NEWS FROM ALL NATIONS. —The British Parliament will meet on the 23d instant —Over 14,000 animals have been attack ed by the cattle plague in England, and of these 12,000 have died. —Spain has notified the English Govern ment that she intends taking energetic measures to put an end to the slave trade. —The Bey of Tunis has granted a gen eral amnesty to all persons implicated in the late revolution in that country. —The Austrian Government has issued an official intimation which indicates a fixed reso lution to adopt, as far as possible, a free-trade pol icy. -—The Tycoon of Japan and the rebell ious Prince Xagata have come to an understanding. A plot to murder the former was recently discov ered and frustrated. —Russia is also to participate in (he in" teruatioual Sanitary Congress for the preventation of cholera, soon to he held at Constantinople. —A man giving his name as Lieut. Jas H. Lalers, of the i'tli Connecticut \ olunteers, was arrested as a Fenian in Dublin, Ireland, on the 28th ult. A seven-barreled revolver. 200 patent ri de balls, said to be poisoned, and four military drill books, were found in bis possession. —Bavaria, Saxony and Hesse Darms tadt Lave agreed to propose in the Federal Diet j that the HoLstein Estates should be convened, that Schleswig should he incorporated with Germany, ; and that the cost of the Danish war should be j borne by the Confederation. —lt is generally believed in Paris that : the French army now in Mexico will be gradually ' withdrawn, and that by Sept. 1866. the whole will j have returned to France. —The evacuation of Rome by the French troops has been commenced. -- Legal proceedings have been institu-J ted against the British Government for the recent seizure of the Fenian newspaper in Dublin. —lt is thought in London that one of the first measures of the new English Ministry will be a liberal reform bill. -The English ministerial modifications, consequent on the death of Lord Palmerston, are nearly completed, the only post unfilled being the Chancellorship of the Duchy of Lancaster, made vacant by Lord Clarendon becoming Foreign Sec retary. vice Bussed, promoted to the Premiership. —The Sultan of Turky has declared his intention to contribute 30,000 frances a month, du ring the winter, to the support of the destitute sufferers from the recent great fire in Constantino ple. —The Managers of the French Universal Exhibition, which is to open at Paris in the Spring of 1807, have extended the time for American ex hibitors to send in their list to Jan. 1. —The Greek Ministry, having been de feated on a question of confidence, Las resigned. The King has requested M. Bnlgaris to form a new ministry, but be refuses except on condition that Count Sponneck shall he banished. To this the King will not consent. —President Gefl'ard of Hayti recently an nounced to his people that war vessels, purchased in New York, were on their way to Cape Haytien, and that with these the blockade of that town would again be reestablished, thus starving out the rebel army there and forcing it to surrender. \ miser, aged eighty-one years, died at Vienna, Austria, leaving two million l'ranes to the Pope. lt is rumored in Europe that Gens. Mc- Clellan and Beauregard bad tendered their swords to the Pope for the defence of Rome. —The cholera, which made its appear ance in the southern provinces of Russia, two mouths ago, is still advancing north, in spite of the eohl weather. James Ducan and (Japt. Richard B. Winder, confined to the Old Capitol prison at Washington, are soon to be tried for cruelties prac ticed toward Union prisoners at Andersonville. --Gen. John H. Logan of Illinois has been appointed U. N. Minister to Mexico. -It is said that Sir Frederic Bruce, the English Minister at Washington will be selected as umpire by the joint Commission to adjust the claims between the United States and the Repub lic of Colombia. —An English detective named John Mo High is in Washington. He is in this country to keep an eye on the Fenians. -The I . S. Government will permit no armed parties to pass the frontier into Mexico, nor permit munitions of war to be sent either to the Maximilian or Juarist belligerents. --The Mormon leaders declare that they will sustain polygamy by force of arms, and defy openly the Federal authority. --Some of the U. S. officials in Utah have several wives. —There are in the town of YValdoboro, Me., persons with these names ; Head, Foote, Hyde, Horn, Bides, Hough. Heart, Bowles, (for bowels), Haslet. Thus the town had everything but Tail, when a Prussian came in named Onbe hind. —The materials for the completion of the Itusso-American telegraph, via Bchring Straits, have been contracted for in Paris, and will shortly la- shipped to this country. —The body of Wirz was buried in the arsenal ground, at Old Capitol Prison, where also lie the remains of the assassination conspirators. The report that Mrs. Wirz attempted to poison her husband is denied. —Gen. Can by has turned over to the New < Irleaus City authorities the control of sanitary regulations and the State levees, has withdrawn the provost-marshals in the parishes, except in certain enses, and stopped the issue of charity ra tions to person unconnected with the army. —The Constitutional Amendment abol ishing Slavery passed both houses of the South Carolina Legislature, on the 13th inst., with but little opposition. The Legislature has adjourned until the 2.3 th inst. — A number of ladies are daily beseig ing W asliington in the capacity of pardon-seekers, whose persistence is exceedingly annoying to the President. Gen. Humphreys, Governor elect of Mississippi, is anxious to get immediate possess ion of authority, but Provisional Governor Shar key refuses to abdicate without orders from Wash ington. —A death from cholera ore tired in Ft. Louis on the 10th inst. Gov. Wells has called a special ses sion of the Louisiana Legislature on the 23d inst., to elect I*. S. Senators. Gen. Fullerton hus been relieved of the charge of the Freedmen's Bureau of Louisiana by Gen. Baird, who announces, bower, that he shall not alter the orders of his predecessor. —1 he Provisional Governors of North Carolina, South ( aroliua, and Florida huvej been notified by the President that they are to continue to exercise their officers until specially instructed to the contrary. --Gov. llrownlow of Tennessee has set *lart Thursday, !