NEWS FROM ALL NATIONS. ! —Lord Palmerston's funeral took place j in Westminster Abbey on the 27th ult. The Queen's j 1 carriage led the cortege. The pall-bearers were } ten Cabinet Ministers. Deputations from nearly \ all the town in England were present. —The English ministerial crisis contin ues, but it is generally conceded that Earl Russell j is to be Premier. The Times, which at first sup- | ported Gladstone, now favors Russell, claiming j that he is best qualified to qualified to settle the ' 1 American question. —The Prussian Commissioners have an- j nounced that force will be used to prevent the in- j ' habitants of Sehleswig-Holstein from recognizing j ' the Duke of Augustenburg, or any other person. I as having authority in that Duchy. An ovation to j the Duke of Eekernford was the cause of this doin- j onstration. —The iree town of Frankfort has ener-' getically repelled the imputations of Austria and j Prussia in regard to the German Diet, and deter- j mined to uphold the independence of the city. The Chinese Mandarins have officially j announced that Burgevine, the American citizen for whose release the American Consul recently made urgent demands, has been drowned. —lt is stated that Austria is about to j grunt a separate Ministry to Hungary. —Charlotta Patti is giving a series of I concerts in Berlin. Prussia. —Mount Etna, in Sicily, is ugaiu inerup-' tion, in the same locality as in 1852. —The London Times states that Mr. Seward recently sent a dispatch to the Emperor Napoleon, protesting against the sending of Afri can troops to Mexico, and the scheme was aban doned in consequence. —A dispatch from Victoria states that the party constructing the telegraph line toward the ltussiun possessions were 150 miles north of the Quenelle ltiver, and that they had there struck dirt yielding from 70c. to $1 of gold per panful. the Toronto papers deny the reported Fenian excitement in that city. —ln South America the Brazilian allies have gained another important victory in the cap one of Uruguyana, with 5.000 Paraguayan prison ers, alter a siege ol six weeks. The prisoners were at once drafted into the allied service. —Some of the Canadian journals, in the interest of the Orange party, state that several members of the Canadian Parliament open!}' fra ternize with the Fenians, and the Premier winks j at their revolutionary schemes. —The Fair at Philadelphia, for the bene fit f>t the Soldiers and Sailors' Home, ended on the tth inst. The receipts were over SBO,OOO. —A delegation of Sac and Fox Indians are in Washington on business connected with the welfare of their respective tribes. —One hundred female clerks were dis charged from the Interior Department at Washing ton on the 3d inst. —lyphus fever is luging in Plymouth • ouuty. Mass. Whole families have been carried off by it. --The Philadelphia City Council on the fith inst. appropriated 820,000 for the appointment of inspectors to attend to the cleanliness of the city, in order to prevent cholera. —The Tunisian Embassy took leave of President Johnson on the fith inst. They depart for Tunis next week. --Four death from Cholera have ocenred among the passengers of the Atnlanta since her ar rival at Quarantine in New York, but no neweases are reported. The passengers of the Europe, from Havre, France, were allowed to land after the fu migation of their baggage. —Gov Fletcher, in his message to the Missouri Legislature on the 3d inst., advocated the establishment of aditional educational institutions, the construction of new railways, and the exten sion of the present lines. —John Overton, the wealthiest man in Tennessee, has been pardoned. Gen. l-'iske of the Freedmen's Bureau refuses to restore his property, and the General and Overton are now in Washing ton in regard to the matter. Large numbers ot Germans, Swedes and Danes are pouring into Virginia. The men receive .slot) a year us farm hands, with board and lodging, and the women 81 On. —The Georgia Convention has passed an ordinance declaring it to bo the duty of the Legis lature to provide for the widows and orphans of Georgia soldiers and for soldiers disabled in the late war. —Gov. Johnson has advised the Georgia State Convention to claim for the State the cotton taken possession of by Sherman's army. —The Confederate Generals, Wade Ilarnp . on. Kershaw. Butler, Morton and Biattaii ere number- now making the best quality of rail road iron tor manufactured in this