tttidM pfpartir. lOCAI AND GENERAL. \ E ff ESTKKI'RISF..—A Regular Daily Ex- Line bah just been established between To i i and Troy—another is in operation between -•! t ijda and Waverly. Special attention paid to ,iug goods to all parts of the country. Office *tbe News Room. Kikst NATIONAL BANK or TOWANDA. —The Sectors of this bank have this day, Oct 31st, de ad a semi-annual dividend of five per cent on , \ ip;wl stock payable to the stockholders on " i after Nov. 1, free from Government tax. N. N. BETTsjr., Cashier. IDrp CEMENT. —A cement which grad uidurates to a stony consistency may be l v mixing 20 parts of clean river sand, two "•"stlwrge. and one of quicklime into a thin putty • linseed oil. The quicklime may be replaced •!> litharge. When this cement is applied to . , a ,j broken pieces of stone, as steps or stairs, it acquires, after some time, a stony hard \ similar composition has been used to " , p r ; c k walls, under the name of mastic. ll.wasba NURSERIES. —All who desire to 3 . ul themselves of the opportunty now offered • these nurseries, to procure extra fine Apple and nice Cherry and Dwa.f Pear trees, at ; bargains, must do so at once by coming to series. The stock at these nurseries has .. much reduced by recent sales and re ads, and the subscriber has purchased the re- T lei and is about to remove all unsold to his -Mai** on Towanda Flats. R. M. WELLES. -ABBATH SCHOOL. —A quarterly meeting f'tiiir Bradford County Sabbath School Associa j r will be held at Leßaysville on Wednesday and r: ;ir3 dav, Nov. 15th, and 16th. At which time L- re will be a sermon on the S S work by iiev. M. X I n. of Smithfield, and one on '' The encourage irrntto S S labor," by Rev. James McWilliams, of I,wanda. The following topics of interest will be (hseussed by the Association : j. How can the talent and energy of the church .... 1 nation be more fully enlisted in the S S work, i Resulted, That S S Teachers Institutes would hater promote the cause of SS's than conventions. 3. Resolved, ThatS S in the rural districts should r ; be closed during the winter season. !. What are the most pressing wants of our S S's? There will also be a report of our Missionary -k for the past season, and much business of :_;ortance and interest to the S S workers of imdford. The Ex. Com. most earnestly ask the 1 people all to attend this meeting and thus tip on the good work. O. A. BLACK, 11. S. SOMETHING NEW. —Au agency for the two st Sewing Machiues in use has been established Towanda, at the store of Wickham A Black, -ere samples of machine work may be seen at all ,-s and full information given. There will also ...cpt in connection with the Sewing machines a ,il assortment of needles, oil, thread, Ac. Call : - ml (' r a circular and price list. liie l'tsii QUESTION. —The people up the • rare taking prompt action on the question of sving the obstructions at tke Columbia dam re vel, in order that all kinds of fish may come up Nisquehana. A slip received from the Sunbury gives us the proceedings of ameet hejil in that town on Monday evening. The pie of all the towns along the river should take isiiiar action in the matter, and at once appoint gates to the conveu ;ion to be held in Harris irg i n the second Wedneday in January. N 'tick. —Tlie regular monthly meeting of • Young Men's Christian Association" of place will he held at their rooms on Monday -t-ing, Nov. 6th. As business of importance be a ttd upon, a lull attendence of member I • pi-.sted. The public are also invited io at- J. K. P. GLEESON, Secy. I' -STAI. MATTERS. —Much has lately been -asked about postal affairs, yet a great many r-'Jiw do not seem to have read or do not unfler "• 1 't- The Harrisburg gives a few of regulations which we transfer to our columns :bv benefit of such of our readers as are not ' posted in the post office laws : C lite a number of letters are put into the letter *• at the Post office without the payment of post- In some instances the stamp marks from a taped envelope have been cnt off and attached •ie common envelope, which is contrary to law. rsons should be careful in having all letters pre with at least one three cent postage stamp, or -ed within a three cent stamped envelope : "rise, letters will be sent to the Dead Letter r - c . Aud from there returned to the writer. • .mps cut from a stamped envelope and reat • - t<> a letter, are unlawful, and