>••< 7. as i< day of thaukisgiving. —John C. Breckinridge, now in Canada, has announced his intention, if pardoned, to take up his residence in Texas. He ascribes the dis asterons turning point* in the Rebellion to the re moval of Gen. Johnston from the command of the army before Atlanta. —Jeff. Davis, on hearing of the execu tion of Wirz, remarked that the Government might have hung many worse men. —A. Deslondes, the father-in law of John Slidell and Gen. Beauregard, died in Chalmette, La., on the 19th ult. He was a wealthy Creole. —Southern newspapers are refusing to inßert the advertisements of negroes without the word " colored " or 1 ' fVeedman is attached to them. The colored people of Solum, Alabama, in a recent meeting, passed resolutions complain ing that they were every day robbed and beaten by men wearing the Federal uniform, and that they had applied in vain to the police and the military for protection. —There is some uneasiness in Richmond, Va.. caused by the report that preparations are being made for an insurrection by the 25,000 or 30,000 negroes on the York River Peninsula, be tween Hampton and Williamsburg. These negroes have been notified that the lands they now occupy will he turned over to their former owners on Jan. 1, and it is feared they will not give them up with out resistance. —The position of parties in the Italian Parliament is : Moderates, 586 ; Constitutional, 101 ; Clerical, 0 ; Doubtful. 46. —The next House of Representatives will stand, exclusive of the 58 members from the sece ded States, 141 Republicans and 40 Democrats. —A reduction of oO,1)00,000 francs in the French army and navy estimates has been de cided upon. —The prize-money of the Princess Royal is ready for disbursement by the Third Auditor. The claims have been hanging in uncertainty for over three years. The crews of the following I . S. vessels are interested; Honsatonic, Unadilla, G. AV. Blunt. Memphis, Quaker City, America and Augusta. —The receipts for customs by the U. S. Government for October were over $18,000,000, ot which $11,008,737 were received at New York. The Governor of South Carolina has asked the Secretary of the U. S. Treasury that that State be allowed to assume the direct tax levied by Congress, and that the same may b; paid in South Carolina bonds. He says the State is too much impoverished to pay the taxes immediately. —The reward offered for the capture of Booth has not been paid, there being a dispute us to the legitimate claimants. It is nearly $250,000, exclusive of SIOO,OOO in gold offered ay California. —The total receipts from Internal Rev enue since July 1, are $136,000,000. •—The total amount of coin on deposit in the U. >S. Treasury, on Nov. 1, was about $106,000, 000. —lt has been decided that matured and unpaid installments of bounty descend to heirs in foreign countries as well as pay. —The Michaelmas term will see King's College, Cambridge. England, thrown open, for the first time since its foundation, to students other than those educated at Eton. —Mr. Richie is engaged on an engraving from his own picture of the scene around the death bed of President Lincoln. —Mrs. L. 11. Sigourneyis to have a mon ument to her memory in Hartford, Conn., the city of her home previous to her death in June last. --Vincent Wallace, the composer, who died recently in Italy, left two sons who give prom ise of great musical talent, They are studying at the Conservatory, Paris. A grand musical enter tainment is soon to be given in London, Eng., to provide a fund to enable the young men to culti vate their talents without interruption. —The Governor of Rhode Island refuses to postpone Thanksgiving Day in that State until the national thanksgiving on the 7th. In all the other States where a day had been appointed, it has been so changed. —A third trial has been ordered lor the i parties who attempted to kidiiay Geo. X- Sanders, j in Montreal, Ca., the juries having failed to cou j vict heretofore. The Canadian journals now pro i nounee Sanders a nuisance, and declare that he i already cost Canada over >1,000.000, and that he ought to have the decency to leave the country. —The Missouri Legislature has appoin : ted a committee to memorialize President Johnson I to release all the Union prisoners now in confine ment for offences committed during the war, on the ground that rebel soldiers, whose crimes were I infinitely greater, have been pardoned. —Mr. Trumbcl, on the 15th inst., offered I a resolution in the Tennessee Senate, declaring ; that Jeff. Davis and the other Southern leaders i ought to suffer the extreme penalty of the law. —Gov. Hamilton has notified President I Johnson that he intends calling the Texas State i Convention in December. I —A petition, asking the pardon of Jeff. ! Davis, signed by 1.200 of the ladies of Norfolk and ! Portsmouth, Ya., has been presented to President Joliuson. —The Hon. Kenneth Reynor of North | Carolina had a long interview with President John son on the loth inst., in regard to the restoration i of that State c o the rights and privileges of the Union. —Maj.