country. Cu-n. Cameron and < L D. Coleman are largely interested in these works. —During the month of October, 1,854 widows', mothers' and orphans claims were admit ted by the Pension Bureau, and ss rejected : I.KDr claims from men invalided in the military service were admitted and 838 rejected. The number o| claims not yet acted upon arc 7,458. —('apt. Girarde of Augusta, Ga., has in vented an engine for the manufacture of ice. lli supplies that city, and says that when his estab lishment is completed he can furnish ice at om cent per pound. —A bogus Prussian Count has lately come to grief in Xew-\ork, where Km some time previous he had gaily flourished among the fash ionable Gotkiunites. He was arrested as a swin dler aud a deserter from the U. S. army. —A torpedo was thrown through the window of an assignation lionse in Chicago, 111, where it exploded, lucking a complete wreck of the building, but causing uo loss of life. —The steamer W eybosset, from New )"ik to New-Orleans, when off Cape Hatteras. on the 27th ult., saw a vessel on fire, which soon after blew up and was completely destroyed. --.Mr. B. W. Green, late President of the l onnceticut Fire Insurance Company at Hartford, cut his wife's throat in a fit of insanity, on the fith inst.. causing hi i immediate death. ll> then cut his own throat. His recovery is despaired of. —I he arrest ol supposed Fenians on board American ships stilt continues at Queens town. Ireland. A correspondent of the New York Tribune, named Albert 1L )\ illiams, is among those lately arrested. —The National Council is revising the Constitution of Switzerland. Free exercise of re ligion is to be permitted to all religious communi ties. An article admitting priests to the Council was defeated. —The evacuation of Rome by the French troops began Nov. 1. —-lite cattle plague isabatiug somewhat in England. l'ite Irish population of England and •Scotland is 1,500,000. One-fourth the population of Liverpool, and one-filth of that of Glasgow, is Irish. —A number of persons have recently died in Paris from the free use of alcohol taken as a remedy for cholera. —The Danish Ministers haye declared thai they cannot sanction :Lc revision of the Con stitution as proposed by the Rigsrraul. Bradford §tqjoctcv. Towanda, Thursday, November 16,1865. THE LATE ELECTION'S. AN e present herewith the latest returns ol the State elections held on Tuesday, the 7th inst. Everywhere in the North the j I-nion party* has been victorious, wiping j out at one huge swoop the Copperhead l>e- 1 j mocraey. In New York, win re the leaders ! ol the Democracy framed a platform on Re i public in principles, aud where a brave aud , great soldier headed the ticket, tin result ' has been overwhelming disaster to the new Democracy. In New Jersey, where the brave Kilpatrick led the Union hosts, the victory was no less decisive. The loss of ; New Jersey is a bitter pill for the Copper -1 head Democracy. It was the only tree State that cast its vote for MeClellan in i 1804, and herculean efforts were made to keep the Jerseyites in the Democratic faith. All was useless, however, and Jjy a deci sive majority New Jersey lias now taken ' her stand among the truly I oval States of I , * , the Fnion. The only place where the Copperheads / have had any show is in States lately in 1 rebellion. Here the Copperhead element l j was the strongest, and of'course succeeded. But i ven thcse'suceesses cannot revive the > drooping spirits of the "forlorn Democracy." ' The leaders feel and know that the party is so dead that no political trump will ever j ! sound its resurrection. The following is the result in the States: NEW Vi IKK. Gen. Barlow has been elected Secretary of State, by a majority numbering from . twenty to twenty-five thousand ; the bal , auce of the ticket will have several tbous i and more, as Gen. Slocnin run ahead of his F ' ticket. The State Legislature will prob ably stand us follows : f T ■ 1 onion. (op. e Senate, 25 7 ! House, .88 00 •"j Total. 113 C7 New J ersky.— The majority for Ward the 1 Republican candidate for Governor, is over 1 three thousand. The Legislature will stand as follows : Union. Cop. 1 Senate, 11 U .. House, . 