information that will lead to tli- detection of tie- culprit. It is supposed the little misotcant procured th> poison from a huge i">ttlc standing in front of ONE of the drug stores, ibis should be a wanting also to onr druggists. — li s ' -Il'irre Union. Sunn's J'XKCMATIC CHI'RN, an advertise-: : iu ol which may be found in another column, : Maimed combines all the principles necessary P: aiding the GREATEST possible amount of but t.rirom a given amount of cream. The arrange- I :' I- ilainly A novel anil ingenious one, and iiby the attention of fanners. \ NEW WORK-— Life of ABRAHAM LINCOLN, D ' 1 HOLLAND, A J'dl and complete historv of ; .- ntf::L life, with incidents of his early history. ■> a Lawyer and I'olitiei in, his nilvanec :'llE L'rcsideney of the United States and ' : •N-L. r-in-Chief of the Army and Navy thro I '•rymg period of its history, together with ; ".nt of the tragical and mournful scenes I '• >! with the close of his noble and eventful ■ Tie Author of the proposed work is to well j . T,I :.II OUR readers to require any extended ! • from us. Ihe tens of thousands who have •I with delight "Bitter Sweet," "Gold Foil/ and J • 1 auothy Tit comb Letters " will be equally - with this, his last great work. This is the I F of Lincoln written freshly from the be- OG -ince bis death, the others being only mod •s or extensions of Campaign Lives written ! r. I 'liticid purpose. The New York Tribur-e ibe Lite F I'ivsideiit Lincoln which is an- | IN A IL as in course of preparation from the pro- 1 and I xperienced pen of Dr. -1. G. Holland, an- 1 A V' 1 Sweet ® "Titcomb Letters" ,11 doubtless be eagerly welcomed by the numer ous adimr. rs of his popular writings.* In his hands T ' '' l '.' 'FR the LUTE honored President will find an , I N endive treatment and be set forth with A dig ' IND force worthy of the exalted subject, flier* arc many political lives of him written, - TIL. Life of A great and good man dedicated j BOTE PEOPLE no one can fail to choose Dr. I . Hand's. !■■ ipa ' >t Bradford County will soon have ■ .'.unity to procure this .*■ t'lmhml BbrA. ■ rite Bradford County Teachers' As- j A met pursuant to adjournment, at the ; O-T * Lurch at Standing Stone, and was ! t > order by the President, O. F. Young.— i with music, and remarks of O. J. Clinb- ; M tlie courage and perseverance of tea- ! tin nils ot Education. Adjourned to •' ' -P- ni. tion met according to adjournment. In • tin Secretary, A. Pussmore was elect* J Minutes of last meeting were then rtad \ !• Report of Committee on Business | NINE rend and accepted. Mattie Hard- 1 '•!< d Critic. THE Association tlu n pro- j •I.siib r the following resolution : ■■', That the lack of success of our school i ■■ns. CHIEFLY from WANT of knowledge, eu ltisiasm on the part of teachers ! - Aon the same was participated iu by T bubl ;;ck, Crawford, Brainard, Young it* ST. I'LL,' motion to adopt the resolution fr by N. P. Moody. Music. Sarah ! Flot.l Yannest appointed committee to b, rs. The Resolution, That Lcgisla- \ LVI.USVLVANIA in relation to school matters, I IIUL is detrimental to the cause *>f L*L- J "■fr discussed, by Messrs:. Chubbuck, | ' ' AI;,l Hewitt. Discussion arrested by ; ::: :. of questions to bo answered in the I Ijourned to meet at Gi. ' - I NINO.- Called to order by President. | ! pr< viously appointed Declaimers, -LAND iavorcd us with Declamation. In- I■■ 1 discussion of the forenoon resumed. ■ 'v I' T raft, followed by J. D. Hewitt and , FR FR'K. 1 lie y* as and nays being called *■ 'IIITIOII was lost. Reading a selected TII.-V Morton The following Resolution J 1 bat Teacher's Institutes held by the I A Mat,iidcnt are detrimental t" the in-' ■ 'mention in our common schools. •FR entered into with considerable inter- ' ■ -it AND O. J. Chubbuck—interrupted by a business. Declamation by E. L. ■ >l* ring OF contributed question- next' I" port of Critics. Music. Adjourned ■T 1 o CLOCK next morning. ■ Mz veil, That we urge upon teachei-s the iin j portance and necessity of the study of mental and j moral science as a requisite to success in their i profes ion and usefulness in life. Alter sonic remarks, it was unanimously adop ted. Music. Interesting remarks then made by several gentlemen in regard to the causes of the inefficiency of our common schools. Committee * on memberships then made their report. The fol c lowing are the appointments for the next meeting: lecturer- —,J. D. Hewitt. Ess'ti, isis —Ellen Styre, Libbie F. London. . Headers —Emma Hutchinson, E. L. Hillis. If' ■ !'iinters —,T. C". Crawford, \Vm. T. Horton. - 1 Com. on li"sincss and Projramme- G. \V. Elliott, i I G. L. Overpeck, Miss L. M. Blocker, Miss M. E. j | Hillis. „• I It was on motion of 1). Craft, j Resolved, That the thanks of