-Gcn. Augur, commander of the i Department of Washington, has ordered that here ; after no colored man shall be whipped under any law of Virginia, within is department -Gen. Daniel E. Sickles is in Richmond, i on an important Government mission. —John Mitchel has sailed for Europe. He goes to Paris on a Fenian mission. Mr. Ohauncy M. Depew, present Sec retary of the State of New York. has been appoin ted P. S. Minister to Japan. —Cassius M. Clay, Minister at St. Peters [ burg, in a letter tj Secretary Seward, advises that j the importation of cattle from abroad should at i once be prohibited, in order to prevent the intro | duction of the cattle plague into this country. —The ex-Rebel Attorney-* feneral, Geo. ! Davis, was brought a prisoner to New York, on the loth inst., by the 1". S. steamer Memphis, * from Key West. Fin., and handed over to the na tional authorities in that city. Col. Robert Johnson has been appointed private Secretary to the President, his father. —Owing to the great cost of living in Washington, unite a number of Congressmen have engaged apartments for the in it session in Balti more, where prices are much more reasonable. —A grand serenade was given on the 14th inst.,"at Harrisburg, Pa., to the returned col ored soldiers. Prof. Dey of New York delivered an oration, and speeches were made by Gen. Cam eron and others. A grand ball closed the celebra tion. —Gen. Dull' Green of Alabama died at Mobile on the 11th inst. Puling Jackson's Pres idency, Mr. Green published the administration organ in Washington, but afterward supported the State Bights doctrines of John C. Calhoun. —The cholera has broke out in Leipsic, Germany. Bradford Towanda, Thursday, November 23,1865. THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. The country awaits with unusual anx iety, the assembling of Congress, and the delivering of President JOHNSON'S message. No document of the kind lias ever been looked for with so much interest, nor ever read with so much eagerness as will be the forthcoming message of the Presi dent. This is occasioned by the peculiar circumstances under which President JOHN SON assumed the helm of State, by the stu pendous and important results which have followed from our military operatums, cul minating in the sudden overthrow of the rebellion, and by the difficult task which is now being tried, of reorganizing and recon structing the States lately in Rebellion. It is idle to attempt to conceal the fact, that the loyal people of the country have experienced some degree ot disappointment and dissatisfaction at the action of the Na tional Administration in the pardon of rebels, and in the general management of the rebel States. A great fear has taken hold of the public mind that the lessons of the past were to be ignored, that the blood and treasure of the couutry had been spent in vain, and that Slavery was to be allow ed once more to regain its former standing and prestige. It was natural that a people who had undergone such unexampled pri vations, as those endured during the past four years, should be sensitive of the final settlement of our National affairs, and jeal ous lest the lives and money offered upon the shrine of tin; Union, should have been offered in vain. We believe there has been a general dis position to deal magnanimously with a con quered foe, though that enemy had perpe trated one of the most monstrous wrongs ever inflicted upon a lenient and forbearing nation. The war for the Union has not been prosecuted mainly ith a view to overthrow and subjugate the Southern pea pie, but to preserve the Union, and trans mit it to posterity redeemed from tire dis grace of Slavery, and purified from the "sum of all villiauies," which was the fruit ful source of all our National troubles.— Hence the public mind was not averse to those acts of charity and magnanimity, which the I'resident might extend to a fallen and humbled foe, provided nothing was done to recnscitate the hvdra-headed monster, upon whose death the Nation was resolved. The policy of the President, in this respect was not sufficiently explicit to sat isfy the popular demand. The nation clam ored for the punishment of treason, and for the enactment of measures which should secure at ouce'the inestimable blessings to How from the struggle of the last four years. The i'resident has been tardy in acceding to the popular demand, and disappointment has been the consequence We must con fess that iu the general disappointment we have had our full share. But as events ripen into practical measures, it seems to us that new hopes dawn upon the country, and new expectations are inspired, that be fore the solution of the great and intricate question shall be full}' reached, the country will be satisfied, the security of the future be provided for, and the Freemen of thfe country without respect to color, have all the rights and privileges to which they arc entitled. The forthcoming message of the Presi dent will undoubtedly contain an exposi tion of the policy which will govern him in x'egard to the restoration of the late rebell ions States, and which will enable the country better to judge what he desires. But the Congress so soon to meet, will have an important part in the reconstruction and reorganization of the seceding States. They