30 24 e Total .47 35 Majority on joint ballot 13. e This secures the adoption of the amend l. ment to the constitution prohibiting slavery e Mauvi.ami. - Returns from the Eastern Shore indicate the defeat of Spetice, the I nion candidate lor Judge in the Twelfth Judicial District, and the election of Frank lin. In one district of Montgomery eonnlv 1 no election took place. The judges appointed having been dis qualified citizens, the Registers refused to , s let them have the lists of registered voters, i- The I nion party have elected four out of the five judges voted for in the State. Report says that in some of the districts tin- registration law was entirely disregar e ded, and the votes all taken, h Mass-ioiu'setts. —The Republic,an candi date for Governor, Bullock lias been elec t ted over Couch, Gopperhead. by nearly fft,- >~ | 00b majority. 1 Gen. Banks lias been elected to Congress from the oth District by a large majority. [•- I he Legislature stands as follows : Union Cop. Senate .. ..:j'.i i ) Hoi si'. -J-Jlt ill it Total, 25'a >1 ,r Wisconsin and Minnesota.- We have no y detailed returns from Wisconsin and Minn e esota, but the former elects as Governor, Lucius Fairehild and the latter Win. If. Marshall, both Radical Republicans. Ik-th States have probably adopted amendments e to their State Constitutions extending the ie right of suffrage to the blacks. 1- North Carolina - Twenty-one precincts give Gulden 1001, and V orth 3015, forGov c ernor. a 1 hose returns are mostly from along the 1" line of th( railroad, where i'ie secession " feeling predominates From tin present indications all the ultra Union men are j beaten Tor Congress, and that none will be t _ elected who can take the oath. m; With the meagre returns at hand no cor e rent conclusion can be formed as to the re- T suit of the Governor's election. Liilisakia.—James M. \\ elles, forGover uur, and Albert \ oorhees, for Lieutenant e Governor, carried the city of New-Orleans by an overwhelming majority. L. s. Martin, of the First Congressional v District, Jacob Barker, of the .Second Dis *e trict, and R. U. Wicklift'e, of the Third, all i- Democrats, were elected to Congress by |- large majorities. The Legislature will be entirely Doino e cratic. •> : Alabama.—'i ! lu ijovity for .Belger, for H Governor, ovm ('niton and Smith, is 1240 Longdnn's majority over Cleveland nd Matthews, for State Senator, is 1041. 1 Senator Coi.i.amkr's Doath.— Wc regret to learn that Jacob Collamer, Senator of the e United States, di< d ut Woodstock, Yei l( mont, at ten o'clock on the evening of Nov t j oth. The Vermont Legislature adjourned the same day, but whether on account of i tliis event or not is not stated. Mr. Colla - mer was born in Troy, New York, in 1702 of a Revolutionary parentage. He was early removed to Burlington, Vermont, and was graduated in the University of that State in 1810. He studied law ut St, Al . bans, and was there admitted to practice 1 in 1812. He served as lieutenant of artil lery in the war against England in that 1 year, along the frontier. He then finished his preliminary and professional studies without aid, and practiced law in several parts of the State up to ls3s. He was I elected to the General Assembly ; made 1 an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court ot the State, which lu poid until 1842; was chosen to Congress in 1843, '44 and '4O. but declined in '4-. I'resident Taylor made him Postmaster Genera! in 1840. In 1850 was elected Judge of the Supremo Court, and re-elected to I s .> 4, when he was chosen j U. S. Senator. THE EXECUTION OF WIRZ. f The execution by hanging of Henry Wirz, , keeper of the Andersonville rebel prison pen, for inhuman treatment, resulting in numberless deaths, of the captives in his i charge, took place a little after eleven ; o'clock Friday forenoon, in the yard of the i Old Capitol Prison, in Washington, all ef- I forts of his counsel for executive clemency j having proved unavailing. A strong mili-' I tary guard surrounded the scaffold, Hiid i besides the soldiers there were several liun- j dred civilians m the enclosure as witnesses of the solemn spectacle. The prisoner was I aocumpaiiied from his cell to the platform, i in addition to the military officer*, by the r Rev. Fathers Boyle and Wigget, of the Catholic Church, from the former of whom, j j before leaving the prison, he received the j sacrament. The War Department order, j founded on the finding and sentence of the i ; court martial in Wire's case, with the i'res j idont's order approving the same and fix- j ing the time of execution, were road ; and in this and other necessary ceremonies j about three quarters of an hour passed | from the time the condemned