this Association be . i tendered to the trustees of this Church, to tlie j choir ior their excellent music, and to the people | , of this vicinity for their hospitable entertainment, j Unanimously adobted. After prayer, singing of doxology, and beuedio- I tion, the Association adjourned to meet at Herriek the second Friday and Saturday in February. A. PASSMOBE, .Sec. G. F. YOUNG, Pres. Go RN RERFF.ITER.S AUREKTED. —Two men call- 1 " j ing themselves John Alexander and Harvy Mallory, ! L were arrested at the National Hotel in Lock Ha | ven, on Friday, the 20tli ult., for passing counter- I I feit money. The Republican says, that they were taken before Justice Rynder, and after a bearing ; committed to await trial at tlie next session of the . i county court. -52,113 were found on their persons, | consisting of counterfeit U. S. Treasury SIOO, S2OO $lO and fractional 50s. The SIOO note was so well executed as to defy tlie criticism of our shrewdest j bankers, who expressed tlie belief that it hud been I printed on tlie government die. The 20s and 10s i were indifferently executed. Tlie postal currency j ' was tlie same as that previously in circulation. | The older *0" the two persons gives his age at 46. , The younger, Mallory, appears to be about 30. The older one gave to tlie -Justice the name of Al exander -J. M'Kee, and said he resided in Hoiliday ; sburg. From papers found on bis person, we in- I for tliat under tlie name of Robert Mills, he was j convicted of burglary in Fayette county, in 1858, j j and was sentenced i<> seven years' imprisonment in tie Western Penitentiary, but was pardoned bv Gov. C'uilin in 1862. lie is evidently a veteran and will perhaps never got bis deserts from human courts. The young man claims residence in (.'enter Coun ty. FOR RENT. —The 3*l story ol' Union Block, J Towanda. Inquire at tlie office of G. D. Mon- ' tanye. 1 lie name ol the post-office at Grow, ' Bradford county, Pa., is changed to "Luther's j Mills," and Roswell Luther appointed postmaster, , ; vice James Williams, resigned. M A II li 1 E I) . KELLOG (T —1 jUN FEE. —At M oil roe ton, on the 15th lust., by Bey. Hallock Armstrong, Mr. De liinsou Kellogg, and Miss Emily V. Dunfee. / RIGGj4 CABLE.--At Jersey Shore, Pa., Oct. 31, ISGS, liy llev. W. F. Couvlen, Mr. Samuel C. Ilriggs, of L< Boy, to Miss Annie Cable, of Wat son, Lycoming Co., Pa. LA FRANCE -WHIPPLE.-In Pike, Nov. 15,1805, by Bev. Wm. Lathrop, Mr. Dana Laftance, and lli s Euieransa Whipple, of Pike. RL< 'OBD- XELS()N. At the house of the bride's father, in Toivaiida boro," Nov. 14th, 1805, by Rev. ,1. T. Browne!!, Henry A. Record, M. IF, of Leltaysville, to Miss Helen M. Nelson, of To l wanda. jSNOVER TOWNER.- Oct. 30th, at Camptowu, by Rev. S. F. Brown. Mr. John F. Snover to Miss Polly E. Towner, both of Wyalusing. b 1 E I) . HALL.- In Princeton, lowa. Tuesday, Nov. 7,1805, Alvau Hall, aged 55 years, formerly a resident of j this Count/. i ROBERTS. In Herriek, Oct. 6th, Airs. Ann Rob erts, in the 50th year of her age. j VAUGHN. - In AVyalusing,November 1,1805, Elias | Vaughn, aged 70 years. HI RST. in Ilerrick, Oct. "20th, very suddenly. Air. John Hurst, in the o'2 year of his age. AC'KLEY. Oct. 31st. Mrs. Thankful Ackley, wife c l Justus Ackley of AVyalusing, in the 40 year of hr age, after an illness of over two years. A worthy and christian woman, and died in hope of a glorious immortality. BILES. In AVyalu ing, Nov. 11th, Niinm L. Riles, in the l-Oh year of his age. , TREAD WELL. In Herriek, Sept. 13th, of Con sumption, Alfred Treadweil, Co. K. lOttth N. V. V., in the 23d year of his ago. Enrolled Aug. 12th. I*o2, discharged June loth, lso:t. Of a manly, frank and confiding nature, he won the hearts of all who knew him. He was I through disease a sacrifice in the cause of his conn | try. He left a wife and numerous friends to mourn i his untimely end. He died in hope. iXau 3bx)crtiscmcnts. I IST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN A-J the Pest Of!Pe at T ovmiila, Pa., lor the week end ! n? Nov. Is, 1865 : | Buckley Dennis Macdouald Margaret ; Brown ('lias. M. Afjs. Mann J. P. Braun David I'orter Frank llrown Elizabeth i'atch Geo. Cnllca i atlietiue Payne T. N. Cooper Chas. A. Pair Theodore Coiiin Lizzie J. Ryan Kate Claiicev C. Sullivan Ellen Dai ley Geo. B. Strapard Erastus DeVVitt G. M. Sullivan I'. Gu^tin H B. Thompson Wm. ! Golf 11. M. Tillman Cecelia Havrigm Johanna Vincent Ambrose. *F" :, r. ' ill' ;.' ;ii .my of the alaive letters will i pit we >.iy • Adveitiseii," ar.d give the date ol the ad | vcrtisena ut. " 8. W. ALVORD, Nov. 80, 1865. Postmaster. gE\VI N <; M \(' 111 NESI Having taken the Agency of the two best Machines | yet made WHEELER A WILSON, AND SINGER. We are now ready to supply all. *S"M ACHINES SO ED AT NEW YORK PRICES-fc* A*' No mistake 'lie above makes AUK THE BEST "*♦ *- The woik oi these Machines is alike on both sides and ii'i;/ i.ul rurtl, just come and try it.