will find knocking at their doors for admis sion, Representatives from most of the States lately in rebellion The President has already authoritveiy announced that certain conditions would be indispcnsible to the recognition of these States in their reorganized form, and lias not hesitated to dictate certain terms without complying with which they need not look for favor. It may be that Congress will not be satis fied with the conditions imposed, but will insist upon more adequate security for the future peace and permanance of the coun try. The indications are strongly in favor of such a course. Will the President submit the whole question to Congress, or will lie endeavor by the power of his position to coerce or flatter Congress into the adoption of the measures he may deem best suited for the purpose? Is the President ready to make an issue with Congress, if need be, and ore ate dissension in the ranks of the party to which he owes !h; present position? We dot believe in the imrnineney of sue!) dis aster, particularly after the warning tones of the late elections. The power of the Ad ministration might seduce Congressmen from the path of duty, hut there is not a Republican Congressional District which will not hold its Representative to a strict accountability and to a zealous scrutiny in regard to the important measures to en gage their attention in thp next Congress. Si H IKE OF J'RESTOX KING. —It is with no ordinary feelings of regret that we publish the announcement of the probable suicide of Hon. PRESTON KING, Collector of the port of New-York. There seeing to be no doubt that he committed suicide by jumping off a North River ferry boat. At latest accounts his body had not been recovered, although every exertion had been made by his friends to find it. The lamentable deed was com mitted while he was in a state of mental aberration or depression. No man in the Nation enjoyed in a great er degree the confidence and respect of the people than PRESTON KING. Associated at its origin with the leaders of the Free Soil i movement, lie has stood " faithful amongst I the faithless," never faltering in his devo-! tion to the cause of Human Freedom, labor ing with unwavering zeal and fidelity, for the success of the cause in which his heart and mind were alike engaged. Political friends and opponents equally awarded him the credit of being au upright, honest, con scientious man. Of late years his great obesity, and his sedentary habits, have ef fected his general health,and produced that mental disorder which finally led to the commission of the deplorable deed, tliat de prives the Nation of one of its most upright men, and one of its wisest counsellors. We learn from Washington that Secretary MCCUI,I,OCH is engaged in comple ting the animal reports of the Treasury Department. It is believed that he will strongly urge the reduction of the currency by cautious measures, and continue as fast as possible his plans for the reduction of the general debt. He is not in favor of a permanent sinking fund for redemption of debt, but prefers the utmost increase of the revenues of the government. teg' We have some possibly exaggera ted reports byway of New-Orleans from a Matamoras paper. They state that tbe Lib erals, or Juarists, have been seriously cut up, that two Generals have been killed, and CORTINAS aud two or three others wounded. The same paper denies that the Imperial gunboat fired upon the people ou the Amer ican side of the river, and gives currency to a wild story about a plot to murder Gen. MEJIA and surrender the town of Matamor as. MELANCHOLY AFFAIR DISAPPEARANCE AND PROBABLE DEATH OF HON. PRES TON KING. lion. Preston Ling, Collector of the Port of New York, whose nervous system has been seriously deranged for nearly three weeks, left his room at the As tor House on Monday week at 1 a. m., remarking that a walk before breakfast would do him good. All day Monday no word of his where abouts reached his anxious friends, nor un til 12 o'clock Tuesday could any trace or clue be Obtained. Messrs Terwilliger and Usher, of the Custom House, then heard that a person was drowned the day before from a Iloboken ferry-boat. Upon visiting the boat they ascertained that a man, an swering closely the description of Mr. King, came from a West-street car to the ferry boat. Soon after the boat left the dock, two children going to school gave the al arm, they had seen a man jump overboard. The boat was stopped, but nothing could be seen. A hat left upon the deck was sub sequently identified as belonging to Mr. King. The ticket-master saw Mr. King step from the car, noticing him particularly from his great weight.* He describes his person and dress with such exact accuarcy as to leave deither doubt, nor shadow of doubt, as to his iueutity. Mr. King spoke to him, asked him how long before the boat would start, and what was the fare, aud re marked that it was a Hue morning. Mr. King was unable to stand the pres sure of his official position. Every allega tion of misconduct iu subordinates dis turbed him. The great number of merito rious and wounded officers aud soldiers asking for situations, excited his sympath ies. Two or three reported cases of fraud alarmed him to such a degree that two weeks ago bis nerves gave way. It was suggested that he should go to Oirdens burg for a week or fortnight in the hope that repose and home associations would tranquilize his ruind. lie did go, but find ing no rest there, returned to the Astor House on Saturday. It was immediately evident that no favorable change had oc curred. He said