appeared un der the gallows till the fatal stroke and ! drop left him suspended between heaven | and earth. On the scaffold Wire convers ed with those near him, was apparently self possessed, and continued to assert his innocence. The fact has just been made public that some weeks ago, during the visit of Wire's wife to Washington, an attempt was made Iby her to forestall the sentence of the court in her husband's case b}- poisoning him. When kissing him at parting in the cell alter one of their interviews she man aged to convey from her own month into | his a little ball of strychnine, covered with ! coatings of oiled silk and licorice. Colonel Baker, who was present and noticed the I suspicious proceeding, sprang forward,and, by seizing Wirz by the throat, compelled him to spit out the article. An examina | tion showed its poisonous character and | the object it was designed to accomplish, j .Mrs Wire was not again allowed to visit ! her husband in his cell. GOVERNOR'S THANKSGIVING PROCLA MATION. With feelings of the most profound grati tude to ALMIGHTY GOD, I invite the good people of the Commonwealth to meet in their places of public worship, ox THURSDAY, THE SEVENTH DAY OF DECEMBER NEXT, and ' raise their hearts and voices in praise and r , thanksgivingto lllM, not only for the inani i fold ordinary blessings which during the , past year 11k has continued to heap upon us, I'm abundant and gathered harvests, ' for thriving industry, for general health, ■ for domestic good order and government, ■ but also most expressly and fervently for lli< unequalled goodness in having so . strengthened and guided our people dur ing the last four years that they have been enabled to crush to earth the late wicked rebellion and to exterminate the system of f human slavery which caused it. As we wrestled in prayer with HIM in . the dark time ot our trouble- when our brothers and sous were staking life and limb for us on many a bloody field, or suff ering by torture and famine in the Ilells - of Andersonville or the Libby s, ( now . when our supplications have been so mar vellously and graciously answered, let us not withhold from HIM the homage of our thanksgiving. Let us say to all. "Choose ■> yc this day whom ye will serve, "but as for us and our house WE will serve the Lord." Come then ye people whom Hi. hath so helped and led conic ye war-worn and mu tilated men whom HE hath spared to return to your dear homes—let us throng the gates of Ills temples - let us throw our- J 1 selves on the knees of our hearts with - awful joy at the loot of Ills throne, and render aloud our praise and thanksgiving to HIM, because HE liath mud • the Right to prevail- because IIE hath given us the ' victory-—because HE hath cleansed our s land trom the stain of human slavery—and > because HE hath graciously shown forth in the eyes of all men the great truth that , no government is so strong as a Republic, controlled, under His guidance, by an edu " I euted, moral and religious people. • GIVEN under my band and t'ie great seal of the State, at ITarrisburg, this seventh i day of Xovembei, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty five, and of the Commonwealth the nine tieth. I'O THE GOVERNOR. ELI SLIFER, tv-crrtary <>/' Ihe (.'innmomci'al/li. The Secretary of State telegraphs to Gov. Ferry of South Carolina that he is - to continue to exercise the duties of I'rovis t ional Governor until relieved by special , order from the President. The Secretary also cxpres-es the regret of the President that neither the Convention nor the Legis lature of that State have declared the Re bel debt to he il cgal, and that the State I seems to decline to ratify the Constitution al Amendment • abolishing Slavery. This, and the reply of the President to the North Carolina delegates, seem to indicate very clearly that there is to be no hurry in ad mitting the late Rebel States to renew their old relations to the Union, and that they will he kept under provisional gov ! eminent until they have fully complied with" the requirements of the Administration I NORTHERNERS INVESTING IN VIRGINIA LANDS. , Nortlieriin men are investing largely in \ irginiu lands, especially in the country between Washington and Richmond, which has been devastated during four years by contending armies. Valuable farms, where an outlay of cash tor fences and buildings is needed, are disposed of by their former owners at very low figures. Any man with national