-"** tBT Silks, T ! Oil, Soap, Needles, Oil Cans, Needle Cases, a' • : ■ * ■ as kept on hand at our Store."®* ■ Me s. ! ttie thing that always pleases. "S* Call and see out samples and get our pi ices. WICK HAM & BLACK, Mor. 3 . 18*5. Towanda. Pa. 11* STRAY.- CAME INTO THE ENCLQS- J uie of tin -ais-ti.her, in Towanda twp., OB theßtli 01 N veitiher, a l'ale bed COW, 8 or 2 rears old. with nop ;ti, u'ar marks. hi good conditiou, and does not give milk 1 lie owner is requested to prove property, pry charges, ami take her awav. j Nov, Alt ts.s. JOHN R. POST. fllisccllancous. K W FAL 1, GOO DS ! J. W. TAYLOR, • Has just received a splendid stock of Fall (loods.Jcon listing ol all the late styles of DRESS GOODS, such a; Emperess cloth Poplins, a large assortment of all th* new shades of French Merinoes, Plain Aiapaccas sue Wool Ilclains.also some patterns of new French goods. Blaok Silks plain and rept.a complete stock of Mourn ing goods and Detains. Calicoes, Ginghams, Balmorals, Hoop Skirts, and a complete stock of dress trimmings to match all colors. Broad Cloths, Ladies Cloths, aud Ladies Woolen Shawls. Also Misses Shawls, Bleached Muslins and Shirtings. He wishes to say his Millinery is complete with Jail the] newest styles ot Ribbons, Bonnets and Flowers, also old laidics Caps, infant's Hoods aud Scotch J Caps, Turbans and Hats of ali kinds, and iu fact everything belonging to the Millinery business. He invites the attention ot the people ol Towanda and vicinity to examine his stock ol Goods, one door north ot the Post Office. Sept IS, 186">. UUMFII RE Y A GO, Would respectfully invite the attention ot the public to their very extensive stock of MENS BOYS' and YOUTHS' BOOTS, WOMEN'S' MISSES' A CHILDREN'S SHOES, LAP ROBES, BUFFALO ROBES, HORSE BLANKETS. I TRUN K S , VALISES, TRAVELING BAGS, I RETICULES, &r., Ac. j | To wan da, Oet. 16, tsC"> ISS E S EI'IIA MS, DRESS MAKERS, TOWANDA, PA. i Over Eddy's Clothing Store, 3d Story, offer their ser vices to the Jaidies, confident that a long experience, and the most desirable facilities, with promptness and cour- . tesy will ensure satisfaction. The latest fashions received regularly from Madame ; Demorest's shop, New York. Particular attention paid I j Basipiining. Stitching done to order. Oct. 24,'65. j rTHE NATIONAL INK CO.'S SCHOOL AND COUNTING ROOM INKS. Business office 184. Washington Street, New York. j C. 1.. VAN ALLEN, Actuary. This'lnk has been in general and constant use for the i i last 20 ye is,and is warranted to he all that we assert of it, ! 1. It is indelible. 1 2. It will not corrode the pen. 3. It flows with perfect facility,a line never is broken, t. It will not collect on the penjnor mouthjnf the stai d; all this is warranted. This Writing Fluid is black with i a rich and glossy tint of blue. This luk is for sale, wholesale and retail, by SOLO MON STEVENS, Herriekville, Bradford County, Pa. ' Orders filled on short notice. Oct. 23, 1*65. D ISO LIT JON.-The co-partnership here tofore existing between the undersigned under the J name of J. F LONG A Soxs, is by mutual consent this day dissolvsd. Those indebted to said firm are ieque>ted to settle their accounts, without delay, and save costs. J.F. LONG P. LONG, Nov. 1, 1865. M.J.LONG, /10-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE —The tm ! V dersigned have this day formed a Co-partnership ; for the transaction of general Merchandize at the old I stand under the firm name of Long Brothers, and will ; transact business strickly upon the Ready Pay system. Ttiey hope to merit a continuance of the same liber al patronage bestowed upon the late firm. PHILANDER LONG, M.J. LONG, Nov. 1, 1865. A. LONG. N" E W FA L L G()GI) S ! The Ladies will find at MISS GRIFFIN'S a fine se lection of Fall and W INT E R MILLINERY GOODS, Bonnets of all prices and qualities, Ribhins and Flowers of unusual richness and variety, and in foct a large as. sortment of everything pertaining to the business. Nov. 1, 1865. J. S. ALLY VS OYSTER SALOON, (Formerly Laughlin's> Under Chamberlin's Jewelry Store, west of Public Square. Main Stret Oysters by the thousand, hundred or dish. Families and dealers supplied on short terms. Give us a call. Oet. 24, 1865. T ARGE ADDITIONS ARE BEING CON- J-J antly made to our Stock of Groceries ; and we have now a complete assortment adapted to the Fall Trade, which we offer to r sale at to a est market rates. Please call in and price our goods. Sept. 25.1865. E. T. FOX. NOTICE.