to the friends around him that he had broken down ; was incapable of making any effort; that he had no judg ment or memory, and no power to resist what he knew to be imaginary evils. In the meantime, his mental and physical health was unimpaired. Un Sunday, in the morning, he hcquiesed in a suggestion of attending church, but did not go. He re quested that Mr. Weed should be sent for early in the morning, and passed most of the day in conversation with him and two or three other friends. He spoke freely of his mental aberration twenty-live years ago, and expressed a desire now to go to an as ylum. Yet all he said proved that his miud was now unclouded and undisturbed. His, nervous system, and that only, was effec ted. But it was quite clear that lie must soon have relief. On Saturday afternoon and Sunday, he frequently spoke of re signing ; and it was arranged that, after an examination by Dr. Brown, of the Bloomingdale Asylum, on Monday, he would either resign then, or await, for a few days, the effect of medical treatment. He had been disinclined to consult a physician until informed that Dr. Brown was at the head of an asylum. He remarked to Mr. Weed twice, on Sunday, that death, if it could be reached without crime, would be a relief. He had intervals of tranquility when his mind could be drawn away from the evils : created, to the fact that in all respects his circumstances and condition were such as : bring contentment ; that he had no cares, j no sorrows, no causes of anxiety ; and that his lot, compared with hundreds of thous ands, was enviable. To all he assented, and for half an hour, cheerfulness returned jto him. Finally, when Mr. Weed left him | on Sunday evening, he seemed quite cou tent to await the interview with Dr. Biown, who came on Monday, hut the patient had departed to return no more. Mr. King was educated at Union College, where he was a classmate of Bishop Pot ter. He studied law at Ogdensburg, but had small experience or interest in its prac tice. His mind, taste and habits took a political direction. In all things he was an honest, earnest man, acting always up on convictions. His political creed was as conscientiously a creed as that of a divine or an apostle. Mr. King came into public life as a mem ber ot Assembly in 1835, from St. Law rence, and was reelected in 1836, 1837 and 1868, ffe was elected to Congress in 1843, and reelected in 1845. In 1857, Mr. King was elected to the Senate of the United States. At the close of his term in the Senate, Mr. Seward offered him a foreign mission, but after a few days' reflection, he declined it. In 1862, Mr. Lincoln decided to inane Mr. King Collector of this port,hut the pressure for a change eased up, and it was deferred. And finally, when appoin ted by President Johnson, he entered with reluctance upon the discharge of the duties ( fearing, as has unhappily proved to be the ease, that the labor and responsibility wero unsuited to his former "habits and pursuits. —New York- Times. BgL. A despatch received yesterday in Washington by the Secretary of the Treas ury, from E. M. Shelton, dated Galveston, Texas, October 14th, gives the sad news of the accidental death of the only brother of President Johnson, fiom a gun-shot wound. Mr. Johnson was the collector of Yelasco. W3L. Gov. BROWNI.OW, of Tennessee, in a letter to the Cincinnati Gazette, upon the situation of affairs in the south, says : "In a word, the rebels of the south have by no means abandoned this long cherished idea ! of s eparatiiuj the. government. They are lo< ik ing to this end ; and more they are on/an- j izing with a view to this result. They I have tried this in a wicked war of four ' : dreary years, and signally failed. Their I purpose is to accomplish their infernal j plans through the ballot box in Congress, , and they look to the copperhead Dentoera-1- ey and other northern traitors to aid them. : Thank God, the recent elections at the | north have blasted their hopes for the pres ent, and taught them that the real people, | the loyal masses of the great north, are all ; right. " My hopes for the future are in the good-, I ness, the obstinate loyalty and determined ! purpose of the Republican ma jority in Con- j ] gross. I pray God they will not admit reb i els into Congress indiscriminately, because they have taken the amnesty oath or ob tained the Executive pardon. As prcsi ; dent Johnson said, let them occupy the 1 back seats for a few years. " 1 am one of those at the south who be lieve this war has closed out two years too ! soon ! The rebels have been whipped, but not whipped enough. " For saying these things I expect to be j abused by all traitorous sheets at the north, J and by all rebel papers south. Let them ' say out ; I am able to stand their abuse.— I am for the American Union, regardless of | the hate of sections, the war of parties, or the malice of individuals." VAI.I.ANDIC,HAM PKRSO.