currency at bis command can : provide himself with a homestead in the Old Dominion quite as cheap as the same would Cost in the far west. At .Manassas Junction sixteen new buildings are in pro cess of erection, a pretentions hotel among them. The majority of the new settlers in the Bull Run neighborhood arc enterprising ) ankees. GEORGIA papers speak of the rapid recov ery of the State from the effects of the war. 1 lie Augusta Chronicle and Sentinel savs : "W here the emancipated slaves have abate , doned the homestead the farmer and his i sons have plowed the fields, and have now reaped a fair harvest. In every branch of trade, also, our people have shown more enterprise and a greater spirit of self-reli ance than ever before. Necessity having thrown many upon their own resources, ■ they are proving t.y their deed- that they j ale lully equal to the task before them. 1 iiis spirit is a glorious one. There is no despondency, no repining, in it.'' ! THE TRIAL OF JEFFERSON DAVIS ' " # i - The recent reports about the trial of Jeff", j , Davis, tending to create the belief that he ■ ' was not to be tried at all, have, as we have , heretofore maintained, no.'foundation what- ( ever. The cause of the delay was private- t ly understood, and its removal being prob- j able at an early day, we have not deemed , it advisable to print the technical matters j of difference which existed between the ; i President and Chief-Justice- CHASE, but er- > i roneous statements having become public ' i it is proper that the facts, as they exist. ! i should be known. The following statement, from this evening's A'y iuljiins with the nation, and the siipcrsedurc of the military by the civil administration, that he would Vie unwilling to hold such . j courts in such States, within his circuit, , which includes Virginia, "until Congress . shall have had an opportunity to consider , and act on the whole subject." The Cliief [ Justice expressed to the President the opin ion that a civil court in a district under | martial law can only act by the sanction; L ' and under the supervision of the military . power: and he positively asserts that he [ , could not think that it becomes the •Distic .; es of the Supreme ''unit to exercise juris j diction under such conditions. , j. -i. . 3Tcn> ntiDcrtiscments. 1 \ DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice £A. is hereby given. that II persons indebted to the es ; tale otJLI.HYY Ei.LY X DODGE,late ot Bioorne Co , N.Y.. ; dee'd., are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against aid estate must present them dulv authenticated lor settlement. , * YV.M. B. DODGE, Nov. to, ISoS. Administrator. , \ [i.MINISiRATOK'H NOTlCE.—Notice A U hereby given, that nl! persons indebted to the estate of JAMES I. (.RACE, late ol Springfield, twp.. i dee'd, are requested to make immediate payment, and ; i those having demands against said estate will please pre sent daly authenticated i'or settlement. CHARLOTTE Ol? VCE. I OR IN ORACH. Nov. in, let;.'). Administrators. ; \ DMIVISTK'OFS NOTICE--Notice is ; | -LA. hereby given, thai ail persons indebted to the I estate of F. L. AN'TISDILL late of Warren tup., deed j are requested to make immediate pa uient. and all i I having Claims against said estate ate requested to pre- j ent them duly authenticated for settlement. , I " I.AWHENCK AXTISDILL, ! Nov. M, lkPi. Administrator. I ADM INST IPS NOTlCE—Notice is kewj* by all persons indebted to the estate ot j USi AR iI.YY OODRL'FF.Iate of Xowauda iioiu' dee d arc , requested to make immediate payment, and tltoso having ' demands against -aid estate w'il please present dole . authenticate.i tor settlement. JAMES THOMPSON, ! Nov. id, 1800. Administrator. ADMIN IS'R'S NOTICE.—NotS is here by given that all persons indebted to the estate ot 1 WARREN It. FRISBIK, lateoi Orwell twp.. Rradtord County, dee'd, are requested to make payment without i . delay and all having claims against said estate are re- ; . qi , -ud to present them only authenticated lor settle ment. JAMES P. COBITRN. Nov It!, 186 ft. Administrator. TN THE MATTER OF JOSEPH LEE, A A Lunatic. In Bradford Common l'leas, N". 44H 1 , Mav Term, lsOl. Notice is hereby given that the account ill Russell Miller, Committee of said Joseph Lee, a Lunatic, ; ' has been presented to -aid Court, and that the same will i come up tor litial continuation, on MONDAY. DEC. 4. • ls'iJ. _ E.G. GOODRICH, l'rot 'y. 1 . j rrothonotary's Office, Nov. 1. 