— All persons indebted to the estate of E. W. Baird, are hereby notified that pajin'ent will in all cases lie enforced without any rrsptct to persons, after the first week of next December Court. I shall be at Towanda the first week ol said Court when payments can he made to me. H.C. BAIRD, Administrator. N. B.—No other notice will be gtven. Athens, Nov. 1. 18C5. fttenljanliije. YET ANOTHER STOCK OF NEW GOODS l- j AT IS ; WICK II A M & BLACK 'S. Ie I d DRESS OOOItS, i- DOMESTICS H I FLANNELS, u j D j WHITE GOODS „ i EMBROIDERIES, TRIMMINGS !, I ' SHAWLS. l The above lines we offer in fgi eat variety and iutc styles. r f HATS ami CAPS, LA ROE STOCK, BOOTS and SHOES, BEST MAKES. I CROCKERY, _ GLASSWARE, LAMPS. This part of our stock we pay particular attention to, and now offer two of the best patterns of Ironstone Ware in the market. Erie and Sevres, also C. C., Yellow , Rockingham and Wedgewood. Beautiful assortment ol ; Glass Lamps. Call ane see our stock of NOTIONS. Thankful for past favors [we respectfully invite your trade and promise to do our best. WICKHAM A BI.ACK. i | SEW IN G M A 11 IN E DEP OT. Having received the Agency of the two lust Sewing Machines in use,we are now ready to supply all the peo ple of Bradford and Sullivan, with either Wheeler A ■ Wilson's or SingeTs, than which none better is made.— We keep needles, oil, soap, thread and all the extras ; needed to work the machine. All are invited to call at i our store and examine Machines and work. Call or send and get a circular and price list, at ' Wickham A Black's Store. Nov. 6. 1865 E W GOODS! WILL IA M A . KOOK WE L L Is|receiving a most choice, and selected assortment o GOODS FOR THE SEASON, 1 Consisting ol LADIES' DRESS GOODS, DE LA INK, ALPACAS, | and all varities to be had by the asking. COTTON YARN, CARPET YARN I BATTING, BLEACHED GOODS, FLANNELS, CLOTHS, CASSI MERES, SUA WLS, HOODS, And a great variety too numerous to mention. ! To be had everything in the YA N K E K NOT IO N L INK, Even to a Violin, j The place to find what you want in the line of HATS, CAPS, FURS, GLOVES, and MITTENS'. If you are in want of CROCKERY, in sets, or as yon may order, and any amount, GLASSWARE, LANTERNS, GLOBES, &c. WOODEX W A R E , to 1* had from Babies' Cabs to a Butter Ladle. A complete assortment of GROCE R I E S. Also the best BEE HIVE. SYRUPS and SUGARS of all kinds. A superior quality of BLACK, JAPAN, GUNPOWDER', and YOUNG IIYSON TEAS. BLASTING POWDER, and TOBACCO of all descriptions Every thing in the shape ol TOYS FOR CHILD REV. Save your meat by calling and supplying yourselves with pure ! ASHTO\ AND TURK'S ISLAND SALT. i | Oct. 10,18ti5. W. A. ROCKWELL. COFFEE AND SPICKS, WHOLE AND ground, and a prime unality of Ground Java Cot i fee at FO.YS. jJou'cll Sj (HO.'B Nero (Foobs. V rpHE GREATEST ATTRACTIONS IN GOODS EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET. i POWELL & CO., I Have now iu store the largest stock of goods ever exhib j ited in Northern Pennsylvania. Additions will con ! stantly be made to this stock during the season, and ! it will at all times lie found FULL AND COMPLETE i in all its departments. We invite the particular attention of our customers to I our magnificent display of V FALL AND>,WINTER DRESS GOODS! Which we ofl'er at prices much below those of last year. J We have given special care to our selections iu this line and are now able to exhibit the newest most fashionable, and most desirable styles to he obtained. Our new ' stock 'comprises all colors of Plain and Plaid French i, I Merinos, Empress Cloths. Striped Melanges, Striped ; and Piaid Poplins, Taffetas, manias, Tinsel Poplins, Paris ' Crepes, Reps, Plain and Brocade Alpacas, Poll de C'hcv i res, Delaines and Armases, Bright Plaids for children's ! wear, and a great variety of other Dress Fabrics. 9 1 MOURNING DRESS GOODS. | Black French Merinos, Bombazines, Tamese Cloths, j Baratheas, Mohair Lustres, Black and White Check and e ■ Striped Poplins and Alpacas, Double and Single Fold All : Wool Delaines, and a full line of those High Lustred Black Alpacas, at a great reduction in price. LADIES' CLOTHS, CLOAKINGS AND SACKINGS. > A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. I Beaver Cloths, Tricots, Velvet Cloths, Cassimere Sack | ings, Plain and Twilled Black Broadcloths, of all prices ! all colors of Plain and Fancy Sackings, Opera Flannels, | Ac., Ac. '* ; GLOVES AND HOSIERY. Ladies, Misses and Childrens White and Colored Cot- I ton, Fleeced and Merino Hose, Ladies Merino Vests 1 and Drawers, Gloves of every description at low prices, i ; LINENS A HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS i e Bleached, Half Bleached, and Unbleached Damask Ta- i v ; ble Linens. Napkins, Towels, Towellings. Scotch and ,t Russia Diapers, Bleached and Unbleached Huckabacks, 1 | Crashes, liisli Linens, Ac., 10-4 and 0-4 