\*AU.Y ASSAULTER— i The Hon. C. L. Yullandigham visited Eaton, Ohio, night before last to transact some I business. As soon as it became generally known that he was in the little town a ru mor became prevalent that lie was there for the purpose of making a speech. It ; happens that the people of Eaton are | very much opposed to Mr. Vallaudigham 1 personally, and the idea of his making a speech in their midst so exasperated a lot j of the young men of the place, that at early | candle-light they visited the place where he 1 was stopping and made a loud call for his ! appearance.. Understanding that trouble | was in store for him, Mr. Vallaudigham i | made a hasty exit from the house, and pur ! sued his retreat through fields and over : fences in the direction of the depot, running 1 at the top of his speed, followed by an ttn ! gry and excited mob of boys and ynrnng [ men, one vlbucrtiscmcnts SMITH'S PN EUMATIC CHURN!' kA Patented May 2, 1845. THE TIME COMES WHEN PERFECTION IS ATTAINED IN A LI. , THINGS. ; In Smith's Pneumatic Churn, perfection is reached, it i combines a!! that is useful iu makinjt Butter. Tho 'pi inciple of introducing air into cream Las long been I the study of inventors of Churns,but it has never been accomplished to any extent until the invention of I Smith s Pneumatic Churn. In this Churn all the air i ■ made by a double acting Bellows is forced into the ! cream, aud at the very bottom, setting the cream in a ' | great commotion. At the same time the air brings the : ! cream to the same temperature of heat aud cold as in | the place where the Churn is worked, the butter being ' I made by currents aud counter currents of air, causing a friction by the eurreuts against each other, i";moving i the covering without buisting the globules, consequent• ; ly the grain ot the butter is perfect. In makes llull,. in half the time of un ordinary Chum , a lai better, and j a larger per cent, of butter than any other Ciiirn in use. ; A trial is all that is simple in its construction, not in 1 any way likely to get out of order, and the same jars ' used tor cream are used to make the butter in, saving i all trouble and time spent in keeping a wooden Churn I clean. j I ucd no certificates, bat can get them wherever liie Churn is worked. All are governed by their interests, I and for that reason this Churn will take the place of all others wherever introduced. Town. County aud State Bights for sale. CHESTER F. SMITH, Litchfield, Conn. 1 Address DAVID C. UOODWIN, Hrowntown, WOT. 30.1868. Bradford Co* Pa. IFISS II C HUNT Will open the Second Term ol her School, on Second Street, on Tuesday. Nov. 21, 1845. TERMS PER (JL'AHTER. ; Common English Branches S5 50 Higher " " . 700 French (extra) 2 50 to 4 00 No extra charge for Latin. School year of 42 weeks,divided into four equal terms. Much experieuce, and considerable opportunities for i observation in different methods of teaching, enable Miss HI NT to offer her services to those interested wit li a certain degree of confidence. Unexceptionable referen ; ces given if required Towauda.Nov. 14,1805. pAXCV GOODS AND TRIMMINGS ! Mrs. la. M. TABEIt valid tbe attention of*the Ladies ot Towanda and vicinity, to her stock of FANCY COOHS AND TRIMMINGS, \ Comprising a large assortment ol the most fashionahie and desirable articles needed by Indies, selected with great care, and which will be sold at icasonaide prices. Her stock will be kept constantly supplied icy the most fashionable articles iu the New York market, and m pains will he spared to accommodate those desiring to ; purchase. tar Store on Main S , next door below Patch's tiro eery Store where she solicits the patronage of the Lad ies. ; Towanda. Nov. 7, }865. WIUC'OX <\ GIBBS SEWING MACHINE Universally acknowledged to be the BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE NOW IN USE. 1' OW E Ll7 A C 0 . Having accepted an Agency for the sale ui this celebra ted machine, respectfully invite an examination and : tr al of them by the ladies of this vicinity. ; Possessing peculiar advantages over any other, for ; family purposes,wherever sold they give entire sati lac i tion to the purchasers. To wanda, Oct. 30, Ist; j. GOODS : NEW GOODS ! ! Th# undersigned having purcicesad the property lor merly owned by i>. F. Buck, lieu ly Creek. Pa.,contain ing a store thereon, takes this opportunity of announo- | ing to the public, that he has returned from New Y eirk with a complete stock of every thing usually found in a country store, aud of the best quality that could he j lound in market ; which was bought cheap for cash an will he sold for a small profit. No credit will be givec under any circumstances whatever. Deeming the ready pay sjsteni to he to tie interest of both the dealer and consumer. Farmer's produce ta'geu in t-xcha nge tor goods at market pripe, The stock oon*i.-ts ot Dry Goods and Groceries, Hats and Caps, Boots j and Shoes. Drugs. Kerosene ni Oil ei d ( I in r.ejs. Hardware and Pocket Cutlery, Window Glass. Crockery, Tobacco, Snnff, and Cigars, Crackers, Cheese Nuts aud Candy. Flour in Sacks, I.adies' Winter Shawls, Hoods and Nubies ttentigmou s Wrappers, Drawers and Gloves. Yankee Notious, And a large assortment ol Ploughs and Plow Points, manufactured by S. W. i'aiiic, Troy, Pa. Also, a large quantity of Revenue Stamps, of all kinds kept constantly on hand for the accomodation of the pnlilie in general, and many other articles too numerous to mention Be suie and cuil at the Old Key Stone Store and judge tor yourselves. Tbe undersigned is luliy assured that ' his customers will be satisfied with both prices and I quality of goods Accept thanks for the libera) pqtroiiage thus far re- ceived, hoping it may ao continue. ] J. C. ROBINSON. i Be nth Creek. Pa.. Oct. 23, IRGS. JTrto ASH PURCHASERS TAKE NOTICE ! Oh, yes ! the subscriber has again returned from New York, having in the meantime-ele.* > d with great care, a splendid assortment of NEW GOODS, well adapted to the wants of nil, the old, the middle aged, and the ! young, and at the same time not toileting the " wee j hit of folks that get up locomotion by crer pine. These j all have especially been eared for in the clc ti 11 of the ! stock. He would now tender his warme.