1.50. Y. VAfILCOX s *: . • ■■■>*> .< > 1 If yoa w ill plea sc come and ■ ' fI i You will iindthe same good £ At tlt e BK 8 11 I V K , V r well, I' a . f uks ! v r us ! : rr rs i ! ! A splendid assortment of flents'. Ladies and Child reus Furs, at the Ileo Hive. Ladies, dents and Children are all respectfully invited to call at the Bee Hive and examine tlic extensive line of Furs. Cents bfclore they buy they would do well to look at . the large stock of HATS.DAPS.FUR GLOVES.FUKG'OLARS,, I I Ac., found of course at the Bee Hive. |{ 0U T S A N 1> SIIO EF , 1 iii any quantity and style at th<- lh e Hivr. OVERCOATS at the Bee Hive. C>ATS at the Bee Hive j VESTS jit tin- Bee Hive. i . : PANTS at the Bee Hive - I CROCK K R Y, M 1 R R 0 R - AC.,! i i At the Bee Hive. | TEA. AS USUAL, FRESH & FRAGRA NT At the Bee Hive. CROCKS l IfOM I'HE BKs l MA N U FACTIMtEIts. At tlie tier- Hive. , Captain's Offiae open from t; A. M. to 8 P M.. for a lew days longer. All those who have old unseltled;Book A..- .Nts with L. 11. Branson,if thev would save themselves cost. will please call without delay and settle up. 1.. 11. UKOXKOX BL'K HIVE. Orwell. Pa. TJLWus. A.MERICAN ORGANS AND J. MKI.ODI AN'S. The undersigned most respectfully announces to the citizens of Towanda and ve iuity, that lie h.w- punlc,-,d the Music business of O. T. COLH. and win heieaftei supply any ot the above articles, together with YIOI.IXS. GUJTAHS, ACCORDIANS, STRINGS. ,vt\ on n- good terms as flev can he had etswhere. W. A. CHAMBKRI.A IN. AO EST TOR Till. CEREBRATED AMERICAN WATCH, and has always on hand, a good assortment .i sjw iss Watches, with a general assortment of JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS. .Silver and Plated Wale of tiie BEST MA NT FACTE 11 lilts, which will be sold at unusually low figures. A , large variety of Clocks just received, among which may , he found the Petit Thomas, which has no equal. R F.PAIRI X(1 AX It JOBB !N" 0 , iloi.c with neatness and dispatch, and warranted. To those who can't see, we would say go to Chamberlain's .-ad git a pair of glasses that will make you see as well as ever. Don't forget the shop, nearly opposite the Court House. W. A CHAMBER!.AIN*. Towanda. Nov. ti, 1565.* r AItGE SALE OR FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS AT AUCTION. Will lie sold at Public Auction, comment lug 011 I TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19th. lstua, at It) o clock, A.Mand coutiuuo I r.ou day to day,until the entire stock of ID H SEUOf.D UCIiNiTURii con tained in tlie WARD HOUSE, at Tovv.ind... Pa., is disposed 01. Among the numerous articles to !,e so Id, may Ue found in part as follows, viz: Sofa-, Lounges, Settees, Divans, Tete-a-tete.-,, Wash ! stands, Bureaus, Bookcase, Dressiugcase, fable-, Cot tage and French Bedsteads, Mahogany, (Sine scat and Windsor Chairs, Booking Glasses, Pictures, Lamps, 1 Vases and Carpeting. DI NI XU -R 0O M FURXIT l T RE . Consisting of Tables, Crockery, Knives. Forks. Silver I aud Plated Ware, and Glass Ware. BE D S A X D BED D 1 XG . Consisting ot Feather Beds, Hair. Cotton aud Straw Mattra-.-es, Spreads. Sheets, Pillow cases, Pillow-, and Comfortables. BAR- R0 0 M FIRX IT I RK . Tables. Decanters, Tumblers. Water-foolers, Ale | Putni), besides all kinds of KITC II E X FI'HXI TVR E , j Parlor, Cooking and Office Stoves, ljutli Coal and Wood, ! one large Hotel Cooking Stove, ltelrigerators, one large : 1 Iron Sale, two Provision Sates, Well-pump, Horse,Wag j on, and Harness, Two Plattorin Sea Jes. Tn (act ail ar ticles used in and about a Hotel. I The attention of Landlords is called to the very line : stock of Liquors and t'igar.whieh wilt he sold at private I -ale. Term- made kuowu on day ot sale, j GeoiiGE O.CHAFFEE, Auctioneer. POWELL A SMITH, Proprietors, j Towanda, Nov. 6,1865. ; "VT 0 i ICE.—Whereas, my wile Susan E. -Fx has left my bed aud 'uoard vvi'-lmut just cause or . provocation, notice is hereby given, to all person.;, not to harbor or trust her on my account,! will pay no debts 1 of her contracting. SYLVAXUS VAXBCSKIRK. ; Ridgberry, Nov. 8,1865. Cost, fount), ant) (Csttan. LOST.