any person '• ted of this misdemeanor is liable to a fine of •ess than fifty dollars. arsons Bending money to places where money r dices are established will do well to send it ■ - 'Ley order, by which no loss can occur, the -: Tig paid to the Postmaster, who issues - dor to the Postmaster at the place to which - ney is remitted, and it will there be paid to - proper person, "4c of commission charged for money orders • follows: exceedi Qg * lO - ioc. • viu and not exceeding S2O, 15e. • and not exceeding S3O, 20c. uoney is received for ordeys except coin, • States notes and notes of the National and orders cannot be paid in any other • -T-ncy. ' 1 •' l'ai'er FOR FARMERS, GARDENERS, • " it GROWERS. —We have received No. 1, ; • f the Rural American, published at Utica, 'ich is much enlarged, and improved; and • ' - rank as equal in value and style to any : -Miration of its class in this country. In • "di issue shall contain as much valuable .... "'"''iff reading, as the number before us, ■ properly give it the character of being i'spt-r fur farmers, fruit growers, and their "p.';'/ of its k nd, in the United States. iir-il American is a 10 page quarto, issued - 'A and 15th of each month, at $1,50 a year, ; •> subscriber receives as a yratuity, sent by h " Concord, Delaware, or Hartford l " ,e • or s ' x of Russell's Great Pro .. , J rr l i lants, said to produce Uerrifes as <•' - s eggs, and to yivld more than any -s ;1 * "*j st *n<:e ;qr a splendid Engrav —u. j inches, worth from $1 50 to $3 00! j - rstand that the proprietoi, Mr. Miner, . -ibege he cultivates the choisest va • -Tape vines and strawberry plants, which "'Ll,l;,"* ,0 Bnbßp ribers to his paper ! This is >ti l^ 10 ns —the giving away of the best - ''" 'bese things ; besides paying the post - •• w, as Mr. Mirer does ' paper is , n . he asks tor it; and as every Aub. L o,ue ox ' wo d°UAra l worth of choice ■ftof .u C '' Wl ke ought to receive a [ -pv.:T riW Be offers to send sample of! ' ''bt'u.f r> 1 ' a ii applicants, and those who sub- j tec " lt Utxt v °lnnie commence'! (Jan. 1, ! -ul i' U tlle uoni the time ! : tl," rtceiv ®4 nd through 1866 ' )>r . of" nC ' '^ le ura ' American p, qn qld "Auds e ' > f "ad hundreds of ' Wt. Vlue!i ' l^c .) Ac., we learn, have been x(■ w riber8 ' within two years. Ad- \ MIXER, Clinton, Oneida Co., N. Y. WANTED. —A reliable young man to go l Trith me to the State of Delaware. To one who has ha i considerable experience in farming, and '.an come well recommended, I will give steady employment and liberal wages. G. T. COLE. •€fcTbe gentleman that borrowed a twenty dollar National Bank note from the money drawer j in the office at the Ward House, Oct. 28, between j the Lours of 4 and sp. m., will please return it and save exposure. SMITHBORO BRIDGE BLOWN DOWN. —The Smithboro bridge owned by Gilbert Peareall, Esq., of Hooper's Valley had four spans carried off by the big freshet last spring to the great inconven -1 ienee of the neighborhood. Mr. Peursull has been 1 engaged in rebuilding that which had been carried off, and had it on Friday week nearly finished when a gale of wind from the west struck it and blew down the same spans into the river. The ■ loss to Mr. Pearsull will be about $6,000 besides the tolls since it fell, and those which would have been collected if the bridge had remained. It Mull be difficult to rebuild this fall Many of the prin cipal long timbers have beeu broken by the fall twice in two.— Owejo Times. CAVE DISCOVERED IN MONTGOMERY COUNTY.— Some excitement was occasioned last week in the Trappe, Montgomery county, by the discovery of a cave near the old Trappe Church. Some boys were playing among the bushes, when one of them fell, and his leg slipped in the aperture of a cave, and after examination it was found that down about nine feet, there was a room some seven feet square, with the floor carpeted, a fire place, cook ing utansils and a ladder, by which the inhabi tants whoever they may be, gained egress to the outer world. There were meat bones and unmis takable signs of domestic life, yet no one can ex plain the mystery. The cave is said to be a re ality, but who fashioned it, who occupies it, or how long it has been there, no one knows. IONA AND ISRAEI.LA GRAPE VINES.