-t tiianks to all ' his old friends anil patrons for past favors, and iMMb I | fully solicits a continuance of a share oi their patron ' age* j • k If you will pleuee com* and { ] f "| 1 Yon will Hhd the same good J j At the B R E HIVE , Otvoll.Ps. j . ; FURS ! FEIiS ! ! Fl RS !! ! A splendid assortment of Gents'. Ladle-' and Child rens Kttnt, at the Be Hive i '• . J Ladies, (lents and Children are I. lespeetUilly invited to call at the Bee Hive and examine the .: ten bye line of Furs. (letits helore they liny they would do will to look at the large stock of : HATS,<'A 1 'S.FCR GLO VES,FFUC()LARS, I • A*e . found of course at tin B>-< Iflve. 800 T S AN D sIIO E8 , in any quantity and style at the Bee Hive. OVERCOATS at the lfc-e Hive. COATS a; the Bee Hive. ■ VESTS at the Bee Hive. PANTS at the ftee Hive. iOKOOK E R Y , M I R R O K S A j At the Bee Hive. TEA, AS USUAL, FRESH Ac FRAGRANT At the Bee Hive. CLOCKS, FROM THE BEST MANUFACTURERS, At the Bee Hive. ] Captain's Office open from 9P. if., tors few days lunger. All those who have old an set tied Book Account - with ; 1.. 11. Bronson.if they would save themselves cost, will | please call without delay aud settle up. L. H. BBONSON BEE HIVE, Orwell. Pa. PIANOS, AMERICAN ORGANS AND MELODIAXS. The undersigned most respfctinlly announces to*he citizens of Towanda and vicinity that he Lit*. purchased | the Music business-of (5. T. ('..1.E. and will hereaftei supply any of the above articles, together with ! VIOLINS. GUITARS, ACCORDIANS, STRINGS. AC., on us good terms as the) cat. i>e bad eUwheie. W. A. CHAMBERLAIN. ALSO A UK.NT FOR TUE CELEBRATED AMERICAN WATCH, and has always on hand, a good assorttp.vnt el Swiss Watches, w ith a general assortment of JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS, Silver and Plated Ware ot the BEST MANI'FACTI'R 1 ERF. which will be sld at unusually low figures. A large variety of Clocks just received, among which may be found the Seth"Thomas, which has no equal. RE P AIKISO AND JO 881 XG, douc with neatness and dispatch, and warranted. To those who can't see, we would say go to Chamberlain's and get a pair of gla.-ye- that will make yon see as well as ever. Don't target the shop, nearly opposite the Court House. W. A. CHAMBERLAIN. ToWanda, Nov. o,lߧj, I AIIGE SALE OR* Ft'RN ITU RE AND * 1 HOUSEHOLD GOODS AT AUCTION. Will fie sold at Public Auction, commencing on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19th, lbtiA, at in o'clock, A M , and c uitinne t r un day to dav.until the entire stock of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE", eon tlined in the WARD HOUSE, at Towanda, Pa., is disposed of. Among the numerous articles to be sold, may Ire touud in part as follows, via: Sofas. Lounges, Settees, Divans. Tetea tetes, Wash stands, Bureau.-, Bookcase, Dressingease, Tables, Cot-I lage and French Bedsteads, Mahogany . Cane seat aud Windsor Chairs, Looking Glasses, Pictures, Lumps. Vases and Carpeting. DINIXG -R0 O M FURNI TUR E . Consisting of Tables, Crockery, Knives, Forks. ,->.ive; aud Plated Ware, and Glass Ware. BEI) S A N 1) BED D I NG . Consisting ot Feather led-. Hair, Cotton and Straw Mattrasses, Spreads.Sheets, Pillow cases Pillows, and Comfortables. BAR- R0 0 M FFRNI TUR E . Tables, Dtranters. Tumblers. Water-coolers, Ale Pump, besides all kinds of KITC HE N VVRNI TFR E , Parlor, Cooking and Office Stoves,both Coal aud Wood, one large Hotel Cooking Stove, Refrigerators, one large Iron Sate, two Provision Sales, Well-pump. Horse, Wa- i on, aud Harness, Two Platform Scales. In tact all ar ticles used in and about a Hotel. The attention of Landlords is called to the very fine stock of Liquors and Cigar,which will lie -old at private snip. Terms piadc known on day ot sale. OeoRGE O. Cnafi'EK, Am tioneef. POWELL &SMT H, Proprietors. ' Towanda. Nov. 6, IbUj. XKJ ANTED.-- an intelligent and f T energetic man to take charge ot a tract ot lum ber land, and to supply mines with timber from it. To a proper person good wages and steady work will be given. Address F. KOERXER, Nov. 20. 'tk'i—3t Clrardville, SchnylkillCo., I'a. "\T OTlCE.—Whereas, MY wile Si-AN E. 4-1 has left my bed aud board without just cause or provocation, notice is hereby given, to all persons, not I to harbor or trust her on my account,l will pay no debts of her contracting. SYLVAN US VANBUSKIRK. Rtdglierry, Nov. 9, 1865. Cost, .fount), anii (Jrstran. IOST. —On the 12th of Sept., between J Towanda and Smith Held, a memorandum book containing the discharge from the U. H. Service of the subscriber, a card photograph ot a tadv, and some other papers. The tinder w ill pjea e leave it at, or send it to, Prothonotary's office, Towanda, .to Post Office Fast Smith field. J. LE ROY VINCENT. Oct. l(i, lMi.i. LOST. —A Double Broche Slitiwl, witb ;i white centre, was lost out of a carriage between Towanda aud on Wednesday last. Hie finder will lie Liberally Rewarded by leaving it a' Towanda, Oct. 10, 1885. "W. A. CHAM BERLINS. VJII BA\ED—From the euclosure of tli" M subscriber, in Hidgbury twp, on or about the pith lust., a l.uge white COW about 0 years old \vi;h black spots about the head, aud a crook in the tail. One teat has been "ist. Ajy inhumation concerning -aid Cow will be thankfully ircelved and liberally rewarded. Oct. 24, 1860, R. W. WHITE. Heal Estate, UOR SALE ON REASON uhrit vi luable property .i . [ ' hemlock ami other \ 1:,.." t j the lam! .vhen burred i- goop -" r ' I Containing >0 acri -. 1.-1 ,,! wh; i, 1 < with little repairs to the dam .• „ , . • R burn, and several dwelling-: j'.', .*'. erty is only a le~ mile.*) wist „i | \ | ping point on the North . 