— On the 12th (if Sept., between Towanda and Smithfield. a memorandum book containing the discharge from the U. S. Service of the subscriber, a caul photograph of a lady, and some other papers. The finder will please leave it at, or send it to, Prothouotary's office. Towanda. or Post Office East SmithUeld j. LK ROY VINCENT Oct. to. 1865. LOST;— A Turkey MoiPbceo Wallet, itt Towanda, containing a small amount of monev. aud. it is believed, a bond of Albany Township for Three i Hundred Dollars, and some coupons of Railway Bonds. The payment of the bond and coupon have been stop ped, so that the finder will have littl eof value except to the owner, who will pay Ten Dollars Reward for the papers. No questions asked about the money. October o, 1865. C. L.WARI). LO>r. —A Double Broche Shawl, with a white centre, was lost out of a carriage between Towanda and Ulster on Wednesday last. The tinder will be Liberally Rewarded by leaving it at Towanda, Oct. 16, 1865. W. A. CHAMBERLTXS. CI RAY ED—Flam the enclosure of the LJ subscriber, iu Uldgbury twp, on or about the Huh Inst., a large white COW. about oyen's old vvi h black spots about the head, and a crook in the tail. One teat has been lost. Any information concerning -aid Cow will be thankfully teceived and liberally rewarded. Oct. 24, 1865, "B. W. WHITE. I Beat Estate. LTjR SALE ON REASON ABLE Tl •• 1 That valuable property studded . w beml'Kk and other val able timber on I:io, the land when cleared is good for farmii. Containing 2so acres, pO ol which i.- parti) j. improvements are : 1 good steam saw tnii'V with little repair- to the dam can run by wat- r barn, and several dwellings around the mill 1f erty is only a few miles west of Ulster "■> ping point on the North Branch Canal, ami;- ' na River, toa oapitalst tbia w ~ild be a , -" ment. For bilrther particulars addre- PETJiR BitADY, A-era Sept. 18, Sparta, ATALUABLK FARM FDR SAl.lwj T tarui known a the (Jbarl'a Wi;iu- F, lia in Franklin township is for sale. It dred and thirty-two acres,over ne hood red. i.. 'improved, it is one o I the best watered farm, in county, and Is witb'ti seven mih sol 'i same are two good frame dwelling i, i-< large (having been recently improvedj. the ', well calculated lor a tenant house ; tv. , iraeced • uie M by 46 leet. together with to.v i smoke house, Ac. there is a good sized hearing excellent fruit, a large number o: 'p-„ which have yielded fifty bushels during i. season, also fruit-bearing grape vine-. "| . . , well adapted to grata and grass, i For further particulars inquire of Adam p,„. WELLINGTON Uitiy;;. , Towanda, Oct. 14, 1865. I "darm fob Balk thesubs J_ offers for sale a farm -it late on • > miles from Towanda boro'. It contain- il. -t 110 of which arc in a good -ute of culuvat.,'. i well watered and is a first class dairy farm. portions ol it are well adapted to grain. Tlieie i it, a good dwelling house, large burn (the township) horse barn, corn house, oili r< ;t 1 ! ami on liard. One lborth ol the purchase money will : , rc time of sale, and any reasonable credit will be' j tlie residue. ULYSSES ML is p ; Towanda, Oct. 4, 1-cj. II ARM FOR SALE.—Tbe i olfcrs for *ale a valuable farm in Smitt.;... I Good buildings, fences, fiuit Ac. JOHN N UALIFy Towanda, July 10, 1 sc.,. Office ov,:i p,, | I \ESIRABIyK FARM FDR SALE I I U Farm lies in (Vyalusing twp., one mile :? ■: i, j town, containing a bout 130 acres ; 95 acre -1 with superior buildings, leuc-s and impr .vtiner. ; all kind-, it has a fine ftuit orchard, con- -ti .. pic-, peaches pears, piumhs, cherries, Ac., net grapes, ips.i- -berries, currants, Ac., in l.oge . TERMS- - to per acre, 83006 down. Urn out time. For further information apply or adre.-s J. X. t'ALfFI' Ollice over l'o-t office, Towanda, Sept. -. 1965.—2 m I?ARM FDR SALE:— THE SDBSGRIi -L' offers his lann tor sale iu the borough ot 1..-,' : ville, and conbiias S3 ai res, about bo acres in, with a large Dwelling House—a good spring near the door, a wagon-house, barn and shed L.t Tenn- mane easy lor the poTClnser. 1- .M.SIEYL.N Leßaysvillc, Aug. 25, 1865.—U IA ARM FDR SALE—A DOifii it |J_ consisting ol 135 acres ol land hands . ; ted on the river, about nine miles licit 1 .. : in a good state of cultivation, with house, !,:• i and convenient uuvbuiidiaga, and weil wat . led for sale on favorable term& i-'-.r parti ' of the subscribes, at tiie Banking Hou-.<- ot B. S.. ) ,v Go. B. 8. I | Towanda, Sept. '25. fsl;. LWILM FOR SALE.—IuAViLi.,;- 1 X? adjoiuirg lands A. Ely and K. II ,• a mile I rem tbe Snsqnehanna river, end • from the canal, contains -o acres, 55 a.rc- I good hoiprovement. A good framed bouse : also a young orchard ther'-on !' ' inquire ol M. M. Moody, at tTcnchtown, at Inghamtown. M.M. I Oct. '2, 1865 H Fruit (LrrcG, sVi. / A 11 dJ ( E FR I I I '! Tilt -I BSCfciBEB II As s. A TD\v A X D \ Xr R !