—I will in a very few days, receive a limited supply of Dr. Grant's celebrated seedling Grape vines, the lona and Israel la: also a few choice Delaware, Dianas and Allen Hybrids. I have a supply of nice one year old Concord and Creveling vines for sale cheap. People who want to secure choice vines for this Fall or next Spring's planting should ap ply at once. R. M. WELLES. Bradford County Teacher's Associa tion will meet at Standing Stone Friday, Nov. 10, j 1865, at 11 A. M. O. F. YOUNG, Pres. NOTICE.—A meeting of the Towanda' Tract Society will be held at the house of Mr. B. S. Russell, North Towanda, on next Saturday ! i evening at 7 o'clock. Punctual attendance is re- i quested. It is now said to be a fixed fact that we are to have a Railroad to Waverly. This is : cheering news to our business men, and in fact to i our whole community. Already we begin to hear j inquiries for places to open some new business in ; We know of no establishment more needed than a j good Boarding House, and if one is not soon es- | tablisbed, we cannot tell what people will do. To i j any one wishing to engage in the business a rare i opportunity is now offered, and we guarantee that j fifty good paying borders can be secured in less than ten days. See advertisement in another col umn. Our citizens will be pleased to learn that the Y. M. C. A., are about getting up a course of Lectures here the present season. We presume j the Association w ill hot be able to secure many of the distinguished Lecturers of the day, yet they i expect two or three of the best ones (luring the j course. Miss ANNIE E. DICKINSON has promised j to be here, and Prof. M. P. GADDIK of Cincinuatti, j has also been engaged for two lectures to come off the fore part of December. We sincerely hope the j Y. M. C. A., may meet with the success they de- i serve iu this undertaking. There is no reason j why Towanda should be behind other towns in Lit- j erary matters, and we feel persuaded that our cit- : izens will appreciate the opportunity offered of en- j joying these intellectual feasts. M A JtRIE I) , STEVENS—DEWOLF. —ln Orwell, Oct. 21st, by ! Rev. S. Gregory Stevens, M. H. Stevens, of Her rick, to Miss M. A. Dewolf, of Pike. HAY ENS—ROCKWELL.—In Franklin, at the house of Hiram Rockwell, Oct. 28th, by J. B. M. Hinmau Esq., Vanburen Havens to Polly Rock well. WILLIAMS—ROCKWELL.—By the same, J. T. V illiams to Malinda Rockwell, all of Franklin. DIED. GOFF.—In Burlington, Oct, 26th, of Typhoid Fe ver, Effie May, eldest daughter of llarry G. and Ellen Goff, aged 16 years 'J months and 10 days. PARSONS.—In Troy, Oct. 21th, Dr. Allied Par sons, aged 68 years. HARRIS.—In Smithfield, Oct. 21th, Mary A, wife i of A. N. Harris, aged 42 years. iXfU) YFCTAVERLY CROCKERY STORE I CAMPBELL & ACKLEY. i Have now on hand, and are selling at low prices, a large stock of , WHITE AND BANDED CHINA, In plain white, figured white, Ac. White Granite Ware in Dinner Tea, Tete a-tete Sets, 1 Toilet Sets, Ac., Ac.. Also by the dozen or single piece, Common Ware, Rockingham, Yellow, and Stone Waie, Ac. TABLE GLAS SWA RE, Very large stock, from the cheapest Lime glass to the finest French Cut Giass. Also colored, Bohemian Glass, i in Wine Sets, or single piece, Ac. JAPANED TOILET SETS,' TABLE CUTLERY, Silver Plated Dinner, Tea, Salt. Mnstard, and Sugar Spoons. Plated and Brlttannia Castors, Ac. Buying our CROCKERY from first hands, and other goods from the manufacturers, and thereby saving the profiLs of jobbers,we are enabled to sell at as low prices as snch goods can be bought west of New Y'ork. Buying and selling for Cash or its equivalent, we are confident, that in buying goods at our Store . you will save for yourselves at least 20 per cent. f We have, also a large stock of | GROCERIES, SALT FISH, AC., AC., AC. , CAMPBELL A ACKLEY. < Waverly, N. Y.. Oct. 30. 1865. i JJARE CHANCE FOR A BARGAIN ! VALUABLE HOARDING HOUSE PROPERTY ' FOR SALE. The large Hoarding-House situated on the corner of ] Second and Pine sts., Towanda, is now offered for sale , at a bargain. The house has recently been thoroughly ■ repaired, aud is now very comfortably arrainged for a Boarding-house. From 25 to 35 boarders can easily be accomodated, and any one who understands keeping a good boarding-house can readily secure that number, at good prices. The lot is large, and a good well and eis tern, and a large number of thrifty young fruit trees thereon. The property ia only otlerej. foe sale, because tbe present owners have iio use. tor it. It now ret'Aa for more than puougb to pay 10. per cent on the aaiount aaked tor it. . to suit tbe purchaser . Enquire at tue Post Office oi bakery, Towanda, Pa, Oct. 22. tsjia. T GST.