Sheetings, j ' Pillow Case Cottons, Counterpanes, Draping Muslins, | Shaker Flannel Sheetings, Rose Blankets, Ac., Ac. I r ' CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. * e Esquimaux, Moscow and Castor Beaver Cloths, French : and German Black Broadcloths, Doeskins, Fancy Cas- I simeres, Tweeds,(Meltons, Satinetts. Union Cassimeres, I -Jeans, Ac.. Ac. * ; I ALSO, All qualities Plain White, Shaker and Welch Flannels, j - j Fancy Shirting, Miners, Red and Gray .Plain and Twilled j l Flannels, and a full assortment of DOMESTIC COTTON GOODS, At ihe Lowest .Market rates. | •i SECOLTD FLOOR. We are now opening and desire to call special atten tion to nnr unusually large stock of FINE CLOAKS. As we make this department of our business a special- { ity. we have given it much time and attention. Our se lections have been made from the newest styles iu the market, and our Cloaks are manufactured in a manner flint cannot fail to please, and give entire satisfaction, I i . SHAWLS! SHAWLS! Having made our purchases before the recent great ; advance iu price, wejare able to offer decided bargains iu Ladies. Misses and Childrens Double aud Single Shawls. Our present stock far surpasses iu extent and variety, any purchases we have ever beforenmd - in this line, and we have availed ourselves of the most favor- | able time to select, the choicest and most desirable goods j in the market BON TON FLEXIBLE SPRING SKIRT.' •THE NEWEST AN ft BEST PATENT CRINOLINE VET j INVENTED. We have now on hand a good assortment of these eel- j ebrated Skirts, in White and Colored. j A LSO, '! ; The Eugenie, Empress, Paris Trail, Multiform, and a i variety of other popular makes of Skirts in all sizes i for Ladies Misses and Children. - ! CARPETS AND FLOOR OILCLOTHS. Brussels, Three Ply, Extra Super. Supeifine. Ingrain, Kidder,and Hemp Carpets. AH widths Floor Oil Cloths Mattings, Door Mats.} and Rugs. Anew stock just re • ceived. BOOTS AND SHOES. i Having made arrangements with manufacturers to supply our sales with the best quality of Boots and j Shoes, we shall at all times be able to furnish our custo- ; ! merswith the best custom "made Shoes of all kinds. I i for Ladies, Misses and Children, and Boots for Mens and ; Boys wear, at reasonable prices. We shall also keep con i stantly on hand a complete assortment of Mens.Womens ; | and Children's Rubbers and Arctic Overshoes. HATS AND CAPS. A splendid assortment of Mens and Boys Hats and l Caps just received. Having closed out our old stock : almost entirely previous to our late purchases, we now ' offer an entire new stock ot the latest styles. i PAPER HANGINGS & TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. ' i We are now receiving large additions to onr stock of - Wall Pan ers. Transparent Window Shades and Trim mings Wind-'W Paper*. Ac.. Ac. Ccgal. SHERIFF'S SA LE>. By virtue of a wrif of Vend. Ex., issued oat of the Court o! Common I'leas of Bradiord county, to ine directed and delivered, will be exposed to public sale at toe Court House in the Boro'of Towanda, MONDAY, DECEMBER 4. ; one o'clock, p. in., the following described lot piece or parcel of land situate in Herrick twp., aud lioundrd as follows, to wit: North by lands ot John Bcardsley and j John Beeves, east by lands of Obadiah Titus, south by ■ lands of Obadiah Titus and Wm M. Bovvkcr and west by land of Delimer Taylor. Containing 84 acres of land ' more or less, about GO acres improved with one large I framed dwelling house, three trained burns, framed • i corn-house, cow-shed, wood-shed and an orchard of fruit • 1 trees thereon. I 1 Seized and taken into execution at the tuit of Adeu ' i Stevens vs. M. I). F. H'ues. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of ' land situate in Ulster twp., and boun ;ed as fo lows, to wit: North by public highway leading Irom Milan to . Smilhtield, east by public highway leading from To i 1 wanda to Athens, south by iainl of Widow Harsh and 1 west by land of Butler Vincent. Containing one and one-fourth acres of land more or Ic.-s, all improved.with . I one framed tavern house, one framed dwelling house : | one framed barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. , I A LSl)—One other piece or parcel ol land situate in ' ■ said Ulster twp , bounded as follows, to wit: North i | by land of Samuel Huff east by the public highway 1 leading from Towanda to Athens, south by land ot tvid >i ow Flood and west by land ol Samuel Huff. Contain ■ ! ing one acre more or less, ail improved with one steam . | grist-mill and shingle machine thereon. ; Seized and taken into execution at the suit ol Harris ' & Saltmarsli vs. Darius Myers. I ALSO—By virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa., the following j described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the twp., lof Wysox, bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at j the north east corner of Issac Bulls lot thence south 89® 1 east 175 perches to a post tor a corner, thence south 1° west 0 310 perches to the north east corner ot the | John Guiles lot, thenee north 89° we-t along the north j line of said Guiles lo 95 perches to a post, thence north j 99° west, 80 9-10 perches to the south east corner ot said Bull's lot, thence north 1° east along the liue of | said Bull's lot 105 perches to the place of beginning.