1 , I I rta River, * capitals' th'. w * | j melit. For iurtker'p 1: ticui iic ui ir. ! f*ept. 18. IW. ' s,':;" " u '; A. I , YALUABLE FARM i OU, u . Y farm in Franklin township is !.,r ale, ;> 1 died arid tlrii-tj-tWO acr. : 'lmproved. It Is one oi the j,, t v , I t county, and is within seven mm.. • I same are two good Iramo dwelling ! large (having hnta reoeatiy .... mved\ ! well calculated for a tenant hou-, ; < one 36 by 16 feet,togethi; w.ifi . l: ' . smoke house, Ac There is a g . j,.' " ' bearing excellent fruit, a ki. .• . , which have yielded fifty bt:-|,.;. . - I sea-on. also fruit bearing craji ! well adapted to grain and gra--. ; For further particular- in uire .: \ , WELL EMIT- I Towanda, ' Ct. It, Ih6d. I LA ARM FOR SALE. THE IJL oilers lot -ale a farm situate on - . *' ; mile- fronr Towanda ls.n/. It <01,! : 11(1 of which are in a good state - ; well wnteied and i-a first class , . 1 portions ol it ate well adapted to gra ! it, a good dwelling house. large township; horse baru, corn it mse, • and.orchard. One fourth ol the pni ' ln- c - a . j time ol sale, and any leasonable nic:- , the residue. ULV. • Tttwanda, Oct. -i, 1 -<; i. tpARM IOR SALE.—The JL Good bwiidiag.. fences, fruit c. JOHN t , Towanda, July 10,1865. ( \ESI RABLE FARM FOR .! \J i arm lies in Wy Basing twj . town, containing a bout I3onr;-s : with trier buildings, feucea and , all kinds. It has a tine ftui' or- h;r i. ....... pies, peaches pears, plumbs, ehenn - grap' g'siseberriea, currants,.c -.. in TERMS—S4O pr acre, I Audi) down, time. For bather information apply or edit- J.N.''. Oflice over Post ofiice, '1 . Sept, s , i'-bj.—2m L'ARM FOR SALE.—A GO(C JL a i-tiug ot 135 acres of land hand led 011 the river, about nine miles from 'i - in a g iud state ot cultivation, with horn and' nvcuient outbuildings, and well v ed fur tie on f inmbie tenaa. For parti if the vioer. at the Banking lfou ,t Cu. , B . 1 Towanda. 25, 1-65. Fruit ck ' ' at greatly redm-ed prices—- • j en t. lln .pD FRF IT : Ll 10 The suits rii-er :.:ul his a.-si-tint , taking I'd or- .or tile cti '. . .A. a ' ! tinii. tak rd i f- >:• Fritt .t .i ■ that til -l i s Jjj ... red Ii t Ui • - SUPERIOR fill APE VIM | Much attention is being paid ti. ' the propagati a..d .It -t- ' t . i tive grapes. Wonderful improvements have been made. The Jim F I have failed in opcfi air culture iuthiiclim is a well known fa-tt tint. . i. j have itaiLiio native American Gri Fm. gn. Fa; his the tact n • and | part; nlarly, h v.> ' ■ man who has .a e'no igh to set i v j and enjoy as good grapes a- his , ha- a hot-house p;ui... SPFRI (> V S V! N E Manv persons in B .ulf ; ; ive b. :. Ed in vines—thona i ".arch - ■ l as varieties, ttiey p. ve.i to os cmir.i i [ has denionstrated that cheap or low • ' aetnaliv the dearest. The -. - - • !•" I'.v ti. ' xperi „• ■ bay hi- grape viae- uu ti... - kn iwu grape eultur; t In the U DR. 0. Y\ . GRANT, OF lONA. The. is lebrate - originator of the i tlhi Grapes. We can buy cheaper vines, it ' ionaaiel Israelis. u:d ether leodii r .' - j nurserymen, but they, it tree to name •• be inferior vines:—me U ere not rirk lit I 1 i'HE BEST VINES AND CHt> • •- ' though high priced, tilt /'• ' ..' If has been found that the vines, like age and size, from some nur we.:.. :\vi .1 ■ ...:h far early ..• 1 . j us tho.v from other-. \>'t- will turni-b Fie Delaware, lon.i, i-r , the le.uliiig tHapi-.s it Dr. Giant's prii Th foNA is tl;cGEEi.vslt)o PKKMU householder should hare ore of tlwe (• ; -STANDARD i'EAR~\D PE UT ' All other fruit arid ornamental trees t. I be obtained fr 111 u Boehestei' Nut.-, ry i tlon, and fnrnlshed at the moat fav ibl The snliscriher will have seveia! X * j who will cauva-s for orders. We lie; 1 our County will favor :;- with alb era: 1 j den. e promptly attended * • Towanda, Oct. 9,1865. : vER • S \ •; U E < 1 8 ion Til* fct'KIDV CI K i r . Inti 1 niiUt nt i t etc. or Crrer Olid ~ 0 Chill Frri i. Dnmb Ague, lb eiiielic.. ll' 1 ious Headache, and ISiticur Fevers. . ; •/* of ot.-t U-I'S 11 iginuting in bih , caused bp tlu Muluriuoj miasmatic . Fever and A rue i- not the . 1 • 1 . miainiati' pow t>. A trn ' vert ' . : trom i;.s iuitulio;;, in inaLi.a.o.- districts ■ - . are NVur.tlgia. Rhe'iinati-m. G Tooth che. Earache, Catarrh. A-fk I'aiiiii i ullei tiuii of tiie r dec ~ Uy>t i Bowelc, C die I'.iraly-i- an iib 1 . ' aeh. nil of which, when'o::: inatinc the inti, littent type, ot s mie pet I expels the poison frum t blood, ; all abke. It is it't only the •: discovered for this olu-- of e uup! cheapest md ui.ue/ver is perfin:ly-.m N . ari-a n: it-use, i.J the patient wki:;. '• ' heal by us If he had never hid th ' 1 . • . said of any other cure for Chills and ' • ■ of this, and it* importance, to those : ComplafhT t .nnot be over estimated. •*' • * • ! cm 1 the Fever and Ague, thai if tray • ' . :tobe a certain remedy. One dealer con : is not good inedicinc to m !,: - ae' • whole neighborh-iOd < I'll i .lied by J.C. A VSR A Co.. I v ; : ' ' cold by I;.-, fi. (Q, Porter, Towanda,also o* • .1 and dealer- in mrdicl: 1 iviiw in 1 E STRAY.—C'AME INTO THE EN • ure of the subscriber. In Tusearora ! ''' 1565, a lkindle Steer—a few whib spots ' Tin- owner i- requested to pi w pr . ■ •< and take I tie .-.line away*. Tiiscanna, Nov. Is, iht>s. IN THE M OF JOSEPH L Lai. . i: lb i • rd ('omnva I ' Tern;, 1M l. Nu.pfe is l| m-y g'Ac:. tc-' Jtiisj'!i tfifler,' Committee of sat I Jos , T**V'J lias liceu presented to -aid 1 • urt, aud tut • -i : y 1 come up lor ai confirmation, 011 -*''', l ■ > 1865. E.O.UOODKIiH Pr 'th'notary's O tic Nov. 1.186 ■