—On the 12th of Sept., between -l-J Towanda and Smithfield, a memorandum L-.ok I containing the discharge from the U. S. Seme? of the i Hiibscrlbcr. a card photograph oi a iady, and Some other I papers. The finder pieasj uiave it at, or send it to, , 1 rothonofary i) 'iuwauda, or Post Office, East i J. LE ROY VINCENT, j Cfcct. I£/ ISGo. i F Turkey Morocco Wallet, iu A-# Towanda. containing a small amount of money, and, >t is believed, a bond of Albany Township for Three Hundred Dollars, and some coupons of Railway Bonds. The payment of the bond and coupon have been slop ped, so that the finder will have little or value except to the owner, who will pay Tea Dollars Heward lor the papers. No questions asked about the money. ( October 6. f65. 0. L. WARD. > fllisfellancous. l EYVGO 0 D S ! R WILLIAM A . ROCKWELL i Is receiving a most choice, and selected assortment o GOODS FOR THE SEASON, r Consisting ot LADIES' DRESS GOODS, I)E LAINE, ALPACAS, and all varities to lie had by the asking. COTTON YARN, CARPET YARN BATTING, BLEACII GOODS, FLANELS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SHAWLS, j HOODS, And a great variety too numerous to mention. To be had everything in the Y A N.K E E NOT I 0 N LIN E , Even to a Violin. The place to find what you want in the line of HATS, C A PS, FURS, GLOVES, aud MITTENS. II yon are in want of CROCKERY, in sets, or as you j may order, and any amount, GLASSWARE, LANTERNS, GLOBES, &c. W O 0 I) E N W ARE, to be had from Babies' Cabs to a Butter Ladle. A complete assortment of GROCERIES Also the best BEE HIVE. SYRUPS and SUGARS of all kinds. A superior quality of BLACK, JAPAN, GUNPOWDER, ! and YOUNG HYSON TEAS. BLASTING POWDES, and TOBACCO of all descriptions Every thing in the shape of TOYS FOR CHILDREN. >ave your by calling anil supplying yourselves with pure ASITTON AND TURK'S ISLAND SALT. Oct. M, 1866. W.A.ROCKWELL. E W FA L L GO<)I) S ! J. W. TAYLOR, Has just received a splendid stock of Fall I sisting o( all the lute styles of DRESS GOODS, such us Emperess i luth l'oplins, a large assortment, of all the j new shades ol .French Meriuoes, i'iain Alapaccas and Wool Detains, also some patterns of new French goods, Blaok Silks plain and rept, a complete stock o! Mourn ing goods and Delains. Calicoes, Ginghams, Balmorals, Hoop Skirts, and a complete stock of dress trimmings to match all colors. Broad Cloths, Ladies Cloths, and Ladies Woolen i Hbawls. Also Misses Shawls, Bleached Muslins aud j Shirtings. He wishes to say his Millinery is complete with thej newest styles of Ribbons, Bonnets and Flowers, j also old Ladies Caps, iulaut's Hoods and ScotebJ Caps, Turbans and Hats of all kinds, aud in fact everything belonging to the Millinery business. He invites the attention of the people of Towanda and vicinity to examine his stock of Goods, one door north ol the Post Office. Bept IS, 18S5. ( J J. GR IFFI TII S SUCCESSOU TO COWLES & CO'rf BOOK STORE, NEWS ROOM AND EXPRESS OFFICE, Which are all in the Post Office building,ou Main street, directly opposite the Court House. We have the largest and most elegant assortment of BOOKS, STATIONERY, BLANK and LAW BOOKS. MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS, SINGING BOOKS, SHEET MUSIC, LITHO GRAPHS, PHOTOGRAPHS, ' PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, DIARIES, FOR 1866. 1 AC., AC., to be found anywhere in the country. We are con stantly receiving, trom New York and Philadelphia, such as Harper's and Atlantic Monthlies, Young Folks, Godey's Lady's Book, Peterson's Magazine. Scientific American, liallou's Dollar Monthly, Chimney Corner, Hours a. Home, The Nation. Budget of Fun, Mrs. Grttndv, Dime Novels, Song Books, and News Papers: also the Daily Tribune, Times, Herald, Journal of Com merce, Sun. Ledger, Mercury, Clipper, Boston Pilot, Acv BEST GOLD PENS, ever brought to this market ; Port Mounies. Pocket Diaries for 1860 ; Bank Note Reporter's and Description Lists, describing all tbe counterfeits ind broken bank notes now afloat in the country, —every man should have'one. We also have the largest stock of School Books ever brought to thismtyyket,which we offer at a very low figure for cash. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, FAMILY BIBLES. WRITING DESKS, Methodist, Presbyterian and all kinds of HYMN BOOKS, ALL THE POETS. LAW, SCHOOL, BLANK. Aud all kinds of Booke. Everything it\ Uoy Book and Stationary line. ANY BOCKu u* ui'UKll MATTES ri'BLISHKD CAN BE OKDKKKD laHTOR CS PROMPTLY, AT CITY PRICES. Our Express runs to Waverly every morning (Sundays excepted) and returns every evening, carrying passen gers and Express Goods. The hour fur starting from Towanda is 7 iu the morning, and returning ieaves Wa verly at ;>< o'clock p. in., on the arrival of the Express from New York. We pay special attention iu sending and receiving Express packages to and from the army. JOHN J. GRIFFITHS. Towanda, Aug. 28. 1865. DISOLUTION NOTICE.—The firm here tofore known as W. A H. Van Brunt, of Wvsox, Pa., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All ac | counts due them must be promptly settled. W. A 11. VAN BRUNT. I Oct. 9,1865. fJotoell (Eo.'s iX'eiu C?ooi)s. The Greatest Attractionw in Goods ever Offeree 1 in this Market! |- " , IP O WELL <sc CO., ! IJAVE NOW IN STORE THE LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS ever exhibited in Northern Pennsylvania. Additions will constantly be made to this stock daring the season, and it will at all times be found PULL AND COMPLETE in all its departments. We invite the particular attention of our customers to our magnificent display of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS! 1 Which wc ofl'er at prices much below those of last year. We have given special care to our selections in this line i und are now able to exhibit the newest, most fashionable, and most desirable styles to be obtained. Our new stock comprises all colors of Plain and Plaid French Merinos, Empress Cloths. Striped Melanges, Striped and j Plaid Poplins, Taffetas, namas, Tinsel Poplins, Paris Crepes, Reps, Plain and Brocade Alpacas, Poil de Chevres, Delaines and Armuses, Bright Plaids for children's wear, and a great variety of other Dress Fabrics. MOURNING DRESS GOODS. I Black French Merinos, Bombazines, Tamese Cloths, Baratheas, Mohair Lustres, Llack and White Check and j Striped Poplins and Alpacas, Double and Single Fold All Wool Delaines,and a full line of those High Lustred j Black Alpacas, at a great reduction in price. LADIES' CLOTHS, CLOAKINGS AND SACKINGS. . A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. I Beaver Cloths, Tricots, Velvet Cloths, Cassitnere Sackings, Plain and ind Twilled Black Broadcloths, of all prices, all color* of Plain and Fancy Sackings, Opera Flannels, Ac., Ac. GLOVES AND HOSIERY. Ladies, Misses and Childrens White and Colored Cotton, Fleeced and Mcriao Hose, Ladies Merino Vests and i Drawers, Cloves of every description at low prices. LINENS AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Bleached. Half Bleached, and Uubleichcd Damask Table Linens. Xajkins, Towels, Towellings, Scotch and Rus sia Diapers, Bleached and Unbleached Huckabacks Ciush a, liish Liueos, Ac., 10-4 and 9-4 Sheetings, Pillow Case Cottons, Counterpanes, Draping Muslins, Shaker Flannel Sheeting", Rose Blankets, Ac., Ac. CLOTHS AND UASSIMERES. Esquimaux, Moscow and Castor Beaver Cloths, French an! German Black Broadcloths, Doeskins, Fancy Cassi mcres, Tweeds, Meltons, Satiuetts. Union Cassimeres, Jeans, Ac., Ac. ALSO, All qualities Plain \Vhite, Shaker and Welch F1 runels, Fancy Shirting, Miners,. Red unJ Gray, Plain aud Twilled Flannels, and a full assortment of DOMESTIC COTTON GOODS, At the Lowest Market rates. SECOND FLOOR. We are now opening aud desire to call special attention to our unusually large stock of FINE CLOAKS. As we make this department of our business a speciality, wc have given it ranch time and attention. Our selec tions have been made from the newest styles in the market, and our Cloaks are manufactured in a manner that cannot fail to please, aud give entire satisfaction, SHAWLS ! SHAWLS ! Having made our purchases before the recent great advance in price, we'are able to otfer decided bargains in Ladies, Misses and Childrens Double and Single Shawls. Our present stock far surpasses in extent and variety, any purchases we have ever before made in this line, aud we have availed ourselves of the most favorable time to select the choicest and roost desirable goods in the market. THE BON TON FLEXIBLE SPRING SKIRT. THE NEWEST AND BEST PATENT CRINOLINE YET INVENTED. We