— ! Containing 10J acres more or less, about 50 acres im proved, with an old log house , irumed barn, and fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other piece or parcel of land situate in said twp., of Wysox, bounded as follows, to wit: Be ginning at the north east corner of lot No. 97 according to maps belonging to Burton Kingsbury, thence south 1° west is perches to the north corner ot a lot owned by David Cocbian, thence north 41° west 8 perches to a j corner, thenee north 44° west 18 perches to the north line ot said lot No. 97, thence along the last mentioned line, south 89° east about 20 perches to the beginning. ALSO—One other piece or parcel of land situate in said twp., of Wysox, bounded as follows, to wit: Be ginning at the north west corner of said lot N0.97, thence south 89° east about 28 perches to the north cor ner of lands of said David Cochlan, thence 10 perches to a corner,thence south 00° west 32 perches and thence ! north 1° cast 24£ perches to the place of beginning.— | The two last described lots supposed to contain 0 acres. I of land more or less. j Seized and ta ken into execution at the suit of John Holmes vs. Edward Hoaglin. J. MONROE SMITH. Nov. t, 1865. Sheriff'. LIST OF THE NAMES OF PERSONS drawn as Jurors for December Court, 1805 : GRAND JURORS. Albany, John N Carr ; Asylum, Joshua Kiimer ; ! Athens twp., II W Thomas ; Burlington twp., Scth 1' | (Justin; Columbia, Wm Watkins ; Herrick, Phillip An i gle, Geo Elliott; LeliaysviUe, James Johnson, Orwell, | Charles Pendleton; Pike, Sheldon Payne, Caleb Nurse ; | Kidgberry, P D Covitle ; Springfield, Wm Chase, O P 1 Hirkuess; Sheshequin, John Brink ; South Creek, Jos j Van Buskirk ; Troy twp., Walker Pierce, Harrison Greeno; Towanda boro', Geo McCabe; Towanda North, K Granger ; Warren, G W Tallmadge ; Wysox, B E | Whitney; Wyalusing, Harrison Black, D W Brown. TRAVERSE JURORS—IST WEEK. Armenia,Alanson Smith; Athens twp.. Isaac Gregory, j Guy Tozerjr; Burlington boio', Job Morley; do. West' Bingham Rockwell; Canton twp., Jas Ketcnum; Canton 1 boro', John Adams; Herrick, Lyman Matson, Charles I Tingiey; Lelloy, A M Ingham, Wm P Tillotson ; Litch field, Levi Morse; Orwell, Maj B Darling ; Sheshequin, I J N Griffin, Geo C Gore; Suiithlield, A.-ahe! Scott. H A Brigham, Hiram Farnsworth; Standing Stone, William j Griffis, Richard Jennings, Geo E Van Ness ; Tuscaroru. j Hiram Taylor, Vincent Owen; Terry, Shubel Bowman ; j Troy boro", Peter D Meeker; Ulster. Edward Lockwood, i Milton Holcomb; Windham, Samuel Hartshorn: Wysox! j R M Bennett, Samuel Reynolds; Wyalusing, Sam'l How ! aid, James A Biles. Francis Hornet, Benjamin Ackley: i Wells, Dilliston Elles; Wiirnot, Alba Wilson. TRAVERSE JURORS—2N WEEK. Albany, Beuj Wilcox, John B Steriger; Athens boro , Asa Demon; Burlington West, Wm M'KeaD ; do. twp., Samuel M'Cord ; Columbia, Andrew Jackson, Peleg' 1 Pcckhatn ; Franklin, Burr ltidgway, Horace Willey ; i | Herrick, Eii-ha Keeler, Mason Stevens ; Leßoy, Eli | Holcomb, Geo McKee; .Vonrce twp , Luman Pratt ; Or well, F, M Farrar ; Ridgberry, James P Squires; South ' Creek, Philo Fassettjr ; Standing Stone, John B l'ul i lord; Smithfield, J H Chamberlin.Wm S Pierce; Spring | field, Amos Kuapp • Sheshequin. A J Cole, Wm J Del peuch; Troy tp., Henry Jennings, WmWard; Towanda | twp., J L Bowman ; do. boro'. Amos Pennypacktr ; i Tusearora, H B Ackley; Terry, J W Dennison; Ulster, James Mather; Wyalu.-ing, N'iram Black: Warren. Jos i iah WiJcott, Salmon King ; Wysox, Wm H Morgan; I Wells, Floyd Helmes; Wilmot, Samuel Thra.-her. RE< l IS 1 ER'S NOTICE.