■: " I ready for iutmediatc orchard p!.i:,;i . . FIFTEEN THOrSAND GHOft K . comprising t!,c- tollowing leading and •> v A'nig of TompLin* County, ll'agrhn ii ment, Tollman Stcetting, tlexbwy K i Inml Greening , •. and all th -- ■ ! Summer and l'all use. Also, a fine assortment of select ( I'- us, and a tine assortment ot Bearing G ,pc \ [ , The proiuittor having removed : V,... established his nursery business there,i ' t for him to close oat at an early day ids T< wa , > -cry Stock. , j He now offers this choice stock it superior at greatly reduced tH ices—selling at tiom ' > , cent, cheaper than other nur.-c'.y men i, . > utation. | N. I'.—We w!.-h it o he parti um• :> . these Fruit Trees, are oi very supct ici 'pi u ■ are ol unusually line size. ffiMltliy , . • tirely tre from a!krtienw. : *irWe i refer that those wish ..g • ■ p.u visit the nut-eries and to select the: own : j they will find reliable men to wvi ' . times. Pi ict of .Yu. 1, .inplc li ri*. in ti nl , upic : Inmilfa (Srr .nl ( ■ \ per hundred, told only to thoet who cotnt ,\'o. 1 pi,, . tn lot Its* than s'c - i'- h Prict of Chtiiy, Pear and Pin 1,. j 17nr< i i jr. trporimn. DANIEL harki.n --s ! All ordefs slnuild lie addressed toll..- t: i and will tie promptly aUe:id<*d to. i. Jlaiaiia Brothers' Hardware htore. B. M. WELLES, (it | Towanda. Sept. 28. 1--5. i Z'niD!) FRUIT : LUSOIOLLS ' Ik The subscriber and hi- as-.-' -nr. wdi" . taking orders for tbe choice Apple, t i I Fear trees in li e Towanda Nut-cries. •... I time, ti£e. orders, for Fruit andGi tr i that innst be procured from d-ev c STTERIOR, GRADE YIV]-> .MoviU aUealKiii i.- ;..t.d T < • the proptgitn-n ai d. , ußic.iti"ii .J . tive grapes. Wondevlui iinprovcii.c:. have bi cu made. The fine Foreign l < i iiaye failed iu Open air culture in lb . is a well ~!>c.wn :'u--t tin' until w-tlii: j hive had nnative American Grapes tip.i ' 1 ; Foreign. S,. -h :- tiie tact no longer, landlord, particularly, have no super 1 man, *h i has room enough to set a v. c. ' > and enjoy as good gripes as his wealt; v \ has a hot-n a.-e grapery. Sl'l*R 10 V S Y IXK A . Many persons in Bi adtbrd have bee.i -a ; ed iu vines —though l archa-ed >s imp v ; vailetios. they proved to fie common sorts ' ha- demonstnred that cheap or I iw uctiisl;y tiie dearest. ihesuo.- rioci i..i --i ! roffi by the experience of • tlu-rs, and wi hny his grape vines from the best in" known giape cnlturist in the Union. DR. 0. \Y. GRANT, OF ID \ The • Irhrated original cr; of Hit .y/c'i lie':,/ if tiltx drapes. I We can liny cheaper vine . rc-pve. u hunt and Israelia, and other leading v.i nurserymen, but they. ;i true to name, w jbe interior vines:—m.* dan r.ut ritk tin coi . THE BEST VINES AND CHOU'i -"I ■ ■ ' though high priced, ti r, /', j It has been found that the vine- ol - like age and size, from some tmi iii worth twice as much tor early and ! 1 ' as those from otlici -. Wo will furnish the Delaware Foi . j the leading Grapes at Dr. Giant - pi ices. I The IONA i- the GBKBLY 8100 PRKJUt N ■ | householder should hurt orr of this. I, :.. STANDARD FEAR AND FED 'i ■ All other Intif and ornamental tre -to 6 be obtained from a Rochester !" isc. •. ■ " lion, and Itirni-hed at the nio~: The subscriber will have sevi . . A ' who will canvass tor orders. We h;c ' 1 ; our County will favor us with a liberal p- ; - j correspondence promptly attended to. j Towanda. Oct. i>. lsffii. 11. M■ v - ■ i A YBR • S ADD K 0I B 8 i JL k. lA'ti XIIK M'tKOV Cl'lffi 1 IntirMiUtnl. Freer, r Fteei anr lgui.ll Cl,ill Ftcti . Dnmb Afptt. Vmotlic il IP .(/Us iitadrrht. ami Bilious I'rvtis. : 'last ol di -'ti. -• I It- wtds. Colic, l'ar.ily.-i , c.-ul l'< Mh..illol which, wluti oiieit atiic in '-he iuteiiiiit(et type, or nunc perm • >-s> eis the ] ois 11 I rant the b! a), a., alike. It is not only ti .- i , ' . ~ : discovered lor this class ot c aipl.nut-. . j apcat and luoicovcr is perfectyr sate mm*' ft ne. its n.-e. and the p.tin' ' "• • healthy as i' he hud never had ne d saivt oi any other care tor Ci o.- aioi i - 11 of this, and its import anoe to thom compiaiut pimiiot he ever estimated "• 1 CIIIC the i avrt ami Ague, thai it nny 1 to be a cert. :i r>u edy t>;a- .la ci ( j is r.ot good medicine to .(11, be< aiist '< whole ucighl rhood. . A Prepared by J. tb AVEK it Co . sold by Dr. H. C. I'ottei. TowicaL i" > " , * and dealers in medicine everywhere. 11 •