have now on hand a good assortment of these celebrated Skirts. In White and Colored. ALSO, The Eugenie, Empress, Paris Trail, Multiform, and a variety of other popnlar makes of Skirts in all sizes for Ladies Misses and Children. CARPETS AND FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. Brussels, Three Ply. Extra Super. Snpetfine. Ingrain, Kidder, and Hemp Carpets. All widths Floor Oil Cloths. Mattings, Door Mats, and Rugs. A new stock just, received. BOOTS AND SHOES. Having made arrangements with manufacturers to supply our sales with the best quality of Boots and Shoes, we shall at all times be able to furnish our customers with the best custom made Shoes of all kinds, for Ladies, Misses and Children, and Boots for Mens and Boys wear, at reasonable prices. We shall also keep constantly on band a complete assortment of Mens, Womens aud Children's Rubbers and Arctic Overshoes. IT ATS AND^CAPS. A splendid assortment of Mens and B>ys Hats an. Caps just received. Having closed ont onr old stock almost ' entirely previous to our late purchases, m i.tVi an entile new stock of the latest styles. PAPER HANGINGS AND TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. W* are now receiving large additions to our stock <d Wall Papers, Transparent Window Shades and Trimmings Window Papers, 4c..Ac. -■■■ " ■ - iUenfyaitbur 'HE NE Y MERCU k R & CO., T Towanda, Penn'a, ! | Have oo baud and are opening at LOWEST MARKET PRICES j A superior stock of I)HY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, I | WOOLENS, COTTONS, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, BOOTS & SHOES, CROCKERY, Ac. Towanda, Mareh 21,1865, Q.REAT ATTRACTION AT MJO NTANYE'S STORE! PEACEiPRICES. Every vajiety of LADIES' CLOTH, AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, j Goods for Gentlemen of i ; EVERY DESCRIPTION. And alljtbojknown Styles to suit this Market .Jwhich will be sold at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL I T O SUIT^CCSTOMERS, 1 At prices that cannot but please. I Returning thanks for past favors, we invite attention ; to our Large Stock of Goods. June 6, 1865. MONTANYE & CO. | i YY ICKHAM & BLACK, Are now offering NE W GOO I) S AT NEW PRICES! DRESS GOODS, DOMESTICS WHITE GOODS, and NOTIONS. HATS & CAPS, OF THE LATEST STYLESJ BOOTS & SHOES, * In variety. WICKHAM & B L A C K Keep a large stock of CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, To which we invite special attention. We offer our Goods on the CASH SYSTEM. June 12,1865. P A L L 1 8 6 5. FALL. TRACY & MOORE, Now invite the attention of the public to their opening of FALL GOODS, Embracing a fine variety of DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS and CLOAKS, FANCY GOODS, PRINTS, and DOMESTICS, WOOLEN GOODS, WHITE GOODS and EMBROIDERIES, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HOSIERY, YANKEE NOTIONS, Together with a good assortment of | HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES CROCKERY, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, Ac. Towanda,Sept. it, 1665. £egal. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order issued out oi the Orphan's Court of Bradtord County, the undersigned admmistraors of the estate ol Emly Drake, de'ced. late of Litchfield town ship. will sell on the premises, at public sale on FRI DAY, NOVEMBER 17, lsos, between the bourn of one and two o clock, p. in., ail that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situated in Litchfield twp., bounded and described as follows, to wit: North by lands ol Miio Merril, east by land of John R. Eusall, south by land of Win. H. Speucer and Kilo Merril, west by land of Wm. H. Spencer and Milo Mer ril. Containing 28 acres, more or lens. ALSO.— One other piece or parcel of land situate iu Litchfield twp., bounded north by lauds of William H. More, east by lauds ot W. H. .-spencer, west by lands of Elijah Jlunn, south by lands ot W. 11. ,Spencer. Con taining eight acres, more or le-s. TERMS.— 625 to be paid upon each lit upon the prop erty being struck down, one half tbe balance on confir mation o I sale, and the balance one yeat thereafter, with interest. JOHN R EDSALL, WM. U. SPENCER, Oct. 9, 1865. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR' 6 MHTCE.