— Notice is hereby given, that there has been filed and settled in the ] office of the Register of Wills, in and for the County of 1 Bradford. accounts of Administration upon thefolPn Middaugh, adm'r o! Isaac Middaugh, late ot Wyalusing, dee d. Final ac tot James Burnkam, adm'r of James B. Bow ker. late of South Creek, dee'd. i Final ac't ol Rachel A. Tibbils. adm'r ol Job I'ibbits, | late ot Warren, dee'd. j Final ac't of Hirain Elliott, adm'r ot Harry Elliott, i late ol Rome, dee'd. j Final ac't of L. S. Chubbuek, adm'r ot Charles H. i Kellogg, late ol Monroe, dec "d. I Final ac tof Minor 1". Purler, adm'r ot Silas Jackard, I late of Canton, dee'd. j Final ac't of Sabiu Allen and M stilda E. Sexton, ad'r | of Wm. R. Sexton, late ot Orwell, dee'd. Partial ac't ol V. E. Pierce, one ot the excutors of I Aha rim Pierce, late of Smithfield, dee'd. Final ac't of Mary J. Overpeek. formerly M iry J. Titus, adm'rix ol Minor H. Titus, lateot Herrick, dee'd | Final ac't of F. N. Page, adm'r ol E. A. Murray, late : of Athens twp., dee'd. Paitial ac't ot F. N Page and John Jones, executors i ot Wm. Morris, late of' Athens twp., dec VP Final ac't of John W. Hill and Sam'l Cass, adui'rs o! | John H Hill, late of Orwell, dee'd. Final ac't of O. F. Young, Guardian ol Mahioa Wat tles minor child ot Albina Wattles, late of Rome, dee'd. ALSO—The appraisi ment of property set oil by the Executor or Administrators to widows or children ot the ' following decedents : Estate ot Rosivell Ilagau. ' '• Samuel B. Woodworth. " Alexander L. Smith. " " J D. Humphrey, ■; " Isaac D. Webber. " " Marvin H. Leonard. " " John Layton. •• Judson A. Royse. • William H. Plowman. •' " Stei>lien Felton. " " Henry Pitt. " " David Griswold. ' James Layton. .. P a trick Dougherty. '• Roderick Williams. " Joel Clmtou. '• " David Andrews. And the same will be presented to the Orphan's Court ot Bradford County, on Monday the 4th day >4 Decem ber next, for confirmation and allowance. N.C. ELLSBREE, Nov. 1, 1805. Register. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue ol an order issued out of the Orphan's Court of j Bradford County, the undersigned, administrator of the estate of James 11 Turrell. deceased, late of Terry twp . will sell on the premises, on FRIDAY, NOV. 17. 1865, j at 10 o'clock a.m., the following lot. piece or arcel of j laud, bounded and descrilicd as follows : i LOT NO. 1. Lying and being in the township of Terry bounded north by lands of John and Edmund Horton, , east by the Susquehanna River.south and west by lands i of Maj. Uriah Terry. Containing 109 acres,more oi less, | all improved, with a good house, and barn,out-buildings j and fruit trees thereon. LOT NO. 2. Situate in 'lerry twp., bounded nortli by | lands of C. F. Welles, east by lands of C. F. Welles | and Alexander Kinney, south by land of Jackson Hub j lenback, west by land ol Philander White and Israel Vanuerman. Cout.uuiug 300 acres, more or less, aval- I uable timber lot with an exceleut new Saw Mill thereon. TERMS.—SIOO to be paid upon each lot when struck ' down, s.">oo on each lot on final confirmation, the bul ! auce in 1, 2 aud 3 years, with interest. 1.. P. STALFORD, Oct. 13, 1865. Administrator. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter tk al o ; Alans".!! LI Smith vs. Wm. U. ton - ct. a Uc.-. - 1 ! Clark-ion A Nichols vs. Meytert t War i i \ Amos St ruble et. al. vs Levi Anderson'et. al > W. H. Tyler's adu'r vs- M-yiert * Wu .... :.t • i Lewis Havens vs. (.'. L. Ward ... I Chas. Knapp vs. John F. Long ACo . trey- I ! Clark A Baker vs. Abraham steers e . ai i j Robt. Cooper's use vs Geo. I'almadge et. al ... ap I John B u-tz vs. Pomeroy Bros 1 ! P illy ChUsoti vs. J. W. Hweot repb.-vi i i | Thus, binead's adm'r vs. Uiiiui bpoar ti.i i John MiMalum vs. Jemme B. tiillet' et. al ... 'l'pe. Geo. A. Holden vs. J. W. Sweet .ejectmet • , Daniel Curran vs. Mary Ann Bishop i- J John C. Welles' assignees vs. Shepard A ilataavr.iy. - j i i ! David Burlier vs. Wm. Collins -ta - j BRADFORD COUNTY -a: i Sobpoenaa returnable Monday, Dec. 11. Ih;5.U! F . | clock. A.M. K. O. GOODRICH, Nov. 7, 1865. Plwthop a.j ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, thai ail per-ons indebted to >.. • j estate of DAVID VOL'GHT, late 01.-taudhig Mf.ue tv. ,• ! deceased, ate requested to make immediate payment, i and those having claims against said estate will pre-cnt them duly authenticated lor settleaient. WM. YOUGHT, GEO. A. STEPAENb, Nov. 9, 1565. AdiuiuLstrators. | ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice I is hereby given, that a'l persons indebted toth" ■ | tate ol URIAH S. BROWN, dee d, late of Orwell twp.. are requested to make immediate payment, aud tie - ! having demands agaiu.-t said estate will present them j duly authenticated for settlement. A G. MATHEWS, Oct. 26, 18C5. Administrator ADMIN ISTRATO R'S NOT I CE—NOTIC< • is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the < s j tate ot|LLEWKLI.YN DOD'lE.latc ol Broome Co , X V. | dee'd., are requested to make immediate payment, and : those having claims against said estate must prescnttbeui i duly authenticated lor settlement. WM. B. DODGE, | Nov. 16, 1865. Administrator. A 1 DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted lo the | estate of JAMES U. GRACE, late ot Springfield, twp , | dee d, are requested to make immediate payment, and | those having demands against said estate will please pre ! sent duly authenticated for settlement. CHARLOTTE GRACE, LOIUN GRACE, Nov. 16, 1865. Administrators. ADMINISTRATES NOTICE—NOTICE IS hereby given, thai all persons indebted to the i estate ol F. L. AN ITbDILL late of Warren twp., dec d are requested to make immediate pa.ment, and ail | having claims against said estate are requested to pre j eut them duly authenticated for settlement. LA W REN CE AN Tib pi LL, I Nov. 16,1863. Administrator. ADM INS'I"ICS NOTlCE—Notice iskere by given,that ail persons indebted to the estate | OSCAR rI.WuODKL'FF,Iate ot Towanda boro" u c'i a..: • reijuested to make immediate payment, and th r -e bavi.. I demands against said estate will please present du \ j authenticated lor setticmeut. JAMES THOMPSON, Nov. IC, 1865. Administrator. A DMINIS'R'S NOTlCE.—Notice is Uere ; by given that all pcisous iudcbt-1 to the c-tale • WARKEN R. FRISBIE, latci ! orwell twp.. Bradford ; County, dee'd, are requested to make payment without delay and all having claims against said estate are i•. ! quested to present them i nly authenticated mr settle ment. JAMES P. CO BURN. I Nov 16, 1865. Administratis. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-Notfcc is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the i estate ot ALANboN UNDLi.Y. laic ut Fianktin tw; deo'd., are retjucnted to make immediate pay me: i and those having demands against said estate w ill pi eut them duly authentunited lor settlement. NEDEBiAii SMITH, I Oct. 12, 1865. Adnunistrat r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTHJE.-N -tio , hereby given that all pels--us ::i me e-.a ot JULIA A. DRAKE, dec d, late ot Litchfield twp are requested to make immediate payment, nan husc having demands against said estate wii, prescUL tneiu duly authenticated ior settlement. JAMES DRAKE, Oct. 12,1965. Administrate!. ADM INI STRATORS NOTICE.—Noti c<■ is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the j estate of THEIiUN RINEH.VRt , lateol Athens twp. dee'd, are requested to make immediate _ pay ment, an 1 those having claim agaiii-t said estate will present ti: duly authenticated ior settlement. DAVID GARDNER. Oct. 12, 1865. Admiuistrara. \ DM INISTRATORS N O'l iCE, - Notu 11 hereby given, that all persons indebted i ilicc tute of WM. V tNDERPOOL sth,late if Terry tp.,de are requested to make immediate payment, and liion having claims against s.iid estate will pre..cut theui .iu. authenticated for settlement. URIAH TERRY, Oct. 12, 1865. Administrator. AI > MIN ISTR A T RIX 'S N Ol' 11 E-Nt ill is hereby given that all persons iudebted to the es, tate of MINOR U. TITUS, late ot Herrick twp., ut- i are requested to make payment, without delay and those havingclaimsagainst s.i;u estate uiu-t pit ut lliem dulv authenticate:, lot settlement. MARY J TIT Lb. Oet. 12,1865. Aduuuistntnx ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE- NOTICE IS hereby given that aii peisons indebted to the e-tate o! NILEs PACKARD, late ot Leßoy twp., de d use re quested to make immediate payment, and tl>. having demands against said estate will please present duly authenticated lor settlement. KELLON PACKARD. Oct. 12, 1865. Administrator. EXECUTORS NOTICE NOI 1 c E is hereby given that ail perw- ns iudc ted lo Git es etate of WM. GIRAKD, late ot Towanda b o'dc-.'i requested to make immediate payment, aml those aviug demands against said estate will present them b .fy ~u thenticated for settlement. MARY ANN Gilt \ i£l>. GROVE M. HALL, Oct. 12, 186. Ex.cuti.i. VDMIN ISTRATOII'S NOTICE.- Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted (. the estateot JAS. L. DEWEY, dec d, late pi are requested to make immediate payment and ri, -t having demands against said estate will uesent iliem duly autheuticated lor settlement. J DANIEL LIVENS, Oet. 12. 1865 Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-L tore J a of administration ol the good-, chattel.-. Ae. o! AbA PRATT late ol (.'anion trwrahip, d' WM. SNYDER, I Oct. 20. 1865.' r. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. — In the matter o/ ExctjdiohS to tlo Final aecount v) 11. C. li,.nd, 1 Atdgnee of Farmer's Viioo Jnsui a nee Co. No. 1 Sept. Term, 1865. In the Court of Common Plets Bradford County. The undersigned an auditor appointed by sa;.i < ourt upon exceptions filed to the final account ot H.C.Baird. ' Assignee of the Farmers' Union insurance Co.. will at ' tend to the duties ol his appointment, at hi- office in T. Wanda boro', on Saturday, November 25, 1865, at o:;- o'clock p. m., at which time aud place all person.- lutes ested can attend it they think ptoper or be lorever debarred from the same. G D. MONTAN YE. Oct. 23. 1865. Auditor. BA TII B Til V K at FOX'S.