-Noiico is hereby given, that all persons indebted to tbe estate of ALANSON LINDLEY. late of Franklin twp., dec'd., are requested to make immediate payment and those having demands against said estate will pres entthem duly authenticated lor settlement. NEDEBIAH SMITH, Oct. 12, 1865. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTTCE.-Notice is hereby given that all person* indebted to tbe estate ot JULIA A. DRAKE, dec d, late ot Litchfield twp., are requested to make immediate paymeut, and those | having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated lor settlement. JAMES DRAKE, Oct. 12,1865. Administrator. ADM INI STRATUM'S NOTlCE.—Notice is fit-reuy given, that all persons iucfebteJ to the estate ot THEKON ttINEHARf, late oi Athens twp. dec'd, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claim against said estate will present tiiem duly authenticated for settlement. DAVID GARDNER, Oct. 12, 1865. Administrator. DM IMSTRATORSN OTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to tbe es tate ol W&1. V iNDEKPOOL jtb.lateol Terry tp., dec'd are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present tbem duly authenticated tor settlement. URIAH TERRY, Oct. 12, 1865. Administrator. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE-Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the e, ; late of MINOR H. TITUS, late of Herrick twp., dee'd ' are requested to make payment, without delay, and those havingciaiusagainst said estate must present tbem duly authenticated for settlement. MARY J. TITUS, Oct. 12,1865. Administratrix DMINISTRATORS NOTlCE—NoticeTs hereby given,that all persons indebted to tbe estate ! ol NILES PACKARD, late ot LeKoy twp., dec'd are re | quested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will please present duly i authenticated lor settlement. KELEON PACKARD, | Oct. 12, 1865. Administrator. NOTICE. NOTICE -Hi is hereby given that all persons indebted to the es etate of WM. GIKARD, lute of Towanda boro' dec'd,are ; requested to make immediate payment .and those having J demands against said estate will present tbem duly au -1 thenticated for settlement. MARY ANN GIRARD, GROVE M. HALL, ! Oct. 12,1865. Executors. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all peisons indebted to the i estate of J AS. L. DEWEY, dec'd, late of outh Creek j are requested to make immediate payment and those having demands against said estate will {resent 1 hem i duly authenticated lor settlement. I DANIEL LIVENS, j Oct. 12,1865. Administrator. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE.-Lettera | -J* of administration of tbe goods, of j ASA PRATT late of Canton township, deceased, | have been issued to the subscriber. Ah persons indebt ; ed to said estate are requested to make payment, and all persons having demands sgaiust the same are notified to present the same tor settlement to tbe subscril>er. PERRY II HARDING, CHAM. STOCK WELL, ] • Oct. I 2,1865. Administralois ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE —Notice is hereby given, tbat all persous indebted to tbe estate of C. VANCISE, deed, late of Rome twp. are ! reque-ted to make immediate payment, aud those hav ing demands against said estate will present them duly ] authenticated loi settlement. HARRIET CHANDLER, j Oct. 18, 1865. Administratrix. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that ail persons indebted to the es | tate oi W M. ii. FRENCH, late o! Franklin tp. dec'd, are I requested to make immediate payment, and all having ! claims upon said estate wili present them duly aulhenti i caled for settlement. WM W. FRENCH. C. E. WilliE, I Oct. 12, ISGS. Administrator. A' EDITOR'S NOTICE.— In / /•♦- matte tof the estae of Philander f>age, derrased. Iu the Orphan's Court j of Bradford County. I The auditor, appointed by said court t distribute funds in the bauds of the Executor of said estate, will attend to the duties at his office in the borough ot Towanda, on Friday tbe 16th day ot October, A. D.. 1865, at 1 o'clock p. in., and all persons having claims upon said funds must present them, or else be forever debarred from the same. JAMES WOOD. Oct. 9, 1865. Auditor. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue ot an order issued out of the Orphan s Court of Bradford County, the nndtrsigned, administrator of the estate of James H. Turrell. deciased, late ot Terry twp , will sell on the premises, on FRIDAY, NOV. 17, 1865, at 10 o'clock a. m , the following lot. piece or arcei of land, bounded and described as Pillows : LOT NO. 1. Lying and being in tbe township of Terry bounded north by lauds of John and Edmund Hortou, east by the Susquehanua River.south and west by lands ot Maj. Uriah Terry. Containing 109 acres,more oiless, all improved, with a good house, and barn,out-buildings and truit trees thereon. lxiT No. 2. Situate in Terry twp., bounded north by lauds of C. F". Welles, east by lauds ot C. F\ W elles and Alexander Kinney, south by land ol Jackson Hol lenback. west by land ot Philander White and Israel Vanderman. Containing 300 acres, more or less, a val uable timber lot with an excelent new Saw Mill thereon. TERMS.—SIOO to be paid upon each lot when struck down, SSOO on each lot on final confirmation, the bal ance in 1, 2 and 3 years, with interest. L P.SIALFORD, Oct. 13, 1865. Administrator. AUDI TOR'S NOTICE.— In the nailer of the estate o/H'm. 11. Mot ell, deceased. Iu the Orphan's Court of Bradford County. The auditor appointed to distribute the monies iu the hands oi the administrator, raised by the sale ol delendarit's real estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at the bis office, in Towanda borough, on Wednesday, the 15th day of November, lsod, at 1 o'clock, p. m., and all persous baviug claims upon said monies must present them or else be forever debarred from coming in lor a share ot said iunds. JOHN W. MIX, Oct. 19. 1865. Auditor. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE—By virtue of an order issued oat ot he Orphan's Court of Brad lord County, the undersigned, administrator of the es tate ot Josiah sitantou, late ol Lite hlieid twp., dee'ed, will sell on the premises on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1865, at 2 o'clock p. m., the following lot, piece or par cel ol land, situate iu Litchfield twp., bounded and de scribed as tollows, to wit : On the north by lands of Oliver Everson, on tbe east by lauds oi said Oliver Everson and James Randolph, and on the south by said James Randolph, aud on the west by lands of W right Snyder Containing s!| acres oe the same more or less, about 20 acres improved,with a smai! log bouse thereon. TERMS.—S2S lo be paid on tbe propeity beiug struck down, and the balance ou final confirmation of sale, WM. SNYDER, Oct. 20, 1865. Administrator. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order issued out of the Orphan's Court of Brud lerd Oouuty, tbe undersigned, administrators of the es tate of Jonathan Jackson, late of Cauton twp., dee'ed, will sell on tbe primises. on SATURDAY, NOV. 18,1865, at 1 o'clock p. m., tbe following lot, piece or; parcel ot land, situate in Canton twp„ buunued and described as tollows, to wit : Beginning at au ironwood tree, it being the south east corner thereof, on the side tbe W'illiamsport and Elmira Railroad, thence north 87J°, west 74 per. to a post, the corner of the Whipple lot; theuce north on the line of said Whipple lot I°, east 173 per. to a post on the line of James Rockwell's lot ; thence by the line of tbe same, and other lands, south 87°, east 78 per. to a dry hemlock for a corner ; theuce south .3° west by lands ot Taylor A McLellaud 173 per. to the place of be ginning. Containing 82 acres and 28 perches of land, be the same more or iess. TERMS— SSO to be paid on the property being struck down, $450 on confirmation ot sale, the balance in two equal aunial instalments with interest from confirmation first payment lobe made one year from said confirma tion. JOHN LILLEY. RACHKi. LANDON, Oct. 20,1865. Administrator*. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the niathr of Lunacy of the estate of Joseph Let. In the Court of Common fleas ot Bradford County, No. 466J May Term, 1664, The undersigned, an auditor, appointed to distribute the monies in the hands of Committee raised from by tbe sale of Joseph Lee's real estate, will attend to the duties ot his appointment at his office, in the borough of Towanda, on F'riday, the 24th day of No vember,A D., 1865, at I o'clock p.m., and all persons having claims upon said monies must present tfieiu, or else be forever debarred from the same. BENJ.M. PE K, Oct. 22.1865. Auditor. CIAUTION. —THEODORE PERT, a boy inden ) tured to subscriber, has run away. I hereby lorbid all persuns harboring or irusting him on mi ac comt. OWEN PARK. Litchfield, Oct. 22, 1865.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers